pelatihan penggunaansongs dan games untuk pembelajaran


pelatihan penggunaansongs dan games untuk pembelajaran
Putu Ayu Prabawati Sudana, S.Pd.,M.Hum. (Ketua)
NIDN 0025018401
Ni Putu Era Marsakawati, S.Pd.,M.Pd. (Anggota 1)
NIDN 0014038302
Made Dharma Susena Suyasa, S.S., M.Hum.(Anggota 2)
NIDN 0014077603
Dibiayai dari Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA)
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
No. tanggal 5 Desember 2013
Kata Penghantar
Para dosen di Jurusan Diploma III Bahasa Inggris berupaya untuk melaksanakan Tri
Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang meliputi pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada
masyarakat. Kegiatan Pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan tahun ini adalah
Pelatihan Penggunaan Songs dan Games untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi Guru-Guru
Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar se-Kecamatan Mengwi. Pada awalnya kegiatan ini hanya
ditujukan kepada para guru Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar di daerah binaan I dan III,
namun berdasarkan permintaan dari Kepala UPT dan ketersediaan anggaran yang memadai,
kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan bagi guru-guru Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar se-Kecamatan
Pelatihan ini melibatkan banak pihak, antara lain peserta, tim pelaksana, pembicara,
Kepala UPT Disdikpora Kecamatan Mengwi beserta staf dan Lembaga Pengabdian
Masyarakat Undiksha. Untuk itu, tim pelaksana menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas
partisipasi mereka dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini.
Tim pelaksana berharap kegiatan serupa dapat terus dilaksanakan pada daerah-daerah
yang memerlukan dan dukungan Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat akan selalu tinggi utnuk
kegiatan-kegiatan serupa.
Singaraja, 4 September 2014
Ketua Pelaksana,
Halaman Pengesahan ………………………………………………………………………i
Kata Penghantar…………………………………………………………………………...ii
Daftar Isi …………………………………………………………………………………..iii
Daftar Tabel ………………………………………………………………………………..v
Daftar Gambar …………………………………………………………………………….vi
I. Pendahuluan ……………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Analisis Situasi………………………………………………………………….1
1.2 Tinjauan Pustaka ……………………………………………………………...2
1.3Identifikasi dan Perumusan Masalah…………………………………………4
1.4Tujuan Kegiatan………………………………………………………………..4
1.5Manfaat Kegiatan……………………………………………………………...4
II. Metode Pelaksanaan…………………………………………………………………...5
2.1 Khalayak Strategis…………………………………………………………….5
2.2 Metode Kegiatan………………………………………………………………6
2.3 Kerangka Pemecahan Masalah ……………………………………………...6
2.4 Keterkaitan …………………………………………………………………....7
2.5 Rancangan Evaluasi…………………………………………………………..7
III. Hasil dan Pembahasan
3.1 Hasil Kegiatan ……………………………………………………………….9
3.2 Pembahasan…………………………………………………………………10
IV. Simpulan dan Saran………………………………………………………………...11
4.1 Simpulan…………………………………………………………………….11
4.2 Saran ………………………………………………………………………..11
Daftar Pustaka………………………………………………………………………….12
Tabel 2.1 Daftar Nama Peserta Pelatian…... ………………………………………..5
Tabel 2.2 Aspek Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kegiatan…………………………………...8
Tabel 3.1 Susunan Acara Kegiatan Pelatian……..………………………………….9
Gambar 1 Lokasi Kegiatan P2M
Gambar 2 Foto-foto Kegiatan
1.1 Analisis Situasi
Pengabdian pada masyarakat yang awalnya diajukan untuk dilaksanakan adalah
pelatihan penggunaan games dan songs untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi guru
Sekolah Dasar di Wilayah Binaan I dan III Kecamatan Mengwi.Namun dalam
perkembangannya, Kepala UPT Disdikpora meminta kepada tim pelaksana agar pelatihan
bisa dilaksanakan bagi sekolah-sekolah se-Kecamatan Mengwi, dimana Kepala UPT yang
akan memilih para guru yang akan mengikuti pelatihan, sehingga guru-guru tersebut
mewakili sekolah-sekolah yang ada di Kecamatan Mengwi. Kecamatan Mengwi sendiri
terletak di Kabupaten Badung, dan memiliki luas 82km2dan terdiri atas lima kelurahan dan
lima belas desa. Objek pariwisata yang terdapat di sana antara lain Pura Sada Kapal, Pura
Taman Ayun, Pura Keraban Langit, Desa Wisata Baha dan pantai-pantai sepanjang pesisir
selatan antara lain pantai Seseh, Mengening, Pererenan, Munggu yang banyak didatangi
wisatawan untuk surfing atau sekadar menikmati suasana pantai di Bali dengan menginap di
Selain objek-objek pariwisata tersebut di beberapa wilayah seperti Kapal dan Tangeb
juga berkembang industri kerajinan pahatan dan bangunan dengan gaya Bali tradisional yang
pemasarannya juga sudah merambah luar daerah. Berbagai potensi tersebut menuntut adanya
kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang luar, dalam hal ini orang dari luar Bali atau
Indonesia/orang asing.Tidak hanya bagi objek pariwisata, bagi industri yang sedang
berkembang pun kemampuan berkomunikasi tersebut dibutuhkan untuk pemasaran yang
lebih mengglobal.Jika ingin berkomunikasi dengan orang asing sudah barang tentu
diperlukan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris yang merupakan bahasa
Salah satu tempat dimana mereka mendapatkan kesempatan belajar bahasa Inggris
adalah di sekolah. Di Kecamatan Mengwi, bahasa Inggris diajarkan dari kelas IV. Ketika
penulis mengamati buku panduan yang dipelajari oleh murid-murid SD di wilayah tersebut,
tidak banyak terlihat adanya penjelasan tentang penggunaan games dan songs. Demikian pula
ketika penulis mewawancarai dua orang guru Bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di SD wilayah
tersebut dan Ketua Wilayah Binaan I dan III Kecamatan Mengwi, mereka menyampaikan
mereka tidak banyak tahu tentang games dan songs yang bisa digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
Pelatihan atau penataran dari Diknas pun tidak sering dilakukan berkaitan dengan games dan
songs untuk pengajaran di kelas. Padahal mereka sadari bahwa untuk meningkatkan
antusiasme murid-murid dalam belajar, penggunaan games dan songs bisa jadi sangat
Berdasarkan paparan di atas, bisa dikatakan bahwa pelatihan ini akan sangat
bermanfaat baik itu bagi guru karena akan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan
mengajar mereka dan bagi murid untuk meningkatkan antusiasme mereka belajar sebagai
langkah awal usaha mereka menguasai Bahasa Inggris.
1.2 Tinjauan Pustaka
A. Manfaat Penggunaan Lagu dan Permainan dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Menurut Piaget (dalam Ellis, 2002 seperti dikuti Mukminatun (2011)), anak berumur 7-10
tahun, yang merupakan usia dimana bahasa Inggris diperkenalkan dan diajarkan di Sekolah
Dasar, berada pada tahap konkret-operasional, sementara di atas itu sudah formal operasional,
sehingga mengajarkan materi yang sifatnya abstrak, berupa tenses, bentuk pengandaian akan
membuat murid bingung. Mereka belajar melalui pengalaman dan mempraktekkan sesuatu
secara langsung.Yang mereka bisa mengerti adalah hal-hal yang bersifat konkret, bukan
abstrak.Sehubungan dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas, ada baiknya pembelajaran
tersebut dilakukan dengan lagu-lagu yang disertai gerakan dan permainan-permainan.
Ellis (2002) dalam Mukminatun (2011) menyatakan bahwa melihat kecenderungan anak
pada lagu, sajak dan bermain, maka hal-hal tersebut bisa dijadikan sarana untuk belajar.
Keuntungan menggunakan lagu bagi murid-murid adalah:
1. Mengenalkan bahasa dengan cara yang menyenangkan, dalam konteks yang imajiner
2. Membantu meningkatkan pelafalan
3. Meningkatkan konsentrasi
Sementara itu bagi guru/pengajar, lagu merupakan:
1. Sumber materi ajar yang fleksibel
2. Dapat digunakan pada berbagai tingkatan usia
3. Dapat berintegrasi dengan materi lain
Berkaitan dengan permainan, Ellis dan Brewster (2002) dalam Mukminatun (2011)
menyatakan beberapa manfaat menggunakan permainan di kelas yaitu:
1. Menyenangkan bagi murid
2. Memberikan motivasi
3. Menghubungkan sekolah dan rumah yang akhirnya memberikan perasaan nyaman dan
percaya diri.
Sementara itu, beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk menentukan jenis permainan yang
akan digunakan di kelas adalah apakah permainan itu
1. Memacu kefasihan/keakuratan?
2. Memacu kerja sama atau kompetisi?
3. Memiliki tujuan pendidikan?
4. Sesuai dengan tingkat pemula atau lanjut?
5. Fokus pada pelafalan, kosa kata, tata bahasa dan fungsi bahasa?
6. Bagaimana kondisi kelas yang dibutuhkan?
B. Contoh Lagu dan Permainan tentang Anggota Tubuh
Lagu dan permainan berikut bisa digunakan ketika murid-murid belajar tentang anggota
Lirik lagu:
Head shoulder knees and toes knees and toes
Head shoulder knees and toes knees and toes
Head shoulder knees and toes
Head shoulder knees and toes knees and toes
Lagu ini bisa diajarkan untuk mengingat bagian-bagian tubuh yaitu kepala (head), pundak
(shoulder), lutut (knees) dan jari kaki (toes).Lagu ini bisa dinyanyikan sambil menyentuh
bagian-bagian tubuh yang dimaksud.
Permainan yang bisa mengikuti adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Murid diperintahkan untuk membentuk lingkaran besar
2. Guru kemudian menjelaskan ketika guru menyebutkan bagian-bagian tubuh tertentu
murid diminta untuk menyentuh bagian tubuh mereka tersebut
3. Semakin lama guru bisa memberikan instruksi semakin cepat
4. Murid yang melakukan kesalahan bisa diminta gentian memimpin. (Putra, 2013)
1.3 Identifikasi dan Perumusan Masalah
Untuk bisa menyenangi bahasa Inggris sehingga nantinya bisa menguasai bahasa
tersebut, pengajarannya sejak dini haruslah menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan.Dengan
demikian, para murid menyenangi pelajaran tersebut sebagai bekal awal mereka untuk
bersemangat belajar. Salah satu bentuk pengajaran yang menyenangkan adalah dengan
menggunakan games (permainan) dan songs (lagu-lagu).Untuk itu para guru haruslah
menguasai banyak permainan dan lagu untuk bisa menggunakannya di kelas, namun
sayangnya pelatihan penggunaan permainan dan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris belum pernah
mereka dapatkan.
Berdasarkan analisis situasi dan fakta di lapangan tersebut, maka dalam pengabdian
kepada masyarakat ini dapat teridentifikasi masalah sebagai berikut:
a. Para guru Bahasa Inggris belum memiliki kemampuan memadai tentang
penggunaan games dan songs dalam pembelajaran di kelas
1.4 Tujuan Kegiatan
Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan
penggunaan games dan songsuntuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar,
khususnya sekolah-sekolah di Kecamatan Mengwi.
1.5 Manfaat Kegiatan
Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang berupa pelatihan penggunaan games dan
songs bagi para guru Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Mengwi ini sangat
bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru tersebut dalam mengajar. Games
(permainan) dan songs (lagu-lagu) dapat menjadi materi dan teknik mengajar yang
menyenangkan bagi murid-murid terutama murid Sekolah Dasar sehingga mereka bisa
menyenangi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan bersemangat dalam mempelajarinya.
2.1 Khalayak Strategis
Khalayak sasaran dari program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah 31 guru-guru
Bahasa Inggris pada Sekolah Dasar se-Kecamatan Mengwi.Kecamatan Mengwi yang dipilih
karena di wilayah tersebut terdapat banyak potensi pariwisata serta indutri kerajinan yang
sedang berkembang sehingga memiliki kebutuhan yang tinggi terhadap Sumber Daya
Manusia yang mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik.Dengan
mengupayakan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan pada tingkat Sekolah Dasar sebagai
kesempatan pertama para murid mempelajari bahasa Inggris, maka diharapkan mereka bisa
menyenangi bahasa Inggris dan nantinya bersemangat dalam mempelajari dan menguasainya.
Berikut adalah nama-nama guru peserta Pelatiahn dan asal sekolah mereka.
Tabel 2.1 Daftar Nama Peserta Pelatihan
Asal Sekolah
Ni Nyoman Junitryanti, S.Pd.
SD No. 5 Mengwitani
Ni Kadek Adhi Susitri M, S.Pd.
SD No. 1 Kuwum
I Gusti Ayu Budiasih, S.S.
SD No. 5 Kapal
Ni Wayan Dian Candra Wahyuni, S.Pd.
SD No. 3 Kuwum
I Gst Ayu Made Reniti, S.Pd.
SD No. 1 Pererenan
Ni Kadek Indrawati
SD No. 3 Munggu
Novya Puspita Sari, S.Pd.
SD No.1 Sempidi
Ni Luh Ketut Budi Maslini
SD No. 2 Sading
Ely Kristina, S.Pd.
SD No. 1 Sading
Ni Nengah Parwati, S.S.
SD No. 1 Lukluk
Ni Luh Putu Nariasih, S.Pd.
SD No. 2 Lukluk
I Putu Ariyanto, S.Pd.
SD No. 5 Gulingan
I Gede Sutarma, S.S.
SD No. 2 Pererenan
Ayu Gede Warasri Antari, S.Pd.
SD No. 1&2 Tumbakbayuh
Ni Made Indah Sahesti
SD No. 3 Sembung
I Made Edi Nurjaya, S.Pd.
SD No. 3 Werdi Bhuana
I Putu Sada
SD No. 1 Baha
I Gst Ag. Eka Puspati Satria
SD No. 1 Cemagi
Ni Putu Witcahyani, S.Pd.
SD No. 2 Mengwitani
Ni Made Siska Dwiantari, S.S.
SD No. 6 Kapal
Ni Rai Ayu Widiantari, S.Pd.
SD No.2 Munggu
A.A. Sagung Putr Mas Dewi, S.Pd.
SD No. 2 Kapal
Ni Nyoman Sri Rahayu, S.S.
SD No. 3 Mengwi
Ni Luh Lyana Puspita Dewi, S.Pd.
SD No. 3 Cemagi
Ni Putu Nesi Yuniati, S.Pd.
SD No. 2 Sembung
Ni Nyoman Dewi Sandhyati, S.S.
SD No. 4 Mengwi
Ni Luh Gede Yuniarti, S.S.
SD No. 1 Mengwi
Ni Wayan Nusayari, S.S.
SD No. 3 Mengwitani
Putu Mahaguna Suarsana, S.Pd.
SD No. 1 Munggu
Ni Nyoman Rai Hendrayani
SD No. 1 Abianbase
I Wayan Daniel Winantara
SD No. 1 Mengwitani
2.2 Metode Kegiatan
Metode kegiatan dalam pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan bahasa
Inggris dalam bentuk games dan songs kepada guru Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar di seKecamatan Mengwi dengan harapan nantinya bisa mereka praktekkan di sekolah untuk
meningkatkan minat dan kemampuan murid-murid dalam berbahasa Inggris.
2.3 Kerangka Pemecahan Masalah
Kerangka dasar dari pemecahan masalah dalam pengabdian pada masyarakat ini
adalah memberikan pelatihan penggunaangames dan songsuntuk pembelajaran Bahasa
Inggris bagi guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Mengwi. Gambaran pelaksanaannya adalah
sebagai berikut:
a. Persiapan
Tahapan persiapan meliputi menghadap Kepala UPT Disdikpora dan Kepala TU UPT
Disdikpora untuk meminta izin pelaksanaan kegiatan, menanyakan tentang ruangan yang
bisa dipinjam untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan dan menyepakati jumlah peserta dan peserta
pelatihan. Akhirnya diputuskan bahwa peserta pelatihan adalah guru-guru Sekolah Dasar
se-Kecamatan Mengwi.Hal ini dimaksudkan agar kesempatan ini diberikan secara merata
kepada para guru Bahasa Inggris. Sehari sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan, tim pelaksana
menghadap Bapak Kepala TU UPT Disdikpora Kecamatan Mengwi untuk menyiapkan
ruangan, peralatan dan seminar kit untuk para peserta
b. Pelaksanaan
Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, tanggal 27 Agustus 2014 dari jam 9 sampai
jam 1 siang. Adapun susunan acara pelatihan adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Pemaparan materi oleh pembicara (9.15-12.00)
Dalam bagian ini pembicara memperkenalkan lagu-lagu dan berbagai macam
permainan kepada para peserta, memutarkan video lagu-lagu tersebut dan
melatih para peserta untuk menyanyikannya.
2. Menciptakan gerakan untuk lagu tertentu (12.00-13.00)
Pada bagian ini, peserta yang berjumlah 31 orang membentuk 6
kelompok.Kemudian mereka memilih satu lagu dan menciptakan gerakan
untuk lagu tersebut.Mereka juga memilih satu permainan untuk mereka
praktekkan di kelompok mereka.
2.4 Keterkaitan
Jurusan Diploma III Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu jurusan di Undiksha yang
kurikulumnya sebagian besar bermuatan bahasa Inggrisdan tentu saja memiliki cukup
banyak pengajar bahasa Inggris yang handal.Dengan mengadakan pelatihan ini, para
dosen khususnya dan Undiksha pada umumnya diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangsih
bagi perkembangan kecamatan Mengwi, terutama di bidang pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
bagi guru Sekolah Dasar. Pelatihan ini sendiri juga akan dapat lebih memperkenalkan
Undiksha kepada para guru dan masyarakat luas. Gambaran tersebut memperlihatkan
bahwa pelatihan ini bisa menjadi bentuk pengabdian yang menguntungkan bagi kedua
belah pihak.
2.5 Evaluasi
Tim pelaksana mendistribusikan kuesioner kepada para peserta untuk mengevalusi
pelaksanaan kegiatan, baik itu dari pemaparan materi, pencapaian tujuan pelatihan dan
komponen lainnya.
Secara specifik aspek, teknik, instrument serta kriteria evaluasi yang dilakukan
melalui instrument kuesioner tersebut dapat disajikan pada tabel berikut.
Tabel 2.2Aspek Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kegiatan
-Daftar presensi
- Kehadiran lebih
-Lembar observasi
dari 85%
- Aktivitas peserta
dalam kegiatan
Dilihat dari daftar presensi peserta, semua peserta hadir dalam pelatihan dan
mengikuti pelatihan sampai berakhir.Seluruh peserta juga aktif dalam mengikuti pelatihan,
dalam melantunkan lagu-lagu, mengikuti games ang diberikan dan menciptakan gerakangerakan untuk lagu-lagu tertentu.Terhadap butir-butir terkait pelaksanaan pelatihan, seluruh
peserta menyatakan setuju untuk butir-butir tersebut. Form evalusi selengkapna dapat dilihat
pada lampiran.
3.1 Hasil Kegiatan P2M
Kegiatan P2M ini dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu tanggal 29 Agustus 2014 dari jam 9 sampai 1
siang. Tim pelaksana yang melaksanakan kegiatan ini adalah Putu Ayu Prabawati Sudana, Ni
Putu Era Marsakawati, Made Dharma Susena Suyasa. Yang menjadi pembicara adalah Luh
Putu Sri Adnyani, S.Pd., M.Hum., seorang dosen pengajar di Jurusan Diploma III Bahasa
Inggris. Dalam tabel 3.1 berikut adalah susunan acara kegiatan pelatihan.
Tabel 3.1 Susunan Acara Kegiatan Pelatian
Kegiatan dibuka secara resmi oleh Kepala
UPT Disdikpora Kecamatan Mengwi
Pemaparan materi oleh Pembicara Luh Putu
Sri Adnyani, yang mencakup:
1. Mengajari peserta menyanyikan lagu-lagu
yang diberikan
2. Mengajari peserta untuk melakukan
permainan-permainan yang diberikan
Peserta mempraktekkan menyanyikan lagu
dalam kelompok
1. Peserta dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok
2. Masing-masing kelompok memilih satu
lagu dan melatihkan gerakannya dalam
kelompok masing-masing
3. Masing-masing kelompok
mempresentasikan gerakan-gerakan yang telah
mereka ciptakan
Pembagian dan pengisian kuesioner
Penutup dan makan siang
Seluruh peserta mengikuti kegiatan sampai berakhir dan sangat antusias dalam
mengikuti pelatihan.
3.2 Pembahasan Kegiatan
A. Pemaparan Materi
Dalam seminar kit yang diterima oleh para peserta, terdapat DVD dan print out
materi. Dalam DVD tersebut, terdapat lagu-lagu yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan tema:
alphabet, numbers, parts of body, shapes, food, animals, family, colors, clothes, moths,
seasons, weathers, telling time, preposition, days, dan others. Dalam folder “others”
dimasukkan lagu-lagu yang tidak termasuk dalam kelompok-kelompok yang disebutkan di
Karena keterbatasan waktu dan banyaknya lagu yang ada di masing-masing folder,
maka pembicara hanya mengambil masing-masing 3 lagu dalam satu folder untuk videonya
diputar dan liriknya diajarkan kepada para peserta.Para peserta pun dengan antusias
bernyanyi bersama dan menghafal lagu-lagu yang diajarkan.
Setelah selesai dengan lagu-lagu, pembicara menjelaskan tentang permainanpermainan yang ditulis di materi.Dalam materi, terdapatnama permaian, tujuan, alat dan
bahan yang diperlukan dan langkah-langkahnya ditulis secara terperinci. Jadi pembicara akan
mulai dengan nama permainan, alat dan bahan yang diperlukan, tujuan dilakukannya
permainan tersebut dan kemudian menjelaskan dan bersama-sama peserta mempraktekkan
permainan yang telah diajarkan. Pembicara membawa alat-alat yang diperlukan dalam
mempraktekkan permainan-permainan tersebut.Dengan demikian, ketika mempraktekkan
permainan-permainan tersebut, peserta mendapat gambaran yang jelas tentang langkahlangkah yang dilakukan.
B. Peserta Mempraktekkan Lagu yang Diajarkan dalam Kelompok
Setelah pembicara selesai mengajarkan para peserta untuk menyanyikan lagu-lagu
yang diberikan dan mempraktekkan permainan-permainan yang diberikan, para peserta
dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok.Dalam kelompok, mereka memilih satu buah lagu untuk mereka
kreasikan gerakan-gerakannya. Setelah mereka menyepakati dan melatih gerakan-gerakan
dari lagu yang mereka pilih, mereka mempresentasikan di depan para peserta lain.
Seluruh peserta mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan ini dengan antusias dan tertib.Mereka
mengikuti arahan pembicara dengan bersemangat dan mengukuti kegiatan sampai berakhir.
Setelah kegiatan berakhir, para peserta diberikan sertifikat yang sudah ditanda tangani Kepala
Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.
4.1 Kesimpulan
Kegiatan pelatihan Penggunaan Songs dan Games dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa
Inggris untuk Guru-guru Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar se-Kecamatan Mengwi dilaksanakan
pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2014 bertempat di UPT Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga
Kecamatan Mengwi dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 1 siang. Kegiatan pelatihan dibagi menjadi
dua sesi. Yang pertama adalah pemaparan materi oleh pembicara atau nara sumber, yang
kedua adalah peserta mempresentasikan gerakan-gerakan lagu dalam kelompok. Kegiatan
telah berjalan lancar dan antusiasme peserta dalam mengikuti kegiatan tinggi.
4.2 Saran
Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan, para peserta sempat menyampaikan kepada tim
pelaksana bahwa selama lebih dari 5 tahun mereka mengabdi, mereka belum pernah
diberikan pelatihan tentang topik apapun. Dengan demikian tim pelaksana berharap, di waktu
mendatang, kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan yang berguna bagi peningkatan kualitas
pembelajaran mereka di kelas atau peningkatan wawasan mereka akan bisa banyak
dilaksanakan, baik itu oleh pemerintah daerah setempat atau lembaga-lembaga lain yang
berhubungan, seperti Undiksha contohnya.
Daftar Pustaka
Mukminatun, 2011.Teknik Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Murid Sekolah Dasar. Diakses
tanggal 3 September 2013 dari
Putra, W. S. 2013. 99 Permainan Edukatif untuk Melatih Kecerdasan&Kreativitas
Anak.Jogjakarta: KataHati
1. Materi pelatihan
2. Daftar hadir peserta pelatihan
3. Form evaluasi
4. Peta lokasi
5. Foto-foto kegiatan
Materi Pelatihan
Penggunaan Songs
dan Games Untuk
Guru Bahasa Inggris
di Kecamatan
Parts of Body
1.1 Alphabet Songs
1.2 ABC Alphabet Songs
1.3 Learning Letter Sounds
1.4 Letter Blender
1.5 Yahoo! We’re Learning Alphabet
1.6 ABC Song for Children
1.7 Alphabet Backwards
1.8 Bingo
2.1 Count to 10 Song
2.2 Learn Number Song One to Hundred Counting
2.3 The Big Number Song
2.4 Ten Little Indians
2.6 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
2.7 Hickory Dickory Dock
2.8 One to Buckle
2.9 This Old Man
2.10 Five Little Ducks
2.11 Five Little Monkeys
3.1 My Body Part Song
3.2 Body Parts
3.3 Brush Brush Brush Your Teeth
3.4 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
3.5 If You Are Happy and You Know It
3.6 Simon Says
4.1 The Shape Song
4.2 The Shapes Song
5.1 I Love Sweets
5.2 The Food Song
5.3 The Meal Song
5.4 Vegetable Song
6.1 At The Zoo
6.2 Animal Song for Children
6.3 The Animal Sounds Song.TLS
6.4 The Animal Sounds Song
6.5 The Baby Animals Song
6.6 Itsy Bitsy Spider
6.7 Eensy Weensy Spider
6.8 Farmer in The Dell
6.9 Fly Fly The Butterfly
6.10 Mary Had A Little Lamb
6.11 Old Macdonald Had A Farm
6.12 The Puffin Song
6.13 Baa Baa sheep
7.1 My Family and Me
7.2 Mommy
7.3 The Family
7.4 The Finger Family
8.1 Colors Song
8.2 Colors Song 2
8.3 Colors Song for Children
8.4 Grandma’s Got A Little Purple Car
8.5 Grandma’s Got A Little Yellow Car
8.6 The Color Song
8.7 The Rainbow Color Song
9.1 My Clothes
9.2 My Clothes with Sentences
9.3 The Clothes Song
9.4 The Clothing Song
9.5 The Clothing Song (What is She Wearing?)
Months, Seasons and
Telling Time
11.1 What time is it?
12.1 In on Under
10.1 Months of The Year
10.2 Seasons Song
10.3 The Seasons Song
10.4 The Weather Song
10.5 Rain Rain Go Away!
13.1 Back to School Song
13.2 How Are You?
1. Are You Sleeping
2. It’s the Happy Birthday Song
3. Dais Bell
4. Home on the Range
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. I’m a Little Teapot
7. London Bridge is Falling Down
8. My Grandfather’s Clock
9. Oh My Darling, Clementine
10. Teddy Bear
11. Waltzing Matilda
12. Wheels on The Bus
13. My Bike
14. People in Our Community
15. The Wiggles
Songs’ Transcript
A. Songs
1. Alphabets
1.1 Alphabet Songs
These are some words that start with A..
Now I know my ABC
Next time who’s want to sing with me..
I am B the letter B..
I make the sound Beh Beh Beh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with B
Come with me, Come sing with me
B for ball, B for bat, B for balloon, B for box, B
for bed, B for book
These are some words that start with B..
I am C the letter C..
I make the sound Keh Keh Keh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with C
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am A the letter A..
C for cat, C for cow, C for candle, C for cart, C
I make the sounds A A A
for carrot, C for coconut
I’ll tell you what’s that start with A
These are some words that start with C..
Come with me, Come sing with me
A for Apple, A for Ant, A for Alligator, A for
Axe, A for Aeroplane, A for Ass..
I am D the letter D..
I make the sound Deh Deh Deh
Come with me, Come sing with me
I’ll tell you what’s that start with D
H for horse, H for hen, H for helmet, H for
Come with me, Come sing with me
hair, H for hand, H for house
D for dog, D for doll, D for donkey, D for
These are some words that start with H..
drum, D for dove, D for duck
These are some words that start with C..
I am I the letter I..
I make the sound Ih Ih Ih
I am E the letter E..
I’ll tell you what’s that start with I
I make the sound Eh Eh Eh
Come with me, Come sing with me
I’ll tell you what’s that start with E
I for Ink, I for insect, I for india, I for igloo, I
Come with me, Come sing with me
for inkpot, I for injection
E for egg, E for engine, E for elevetor, E for
These are some words that start with I..
escaletor, E for elephant, E for exit
I am J the letter J..
These are some words that start with E..
I make the sound Jeh Jeh Jeh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with J
Come with me, Come sing with me
J for jug, J for jam,J for jacket, J for jar, J for
jocker, J for jeep
I am F the letter F..
These are some words that start with J..
I make the sound Feh Feh Feh
I am K the letter K..
I’ll tell you what’s that start with F
I make the sound Keh Keh Keh
Come with me, Come sing with me
I’ll tell you what’s that start with K
F for Fox, F for Fan, F for Feather, F for Fish, F
Come with me, Come sing with me
for Flower,F for Frog
K for kite, K for key, K for kangoroo, K for
These are some words that start with F..
kettle, K for kitchen, K for king
I am G the letter G..
These are some words that start with K..
I make the sound Geh Geh Geh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with G
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am L the letter L..
G for Grape, G for goat, G for guava, G for
I make the sound Leh Leh Leh
girl, G for gold, G for grass
I’ll tell you what’s that start with L
These are some words that start with G..
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am H the letter H..
L for lamb, L for lamp, L for lollypop,L for
I make the sound Heh Heh Heh
lion, L for ladder, L for leaf
I’ll tell you what’s that start with H
These are some words that start with L..
I am M the letter M..
These are some words that start with Q..
I make the sound meh meh meh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with M
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am R the letter R..
M for Moon, M for mouse, M for monkey, M
I make the sound
for mat, M for mango, M for mug
I’ll tell you what’s that start with R
These are some words that start with M..
Come with me, Come sing with me Reh Reh
I am N the letter N..
I make the sound neh neh neh
R for rabbit, R for rat, R for rainbow, R for
I’ll tell you what’s that start with N
rose, R for rocket, R for ring
Come with me, Come sing with me
These are some words that start with R..
N for nose, N for nest, N for nightingale, N for
I am S the letter S..
net, N for neddle, N for nurse
I make the sound seh seh seh
These are some words that start with N..
I’ll tell you what’s that start with S
Come with me, Come sing with me
S for sun, S for squirrel, S for sunflower, S for
I am O the letter O..
soap, S for snake,S for spoon
I make the sound oh oh oh
These are some words that start with S..
I’ll tell you what’s that start with O
I am T the letter T..
Come with me, Come sing with me
I make the sound teh teh teh
O for ox, O for ostrich, O for orange, O for
I’ll tell you what’s that start with T
otter, O for Ostogon, O for onion
Come with me, Come sing with me
These are some words that start with O..
T for tree, T for tiger, T for teapot, T for truck,
I am P the letter P..
T for table, T for top
I make the sound peh peh peh
These are some words that start with T..
I’ll tell you what’s that start with P
Come with me, Come sing with me
P for pan, P for pen, P for pencil, P for pigeon,
I am U the letter U..
P for parrot, P for pig
I make the sound ah ah ah
These are some words that start with P..
I’ll tell you what’s that start with U
I am Q the letter Q..
Come with me, Come sing with me
I make the sound queh qieh queh
U for umpire, U for uncle, U for umbrella, U
I’ll tell you what’s that start with Q
for under, U for unicorn, U for uniform
Come with me, Come sing with me
These are some words that start with U..
Q for queen, Q for quail, Q for quiet, Q for
I am V the letter V..
quill, Q for quilt, Q for quelle..
I make the sound veh veh veh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with V
These are some words that start with X..
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am Y the letter Y..
V for van, V for vine, V for vulture, V for
I make the sound yeh yeh yeh
violin, V for vegetable, V for vendor
I’ll tell you what’s that start with Y
These are some words that start with V..
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am W the letter W..
Y for yak, Y for yoga,Y for yellow, Y for yawn,
I make the sound weh weh weh
Y for yankee, Y for yarn
I’ll tell you what’s that start with W
These are some words that start with Y..
Come with me, Come sing with me
I am Z the letter Z..
W for watch, W for wheel, W for water
I make the sound zeh zeh zeh
melon, W for wolf, W for window, W for well
I’ll tell you what’s that start with Z
Come with me, Come sing with me
Z for zero, z for zip, z for zig zag,z for zulu,z
These are some words that start with W..
for zebra,z for zoo
I am X the letter X..
These are some words that start with Z..
I make the sound xeh xeh xeh
I’ll tell you what’s that start with X
Come with me, Come sing with me
X for X-ray, X for X-ray fish, X for
Xylophone, X for xerox, X for xylorimba, X
for xiphias
1.2 ABC Alphabet Songs
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
J is for juice ju ju juice
A is for apple.. a.. a.. apple..
K is for kangaroo ke ke kangaroo
B is for ball.. be be ball..
L is for lion, el el lion
C is for cat.. cu cu cat..
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
D is for dog.. do do dog..
M is for monkey ma ma monkey
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
N is for nose en en nose
E is for elephant e e elephant
O is for octopus, oh oh octopus
F is for fish ef ef fish
P is for pig peh peh pig
G is for gorilla gu gu gorilla
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
H is for hat heh heh hat
Q is for queen, quh quh queen
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
R is for rabbit, er er rabbit
I is igloo i i igloo
S is for snail es es snail
T is for turkey uteh teh turkey
X is for fox ex ex fox
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
Syalalala syalalala syalalala la la la
U is for umbrella uh uh umbrella
Y is for yellow yew yew yellow
V is for van, veh veh van
Z is for zoo ez ez zoo
W is for watch weh weh watch
1.3 Learning Letter Sounds
Learning letter sound A to Z
O says ah ah octopus..
Learning letter you and me.. clap 3 times 1 2
P says peh peh pumkin..
Learning letter sound A to Z
Letter sounds can help me read, and write..
Learning letter you and me.. clap 3 times 1 2
A says ah ah alligator..
B says beh beh baby..
Letter sounds can help me read, and write..
C says keh keh caterpillar..
Q says queh queh quarter..
D says deh deh dinosaur..
R says er er rainbow..
E says eh eh elephant..
S says es es snake..
F says ef ef family..
T says teh teh turtle..
G says geh geh gorilla..
U says ah ah umbrella..
H says heh heh hippopotamus..
V says veh veh violin..
Learning letter sound A to Z
W says woodpecker..
Learning letter you and me.. clap 3 times 1 2
X says kes kes.. like in fox.
Y says yeh yeh yoyo..
Letter sounds can help me read, and write..
Z says ez ez zebra. .
I says aih aih insect..
Learning letter sound A to Z
J says jeh jeh jet..
Learning letter you and me.. clap 3 times 1 2
K says keh keh kite..
L says el el lion..
Letter sounds can help me read, and write..
M says em em monkey,
Read and write..
N says en en nickel..
1.4 Letter Blender
By now you know your letter..
Put them in the letter blender..
How they look and where they found..
Yeah we’re getting down..
So now let’s take two letters..
Put them in the letter blender..
Hook them up and blend their sound..
We’re making cluster sounds..
Blend an S with an T it sounds like star..
Put them in the letter blender..
Put a B with an L and you get block blok blok..
Yeah we’re getting down..
Mix a T with an R and you hear tree tree tree..
Put them in the letter blender..
Put a C with an L and now we’re rocking
We’re making cluster sounds..
round the clock..
Put them in the letter blender..
Put them in the letter blender..
Yeah we’re getting down..
Yeah we’re getting down..
Put them in the letter blender..
Put them in the letter blender..
We’re making cluster sounds..
We’re making cluster sounds..
Put them in the letter blender..
Blend an F with an R it sounds like frog frog
Yeah we’re getting down..
Put them in the letter blender..
Put an S with a K and you can skate skate
We’re making cluster sounds..
Put them in the letter blender..
Put a P with an L and you get plant plant
Yeah we’re getting down..
Put them in the letter blender.. We’re making
Put a G with and R and now your really
cluster sounds..
sounding great..
1.5 Yahoo! We’re Learning Alphabet
Yahoo, yahoo.. we’re learning the alphabet
Yahoo, yahoo.. we’re learning the alphabet
Yahoo, yahoo.. we’re learning the alphabet
Yahoo, yahoo.. we’re learning the alphabet
Yahoo, yahoo.. we’re learning the alphabet
Yahoo, yahoo.. we’re learning the alphabet
1.6 ABC Song for Children
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X and Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs next time won’t you sing with me?------- 3x
1.7 Alphabet Backwards
Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H to F E D C B A again
Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H to F E D C B A
Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H to F E D C B A
1.8 Bingo
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
And Bingo was his name –O..
was his name –O
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
B-I-N-G-O .. B-I-N-G-O.. B-I-N-G-O..
was his name –O
And Bingo was his name –O..
(Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-O (Clap)-
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
(Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-O (Clap)- (Clap)-
was his name –O
(Clap)- (Clap)-O
(Clap)- I-N-G-O (Clap)- I-N-G-O (Clap)- I-
And Bingo was his name –O..
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
And Bingo was his name –O..
was his name –O
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
(Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) (Clap)-
was his name –O
(Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap) (Clap)- (Clap)-
(Clap)- (Clap)-N-G-O (Clap)- (Clap)-N-G-O
(Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)
(Clap)- (Clap)-N-G-O
And Bingo was his name –O..
And Bingo was his name –O..
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo
was his name –O
was his name –O
B-I-N-G-O .. B-I-N-G-O.. B-I-N-G-O..
(Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-G-O (Clap)- (Clap)-
And Bingo was his name –O..
(Clap)-G-O (Clap)- (Clap)- (Clap)-G-O
2. Numbers
2.1 Count to 10 Song
One Two Three Four Five
One Two Three Four Five
Six Seven Eight Nine and Ten
Six Seven Eight Nine and Ten
Lets do it again..
Lets do it again..
One Two Three Four Five
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine
Six Seven Eight Nine and Ten
and Ten
Lets do it again..
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine
One Two Three Four Five
and Ten
Six Seven Eight Nine and Ten
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine
Lets do it again..
and Ten
One Two Three Four Five
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine
Six Seven Eight Nine and Ten
and Ten
Lets do it again..
One Two Three Four Five
Six Seven Eight Nine and Ten
Lets do it again..
2.2 Learn Number Song One to Hundred Counting
One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four,
nine, ten.. te, ten, ten..
sixty-five, sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight,
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
sixty-nine, seventy..
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty..
twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-
seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine,
seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty..
Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-
Eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-
four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven,
thirty-eight, thirty-nine, fourty..
eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety..
Fourty-one, fourty-two, fourty-three, fourty-
Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-
four, fourty-five, fourty-six, fourty-seven,
four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven,
fourty-eight, fourty-nine, fifty..
ninety-eight, ninety-nine, hundred.. Yeah,
Fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four,
fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight,
fifty-nine, sixty..
2.3 The Big Number Song
Zero.. One, two three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten.. te, ten, ten..
twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty..
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty..
Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-
Eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-
four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven,
thirty-eight, thirty-nine, fourty..
eighty-eight, eighty-nine, ninety..
Fourty-one, fourty-two, fourty-three, fourty-
Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-
four, fourty-five, fourty-six, fourty-seven,
four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven,
fourty-eight, fourty-nine, fifty..
ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred..
Fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four,
One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, a
fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight,
hundred thousand, one million..
fifty-nine, sixty..
One million, ten million, a hundred million,
Sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four,
one billion..
sixty-five, sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight,
One billion, ten billion, a hundred billion, one
sixty-nine, seventy..
Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers..
Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers..
seventy-seven, seventy-eight, seventy-nine,
2.4 Ten Little Indians
One little two little three little indians..
Four little three little two little indians..
Four little five little six little indians..
One little indian boy..
Seven little eight little nine little indians..
Ten little indian boys..
One little two little three little indians..
Four little five little six little indians..
Ten little nine little eight little indians..
Seven little eight little nine little indians..
Seven little six little five little indians..
Ten little indian boys..
Four little three little two little indians..
One little indian boy..
Ten little nine little eight little indians..
Seven little six little five little indians..
One little two little three little indians..
Four little three little two little indians..
Four little five little six little indians..
One little indian boy..
Seven little eight little nine little indians..
Ten little indian boys..
One little two little three little indians..
Four little five little six little indians..
Ten little nine little eight little indians..
Seven little eight little nine little indians..
Seven little six little five little indians..
Ten little indian boys..
Ten little nine little eight little indians..
Four little three little two little indians..
Seven little six little five little indians..
One little indian boy..
2.5 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
And the doctor said “No more monkeys
One fell off and bumped his head
jumping on the bed”
Momma called the doctor
Two Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
And the doctor said “No more monkeys
One fell off and bumped his head
jumping on the bed”
Momma called the doctor
Four Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
And the doctor said “No more monkeys
One fell off and bumped his head
jumping on the bed”
Momma called the doctor
One Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
And the doctor said “No more monkeys
One fell off and bumped his head
jumping on the bed”
Momma called the doctor
Three Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
And the doctor said “Put those monkeys
One fell off and bumped his head
straight to bed”
Momma called the doctor
2.6 Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock
A mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
A mouse went down
Hickory dickory dock
--Two mice – struck two
Three mice – struck three
Four mice – struck four
Five mice – struck five
Six mice – struck six
Seven mice – struck seven
Eight mice – struck eight
Nine mice – struck nine
Ten mice – struck ten
2.7 One to Buckle
One two buckle my shoe
Three four shut the door
Five six pick up sticks
Seven eight lay them straight
Nine ten a big fat hen
Eleven twelve dig and delve
Thirteen fourteen maids a-courting
Fifteen sixteen maids in the kitchen
Seventeen eighteen maids a-waiting
Nineteen twenty my plate’s empty
2.8 This Old Man
This old man he played one
Four- door
He played knick knack on my thumb
Five – hive
With a knick knack paddy wack
Six – sticks
Give your dog a bone
Seven – up to heaven
This old man came rolling home
Eight – gate
Nine – line
Two – shoe
Ten – over again
Three – knee
2.9 Five Little Ducks
Five little ducks went up one day
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
Over the hills and far away
But none of those little ducks came back
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
But only four little came back
Mother duck she went up one day
Over the hills and far away
One little duck went up one day
Mother duck said quack quack quack quack
Over the hills and far away
And all of those little ducks came back
2.10 Five Little Monkeys
Five/for/three/two/one little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed
Parts of Body
3.1 My Body Part Song
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
This is my stomach.. this is my elbow..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
This is my arm.. this is my wrist..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
These are my fingers.. find in each hand..
This is the body part song..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
This is my hair.. this is my forehead..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
These are my eyes.. these are my ears..
This is the body part song..
This is my nose.. this is my mouth..
This is my thigh.. this is my knee..
This is my chin.. this is my neck..
This is my calf.. This is my ankle..
This is my foot.. These are my toes.. find in
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
each foot, the body parts..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
This is the body part song..
The parts of the body.. the body part song..
This is the body part song..
This is my shoulder.. this is my chest..
3.2 Body Parts
Everyone, let’s snap 3x
Everybody, let’s tap 3x
Now, let’s sing it clap 3x
Clap your hands 2x clap them just like me
Touch your shoulders 2x touch them just like me
Tap your knees 2x tap them just like me
Stamp your feet 2x stamp them just like me
This is the body part song..
Clap your hands 2x
Now let them quiet, please
3.3 Brush Brush Brush Your Teeth
Brush brush brush your teeth..
Father mother brother sister wash it
Brush it everyday..
Father mother brother sister brush it
Comb comb comb your hair.. comb it
Brush brush brush your teeth..
Father mother brother sister comb it
Brush it everyday..
Father mother brother sister brush it
Eat eat eat your food eat it everyday..
Father mother brother sister eat it everyday..
Wash wash wash your face
Eat eat eat your food eat it everyday..
Wash it everyday..
Father mother brother sister eat it everyday..
Father mother brother sister wash it
Drink drink drink your milk everyday
Father mother brother sister drink it
Wash wash wash your face
Wash it everyday..
Drink drink drink your milk everyday
Father mother brother sister wash it
Father mother brother sister drink it
Comb comb comb your hair.. comb it
3.4 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Head shoulder knees and toes knees and toes
Head shoulder knees and toes knees and toes
Eyes ears mouth nose
Head shoulder knees and toes knees and toes
3.5 If You Are Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands 2x
If you’re happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
----Step your feet/nod your head/turn around/say we are
3.6 Simon Says
Simon says touch your nose/toes
Simon says.. Simon says
Simon says touch your cheecks/feet
Simon says.. Simon says
Touch your knees.. No freeze!
Why? He didn’t say Simon says..
Simon says..
Touch your ears.. No we didn’y hear you say Simon says.. Simon says..
4. Shapes
4.1 The Shape Song
We are shapes.. you can see us everywhere..
I’m a rechtangle rectangle.. like a really long
I’m a square.. I’m a square.. You can see me
square.. I have four sides.. I’m a rectangle
everywhere.. I have four sides.. I’m a square..
I’m a square..
I’m a star I’m a star.. In the sky so so far.. I
I’m a circle.. I’m a circle.. I go round and
have five pointy arms.. I’m a star I’m a star..
round and round.. I have only one side.. I’m a
I’m a heart I’m a heart.. I’m so curvy and so
circle round and round..
smart.. I’m a really lovely shape.. I’m a heart
I’m a triangle triangle.. I’m a pointy little
I’m a heart..
shape.. I have three sides.. I’m a triangle
I’m a diamond diamond diamond.. You can
see me on a ring.. I’m so shiny and so bright..
We are shapes.. you can see us everywhere..
I’m a diamond diamond diamond..
We are shapes.. you can see us everywhere..
We are shapes..
4.2 The Shapes Song
Walking down the street.. looking for shapes..
What do you see.. I see a square.. That’s right!
shapes shape shapes..
A square..
Walking down the street.. looking for shapes..
Walking down the street.. looking for shapes..
shapes shape shapes..
shapes shape shapes..
What do you see? I see a triangle.. That’s
What do you see? I see a star.. That’s right! A
right! A triangle..
Walking down the street.. looking for shapes..
Walking down the street.. looking for shapes..
shapes shape shapes..
shapes shape shapes..
What do you see? I see a circle.. That’s right!
What did you see? I saw a square, a triangle, a
A circle..
circle, a rectangle, and a star..
Walking down the street.. looking for shapes..
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
shapes shape shapes..
la la la la la la la la la la ..
What do you see? I see a rectangle.. That’s
right! A rectangle..
5. Food
5.1 I Love Sweets
Sweet sweet I love sweet.. donuts ice cream..
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake..
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake..
What’s your favorite sweet?
What’s your favorite sweet?
Sweet sweet I love sweet.. donuts ice cream..
Sweet sweet I love sweet.. donuts ice cream..
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake..
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake..
What’s your favorite sweet?
What’s your favorite sweet?
What’s your favorite sweet?
Donuts.. Ice cream.. Chocolate.. Candy..
Pudding... Cake..
I love sweet..
Sweet sweet I love sweet.. donuts ice cream..
5.2 The Food Song
Do you like apples? 2x
No I don’t like chips..2x
Yes I like apples.. 2x
I like to eat.. 4x
Do you like oranges? 2x
Healthy food.. 2x
Yes I like oranges.. 2x
Not junk food! 2x
Do you like candy? 2x
Do you like carrots? 2x
No I don’t like candy..2x
Yes I like carrots.. 2x
Do you like chips? 2x
5.3 The Meal Song
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
I like to eat cereal and toast for breakfast..
I like to eat cereal for breakfast..
Breakfast lunch snack and dinner..
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
What’s your favourite meal?
I like to eat cereal for breakfast..
They’re all a winner..
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Breakfast lunch snack and dinner..
I like to eat toast for breakfast..
What’s your favourite meal?
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
They’re all a winner..
5.4 Vegetable Song
Like a bear loves honey.. 2x
Cucumber and celery .. 2x
Like a mouse loves cheese.. 2x
Corn and broccoli.. 2x
Like a monkey loves bananas 2x .. and
I love to eat vegetables everyday..
swinging in tress.. 2x
Like a squirrel loves nuts..
I love to eat vegetables everyday..
Like a horse loves hay..
Like a cat loves milk..
Like a dog loves a bone..
Like a horse loves hay..
A beaver loves wood..
Like a dog loves a bone..
I’m eating up my veggies..
A beaver loves wood..
Like a good kid should..
I’m eating up my veggies..
Like a bear loves honey.. 2x
Like a good kid should..
Like a mouse loves cheese.. 2x
Like a rabbit loves carrots.. 2x
Potatoes tomatoes and peas.. 2x
6. Animals
6.1 At The Zoo
At the zoo..
A panda eating bamboo..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
You might see some snakes in the reptile
What can you see at the zoo?..
Lions and tigers, and elephants too..
A spider in the insect house..
Maybe a monkey or two..
Let’s hope that they don’t get out of the zoo..
You might see a giraffe or an ostrich..
There’s Harry the hippopotamus..
His old friend, Ron, the rhinoceros..
At the zoo..At the zoo..At the zoo..At the zoo..
The hippo and the rhino, smilling at you..
What can you see at the zoo?
At the zoo..
Lions and tigers, and elephants too..
At the zoo..
Maybe a monkey or two..
You might see flamingos and alligators..
You might see a giraffe or an ostrich..
Maybe polar bears and brown bears too..
A panda eating bamboo..
Funny little meerkats and cute capybaras..
At the zoo.. At the zoo.. At the zoo..
Emus, wombats, koalas and kangaroos..
6.2 Animal Song for Children
At the zoo..
His old friend, Ron, the rhinoceros..
At the zoo..
The hippo and the rhino, smilling at you..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
At the zoo..
What can you see at the zoo?..
You might see flamingos and alligators..
Lions and tigers, and elephants too..
Maybe polar bears and brown bears too..
Maybe a monkey or two..
Funny little meerkats and cute capybaras..
You might see a giraffe or an ostrich..
Emus, wombats, koalas and kangaroos..
A panda eating bamboo..
At the zoo..At the zoo..At the zoo..At the zoo..
At the zoo..
What can you see at the zoo?
At the zoo..
Lions and tigers, and elephants too..
You might see some snakes in the reptile
Maybe a monkey or two..
You might see a giraffe or an ostrich..
A spider in the insect house..
A panda eating bamboo..
Let’s hope that they don’t get out of the zoo..
At the zoo.. At the zoo.. At the zoo..
There’s Harry the hippopotamus..
6.3 The Animal Sounds Song.TLS
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Woof, woof, woof! A dog..
Quack, quack, quack! A duck..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Meow, meow, meow! A cat..
Oink, oink, oink! A pig..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Moo, moo, moo! A cow..
Neigh, neigh, neigh! A horse..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Eeet, eet, eet! A monkey..
Cluck, cluck, cluck! A chicken..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Baa, baa, baa! A sheep..
Heehaw, heehaw, heehaw! A donkey..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Roar, roar, roar! A lion..
Hoot, hoot, hoot! An owl..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Tweet, tweet, tweet! A bird..
Cock-adoodle-doodle-doo! A rooster..
Animals all around, what animal is making
Animals all around, what animal is making
this sound..?
this sound..?
Gobble, gobble, gobble! A turkey..
.......! An elephant..
6.4 The Animal Sounds Song
The dog goes woof woof woof woof..
And the people thay say bla bla bla bla bla
The cow goes moo moo moo moo..
The duck goes quack quack quack quack..
The snake goes hiss hiss hiss..
And the owl says to whit to whooo..
The chicken goes cluck cluck cluck cluck..
The cat goes meow meow meow..
The frog goes ribbit ribbit ribbit..
The bird goes tweet tweet tweet tweet..
The bee says buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
The pig goes oink oink oink oink..
And the little mouse says squeak squeak
These are the sounds that the animals make..
squeak squeak squeak squeak
These are the sounds that the animals make..
These are the sounds that the animals make..
The donkey goes haw hee haw hee haw..
These are the sounds that the animals make..
The elepant goes pawoooo..
The horse goes neigh neigh neigh..
The bear growls grr grr..
The sheep goes baa baa baa baa..
And the lion roars raaaarr..
The rabit goes thump thumpety thump..
These are the sounds that the animals
These are the sounds that the animals
make..These are the sounds that the animals
make..These are the sounds that the animals
6.5 The Baby Animals Song
The baby horse is a foal..
The baby cow is a calf..
The baby cat is a kitten..
And baby sheep is a lamb..
Baby baby baby animals.. Baby baby baby animals..
The baby pig is a piglet..
The baby chicken is a chick..
The baby dog is a puppy..
And baby goat is a kid..
Baby baby baby animals.. Baby baby baby animals..
The baby duck is a duckling..
The baby lion is a cub..
Baby kangaroo is a joey..
And a baby person is baby..
Baby baby baby animals.. Baby baby baby animals..
6.6 Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again...
6.7 Eensy Weensy Spider
The eensy weensy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the eensy weensy spider crawled up the spout again...
6.8 Farmer in The Dell
The farmer in the dell2x
Heigh ho the derry-o
Heigh ho the derry-o
The pig takes the dog
The farmer in the dell
The dog takes the cat2x
The farmer takes a wife2x
Heigh ho the derry-o
Heigh ho the derry-o
The dog takes the cat
The farmer takes a wife
The cat takes a mouse2x
The wife takes the child2x
Heigh ho the derry-o
Heigh ho the derry-o
The cat takes a mouse
The wife takes the child
The mouse takes the cheese2x
The child takes the cow2x
Heigh ho the derry-o
Heigh ho the derry-o
The mouse takes the cheese
The child takes the cow
The cheese stands alone2x
The cow takes the pig2x
Heigh ho the derry-o
Heigh ho the derry-o
The cheese stands alone
The cow takes the pig
Heigh ho the derry-o
The pig takes the dog2x
The cheese stands alone
6.9 Fly Fly The Butterfly
Fly fly fly the butterfly..
In the meadow is flying high
In the garden is flying low
Fly fly fly the butterfly..
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Marry had a little lamb.. little lamb.. little
And so the teacher turned it out... turned it
out... turned it out...
Marry had a little lamb.. its fleece was white
And so the teacher turned it out.. But still it
as snow..
lingered near..
Everywhere that Marry went.. Marry went..
And waited patiently about.. patiently about..
Marry went..
patiently about..
Everywhere that Marry went.. The lamb was
And waited patiently about.. Till Mary did
sure to go..
It followed her to school one day.. school one
“Why does the lamb love Mary so?” love Mary
day.. school one day..
so love Mary so..
It followed her to school one day.. Which was
“Why does the lamb love Mary so?” the eager
against the rules..
children cry..
It made the children laugh and play.. laugh
“Why Marry loves the lamb, you know” loves
and play.. laugh and play..
the lamb you know2x
It made the children laugh and play.. To see a
“Why Marry loves the lamb, you know” The
lamb at school..
teacher did reply..
Old Macdonald Had A Farm
Old Macdonald had a farm.. E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he had a pig E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he had a chick E-I-E-I-O
With a oink-oink here, and a oink-oink here..
With a chick-chick here, and a chick-chick
Here a oink, there a oink.. everywhere a oink-
Here a chick, there a chick.. everywhere a
Quack quack here, and a quack quack here..
chick chick..
Here a quack, there a quack.. everywhere a
Old Macdonald had a farm.. E-I-E-I-O 2x
quack quack..
And on that farm he had a duck E-I-E-I-O
Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there..
With a quack quack here, and a quack quack
Here a chick, there a chick.. everywhere a
chick chick..
Here a quack, there a quack.. everywhere a
Old Macdonald had a farm.. E-I-E-I-O 2x
quack quack..
And on that farm he had a dog E-I-E-I-O
Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there..
With a bow bow here, and a bow bow here..
Here a chick, there a chick.. everywhere a
Here a bow, there a bow.. everywhere a bow
chick chick..
Old Macdonald had a farm.. E-I-E-I-O 2x
Oink-oink here, and a oink-oink here..
Here a oink, there a oink.. everywhere a oink-
Bow bow here, and a bow bow here..
Here a bow, there a bow.. everywhere a bow
Quack quack here, and a quack quack here..
Here a quack, there a quack.. everywhere a
Oink-oink here, and a oink-oink here..
quack quack..
Here a oink, there a oink.. everywhere a oink-
Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there..
Here a chick, there a chick.. everywhere a
Quack quack here, and a quack quack here..
chick chick..
Here a quack, there a quack.. everywhere a
Old Macdonald had a farm.. E-I-E-I-O 2x
quack quack..
And on that farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O
Chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there..
With a moo moo here, and a moo moo here..
Here a chick, there a chick.. everywhere a
Here a moo, there a moo.. everywhere a moo
chick chick..
Old Macdonald had a farm.. E-I-E-I-O
6.12 The Puffin Song
Puffin Island is in Elliston..
A powerful swimmer and swift in flight..
And Elliston’s in Newfoundland..
The Puffin of Newfoundland..
And Newfoundland’s in Canada..
The north Atlantic is his home..
You can see the Puffin there..
But wintertime down south he’ll roam..
Now the Puffin is a cute little guy..
Then every summer he’ll come home..
He can walk.. he can run.. he can swim.. he
The Puffin of Newfoundland..
can fly..
He’s a kind of friendly, but mostly shy..
Now if you’d like a holiday with family and
The Puffin of Newfoundland..
friends and games to play..
His beak is orange, just like a carrot..
And arts and craft.. and swimming all day..
A little bit Pengun, a little bit Parrot..
Then I’d say Newfoundland..
In Elliston you’ll see him there it’s..
The people you’ll meet are kind and sweet..
The Puffin of Newfoundland..
There are moose berries whales..
He’s black and white, with great eyesight..
And best of all you’ll get to see The Puffin of
Can eat a fish in one big bite..
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Baa baa black sheep have you any wool, yes
And one for the little girld with holes in her
sir, yes sir, three bags full, one for the master
socks baa baa white sheep have you any wool,
one for the dame and one for the little boy
yes sir yes sir, three needles full
who lives down the lane, baa baa black sheep
Baa baa gray sheep have you any wool, yes sir
have you any wools yes sir yes sir, three bags
yes sir, three bags full,
One for the kitten, one for the cats,and one for
Baa baa white sheep have you any wool, yes
the guinea pigs to kint some wooly hats
sir yes sir three needles full, one to mend a
Baa baa grey sir, have you any wool, yes sir
jumper, one to mend a frock,
yes sir three bags full
7. Families
7.1 My Family and Me
Mommy and Daddy..
My family..
Sister and Brother..
I love my family..
Grand’ma and Grand’pa..
Grand’ma and me..
My family..
Grand’pa and me..
Mommy and me..
My family..
Daddy and me..
I love my family..
My family..
I love my family..
I love my family..
I love my family..
Sister and me..
My family love me..
Brother and me..
7.2 Mommy
I love her and she loves me.. And Mommy is
M-O-M-M-Y.. M-O-M-M-Y.. M-O-M-M-
her name-o..
Y.. and Mommy is her name-o..
I love her and she loves me.. And Mommy is
(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-M-Y (clap)-(clap)-
her name-o..
(clap)-M-Y (clap)-(clap)-(clap)-M-Y..and
(clap)-O-M-M-Y.. (clap)-O-M-M-Y.. (clap)O-M-M-Y. and Mommy is her name-o..
I love her and she loves me.. And Mommy is
her name-o..
(clap)-(clap)-M-M-Y (clap)-(clap)-M-M-Y
(clap)-(clap)-M-M-Y..and Mommy is her
I love her and she loves me.. And Mommy is
her name-o..
Mommy is her name-o
I love her and she loves me.. And Mommy is
her name-o..
(clap)-(clap)- (clap)-Y (clap)-(clap)- (clap)-Y
(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-Y..and Mommy is her
I love her and she loves me.. And Mommy is
her name-o..
(clap)-(clap)- (clap)- (clap)- (clap) (clap)(clap)- (clap)- (clap)- (clap) (clap)-(clap)(clap)- (clap)- (clap)..and Mommy is her
7.3 The Family
This is mama kind and dear..
This is mama kind and dear..
This is papa standing near..
This is papa standing near..
This is brother see how tall..
This is brother see how tall..
This is sister not so tall..
This is sister not so tall..
This is baby sweet and small..
This is baby sweet and small..
This the family one and all..
This the family one and all..
7.4 The Finger Family
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am here I am how do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am here I am how do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am here I am how do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am here I am how do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am here I am how do you do?
8 Colors
8.1 Colors Song
If you are wearing red shake your head...
If you are wearing red shake your head...
If you are wearing red then please shake your
If you are wearing yellow then please shake
like jello..
If you are wearing yellow shake like jello..
If you are wearing black pat your back..
If you are wearing red shake your head...
If you are wearing black pat your back..
If you are wearing blue touch your shoe..
If you are wearing black then please pat your
If you are wearing blue touch your shoe..
If you are wearing blue then please touch
If you are wearing black pat your back..
your shoe..
If you are wearing brown turn around..
If you are wearing blue touch your shoe..
If you are wearing brown turn around..
If you are wearing green bow to the queen..
If you are wearing brown then please turn
If you are wearing green bow to the queen..
If you are wearing green then please bow to
If you are wearing brown turn around..
the queen..
If you are wearing brown turn around..
If you are wearing green bow to the queen..
If you are wearing brown turn around..
If you are wearing yellow shake like jello..
If you are wearing yellow shake like jello..
8.2 Colors Song 2
What colors.. what colors do you like..? what
colors do you like..?
I like blue sky.. I like green grass.. I like
butterflies if you should ask..
I like yellow daisies.. Red daisies too.. Pink
and orange sunsets.. Watching them with
I like white snowy white.. The black of the
night.. I like the brown of the eath in the
I like yellow corn.. orange carrots too..
White mashed potato and a brown gravy
I like red strawberries.. Purple grapes and I
like pink grapefruit..
What colors.. what colors do you like..? what
colors do you like..?
I like blue blue blue.. I like green green green..
I like yellow yellow.. I like orange orange
orange.. I like red red red.. I like black gray
What colors.. what colors do you like..? what
and white.. I like purple purple purple.. I like
colors do you like..?
pink pink pink.. I like brown brown brown..
I like blue.. blueberry pie..
What colors.. what colors do you like..? what
Green cabagge and broccoli..
colors do you like..?
8.3 Colors Song for Children
I see colors everywhere.. I see colors
Orange orange hello orange.. pink pink hello
everywhere.. I see colors everywhere..
What colors do you see..? Red and blue..
Orange orange good bye orange.. See you
Red red hello red.. Blue blue hello blue..
Red red goodbye red.. see you later blue..
Yellow and green..
Yellow yellow hello yellow.. Green green
hello green..
Yellow yellow goodbye yellow.. See you later
Orange and pink..
later pink..
Purple and brown..
Purple purple hello purple.. brown brown
hello brown..
Purple purple good bye purple.. see you later
Black and white..
Black back hello black.. white white hello
Black black good bye black.. See you later
I see colors everywhere.. I see colors
everywhere.. I see colors everywhere..
What do you see?
What colors do you see?What colors do you
8.4 Grandma’s Got A Little Purple Car
Grandma’s got a little purple car.. 2x
A little orange 4x car
Grandma’s got..
Grandma’s got a little pink car.. 2x
A little purple 4x car
Grandma’s got..
Grandma’s got a little brown car.. 2x
A little pink 4x car
Grandma’s got..
Grandma’s got a little white car.. 2x
A little brown 4x car
Grandma’s got..
Grandma’s got a little orange car.. 2x
A little white 4x car
Grandma’s got..
8.5 Grandma’s Got A Little Yellow Car
Grandma’s got a little yellow car.. 2x
Grandma’s got..
A little yellow 4x car
Grandma’s got a little red car.. 2x
Grandma’s got..
A little red 4x car
Grandma’s got a little blue car.. 2x
Grandma’s got..
A little blue 4x car
Grandma’s got a little black car.. 2x
Grandma’s got..
A little black 4x car
Grandma’s got a little green car.. 2x
Grandma’s got..
A little green 4x car
8.6 The Color Song
What’s this? It’s a book..
The book is red.. just like this bed..
What color is the book?
What’s this? It’s a tree..
What color is a tree?
Just like this jello..
The tree is green..
What’s this?
You see? I see..
It’s a box.. What color is the box?
What’s this?
The box is orange..
It’s a lemon..
Just like this fox..
What color is the lemon?
Red green yellow orange blue black white
The lemon is yellow..
brown pink purple..
8.3 The Rainbow Color Song
Red orange yellow green blue purple pink..2x
It’s a rainbow.. it’s a rainbow..
The beautiful rainbow in the sky..
It’s a rainbow.. it’s a rainbow..
The beautiful rainbow in the sky..
Red orange yellow green blue purple pink.. 3x
It’s a rainbow.. it’s a rainbow..
The beautiful rainbow in the sky..
It’s a rainbow.. it’s a rainbow..
The beautiful rainbow in the sky.. 3x
9 Clothes
9.1 My Clothes
This is the way your wear the clothes.. wear
the clothes.. wear the clothes..
This is the way your wear the clothes..
You wear it in the morning..
This is the way your wear the shirt..
Wear the shirt.. wear the shirt..
This is the way your wear the shirt..
You wear it in the morning..
This is the way your wear the shorts..
Wear the shirt.. wear the shorts..
This is the way your wear the shorts..
You wear it in the morning..
This is the way your wear the dress..
Wear the shirt.. wear the dress..
This is the way your wear the dress..
You wear it in the morning..
9.2 My Clothes with Sentences
My Clothes.. with sentences..
My mittens are red..
This one’s a little fast..
My shoes are blue..
Here we go....
My socks are green..
Coat, shirt, T-shirt, skirt..
Good.. Ok, last four.. Here we go..
My coat is green..
Rain boots on my feet..
My shirt is pink..
Earmuffs on my ears..
My T-shirt is blue..
Underpants on my head?..
My skirt is blue..
Underpants on my head?
Good.. Let’s try four more..!!
Hahaha,, no!
Boots.. mittens.. shoes.. socks..
A hat on my head..
My boots are brown..
Good job everyone..
I’m wearing black jeans and a red hat..
9.3 The Clothes Song
I’m a cowboy, oh yes..
I’m wearing blue jeans..
I’m a cowboy, oh yes..
I’m a cowboy, oh yes..
I’m wearing blue jeans..
I’m wearing blue jeans..
I’m a cowboy, oh yes..
I’m wearing blue jeans and a white hat..
I’m wearing blue jeans..
I’m wearing blue jeans and a white hat..
I’m a cowgirl, oh yes..
I’m wearing black jeans..
I’m a cowgirl, oh yes..
I’m a cowgirl, oh yes..
I’m wearing black jeans..
I’m wearing black jeans..
I’m a cowgirl, oh yes..
I’m wearing black jeans..
I’m wearing black jeans and a red hat..
9.4 The Clothing Song
Hey.. what is she wearing?
She is wearing a pink dress.. a pink dress... a
He is wearing gray pants.. gray pants.. gray
pants.. He is wearing green pants..
pink dress.. She is wearing a pink dress..
How about them?
How about him?
They are wearing white hats.. white hats..
He is wearing a blue shirt.. a blue shirt.. a blue
white hats.. They are wearing white hats..
shirt.. He is wearing a blue shirt..
How about it?
How about her?
It is wearing purple shoes.. purple shoes..
She is wearing a green skirt.. a green skirt.. a
green skirt.. She is wearing a green skirt..
purple shoes.. It is wearing purple shoes..
How about you?
How about him?
9.5 The Clothing Song (What is She Wearing?)
Socks, pants, shirt and shoes..
We’re ready to go out in the snow..
I’m ready for school, sister how about you?
We’re ready to go out in the snow..
Socks, skirt, shirt and shoes..
This is a uniform..
I’m ready for school, brother how about you?
This is a blouse..
We’re going to school.. we’re looking cool..
This is a bathrobe..
We’re going to school.. and we’re looking
This is a mouse..
Scarf, mittens, coat, and boots..
I’m ready to play in snow with you..
Scarf, mittens, coat, and boots..
Here’s your hat.. Here’s mine too..
These are glasses..
These are pants..
These are pajamas..
These are ants..
This is a necklace..
10 Months, Seasons and Weather
10.1 Months of The Year
These are the months of the year..
And we’ll sing it loud enough for to hear..
These are twelve months in a year..
Say january.. February.. March.. April.. Mey..
These are the months, we’ll sing it more than
And we’ll sing it loud enough for to hear..
Say january.. February.. March.. April.. Mey..
June.. July.. August.. September.. October..
November.. December..
These are the months of the year..
These are twelve months in a year..
June.. July.. August.. September.. October..
These are the months, we’ll sing it more than
November.. December..
These are the months of the year..
And we’ll sing it loud enough for to hear..
These are twelve months in a year..
Say january.. February.. March.. April.. Mey..
These are the months, we’ll sing it more than
June.. July.. August.. September.. October..
November.. December..
These are the months of the year..
Seasons Song
There four seansons that happen in a year..
Let’s take a look..
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.. Spring,
summer, autumn, winter..
Four seasons that happen in a year..
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.. Spring,
summer, autumn, winter..
Can you tell me what season it is?
Let’s take a look..
Can you tell me what season it is?
Can you tell me what season it is?
Let’s take a look..
Can you tell me what season it is?
Let’s take a look..
There are four seasons that happen in a year..
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.. spring,
summer, autumn, winter..
There are four seasons that happen in a year..
There are four seasons that happen in a year..
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.. spring,
summer, autumn, winter..
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.. spring,
summer, autumn, winter..
The Seasons Song
What do you like to do in the summer?
Winter Spring Summer Fall..
I like to go camping in the summer..
What’s your favorite season?
What do you like to do in the summer?
I like them all!
I like to go camping in the summer..
Winter Spring Summer Fall..
What do you like to do in the summer?
What’s your favorite season?
I like to go swimming in the summer..
I like them all!
What do you like to do in the summer?
What do you like to do in the fall?..
I like to go camping and swimming in the
The Weather Song
Today is Monday..
Today it’s cloudy..
Today is Monday..
Do you like cloudy days?
Today it’s sunny..
Do you like cloudy days?
Today it’s sunny..
No I don’t like cloudy days..
Do you like sunny days?
No I don’t like cloudy days..
Do you like sunny days?
Today it is.. Today it is.. Today it is.. Today it
Yes I like sunny days..
Yes I like sunny days..
Sunny! Sunny!
Today is Tuesday..
Not rainy.. Not rainy..
Today is Tuesday..
Today is Wednesday.. Today is Wednesday..
Today it’s cloudy..
Rain Rain Go Away!
Rain, rain go away, come again another day
Daddy wants to play
Come again another day
----Mommy/brother/sister/baby/other families
11. Telling Time
11.1 What time is it?
What time is it?
It’s 1 o’clock
What time is it?
It’s 1.30
12. Preposition
12.1 In On Under
One Two Three Four..
Where is the snake?
Where is the mouse?
The snake is on the cake..
The mouse is in the house..
Where is the guitar?
Where is the cat..
The guitar is on the car..
The cat is in the hat..
Where are you?
Where is the fish?
I’m on the chair too..
The fish is in the dish..
In.. on.. under..
Where are you?
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
I’m in the classroom..
In.. on.. under..
In.. on.. under..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
One Two Three Four..
In.. on.. under..
Where is the fox..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
The fox is on the box..
One Two Three Four..
Where is the train?
Where is the bear?
The train is under the airplane..
The bear is on the chair..
Where is the rose?
The rose is under the nose..
Where is the C?
Where are you?
The C is behind the D..
We’re under the moon..
Where is the E?
In.. on.. under..
The E is next to the D..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
Where are you?
In.. on.. under..
I’m between M and W..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
In.. on.. under..
One Two Three For..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
Where is the D?
In.. on.. under..
The D is in front of the C..
In front of.. behind.. next to.. between..
13. Days
13.1 Back to School
Today it’s Monday what a happy day..
Today is the day after school..
Today it’s Monday.. OK!!
I get to go to the swimming pool..
Today it’s Monday what a happy day..
Today it’s Thursday.. what a happy day..
Today it’s Monday.. it’s Monday..
Today it’s Friday, OK!
Today I’ll go to school and learn..
Saturdays are so great, for picnics and party
I’ll raise my hand..
and staying to play..
I’ll wait my ...
Today it’s Sunday what a happy day..
Today it’s Tuesday what a happy day..
Today it’s Sunday.. OK!
Today it’s Tuesday, OK!
Today it’s Sunday what a happy day..
Today it’s Wednesday what a happy day..
Today it’s Sunday.. OK!
Today it’s Wednesday.. It’s Wednesday..
13.2 How Are You?
Today is Monday 2x
Today I’m bored 2x
Today I’m sleepy 2x
How are you? I’m bored too
How are you? I’m sleepy too
Today is Thursday 2x
Today is Tuesday 2x
Today I’m hungry 2x
Today I’m okay 2x
How are you? I’m hungry too
How are you? I’m okay too
Today I feel 3x Happy 2x Not angry 2x
Today I feel 3x Happy 2x Not angry 2x
Today it’s Friday 2x
Today is Wednesday 2x
Today I’m thirsty 2x
How are you? I’m thirsty too
Today is Sunday 2x
Today is Saturday 2x
Today I’m happy
Today I’m hot 2x
Today I feel 3x Happy 2x Not angry 2x
14. Others
1. Are You Sleeping
Are you sleeping are you sleeping
Brother John brother John
Morning bells are ringing 2x
Ding deng dong 2x
2. It’s the Happy Birthday Song
Hey Kid! What do you say?
Happy birthday! Coo Coo Ca Choo..
It’s someone’s birthday today..
So happy birthday to you!
Hey Kid! What do you say?
Happy birthday! Coo Coo Ca Choo..
It’s someone’s birthday today..
So happy birthday to you!
Hey Kid! What do you say?
Happy birthday! Coo Coo Ca Choo..
It’s someone’s birthday today..
So happy birthday to you!
3. Daisy Bell
There is a flower within my heart..
Of a bicycle built for two..
Daisy.. Daisy..
We will go tandem as man and wife..
Planted one day by a glancing dart..
Daisy Daisy..
Planted by Daisy Bell..
Ped’ling away down the road of life..
Whether she loves me or loves me not..
I and my Daisy Bell..
Sometimes it’s hard to tell..
When the road’s dark, we can both despise..
And yet I am longing to share the lot..
P’licemen and lamps as well..
Of beautiful Daisy Bell..
There are bright lights in the dazzling eyes..
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..
Of beautifull Daisy Bell..
I’m half crazy all for the love of you..
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..
It won’t be a stylish marriage..
I’m half crazy all for the love of you..
I can’t afford a carriage..
It won’t be a stylish marriage..
But you’d look sweet upon the seat..
I can’t afford a carriage..
But you’d look sweet upon the seat..
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..
Of a bicycle built for two..
I’m half crazy all for the love of you..
I will stand by you in weal or woe..
It won’t be a stylish marriage..
Daisy Daisy..
I can’t afford a carriage..
You’ll be the bell which I’ll ring, you know..
But you’d look sweet upon the seat..
Sweet little Daisy Bell..
Of a bicycle built for two..
You’ll take the lead on each trip we take..
Then if I don’t do well..
I will permit you to use the brake..
My beautiful Daisy Bell..
4. Home on the Range
Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam..
Home, home on the range..
Where the deer and the antelope play..
Where the deer and the antelope play..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
Home, home on the range..
How often at night when the heavens are
Where the deer and the antelope play..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
With the light from the glittering stars..
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
Have I stood here amazed and asked as I
Where the air is so pure, the zephyrs so free..
The breezes so balmy and light..
If their glory exceeds that of ours..
That I would not exchange my home on the
Home, home on the range..
Where the deer and the antelope play..
For all of the cities so bright..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
Home, home on the range..
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
Where the deer and the antelope play..
Oh, I love these wild prairies where I roam..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
The curlew I love to hear scream..
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
And I love the white rocks and the antelope
The red man was pressed from this part of the
That graze on the mountain-tops green..
He’s likely no more to return..
Home, home on the range..
To the banks of Red River where seldom if
Where the deer and the antelope play..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
Their flickering camp-fires burn..
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
Oh, give me a land where the bright diamond
Home, home on the range..
Where the deer and the antelope play..
Flows leisurely down the stream..
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word..
Where the gracefull white swan goes gliding
And the skies are not cloudy all day..
Like a maid in a heavenly dream..
5. Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
6. I’m a Little Teapot
I’m a little teapot short and stout
Here is my handle here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Tip me over and let me out
--I’m a clever teapot yes it’s true
Here let me show you what I can do
I can change my handle and my spout
Tip me over and let me out
7. London Bridge is Falling Down
London Bridge is falling down..
Wood and clay.. wood and clay..
Falling down.. Falling down.. Falling down..
Build it up with wood and clay..
London Bridge is falling down..
My fair lady..
My fair lady..
Wood and Clay will wash away..
London Bridge is broken down..
Wash away.. wash away..
Broken down.. broken down.. broken down..
Wood and Clay will wash away..
London Bridge is broken down..
My fair lady..
My fair lady..
Build it up with iron and steel..
Build it up with wood and clay..
Iron and steel.. Iron and steel..
Build it up with iron and steel..
Build it up with silver and gold..
My fair lady..
Silver and gold.. silver and gold..
Iron and steel will bend and bow..
Build it up with silver and gold..
Bend and bow.. bend and bow..
My fair lady..
Iron and steel will bend and bow..
My fair lady..
8. My Grandfather’s Clock
My grandfather’s clock was too large for the
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
His life seconds numbering..
So it stood ninety years on the floor..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
It was taller by half than the old man himself..
It stopp’d short, never to go again..
Tough it weighed not a pennyweight more..
When the old man died..
It was bought on the morn..
My grandfather said that those he could hire..
Of the day that he was born..
Not a servant so faithful he found..
And was always his treasure and pride..
For it wasted no time, and had but one desire..
But it stopp’d short, never to go again..
At the close of each week to be wound..
When the old man died..
And it kept in its place..
Ninety years without slumbering..
Not a frown upon its face..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
And its hand never hung by its side..
His life seconds numbering..
But it stopp’d short, never to go again..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
When the old man died..
It stopp’d short, never to go again..
Ninety years without slumbering..
When the old man died..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
In watching it’s pendulum swing to and fro..
His life seconds numbering..
Many hours had he spent while a boy..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
And in childhood and manhood..
It stopp’d short, never to go again..
The clock seemed to know..
When the old man died..
And to share both his grief and his joy..
It rang an alarm in the dead of the night..
For it struck twenty-four..
An alarm that for years had been dumb..
When he entered at the door..
And we knew that his spirit was pluming for
With a blooming and beautiful bride..
But it stopp’d short, never to go again..
That his hour of departure had come..
When the old man died..
Still the clock kept the time..
Ninety years without slumbering..
With a soft and muffled chime..
As we silently stood by his side..
His life seconds numbering..
But it stopp’d short, never to go again..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
When the old man died..
It stopp’d short, never to go again..
Ninety years without slumbering..
When the old man died..
Tick-tock, tick-tock..
9. Oh My Darling, Clementine
In a cavern, in a canyon..
Oh my darling.. oh my darling..
Excavating for a mine..
Oh my darling Clementine..
Dwelt a miner forty niner..
Thou art lost and gone forever..
And his daughter Clementine..
Dreadful sorry, Clementine..
Oh my darling.. oh my darling..
Ruby lips above the water..
Oh my darling Clementine..
Blowing bubbles, soft and fine..
Thou art lost and gone forever..
But, alas, I was no swimmer..
Dreadful sorry, Clementine..
So I lost my Clementine..
Light she was and like a fairy..
Oh my darling.. oh my darling..
And her shoes were number nine..
Oh my darling Clementine..
Herring boxes, without topses..
Thou art lost and gone forever..
Sandals were for Clementine..
Dreadful sorry, Clementine..
Oh my darling.. oh my darling..
How I missed her.. How I missed her..
Oh my darling Clementine..
How I missed Clementine..
Thou art lost and gone forever..
But I kissed her little sister..
Dreadful sorry, Clementine..
I forgot my Clementine..
Drove she ducklings to the water..
Oh my darling.. oh my darling..
Every morning just at nine..
Oh my darling Clementine..
Hit her foot against a splinter..
Thou art lost and gone forever..
Fell into the foaming brine..
Dreadful sorry, Clementine..
10. Teddy Bear
Teddy bear, Teddy bear turn around..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear turn off the light..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear touch the ground..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear say “goodnight”..
Teddy bear, Teddy shine your shoes..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear that will do..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear turn around..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear go up stairs..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear touch the ground..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear say your prayers..
Teddy bear, Teddy shine your shoes..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear that will do..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear say your prayers..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear turn off the light..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear go up stairs..
Teddy bear, Teddy bear say “goodnight”..
11. Waltzing Matilda
Once, a jolly swagman camped by a
Mounted on his thoroughbread..
Down ca,e the troopers 1,2,3..
Under the shade of a coolibah tree..
Who’s is that jumbuck..
And he sang as he watched..
You’ve got in your tuckerbag..
And waited ‘till his billy boiled..
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
“Who’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?”
Waltzing Matilda.. waltzing Matilda..
Waltzing Matilda.. waltzing Matilda..
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
Who’s is that jumbuck..
And he sang as he watched..
You’ve got in your tuckerbag..
And waited ‘till his billy boiled..
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
Down came a jumbuck..
Up jumped the swagman..
To drink at that billabong..
And sprang into the billabong..
Up jumped the swagman..
You’ll never take me alive, said he..
And grabbed him with glee..
And his ghost may be heard..
And he sang as he shoved..
As you pass by that billabong..
That jumbuck in his tuckerbag..
“Who’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?”
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
Waltzing Matilda.. waltzing Matilda..
Waltzing Matilda.. waltzing Matilda..
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
And his ghost may be heard..
And he sang as he shoved..
As you pass by that billabong..
That jumbuck in his tuckerbag..
“Who’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?”
You’ll come a-waltzing Matilda with me..
Up, rode the squatter...
12. Wheels on The Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town
Round and round 2x
The door on the bus go open and shut
All through the town
Open and shut
The wiper on the bus go swish swish swish
All through the town
Swish swish swish
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep
Beep beep beep
Wahh wah wahh
All through the town
All through the town
The gas on the bus goes glug glug glug
The people on the bus say shh shh shhh
Glug glug glug
Shh shhh shh
All through the town
All through the town
The money on the bus goes clink clink clink
The mommy on the bus says
Clink clink clink
I love you I love you I love you
All through the town
The daddy on the bus says I love you too
The baby on the bus says wahh wah wahh
All through the town
13. My Bike
My sister’s always out roller skating..
When I could be out riding my bike..
My Mom and Dad love to ski..
I’m going out, watch me now..
When it comes to fun, there ain’t no
Rolling-round.. riding.. My bike.. my bike.. my
There’s only one thing for me..
Grandpa’s taken the car to town and ..
Oh Boy, I like toys..
Grandma’s baking a cake..
My favorite toy that I like..
When I want fun I don’t fool around..
Is my bike.. Is my bike.. Is my bike..
I;m going to have some fun for Goodness’
Uncle Dan is a skateboard man..
Aunt Rhonda loves to run..
Oh Boy, I like toys..
They can’t catch me on my bike, no way..
My favorite toy that I like..
I’m like lightning and I’m having fun..
Is my bike.. Is my bike.. Is my bike..
Well, I’ve got a lot of toys..
Well, I’ve got a lot of toys..
My favorite toy that I like..
My favorite toy that I like..
Is my bike.. Is my bike.. Is my bike..
Is my bike.. Is my bike.. Is my bike..
I’m not sitting inside with the TV on..
14. People in Our Community
When I’m outside..
When everyday we see..
I say ‘Hi”..
The people who live in our community..
To the people I see everyday..
We’re all friendly...
“How are you friend?”..
When everyday we see..
“See you again”..
The people who live in our community..
That’s so easy to say..
Bus driver.. Taxi driver.. Painter.. Police..
We’re all friendly...
Burber.. Butcher.. Teacher and Me..
We’re all friendly...
Fire fighter.. Lanscaper.. Farmer.. Plumber..
When everyday we see..
Shop owner.. Mail Carrier..
The people who live in our community..
We’re all friendly...
We’re all friendly...
When everyday we see..
When everyday we see..
The people who live in our community..
The people who live in our community..
The people who live in our community..
Carpenter.. Doctor.. Nurse.. Veterinarian..
The people who live in our community..
Waiter.. Waitress.. Baker.. Dentist..
The people who live in our community..
Mechanic.. Librarian..
15. The Wiggles
Twinkle, twinkle little star..
How I wonder what you are..
Up above the world so high..
Like a diamond in the sky..
Twinkle, twinkle little star..
How I wonder what you are..
When the blazing sun is gone..
When he nothing shines upon..
Then you show your little light..
Twinkle.. twinkle all the night..
Twinkle, twinkle little star..
How I wonder what you are..
Twinkle, twinkle little star..
How I wonder what you are..
Up above the world so high..
Like a diamond in the sky..
Twinkle, twinkle little star..
How I wonder what you are..
How I wonder what you are..
Untuk evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan ini, kami meminta kesediaan bapak/ibu untuk
mengisi setiap pernyataan di bawah ini sesuai dengan persepsi/pendapat bapak/ibu. Isilah
dengan tanda kali (x) pada kotak tanggapan yang tersedia dimana STS (Sangat Tidak
Setuju), TS (Tidak Setuju), S( Setuju) dan SS (Sangat Setuju). Terimakasih.
Pelatihan dilaksanakan tepat waktu
Suasana pelatihan membosankan, monoton, dan kurang
Saya tertarik dengan materi pelatihan
Materi pelatihan sangat relevan dengan bidang pekerjaan saya
Materi pelatihan bermanfaat bagi peserta
Cakupan materi memadai
Saya memahami materi yang diberikan
Teknik pengajaran yang diterapkan membantu saya
memahami materi dengan lebih baik
Teknik pengajaran yang digunakan memfasilitasi peserta
untuk aktif berpartisipasi
Instruktur menyampaikan materi dengan jelas dan mudah
Instruktur memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta untuk
mengajukan pendapat
Instruktur menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan peserta dengan
Instruktur memberikan umpan balik yang konstruktif
Instruktur bersedia membantu peserta yang mengalami
Instruktur memanfaatkan alat bantu (misal LCD proyektor,
OHP, Papan tulis, dll) dengan baik
Kritik/ saran:
Nama Peserta
Jenis Kegiatan
Keaktifan mengikuti pelatihan
Tidak Aktif
Peserta 1
Peserta 2
Peserta 3
Melantunkan lagu-lagu yang
Mengikuti games yang
diberikan instruktur
Berpastisipasi dalam
menciptakan gerakangerakan untuk lagu-lagu ang
dipilih oleh kelompoknya
Melantunkan lagu-lagu yang
Mengikuti games yang
diberikan instruktur
Berpastisipasi dalam
menciptakan gerakangerakan untuk lagu-lagu ang
dipilih oleh kelompoknya
Melantunkan lagu-lagu yang
Mengikuti games yang
diberikan instruktur
Berpastisipasi dalam
menciptakan gerakangerakan untuk lagu-lagu ang
dipilih oleh kelompoknya
Tidak aktif
: peserta mengikuti kegiatan sebanyak 0%-70%
: Peserta mengikuti kegiatan 71%-80%
Sangat aktif
: Peserta mengikuti kegiatan 81%-100%
Aktif (A)
Form ini digunakan untuk menilai apakah peserta mampu memimpin memberikan songs
kepada temannya.
: bisa memimpin rekan-rekannya untuk menyanyikan sebuah lagu, terlihat
rekan-rekannya bisa menyanyikan dengan pelafalan yang benar, irama yang benar dan
gerakan-gerakan yang benar
Tidak mampu : tidak bisa memimpin rekan-relannya untuk menyanyikan sebuah lagu, rekanrekannya tidak bisa menyanyikan lagu tersebut dengan pelafalan yang benar, irama yang
benar dan gerakan-gerakan yang benar
Nama Peserta
Tidak mampu
Peserta 1
Peserta 2
Peserta 3
Form ini digunakan untuk menilai apakah peserta mampu memimpin memberikan games
kepada temannya.
: bisa memimpin rekan-rekannya untuk melakukan sebuag game (permainan),
terlihat rekan-rekannya bisa melakukan langkah-demi langkah permainan itu.
Tidak mampu : tidak bisa memimpin rekan-rekannya untuk melakukan sebuag game
(permainan), terlihat rekan-rekannya tidak bisa melakukan langkah-demi langkah permainan
Nama Peserta
Peserta 1
Peserta 2
Peserta 3
Tidak mampu
Lampiran 4
Peta Lokasi
Foto-foto Kegiatan
Foto 1 Pembukaan Kegiatan: Sambutan Ketua Pelaksana dan Kepala UPT Disdikpora
Kecamatan Mengwi
Foto 2 Peserta menyaksikan video lagu
Foto 3: Peserta berlatih lirik lagu
Foto 4: Peserta dalam kelompok menciptakan dan memperagakan gerakan-gerakan lagu