HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY W A.SBINGTON, DC rio ·F~brua.ry- 1974 GENERAL ORDERS! No.6 Seeilon MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION-------- ------ - - -- - ------- ---REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM GALLANTRY CROSS UNI'£ CITATION •. _---- -REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM CIVIL ACTIONS MEDAL UNIT CITATION______ I II ill· l ••. . MEBITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION. By direction of the Secretary of the Army, under the provisions oi paragraphs 194 and 203, AR 672- 5- 1, the Merito1~us Unit Commendation is confirmed for the followingnamed units for exceptionally meritorious achievemont in the pedormanc.e of out.standing service during the periods indicated as awarded by cited authority. 1. HEADQUARTERS AND HEADQUARTERS COMPANY, 1ST SIGNAL BRIGADE and its attached tmits: Communications Systems Engilleering and Management .Agency (For tho period 1 July 1970 to 1 July 1972) Southeast Asia T elephone Manag~ment Ag.ell6y (F-or me pe1·iod 1 July 1970 to AugllSt 1971) 56th Public Information Detachment (For tho p eriod 1 July 1970 to 20 Mn.rch 1972) Army Communications Operations Center For the period 1 July 1970 t<> 1 J uly 1972 as announced in United States Army Vietnam/MACV Support Command General Orders 693, 1973 2. 7TH RADIO RESEARCH FIELD STATION For the period 1 Oct<>ber 1971 to 31 DeeeJ.Jlber 1972 as announced in United States .Army, Pacific General Orders 266, 1973 as amend~ by United States Army, Pacific General Orders 293, 1973. 3. HEADQUARTERS .AND HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT, 18TH MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE and its assigned units: 46th Military History D etachment 284th :Military Police Company For the period 1 Novemb er 1968 to 1 April 1971 as announced in United States Axm:y Vietnam General Orders 1736, 1971. 4. 20TH PREVENTIVE MEDICINE UNIT For tbe period 1 January 1971 to 81 January 1!)78 as announced in United States .Army, Pacific General Orders 26~ i1)78. 6. 25TH ADMINISTRATION COMPANY For the period 1 Jmu1!l'y 1970 t<> 3 December 1970 as O.llllounced in United States Army Vietnam General Orders 6~3, 1971. 6. 25Tl1 MILITARY INTEIJ..JGENCE COMPANY For the :period l August 1969 to 31 October 1970 as announced in United States Army Vietnru:n Generol Orders 898, 1971. 7. 67TH EVACUATION HOSPITAL For the period 1 J"UD.e 1972 to 28 M&l'ch 1973 as announced in United Stat-es Army, Pacific General Orders 260, 1973. TAOO 4UA- ll'cbruary M0-472" -H 1 GO 6 8. 90'l'H R EPLACEMENT BATTALION and its assigned unit: 178th Replacement Company For the period 1 May 1972 to 28 March 1973 as announced in United States Army, Pacific General Orders 261, 1973. 9. CENTRAL PRISONER OF WAR CAMP ADVISORY DETACHMENT For the period 1 May 1972 to 21 March 1973 as announced in United States Army, Pacific General Orders 254, 1973. 10. COMSEC LOGISTICS SUPPORT CENTER and its assigned units: Special COMSEC Support Detachment 2d COMSEC Logistics Support Unit (For the period 1 April 1971 to 28 December 1971) 5th COMSEC Logistics Support Unit 6th COMSEC Logis~cs Support Unit (For the..period 1 April 1971 to 5 November 1971) 7th COMSEC Logistics Support Unit (For the period 1 April 197.1 to 4 February 1972) For the period 1 April 1971 to 1 Aprll 1972 as announced in United States Army, Pacific General Orders 267, 1973. 11. DEFENSE COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY, REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM REGION For the period 1 June 1972 to 10 March 1973 as announced in United States Army, Pacific General Orders 253, 1973. 12. MILITARY ASSIS'J'ANCE COMMAND, VIETNAM, ORDNANCE ADVISORY DIVISION For the period 1 April 1972 to 5 March 1973 as 8JlDounced in United States Army, Pacific General Orders 263, 1973. 13. UNITED STATES ARMY HOSPITAL, SAIGON and its attached units: 57th Medical Detachment 345th Medical Detachment For the period 31 May 1972 to 28 March 1973 as announced in United States Army, Pacific General Orders 262, 1973. II____ REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM GALLANTR Y CROSS UNIT CITATION. 1. 'The award of the Gallantry Cross Unit Citation by the Republic of Vietnam to the uuits listed below is con,&rmed. 2. With Palm for service from 1 January 1969 to 30 September 1970. 1ST AVIATION BRIGADE (THIRD AWARD) and its assigned and attached units: Headquarters and Headquarters 'Dr()op, 3d Squadron, 17 Co.vah-y Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 7th SquadroJ1, 1st Cavalry Headquarters a.nd Headquarters Troop, 7th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Headquarters and Headquarters Company, lOth Aviation Battalion H eadquarters ana Headquarters Company, 11th Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 12th Aviation Group Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 13th Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 17th Aviation Group Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 52d Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, !45th Aviation Battalion 2 TAGO 463A GO 6 H eadquarters and Headqua:l'ters Company, 164thAviatiori. Group Headquarters and Headquar ters Company, 1'65th Aviation Group Headquarters and H eadquarters Company, 210th· Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Compan y, 212th Aviation Battalion H eadquarters and Headquarters Company, 214th Aviation Battalion Headqutu:ters and H eadquarters Company, 222d Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Compmy, 223d Aviation Battalion H eadquarters and H eadquarLors Company, 268th .A:viati.on Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 269ili. Aviation Battalion Headqwll'tcrs and Headquarters Company, 307th Aviation Battalion 3d Signal Detachment 5th Aviation Detachment 5th Quartermaster Detachment 8th Military History Dotacbn1ent 8th Medical Detachment 12th Public Information Detaclunont 13th Security Deta-chment 25th Medical Detachment 41st Medical DeLachment 52d Security Detachment 52d Qutu'tcrmaster Detachment 53d Quartermaster Detachment 58th Aviation Detachment 59th Signal Detachment 62d Quartermaster Detachment 68th Infantry Detachment 69th Iniantry Detachment 78th Field Artillery Detachment 83d Medical Detachment 85th Medical Detachment 87th Quartermaster Detachmen t 93d Medical Detachment 129th Medical Detaehment 134th Medical Detachment 163d Medical Detachment 197th. Medical Detachment 238th Signal D etachment 262d Field Artillery Detachment 286th Medical Detachment 312th Aviation Detachment 313th Aviation Detachment 314th Aviation Detachment 315th Aviation D etachment 316th Aviation Det achment 317th Aviation Detachment 318th Aviation Detachment 319th Aviation Detachment 320th Aviation Detachment 32lst Avia lion Detachment 322d Aviation Detachment 323d .Aviation Detachment GO 6 324th Aviation D etachment 325th Aviation Detachment 326th Aviation D etachment 327th Aviation D etachiDent 338th Aviation Detachment 339th Aviation D etachment 340th Aviation D etachment 341st Aviation Detachment 342d Aviation D etachment 343d Aviation Detachment 344th Aviation Detachment 345th Aviation D etachment 346th Aviation D etachment 347th Aviation Detachment 348th Aviation Detachment 359th Aviation Detachment 360th Aviation Detachment 361th Aviation Detachment 362d Aviation D etachment 363d Aviation D etachment 364th Aviation Detachment 365th Aviation Detachment 366th Aviation D etachment 94th Medical Detachment 130th Medical Detachment !45th Security Platoqn 193d Medical D etachment 198th Medical Detachment 261st Field Artillery D etachmeL 267th Field Artillery D etachment 269th Field Artillery Detachment 288th Signal Detachment 369th Transportation Detachment 370th Transportation Detachment 371st Transportation Detachment 390th Quartermaster D etachn:i.ent · 391st Quartermaster Detachment 412th Transportation Detachment 414th Signal Detachment 430th Medical D etachment 431st Medical D etachment 432d Medico.} D etachment 433d Medical D etachment 519th Medical Detachment 520th Detachment 534th Medical D etachment 541st Medical Detachment 546th Medical D etachment 568th Transportation D etachment 569tb Transportation Detachment 575th Transportation Detachment 4' TA.GO 463A. GO 6 576lh 'l'J:ausportation D eta.chme:at 587th Transportation Detachment 62lst Signal D etachment 652d Transportation D etachment 662d '.I'ransportation D etachment 665th Transportation D etachment 755th Medical Detachment 756th Medical Detachment 758th Medical Detachment 759th Medical D etachmen.t 772cl Medical Detachment 774t.h Medical Detachment 811 th Signal Detachment 812th Signal Detachment 813th Signal D etachment 816th Signal Detachment 819th Signal Detachment 3. With Palm for service from 1 October 1970 through 31 August 1972. IST AVIATION BRIGADE and its sub01·diuate and attached units: Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 3d Squadron, 17th Cavah·y Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 7th Squadren, 1st Oavah:y Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 7th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Headquarters and Headqua.J.·ters Company, lOth Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 11th Aviation Group Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 11th Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 12th Aviation Group Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 13 th Aviation Battalion Headquarters and H ef!.dquarters Company, 14th Transportation :Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 17't h Aviation G;roup Headquarters and H eadquarters Company, 34th Genentl S~pport Group Headquart-ers and Headquarters Company, 52d Avi~tion Batudion Hen.dqua;rters and Headquarters Company, 58th Transportation :Ba.t·talion Headqua.r ters and Headquarters Company, !45th Aviation 13attalion Headquarters and H eadquarters Company, 164th Aviation Group Headquarters and Headquartel's Company, 165th Aviation Group Headquarters and Headquru·ters Company, 210tli Aviation Battalion HeadquSJ.·ters and H ea.dquartei'S Company, 2l2th Aviation B attalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 214th Aviation Battali1>n Headquarters and H eadquarters Company; 22Zd Aviation B attalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 223"d Aviation Battalion Headquro:ters and Headquarters Company, 268th Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 307th Aviation Battalien Headquarters and Headquaxtm·s Company, 5201'h Trnn.qpottation Battalion H ead.quarters and H eadquarters Company, 765th Transportation Battalion United States Army Aviation Material Management Center Headquarters and Headquarters COII1pany, 307tll Air Traffic Control Battalion · 3d Signal D etachment 5th Aviation D etachment 8th ~filitacy History Detachment GO 6 12th Public Information D etachment 13th Security Detachment 25th Medical Detachment 41st ~t[edical Detachment 52d Quartermaster Detachment 53d Quartermaster Detachment 58th Aviation Detachment 59th Signal Detachment 62d Quartermaster Detachment 68th Infantry Detachment 69ih Infantry Detachment 78th Field Artillery Detachment 83d MedicalDetachinent 85th Medicali>etachment 87th Quartermaster Detachment 93d Medical Detachment 94th MedicalDeta~hment 129thMedicalDetachment 130th Medical D eta.chinent 134th Medical Detachment 145th Security Platoon 163d Meqical Detachment 166th Maintenance Detachment 193d Medical Detachment 197th Medical Detachment 198th Medical Detachment 238th Signal Detachment 26lst Field Artillery Detachment 268th Medical D etachment 312th Aviation Detachment 313th Aviation Det3.Chment 315th Aviation Detachment 316th Aviation D etachment 318th Aviation D etachment 32lst Aviation D etachment 322d Aviation Detachment 339th Aviation Detachment 340th Aviation Detachment 344th Aviation Detachment 345th Aviation D etachment 346th Aviation D etachment 361st Aviation D etachment 36~d Aviation Detachment 363d Aviation Detachment 365th Aviation D etachment 390th Quartermaster Detachment 391st Quartermaster Detachment 430th Medical D etachment 431st Medical Detachment 432d Medical D etachment 433d Medical D etachment 6 TAGO 463A GO.·& 519th. Medical Detachment 54 1st Medical Detachment 546th Medical Detachment 621st Signal Detachment 759th Medical D etachment 772d Medical Detachment 174th Medical Detacbmeat 4. With Pnhn ior service hom 15 Oett>:lrer }96!:1 t& 11 J"'Anuary; l9'ltt. lOTH AVIATION BATTALION and its suborE!iB.iLte> lJ.mfis: 48th Aviation Company 92d Aviation Company !55th Aviation Company 281st Aviation Company 192d .Aviation Company 243d Aviation Company 5. With Palm for service from 29 September 196& to 28 March 1973. 18TH MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE and the followfug subordinate units: 8th 1\IIilitary Police Group 16th Military Police Group 89tll Military Police Group 92d Military Police Battalion 93d Military Police Battalion 95th Military Police Battalion 97th Military Police Battalion 504th Military Police. Battalion 716th }lliii.tary Police Battalion 720th Military Police. Battalion 284th Military Police Company 458th T:ransportation Company 46th Military History D etaellment G. With Palm for service .from 1 April1911 to.36June 1971. 23D INFANTRY DIVISION (SECOND AWARD)'bordinate. units: Headquffi'tem .a.nd. Headquaitro.>s. Troop, 1st .Squadr0n,. 1st. Cavalcy Headqumrtem a.nd H~dqua.rte1-s Cempm:J.y.. 1st Bat~alion,. 6.tb. Infantry Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 14th Artillery Headquarters and Headquarters Company. 1st, Battalion~ 20th Imantry Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 46th hl.fantry Heauqullt'tffi'S and Hoo.dqwu-t~ Qompany, l at. Ba.tta.lion, 52d Infantry Headquarters and Headquart&-s 0t>Dl.p3lly, 4th Battalion, 3Jst Infantry Troop- F ~ 8th Cavnley lOth Public Information D etachment. HeadquarteJ.'S and Headquarters Company, 16th Aviation Group 23d Administ;ration Company H eadquarters and Headquarters Company,, 23d.. Supply and TrallSport Battalion Company B. 23d Medical Battalion 48th Infantry Platoon 87th Chemical Detachment 90th Chemical D etachment 23d Military Police Company TAGO 4G3A 7 GO 6 Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 82d Artillery Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry 3d Military History Detachment Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 1st Infantry 71st Aviation Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 14th Aviation Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 3d Battalion, 18th Artillery Headquarters and H eadquarters Battery, 3d B attalion, 16th Artillery 27th Chemical Detachment 335th Transportation Company 132d Aviation Company 116th Aviation Company 174th Aviation Company I 76th Aviation Company 756th Medical D etachment 178th Aviation Company 300th Military Police Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 11th Infantry Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 6th B attalion, 11th Artillery Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 23d Medical Battalion Hoa.dquarters and Headquarters Company, 26th Engineer Battalion 57th Infantry Platoon 59th Infantry Platoon 63d Infantry Platoon Company G, 75th Infantry Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 123d Aviation Battalion Company E, 723d Maintenance Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 3d Battalion, 82d Artillery Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Battalion, 3d Infantry 534th Medical Detachment 31st Public Information D etachment Troop H, 17th Cavalry Headquarters and Headquarters Company, !96th Infantry Brigade Headquarters and S:eadquarters Company, 198th Infantry Brigade Troop F, 17th Cavalry 251st Field Artillery Detachment 252d Field Artillery Detachment Headquarters and Headquarters D etachment, 523d Signal Battalion Military Intelligence D etachment Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 723d Maintenance Battalion 328th Radio Research Company Battery G, 55th Artillery 23d Infantry Combat Center (Prov) 362d Aviation D etachment Task Force, 23d Cavalry (Prov) 7. With Palm for service from 1 March 1971 to 9 October 1971 XXIV CORPS and its subordinate units: 24th Public Information Detachment 29th Civil Affairs Company 8 TAGO 463A G0. 6 31st Military History D etachment 48th Chemical Detachment 108th Transportation Company 204th Military Intelligence D etachment 2d Platoon, Company B, 504th Military Police B attalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 11th Aviation Group 212th Aviation Battalion 7th Psychological Operations Battalion 437th Dental Detachment 37th D etachment, 5th Weather Squadron, United States .Air F orce 1st B attalion, 44th Artillery Battery G, 29th Artillery Battery G, 65th Artillery 2d Battalion, 94th Artillery 250th Field Artillery R adar D etachment Battery F, 26th Artillery 235th Field Artillery R adar Detachment 239th Field Artillery R adar D etachment 240th Field Artillery Radar Detachment 245th Field Artillery Radar D etachment 274th Field Artillery Radar Detachment H eadquarters and Headquarters Battery, 108th Artillery Group 8th B attalion, 4th Artillery 1st B attalion, 39th Artillery 1st Battalion, 83d Artillery lOlst Airborne Division 1st Battalion 327th Infantry 2d Battalion, 327th Infantry 2d Battalion 502d Infantry 42d Infantry Platoon 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry 2d Battalion, 501st Infantry (less Company .A.) 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry 3d B attalion, 506th Infantry 47th Infantry Platoon 3d Battalion, 187th I nfantry 1s t B a.ttalion, 506th Infantry 2d Battalion, 506th Infantry 58th Infantry Battery A, 377th .A.rtillety 650th Transportation Detachment 266th Field .Artillery Detachment 2d Battalion, 11th Artillery 2d B attalion,- 319th Artillery 2d Batt.ali.on, 320th Artillery 1st Battalion, 321st .Artillery 4th Battalion, 77th Artillery 268th Transportation D etachment 331st Transportation Detachment 388th Transportation D etachment Headquarters and Headquarters Company, lOlst Aviation Group T..WO 46SA 9 GO 6 lOlst Aviation B attalion 499th Transportation D etn.cbment 510th Transportation D etachment 516th Transportation D etachment 527th Transportation Detachment 158th A-viation Ba.ttalion 159th 'l):ansportation Detachment I 68th Transportation Detachment 169th Transportation Detachment 273d 'll·nnsportation D etachment 159t.h Aviation Battalion 325th Aviation D etachmen t 478th Aviation Company 625th Transportation Detachment 327th Transportation D etachment 649 th Tra.n sportation Detachment 163d Aviation Company 530th Transportation Detachment 359th Aviation D etachment 5th Transportation D etachment 326th Medical Battalion 426th Supply and Service Battalion 801st MaintenAnce Battalion lOlst Administration Company 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalary 333d r.l'ransportntion Detachment 507th Trausp01·tation Detachment Company L, 75th Infantry 326th Engineer Battalion 50lst Signal Battalion lOlst Military Police Company 265th Radio Research Company lOth Chemical Platoon 20th Chemical Detachment 22d Military History Detachment 25th Public Information Detachment 34t,h P ublic Iniormation D etachment lOlst Military llitelligence D etachment 55th Infantry Platoon 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron, United States Air Foree Operating Location 6, 5th Weather Detachmen~ United Sta tes Air ~ orce D etachment 4, 7th P sychological Operations Battalion 179th Aviation Compauy 196th I nfantry Brigade 2d Batta.lion, 1st l nfn.ntry 3d Battalion, 21st InfanLry 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry 1st Bat t:ilion, 40 th Infantry 48th Infantry Platoon lOth Public Information D etachment 27th Chemieal Detaebment 1() GO 6 198ili Infantry Brigade 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry 5th Battalion, 46th Infantry 1st Battalion, 52d Infantry 57th Infantry Platoon 87th Chemical Detachment United States Army Support Command, Da Nang 5th Transportation Command 264th Transportation Company 329th Transportation Company 632d Transportation Company 1098th Transportation Company 62d Transportation Company . 870th Transportation Company Headquarters and H eadquarters Company, 26th General Support Group United States Army Port, Tan My 403d Transportation Company Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 39th Transportation Battalion 585th Transportation Company 523d Transportation Company 515th Transportation Company 666th Transportation Company 805th Transportation Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 63d Maintenance Battalion !96th Engineer Detachment I 78th Maintenance Company 59th Ordnance Detachment 40th .Army Postal U.u.iL 625th Supply and Service Company 57th Transportation Company 848th Quartermaster Company 548th Ma.intenance Company 206th Q~artermast-er D etachment 54th Ordnance Company 223d Supply and Service Company H eadquarters and Headquarters Company, 2d Maintenance Battalion 287th Ordnance Detachment 43d Engineer D etachment 148th Supply and Service Company 571st Ordnance Company 42d Army Postal Unit 528th Quartermaster Company 67th Maintenance Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 80th General Support Group United States .Army Mortuary, D a Nang 43d Army Postal Unit 525th Quartermast-er Company Headquarters and H eadquar ters Company, 92d Composite Service Battalion 85th Maintenance Company 11 GO 6 334th Supply and Service Company 12th Ordnance Detachment 504th Military Police Battalion 300th Military Police Battalion 218th Military Police Company 630th Military Police Company 8. With Palm for servi~~ from 18 April1971 to 31 August 1971 and,6 September 1971 to 19 September 1971. lOlST AIRBORNE DIVISION and its subotdinate units: 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry 2d Battalion, 327th Infantry · 2cl Battalion, 502cl Infantry 42d Infantry Platoon 1st Battalion, Info.ntry 2d Battalfon, 501st Infantry 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry 3d Battalion, 506th Infantry 47th Infantry Platoon 3d Battalion, 187th Infantry 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry 2d Battalion, 506th Infantry 58th Infantry Platoon Battery A, 377"th Artillery 650th Trru;:taportation Detachment 266th Field Artillery Detachment 2d Battalion, 11th .AI·tillery 2d B attalion, 319th Artillery 2d Battalion, 320th Al·tiUery 1st Battalion, 32lst Artillery 4th Battalion, 77th Artillery 268th Transportation Detachment 331st Transportation Detachment 388th Tnnsportation Detachment Headquart,ers and Headquarters Company, lOlst Aviation Group lOlst Aviation Battalion 499th 'l'ransportation Detachment 510th Tran.sportation Deta~hment 516th Transportation Detachment 527th TI·ansportation Detachment !58th Aviation Battalion !59th Transportation Detachment 168th Transportation Detachment 169th Transportation Detachment 273d Transportation Detachment !59th Aviation Battalion 325th Aviation D etachment 478th Aviation Company 625th Transportation D etachment 327th TI·a.nsportation Derachment 649th Transportation Detachment 12 TAGO 4,6SA GO 6 163d Aviation Company 530t.h Transportation Detachment 359th Aviation Detachment 5th Transportation Battalion 326t.h Medical Battalion 426th Supply and Service Battalion 801st Maintenance B attalion lOlst Administration Company 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry 333d Transportation Detachment 507th Transportation D etachment Company L , 75th Infantry 326th Engineer Battalion 501st Signal B attalion lOlst Military Police Company 265th R adio Research Company lOth Chemical Platoon 20th Chemical Detachment 22d Military History D etachment 25th Public Information D etachment 34th Public I nformation Detachment lOlst. Military Intelligence Detachment 55th Infantry Platoon 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron, United States .Air Force Operating Lo;;atiou 6, 5th Weather D etachment, United States Air Force Detachment 4, 7th Psychological Operations Battalion 7t.h Civil Affairs Platoon, 29th Civil Affairs Company 179th Aviation Company 9. With Palm for service-from 16 April 1969 to 28 August 1969." 196th INFANTRY BRIGADE and its assigned and attached units: 48th Infantry Platoon 27th Chemical D etachment lOth Public Information Detachment 2d ~attalion, 1st Infantry 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry 1st B attalion, 46tli Infantry Troop F , 17th Cavalry 10. With Palm for service from 1 January 1970 to 3 March 1971. 509TH RADIO RESEARCH GROUP and its assigned and attached units: 8th R adio Research Field Station 265th R adio Research Company 407th Radio Research D etachment 1st Division Advisory Radio Research Support·Detachment · 313th Radio Research B attalion 330th Radio Research Company 328th Radio Research Company 374th Radio Research Company 404th Radio R esearch Detachment 2d Division Advisory R adio R esearch Support Detachment TAGO 468A 13 GO '6 . 22d Division Advisory Radio Research Support Detachment 23d Division Advisory Radio Research Support DetaChment 303d Radio Research B attalion 17 5th R adio Research Company 37lst Radio Research Company 372d Radio Research Company 409th Radio Research D etachment 856th Radio Research Detachment 5th Division Advisory Radio R esearch Support Detaclummt 18th Division Advisory Radio Research Support De'taehment 25th Division Advisory Radio ReseaTch Support Detachment 224th Aviation Bo.tta.lion ·· 1st Aviation Company 138th Aviation Company 146th Aviation Company 144th Aviation Company 156th Aviation Company 335th Radio Research Company 7th Division Advisory R adio Resea:rch Suppor t D etaChment 9th Division Advisory Radio Research 'Support D etaclmlent 21st Division Advisory Radio Research Suppon Detachment H eadquarters and Headquarters Service Company, 500th R"&dio R esearch Group lOlst R'Bidio Resem•cl\ Com,p:my R'adio 1lreseat'ch 'Oomm-uriica:tions Unit, ViO'tnmn 403d R adio RescaTdh iffltaelm:rent 11. With P alm for service n·om 1 November 197.0 .to 30 D ecember 1.972. UNITED STATES FIELD TRAINING GROUP and subordinate units: United Sttttes Army., "RepulJiic of Vietn1\m Indiviaanl Training Group • F Al\TK Training 'Command Field Training Command Ill____ REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM CJ¥IL AC'l'IONS MEDAL UNIT CITATION. 1. The award of the Civil Actions MMal Unit Ci~tion by the Republic of Vietnam to units listed below is confrrJ.nOO. .... ' .-::\ 2. For service irom 1 D ecember 1971 to 31 Decembel' 1'973. HEADQlJ-ARTERS AND EE.ADQSARTERS{JOMPANY, iST AVIATION BRIGADE 3. For serVice from 1. :Aj>'iill96ll ilo '3'1 'October 11:l'rn. 1ST 'TRANSPOR"'fATID'N "D~T:l'ALION 4. For service from 1 December 1967 to 1 N'm~mber 19:7;0. 4TH PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS .GROUP and.subor.dinat.e rwull8: 6th P sychelogiDa.l O;per.&tions iBilt.talion 7th P sychological Operations B attali<m 8th Psychological Operations B atta.lion lOth P sychological Operations Battalion 5. Fm· ser:vice from 1 November 1967 to 31 ;;June 1911'1. 8TH PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS l3:A7I'TALIDN T.AGO 4G3A GO 6 6. For service from 3 May 1970 to 30 Aprill971. 18TH ENGINEER. BRIGADE and· its assigned or attached units: Headquarters and H eadquarters Company; 35th Engineer Group (F(Jr the period 3 May 1970 to 14 Aprill971) 40th Engineer Detachment 588th Engineer Detachment 171st Engineer Detachment 553d Engineer Company 687th Engineer Company (For the period 3 May 1970 to 10 November 1970) 497th Engineer Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 577th Engineer Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 554th Engineer B attalion (For the period 1 November 1970 to 22 March 1971) 51st Engineer Platoon . Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 589th Engineer B attalion 585th Engineer Company 513th Eng;ineer Company 73d E_p.gineer Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 815th Engineer Battalion 542d Engineer Detachment 102d Engineer Company 572d E11o«>ineer Company ·(For the period 3 May 1970 to 22 March 1971) 547th Engineer Platoon (For the period 3 Ma.y 1970 to 22 March 1971) Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 864th Engineer Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 937th Engineer Group Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 19th Engineer Battalion (For the period 3 May 1970 to 7 November 1970) Asphalt Platoon, 517th Engineer Company (For the period 3 May 1970 to 7 November 1970) 610th Engineer Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 20th Engineer Battalion 584th Engineer Company 509 th Engine& Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 84th Engineer Battalion 586th Engineer Platoon 23d Engineer Detachment 614th Engineer Detachment . Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 299th Engineer Battalion 15th Engineer Company 588th Engineer Company (For the period 3 May 1970 Lo 14 Aprill971) Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 45th Engineer Group Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 14th Engineer Battalion 630th Engineer Company Headquarters and H eadquarters Company, 27th Engineer Battalion 59lst Engineer Company Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 39th Engineer Battalion 59th Engineer Company 511 th Engineer Company 49th Engineer D etachment 137th Engineer Company TAOO ,JGtiA ·15 GO 6 7. For service from 9 Jnnuacy l!)B7 te 19 August 19.72. 24TH EVACU.A'NON .J:i"fOSPIT.AL 8. For service from 1 Aptil19o9 tQ 30Nov.ember 19'70. UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND, VIETKAli tredesigna.ted from 44th Medical Brigade on 1 March 1970) 9. For service from 1 January 1969 tQ 30 Aprill-97.1. 303d RADIO RESEARCH BATTALION and & :subol'dinnte :a.n.d .attached -miits~ 17 5th Radio Research Company 337th Radio Rese!U'ch Company (For the p01-:iod 1 Joo~tar¥" 1'9~ to 15 APJ.-il 1:971) :371-st Btattio heardb. ColllpllJiy ·(F~T /ij}-e perrod i .1aaum.-y 196'9 tQ 19 April1971) 372d Radio Research Company (For the p~iod l J.sma_ar.y 1969 to 6 lVf:al'.ch i:97i~ 4:09Lh Radio Research Detachment (For the ;period 1 ..filmUilll'Y ~ to 1 .April 1970) 856th Radio Research Detachment (For th-e period 1 J:anu-ary 1'9.6'9 tQ 6 li1:n:rch 1'971~ 405Lh Radio Research Detachment (For th~ -period 1 Janum.y ~ to 5 December 1969) .5th Di:vision Railio .Research Support Detachment (For the !p0I'iod 31 @otoberJ.:970 tn .3tLApcil 1'971) 18th DiiTision A:dwisor:r &clio Resem-ch .So.pport J}~tachm.ent (F-or the -pe1iod"26th Sep\limber t9ii0 to :3@ Aprill-9,71) 25th Division Adivso-ry Radin Research Support Detnchment (For the period 31 July 196! lt.Q -~ Deoom.ber 1'969) 10. For service from 1 D ecember 1911 to 31 December 1.972. UNITED STATES .<\.RMY HEALTH SERVICE GROUP By Order -olf th-e Secre!Jacy of Army~ CRJDIGHTON W. ABJ;til!S United Statu Artny Ohwf of Staff (}.eMral, Offioin.l: VERNE L . BOWERS Majm' General, United States A.?'lny 'l•iw :adjutant Oene1·al DIS'l'RmUTION; 1'-o b-e &tributed m:oocorom:~.ce mt:h DA lfurm 12-4 req_uit'(llD0ni:s. V. t . OOVUHI.CQT P~llffi3G 0FF'IC£ l lt74