plan of basic course - Prefeitura de Juiz de Fora
plan of basic course - Prefeitura de Juiz de Fora
Prefeitura de Juiz de Fora / SDS – DISQ / Curso Preparatório para Concursos Rua Halfeld, 450 / 5º andar - Centro - CEP: 36010-000 – Tel.: (32) 3690-8503 / 3690-8533 PLAN OF BASIC COURSE MODULE 1 UNIT 1 TOPICS Alphabet; greetings and leave-takings; names and titles of address; numbers 1-10 and telephone numbers. GRAMMAR Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her; the verb be: affirmative statements and contractions. UNIT 2 TOPICS Possessions, classroom objects, personal items, and locations in a room. GRAMMAR Articles a, an, and the; this/it and these/they; plurals; yes/no and where questions with be; prepositions of place. UNIT 3 TOPICS Cities, countries, and regions; adjectives of personality; numbers to 1000 and age. GRAMMAR The verb be: affirmative and negative statements, yes/no questions, short answers, and Wh-questions. UNIT 4 TOPICS Clothing; Colors; Seasons of the year; Weather. GRAMMAR – Possessive adjectives our, their, and possessives of names; present continuous affirmative and negative statements; isn’t and aren’t; conjunctions and and but; color adjectives before nouns. IC TOPIC IC2 and IC4 – “Directory assistance”: Calling the operator to find out phone numbers. TOPIC IC3 – “Find the differences”: Comparing two rooms. .