info at NYMCRA Newsletter - New York Marathon Canoe Racing


info at NYMCRA Newsletter - New York Marathon Canoe Racing
The Racing Paddler
The 2016 February Schedule Edition
Time to plan your races and mark your calendars.
Spring is just around the corner!
Message from the President
Hello fellow NYMCRA members,
NOTE: THIS IS THE FINAL PRINT NEWSLETTER! All future newsletters will be sent via
email. To ensure you receive up to date information, make sure your contact info is up to date!
If you did not receive this newsletter in your email, make sure to email [email protected]
with “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line to be added to the email list.
Now that that is out of the way...March is here! The ice (if it even froze over for some of us) is
melting and we will soon be racing again. In this newsletter is the full 2016 race schedule. If
you feel there are errors to the schedule, please let us know ASAP so we can get corrections sent
out! If you have questions regarding specific races, contact the race organizer.
What’s happening this month? In years past Gary McLain has hosted the “Unofficial Northern
NY Canoe Camp in mid-March. This year NYMCRA is trying to expand this camp and have a
training series. See the section about the training sessions for more details.
Remember to renew your NYMCRA membership if you have not yet done so. We should have
an online renewal option up and running soon to make renewing more convenient. Also
remember to renew your USCA membership. You must be a current USCA member to
participate in the USCA Nationals in Northfield MA this August. Also, the more NYMCRA
members that are also USCA members results in more USCA funds being allocated to our
organization. As a reward to you all, we are working with USCA to host a canoe race later this
summer that is FREE to all NYMCRA/USCA members. Yes, FREE! Details to follow.
Remember to check our website and our Facebook page for the most up to date information. If you have things
you’d like in future newsletters, please send them to [email protected].
Phil Millspaugh
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
NYMCRA Spring Training Sessions
Introducing the NYMCRA spring training sessions! We are having multiple sessions across the state over the
next 2 months to try and offer opportunities to paddle with different people on different bodies of water and to
improve on our racing skills. All sessions are open to all ability levels. The exact training plan will depend on who
shows up to each session, but the goal is to stick together as a group and work to improve on various skills
(stroke technique, drafting/wake riding, turning/boat handling, sprinting/popping the boat, etc).
Sessions 1 and 2: March 12-13 at Fish Creek near Saratoga Springs NY. Saturday 12pm, Sunday 10am. Easy
water with some gentle current and some lake paddling. General focus is getting out the rust from this winter and
just having fun! Overnight accommodations available at various local paddlers’ houses for out of town paddlers
wanting to participate in both sessions. Contact Gary McLain to RSVP at [email protected].
Session 3: Saturday March 19 at Irondequoit Creek in Rochester NY. Start time 1pm. Focus on C1, but all
boats welcome. Similar water to the Canton Canoe weekend with tight corners and decent current. Good
practice for technical boat handling.
Session 4: Sunday March 20 at Seneca River (exact put-in to be determined) near Syracuse NY. Easy water
(canal/river). Start time is 11am. Focus on C2 pack riding and drafting. Limited overnight accommodations
available for out-of-towners wanting to do both sessions 3 and 4. Contact Phil Millspaugh at
[email protected] if you need a room.
Session 5: Saturday April 2 at Susquehanna River in Wells Bridge NY. 12pm. Flatwater upstream and
downstream. Good practice for the 2nd half of the USPP race following 2 weeks later. If enough demand,
another session will be held Sunday AM at 10am at the same location.
Session 6: Saturday April 9 at Schroon River near Pottersville NY.12pm. Flatwater lake and
downstream/upstream paddling.
Again, these sessions are for all ability levels. They are designed to be mostly fun and hopefully somewhat
educational. We hope to see you all at least one of these spring training sessions! For the most up-to-date
information on any of these training sessions, be sure to check our website and our Facebook page. Paddle on!
This month’s question: Do you prefer to race bow or stern? Why?
Send answers to [email protected]
Results to last month’s question: When and how do you start your spring training?
• When ice is off the river or lakes - Canoe workouts with medium intensity for five to eight miles then
high intensity intervals. In place of other outdoor workouts. Still do hikes and gym at least once a
Nick H.
• I'm going to be paddling my c1 full time on the Cayuga Lake inlet soon. I've already been lifting and
running for a couple months.
Joe S.
• We start with the paddling machine in the winter and then when the ice breaks down, river, canal,
and lake paddling in a small group, approximately 2 hours at the time 4 to occasionally 6 times a
Skaneateles, central NY.
Alex G.
• I usually alternate between weightlifting, cardio, and kettlebells starting light in December and
ramping up until March. Once daylight savings starts I’m on water 5-6 days a week - mostly C1.
Irondequoit NY
Phil M.
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Changes Coming in NNYP
Ed Greiner
The Northern New York Paddlers have got
some pretty exciting changes coming up this
season. We’re trying to break the mold of the
“same old thing” year after year.
Beginning in early May, we will be hosting a
course for beginning canoe and kayak racers.
Coinciding with our Monday Night Paddling,
which is mostly for recreational paddlers, we
will be teaching newbies paddling technique for
racers. We will pair the newcomers with
veteran paddlers, either in the same boat or
alongside, to teach the finer points of racing.
Along with technique, we will progress to
handling rough water, riding in a pack and
nutrition and fitness. Sprints and longer races
will be included as we progress.
The Donald Patneaude Memorial Towpath
Regatta will take place on Thursday, June 16.
Starting at Gateway Landing on the SCCC
access ramp, it will end at Aqueduct Park in
Rexford, behind the Boat House.
July brings another break with tradition. The
Electric City Regatta will be pushed back a
week to July 16th. We are moving back to our
old venue at Lock 9 in Rotterdam Junction. The
park at Schenectady County Community
College is a nice place to have the gathering
and awards, but the put-in is difficult and motor
boat traffic presents a problem. There should
be fewer power boats between locks 9 & 10.
The Barge Chaser will be held the day after at
Kiwanis Park on Rt. 5S in Rotterdam to give
racers the whole weekend in the same area.
Linda and Bob Cooley have increased the
distance of the long event to 10 miles to bring it
into line with most other NYMCRA races.
There will be rough camping available nearby,
less than 5 miles from either race. Look for
more details on that at as
we get closer to the date of the races.
NNYP is hoping to become a more formidable
presence in the New York racing scene.
Zone Training Intervals
Made Simple
There are many components to effective
conditioning programs for athletes, but all
programs need to take into consideration
Specificity and Overload Principals. Specificity
states that the body will adapt to the specific
demands placed on it and the Overload
Principal teaches us that to continually adapt,
the body must be put under stress that exceeds
its current capabilities. So what does that
mean? Athletes need to challenge themselves
with varieties of intervals.
Zone Training is an effective method for
improved cardiorespiratory performance. It is
basically interval training with emphasis on
working through 3 Heart Rate Training Zones.
This information is not new to many of use, but
it is worthy of repeating since it provides good
results and can help prevent injury and
overtraining while creating a more challenging
cardiorespiratory workout.
Zone Training uses three heart rate zones.
First, find your maximum heart rate or HRmax.
Use the simple formula of 220 minus your age
and apply that to each of the zones. Below are
the three Zones.
Zone 1 65-75% of your HRmax
Zone 2 80-85% of your HRmax
Zone 3 86-90% of your HR max
A sample three day training program would be
like this:
Day 1
30-60 minutes Zone 1
Day 2
Zone 1 warm up for 10 minutes,
30 minutes in Zone 2 and a cool down in Zone
Day 3
Zone 1 warm up for 5 minutes.
One minute in Zone 2 followed by one minute in
Zone 3, repeat that pattern up to 5 times with a
2-3 minute rest in Zone 1. Continue repeating
that pattern one or two more times. As training
progresses, the Zone 2 and 3 intervals can be
increased to 2 minutes. Find the pattern that
works best for you and creates a challenge.
Once a week try 30 second intervals in Zones 2
and 3 and monitor heart rate recovery. For peak
performance in season, give pre-season Zone
Training a try!
Cathy Lipski
Certified Personal Trainer and Pilates/Group
Exercise Instructor
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
C-1 Amateur Championships
After a successful first year, SLVP will again sponsor the C-1 Amateur Championships for 2016. The
format will be the same. Three races in June, July, and August being no more than an hour and a half
each. Whoever accumulates the most points will win. In the event of a tie the third race will count
double. There will be four classes: C-1 and C-1 Stock for both men and women.
The races consist of the first day of Madrid, and new this year the Armond Bassett Memorial will
replace the Saranac Flatwater Challenge, and the first day of Wells Bridge. Everyone, regardless of
club affiliation, may paddle in these races, but anyone who competes in a 2016 pro race is not eligible
to win. All the awards will be determined and presented at the finish of Wells Bridge.
SLVP will donate high tech shirts to the winners of each individual race, with a overall winner receiving
a plaque. There will also be a raffle after Wells Bridge with a chance of winning based upon
NYMCRA Race Directors and Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2016
2:30-4:30 pm
Present: Kevin and Lisa Berl, Ed and Kim Greiner, Phil Millspaugh, Tim and Linda Henning, Blanche Towne,
Chuck Bolesh, Cathy Giglio, Rodger Gocking, Scott Stenburg, Gene Newman, Todd Furstoss, Vicki Rawlins, Jeff
Pederson, Cathy Lipski, Bruce Lee, Aims Coney, Jeff Hogue, Kerry Newell, Sheila Brady, Boll Bowman
Race Directors Meeting
Introductions: Phil opened the meeting with the introduction of Race Directors, Board of Directors, NYMCRA
members and guests that were present.
Race Calendar: Ed Greiner reviewed the 2016 Race Schedule Calendar. The schedule was confirmed and any
date conflicts were resolved. A “skeleton” schedule will be made available in February.
Race and Point Series Promotion: A discussion was held to promote ideas to increase attendance at races in
both the pro and amateur classes. In order to achieve this, distances may need to be adjusted to appeal to
specific participants. Races could have less completive classes and add more “fun” classes. Websites and links
need to be available and updated so race information is accessible to all potential participants. The promotion of
the Points Series was also discussed. It was suggested that the Pro Point Series would need to be reformatted in
order for it to be successful. Another suggestion was to eliminate the Points Series all together in favor of Annual
NYMCRA Awards. These awards could be fun and creative to include variety of awards, such as Most Improved
Paddler and Sportsmanship.
Newsletter: Phil discussed the NYMCRA Newsletter. He would like to include monthly E-Newsletters and larger
Quarterly Newsletters. The group reached out to members and non-members to provide articles, race updates
and photos to enhance the Newsletters.
Training Clinics: Spring Training clinics were discussed. These clinics could be weekly, biweekly or weekends
and be held at various locations in the state. Clinics could help increase participation, improve training quality and
offer visibility to the sport.
2016 USCA Update and Nationals: Scott Stenberg provided information on the 2016 USCA Meeting. USCA is
gaining momentum under the leadership of Peter Head and Priscilla Reinertsen. Quarterly Magazines will be
published and the website has been redesigned. Scott will be the NYMCRA Delegate. Individual Grant Funding is
available and there may be available funding to reinstate the Newcomb Race. Race insurance can still be
purchased through USCA.
The 2016 Nationals will be held in Northfield, MA and the dates are August 11-14. There is a video on the
Nationals Website that shows the course. The location for the 2017 Nationals has been deferred, but it may be
held in Iowa. A discussion was held regarding having the 2018 Nationals in NY and possible locations to include
the Syracuse area and Genesee Waterway.
Open Discussion: Topics discussed included “branding” of races so they are recognized for specific elements,
having discounts for Military Veterans and sharing NYMCRA and race sponsor websites and logos.
The meeting adjourned approximately 4:30 pm.
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Board of Directors Meeting: This meeting followed the Race Directors Meeting
The Canoe and Kayak Point Series Races will be the same as last year except the Nineveh Nine will replace the
Saranac Flat Water Challenge for canoe points.
In order to improve communication, Phil reminded the Board to reply to all when responding to email between
Board Members.
The idea of sharing websites and logos between NYMCRA, USCA and race sponsors or interested parties was
approved. Links and Logos can be sent to Phil and he will forward them to Dale Fox. Tim and Sue provided the
NYMCRA logo to all Board Members via email.
Sue Knapik will continue to write the NYMCRA Newsletter. Board Members were encouraged to submit articles,
photos and training tips. Phil will provide an outline of the 2016 Race Calendar which will be available in February.
Dale Fox will continue to update and host the NYMCRA Website. Ed stated that funds are available for the
Website and $1000, over a two year period, has been given by Ogdensburg for that purpose. There are also
funds available to allow NYMCRA to start on-line membership registrations through Pay Pal.
The Board approved reinstating the Newcomb Race through a USCA sponsorship. This would allow NYMCRA
members to participate free of charge.
Due to the increased popularity of double bladed paddles being used with canoes and the use of SUPs, additional
classes may be created for race participants at the race director’s discretion. The goal is to promote and
encourage paddling.
The Board further discussed special awards that could be available at the 2016 Banquet. NYMCRA members are
encouraged to share their ideas.
Point Champion Award changes were discussed. It was suggested that rather than a fleece jacket, the award
could be a certificate that covers the registration fees for all Points Races in the following year. It was also
suggested that a Race Director of a Points Race can count that race as their 5th race if they are unable to
participate in that race.
It was confirmed that Scott Stenberg will be the NYMCRA delegate to USCA.
Initial discussions confirmed the need for a 2018 Nationals Committee in order to bring that event to New York.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:31pm.
NYMCRA Board of Directors – courtesy of Roger Gocking From L to R: Tim Henning, Chuck Bolesh, Phil Millspaugh,
Cathy Lipski, Ed Greiner, Sue Knapik, Kevin Berl, Scott Stenberg
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Saturday April 16
Upper Susquehanna Pedalers & Paddlers
Spring Race
12 and 18 Miles Oneonta, NY
Registration: Begins at 10am at the start.
Pre-race meeting:11am,
Classes: All NYMCRA Point classes, Pro,
Recreation and Recreation Mixed
Awards: First three places in each division
Entry fees: Pre-registration $20/paddler for
amateur and $30/pro paddler. All preregistrations must be received by mail prior to
race day. Race day registration $22/ amateur
paddler and $35/pro paddler.
All checks payable to: Upper Susquehanna
Pedalers & Paddlers
Mail to: Jeff Shultis, 7 Diane Drive, Otego, NY
Contact: Jeff Shultis: 607-988-7898 or
[email protected]
Course description: All classes start at Route
205 Bridge in Oneonta and finish at the Otego
fishing access. Recreation classes, C-1W and
any class with youth will finish when reaching
the Otego access. All other classes proceed to
Wells Bridge, turn a buoy and return to the
Otego fishing access.
Hot food and awards immediately following at
the Otego Elementary School.
Saturday April 23
Wappingers Creek Water Derby
Distance: 8 mi. downstream
Registration time: In advance on the website
(, or starting at 8 am
on race day.
Start time 8:00 am.
Entry fee: $5 -$20
No pro-boats allowed, but amateur cruisers OK
in CC class
Approximately 8 mile run down the winding
Wappingers Creek from Pleasant Valley to
Poughkeepsie NY.
Chris Ciccotelli, 914-563-2109,
[email protected] for race app.
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Sunday April 24
Little River Ramble
Location: Little River Boat Canton NY
Distance: Varies
Registration 12:00-1:00 First Start 1:00
Entry Fee : Adults $20 - SLVP adult member
$15 - School Age students $5 - - College
Students $Free
Contact: Gene Newman 315-323-0946
[email protected]
Please visit for race
results, photos and more information.
Sunday April 24
Run of the Charles, Boston, MA
Distance: 6-, 9-, 19-, 24-Mile races
Registration times, start times and entry fees
vary by race. Visit for
more information.
Contact: Meg (508) 698-6810 or
[email protected]
Spectators line the riverbanks to watch the Run
of the Charles. The Run of the Charles features
family fun at the Finish Line Festival at DCR’s
Artesani Park in Brighton
Wednesdays May 4 thru Sept 21
NNYP Wednesday Night Time Trials
Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM
Mohawk River at Rexford, NY (Aqueduct Boat
3-4 miles course will vary, and may include
Registration time: 6PM Start 6:30PM
Entry fee: none
Contact: Alec Davis 518-321-6820 voice or text
or [email protected]
Saturday May 7 & Sunday May 8
Canton Canoe Weekend
NYMCRA Canoe Points Races
Location: Taylor Park, Canton, NY
Distance: Varies
Saturday: C1, K1, C1 Pro, Rec races
C1 Pro World Championships
Sunday: C2, K2, C2 Pro, team relays
Registration Time Up to 15 minutes prior to
start. Pre-registration accepted prior to April 24
Start Time: Saturday9:30 Rushton Recreational Events (1-8 miles)
12:30 C-1 Pro (14 miles), C-1 & K-1 (12 miles)
4:00 Rushton Downriver Tour
Charles River Watershed Association’s
Run of the Charles
Boston’s Premier Paddling Race
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Boston, MA
Races Include:
Amateur 6-, 9-, 19-Mile
24-Mile Corporate and Non-Corporate Relay
All races finish at the Finish Line Festival at
DCR’s Artesani Park featuring:
Live Music • Picnics • Food • Vendors
For further information, or to sponsor or volunteer,
please contact us at 508-698-6810 x10 or [email protected]
Canton cont’d.
Sunday9:30 C-2 Pro (14 miles), C-2 Amateur (12
1:30 Rushton Relay
Entry Fee: $35 Pro; $20 Amateur; $10 College
Student; $5 School Age
Contact: Gene Newman 315-323-0946
[email protected]
Phil LaMarche 315-212-6985
[email protected]
Saturday May 14
‘Round the Mountain Canoe and Kayak
NYMCRA Canoe & Kayak Points Races
Start is at the Ampersand Bay Resort on Lower
Saranac Lake
Distance: 10.5 mi
Registration: 9:00 – 10:30
Start time: 11:00 am
Entry fee: $25 per paddler. ($20 for AWA
Scenic paddling adventure from Lower Saranac
Lake, down the Saranac River over 1 short,
carry through Oseetah Lake to the Finish on
Lake Flower into the paddler friendly village of
Saranac Lake.
Contact: Brian McDonnell 518-891–2744
[email protected]
Saturday May 21
Ed Wessels Canoe Regatta
32 miles C1 & C2 Am, C1 & C2 Pro
First start: 10:00 am
All Wessels races will start at the Otego boat
launch. The boat launch is located about 1 mile
east of the I-88 Otego exit, on the south side of
the river.
Finish at Keith Clark Park
Checks payable to Sidney Chamber of
Commerce PO Box 2295, Sidney, NY 13838.
Contact: Ed Curley 607-433-0333 or 607-5631524 or [email protected]
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Wednesday May 25, 2016
The General Clinton Dash for Cash
New Race for 2016!
5 mile Sprint ---Sidney to Bainbridge
Cash Prizes for more info
Friday – Monday May 22-25
General Clinton Canoe Regatta
Cooperstown to Bainbridge, NY.
5 – 70 miles Susquehanna River
Info, entry forms and results on website.
Classes: Racing, Stock, Standard, Stock
Aluminum, and Recreational in open and
Races for all levels from first timers to the Pro’s
competing for $20,000 in prizes.
Join us at the finish line in Bainbridge for great
food, live entertainment, fireworks and much,
much more.
Radio coverage on WCDO FM100.9/AM1490
Contact: John Harmon 607-237-6008
[email protected]
Saturday June 4
Tupper Lake 8 Miler
NYMCRA Canoe & Kayak Points Races
Location: Simon Pond and Raquette River, near
Tupper Lake, New York
Distance: Eight miles
Registration Time: 9:30-10:30 AM
Start Time: 11 AM
Entry Fee: $25
Contact: [email protected]
This race will begin at the Tupper Lake Boat
Launch on Simon Pond and go up the Raquette
River to the Oxbow and return to the start. It
will be a true eight miles.
Saturday June 11
Wild Goose Chase Canoe/Kayak/Sup Race
Location: Housatonic River in Lenox, Ma (the
Distance:9 miles (out and back)
Registration starts at 9am
Start Time: 11am
Entry Fee: $15 per person
Contac: [email protected]
All age group categories for canoes, kayaks and
SUPs. The Housatonic River has it all; narrow,
technical, suck water, shallow water and
somewhat deep water race out and back 9
miles. 5 mile course for SUPs and recreational
paddlers. Lunch and camaraderie following the
race. Many prizes.
Saturday & Sunday June 11 & 12
Madrid Canoe Regatta
Many Classes. Register, start & finish at Madrid
Community Park. Snack Bar & playground. Tshirts.
Entry Fee: $15 per individual, $30 pro paddlers,
$5 high school, discounts for SLVP members
and veterans
Rough camping is available for the weekend.
Spaghetti dinner $5 per plate on Saturday
following awards.
Contact: Bernie & Amy Moulton 315-322-4041
[email protected]
Saturday June 11
1, 3 &9 miles
C1 Pro Sprint
Distance: 1 mile
Registration: 9:00
Start time: 10:30
C1 Pro & 9 mile Amateur marathon
Start Time: 11:30
NYMCRA Canoe Points Race
3 mile Rec race
Start time: 11:45
All NYMCRA Points classes
Sunday June 14
6, 13 & 16 miles
Register: 8:00
Start: 10:00
Amateur marathon (13 miles w/ 1 portage) Pro
(16 miles w/ 1 portage). Rec. 6 miles
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Wednesdays May 18, June 15, July 20,
August 17
SLVP 3rd Wednesday Duathlon Series
Sign in at 6pm, race begins at 6:30pm
Located at the Little River Boat Launch off Park
Street in Canton.
Free for all participants and all are welcome.
Canoes and kayaks are allowed; one or two
The race consists of one paddling leg of
approximately 2 miles and two running legs that
are about a 1 1/4 miles each.
Contact: Gene Newman 315-386-2577
Thursday June 16
Donald Patneaude Memorial Towpath
4.5 miles
Location: Gateway Landing Park, Schenectady,
NY, adjacent to Schenectady Community
College to Aqueduct Park, Niskayuna
Registration: 5:30 pm Start: 6:30
Entry fee: Free
Contact: Geoff Moore 518-257-3703 or
[email protected]
A family-fun race. All classes of humanpowered boats welcome. PFDs must be worn at
race director’s discretion.
Saturday June 25
Old Forge Paddle Classic
Location: Navigation Dock Old Forge Pond
Distance: 2 races: 6 Miles from Navigation
Dock to Treasure Island on First Lake and
12 Miles from Navigation Dock to Alger Island
on Fourth Lake and back
Registration Time: 7:30AM-8:45AM Race
Morning at Hemmer Cottage followed by Race
Meeting at the Navigation Dock
Start Time: 9AM
Entry Fee: $30 Adults/$15 Children Under 12
Contact: Sheila Brady
[email protected]
Barbeque and free tee shirts
Sunday June 26
Black River Canoe and Kayak Race
NYMCRA Kayak Points Race
Location: start at the DEC boat launch in
Glenfield, NY and finish at the DEC boat
launch in Castorland.
Distance: 23 miles (no carry)
Classes: canoe, kayak, war canoe
Registration time: 8:00 am
Start time: 9:00 am
Entry fee: $30
Contact: Jerry Haenlin, (315) 489-0368
Monday July 4
Contoocook River Canoe & Kayak Race
Contoocook, NH
Distance: 5 miles - short Youth race after Adult
Registration 9:30 - 10:45
Race Start 11:00
Fee $18
Contact: Priscilla Reinertsen 603-746-6491
[email protected]
Small river race, up and back course, awards to
all participants, turkey roast at Reinertsen’s after
the race. Wildflower and grass maze for youth
and adult entertainment.
See NECKRA website for driving directions
Saturday July 9
Armond Bassett Canoe and Kayak Race
NYMCRA Canoe & Kayak Points Races
Genesee Water Ways Center
149 Elmwood Ave, Rochester, NY 14611
6 Mile C-1 Pro Race with cash prizes Starts at
10 Mile Marathon Race, 3 Mile Fun Race
Registration: 8:30 am
First Start: 11:00
Entry Fee: $25.00 per
Guide Boats, C4, all canoe and kayaks
welcome!!! T-shirts to the 1st 100,
Water and snacks provided, Awards,
***Food Available***
Contact: Kevin Berl (585) 733-4043
[email protected]
Tim Henning (315) 926-5749
[email protected]
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Saturday July 16
Electric City Regatta
NYMCRA Canoe & Kayak Points Races
Mohawk River/Erie Canal Lock 9
Rotterdam Junction, NY
12 mi. marathon, 3 mi. rec., 1 mi. fun race
All NYMCRA classes including C4 and SUP
Registration 8:30
First start 10:00
Entry fee: $25, NNYP & NYMCRA members
Post-race potluck picnic. Bring a dish to share
or pay $5 to eat.
Contact: Ed 518-421-2947 or Kim Greiner 518421-2939 or [email protected]
Sunday July 17
Barge Chaser Canoe and Kayak Race
Kiwanis Park, Rt. 5S, Rotterdam, NY
(between Schenectady and Amsterdam)
Distance: 3 miles and 10 miles on the Mohawk
River (between Lock 8 and Lock 9)
Registration:10 am First Start:11 am.
All NYMCRA classes plus Recreation
Entry fee: $15 /adult and $5/youth Picnic will
follow bring a dish to share or pay $3
Contact: Linda and Bob Cooley, 518-393-9201,
[email protected]
All NYMCRA classes, plus Recreation classes
in the 3 mile race.
Saturday July 23.
The Ogdensburg International Seaway
Festival Canoe Race
Heuvelton, NY
Registration will start at 8:30 at the Heuvelton
boat launch. First racers will go out at 9:30 and
the race will finish at the Greenbelt in
Entry fee: $15 Per racer and that includes the
Seaway Festival t-shirt for more info
Facebook page: Ogdensburg International
Seaway Festival
Saturday-Sunday July 23- 24
Spike’s Challenge
Grayling, Michigan
Contact: John Lucey [email protected]
Sunday July 24
The Blue Mountain Lake Association’s Buoy
Funding Race
Location: Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Distances: 14, 7 and 1.5 miles
Registration Time: 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Start Time: 10:30 AM
Entry Fee: $25 for adults, $15 for 17 and under
Contact: Aims “Andy” Coney,
[email protected] or
[email protected], 978-562-2805 (On
race weekend: 518-352-7364)
“Prettiest darn race in America” All NYMCRA
Classes plus Stand Up Paddleboards,
Guideboats and Shells. All levels welcome!
For a course map and other info see:
Saturday-Sunday July 30-31
AuSable River Canoe Marathon
Grayling, Michigan
Tuesday – Sunday August 11 - 14
USCA Canoe & Kayak Nationals
Connecticut River in Northfield, MA
Hosted by the New England Canoe and Kayak
Racing Association (NECKRA).
Come for three days of marathon racing (August
12th-14th, 2016) with championship
competition for canoe, kayak, surfski and
SUP. For the younger paddlers, sprint races will
be held on Thursday August 11.
Peter Heed: [email protected]
Priscilla Reinertsen: [email protected]
Saturday & Sunday August 20 & 21
Wells Bridge Canoe and Kayak Races
Wells Bridge, NY
NYMCRA Canoe Points Races
Distance: C-1 8 miles, C-2 10 miles, C-4 13
Registration Time: Saturday 1:00 pm, Sunday
9:00 am
Start Time: Saturday 3:00 pm, Sunday 11:00 am
Entry Fee: $25
Contact Information: Jeff Pedersen 607-7832880 [email protected]
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Brief description or other pertinent information:
All races start and finish in Wells Bridge. Loop
course on the Susquehanna starting upstream
and finishing downstream.
Contact: Jeff Pedersen
PO Box 245 Gilbertsville, NY 13776
[email protected] 607-783-2880
Sunday August 28
Nineveh Nine Canoe and Kayak Race
NYMCRA Canoe Points Race
Location: Enchanted Gardens, Nineveh, NY
Exit 6 on Rt. 88 then right onto Rt 7
Distance: 9 mile long course 3 mile short course
Registration Time:9:00 to 9:45 am
Start Time: 10:00 am
Entry Fee: $25 long course $ 20 short course
Contact: Cathy Lipski
[email protected] 607-765-9237
This loop course is on the Susquehanna River
with mostly deep water and light current. The
long course has a short area of shallow water
and river crossings. Both courses are scenic and
the short course is perfect for Novice paddlers.
Proceeds will be donated to the Binghamton
Zoo to help promote wildlife preservation and
awareness. A Zoomobile will provided by the
Zoo. Limited Canoe and Kayak rentals will be
available at
Chicken BBQ meals for purchase will be
available after the race.
Saturday September 3
Remington II
Classes: any canoe, kayak, single, tandem,
group, gender class
Start in Rensselaer Falls on Oswegatchie River
and finish at Heuvelton, NY.
Distance: 6 mi.
Registration: 9:00 am First start: 10:00 am
Entry fee: SLVP members $15, non SLVP $20,
youth $5, Military SLVP members$10, and non
SLVP Military $15
There are two rapids where racers choose to
paddle thru or carry around
Contact: Allen Kelly at
[email protected]
Friday - Sunday September 9, 10, 11
Adirondack Canoe Classic
Location: Old Forge to Saranac Lake
Distance: 90 miles
Entry deadline is July 20, 2016
Start Time: 8:00 AM
Entry Fee: $200pp for solo boats, $175pp for
tandem boats and C-4 paddlers, $150pp for
Voyageur Canoe paddlers (AWA members get
$25 discount)
Contact: Brian McDonnell,
[email protected] 518-891-2744
A three-day paddling event following the
original "highways of the Adirondacks" the
inter-connected lakes, rivers ponds and carries
from Old Forge to Saranac Lake. Preregistration
is required. There are solo, tandem, 4-person
and Voyageur canoes, solo and tandem kayaks
and Adirondack guide boats. There is a 275 boat
limit. There are both competitive and "Open
Touring" classes.
Saturday September 17
20th Annual Rochester River Challenge
Genesee Waterways Center, Rochester, NY
A Disabled Sports USA Warfighter Series Event
and an inclusive event for paddlers with
or without physical and/or intellectual
presented by Cape Ability Outrigger Ohana,
Inc., a chapter of DS/USA
300 meter sprint races on Genesee River
9:30 am-4:00 pm
Pre-registration necessary for seven-person
Fee: $25/ adult $12/ youth
Double hulled outrigger canoes provided as
well as a steersperson.
All proceeds benefit CAOO to provide
programs and services to paddlers with
disabilities. Pre-registration necessary; all teams
are assigned a race time; total time commitment
is 1.5 hours. Race classes for men, women,
open, masters and youth teams. Contact: Jan
[email protected] or 585-292-6107
See: for additional
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler
Sunday September 18
40th Josh Billings RunAground Triathlon
Location: Great Barrington to Lenox, Ma. The
Berkshires. Distance: Bike 27 miles,
Canoe/Kayak/SUP 5 miles, Run 6 miles
No Race Day Registration
Start Time: 9:30am
Entry Fee: Varies depending on Category and
time of entry. Contact Information:
[email protected],
40th annual relay from Great Barrington to
Lenox in the Berkshires ending on the grounds
of Tanglewood. 43 categories for teams and
iron persons with separate divisions for canoes,
kayaks and SUPs. Matchmaker will help to put
together teams. Beautiful course, great party
afterwards with live band, food and awards.
Free ‘Kids Run’ race at 2pm. The Josh Billings
benefits the Berkshire United Way.
Saturday September 24
Long Lake Long Boat Regatta
Location: Long Lake, NY
Distance: 10 miles
Registration Time: 9:30-10:30 AM
Start Time: 11 AM
Entry Fee: $25pp ($20pp AWA members)
Contact: Brian McDonnell,
[email protected] - 518-891-2744
Vintage War Canoe event, Adirondack
Watershed Race Circuit Grand Finale. C-4
College Co-ed challenge, Adirondack Kayak
Championships, North American Voyageur
Canoe Championship, All NYMCRA classes.
Lots of fun in Long Lake! Great prizes.
Sunday September 25
St. Regis Canoe Classic
Location: Paul Smith's College, Paul Smiths NY
Distance: 4.7, 7, or 11 miles
Registration Time:8:00 - 9:30 AM at Paul
Smith’s College Start Time: 10am mass start, all
categories Entry Fee: $25 per paddler, $10 per
youth (14 and under). Lunch included.
Contact: Kirsten Domas: (518) 327-6389
[email protected]
Paul Smith’s College will be hosting the St.
Regis Canoe Classic, with the cooperative
efforts of the Paul Smith’s College Marathon
Canoe Team. Sodexo dining services will be
cooking and serving the post-race lunch, while
the Canoe Team will organize the actual race
and awards. Awards to top three finishers in
each category. Mass start for all classes.
Sunday October 2
Seneca Monster
NYMCRA Kayak Points Race
Location: Waterloo, NY
Distance: 13 miles
Registration Time: 10:00am (online preferred)
Start Time: 11:00am
Entry Fee: $25
Contact: [email protected]
All details, early registration forms, and a map
are at This is a flatwater,
low current course on the historic SenecaCayuga canal with a .5 mile carry (each way)
through Waterloo, NY. The start is in the
northern Finger Lakes region between Geneva
and Seneca Falls, the epicenter of the women's
suffrage movement in the United States.
We encourage you to consider camping out at
our host's large campground (Fuzzy Guppies)
over the weekend to enjoy this lovely area. It is
a short paddle to the formidable Seneca Lake.
Classes may be expanded based on registrations,
but will include:
Open Touring/Adventure,C2 Stock , C2
Amateur, C1 Amateur, C4, Guideboat, SUP
October 17, 2015 NYMCRA Banquet at Okey Dokey’s
Courtesy of Roger Gocking
New York Marathon Canoe Racing Association–The Racing Paddler