2003 Annual Report


2003 Annual Report
2003 Annual Report
Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
2003 Annual Report
This image shows Perspective view of potential well for
ions moving in a model Field-Reversed Configuration.
Source image provided by Jim Howard,
modified by Genevieve Taylor.
2003 Annual Report
Table of Contents
About CIPS.......................................................................................... 4
Directions and Contact Information ................................................. 5
Mission Statement .............................................................................. 7
General Outline of Research ............................................................. 8
Note from the Director ....................................................................... 9
CIPS 10th Anniversary Retreat ....................................................... 10
Personnel ........................................................................................... 11
Research Grants ................................................................................ 13
Seminar Series ................................................................................... 16
Professional Interests ....................................................................... 18
Presentations ..................................................................................... 28
Current Research Programs ............................................................ 32
Dan Barnes ......................................................................................................................... 32
John R. Cary ....................................................................................................................... 33
Isidoros Doxas ..................................................................................................................... 35
Kathy Garvin-Doxas ........................................................................................................... 37
Martin Goldman, David L. Newman .................................................................................. 39
James Howard ..................................................................................................................... 42
Marie Jensen ........................................................................................................................ 47
Alan Kiplinger .................................................................................................................... 47
James Meiss ......................................................................................................................... 52
Scott Parker ......................................................................................................................... 53
Scott Robertson, Zoltan Sternovsky .................................................................................... 55
Extra Activities ................................................................................. 58
Credits ............................................................................................... 62
2003 Annual Report
About CIPS
The Center for Integrated Plasma
Studies (CIPS) is a research center at
University of Colorado at Boulder,
CO. Situated in the Duane Physics
Complex (see maps and photos on
pp. 5-6), its main office is on the 8th
floor of the Gamow Tower.
The center first came into being
in 1993, in order to consolidate
plasma research on campus and in
the Boulder scientific community at
large. Since the first days of its existence it has hosted scholars from all
over the world. In 2003, its 10th year,
CIPS was home to 10 Fellows, 14
Members, 19 Scientist Associates, 23
graduate and undergraduate students, as well as other staff, which
altogether made 43 regular and temporary employees
CIPS’s scholars constitute a number of research groups, each responsible for its own projects. Our scholars make use of a number of highly
specialised laboratories across the
Physics Department.
CIPS is funded by research
grants received from NASA (National
Aeronautics and Space Administration), NSF (National Science Foundation), DOE (Department of Energy),
and other agencies.
2003 Annual Report
Directions and Contact Information
CIPS is located on Colorado Avenue, in the middle of the main campus of the University
of Colorado at Boulder, CO. The closest parking lot is on Euclid Avenue (numbered 15
on the map on p. 6) and comprises a short-term, pay parking garage.
Our mailing address is:
Center for Integrated Plasma
390 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0390
Email us at:
[email protected]
Or phone or fax us at:
tel. (303) 492 8760
fax. (303) 492 0642
The Duane Physics Complex building (view from NW).
Carolyn James, Administrative Officer.
Scott Knappmiller, a student researcher,
in the plasma laboratory.
2003 Annual Report
Gamow Tower (F7)
Duane Physics Laboratories (F7-8)
Benson Earth Sciences (F9)
Coors Events Center (H-I12)
Engineering Center (F-G10)
Environmental Design (G6)
Fleming Law (J-K10)
Folsom Field (D-E8)
Imig Music (G-H7)
Mathematics Building (F9-10)
Muenzinger Psychology (E6)
Norlin Library (E5-6)
Parking Lot (G6)
Power House (F6)
Regent Administrative Center (I8)
Student Recreation Center (D6-7)
Telecommunications Building (G6)
University Club (H5-6)
University Memorial Center (G5)
2003 Annual Report
Mission Statement
The mission of the Center for Integrated Plasma Studies is to foster plasma and beam
related science and research. In particular, CIPS provides a home for interdisciplinary
plasma related activities. This includes coordination of high-performance scientific and
networking capability. The Center for Integrated Plasma Studies has the additional
mission of scientific outreach, including making plasma physics, general physics and
astrophysics highly accessible to the general public.
2003 Annual Report
General Outline of Research
The focus of research carried out at CIPS is the study of plasma, hot ionized gas, such as
found in the stars, in space, and in lightning storms. It is used for applications as diverse
as fluorescent lighting and microchip fabrication.
Plasma physics has broadened considerably from its original domain. It includes not
only the study of ionized gases, but also the study of strongly coupled systems, nonneutral plasmas, dusty plasmas, and charged particle beams. Plasma research has long
been applied to space, astrophysical, and fusion plasmas, but in addition is now applied
to semiconductor processing, intense particle beams, and high-definition video display.
Plasma physics is important in both naturally occurring systems as well as in the
Because of the broad scope of plasma physics, members have links to many other units
at University of Colorado. These units include the Departments of Physics, Astrophysical
and Planetary Science, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace
Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Other institutes, such as the Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) and JILA, are represented as well. In addition,
CIPS reaches outside the University with affiliates from government labs, such at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the High Altitude Observatory
of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and the Space Environment
Labs of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and from
several local research companies, such as Lodestar Corporation, Tech-X Corporation
and Science Applications International Corporation.
The Center for Integrated Plasma Studies supports communication and exchange of
ideas in plasma physics. It does so through its seminar series, which covers all aspects
of plasma physics. In addition, CIPS provides research opportunities for students and
all others interested in this field.
2003 Annual Report
Note from the Director
This past year was our 10th year of existence and we
celebrated with a retreat, a barbecue, and an overnight
stay at the University’s Mountain Research Station. We
thank Alan Kiplinger and Carolyn James for the
arrangements that made the retreat go smoothly.
Many of us had our first chance to use the observatory
that Alan assembled at the Research Station for his research on coronal mass ejections.
The clear dark skies provided excellent views of Mars icy polar cap, the Ring Nebula
and a number of star clusters in the Milky Way.
The highest point of the year, however, was our beginning a search for a new faculty
member in experimental plasma physics. The retirement of Prof. Raul Stern had reduced
the breadth of our experimental program. We appreciate the strong support from the
College of Arts and Sciences and from the Physics Department that made the search
possible, and look forward to interacting with a new experimentalist next year.
Scott Robertson
2003 Annual Report
CIPS 10th Anniversary Retreat
CIPS members, friends, and their families
celebrated the 10 th Anniversary of the
Center on August 26, 2003, star gazing at
the University of Colorado Alpine
Observatory at the Mountain Research
Center. This star party coincided with the
closest approach of Mars in 60,000 years.
There was a new moon, so we also
observed for Uranus, Neptune, star
clusters, galaxies, nebulae, iridum flares,
and other satellites and meteors.
Captured image of Mars as viewed from the
Mountain Research Station.
Marty Goldman, Steve Seibold (MRS),
and Alan Kiplinger pose for a shot.
CIPS members conversing on
the lodge deck.
2003 Annual Report
Director: Scott Robertson
Associate Director: Scott Parker
CIPS Fellows
John R. Cary, Professor
Isidoros Doxas, Senior Research Associate
Martin V. Goldman, Professor
Alan Kiplinger, Senior Research Associate
James D. Meiss, Professor
David L. Newman, Senior Research Associate
Scott E. Parker, Associate Professor
Scott H. Robertson, Professor
Theodore Speiser, Professor Emeritus
Raul A. Stern, Professor Emeritus
CIPS Members
Daniel Barnes, Senior Research Associate
Yang Chen, Research Associate
Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Research Associate
Rodolfo E. Giacone, Research Associate
Amanda A. S. Gulbis, Research Associate
James E. Howard, Research Associate
Marie J. Jensen, Research Associate
Chet P. Nieter, Research Associate
Zoltan Sternovsky, Research Associate
CIPS Research Support Staff
Carolyn M. James, Professional Research Assistant
2003 Annual Report
Graduate Students
Brent Goode
Samuel Jones
Charlson Kim
Jinhyung Lee
Jim Peoble
Viktor Przebinda
Jonathan Regele
Naresh Sen
Kiran Sonnad
Ireneusz Szczesniak
Srinath Vadlamani
Weigang Wan
Undergraduate Students
Marina Bondarenko
Russell Harding
Amanda Heaton
Scott Knappmiller
Jason Kohut
Arthur Michalak
Candace Nichols
Christopher Omland
Kelsi Singer
Amber Westcott
Patrick Wheeler
Arlena Szczesniak, volunteer
Members from other Institutes
Frances Bagenal, Professor of APS
Daniel Baker, Professor, Director of LASP
Timothy Fuller-Rowell, Senior Research Associate with CIRES
Alan Gallagher, JILA
Mihály Horányi, Associate Professor of Physics/LASP
CIPS Scientist Associates
HAO/NCAR: Paul Charbonneau, Tom Holzer, Art Hundhausen, BC Low, Gang Lu,
Art Richmond and Ray Roble.
Lodestar Corporation: Dick Aamodt, Dan D’lppolito, and Jim Myra
Space Science Inst: Paul Dusenbery
SEC/NOAA: Ernie Hildner, Terry Onsager, Vic Pizzo, Howard Singer and Ron
NIST: John Bollinger
Tech-X Corporation:: Svetlana Shasharina, David Bruhwiler and Peter Stoltz
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley: Robert Walch
2003 Annual Report
Research Grants
active during calendar year 2003
Primary Investigator;
John R. Cary
John R. Cary
Chaotic Dynamics in Accelerator
Scott Robertson;
Mihály Horányi
Fundamentals of Dusty Plasma
Scott Parker
Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic
Turbulence Simulations
Martin Goldman;
David L. Newman,
Robert Ergun*
Origins of Nonlinear Wave
Structures and Particle Heating in
Current Driven Plasmas
Scott Parker
Plasma Microturbulence Project
Ronald Cole;
Lecia Barker,
Lynn Snyder,
Barbara Wise,
Scott Schwartz
(Kathy Garvin-Doxas)
IERI: Scaling Up Reading Tutors
Transport in Toroidal Confinement
Configurations and Advanced
Computational Methods for Fusion
Applications (Neoclassical Transport
of Energetic Particles in Asymmetric
Toroidal Plasma)
Martin Goldman;
David L. Newman,
Scott Parker
Simulation and Theoretical
Modeling of Observations of Bipolar
Structure and Low Frequency Waves
in the Auroral Ionosphere
Alan Kiplinger
Hard X-Ray Spectroscopic
Microwave and H-Alpha Linear
Polarization Studies with Hard XRay Observations From HESSI
Robert Ergun; Yi-Jiun Su
David L. Newman
Modeling of Parallel Electric Fields
in the Aurora
2003 Annual Report
Primary Investigator;
Yi-Jiun Su;
Scott Parker,
Robert Ergun
Joshua Colwell;
Scott Robertson,
Mihály Horányi
Dynamics of Charged Dust Near
Surfaces in Space
David Newman
Martin Goldman
Kinetic Studies on Nonlinear
Wave Structures and Transition
Layersin the Auroral Ionosphere
Scott Robertson,
Mihaly Horanyi
Mesospheric Aerosol Paricle
Scott Robertson
Study of Laser-Cooled Ions in
Penning Traps for Quantum
Information Processing
Robert Schnabel;
Clayton Lewis,
Diane Sieber,
Elaine Seymour,
Lecia Barker
(Kathy Garvin-Doxas)
ITW: Attracting and Retaining
Women in Information Technology
Programs: A Comparative Study of
Three Programmatic Approaches
Robert Schnabel;
Clayton Lewis,
Diane Sieber,
Elaine Seymour,
Lecia Barker
(Kathy Garvin-Doxas)
IT Workforce P.I. Conference:
Supplement to Attracting and
Retaining Women in Information
Technology Programs:
A Comparative Study of Three
Programmatic Approaches
John R. Cary;
Isidoros Doxas
ITR/AP: Application of Modern
Computing Methods of Plasma
Isidoros Doxas
Using Space Weather and
Magnetospheric Physics to Motivate
the Electricity and Magnetism
Standard Physics Curriculum for
CUSP Dynamics-Particle
Acceleration by Alfven Waves
2003 Annual Report
Primary Investigator;
Isidoros Doxas
David L. Newman;
Martin Goldman,
Robert Ergun
Influence of Double Layers and
Electron Holes on Observed
Phenomena in the Auroral
Downward Current Region
Lecia Barker;
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
ITR: Research on Recruiting Middle
School Minority and Majority Girls
into a High School IT Magnet
Robert Ergun;
Martin Goldman,
David L. Newman
GEM: Self-Consistent
Characterization of Parallel Electric
Fields in the Lower Magnetosphere
James Howard
Nearly Axisymmetric Systems
Walter Kintsch
Isidoros Doxas
Scalable and Sustainable
Technologies for Reading Instruction
and Assessment
University 2001-2005
of Texas,
Isidoros Doxas
SGER: Using Branch Prediction and
Speculative Execution to Predict
Space Weather with a Cluster of
Inexpensive PCs
Low-Dimensional Models for the
Solar Wind Driven MagnetosphereIonosphere System
* italicized names signify CIPS non-members
2003 Annual Report
Seminar Series
coordinated by Zoltan Sternovsky, David L. Newman
January 24
Peter Stoltz, Tech-X Corporation
Secondary electron emission related
to heavy-ion fusion
January 31
Christopher Watts, NM Tech
Alfvén wave studies in a helicon
Februrary 7
Charlson C. Kim, CIPS
Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations in
general geometry
Februrary 28 Kiran Sonnad, CIPS
Finding a near integrable Hamiltonian
using Lie Transformation
March 21
Alexey Burov, FNAL
Circular modes and beam adapters
April 4
Tom Crowley, NIST
Fluctuation and electric potential
measurements in the Madison
symmetric torus
April 11
Charlson C. Kim, CIPS
Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations in
general geometry
April 18
Yang Chen, CIPS
Simulations of turbulence transport
with kinetic electrons and
electromagnetic effects
April 25
Srinath Vadlamani, CIPS
The “Continuum-particle method”: an
algorithmic unification of Vlasov and
particle-in-cell methods
May 2
Yi-Jiun Su, LASP
Electron accelerations by Alfvén
Waves in the dayside Auroral region
May 8
Viktor Przebinda, CIPS
Implementing dynamic load balancing
May 9
Marie Jensen, NIST
Temperature measurements of lasercooled ions in a Penning Trap
2003 Annual Report
August 4
Carl R. Sovinec, Univ. Wisconsin
Analyzing pulsed poloidal current drive
and single helicity in the reversed-field
September 5 David L. Newman, CIPS
Hybrid Vlasov/fluid simulations of
coherent phase-space structures: lowcost approaches to studying 2-D
plasma dynamics
September 12 Peter Stoltz, Tech-X Corp.
Numerical modeling of electron emission
from the walls of high-power
September 19 Scott H. Robertson, CIPS
Teaching plasma physics to
undergraduates with Mathcad®
October 17
Dan D’Ippolito, Lodestar Corp.
Blob transport in the Tokamak scrapeoff-layer (SOL)
October 24
Scott E. Parker, CIPS
Gyrokinetic simulations of
electromagnetic turbulence
November 7
Robert Ergun, APS
Auroral particle acceleration by strong
double layers
November 14 Fatima Ebrahimi, Univ. of Wisconsin Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics of AC
helicity injection
November 21 Peter Messmer, Tech-X Corp.
December 5
James E. Howard, CIPS
Generation of teraHerz radiation by
laser-solid interaction
The Discrete Virial Theorem
2003 Annual Report
Professional Interests
John R. Cary
Dan Barnes
Dr. Barnes develops and applies
advanced computational methods
for the study of magnetically
confined plasmas. He is especially
interested in the coupling and
interplay between fluid and
particle methods, both by extending
fluid methods to include kinetic
effects, and by extending particle
methods to the long time step and
large spatial scale regime required
for the study of macroscopic
phenomena. He is currently a
member of the NIMROD team
which develops advanced fluid
modeling codes and the VORPAL
team which develops advanced
electromagnetic particle codes.
Dr. Barnes also has been and
continues to be a principal in the
Innovative Concepts program of the
national fusion program. He
contributes to the theory of fieldreversed configurations and also
has a continuing interest in
electrostatic confinement systems.
My interests are
concentrated in
plasma physics,
dynamics, and
physics. My
plasma physics
interests include
studies of space
plasma physics
as well as fusion plasma physics. My beam physics
interests are in understanding collective instabilities,
the nonlinear dynamics of two-degree-of-freedom
symplectic maps, and the use of laser plasma
interactions to generate large electric fields for
particle acceleration. My computational interests are
in massively parallel computing and in scientific
Object Oriented Programming.
Yang Chen
My research is
on the numerical
modeling and
prediction of
turbulence and
transport in
toroidal fusion
plasmas. In order
for the fusion
reaction to take
place in a self
manner, the
plasma must be
heated and maintained at a certain level of density
and temperature. However, instabilities tend to
develop in such plasmas which either terminate
the plasma or lead to saturated turbulence and
enhances particle and energy transport.
2003 Annual Report
The main subject of my research is plasma
turbulence in laboratory and space plasmas,
especially as analyzed by the methods of
nonlinear dynamics and large-scale particle
simulations. I have worked on stochastic
transport in fusion devices, and on the limits
of quasilinear theory. For the past ten years I
have participated in and directed research
projects in magnetospheric physics.
Rodolfo Giacone
My research activities
are in the area of plasma
physics, with emphasis
on laser plasma
interactions as related to
plasma based
accelerators. I am also
interested in the use of
modern computing
methods with
applications to laserplasma physics. Our
research in the area of
plasma based accelerators was focused on laser wake field
accelerator schemes. In particular, we studied some
proposed all-optical injections schemes to inject electrons
into a plasma wake field for acceleration. We performed
numerical simulations using VORPAL, particle-in-cell
code developed in our group. We showed the previous
proposed all-optical injection schemes failed to produce
single particle beams. We proposed an alternative scheme
which generated a high quality, single particle beamlet.
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
My research focus is on education
and technology particularly in the
sciences. I evaluate a variety of
new learning tools as they are
being designed using a
combination of quantitative and
qualitative methods (pre- and
postsurveys, video-taped and
direct observations and analysis
individual and focus group
interviews) to determine student
learning gains, how well the
learning tool works, and
recommendations for
improvements. This work has lead
to my involvement with national
efforts to employ evaluation as an
agent for change in teaching and
learning at the classroom,
discipline, and institutional
levels. I also work on gender
issues related to science and
technology, as well as effective
collaboration in classrooms—
particularly in science lab
2003 Annual Report
I continue to develop nonlinear theoretical
models to interpret measurements in Earth’s
auroral ionosphere of localized unipolar fields
(double layers), associated localized bipolar
electric field structures and highly nonthermal
particle distributions. This year I have developed
a theory of associated shear-driven instabilities.
Amanda Gulbis
Since I received my degree in
December of 2002, I spent the
spring and summer of 2003
wrapping up my thesis work.
We presented the work in one
paper and at three different
conferences, and have
submitted an additional paper
for publication. I conducted
follow-up experiments on dust
transport in plasma sheaths
and created documentation for
my work to allow continuation
of the project with future
James Howard
My research interests lie mainly in applications of
Hamiltonian dynamics to a wide variety of physical
problems, including dust dynamics in planetary
magnetospheres, asteroidal satellites,microwave
ionization of Rydberg atoms, plasma confinement,
and RF ion traps. In addition I collaborate with
Applied Math faculty on dynamics problems,
particularly Hamiltonian systems and symplectic
maps. I also enjoy collaborations with colleagues in
Vienna, Potsdam and Budapest on a variety of
astrophysical problems.
2003 Annual Report
Marie Jensen
My recent work has
been focused on
measuring the
temperature of
laser-cooled ions in
a Penning trap,
primarily motivated
by the possibility of
creating manyparticle entangled
states. Such states
would have
applications in the
fields of both quantum information and frequency
standards. A Penning trap is a device used to trap
charged particles. The confinement is due to a
combination of static electric and magnetic fields.
Alan Kiplinger
My research revolves around
several areas of observing solar
activity. In particular, solar
activity that has direct effects on
the Earth and its space
environment. These phenomena
include solar flares and their
associated interplanetary
particle events and coronal mass
ejections. Efforts involve the use
of solar hard and soft X-ray,
microwave, optical and EUV
James Meiss
My research is in the area of
dynamical systems, in
particular the study of the onset
and characterization of chaos.
Current research has focused on
the geometry of three and four
dimensional dynamical
2003 Annual Report
Chet Nieter
David L. Newman
My primary research activities are
in the field of nonlinear plasma
physics, with emphasis on
theoretical modeling and
nonlinear simulation of wave and
particle phenomena in a variety of
near-Earth space plasma and
laboratory environments.
My research is in the
area of radio
frequency heating of
fusion plasmas, in
particular the
numerical modeling
of mode conversion
and resonant
absorption with the
plasma physics code
VORPAL. I have
used VORPAL to
model the generation
and absorption of Electron-Berstein waves in
magnetically confined, over-dense plasmas.
Scott Parker
My research areas include
theory and simulation of
plasma turbulence and
transport, kinetic particle
effects and kinetic closure of
magnetohydrodynamic fluid
models, magnetosphere and
auroral ionophere Alfven
waves, and new numerical
methods for kinetic plasma
2003 Annual Report
Scott Robertson
My research interests are in experimental plasma
physics including the ionosphere and space, as
well as the development of rocket-borne probes
for ionospheric aerosols (NASA-funded). A
second NASA grant (with Josh Colwell) supports
laboratory studies of the electrostatic transport of
lunar and martian dusts. A DOE grant (with
Mihály Horányi) supports fundamental studies
of dusts in plasmas. I also involve
undergraduates in research on confinement of
plasma in Penning traps and interact with a
NIST group using Penning traps. In 2002,
although I was officially on sabbatical leave, I continued to advise Engineering
Physics students and to advise graduate students.
Zoltan Sternovsky
My research interest is currently
in plasma probes, in the physics
of dusty plasmas and in the
electric properties of cosmic dust
particles. I perform experiments in
this area and I am also involved
in the development of probe
theories and dust charging in
plasmas. I build experimental setups, develop instrumentations
and perform numerical
2003 Annual Report
Celestial Mechanics
J. E. Howard, A. V. Krivov, and F. Spahn, “Transverse Halo Orbits about Mars?” Geophys. Res. Lett. 30,
1680 (2003).
J. E. Howard, C. Mitchell and M. Horányi, “Accuracy of Epicyclic Description of Dust Grain Orbits about
Saturn,” J. Geophys. Res. 108, 1179 (2003).
J. E. Howard, “The Role of Magnetic Tilt in Jovian Dust Dynamics,” 23rd Annual Meeting of the
Division of Planetary Science, Monterey, CA, October 2003.
Dusty plasmas
M. Horányi, C. Mitchell, and J. E. Howard, “Epicyclic Description of Dust Grain Orbits about Saturn,” J.
Geophys. Res. 108, 1179 (2003).
M. Lampe, R. Goswami, Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson, V. Gavrishchaka, G. Ganguli and G. Joyce,
“Trapped ion effect on shielding, current flow and charging of a small object in a plasma,” Physics of
Plasmas 10, 1500-1513 (2003).
C. E. Krauss, M. Horányi and S. Robertson, “Experimental evidence for the electrostatic discharging of
dust near the surface of Mars,” New Journal of Physics 5, 70.1-70.9, June 2003.
S. Robertson, A. A. Sickafoose, J. Colwell, and M. Horanyi, “Dust grain charging and levitation in a
weakly collisional DC sheath,” Physics of Plasmas 10, 3874-3880 (2003).
M. Klymkowsky, K. Garvin-Doxas, and M. Zeilik, “Bioliteracy and Teaching Efficacy: What Biologists
can Learn from Physicists,” Cell Biology Education, 2, 155-161 (2003).
Ionospheric Physics
B. Smiley, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, T. Blix, M. Rapp, R. Latteck and J. Gumbel, “Measurement of
positively and negatively charged particles inside PMSEs during MIDAS/SOLSTICE 2001,” Journal of
Geophysical Research 108(D8), pp. PMR 11-1 to PMR 11-10, 19 Feb. 2003. doi: 10.1029/2002JD002425.
Laboratory Plasmas
Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson, and M. Lampe, “The contribution of charge exchange ions to Langmuir
probe current,” Physics of Plasmas 10, 300-309 (2003).
S. Robertson and Z. Sternovsky, “Monte Carlo model of ion mobility and diffusion for low and high
electric fields,” Physical Review E 67, 046405 (2003).
Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson and M. Lampe, “Ion collection by cylindrical probes in weakly collisional
plasmas: Theory and experiment,” J. Applied Physics 94(3), 1374-1381, August 2003.
Laser Plasma
B. Bezzerides, D. C. Barnes, et al., “Modeling stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in the trapping regime:
Properties of a 3-wave, local space/time approach,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 248 (2003).
D. C. Barnes, “The bounce-kinetic model for nonlinear Langmuir waves BSRS in the trapping regime,”
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 249 (2003).
E. S. Dodd, D. C. Barnes, et al., “Quantitative comparison between reduced description PIC (RPIC) and
full PIC simulations of laser-plasma instabilities,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 250 (2003).
2003 Annual Report
D. F. Dubois, D. C. Barnes, et al., “Scaling studies for NIF parameters using the RPIC code,” Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 48, 250 (2003)..
Magnetic fusion
H. Li, K. Nishimura, D. C. Barnes, S. P. Gary, and S. A. Colgate, “Magnetic dissipation in a force-free
plasma with a sheet-pinch configuration,” Phys. Plasmas 10, 2763-2771 (2003)..
D. C. Barnes, “Stability of a long field-reversed configuration: Complete two-fluid theory,” Phys. Plasmas
10, 1636-1642 (2003)..
Z. Wang, S. C. Hsu, C. W. Barnes, D. C. Barnes, et al., “Study of angular momentum transport in the Los
Alamos flowing magnetized plasma (FMP) experiment,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 89 (2003)..
Y. Chen, and S. E. Parker et. al., “Simulations of turbulence transport with kinetic electrons and
electromagnetic effects from the Summit Framework,” Nucl. Fusion 43, 1121-1127 (2003)..
S. T. Jones and S. E. Parker, “Including Electron Inertia Without Advancing Electron Flow.” J. Comput.
Phys., 191, 322 (2003)..
Y. Chen, S. E. Parker, B. I. Cohen, A. M. Dimits, W. M. Nevins, D. Shumaker, V. K. Decyk and J. N.
Leboeuf, “Large-Scale Electromagnetic Turbulence Simulations with Kinetic Electrons.” J. Nuc. Fusion,
43, 1121 (2003)..
Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, “A delta-f Particle Method for Gyrokinetic Simulations with Kinetic Electrons
and Electromagnetic Perturbations.” J. Comput. Phys., 189, 463 (2003)..
S. Vladlamani, S. E. Parker, Y. Chen and C. Kim, “The Particle-Continuum Method: An Algorithmic
Unification of Particle-In-Cell and Vlasov Methods,” 18th International Conference on the Numerical
Simulation of Plasmas, Cape Cod, MA, Sept. 7-10, 2003.
C. C. Kim, S. E. Parker and C. Sovinec, “Hybrid Kinetic-MHD Simulations in General Geometry,” 18th
International Conference on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, Cape Cod, MA, Sept. 7-10, 2003.
Y. J. Su, S. T. Jones, R. E. Ergun, S. E. Parker, “Modeling of Electron Acceleration by Dispersive Alfven
Waves in the Dayside Auroral Region,” Submitted to Journal of Geophysics Research – Space Physics
Dec. 2003.
S. E. Parker, Y. Chen, W. M. Nevins and B. I. Cohen “Electromagnetic Turbulence Simulations with
Kinetic Electrons,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 48, 84 (2003)..
S. E. Parker, S. T. Jones and Y. Chen, “Gyrokinetic and Gyrofluid Modeling of Low-Frequency
Phenomena in Well-Magnetized Space Plasmas,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and
Propagation, International Union of Radio Science, Columbus, OH, June 22-27, 2003.
B. I. Cohen, A. M. Dimits, W. M. Nevins, Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, “Limitations on a Kinetic Electron
Closure for Extended Hybrid Electromagnetic Simulation of Drift Waves,” International Sherwood
Fusion Theory Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, April 28-30, 2003.
C. C. Kim, S. E. Parker and C. Sovinec, “Hybrid Kinetic-MHD Simulations in General Geometry,”
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, April 28-30, 2003.
S. Parker, Y. Chen, W. Nevins and B. Cohen, “Characteristics and Features of Electromagnetic
Microturbulence with Kinetic Electrons,” International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, Corpus
Christi, TX, April 28-30, 2003.
W. Wan, Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, “Delta-f Simulations of Collisionless Tearing Modes,” International
Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, April 28-30, 2003.
Y. Chen and S. Parker, “Simulations of Electromagnetic Microturbulence with Kinetic Electrons,”
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, April 28-30, 2003.
Y. Chen and S. Parker, “Large-Box-Size Gyrokinetic Simulation of Turbulent Transport with Kinetic
Electrons and Electromagnetic Perturbations,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 48, 219 (2003).
C. C. Kim, S. E. Parker and C. Sovinec, “Hybrid Kinetic-MHD Simulations in General Geometry,” Bull.
Am. Phys. Soc., 48, 278 (2003).
W. Wan, Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, “Delta-f Simulations of Collisionless Tearing Modes,” Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc., 48, 156 (2003).
2003 Annual Report
C. Nieter, J.R. Cary, R.W. Harvey, R. Dominguez, A.P. Smirnov, “Study of Electron-Berstein wave
absorption using VORPAL”, in Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas - AIP Conference Proceedings 694
(Moran, WY 2003).
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
R.D. Hazeltine and J.D. Meiss, Plasma Confinement, 2nd Edition (Dover Press, 2003), 480 pp. ISBN
H.R. Dullin, and J. D. Meiss, “Twist Singularities for Symplectic Maps,” Chaos 13 1-16 (2003).
A. Gomez and J.D. Meiss, “Reversible Polynomial Automorphisms in the Plane: the Involutory Case,”
Physics Letters A, 312 49-58 (2003).
H. E. Lomelí and J.D. Meiss, “Heteroclinic Orbits between Invariant Circles in Volume Preserving
Mappings,” Nonlinearity 16, 1573-1595 (2003).
Non-neutral plasma
M. J. Jensen, T. Hasegawa and J. J. Bollinger, “Temperature Measurements of Laser-Cooled Ions in a
Penning Trap” AIP Conference Proceedings 692, Non-Neutral Plasma Physics, eds. M. Shauer, T.
Mitchell, and R. Nebel., 2003.
Particle accelerators
D. Bruhwiler, J Cary, E. Esarey, W. Leemans, R. Giacone, D. Dimitrov, “Particle-in-cell
simulations of tunneling ionization effects in plasma-based accelerators”, Phys. Plasmas
10, 2022 (2003).
J. R. Cary, R. Giacone, C. Nieter, D. Bruhwiler, E. Esarey, G. Fubiani, W. P. Leemans, “All Optical
Beamlet Train Generation,” paper FOAB005, Proc. Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
D. Bruhwiler, J. R. Cary, D. Dimitrov, E. Esarey, W.P. Leemans, “Simulation of Ionization Effects for
High-Density Positron Drivers in Future Plasma Wakefield Experiments,” paper FOAB012, Proc.
Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
P. Stoltz, J. R. Cary, G. Penn, J. Wurtele, “A Boris-like Integration Scheme with Spatial Stepping,” paper
RPAG058, Proc. Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
D. Bruhwiler, D. Abell, R. Busby, J. R. Cary, P. Messmer, I. Ben-Zvi, A. Burov, “Direct Simulation of
Friction and Diffusion Coefficients for Ions Interacting with a Cold Electron Distribution,” paper
RPAG045, Proc. Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
J. Lee, J. R. Cary, “Longitudinal Cooling of a Strongly Magnetized Plasma,” paper WPAE040, Proc.
Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
C. Nieter, J. R. Cary, “VORPAL: A Computational Tool for the Study of Advanced Accelerator
Concepts,” paper TPPG052, Proc. Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
V. Przebinda, J. R. Cary, C. Nieter, “Parallel Optimization through Dynamic Load Balancing,” paper
TPPG053, Proc. Particle Accelerator Conference (Portland, OR, 2003).
R. Giacone, J. Cary, C. Nieter, et al. “Generation of single pulse particle beams in a plasma
channel by laser injection in Laser wake field accelerators”, Proc 2003 Particle accelerator
Conference, TPPG039, 102 (2003).
J. Faure, E. Esarey, G. Fubiani, C. Geddes, W. Leemans, C. Schroeder, B. Shadwick, C.
Toth, J. van Tilborg, G. Dugan, J. Cary, R. Giacone, C. Nieter,”Laser triggered injection
using colliding pulses”, Proc 2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, TPPG011, 97 (2003).
E. Esarey, G. Fubiani, W. Leemans, C. Schroeder, B. Shadwick, J. Cary and R.
Giacone,”Electron injection by colliding laser pulses”, Proc 2003 Particle accelerator
conference, TPPG010,97 (2003).
2003 Annual Report
Space Physics
M. V. Goldman, D. L. Newman and R. E. Ergun, “Phase-space holes due to electron and ion beams
accelerated by a current-driven potential ramp.” Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10, 37-44, (2003).
R. E. Ergun, L. Andersson, C. W. Carlson, D. L. Newman, M. V. Goldman. “Double layers in the
downward current region of the aurora,” Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10, 45-56, (2003).
R. E. Ergun, C. W. Carlson, J. P. McFadden, R. J. Strangeway, M. V. Goldman, D. L. Newman, “Fast
auroral snapshot satellite observations of very low frequency saucers.” Nonlinear Processes in
Geophysics, 10, 454-462, (2003).
Weigel, R. S., W. Horton, and I. Doxas, “Substorm classification with the WINDMI model,” Nonlinear
Processes in Geophysics, 10, 363 (2003).
2003 Annual Report
papers presented at professional conferences but not published and invited talks
Celestial Mechanics
J. Howard, “Asteroidal Satellites,” Institut fur Astronomie, Vienna, Jan 9, 2003, Eotvos University,
Budapest, Jan 15, 2003, Astronomical Institute, Cluj-Napoca, Jan 20, 2003, Astronomical Institute,
Bucharest, Jan 29, 2003.
J. Howard, “Transverse Halo Orbits about Mars?,” Potsdam, Feb 13, 2003.
J. Howard, “Dust Dynamics Near Jupiter,” CIPS seminar, April 17, 2003 .
Dusty plasmas
C. E. Krauss, M. Horányi, and S. Robertson, “Modeling Electrostatic Discharges Near the Surface of
Mars.” Presented at the AGU Fall 2003 meeting, San Francisco, 8-12 December 2003.
A. A. S. Gulbis, J. Colwell, M. Horányi and S. Robertson, “Dust transport above a surface with a sheath.”
45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Albuquerque,
27-31 October 2003. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 114, Oct. 2003.
Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson, and M. Lampe, “Dust charging model in weakly collisional plasmas.” Tenth
Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 18-21 June 2003.
C. E. Krauss, M. Horányi and S. Robertson, “Electrostatic discharging of dust near the surface of Mars.”
Tenth Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 18-21 June 2003.
J. E. Colwell, A. A. S. Gulbis, M. Horányi and S. Robertson, “Transport of Dusty Regolith in Near-Surface
Sheaths.” Tenth Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 18-21 June 2003.
A. A. S. Gulbis, J. Colwell, M. Horányi and S. Robertson, “Dust transport above a surface with a sheath.”
Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in Laboratory and Space, Kalispell,
Montana, 29 June - 3 July, 2003.
I. Doxas, F. Bagenal, C. Willis, and R. Walch, “Developing an Integrated Research and Teaching
Environment on the Web,” American Association of Physics Teachers, Madison, WI, 2003.
K. Garvin-Doxas, and I. Doxas, “Integrating research and Education: A 3D Modeling and Data
Visualization Package for Data Assimilation,” American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA (2003).
I. Doxas, “Using Simulations to Teach Astronomy,” American Association of Physics Teachers, Austin,
TX (2003).
K. Garvin-Doxas, and L. Barker, “Toward an Improved Climate in Computer Science Classrooms,” IT
workforce stakeholder meeting, Boulder, CO (2003).
M. Zeilik, and K. Garvin-Doxas, “The Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide: A community repository
of proven alternative assessment instruments for STEM education,” American Geophysical Union, San
Francisco, CA (2003).
L. Barker, and K Garvin-Doxas, “Research on Recruiting Middle School Minority and Majority Girls into
a High School IT Magnet,” NSF CISE-ITWF PI conference, Albuquerque, NM (2003).
K. Garvin-Doxas, “Digital Currents: A gateway to understanding what middle and high school students
(particularly girls) find interesting about IT,” Teaching with Technology, Boulder, CO (2003).
K. Garvin-Doxas, and L. Barker, “Creating Learning Environments that Support Interaction, Information
Technology in Computer Science Education,” Thessaloniki, Greece (2003).
2003 Annual Report
Ionospheric Physics
B. Smiley, Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, “Rocket-borne probes for charged ionospheric aerosol
particles.” Submitted to the National Radio Science Meeting (URSI), Boulder, Colorado, 4-8 January,
B. Smiley, Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, “Rocket-borne probes for charged ionospheric aerosol
particles.” Submitted to the AGU Fall 2003 meeting, San Francisco, 8-12 December 2003.
B. Smiley, M. Rapp, T. Blix, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, and R. Latteck, “Measuring the charge and size
distribution of charged aerosol particles inside PMSE and NLC.” 16th ESA Symposium on European
Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, 2-5 June 2003, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. Ed.:
Barbara Warmbein. ESA SP-530, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-840-9, 2003, 537542.
S. Robertson, B. Smiley, M. Horányi, Jorg Gumbel and Jacek Stegman, “Rocket-borne probes for charged
ionospheric aerosol particles.” Tenth Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, U.S. Virgin Islands, 1821 June 2003.
S. Robertson, M. Horányi and B. Smiley, “Probing ionospheric aerosol particles by sounding rocket.”
Workshop on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in Laboratory and Space, Kalispell,
Montana, 29 June - 3 July, 2003.
B. Smiley, Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, “Rocket-borne probes for charged ionospheric aerosol
particles.” 45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society,
Albuquerque, 27-31 October 2003. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 114, Oct. 2003.
Laboratory Plasmas
K. Downum, S. Robertson, and Z. Sternovsky, “The plasma sheath problem: numerical calculations and
experiment.” 45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society,
Albuquerque, 27-31 October 2003. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 114, Oct. 2003.
Z. Sternovsky, S. Robertson and M. Lampe, “Ion collection by cylindrical probes in weakly collisional
plasmas.” 45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society,
Albuquerque, 27-31 October 2003. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48, 114, Oct. 2003.
Magnetic fusion
S. G. Shasharina, R. Eger, J. R. Cary, T. W. Fredian, and D. Alexander, “Distributed Technologies for
Nuclear Fusion Data,” Proc. 2003 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Corpus Christi, TX,
2003) 2C21.
B. Goode, J. R. Cary, and L. A. Berry, “Combined Parallel Gradient and Collisional Decorrelation Effects
in the Absorption of RF Waves,” Proc. 2003 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Corpus
Christi, TX, 2003) 1E50.
C. Nieter, J. R. Cary, R. W. Harvey, R. Dominguez, A. P. Smirnov, “Simulation of electron-Bernstein wave
absorption using VORPAL,” Proc. 2003 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Corpus Christi,
TX, 2003) 1E50.
R. Busby, D. Bruhwiler, P. Stoltz, D. Abell, J. Cary, P. Messmer, I. Ben-zvi, and A. Burov, “Direct
simulation of friction coefficients for ions interacting with a magnetized electron distribution,” Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 117 (2003).
C. Nieter and J. R. Cary, “Delta-f simulations of electron Bernstein modes using VORPAL,” Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 189 (2003).
Y. Chen, “Simulations of Electromagnetic Microturbulence with Kinetic Electrons.” Invited speaker at the
2003 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, presentation 2D03.
Nieter, C., Cary, J.R., Harvey, R.W., Dominguez, R., Smirnov, A.P., “Simulation of Electron-Berstein wave
absorption using VORPAL”, International Sherwood Fusion Meeting (Corpus Christi, TX 2003).
2003 Annual Report
S. E. Parker, Y. Chen and W. Nevins, “Characteristics of Electromagnetic Turbulence,” 2003 Joint US
European Transport Task Force Meeting, April 2-5, 2003, Madison, WI.
S. Parker, “Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Simulations,” Plasma Seminar, Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, Feb. 19, 2003.
Non-linear dynamics
Doxas, I., “The Nonlinear Dynamics of the Magnetosphere and its Implications for Space Weather
Forecasting,” Hellenic Astronomical Society, Athens, Greece (2003).
J. Howard, “Stability of Hamiltonian Systems,” Institut fur Astronomie, Vienna, Jan 8, 2003 and
University of Bucharest, Jan 30.
J. Howard, “Nearly Axisymmetric Systems” Astronomical Institute, Bratislava, Feb 6, 2003, and
University of Potsdam, Feb 13, 2003.
J. Howard, “Discrete Virial Theorem,” CIPS Seminar, Dec. 5, 2003.
Non-neutral plasma
J. Lee and J. R. Cary, “Microwave cooling of non neutral electron plasma,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 39
M. J. Jensen, T. Hasegawa, J. J. Bollinger, and D. H. Dubin, “Measurement of the heating rate of strongly
coupled 9Be+ ions in a Penning trap” DPP03 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
M. J. Jensen, T. Hasegawa, J. M. Kriesel, and J. J. Bollinger, “Temperature Measurements and Heating Rate
Studies in Penning Trap Ion Crystal s” DAMOP03 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
S. Robertson and B. Walch, “Reduction in asymmetry transport in the annular Penning trap.” Workshop
on Nonneutral Plasmas, Santa Fe, 7-11, July 2003.
Particle accelerators
B. Goode, J. R. Cary, and L. A. Berry, “The effect of field gradients, curvatures, and collisions on rf wave
tunneling and mode conversions,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 188 (2003).
E. Esary, G. Fubiani, C. Schroeder, W. Leemans, J. Cary, R. Giacone, C. Nieter, D. Bruhwiler, D.
Dimitrov,”Colliding laser pulses in plasmas”, 48th Annual Meeting, Division of
Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society.
R. Giacone, J. Cary , C. Nieter, D. Bruhwiler, E. Esarey and W. Leemans,”Generation of a
single beam in the laser plasma wake field accelerator”, 48th Annual meeting Divison of
Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society.
D. Dimitrov, D. L. Bruhwiler, R. Busby, J. R. Cary, E. Esarey, W. P. Leemans, “Simulation of ionization
effects for high-density positron drivers in future plasma wake field experiments,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48
(7) 252 (2003).
S. Hendrickson, J. Cary, P. Messmer, P. Stoltz, “Numerical modeling of breakdown in high-power
waveguides,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 314 (2003).
Plasma diagnostics
J. Exby, R. Busby, D. A. Dimitrov, D. Bruhwiler, J. R. Cary, “Web service model for plasma simulations
with automatic post processing and generation of visual diagnostics,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 118
2003 Annual Report
Space physics
K. Sonnad and J. Cary, “Derivation of a phase space distribution leading to a near symmetric
Hamiltonian in high intensity beams,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 48 (7), 109 (2003).
D. Betterton, and I. Doxas, “Using Java 3D for Magnetospheric Visualization,” American Geophysical
Union, San Francisco, CA (2003).
W. Horton, S. Seibert, M. J. Mithaiwala, and I. Doxas, “Calibrating a Magnetotail Model for Storm/
Substorm Forecasting,” American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA (2003).
I. Doxas, W. Horton, D. Baker, R. McPherron, R. Weigel, and M. Wiltberger,” Branch Prediction and
Speculative Execution in Magnetospheric Forecasting,” American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA
I. Doxas, and W. Horton, “The Dimensionality of Driven Stochastic Systems and its Relevance to Space
Weather Forecasting, Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) conference,” Snowmass, CO (2003).
M. V. Goldman, D. L. Newman, A. Mangeney and F. Califano, “Full vs. Hybrid Vlasov Simulations of 2D Electron-Beam-Driven Plasmas, Abstract FP1.113” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc, 48, October 27-31, Albequerque,
NM, 2003.
D. L. Newman, M. V. Goldman, R. E. Ergun, L. Andersson, “Auroral Transition Layers and Electron
Holes in Limiting Magnetization Regimes, Abstract GP1.124.” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc, 48, October 27-31,
Albequerque, NM, 2003.
D. L. Newman, M. V. Goldman, R. E. Ergun, L. Andersson, “Vlasov Simulation of Nonlinear Wave
Structures in Space Plasmas.” 2003 URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, OH, June
24, 2003.
D. L. Newman, M. V. Goldman, R. E. Ergun, L. Andersson, N. Sen, “Hybrid Vlasov-Fluid Simulations of
Coherent Phase-Space Structures: Low-Cost Approaches To Studying 2-D Behavior.” 18th International
Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, Cape Cod, MA, September 9, 2003.
M. V. Goldman, D. L. Newman, A. Mangeney and F. Califano, “Vlasov simulations of nonlinear wave
structures relevant to magnetized space and laboratory plasmas.” First International Workshop on the
Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation, 26-28 November 2003, Nancy, France.
D. L. Newman, M. V. Goldman, R. E. Ergun, L. Andersson, “Simulation of Current-Driven Double
Layers and Electron Holes: Relevance to Laboratory and Space Plasmas.” 7th International Workshop
on the Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in Laboratory and Space Whitefish, MT, June 30,
2003 Annual Report
Current Research Programs
The following abstracts are brief summaries of various research projects currently
carried out by CIPS scientists.
Dan Barnes
Extended MHD modeling with NIMROD
Describing high temperature plasmas in terms of fluid variables presents a challenging
numerical problem because of the importance of widely varying time and space scales.
CIPS is playing a central role in extending the NIMROD community code (http://
www.nimrodteam.org) to include important effects which are omitted from previous
treatments of the plasma as a single electrically conducting fluid
(magnetohydrodynamics or MHD model). Recently, a time-implicit method has been
developed and applied to describe plasmas as two independent fluids (electrons and
While a single-fluid plasma has only nondispersive waves which have a frequency
increasing linearly with wavenumber, a
two-fluid plasma supports dispersive
waves, for which the frequency increases
quadratically with wavenumber. If a timeexplicit method is applied to a two-fluid
plasma description with realistic spatial
resolution, the maximum numerically
stable time step becomes extremely small.
Figure 1 shows how the frequency
depends on wavenumber for a case in
which the variation is primarily
perpendicular to the magnetic field, and
also shows excellent agreement of the
numerical results with theoretically
predicted modes.
Figure 1: Mode frequency ? vs. wavenumber
parallel to magnetic field k|| times ion
collisionless skin depth di. The open symbols
show the theoretical frequencies, while the
solid symbols show the numerical results.
There are two modes for two different values of
plasma pressure (? = 10-2 and ? = 10-8) shown.
The green (red) dashed lines show the behavior
of a nondispersive (dispersive) mode.
Only the two lowest frequency modes are
shown in the Figure There is a higher
frequency branch which has a frequency
about 104 times the highest frequency shown. Thus, if an explicit time advance requiring
t < 1 were used, about one trillion time steps would be required to represent a single
period of the lowest frequency mode. As a practical matter then, the time advance
must be made implicit.
2003 Annual Report
The time advance used to obtain the results of the Figurez reduce to about 60 the number
of time steps required to represent a single period of the low frequency modes of interest
here. The method uses a predictor-corrector method with a direct solve based on the
SuperLU (http://acts.nersc.gov/superlu) software package and is implemented in the
NIMROD finite element framework so that it may be applied to any plasma geometry.
John R. Cary, Brent Goode
RF heating of plasmas
There are many applications of of Radio
Frequency (RF) power in plasma, from heating
and current drive, to profile control and
instability suppression. The accurate prediction
of the propagation and absorption of RF waves
in plasmas is a crucial element in the design of
a working fusion reactor. We are working in
collaboration with Lee Berry of Oak Ridge
National Lab. We have calculated an improved
plasma response theory with additional terms
Figure 2: One component of a wave
to describe new physical effects, which were not
electric field in a fusion plasma calculated
included in previous calculations. These new
with the theory of Smithe et al.(black), and
with our corrected collision model (red).
terms allow us to add the effects of magnetic
field gradients in arbitrary directions and
magnetic field curvature to the calculation of the plasma’s response to RF fields. When
previous calculations left these effects out they made assumptions about the size of
these effects relative to other physical phenomena, such a thermal motions of particles.
We are using our new theory to examine the effect that these approximations had on
the accuracy of previous results. Our new theory also has a more complete incorporation
of collisional effects than other RF absorption theories used for fusion physics. We
have incorporated the effects of collisions from the start. This allows us to derive an
expression for the plasma response which is valid at all temperatures, unlike previous
theories which assumed high temperatures in their treatment of collisions. When we
take the high temperature limit of our theory, we find that the coefficient of the collisional
term in one previous theory needed a correction. There are cases in existing fusion
experiments where this correction would make a difference in the propagation and
absorption of a wave.
2003 Annual Report
John R. Cary, Rodolfo Giacone
Production of high quality, single electron beams by optical injection
Our research efforts have recently been concentrated on a promising, novel
concept to generate high quality particle beams in the laser wake field
accelerator (LWFA) scheme called optical injection. Through the use of a new
computer code (VORPAL) developed in our group, we demonstrated that most
proposed all-optical injection schemes failed to produce a single electron
beamlet. We showed that multiple particle beams are generated instead, which is
very undesirable for most applications. We have developed and tested
new alternatives for injection schemes by performing computer simulations
using VORPAL. In one proposed scheme, we made use of a cleanup pulse to
effectively eliminate all but the first accelerating bucket. The absence
of trailing accelerating buckets then eliminates the production of trailing
beamlets. We were able to obtain single, short (< 10 fs.) beams with
normalized emittance less than 0.5 pi-mm-mrad and energy spread of a few percent.
We also showed that a similar effect can be achieved by propagating a laser
pulse in a plasma channel. One advantage of this method is that it uses only
two laser pulses instead of three as in the cleanup pulse scheme.
John R. Cary, Jinhyung Lee
Microwave cooling of a strongly magnetized electron plasma
For a strongly magnetized electron plasma
whose transverse temperature is below the
Landau temperature of the plasma, the
gyromotion separates from the other
dynamics, and the motion is quantized.
From results of molecular-dynamics
simulations for the strongly magnetized
electron plasma, we concluded that
crystallization can be achieved below a
longitudinal critical temperature
irrespective of transverse temperature. In
order to get such a cold electron plasma
whose longitudinal temperature is low
Figure 3: Time evolution of the longitudinal
enough for the plasma to be a crystalline temperature for N_1/N_0 = 0.2, applying the best
phase, we introduce microwave cooling to cooling parameters.
the electron plasma. A microwave tuned
to a frequency below the gyrofrequency forces electrons moving towards the microwave
to absorb a microwave photon. Simultaneously the electrons move up one in Landau
state and then lose their longitudinal momentum. In this process, the longitudinal
temperature of the electron plasma can be decreased. On the basis of a small ratio
2003 Annual Report
between the ground and the first excited state, we set up two level transition equations
and then derive a Fokker-Planck equation from the two level equations. With an aid of
a finite element method (FEM) code for the equation, the cooling times are calculated
for several values of the magnetic field, the microwave cavity, and the relative detuning
frequency from the gyrofrequency.
Consequently, the optimal values of microwave cavity and detuning frequency from
the gyrofrequency, for longitudinal cooling of a strongly magnetized electron plasma
with microwave bath, have been found. Also, the microwave intensities to keep a
constant ratio between two transverse Landau levels has been calculated. By applying
the optimal values with an appropriate microwave intensity, the best cooling can be
obtained. For the electron plasma magnetized with 10T, the cooling time to the solid
state is approximately 2 hours.
Isidoros Doxas with Wendell Horton, Manish Mithaiwala
Low-dimensional dynamical models for the solar wind driven magnetosphere-ionosphere system
A new, spatially-resolved
nonlinear dynamics model of the
coupled solar wind driven
system is developed for the
purpose of determining the energy
flows from the nightside
ionosphere. The model is derived
from Maxwell’s equations and
nonlinear plasma dynamics and
focuses on the key conservation
laws of mass, charge and energy in
Figure 4: A plot of the chaotic attractor of the coupled
the power transfer elements in this
magnetosphere-ionosphere in the I-V (current-voltage)
complex dynamical system. In
space. The model exhibits chaotic behavior for certain
contrast to neural networks, the
parameter ranges, with unpredictable onset times.
model delineates the physically
realizable, time ordered sequence of events in substorm dynamics initiated by changes
in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The spatially resolved model
predicts a different causal order and different signatures for the consequences of the
different energetic events associated with magnetic reconnection in the geotail and the
onset of near geosynchronous orbit flux tube convection. The conservation laws constrain
the numerous energy transfer coupling mechanisms leading to various, and sometimes
chaotic, dynamical events in the transfer of electrical power to the inner magnetosphere
and to the ionosphere.
2003 Annual Report
Isidoros Doxas with Robert
Weigel, Daniel Baker,
Michael Wilberger, John
Lyon, Wendell Horton
Using branch prediction and speculative
execution to forecast Space Weather
Recent advances in the development
of integrated models of the Sun-Earth
environment are placing increasing
emphasis on data assimilation
schemes that can maximize the
information extracted from our sparse
sampling of upwind conditions.
5: A plot of the variance of the magnetic field as a
Standard Kalman Filter techniques, Figure
fraction of maximum variance, when the incoming solar
widely used in tropospheric weather wind speed is varied by 5%. The result shows that BPSE
modeling, require significantly better can span the relevant parameter space with relatively
few speculative runs.
coverage than is available upwind.
Branch Prediction and Speculative
Execution consists of making probabilistic estimates of current upstream conditions,
and distributing among available machines simulations that assume each of the
probabilistically estimated states as initial conditions. As the near-Earth space evolves
and near-Earth satellite data are compared with the models, some of the speculatively
executed simulations will be proved wrong. At that point the machines that were
executing them will be reassigned either to new lines of speculative simulation, or to
increase the processing power devoted to more promising simulations already
executing. The scheme is particularly suited to Space Weather since our upwind early
warning sentries can provide only sparse sampling of the incoming solar wind, while
the bulk of our monitors, which can provide significantly better coverage, are located
close to Earth and provide much shorter lead times. By the time the data comes in from
the near-Earth monitors, the forecasts of the speculative simulations are already in hand,
reducing the lead time computational penalty (the portion of the lead time devoted to
advancing the model) to almost zero. The scheme is similar to Ensemble Kalman Filters
but is less reliant on dense data coverage, allows numerical models easier adherence to
conservation laws, and can be used with empirical models without modification.
Isidoros Doxas, Delores Knipp, Courtney Willis
Using Space Weather to motivate the standard Electricity and Magnetism curriculum
A computer module is being developed that uses the real-life effects of Space Weather
as a motivation for studying the basic concepts of Electricity and Magnetism at the
level of a typical introductory physics course for non-majors. The module is designed
to enable instructors to engage students in exploring problems that are complex enough
2003 Annual Report
to be of practical interest, while
still allowing them to concentrate
on the simple concepts and
equations they need to learn. The
design of the module is based on
studies carried out over the past
six years at three different
Universities, and the evaluation
shows an improvement both in
student attitudes towards
science, and in content
Figure 6: A 3D model of the Earth showing the ring current
Isidoros Doxas, Walter
and the substorm wedge. The red dots are simulated ground
stations. The applet calculates the measured AL index using
Kintsch, Michael
the model values of the current.
Klymkowsky, Kathy
Garvin-Doxas, Noah
Finkelstein, Courtney Willis
Using Latent Semantic Analysis to classify student concepts in science
Misconceptions are deep-seated models that students hold about the way the physical
world works. They are an impediment to learning, and they can best addressed with
specifically designed instructional tools and methods. Mapping the dominant
misconceptions in a field is also critical for the development of research-based
assessment tools in that field, because
they make the most reliable distracters in
multiple-choice instruments. This project
uses Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to
identify and classify misconceptions in
Physics, Astronomy, and Biology.
LSA is a vector-based model that uses
Singular Value Decomposition to identify
the most important eigenvectors in a
multidimensional space derived from
texts on a given subject, affording a wide
number of semantically meaningful
Figure 7: The inter-rater correlation for the
vector operations, like dot products.
Astronomy question as calculated for two experts
(blue) and LSA using a general English space
Results so far indicate that LSA is
(orange) and a specialized Physics-andcomparable to human experts in
Astronomy space developed for the project
classifying student essays according to
(green). We see that although the correlation
between the two experts is always higher, LSA
science concepts present in them.
give competitive results, especially with the
specialized text space developed by the project.
2003 Annual Report
Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Isidoros Doxas
The Use of technology to enhance student learning
Kathy Garvin-Doxas works in research and
evaluation of STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) education
initiatives, particularly those that involve the use
of technology to enhance student learning. With
STEM Colorado, she coordinates assessment and
evaluation efforts among participating departments
as well as basic organization for the project. Her
research focuses on misconceptions about
classroom collaboration and cooperative learning;
issues of gender and diversity among those who Figure 8: An example of a computer
teacher manual developed by
study and work in information technology fields; based
Kathy Garvin-Doxas that uses video
articulating the communication process necessary clips from actual classroom and lab
for eliciting student misconceptions about STEM sessions to illustrate examples of good
subjects as a model for computer-student pedagogy.
interactions; and the development of researchbased learning assessment instruments as well as protocols and instruments for use in
evaluating course transformation and the success of innovations. Additionally, she
provides workshops on institutional change and course transformation for many national
organizations in STEM education, and on improving teaching and learning in STEM
Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Lecia Barker
Recruiting middle school girls into a high school
Information Technology Magnet program
The project examines the recruiting message and
methods for recruiting middle school girls into
the Denver Public Schools Computer Magnet
(DPSCM), a three-track program that recruits from
all 22 middle schools in the Denver Public School
District (DPS). The objective is to identify
recruiting methods that IT magnet programs across
the nation can use to have more effective and Figure 9: Kathy Garvin-Doxas leading a
workshop for DPS Computer Magnet
sustainable means of attracting girls from different students on group learning.
socio-cultural groups. The project builds upon
previous research, which shows that middle school is a critical juncture for girls since it
is at that stage when girls begin to make choices that are more influenced by stereotypical
career choices and other culture-based beliefs than personal preference. The project
identifies barriers to entry and retention as well as positive messages that increase
participation. Both approaches are needed because simply removing the barriers does
not necessarily increase girls’ participation.
2003 Annual Report
Martin Goldman, David L. Newman, Naresh Sen
Kinetic Simulation of nonlinear electrostatic field structures in Earth’s Auroral zone
and analogous laboratory environments
Recent in situ observations by satellites such as FAST (Fast Auroral SnapshoT) reveal
the key role played by electrostatic structures, such as double layers and electron phasespace holes (Figure 10), in Earth’s auroral current system. Our research — performed in
collaboration with Prof. Robert Ergun and Dr. Laila Andersson of CU’s Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) — is focused on understanding the origin and
evolution of such structures through the use of numerical simulations. In addition to
their role in the near-Earth space environment, we are interested in how analogous
phenomena can be studied in a laboratory setting. Our simulations are based on the
numerical integration of the Vlasov equations, which describe the evolution of the phasespace distribution of particles in a collisionless plasma.
Figure 10: “Snapshot” of electron
phase-space distribution from
current-driven Vlasov simulation
seeded with a charge-neutral
density depression in the center.
Rapid electron acceleration by the
double-layer electric field is
followed by spatial growth of
waves, which saturate as a train of
electron holes moving to the right
electron holes
double layer
Effect of hot electron “halo” populations on the
formation and evolution of strong auroral double layers
Double layers are characterized by intense localized
electric fields that can accelerate electrons and ions
to high energies. Electron holes are long-lived
nonlinear structures that are formed by the electrons
accelerated through the double layer. New
observations suggest that the characteristics of
auroral double layers can be influenced by the
presence or absence of a hot background population
of halo electrons. Figure 11 compares the electric
field histories from two Vlasov simulations, which
differ only in the density and temperature of the
halo electrons. Note how the presence of a cool and
dense halo results in a more stable and less turbulent
double layer.
2560 0
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5
Figure 11: Time histories of the electric
field from 1-D Vlasov simulations (a)
with and (b) without a cool, dense
electron halo. The vertical blue
structure is the signature of the double
layer and the horizontal red and blue
streaks are the signatures of electron
holes moving rapidly to the right.
2003 Annual Report
Two-dimensional structure of auroral double layers and electron holes in the opposite limits of
strong and weak ion magnetization
Current-Driven 2-D Transition Layers
Our Vlasov simulations of auroral
with Strongly Magnetized Electrons
double layers and electron holes have
Strongly Magnetized Ions
Unmagnetized Ions
been extended to a second spatial
1280 0
dimension using different reduced
treatments to model the perpendicular
particle dynamics. Figure 12 contrasts
1280 2
1280 0
two simulation runs in which the ions
were treated alternatively in the limits
1280 0
of strong and weak magnetization. Note
in particular how the structure of the Figure 12: The spatial distribution of electric fields
double layer (bounded by dashed from two 2-D reduced Vlasov simulations differing
only in the ion magnetization.
purple lines) differs in the two runs.
Theory and simulation of electron-shear-modified two-stream instabilities
Our 2-D double-layer simulations reveal the presence of gradients (perpendicular to
B) in the electron current (parallel to B). This electron shear can play a potentially
important role in the subsequent evolution of the plasma. We have begun a study of
the role of electron shear on the linear and nonlinear evolution of streaming instabilities.
Figures 13 and 14 show electrostatic potentials and fields at three times during the
evolution of periodic 2-D Vlasov simulations for initial states of symmetric
counterstreaming electron beams with and without velocity shear. The linear stages of
evolution are in good agreement with theoretical predictions from a model based on
the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Mathieu equation. The nonlinear stages are
quite different, with larger electron holes in the sheared run.
Unsheared Electron Distribution
512 -8
512 -5
512 -5
Figure 13: Electrostatic potential and electricfield intensity from a periodic Vlasov simulation
with strongly magnetized unsheared electrons.
The top, middle, and bottom rows are from the
linear, early nonlinear, and late nonlinear stages
of evolution.
Sheared Electron Distribution
Figure 14: Same as Fig. 13, but for electrons
that are initially sheared so that the electron
beam velocities are maximum at the center
(in y) and minimum at the edges.
512 -5
2003 Annual Report
New “reduced” kinetic algorithms for efficient simulation of multidimensional
We are engaged in an ongoing effort to develop new simulation techniques that take
advantage of the essentially noiseless character of the Vlasov method while
simultaneously reducing computational demand that a full-Vlasov approach would
require in higher dimensions.
ωet = 0
32 -32
“Dissipative moment closures” for
unmagnetized particles
We have implemented a method
ωet = 63
25% max
32 -32
in which the perpendicular
dynamics of an unmagnetized
plasma species is evolved using
ωet = 126
dissipative moment closures,
32 -32
which reproduce the linear kinetic
response while evolving only a
limited number of moments of the
The parallel
Figure 15: Electron and ion density at three stages during the
dynamics continue to evolve evolution of an initially symmetric ion-acoustic pulse using
using a fully kinetic (Vlasov) the reduced Vlasov simulation method for both electrons and
algorithm. This approach greatly ions.
reduces the size of the
computational grid needed. As an illustration, Figure 15 shows three times during the
evolution of a symmetric 2-D ion-acoustic pulse using the reduced Vlasov method,
with full kinetics employed along one dimension and moment closure along the other.
The symmetry of the pulse at subsequent times is an indication of how the moment
method matches the full kinetic behavior.
Reduced algorithms for weakly magnetized particles
Treating a weakly magnetized species with a full Vlasov
simulation is particularly costly because it requires
at least five phase-space dimensions. Several reduced
methods are under consideration to ease the
computational demand. In one such method, the two
perpendicular velocity dimensions are reduced to a
single ring in the perpendicular velocity plane.
Despite the great reduction in computational
complexity, this reduced algorithm can be shown to
yield linear dispersion curves (Fig. 16) that agree rather
well with those derived from full kinetic theory.
ωi = 2 Ωi
ωi = 3 Ωi
k⊥ ρi
ωi = 5 Ωi
k⊥ ρi
k⊥ ρi
Figure 16: Comparison of
dispersion relation from reduced
model (red) and full kinetic
theory (black).
2003 Annual Report
James Howard
Nearly Axisymmetric Systems
Nearly axisymmetric systems occur in many physical problems, including dust
dynamics in planetary magnetospheres, ion motion in a Paul trap, microwave ionization
of Rydberg atoms, field errors in plasma fusion devices, or any axisymmetric device
where imperfections introduce small azimuthal variations. In a truly axisymmetric
system, all dynamical quantities, including the canonical momentum pf, are independent
of the azimuthal angle f, allowing a two-dimensional description of single particle
motion in terms of an effective potential, U e . In the presence of small azimuthal
variations it often happens that pf, merely oscillates about an average value, pφ , which
may be used to define an average effective potential, Ue. The motion may then be
described as quasi-two dimensional, with orbits confined within a topological torus
much smaller than the exact zero velocity surface.
Ion Traps
Another important and very actively studied
axisymmetric system is the RF Paul trap, which
offers myriad physical and technological
applications. While the pioneering experiments
were conducted in purely axisymmetric geometry,
current experiments are almost invariably
performed using slightly nonaxisymmetric
electrodes, in order to establish an “axis of
crystallization,” along which ions can line up. In
addition, easily fabricated elliptic traps are widely
used in quantum computation research. In all these
applications it is essential to avoid unstable
combinations of parameters, which can lead to
“crystal melting” and rapid loss of trapped ions.
Perhaps the most thoroughly studied configuration
is the relative two-ion motion, which is conveniently
split into a rapid “Zitterbewegung” and a slow
time-averaged “secular” motion.
Elliptic traps are also of current interest for quantum Figure 17: Three-dimensional contour
computation applications. In contrast to the dust plot of zero-velocity surface for twoproblem, where the perturbation strength is small ion motion in an elliptic ion trap.
and dictated by planetary parameters, the
asymmetry of the Paul trap has no such limitations and can in fact be quite large.
Preliminary results indicate that two-ion motion in an elliptic trap with an asymmetry
smaller than about 10 percent remains quasi-two-dimensional. At large asymmetry
particle confinement is limited only by the topology of zero-velocity surfaces, which
involves some interesting applications of singularity theory, where the familiar two42
2003 Annual Report
dimensional critical points are generalized to Morse saddles with normal forms u = x12
± x22 ± x32 , where the xi are local rectangular coordinates. Figure 17 is a three
dimensional contour plot of the zero-velocity surfaces for two-ion motion in an elliptic
Plasma Physics
Field-Reversed Configurations
Field-Reversed Configurations (FRC)
offer several attractive features for a fusion
reactor: high â (and therefore high power
density) operation, negligible toroidal
magnetic field, structural simplicity (no
internal coils), and the potential for
environmentally desirable advanced
fuels. In addition, FRCs provide insight
into other fusion devices (e.g. Tokomaks,
Mirror Machines, and other Compact
Tori), as well as the opportunity to study
basic plasma physics problems. For these
Figure 18: Potential Trough for FRC
reasons several major FRC experimental
programs are under way worldwide
(particularly in Russia and Japan) with a scattering of small-scale theoretical programs.
These include equilibrium and stability studies utilizing various combinations of fluid
and kinetic models, as well as numerical code development. In the USA significant
programs exist at Princeton, Cornell, U. Washington, and Los Alamos National
Laboratory, in both prolate and oblate geometry. Of these the prolate case been more
thoroughly studied as more suitable for extrapolation to a fusion reactor, although
oblate configurations offer their own set of advantages. The magnetic field is purely
poloidal with a field null within the plasma, resulting in typically chaotic ion dynamics.
For small gyroradius, the FRC is theoretically unstable to three n = 1 MHD modes; the
radial shift, tilt, and interchange modes. However, several
experiments demonstrate stability to the most important of
these modes, the tilt mode. The reasons for this anomolous
stability may lie in neglected finite gyroradius effects or
perhaps are rooted in kinetic effects not present in a fluid
We have shown that while classical guiding center motion
only exists for very low particle energy in such a well, ions
are nevertheless well confined by energy conservation, and
may circulate, as shown in Figure 19 or suffer reflections
between high-field regions, making transitions between these
Figure 19: Regular orbit
two modes. In general the motion is a mixture of a chaotic
confined in closed
sea, with regular (non-chaotic regions) embedded as phase
potential trough.
2003 Annual Report
space islands centered on periodic orbits.
Dust Dynamics
We have continued our investigations of
charged dust dynamics in planetary
magnetospheres, with new excursions to
Jupiter and Mars. A more complete treatment
of orbital equilibrium and stability has been
carried out for dust grains near Saturn, with
emphasis on the subtle synergism between
the topology of zero velocity surfaces and
orbital chaos and ergodicity. New classes of
orbits have been discovered and paths for Figure 20: Artist’s conception of a
their possible loss to the planet or outer nonequatorial halo orbit about Saturn.
space. Two-dimensional Lyapunov
exponents have also been calculated in order to quantitatively measure the degree of
orbital chaos. Calculation of 3D Lyapunov exponents is under way to measure the
nonaxisymmetric effects of radiation pressure. Surprisingly, we have found significant
populations of orbits which are confined in open potential wells by virtue of an
underlying invariant action.This intriguing synergism between topology and ergodicity
may have profound implications for particle confinement and loss.
We have verified our conjecture that
the tilt of the jovian magnetic axis
induces strongly chaotic behavior for
dust grains smaller than about 750 nm,
an interesting application of nearly
axisymmetric theory. The predictions
of a simplified model have been
confirmed by more complete orbital
simulation. It remains to implement a
perturbative expansion of the single
particle Hamiltonian to demonstrate
that an invariant averaged canonical
momentum exists for regular orbits.
Figure 21: Tilted magnetic dipole structure of Jupiter.
2003 Annual Report
Asteroidal Satellites
Transverse Orbits
We are continuing our work on the equilibrium and
stability of asteroidal moons about exended
asteroids. Our principal results demonstrate that
initially circular orbits remain so under gradual
increase in asteroid rotation rate. Remarkably,
periodic orbits appear to remain exactly periodic,
now recognized as an instance of “adiabatic
switching.” In a new paper for Celestial Mechanics,
in collaboration with Prof. Dan Scheeres (U. Mich.),
we extend our repertory of gravitational models and
employ second order perturbation theory to
improve our semi-analytic description of orbital tilt
into a successful quantitative theory.
Figure 22: Transverse satellite orbit
about a rotating asteroid.
Microwave Ionization of Rydberg Atoms
Classical models have enjoyed considerable success in describing the ionization of
Rydberg atoms by microwave radiation. In particular, this approach, a wedding of
celestial mechanics and atomic physics, yields useful ionization thresholds, which shed
light on both classical dynamics and “quantum chaology.”
Circular Polarization
Experiments are currently being planned using elliptically and circularly polarized
(CP) microwaves, which are usually studied in the case where the orbital plane coincides
with the plane of polarization. At very low scaled RF frequencies ω/ωκ<0.1 ionization
is well described by a static Stark model. Here we consider the range 0.1< ω/ωκ <0.8 but
allow out-of-the-plane motion. For small electric field strength we again have a nearly
axisymmetric system, with the spherically symmetric Kepler Hamiltonian as
unperturbed system. We are currently investigating the structure of the zero velocity
surface which turns out to be isomorphic to the ZVS for the radiation pressure model
for a nonmagnetic planet.
Two-Frequency Excitation
Our previous theoretical work on two-frequency excitation resulted in successful
experiments carried out at SUNY Stony Brook. These experiments, originally at high
microwave frequency, i.e. well above the orbital frequency of the participating electron,
are now being extended to much lower microwave frequencies, where new resonances
come into play. A new theory for this interesting frequency regime has being developed,
featuring a new “island interspersal” condition on the two frequencies. The theory is
complicated by the presence of new island chains corresponding to sums and differences
of the driving frequencies and their harmonics.
2003 Annual Report
Nonlinear Dynamics
Virial Theorem
The virial theorem is one the keystones of classical
mechanics, with a myriad applications in statistical
mechanics (kinetic theory of gases), astrophysics
(galactic dynamics), plasma physics (fluid and
kinetic models), and practically every branch of the
physical sciences. There are in fact many virial
theorems, taking specialized forms for magnetic
systems, special and general relativity, quantum
mechanics, etc., etc. For natural Hamiltonian
systems it yields a simple connection between the
time averaged kinetic and potential energies of
bounded orbits.
Figure 23: Poincare section for the
Recently we proved that a virial theorem also holds Henon-Heiles system. Chaotic regions
for discrete symplectic maps of a particular form are represented in red, regular regions in
analogous to natural Hamiltonian flows, for which
kinetic and potential “energies” may be
constructed. We also proved strong and weak forms of the classical virial theorem for
both continuous and discrete Hamiltonian systems. Whilst applying these results to
specific well-known examples, such as the Hénon-Heiles system (Fig.23) and the
standard map (Fig. 24), we noticed pronounced differences in the rate of convergence
of the virial for chaotic and regular orbits. Subsequent investigation revealed that this
difference could be quantified and employed to provide a simple new measure of chaos,
which we dubbed “meander.” We are presently applying these results to other physical
examples, including the Paul trap and dust dynamics in planetary magnetospheres.
Figure 25 illustrates a new discrete “power map” which illustrates bounded chaos.
Figure 24: Standard Map (k=0.95)
Figure 25: Power Map
2003 Annual Report
Marie Jensen
Measuring the temperature of laser-cooled ions in a Penning trap is primarily motivated
by the possibility of creating many-particle entangled states. A Penning trap is a device
used to trap charged particles. The confinement is due to a combination of static electric
and magnetic fields. There is a strong magnetic field (in our case produced by a
superconducting magnet) along the z-axis, also called
the trap axis. This field provides the radial confinement,
i.e., charged particles cannot escape from the trap along
a direction perpendicular to the trap axis. The axial
confinement is due to electric fields (appropriate
voltages are applied to the electrodes to create the
needed fields).
Experiments on trapped ions are carried out at NIST
by Marie Jensen, Taro Hasegawa and John Bollinger.
In this experiment, ions of
beryllium are confined in a 4.5
T field. The ions are lasercooled to a temperature of ~1
milliKelvin resulting in a
Figure 26: A real space image of an
crystalline state. When the
ion crystal in a Penning trap.
laser-cooling is turned off, the
ion plasma heats up from collisions with residual gas. At the
phase transition, which occurs at a temperature of 10 mK
corresponding to a coupling parameter of Γ=170, a sudden,
large temperature increase is observed. This increase is caused
by the onset of a coupling to ion motion, which is not cooled by
the laser-cooling and therefore is excited to higher temperatures
prior to turning off the laser-cooling. A method has been found,
by which this abnormal excitation can be avoided. In this case,
the heating rate remains low and is sufficiently low that ionentanglement experiments will be pursued.
Figure 27: A Penning
trap device.
Alan Kiplinger
Dr. Kiplinger has been pursuing a three year grant under NASA’s Sun-Earth Connection
Guest Investigator Program in support of the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic
Imager (RHESSI). Rhessi was launched in February of 2002 has recorded over 10,000
solar flares in its first two years – including the largest solar flare ever recorded from
space. An objective of these efforts is to study X-ray and other data on solar events,
including flares, coronal mass ejections and interplanetary particle events, into order
to obtain a more comprehensive view of our Sun-Earth connections regarding
interplanetary proton events. Part of these efforts are to better predict occurrences of
interplanetary proton events that can be dangerous to astronauts and spacecraft.
2003 Annual Report
In late October and early November 2003 the Sun provided one of the most active periods
of solar activity since spacecraft have been in space. On the same hemisphere of the
sun there were three sunspot groups (known as active regions) that produced more
than 100 major solar flares, the largest recorded flare as seen in X-rays and very large
interplanetary particle events and geomagnetic storms. One of the active regions is
known as region 486 and can be proclaimed as the most powerful of regions during
this solar cycle.
Figure 28: A full disk h-alpha image of the sun taken on Oct. 28, 2003 at Big Bear Solar Observatory.
All 3 great active regions responsible for the solar activity seen in Oct. and Nov. are clearly visible.
The region below center (active region 486) is the largest and most energetic region seen during this
solar cycle.
2003 Annual Report
Figures 29 and 30: The most powerful solar flare ever
observed in X-rays as imaged by the TRACE satellite in
the light of ionized Fe XII. The image to the left was
taken just at the end of the energy releasing eruptive
stage. The image below right shows the graceful post
flare loop system that formed two hours later.
Two of its solar flares saturated NOAA’s soft X-ray detectors that are used to classify
solar flares. Kiplinger has carefully reconstructed the soft X-ray light curves of these
giant flares by matching curves of similar but smaller flares from region 486. Images
taken after the peak of the flare taken by NASA’s Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
(TRACE) satellite are shown below in the light of Fe XII in the extreme ultraviolet. The
temperature of the plasma loops is approximately 500,000 K to 2,000,000 K. The
reconstructed data however shows that the effective temperature of the soft X-ray
emitting plasma is far hotter at ~ 38 million K. Moreover, the flare saturated the detectors
at a level of ~X18.4 but the corrected data indicates fluxes 66% larger at X30.6 – easily
making this the largest ever seen since X-ray observations began in the mid-1960’s.
Almost simultaneously with the great flare, a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) erupted
from the vicinity of region 486 at a speed that appears to be the fastest on record. The
speed measured from these and other images is approximately 5 million miles per
hour or ~ 2240 km/s. Images of this eruption as recorded by the coronagraph on the
Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are shown on the following page.
2003 Annual Report
Figures 31 and 32: Images of the CME that
accompanied the X30.6 flare from SOHO’s white
light coronagraph. The image to the left extends 6
degrees from the Sun (marked by the white circle)
and was taken during the eruptive phase only 6
minutes before the TRACE image above and left.
Evidence of dramatic motion is shown in the image
on the right which was taken one hour later and
extends to 15 degrees.
This was indeed a most remarkable period of activity when the Sun – Earth Connection
and Plasma Physics really hit home. One Japanese spacecraft was lost completely and
more than 25 other research satellites had to placed in safe hold conditions or suffered
instrument losses. Astronauts on the International Space station were ordered into aft
sections five times in order to receive more protection from proton storms. Power grid
operators modified routing operations and reduced output of nuclear power plants in
order to avoid damage from the numerous geomagnetic storms. Global positioning
systems (GPS) had problems including a deep ocean drilling ship. We were fortunate
that the great flare and CME pictured above occurred when it did and not five days
earlier. Had that occurred, Earth would have taken the full blast of the CME and
interplanetary particle storms – we would have had some real problems. In a paper
being prepared, Kiplinger has found that intrinsic characteristics of these great flares
are not fundamentally different from previous large events, but rather, they are just
Kiplinger has also continued work and support from two solar optical telescope systems
operated by the U.S. Air Force. They are known as the Improved Solar Optical Observing
Network (ISOON) and the Solar Optical Observing Network Solar Patrol on Tape
(SOONSPOT). The ISOON is a vast improvement over the older SOON world wide
2003 Annual Report
network and was intended to replace it. However, only one ISOON telescope is yet in
operation. ISOON does support full disk imaging and it records precise images in the
light of Hydrogen – alpha every minute. H-alpha is a most sensitive spectral line in
which to see solar flares. Dr. Kiplinger recognized the patrol potential of this remarkable
telescope in detecting the elusive phenomena of “flare waves” which accompany either
major solar flares or CME’s. Accordingly he developed a means to observe not only
the brightness of the hydrogen on the Sun, but to also measure its motion via sensitive
Doppler measurements and to fold that data into the massive datastream. Several wave
events of differing types have been seen. One such event is shown below that is
associated with an X11 flare from region 486 on October 29. In the image, one sees not
only the flare itself in the lower right hand corner, but also a series of large diffuse light
and dark bands. The light bands show the Sun’s chromosphere moving upward and
the dark bands show it moving downward. Although this flare is less powerful than
the X30.6 flare described above, it was a very powerful gamma ray line flare that allowed
the RHESSI satellite to obtain some of its best gamma ray imaging to date. (RHESSI
missed the peak of the X30 flare).
Figure 33: Bands of a
new type of “flare wave”
discovered by the new
patrol mode of the
ISOON telescope. The
broad dark and light
bands represent a wave
train moving away from
the flare at 1100 km/s.
The physical cause and
exact nature of the wave
is not yet understood.
Progress was also made with respect to the older SOON system and Dr. Kiplinger’s
data archival system SOONSPOT. In 2003, the SOONSPOT system employed 3 U.S.
Air Force SOON observatories located around the world. Each site records full disk Ha
images every 30 minutes, and large scale H-alpha images of active regions or other
features every five minutes (or 30s during flares). As described below, student support
is being utilized to catalog and make available all SOONSPOT data of important flares
observed by RHESSI. In 2003, SOONSPOT data for flares was saved to hard disk for
more convenient access than tapes provide. Other recent advances are that new data is
slated to be recorded on DVD’s instead of tapes. This makes data retrieval and searching
far more convenient due to the random access of the DVD medium. Finally, a new
Memorandum of Understanding has been written approved and signed by the U.S. Air
Force, the NOAA Space Environment Center and the University of Colorado to continue
the SOONSPOT archival program.
2003 Annual Report
James Meiss
Transport and Mixing in Three Dimensional Fluid Flows
Fluid mixing corresponds to the transport of passive scalars by kinematic advection
and their subsequent diffusive homogenization. Such phenomena are fundamentally
important in many physical systems and engineering applications and occur at a variety
of scales ranging from the very small (micrometer scale) to the very large (planetary
scales and beyond). For instance mixing in microchannels can be used to efficiently
homogenize reagents in chemical reactions even when the flow is laminar.
Understanding transport for planetary scale flows is critical for climate modeling and
pollution dispersion in atmospheric science and eddy dynamics in oceanography.
Transport and mixing are also important in granular flows, population biology,
and reaction-diffusion systems.
Figure 34: Lyapunov exponents and invariant tori for a three-dimensional flow corresponding to
hexagonal convection cells.
Fold and Cusp Singularities of the
Frequency Map for Hamiltonian
In an integrable Hamiltonian
system almost all motion takes
place on invariant tori. The motion
on these tori is conjugate to linear
motion with frequencies that vary
with the torus. The map that
assigns to each torus its frequency
is called the frequency map. Now
consider an integrable symplectic Figure 35: Frequency map with a cusp singularity.
2003 Annual Report
map with a fold in the frequency map.
The torus corresponding to the actions
that map onto the fold has vanishing
twist. The fold of the frequency map
(the caustic) consists of singular
values. The fold is a stable singularity
for Lagrangian mappings, and
therefore a one parameter family of
such maps will not destroy the fold,
but move it around in the frequency
plane. Therefore the caustic will cross
rational frequencies. When the map
is perturbed by a small periodic
perturbation interesting dynamics are Figure 36: Numerically computed frequency map with a
fold singularity.
expected when the fold is near a
resonant frequency such that the
resonance is in the image of the frequency map. This is the situation we study first. In a
second step the existence of a special point on the fold line is assumed, which is another
stable singularity, the cusp.
Scott Parker, Yang Chen
Our research is on the numerical modeling and
prediction of turbulence and transport in toroidal fusion
plasmas. In order for the fusion reaction to take place
in a self-sustained manner, the plasma must be heated
and maintained at a certain level of density and
temperature. However, instabilities tend to develop in
such plasmas which either terminate the plasma or lead
to saturated turbulence and enhances particle and
energy transport. Over the past years we have
developed a Monte-Carlo simulation code, GEM
(Journal of Computational Physics 189 (2003) 463-475),
which can be used to study turbulence and transport in
toroidal plasmas. GEM achieves large time steps and
finite-beta capability by using three key algorithmic
It uses the parallel canonical formulation to eliminate
the difficulty with the inductive electric field, it uses
the split-weight scheme to increase the time step, and
it uses a novel algorithm for the Ampere’s equation.
Extensive benchmarks with continuum codes, which do
Figure 37: Contour plot of the vector
potential in x-z plane, where x is
the radius, z is along the field line.
From radially global simulation
with beta slightly exceeding the
experimental value. The plot shows
a mode of tearing mode parity, but
ion temperature gradient drive is
2003 Annual Report
not use a Monte-Carlo approach, have been carried out. Recently the code has been
extended to treat general equilibrium profiles, including equilibrium sheared ExB flow
and sheared parallel flow. We have also improved the parallelization scheme so that
more than 512 processors can be used on the NERSC SEABORG supercomputer. Recent
GEM simulation indicates that electromagnetic turbulence is more robust to shear-flow
suppression. In particular, turbulence can self-sustain by nonlinear effects in the presence
of sheared flow, even if the plasma is linearly stable.
Scott Parker, Weigang Wan
Tearing mode instabilities play an important roll in tokamak discharges. The basic
process is the anti-parallel magnetic field lines break and reconnect in the plasma to
form magnetic islands. The perturbed vector potential is symmetric with respect to the
central layer. Using an electromagnetic
gyrokinetic δf particle-in-cell simulation
model [Y. Chen and S. Parker, J. Comp.
Phys. 189, 463 (2003)], we studied the
evolution of collisionless and semicollisional tearing mode instabilities.
Drift-kinetic electrons are used. Linear
eigenmode analysis is presented for the
case of fixed ions and there is excellent
agreement with simulation. A double
peaked eigenmode structure is seen
indicative of a positive ∆’. Nonlinear
evolution of a magnetic island is studied
and the results compare well with
existing theory in terms of saturation
level and electron bounce oscillations.
Electron-ion collisions are included to
study the semi-collisional regime. The
algebraic growth stage is observed and
Figure 38
compares favorably with theory.
Nonlinear saturation following the algebraic stage is observed. In simulations with
larger box sizes (64 ion gyroradii radially) we found that the ion gyrokinetic response
is important and cannot be neglected. Furthermore, in these larger box simulations, the
instability exhibits an odd parity, different than the even tearing parity.
2003 Annual Report
Scott Robertson and Zoltan Sternovsky
Charged Aerosol Particles in the Ionosphere
In the northern summer, ice particles form in the polar
ionosphere at about 83 km altitude. When these particles
grow sufficiently large they are observed near the Arctic
Circle as noctilucent clouds. The distribution of these
particles, their relationship to climate, and their effect on
charge balance is just beginning to be understood. We
have developed a series of rocket-borne probes to detect
charged aerosol layers. These probes have flown in rocket
campaigns from the Andoya rocket range in Norway and
from Esrange in Sweden. We are developing more
sophisticated probes to determine the charge-to-mass ratio
of the aerosol particles so that particle sizes can be
determined. In conditions too warm for clouds, the probes
may observe the predicted global layer of aerosol particles
containing metals ablated from meteors. These particles
may serve as the condensation nuclei for the cloud
Figure 39: Rocket-borne probe for
charged aerosols
Scott Robertson and Zoltan Sternovsky
Nonneutral plasma in Penning traps
Figure 40: Scott Robertson next to a Penning Trap.
Nonneutral plasmas are plasmas
consisting of electrons or ions
alone. The Penning trap is a
device in which a magnetic field
prevents loss of the particles in
the radial direction and biased
conductors at the ends prevent
loss in the axial direction. In the
absence of collisions with gas
molecules, there should be no
plasma losses. We used our
Penning trap this past year to
investigate the loss of electrons
arising from “collisions” with
stray electric fields. This loss
mechanism has been termed
asymmetry transport and limits
2003 Annual Report
confinement times. We find that this transport is greatly reduced when the inside surfaces
of the vacuum chamber are spray-painted with colloidal graphite. Probe data show
that the potentials above these surfaces are spatially very uniform, with variations of
order 15 millivolts, which is near to the resolution of the diagnostic probe. Without the
coating, potential variations are ~250 millivolts although the surfaces are carefully
cleaned with acids and solvents. Electron confinement times are increased by about an
order of magnitude. Improved confinement times are particularly important for plasmas
that are difficult to create, such as positron and antiproton plasmas.
Dusty plasmas
Surfaces of airless moons and
asteroids are covered with a dusty
regolith that is charged by the
electrons and ions of the solar wind
and by the photoelectric effect. There
is observational evidence from
satellites that the regolith particles are
levitated and transported by electric
fields and deposited in low-lying
regions. The smaller particles may be
accelerated to escape velocity. We
have investigated these effects in the
laboratory by placing dusty surfaces
beneath plasma and in UV radiation.
Figure 41: Zoltan Sternovsky in the lab.
Simulated lunar and Mars dusts have
been used as well as lunar dust
returned by the Apollo 17 mission. CCD images have been made of levitated particles
and of the spreading of dust layers. Modeling of dust charging and of the forces on the
dust particles predict the sizes of particles that can be transported. Experiments have
also been done with simulated Mars regolith. These experiments provide a basis for
interpretation of data from robotic space missions and will help in planning future
missions to the moon, Mars, a comet or an asteroid. Instruments are being developed
for a return mission to the moon that will probe the plasma and dust environment at
the lunar surface.
2003 Annual Report
Laboratory plasmas
In order to understand our dusty
plasmas, we have needed to develop
better diagnostic tools for lowtemperature laboratory plasmas. The
standard diagnostic tool is the wire
probe developed by Langmuir.
Careful analysis of the plots of
current versus voltage shows two
significant deviations of the data from
the standard theoretical models. The
first of these is an excess ion current
Figure 42: Plasma Probes
arising from ion collisions near the
probe. In collaboration with scientists
at the Naval Research Laboratory, we developed a theoretical model for the ion current
and showed that it explained a large discrepancy between theory and experiment for
the ion part of the probe current. Another discrepancy is caused by a population of
electrons created by secondary emission from the wall. A theory with two electron
populations and with ion collisions fits the data to within a few percent, gives densities
and temperatures for the two electron populations, and allows electron and ion densities
to be compared as a check for consistency. With the improved data analysis, it is possible
to being modeling the flow of energy between the two electrons populations and to
make a predictive model for electron temperature.
2003 Annual Report
Extra Activities
additional tasks and positions
Dan Barnes
Fellow, American Physical Society
Visiting Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Principal Scientist, Coronado Consulting
John R. Cary
Advisor and mentor for Viktor Przebinda, an undergraduate student
CEO, Tech-X Corporation
Editor for Physical Review E for 3 year term, 2003-2005.
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, organizing and program committee, Advanced Accelerator Concepts
Member, Organizing Committee of the Particle Accelerator Conference (2004)
Member, Plasma Science Committee, National Research Council, National Academy
of Sciences
Member, Program Committee of the Particle Accelerator Conference (2004)
Member, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference Executive Committee
Member of thesis committee of Sam Jones and Charlson Kim
Postdoctoral advisor of Rodolfo Giacone and Chet Nieter
Principal dissertation advisor for Kiran Sonnad, Brent Goode, and Jinhyung Lee
Supervisor of Kathy Garvin-Doxas and Isidoros Doxas
Yang Chen
Advisor for Weigang Wan, a graduate research assistant
Member, American Physical Society
Isidoros Doxas
Chair, Space Science and Astronomy Committee, American Association of Physics
Member, Committee on Education and Public Outreach, Space Physics and
Aeronomy Section, American Geophysical Union.
2003 Annual Report
Kathy Garvin-Doxas
Chair, Distance Education and Educational Technologies Topical Interest Group,
American Evaluation Association.
Member, Committee on Education and Public Outreach, Space Physics and
Aeronomy Section, American Geophysical Union.
Evaluator, Digital Library for Earth Science Education (DLESE)
Evaluator, Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG)
Rodolfo Giacone
Member, American Physical Society
Martin Goldman
Chair, American Physical Society PRL Evaluation Panel
Member, American Physical Society Anti-terrorism Task Force
Member, American Geophysical Union,
Member, American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics Publication
Member, American Physical Society Panel on Public Affairs
Member, American Institute of Physics, Committee on Journals
Member, International Advisory Board of European Center for Nonlinear Sciences
Member, Physics Dept. Chair Election Committee
Member, Physics Dept. Faculty Search Committee, Plasma Physics
Associate Editor, Physics of Plasmas.
Peer Reviewer for various Adjudications and Letters.
Principal Dissertation/Thesis Advisor for Naresh Sen (with David Newman)
Member of Dissertation/Thesis Committee for Daniel Main, APS Dept
Member of Masters or Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee for Colin Mitchel
and David Foster
Taught Physics 1230, “Light and Color,” with 180 students, and two sections of
Physics 2010.
James Howard
Member, American Physical Society
Member, American Astronomical Society
Member, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
Helped teach graduate class in classical mechanics.
Peer review for Phys. Rev. Lett., Celest. Mech., and other technical journals.
2003 Annual Report
Marie Jensen
Member, American Physical Society
James Meiss
Principal Dissertation/Thesis Advisor for multiple Graduate Students.
Member of Dissertation/Thesis Committee for Masoud Asadi-Aeydabadi,
Member of PhD Qualifying Examination Committee, APPM.
Supervisor, Dynamical Systems Tetrahedron
Supervisor, Fall 2003, Independent study for Karl Obermeyer, APPM Major
Professor, Spring 2003 APPM 8100, Seminar in dynamical systems
Professor, Fall 2003, APPM 7100 Dynamical Systems and Chaos APPM 7100, 10
Professor, Spring 2003, APPM 2360 Diff Eq, 100 students
Course Coordinator for APPM 2360, Spring 03
Co-Organizer for a symposium, “Transport and Mixing in Three-Dimensions’ for the
May 2003 SIAM Dynamical Systems Meeting with I. Mezic
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Advisor for our 1st and 2nd year students.
Graduate Committee.
Departmental Technology Liaison to the FTEP program
Departmental Technology Liaison to the FTEP program
Fellow, Colorado Center for Chaos and Complexity.
Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
Peer Reviewer for various papers and proposals.
David L. Newman
Reviewed manuscripts submitted to Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E,
Physics of Plasmas, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters
and grant proposals submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA
Nominated for membership in the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).
Organized Fall 2003 CIPS Seminar Series
Other interests:
Member of Jefferson Symphony Orchestra (viola).
Chet Nieter
Member, American Physical Society
Other interests:
Holder of a 2nd degree Black Belt in Aikido
2003 Annual Report
Scott Parker
Chair, Department of Physics Computational Physics Committee
Executive Committee, University Fusion Association
Program Committee, International Fusion Theory Conference
Session Organizer, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
Member, American Physical Society
Member, Department of Physics Evaluation Panel
Member, Department of Energy Fusion Energy Advisory Committee, Priorities Panel
Member, Program Advisory Committee, Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National
Member, Thesis Committee for several graduate students.
Mentor for Research Associate Yang Chen.
Professor, Physics 5210, Fall 2003.
Research Advisor for Weigang Wan, Srinath Vladlamani, and Charlson C. Kim.
Team Leader, Summit Framework
Scott Robertson
Member, American Physical Society
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Physics Department.
Member, IEEE
Member, Organizing Committee, 10th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas
Member of the Chair’s Advisory Committee, Physics Department.
Peer Reviewer of multiple papers, proposals and manuscripts.
Raul Stern
Member, American Physical Society
Zoltan Sternovsky
Member, American Geophysical Union
Member, American Physical Society
2003 Annual Report
Design, layout, and editing: Genevieve Taylor
This report was composed by means of the following software:
Adobe® Pagemaker® 7.0.1
Adobe® Reader® 6.0
Adobe® Photoshop® 6.0
Microsoft® Word® 2002
Cover image by James Howard
CIPS logo by Arlena Szczesniak
p. 2 (Commercial Seal of the University of Colorado): courtesy of CU-Boulder
p. 3: by Marie Jensen
pp. 4, 5 (Gamow Tower photos): by Arlena Szczesniak
p. 4 (Library photos): by Carolyn James
pp. 5 (Map), 6: courtesy of CU-Boulder
pp. 5, 11 (photos): by Scott Knappmiller
p. 7: by Chet Nieter
p. 8: by James Meiss
pp. 9, 11, 12 (solar images): from http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/
p. 10 (Mars): courtesy of Vern Raben
p. 10 (photos): by Scott Robertson
pp. 13--17: by John Cary
pp. 18-23, 58-61 (backgrounds): by David Newman
pp. 24-31: by Alan Kiplinger
© Center for Integrated Plasma Studies,
University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA – December 2004