of Issue #121 - TimeSharing Today


of Issue #121 - TimeSharing Today
The Trusted Independent Voice of Vacation Ownership since 1991
Issue #121
Jan/Feb, 2012
RCI Points Settlement Moves Forward
A class action lawsuit on behalf of Points members against RCI is moving towards a settlement. The complaint, filed in January 2009 by Anton Glenz and others, had alleged that RCI
engages in a “fraudulent, deceptive and unconscionable marketing scheme” by representing
“that only members of the program can access the timeshares,” whereas RCI actually engages
in the “practice of skimming a large percentage of the timeshares from the system, including
many prime timeshares, and renting them to the general public at a profit to RCI, or selling them
to vendors who then rent them to the general public.” (See TimeSharing Today, issue #108.) A
similar suit by Weeks members was settled in 2010.
The Glenz complaint had sought damages based on New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act, breach of the covenant of good
faith and fair dealing implied in every
contract, and breach of a fiduciary
years, RCI will publish its Terms and
duty owed to RCI members. Glenz
Conditions for the Points Exchange
also asked that RCI be required to
Program in at least 10-point font,
disgorge to him and other class memwhich is the size of type used for
bers the amount of its profits from
most articles in TimeSharing Today.
“its practice of skimming Timeshare
(This type is 10.5-point.)
Intervals from the RCI Spacebank.”
• RCI will be obligated to post
A lengthy settlement agreement
on its website certain statistics resigned by the attorneys for the plainlating to the deposit of inventory
tiffs and RCI was the subject matter
by members and to RCI’s rental of
of a motion hearing scheduled for
December 20, 2011, after which the
• The legal fees of plaintiffs’
position to the proposed settlement was
court will decide whether to give preattorneys up to the amount of $835,000
that sufficient pre-trial discovery had
liminary approval to the settlement.
will be paid by RCI.
not been conducted, which would have
Attorneys for plaintiffs in a sepaIf preliminarily approved by the
enabled the Glenz attorneys to make a
rate but similar lawsuit on behalf of
court, notice of the settlement agreeproper evaluation of the proposed settleCalifornia Points members filed a moment will be disseminated to Points
ment terms.
tion seeking to have their lawsuit conmembers by a postard mailing, by email,
The benefits of the settlement are
solidated with the Glenz matter. They
by a posting on the RCI website and by
not likely to create a great deal of excitealso submitted a brief in opposition to
publication in USA Today.
ment among Points members:
preliminary approval of the Glenz settleMembers who do not wish to be
• Members who believe they were
ment agreement.
bound by the terms of the settlement
unable to secure an exchange because
RCI opposed the motion to concan opt out. The notice will include the
weeks were rented can submit a twosolidate because the Glenz case is at the
date of a “fairness hearing” to be held
page claim form listing three such
settlement stage and the other matter,
later this year, at which time members
instances, after which they will receive
filed almost two years later, would becan submit written comments or appear
$12. Former members who file claim
come moot if the settlement is ultimately
in court to express their views on the
forms will receive $10.
proposed settlement.
• For at least three consecutive
One of the arguments made in op-
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Page 3
Answers to issues will be found
Jan/Feb, 2010
When the timeshare sales department moved away from your resort, the cash in the
developers marketing account went with it. Owners, such as you, turned to the resort
Homeowner Association (HOA) for communication and management. Unfortunately,
at many resorts, communication has dwindled to one letter a year which just happens
to include the ever-increasing maintenance fee bill.
If we fast forward from the beginning to current times, we find the majority of
timeshare owners receive more communication from “rescue” scams and “post card”
resale brokers than from their resort. Is it any wonder many owners’ attention is swinging
into the arms of the relentless marketing efforts of these wolves in sheep clothing?
“If you own a timeshare today you are a target, plain and simple, a target for the
many rescue companies which are in the business of devaluing timeshare interests to
worthless levels,” commented Scott Riddle, a board member of the Timeshare Board
Members Association and member of the HOA board of the Rayburn Country Club, a
timeshare resort in Rayburn, Texas. “Timeshare owners are feeling the squeeze of a
failing economy and are now, more than ever, susceptible to those who would prey on
them. Without trying to be too corny, it is now that we must try to instill hope, faith,
and confidence in our valued timeshare owner,” Riddle continued.
At the recent inaugural meeting of the Timeshare Board Members Association
(TBMA), the single issue which garnered the most attention was the variety of economic
concerns that were likened to a “perfect storm.” Developers, homeowner association
board members, management companies and representatives from national and inter­
national organizations all agreed: The aging of the buildings, the unprecedented HOA
delinquencies, the relentless recession and the growth of the annual maintenance fee
bill, all confirm that we need to develop new strategies.
I believe it is important to keep in mind that most timeshare owners did not go out
shopping to buy a timeshare. The majority were enticed to attend a timeshare presen­
tation where they learned of the opportunities timeshare could provide to enrich their
lives and those of their family members and loved ones. Over the years, millions of
consumers confirmed the concept of owning his/her family’s vacations and each has
created unforgettable memories. It became very common for an owner to purchase ad­
ditional timeshare access and to tell friends and other family members how they could
own a lifetime of vacations at an affordable price.
For timeshare to continue to thrive (should we say “survive”), it is important to the
health of each resort and HOA to remember how a timeshare owner became an owner.
Buyers were sold a product at an affordable cost that delivered an awesome experience
worth more than the purchase price.
In my opinion, resorts and HOA’s need to focus on utilizing today’s technology
1. Maintain the loyalty of the current owners by assisting owners in continuing to
create a lifetime of outstanding vacations.
2. Reach out to the “next generation” of potential owners (just as developers
“reached out” to the previous) to make them aware of the exciting, fun experiences
timeshare can offer.
Recently, new companies have evolved that assist in this educational process. By
using less expensive forms of communication, resort HOA’s can reach out to locate
new owners to replace those who are no longer with us, create income streams through
the use of vacant units, advise current owners of new attractions and things to do in
their resorts area, and maintain better communication with their ownership base, just
to list a few.
Can timeshare be affordable again? Can an owner expect communication from the
resort more than once a year? Can new owners be found? Can exchanging work as it once
did? Can alternatives be found to an annual payment of the maintenance fee bill?
I believe the answer to all of the above is an unqualified “Yes.”
If you have any comments, or questions, please feel free to contact me via one of
the following:
Steve Lincoln, Board Member – Aviara Master Association,
Carlsbad, CA 92011 or [email protected]
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Page 4
Jan/Feb, 2012
Letters to the Editor
Dealing with the
termination problem
In response to the article published in
the Sept/Oct 2011 issue of Timesharing today entitled “In Perpetuity Doesn’t Mean
Forever,” please read the following:
As a member of the Board of Directors at Foxhunt Townhome Association
in Cashiers, NC, we recently resolved a
situation similar to what this article talks
about. We too would have gone into a
tenants-in-common situation in a few
years had not the Board of Directors taken
early action to prevent such an occurrence.
So with guidance from our Management
company, SPM Resorts, we discussed all
the possible ramifications of remaining
with the current by-laws or attempting
to change them to a more owner-friendly
position. After much discussion, we decided to seek a by-laws change for the
betterment of the owners.
As most owners know, all by-law
changes need a specific percentage of
votes to make that change; usually a
little as a majority to as much as 75%
of all owners are needed to approve any
changes. While we knew it would take a
lot of work and owner contact to get the
percentage needed, the board determined
it was in the best interest of all owners to
attempt make this change. So again with
guidance from our management company
and our association attorney’s we initially
sent every owner a letter with a ballot asking them to vote to change the by-laws.
The recommended change was that a
vote would be needed to change to Tenants In Common instead of needing to vote
to remain as interval ownership as the then
current by-laws stated. In other words,
owners would have to vote to change the
current form of ownership instead of the
other way around.
After the initial letter/ballot went
out and we had still not reached our goal
(though we did have a very good positive
response from this initial contact), we sent
out voice mail blasts to those who had
not returned a ballot, either pro or con.
The result was that most owners agreed
with the board that the by-laws should
to be amended to keep us in the current
status and thus we were able to change
the by-laws.
I hope that this will give food for
thought to those associations that are
currently experiencing the same situation
in future years. However, make sure that
you check with your Association attorney
for all legal requirements and to word the
letter and ballot correctly.
Jim Barnett
VP Foxhunt Townhome Assoc
RCI magazine cover
Yesterday I received my winter
edition of RCI’s Endless Vacation’s
When I got home my wife excitedly
showed it to me because on the cover was
a photo of these incredible little strawroofed huts perched on a rock-face overlooking the turquoise sea in Jamaica.
When I got to the article, I discovered
that this resort was not even in the RCI
network. What!
I am a seasoned timesharer, and I
know that RCI may have several resorts
with very limited availability. If a scene of
spending Christmas at Animal Kingdom
Villas in a two-bedroom had graced the
cover, that would be fine. Slim odds at best
of securing that exchange, but at least it’s
an RCI resort.
But to showcase the cover of your
quarterly publication with a picture of
a hotel that is not even in the system is
beyond the pale; beyond the pale!!
I know that the magazine will cover
regions and conclude with a selection of
resorts in-network and out-of-network.
That’s fine too, sort of.
But the front cover is the front
RCI - What are you thinking?
David Cukierman
Time for us to sell
©Edward Koren/The New Yorker Collection/www.cartoonbank.com.
I am one of the many aging timeshare
owners who is no longer able to afford
the maintenance fees on our home resort,
and would love to find a way to sell our
After reading the article by Tom
Tubbs, Vice-president of Licensed Timeshare Resale Brokers, with some excitement, I checked out the website, checked
every one of the 63 members, and not a
single one is located in Canada. So my
hopes were dashed!
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
My husband and I fit the classic
profile of owners who have outlived the
usefulness of ownership and want/need to
get rid of our unit. We have truly loved our
vacations for more than 20 years. We are
retired, and with enough age and health
concerns, that travel outside of our home
country involves heavy medical insurance
costs as well as increased travel costs.
Our home resort has raised the
maintenance fees considerably, which is
understandable given that the buildings
are now 23 years old. Brand spanking new
when we bought of course. It’s a 5-star
resort and has been useful for exchanges
to some fabulous accommodations and
It has become more and more difficult
to exchange in recent years. The industry
has certainly changed, and we didn’t see
the changes coming! We have stubbornly
refused to “convert” (a euphemism for
“pay more money”) to the points system.
We are wise to the schemes and scams
and don’t get caught by “information
sessions” or other ruses to get us into a
3-hour sales pitch.
We have access to the rental market
through II, but haven’t yet used that option. Why does anyone pay high maintenance fees when you can rent a week from
RCI or II for much less?
Nora Clark, St. Albert, Alberta.
Still a good deal
I own Wyndham points and have RCI
Weeks. Its my feeling that Wyndham and
RCI are in collusion and would be hard
pressed to believe otherwise. When I
first bought we where able to take 28,000
points and put them in RCI for a blue
week. When RCI brought out their new
program instead of 28,000 points it would
know take over 70,000 points to get the
same blue week.
Also, I owned Jockey Club and my
trade value great changed under the new
program as well; I could not get back into
Jockey Club with my points value in RCI
for the same period.
It seems that points are not what
sellers like to tell you in order to get you
to buy. I experienced a similar situation
with Marriott in their new club. My point
value for my weeks is less than it takes to
get back into the same resort. I recently
saw a significant increase in the number
of points it would take to do a tour that
Page 5
we had recently booked for 9,000 points
or two years of my weeks time; the same
tour one year later is now 12,000 points.
I like timesharing and own several
weeks, so while I believe that there is
some manipulation by developers like
Wyndham, most of the time if you understand what you have and use it wisely, it’s
still a good way to travel.
We timeshare almost every month
of the year, and now are using tours and
cruises, which adds to the versatility. The
only question is whether can we do it
without adding more points; as we are at
age 70, that is not going to happen.
John Beyer
Everyone reads TST
It’s not only our owners and guests
who read, share and enjoy TimeSharing
Today, but our Board Members bring their
magazines to board meeting to discuss the
articles that are pertinent and so timely for
this day and age. I don’t have to tell you
all how much it has helped me as a resort
manager to share these magazines with
everyone that comes to Quality Hill. I
can’t thank you all enough and will probably go on thanking you every day when
something happens at work and I can go
to an article or remember the presentations at the Timeshare Board Members
Wendy Shellabarger, General
Manager, Quality Hill Resort,
Pinetop, AZ
Using bargain weeks
Vincent Lehr, who wrote the article in
the Nov/Dec issue recommending buying
points from a developer, must work for
timeshare industry. We own a fixed week,
bought for $300, at a great resort. It gets
Jan/Feb, 2012
us 64,000 RCI points which, on instant exchange has gotten us (in the last 10 years)
12 weeks in Hawaii, 3 in Scottsdale, 20+
weeks in Orlando, 2-3days in Big Bear
CA, 3 weeks at Lawrence Welk Resorts in
CA, and 1 week in Branson. In addition,
we have had many, many more last call
vacations and extra vacations in the RCI
points plan.
Anybody who buys at those ridiculous developer prices has to be insane. We
went to a presentation at our home resort
and they wanted $32,000 for their deal. I
can buy at that resort for $300-400 in RCI
points and have a far better program. They
tell you how their points can be used for
airfare, park tickets, car rentals, etc. If you
figure it out, it will cost you 2-3 times what
you could buy those things for. The best
value is to use the points for what they are
intended for: a timeshare stay.
James Teufel, Palatine, IL
Oldest living tree
In Ron Helms’ recent article on the
Marriott Grande Vista in Orlando (Nov/
Dec, page 21), he states that a 3,500 year
old Cypress tree in The Big Tree Park is
“believed by many to be the oldest living
tree in the United States.”
I don’t know what Ron thinks about
California and whether we are part of
the United States, but he and those many
other should know that Bristlecone Pines
in California are far older than his Florida
Bald Cypress tree. The oldest identified
Bristlecone Pine is at least 4,767 years
old -- more than 1,250 years older than
the tree cited by Ron.
Norman G. Litell, Berkeley, CA
Editor’s note: Wikipedia says the
Methuselah Bristlecone Pine in California
is 4842 years old.
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Special Reports and much more
TimeSharing Today
Faithful subscriber
I have every issue of TimeSharing
Today since you started publishing, including the two-page first copy.
Roberta Wood
Editor’s note: Thank you for your
continuing support! We are adding one
year to your current subscription.
Loves Royal Aloha
Having read many horror stories in
TimeSharing Today over the years about
crooked developers, managers and the like
that give timesharing a bad name, I would
like to present a very positive experience.
In the mid 90’s, not knowing anything
about timesharing and after surviving a
timeshare presentation in Hawaii with
all the smoke and mirrors, (no, we didn’t
buy, which actually angered my wife for
awhile), we started strolling into resale
offices and getting an education.
The following year we took our
second trip to Hawaii and, by chance, my
wife had to return home before me. Killing
time in Honolulu, I walked into a resale
office and walked out having bought my
first timeshare.
Page 6
What the salesman showed me was a
one-bedroom in a club called The Royal
Aloha Vacation Club for $3500. It came
with three banked weeks and yearly fees
of about $450. Naturally I did not understand a bit of the purchase, but how bad
could I get hurt. Plenty; when I got home,
my wife was furious since I had previously
convinced her timesharing was a scam. I’ll
never understand women!
Several months later the salesman
called me up and said he was commissioned to sell foreclosed properties for
RAVC. I bought two more units. As of
now, we own a total of 13 weeks in the
Club and vacation every winter in Hawaii.
The wife has since forgiven me.
I encourage anyone with an interest
in timesharing and who wants to avoid
the whims of big corporations to consider
the Royal Aloha Vacation Club. RAVC is
member owned and managed with locations in Honolulu, Maui, Kona, Branson,
Lake Tahoe, Phoenix, Acapulco, Oregon
and Spain. What the members purchase is
a right to use floating week, floating unit
at any resort in the Club. I have booked
weeks with seven different exchange com-
Jan/Feb, 2012
panies. Read about them at ravc.com.
Full disclosure: several years ago
I sent RAVC a letter stating that I felt
joining the Club “was the best vacation
decision of my life.” With my consent the
Club now uses that statement on some of
their ads. I have no other connection with
the Club other than as a member.
Bill Hagan, Traverse, MI
Discouraged owner
We have to ditto Bob Edgren’s letter
to the editor (Nov/Dec) concerning RCI’s
change of policy.
The treatment of Weeks members
made one of the reasons we purchased
our timeshare vanish. Last November
we started a search. Usually we have an
exchange right away or within a month,
and for a decade have always had nice
resorts. Nothing happened with the search,
so about February of this year, we added
resorts and added times. Still nothing
happened. No one called from RCI. There
were at least 45 resorts at different times
on the list. We always vacation in off
times. I called and the answering agent
just said nothing was available.
After more changes and expanding
to 2012 and 2013, nothing was offered.
I emailed RCI and the response was suggestions that had already been done by us
and outlined in the email.
Since obviously we were not going
to get an exchange this year, I called once
more in October. This time the agent was
extremely helpful and surprised that after
everything that was done, nothing had
come up.
The problem was that our resort has
a trading power of 13, which we already
knew. Suddenly this is not enough for
all of the resorts we had already visited.
She found one resort for us but it was last
minute so we turned that down. Finally,
she found one for next November. After
our maintenance fee and the deposit, there
was no way we could take a vacation this
year. Our home resort is lovely but a long
way from our home. Because this year has
been so much trouble, we want to sell the
All we can hope is that a potential
buyer will not read this letter. Thank you
for all of the helpful and informative articles in your magazine.
Barbara and David Chamberlain,
Aptos, CA
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TimeSharing Today
Page 7
Ron’s Select Holidays
By Ronald G. Helms,
Centerville, OH
Tree Tops Resort: The
Great Smoky Mountains
Over a quarter of a century ago, following a few years of hard-top and hardside “Pop-up,” coast to coast camping as
well as several mountain and beach vacations, my wife decided that our finances
should afford the family a more up-scale
vacation mode.
While we enjoyed the great outdoors
in pristine locations, I must admit that
often the campgrounds and clientele
required our family to transition to a different lifestyle. It was fortuitous and serendipitous that we decided to research the
“timeshare scene.” Recall that 25 years
ago, the timeshare enterprise was very
often a disingenuous, guileful, nefarious
A central factor in our purchase decision is location. The next factor is the
Interval International Five Star rating,
and the third condition is trade value.
We required a timeshare within driving
distance from Centerville, OH, a Five
Star timeshare as well as a “destination”
My linear thinking style quickly
focused on the Great Smoky Mountains.
To illustrate, ask ten people to name the
most visited national park in the U.S. I
use this question on a regular basis, and
generally will have responses like “ the
Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite,
Zion, Grand Teton, and the Rocky Mountains National Parks.” Sorry, but none
of these parks approach even 50% of the
correct answer.
The Great Smoky Mountains has
nearly ten million annual visitors. It is
simple geography and demographics.
Edgar Springs, Missouri area is the new
U.S. population center.
Given that most of the U.S. population is the U.S. Midwest and eastern U.S.,
the Great Smoky Mountains will continue
to outdraw the other national parks for
years. This very simple demographic
led us to Tree Tops Resort in Gatlinburg,
Tennessee. While timeshares are not
considered financial investments, our
Excel spreadsheets offer proof that we
have made a great financial investment
in Tree Tops.
We were purchasing at pre-construction prices, and we were not purchasing at
developer’s asking prices. We had already
visited Europe and the various European
vendors, purchased used cars, gone to
bazaars. We permitted the sales people
do the sweating, and promptly walked
out. Several days later the price was a
mere fraction of the “best incentive deal
offered only for the first day.”
Now 25 years later, we own three
Tree Tops properties, and these units trade
into the finest Marriott, Hyatt, Westin, and
Sheraton resorts anywhere in the U.S. or
the world.
Tree Tops offers a first rate product,
that is well maintained and managed. Tree
Tops is constructed on property bordering the Great Smoky Mountains. Our
properties are all two-bedroom and twobathroom with private balconies overlooking the Roaring Fork river (actually,
a very dynamic trout fishing stream).
While Gatlinburg has an elevation of
only 1,289 feet, the elevation at Mount Le
Conte in the Smoky Mountains is 6593
feet and Newfound Gap has an elevation
of 5048 feet. All units are air-conditioned
with fireplaces. There are many cool
mornings and evenings that require the
heat and beauty of a fireplace, and may
require air-conditioning during the same
day. The property is located in the mountains above the gridlock of Pigeon Forge
and Gatlinburg. Three outdoor pools and
one indoor pool provide relative private
The kitchens are well designed, and
the units tend to be smaller than we prefer.
An obvious complaint is the lack of unit
washers and dryers (we have become very
particular over the past 25 years). Imagine
setting on a private balcony with morning coffee and viewing truly magnificent
mountains and a large mountain stream.
Parking lots are designed to fit under
the units, and this is an aesthetic asset.
One of the best websites is maintained
by II. As a whole, the pictures on this site
provide an accurate view of the units and
the beauty of the mountain locations.
Jan/Feb, 2012
Because of it’s location on Roaring
Fork Road there is little tourist or native
traffic in the area, but a second approach
will provide superior grocery stores and
restaurants without the bother of the
downtown traffic chaos.
This area has been home for nearly
20,000 years to Native Americans, and
currently there are many Cherokee still
in the area.
While the metropolitan population is
nearly 70,000 people, the tourist industry
will bring ten million plus visitors to the
area annually. The adroit visitor soon
learns alternative traffic patterns;
It does not require many visits to
become weary of the outlet malls and Dollywood of Sevierville and Pigeon Forge
as well as the “honky tonk” Gatlinburg.
The imaginative and sincere beauty of The
Great Smoky Mountains, the many trails,
the waterfalls, the scenic beauty is the
irenic reason for our continual visits.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 8
Timeshare Farewell
By Winifred B. Bell
Way back in the late 1970’s, my husband, who was in the real estate business
and owned and managed rental apartments, had an idea. He thought we should
get a group of people together, buy several
vacation properties and share them. My
response was: the idea sounded fine, but
that it would require a lot of management
and maintenance and I’d probably end
up with work added to my already overloaded schedule. His business was small
enough that I did all of his bookkeeping
and some of his para-legal work after
school at night.
We ended up buying a small charming water front condominium on Tampa
Bay in Florida which we started to use for
vacations during the academic calendar
dictated by my position.
Tax reform abruptly ended my middle
management job in the public schools in
1981 and we began spending more time
in Florida. It was not surprising that we
responded to an advertisement, enticing
us to come to our first timeshare promotion.
The presentation was forceful and the
salesman seemed sleazy. He promised us
we could trade into anything, anywhere
in the world via Interval International. We
were skeptical, but curious and we purchased an inexpensive off-season studio
on Madiera Beach by putting the down
payment on a credit card and financing
the balance through the developer. After I
made my first trade the following summer
into a house in Shawnee Village that slept
ten people, we were hooked.
Next we purchased a one bedroom
unit at Ponds at Foxhollow, just a few
miles from our Massachusetts home.
Since most of their buyers lived in New
York City or Boston, there was no restriction on using the facilities when we were
not in residence. There was a swimming
pool, a lovely restaurant and tennis courts.
It became our country club and we could
entertain guests there; plus we found it
traded very nicely.
Through the years, we have owned
seven different properties. We never sold
one! Ownership eventually was given
away to our grown children and friends.
In spite of the fact that timeshare is somewhere between difficult and impossible to
sell, I recommend it without reservation.
In terms of “quality of life,” it has been
Where have we been? Everywhere!
We’ve gone to places we’d never have
visited except for the fact that we did not
want to waste a week. Over the years,
we made more than 100 trades (entirely
too many to list here). The scope of them
included: Florida from the pan handle to
Key West, Hawaii, California, the Caribbean, Cape Cod, Atlantic City, The Costa
del Sol in Spain, The Algarve in Portugal,
Jan/Feb, 2012
The French Riviera, Israel, Las Vegas
Boston, Tucson, Sedona and Phoenix.
Frequently, we combined our trades with
side trips. In spite of the fact that I am
reasonably computer literate, I’d still
recommend an investment in a reliable
guide book that has no hidden agenda for
each trip. A good one will pay for itself
and provide orientation, tips and advice in
one concise little volume so that you can
plan ahead (for packing, side trips, etc.)
Review it on the plane. It will save hours
of research on the internet.
We have also given weeks of timeshare as gifts. Once we provided a honeymoon at the lovely Marriott in Palm Beach
for a close friend’s daughter. To our great
satisfaction, our four daughters have been
the beneficiaries of many trades.
Who have we met? Every sort of individual possible. People who are totally
different from ourselves and diametrically
opposed to us politically and religiously
have become truly good friends.
Sadly, all things come to an end and
due to our age (we’re both pushing 84),
the commotion getting through airports
since 9/11 and various medical problems,
we have come to the conclusion that we
need to stop globe trotting. So we gave it
all away. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well
it was not. It entailed quite a bit of paper
work and registering of deeds. In the case
of one Marriott, our friends found they had
restrictions in trading power due to the fact
that they were not the original owners and
we did not want to pay Marriott to handle
it like a sale. (They offered to do that, but
said it might take several years.)
There are all kinds of valid reasons
for buying timeshare. Buy a place you
fall in love with and to which you want to
return. Buy a place to trade (provided you
can be flexible). Buy a place for a specific
time that you know will be available to
you every year. Buy a place to force you
to take a vacation every year. Buy a place
because the accommodations are cheaper
and roomier than hotel rooms. Buy a place
on the secondary market if you’re looking
for a bargain; do a lot of homework first.
There is only one reason not to
buy: timeshare is not a viable financial
investment. It is an investment in fun! If
it were possible to go back and do it all
over again, given our present knowledge,
I don’t think we’d change much. We’ve
had a wonderful time!
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TimeSharing Today
Page 9
Jan/Feb, 2012
Two Timeshares in New Orleans
By Paula Tyner
A West Coast friend and I
met in New Orleans just prior
to the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. We stayed at
the Quarter House in a onebedroom unit through an RCI
exchange. It was a first visit
to New Orleans for both of us.
Our expectations were of eating
great food and of having a great
time. Our expectations were
certainly met.
We entered the city via
planes from opposite ends of this
country and also at opposite ends
of a Friday. The airport offered
no surprises and was navigable. We had
each made arrangements for transportation into the city using Airport Shuttle
New Orleans (866-596-2699) booked on
the internet. We each made round trip
reservations with the shuttle company and
paid $38 for the round trip transportation.
This included pick up at the airport, delivery to the Quarter House, and then the
reverse. It was nice to have it all taken
care of up front.
Entrance to the Quarter House is on
Chartres Street and through two sets of
doors; the second or inner door has a security lock. Each door is up a step or two.
The lobby is manned 24/7 with paid staff.
Staff have full vision of the entry doors.
The “exit” through the back of the lobby
leads to the private courtyard with the
small pool and hot tub and several table
and chair sets. This courtyard area provides a welcome retreat from the heat.
Check in and check out were both efficient and painless. The front desk staff
all seemed pretty knowledgeable and were
responsive and cordial. The lobby itself
was mirrored and lighted by chandelier
and sconces; both helped to make the area
bright and welcoming. The lobby had an
ATM machine, fresh coffee or hot water
available the best part of 24/7, and a rack
with lots of tourist information.
Our one-bedroom unit was on the
ground floor and the bedroom had French
doors which led to the courtyard. The
proximity was sometimes noisy but
always a pleasure for us. Our unit was
spotless, as was the lobby and the other
common areas we saw. The unit had
a kitchen with adequate utensils, table
service, glasses, and cookware to serve
a meal. There was a full size stove, refrigerator and a coffee pot. Seating would
have been at the counter/bar or in the living room. We found ourselves enjoying
restaurants so we only had coffee, snacks,
and limited breakfast items in our unit.
The air conditioning was adjustable and
was quite sufficient.
Our living room seated three maximum. A television was in the living room
and also in the bedroom. The bathroom had
a shower and no tub. Storage was good,
though more closet hangers would have
helped. The unit, cleaned and freshened
daily, was comfortable for two people and
we liked the style of the décor.
Our location in the French Quarter
was just excellent for us. We were comfortable walking to most of the places we
wanted to see or to catch the trolley, and
could return mid or late afternoon for a
break prior to evening.
At no time were either of us approached regarding a timeshare sales
There were several activities available through the Quarter House and on
Tuesday evening, there was a hosted
cocktail party from 5-6p.m.. There was
a hosted continental breakfast Sunday
morning which was quite pleasant.
One of the sponsored activities was
an accompanied and narrated walk. We
had planned to go but simply forgot about
it. We did make the other activity. It was
a cooking demo with Chef Duke
LoCicero, owner and chef of
Café’ Giovanni. It was great fun
and cost only $5. He was very
entertaining in addition to being
a chef. He fixed and then shared
with us a crawfish appetizer,
jambalaya, and a delightful
bananas foster.
Outside of knowing that
we wanted to enjoy some good
eats, my friend and I had a limited plan for our trip. With the
location of the Quarter House,
we were close to everything
in the French Quarter. We enjoyed walking and exploring.
We drank lots of water and used
maps we found on site. We also found that
people were ready with assistance when
one of us got those glazed looks.
On our first full day, we walked thru
the French Quarter and found the French
Market. I had read about it and wanted to
see it. It is a mixed bag of vendors selling
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TimeSharing Today
all sorts of things including foodstuffs
and tourist paraphernalia.
We decided that a carriage ride
seemed a good way to see some of the
city. The carriages are available at Jackson Square. We visited the Saint Louis
Cemetery number one and drove all
through the French Quarter. The cost
was $30 each for a one hour narrated
ride. We would do that again. We did
take liquids with us which we were able
to purchase on the street .
Later we found a trolley and went
to Riverwalk, the huge shopping mall. It
has an interesting mix of shops.
We had pre-scheduled into a cooking
class demo at The New Orleans Cooking School. While a group of 40 or so
of us watched, one of the instructors put
together biscuits, gumbo , bread pudding with hard sauce, and pralines. We
all received samples adequately filling
for lunch. The classes cost $27 each and
there are several available. The store at
the school offers cookbooks, foodstuffs,
and goodies a cook might want to take
home. We both bought some things.
Page 10
A shopkeeper advised us to visit The
Garden District. We found the trolley
and made a short afternoon excursion.
We found a coffee house to give us some
caffeine; then we walked around several
blocks admiring and being in awe of the
architectural detail we saw on many of
the homes. The area is a delight to the
eye. The cost was the trolley fare of $1.25
and our treats at the coffee shop.
After much discussion, we spent
an entire day doing two real “ touristy”
tours. We were so pleased with both
tours. In the morning, we visited two
plantations, Oak Alley and Laura. Each
is substantially different from the other
and both have fascinating histories. In
both places, our on site tour leaders enhanced our tours. Each has a gift shop
and Laura also has a restaurant. This tour,
including our afternoon adventure, cost
$110 and was well worth it.
One afternoon experience came via
Cajun Pride Swamp Tours (800-4670758) and our boat skipper Captain
Chris. We explored a swamp and saw
raccoons, ‘gators, herons, and egrets.
Jan/Feb, 2012
Captain Chris is a man who wants to
maintain the swamp. It was a fun and
educational afternoon.
We feasted on po’boys, beignets,
Gulf shrimp and oysters (post the BP
spill), and found several charming candy
shops and community coffee shops. Our
dinner at K Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen on
Chartes Street was a pleasure. Our dinner at NOLA on Rue St Louis was our
favorite of the week. Aside from the
quality of the food, the service was excellent. Admittedly, we both succumbed
to divine desserts after our tasty meals.
My friend had the banana cake and I
swooned over a trio of crème brulee.
New Orleans in August was hot,
humid and delightful. It was easy for
two women new to the city to walk about
and enjoy so much. We felt safe to walk
after dark and even ventured to Bourbon
Street after dark.
I give credit to the Quarter House
for providing us with a clean, pleasant
and secure environment from which to
launch our explorations. We left the city
wanting to see and do more. We hope
to return.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 11
By Jeff Bellin, Salem, MA
If you are visiting New Orleans and
want a very good place to exchange into,
I can recommend the Hotel De La Monnaie, with a couple of reservations (pun
intended). It is in an ideal location, within
a couple of blocks of the French Market
on the southeast corner of the French
Quarter, and right around the corner from
Frenchmen Street, the high point of New
Orleans music clubs. The hotel, itself, is
of mid-80s construction, but made to fit
into the architecture of the area.
The lobby is open and welcoming,
outfitted with antiques, tastefully done.
The front desk is manned 24 hours per
day. There is one computer with internet
access in the lobby area with free access
for guests, and a small lending library
room just off the lobby. Each of the guest
suites of the five story building, whether
they be one- or two-bedrooms, are built
around one of two internal courtyards,
each unit also having an exterior view.
One of the courtyards has an unheated
wading pool.
Guest rooms are non-smoking, but
smoking is allowed in the courtyards as
well as on the large outdoor patio facing
the street located on the second floor. In
spite of the courtyards being open to the
sky, smoke can gather there, as there are
overhangs outside each door to the units.
When you open your door to leave your
room, it’s possible you may walk right
through a light billow of smoke.
We stayed in a one-bedroom suite the
week of Thanksgiving, for no particular
reason other than we thought it would be a
good time of year, weather-wise. The unit
was one in which the bathroom had been
recently updated. Some who have stayed
in un-updated rooms have complained.
The updated bathroom was clean, with
marble tile and a decent sized jacuzzi.
There is no light over the shower/tub,
so when you close the curtain to take a
shower, it’s rather dark. There is a kitchenette with a stove top and microwave.
But with the food around you in New
Orleans and so much to see, you probably
aren’t going to be using it much. If you
do, there is service for four.
The bedroom is also of a decent size.
There is a queen size bed, good closet
space and a small dresser. The room is
fine, overall, but I do have two somewhat
sizable complaints. One is that the rooms
are on the dark side. The supplied floor
and table lamps just don’t provide a lot of
light. Though there are windows in the
living room on two sides, the courtyard
doesn’t supply much light, and the sun
didn’t shine much in from the outside of
our particular room.
My second complaint is that there is
no outside supply of fresh air. All ventilation is forced out of heating vents, so
you either have forced hot air or forced
air conditioning, but either way, it’s dry,
dry, dry. This may be fine in the heat
of summer, as New Orleans air can get
very humid, but we were experiencing a
glorious weather week, with mostly dry
conditions and temperatures largely in
the low-to-mid ‘70s during the day and
upper ‘50s to low ‘60s at night. My wife
and I would have loved some fresh air.
No dice. All of the windows, both facing
the interior courtyards as well as facing
outside, are sealed shut, supposedly for
safety reasons. Do all hotels in the area
do this? Dunno.
The hotel staff is extremely outgoing
and friendly, always ready to offer advice
and help if you request it, sometimes even
when you don’t. I got an early morning
call once from someone who does the
marketing for the resort’s resales.
Anyway, the odd thing about the
front desk’s suggestions is that they didn’t
always turn out to be as helpful as you
hoped, or even accurate. One person at
the front desk highly recommended that
Jan/Feb, 2012
we make sure to have our first meal
in New Orleans a “wow!” She recommended a place called Eat. It was a very
European styled, intimate restaurant with
a creative menu, reasonably priced (for
New Orleans). But it was only decent,
not great. Further food recommendations
also ended being only okay. It wasn’t
until we started asking locals where to
eat when we got some rock-’em sock-em
fantastic food for which New Orleans is
so famous.
We got a strong recommendation to
take a city tour, and I agree that it’s important to get an overview of all of New
Orleans. It’s not very important to have
a car here, as there is adequate public
transportation in the form of buses and
trolleys to take you outside the French
Quarter. But we did take the concierge’s
suggestion and book the city tour. We got
to see not only the French Quarter, but
the 9th Parish where most of the levee
damage from the aftermath of Katrina
was done. Brad Pitt has spearheaded
the effort to reestablish homes there for
the lower class families. The tour also
takes you to the famed Garden District,
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TimeSharing Today
where some of the grandest mansions can
be found. The Garden District also has
upscale antique shops and a majority of
the finest restaurants in the area.
The problem with the tour is that
it was done in a van, with darkly tinted
windows that were only moderately sized.
Particularly with the French Quarter
streets being so tight, those on the left
side of the van couldn’t see the right side
sights, and those on the right couldn’t
see the left side sights. I love taking the
guide’s word for it regarding something
that supposedly looks spectacular. Furthermore, the windows didn’t open up for
fresh air, so once again, all recirculated air.
I had brought a video camera, but with the
darkly tinted windows, it didn’t make for
very good photography.
This tour screams out for either an
open-topped van, or a van with windows
that wrap around from the sides and onto
the top, allowing viewing through the
roof. The tour is three hours long, with
one stop to get out to see one of the very
impressive cemeteries in the area. Overall
the tour is worth doing, but I’d look into
exploring other tour companies which
would have a better vehicle from which
Page 12
to view the sights.
New Orleans has a vast European
history and its architecture and feel reflect that. It was originally the property
of France, then after a great fire burned
much of the area, sold to Spain. It is
during the time of Spain’s control of the
area that most of the existing architecture
comes from. France purchased it back
from Spain, then later sold it to Thomas
New Orleans’ musical heritage dates
all the way back to the beginning of the
20th century and even earlier. Every time
you hear someone playing Jazz, Cajun,
Creole, Zydeco, Swamp Funk, Blues, etc.,
you’re hearing a century of New Orleans
culture. No other area in the U.S. Can
boast the depth of a musical culture. This
aspect is what makes me cringe when a
part of Bourbon Street has been taken over
with Karaoke bars or clubs with an Allman
Brothers style cover band.
I will say that that the famed throwing
beads to women on the street from balconies does exist. I saw no women actually
comply from requests to expose themselves, but they got beads anyway. Sort of
cheapens the experience, doesn’t it?
Jan/Feb, 2012
Thank goodness there are still pockets of authentic and great music to be had.
The old Preservation Hall still exists and
you’ll walk right by it if you don’t know
what you’re looking for. Most everything
in the French Quarter seems to call attention to itself, but the Preservation Hall
does not. Get there early for the nightly
shows, otherwise you’ll have to put up
with long lines to get in
Some of the legends in the French
Quarter include Irvin Mayfield, an amazing and entertaining trumpet player who
has an eponymously named nightclub in
the Royal Sonesta on Bourbon Street,
Irvin Mayfield’s Playhouse. He plays
with his own group every Wednesday
night, but you can go any night and see
some amazing music there. Make sure to
catch Germaine Bazzle, a tremendous jazz
singer, on Sunday nights. At the Funky
Pirate, part of a group of music bars in the
local Tropical Isle chain, Big Al Carson
sings the blues with his group five nights
a week, and has been a blues legend locally for about 18 years. The man and his
group do some down home, grimy electric
blues. He came highly recommended and
I second that. I will say that the adjective
“Big” does not do him justice. This man’s
girth is about the size of a small, round
swimming pool. Go and see him!
THE area for music is Frenchmen
Street, right around the corner from the
hotel. Great clubs include The Spotted
Cat, the Blue Nile and the famous Snug
Harbor. It is here where local legend
Ellis Marsalis has a regular Friday night
gig with his group, including his talented
youngest son and drummer Jason. He has
sired six successful musicians, and this
man can still play the piano. His Friday
night gigs sell out regularly. There is a
$30 cover charge for each of the two sets
he performs. Be sure to make a reservation early in the week. It’s a small club,
about 80 people, and seating is general
admission, with doors opening at 7pm for
the 8pm show.
On Monday nights, Charmaine
Neville, from the also talented family of
the same name, has a regular gig at Snug
Harbor, with a $15 cover. There is also
a club diagonally across from the hotel
called Vaso. Some really interesting music was coming out of it regularly, with no
cover, just a one-drink minimum per set.
One group that plays there regularly is the
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TimeSharing Today
Rebirth Brass band.
Of everything to be enjoyed while we were there, the
music was the most consistently
outstanding, with Irvin Mayfield’s show perhaps being the
number one gig we saw, but
there is music playing inside
and out almost 24 hours a day,
most clubs being open all that
Even outside the famed
Cafe Du Monde, with their coffee/chicory beverage offering
and their beignets, musicians
play for you (and your money). Beignets
are sort of akin to donuts, but more like
fried bread. The Cafe du Monde version was slightly eggier, while the Cafe
Beignet versions are closer to what you
get as fried dough at a carnival. Both
have their supporters. Each are not good
for your waistline or heart, but they are
good. Indeed, there are musicians almost
everywhere playing for you, hoping that
you will buy one of their CDs, or at the
very least, drop a dollar or two into their
music case.
Given New Orleans’ reputation
for food, I was expecting jaw dropping
cuisine at every turn. Not so. The recommended place for fried chicken, Lil
Dizzy’s, for example, was only okay. Part
of the problem might have been that we
went for lunch and the fried chicken was
part of a buffet. I’m always skeptical of
buffets. Who knows how long the dish has
been standing around, and I can’t do those
all-you-can-eat things anyway. I don’t
eat enough to make it worthwhile. Give
me cooked-to-order any day. I bought a
couple of pieces of chicken a la carte. One
piece was well-seasoned, but the breading
was soggy. The other piece was crunchy
but bland. And the only greens served up
was either iceberg lettuce from the salad
bar, or a vegetable medley that had been
wading in water for quite a while.
Better chicken was had from a place
called Fiorello’s on Decatur. Still, I’m not
sure if you go to New Orleans for fried
chicken. You want gumbo, jambalaya,
etouffee and poor boys. So while it took
us half our stay to realize that the best
recommendations came from locals, once
we figured that out, we started to get some
food that kicked some tail. For example,
tourists are often recommended to go to
Page 13
Acme Oyster. There is even a location at
the airport (Does THAT tell you something?). There’s always a line at Acme
Oyster. Does that mean it’s good? Nah.
Locals tell you to go to Felix’s Restaurant
across the street. No lines. More of a hole
in the wall. Doesn’t matter. The charcoal
grilled oysters were out of this world –
smoky, juicy, flavorful and fresh.
Our hotel recommended the Galvez
Restaurant, a spot with a romantic view of
the Mississippi River. No doubt the view
is terrific, but Trip Advisor user reviews
are mixed on this restaurant. Ask the
locals? Bayona is a favored spot. Unfortunately, by the time we found out about
this place, we couldn’t get an opening for
a reservation.
We did discover Chef Paul Prudhomme’s famous restaurant, K-Paul’s (named
for his wife Kay and then himself). He no
longer is the executive chef, but he stops
in several times a week. We went the
night before Thanksgiving and that is the
night they serve up Chef Paul’s famous
creation, the turducken (chicken inside
a duck inside a turkey, each layer having
its own stuffing.). That meal was one of
the best meals we had all week. Frankly,
Jan/Feb, 2012
only the turducken was not up
to snuff. They were serving it
up as an appetizer that night.
The serving we got had no duck
in it. The waiter concurred and
sent it back for another one.
The second one had no chicken.
Hmmm. It is supposed to be able
to be sliced in layers so you get
chicken/stuffing. Didn’t happen.
On the other hand, each of the
three stuffings were wonderful
and, in spite of the slip, still beat
the pants off a lot of the food
that had been “recommended” to us by
the staff at the hotel.
Emeril Lagasse has three restaurants
in the area, two outside the quarter. Didn’t
eat at any of them. Next time around.
Outside the French Quarter near the
Garden District is Commander’s Place,
reputedly the top or near the top of all
restaurants in lower New Orleans. It’s a
taxicab away, so we didn’t go out of our
way to go there, not with all that is within
walking distance.
Speaking of walking distance, everything I have talked about is within walking
distance of the Hotel de la Monnaie. You
can go from one end of the French Quarter
to the other, east to west, in about 25 minutes. So, if music is your thing and you
also want to be near the Cafe du Monde
for your morning cup of coffee, this hotel
is in a terrific location. There are other
timeshare resorts in the French Quarter,
and perhaps next time we go, we’ll check
out one of those. Given that we weren’t
spending much time in the room, given
its location, how friendly the staff is and
how well-kept the place is, I’m glad we
stayed there for our first trip to NOLA. I
can easily recommend it.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 14 TSToday Anywhere
Jan/Feb, 2012
Joan Burke of Baltimore, MD reads her TimeSharing Today
while enjoying her week at Brewster Green in Cape Cod, MA.
Evelyn Dreker of Brick, NJ took this picture of her husband Bob while
on an exchange to Marriott Club at Ford’s Colony in Williamsburg, VA
Bob Verone poses with his TimeSharing Today while staying at
Pacific Shores Resort in Nanose Bay on Vancouver Island.
Jim Rawcliffe of Fredonia, NY relaxes with his TimeSharing Today in the lazy river at Bonnet Creek Resort at Lake
Buena Vista, FL.
Randy Wilson from Spartenburg, SC shows off his magazine while
on an exchange with his wife Sue to Sea Watch at Myrtle Beach, SC.
Hilda Godoy of Lakeland, FL reads her TimeSharing Today magazine while vacationing at Eagle’s Nest resort on Marco Island, FL.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 15 Jacqueline Lennon of New York City shows her TimeSharing Today
magazine during a stay at Caribbean Palm Village in Aruba.
With Russ Keller’s
reflection in the glass
door behind her, Karen
Keller relaxes with her
TimeSharing Today
on an exchange to
the Grand Mayan Los
Cabos in San Jose del
Cabo, Mexico.
TS Today ad June2011.indd 1
Jan/Feb, 2012
Bernice Pagliaro writes: Our extended family (eight of
us-two sons and families, my ex-husband and his girlfriend,
and me) vacationed in late September at Desert Oasis in
Cathedral City next door to Palm Springs, CA. Ironically
this resort is the first timeshare I bought, back in the early
1990s, but had never stayed there before. I traded for four
one-bedroom units, so each family had its own space, and
everyone agreed it was one of the best family vacations
we’ve ever had.
The temperature stayed up over the 90s, but we did lots
of morning activities, enjoyed some fantastic air-conditioned
restaurants and spent lots of time at the pool. A day at the
waterpark Soak City was a real highlight. We were in one of
the newly decorated units in the Bouganvilla wing; we had
golf course views. We played golf at the special “Summer
rate” of one dollar per hole including cart at the golf course
next door.
Lawrence Welk continues to do a great job in keeping
up its five-star properties. Employees were so friendly and
helpful, we all felt right at home in our lovely accommodations
as soon as we arrived. What a nice confirmation of making
a good move back when I first bought there and didn’t know
anything about timesharing
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
6/23/2011 3:33:47 PM
TimeSharing Today
Page 16
Ask Dave M
David McClintock has
been a regular contributor to
the message board at www.tstoday.com
for many years. We are pleased to publish
some of his responses to questions posted
during the past year.
Posted by brian
I am exploring various methods for
getting rid of a Diamond Internal Collection of four different timeshare resorts. I
have been informed by various brokers
that there is simply no secondary market
and that any resale broker taking money
upfront is engaging in a scam. The company I have been in contact with is TimeShare Out. Is that company legit and is it
true that the resale market in timeshares,
no matter the quality of the timeshare, is
On the other hand, I have been in
contact with a broker charging $99 for
effecting a sale, who claims that he gets
his money from the buyer paying the
closing costs for the transfer to him. Thus,
supposedly, there is an incentive for the
broker to get the best possible price for
the timeshare, because the closing costs
increase with the resale price of the timeshare. Does this make any sense or is this
just a scam? The resale broker I have been
dealing with is from Resort Rentals.
The broker placed an exorbitant resale price on the Collection. When I asked
him about how he obtains prospective
purchasers, he claims that, in addition to
website advertising, he does tradeshows
and offsite presentations. Does this make
any sense? I also asked about rentals of
a unit at a luxury resort in Mexico and
he is charging a one time fee of $299,
supposedly covering future rentals. Does
this make any sense? I am skeptical and
confused. Are both brokers running different types of scams? Also, am I simply
wasting money on a possible rental of the
luxury Mexican resort unit?
Posted by Dave M
Brian - I don’t know the reputation
of the specific companies that you are
dealing with, but suffice it to say that any
company that makes unsolicited contact
with you is likely looking for some upfront
fee. Almost no one has reported here of
a successful sale or rental from such unsolicited contacts. The upfront fee might
look small and the possible selling price
might look attractive, but if you don’t get
results, remember that you were warned.
Also note that many upfront companies
frequently change their business names,
making it difficult for those who complain
to develop much useful evidence before
you make a decision. What should you do?
Start by reading (and then reading again)
my three-part post (previously published)
for some guidance on how to dispose of
your timeshares.
Posted by beaudry
Has anyone ever dealt with Time
Share Hot List to rent weeks for special
events? Their pitch seemed like there was
no up front payment and they claimed that
I would receive about $2,000 as soon as
they had a week’s exchange and not after
the event they were booking for. I would
appreciate any help here.
Posted by Dave M
beaudry - See my response to Brian
above. If they made an unsolicited contact
with you, the chances are that they will
eventually want some type of upfront fee,
no matter what the initial pitch seems to
be. If they do, tell them to take that fee out
of the proceeds due to you, assuming it’s
a week you own. If it’s a week you will
exchange through II or RCI, you (or they)
cannot rent it without serious risk to you.
See my first post of 09/19 (above) to Frank
for what can happen. DO NOT give them
your credit card info or send them money
under any circumstances!
Posted by Tonie Boy
Dave, I need to know the proper way
to send a contract to someone who wants
to rent my week. I have a contract for
rental, but am confused on the procedure
on how the deposit routine works and
getting the balance. How do I mail the
contract. Thank you
Posted by Dave M
Tonie - Sorry for the delay in responding. You can arrange for rental payment
Jan/Feb, 2012
in any manner that works for you. Some
owners ask for the entire rent upfront.
Others ask for a deposit (usually nonrefundable unless you are successful in
renting to someone else), with the balance
due far enough in advance (two to three
months) to allow you to rent your week
to someone else if they default. As for
mailing the contract, I usually send it in a
manner that allows you to track delivery,
making it difficult for someone who drags
their feet in payment to claim they didn’t
receive the contract. If you don’t have the
TSToday Rental Document Kit (contract
and instructions), you might consider
investing $7.95 to download the kit. (See
“Rental Document Kit” ad on the inside
back cover)
Posted by Tonie Boy
Thanks Dave you have been a great
help. Continue the good work.
Posted by Minkee2
Has anyone heard of “donatetimeshares.com”? It is supposedly connected
to Wyatt Foundation. This foundation is
a 501.3c for tax purposes and you can
write off the amount you paid for your
timeshare, supposedly. They have a ranch
in Thatcher, ID where autistic children can
go with their families to ride horses, etc.
Since they called me and gave me some
websites, I would like more info before I
donate my timeshare to them, and pay for
closing costs. I couldn’t find them listed in
Thatcher, which is a red flag to me. I have
written BBB for info. but thought maybe
someone else knew about them.
Posted by Dave M
Minkee2 - You are wise to be wary
when any organization contacts you and
offers to take your timeshare off of your
hands - either as a donation or with a buyer
waiting in the wings. Most such contacts
are either scammers or they will relieve
you of a substantial amount of money
(often $3,500 or more) or will charge a fee
that you must pay to them (unfortunately,
not in escrow) BEFORE you have any
evidence that title has been transferred
out of your name. Unless you have solid
evidence of the organization’s solid reputation, you would be well advised to stay
away. Although I’m not familiar with
donatetimeshares.com, available online
info suggests that those who control that
entity also control the Wyatt Foundation.
That should concern you.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 18
Jan/Feb, 2012
FOCUS ON: Park Regency Hotel, Park City, UT
By Kip Freytag and Frieder Schurr
From a prior exchange with
Trading Places International (TPI),
we had received a certificate entitling
us to a Bonus timeshare week, which
we could request 45 days ahead of a
planned departure. We wanted somewhere within a couple days driving
distance to avoid airport hassles. We
looked on TPI’s last minute exchange
page and found two hotels in Park
City, Utah. Looking at Trip Advisor,
we discovered that our best bet would
be the Park Regency, as it had free parking and positive reviews of the staff. We
booked the available one-bedroom unit
and began planning our trip.
The directions provided by the exchange company were good, bringing us
to the hotel/resort, which is situated just
outside the main part of Park City, without
any trouble. The Park Regency complex
is situated in a small retail/business park
just off highway 248; the parking lot is
large, and hotel guests have free parking. The Park Regency must have been
a business suite hotel in the past that was
subsequently converted to condos that are
now run by TPI as a timeshare.
It consists of a single large building
with the check-in desk located in the lobby
adjoining the parking lot. The lobby has
two computers with Internet access for use
by guests free of charge, a coffee/tea/cocoa dispensing unit, also free, and seating
around a large screen TV. They have lug-
gage carts for guest use, which makes
loading/unloading much easier. There
is only one elevator that accesses the
three floors.
When we arrived, it was early
evening, and there were two staff
people on duty. There obviously
weren’t that many guests, as we
ended up being offered our choice of
four different rooms. The interesting
thing about the process is that while
they asked us which floor we would
prefer, they never offered a choice of
views. So, we first picked a third floor
room, which we took all our luggage up
to, just to discover that the room was in
need of significant maintenance and with
views of the parking lot and business park
below. Going back to the desk, we asked
for a better view. They gave us a second
floor room, which turned out to be in better
shape, but the view was of the street and
the parking lot across the way. The next
offer was for a third floor room that wasn’t
cleaned yet, or a second floor room with
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TimeSharing Today
a view over a green park area. We finally
were given two key cards for the latter,
resort rules, and a hotel map showing the
layout of the hotel building. The staff
was pleasant and friendly throughout the
check-in process, but it was just strange
that they didn’t offer a better description
of the room choices in the first place.
The hotel was set up so that all room
entry doors faced the center of the building, which was open to the sky. The
walkways overlooked the glass-enclosed
pool and jacuzzi area, and the neighboring BBQ area with four gas powered
BBQs and four picnic tables. The pool
hours were 8AM – 11PM, and the front
desk and fitness room hours were 7AM –
11PM, The small fitness room contained
a treadmill, stationary bike, stair climber,
and a pulley weight machine along with
two rows of free weights. The room also
had an attached restroom and towels available for use. There were exit stairways in
all four corners of the building.
Toiletries and packages of tea/coffee/
cocoa were in the room, and the front desk
refreshed them as often as needed. The
Resort has a shuttle that operates Monday
through Friday to all the ski areas, downtown, and a new shopping/outlet mall
about six miles away. In the shoulder
seasons, fall and spring, when there are
less guests, the shuttle schedule is very
flexible, and the driver will take guests
anywhere within a 10 mile radius.
Each pair of one-bedroom suites
share a small corridor with a door that
blocks the cold outside air. Upon entering our suite, we found ourselves in a
small entryway with the kitchen/dining/
living area to the right and the bedroom to
Page 19
the left. The bathroom was
generally straight ahead.
The bedroom contained a soft queen-size
bed, wardrobe, two night
stands with a drawer and
cupboard area, a TV on top
of the wardrobe, a phone, a
lamp over each night stand,
and a main ceiling light
with a fan. The wardrobe
was on its last legs and had
four glass fronted drawers
(one with a broken track)
and two normal drawers on
one side and a full length
closet door on the other side
with a hanger area on top and 2 shelves
at the bottom. The door for the closet
side did not close completely. The large
window looked right out onto the walkway circling the pool area, but had good
blinds to give privacy. There were two
raggedy terry cloth robes on the bed for
our use, but no others were supplied for
the supposed two other people that could
sleep in the unit.
The bathroom had a single sink vanity
with very little counter space, a toilet that
had been installed at a slight angle, and a
tub/shower combo. There was a cabinet
over the toilet with glass doors that held
tissue paper and extra toiletries, and there
were towels for four people, although only
two towel racks, one a small one only
adequate for a hand towel. There was a
utility closet in the entry hall, which held
an ironing board and iron, more blankets,
a safe, four folding metal chairs and more
space for hanging clothes.
The living room/dining/kitchen area
makes it obvious that this was more of
a hotel suite before it was turned into a
timeshare. The main living space is quite
small for the amount of stuff that has been
crammed into it. The kitchen runs along
the wall adjoining the bathroom, about
10 feet long, and has an old small sized
refrigerator/freezer that runs constantly to
maintain temperature, a mini-dishwasher,
and a four-burner stove with oven, inside
of which were stored the pots and pans
because there was nowhere else to store
them. The total counter space was two
feet deep and three feet long ending in a
sink with garbage disposal. There were
cabinets along the wall stocked with six
sets of dishes and glasses, along with a
blender, coffee maker, colander, mixing
bowls, sieve, and two large casserole
dishes with mismatched tops, one that
didn’t fit at all. There was so little storage room that the silverware was in a box
on the counter, and the cooking utensils
were stored in the cabinet above the dining table where the TV and DVD player
sat. It was impossible to prepare anything
more than spaghetti with pre-made sauce.
Mini-kitchen would be a more appropriate
name for the food prep/storage area.
The dining area consisted of a table
that was pushed up against the wall with
a wall cabinet containing the TV above it.
In this position, only two people could sit
at it for a meal. If the table was brought
out away from the wall, then the coffee
table in the “living room” area needed
to be pushed up flush against the sleeper
sofa and there would still be barely enough
room to fit 4 people around it. Next to the
dining area was a fireplace in the corner,
which basically took up valuable space
that could have been put to better use.
In the “living room” area, seating
possibilities were limited to the pullout
sofa bed (slightly worn out and soft),
Outer Banks
Timeshare Rentals
& Resales
Milepost 13.5 Nags Head
[email protected]
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TimeSharing Today
fourmetal folding chairs, and the
three chairs for the dining table.
However, there was not nearly
enough space in the room to put
that many chairs out. In short,
you had to “put away” the dining room before using the living
room and vice versa to eat.
On the positive side, there
was a sliding door that provided
access to a small balcony that
overlooked a park area with
mountains in the distance. The
balcony could fit two chairs and
a small table for sitting/dining in pleasant
weather, and there was enough light in
the living area to read when the sun went
down. However, the thought of more
than two people, even children, sharing
the space in any meaningful way was
beyond us.
All in all the condo was not one of
the better places we’ve had the pleasure to
stay in through our exchanges, but since
we spent most of our time out enjoying the
wonderful environment surrounding Park
City, the layout was not as inconvenient
as it would be for someone that wished to
Page 20
spend a good portion of their time relaxing at the resort. In short, the complex
is in need of an update. This unit is truly
just an oversized studio apartment that
accommodates no more than two adults
comfortably and should be advertised as
such. All that being said, the resort staff
was wonderful throughout our stay and
deserve praise for doing all they could to
make our stay enjoyable.
Although activities at the resort itself
are rather limited, there is plenty to do in
and around the area of Park City. For the
culture/shopping seeker, the town’s main
Jan/Feb, 2012
street is lined with art galleries, antique shops, tourist gift
shops, restaurants, bars, clothing stores, candy stores, and a
museum. There are interesting
residential streets with old
houses, a main park with skateboarding, picnic tables, sporting
field, and benches to watch the
world go by. Nearby, there are
two main outlet shopping areas.
On top of that, Salt Lake City is
only 25 miles away with its own
plethora of historical buildings,
museums and architecture along with venues for college and professional sporting
events, symphonies, plays, and of course,
the world famous Mormon Tabernacle.
For the more physically active types,
there are hiking and mountain biking
trails at all of the nearby ski resorts, along
with skiing in the winter. Nearby in the
National Forests, one can also go hiking,
mountain biking, fishing, river rafting, and
horseback riding. We ended up hiking at
Deer Valley Ski Resort on the multiple
hike/bike trails they have. We also went
hiking on some of the National Forest
trails. Fresh air and gorgeous views make
outdoor activities in this area a great way
to spend a vacation.
For eating in, there are four Supermarkets in Park City. The closest Costco
is in Salt Lake City. For eating out, there
are plenty of restaurants offering many
different types of cuisines from around
the world, as well as just plain American
traditional meals. During the “shoulder”
seasons there are a lot of coupons for
10-15% off meals, and free companion
meals, or desserts. During warmer
weather, many restaurants offer outdoor
dining areas.
We actually never made it to Salt
Lake City during our stay, as we ended
up leaving a day early to allow a little
extra time to get home. Our timing in that
respect was pretty lucky. The night before
we left, a storm blew through dropping
several inches of snow on many of the
trails we had been hiking just the days
before. The weather was fine for much of
our stay and we were even wearing short
sleeves at 10,000 feet.
All in all, we had a wonderful time in
the area and would definitely return. We
would probably try to book at a different
resort, though.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 21
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Jan/Feb, 2012
Report Card ratings for each resort are
averages based on a significant number
of reports received from readers.
North Conway, NH
Hilton Head, SC
Amenities and activities at resort: Indoor pool, hot tub, fitness room, tennis, game room, summer theatre, playground,
movie night, ice cream social, skiing, laundry.
Amenities and activities at resort: Two pools, one with
waterfalls and fountains, hot tub, fitness room, clubhouse,
tennis, biking, game rooms, ice cream socials, welcome
wine and cheese, children’s activities, arts and crafts.
Amenities and activities nearby: Skiing, golf, horseback
riding, hiking, train ride, scenic drives, shopping, restaurants,
canoeing, covered bridges, snowmobiles, rock climbing,
outdoor skating rink, Mt Washington, downhill and cross
country skiing, discount mall, movie theatres.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.4
Cleanliness: 9.1
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.6
Maintenance: 8.9
Construction quality: 8.5
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.7
Nearby: 9.4
Suitable for: Young children: 7.7
Pre-teens: 7.9
Seniors: 7.8
Teenagers: 7.8
Handicapped: 7.1
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 7.6
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.3
Security: 8.3
Staff: 9.3
General hospitality: 9.3
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Amenities and activities nearby: Beaches, golf, boating,
fishing, shopping, horseback riding, bike paths, restaurants,
Savannah, Charleston.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.2
Cleanliness: 9.2
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.9
Maintenance: 9.0
Construction quality: 8.8
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.2
Nearby: 9.1
Suitable for: Young children: 8.1
Pre-teens: 7.6
Seniors: 7.9
Teenagers: 8.0
Handicapped: 7.1
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.8
Security: 8.0
Staff: 9.0
General hospitality: 9.1
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Well-maintained historic hotel near town center.
Friendly staff. Free internet. Tax-free shopping.
Comments: Well maintained resort, comfortable lovely
large units, 2 bedrooms only have stairs entrance, no
elevators, but 3 bedrooms have elevator access, helpful
Las Vegas, NV
Lake Havasu, AZ
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools, hot tub, WiFi,
concierge, fitness room, game room, covered parking, valet
parking (fee), picnic area with barbecue grills.
Amenities and activities at resort: Pool, hot tubs, fitness
room, golf, tennis, activities, tours, bike trails, entertainment,
fishing, lake, maid service, laundry facility, elevators.
Amenities and activities nearby: Las Vegas Strip, nightclubs, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Red Rock Canyon, art
galleries, golf, restaurants, shopping, theme parks.
Amenities and activities nearby: Casinos (30 miles),
food store, aquatic center, golf, hiking, water skiing, movies,
restaurants, shopping, marina with boat rentals, parks.
Unit: Furnishings: 9.1
Cleanliness: 9.2
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.8
Maintenance: 9.1
Construction quality: 9.0
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.2
Nearby: 9.7
Suitable for: Young children: 7.1
Pre-teens: 7.3
Seniors: 9.3
Teenagers: 7.9
Handicapped: 8.6
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.3
Convenience store: 8.6
Grounds and maintenance: 9.3
Security: 8.9
Staff: 9.3
General hospitality: 9.4
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Unit: Furnishings: 7.4
Cleanliness: 8.0
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 6.7
Maintenance: 7.0
Construction quality: 7.0
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.3
Nearby: 7.7
Suitable for: Young children: 7.0
Pre-teens: 7.0
Seniors: 7.2
Teenagers: 7.1
Handicapped: 6.8
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 7.5
Convenience store: 7.3
Grounds and maintenance: 7.3
Security: 6.8
Staff: 7.1
General hospitality: 7.6
Exchange affiliation: II
Comments: Staff treats guests like royalty. Convenient
location at end of the Strip. Excellent bus and tram service
nearby. Comfortable units with washer/dryer and all the
services of a hotel.
Comments: Boating with sunset tours are big draw. Units
have view of London Bridge. Stairs and lots of walking,
Nightclub noisy on weekends.
TimeSharing Today
Page 22
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best.
Jan/Feb, 2012
Report Card ratings for each resort are
averages based on a significant number
of reports received from readers.
Davis, WV
Kissimmee, FL
Amenities and activities at resort: Pool, hot tubs, tennis,
basketball, playground, mini-golf, crafts, bingo, free DVDs,
library, game room, shuffleboard, arranged tours.
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools, tennis, biking,
fishing, paddle boats, mini-golf, planned activities, fitness
room, BBQ grills, breakfast, video arcade, volleyball.
Amenities and activities nearby: Seneca limestone caves,
glass blowing, National Parks, golf, skiing, hiking, art galleries, mountain scenery and waterfalls.
Amenities and activities nearby: Walt Disney World,
Sea World, Universal Studios, golf, water parks, shopping,
restaurants, dinner theatres.
Unit: Furnishings: 7.4
Cleanliness: 7.8
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.0
Maintenance: 7.3
Construction quality: 7.0
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.8
Nearby: 8.9
Suitable for: Young children: 7.3
Pre-teens: 7.4
Seniors: 7.4
Teenagers: 7.3
Handicapped: 4.9
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 6.7
Security: 6.5
Staff: 7.2
General hospitality: 7.6
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Unit: Furnishings: 7.4
Cleanliness: 8.1
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.0
Maintenance: 8.0
Construction quality: 7.7
Amenities and activities: At resort: 7.9
Nearby: 9.5
Suitable for: Young children: 8.3
Pre-teens: 7.4
Seniors: 7.7
Teenagers: 8.0
Handicapped: 7.2
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 6.0
Convenience store: 7.4
Grounds and maintenance: 8.3
Security: 7.6
Staff: 6.4
General hospitality: 6.9
Exchange affiliation: RCI, II
Comments: Friendly helpful staff. Well maintained spacious
accommodations in mountain setting. Two-story units with
bedrooms upstairs. Equipment for activities are free. Small
towns and restaurants nearby. Spotty cell phone service.
Comments: Large resort, busy check-in area. Spacious
well-furnished units. Shuttle to nearby attractions. Push to
attend sales presentation. Units need updating. Charge for
internet access.
Fairfield, TN
Williamsburg, VA
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools (Indoor/Outdoor),
hot tub, fitness center, golf, tennis, indoor basketball, lake,
boating, live entertainment, daily planned activities, biking,
walking trails, mini-golf, playground, laundry.
Amenities and activities at resort: Pools (indoor/outdoor),
fitness room, sauna, mini-golf course, movie theatre, game
room, tennis, planned activities, wine tasting, BBQ grills.
Amenities and activities nearby: Winery, shopping, white
water rafting, fishing, hiking, Nashville, Knoxville, golf,
horseback riding, state parks, antiques, theatre.
Unit: Furnishings: 7.7
Cleanliness: 8.7
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.7
Maintenance: 8.6
Construction quality: 8.2
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.2
Nearby: 7.6
Suitable for: Young children: 7.6
Pre-teens: 7.3
Seniors: 8.4
Teenagers: 7.9
Handicapped: 6.6
Resort: Restaurant facilities: 8.7
Convenience store: 8.4
Grounds and maintenance: 8.8
Security: 8.6
Staff: 9.5
General hospitality: 9.5
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Spread-out older resort part of large retirement
community. Great golf. Units need updating and cleaning.
Many steps inside and outside units.
Amenities and activities nearby: Colonial Williamsburg,
Yorktown, Jamestown, golf, outlet stores, hiking, fishing,
museums, restaurants, Virginia Beach, Busch Gardens.
Unit: Furnishings: 8.1
Cleanliness: 8.8
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 8.3
Maintenance: 8.6
Construction quality: 8.4
Amenities and activities: At resort: 8.3
Nearby: 9.6
Suitable for: Young children: 8.6
Pre-teens: 9.0
Seniors: 8.0
Teenagers: 9.1
Handicapped: 6.8
Resort: Restaurant facilities: NA
Convenience store: NA
Grounds and maintenance: 8.5
Security: 8.6
Staff: 8.7
General hospitality: 8.8
Exchange affiliation: RCI
Comments: Family oriented resort in good location with
spacious, well designed units and immaculate grounds.
Crowded pool area. No list of activities; view all on TV. Daily
fee for most activities.
TimeSharing Today
Page 23
Jan/Feb, 2012
Orange Lake Resorts/Holiday Inn Club Vacations adds two
Holiday Inn Club Vacations, a Kissimmee, FLbased company operated
by OLCC Florida LLC,
has acquired resorts in Las
Vegas and Marco Island,
FL to add to its other five
vacation properties in Orlando (Orange Lake Country Club), Brownsville, Vt.,
Geneva, WI, Panama City,
FL, Gatlinburg, TN and
Myrtle Beach, SC.
Sunset Cove, a seven story resort in Marco Island was officially renamed Holiday
Inn Club Vacations Sunset Cove Resort on Oct. 17. The new owner plans to spend $1.7
million to renovate the resort’s 36 units, now to be called villas, to its own designs.
Work is expected to be completed by early 2012.
The Las Vegas resort is Desert Club, a 648-unit resort one block off The Strip
and featuring one- and two-bedroom units. The conversion to a Holiday Inn Club
Vacation resort will occur in the Spring.
Participants in Holiday Inn’s rewards programs can earn points for stays at Club
Vacations’ resorts. Members of Holiday Inn Club Vacations can exchange their weeks
for another Club Vacation property or for nights in any of the 4,500 hotels owned by
InterContinental Hotels Group. Those include Hotel Indigo, Crowne Plaza Hotels,
Holiday Inns, Holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites.
LGBT hotel in San Diego
adding timeshare units
The Inn at the Park, recently acquired
by Shell Vacations Hospitality is undergoing a $6 million renovation with completion scheduled for June 2012.
The hotel, which for years has catered to the LGBT market, will now have
a timeshare-plus-hotel business model.
That means the Inn at the Park will attract
more guests from the Midwest and the
South. Given those regions’ reputation as
generally more religious and conservative
than Southern California, there has been
concern that the LGBT community may
find a hostile environment at the hotel and
its restaurants and bar.
“It’s important to us to dispel any
rumors like that,” General Manager Blaine
Redfern told San Diego LGBT Weekly.
“Friday night happy hour which has traditionally been a gay night will stay that
way,” he said.
But there will be changes. “What
was a predominately gay hotel will be
more mixed, and there will be a transition
period,” said Redfern.
The hotel’s staff is being trained
how to handle the likely occurrence of
conflict between a guest from the LGBT
community and a religious, conservative
parent whose child saw a public display
of affection between two members of the
same sex.
“It’s already happened,” he said. “The
response to the complaining party was that
this is the year 2012, and we welcome all
people with open arms. This is the hotel
that we are.”
Simpson Bay announces
unit renovations
The Simpson Bay Renovation Project
calls for the complete renovation of the
337 units in the original part of the resort
(formerly known as Pelican Resort Club)
over a four-year period. Each year, approximately 84 units will be renovated,
beginning in 2012.
Simpson Bay, which took over the
operation of the former Pelican Club
resort after a mortgage foreclosure sale,
had previously announced a 10% maintenance fee increase to cover operating
costs, stating that annual fees had been
kept artificially low when being operated
by the Pelican Resort owners.
A recent special assessment has
been levied to cover roof and elevator
replacement. The new higher annual
fees are designed to avoid the need for
similar emergency special assessments
in the future.
The annual fee increases and special
assessment will not raise enough money
to pay for renovation of 337 units.
The renovation cost is estimated to
average $1,300 per interval; however,
the actual cost will vary by the size and
type of the unit. Members will only be
assessed for the renovation cost for their
intervals in the year their unit is scheduled
for renovation.
The owner company will pay the
renovation cost for each “un-owned”
interval; that is, ones that are not owned
by members.
Renovation expenses can be paid
all at once, financed over a six-month
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TimeSharing Today
Page 24
period at 6% interest or deferred for a
year or more by relocating to a unit of
equal or lesser value scheduled for later
TBMA plans April meeting
The next Timeshare Board Members
Association meeting has been scheduled
for April 22-24 in Orlando, Florida.
Following its highly successful inaugural meeting in Scottsdale, AZ, Board
Members, resort managers and industry
professionals will continue addressing
key issues that every owner-controlled
timeshare association must confront in
the current year and beyond. Attendees will participate in a robust agenda
consisting of highly interactive panel
discussions, Q & A sessions and ample
opportunity to network to discuss concerns as well as what is working and what
is not working in the current economic
No resort should operate in a vacuum; TBMA is providing its members
with the right information, resources and
tools for planning, making informed decisions and taking action for the benefit
of their resorts and owners. Membership
in TBMA is free. Join at www.tbmassoc.
com or email [email protected] for
meeting information.
Resale brokers meet in FL,
announce pact with Marriott
and plans for next neeting
The Licensed Timeshare Resale
Brokers Association (LTRBA) held
it’s second annual Southeast Regional
Conference at the Marriott Cypress
Harbour resort and the response was
over-whelming. LTRBA members from
as far away as California and Washington
attended, as did representatives from major developers Marriott, Disney, Hilton
and Westgate.
Giving presentations with Q & A
follow-ups were Richard Thrawl, Investigator Supervisor of the Florida Bureau
of Compliance; Sasha Velez, Senior
Financial Investigator for the Florida
Dept. of Consumer Services; and Roberts
Clements, Assistant Attorney General for
the State of Florida. They gave an update
as to the scams proliferating in the timeshare resale market and their successes
Jan/Feb, 2012
thus far in turning the tide.
A guest in attendance was Florida
Representative Eric Eisnaugle who is
co-sponsoring a consumer protection bill
aimed at curbing timeshare fraud once
and for all. Rep. Eisnaugle gave a talk
about the contents of the bill and asked
for further comments about how the bill
should come out in it’s final version. Our
Members were not shy in voicing their
thoughts and giving great suggestions.
Representative from each of the developers gave a presentation about how
their resorts were looking for answers to
industry problems and how the LTRBA
and they could work together. Traditionally, resale brokers and developers
did not always see eye-to-eye. That has
changed. The developers and the LTRBA
now appear to have a clear understanding of the need to work together for the
good of both parties, for the good of the
industry in general and for the good of
the consumer in particular.
And to that end, LTRBA announced
an exclusive arrangement for working
with Marriott Resorts in handling Marriott resales. LTRBA members now have
a way for their timeshare customers to
access a very large inventory of resale
Marriott points.
The LTRBA is now planning its
national meeting in Las Vegas in early
April of this year.
TSToday offers free bulk
shipments to resorts
TimeSharing has started a program of
offering free bulk shipments of 50 copies
of each issue to timeshare resorts that
agree to make them available to incoming
guests. Additional copies in increments
of 100 are available for a nominal cost.
Resorts requesting further information
should contact TimeSharing Today at 201871-4304 or email [email protected] for
more information.
In the Nov/Dec issue, in the article
entitled “Our Exchange to Spectacular
Scotland,” the last six words dropped off
the page. The complete last sentence of
the article is:
As we got on the plane prior to our
reluctant departure, we asked one of the
airline mechanics, “Can we stay here?”
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
TimeSharing Today
Page 25
Index of 2011 Articles
This index is compiled annually by
David McClintock as a service to fellow
subscribers. A combined eleven-year index is accessible in the Online Edition at
(Page number & month)
2011 goals......................29 Jan
Convention.....................3 May
New website.................26 May
Owners’ best friend1.......6 May
Ask Dave M....................16 Jan, 24 Mar
..............23 Jul, 7 Nov
Calendar (precedes ads – each issue)
Club Int’l de Cancun.....................3 Nov
Collections Unlimited..................15 Mar
Colonial Crossings, lawsuit.........19 Nov
Deedbacks...............4 Mar, 5 May, 4 Sep
..........................6 Nov
Comparison Chart...........28 Jul
Direct exchanges............19 Jul
Frequent exchanges..........4 Jan
Europe consumer protection........31 Mar
Free Timesharing Today issues
For articles.......p3 of each issue
For subscriptions
.........inside back page
Guadalajara Vacation....................13 Jan
Happy owners................................40 Jul
Homeowner Associations
Collection agency, using
........................15 Mar
Management (BOD)......24 Sep
Industry Meetings for owners......34 Mar
Industry statistics..........................21 Jul
Interval International
Acquires Trading Places.36 Jan
La Cabana Aruba update.............18 Nov
Licensed R.E. brokers..................27 Mar
...................20, 37 Sep
Maintenance fee delinquencies
............3 Mar, 23 May
Manhattan Club lawsuit.................9 Sep
Points ownership........4, 37 Jan
..............4, 36, 37 Mar
Spinoff of timeshare div
........................27 May
Mayan Palace x-change limit......37 May
Nat’l TS Owners Assoc...............28 Mar
..............27 Jul, 20 Sep, 29 Nov
“New Normal” timeshares..........24 Sep,
........................23 Nov
Ownership rights............................1 Mar
Pelican Resort,closed.......31 Mar, 1 May
...............38 Jul, 9 Sep
Points – purchase vs. weeks........34 Nov
Post Card companies3........5 Mar, 39 Jul
Exchange restrictions .....26 Jul
Lawsuit, settlement...1, 3, 5 Jan
..........................5 Mar
New trading “visibility”..4 Mar
.................1 Jul, 5 Nov
Platinum membership...26 May
RCI response - “visibility”
........................14 May
Technology & networking
............7 Mar
Redweek – top rentals..................21 Mar
Report card ratings
See “Resort report card(s)”
Resale market, depressed..............4 Nov
Resort report card system
Form to complete e.g., ...32 Jan
Resort report cards
Arroyo Roble, AZ..........
...........10 Sep
Jan/Feb, 2012
Beach Club Augustine, FL
..........13 Mar
Carlsbad Beach Inn, CA.22 Jan
Cocoa beach Resort, FL.
..........16 Nov
Cove at Yarmouth, MA...23 Jan
Cypress Pointe, FL........13 Mar
David Walley’s Resort, NV
...........10 Sep
Desert Paradise, NV.........33 Jul
Dolphins Cove, CA........23 Jan
Fox Run Townhouses, NC
............33 Jul
Historic Powhatan, VA....34 Jul
Hyatt Pinon Pointe, AZ...33 Jul
Hyatt Wild Oak, TX.......10 Sep
Ka’anapali Beach, HI....16 Nov
Las Olas Beach, FL......21 May
Lawai Beach, HI...........22 May
Lawrence Welk Desert, CA
..........13 Mar
Lodges - Timber Ridge,MO
..........17 Nov
Marriott Beach Place, FL
.........21 May
Marriott Cypress Harb’r FL
...........22 Jan
Marriott Harbour Point, SC
..........12 Mar
Marriott Ko Olina, HI...13 Mar
Marriott Streamside, CO
..........16 Nov
Monarch Grnd Cancun,NV
..........16 Nov
Orange Lake Country C, FL
...........10 Sep
Orange Lake West Vill, FL
............33 Jul
Palm Canyon, CA............34 Jul
Plantation Resort, SC....21 May
Playa Del Sol Grand, MX
..........17 Nov
Presidential Villas, SC...17 Nov
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resort Report Cards and much more
TimeSharing Today
Royal Mayan, MX.........11 Sep
Scottsdale Camelback, AZ
.............3 Jan
Sheraton Desert Oasis, AZ
............2 Mar
Sheraton Vistana, FL......22 Jan
Stormy Point, MO........22 May
Suites at Polo Towers, NV
...........22 Jan
Summer Bay, FL............11 Sep
Sunterra at Ridge, AZ...17 Nov
Villas De Sante Fe,NM.22 May
Vistana Beach, FL...........34 Jul
Waterside, SC................11 Sep
Wyndham Fairfield Harbour, NC....................23 Jan
Wyndham Governer’s, VA
.........21 May
Wyndham Las Cascada, TX
............34 Jul
Wyndham Ocean Blvd, SC
..........12 Mar
Wyndham Oceanside, CA
.........22 May
Wyndham Pagosa, CO..12 Mar
Wyndham Patriots’ Pl, VA
..........11 Sep
Barclay Towers, VA........9 Nov
Bell Rock Inn, AZ.........37 May
Benalmadena, Spain.....34 May
Blue Whale, CA.............35 Sep
Casa Ybel Beach, FL.......6 Sep
Celebrity Resorts, FL....32 Mar
Celebration World, FL....33 Jan
Desert Arroyo, AZ.........19 Sep
Divi Aruba Phoenix, Aruba
............9 Nov
Eagle Crest, OR.............38 Sep
Eckhert Place, TX............8 Sep
Flagship Resort, NJ.......34 Sep,
............6 Nov
French Quarter, MO......11 May
Fuengirola, Spain.........33 May
Grand at World Golf, FL
..........22 Mar
Grand Mayan, MX........40 Nov
Harder Hall, FL..............27 Jan
Hilton Grand Scotland..38 Nov
Hyatt Beach, FL.............7 May
Hyatt Windward Pointe, FL
...........7 May
Imperial Hawaii, HI.......23 Sep
Island Club, SC...............24 Jan
Keauhou Kona Surf,HI.24 Nov
La Cabana, Aruba..........11 Mar
Little Gull, FL...............35 Nov
Logonita Lodge, CA....32, Nov
Page 26
Longboat Bay, FL.........36 Nov
Los Abridgados, AZ.......36 Jan
Manhattan Club, NY........8 Mar
Marriott Aruba Surf, Aruba
..........14 Mar
Marriott Grande Vista, FL
..........21 Nov
Marriott Mountainside, UT
..........23 Mar
Marriott Shadow Ridge, CA
.............8 Jan
Marriott SurfWatch, SC..12 Jan
Morritt’s Grand, Cayman Is
............8 Nov
Nerja Club Oasis, Spain
.........35 May
Ocean Sands, VA............8 Nov
Orange Lake, FL .........17 May
Orange Tree Golf, AZ.....26 Jul
Planet Hollywood, NV....38 Jan
Plantation Island, FL....24 May
Powhatan Resort, VA....28 May
Risata Bali Resort, Bali...16 Jul
Rockaway Beach, OR...38 Mar
Scottsdale Camelback, AZ
...........29 Sep
Sedona Summit, AZ......14 Nov
Silverwoods Treas Lake,PA
Starr Pass Golf, AZ.........24 Jul
Suites Fisherman’s Wharf,CA
..............8 Jul
Trapp Family, VT..........29 Mar
Vacation Village, FL........37 Jul
Westin Ka’anapali, HI...18 Mar
Westin Mission Hills, CA
.............8 Jan
WorldMark Big Bear, CA
..........32 Nov
WorldMark, Las Vegas..14 Nov
WorldMark, Midway, UT
..........14 Nov
WorldMark, Santa Fe, NM
............5 Nov
Wyndham Bentley Brook,MA
..............6 Jul
Wyndham Kingsgate, VA
...........34 Jan
Wyndham La Bella, LA..35 Jan
Wyndham La Cascada, TX
............35 Jan, 16 Mar
Wyndham Nashville, TN
..........20 Nov
Wyndham Ocean Ridge, SC
...........34 Jan
Wyndham Ocean Walk, FL
...........34 Jan
Wyndham Pagosa, CO..10 May
Jan/Feb, 2012
Wyndham Panama City, FL
...........35 Jan
Sandy Shores (FL) saga......1 Sep, 3 Nov
Arrests...............20 Jan, 20 Mar
Convictions of scammera
.............35 Jul, 32 Sep
Misleading sales tactics...5 Jan
FTC action re resale scams
.............32 May33 Sep
The latest........3, 20 Jan, 35 Jul,
...........32 Sep, 30 Nov
Resale scams-Florida proposed legislation............13 Nov
Tips to avoid scams........21 Jan
SFX – unhappy exchanger.............5 Nov
Termination of TS.......1,3,16 Sep, 3 Nov
TS Board Association........3 Jul, 29 Nov
Timeshare owners group meetings
........30 Jan, 28 Mar, 31 May, 2
...............7 Jul, 21 Sep
Disposing of unwanted30 Jul
Owning multiple weeks31 Nov
Owning Pros & cons 6 Jan, 25
Value to community6 Mar
Timesharing Today
Index, 2010 articles........10 Jan
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TimeSharing Today
Page 27
Jan/Feb, 2012
FOCUS ON: Massanutten Resort, McGaheysville, VA
By Bill Dagenhart
My drive into the Massanutten Resort
area in McGaheysville, VA was pleasant.
The mountainous backdrop surrounding
the destination was scenic and soothing.
Check-in was fast; I passed on the opportunity for the timeshare presentation.
One of the first things you notice as
you get into the resort area is how wonderful and green and clean the area is. There
are all types of housing throughout the
area and all of them have a scenic view.
The resort’s best feature is the location. To say it is expansive is an understatement. This resort is broken down into
several different associations/sections.
They are sprinkled about, miles away
from each other.
Woodstone Meadows is the newest
section. I’m guessing at least 80 buildings so far and they are still building. (My
building contained a total of 12 units.)
There are a lot of activities and tours available. The activities are scattered about the
resort and you need to drive to get to most
of them. The golf course check-in and
driving range are right down the street
from this section. The fitness center/recreational area, etc and check-in are about
a half mile down the road from here. The
stables are about a quarter mile or so, but
walking the road to get to it is risky.
The fitness center was complete.
They had all the machines, climbers,
elliptical machines, treadmills, etc. The
huge indoor pool is within the same location as are other children’s activities,
game room, massage area, tanning beds,
outdoor pool, play ground, you name it.
The water park, restaurants, game room,
etc. are approximately three-quarters of a
mile from this unit.
There is another recreation center
approximately two and a half miles away
on the mountainous side of the resort. The
golf course restaurant and bar is adjacent
to that. The food and beer were good and
reasonable. The golf courses looked to be
decent, though I didn’t play. The ski slopes
are the big attraction in the winter months.
This place is a money making machine!
There is an on-site market. Mostly souvenirs, and the food items are high priced.
A Food Lion is just a few miles down the
road and many restaurants are in the surrounding area.
The unit was a two-bedroom with a
partial kitchen. Partial meaning there is
no oven, but there is an electric hot plate
and skillet. The kitchen is complete, aside
from the stove. The utensils and appliances are adequate. A compact washer/
dryer is shared by a common hall way
between two units.
I walked the square footage off at
1,575. This unit is huge. The furnishings
are nice and comfortable. The paintings,
mirrors, lamps and borders also accent the
room nicely .The TV looks to be about a
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TimeSharing Today
35” in the living room. It is inset into the stone wall that also
houses the electric fireplace.
The master bedroom TV looks
to be approx a 20”. The bedroom is spacious and the bed
was fantastic. Both of the baths
are large. The master has a tub
shower. The other bath has a
small walk in shower and a
gigantic tub/Jacuzzi. The second bedroom
also has a 20” TV with two single beds.
It would be nice if these places put larger
beds in the second bedroom. Not everyone
travels with 2 -7 year old children. The
internet connection in the room worked
great and it was free.
The deal breaker with this unit is
there is no sound insulation .If someone
next door is talking, you can hear them as
if they are in your unit. When young one’s
are jumping about in the other units (and
they are, no matter what floor) or doors are
being closed, it honestly feels like there is
a mild earthquake taking place. The walls
and floors flex/shudder when doors close
or children are running back and forth in
other units(and I‘m on the top floor unit).
I would suspect in the summer time, a
Page 28
couple looking to enjoy some peace and
quiet wouldn’t find it here. This bothers
me more than anything else, as I have been
in a few places just like this. They look
great but are thrown up cheaply.
The other item of negativity is that
some of these units face each other. So,
when you want to sit out on the deck or
leave the shades open on the windows and
doors, you are staring into the adjacent
units or they are staring into yours, as the
proximity is just too close.
The grounds however are gorgeous.
There are many gas grilles outside each
unit for cooking that perfect steak. Parking
is plentiful. It’s unfortunate that their isn’t
a path down to the recreation center. Other
than wondering around in the streets, there
are no walking paths, except if you golf.
Jan/Feb, 2012
The entrance to
Skyline Drive is approximately 15 miles
away. It’s a great drive
with scenic spots to
view the national
park. There are walking trails sprinkled
about that will take
you on short hikes
or, if your prefer and have the time on
your hands, you can walk from Maine to
Georgia. A few hikers I met on the trail
were doing just that. Unimaginable - a 6
month journey.
A trip into the quaint little town of
Staunton was nice. Spend a little time at
the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library
and surrounding area.
This is a great vacation spot. Plenty
to do if you want to do and much to see
in the surrounding area. If I returned here
again, I would try another section of the
resort. Maybe the older sections are quieter within, offer more privacy and are not
butted back to back to each other and have
a more scenic view from the deck.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 29
Jan/Feb, 2012
Best Exchange: Christmas
in Williamsburg
By Norman R. Adsit, San Diego, CA
Christmas in Williamsburg is a magical time. On Sunday
evening we watched the Fife and Drum corps parade down
the main street under the wood fire street lights. We were
then treated to a fireworks display from the Magazine. It was
fantastic in the cold night and so different from a fireworks
display on a warm 4th of July. After the cold, we went into the
Williamsburg Lodge for a program and dinner. Many songs of
the season and a dinner that was second to none. I remember
the peanut soup.
On Monday, we walked around the restored area. The
blacksmith shop was warm and we watched him make a rifle.
Of course, we had to stop at the bakery for warm cider and a
Tuesday evening, we went to a music program at the
Capital. While it was the poorest of the activities of the week,
we did enjoy being in the Capital at night. Wednesday, it was
dinner at a tavern. The street lights (wood fire in baskets on
poles) set the mode due to the cold chill and the pungent smell
of the fire in the air. The only light in the tavern was from
candles. The back room was therefore rather dark but the food
was excellent. Virginia ham and sweet potato muffins were
just part of the menu.
Thursday, we went to the hospital. Actually it is a museum
now. That afternoon, we were treated to a program called Three
Fold Joy. It was so good we purchased the CD and play it
every Christmas. On Friday night, we had an invitation to the
Governors Palace for a program of music from 1775. (Actually
one has to purchase the ticket.) The dialect and costumes were
all of that period and totally enhanced the evening. The songs
were not the ones we now sing, but it was regal. We particularly
enjoyed the harpsichord.
After each event or time, we returned to our timeshare at
King’s Creek Plantation and the contrast was so remarkable-25
from the 1770’s to the 21st century. We enjoyed the flat screen
TV and modern appliances.
If you plan to go the Williamsburg at Christmas time and
want to take in any of the activities, please note that it is imperative to order tickets ahead of time. The program comes out in the
fall and we strongly suggest that you order the tickets then.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 30
Representatives of Timeshare Resale Companies will attend the March, 2012 meeting of the Florida Timeshare Owners
Group, to discuss the various approaches that should be considered by timeshare owners who may someday be interested
in placing their unit up for sale.
Only “no up-front fee” resale companies, who limit themselves to earning a sales commission at the time a sale has been
completed, will be in attendance, and available for questions
from FTOG Members, and their guests.
Judy Kozlowski, the President of the Licensed Timeshare
Resale Brokers Assn, and the owner of Re/Max Properties,
located in Orlando, FL., and Richard Marquette, owner of the
Progressive Real Estate Agency in Winter Garden, Fl. will be
among the Guest Speakers. Both of these Speakers also are
current Members of the Florida Timeshare Owners Group.
The 2012 Members Resort Directory has been updated
and will be available to all Members in early February, 2012.
Members may list their Resorts owned and available for rent,
sale, or exchange, along with their email address, for direct
communication with fellow Members. Further information is
available, including the FTOG Resort Information Form, by
viewing the appropriate link on the Group’s website, which is
Further questions re: our Directory can be directed to Paula
Tyner, [email protected].
The following Members will serve on the Group’s 2012
Board: Jim Horan, Paula Tyner, Marcia Ling, Bill Chandler,
Craig Woodson, Aline Lariviere, Bill Southworth, and Alan
The 2012 FTOG annual membership dues are $60.00, and
entitles Members to attend each of our three scheduled meetings per year, held in March, July, and November. Attendance
at FTOG meetings always requires advance seat reservations.
Membership information and reservations may be obtained by
contacting Frank Debar, Group Coordinator, at (941) 351-1384,
or [email protected].
Jan/Feb, 2012
As we look back on 2011 and all our accomplishments
including a drastic increase in our membership due to all the
services we provide to our members with no up front cost.
We were able to help so many members who wanted to sell,
rent or donate their timeshare only through a licensed broker.
We have also seen an increase in buyers who have checked with
us for references on properties. It makes us feel good at the end
of every day that we have helped so many people.
As we look forward to 2012 we hope to continue our passion of helping timeshare owners with our motto: ”Educated
and Informed Owners = Happy Owners” a consumer protection association. Remember we are the only resource to turn
to when you need help. Call us first when someone calls you
with a huge offer that requires an up front fee as it is probably
a scam. If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is.
Another goal in 2012 is to have more educational meetings
around the country with our speakers bureau but we need you
to spread the word about NTOA.
Our next meeting will be at The Villages in Florida on
February 12, 2012. If you are planning to be in Florida at that
time, or live in Florida, you will need to contact NTOA as soon
as possible, as we have limited space and you will not want to
miss out on hearing what our dynamic group of speakers have
to say as far as the future of the timeshare industry.
For reservations call 410-536-0064 by January 12,
Also, if you wish to start an owners group in your area
please contact us at 410-536-0064 for details.
To attend our meetings you must join NTOA. The cost is
$75 for TimeSharing Today subscribers. Hopefully you will
want to join the timeshare association that is 100% on your
side. You will not be disappointed. To learn more, visit us at
www.nationaltimeshareownersassoc.com or e-mail hastry@
aol.com with your name, address and phone number or call
410-536-0064. We are looking forward to your becoming a
member and receiving all the benefits we offer.
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resale Value Tracker and much more
TimeSharing Today
Page 31
Jan/Feb, 2012
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3. Resort name and/or city/location should appear in the ad.
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BOTH DOCUMENT KITS - $30--$............
*Color option (add 12.5%)
Credit card #:______________________________ Exp: ______
TOTAL --$............
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TimeSharing Today
Page 32
Jan/Feb, 2012
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Excellent10-9; Above Average- 8-7; Average-6-5; Below average-4-3; Bad-2-1; Not available - NA
Unit furnishings: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cleanliness: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Kitchen inventory/appliances: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Maintenance: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of construction: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Amenities and activities at resort: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nearby: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Suitable for young children: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For pre-teens: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For teenagers: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For seniors: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For handicapped: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Resort restaurant: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NA (Not a gourmet rating, but value, service, cleanliness, decor)
Convenience store: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NA
Resort grounds and maintenance: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Security: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Staff: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
General hospitality: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
OVERALL RATING OF RESORT: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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TimeSharing Today
Page 33
Jan/Feb, 2012
Some advice to prospective timeshare owners
I have been a timeshare owner for 40 some
years. In the beginning,
they were a great way to vacation, and over the years,
we had some nice trades
all over the world. They
have never been a good
As time went on, the
yearly maintenance fees
kept going up and good
trades became harder to get.
For one thing, many of the weeks traded
with RCI disappeared into their rental
stash where they could make more money.
They have been taken to court for this, but
somehow have continued this practice, all
the while denying that they were doing it.
There are some trading companies that are
more reputable.
I would never buy a new timeshare.
In order to cover the kind of advertising
they do, the developer prices are terribly inflated. Also, I wouldn’t buy any
in Mexico. We had some very negative
and dangerous experiences
down there, and now you
could be in even graver
danger. Since traveling is
becoming more and more
difficult and less enjoyable, out of the country
travel continues to be less
desirable, which limits your
trading again.
These are some of the
many things you need to
consider before signing on
the dotted line. Hope this will be helpful
for some people wondering what they
should do about buying a timeshare.
Char [email protected]
I own three weeks of Weeks plus
three weeks of Points, and Disney Vacation Club points. I bought all on the
Internet, mostly through eBay, many for
just a few dollars. Disney has a bottom on
what they will let the points sell for, so that
is good security. The others are solid establishments with low fees, generally less
than $500 per week. All are in year-round
red week locations and I had no problems
with the title/closing process.
I recommend new buyers consider
buying on the resale market, bidding for
properties on eBay, but make sure fees,
maintenance, etc. are reasonable and that
the association is in good financial condition. Scott Riddle has some very good
advice on his web site.
When people ask me about timeshare,
I tell them this: Only buy if you will use
it each year. Remember it is expensive
and you have yearly maintenance fees
forever. If you use it each year it is well
worth it. Also if you trade there are many
places to go, but they are hard to get into
and there is an expense to that also. It is
not as easy as the salesmen say. You have
to learn the system to use or trade it. But
for us, it was worth it because it allowed
us to travel to many places. Then I leave
it up the person to decide.
Carol Shene, Michigan
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TimeSharing Today
Page 34
Jan/Feb, 2012
$27,879.51 Maintenance Fee, $5893.32 Special
Assessment Shock Owners at Two Resorts
Poipu Point
In TimeSharing Today’s issue one
year ago (Jan/Feb, 2010), an article
described action taken by Poipu Point
owners against its management company,
Diamond Resorts, because maintenance
fees had risen to over $1,400.
In October, 2011, owners were
shocked to received a notice that that each
unit was being charged a special assessment of $5,893.21, bringing total charges
for a two-bedroom unit to $7,410.79 for
the assessment, maintenance fees and
According to a ten-page mailing sent
to owners, the special assessment was necessitated by failure of the building envelopes
resulting in water intrusion,
which if not corrected, would
impair the integrity of the
The project, which is
expected to take about five
y e a r s t o complete, will involve extensive repairs to all buildings at a total cost
estimated at $65.8 million.
Owners were given the option of paying $2,000 of the special assessment by
January 1, 2012, along with their regular
annual maintenance fee and taxes. The
balance would be due over the next two
Several owners have written to TimeSharing Today indicating that they had
unsuccessfully sought to deed their weeks
back to the resort. The large assessment
obviously impacts on the resale value of
the units.
You are our business.
We excel at timeshare management, sales and rental. But long
term relationships with our owners, based on communication
and trust, are the foundation of our success.
If accountability, quality and cost containment are important
to you – call us. With over 20 years experience, chances are
we can help.
20 Executive Park Road
Hilton Head Island,
South Carolina 29928
888-433-4762 x-11113
[email protected]
Resort Management
In the Jul/Aug, 2011 issue, TimeSharing Today reported that timeshare owners at the Horseshoe Resort in Barrie,
Ontario had organized to protest a sharp
increase in maintenance fees two years
after settlement of a class action lawsuit
instituted by owners. At that time, the
anticipated maintenance fee for 2011 was
to be $1,108, up from $435 in 2009 and
$709 in 2010. According to the management company, the increase was due to
a refurbishment to update the building,
increases in wages and legal fees from
the prior lawsuit.
At the Horseshoe Resort, owners only
need to pay the fee if they are using the
week. After the 2011 fee was announced,
45 percent of the owners decided not to
use their weeks this year, so the other owners were re-assessed an additional amount
to make up for the shortfall, bringing the
total to $1,700 per week.
“The budget is divided by the number
of owners in good standing, according to
the settlement,” said Kevin Toth, chief
operating officer of the developer, Skyline
International Development.
The most recent assessment of
$27,879.51 per week was the result of
only 18 timeshare owners paying the last
maintenance fee hike.
Under the terms of the settlement
agreement, Skyline is not responsible for
maintenance fees on vacated or reclaimed
units, Toth said.
A group of Horseshoe Resort timeshare holders are pledging to fight against
the rising costs that are pushing some from
their vacation homes.
The Time Share Owners Association
is working to organize timeshare owners
against Skyline after maintenance fee
increases resulted in more than 1,200
timeshare owners walking away from
their units.
“If anyone is suffering, it’s Skyline
because we have a dilapidated building
on our resort. We have no income coming
into that resort and will soon run out of
money, ” Toth said.
About 70 timeshare owners have
sought legal representation to help clarify
the terms of the settlement agreement.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 35
Jan/Feb, 2012
California Court Orders Owners’ Email
Addresses Released to Worldmark Member
A California court’s opinion, requiring the release of members’ email
addresses to a Worldmark owner for his
use in contacting fellow members about
amending the bylaws, could have farreaching consequences in the timeshare
The opinion in Worldmark, The
Club v. Robin Miller, 187 Cal. App.
4th 1017 (2010) was upheld when the
California Supreme Court subsequently
refused to accept a petition of appeal filed
by Worldmark, The Club.
State laws vary widely in permitting timeshare owners access to the list
of owners and their addresses for noncommercial purposes. Many states do
not have laws requiring the release of this
information. But for those states where
names and addresses must be released,
the California opinion holding that broad
language in the statute includes requiring
the release of email addresses, the practical consequences are significant.
Wyndham Resort Development
Corporation had owned the Worldmark
properties. When they were turned over
to Worldmark, Wyndham retained the
exclusive right to market and sell the
timeshare points. Miller was concerned
about domination of Worldmark’s board
of directors by current or former Wyndham executive, the failure to conduct
meetings at which member motions could
be raised and the absence of meaningful
member representation in the governanace
of Worldmark.
In conformance with Worldmark’s
bylaws, Miller had made a written request
for the membership list, including email
addresses, for the purpose of contacting
members about bylaw changes. Contacting members by email would enable him
to distribute his materials in an inexpensive and timely manner.
Worldmark rejected Miller’s numerous requests and eventually brought
the lawsuit to establish that they had no
obligation to provide email addresses.
Miller prevailed at the trial level based
on Worldmark’s bylaws. Worldmark
appealed and the appellate court made
clear that its decision was based on the
California statute.
Worldmark argued that the statute
permitted them to provide a reasonable
alternative, which was to provide Miller
with the mailing addresses. However, the
Court found that the $280,000 cost for the
mailing would have been prohibitive for
an individual. It noted that “denial of the
right to contact other members by email
effectively denies a member the right
to contact other members for a proper
In reaching its conclusion that Worldmark was obligated to provide the email
addresses, the court analyzed related
statutes and Worldmark’s bylaws while
rejecting every argument raised by Worldmark in its effort to withhold the email
The email addresses were finally provided to Miller on March 21, 2011 with a
warning that if he were to share any part
of the list with anyone else, Worldmark
would pursue legal action against him.
Miller’s emailing finally went out
during the first week of July, 2011.
Meeting April 22-24, 2012
Orlando, FL
Every member of owner-controlled
Timeshare Association Boards of
Directors should join
TBMA has the right tools, mentoring and
support to enable you to navigate the
stormy waters of a shaky economy and to
make informed decisions for your resort
and owners.
Education and action: We provide support to help you maintain a healthy resort
and positive vacation experience for owners and guests.
Networking: No resort should operate
in a vacuum. Meet with other Members
of owner controlled Boards at our annual
meeting and online to share your ideas,
experiences and goals.
Shep Altshuler,
[email protected]
or 201-924-7435
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TimeSharing Today
Page 36
Jan/Feb, 2012
FOCUS ON: The Villas at Treetops, Bushkill, PA
By Jason Farlam, Clawson, MI
We needed to add an extra week to a
long planned trip and wanted something
in August 2010 in Eastern Pennsylvania.
RCI came through immediately with this
large two-bedroom unit even though it
was (1) last minute, (2) summer and (3)
the Northeast, factors that often make
exchanges difficult.
How can you go wrong in the Poconos? In the winter, skiing, snow boarding
and snow tubing are a big deal. Spring
through fall, golf is a big deal and, of
course, fall is autumn color season as the
trees change.
Check in was at the nearby Fernwood
Hotel and Resort. After a small disagreement with my GPS, settled by directions
from a gas station attendant (the GPS was
right), we arrived at sunset on Sunday.
The hotel was jam packed, common areas
littered with napkins and newspapers, and
absolutely teeming with people trying to
check in or out, or demanding some essential service.
Check in was faster than I expected,
given the crowds, and the map they gave
me showed the villas only about a half
mile away. The entrance was easy to
find and the resort roads were good and
moderately well marked, with cute little
signs that were easy to read if you parked
you car at an angle and walked up close
to the sign illuminated by your headlights.
These signs were important because the
villas were not numbered in a pattern
related in any way to the resort roads.
Most of the villas were built as two story
townhouses, in clusters of eight.
A resort shuttle runs throughout the
resort and to the hotel.
The units are really nice, not brand
new, but well maintained and partially
upgraded. The land is tiered, not mountainous, but steep enough that there are
lots of walkway steps and all units we saw
had inside steps down to the living areas
and up to the bedrooms.
The living rooms have a large comfy
couch and two chairs and the focus of the
room is a nice fireplace. There is a small
television with a large cable package
including network affiliates from three cities, including New York and Philadelphia
as well as locals.Well lit from large windows, the open concept has an adjacent
dining area with a large table and four
chairs, with two additional chairs along
the kitchen breakfast bar. Some units seat
six at the table.
The open kitchen has adequate counter and cupboards, fridge, microwave and
cook top and all the hardware needed
to prepare dinner. Some kitchens are
different than others. Variations in the
furniture and finishings throughout the
units indicated an ongoing replacement
program. The main bedroom has a queen
bed and adequate furnishings. The second
bedroom has twin beds and there are two
additional twin beds in the loft in some
units. RCI counts this as two-bedroom/
sleeps 8/privacy 6.
The resort is built around the same
golf course as The Villas at Fairway and
the combined roughly 250-unit complex
has at least three indoor and three outdoor
pools plus all the facilities of the Fernwood Hotel. We only went to the fitness
center nearest our unit and it was really
nice, with up to date fitness equipment
and large well maintained pools. There
are opportunities to tour on bikes and
Segways and walking tours themed for
nature sightseeing and Eco hiking.
Several restaurants are in the complex and nearby; although we didn’t eat
out locally, others said they were great.
They have about 10 organized activities
each day, including many adult and family trips and kids-only stuff. In case you
were wondering, after the weekend crush
of people the hotel cleans up nicely.
Nearby Bushkill Falls is a locally
famous sight seeing opportunity. We
toured the nearby Indian Museum and
found a truly excellent smaller attraction,
dedicated to the Delaware Indians, with
wonderful historical exhibits not tinged by
modern political correctness. An attached
Museum Gift Shop specializes in Native
American crafts made by Indians from
tribes all over North America.
The nearby Water Gap National Park
is famous for the Delaware River that
flows through the scenic mountain gap
between New Jersey and Pennsylvania
and offers excellent hiking and walking
tours. Bushkill is also home to a somewhat seasonal performing arts center that
is way better than you would expect in a
resort community.
Back in our unit, we relaxed in the
hot tub and contemplated buying a unit,
as there seemed to be both fixed and flex
units reselling for very good prices. In
the end, we decided our current weeks are
enough, for now. We would recommend
the Villas at Tree Tops to anyone in good
health and it is an especially good place
for families.
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Special Reports and much more
TimeSharing Today
Page 37
Spotlight on Scams
Scam de jure
Here is a new “business” that I
believe is probably a scam. I would be
interested if anyone else has encountered
this company, and if so, if it turned out
to be a legitimate business deal? Or, as I
suspect, a scam.
I was called from 858-346-2222 by
Jane Gomez, from Global Travel Services.
She wanted to rent my timeshare weeks.
She told me that Global Travels Services
(GTS), was a Mexican company operating out of Florida, and affiliated with the
Mexican Tourism board. I learned later
that she was in a call center in Oklahoma,
and that the company claims to work out
of Las Vegas..
Jane said that a “Doctor’s Convention” had a convention scheduled for the
end of January at a large hotel-timeshare
complex in Cancun Mexico. The hotel was
fully booked already and the “Doctors”
needed additional rooms in the complex.
The only available rooms were timeshare
rooms. She wanted to “rent” timeshare
weeks that she could exchange for weeks
in the Doctor’s hotel. GTS would pay
me $3600 for any and every week I could
offer, as well as pay my maintenance fee.
Doesn’t that sound “too good to be true?”
I thought so too. She told me to examine
a sample contract on their website: www.
team-gts.com. After I saw it, I was even
more skeptical.
Jane said that it didn’t matter what
timeshare I offered, since they were going to exchange it anyway. I said that it
sounded good, but I didn’t want to pay
any “up front” fees. Jane said there were
no up front fees, and then went on to say
that the check for the rental would arrive
around December 24th, and I would have
to show two forms of ID to accept the
check. I was surprised that she had my
mailing address. I don’t know what other
information she might have had, nor how
she obtained the information. Finally after
a lot of questions and confusing answers,
Jane told me that the timeshare would be
exchanged using a company called “Universal Exchange Company.” Universal
Exchange would need a $200 fee to do
the exchange, and she only needed my
credit card for the exchange. Of course,
I thanked her, and told her that I was not
I did explore her company web site:
which seems to be designed by amateurs
and really doesn’t provide much information. Their web site is not indexed in
Google, so it probably was only posted a
few days earlier. The address listed on
the “contact us” page is: 848 N Rainbow
Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89107, which I found
out is a drop-box operation.
I’m suspicious that If they got my
credit card it might have been much more
expensive! I hope they get caught, but I
would bet that all of the contact information and web site data will change in a
few days.
Steve Maschue, Oceanside CA
Editor’s note: The domain name was
created on October 12, 2011.
Florida men charged
with $3.3 million scam
Three Palm Beach County men were
facing federal charges on Friday, accused
of stealing $3.3 million from more than
2,000 timeshare property owners in the
U.S. and Canada, according to U.S. Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer.
Michael Franzenburg, 47, of West
Palm Beach, Joseph Grizzanti, 30, of
Greenacres, and Kenneth Foote, 40, of
Lake Worth, were charged with conspiring
to commit mail fraud, prosecutors said.
According to court documents,
telemarketers collected money from
timeshare owners between July 2009 and
Jan/Feb, 2010
February 2010 for marketing and sales
services, which were never provided. The
telemarketers, operating under the name
International Resort Solutions LLC, solicited clients through at least four operations
in Palm Beach County.
The managers ordered telemarketers
to get timeshare owners to pay upfront
fees for sales services by making false and
misleading claims that they were actively
marketing their timeshare properties, that
they had buyers lined up and that closings
were scheduled for their timeshares, according to court records.
Franzenburg created International
Resort Solutions and arranged to have
various operations set up around Palm
Beach County.
Grizzanti used managers to oversee
the separate operations. The managers,
including Foote, were responsible for the
day-to-day operations, including oversight
of all sales and supervision of the telemarketers, prosecutors said.
If convicted, Franzenburg, Grizzanti
and Foote each faces up to 20 years in
prison followed by up to 3 years of supervised release.
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TimeSharing Today
Page 38
Jan/Feb, 2012
Doorway into the Past: Pilanesberg National Park
By Robert Anthony
We are seated on the deck of our timeshare, which overlooks a sloping grass
lawn and a miniscule fence. The fence is
the only thing between us and a broad field
consisting of dry grasses, low shrubbery,
and a herd of African elephants trooping
toward a nearby watering hole. As many
as 15 juveniles and adult cows and bulls
slip past. They are uncannily silent. My
wife and I exchange a look which can only
translate into: “We’re finally here!”
“Here” is a place known as Kwa
Maritane - “Place of the Rock”, situated
on the very edge of Pilanesberg National
Park, which lies in the caldera of an extinct
volcano in South Africa.
Our fascination with South Africa
was inspired, in part, by a family friend
of 2010, with a casual scroll through the
who shared details about her adventures
RCI on-line map containing those little
in the country years ago. Included was a
flags of all the exotic places one could
soulful close-up photo of a giraffe’s face,
hope to visit. Because of the intensive
which we had enlarged and framed for
advertising about the upcoming World
display in our home.
Cup matches in South Africa in June and
adventure began back in March
July of 2010, I was surprised to find that
several potential timeshares were available. I checked through each one and Kwa
Maritane looked like the best choice for
a few reasons.
First of all, one unit was available in
late August: a two-bedroom plus loft, with
two baths and a full kitchen. Because it
had a maximum occupancy of 8, we could
extend an invitation to other members of
the family and friends to join us.
Second, late August is spring in
South Africa – when the area has the
least amount of rainfall and the coolest
temperatures. The mild climate allows
for excellent viewing of animals, as lower
levels of standing water allow safari tour
guides a better view of herd movement.
In addition, although the park is touted as
a year-round, malaria-free zone, there are
fewer insects in the spring.
But the real clincher for us was the
fact that Kwa Maritane is situated on the
very edge of Pilanesberg National Park,
the fourth largest game reserve in South
We booked!
Harsh reality set in when it came to
booking flights and rental cars. Naively, I
had hoped for some form of price reduction when the World Cup concluded, but
that turned out to be just a dream. Our
flight originated in San Francisco and I
firmly believe that no human body is really designed to spend 20 or more hours
trapped in coach on any kind of plane. I
must say that two of the four legs of the
flight were on South African Airways,
which turned out to be the best as far as
comfort and service. I won’t comment on
the other flights operated by companies
in the U.S.
Arrive we did, however, at Johannesburg’s O.R. Tambo International Airport
on a Friday morning. We picked up our
mid-sized rental car and soon discovered
that we had to be really creative to fit four
small pieces of luggage into its trunk. I
should point out that Kwa Maritane Lodge
offers transportation from the airport to the
Lodge at a charge. For those not wishing
to deal with the challenge of driving on
the left or not planning on driving while
staying at the lodge, this option might be
worth consideration.
We didn’t arrive at our destination
until early afternoon. I took care of the
driving, being careful not to hit anything
or anyone. Our daughter did a yeomanlike job dealing with less-than-stellar
maps and directions while my wife and
our family friend struggled with sign posts
and markers. We did buy a local map at
a gas station a few days later, which was
much more detailed and helpful than those
we brought with us.
The distance to Kwa Maritane from
Johannesburg is a little bit over 100 miles,
www.tstoday.com for back issues, message boards, Resale Value Tracker and much more
TimeSharing Today
as the crow flies. The resort is a gated
community staffed by 24-hour security
personnel. We arrived at Reception a bit
early, but we were made to feel quite
welcome in spite of this. After a round of
cool lemonade, we were quickly taken to
our accommodations by the very friendly
I’m sure most people have had those
last minute worries, despite all the pictures they’ve seen and all the information
they’ve read, that they will have some
misgivings about their week-long stay
once the front door is opened! That was
definitely not the case on this trip.
The Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge has
well over 100 units: chalets, luxury chalets, cabana rooms, and studios. Our unit,
located on the far right of the complex,
was classified as an executive chalet. A
short hallway led to the dining room and
well-equipped kitchen. Beyond that was
a spacious living room, which overlooked
the patio and the sunken hot tub – all very
handy to afford an occasional view of
herds of elephant, wildebeest, and zebra
making their way to the site’s watering
hole a few yards away from the unit.
Once we recovered from the breathtaking view, we realized that the unit also
had two bedrooms on the first floor and
a loft. The master bedroom had a kingsize bed and a large TV and both the
second bedroom and the loft contained
two double beds. Another perk was the
TV in the living room, with one channel
devoted 24/7 to the lodge’s own watering
hole, in case we didn’t want to walk the
short distance to the “hide”. The “hide,”
where we spent quite a bit of time, was
accessed through an underground tunnel
which led to what I can only describe as a
double bunker system with portals, allowing one to view the comings and goings of
various wild animals at the watering hole.
Page 39
It reminded me of old Disney
True Life Animal Adventure
In short, the accommodations were roomy, comfortable,
and well furnished, and offered
daily maid service. We went
grocery shopping at a nearby
store and prepared most of our
own meals in the unit’s kitchen.
But we also took advantage of
the restaurant/bar on the premises, which served reasonably
priced, good food provided by
a very friendly, hospitable staff. We also
enjoyed a brunch on one occasion, which
was fairly lavish but reasonably priced by
today’s standards.
The Resort offers many activities
for children of all ages: two pools, tennis
courts, game areas, a children’s playground, braiis (barbeques) in the outdoor
boma, and guided wildlife activities. But
the most exciting excursions, by far, were
the twice-daily Safari Drives out into the
surrounding Park. We took advantage of
the Safari drives on four occasions; they
started out just steps from Reception and
lasted approximately 3 hours.
During those drives, we were able to
see up close (sometimes very up close!)
three of the “Big Five” (lion, African
elephant, cape buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros), in addition to a number of other
fascinating creatures, such as warthogs,
crocodiles, and hippos. Since the leopard
is nocturnal and elusive, we missed that
opportunity. We saw giraffes on our last
night, which pleased my wife since it is
one of her favorite creatures. Through
an agency in nearby Sun City, we were
also able to take a one-hour guided ride
through the bush on our very own individual elephants – not something I would
classify as an everyday experience.
As a family, we all agree that this has
been one of the most amazing adventures
we have undertaken. Sitting outside at
dawn or dusk and watching these wonderful animals drift by us silently was
like opening, however briefly, a doorway
to the past. One can only hope that the
government of South Africa and those of
its neighboring countries, with the support of the rest of the world, will continue
their good works and that doorway will
always remain open as it is now for future
www.tstoday.com for back issues, Resort Report Cards, articles on resorts and much more
Jan/Feb, 2012
TimeSharing Today
Page 40
TimeShare Classified
Wk # Starts on
Starts on
RCI and Interval International both start
week #1 on the first Saturday of the year
in 2012 and 2013.
Some resorts start weeks on a Friday or
Sunday. Check with the resort to confirm
check-in dates.
Jan/Feb, 2012
SEDONA-Red Rock Country!. Best Buys!
Specializing in the Gold Crown Arroyo
Roble. Voted one of AZ’s highest rated
resorts! Call Rod Goebel, Broker Sedona Timeshare Resales. 800/344-3763
----------------------------------------------------SCOTTSDALE CAMELBACK RESORT
BUY RESALE weeks from $2400
SELL Time.share weeks worldwide
Desert Vacation Realty-Since 1991
Virginia Zabella/Designated Broker.
desertvacation.com 800-283-9174
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT: Lakefront
resort on Lake Havasu. Prime floating 1
and 2 bedroom deeded units. Annual Use
$995+. Contact Tony for details: (714)8414541 or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS-DIAMOND RESORTS
PVC Collection, 1 BR, annual red float,
deeded week, $1500, 2011 wk available,
[email protected] or 847/502-0872
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE TREE GOLF RESORT 1BR,
1 ba, SCOTTSDALE floating Sept thru
New Years or trade 309/241-3041, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SEDONA, Arroya Roble 2b/2.5ba flt red
wk deeded slps 6. $4000. 502-895-5350
or 502-326-0955
------------------------------------------------------TIMESHARE-LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, Lake Havasu City, 1BR, 1wk
floating, $5000 MUST SELL-OFFERS?,
204/348-7681, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SEDONA PINES RESORT, 1BR studio,
1 floating wk, annual maint $467. Near 6
vortex sites, asking $500. 903/549-3172,
leave message 24/7 or
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS, Vacation Club, Sedona, 2BR, 1 wk annually, $3500, Betty at
If there is an error or change in your ad,
do not telephone us. Please email staff@
tstoday.com, write or send a fax Include
both the old and the new wording. Contact:
Ad Editor, TimeSharing Today
140 County Rd, Ste 114, Tenafly NJ 07670
Fax: 201-871-4305
VARSITY CLUBS OF AMERICA – TUCSON, $1000, 1BR, 1ba, bi-annual odd yrs,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SEDONA SUMMIT, $1, 10000 Points to
use at any Diamond resort, 610/935-8547,
[email protected]/
------------------------------------------------------FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Scottsdale at Troon North. 2 BR lockoff.
Deeded Platinum, Gold, or Silver available. Starting at $1000. Contact Betty at
TRIWEST 800/423-6377
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, TIMESHARE,
Lake Havasu City, 2BR float wk, Maint
$600/yr, $8000. Yvonne 714/336-3038
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SEDONA, Gold Crown,
300,000 pts, $15,000, 970/240-9455,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SCOTTSDALE VILLA MIRAGE (GOLD)
2BR, float, RED. Fee Simple (no points rip
off). $3K, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LONDON BRIDGE RESORT in Lake
Havasu, 1BR, 1 Week, floating $1,250.
------------------------------------------------------SCOTTSDALE CAMELBACK RESORT,
Scottsdale, $3900, 519/821-7395 or email:
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LOS ABRIGADOS, Sedona, Premier V C
Studio, every other year. Sell for closing
costs, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM FLAGSTAFF, Prime Red,
deeded, fixed wk 31, 2BR, 2ba, slps 8.
Full kit, A/C, W/D. $8000 fees pd thru ’12,
520/378-2494, [email protected].
Avoid Scams
Ignore telemarketers and
email solicititors looking
for upfront fees and
personal information.
Have your attorney
review all documents
before you sign. Fees
should be held in escrow.
Ad deadline - 2/10/12
Add Color To Your Ad
Select the color option
on the advertising order form.
TimeSharing Today
2BR, 2ba, w/lockout. Platinum Week every
year. $19,000. Call 262-547-6373.
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers
Representative. and will be happy to
represent you in the purchase of a Hilton
unit. No Buyer’s fee. If you would like to
be put on my Best Buy list send an email
to [email protected]. You may call me
at 1-800-541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at
407-921-0000. Visit: www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------SHELLVACATIONSCLUB.COM (West)
SanFrancisco/ Anaheim 3750 pt/yr fee
simple title orig price $19,500 main Fee
$1140/yr make offer Jerri 314/608-1122,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SAN DIEGO-Gaslamp Plaza Suites, 2 BR
LO, 2 ba, use year begins 2012, reserved
July 4th week, Asking $1,000. Dave at
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SAN CLEMENTE-San Clemente Inn, 1 BR,
1 ba, maint. fees $630, 2 weeks available
reserved July 4th week, 2012, Asking $750
each, Dave at [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------PALM DESERT, Marriott’s Shadow Ridge,
2BR,2ba, lo, silver season float, first use
2012, $1000 or best offer. Contact Dave
at [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CORONADO BEACH RESORT
1bd/4, Week 3, (Flt. Opt.) $1,600
Deeded Week. Leo: 1-800-367-3799
------------------------------------------------------FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Aviara, Carlsbad.
1 BR Standalone or 2 BR lockoff
Deeded Platinum or Gold available.
Every other year starting at $1500
Contact Betty at TRIWEST
----------------------------------------------------HARBORTOWN POINT Marina Resort
and Club, Ventura. Mariner-Studio /
Voyager-1BR / Islander-1BR lockoff.
Deeded Prime or High available.
Starting at $399
Contact Viccie at TRIWEST
------------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE, Kid-friendly, high-end
DIAMOND RESORTS at foot of Ski Run
Blvd. 5,500 pts goes with. $3,000 OBO,
5*! [email protected]
Page 41 ****************************
WELK RESORT, Escondido, Mtn Villas Lg
1 BR, 1 ba, 480,000 pts floating, every even
yr. Buyer to pay closing/transfer costs.
760/735-9562 or [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM Harbour Lights
San Diego, 126,000 Points $1,500
Deeded Week. Leo: 1-800-367-3799
------------------------------------------------------Pa l m D e s ert-MA R R IOTT D E S E RT
SPRINGS VILLA, 2 BR, 2 ba, Lock-Off
unit Float Wk 28-34 Asking $10,000,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CARLSBAD INN BEACH RESORT near
San Diego, sleeps 4, Gold Crown RCI
$1500. 908/581-9514, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------RARE FIXED NEW YEARS WEEKStardust Vacation Club, So Lake Tahoe.
Includes Wk 53 in leap years. Studio $2745
or 1 BR $3,925. Price includes all transfer
fees. 800-548-0215, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS –
VILLAS I. 2Bdrm 2Bath Units
W/Lockout. Seasons: RED - $7,500 ●
WHITE - $3,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS –
VILLAS II. 2Bdrm 2Bath Units
W/Lockout. Seasons: RED - $6,000 ●
WHITE - $3,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT NEWPORT COAST
Weeks 23-51 $9,000
GOLD 2/2 - Weeks 1-22 $5,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SHADOW RIDGE
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: Platinum - $7,000 ●
Gold - $3,500
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
----------------------------------------------------SHADOW RIDGE-ENCLAVES
2Bdrm 2Bath Units W/Lockout
Seasons: Platinum - $15,000 ●
Gold - $12,000
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
------------------------------------------------------1BR/SUMMER/odd year ownership
@ SQUAW VALLEY, 530/742-0367,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SAN CLEMENTE INN, 1 BR, Breaker High
(float week 1-52) $500, 207/236-1047,
[email protected]
Jan/Feb, 2012
Villas on the Green from $1500. Desert Oasis from $750. Welk Platinum Points from
$2000. lic Calif RE Bkr/Realtor 760/2940073, www.calresale.com
------------------------------------------------------SAN DIEGO COUNTRY ESTATES, RCI
GOLD CROWN, deeded, lg 2BR, 2ba,
2 weeks, flex time, FREE GOLF, $4000,
[email protected]. or 204/7275486
------------------------------------------------------LAGONITA LODGE RESORT: Lakefront
resort on Big Bear Lake. Prime Season
Annual use WINTER/SUMMER 2 bedroom, 3 bath deeded “LAKEFRONT” unit
$5995. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------SNOW LAKE LODGE: Located at
the base of Snow Summit Ski Resort.
Prime Floating Winter 1 bedroom, 2
bath deeded units. Annual Use $995+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------NOB HILL INN: In the prestigious Nob
Hill area of San Francisco. Prime floating 2 bedroom deeded unit. Annual Use
$5995. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------SUITES AT FISHERMANʼS WHARF:
In the popular Fishermanʼs Wharf area
of San Francisco. Prime floating 1 bedroom deeded units. Annual Use $1995.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PINE ACRES, Red Week, studio near
ocean, Pebble Bch golfing, Carmel dining,
shops, aquarium. 408/996-7492.
------------------------------------------------------HEIDELBERG INN, June Lake, $3000
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SAN DIEGO COUNTRY ESTATES, flex
1BR, 1ba, 2 wks, $3000 248/620-6479 or
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SO CAL BEACH CLUB, Oceanside, $5000
OBO, Broker, www.pacificcoasttimeshares.
com, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SAN DIEGO COUNTRY ESTATES,
Ramona, $5250,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PALM CANYON RESORT & SPA AND
Springs, $950, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS VILLAS
II, 2BR, 2ba, white season, 1 wk, choice
16weeks, lockoff, $5000, 949/498-4400,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------NOB HILL INN, San Francisco, studio,
annual floating red week. $998,
[email protected]
TimeSharing Today
Contact Diane Nadeau, Broker/Owner,
Timeshare Broker Sales. We are
Licensed Brokers, BBB Accredited, with
never an Upfront Fee. Visit our website,
www.TimeshareBrokerSales.com, or
call Toll Free today: (800)985-9946.
------------------------------------------------------PINE ACRES LODGE, Pacific Grove,
$5000, [email protected] or 213/8191975
------------------------------------------------------HYATT HIGHLANDS INN & ALL MARRIOTT PROPERTIES! Licensed CA Broker
with 20 years experience. 775/690-2653,
Buy/Sell [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CAPISTRANO SURFSIDE INN, 1 & 2 BR,
FLOAT, All weeks EX as red wks. Prices
start @ $1,100. 949/240-7681. Contact
Manager, Amanda Burgess, Email: [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------VILLAS ON THE GREENS at WELK RESORT, Escondido, 1BR, even yrs, offer.
239/597-7649, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT DESERT SPRINGS VILLAS,
2BR, 2ba w/lockoff, Sprg/Fall, $5500,
760/217-3910, [email protected]
1b/8 loft, Week 5 (Ski Week!), $1,900
Deeded Week. Leo: 1-800-367-3799
-----------------------------------------------------INN at SILVERCREEK, Granby, $1500
for 6 wks, slps 6, 2ba, lockoff, golf, ski
303/697-6189, [email protected].
-----------------------------------------------------VAL CHATELLE, near Breck in Frisco,
Silver Crown, 3BR, 2.5ba, garage, private
hottub, gas FP, $1.5K/wk. includes closing/
transfer. Firm. Fixed rotation wks 24-39
303/457-0236, rickandcindy23@msn.com--------------------------------------------------SHERATON MOUNTAIN VISTA, Avon
1BR, 81,000 Starwood Pts, ski season,
$15000, [email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA MOUNTAIN
MEADOWS, Outdoor Lovers! 174,000
Wyndham Pts, $2000,
[email protected].
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM DURANGO, located at
historic 4 Season Durango, Co. 1BR, 1ba
slps 4, floating wk. 154,000 Wyndham
Pts. Asking $3500. 727/787-8580 or
[email protected].
Page 42
VAIL RUN RESORT, Vail, Wk 10, 2012,
1BR, 1ba Suite, slps 6, FSBO-Make Offer,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BEAVER CK, Avon, 2 wks 45K OBO, 2
Prime St James Place weeks, 5-star Gold
Crown on the plaza, top flr, views, new
renov & refub. Winter wk 49 (Dec-ski) 3BR,
3ba, 2/2 down, master in Loft/Lockoff. Summer wk 37 (Sept) 2BR, 2ba loft. 970/3283131, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA, Sale includes
264,000 Annual Wyndham Points! Incredibly beautiful acres in Pagosa Springs.
$3000, 303/659-3598.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT STREAMSIDE at VAIL, Douglas, Vail, winter red wk, 303/733-6074,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM PAGOSA, Pagosa Sprgs,
Prime Red, deeded, fixed wk #27, 2BR,
2ba, full kit, a/c, w/d 2012. Use week July
1-8. $7500. (low fees; pd thru ’12), 520/3782494, [email protected]
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------JENSEN BEACH &
One offers over 2000 sq. feet, two and
three bedrooms, plus atrium in the unit.
Great amenities include pools and tennis
courts. No developer hassles. Forclosure
opportunity on prime red weeks.
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------DEERFIELD BEACH. Emerald Seas. 1
BR, 1 ba, full kit. Wk 51. Oceanfront resort, beautiful beach, convenient location.
$1100. 201/224-2706
------------------------------------------------------www.RonJonResort.com, 2BR w/lockout,
slps 10. $3,800 Fin Avl 908/766-2211 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ISLANDER BEACH RESORT at Daytona
Eff/2, Week 6,7,8 (Race Week!) $699
Deeded Week. Leo: 1-800-367-3799
------------------------------------------------------FT LAUDERDALE BEACH RESORT,
sandy beach across street, completely
renovated, slps 4, wk# 8, $3600. 406/3286479, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SURF RIDER, Pompano Beach, 2BR, 2ba
on Intercoastal Wtrwy. Wk 44. MAKE OFFER. [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN PT, W Palm, Oceanview, 2BR, 2ba, Platinum, annual lock-off
, 15K OBO, 262/742-2778,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINTE, Palm Beach
2BR, slps 8, Shores, $7000 719/687-4161,
[email protected].
Jan/Feb, 2012
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------FT LAUDERDALE BEACH RESORT, Wk
30, sandy beach across street. Great condition, slps 4. $2000 OBO 951/672-2801,
Bill or Ginny
------------------------------------------------------LAS OLAS BEACH RESORT, Satellite
Beach, 2BR, Full Kitchen, slps 6. Unit faces
the beach $3,000 OBO 727/255-4493,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM Sea Gardens, Pompano
Beach. Rare 1 bedroom unit for President’s Week # 7 priced at just $2995!
TRIPLE lockout! Licensed Broker. A+
Rating with the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction
Guarantee with each purchase! 800809-6020 or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL FLORIDIAN TS, 2BR, 2ba, EOY,
can split for every yr, Ormond Bch. Fees
every two yrs! Floating wk. 10K.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SEAGULL BEACH CLUB, Cocoa Beach,
Wk 19 2BR, 2ba on beach, $2200 OBO,
303/568-9231, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HOLLYWOOD BEACH TOWER, Hollywood $10, on ocean, boardwalk, great
biking, 727/935-4664, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINTE, Waterfront-Palm Beach Shores, Platinum Wk,
lockout 2BR, $24500 STEAL!!
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LIGHTHOUSE COVE RESORT, Pompano
Beach, $12000, 860/593-4424, right on the
beach! [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CATALINA BEACH CLUB, Daytona Beach,
$2900 OBO, rent $900. Wk 11, 609/6611033, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINTE, Palm
Beach Shores, $10,499, 781/259-1001,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------OCEAN LANDINGS, Cocoa Beach, Wk 17,
1BR, 2ba, oceanfront, Top Flr (5) $3500,
505/299-6279, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------COCONUT BAY RESORT, Ft Lauderdale,
$1100, [email protected] or 919/5688408
------------------------------------------------------CELEBRITY RESORTS PALM COAST,
Palm Coast, $2000, 919/568-8408, or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEANA PALMS, SINGER
ISLAND, $25900, beautifully furnished,
MAGNIFICENT! [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LIGHTHOUSE COVE RESORT, Pompano
Beach, $6000, e/side A1A rt on beach,
631/348-7737, [email protected]
TimeSharing Today
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------COCONUT PALMS BEACH RESORT II,
New Smyrna, Wk 41, 1BR, 1ba, $8500,
319-431-0630, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SURF RIDER, Pompano Beach on A1A,
2BR, 2ba, Wk 44, $1000 or OBO, 814/4555255, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SEA GARDENS, Pompano
Beach, Wk 8 fixed on bch e/side A1A, Mk
Offer, 631/348-7737, [email protected]
Gulf Coast
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S CRYSTAL SHORES-Marco
Island. 3BR/BA Penthouse Units (only 2
on property), Pres. Wk & Wk 13. 317/8730555.
------------------------------------------------------BONITA SPRINGS-Hyatt Bonita Springs,
2 BR, 2 ba, 1300 pts, use yr begins 2012
Maint. Fee $1189, Asking $6000, Contact
Dave at [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HOLIDAY BEACH RESORT, Soundside,
Pensacola Beach, 2 BR, 2ba, $1800,
Wk 16-38-39, on beach, 715/781-4693,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------LONGBOAT KEY-WHITE SANDS, Wk 17,
2BR, 2ba twnhouse, slps 6, 2 pools, Adj to
Sarasota/Brandenton, $6000,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LONGBOAT BAY CLUB, Sarasota, Beautiful 2BR, 2ba, floating week, $854.66 annual fee. $6000 OBO, 703-819-4951
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CRYSTAL SHORES, A Luxury
Resort, fixed Wk 4, 2BR, gulf view, $30,000,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------HILTON CLUB REGENCY, Marco Island,
Wk 1, Unit D104, 2BR at beach, pool view,
$1700, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SAILFISH YACHT CLUB, Destin (jPanhandle), deeded 2BR, 1ba, slps 6/4, Wk
# 52, balcony, boat slip. M/F $383 Beginning 2012. $1000 OBO, 716/674-1876, or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------NAPLES VANDERBILT BEACH CLUB,
2BR, 2ba, waterfront, cov. Park, screen
balcony, upscale condo, wk33, Gold
Crown RCI Red $2900. Call Ed to discuss 502/267-7649,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BAY & BEACH CLUB, Indian Shores,
2BR, Tampa Bay side, with Gulf view.
Wk 7, #205 @ $3500 or Wk 8, #305 @
$3500, Both for $6500. Debi at
[email protected]
Page 43
Gulf Coast
Jan/Feb, 2012
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------SUNRISE BAY RESORT, Marco Island,
Wks 12, 3, 14 @ $3500/wk, 508/432-7382,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION BEACH CLUB at SOUTH
SEAS RESORT, Captiva Island, Wk 36,
2BR, 2ba, $4000, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PANAMA CITY BEACH RESORT, Wk 45,
Efcy, slps 4, 2 queens, gulf frnt cor unit
$500 OBO, 904/759-9313.
------------------------------------------------------HOLIDAY BEACH RESORT, Destin,
1BR, 1ba, Wk 9, $1100, 870/659-8400,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------THE SURF CLUB, Marco Island, 2BR,
2ba, Mid Apr to Mid Dec, 85% Beachfront
Units. New Kitchen/Bath. 3HDTV’s. $4500.
------------------------------------------------------HYATT COCONUT PLANTATION RESORT, Bonita Springs, 2BR, 2ba, Wk 15,
1880 pts, asking $12500. Contact Doug.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LEHIGH RESORT CLUB, Lehigh Acres,
$350, Wk 32, 1BR, 1ba, 07980813250,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------DISNEY VACATION CLUB resales, all
resort locations typically available. Significant savings! Call DVC By Resale toll
free 1-800-844-4099 or visit www.DVCbyResale.com for current listings. Shontell C
Crawford, Lic. Real Estate Broker email:
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST:
The Banyan Resort
Luxury and charm
In the heart of Old Town.
Resales starting at only $4000.
Large inventory available.
Call: Amy Lachat Lynch, Banyan Realty.
Email: [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KEY LARGO. Anchorage Resort. Week 7
(President’s week). One BR, slps 4. Resort
has own marina. Great fishing and scuba
diving/snorkeling. Deeded RCI. Must sell.
$16,500. 201/768-7124
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST-Hyatt Beach House, 2 BR, 2
ba, 1300 pts use yr begins 2012, Maint.
fees $945, Asking $5000. Contact Dave
at [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST-Hyatt Winward Pointe, 2 BR,
2 ba, 1880 pts. April 2012 use, Maint.fees
$1143, Asking $8,500 Contact Dave at
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------KEY WEST – Coconut Beach Resort.
Rare offering, Wk 4, $15,900, 2 BR, 2 ba,
slps 6, lock-out. Stunning ocean sunrises
& sunsets. [email protected]. or
------------------------------------------------------HYATT WINDWARD PT, Key West, Silver
wk 19, Biann. (even) 2BR, 2ba, 1400pts.
$5000, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------FLORIDA VACATION VILLAS, 2 BR,
2ba, slps 6, Wks 49 & 50 @ $3000 OBO,
2011 fee pd. Pool, tennis, W/D,0
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------CELEBRATION WORLD RESORT, Kissimmee, 17000 Celebration Pts, 62300
RCI Points, $1000,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK, 43,000
Pts. Best for current Bonnet Creek Owner.
$1000. [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------STAR ISLAND, Wk 24, 3BR, 2ba, lockout, $900, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, 2 BR,
lockoff platinum season motivated seller,
$9500, email [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------NEAR DISNEY. Florida Vacation Villas,
Presidents Week 7. 2BR, Sleeps 6,
Pool, tennis, playground, W/D in unit. Asking $4500. Email to [email protected]
or call 201-362-8151.
------------------------------------------------------DISNEY VACATION CLUB resales. Buy or
Sell with Licensed Broker. Save thousands
off of DVC Resorts. A Timeshare Broker,
Inc. Website www.atimeshare.com. Te l e
800/275-0557 ask for Carrie.
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers
Representative. and will be happy to
represent you in the purchase of a Hilton
unit. No Buyer’s fee. If you would like to
be put on my Best Buy list send an email
to [email protected]. You may call me
at 1-800-541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at
407-921-0000.. Visit: www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE VACATION VILLA, Wks 6 &
27, $90 Plus Closing Cost, Widow, Must
Sell, 251/607-0002, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------MYSTIC DUNES RESORT & GOLF CLUB,
Kissimmee, 2BR, 2ba, $15000, 650/7262587, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, 2BR, 2ba, 55500pts, 641/7579305, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWN CENTER, 1BR,
2ba, Bi-Yearly, $7500, 1 mi from Disney,
[email protected].
TimeSharing Today
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES, Orlando, 3BR, 3ba
w/lockout unit, top fl overlooking tranquil
lakes of this beautiful 5* resort. Slps 12, go
to www.wglakes.com for details. With week
47 you can enjoy the rest of your Thanksgivings 10 min. from all of the parks or trade
your week anywhere in the world w/Interval
Int’l or RCI. $19,995. Also we have 3 rental
wks available. Call for details 216/4091827, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------FLORIDA FUN! Contact Diane Nadeau,
Broker/Owner, Timeshare Broker Sales.
We are Licensed Brokers, BBB Accredited, with never an Upfront Fee. Visit
www.TimeshareBrokerSales.com, or
call Toll Free today: (800)985-9946.
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON’S VISTANA RESORT,
Orlando, $450, floating wk 1-52 fountains
2BR, 2ba near major attractions. Looking
for quick sale! E. Watts,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE VACATION VILLAS, Kissimmee, deeded annual fixed (red) wk 45 $
best offer Norm, 516/476-3056.
------------------------------------------------------MYSTIC DUNES RESORT & GOLF CLUB,
Kissimmee, Wk 12 Spring Break, 2BR,
2ba, $1500, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON VISTANA RESORT, PRES
WK 2/19-2/26 2BR, 2ba slps 6 near Disney
- $1095, 631/807-4789.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT CYPRESS HARBOUR, Orlando, Wk 34, Sport Season, 2BR, 2ba,
make offer, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, $1000, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE VAC VILLAS, Kissimmee,
1 mi Disney, Red Wk # 36, 3BR Loft/slps
10-Odd Yrs, $3K OBO, Maint only pd Odd
Yrs. Sherri 281/592-8925.
------------------------------------------------------LEGACY VACATION CLUB, Best Offer!
minutes from Disney, Wks 9 & 17, slps 8,
352/259-3802, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWN CENTER, Kissimmee,
Wk 50, Unit 5257, $12,500, 417/724-9171,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MAGIC TREE, Kissimmee, 2BR, 1.5ba,
floating week 4.5K, 323-935-5916,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ROYAL PALMS, $8000, Email
[email protected] or 813/6335457
Page 44
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ROYAL PALMS, $8000,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES RESORT & SPA, Wk
16-even, 3BR, 3ba, $7500, 360/758-7243,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, $20000,
301/862-2324, [email protected]
39, floating, 2BR, 2ba, $20000,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, $1, 226-663-2452,
[email protected]
2 BR units. Starting @ $ 3,500. Contact
Syed Sarmad, Hawaii Broker. Specialist in all HI properties & name brand
resorts. www.advantagevacation.com,
----------------------------------------------------WESTIN KA’ANAPALI BOTH PHASES1 & 2 BR units. Starting @ $ 4,500.
Contact Syed Sarmad, Hawaii Broker.
Specialist in all HI properties & all name
brand resorts. www.advantagevacation.com, www.hoteltimeshares.com
------------------------------------------------------MAUI/KAUAI-all 2 BR lockoff even yr
floats. Penthouse Princeville Wyndham
Ka’eo Kai $5500 ea/both $9800. Kahana
Falls, Maui $5K All 3 14K,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------PONO KAI/KAUAI, 1BR, oceanfront, 2
float wks $4000/wk OBO 309-241-3041,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HONOLULU KUHIO BANYAN, Eff slps 4,
deed, Rest. & City bus @ Dr, Bch Nr, 2
wks float ask $3000 OBO, 704/274-2972,
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT KO O’LINA BEACH CLUB
PLATINUM - 2/2 w/Lockout $23,900
Fixed Week 52 For XMAS in Hawaii
See us at www.htr4timeshare.com
Hotel Timeshare Resales
800 – 808 – 5651
------------------------------------------------------HAWAIIAN SUN at Waikiki Beach
1b/4, Flt All, (MROP RED) $399
Deeded Week. Leo: 1-800-367-3799
------------------------------------------------------KONA COAST RESORT II. Even Year
summer float, deeded. Buyer to pay closing
costs & transfer fee. $2700. 713/542-7235,
[email protected].
Jan/Feb, 2012
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers
Representative. and will be happy to
represent you in the purchase of a Hilton
unit. No Buyer’s fee. If you would like to
be put on my Best Buy list send an email
to [email protected]. You may call me
at 1-800-541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at
407-921-0000. Visit: www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------KAUAI CLIFFS CLUB, 1BR, 2ba, 1 wk,
$2250 OBO, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------MAUI SCHOONER - Assn. & owner resales. 1 to 3 bedroom; some every other
year. [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HAWAIIAN PRINCESS AT MAKAHA - Limited number of assn. & owner resales. Call
Penny Dumont 808-497-3052 or resales@
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA FALLS RESORT - Limited number of assn. & owner resales. Floor plans
to match your family’s needs - great pricing! Call Penny Dumont 808-497-3052 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KAHANA BEACH VACATION CLUB:
Oceanfront resort on MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom, 2 bath deeded OCEANFRONT units. $3995.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA: Oceanfront
resort on MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom deeded unit. Annual Use $3495+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MAUI OCEAN CLUB:
Oceanfront resort in Kaanapali on
MAUI. Prime floating 1 bedroom, 2 bath
deeded unit. $14,000. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------POINT at POIPU, Kauai, 2 WEEKS IN
PARADISE!, Odd years, 2BR, 2ba, livrm,
full kit, pool, spa, walk to bch, $5K, Carl or
Myra 650/968-8476.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT KO OLINA BEACH CLUB,
Oahu, HI, float wk, 2BR, 2ba, $21400,
[email protected] or 214/8647884
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE FOUND! Contact Diane Nadeau, Broker/Owner, Timeshare Broker
Sales. We are Licensed Brokers, BBB
Accredited, with never an Upfront Fee.
Visit our website,
www.TimeshareBrokerSales.com, or
call Toll Free today: (800)985-9946.
TimeSharing Today
Lovely 3BR at ONE NAPILI WAY. 2
min. walk to beach, Kapalua area, 2
weeks in August, can be traded. Odd
years. $11,500. [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------LAWAI BEACH, 1BR, 1ba, Alii Bldg,
float wk, maint fees pd for 2012, $5500,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HILTON GRAND VACATIONS CLUB,
Kings’ Land, Waikoloa, $8500, 703/8231248, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN PRINCEVILLE RESORT, Kauai,
2BR lockoff, floating wk, $31000, 818/7206118, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SHELL VACATIONS CLUB – FREE
15,000 SVC Points. Pay $350 to transfer,
$3100 annual maintenance. For All SVC
Resorts or RCI Trade email
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------PONO KAI, Kapaa, Kauai
1b/4, Flt All, $1,500
Deeded Week. Leo: 1-800-367-3799
-----------------------------------------------BANYAN HARBOR, Kauai, fixed week,
$2250, [email protected] or 952934-3308,
------------------------------------------------------KONA COAST I, deed 2500 shell points,
annual 1BR, 2ba, slps 4, oceanview, w/golf
$3000, 541/523-4174 or 520/465-8512.
-----------------------------------------------------KAANAPALI BEACH VACATION RESORT,
Maui, 2BR, 2ba, $3000, 360/236-7806,
[email protected]
2, 2BR, 2ba, $499 OBO, 231/740-3424,
[email protected]
JAZZ & BLUES FEST, weeks 18 & 19, 1BR
at French Quarter/Faubourg Marigny Jean
Lafitte House, $6000/wk, 847/677-8498
------------------------------------------------------CLUB LA PENSION, New Orleans, in
French Quarter, 1BR, Red time, slps 4,
$700. 262/644-7324.
-----------------------------------------------------Get your ads in gear!
Next deadline: 2/10/12
Order at
Page 45
slps 4, RCI, Wks 51 & 52, $4200/wk, Pkg
BO, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------RANGELEY LAKE RESORT, Rangeley,
$18000, Wk 29, 3BR, 2ba Luxury Cabin,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------OGUNQUIT, PERKINS COVE area 2012,
HILLCREST RESORT, Wks 17, 36, 38, 39.
1BR, slps 4, RCI Silver,
Maint. $377, for prices contact
[email protected]
Club Ocean Villas II, Boardwalk One,
Ocean High and The Quarters.
We have it all from fixed flex, quartershare
to RCI Points. Studio to Two bedroom refurbished resorts. Own one week and vacation up to 39 nights each year. Call for
incredible resale prices and no hassles.
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
------------------------------------------------------SUNFEST WEEK (39) IN OCEAN CITY,
2br/2ba, full kit, w/d, spa & pool, Lucayan
$1095, Lighthouse Pt $895, $1695 for
both weeks. Great wk! 267/733-7241 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SAINT TROPEZ, Ocean City, Wk 40, Unit
201, 3BR on the beach, pet friendly. $2500,
II, [email protected].
Fall Week in Cape Cod. See website,
Full kit, slps 6, 2BR, 2ba, washer/dryer.
$2400. Contact [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------THE COVE at YARMOUTH super prime
week 33 in a 1 bedroom unit priced at
just $2495! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating
with the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee with each purchase! 800-8096020 or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CAPE COD HOLIDAY ESTATES, Mashpee. Cottage 2BR, 2ba, slps 6, full kit, Unit
27, Wk 15, $1500, 607/432-4534
------------------------------------------------------OAK & SPRUCE, Berkshires, 2BR units,
Wks 38 & 39, Unit 257, 2011 MF paid
($600/wk), trades II, no pts system, $8K/
wk OBO, rental option, 413/528-4887,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------EDGEWATER BEACH RESORT, 1BR,
1ST flr, kit, slps 4, Week 35, $12,500 OBO.
617/527-7911, [email protected].
Jan/Feb, 2012
SILVERLEAF’S OAK ‘n SPRUCE RESORT, South Lee, 2BR, 2ba, Red Wk 9,
$3000 OBO, [email protected]
French Quarter, Branson, Missouri
314/220-7713 [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------STORMY POINT VILLAGE, Branson, 3BR,
2 ba, Even year floating wk, 701/768-2604,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------FRENCH QTRS, 2BR, 2ba, white wk 3, ann
mt fee $495. $3500. Call 913/744-7529 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BIG CEDAR WILDERNESS CLUB,
Ridgedale, $6000,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT WILLOW RIDGE LODGE,
Branson, Wk 12, 2BR, 2ba, $5850,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------LOST VALLEY LAKE RESORT,
Owensville, $4500,
[email protected]
Columbia Falls, $9000 negotiable, 509/3859861, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BIG SKY RESORT, Wk 50, 2BR, 2ba,
walk to ski, $2900. $527 annual maint.
[email protected]
POLO TOWERS: On the Strip in Las
Vegas. ALLTowers 1,2,& 3 at the Polo
Towers. Prime floating and fixed, 1
and 2 bedroom deeded VILLAS and
SUITES with “LOCK-OFF” feature.
$995+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------DIAMOND 5,000 Pts a year, RIDGE
POINT, Stateline (So. Tahoe) 2 BR, 2 ba,
Deeded, floating, Red Wk. II Trade also.
$2,500. 812/634-9075
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers
Representative. and will be happy to
represent you in the purchase of a Hilton
unit. No Buyer’s fee. If you would like to
be put on my Best Buy list send an email
to [email protected]. You may call me
at 1-800-541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at
407-921-0000.. Visit: www.JudiKoz.com
TimeSharing Today
There are 2 King size bedrooms with 2
kitchens, 2 TV’s and 2 Washers/Dryers.
A spacious living room couch and TV.
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Vegas, Week 47 & 51, 1
BR, red time, flex & split week. Trade RCI
or II, Best Offer, asking $3495 per week or
$6000 for both. John Beyer, 562-498-0482
or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW at LAS VEGAS, 1 BR, Wk
13, reasonable maintenance fees paid for
2011 & 2012. Sale Price $7000, 208/7722344, [email protected]..
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM GRAND DESERT, Las
Vegas, 460,000 Wyndham Pts, deeded
property, Club Wyndham Plus Resort,
52K invested. SELL 9K. 563/552-1311
or [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------THE CLIFFS at PEACE CANYON, 1BR,
W20, maintenance $594, points 43500,
$500 OBO, 302/945-9301 or 302/2361288.
------------------------------------------------------RIDGE TAHOE, S. Lake. Prime floating
2BR, 2ba lockoff, Terrace Bldg. Make Offer
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SUMMER BAY, Las Vegas Desert Club,
1BR, deeded wk. Gold Crown, 1 Blk Strip,
$1695, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW at LAS VEGAS, Las Vegas,
$19500, [email protected] ot
------------------------------------------------------CLIFFS at PEACE CANYON, Las Vegas,
Gold Crown, deeded 1BR, 1ba, 43,000
RCI points or Wk 32, free shuttle to strip.
$1000 OBO [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------JOCKEY CLUB, Las Vegas, $6000 OBO,
1BR, Red Time, next to Bellagio, 608/7511484, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------GRANDVIEW RESORT, Las Vegas, 1BR,
odd yr, 61,000 pts, 6th floor, $8K OBO,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LAS VEGAS, Suites at Polo Towers, Super
Vegas location, 1 BR, 1 ba, eoy odd years,
float 1-52, maint fee $686, $1000 or best
offer, Dave at [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------THE RIDGE TAHOE, Stateline, $850, 2BR,
2ba, red season, Premier, 760/930-9131,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------GO GAMBLE, PARTY & RELAX! Awesome
Amenities $2495 JOCKEY CLUB, Wk 45,
[email protected]
Page 46
2ba, deluxe, slps 8, deeded, NASCAR
WEEK $24,500, 616/245-3289.
------------------------------------------------------TAHITI VILLAGE, Las Vegas, 2BR villa,
deeded, on Strip. Every yr float wk, lockoff feature. Full service spa, restaurant
on premises. 30K invested. SELL 10K.
Email: [email protected]. or
------------------------------------------------------RIDGE CREST, Stateline, MAKE OFFER! 1BR, 11 acre resort, 831/385-5061,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CLUB QM at NORTH LAKE LODGES &
VILLAS, Incline Village, $8500, 415/4601023, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HYATT HIGH SIERRA LODGE, OVER 40
LISTINGS!, Former Hyatt Sales Executive
w/Century 21, $3500 +, 775/690-2653,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRAND CHATEAU, Las Vegas, 2BR, 2ba w/lockout. Platinum week,
odd yrs. $11,000. Call 262-547-6373.
NH, deeded wk 44, slps 8, $1500, Judi.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ATTITASH MOUNTAIN VILLAGE,
Bartlett, $12000 OBO, Wk 16, 1BR, 1ba,
[email protected]
FLAGSHIP, Atlantic City, studio, slps
4, Redtime, Resort w/pool, fitness ctr.,
$14,000, 610/585-5758
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, 1 BR, floating wk,
$10,000 OBO,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------FLAGSHIP RESORT, Deluxe 1BR, ocean
view, slps 4+, pool, fitness center, restaurant, bar, kid-friendly (video game room)
$10,000. 212/327-1957.
------------------------------------------------------BRIGANTINE BEACH CLUB, Brigantine,
2BR, 2ba, Wk 12, full kit, $2000, 617/8343085, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------FANTASEA FLAGSHIP, Atlantic City, slps
4, deeded, wk 3, 2012 Maint. Fee pd
($473). $8949 OBO, 813/969-3367.
CROWN POINT CONDOMINIUMS RUIDOSO. Two very nice 3BR, 2ba, slps 8.
Deeded. RCI & II. Weeks 38 & 39. $1000
ea, $1500 both. Owner 830/629-5618.
Jan/Feb, 2012
Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers
Representative. and will be happy to
represent you in the purchase of a Hilton
unit. No Buyer’s fee. If you would like to
be put on my Best Buy list send an email
to [email protected]. You may call me
at 1-800-541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at
407-921-0000.. Visit: www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------THE MANHATTAN CLUB, NYC, floating
1BR, Time to let you enjoy. $500, 802/6495981, [email protected]
ATLANTIC BEACH, N.C. Oceanfront Resorts. Homeowners Association Closeouts and resales. Deeded weeks. Blue
start at $200.00, white start at $500, Red
start at $900. 1,2,3 BR.
Timeshare OutletDeanna Hull Realty. Rentals avail.
------------------------------------------------------OUTER BANKS, NC- All resorts and
homeowner assn resales. 1, 2, 3, & 4
BR condos. Deeded wks. 252/441-2134
------------------------------------------------------HIGHLANDS@SUGAR-MTN, Banner Elk,
Wk #18, lge 1BR, mtn views, RCI/II SALE
2K + Closing, 336/431-0086/fax
------------------------------------------------------FOXRUN Lake Lure, FREE weeks by
owners, all seasons. 2BR, 2ba, $645
MF/$128 closing/transfer. Golf course.
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------PEPPERTREE ATLANTIC BEACH,
Atlantic Beach, $24000, 252/223-2122,
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------BARRIER ISLAND STATION, Kitty Hawk,
$4000, [email protected] or 706/7552072
----------------------------------------------------BLUE RIDGE VILLAGE, Banner Elk, 2BR,
2ba plus loft. Week 28. $500. 941/7941892.
----------------------------------------------------FOXHUNT @ SAPPHIRE VALLEY, 2BR,
2ba, Tri-Level, sleeps 6, fireplace, week
42, near Cashiers, NC. Asking $5000. Call
NEWPORT, Schooner Landing, 2 bedroom, prime season float, first use summer
2012(units reserved for July), maint fees
$705, two weeks available, $1000 ea. ,
Dave at [email protected]
TimeSharing Today
Unit R107, 2BR, Occupancy 12/17 Maint.
$485. Great skiing $1500. 908/273-2908,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SHAWNEE - Depuy Week 44. 2 Bedroom
w/loft sleeps 10 Deeded. $500 OBO Buyer
pays closing. [email protected]
NEWPORT, red float wk, 2 BR, 2 ba, kit.
flex wk. 2 BR, 2 ba $1900 Maint fees paid
for BOTH units for 2011!! 978/490-7255,
[email protected].
Maritime Beach Club, The Links, The
Beach House, Windy Shores II, Ocean
Forest Colony, Montego Beach Club and
Ataylaya Towers. We offer fixed, floating,
flex and RCI Points from studio to three
bedrooms. Oceanfront to golf course.
Vacation up to 35 nights each year and it
works! Low RCI Points conversion price.
Call for information at
Defender Realty 1-800-799-0798
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SURFWATCH RESORT- on Hilton Head
Island in the Spring/Fall time period.
2BR/2ba. Motivated sellers must sell ASAP.
Please contact at [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------TWO MARRIOTT GRANDE OCEAN
(MGO)- oceanside/oceanview, gold wks
available at $14,000 each or $27,000 for
both. Spyglass3013-tstoday1@yahoo.
------------------------------------------------------HILTON HEAD PORT O CALL. 3BR/3BA,
slps 8, golf pkg, 2011 fees paid. 60,500
points, $5900. 915/307-7765
------------------------------------------------------SUMMER DUNES! Contact Diane Nadeau, Broker/Owner, Timeshare Broker
Sales. We are Licensed Brokers, BBB
Accredited, with never an Upfront Fee.
Visit our website, www.TimeshareBrokerSales.com, or call Toll Free today:
------------------------------------------------------SCHOONER BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
Myrtle Beach, 1BR, 1ba & 2BR, 2ba
units, floating. Small, comfortable Resort.
315/963-3161, MAKE OFFER
Page 47
2BR, 2ba, $970MF, prime weeks 9-43,
47. $1.5K + closing. 303/457-0236, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT BARONY BEACH CLUB, Hilton Head Island, $14900, 770/251-2080,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL DUNES, Hilton Head Island,
$5500, 3BR, 3ba,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WATERSIDE BY SPINNAKER, Hilton
Head, 4 free rounds of golf/day, 2BR, 2ba,
slps 6, prime floating wk 1-52, MF $678,
$1500, Call/Text 703/651-6889.
------------------------------------------------------MYRTLE BEACH, Sheraton Broadway
Plantation, 2 BR, 2ba, float week 9-43,
47 , $1000 or bo, contact Dave,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------ISLAND LINKS BY CORAL RESORTS,
Hilton Head Island, $8000, 603/495-1064,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION RESORT VILLAS, Surfside Beach, wk 22 3BR, 3ba LO $7999,
804/356-5941, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------DEED: NEW TS WYNDHAM’S TOWERS
ON THE GROVE, North Myrtle Beach,
$21800, 864/992-3237, akey2011@att.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE OCEAN, Hilton
Head Island, $3000, silver, slps 8, 770/2512080, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SOUTHWIND II, Hilton Head Island, $10, 4
rounds of golf daily, 2 bikes, 727/935-4664,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HARBOUR LIGHTS RESORT, Myrtle
Beach $869, 336/399-8804. 10,000 annual points package available 11/07/2011.
Points redeemed yearly in various bluegreen destinations at more than 40 resorts!
2011 $869 maintenance fee paid. Selling
price is firm. Buyer to pay closing costs.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT BARONY BEACH CLUB, Hilton Head Island, Silver, 2BR, 2ba, $10,200,
904-537-6464, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PLANTATION RESORT VILLAS, Surfside Beach, $2950, will email pictures,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT HARBOUR POINT,
Unit 309, slps 6, Weeks 39 & 40 are
available, separately or together. Asking $17000 for combined two weeks
or $9000 for either single week. Email
owner at [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SURF WATCH, Hilton Head
Island, $30000, [email protected] or
Jan/Feb, 2012
GATLINBURG-Pigeon Forge-Laurel Crest2BR Lockout Deeded Red Wk 8 $7000
- Bob Meiers 863/438-2172
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM RESORT AT FAIRFIELD
GLADE, 2 BR, deeded, Wk 31, $5,595; Wk
18, $4,495, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------Wyndham Fairfield Glade wk 13 lockout
sleeps 8 5 golf courses 11 lakes. $3900
obo.502-895-5350 or 326-0955
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM RESORT at FAIRFIELD
GLADE, Fairfield Glade, $2500, 616/8790723, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------/LAUREL SPRINGS RESORT, entrance
to Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg, Pigeon
Forge. Deeded Studio, slps 4/2, Wk # 30,
M/F $275. $1000 OBO. 716/674-1876 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SUNRISE RIDGE RESORT, Pigeon Forge
$4000, 706/755-2072, trollnurse@comcast.
------------------------------------------------------GATLINBURG, Gatlinburg Town Square, 2
BR, 2ba, 1-23,44-52 floating week(Spring/
Fall), maint. Fee 550, Asking $500, Dave
at [email protected].
bedroom prime week 13 priced at only
$1995! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with
the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------HILL COUNTRY at CANYON LAKE, 1 of
wk 42, slps 4 or 6 only. $1000. Seller pays
Deed Transfer, 972/562-7649
------------------------------------------------------ESCAPES POINTS Timeshares-4 Sale
$637 + We Pay Top $-Galveston, Orange
Beach, Panama City escapespoints.com.
------------------------------------------------------SILVERLEAF’s SEASIDE RESORT,
Galveston, Wk 5, Red Wk, $13,500,
321/446-3919, [email protected]
resales, fixed, deeded ownership.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PARK HOTEL … HOA resales - fixed,
deeded ownership.
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------PARK REGENCY … Assn. resales deeded ownership.
[email protected]
TimeSharing Today
2 BR, 2ba, silver ski thru Dec 18th, $5500
OBO. [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT SUMMIT WATCH, Park City,
Silver, 2BR, 2ba lockoff $3000/offer,
336/859-0296, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SWEETWATER LIFT LODGE, Park City,
2BR, Wk #36, $500 OBO 207/236-1047,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MOUNTAINSIDE, Park City,
Gold (24-38), 2BR, 2ba, lock-off, $4900,
623/780-3737, [email protected].
+ float week, 2BR,1ba, slps 6. $11,500,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SMUGGLERS NOTCH RESORT, Stowe,
Wk 31 (red) 3BR, 2ba, slps 10, $20,000,
540/898-1030 [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------CEDARBROOK at KILLINGTON, Unit
101/102 lockout, red wk 34. Can bank
one or both units! By owner $3400.
[email protected]
sleeps 12, 2 units, lockout, $1000 + Closing
cost. Call Maggie 724/225-6699
------------------------------------------------------MASSANUTTEN HILLSIDE SUMMIT, Wk
33, No-School, 2 BR, 2 ba, golf, indoor
waterpark, addt’l free bonus week $12,000.
Call 631/981-0711
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MANOR CLUB, Williamsburg,
2 BR-GREAT GOLF-Platinum $15,400,
[email protected] or 203/972-1309
------------------------------------------------------KINGSGATE, Williamsburg, Red Wk 17,
lockout 2 BR/1BR, trades as 2 wks, deeded, $7,595, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PATRIOTS’ PLACE, Williamsburg, Wk 36,
lockout, 1 BR/ST trades as 2 wks deeded,
$5,795, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------POWHATAN PLANTATION, near
Will’burg, $1215/yrly fee. $5000 OBO,
[email protected]
keep your subcription
Page 48
Week 22, Yorktown A & B tri-yearly slps 8,
$4000 neg. 914/519-8395.
------------------------------------------------------MASSANUTTEN 4 SEASON RESORT,
Wk 19, 2BR/Loft slps 8. Deeded. Mother’s Day weekend/trout fishing for Dad!
$2200. [email protected] or call Faith
------------------------------------------------------/MARRIOTT MANOR CLUB, 2BR-PLATINUM Wk, floating, lock-off, was $24K-80%
off NOW $4800, 5Star. Call 414/6178800
------------------------------------------------------GREENSPRINGS RESORT, 2-2BR, 2ba +,
Wk 39 deeded. 2011 maint fee pd, 2 UNITS
@ PRICE OF ONE! $10,450 OBO. Units A
& B, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------FAIRFIELD WILLIAMSBURG @ KINGSGATE, Williamsburg, 104K Points, 1BR,
1ba, $750, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S MANOR CLUB at FORD’S
COLONY, Williamsburg, Platinum 13-52,
2BR, $2500, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KING’S CREEK PLANTATION, Williamsburg, float, 3BR, 3ba, $4000, 248/6206479, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ALEXANDRIA & WILLIAMSBURG, 105K
+ closing cost & transfer fee. 302/4269019.
------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMSBURG PLANTATION, Week
20, Red, Jamestown, A & B, Both Levels,
$3500, neg. 732/922-0054.
THE RUSHES. Gold Crown Resort. On
Kangaroo Lake. 1,000 ft of shore, plus
100 acre nature preserve. In the heart of
scenic Door County. Very limited number
of resale weeks available. Contact:
Tom Moeller, Starr Realty. 800/661-8555
Email: [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------EAGLE RIVER. Lake Forest Resort
& Club. Where woods & water meet!
Attractive prices, many amenities. II
Resort. Deeded fixed weeks. All 2 BR,
2 bath, sleeps 6. On 28 lake chain, rec.
area w/golf, fitness center w/pool, boat,
fish, hike, bike, snowmobile or X-C ski.
4 forests nearby. Wi Travel Green Certified, Call Marcy: 715/479-2455 x204 or
visit us at www.lakeforestresort.com
-----------------------------------------------------TELEMARK RESORT – Cable, WI $299
Birthplace-American Birkebiener, pet
friendly, RCI floating time resort. Choice of
8 unit styles & color. $299 any unit. Some
Red lakefront units. X-C ski, hike, bike,
ATV/snowmobile from unit. Near national
forest. Adjacent golf course and airport.
Call Marge 715/798-3999 #522 or email
[email protected]
Jan/Feb, 2012
TIMBERS at CHRISTMAS MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, Wisconsin Dells, $7500, 941/7461599, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CHRISTMAS MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, WI
Dells, $18500, Red, Wk 10, cabin, 920/2339739, [email protected]
ALPENLAND – 2 Network Locations: II
MAA & ALR. Price: $1 Plus Fees. Paul at
Nassau. Floating weeks 17-23 & 3949 in a 2 bedroom unit priced at just
$2495! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with
the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------FREEPORT RESORT CLUB, Grand Bahamas, Wk 52, Unit 11O, Prime wk good
for trade $2000, golf, beach,casino nearby.
703/437-6154, leave message.
------------------------------------------------------PREMIUM TIMESHARE at ATLANTIS,
Nassau, Paradise Island. Wk # 17 Platinum
Season. $35,000. Interested parties please
call Rosie [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------CLUB LAND’OR, A Land’Or International
Resort, Nassau, $1000,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------ISLAND RESORT & GOLF CLUB, Freeport, 2BR, 2ba, July Wk. Best Offer. Must
sell, [email protected] or 413/4545306
prime ski week, 1 BR, $1500 OBO, call
Dennis 301/514-6924, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------2 FOR 1 – GEORGIAN MANOR RESORT,
Collingwood, ON & RESORT VILLA VACATION - $25000, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ELKHORN at FALCON CREST, Canmore, Alberta, $8374, 780/962-0908,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WHISTLER VACATION CLUB at LAKE
PLACID LODGE, Whistler, $3000 incl 3
wks to exchg, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ELKHORN at the LODGES, Canmore, Alberta, 2BR, 2ba, Points $15000, 780/4347386, [email protected]
TimeSharing Today
------------------------------------------------------TROPICAL PARADISE! Contact Diane
Nadeau, Broker/Owner, Timeshare
Broker Sales. We are Licensed Brokers,
BBB Accredited, with never an Upfront
Fee. Visit our website, www.TimeshareBrokerSales.com, or call Toll Free today:
------------------------------------------------------BEACH RESORT, 1BR, slps 4, Wk 15,
$3800. Marriott – 2pools, swim-up bar, walk
to casinos, restaurants, 248/926-1309,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------COSTA LINDA, 2BR, 2ba, slps 6, Wks 37
& 38 Oceanfront unit, asking $11,000 per
wk.. 561/451-9214
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH and RACQUET
CLUB 1 bedroom week 13 priced at just
$1995! Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with
the BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------1 BR newly renovated by 2012, Wk 4 at
DIVI VILLAGE, $8500 OBO. 36 wks left
including 10 accel. Wks.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
1BR, 1ba, oceanfront unit, Wk #26 or
floating. Great location along sandy shore
of Eagle Beach. Exceptional snorkeling
& diving Island. $3995. 949/636-1736,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------RENAISSANCE ARUBA RESORT, 1BR
OCEANFRONT #2348, Wk 30-31-32,
$5000/week [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH-RACQUET CLUB,
2BR, 2ba, ocean view, wk 42, Eagle Beach.
LOVELY! $8000, Call Ann 816/452-4409
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA SURF CLUB,
$30000, 303/366-2783,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------DIVI GOLF & BEACH, wk 6, 1BR, slps 4,
close to everything $14500 OBO, 301/6441879, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PLAYA LINDA BEACH RESORT, $30000,
[email protected] or 724/8737677S
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
1BR, poolside, 1st flr, lge patio, Wks 22,
23, 27, 35 & 38; Studios Wks 23, 25, 26,
27, 31, & 35. Studio for $2000, 1BR for
$2250; Winter Wks 14 & 15 for $3000. Call
718/287-4584 or [email protected].
Page 49
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA SURF CLUB, 2BR,
ocean view, gold season, $20000 includes
attorney closing cost & 2012 maint.fee,
[email protected]. or 585/8656245
------------------------------------------------------DIVI GOLF & BEACH, wk 6, 1BR, slps 4,
close to everything. $7000 OBO, 301/6441979, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CARIBBEAN PALM VILLAGE, Unit A101,
1BR/Great Location, poolside, fxd wk 50,
deeded $4500, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH & RACQUET CLUB,
1BR, 1ba unit, $1995. All fees paid. Gerri
949/636-1736 or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA OCEAN CLUB, floating week, winter 1BR, OC view, $15000,
610/252-3290, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LA CABANA BEACH CLUB, 1BR, 1ba,
Wk 7, $15000, 416/398-4306,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------LA QUINTA BEACH RESORT, 2BR, sleeps
4, Wk 39, $4000, 2 pools, walk to beach,
bus stop, restaurants, casino 603/5951954.
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA SURF CLUB, Gold
Week, 2BR, 2ba, oceanfront, $25000 OBO,
[email protected].
Cayman Islands
------------------------------------------------------MORRITT’S TORTUGA CLUB, 1 BR,1ba,
floating wks 1-52, maintenance fees $785,
first use 2012, $1000 asking. Contact Dave
at [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------7 Mile Beach Resort 2 bedroom floating weeks 1-50 priced at just $1650!
Licensed Broker. A+ Rating with the
BBB. 1 year Satisfaction Guarantee
with each purchase! 800-809-6020 or
[email protected]
Dominican Republic
------------------------------------------------------CAYENA BEACH CLUB, $10400, 1
week/26 yrs, [email protected]
or 450/745-1743
St. Lucia
------------------------------------------------------OASIS Marigot, 1 BR, 1 ba, secluded access by boat to units, 5 weeks/year, 2 prime
weeks, rental possible through management co., maint fee $2420/5 weeks, Asking
$4000, Dave at [email protected]
Jan/Feb, 2012
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------PELICAN RESORT Wk 49 red, 1st wk in
Dec, 2BR w/king bds, slps 6, spectacular
views, wonderful location Unit D-10 SatSat. Must sell $2500. 203/206-7305 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PELICAN RESORT, Week 5, Unit M309
studio $6999; Week 6, Unit C13B, 1 BR,
$7850, USA: 860/227-2675, 203/6412586.
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER, Wk 49, Unit 4208, 1
BR, slps 4, Best Offer Over $3600, overlooks pool/ocean. [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SIMPSON BAY RESORT, Wk 5, Unit 211,
1BR Deluxe facing marina, $4500 OBO,
Wk 7, Unit M309 Studio facing ocean
$3000 OBO USA 610/360-6118.
------------------------------------------------------DIVI LITTLE BAY, 1BR, 2ba, slps 4,
very spacious, wk 52, $5000,
------------------------------------------------------FLAMINGO BEACH RESORT, beachfront
2nd fl wks 5, 6 (Sat-Sat), studio, slps 4,
pool, oceanview, 5th fl wk 7 (Sun-Sun)
$3500 per week. Save more on multiple
weeks. Call US owner Richard at 732/9708993. Email [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------THE TOWERS at MULLET BAY, Wk 34,
2BR, 2ba, 3 balconies, $20000,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM Wks 3,4,5,, Unit #8428, 4th
flr end unit with extra windowed dining rm,
exceptional unit-weeks-views $23900.
631/749-5272, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL PALM BEACH CLUB, oceanfront, large 2BR, 2ba, slps 6. Recent
remodel, float week 14-49, $5800. Tom
Waggener 425/582-0410 lv message,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SEA PALACE, Wks 8 & 9 (Sat-Sat) 1BR,
1.5ba, full kitchen, oceanview, $2200
each $4000 both. 802/238-6637,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------FLAMINGO BEACH, deluxe studio, float
wk, renovated, casino & marina, $2800,
[email protected]
Virgin Islands
------------------------------------------------------$950 MAGEN’S POINT RESORT, St
Thomas, slps 3, Tksgvng Wk, Fin Avl,
908/766-2211, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ELYSIAN BEACH RESORT, King Studio, floating Wk (18-51) deeded, $4000,
704/545-8142, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------Place your ad today.
Use the coupon on page 54
TimeSharing Today
40,000 annual points, 913/256-8002, or
email [email protected].
Ca’ de Venezia, flat Emerald, $16,000,
856/392-8915, www.cadevenezia.com,
[email protected].
Cabo San Lucas
------------------------------------------------------Prime units at all PUEBLO BONITO RESORTS and CABO VILLAS BEACH RESORT and VILLA DEL ARCO and VILLA
RESORTS. Studio, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom
prime floating & fixed units starting at
$350+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------I specialize in ALL PUEBLO BONITO
RESORTS in Cabo San Lucas. I have
an extensive inventory of Prime units/
weeks in all unit sizes with prices starting
at $900+. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541
or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR, 1BR, 2ba, winter
season. Must sell $8,750. Contact Ernie.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORT at SUNSET
BEACH, $1, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER, W20, 2 BR, 2ba, 5 Star
Oc/Poolview, sleeps 6, lg balcony, Must
Sell $4900, 937/605-9210
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SUNSET, Red Float, 2 BR, 2ba,
slps 8, 2011 maint fees paid, $4000 OBO,
309/234-5921, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wks 43 & 44, Corner
Villa, Ocean/Pool views. Sell $10,000 ea,
303/987-0727, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 46 UnitJ1039, OV/
PV, SELL $13000, slps 8, 2BR, 2ba, LOCK
OFF, 570/698-9651, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wks 38 & 39, 2BR,
2ba, 5 star, sell $3995 ea, rent $795 each.
Email: [email protected].
Page 50
Cabo San Lucas
------------------------------------------------------THE ROYAL SANDS,
$20000, 770/719-0038,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PARK ROYAL PIRAMIDES, PRESIDENTIAL SUITE, 2ba, balcony, hot tub, tennis,
2 pools, 5K, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wk 22, beach,
ground, $8500, Call Wayne 210/508-1359
or email [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 5-C5308 OV-PV, slps
6, 2BR, 2ba, 5*, daily maid. BEAUTIFUL!
$18000 Ann 816/452-4409. Due to death.
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN LAGUNAMAR OCEAN RESORT, Deluxe studio on beach, even yrs
Wk 16, odd years Wk 46, $6500,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------THE ROYAL SANDS, $22,250,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BLUE PARADISE RESORT & MARINA,
$4000, Red Season, 2 wks, 815/654-9868,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Weeks 1 & 2, conveniently located in the same 9th floor villa,
2BR, 2ba lockout with oceanview. Selling
together for $15,000. Call 989/821-8788.
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER & Caribbean. Multiple
Units-GF/BF/PH, Mult. Weeks: 5-16, 52.
From 9K to 17.5K, 303/268-6438, paul.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KRYSTAL INTERNATIONAL VACATION
CLUB CANCUN, 2BR Suite, $25500,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL ISLANDER, Wk 4, 2BR, 2ba, PV,
OV, full kit, dly maid, slps 6, SELL $9000,
(Rent $900) Wayne 317/695-4877
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 16 & 17 Penthouse,
OV, PV, $1800 ea. Wk 16 available 2012,
Wk 17 in 2013, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL CARIBBEAN, Wk 8, ocean view,
2BR, 2ba, lockoff $8000,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORT, Mazatlan,
$1, 303/530-2211,
[email protected]
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------FISHERMAN’S VILLAGE RESORT, 2BR
UNIT, GOLD, $15000, 619/607-7048, or
[email protected]
Jan/Feb, 2012
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE VILLAGE, studio, 18 red
weeks accelerated. $2500, 630/894-7308,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS:
Prime floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom
WINTER and SUMMER weeks. Annual
Use $350+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or [email protected]
Playa Del Carmen
------------------------------------------------------SANDOS CARACOL BEACH RESORT &
SPA, $25000, 650/307-0877, [email protected]
Puerto Penasco
------------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE, $25000, 623-3882289,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE, Suite, slps 4,
[email protected]
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR: Prime floating
and fixed WINTER/SUMMER Studio, 1,
& 2 bedroom units. Annual Use $350+.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PLAYA DEL SOL COSTA SUR (Costa
Vida)- Dec Wk 49, Rm 1307; Jan Wk 2,
3, 4, 5, Rm 1308, 1BR, fixed time, 20
yrs. $3300 per wk + 2010 dues. 631/3245218
------------------------------------------------------LINDO MAR RESORT… Resales – We
Have Motivated Sellers! Perpetuity membership in Gold Crown® Resort. 1 & 2
bedrooms. All units ocean front. Email
[email protected]
San Jose Del Cabo
------------------------------------------------------CLUB CASA DORADO BEACH & GOLF
RESORT, $3500,
[email protected]
July 14-July 21, 2012, 2BR, 2PR,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------Tell your resort manager and HOA
Board Members about the
Timeshare Board Members
TimeSharing Today
WorldMark Resales
Premier Reseller of WorldMarktheclub
Dozens of Contracts, Thousands of
Satisfied Clients
Timeshare Liquidation Service, LLC
------------------------------------------------------POINTS GALORE! Contact Diane Nadeau, Broker/Owner, Timeshare Broker
Sales. We are Licensed Brokers, BBB
Accredited, with never an Upfront Fee.
Visit our website, www.TimeshareBrokerSales.com, or call Toll Free today:
------------------------------------------------------$2700 WORLDMARK (Trendwest) 7000
pts yrly., plus 14,000 banked points. 30+
Properties in Hawaii, California, Canada,
Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, etc. Premier
perpetual pts, never expire. Yrly Main.
Fee $474. Will listen to all offers. $2900
ea. Aquamarine Villas, Oceanside, CA.
3-1 week spacious Seabreeze 1BR unit, 1
block from beach, grant deed, Yrly Main.
Fee $585, Property Tax $27. Purchase
one, two, or all three. Will listen to all offers.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SANDS BEACH CLUB, Myrtle Beach, 2BR,
oceanfront, Wk 16, mk offer & GATLINBURG TOWN SQ, Wk 26. 252/492-7802,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------Save 40 to 70% off Hilton Grand Vacation
Club units. I am an Accredited Buyers
Representative. and will be happy to
represent you in the purchase of a Hilton
unit. No Buyer’s fee. If you would like to
be put on my Best Buy list send an email
to [email protected]. You may call me
at 1-800-541-5666 ext 622 or my cell at
407-921-0000. Visit: www.JudiKoz.com
------------------------------------------------------HSI MEMBERSHIP + 70 Breakaway wks
for 21 yrs, $2200, transfer fee pd, 303/6976189, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------8000 VACATION POINTS. 25 LOCATIONS
ACROSS USA. The choice to do what you
want. That’s what makes BLUE GREEN
RESORTS so different. Unlike other programs, this club is a flexible, real-estate
based ownership plan that allows you to
customize your Vacation Points. $6999
OBO. [email protected] or 570/6871003
------------------------------------------------------DIAMOND RESORTS-10,000 PTS usable all locations. $5000. 520/299-9176,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------50,000 GEOHoliday Plus Points a year.
613/547-9854, [email protected]
Page 51
$1900 WORLDMARK, 6000 credits annually from Dec 01 plus 3400 banked credits
access to over 60 resorts-west coast and
mountains. Maint. $500, p.a. offers to
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------CLUB LA COSTA, EUROPEAN LOCATIONS – GOLD 1500 PTS gives you 2
WKS WORLDWIDE. Save pts up to 3 yrs!
$5000, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE, DAYTONA BCH, LAKELAND, DOM. REPUBLIC, 2BR, slps 6,
Float Wk $3,000. 772/221-1597.
------------------------------------------------------OVER 100 QUALITY TIMESHARE WEEKS
IN MANY STATES. HI, CA, FL, AZ, CO. Below lowest advertised price. 218/285-2972,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ROYAL HOLIDAY CLUB POINTS, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, $8000, 603/8934051, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------112,000 WYNDHAM POINTS-CAN USE
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LUXXE RESIDENCE CLUB, 3000
sq, 2BR, 2.5ba, 2 decks, TVRm, slps 8, 16
rounds golf/wk inc. Nuevo Vallarta, Playa
Del Carmen & More. 2 Wks for 100yr + 1
Wk for 10yr. All Float 94,900 Sale Fees
Paid, HIS Membership Incl. 440/653-9151,
[email protected]
LONDON BRIDGE RESORT, LAKE HAVASU: Prime 1 and 2 bedroom Lakeview suites. $100+ per day. Contact Tony
for details at (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
$1295. 2 BR, slps 6-8, lic Calif RE Bkr/Realtor 760/294-0073, www.calresale.com
------------------------------------------------------SUITES AT FISHERMAN’S WHARF, San
Francisco, waterfront location while attending US GOLF OPEN in S.F. (June 10-17).
Spacious 1BR, slps 4, kitchen, atrium
courtyard. Wk $1600. Gary 925/938-5454,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SNOW LAKE LODGE, Big Bear Lake,
$895, [email protected] 805/3224656
Jan/Feb, 2012
FOUR SEASONS Residence Club
Aviara, Carlsbad.
1 BR Standalone or 2 BR lockoff
Platinum or Gold Reservations
Seven nights Starting from
$1495 - $3995
Contact Viccie at TRIWEST
----------------------------------------------------HARBORTOWN POINT Marina Resort
and Club, Ventura.
Mariner-Studio / Voyager-1BR /
Islander-1BR lockoff
Prime or High Reservations
Seven nights Starting from $399 - $995
Contact TRIWEST at 800/423-6377
------------------------------------------------------TAHOE SEASONS RESORT, South
Lake Tahoe, $1795, 805/322-4656,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------TAMARACK BCH RESORT, Carlsbad
$2995, July 13-20, Ocean View, #332,
2BR, 2ba, 760/746-2884 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BIG BEAR LAKE: Prime 1 and 2 bedroom
LAKE LODGE. $100+ per day. Contact
Tony for details at (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------LAGUNA BEACH: I rent out PRIME units
on a daily and/or weekly basis at LAGUNA SHORES RESORT for $100+ per day.
Contact Tony for details at (714)841-4541
or [email protected]
----------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE: RIDGE TAHOE RESORT.
I rent out Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units
in all buildings on a daily and/or weekly
basis for $100+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or [email protected]
THE WREN, Vail, $1400, Wk #12, 1BR,
2ba, slps 6, [email protected] or 608/9858378
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LODGE ON PEAK 7, Breckenridge, $3000, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------THE WREN, Vail, Wk 3, from 1/21/12,
1BR, 2ba, $1400, +61439898898,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------APOLLO PARK @ VAIL, Vail, 1BR, 1ba,
3/23/12-3/30/12, $895, 803/345-1845,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------APOLLO PARK at VAIL, Vail, holiday &
ski season from $1000/week.
[email protected]
TimeSharing Today
Atlantic Coast
------------------------------------------------------COCOA BEACH SEAGULL BCH CLUB,
1 & 2 BR Oc, pool, Jan-Apr $500-$700/wk
586/757-5156, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEAN POINTE, Palm Beach
Shores, $1175, studio, 1ba, 2/17/12 2/24/12, 631/751-5491
-----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT BEACH PLACE, “SPECIAL
AIR SHOW WK” in Ft Lauderdale, 4/285/05, right across from beach! $2500, Call
954/673-6328 or [email protected].
-----------------------------------------------------SEA GARDENS, Pompano Beach, oceanfront studio, slps 4, 2/3-10, 2012, $750,
-----------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM SANTA BARBARA, Pompano
Beach, $1100, [email protected] Oor
-----------------------------------------------------PERRENNIAL VACATION CLUB @ Daytona Beach, 2BR on the beach, 4/7/2012,
$750, 805/712-5684, or
[email protected]
Gulf Coast
-----------------------------------------------------CLUB REGENCY- MARCO ISLAND,
Ocean Front, 2 B/R, 2 BA, Sleeps 6. Weeks
4 & 5, ( 1/28/12 - 2/4/12) and (2/4/12 2/11/12). $ 1200/week or both for $ 2200
OBO. Email [email protected] or call
-----------------------------------------------------SHELL ISLAND BEACH CLUB, Sanibel
Island, Wk 52, handicap accessible, on
beach, $2000, 828/296-0705
-----------------------------------------------------CLUB REGENCY, Marco Island, Wk 15
(4/14-4/21) 2BR, 2ba, on beach, $1950,
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------SURF CLUB RESORT, Marco Island,
$1000, Feb-July weeks, 2BR, 2ba, 617/4488894, [email protected]
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------CYPRESS POINTE RESORT, Lake
Buena Vista, $750, 3BR, 3ba, full K, W/D,
586/268-3229, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------BAY LAKE TOWER at DISNEY’s CONTEMPORARY RESORT, 1BR condo,
$2250, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WORLDMARK at Orlando, $1000,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM BONNET CREEK RESORT, in
Disney, starting @ $495/wk, 757/404-0238,
[email protected]
Page 52
Orlando Area
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWERS, Kissimmee,
$1050, 440/259-5729,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------GRAND LAKE RESORT, Kissimmee,
$500, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE TOWN CENTER, Kissimmee, $875, [email protected]
or 615/382-0516,
------------------------------------------------------VACATION VILLAGE at PARKWAY, Kissimmee, $1200, [email protected] or
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES RESORT & SPA,
Wk 52, $500, studio, 941/585-9599,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------ORANGE LAKE COUNTRY CLUB,
Kissimmee, 2BR, 2ba, $1600,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WESTGATE LAKES RESORT & SPA,
Wk 27, 3BR, 3ba, $1200, 501/317-8973,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SHERATON VISTANA RESORT, 2BR,
2ba, slps 8, $995, EASTER WK, Wk 14,
803/641-7051, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE VISTA, $1750, EASTER WEEK 2012, 4/6-4/13, 2BR, 2ba, full
kit, [email protected]
bedroom, 2 bath, Oceanfront, corner,
end units located directly on the Sandy,
Safe, Swimmable, Rock-Free Beach of
Kahana on Maui. $1400 weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------SANDS OF KAHANA: 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units on the beach at this fine
oceanfront resort on Maui. $1,050+
weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT’S MAUI OCEAN CLUB: 1
bedroom, 2 bath, PLATINUM OCEANFRONT suites. $2,450+ weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
---------------------------------------------------MAUI RENTALS: PRIME units at MARRIOTT, KAHANA BEACH VACATION
CLUB, and SANDS OF KAHANA Resorts from $1050+ weekly. Contact Tony
for details at (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------Place your ad today!
Jan/Feb, 2012
& 2 BR condos available for 2012. Prices
starting at $1000 per week. 808/7420185
------------------------------------------------------MAUI SCHOONER, 2 Wks, anytime in
2011, 2 BR, slps 6, oceanfrt. Full kit. $2200,
tennis, 615/776-1976
------------------------------------------------------EASTER WK 2012 at KONA COAST RESORT, 2 weeks, 2BR, 2ba, Suite, slps 6,
April 7 to April 21, 2012. $1000 per week.
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------WYNDHAM at WAIKIKI BEACH WALK,
Honolulu, Oahu, starting @ $795/wk,
757/404-0238, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT MAUI OCEAN CLUB, Lahaina,
661/255-5404, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KUHIO BANYAN CLUB, Waikiki, Oahu
$650, PRO-BOWL Time. City Bus 760/7381561, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------KONA COAST RESORT II, Kailua-Kona, $1150, [email protected] or
RESORT, 2BR, 2ba, dlx 3/30-4/2 2012
4 nights, $1000 [email protected] or
OAK ‘N SPRUCE, South Lee, Wk 52
(12/24/11), 3BR, 3ba, $1000, Great School
Vacation! 413/525-4325, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------OAK ‘N SPRUCE, South Lee, Wk 53
(12/31/11), 3BR, 3ba, $1000, 413/5254325, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------SANDCASTLE RESORT, Provincetown,
studio, Wk 31, $700 slps 4, also 1BR, Wk
32, $1000, slps 6, beach, 2 pools, tennis,
Contact Tom, 860/989-5685,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------OAK ‘N SPRUCE RESORT, South Lee,
Weeks 3 & 4, $700, 978-794-4415,
[email protected]
51, 2BR, 2ba, $2200,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------We do value your support.
Keep your subscription active!
TimeSharing Today
Stateline … 2 BR
Rental Inventory available/requestable
Wks 1-52
Seven nights Starting from
$399 - $1100
Contact TRIWEST at 800/423-6377
------------------------------------------------------LAS VEGAS DESERT CLUB CONDOS.
Gold Crown, gated, patios, RCI pts available. [email protected] or 510/5313023 PST
------------------------------------------------------POLO TOWERS, 2BR, Wk 14, $1100,
JOCKEY CLUB, 1BR, Wk 9, $800, Patrick
216/575-1560 or [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------THE RIDGE TAHOE, Stateline, $950, 2BR,
2ba, 08/03-08/10/2012, 760/930-9131,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------POLO TOWERS. On The Strip in Las
Vegas. ALL Towers at the Polo Towers.
Prime 1 and 2 bedroom SUITES and
VILLAS. $100+ per day. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------LAKE TAHOE: RIDGE TAHOE RESORT.
I rent out Prime 1 and 2 bedroom units
in all buildings on a daily and/or weekly
basis for $100+. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or [email protected]
2, & 3 BR condos. Oceanfront/oceanside.
Duck to Hatteras. 252/441-2134. www.
------------------------------------------------------OUTER BANKS, NC 2 BR & 3 BR &
MYRTLE BEACH SC, 2 BR, 919/3871228 www.mycarolinavacations.com or
------------------------------------------------------SWISS MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, Blowing
Rock, Wk 49, 1.5BR, 1.5ba, $249/wk,
[email protected].
VILLAS @ TREETOPS, Bushkill, Wks
4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,46,51, 3BR, 2.5ba,
$900, [email protected]
Page 53
Jan/Feb, 2012
2BR, 2ba, $1400/wk 2012 Summer! Laura:
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT GRANDE OCEAN, Hilton
Head Island, 11/20-11/26/2011, Oceanfront, 2BR, 2ba, $2000, 336/423-6146,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT OCEANWATCH VILLAS @
GRANDE DUNES, Myrtle Beach, 11/2512/02/11, Oceanfront, 2BR, 2ba, $2000,
336/423-6146, [email protected].
------------------------------------------------------WATERSIDE by SPINNAKER, Hilton Head,
2 units, $1500 ea 07/07-07/14/2012, 2BR,
2ba villa, golf, tennis included, 905/6646081, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT BARONY BEACH CLUB,
Hilton Head Island, March 25- Apr 01,
2012, $1725, [email protected] or
Alberta, 2BR Mountain View, $1000,
8/27/11, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MOUNTAINSIDE LODGE, Whistler, British Columbia, $1500, 859/333-8757,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------CARRIAGE RIDGE RESORT, Barrie,
Ontario, 1BR, $1050, 905/853-9467,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE BEACH VILLAS, Wk 2 High,
2BR, 2ba, slps 6, pool, ocean, $1100/wk,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------MARRIOTT ARUBA SURF CLUB, 1/302/6, 2012, $2200, 2BR, 2ba, 2kit, 845/2169288, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE EAGLE BEACH, oceanfront,
2BR, 2ba, 2 bal, Sat-Sat full kit dly maid
svc slps 6. Wks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 52.
610/275-9428, [email protected]
WESTGATE SMOKY MOUNTAINS, Gatlinburg, $700/wk negotiable, All year 1BR.
[email protected] or 910/417-8676,
------------------------------------------------------MOUNTAIN LOFT RESORT, Gatlinburg,
02/13/2012-02/17/2012, $350, 205/6462219, [email protected]
$2200, Wk # 3, 2BR, 2ba on slope,
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------THE CLIFF CLUB at SNOWBIRD, Snowbird, $3400, Wk # 13, 732/438-9737,
[email protected].
4BR, 4ba lockout, $1500 or 2BR, 2ba
up-$850, 2BR, 2ba down, $900, 817/2700958, [email protected]
JACKSON HOLE RACQUET CLUB, Jackson, 2BR, 2ba, $600, May13-20, 2012 near
Yellowstone. [email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------Put TimeSharing Today in touch with
your resort manager and HOA.
Send contact information to:
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------PARADISE BEACH. 1 & 2 BR. Wks
51+52+1+3+4+5+8+9+31+32+ SALE. La
Quinta, 1 BR. Poolside, Wk 11, Casa Del
Mar 27+28. Call: 941/343-1088
Cayman Islands
------------------------------------------------------GRAND CAYMANIAN, Wk 49, 1BR Villa,
slps 4, full kit, wash/dry, beachft, pool, rest.,
$950, [email protected]
St. Maarten
------------------------------------------------------SIMPSON BAY (Pelican) Wk 5, 2BR lockout, Each unit slps 4 - $1200,
[email protected].
------------------------------------------------------SIMPSON BAY (Pelican) 3/25-4/1 (SunSun), 1BR, slps 4, $850, 352/399-5167,
[email protected]
Virgin Islands
------------------------------------------------------WESTIN ST JOHN RESORT VILLAS,
Wk 22, studio, $1200, 631/321-4460,
[email protected]
Take $3 off
When you send this coupon
with your subscription order.
TimeSharing Today
We value your support.
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Offer expires 2/28/12
TimeSharing Today
-----------------------------------------------------MAYAN PALACE ACAPULCO, $700 p/
studio for April 7-14, 2012,
[email protected]
Cabo San Lucas
-----------------------------------------------------Prime units at all PUEBLO BONITO
GROUP RESORTS. Studio, 1, 2, and 3
bedroom units are all available. $700+
weekly. Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
---------------------------------------------------PUEBLO BONITO RESORTS: PRIME
suites at ALL Pueblo Bonito Resorts from
$700+ weekly. Contact Tony: (714)8414541 or [email protected]
----------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL ARCO RESORT: PRIME
suites from $900+ weekly. Contact
Tony: (714)841-4541 or at
[email protected]
----------------------------------------------------MEDANO BEACH RENTALS: From 700+
weekly. Contact Tony at (714)841-4541 or
at [email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------CLUB CASCADAS DE BAJA, 1BR, $795,
949/322-4016, [email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------PLAYA GRANDE RESORT,
1BR, 2ba, $1105,
-----------------------------------------------------ROYAL SANDS, Wk 48, 2BR, Corner Unit
overlooking Caribbean Sea, SELL $9,950
OBO, RENT $890, 416/201-9208.
-----------------------------------------------------HYATT CANCUN CARIBE RESORT,
$1400, [email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------BEACH PALACE/PALACE RESORT, 1BR,
$900, $750 voucher, email for more extras,
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------MOON PALACE/PALACE RESORT,
$2500, $750 money, 50% off golf, private
dinner, [email protected]
------------------------------------------------------CORAL PRINCESS CLUB, $850,
[email protected]
Page 54 ****************************
Nuevo Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS: Prime
floating Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom, WINTER and SUMMER suites. $700+ weekly.
Contact Tony: (714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR FLAMINGOS, 5*, Wk
7, oceanfrnt, 3BR, 4ba, slps 10, (6 beds),
$3000 OBO, Rikkii 415/389-6577, 415/5151096, [email protected]
Puerto Vallarta
------------------------------------------------------VILLAS LOMA LINDA, $700,
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------VILLA DEL PALMAR: Prime Oceanfront
Resort. $700+ weekly. Contact Tony:
(714)841-4541 or
[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------OCHO CASCADAS, 2BR with pool,
$1260, 949/322-4016,
[email protected]
Any location. $700/wk + fees. Contact
[email protected] for details.
No Up Front Fees
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------------------------------------------------------NEED A CLOSING AGENT?
Prominent Florida attorney
with over 20 years experience.
Call the office of Jeffrey C. Sweet & ask
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------------------------------------------------------WANT OUT OF 5-STAR QUALITY
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Travel Without The Hassles. Learn More
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------------------------------------------------------“RCI POINTS USER GUIDE” – Tips, Tricks
and Secrets. Buy on Amazon or send email
to [email protected].
Jan/Feb, 2012
------------------------------------------------------FESTIVA MANAGEMENT GROUP Offering professional turn-key HOA management services and cosulting. Currently
managing 25+ HOA’s accross the US and
Caribbean. Specializing in reducing bad
debt and prividing additional revenue
streams for HOA’s www.festiva.travel/fmg
Contact: Scott Styron @ sstyron@festiva.
travel or 828-254-3378 ext. 4362
------------------------------------------------------NEW BOOK ON TIMESHARES AVAILABLE! Order “Used Timeshares” from
Amazon.com, BN.com or at
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