La Prensa San Diego


La Prensa San Diego
of Publication
1976 2010
Vol. XXXVII No. 05
La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. Publications
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Vox Populi Reforma Migratoria, pelea de soñadores
By Juliana Rico
By Juliana Rico
Qué piensa que va pasar con la
Once millones es el número de perposible Reforma Migratoria en los sonas indocumentados que viven en
Estados Unidos?
los Estados Unidos de todas partes
del mundo. Esta semana un aliento
de esperanza volvió aparecer para
muchos inmigrantes que viven en este
país ya que tan solo días de la toma
del presidente Barack Obama para
su segundo mandato la Casa Blanca
volvió a retomar el tema de inmigración pero esta vez proponiendo un
nuevo proyecto que garantice una
reforma Migratoria.
Son cuatro los puntos básicos de
un nuevo proyecto que propusieron
Lucio Mendoza, trabajador
de Mantenimiento
Lucio Mendoza, trabajador de
“Yo pienso que esta bien que hagan
una reforma migratoria, que le den
permiso a toda la gente para que no
sufran; ayudará a mucha gente a vivir
en mejores condiciones en este país”.
Enrrique Real, Sastre
Enrrique Real, Sastre
“La reforma migratoria es un juego
que existe entre la política, siempre
cuando hay elecciones los presidentes
salen hablar de estos temas, muchas
promesas y en verdad no se ve nada”.
un grupo de senadores bipartidistas,
entre ellos se encontraban los demócratas Charles Schumer (Nueva
York), Dick Durbin (Illinois), Robert
Menéndez (Nueva Jersey) y Michael
Bennet (Colorado), y los republicanos
John McCain (Arizona), Lindsey Graham (Carolina del Sur), Marco Rubio
(Florida) y Jeff Flake (Arizona).
El plan incluye reforzar la
seguridad en las ciudades fronterizas,
un nuevo programa para ayudar a los
empleadores para verificar el estatus
legal de cada uno de sus empleados,
mejorar el sistema de inmigración legal y reparar el sistema de visados
temporales para prevenir inmigrantes
que se queden con sus visas de
trabajos en los Estados Unidos.
“No permitiremos que un indocumentado acceda a la vía de la
ciudadanía hasta que aseguremos
nuestras fronteras”, advirtió el
senador de Nueva York, Charles
Schumer, quien planteó la estructura
del proyecto de él y sus colegas.
De antemano se manifiesta que
habrá obstáculos sobre cómo estructurar el camino a la ciudadanía y
si un proyecto incluiría a parejas del
mismo sexo o no. Esto representaría
un tropiezo incluso antes de que una
medida del Senado pueda ser debatida, aprobada y enviada a la
Cámara de Representantes, dominada por los republicanos donde es
probable que la oposición sea mayor.
“La ley de inmigración es muy
complicada el nuevo proyecto de La
Reforma Migratoria en esencia le
conviene a solo una clase de inmigrantes, la ley no va ser para todos”
declaró Ricardo Castellanos Director de Operaciones de Inmigración
para Jacoby and Meyers la Prensa
San Diego.
¿Dónde está la ley?
Actualmente en los Estados Uni(vea Reforma, página 3)
Documentary gives a voice to victims of violence in Juarez
By Pablo J. Sáinz
For U.S. filmmaker Charlie Minn,
Ciudad Juarez is much more than a
violent border town. For him, the city
is a place where thousands of families live and raise their children, where
kids come out to play in the streets
and to ride their bikes, where many
hardworking people earn a living at
an honest job.
“Juarez became the epicenter and
symbol of the violence,” said the director. “But it is much more than
Minn gives his vision of the new
Juarez in a documentary titled “The
New Juarez,” which opens at Regal
Rancho del Rey Stadium 16 in Chula
Vista on Friday Feb. 1, for at least
one week.
The panorama in Juarez began to
change recently. At the end of 2010,
at the peak of the drug violence, there
were at least 10 murders a day. By
mid-2012, that number fell to one a
“The Sinaloa cartel won the war
meaning there are less people to kill,”
said Minn, who currently lives in New
York. “The Juarez and the La Linea
cartels have been virtually wiped out
by Chapo. Also, the federal police and
army have been diminished in the city,
these two groups were brought in by
former President Felipe Calderon
when he made his declaration of war
on the cartels went into full effect.”
Chula Vista a one of just a few
cities across the United States where
the independent film has been
screened. It is 81 minutes long, with
English and Spanish subtitles.
This is the last film in a trilogy that
Minn has dedicated to Juarez, a city
that he has learned to love since he
lived in the nearby Las Cruces, New
Mexico, a few years ago.
The documentary interviews drugviolence victims, the mayor, and police chief, among other protagonists
of the violent drama that the city has
lived in the past decades.
“The Mexican people have been
cheated,” Minn said. “I want to give
the victims who never asked for this
war a voice. How does one get
around over 100,000 murdered Mexicans?”
Partial proceeds will be donated to
victims in Juarez from the film.
Minn said that violence in Mexico
will not stop until Americans stop using drugs, and until the U.S. government takes responsibility and stops
implementing failed policies.
“People in our country need to pressure the White House as this is a
shared problem between both US and
Mexican governments,” he said.
(see Documentary, page 5)
Filmmaker Charlie Minn
See the World in One Weekend of Dance
2013 Nations of San Diego International Dance Festival
Brenda Gonzales, Cajera
Brenda Gonzales, Cajera
“La reforma Migratoria afectaría
a mucha gente que vive en este país
ya que ya no tendrían más miedo
de estar ocultos para trabajar y
pues yo tengo un familiar que no va
poder arreglar los papeles porque
ha estado en la cárcel, así que
también tiene sus cosas negativas
esa reforma”.
Gabriel Mattia, Estudiante de
Economic University State San
“Yo pienso que la Reforma Migratoria ayudará al país economicamente
ya que 11 millones de personas están
indocumentadas en este país y
250.000 de ellos viven en San Diego;
si se orienta a toda esa gente el país
podrá recibir dinero en taxes, habrá
más empleo y el país podrá tener
mucho más dinero”.
Skirts swish, bells tinkle, drums
pound, feet stomp and bodies soar.
The stage pulses with a United Nations of texture, color, music and
movement during Nations of San Diego International Dance Festival. The
heart and soul of the world takes to
the stage during this annual three-day
festival on Friday, February 8 at 8:00
pm, Saturday, February 9 at 2:00 and
8:00 pm, and Sunday, February 10 at
2:00 pm at the Coronado Performing
Arts Center, 650 D Avenue,
Over 200 dancers and musicians
representing ethnic groups from
around the globe will delight audiences with diverse cultural traditions
rarely seen together in one setting.
Magical things happen on and off the
stage. During intermission, imagine an
impromptu international flash mob as
Chinese, Irish, Mexican and Spanish
dancers free-style to a Puerto Rican
beat. Nations’ performers take every
advantage of performing in a crosscultural setting.
Both new and familiar faces come
together in this kaleidoscope of dance
and music. All performers bring
something fresh to the stage. “This
year, we are happy to welcome many
newcomers to Nations,” says Betzi
Roe, Festival Director. “The HuaYi
Song and Dance Company from Los
Angeles has many male dancers in
their ranks and they will perform an
interesting dance from Mongolia that
includes mimicking the movement of
horses. Dance companies representing Serbia and Sudan will also present
their wonderful traditions for the first
time at Nations. And, we are delighted
to welcome Rachel George, a worldclass belly dancer, as well as a full
company of Indian dancers bringing
Kathak dance to the stage — a real
Over 30 dance groups auditioned
this year. Nations will showcase fifteen of those companies. Each represents so beautifully the rich traditional
dance community that thrives in San
Diego and southern California.
Nations has designated the Friday
evening performance Military Night
and the Sunday Matinee is Girl Scout
Day. Look for details and ticket information on the Nations website:
Kathak dance to the stage — a real first!”
Ringing in the Year
of the Snake
see page 4 A page highlighting community news and events.
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Por Jorge Mújica Murias
The Catholic Church: A Trail of Shattered Young Lives
By Jimmy Franco Sr.
The recent disclosure that
retired Catholic Cardinal
Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles Diocese and his subordinates covered over the sexual
abuse of young children by
priests for more than thirty
“Reforma”, dice una
years is not surprising. What
definición que me brincó en
Internet, es la “Modificación is new is that the church’s hisde elementos característicos tory of hiding these sexual
crimes from the police in a conde la estructura política,
scious and planned way has
económica, social o cultural
de una sociedad, que se trata finally been exposed to the
public. This disclosure of hidde realizar en forma
voluntaria y en una dirección den church files was not done
voluntarily. A judge ruled that
determinada, tratando de
the public has a right to know
acelerar su proceso; a ser
who the child abusers are and
cumplida por medios no
violentos y procurando evitar ordered defiant church authorities and their lawyers to
las consecuencias
perjudiciales de ese cambio”. disclose the names and files of
Una segunda definición, más the thirty or more priests who
had a history of molesting and
simple, del Diccionario
raping little boys within the
Espasa Calpe de la Lengua
“holy” confines of different
Española, dice que es “el
cambio de algo para su
In the coming weeks, thouinnovación o mejora”.
of pages of files that the
Reformar, entonces, es
had sealed from law“cambiar, rehacer, mejorar,
and victims in orarreglar, corregir, enmendar”.
the “privacy
A todas luces entonces, lo
que está proponiendo la
pandilla de ocho senadores
Demócratas y Republicanos
from a 2007 civil suit filed by
bajo el título de “Reforma
Migratoria” no es tal. O si lo more than 500 alleged victims
of sex abuse by priests from
es, es muy a medias.
the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
John McCain, Marco
Cardinal Mahony, present
Rubio, Lindsey Graham y
Archbishop Gomez and church
Jeff Flake firman del lado
attorneys, have fought hard to
Republicano, y Charles
obstruct criminal investigations
Schumer, Dick Durbin,
Robert Menéndez y Michael and civil suits filed by past vicBennet del lado Demócrata. tims for these numerous sexual
assaults by priests. To obstruct
Entre los ocho se las
justice, Mahony and his hierarreglaron para dar un salto
para el pasado y uno para el archy transferred pedophile
priests out of state to escape
futuro al presentar su plan
prosecution, threatened unmaestro de “reforma
documented parents and
children and outright lied by
El primer salto en el plan
denying responsibility for these
maestro de los senadores,
sexual attacks against minors.
hacia atrás, es la repetición
Many of these young victims
de los viejos conceptos,
vertidos desde 2007, cuando were undocumented Latino
el congresista Luis Gutiérrez boys whose parents had
trusted and supported the
se alió a los Republicanos
church. In return, their children
para presentar su propuesta
were preyed upon by certain
bajo el nombre de STRIVE:
priests who took sexual advanmultas a los inmigrantes
tage of them and even threatindocumentados y a los
ened to deport those who were
patrones que los contraten;
saber inglés, historia y
civismo de los Estados
Unidos (eso que la mayoría
de los ciudadanos de Estados
Unidos no saben); estar al
corriente en el pago de
impuestos; pasar rigurosas
revisiones de antecedentes
penales, donde tres incidentes
menores se contarán como
un delito mayor.
Mientras la frontera se
“asegura”, con aviones
manejados a control remoto
de los que se usan en Irak y
Afganistán y con miles de
nuevos agentes de la Patrulla
Fronteriza, los inmigrantes sin
papeles podrán registrarse
con el gobierno y, si cumplen
undocumented if they reported
the abuse.
Thomas Curry who is now
the auxiliary archbishop for
Santa Barbara was previously
Mahony’s advisor on sex abuse
cases. His role as abuse advisor was to formulate the strategies that were used to cover
over the crimes of pedophile
priests and to block any criminal investigations and civil suits
from being lodged against
these priests and the church.
Cardinal Mahony approved
these unjust and obstructive
actions which were intended to
avoid criminal prosecution. He
has claimed that church clergy
were not legally required to
report suspected child abuse
until 1997 and therefore they
were not responsible for reporting these hundreds of
crimes against children to the
Mahony has relied upon this
flimsy defense in order to rationalize his immoral decisions
and behavior. He has also recently apologized publicly to
these hundreds of victims for
his harmful actions and stated
that he has a list of the children who were sexually abused
by clergy under his watch and
will now pray for them!
This moral and abusive cancer of sexually molesting children that is ingrained within the
Catholic Church is not simply
a local or recent problem. It
has permeated the L.A. archdiocese for close to fifty years
and perhaps longer as these
sexual assaults by predatory
With no fear of arrest,
priests Michael Baker and Peter Garcia molested 100’s of
Latino youths in East L.A.
pedophiles became a common
occurrence. These assaults by
certain Catholic priests have
also occurred in Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Kansas
City, Missouri and Florida. Internationally, other abusive
priests have preyed upon innocent children in Germany, Australia and other countries.
Meanwhile, Pope Benedict has
not spoken out and acted forcefully enough to thoroughly
eliminate these crimes that are
being committed against children in many church dioceses.
Thousands of pages from
Los Angeles archdiocese files
that are to be released will help
to raise the public’s consciousness in regard to these sexual
assaults on young people and
will include the files of many
more abuser priests. However,
in most likelihood, none of this
vital and repulsive information
will result in any convictions or
justice for the hundreds of victims as the child rapers and
criminals will most likely go
free! The many years of obstruction, stonewalling and
cover-up by Mahony’s lawyers
and his clergy have allowed the
perpetrators of these crimes to
avoid prosecution due to the
passage of time and the statue
of limitations.
A Catholic priest in Florida
is criminally prosecuted after
decades of molesting boys in
the church certain other church
officials in other cities to ignore
the welfare and safety of children and to instead focus on
damage control that protected
the church’s reputation. Many
honest priests who protested
this abuse and cover-up over
the years were ignored or silenced by the church. This
immoral decision by these
supposedly pious “men of god”
also focused on defending the
finances of the church from
criminal litigation and civil suits
for damages. While Mahony
has done much in the past to
defend immigrant’s rights, it is
this permissive and allowable
sexual abuse of their children
by the clergy that will tarnish
and negatively define his
Thus, the morality of the
church was not utilized to defend the interests of the children from sexual predators.
Instead, a hypocritical and opportunistic policy and morality
was followed whose actions
involved criminal wrongdoing,
lies and the defense of money
and pedophiles. Christian ideology was tossed aside and a
degenerate and secular ideology of greed, pedophile lust and
disregard for children has pre-
Amplia Expectativa por Regreso de Ajedrez a Olimpiada Nacional
There is an underlying pattern in most of these cases of
child abuse where church
officials have consistently
obstructed an exhaustive
investigation and prosecution
by law enforcement of predator priests who were under
suspicion. This obstruction of
justice would normally get
people fired or criminally
charged such as in a school
district. Thus, certain church
officials feel that they are
above the law while law-enforcement has not made a serious enough attempt to criminally charge these child molesters and those who protect
These years of abuse by
hundreds of priests across the
country have left a trail of shattered lives for thousands of victims many of whom are now
adults. The depth of psychological and financial problems
that have plagued these children who were loyal believers
of the faith
Church “morality” based
upon Jesus’ pronunciation to
protect innocent children has
been defiled, have been ignored
and dismissed by many church
authorities who have assumed
no responsibility for the actions
of the abusers within their
midst. Rather than sermons on
Sundays that honestly described these problems of
sexual abuse and their elimination, only silence has been
heard. What is even worse is
that there has been no principled attempt by Mahony, his
successor Archbishop Gomez
and other dioceses to voluntarily compensate these victims
nor to bring their alleged sexual
predators to justice by cooperating with the police to prosecute them for their crimes.
The Christian theology and
dogma with its pronunciation by
Jesus that young and innocent
children should be protected is
in profound contradiction with
the prevailing hypocritical ideology being practiced by Cardinal Mahony and the church
which ignores the welfare and
safety of children and defends
admitted abusers. Mahony’s
top priority has been to look
after the financial interests of
the church and avoid any scandals rather than protecting
young lives and assuming responsibility for these children
who were ignored and discarded by church officials like
some form of disposable human rubbish.
One of the factors contributing to this epidemic of child
abuse by priests is the rigid
church regulation forbidding
clerical marriages. Priests and
Popes were allowed to marry
until the eleventh century, then
the Second Lateran Council
approved a new church rule
against marriage and upheld
“strict” celibacy for the priesthood. This was done to supposedly separate them from
the sinful world of sex, but the
real reason was an economic
one as the numerous sons fathered by married priests were
inheriting too much church
property and finances. So, to
stem this loss of church property a new rule from the
Vatican banned the children of
priests from receiving any
more inheritances. Of course,
this did not automatically stop
sexual activities among church
members as human nature prevailed over flimsy rules. However, the sexual abuse of children that was common during
the Middle-Ages by those who
held positions of power cannot
be condoned within our present
The second factor is the
present shortage of priests
within the church as the number of young men who want to
commit to a life of religious
celibacy is decreasing. The
expulsion from the church of a
large number of child-molesting pedophile priests would
make this shortage of keepers
of the faith even more acute.
So, for church officials, expediency in maintaining enough
clergy to preside over parishioners and their donations has
overcome the morality of protecting children.
(see Catholic, page 7)
Hall for Rent
At Reasonable Prices
• Banquets
Features offered:
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(Quinceaneras, etc.)
• 300 person capacity
• Anniversary Parties
• If needed a Qualified
• Group Meetings
caterer is available
Fraternal Order of Eagles, 3848 Centre Street, San Diego
Phone: 619.296-2141 - email [email protected]
(vea Refor...What, página 7)
La Prensa San Diego
651-C Third Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Ph: (619) 425-7400
Fax: (619) 425-7402
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Founded: December 1, 1976
San Diego, California
Daniel L. Muñoz
Daniel H. Muñoz, Jr.
La Prensa San Diego was adjudicated a
newspaper of general circulation for the City
and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District
of the Municipal Court of San Diego. File
#4137435 of May 9, 1978.
Press releases, photos, and advertisements are
accepted. Submit by mail, fax or email. La
Prensa San Diego reserves the right to accept
or reject material sent.
La Prensa San Diego
is a wholly owned subsidary of
La Prensa Muñoz, Inc.
Baja California se cuenta en este momento entre los clasificados a los quintos
nacionales de hace tres años.
TIJUANA, Baja California.—
El regreso del Ajedrez a la
Olimpiada Nacional es visto
con buenos ojos por parte de
los directivos de este deporte,
además de que levanta una
nueva expectativa sobre la
manera en la que los practicantes del deporte-ciencia,
puedan contribuir al medallero.
“Primeramente reconocer la
labor que se hizo para que
regresara el ajedrez es muy
importante”, dijo Obed Sánchez, representante de la
Asociación Estatal de Ajedrez
de Baja California.
“Estamos entusiasmados y
también hay un compromiso
importante, ya que se nos toma
en cuenta nuevamente para el
medallero y para el puntaje
Destacó que en el caso de
Baja California se cuenta en
este momento entre los clasificados a los quintos nacionales
de hace tres años. “Ellos en
ese entonces estaban en su
categoría apenas empezando,
era su primer año”, recordó.
Esto significa una mayor
posibilidad de figurar en el
podio. “Llevamos más posibilidades de que puedan ellos
estar dentro del medallero en
la etapa nacional”, puntualizó.
“Tenemos también clasificado a la siguiente fase a un
doble medallista de plata de
hace tres años (cuando la
Olimpiada se llevó a cabo en
Jalisco)”, indicó. “Esto nos da
posibilidades y las amplía, para
poder llegar a un buen lugar,
trayendo buenas cuentas ahora
en la etapa nacional a Baja
El doble medallista de 2010
en Guadalajara fue Carlos
Alfredo Hernández Rendón,
quien regresa a la competencia
dentro del “deporte-ciencia” al
máximo escaparate y compitió
en las finales con Nahar
En la selección de ajedrecistas que espera su participación para el regional se
encuentran representantes de
tres municipios con Hernández
Rendón y Durán de Tijuana;
Jeanette Miranda, de Ensenada, y Sheila Rodríguez, de
Esta última ganó bronce en
2011, cuando este deporte se
desarrolló en el Puerto de
Telchac, en Yucatán.
PHONE: 619-993-5778
FAX: 619-286-2231
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
A Young Latino’s Dream Is Answered: What it Was
Like to Meet the President of the United States
By Jose Aristimuno
I remember it vividly as if it
was yesterday: Four years ago,
sitting at home, in Coral
Springs, Florida, watching the
historic inauguration of President Barack Obama.
That day, at 20-years-old, I
dreamed of one day being involved in the political process
and implementing positive
change for Latinos all across
the country.
Fast forward, and four years
later, a lot has changed. After
graduating from Community
College in Florida, I made a big
leap onto the nation’s capital and
transferred to American University, from where I recently
graduated. In addition, with the
help of many friends and even
colleagues at the Dewey Square Group, I formed an organization that focuses on empowering Latinos to reach their
maximum potential, called
Latino Giant.
Out of all the things that have
happened since my big move to
Washington, nothing comes
close to how rewarding it was
to meet the President of the
United States.
As he has done for so many,
President Barack Obama has
motivated me to do better. He’s
shown me that there is nothing
“minor” about us, and that our
voice is just as loud as everyone else’s in this democracy.
Our voice is not just any voice,
it is an important one that can
influence how business is done
here in Washington. The President has shown me that if we
fight for our principles and always work on doing the right
thing, there is nothing we can’t
Just a few months ago, as
Congress battled over the Fiscal Cliff debacle, I wrote to the
White House and expressed
my feelings on why MiddleClass Tax Cuts should be extended. I wrote to them, because I couldn’t bear to imagine millions of young Ameri-
(con’t de página 1)
dos hay 40,4 millones de
inmigrantes los cuales 11,1 son
indocumentados. La inmigración en EE.UU. ha estado
creciendo durante los últimos
años sin embargo la inmigración ilegal es decreciente
desde 2007, cuando se alcanzó
los 12 millones de indocumentados.
El temor a ‘la Migra’ se ha
vuelto un tema muy común
entre los inmigrantes indocumentados en los Estados Unidos, el año pasado una cifra de
Jose Aristimuno meets with President Obama.
cans struggling to pay their
bills, working full-time and
going to school in order to get
by, suffer the consequences of
an irresponsible Congress. I
felt a moral obligation to speak
on behalf of my community
and express those concerns.
Several months after writing to the White House, I was
invited to attend an event on
December 31 st, where the
president was to deliver a
statement on the economy and
the Fiscal Cliff. Thrilled, I accepted the invitation. As I arrived at the White House that
cold Monday morning, staff
members informed me that I
had been selected, out of the
100 or so individuals that had
been invited to the event that
day, to stand behind the president as he delivered his remarks. To say that I was
shocked, surprised, and nervous is not saying enough.
Meeting the president was
an unforgettable experience.
Not only because I got to stand
next to a man that has faced
many of the same struggles
that are prevalent within the
Latino community, but also because ever since he ran for the
office he now holds, he inspired
me to push myself to my greatest potential, and inspire others to do the same. As the
president wrapped up his appearance, he invited those of
us present to take a group picture. In between shots, we
chatted about football, Bo the
First Dog, and politics. While
chatting with him for those 10
minutes, I couldn’t help but
notice how at ease the presi-
dent made us feel, his downto-earth approach, and just his
easy-going attitude.
In addition to having an unforgettable conversation with
the president, I had an opportunity to thank him for all the
work he has done on behalf of
Latinos and all Americans. I
thanked him for making
Latinos a part of our democracy. And most importantly, I
thanked him for making an
ambitious young Latino with
high hopes believe that his future is bright and just beginning.
Ever since President Obama
began his campaign in 2007, he
promised to make the White
House a more transparent and
welcoming home. He promised
to engage the American people
in helping to solve the challenges we face as a nation.
Today, I can say that I feel that
the President has kept that
promise. I encourage each and
every one of you to get involved in the political process,
to inspire others to serve, and
to not be afraid to let your
voices be heard. After all, you
never know who might be listening. Who knows, you might
just end up meeting the president.
184.000 personas que no eran
delincuentes fueron deportados a sus países de orígenes
separándolos de sus hogares y
familiares como es el caso de
María, una joven de padres
mexicanos que fueron deportados cuando ella era tan solo una
niña y cuenta para La Prensa
San Diego su traumática historia
“Era una niña cuando ICE
llegó a mi casa, sacaron a mis
padres como si fueran unos
criminales, yo era muy pequeña
y no comprendía lo que estaba
sucediendo, mis padres nunca
habían cometido ningún crimen
ni nada, ellos vivían en los
Estados Unidos ya casi por
quince años, sin embargo el
departamento de inmigración
no les importó. Ese día, nos
quedamos solos por varios días
hasta que un familiar cercano
vino a recogernos, fue espantoso, una experiencia que no
se la deseo a nadie, dejarnos
sin padres cuando tan solo
eramos unos niños, el gobierno
nos dejó huérfanos a mi
hermano y a mi”, relató la
Como María hay millones
de niños separados gracias a
las masivas deportaciones que
se hacen en los EE.UU. En
2010, un millón de inmigrantes
indocumentados tenían menos
de 18 años y 4,5 millones de
niños nacidos en EE.UU.
tenían padres indocumentados.
Jose Aristimuno is a graduate from
American University, with a Political Science Degree and a concentration on American Government.
He’s completed studies on international relations and economics at
Harvard University. He is the
founder of Latino Giant (http://latino, a blog focused on empowering U.S. Latinos to reach their
greatest potential.
Latino Representation in the 113th Congress
By Sylvia Manzano
The 113th Congress includes
a record number of thirty-eight
Latinos elected officials.
These notable numbers have
both policy and political implications for the future of Latino
politics in the United States.
First though, some demographic facts about the 113th.
Demographic Profile
The House Representatives
includes thirty-five Latino
members, another three are
members of the United States
Senate. All three Latino senators share two traits, they are
all Cuban American men: Robert Menendez, D-New Jersey,
Marco Rubio, R-Florida, and
Ted Cruz, R-Texas. By contrast, only eight House members are Latinas. Democrats
make up the majority of the
Latino delegation, with twentyseven in the House and one in
the Senate. Republican Latinos
number eight in the House and
two in the Senate.
They hail from ten states
and two territories, but California and Texas dominate the
Latino congressional delegation (with thirteen and seven
members from the respective
states), which is not a surprise
given the proportion of Latinos
in those states as well as the
large clusters of majority-minority regions with high concentrations of established
Latino political talent.
In terms of policy representation, it is fair for the Latino
electorate to expect co-ethnics
in office to champion a specific
policy agenda. Most Latino
elected officials represent large
Latino constituencies; it is their
job to support and advance voter
preferences after all.
In the 2012 election over
70% of Latino voters supported
Democratic House, Senate
and Presidential candidates.
Results from the impreMedia/
Latino Decisions Election Eve
Poll —the only study of the
2012 Latino electorate — demonstrate that Latino voters
have a clear policy affinity with
the Democratic party. The
majority of Latinos side with
Democrats on core, party-defining issues including: health
care, where over 60% prefer
to see Obamacare remain intact; deficit policy solutions,
where 77% prefer an approach
that includes higher taxes on
the wealthy, and immigration,
where the President’s deferred
action policy was met with
strong enthusiasm from the
Latino electorate and the Republican candidate’s self-deportation alternative was
roundly rejected.
There remains a smaller but
steadfast Republican and conservative policy-leaning share
of the Latino electorate, just as
there is a smaller GOP Latino
delegation. Because Latino
voter preferences are so clear,
Latinos in Congress can confidently coalesce around these
issues to amplify their collective impact on legislation.
communicating the value of
Latino electorate to a clearly
non-Latino targeted audience,
going to far as to say the
GOP’s future is doomed without increased Latino voter
support. Most Latinos did not
vote for Senator Cruz, but that
is beside the point. His ethnicity
affords him a certain credibility and standing to speak on
outreach issues that is taken
seriously in and outside of his
party. Latino Democrats in the
113th are in more high-profile
partisan roles than prior Congresses, which suggests the
party understands the importance of developing Latino political talent within their ranks
given the decisive impact
Latino voters had in President
Obama’s re-election. Both
teams learned that taking
Latino voters seriously is not
just a novelty of the 2012
Obama win, it is the future of
Sylvia Manzano is a Senior
Analyst at Latino Decisions,
a research and consulting
firm specializing in Latino
politics and policy. She holds
a Ph.D. in Political Science
from the University of Arizona. She was a core designer and analyst on the
Latino members of Con- 2012 impreMedia/Latino
gress occupy an interesting Decisions Latino National
political position in this era of Election Eve Poll.
growing Latino political empowerment. Both parties have
¡Anúnciate en
publicly articulated a desire and
plan to strategically build their
La Prensa San
Latino share in the electorate
as a means to their long-term
viability. In this light, Latino
members of Congress repreLlámanos al:
sent more than their specific
districts on floor votes and con619-425-7400
stituent services. Rather, Latino
members provide a bridge to
an electorate that both parties
are keen to improve.
For example, Senator Ted
Cruz has taken on the role of
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Ringing in the Year of the Snake at the
Kearny Mesa Lunar New Year Festival
The Little Saigon Foundation
proudly presents the second
annual pan-Asian Lunar New
Year Festival for 2013, the year
of the snake, at the Kearny
Mesa Park and Recreation. The
entire community is invited to
enjoy this ancient Asian tradition over the course of three
days starting on February 8th.
Festival Features
Located at the Kearny
Mesa Park, next to Mesa College at 3170 Armstrong Street
in San Diego, the festival
serves many Asian communities and promotes many local
businesses. It is expected to
attract over 10,000 attendees
and be seen by over 50,000
passing drivers making it the
second largest fair in San Diego.
The event features over 100
vendor booths, 16 carnival rides
and all day live music and entertainment, including the iconic
lion dance, an authentic “Vietnamese Village” reconstruction,
an arts and crafts exhibiation,
and the Miss Vietnam Traditional Dress pagent. In addition,
the first ever Kearny Mesa’s
Got Talent Competition will also
The festival will offer young talent at the “Got Talent
take place.
graphics around Kearny Mesa
Cultural Significance
according to the 2010 U.S.
The Lunar New Year, com- Census. The festival will celmonly refered to as Chinese ebrate this diversity in San DiNew Year, is one of the most ego and bring the community
important holiday in many together for a joyous occasion.
Asian cultures such as in Korean, Tibetan, Vietnamese, and Event Details
Mongolian traditions.
Time: Friday, February 8: 5pm
As one of the fastest grow- – 10pm - Saturday & Sunday,
ing ethnic groups in San Diego, February 9 & 10: 10am – 10am
the Asian populations already
Admission: $5 Adult, $4
make up 14.5% of the demo- Kids.
Athletes for Education and Southwest Sports Wellness
Foundation Host 3rd Annual Bowling Bash on Feb. 9th
Athletes for Education (AFE)
and Southwest Sports Wellness
Foundation (SWSWF), are cohosting the 3rd Annual Celebrity
Bowling Bash fundraising event
on Saturday, February 9, 2013,
from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm at
Kearny Mesa Bowl located at
7585 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard in San Diego. All proceeds
from the event will benefit the
youth outreach programs administered by both nonprofit organizations.
Participants in the bowling
competition will feature local
and national sports celebrities
and notables from all major
sports leagues. Personal appearance by NFL players include: former San Diego
Charger Kassim Osgood and
Luis Castillo who will be
joined by Greg Camarillo,
Pete Shaw and Lonny
Mitchell, along with Leon
White, former Cincinnati
Bengals player. San Diego
Sockers team members Aaron
Susi, Michael Mercurali, An-
Jacques Cesaire (former SD Charger), Dr. Charles
Camarata (SWSWF Founder) and Luis Castillo (former
SD Charger) at the 2012 Bowling Bash.
thony Medina and Diego
Rovira will also attend, along
with special guest athletes
from the San Diego Olympic
Training Center.
The public is invited to attend for a spectator price of
$50 per person in advance or
$60 at the door. Those who are
interested in bowling may participate at $100 per person and
event sponsorships are still
available. Registration and
sponsorship information is
available online at http://
Esfuerzos por construir un parque de
patinetas están ganando terreno
Peter Whitley cuenta con
una visión única de lo que
significa un parque para patinetas. Whitley es el director de
programas de la Fundación
Tony Hawk, organización sin
fines de lucro radicada en el
Condado de San Diego que ha
otorgado más de 500 subvenciones para ayudar a construir
parques para patinetas desde
su creación hace 10 años. De
acuerdo a Whitley, la Fundación ha ayudado a construir
420 parques y él personalmente
habrá procesado más de 1,000
solicitudes para parques de
patinetas al finalizar el 2012.
A pesar de su experiencia,
Whitley dijo que nunca había
visto algo como el rally organizado por Mid-City CAN el 6 de
diciembre en la Primaria Cherokee Point. El rally se celebró
para culminar una campaña del
Concejo Juvenil de Mid-City
CAN para construir un parque
para patinetas en City Heights,
un área que cuenta con 100
acres menos de áreas recreativas de lo necesario, de acuerdo
a las normas de San Diego.
“Nadie asiste a las reuniones por
asuntos recreativos”, dijo Whitley, refiriéndose a la multitud de
unas 300 personas que asistieron al evento en donde no había
un solo asiento vacío. “No
asisten cuando se discuten los
estadios”, dijo.”No asisten
cuando se habla de campos de
softball o cualquier otra cosa—
ya sean albercas o toboganes.”
“Ustedes están abriendo un
nuevo camino y sentando
precedentes que no se acostumbran en esta ciudad”, dijo
Whitley. “Aquí se siente mucha
Los funcionarios municipales
puede que no estén acostumbrados al nivel de participación
comunitaria en el caso de
parques—pero ciertamente
tomaron nota. El recién juramentado alcalde, Bob Filner, dijo
que asistir al rally fue uno de
sus primeros actos oficiales
como alcalde y expresó su
firme apoyo. “Tenemos un
presupuesto de $3 billones en
la Ciudad de San Diego”, dijo
Filner. “Es mucho dinero. Si no
podemos encontrar el dinero
para hacer esto, entonces
Peter Whitley es el director de programas de la
Fundación Tony Hawk.
debemos empacar.” El entusiasmo de Filner incluso lo
inspiró a crear un nuevo lema
para el esfuerzo. Dirigió a la
multitud durante un nuevo coro:
“Skate se puede.” ¡Sí se puede!
es una frase en español que se
puede traducir como “podemos
El presidente de la junta escolar de San Diego, Richard
Barrera, también se comprometió a ayudar en este esfuerzo. “Sepan que cuentan con
el apoyo de todo el distrito escolar—de toda la junta escolar”,
dijo. “Nuestras escuelas están
abiertas para que ustedes
puedan planificar y visualizar”,
añadió Barrera. “Los apoyamos en un 100%.” El Director de la Primaria Cherokee
Point, Godwin Higa, compartió
durante el rally su opinión de
cómo un parque para patinetas
puede darle a los jóvenes un
futuro más saludable. “Tenemos que hacer algo con nuestros jóvenes en las calles—no
están seguros”, dijo Higa. “He
estado trabajando durante
cuatro años—este es mi quinto
año— tratando de que se
construya un parque para
patinetas en algún lugar cercano, que sea más seguro para
los estudiantes que patinar en
las calles. Queremos que sea
una realidad. Por favor apoyen
este esfuerzo”.
Whitley dijo que el costo
promedio en la industria de un
parque para patinetas de alta
calidad es de unos $40 por pie
cuadrado. Este costo no incluye
las áreas verdes, bancos, iluminación y demás mejoras. “Si se
toma en cuenta lo relativamente
económicos que son los parques
de patinetas, en comparación
con cualquier otra cosa que el
departamento de parques quiera hacer con ese dinero, deberían acelerar este proyecto”,
dijo Whitley. “Creo que probablemente se podría sentar las
bases de concreto por lo menos
a finales del 2013.”
Whitley sugirió que la Fundación Tony Hawk puede
contribuir con la causa. “Están
ocurriendo muchas cosas en
Mid-City y nos emociona formar parte de esta oportunidad”, dijo Whitley durante el
rally en pro del parque para
patinetas en la Primaria Cherokee Point. “Tony Hawk habla
de ello. Todos los skaters
profesionales que se presentan
hablan de ello—es solo cuestión de tiempo”.
The Little Library That Could
(619) 239 - 5373
SUNDAYS: FEBRUARY: 3, 10, 17, and 24th, (4:00 pm to 9: 00 p.m.)
After being elected just a few months ago to run Don Diego Post 7420, JULIAN ALARCON
suddenly resigned his position as Post Commander for Don Diego Post after his short
administration expressed comprehensive improvement plans for the Post. Mr. Bill Kelly is
anticipated to move up to the Post Commanders position from his current Senior Vice
Commanders Post to help complete his term of office.
Post Life Member Manuel Sanchez is poised to host this year’s “Valentine Day Dance,”
which will be held on Thursday - February 14th, 2013 from 5:00 pm to 12 midnight. Great
music will be provided by “DJ DIEGO.” Manuel said this is a call for ALL BEAUTIFUL
VALENTINES to be sure to attend this wonderful dance and entertainment event.
Google has launched a new website to help military veterans connect and re-enter working
life as civilians. The site, ( provides helpful resources for employment and
support. There is also help for creating a resume and building career skills, tips for making
business connections and advice on starting a business. This site brings together resources
from three organizations: (1) Hire Heroes USA; (2) the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring
Our Heroes and (3) The Institute for Veterans and Military Families.
Local Veterans Support Sports Club in partnership with Qualcomm’s Male Veterans Group,
will again co-host an their Annual “Support TheVeterans Week” by spending part of the day
providing both food and entertainment to the Veteran residents at the Veterans Home of
Chula Vista. This event is scheduled to take place on Saturday February 16, 2013 from 11:00
am to 2:00 pm. Event Coordinator Mr. Moses Salas, indicated this community event is open to
active duty military, military veterans and their children. Please come out and spend a little
time to support those that have supported our country’s freedoms. (Vet Home of Chula Vista
619 - 482 - 6010).
Grand opening of the new Lincoln Acres library, park and community room with National City
Mayor Ron Morrison (center) and County Supervisor Greg Cox (right).
LINCOLNACRES – With music, net, laptops for patrons and an Parks Director Brian Albright.
The Grand Opening celdancing and commemorative expanded children’s area.
included a salsa dance
“Libraries can change lives,”
mugs, and more than 200 comperformance
featuring Alma
munity residents Saturday cel- said County Library Director
a perebrated the grand opening of Jose Aponte. “This Lincoln
the new Lincoln Acres library, Acres library will give students
a safe, modern place to do their Watchdogs and a rock group
park and community room.
“This is a big dream come homework. It will help resi- that includes two Lincoln
true for a tiny community,” said dents look for new jobs or par- Acres young men who used to
Supervisor Greg Cox. “This ticipate in programs to improve regularly visit the library. Residents received commemoranew library has already be- their lives.”
The new library, at 2725 tive Lincoln Acres Library
come the hub of Lincoln Acres,
giving students and families a Granger Avenue, includes a mugs and basketballs and chilplace to study, read, play and park, a playground, an office dren received school backfor Sheriff’s Deputies and a packs.
The old Lincoln Acres li- community room that can be
brary used to be the tiniest li- used for parties, meetings and
brary in the County system and events. The building features
it had become too small and solar panels and energy effioutdated for the community. cient building materials.
“With this playground and
Working with neighborhood
residents, Supervisor Cox led the new basketball courts, we
an effort to build a new, mod- are going to give kids a chance
ern library with wireless inter- to play and exercise,” said
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Newlyweds Searching for Bone Marrow Donor
Kevin Watson with his young daughter.
By Viji Sundaram
OAKLAND – Just when things
were looking up for journalist
Kevin Weston — he had just
been offered a prestigious
Knight Journalism Fellowship
at Stanford University and he
and his partner, Lateefah
Simon, had less than a year
earlier become parents of a
baby girl – last August, he was
diagnosed with an extremely
rare form of blood cancer. The
disease had compromised his
immune system and became
compounded by an infection to
his throat.
Doctors gave Weston, 44,
two weeks to live.
Since being diagnosed,
Weston has endured a monthlong stay in the ICU, five
emergency surgeries and multiple hospitalizations. Some time
during his ICU stay, he married Simon, a nationally recognized civil rights leader.
Weston is now back home,
but still in medical treatment.
The radiation and chemotherapy
treatment he is undergoing is
helping him some, but he needs
a bone marrow transplant in
order to survive, and he needs
it within two months. [Bone
marrow produces blood cells.]
Marrow matches are ethnically based and depend on
one’s genetic makeup. Weston
is African American and his
most likely match will also be
African American. Those who
are not Caucasians are more
likely to die of leukemia or other
blood cancers because there is
a shortage of ethnic minority
donors on the national registry,
noted Perry Bowens, recruitment manager of the northwestern district of the National
Marrow Donor Program
About 70 percent of the potential 10 million donors now
registered in the national registry are Caucasian. Just under a third of listed donors are
members of ethnic minorities
— 7 percent of them African
Americans, 7 percent Asians,
10 percent Hispanics and the
rest of Native American, Pacific Islander or other races.
What is making it even
more difficult to find a match
for Weston is that he has a rare
form of blood cancer, noted
Bowens, during a bone marrow drive organized on Jan. 21
at the African American Museum and Library in Oakland.
Cassie Marshall, 26, was
among those who had dropped
in to register at the museum.
“I know there are a very
few African Americans in the
registry, that’s why I’m here,”
Marshall said, adding: “Besides, Kevin is a family friend.”
Why the reluctance among
African Americans to register?
Bowens pointed to the historical distrust among African
Americans of the medical
system, thanks in part to the
notorious Tuskegee syphilis
experiments from 1932-1972
conducted by the U.S. Public
Health Service to study the
natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural black
AADP’s Executive Director Carol Gillespie said that African Americans are reluctant
to register because “they don’t
trust needles.” Many think donating bone marrow involves
injecting a number of needles
into the back of the pelvis.
That’s not usually the case any
more. About 80 percent of the
collection is from peripheral
blood stem cells.
Weston and Simon have
launched a national effort to
register at least 1,000 African
Americans to find a match for
him and other African Americans in similar situations.
“My story is just one of
many,” said Weston. “There
are thousands of AfricanAmericans and people of color
around the country who desperately need a bone marrow
transplant but can’t find a
“My wife and I started this
campaign to do what we can
to raise awareness about this
urgent issue and to register as
many people as possible.”
Registering takes just a few
minutes, and involves a prescreening and swab sample of
the inside of the cheek.
People can also go online to and request a
home kit be sent to them. For
more information about
Weston and Simon’s story and
their campaign, please visit:
For information, call the
Asian American Donor Program staff at: 1-800-593-6667
or visit
El Soporte Informativo Para Millones
de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero
En busca del sueño perdido
Recientes estudios científicos publicados en Nature
Neuroscience – Neurociencia
Natural – sugieren que los
cambios cerebrales que vienen
con el tiempo pueden interferir
con la calidad del sueño y que
el mal dormir, a la larga, limita
la capacidad del cerebro para
almacenar recuerdos.
Ya había sido revelado por
los investigadores que con el
tiempo la porción del cerebro
que descansa detrás de la
frente humana o corteza prefrontal puede perder volumen,
o hacerse más pequeña, en la
medida que envejecemos.
Lo cierto es que muchas
cosas se hacen pequeñas – o
grandes – con el paso de los
años; el asunto es que esta
parte particular del cerebro
contribuye a la calidad del
sueño y la calidad del sueño,
es decir el buen dormir,
parece ser fundamental a la
hora de poner a trabajar la
En resumidas cuentas, de
acuerdo con los expertos, si
queremos impedir que nuestra
memoria decline con los años,
lo mejor que podemos hacer es
Note:Kevin Weston is a dormir como es debido.
Cada individuo tiene sus
former editor and writer at
necesidades y cosNew America Media.
tumbres, unos pueden satis-
facerse con siete horas de
sueño nocturno, mientras otros
necesitan ocho y algunos tal
vez solo seis, eso es relativo,
pero lo importante es que durante las horas que le dediquemos a Morfeo alcancemos
un sueño realmente profundo
y reparador.
Pero a veces conciliar
sueños profundos y tener
noches reparadoras no es tan
fácil, las preocupaciones y
tensiones del diario vivir pueden
dificultar seriamente el descanso nocturno, lo que puede
afectarnos física, emocional y
Aunque a veces los problemas del sueño pueden estar
ligadas a circunstancias
psicológicas, físicas o del
sistema nervioso, muchas
veces la falta de sueño o la
mala calidad del mismo se
deben a ciertos hábitos que nos
hacen más daño del que
Antes de dormir es recomendable buscar un poco de
calma, para inducir el cuerpo
al descanso, la computadora y
el televisor no son buenas
compañías cuando queremos
empezar a relajarnos para
disfrutar del sueño. El lugar que
elijamos para dormir debe ser
agradable y tranquilo y estar
$10 for general admission, $5 3:30 p.m. with the live band
for CSUSM employees and “The Sophisticates.” The
free for CSUSM students. All dance is located at the Norman
of Fame, for his humanitarian attendees must bring a printed Park Senior Center, 270 “F”
work. Most notably, in 1988 ticket to the event.
Street in the civic center area
Father Boyle began a grassof Chula Vista. Tickets are on
roots effort to address the es- Valentine Senior Citizen
sale at the door for $5.
calating problems and unmet Dance
The Chula Vista Senior
needs of at-risk and gang-inCitizen’s
Club has supported
The Chula Vista Senior
volved youth in the barrio com- Citizen’s Club will be hosting a senior citizen activities and
munities of East Los Angeles. Valentine’s Dance on Thurs- events for over 50 years. The
Those efforts sparked the cre- day, February 7, 1:00 p.m. to club offers many benefits to the
ation of Homeboy Industries,
which today is the largest of
its kind in the nation, emphasizing alternatives to gang involvement. The most distinctive feature of Homeboy Industries is its social enterprises,
which offer job training for
former gang members and atrisk youth. On February 11
Father Boyle will share personal and inspiring stories from
his 25 years of work with
involved youth, and discuss the
environmental and social conditions that make young men
and women gravitate towards
Tickets are available online
at and are
Tattoos on the Heart:
Inspirational Founder of
Homeboy Industries to
Speak at CSUSM
California State University
San Marcos (CSUSM) welcomes founder of Homeboy
Industries, Father Gregory
Boyle, to campus on Monday,
Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. for an inspirational talk on the transformative power of compassion and
his work leading the nation’s
largest gang intervention program. The talk, which is anticipated to draw 1,000 attendees,
kicks off the University’s popular Arts & Lectures series for
the spring. A book signing will
follow the event.
Author of the New York
Times bestselling book, Tattoos
on the Heart: The Boundless
Power of Compassion, Father
Boyle has been nationally
recognized with numerous
awards, including his recent induction into the California Hall
Luisa Fernanda Montero
bien ventilado.
El consejo de los expertos
es relajar la musculatura lo
mejor posible, haciendo ejercicios suaves de estiramiento
de brazos y piernas como si
estuviéramos desperezándonos, bostezar, alargar las
manos y respirar profundamente.
Existen técnicas de relajación milenarias que pueden
ayudarnos a dormir profundamente, dicen los que saben
que la actividad física, el
deporte y el ejercicio son
viejos amigos del buen dormir.
Y lo que ya sabemos pero fácil
olvidamos: es muy importante
mantener una rutina del sueño,
levantarse y acostarse a la
misma hora todos los días.
Haga lo posible por dejar los
problemas fuera de la habitación y si su problema con
la almohada es realmente serio
no dude en buscar ayuda
profesional. El buen dormir no
es solo un placer es una
necesidad vital. Buenas noches.
community, including access to
special meetings, events and
other social gatherings, including summertime local trips to
events. The fee to be a member of the club is $5 for adults
ages 50 and older, which goes
to support club sponsored activities. The greatest value of
being a part of the Chula Vista
(see Valentine, page 8)
Do you have
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“Our failed policies on the war
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“The New Juarez” opens on
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FEBRUARY 1, 2013
We should get immigration reform right
By Orson Aguilar
gets for exploitation.
Third, we must make family reunification a priority. Current rules can force
families in which just one partner is a
U.S. citizen to separate for years, and it’s
even harder for same-sex couples, who
in most states cannot marry and whose
marriages aren’t recognized by the federal government.
Finally, companies that want more visas for highly skilled workers should be
required to submit annual, comprehensive plans to Congress showing how they
plan to expand opportunities for people
who are already here, especially women,
Americans from underserved communities, and returning military veterans.
Silicon Valley firms, in particular, want
to import highly educated tech professionals from abroad, and they should be
able to get the help they need. But this
industry, which is notoriously lacking in
diversity, should also find ways to open
doorways to lucrative tech careers for
people already living in this country who
haven’t had the opportunities they need
and deserve.
The politics of immigration reform
will be tough, and the passions on all
sides are high. But a fairer system — one
that’s good for all Americans as well as
those seeking to come here — really is
t’s heartening that Congress and
President Obama are addressing
comprehensive immigration reform, something that’s long overdue. But everyone involved needs to
make sure that any legislation really
moves us toward a better, fairer system.
Politicians must avoid the temptation
to sign off on a bad deal just to be able
to say they did something about immigration.
So what makes a good deal? Four principles are essential:
First, immigration reform absolutely
must include a clear path to citizenship
for hard-working individuals and families who came to this country to work,
contribute and build a better life.
Overwhelmingly, undocumented immigrants are people who have been working, paying taxes and building communities — to the extent that we’ve allowed
them to. These folks are the American
Dream incarnate, and we should not put
so many obstacles in their way that their
path to citizenship exists in name only.
Second, we should not create a group
of second-class citizens through a guestworker program. When immigrants
come here in such a program, their lives
are tied to their employer. If mistreated,
they have virtually no ability to bargain,
look for another job, or join a union — Orson Aguilar is executive director of The
much less seek redress through our po- Greenlining Institute, He
litical system — making them easy tar- can be reached at pmproj@progressive. org.
Llegó la hora de la reforma
Por Maribel Hastings
Cuatro años después y tras una elección que
puso de manifiesto el poder del voto latino en
la contienda presidencial, es refrescante y
esperanzador ver al presidente ejerciendo el
liderazgo requerido para impulsar este tema y
lograr la meta de una vía de ciudadanía para la
población indocumentada.
Como han probado debates previos en otros
asuntos, el liderazgo del presidente es primordial para llegar a la mesa, negociar y lograr los
acuerdos requeridos para aprobar un proyecto.
También se requiere el compromiso de los dos
partidos. Pero la reforma sanitaria, por ejemplo,
probó, que cuando la administración está
totalmente decidida a lograr que un asunto
avance, se mueven las fichas requeridas para
atraer los votos necesarios aún con un
Congreso dividido.
El mensaje de Obama con sus principios de
reforma migratoria, coincide con la presentación de los principios de un plan de reforma de
un grupo bipartidista de senadores. Tampoco
es por accidente. Se está tratando de mostrar
un frente unido y de coincidencias que de paso
a un debate para acordar el lenguaje final del
plan de reforma cuyo eje central será la vía de
ciudadanía para los 11 millones de indocumentados. Ahora comienza el estira y afloja
que irá a dando forma al proyecto de ley.
Obama, de hecho, advirtió que el debate no
puede ser interminable y que si el Congreso no
actúa con prontitud, enviará un proyecto basado
en sus lineamientos e insistirá en que se vote
prontamente. Lo que se avecina no será sencillo
pero tampoco es imposible.
Todo apunta a que llegó la hora de la reforma
migratoria. Los planetas se han ido alineando
de manera efectiva y hay una serie de
elementos que comprueban cada vez más la
cercanía de dicha reforma: un presidente
destinando capital político para lograrla y
convertirla en uno de sus legados, un Partido
Demócrata que quiere cumplir la promesa y
solidificar su apoyo entre los votantes latinos;
un Partido Republicano que necesita de la
reforma migratoria para enmendar su maltrecha
relación con los latinos y con ello abrir sus
posibilidades de retornar a la Casa Blanca; una
población que sondeo tras sondeo demuestra
que apoya una vía a la ciudadanía; y un
movimiento pro inmigrante mejor organizado y
listo para colaborar en conseguir dicha reforma.
El camino promete altas y bajas, pero lo
importante es que, contrario a cuatro años, el
proceso arrancó. Ya estamos en carrera.
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA — Fue el discurso
migratorio que Barack Obama no pronunció
hace cuatro años cuando prometió impulsar la
reforma migratoria en su primer mandato. Pero
la angustiosa espera parece comenzar a rendir
frutos. Con su alocución en una escuela de Las
Vegas este martes, Obama dio, de hecho, la
señal de salida para la carrera de obstáculos
que podría culminar este año y finalmente con
la aprobación de un plan de reforma de nuestras
leyes de inmigración.
Y con la presentación de los principios de
esa reforma migratoria por un grupo bipartidista
del Senado este lunes, algo no visto en los
pasados casi seis años, se anuncia que 2013
parece encaminado a ser el año de la reforma.
Parece que las críticas de los pasados cuatro
años del peligro de pasar a la historia
únicamente como el presidente que deportó más
inmigrantes y no como el que promulgó la
reforma por muchos ansiada, y los resultados
de la elección del 6 de noviembre, cuando a
pesar de todo los latinos le dieron su abrumador
apoyo, han llevado a Obama a evidenciar el
liderazgo que se va a requerir para impulsar el
tema en un Congreso dividido. El presidente
no quiere dejar lugar a dudas de que se trata
de una prioridad para su administración y de
uno de los temas que espera dejar como su
legado presidencial.
No es por accidente que el discurso se
pronunciara en Las Vegas, Nevada, donde el
crecimiento de la población hispana ha dado
paso a un cada vez más influyente sector electoral, especialmente de votantes naturalizados,
que en 2008 dieron su espaldarazo a Obama
motivados por la promesa de reforma migratoria. Y aún cuando no se concretó, salvaron el
puesto del líder de la mayoría demócrata, Harry
Reid, en los comicios de medio tiempo de 2010;
y en el 2012 dieron a Obama el beneficio de la
duda a un segundo período con la esperanza
de que esta vez sí se pueda y la reforma
migratoria se haga realidad. Ni las abismales
tasas de desempleo ni de embargos hipotecarios
que han afligido a Nevada impidieron que los
latinos de ese estado y del país apoyaran al
Hace cuatro años, cuando la promesa de
reforma migratoria amplia se quedó en el tintero,
las principales críticas formuladas contra
Obama fueron que no ejerció suficiente
liderazgo para impulsar el tema entre la
población y particularmente ante el Congreso. Maribel Hastings es asesora ejecutiva de
America’s Voice
Que no invirtió capital político.
The Massive Human and Moral Cost
of Gun Violence
By Marian Wright Edelman
The heartrending massacre of 20 six and
seven year old children and six educators in
Newtown, Connecticut has galvanized public
attention once again after a mass shooting. But
the killing of children by gun violence is not
new. It has been a relentlessly unreported and
under-reported plague that has snuffed out the
lives of 119,079 children and teenagers since
1979. That’s an average of 3,721 child and teen
deaths every year for 32 years. That’s 4,763
classrooms of 25 children each. The number
of children and teens killed by guns since 1979
is two and a half times greater than the number of U.S. military personnel killed in action in
the Vietnam (47,434) or Korean (33,739) Wars,
and over 22 times greater than American military personnel killed in the wars in Afghanistan
(1,712) and in Iraq (3,518).
The United States of America has spent a
trillion and a half dollars on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars so far, purportedly to protect
our children and citizens from enemies without, while ignoring the reality that the greatest
threats to child safety and wellbeing come from
enemies within.
Gun violence saturates our children’s lives
and relentlessly threatens them every day. It
has romped through their playgrounds; invaded
their birthday parties; terrorized their Head Start
classrooms, child care centers, and schools;
frolicked down the streets they walk to and
from school; danced through their school buses;
waited at the red light and bus stop; lurked behind trees; run them down on the corner; shot
them through their bedroom windows, on their
front porches, and in their neighborhoods. Gun
violence has taught, entertained, and tantalized
them incessantly across television, movie, and
video game screens and the Internet. It has
snatched away their parents, aunts, uncles,
cousins, brothers, sisters, friends, and teachers; sapped their energy and will to learn; and
made them forget about tomorrow. It has
nagged and picked at their child and youthful
minds and spirits and darkened their dreams,
day in and day out, snuffing out the promise
and joy of childhood and inflicting them with
post traumatic stress disorders – often chronic.
It has caused them recurring nightmares and
made them afraid to go outdoors or to the movies. It has made them want to or feel they have
to get a gun or join a gang to protect themselves because adults can’t or won’t protect
them. It has made them plan their own funerals because they don’t think they’ll live to adulthood. It has killed them with guns every three
hours and fifteen minutes and injured them every 34 minutes. It terrifies them and makes them
cry inside and wonder if and when enough adults
are ever going to stand up and make it stop and
make children safe.
President Obama, in his moving remarks at
the Sandy Hook interfaith prayer vigil at
Newtown High School December 16, 2012, got
it right when he said: “Caring for our children.
It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we
don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged.” And we will not pass
the test of the God of the prophets or New
Testament or all great faiths if we do not protect all of our sacred children against repeated
and preventable gun deaths and injuries. Every
child has a right to live and to dream and to
strive for a future that is not destroyed in a
second because we cowered before a special
interest lobby and refused to protect them.
What can we do? Learn the truth about and
debunk the myths that guns make us safe. Did
you know that one third of all households with
children younger than eighteen have a gun and
40 percent of gun-owning households with children store their guns unlocked? Contrary to
what many people believe, having a gun in your
home doesn’t make you safer but instead endangers you and your loved ones. A gun in the
home makes the likelihood of homicide three
times higher, suicide three to five times higher,
and accidental death four times higher. For
every time a gun in the home injures or kills in
self-defense, there are 11 completed and attempted gun suicides, seven criminal assaults
and homicides with a gun, and four unintentional shooting deaths or injuries.
Read the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF)’s
new Protect Children Not Guns: The Truth
About Guns, which debunks myths that guns
make you safe. Convene congregational and
parent and community study groups and let the
enormity of lost child and human life sweep
over you and pierce your hearts and make you
determined to wake up, stand up and do something! Check CDF’s website regularly for steps
you can take and that others are taking. Small
acts by enough of us can set off big ripples
across our nation and shake up our political
leaders. The important thing is to care and to
act and to keep acting for as long as it takes
until the NRA’s lock on gun policy is broken.
Stop shopping at stores that sell firearms over
the counter - making their purchase and use as
routine and normal as a flashlight or toaster.
Assault weapons should not be normalized and
treated as a household product or glorified as
American as apple pie. Turn off the violent TV
shows. Stop buying the violent toys and video
games and call for nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice training of our educators, faith leaders, children, and all of us. Let’s
make violence unacceptable rather than acceptable in our nation which leads the world’s industrialized nations in military expenditures, in
number of guns sold and in circulation (an estimated 300 million), and in child, youth, and adult
civilian gun deaths.
At the height of the Vietnam War, anti-war
demonstrators filled the Mall and confronted
the President, Congress, and Pentagon calling
for an end to that war. What is it going to take
for the American people–for you and for me–
to push the President and members of Congress and Governors and state legislators to
stand up to the NRA, gun manufacturers, and
sellers? What is it going to take for them to
place protection of children and youths and
adults ahead of the protection of guns and profits and their election to office.? How much is a
child’s life worth in today’s political economy
in America?
In 2013, as we prepare to celebrate Martin
Luther King’s birthday and the 50th anniversary
of the March on Washington and the dream of
our gun-slain prophet of nonviolence, let us truly
hear and follow rather than just celebrate him.
Now is the time to free ourselves from the plague
of gun violence which has taken over 1.3 million
American lives since Dr. King and Robert
Kennedy’s assassinations in 1968. This is twice
the loss of life than all American battle casualties
in all the major wars we have fought since our
nation began: the Revolutionary War (4,435); the
War of 1812 (2,260); the Mexican War (1,733);
the Civil War (214,938); the Spanish American
War (385); World War I (53,402); World War II
(291,557); the Korean War (33,739); the Vietnam War (47,434); the Persian Gulf War (148);
the Iraq War (3,518), and the war in Afghanistan
(1,712). Isn’t it way past time for some hard soul
searching about what we believe as Americans?
Do we believe in the sanctity of life in America or
don’t we? We decide.
Marian Wright Edelman is President of the Children’s
Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind mission is
to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a
Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and
successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring
families and communities. For more information go to
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Commentary/Opinion Page
GOP, take cues on U.S. mood from Obama ¡ASK A MEXICAN!
By Maria Cardona
Republicans are dealing with their demons.
At the Republican National Committee meeting last week, they seemed to be taking a hard
look at what they need to do to compete at the
presidential level in the years to come. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said the GOP needs to
stop being “the stupid party.” He is right, to be
sure, but it is not simply a messaging problem.
It is a policy problem. So here is some advice.
Reread President Barack Obama’s inaugural speech and avoid the the knee-jerk impulse
to call the president a socialist because of his
defense of a so-called “liberal agenda.” Instead, observe how the issues he raised align
with where the American people are. Simply
put, majorities of the country, including an overwhelming majority of the demographic coalition that got him reelected, mainly agree with
The GOP is so in a tizzy about Obama’s vision and how they are certain it is all but DNA
proof he is a socialist. But Republicans needs
to consider that something much less pernicious
is at play here on both scores: The nation is
Obama talked about immigration reform by
stating, “Our journey is not complete until we
find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land
of opportunity, until bright young students and
engineers are enlisted in our work force rather
than expelled from our country.”
Majorities of Americans have supported comprehensive immigration reform for years. Today, more than 75% support it. Importantly,
many Republicans recognize the need to do
something real on immigration, given the shellacking they received from Latinos in November: 71% supported Obama. To his credit, Sen.
Marco Rubio has proposed some commonsense measures that are a great start to ensuring the GOP gets serious about real reform.
And on Monday, a bipartisan group of Senators proposed a sensible plan on this important
issue, further proof the GOP knows it has to do
more than just change their rhetoric.
To the offense of many conservatives, the
president said, “Our journey is not complete
until our gay brothers and sisters are treated
like anyone else under the law, for if we are
truly created equal, then surely the love we
commit to one another must be equal, as well.”
On this issue, Americans’ evolution is recent,
but has been quite dramatic, and given the generational divide, support for it will only get
stronger. Currently, 53% of Americans support
gay marriage, while 46% oppose. Even the Boy
Scouts, a staunchly conservative organization,
announced Monday it is considering “potentially
removing the national membership restriction
regarding sexual orientation.”
Obama’s mention of climate change further
rankled Republicans, He said: “Some may still
deny the overwhelming judgment of science,
but none can avoid the devastating impact of
raging fires, and crippling drought, and more
powerful storms. The path towards sustainable
energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But Americans cannot resist this transition. We must lead it.” Interestingly enough,
63% of Americans believe that global warming is a serious issue, according to a poll by
Rasmussen, which skews rightward. And while
there is certainly no consensus on what should
be done legislatively about it, the president’s
focus on alternative energy sources and renewable fuels also is in line with where many Americans stand.
But the line in Obama’s inaugural address
that opponents have pointed to as proof that he
is and has always been an extreme leftist president, was this:
“…Through it all, we have never relinquished
our skepticism of central authority, nor have
we succumbed to the fiction that all society’s
ills can be cured through government alone.”
Some Republicans, once again, choose to
make hyperbolic, hysterical proclamations
about looming socialism. The reality, as always,
is less dramatic and more straightforward. The
fact is Democrats, buoyed by majorities of its
winning coalition of Latino, African-American,
women and young voters, believe the government has a constructive role to play in society.
Not a bigger role, which is what the Republicans’ sky-is-falling reaction has been. But one
that can protects the individual as a consumer,
levels the field so that everyone is playing by
the same rules and jobs are based on merit,
and ensures smart investments in innovation,
work force, military, and infrastructure. These,
spurred by our American ingenuity, will continue to make us exceptional.
What the president’s opponents need to understand is that this is the face of progress.
This is the face of the America that exists today. Obama’s vision is mainstream — a guide
to where majorities of Americans already believe we need to go as a country. Once Republicans understand it is not a legislative roadmap
designed to annihilate them, maybe they too
can realize they would do well to start to embrace these changes and evolve along with the
rest of us.
If they don’t they may as well change their
symbol from the elephant to the woolly mammoth.
Maria Cardona is a principal at the Dewey
Square Group, where she founded
Latinovations, and a Democratic strategist.
She is also a former senior adviser to Hillary
Clinton, and former communications director to the Democratic National Committee.
Eso si. Si está uno dispuesto a doblarse el
lomo en los campos agrícolas por 16 horas al
(con’t from page 2)
día para ganar 10 centavos por cubeta de
jitomates, el proceso de residencia será más
rápido, siempre y cuando se comprometan a
con los requisitos anteriores, obtener un
seguir trabajando en la agricultura por toda su
permiso temporal y condicional, quedarán a
vida. De paso, los físicos nucleares y
prueba, y cuando haya visas disponibles
programadores de computadoras si tendrán
podrán solicitar la residencia.
visas rapiditas.
Ah, y claro, los programas de verificación
Cambio Para Mal
empleo serán obligatorios en todo el país,
Como bien lo saben los mexicanos desde el
medidas para que nadie con visa de
sexenio de Vicente Fox, “cambio” no
estudiante temporal se pueda quedar
necesariamente va acompañado de “bueno”.
Según el plan maestro de la pandilla de los
En tres patadas, esa es la llamada “reforma
8 senadores, primero se le darán visas a los
que se nos ofrece.
que están “haciendo cola”, los 5 millones de
porque “cambia” el
inmigrantes de todo el mundo que tienen
“rehace”, pero
peticiones para residir en Estados Unidos, y
Eso, que la
después se empezarán a dar visas para los
sea más
que están aquí y no tienen peticiones.
El salto al futuro es que por allá del año
2020 un inmigrante indocumentado actual
podrá obtener una visa de residente legal
Tenemos que dar nuestro “salto al pasado”,
permanente, y por allá del 2025 podrá
a 2006, cuando millones de
solicitar su ciudadanía. Y eventualmente, allá
cambiamos la discusión a fuerza
por el 2028 podrá votar en las elecciones
las calles, y tenemos que dar
gringas. Para ese año, calcularán los
pero no para el 2025 sino
senadores, ya ninguno de los actuales
congresistas Republicanos tendrá que
de oficinas de
responder por nada; algunos ya estarán seis
pies bajo tierra, y otros fuera de la vida
La consigna inmediata debe ser que el
de Mayo nadie trabaje y todos los
Mientras tanto, se harán aún más ricas las
empresas que fabrican aparatos de guerra,
todo en pos de la “seguridad fronteriza”, y se
Contactio Jorge Mújica Murias e
seguirán enriqueciendo los patrones que
[email protected]
explotan (aún más) a los inmigrantes sin
Refor... what?
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programming on
any other channel?
They looked better
Dear Mexican: Grammar question/
rant. If Spanglish is a legitimate dialect/ even before HD
was en vogue. My
language, why do you feel the need to
guess is that they
italicize every instance of code
don’t use filters
switching? I seriously doubt that when
that everyone else
you speak you emphasize every puta
palabra (emphasis intended here), but
Techie Gabacho
that’s what your article reads like. We
all know that you are speaking
Dear Gabacho: Same reason porn is
Spanglish—not a foreign language—so
at the forefront of technology: gotta
tell the gabacho (no emphasis intended
chichis shine!
here) editors to back off and let you use
italics for what they are intended for:
I just learned that Nueva Vizcaya was
by Basques and it got me to
Strunk & Brown
thinking: are there any noticeable
regional differences in Mexico based on
Dear Wab: Gracias for thinking that
the regions in Spain where the original
Spanglish is a legitimate form of
Spaniards came from? If so, where can I
communication—you just made the
read more about it?
custodians of Cervantes and shepherds of
Euskadi Enthusiast
Shakespeare get angrier than Joe Arpayaso
surrounded by a group of Mexicans! But
Dear Gabacho: Nueva Vizcaya, of
we’re talking two separate cosas here. My
refers to the province of New Spain
linguistic goal with this columna isn’t for
roughly encompasses
America to accept Spanglish, but for
Chihuahua and Durango, and parts of
American English and its speakers to pick
Sonora, Sinaloa, and other northern Mexico
up more Spanish words so that one day, I
states, and was named by the Basque
won’t have to use italics on said words to
explorer Francisco de Ibarra after Biscay.
differentiate their otherness. It’s happened
Other Spanish explorers also named
over the decades: at one point, editors
italicized Spanish words like amigo, tequila, provinces in New Spain after their home
fiesta, and siesta because they were foreign regions—Nuevo Galicia, Nuevo León
(which the modern-day Mexican state is
concept to gabacho audiences, but the
named after), and the awesomely titled
words were used enough so that we no
Nuevo Santander, after the city in the
longer italicize them. Think of it as a
kingdom of Cantabria. But in terms of largelinguistic Reconquista, of Latin slowly
beating down English’s Germanic influences! scale regional Spanish migration to particular
areas of Mexico during the era of the
The only way to teach an audience a new
palabra, then, is to signify a code switch via Conquistadors, the Mexican is going to have
to plead partial mestizaje on this one. The
the italics, but I make sure to use simple
famous mass settling of particular
Spanish words that can possibly gain wider
currency—gabacho, pendejo, desmadre— groups happened in what’s now the United
and eventually assimilate into the American States—Canary Islanders in San Antonio,
lingua franca and cultura. And I don’t have and marranos (crytpo-Jews) in New
to worry about any gabacho editors telling Mexico—while outside of northern Mexico
and its concentration of Garzas, most of the
me when to use italics and when I can’t—
I’m the pinche Mexican, for crying out loud. other Spaniards just melted into the pozole.
All the early Spanish immigrants ultimately
But even this cabrón cannot persuade the
unforgiving pen of his copy editor, who can left as a legacy in Mexico was Spanish,
surnames, and a taste for ultra-violence.
make the most grizzled reporter tremble
with just a flash of the red pluma.
Ask the Mexican Ask the Mexican at themexican@, be his fan on Facebook, follow him
Do you have any idea why Univisión
on Twitter @gustavoarellano or ask him a video
and Telemundo look so much sharper
question at!
and better than any other HD
By Gustavo Arellano
The Catholic Church
(con’t from page 2)
flicted upon them. Many of the young and adult
abuse victims still experience pangs of guilt as
most believe that they were somehow responsible for these sexual assaults inflicted upon
them by deviant priests and therefore need
extensive psychological assistance.
A moral cleansing of the church’s hierarchy
and clergy is needed as well as a return to the
original teachings and practice of the church
that espoused the defense of the poor and innocent and particularly children. While these
crimes against children are being exposed, we
must make it clear that not all priests are responsible for these acts, but those who have
kept quiet while children were harmed are just
as guilty. Allowing most priests to marry is a
partial solution to this problem of abuse as human sexuality cannot be artificially restricted
by a feudalistic rule. However, pedophile priests
don’t want to get married to women as they
are sexually attracted to little boys and need to
be expelled from the church. It is contradictory for the church to publicly condemn birth
control, women’s rights, abortion and gays as
sinful, and yet silently continue to allow children under its supervision to be sexually assaulted by its members and then dishonestly
hide it.
In conclusion, the parishioners of the many
churches and especially those in cities where
these incidents of religious-child molestation
have occurred need to stand up and be heard.
Keeping quiet and passively looking the other
way objectively endorses this decadent and
criminal behavior against children. Every Sunday, church members finance the clergy and
their lawyers with donations who then use these
funds to defend and hide pedophile child abusers from prosecution. The millions of church
members must not continue to maintain an immoral silence while children are harmed. Parishioners have a right and duty to stand up and
speak out against this existing ethical and financial corruption. They must demand a moral
cleansing of the clergy and criminal prosecution of the abusers so that the children whose
lives have been negatively affected may at last
receive justice.
Thirdly, after fifteen centuries of accumulating wealth, the Catholic Church is one on the
largest and richest financial institutions in the
world with massive investments in corporations,
banks, real estate and gold bullion. The feudal
structure of the church is like a pyramid with
the Pope at the top, an upper clergy with titles
just below him, and thousands of priests at the
parish level. At the bottom of this vast religious
and financial pyramid are the millions of parishioners referred to as the flock, a name usually used to refer to sheep. The years-long
struggle waged by Mahony and his aide Thomas Curry to defend and conceal these wayward priests from law-enforcement and avoid
criminal charges is fundamentally motivated by
the desire to defend the church’s vast financial
empire from civil suits involving millions of dollars in damages.
Lastly, in other occupations such as teaching, coaching and to a lesser extent the Boy
Scouts, pedophile predators are eventually
caught and punished. Over the years, the word
has gotten out to pedophiles that they can enter the priesthood and be surrounded by little
boys who they can molest to their heart’s content with no fear of being stopped, exposed or
arrested. It is no coincidence that this surge of
child abuse has occurred as it is directly related to the increase of pedophiles who are attracted to the priesthood due to its tolerance
for this type of criminal activity.
A thorough purge is required of the church’s
ranks in order to remove the predator priests
who have violated little boys and even girls.
They need to be exposed and turned over to
the police for criminal prosecution just like any
other adults who commit these type of crimes.
Continuing to protect such predators means
allowing them to prey upon and harm even more
Legally, the hundreds and hundreds of pending civil suits against the church by many of
these victims who are now adults need to be Jimmy Franco Sr. is the moderator and writer
settled in an honest manner and compensation of the blog site: "A Latino Point of View in
paid for the anguish and years of suffering in- Today's World"
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
Univision Deportes y ESPN Anuncian Valentine
Acuerdo para Aumentar Alcance del Fútbol Senior
(con’t from page 5)
Mexicano en Estados Unidos
Univision Deportes, la división de deportes de Univision
Communications Inc., la principal empresa de medios de
comunicación al servicio de la
comunidad hispana en Estados
Unidos, y ESPN, la principal
marca de medios deportivos en
los Estados Unidos, han formalizado una alianza con el fin de
aumentar el alcance de la
Selección Mexicana de Fútbol
(conocida como “El Tri”) en
EE.UU. El acuerdo otorga a
los canales televisivos y plataformas digitales en inglés de
ESPN los derechos mediáticos
a los partidos eliminatorios de
FIFA Brasil 2014 y partidos
amistosos internacionales que
juegue México en su propio
terreno. La cobertura en inglés
complementará la popular
cobertura en español que le da
Univision al equipo nacional
mexicano a través de televisión, cable y plataformas
Como parte del acuerdo,
Univision Deportes y ESPN
han obtenido los derechos en
EE.UU. para todos los partidos
jugados por México en territorio mexicano, tanto los clasificatorios para la Copa Mundial
de la FIFA 2014 en Brasil como
los amistosos internacionales,
en español e inglés, respectivamente. La alianza también
permitirá que Univision Deportes y ESPN colaboren en
contenido especial enfocado en
la Selección Mexicana de
La serie de 20 partidos
comenzará el miércoles 30 de
enero con un amistoso internacional contra Dinamarca en
Phoenix, Arizona, a las 10 p.m.
hora del Este (en español por
UniMás/Univision Deportes
Network y en inglés por ESPN2/WatchESPN), y concluirá con el último encuentro del
equipo antes de la Copa Mundial 2014.
Univision Deportes y ESPN
también televisarán el muy
esperado partido entre México
y Estados Unidos que tendrá
lugar en la Ciudad de México
el martes 26 de marzo a las
9:30 p.m. hora del Este – la
primera etapa de los encuentros que se producirán entre los
dos rivales durante la ronda
hexagonal de los partidos de
clasificación a la Copa Mundial
de la FIFA Brasil 2014 para la
región de la Confederación de
Norte, Centroamérica y el
Caribe Asociación de Fútbol
Univision Deportes y ESPN
seguirán al equipo nacional
mexicano en sus intentos de
clasificar para Brasil 2014,
captando cada momento de su
“Camino a Brasil 2014”. También cubrirán los partidos de
preparación para la Copa
Confederaciones 2013 de la
FIFA, y si clasifica, para la
Copa Mundial 2014. La Selección Mexicana de Fútbol
busca participar por sexta vez
consecutiva en la Copa Mundial de la FIFA. El equipo es el
campeón actual de la Copa de
Oro de CONCACAF y en
junio representará a CONCACAF en la Copa Confederaciones 2013 de la FIFA
en Brasil. México ganó su
primera medalla de oro en las
Olimpiadas de Londres, en una
victoria de 2 a 1 sobre el
favorito, Brasil, obtenida en el
Estadio Wembley en el verano
de 2012. Además de la Selección Mexicana de Fútbol,
Univision Deportes y ESPN ya
tienen los derechos mediáticos,
en español e inglés, respectivamente, para la Selección
Nacional de EE.UU. y la Copa
Mundial de la FIFA Brasil 201.
2013 El Tri en Univision
Deportes (en español por
Univision Network y
UniMás) y ESPN (en
Febrero 6
9:30 p.m.
**México vs. Jamaica
Ciudad de México
Senior Citizen’s Club is that it
offers recognition of an active
senior community that wants
a voice in their recreational,
health and wellness activities
to the City of Chula Vista. For
more information about the
Chula Vista Senior Citizen’s
Club or the Norman Park
Senior Center, please call (619)
MiraCosta College
Presents Latino Film
‘Filly Brown
MiraCosta College is proud
to present “Filly Brown,” the
next film in the Latino Film
Series. This free screening
will be held on Friday, February 8, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets may
be ordered online at www.
“Filly Brown” stars Gina
Rodriguez as Maria Jose
“Majo” Tonorio, aka Filly
Brown, a young Los Angeles
hip-hop artist whose rap lyrics
come from the heart. When a
sleazy record producer offers
her a crack at stardom, Majo
faces some daunting choices.
With an incarcerated mother,
a record contract could be the
ticket out for her struggling
family, but taking the deal
means selling out her talent and
thetrue friends who helped her.
Also stars the late Jenni
The film is rated R.
The evening will feature a
special appearance by
Youssef Delara, the film’s
writer and co-director.
M i r a C o s t a C o l l e g e ’s
Oceanside Campus is located
at 1 Barnard Drive. The event
will be held in the Concert
Hall. Free parking is available
in any student lot. Doors will
open at 5 p.m.
Sponsored by MiraCosta
College and ASG, as well as
the Office of School Relations and Diversity Outreach.
A Sweet Treat for
Valentine’s: Bach
Collegium presents
“When Cupid Strikes!”
Program of Love-Inspired
Songs with Wine &
Chocolate Reception
Cupid will strike lovers of
early music when Bach Collegium San Diego (BCSD), the
city’s only early music performance ensemble, presents a
special Valentine’s Day program focusing on music whose
themes bring to mind tales of
love gained, love lost, and tears
Performances are Friday,
February 8, 7:30pm at the San
Diego History Center in Balboa
Park, the group’s newest
venue; and Saturday, February
9, 7:30pm at the Performing
Arts Center in Rancho Santa
“The great Baroque composers Handel, Bach, Purcell, and
Monteverdi all left great music focusing on the theme of
love in its many complexities.
From Purcell’s ‘If music be the
food of love… sing on, sing
on!’ that pronounces the virtues of love, to Bach’s secular
canatata ‘Amore Traditore,’ in
which a lover finds love a traitorous thing and hopes cupid’s
arrows will miss him. But most
importantly… chocolate! It
seems natural to present a program on the subject of love, followed by a reception with
chocolate,” said music director Ruben Valenzuela.
Tickets to individual concerts
are $25 or $40. Senior/Student
Discount: $20 Rush tickets may
be purchased at the door for
$10 if any seats are still available (student ID required).
discussion begins 45 minutes
before each concert. The discussion features selected
performers and audience
members, providing an opportunity to discuss the various
topics related to the forthcoming concert.
For more information and to
purchase tickets please visit the
BCSD website: www.bach
¡Anúnciate en
La Prensa San Diego!
Fictitious Business Name: $25.00
Change of Name: $50.00
9518 Jamacha Blvd. (Corner of Maria Ave.) ‡
LEGALS * 619-425-7400 * CLASSIFIEDS
The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), as lead
agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the South
Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. The proposed Project would
provide BRT service between the proposed Otay Mesa Intermodal
Transportation Center at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and downtown San Diego, a distance of approximately 21.6 miles.
The Draft EIR and supporting documents may be accessed from
SANDAG’s website at or by calling Andrew Martin at (619) 595-5375. A public meeting about the project
is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at
Heritage Elementary School – 1450 Santa Lucia Road, Chula
Vista, CA 91913.
Written comments regarding the adequacy of the Draft EIR must
be received by March 29, 2013, and should be addressed or
emailed to Andrew Martin, SANDAG, 401 B Street, Suite 800,
San Diego, CA 92101, [email protected].
Published: 2/1/2013
La Prensa San Diego
CITATION FOR FREEDOM of the granting of the petition and, if requested, the judge shall explain any
CUSTODY AND CONTROL term or allegation contained therein and
In the Matter of: JAZMIN ISABELLA
Date of Birth: 05-13-2005, A Minor
To Irving E. Martinez, Jr.
You are advised that you are required to
appear in the Superior Court of the State
of California, County of San Diego, in Department one at the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Central Division, Juvenile Court, 2851 Meadow
Lark, San Diego, CA 92123, on MAR 08,
2013, at 9:00 a.m., to show cause, if you
have any, why JAZMIN ISABELLA
MARTINEZ minor should not be declared
free from parental custody and control
(*for the purpose of placement for adoption) as requested in the petition. *Strike
this portion if not applicable.
You are advised that if the parent(s) are
present at the time and place above
stated the judge will read the petition
and, if requested, may explain the effect
the nature of the proceeding, its procedures and possible consequences and
may continue the matter for not more than
30 days for the appointment of counsel
or to give counsel time to prepare.
The court may appoint counsel to represent the minor whether or not the minor
is able to afford counsel. If any parent
appears and is unable to afford counsel,
the court shall appoint counsel to represent each parent who appears unless
such representation is knowingly and intelligently waived.
If you wish to seek the advice of an
attorney in this matter, you should
do so promptly so that your pleading, if any, may be filed on time.
Date: JAN 22, 2013
By K CHHAY, Deputy
Clerk of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 25/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Dealer más grande costa Este, está
abriendo Nuevo Mercado, requiere
con experien-cia, enviar resume a technical@, fax (305)5014523, llamar al 305-506-4306
5250 Campanile Dr.
SD 92182
EEO/AA/Title IX Employer
Must be able to perform general office
duties, multi-task, and have good communication skills. No prior experience required. Applicants are to reply to
[email protected]
CASE NUMBER: 37-2013-00030639-PRPW-CTL
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may
otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of: ESTATE OF DANIEL J.
A Petition for Probate has been filed by:
TOBIE W. FINK, in the Superior Court of
California, County of San Diego
The Petition for Probate requests that:
be appointed jointly as personal representatives to administer the estate of the decedent.
The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent
Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain
very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give
notice to interested persons unless they
have waived notice or consented to the
proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless
an interested person files an objection to
the petition and shows good cause why
the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held
in this court as follows: Date: MAR 05,
2013. Time: 11:00am. Dept: PC-1
Address of court: SUPERIOR COURT OF
1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, California 92101.
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and
state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your
appearance may be in person or by your
If you are a creditor or a contingent
creditor of the decedent, you must file
your claim with the court and mail a copy
to the personal representative appointed
by the court within four months from the
date of first issuance of letters as provided
in Probate Code section 9100. The time
for filling claims will not expire before four
months from the hearing date notice above.
You may examine the file kept by the
court. If you a person interested in the
estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of
the filing of an inventory and appraisal of
estate assets or of any petition or account
as provided in Probate Code section 1250.
A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for petitioner: Robert K.
Butterfield, 10616 Scripps Summit Court,
Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92131. Phone
Published: Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
¡Anúnciate en
La Prensa San Diego!
The San Diego Metropolitan
Bid documents will be available on
or about February 1, 2013and
can be accessed from the MTS
register/log-in at MTS's online
documents, or can contact the
Contract Officer below:
Diana Singleton, Contract Officer
MTS Procurement Department
Telephone: (619) 557-4551
[email protected]
specifications, bids shall be
submitted enclosed in a sealed
envelope, plainly endorsed with
the bidder’s name and marked:
MTS DOC NO. B0593.0-13
MARCH 13, 2013
Sealed bids will be due at the
above time, unless otherwise
amended, at Metropolitan Transit
System, Procurement Dept. 1255
Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000, San
Diego, California 92101. Bids
received after that time or at any
other place other than the place
stated herein will not be
MTS hereby notifies all bidders
that in regard to any contract
entered into pursuant to this
Business Enterprises (as defined
in 49 C.F.R. Part 26) will not be
subject to discrimination on the
basis of race, color, sex or national
origin in consideration for an
This project is subject to a capital
assistance grant between San
Diego Metropolitan Transit System
(MTS), and the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Transit
MTS reserves the right to reject
any and all bids and to readvertise for bids.
SUMMONS - (Family Law) California.
You are being sued.
Lo están demandando.
You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are
served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123)
at the court and have a copy
served on the petitioner. A letter
or phone call will not protect you.
If you do not file your Response
on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage,
your property and custody of
your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the
clerk for a fee waiver form.
If you want legal advice, contact
a lawyer immediately. You can
get information about finding
lawyers at the California Courts
Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the
California Legal Services Web
site (,
or by contacting your local
county bar association.
Tiene 30 días corridos después de
haber recibido la entrega legal de esta
Citación y Petición para presentar una
Respuesta (formulario FL-120 ó FL-123)
ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal
de una copia al demandante. Una carta
o llamada telefónica no basta para
Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo,
la corte puede dar órdenes que afecten
su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus
bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La
corte también le puede ordenar que
pague manutención, y honorarios y
costos legales. Si no puede pagar la
cuota de presentación, pida al secretario
un formulario de exención de cuotas.
Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal,
póngase en contacto de inmediato con
un abogado. Puede obtener información
para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro
de Ayuda de las Cortes de California
(www.sucorte., en el sitio Web de
los Servicios Legales de California
( o poniéndose
en contacto con el colegio de abogados
de su condado.
NOTICE: The restraining orders
on page 2 are effective against
both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered,
or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by
any law enforcement office who
has received or seen a copy of
AVISO: Las órdenes de res-tricción que
figuran en la página 2 valen para ambos
cónyuges o pareja de hecho hasta que
se despida la petición, se emita un fallo
o la corte dé otras órdenes. Cualquier
autoridad de la ley que haya recibido o
visto una copia de estas órdenes puede
hacerlas acatar en cualquier lugar de
NOTE: If a judgment or support
order is entered, the court may
order you to pay all or part of the
fees and costs that the court
waived for yourself or for the
other party. If this happens, the
party ordered to pay fees shall
be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set
aside the order to pay waived
court fees.
AVISO: Si se emite un fallo u orden de
manutención, la corte puede ordenar que
usted pague parte de, o todas las cuotas
y costos de la corte previamente exentas
a petición de usted o de la otra parte. Si
esto ocurre, la parte ordenada a pagar
estas cuotas debe recibir aviso y la
oportunidad de solicitar una audiencia
para anular la orden de pagar las cuotas
1. The name and address of the
court is:
El nombre y dirección de la corte
SAN DIEGO, East County Division, 250 E. Main St., El Cajon,
CA 92020
2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without
an attorney, is:
(El nombre, dirección y número de
teléfono del abogado del
demandante, o del demandante si
no tiene abogado, son): TUAN A
NGUYEN, 8556 Rosada Way, El
Cajon, CA 92021. (619) 3023305
Date (Fecha): AUG 13, 2012
Clerk, by (Secretario, por)
Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: MINERVA FONTENOT, filed a
petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hear-
ing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 03/08/13. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: 52.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: MAR 08, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 03-08-2013. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.:
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
Central Division, Hall of Justice, 330 W.
Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 22, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 25 Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
SALGADO VAZQUEZ, a minor, filed a
petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MARCH 19, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 26.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
325 S. Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081,
North County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 22, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: WAFIK IBRAHIM filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MARCH 26, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 26.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
325 South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA
92081, North County Center
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
(CCP 1277)
Date: JAN 30, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
DIAZ, filed a petition with this court for a Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
decree changing names as follows:
FEBRUARY 1, 2013
~ ~ ~ CLASSIFIEDS ~ (619) 425-7400 ~ LEGALS ~ ~ ~
Fictitious Business Name: SOCO’S
DISTRIBUTIONS, 2749 Newton Ave.,
San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 06/07/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Socorro Garcia, 2749
Newton Ave., San Diego, CA 92113
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Socorro Garcia
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 07, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-000401
the Following: Alfred I. Perez, 1925 Otay
Lakes Rd. Sp. 119, Chula Vista, CA
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Alfred I. Perez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 10, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-000961
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: A LOPEZ
SECURITY, 3212 L St., San Diego, CA,
County of San Diego, 92102
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 02/01/
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
La Prensa San Diego
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Antonio Lopez, 3212 L
St., San Diego, CA 92102
I declare that all information in this stateNAME STATEMENT
ment is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name: H/L
Signature of Registrant: Antonio Lopez
MOTORS, 7969 Arjons Dr Ste D-8, San This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92126. J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Mailing Address: 2511 Coronado Ave
of San Diego County JAN 02, 2013
Ste A, San Diego, CA 92154
The filing of this statement does not of
This Business is Conducted By: A Cor- itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
the rights of another under federal, state,
This Business Is Hereby Registered by or common law.
the Following: ARS & ELG, INC, 2511 Assigned File No.: 2013-000039
Coronado Ave Ste A, San Diego, CA
Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
92154, California
I declare that all information in this state- La Prensa San Diego
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Alva Lizarraga
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Fictitious Business Name: SAN DIEGO
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk TECNHO SOLUTIONS, 767 Anita St.
of San Diego County JAN 04, 2013
Ste. H, Chula Vista, CA, County of San
The filing of this statement does not of Diego, 91911
itself authorize the use in this state of This Business is Conducted By: An InFictitious Business Name in violation of dividual
the rights of another under federal, state, The First Day of Business Was: 1/1/2013
or common law.
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
Assigned File No.: 2013-000321
the Following: Nicolas Montano, 1301
Medical Center Dr. #312, Chula Vista,
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
CA 91911
La Prensa San Diego
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Nicolas Montano
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Fictitious Business Name: 3OSOS
of San Diego County JAN 10, 2013
FAST DELIVERY, 1131 Del Mar Ave.,
The filing of this statement does not of
Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
This Business is Conducted By: An In- the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
The First Day of Business Was: Jan/07/ Assigned File No.: 2013-001045
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
the Following: Cristobal Medina Cruz, La Prensa San Diego
1131 Del Mar Ave., Chula Vista, CA
I declare that all information in this stateNAME STATEMENT
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Cristobal Medina Fictitious Business Name: EXPRESS
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Market Street Ste. #130, San Diego, CA,
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk County of San Diego, 92102. Mailing
of San Diego County JAN 07, 2013
Address: 2273 Huntington Pt. Road
The filing of this statement does not of #130, Chula Vista, CA 91914
itself authorize the use in this state of This Business is Conducted By: An InFictitious Business Name in violation of dividual
the rights of another under federal, state, The First Day of Business Was: 12/18/
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-000507
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Margarita A. Lopez, 2952
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
Market St. Suite #130, San Diego, CA
La Prensa San Diego
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Margarita A.
Lopez, Express Registration Service
Fictitious Business Name:
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
3222 Moroe, San Diego, CA, County of J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
San Diego, 92116
of San Diego County DEC 18, 2012
This Business is Conducted By: An In- The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
The First Day of Business Was: 02/02/ Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
This Business Is Hereby Registered by or common law.
the Following: Juan Carlos Santibañez Assigned File No.: 2012-032803
Delgado, 3222 Moroe Ave., San Diego,
Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
CA 92116
I declare that all information in this state- La Prensa San Diego
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Juan Carlos
Santibañez Delgado
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Fictitious Business Name: DELUXE
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk PARTY RENTALS, 1270 Picador Blvd.,
of San Diego County DEC 27, 2012
San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
The filing of this statement does not of 92154
itself authorize the use in this state of This Business is Conducted By: An InFictitious Business Name in violation of dividual
the rights of another under federal, state, The First Day of Business Was: 11/01/
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-033472
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Virginia Estrada Gris, 476
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
Sea Cove Pt., San Diego, CA 92154
La Prensa San Diego
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Virginia Estrada
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
Fictitious Business Name: LOGIAIDE,
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
8662-B Siempre Viva Rd., San Diego,
of San Diego County JAN 11, 2013
CA, County of San Diego, 92154
The filing of this statement does not of
This Business is Conducted By: Co- itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
the rights of another under federal, state,
This Business Is Hereby Registered by or common law.
the Following: 1. Rosella Peterson, 580 Assigned File No.: 2013-001079
Plaza del Cid, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
2. Sonia Leo Perez, 1270 Cleveland Ave. Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Unit E143, San Diego, CA 92103
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Rosella Peterson
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious Business Name: L & E
of San Diego County JAN 09, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of St. #F, Chula Vista, CA, County of San
itself authorize the use in this state of Diego, 91911
Fictitious Business Name in violation of This Business is Conducted By: A Marthe rights of another under federal, state, ried Couple
or common law.
The First Day of Business Was: 01/01/
Assigned File No.: 2013-000724
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
the Following: 1. Ernestine P. Martinez,
La Prensa San Diego
782 Harris Ave., San Diego, CA 92154.
2. Leobardo Martinez, 782 Harris Ave.,
San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in this stateFictitious Business Name: HEALTHY
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Leobardo
EDUCATION INC., 3225 Olive St.,
Lemon Grove, CA, County of San
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
Diego, 91945
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
This Business is Conducted By: A Cor- of San Diego County JAN 15, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
itself authorize the use in this state of
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the Following: Healthy Opportunities the rights of another under federal, state,
Progressive Education Inc., 3225 Olive or common law.
St., Lemon Grove, CA 91945, California Assigned File No.: 2013-001439
I declare that all information in this statePublished: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Arturo Camacho La Prensa San Diego
Jr., CEO
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County DEC 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of Fictitious Business Name: ALS AUTO
itself authorize the use in this state of SALES, 1590 Continental St. #106, San
Fictitious Business Name in violation of Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154
the rights of another under federal, state, This Business is Conducted By: An Inor common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-033486
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1/2013
the Following: Marisela Tirado Guzman,
La Prensa San Diego
555 W. San Ysidro Blvd. #86, San
Ysidro, CA 92173
I declare that all information in this stateNAME STATEMENT
ment is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name: A & T
Signature of Registrant: Marisela Tiznado
Otay Lakes Rd. Sp. 119, Chula Vista,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
CA, County of San Diego, 91913
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
This Business is Conducted By: An In- of San Diego County JAN 17, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
The First Day of Business Was: 06/02/ itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001646
Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
DIEGO, 1869 Camino Sonrisas, San
Ysidro, CA, County of San Diego, 92173
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Oscar Ramirez, 1869
Camino Sonrisas, San Ysidro, CA 92173
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Oscar Ramirez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County DEC 21, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-033126
Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: ALL STAR
TRANSPORTATION, 70 Quintard St. #9,
Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Anthony Padilla, 70
Quintard St. #9, Chula Vista, CA 91911.
2. Edda Hernandez, 70 Quintard St. #9,
Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Anthony Padilla,
All Star Transportation
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County DEC 20, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-033058
Published: Jan 18, 25, Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: SOUTHBAY
713 Paseo Del Rey, Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91910
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Shirley C. Rodriguez, 713
Paseo del Rey, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Shirley C.
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 18, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001780
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
La Prensa San Diego
the Following: Limited Underwriting LLC,
575 Otay Lakes Road #24, Chula Vista,
CA 91913, Delaware
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Juan Pulido,
Chief Financial Officer
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 24, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002259
Fictitious Business Name: COSTUME
KINDER, 3442 46th St., San Diego, CA,
County of San Diego, 92105
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Susana Frias, 3442 46th
St., San Diego, CA 92105
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Susana Frias
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
of San Diego County JAN 23, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of La Prensa San Diego
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002151
Fictitious Business Name: XOLOS SAN
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
DIEGO, 521 Tamarack St., Chula Vista,
La Prensa San Diego
CA, County of San Diego, 91911. Mailing
Address: 521 Tamarack St., Chula
Vista, CA 91911
This Business is Conducted By: A CorFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
Fictitious Business Name: PICCOLO
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
MONTESSORI, 1559 Quiet Trail Dr.,
the Following: Atlas Azteca San Diego,
Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
3930 Bateman Ave., San Diego, CA
91915, Mailing Address: Same
92154, California
This Business is Conducted By: An In- I declare that all information in this statedividual
ment is true and correct.
The First Day of Business Was: 06/16/ Signature of Registrant: Jaime Ruiz, Man2008
This Business Is Hereby Registered by This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
the Following: Erika Y Bermudez, 1559 J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Quiet Trail Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91915
of San Diego County JAN 24, 2013
I declare that all information in this state- The filing of this statement does not of
ment is true and correct.
itself authorize the use in this state of
Signature of Registrant: Erika Y. Bermudez Fictitious Business Name in violation of
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest the rights of another under federal, state,
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk or common law.
of San Diego County JAN 23, 2013
Assigned File No.: 2013-002255
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
Fictitious Business Name in violation of La Prensa San Diego
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002143
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: BACHATA
WITH CARLOS, 10812 Avenida Playa
Veracruz, San Diego, CA, County of San
Diego, 92124.
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 01/20/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: NiiAshitey Carlos
Hammond, 10812 Avenida Playa
Veracruz, San Diego, CA 92124
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: NiiAshitey Carlos
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 22, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001971
Fictitious Business Name: ALCARAZ
APPLIANCES, 1717 National City
Blvd., National City, CA, County of San
Diego, 91950. Mailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company
The First Day of Business Was: 01/15/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: A.D.C. CO. LLC, 1717 National City Blvd., National City, CA 91950,
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Cesar Alcaraz,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 17, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
Fictitious Business Name in violation of La Prensa San Diego
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001738
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
FRUITS LLC, 8527 Avenida Costa Sur,
San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company
The First Day of Business Was: 01/31/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: International Seeds and
Fruits LLC, 8527 Avenida Costa Sur, San
Diego, CA 92154, California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jose Gonzalez,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 25, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002371
Fictitious Business Name: HEALTH
Coronado, CA, County of San Diego,
92118. Mailing Address: 482 W. San
Ysidro Blvd., #1139, San Ysidro, CA
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation
The First Day of Business Was: 04/06/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: CT Investment Group,
Inc., 736 D Ave., Coronado, CA 92118
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Rosa E. Tessada,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 11, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
Fictitious Business Name in violation of La Prensa San Diego
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001149
Fictitious Business Name: a. EREALTY
San Diego Dr., San Diego, CA, County
of San Diego, 92108
Mailing Address: 867 Colorado Ave. #C,
Chula Vista, CA 91911
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 10/1/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Tommie Young, 867 Colorado Ave. #C, Chula Vista, CA 91911.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Tommie Young
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
of San Diego County DEC 27, 2012
La Prensa San Diego
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Fictitious Business Name: HEALTHY
Assigned File No.: 2012-033469
COOKING, 3242½ Ocean View Blvd.,
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
La Prensa San Diego
92113. Mailing Address: PO Box
131136, San Diego, CA 92170
This Business is Conducted By: An InFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
Fictitious Business Name: a. BEST
the Following: Jorge Luis Nunez
KITCHEN AND BATH, 3355 Ruffin Rd.
Lizarraga, 3242½ Ocean View Blvd.,
#L-1, San Diego, CA, County of San
San Diego, CA 92113
Diego, 92123. Mailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By: A Gen- I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
eral Partnership
The First Day of Business Was: 01/03/ Signature of Registrant: Jorge L. Nunez
This Business Is Hereby Registered by This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
the Following: 1. Yung Lin, 3355 Ruffin J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Rd. L-1, San Diego, CA 92123. 2. Xiao of San Diego County DEC 31, 2012
Li, 243 N. Backton Ave., La Puente, CA The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
I declare that all information in this state- Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
ment is true and correct.
or common law.
Signature of Registrant: Yung Lin
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Assigned File No.: 2012-033745
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
of San Diego County JAN 03, 2013
La Prensa San Diego
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Fictitious Business Name: BADE
Assigned File No.: 2013-000206
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
Calle Verde #239, La Mesa, CA, County
La Prensa San Diego
of San Diego, 91941. Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1457, Chula Vista, CA 91912
This Business is Conducted By: An InFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
The First Day of Business Was: 1/15/
Fictitious Business Name: LOPEZ F.
LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE, 907 E This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Arturo Daniel Zepeda,
18th St., National City, CA, County of
San Diego, 91950. Mailing Address: 907 10836 Calle Verde #239, La Mesa, CA
E 18th St., National City, CA 91950
This Business is Conducted By: An In- I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
The First Day of Business Was: 12/12/ Signature of Registrant: Arturo Daniel
This Business Is Hereby Registered by This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
the Following: Fidel Lopez, 907 E 18th J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 17, 2013
St., National City, CA 91950
I declare that all information in this state- The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
ment is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
Signature of Registrant: Fidel Lopez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest the rights of another under federal, state,
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001675
of San Diego County JAN 22, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
itself authorize the use in this state of La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-001926
Fictitious Business Name: SIMPLIFIED
Published: Jan 25, Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
La Prensa San Diego
575 Otay Lakes Road #24, Chula Vista,
CA, County of San Diego, 91913.
This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
Fictitious Business Name: a. CEDROS
Cedros, Ensenada, B.C., Mexico,
22880. Mailing Address: 416 W San
Ysidro Blvd.-L #1223, San Ysidro, CA
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 07/01/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Adrian Ojeda, San Telmo
#15 Fracc. Nueva Ensenada, Ensenada,
B.,C. 22880, Mex.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Adrian Ojeda
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 24, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002365
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: R G, 3685½
Dalbergia St. San Diego, CA, County of
San Diego, 92113.
This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership
The First Day of Business Was: 12/1/12
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Ramon Ernesto
Rodriguez, 915 Felicita Ave., Spring Valley, CA 91977. 2. Isidro Guerrero, 1530
Taber Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Ramon Ernesto
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 24, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002338
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: TACO
STREET, 9341 Ruffin Ct., San Diego,
CA, County of San Diego, 92123.
Mailing Address: 9713 Huron St., Spring
Valley, CA 91977.
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 1/24/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Janet Lepe, 9713 Huron
St., Spring Valley, CA 91977
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Janet Lepe
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 24, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002289
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: OPTION ONE
TRADE SERVICES, 9775 Marconi Drive
Ste. G, San Diego, CA, County of San
Diego, 92154. Mailing Address: 2493
Roll Dr. Suite 210-36, San Diego, CA
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: 11/28/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Rafael Luis Luna Perez,
2493 Roll Drive Suite 210-36, San Diego,
CA 92154
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Rafael Luis Luna
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 30, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002811
Fictitious Business Name: SUNSEA
DELIVERIES, 243 E. 16th St., National
City, CA, County of San Diego, 91950.
Mailing Address: 243 E. 16th St.,
National City, CA 91950
This Business is Conducted By: A Married Couple
The First Day of Business Was: 1/23/13
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Larry McTavish, 243 E
16th St., National City, CA 91950. 2.
Mary McTavish, 243 E. 16th St., National
City, CA 91950
I declare that all information in this state- Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
ment is true and correct.
La Prensa San Diego
Signature of Registrant: Larry McTavish
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 24, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002257
(CCP 1277)
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Petitioner: SHERRI JOY RECARDMONTAÑO filed a petition with this court
for a decree changing names as follows:
Fictitious Business Name:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
b. PEREZ CLEANING, 643 Betty St.,
interested in this matter shall appear beSan Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
fore this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the peThis Business is Conducted By: A Mar- tition for change of name should not be
ried Couple
granted. Any person objecting to the
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
name changes described above must
This Business Is Hereby Registered by file a written objection that includes the
the Following: 1. Juan Perez Fierro, 643 reasons for the objection at least two
Betty St., San Diego, CA 92154. 2. court days before the matter is scheduled
Martha Perez Adame, 643 Betty St., San to be heard and must appear at the hearDiego, CA 92154
ing to show cause why the petition
I declare that all information in this state- should not be granted. If no written obment is true and correct.
jection is timely filed, the court may
Signature of Registrant: Juan Perez Fierro grant the petition without a hearing.
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Date: Feb 22, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.:
of San Diego County JAN 28, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of The address of the court is Superior
itself authorize the use in this state of Court of California, County of San Diego,
Fictitious Business Name in violation of 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
the rights of another under federal, state, 92101
or common law.
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
Assigned File No.: 2013-002590
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
the date set for hearing on the petition
La Prensa San Diego
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 08, 2013
Fictitious Business Name:
W San Ysidro Blvd. Ste. 14, San Ysidro, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25 Feb 1/2013
CA, County of San Diego, 92173.
This Business is Conducted By: An In- La Prensa San Diego
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Jose L. Prado, 2331
Smythe Ave., San Ysidro, CA 92173
(CCP 1277)
I declare that all information in this stateCASE NUMBER:
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jose L. Prado
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Petitioner: BENITO MANUEL MONTAÑO
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk filed a petition with this court for a decree
of San Diego County JAN 16, 2013
changing names as follows:
The filing of this statement does not of BENITO MANUEL MONTAÑO to
itself authorize the use in this state of BENITO MANUEL RODRIGUEZ
Fictitious Business Name in violation of THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
the rights of another under federal, state, interested in this matter shall appear beor common law.
fore this court at the hearing indicated
Assigned File No.: 2013-001466
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
granted. Any person objecting to the
La Prensa San Diego
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearFictitious Business Name:
ing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written obCrestmore Ave., Spring Valley, CA,
jection is timely filed, the court may
County of San Diego, 91977.
grant the petition without a hearing.
This Business is Conducted By: An InNOTICE OF HEARING
Date: Feb 22, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.:
The First Day of Business Was: Nov/18/ C-46.
The address of the court is Superior
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Court of California, County of San Diego,
the Following: Leonor M. Molina, 8829 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
Crestmore Ave., Spring Valley, CA 91977 92101
I declare that all information in this state- A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
ment is true and correct.
shall be published at least once each
Signature of Registrant: Leonor M. Molina week for four successive weeks prior to
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest the date set for hearing on the petition
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk in the following newspaper of general cirof San Diego County JAN 10, 2013
culation printed in this county La Prensa
The filing of this statement does not of San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
itself authorize the use in this state of Chula Vista, CA 91910
Fictitious Business Name in violation of Date: JAN 08, 2013
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Judge of the Superior Court
Assigned File No.: 2013-001029
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25 Feb 1/2013
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: SHINKA
NAMEPLATE USA, 1259 Crystal
Springs Drive, Chula Vista, CA, County
of San Diego, 91915. Mailing Address:
Same as above
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Makoto Hara, 1259 Crystal Springs Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91915
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Makoto Hara
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 29, 2013
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002708
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: JIMMY PARESH SHAH filed a
petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MAR 01, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 52.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 08, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 11, 18, 25 Feb 1/2013
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: a. COASTAL
PROPERTIES, 325 Bowsprit Rd., Chula
Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91914.
Mailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation
The First Day of Business Was: 02/01/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Coastal Property Group,
Inc., 825 Bowsprit Road, Chula Vista, CA
91914, California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Hector M.
Zamaro, President
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JAN 28, 2013
(CCP 1277)
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2013-002560
Published: Feb 1, 8, 15, 22/2013
a petition with this court for a decree
La Prensa San Diego
changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MAR 08, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 57. Room: 5th floor
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 15, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 18, 25 Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: PETER & VERA MAREZ, on
GARCIA, minor, filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MAR 01, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 52.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 16, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 18, 25 Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: CELIA CASTRO, on behalf of
IVETTE C. DUENAS, minor, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MAR 08, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 46.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: JAN 14, 2013
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 18, 25 Feb 1, 8/2013
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
VILLATORO, filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must
file a written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least two
court days before the matter is scheduled
to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may
grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: MAR 01, 2013. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept.: 46.
The address of the court is Superior
Court of California, County of San Diego,
220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: 1/16/13
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Jan 25 Feb 1, 8, 15/2013
La Prensa San Diego
¡Anúnciate en
La Prensa San Diego!
FEBRAURY 1, 2013
Celebran 50 Aniversario de Diócesis de Tijuana con
Extraordinaria Exposición Religiosa
Hist. Andres Waldo Espinoza, Karla Plascencia Lopez y Monseñor
Rafael Romo Muñoz, Arzobispo de la Diocesis.
Por Paco Zavala
Instituto de Investigaciones Palacio Municipal. Esta exHistóricas de la UABC, inau- posición es el título de la
Ante una nutrida asistencia guró el Ciclo de Conferencias colectiva presentada por un
de personalidades tijuanenses “Misioneros y Clero regular”, grupo de estudiantes de
y público en general el pasado con la conferencia “Indígenas, Licenciatura en Comunicación
viernes 25 de enero, en el misioneros y soldados”.
de la UABC.
Museo de Historia de Tijuana,
En esta exhibición religiosa,
Este proyecto surge después
se inauguró la exposición se presentan objetos como la de la lectura del libro: “Tijuana
religiosa “Territorio de Fe, imagen de bulto de Nuestra la Horrible. Entre la historia y
Misión, Secularización y Señora de Loreto, la cual data el mito” de Humberto Félix
Diócesis”, evento que se del siglo XIX, la corona de la Berúmen. Para los jóvenes
realiza para celebrar el 50 Virgen de Guadalupe de la estudiantes “Tijuana es una
aniversario de la Diócesis de Catedral de Tijuana, bulas ciudad enigmática, odiada y
papales, entre éstas, en la que amada, criticada al punto de la
El acto inaugural fue ornado se nombra Diócesis a Tijuana, crucifixión y alabada hasta el
con la presencia del Arzobispo un órgano de principios del hartazgo”. De acuerdo con la
de la Diócesis de Tijuana siglo XX; también se exhiben opinión vertida por los jóvenes,
Rafael Romo Muñoz, acom- vestimentas litúrgicas, libros Tijuana es una ciudad de
pañado de Monseñor Salvador bautismales y de confirmación contrastes en la que han
Cisneros, Lic. Elsa Arnaiz, entre otros.
sucedido algunos de los más
Directora General de IMAC,
El evento concluyó con la atroces crímenes de los que se
Karla Plascencia López, Dir. participación artística del Coro tenga memoria.
Gral. De Desarrollo Social, Diocesano de Tijuana, dirigido
Los jóvenes que participaron
Pedro Pablo Matamoros, Di- por el Mtro. César Solórzano, para la realización de estos
rector de Asuntos Religiosos quienes interpretaron verda- trabajos son: Guiuliana Yamileth
del Estado y el Historiador deras joyas musicales del Chable Sol, Iván Belmont
Andrés Waldo Espinoza, repertorio religioso. La ex- Martínez Caballero, Cristina
Encargado del Museo de posición permanecerá en Margarita Espino de la Cueva,
Historia de Tijuana.
exhibición hasta el próximo 28 Gabriela Lara, Bryan Andrade
Tomaron la palabra la Lic. de mayo. Se puede visitar de Chilian y Jeniffer Adenisse
Elsa Arnaiz, Monseñor Salva- martes a domingo de 10:00 am. Sastre Cervantes.
dor Cisneros y el Arzobispo a 6:00 pm.
La visita a estas dos expoRafael Romo Muñoz, fue quien
En otra nota, el jueves pasa- siciones es gratuita, no pierda
dirigió el acto inaugural y, do se inauguró la exposición la oportunidad de visitarlas en
previo a este acto la maestra fotográfica “Retratos de el Antiguo Palacio Municipal en
Lucila del Carmen León Tijuana la horrible” en la Calle Segunda y Constitución
Velasco, Investigadora del Galería Urbana del Antiguo en Tijuana.
Documental registra la violencia en Cd. Juárez
Por Pablo J. Sáinz
Para el cineasta estadounidense Charlie Minn, Ciudad
Juárez es mucho más que una
ciudad violenta en la frontera.
Para él, la ciudad es un lugar
donde miles de familias viven
y crían a sus hijos, donde los
niños salen a jugar a las calles
y andar en bicicleta, donde
muchas personas se ganan la
vida honestamente a diario.
“Juárez se ha convertido en
el epicentro y el símbolo de
la violencia del narcotráfico
en México”, dice el director.
“Pero es mucho más que
Minn da su visión de la nueva
Ciudad Juárez en el documental The New Juarez, que
estrena en Regal Rancho del
Rey Stadium 16 en Chula Vista
el viernes 1 de febrero y estará
presentándose por lo menos
por una semana.
El panorama de Ciudad
Juárez comenzó a cambiar
recientemente. A finales del
2010, cuando la violencia
estaba en uno de sus puntos
más altos, se registraban unos
10 asesinatos al día. A mediados del 2012, ese número bajó
a uno diario.
La disminución en la violencia es algo que llevó a Minn a
investigar qué había ocurrido
en la ciudad para que se diera
ese cambio.
“Básicamente el cartel de
Sinaloa ganó la guerra, lo que
significó un menor número de
personas asesinadas”, dice
Minn, quien radica en Nueva
York. “Eso, junto con una
reducción de las fuerzas militares en la región y un jefe de
policia influyente, ayudó también”.
Chula Vista es una de un
puñado de ciudades en Estados
Unidos donde se proyectará el
filme, que tiene una duración
de 81 minutos con subtítulos en
inglés y en español.
Esta es la última parte de una
trilogía de filmes que Minn ha
realizado sobre Juárez, ciudad
por la cual ha tomado gran
cariño desde que vivió en la
cercana Las Cruces, Nuevo
El documental entrevista a
victimas de la violencia, al
alcalde y jefe de policía y otros
protagonistas del violento
drama que se ha vivido en
Ciudad Juárez en las últimas
“El pueblo mexicano ha sido
maltratado”, dice Minn. “Quiero darle una voz a las victimas,
quienes nunca pidieron estar
involucrados en esta guerra
contra el narco. ¿Cómo se
pueden ignorar las muertes de
más de 100 mil mexicanos?”
Parte de las ganancias genera-das serán destinadas a
programas de apoyo a victimas
de la violencia en Juárez, indica el director.
Durante años, Juárez fue
considerada la ciudad más
violenta del mundo. Recientemente ese lamentable título ha
sido otorgado a San Pedro de
Sula, Honduras, donde la
violencia de las pandillas y el
narcotráfico la han convertido
en otra zona de guerra, de
acuerdo al cineasta.
Minn señala que la vio-lencia
relacionada con el narcotráfico
también se ha reducido en
Tijuana ya que la guerra entre
los carteles por el poder se ha
movido hacía otros estados,
como Michoacán, Tamaulipas
y Guerrero.
Para Minn, la violencia en
México no dejará de existir
hasta que los estadounidenses
dejen de consumir drogas y
hasta que el gobierno estadounidense tomé su responsabilidad en sus manos y deje
de implementar políticas fallidas en la guerra contra el narco.
“Los Estados Unidos está
matando a México”, señala
Minn. “Los estadounidenses se
drogan y los mexicanos mueren. Esa es la verdad”.
“The New Juarez” estrena
el viernes 1 de febrero, por lo
menos durante una semana en
Regal Rancho del Rey Stadium 16, ubicado en el 1025
Tierra Del Rey, Chula Vista.
Para obtener precios y horarios llame al cine al (619) 2167601 (cine); mayores informes de la cinta se encuentran en www.thenew
Epiphany Education Foundation admits students of any
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in administration of its educational policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and
loan programs, and athletic
and other school-administered programs.