Pelargonium - Agritrop
Pelargonium - Agritrop
Expression of an Arabidopsis Aspartic protease in Pelargonium Mattheu Chabannes CIRAD Département BIOS Eva Marazuela Fundación PROMIVA Marisé Borja Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Fundación PROMIVA CRISP Project HPRN-CT-2000-00093 Phenotypic alterations of over-expressing CDS10 Arabidopsis plants Wt plants CDS10 plants Smaller rosette Smaller and asymmetric leaves Two independent CDS10 flowering plants Bushy, multi-branching phenotype Plants are always dwarf (10 cm high maximum) Pelargonium Boda Gitana Salmon biolistic transformation Embryogenesis regeneration Pelargonium Boda Gitana Salmon biolistic transformation NPTII selection CDS10-Boda Gitana Salmon Bushy, multi-branching phenotype is observed in vitro Boda Gitana Salmon plants Wt CDS10 over-expression Bushy, multi-branching phenotype is observed ex vitro Boda Gitana Salmon leaves - No variations are observed in the shape and size of the leaves - Peduncles are longer and thinner Wt CDS10 over-expression Boda Gitana Salmon flowers Wt CDS10 over-expression - Number of petals is reduced to 5 like in simple varieties Pelargonium biolistic transformation Mirada Pink Mirada Violet Pelargonium biolistic transformation Mirada Pink Mirada Violet Pelargonium Mirada violet biolistic transformation NPTII selection Pelargonium Mirada violet Wt CDS10 over-expression Pelargonium Mirada Pink Wt CDS10 over-expression Pelargonium Mirada Pink-Wild Type Pelargonium Mirada PinkCDS10 over-expression Pelargonium Mirada Violet CDS10 over-expression Mirada Pink and Violet flowers Mirada Pink Wt CDS10 over-expression Mirada Violet Wt CDS10 over-expression - Number of petals is reduced to 5 in both varieties Wild type vs CDS10 overexpressing lines Number of branches Number of petals height (cm) Wt 5.57 21.66 71.3 T-131 13.00 5 56.8 T-129 15.57 5 59.1 T-147 12.10 5 63.4 T-138 10.9 5 65.2 T-140 9.6 13.39 67.2 Wt 4.36 12.32 53.2 T-22 11.71 5 49.6 Wt 4.86 5 51.3 T-7 12.31 5 49.8 Line Boda Gitana Salmon Mirada Violet Mirada Pink Conclusions + The over expression of At -CDS10 in Pelargonium transgenic lines induces an increase in the number of branches, longer pedicels and a reduction in plant height. + At-CDS-10 over expression also induces the decrease in the number of petals in two double flowered varieties transgenic plants . + Even if the original A. thaliana busy phenotype was of interest for getting a higher number of cuttings/plant and a compact phenotype, the pleiotropic effects of the over-expression of the CDS 10 gene on the flowers are non favourable in the case of Pelargonium. THANK YOU