Essential knowledge for academic performance: Educating in the
Essential knowledge for academic performance: Educating in the
Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Teaching and Teacher Education journal homepage: Essential knowledge for academic performance: Educating in the virtual world to promote active learning Gwen Noteborn a, *, Amber Dailey-Hebert b, Katerina Bohle Carbonell a, Wim Gijselaers a a b Maastricht University, The Netherlands Park University, USA h i g h l i g h t s Academia focuses on content knowledge neglecting procedural knowledge. The labor market demands the development of both. Simulations offer a way of measuring, training and disentangling both. Results show procedural knowledge influences academic performance. Teachers should focus on both types of knowledge benefiting universities and students a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 4 October 2012 Received in revised form 9 August 2013 Accepted 14 October 2013 Education has traditionally focused on the importance of content, and has guided curriculum design according to this principle. While content knowledge is important, to excel in the labor market today graduates need to develop procedural knowledge, with greater emphasis on capacity development for transferable skills. This need is amplified by emergent technologies, which increase the demand to develop knowledge in this domain. To disentangle and measure the impact of content and procedural knowledge on academic achievement, the study occurred in a virtual setting. Based on the findings, we provide recommendations for course designers and course developers to improve students‟ performance. Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Virtual worlds Procedural knowledge Content knowledge Teaching Educational development Educational design Second life Picture 1 “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” e Aristotle 1. Introduction Globalization and competition increase substantially due to the availability of new technologies, changing the way students elect a program, university, or course. While it is important to acquire conceptual knowledge and expertise in a domain (Alexander, Schallert, & Hare, 1991), to excel in today’s labor market, * Corresponding author. Maastricht University, Department of Educational Research and Development, Tongersestraat 53, 6211 LM Maastricht, P.O. BOX 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. Tel.: þ31 43 38 83895; fax: þ31 43 38 84801. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Noteborn). 0742-051X/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. graduates need to develop procedural knowledge, with a focus on skills that are transferable across multiple domains and contexts (Beaudry, Green, & Sand, 2013; Friedman, 2005; Pink, 2006). Consequently, such increases also change the way students prefer to learn and the ways in which teachers can provide more flexible and adaptive education (Christensen & Eyring, 2011). Moreover, today’s labor market, accelerated by the current credit crunch, imposes higher demands on workers’ qualification levels (IBM, 2010). Trends in the labor market indicate a shift in demand from cognitive tasks to practical execution and transferable skills (Beaudry et al., 2013). Escalating tuition fees and a tight labor market bring about financial and time constraints, making the acquisition of procedural knowledge during curriculum, in the form of internships or part-time jobs, difficult, if not impossible. Such developments question the nature of current education programs and demand continuous assessment of how higher education contributes to the changing demands of the workplace. As a direct result, today’s graduates must develop procedural knowledge 218 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Picture 1. (know-how) as well as conceptual knowledge (know what) in their domain (Claxton, Lucas, & Webster, 2010; Lucas & Claxton, 2009; Schank, 2011) in order to increase their job prospects (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2010). Therefore, universities can facilitate and foster such competency development, and support educators to explore areas, which promote student learning and development. 1.1. A different kind of skillset While employers seeks individuals who can demonstrate an execution of their knowledge to thrive in the complexity of industry (IBM, 2010; Johnson et al., 2013), higher education has been criticized for failing to develop such characteristics and struggles to prepare young people for challenging new jobs in times of exponential change (Boyatzis, Stubbs, & Taylor, 2002; Frenk et al., 2010; Kanes, 2011). Universities are said to focus on teaching conceptual knowledge at the expense of procedural knowledge (Belei, Noteborn, & de Ruyter, 2011; Gijselaers & Milter, 2009; Gijselaers & Milter, 2010; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006) , potentially affecting the ability of graduates to perform well in their future jobs (Laveñe, 2006; Page & Mukherjee, 2007). Some authorities suggest that current changes in the labor market require a fundamental shift in the design and purpose of education in general - higher education in particular (Barber, Donnelly, & Rizvi, 2013; Harasim, 2012), thereby highlighting the need for educators to refocus their teaching (Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), from theoretical knowledge to transferable skills (Claxton et al., 2010; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2003). Research in higher education consistently demonstrates that procedural knowledge is best taught through active learning approaches (Candy, 2000; Wooldridge, 2006). Still, with the exception of early adopters and innovators in the field, higher education remains rather static, with limited opportunities to integrate practice in meaningful ways (Belei et al., 2011; Graeff, 2010; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2006; Noteborn, Bohle Carbonell, Dailey-Hebert, & Gijselaers, 2012). Therefore, despite the prevalence of student projects and practical assignments, a gap between theory and practice still exists. Yet, one advantage of the increased prevalence and use of emergent technologies is the ability to create unique learning experiences and to connect learners in new ways. 1.2. A fundamental shift Computer simulations have been lauded for their ability to address difficult, or even impossible, to observe phenomena (Çepni, Taş, & Köse, 2006; Urban-Woldron, 2009). Recently, educators have started to adopt advanced simulations, such as virtual worlds, to support learning in education and to help learners develop essential knowledge (Pena & Antonio, 2010). There is a growing consensus that virtual learning spaces offer an optimal context to promote the merger of content and execution (Anderson, 1995; Fink & Fink, 2009; Yi & Davis, 2003), suggesting such environments can enable learners to develop the capacity for applying procedural knowledge in parallel to their conceptual knowledge acquisition. As the online learning movement becomes more prevalent, a new capacity for procedural knowledge in emergent technologies also grows across all domains (Clift, Mullen, G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Levin, & Larson, 2001; Niess, 2005; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005). Institutions scramble to re-create the face-to-face experience online and often return to traditional course design, which simply moves existing content online (Lohr, 2009; Niess, 2005; Wang, 2009). Furthermore, there is an expectation that our educators develop a depth and breadth in conceptual knowledge, yet minimal attention is given to the transferability of this knowledge in relation to context (Niess, 2005); resulting in a lack of the necessary support for such efforts. As mentioned above, the need for more research on how to integrate emerging technologies in education is apparent. Yet, innovative educators who wish to integrate technology in a meaningful and intentional way often find teacher preparation and support to be lacking (Allen & Seaman, 2007; Blin & Munro, 2008; Niess, 2005). As we live in an adaptive and dynamic world, we need to acknowledge the adaptive and dynamic nature of learning and development, and consider a paradigm shift in how we think about learning and training (Salas & Rosen, 2010). In summary, simulations may offer an effective and efficient context for the development of procedural knowledge in higher education, particularly in domains with difficult to observe phenomena, preparing students for their future jobs and changing labor market needs. Yet, there is little research examining the effect of simulations and, in particular, how simulations contribute to the development of learning. The current study examines the role of procedural and conceptual knowledge in the context of the virtual world (Second Life), by disentangling both concepts and analyzing their impact on academic performance. Additionally, this paper will discuss the resulting implications for educators who wish to use the context of virtual environments to support the development of procedural and conceptual knowledge. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1. Procedural & conceptual knowledge Studies on learning and instruction demonstrate the pivotal role of knowledge, and the process of knowing, which lead to a greater understanding of the evolution and development of education (Rittle-Johnson, Siegler, & Alibali, 2001). Knowledge is attributed a wide variety of properties and qualities (De Jong & FergusonHessler, 1996). These various and wide-spread properties and qualities of knowledge result in many fine-tuned terms for describing the knowledge state of individuals (De Jong & FergusonHessler, 1996). 2.1.1. Definition of terms Theories on learning and development distinguish between conceptual and procedural knowledge (e.g., Anderson, 1993; Bisanz & LeFevre, 1992; Greeno, Riley, & Gelman, 1984; Karmiloff-Smith, 1994; Piaget, 2013). These two types of knowledge exist on a continuum and cannot always be separated, however, the two ends of the continuum represent distinct types of knowledge (RittleJohnson et al., 2001). Despite the agreement on both types of knowledge, various notions exist for the definitions of procedural and conceptual knowledge (Baroody, Feil, & Johnson, 2007; Star, 2005). De Jong and Ferguson-Hessler (1996) make a case and point to the careful use of these terms, as popular use confounds knowledge categories without knowledge properties. Within this manuscript, conceptual and procedural knowledge are defined as follows: Conceptual knowledge is static knowledge about facts, concepts, and principles (Rittle-Johnson et al., 2001) that apply within a certain domain (Byrnes & Wasik, 1991; Greeno, 1978; Van Berkum & de Jong, 1991). In the context of marketing/branding, conceptual 219 knowledge entails the knowledge of marketing, branding and advertising concepts, facts and principles (e.g. the theoretical distinction between points of parity and points of difference). Procedural knowledge is defined as follows: Procedural knowledge contains actions or manipulations that are valid within a domain (De Jong & Ferguson-Hessler, 1996) and has the ability to execute action sequences to solve problems (Baroody, 2003; LeFevre et al., 2006; Rittle-Johnson et al., 2001). In the context of marketing/ branding, procedural knowledge entails skills such as; product design, development and implementation of advertising strategies and actual product selling. 2.1.2. Interdependence and order of appearance Competing theories have been proposed regarding the developmental relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge (Rittle-Johnson et al., 2001). Distinguishing between procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge can be difficult (Bisanz & LeFevre, 1992; Rittle-Johnson & Siegler, 1998), as reflected by the discord on the order of appearance of conceptual and procedural knowledge. In general, there are three views on both the development of procedural and conceptual knowledge and their interrelation (Schneider & Stern, 2005). Rittle-Johnson et al. (2001) distinguish between concept-first and procedurefirst theories. According to concept-first theories, conceptual knowledge is present in the learners mind before their procedural skills are developed (Gallistel & Gelman, 1978; Gelman & Meck, 1983), whereas procedure-first theories suggest the opposite (Briars & Siegler, 1984; Frye, Braisby, Lowe, Maroudas, & Nicholls, 1989). Based on the fact that there is empirical evidence for both theories, another alternative known as the theory of iteration (Iterative Model), suggests the possibility of bidirectional causal links between conceptual and procedural knowledge (RittleJohnson et al., 2001). However, recent studies in the field of neuroscience have proven that procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge do not need to be interrelated, but can also be separated in the mind (Atallah, Lopez-Paniagua, Rudy, & O’Reilly, 2007); that is, learning a new skill and expressing it are two different steps that can be dissociated (Lerchner, La Camera, & Richmond, 2007). 2.1.3. Emphasis and importance There is a perception that procedural knowledge acquisition has been de-emphasized and regarded as less important than conceptual knowledge, with dismal consequences for student learning (e.g., Budd et al., 2005). Some researchers are quite explicit in their belief that procedural knowledge should play a secondary, supporting role to conceptual knowledge in student learning (e.g., Pesek & Kirshner, 2000). Even though scholars recognize the importance of procedural knowledge (Roberts, Gott, & Glaesser, 2010; Schiller, Goodrich, & Gupta, 2013; Star, 2007), the lack of empirical research on procedural knowledge infers that few researchers are comfortable with inquiry that foregrounds procedural knowledge (Star, 2007). To date, it remains unclear how conceptual and procedural knowledge can be measured independently of each other (Roberts et al., 2010; Schneider & Stern, 2005). However, analyzing the importance of either construct, or their impact on student learning in the form of academic performance, demands a disentanglement of both concepts. 2.2. Active learning Active learning utilizes three dimensional multiuser virtual environments that allow novel forms of learning and collaboration (Kozinets & Kedzior, 2009; Salmon, 2009). In the past decade active 220 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 learning and experiential learning have been widely adopted in multiple domains of study (Ayers & Underwood, 2007; Levin & Davis, 2007; Wheeler, 2008). Active learning refers to any instructional method that engages students in the learning process (Prince, 2004). Research into the effectiveness of active learning suggests that student learning is best facilitated by engaging students in the tasks through simulating real-life decisions (Laveñe, 2006; Maher & Hughner, 2005; Page & Mukherjee, 2007). Embedding active learning exercises, which allow students to perform actions in their domain of study and which enable interaction and reflection, can lead to significant improvements in learning (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2003; Yamarik, 2007). Furthermore, learning by doing fosters involvement, engagement and enjoyment (Jensen & Owen, 2001; Noteborn et al., 2012; Myers, 2010; Wooldridge, 2006). Computer simulations have been lauded for their ability to address difficult or impossible to observe concepts (Çepni et al., 2006; Renken & Nunez, 2013; Urban-Woldron, 2009). This seems especially applicable to the specific field of marketing and branding (Gijselaers & Milter, 2009; Graeff, 2010; Noteborn et al., 2012), which demand a balanced approach between the study of theoretical concepts and the opportunity to experience real-life branding consequences (Elam & Spotts, 2004). The phenomena of successfully branding a product might seem apparent, yet it embodies complex underlying principles. Active learning requires a different teaching approach as well (Bluestone, 2000, 2007; Graeff, 2010), shifting the role of the instructor from teacher to mentor or expert (De Freitas & Neumann, 2009). A hallmark of teaching excellence is the ability to give students a learning experience beyond what they can learn from textbooks (Graeff, 2010). Teachers are often uncertain of how to embed active learning opportunities within their curriculum (De Freitas & Oliver, 2006), or may perceive the integration of real life elements as being limited to small classes. While some situations fail to allow for elaborate practice which resembles real life, new media technologies allow for sophisticated simulations of problem solving context (Bell & Trundle, 2008; Rutten, van Joolingen, & van der Veen, 2012). Through such simulations, pupils can add meaning to the theoretical concepts and reinforce their procedural and conceptual knowledge. 2.3. Virtual worlds as an accelerator The addition of real-life elements in a course can create constraints (e.g. monetary, time, geographical), however, recent advances in technology enable a simulated experience that allows students to practice conceptual and procedural knowledge in context (Galvão, Martins, & Gomes, 2000; Nelson & Erlandson, 2012). Given the vast scope of educational technologies available, it is important to delineate between (simulation) games and virtual worlds. Games are defined as an interactive, goal-oriented activity, with active agents to play against, in which players can interfere with each other (Crawford, 2011). Games have a beginning and an end. Simulation games represent an environment accurately (although sometimes simplified), and they represent the interactions between players and the environment realistically. Virtual worlds differ from (simulation) games in the sense that they are persistent e meaning that the world continues even after users exit the world, preserving user-made changes. Bell (2008) defines virtual worlds as “synchronous, persistent networks of people, represented as avatars, facilitated by networked computers” (p.2). 2.3.1. Characteristics of virtual worlds Simulations, by means of virtual worlds, serve as an excellent medium to offer a real life experience (Kozlowski & Bell, 2007; Schiller et al., 2013), and to increase student performance in a time efficient manner (Parush, Hamm, & Shtub, 2002). These environments provide an abstract form of reality, as learners are not physically present in this world, but use technology to interact with people and objects in virtual worlds. Recent reviews identify the potential of learning in virtual worlds to stimulate student engagement (Jensen & Owen, 2001; Noteborn et al., 2012; Wooldridge, 2006) and perceived usefulness of academic assignments (Lohr, 2009; Nelson, Ketelhut, Clarke, Bowman, & Dede, 2005; Neulight, Kafai, Kao, Foley, & Galas, 2006). Next, simulations foster the active discoverer within students and accelerate the learning process (Drea, Tripp, & Stuenkel, 2005; Haytko, 2006; Schee, 2007) due to vicarious learning, which also facilitates built-in feedback, cognitive organization and knowledge retention (Anderson, 1995; Bolt, Killough, & Koh, 2001; Yi & Davis, 2003). Consequently such learning can establish connections to previously learned concepts (Murthy, Challagalla, Vincent, & Shervani, 2008), and contribute to a deeper understanding across various domains (De Freitas, 2006; Gijselaers & Schmidt, 1995; Green & Bavelier, 2003). These characteristics provide virtual worlds with learning opportunities that can only be done online, not in a real classroom (Burbules & Callister, 2000). In contrast to serious games, where simulation stops once the student logs out and leaves the environment exactly as it was left upon return, virtual worlds are persistent (Cannon-Bowers, Bowers, & Sanchez, 2008). This persistence implies that actions continue and the world evolves irrelevant of the presence of specific players who can enter the world at any desired time. By means of this persistence, virtual worlds mimic reality to a greater extent and allow for complex interactions among players and with the environment. Even in this simplified environment, the simulation is not limited to the physical aspect of the system, (e.g., selling a product) but can also incorporate the underlying structure of the task or problem (e.g., the aspect of competition or social interaction). As a consequence of such increasing reality, virtual worlds are well suited for education. Next to the persistent character, virtual worlds facilitate for multiplayer games (Cannon-Bowers et al., 2008). Several people who are geographically dispersed can interact simultaneously with each other and/or the virtual world. 2.3.2. Second life by linden lab Second Life, founded by Linden Lab in 2003, is an example of such an online virtual world. Second Life is the premier virtual world (Messinger et al., 2009) and, by far, the most influential one in corporate learning and higher education (Donnelly, 2010; Hornik & Thornburg, 2010; Schiller et al., 2013; Warburton, 2009; Ward, 2010). It is a system that provides realistic environments, with a working representation of reality, where players log in via a webbased application in a world that mimics reality. Within Second Life, players interact through avatars, a virtual representation of oneself. The value of Second Life lies in its capability to provide an authentic replication of reality (Kozlowski & Bell, 2007; Sauvé, Renaud, Kaufman, & Marquis, 2007). In the case of Second Life, the setting and thereby the degree of reality, are simplified (Galvão et al., 2000). Although simplified, the simulation is not limited to the physical aspect of the system (e.g., riding a bicycle or flying an airplane), and can also incorporate the underlying structure of the task or problem (e.g., the aspect of competition or social interaction). Educators (can) limit the various elements in Second Life to prevent overexposure for students. 2.3.3. Impact on learning Communication takes place synchronously and instantaneously, via instant messaging or voice chat; a concept being referred to as immediacy (Wood, 2010). Immediacy offers the chance for learners to gain direct feedback or assistance from G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 fellow learners or educators. A special feature of Second Life, in comparison to other virtual worlds, is that it permits multi-user online role-playing. Furthermore, users can collaboratively create and use in-world artifacts such as text, pictures, and threedimensional objects, increasing a sense of community among players (Wood, 2010). Research shows the importance of immersion, defined as the subjective impression of participation in a comprehensive, realistic experience (Dede, 2009), which enables players to gain an understanding of their future work environment and which allows players to experience an interaction between elements of their future professional environment (Belei et al., 2011; Kozlowski & Bell, 2007). Immersion by means of video games can yield up to 40% improvement in learning over static didactical approaches such as lecturing (Mayo, 2009). Hence, educators should evaluate these emerging technologies, and the ways in which they can be effectively used to support teaching and learning (Tuten, 2009). 221 Literature in education has stressed the need for more studies which explore the ways virtual technologies can be leveraged for enhanced learning (Brooks, Burson, & Rudd, 2006; Christian, 2008; Heinecke, Milman, Washington, & Blasi, 2002; Means & Haertel, 2004; Thackray, Good, & Howland, 2010; Wood, Allen, & Sullivan, 2008). Furthermore, research has indicated several important outcomes of learning in virtual worlds, such as immersion (Dede, 2009), engagement, enjoyment (Noteborn et al., 2012) and increased student performance (Cannon-Bowers et al., 2008, Kozlowski & Bell 2007, Mayo, 2009). Nonetheless, the effectiveness of using Second Life in marketing education has not been fully assessed despite the few recent studies (Drake-Bridges, Strelzoff, & Sulbaran, 2011; Tuten, 2009; Wood et al., 2008). In particular, the underlying cognitive processes and knowledge building, which take place when learning in virtual worlds, are not addressed (Renken & Nunez, 2013) and their influence on academic performance remains unclear. Picture 2. Students interacting within Second Life. 222 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 2.4. The influence of knowledge on academic performance A majority of studies on contextualized learning generalize the effect of technology as a catalyst toward learning (Honebein, Duffy, & Fishman, 1993; Noteborn et al., 2012; Petraglia, 1998), and refer to authenticity and emotion as possible explanations for such outcomes. Technology has been used as a context for executing in the present study, as the virtual world (Second Life), serves as a learning environment in which students acquire knowledge. Unlike traditional education, the learning process can be visible in context to measure conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge. However, to fully prepare learners for the workplace, educators must also understand the effects of both competencies (conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge) on academic performance. The term academic performance is the outcome of education, the extent to which a student has achieved educational goals (Ward, Stoker, & Murray-Ward, 1996). Commonly, academic performance is measured by examinations or continuous assessment; however, there is no general consensus on how academic performance should be measured (Imeokparia & Kennedy, 2013). In this study, academic performance is measured by a combination of course assessments. Fig. 1 summarizes the relationships analyzed, which connects the concepts of procedural and conceptual knowledge to academic performance. As a result of this information and the conceptual framework previously shared, the following research question is explored: Research Question: To what extent do conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge relate to student academic performance in simulated learning environments? 3. Method 3.1. Participants The sample included 155 students enrolled in an 8-week brand management course within an International Business program at a large European university. The university’s pedagogical approach entailed problem-based learning (PBL), a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving (Sevilla, 2012). 3.2. Materials We created an online survey to measure student perceptions of knowledge and performance through self-evaluation of their skills and competencies. Additionally, given the intense group work and team interactions for the learning process, a peer evaluation of Fig. 1. Conceptual model on the relation between procedural knowledge, conceptual knowledge and academic performance. team members’ skills and competencies was also utilized. Peerevaluation was an assessment method used throughout all undergraduate studies and thus students were adequately trained to evaluate their peers (Van Zundert, Sluijsmans, & van Merriënboer, 2010). Survey questions targeted personal demographics (age, nationality, gender); academic history (major, years of study); technical aspects of the course (technical support, resemblance with real life, advantages/disadvantages of using Second Life within the course setting); and a SWOT analysis that consisted of 14 openended questions where students could elaborate on several aspects of the Second Life project. Additionally, the survey measured two aspects of the learning experience in the course: conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge. Academic performance was measured by a composition of course assessments. Consent for participation was requested on the first page of the online survey and the survey was administered online during the last week of the course. Students were informed on confidentiality practices and told that participation would not have any impact on their final grade. 3.3. Measurements 3.3.1. Conceptual knowledge Conceptual knowledge refers to static knowledge about facts, concepts and principles that apply within a certain domain. To examine a student’s conceptual knowledge, experts in the field and those responsible for the course were consulted. The collaboration identified several concepts, those considered necessary to excel in the course and necessary to achieve academic performance, in the field of brand management. The agreed upon concepts included: general marketing expertise, brand management expertise, advertising expertise, and expertise in conceptual product ideas. Halfway through the course, all participants completed the survey to rate their team members by means of indicating an expert (1 for ‘yes’ and 0 for ‘no’). To account for team size differences, the total score of each team member was expressed as a percentage of the maximum score that a team member could obtain. 3.3.2. Procedural knowledge Procedural knowledge refers to actions that are valid within a domain and the ability to execute action sequences to solve problems. To assess procedural knowledge, the collaborative team of conceptual experts and course coordinators identified 6 actions necessary to achieve success in the course’s virtual learning environment. The constructs included: 1) designing the product in Second Life, 2) building a shop in Second Life, 3) developing advertisement strategy in Second Life, 4) implementing advertisement strategy in Second Life, 5) implementing advertisement strategy in Real life, and 6) selling the product in Second Life. The survey offered participants two responses for each construct to assess their teammates procedural knowledge. Respondents could select, yes (1) if their teammate possessed this knowledge or no (0) if the team member did not possess this knowledge. As with conceptual knowledge, the team member’s total score was expressed as a percentage of the maximum score that a team member could obtain to account for team size differences. 3.3.3. Academic performance Academic performance is defined as the outcome of education; the extent to which a student has achieved educational goals (Ward et al., 1996). In this study, academic performance was measured by a combination of assessments, measured in an ecologically valid manner by the student’s final grade in the Brand Management course. The final grade was composed of the student’s exam grade G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 (40 %), Second Life team grade (30%) and individual participation during small group discussions (30%) (Fig. 2). The exam included five theoretical questions related to the topic of Brand Management. The exam was essay style, meaning students had to answer theoretical questions placed in the context of a case or newspaper article. The total time allowed for the exam was 3 hours. The exam was closed book. A total of 100 points were available for the exam and the final exam grade accounted for 40% of the students’ course grade. The Second Life team grade was based on group performance indicators which included; 1) total sales revenue, 2) peer feedback, 3) argumentation for chosen branding strategies, and 4) creativity and innovativeness. Sales revenue was measured by multiplying the amount of items sold by the price per item. Sales revenue was measured on a team level. Data was collected by analyzing the self-reported sales numbers of student teams, and by the self-reported purchases of student customers, in comparison to the raw data files exported from the Second Life software (Second Life income statistics). Peer feedback was measured through an extensive obligatory after sales questionnaire, where all buyers had to motivate their reasons for purchase on a brand management level (conceptual level). Questions in the feedback form explicitly asked “Why did you buy this product?” or “Why didn’t you buy this product”. Students were asked to relate their answers to the effectiveness of the branding efforts. The feedback questionnaire was made available in the virtual environment by clicking the “Feedback Questionnaire box” in Second Life. Students were asked to fill out the feedback questionnaire immediately upon completing the purchasing process. Student teams presented and argued for their chosen branding strategies in a 15 e 20 minute presentation. During the team presentations, teams had to explicitly motivate their branding strategies and reflect on their effectiveness, through peer-feedback and reflection of the course material. Professors graded the course presentations on a 10-point scale using a uniform grading sheet. Creativity and innovation were evaluated through discussion with all graders. Criteria for creativity and innovation were agreed upon. Individual participation was based on the quality and quantity of contribution by the individual student. Students needed to attend at least 12 out of 14 meetings to pass participation requirements. A satisfactory mark for classroom participation was not obtained by Fig. 2. Demographics. 223 participation in the discussion as such, but only if students could demonstrate that they had studied and understood the required literature. Both performance indicators were measured on a 10point scale, with 5.5 as the passing rate. 3.4. Procedures & course setting The current study used an experimental set-up in the virtual world of Second Life to facilitate an environment with realistic, reflective, and contextualized activities, which could demonstrate the use of both conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge. In this 8-week Brand Management course of the international business degree program, students were randomly assigned to small groups. Each group consisted of approximately 14 students, for a total of 155 students divided among 33 groups. The groups of 14 were used for literature discussions and, from these groups, students self-selected into teams of 4e5 students for the Second Life assignment. Evidence showed this team size yielded the highest group performance outcome (Lou, Abrami, & D’Apollonia, 2001). The Second Life assignment required student teams to develop, promote and eventually sell a product within the virtual environment of Second Life. Three product types (laundry care, pet care and baby care) in the fast moving consumer goods section were defined and student teams were equally distributed amongst these categories. A healthy competition between student teams provided a closer simulation of reality, with regard to competition that exists between companies in the workplace. (Pictures 3, 4, 5, & 6). During the Second Life assignment, the learners collaboratively developed their product. They also promoted their products via YouTube-adds, flyers, posters, websites, Facebook communities, or in some instances, dressed with their brand logo in class. Their target population consisted of fellow students in the Brand management course, which also served as consumers of the various products. Therefore, in week seven of the course, students were individually given 20 Linden Dollars (online virtual money) to buy products created by fellow students of the course. In week 8 of the course, prior to the written exam, students had 48 consecutive hours to sell their products to fellow students, the so-called “shopping days”. To kick-off the shopping days, a live (face-toface) fair was organized. Students had two hours (face-to-face) to convince fellow students to buy their products in the virtual world. Students developed prototypes, flyers, and organized sales pitches during this fair. To create more brand awareness, some students displayed their logo or brand name via their attire, other teams distributed flyers, or samples of their products. Following the fair, promotion continued within the world of Second Life. (Picture 7). Technical support was provided with a helpdesk, which offered both offline and online support. An extensive support website provided all students with various manuals, guidelines, rules and regulations, video tutorials, and important deadlines for the project. The website also hosted graphics from the virtual world, former student work samples, and the branding results depicted by paper and TV-adds. Furthermore, to learn from previous experiences, a former student of the course served as a guest speaker and entertained questions via voice chat with students in week two of the course. The website and technical support resources were made available at the beginning of the course. Upon completion of their Second Life assignment, and prior to the final exam, data collection was completed. In week eight an announcement was posted in the course’s online learning platform and posted in Second Life, An invitation to participate in the survey was posted in the course via a direct link to the online survey. The introduction text to the survey clearly stated that all 224 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Picture 3. One of the student teams efforts: Dogweiser, a beer for dogs. data would be treated confidentially. Professors informed students about the survey in their small groups and via an announcement on the electronic learning environment (Blackboard). A reminder was sent two days after the initial post. Participants had access to the online survey for five days. Within that five-day period, 123 students successfully completed the survey, resulting in a response rate of 79%. To analyze the impact of conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge on academic performance, a regression analysis (OLS) was conducted. We measured the impact of conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge on academic performance. 4. Results 4.1. Profile of participants The mean age of participants was 21.61 years (SD ¼ 1.59), with ages ranging from 19 to 30 years; 46% were male and 54% G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 225 Picture 4. A student teams branding efforts in the pet-care domain: vapoorize. were female. The students were predominately European (86.5 %) (German (53.2%), followed by Dutch (19.8%), other European nationality (13.5%)) followed by North American (6.3%), Asian (5.4%), and South American (1.8%). Most students were in their final year of undergraduate study (98.2%). The majority (64%) of student participants completed this course as a program requirement and followed a major in marketing, while (23%) took this course as an elective with a minor in marketing (Fig. 3). 4.2. Knowledge acquisition 4.2.1. Conceptual knowledge Survey results showed 39% of students possessed conceptual knowledge, as rated by their team members, while 61% were rated by their peers as “not possessing conceptual knowledge”. If the majority of peers rated them as experts, students were categorized as possessing conceptual knowledge. In review of constructs underlying conceptual knowledge, we found 37.4% of 226 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Picture 5. Natural wash: washing nuts. all students were considered general marketing experts, 35% brand management experts, 30.1% advertising experts and 50.4% were experts in conceptual product idea development. Students were considered experts if the majority of peers rated them as experts. 4.2.2. Procedural knowledge In reference to procedural knowledge, 35.8% were rated by their team members as possessing procedural knowledge. In review of constructs underlying procedural knowledge, results indicated 30.1% were experts in designing products in Second Life; 29.3% of all students were considered experts in building their shop in Second Life; and 57.7% of all students were considered experts in developing advertising strategies. In Second Life 32.5 % of all students who were experts in implementing advertising strategies, whereas 61.8% excelled in implementing advertising strategy in real life. Finally, 23.6% of all students were rated as experts in the field of selling products in Second Life. G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 227 Picture 6. Competition amongst students within the baby-care domain. 4.2.3. Academic performance To determine academic performance, we tested the reliability of conceptual and procedure constructs and measurements. Both constructs were reliable (Conceptual knowledge: a ¼ 0.83 and Procedural knowledge a ¼ 0.68) (Hair, Black, Babin, & Anderson, 2009). The mean of conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge was 0.48 (SD ¼ 0.25) and 0.47 (SD ¼ 0.21) respectively. The average academic performance grade was 6.14 (SD ¼ 2.60); the final course grade used a 10-point scale for measurement (Table 1). As seen in Table 2, conceptual knowledge did not have a significant impact on academic performance (b 0.080; p ¼ 0.374). Procedural knowledge, on the other hand, did have a positive affect on academic performance (b 0.247; p ¼ 0.007) (Fig. 4).1 4.3. Teacher preparation & course design 4.3.1. Intentional pedagogy (knowledge-building pedagogy) The design and implementation of this course focused on an authentic learning experience in the context of a virtual world 1 We also tested for the interaction effect between procedural and conceptual knowledge. The interaction term, reflecting the interaction between procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge was not significant. (Second Life). This environment was used to support active learning within the class through feedback from the environment and peers, for reflection on knowledge gains. The intentional design, in the virtual context for conceptual and procedural knowledge, was a success given the student evaluation. An examination of survey results, on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from totally disagree (1) to totally agree (7), indicated that students found “Second Life a nice way to apply their knowledge gained during the course”(Mean 5.17; SD 1.70). They would rather do the Second Life project than a written report (Mean 5.7; SD 1.76). They enjoyed the Second Life project (Mean 5.33; SD 1.55), and they would recommend doing the project again next year (Mean 5.55; SD 1.68). Further evidence is echoed directly in student comments below: The benefit of doing the Second Life project is that you bring the theory, which you have learned during the course into practice. You have to deal with all problems a real manager also faces. I think this is very useful. The theory will be easier to recall and it is a very fun project (Dutch, Male, age 20) By doing the Second Life project, we learned a lot more than we could possibly learn by writing a paper. For the first time (during my whole academic career) I was able to transfer the theoretical knowledge into practical uses. I really enjoyed doing the Second 228 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Picture 7. Student fair. Life project, the marketing campaign, and the real life fair! I would definitely recommend this course to all future students, as it is really a nice way to get a taste of how things are done in real life. (Dutch, Female, age 20) 4.3.2. Technical support (digital literacy) The virtual environment used in this study required students to become proficient in the virtual world to complete course activities. Therefore, in addition to conceptual knowledge for this brandmarketing course, it was necessary for learners to acquire the digital literacy (Gilster, 1997) to complete the work. To support students in this endeavor, learners were provided with several resources and support mechanisms at the onset of the project. Students were given Second Life manuals from the constructed course website of the Second Life assignment and attended a mandatory workshop provided by the instructor. This workshop addressed an overview of the course, technology, and student expectations. Furthermore, a Second Life helpdesk was implored, (both offline by means of “open office hours” and online by means of a support website and online helpdesk) to offer unlimited opportunities for Q&A as students worked on the project and their own self-directed learning process. Based on study results students utilized all resources and found them valuable. Second Life helpdesk support was rated as sufficient (Mean 5.34; SD 1.57). Also most students indicated they “Could manage to use Second Life in a few weeks” (Mean 5.5; SD 1.33) Other questions found: “The manuals that were provided were sufficient” (Mean: 5.45; SD 1.36), “The Second Life workshop that was given was good” (Mean 4.73; SD 1.89) and “The Second Life helpdesk answered my questions adequately” (Mean 4.44; SD 2.13). Some of the students’ general remarks on the helpdesk and technical support are noted below: Fig. 3. Composition of final grade. G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Table 1 Mean, SD, Cronbach alpha and correlation analysis Variable Mean SD Alpha Procedural Conceptual Academic knowledge knowledge performance Procedural 0.467 0.250 0.680 knowledge Conceptual 0.484 0.209 0.827 knowledge Academic 6.138 2.603 performance 0.199* 0.263** 0.129 Notes: N ¼ 123 students. *p-value < 0.05 (two-tailed). ** p-value < 0.01 (two-tailed). Table 2 Simple linear regression on academic performance. Dependent variable B p Conceptual knowledge Procedural knowledge R2 0.080 0.247 0.060* 0.347 0.007 Note: N ¼ 123, *p < 0.05. Very good and clearly structured. You almost could find everything and it was always really nice and clearly explained. (Dutch, Female, age 22) Most data regarding the helpdesk pertained to media uploads in Second Life (such as audio and/or video files or YouTube links). Most of the general remarks included a technical aspect that hindered them in using the full potential of Second Life. Examples of technical issues were ‘slow laptops’, ‘bad Internet connections’ or ‘problems installing Second Life’. The aspect of time management was also referred to often, even in combination with the technical issues. Mainly computer issues, crashes and bad connections, otherwise everything was surprisingly clear and well structured, thumbs up! (Dutch, Male, age 21) Access to Second Life. My laptop is quite old so it was really difficult to login to Second Life and even in Second Life it was most of the time slow motion. (German, Male, age 23) 4.3.3. Time management As in real life, students had to manage multiple priorities and encountered an environment that necessitated work in various modes. The course was intentionally designed to split time 229 between face-to-face team meetings, lecture-based class sessions, the virtual environment (Second Life), and via virtual support resources and collaborative spaces. Therefore, the instructor had to enable a learning environment that allowed for adequate time to learn, engage, and apply throughout these various modalities. The course structure supported the division of time/modality as such: (20% tutorial groups, 10%, lectures, 70% Self-study and Second Life project). The time allocations and workload were considered appropriate by students (Mean: 4.99; SD: 1.67). However, technical issues were considered a hindrance to student effectiveness and jeopardized efficient time management, as student quotes echo: Everything happened pretty fast, so sometimes I had problems keeping track of what we had to do by when. But the emails were helpful, as were the Second Life workshops, and the list of deadlines in the block book. (North American Female, age 22) Time pressure due to other courses e problems with installing the software (but I managed, the graphic card was too old) (German, Female, age 23) 4.3.4. Assessment and evaluation Authentic assessment, with a variety of feedback sources, was used throughout the Second Life project. Assessment and evaluation included the following: Final exam (5-question written essay), performance indicators (sales revenue, peer feedback, argumentation for branding strategies & creativity and innovativeness) and individual participation in class. When asked about the Second Life project compared to a traditional report, students commented. I believe Second Life, together with the marketing activities we did in real life, provides a surrounding that’s very close to what a real brand manager would face. If everything were only in theory, we wouldn’t face the same challenges. (German, Male, age 23) I think the Second Life project offers a new opportunity in terms of learning. It is a creative tool, where everybody can express his abilities and skills. I think in a paper it is really difficult to express ideas and feelings towards a certain product. (German, Male, age 23) 4.4. Room for improvement, transferability to other domains & limitations of Second Life as an educational tool Students were asked to identify areas for course improvement and to offer suggestions to improve the Second Life course aspect. Student comments were positive, with a strong appreciation for the practical aspects of the course and the innovative approach of using Second Life: Thank you for offering a unique learning experience! Many of my friends back home are impressed by the “outside of the box” education. (German, Male, age 23) Even though, I am new to this field I really enjoyed this course, mostly because of the practical aspect, which is not given often. (German, Female, age 23) Fig. 4. Conceptual model showing the impact of procedural knowledge on academic performance. When asked for feedback on course teachers/instructors, students were positive and emphasized the enthusiasm and involvement of teaching staff. Students also indicated the need for teacher awareness and expertise related to the technicalities of the program (Second Life) and its use in class. Survey results showed that students perceived a relatively equal distribution of the workload 230 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 among team members though (Mean: 4.48; SD: 2.12), but also highlighted the issue of ‘social loafing’ in teamwork. Tutors can’t control who did the job and who didn’t. Obviously it is team- work, but how do they know who did most part of the job? (Asian, Female, age 21) Instruct the tutors how to use Second Life, so they can answer questions students have about it. (Dutch, Male, age 20) Tutorials should cover more useful tips for Second Life. (Female, German, age 21) demonstrate expertise in the course concepts and underlying processes. The resemblance to real life and reflection of action is one of the key benefits of Second Life use in the current study. The development of procedural skills increases academic performance and prepares the learner to successfully apply those skills in the workplace (Beaudry et al., 2013; Friedman, 2005; Pink, 2006). By implementing virtual worlds in education, universities not only prepare students for their future jobs, with insight into the complexity of industry (IBM, 2010; Johnson et al., 2013), they also position their institution to deliver well equipped graduates. 5.2. Implications for educators Students were explicitly asked about the limitations of Second Life as an educational tool and how it could be used more effectively in the future. The “addictiveness” of the environment is often mentioned as a limiting factor of Second Life, as some students indicated a “loss of themselves” when immersed in Second Life, spending too much time online, dealing with small details. The concept of free-riding or social loafing and work distribution was also mentioned. Recommendations focused predominantly on two aspects: Time management and aquiantance with Second Life. When counting the suggestions on the possibility to implement Second Life in other courses, 42.1% indicated no other possible application of Second Life in education, 31.4% suggested integration in marketing-related courses, 11.6% saw multiple domains where Second Life could be integrated, other domains indicated by students included: Entrepreneurship/Business plan (4.9%), supply chain management (4.1%), strategy (2.5%), art (2.5%). Other possible domains mentioned included: finance, consumer behavior and HRM (6.6%). A common remark was that Second Life was especially suited for creative courses/domains. In Second Life, it was easy drifting off from reality. (German, Female, age 23) People might get distracted and do "nonsense" in Second Life (German, Female, age 22) 5. Discussion The objective of this study was to disentangle and analyze the impact of conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge on academic performance, and to discuss resulting implications for using the virtual environment as the context to apply both. Results of the regression analysis show that conceptual knowledge does not influence academic performance, whereas procedural knowledge does have a positive influence on academic performance. Executing this research in the setting of a virtual environment made it possible to disentangle both concepts, and to analyze their effects in isolation. The results offer opportunities for educators to engage learners in active learning mediated by virtual worlds. This research provides guidance for education of the future that will include not only conceptual knowledge, but also the application and practice of procedural knowledge in simulated context. Offering education in a virtual world creates a context, which brings knowledge into practice and serves as an accelerator for academic performance. 5.1. Implications The results from this study show that students enjoy using Second Life in education and prefer to demonstrate their knowledge through this mediated learning approach over traditional forms of assessment, such as research papers and reports. Students indicate a positive response to the integration of Second Life and Teacher beliefs influence the way educators approach their students, how they interpret information (Oosterheert & Vermunt, 2001; Richardson, 1996; Tillema, 1994) and their method of teaching and curricula design (Clark & Peterson, 1986; Shavelson, 1973; Shavelson & Stern, 1981; Shulman, 1986, 1987). This influences pedagogical decisions and strategies with regard to representing their subject matter to their students (Fernández-Balboa & Stiehl, 1995). The current research demonstrates the value of using virtual worlds to apply procedural knowledge, and the positive impact it has on academic performance. When implementing virtual worlds in education, the considerations below can be taken into account. While this study focused on a brand management course, these considerations are applicable and generalizable to all educators in higher education, regardless of domain, discipline or field. 5.2.1. Technicalities As the movement towards online learning becomes more prevalent, teachers should consider innovative ways to implement their teaching in these promising technologies (Clift et al., 2001; Niess, 2005; Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005), instead of just moving content online (Lohr, 2009; Niess, 2005; Wang, 2009). Bringing real world experience into the classroom by means of virtual worlds requires a learning curve in technology use and curricular design for teachers, as they might not be fully equipped for this change (Allen & Seaman, 2007; Blin & Munro, 2008). Therefore, training and development programs for educators can also emphasize on the development of tool-related, task-related (Kaptelinin & Nardi, 2006) and meta-functional competencies (Kaptelinin & Nardi, 2006) in the context of emerging technologies (Blin & Munro, 2008). When using virtual worlds (such as Second Life) in education, our results indicate the need for educators to develop an understanding of these emerging technologies, in order to engage with students and observe their work in these environments. Technical support in the form of trainings, workshops, manuals and support are a first step in facilitating this development. Minimum hardware specifications (internet speed, application downloads, processor speed) should also be clearly communicated and available on university computers. Both technical support and hardware requirements are also applicable to students, and support is needed to aid in their learning curve as they advance their digital literacy with a particular tool. 5.2.2. Course preparation Implementing virtual worlds in the classroom requires adequate course preparation due to the dynamic nature of virtual worlds. Managing students’ expectations by means of clear guidelines is crucial in avoiding future disputes. Peer feedback and team member evaluations are essential to assess the equal contribution of all team members. Concerning time allocation, it is advisable to offer a clear determination on how time will be used, and split by modality (i.e. face-to-face class-time, vs. self-study time vs. group work, etc.). G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 Due to the immersive environment, described as “addictive” by some students, it is important to explicate the division between offline and online activities and to indicate the expected time allocation for both. 5.2.3. Evaluation & assessment Given the complexity of the task, and the effort required to measure both conceptual and procedural knowledge, a variety of assessments are recommended. Such measures may include feedback from multiple sources (e.g. teachers, peers, industry experts, external partners). An authentic assessment plan, which evaluates both individual and group work, needs to be set up before the course and explicitly communicated to students. Guidelines for grading should be transparent, so students know what is expected of them and how to successfully achieve desired learning outcomes. 6. Limitations The following limitations should be considered when interpreting the results. First, the learning activity was obligatory within an international business program, which implies that a majority of students had at least some basic understanding of marketing or branding. To execute the same experiment in a setting with real novices in the field of marketing or branding, the results of this research may be strengthened and potentially increase the effects of both types of knowledge. Secondly, within this experiment knowledge was measured at the end of the course to allow students to get acquainted with each other and with the technology. Third, as competing theories regarding the developmental relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge suggest (Rittle-Johnson et al., 2001), there might be a possibility of bidirectional causal links between conceptual and procedural knowledge. Longitudinal research is needed to examine whether procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge interact over time and whether they could strengthen the results of this study. Fourth, there are some limitations concerning the sample used. A more conclusive result could be achieved with a larger sample. Finally, when relating to the instrument, other measurements could be used to analyze the concepts of conceptual knowledge or procedural knowledge. 7. Implications for further research In order to strengthen the results of this research, the measurement should be repeated in a different setting (e.g. different domain of content), and should involve students with a multidisciplinary background. Such changes might strengthen results, as the variation in the level of expertise will be larger. When repeating the experiment, multiple measurements can be taken throughout the experiment to measure the development of both types of knowledge. Further research might focus on the transferability effect of increased procedural knowledge on the labor market. Studies should investigate the long-term effects of redesigning curricula by means of implementing virtual worlds to increase conceptual and procedural knowledge. Furthermore, research is needed to identify strategies, methods, and programs, which support educators and instructional designers in the development of such mediated learning approaches. 8. Conclusion The present study analyzes the role of conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge on students’ academic performance, 231 and provides a new perspective on the relationship between conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge and academic performance, particularly in virtual worlds. Results confirm the importance of procedural knowledge to academic performance and, thus, to students’ achieved educational goals. Such evidence can guide course design toward strategies that engage both conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge. Thereby, showing that virtual worlds can serve as an accelerator and identifier for developing procedural knowledge. With a research setting in the virtual environment that resembles real life, solving real world problems, students are equipped with a solid preparation for the dynamic workplace. Thereby, the research findings challenge educators to become familiar with emerging technologies, such as virtual worlds, as a means of bringing real life practice into the classroom. In summary, universities and educators have the opportunity to engage learners and support the application of conceptual and procedural knowledge by using virtual worlds. In doing so, they equip learners with an improved opportunity to shape their future in the labor market, for which they are better prepared. Acknowledgments We are grateful to G.R.H. Westenberg for creating and designing the visual content of this manuscript. 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Noteborn has been teaching the course Brand Management for three consecutive years and is responsible for the implementation of Second Life within the course Brand Management. For her work in the Brand Management course she received the 234 G. Noteborn et al. / Teaching and Teacher Education 37 (2014) 217e234 educational Prize for an outstanding contribution to education. Noteborn has been published on topics related to learning in virtual worlds and their effectiveness. Prof. Dr. Amber Dailey-Hebert is a Full professor at Park University, USA. She received her Ph.D. in Education from Cornell University, investigating how instructor practice informs student learning outcomes. She has also served as an online course developer, instructor, and mentor for online course facilitation and instruction, is the Associate Editor of InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, and chairs the Research Committee for the Association of Continuing and Higher Education. Dailey-Hebert has been published on topics related to leading organizational change, faculty evaluation models online, and faculty professionalization, and is currently conducting research in integrative eLearning andragogies and higher education. She has served as the Associate Dean of the School for Online Learning, Adult Education Department Chair and Program Coordinator, and as the Founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Katerina Bohle Carbonell MSc. Obtained her MSc in Management of Learning at Maastricht University and is a researcher at the Educational Research and Development at Maastricht University. Katerina developed her passion for online learning when writing her Master Thesis in this field and is now a PhD candidate at the Education Department of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at Maastricht University. Prof. Dr. Wim Gijselaers is a professor in the field of professional learning and head of the department of Educational Research and Development (ERD), Maastricht University, the Netherlands. His research addresses effects of social and cognitive processes on professional development. Next, he researches how student learning can be improved through course and program innovation. His current research projects deal with how visualization tools can guide engineering teams in new product development, how talented people can become experts in a professional domain, and how drop-out in professional education can be reduced through curriculum interventions. He is chief-editor of the Springer book series “Innovation and Change in Professional Education” and associated editor of the Springer book series “Advances in Business Education and Technology”. His work has been published in many international refereed journals and edited volumes.