1999 Yearbook - Evergreen Boys State


1999 Yearbook - Evergreen Boys State
The American legion
Evergreen Bovs Siale
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
As the primary organization conducting The American
Legion Evergreen Boys State, The American Legion Department
of Washington, and all its members dedicate this 58th
Anniversary Annual to the citizens of the 1998 Evergreen Boys
State. To those other individuals, groups, and organizations
who have contributed and made the program possible for these
Evergreen Boys' State participants.
"For God and Country" being the primary philosophy, The
American Legion is vitally interested in our Nation's future
citizens, thus the purpose for this training in city, county and
state government.
Congratulations to
The Delegates of
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
Celebrating it's 59th Anniversary
The American Legion
Department of Washington
President of Evergreen Boys State
'Mr. Jerry J[uffman
June 26, 1999
It is my pleasure to congratulate you on behalf of The
American Legion Department of Washington, and The
American Legion Department of Washington Evergreen Boys
State Board of Directors, on the successful completion of
your week at Evergreen Boys State.
I offer my personal congratulations on the successful
operation of the 1999 State of Evergreen. I am. sure the
lessons you have learned this week will last you a lifetime of
service to this country. The leadership skills you take from
your week at Evergreen Boys State will be evident in the
future of this State and Nation.
I need only to remind you, a skill unused is a skill lost. I
look forward to hearing of your successes in life and only
ask you to remember to give as much as has been given to
"For God and Country"
Mr. Jerry Huffman, Commander
The American Legion Department of Washington
• ,.,....• ,;t
The American Legion
Department of Washington
June 26,1999
Dear Delegates,
On behalf of The American Legion Department of Washington,
the Staff, and your Director, we extend our congratulations to each of
you upon your completion of The American Legion Evergreen Boys
State. You have fulfilled our expectations.
Now, as you leave The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
to your home, high school, college, and the rest of your life, we "give"
the tools of government to you. Reminding you that all tools are
useless unless used, we endorse the continuation of your political
If each of you will make a conscious decision to
make a difference, using your American Legion Evergreen Boys
State experience, then our efforts will have been successful.
The American Legion Department of Washington
Staff believe you are the future of our Nation.
"For God and Country"
Larry Sperry, Direc or
Evergreen Boys State
The American Legion Department of Washington
and your
The American Legion
Department of Washington
American Legion Evergreen Boys State
Delegate Creed
"American Citizenship is my most priceless possession. I
believe in the constitutional form of government of the United
States of America - Which guarantees me the right to worship
as I choose and, as a citizen, equal opportunity and equal
educational rights.
It is my obligation to participate in and contribute my efforts
to the civic and political welfare of my community, state, and
I resolve to learn and understand government and the civic
needs of my community and I hereby dedicate myself to the
task of arousing and maintaining a like interest in my fellow
Therefore, may the experience of The American Legion
Evergreen Boys State be ever with me as a reminder of my
obligation to my community, state, and nation."
PO Box 3917 Lacey, WA 98503-0917
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State Corporate Officers
Vice President / Chairman of Board
Vice Chairman, East Side......
Vice Chairman, West Side....
1st District Chairman.........
2nd District Chairman..................
3rd District Chairman
4th District Chairman.......
5th District Chairman
6th District Chairman....
7th District Chairman...
8th District Chairman........
9th District Chairman..................................................
10th District Chairman
11th District Chairman
12th District Chairman
Mr. Jerry Huffman
Mr. Larry Sperry
Mr. David Owen
Mr. Vincent Ely
Mr. Robert Trethewey
Mr. Wayne Sharp
Mr. Lew Brewer
Mr. George LaPold
Mr. Dennis Foster
Mr. Fred Olness
Mr. Mark O'Conner
Mr. Mass Wada
Mr. Randy Martz
Mr. James Lawerence
Mr. James Uecker
Mr. Dean Hendrickson
Mr. Bill Blaurock
Mr. Robert Trethewey
Evergreen Boys State 1999 Senior Staff
Mr. Larry Sperry
Assistant Director
'" . Mr. Loren Sperry
Senior Staff Member..................................................
Mr. George LaPold
Senior Staff Member.................................................
Mr. Steven Mura
Senior Staff Member
Mr. AI O'Brien
Senior Staff Member
Mr. Chris Putnam
Administrative Officer........
Mr. Wayne Sharp
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of The American
Legion Department of Washington
99 staff
The American Legion
Department of Was bing ton
Evergreen Boys State Hall of Fame
Fred M. Fuecher
Past Evergreen Boys State Director
W.H. Bill Dunn
Past Evergreen Boys State Director
Bruce McAlister
Past Evergreen Boys State Director
Leonard Beil
Evergreen Boys State Staff
Barney Rapp
Evergreen Boys State Staff
Andy Adams
Past President of Evergreen Boys State
Randy Roberts
Evergreen Boys State Staff
Fred Bendix
Evergreen Boys State Staff
C. G. Roberts
Past Evergreen Boys State Director
Mark Gwaltney
Evergreen Boys State Staff
Frank Buzzell
Past Post Chairman
Awards.doc / Annual
The American Legion
Department of Washington
Evergreen Boys State
Established in 1940 as a citizenship education ana
leadership training program for the youtli of Washington.
In dedication to the many Staff members
of The American Legion Evergreen
Boys State who have served the youth
of the future, We remind ourselves;
The Staff Motto
'rte{{them and they'{{forget.
Demonstrate and they'{{ remem6er.
Involve them and they'{{ understand."
CE. Scott qe[[er
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Awards
SalUJ7IIlfISclio/drskp 5tdttOnal tfinalirts
SterEing ([). Q};tinn
(/joys5tdttOn (l}ekdates Gt./lliemates
([)efegates - Jolin T. Brethauer, 9vlicliae{ Cranda{{
;41ternates - Chris Cj@dkJY,cDwiglit Jfaa(
(l}ireetors ./lwardJOr !£{peetattOns if!£rcelknce
[iovemor Jesse !Ellison
City iftlie 'Uleei
'Jdattlier Brouuer
Elm - Aaron (lrimmer
Birch - Justin Pritcliard'
Cedar - Jason Curry
Alder -
Fir - SterEing
Maple - Zachary CorkJr
Hemlock - Jl{fen Jfuc(
Juniper - Jeffrey Bousche
Peter Clieng
Pine - Cliarfes Bernhard
Spruce - Setli (liBlrand
Tamarack - Adam (li{{
Oak -
OratonCal tfinalirts
:Ni( 'Yacona, Jldam qi{{, <[odd~wling,
Dustin WilSon
Honorable 9vlention - Joe Si{va and 'Nathaniei Caminos
(/joysState /. Q rust
City iftlie tJJay
Monday -
Wednesday - 'Elm
Tuesday -
Thursday -
Friday - }lUier
!E:rpecldttOltS if !£rcelknce
Tuesday - Spruce
Wednesday - PoEitica{ Party Cliainnen:
Jamie O/i[[egas, 'Nat.
Christopher CDocRJey,Pea
Thursday - Dan (j(assmussen
Friday - Jeff CBoeclier
Monday -
Central WasliiHflton 'UnIversitySclioldrshp 'Winners
Pau{ q. Candler
Omar Canaday
Jonatlian}l. sprouffsRg
Jeffrey W. Steen
9rlatt Clark;
James <Jrtclnemey
(j)avicf J. P,awaras
Darrell CB.CJ1i{fer
:M.icliae{W. Orme
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
Governor's Message
We find ourselves, here at Boy's State, entrusted with the honor of both establishing
and running a working state government. As delegates of the most prestigious boy's
government program in America, we find ourselves indebted to our families,
communities, The American Legion, and all other individuals and establishments which
have aided us in obtaining a place beside fellow future leaders of our state and country.
As Governor, I will commit myself completely to ensuring that my fellow delegates and I
both create a successful government system as well as develop friendships, forge
memories, and make our time here unforgettable.
Jesse Ellison,
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 State Government Officials
_ .".
Sterling Quinn
Lt. Governor
Chris Rodkey
Secretary of State
Phillip Kelleher
State Auditor
Darick Baker
State Treasurer
Drew Pierson
Attorney General
Chris Saunders
Commissioner of Public Lands
Justin Steele
Superintendent of Public Instruction
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Nationalist Party Platform Committee
Chairman: Jamie Villegas
Vice Chairman:
Sgt. at Arms: Ted Cassel
Dwight Haak
Platform Committeemen:
Rick Tarbill § Aaron Grimmer § Tim Liese § Bryan Dennis
Briak McKeown § Rich Stout § Matt Kathan § Rikker Dockum
1999 Federalist Party Platform Committee
Chairman: Cristopher Dockrey
Vice Chairman:
Jermaine Mize
Sgt. at Arms: Blake Trafton
Deputy Sgt. at Arms: Eric Olson
Omar Canaday
Platform Committeemen:
Matt Reynolds § Jared Wolfe § Michael Crandall
Cosmo Buffalo § Justin Steele
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Nationalist Party Platform
1. 'More moneu jot schools
2. Welfare 2?gform
3. 'Ieacher Screening 2?gform
4. Improved Veteran Benefits
5. 'louth 'Violence Prevention Programs
6. Pro Capita [ Punishment
7.5tnti -5tffirmative 5tction
8. 5tnti Commercia [ 'Ielemarketinq
9, 60 and over driving tests
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Federalist Party Platform
1. Pro 'Ieacher Raises
2. Pro 'Iouqher Crimina [ Penalties
3. Pro 'Enuironmentallu 2(esponsib£e
4. Pro Capita [ Punishment
5. Pro %i£et paper 'up'~ not 'tioum"
6. Pro Shaggy f})ay
7. Pro Lega[ization of !Jireuiotks
8. Pro Co-ed 'Euerqreen State
The American Legion
Department of Washingto n
Evergreen Boys State
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Supreme Court
From left to right: Colt Fry, Walter Hale IV, Blinn Carstensen, Torrin Shimono, Bradley
Schumaker (Chief Justice), Joe Silva, Aaron Grimmer, Mike Trujillo, Hamilton Galloway
In back: A Clerk
The American
of Washington
Evergreen Boys State Parliamentarians
Tristan Kelley
Chris Judd
David Poffenberger
Alexander Hustead
Nathan Gent
David Edwards
Seth Engle
Matt Kathan
Dan "The Man" Rasmussen
Charlie Bernhard
Mike Smith (of Fir)
Ben Hamilton
Brandon Marchand
Zac Corker
Grant Seaman
Ryan Reed
Dan Meyering
Chad Paul
Matt Law
Mathew Bird
Seth Gililland
Allen Huck
Seth Krause
Erik Rice
Sterling Quinn
Flao Guan
Conn Doherty
Jesse Travis
Preston Hart
Abe Gardner
Nathan Holmes
David Ito
Tyler Griffin
Jonathan Peregrino
Joshua Barbour
Ben Moehrle
Matt Brouwer
Alex Salskov
Mark Swannack
Hong Chhuor
Ted Cassel
. ..
Michael Crandall
Mike Barnes
Hamilton Galloway
Michael Hart
Brandon Olson
Patrick Hornung
Jeff Bartunek
Brandon Littlefield
Chris Borowski
Allen Chan
Marty Byrne
Josh Dalton
Jason Swaim
Ben McDonald
Omar Canaday
Darrell Miller
Craig Kearns
John Koehn
Johnathan Sherwood
Jermaine Mize
Gabe Pederson
Ryan Lundrigan
Michael Barnes
Jason Kono
John Steinnes
William McCullough
Rikker Dockum
Matt Reynolds
Troy Funk
Brandon Munk
Peter Ha
Phillip Sutherland
Delsin Thomas
Jacques Crocker
Andy Adams
Michael Lewis
Colt Fry
Jeff Kistler
Erik Pelfrey
Josh Head
Chris Olson
Nicholas Johnson
Michael Smith (of Hemlock)
Dwight Haak
Terry Lachowicz
Gus Hebish
Lance Kissler
Blinn Carstensen
Loren Hall
Marshall Davidson
Will Gunderson
Jonathan Melton
Louie Blader
Conor Boyle
Jonathan Sprouffske
Erik Langland
Joseph Bodolay
Paul Candler
Jake Loya
Dave Lonack
Bryan Dennis
Chris Williams
Eric Douangmany
Adam Gill
David Burnett
Eric Olsen
Samuel Wilbourn
Jesse Ellison
Justin Steele
George Birch
Christopher Doherty
Kevin Gallagher
David Pendle
Lee Kerber
Josh Ranes
Nick Lewan
Nick Yacono
Jeff Hiatt
Josh Furr
Heath Ham
Walter Hale IV
Chris Lowe
Matt Brunhauer
Kevin Krumdiack
Josh Cambra
Maximus Aquino
Aaron Grimmer
Oaken Ewens
Eric Villiers
Rich Stout
David Ko
David Stiner
Mike Brown
Jeffrey Steen
Darick Baker
Jacob Freeman
Zach Miller
Bill Harbey
Isaac Merkl
John Kirsch
Justin Pritchard
Chris Rodkey
Javan Rhinehart
Brant Bosserman
John Brethauer
Jamie Villegas
Mike Orme
James huntting
Jason Curry
George Eastman
Joe Silva
Dan Smart
Drew Pierson
Peter Francik
Derek Lebeau
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The following Delegates were certified to practice law at Evergreen Boys State,
Each having passed the Evergreen Boys State Bar Exam
~-----------Congratulations to Spruce and Hemlock for having all delegates pass the Bar.
Adrian Bentley
Brant Bosserman
David Burnett
Peter Cheng
Steve Corson
Kraig Edwards
Jim Foreman
Donald Gardner
Dwight Haak
Gus Hebish
Lance Kissler
Gary Lagerstrom
William McCullough
Garrett Meyer
Brendan Munk
Jonathan Peregrino
Dan Rasmussen
Sudhir Shaunak
Jared Sprague
Farshad Talebi
Micah Throop
Saul Whitworth
Josh Zender
Jonathan Velte-Smith
David Tracy
Brandon Littlefield
Conor Boyle
Leif Backstrom
James Mcinerney
Nathan Gent
Todd Rawlings
Leah Tanner
Erik Langland
Ben Wick
Drew Pierson
Peter Francik
Charles Bernhard
Dan Meyering
' 4~
Michael Dekker
Dan Zimmermann
Pat Munson
Matt Kathan
David Shearer
Michael Hunter
Adam Rydberg
Torre Olson
Josh Chesier
Michael Crandall
Blake Henderson
Jeff Kistler
Jonathan Sprouffske
Tom Edwardsen
Mathew Bird
John Brethauer
Joshua Cambra
Kyle Chow
Jacques Crocker
Tyler Dempsey
Jesse Ellison
Jacob Freeman
Adam Gill
Loren Hall
Patrick Hession
Alexander Hustead
Craig Kearns
John Koehn
Fred Larabee
Ryan Lofgren
Dan McKeegan
Darrell Miller
Evan Pardini
David Poffenberger
Dashawn Reese
Johnathan Sherwood
Justin Steele
John Tasto
Clinton Travis
Jamie Villegas
John Wilkinson
Joesph Blanc
Matthew Brouwer
Nathaniel Caminos
Matt Clark
Bryan Dennis
Seth Engle
Colt Fry
Russell Gourlie
Heath Ham
Jeff Hiatt
Matthew Hyink
Phillip Kelleher
Jason Kono
David LaSalata
David Lonack
Ben McDonald
Joseph Miller
Jason Norquist
Matt Reynolds
Jeffrey Steen
Jesse Travis
Eric Villiers
Christopher Williams
Ryan Boe
Matthew Brunhaver
Nic Connor
Jack Darcher
Eric Douangmany
Matthew Faulder
Kevin Gallagher
Preston Hart
Patrick Hornung
Christopher Johnson
Andrew Kettel
Kevin Krumdiack
Nicholas Lewan
Ryan Lundrigan
Jonathan Melton
Luke Olsen
Gabriel Pedersen
Sterling Quinn
Nick Riba
Nik Schultz
Michael Smith
Rich Stout
Joseph Thomas
Fabian Valencia
Erik Alskog
Arthur Bannow
Matthew Bode
Mike Brown
Ornar Canaday
Jason Curry
Joshua Dalton
Rikker Dockum
Andrae Evans
Joshua Furr
Tyler Griffin
Nathaniel Harrison
Nathan Holmes
David Ito
Kelsey Kramer
Derek Lebeau
Jake Loya
Douglas McWhorter
Adam Mills
Patrick Q'Brine
Chad Paul
Kyle Privette
Timothy Schell
Joseph Silva
Nathan Stevens
Andrew Thebeau
Michael Trujillo
Brian Wakeman
Dustin Wilson
Adam Bacon
George Birch
Stephen Boyles
Isaac Calip
Hong Chhuor
Christopher Delriccio
Paul Elfers
Brandon Freeman
Seth Gililland
Walter Hale IV
William Hendrix
James Huntting
Trung Ke
David Ko
Paul Lanouette
Jon Loehrke
Rhett Miles
Evan Muxen
Michael Orme
Solon Pietila
Ryan Reed
Alexander Salskov
Mark Sherman
Greg Stahly
Richard Tarbill
Blake Trafton
Samuel Wilbourn
Eric Anderson
Jeff Bartunek
Jesse Boelk
Martin Bryne
Ted Cassel
Drew Conrad
Mike Dauer
Michael Downey
Josh Filzen
Bill Harvey
Allen Huck
Nicholas Johnson
Dustin King
Michael Lewis
Brandon Marchand
Terry Mensonides
Ben Moehrle
Mark W. Olsen
Eric Pelfrey
Kevin Ramey
Erik Rice
Bradley Schumaker
Michael Smith
Philip Sutherland
Eric Thornton
Thomas Valier
Jared Wolfe
George Eastman
Dale Wentworth
Joe kulhus
Kyle Thorpe
Joe Snyder
Jason Swaim
Nathan Coppock
Jeffrey Boesche
Cosmo Buffalo
David Pendle
Hugo Molina
Brandon Olson
William Gunderson
Josh Flakus
Ken Daugherty
Tony Kinkela
Joshua Barbour
Joseph Bodolay
David Browning
Kevin Colombana
Jonathan Daniels
Conn Doherty
Oaken Ewens
Christopher Fyall
Aaron Grimmer
Ryan Hookland
Aaron Jaramillo
Lee Kerber
Seth Krause
Roger Ludwigsen
Brandon Mingo
David Olsen
Eric Olson
Michael Pusch
Javan Rhinehart
Dan Smart
David Stiner
Delsin Thomas
Andrew Tucker
Richie Wall
Michael Wojinski
Mark Allen
Darick Baker
Michael Barnes
Louie Blaser
Samuel Campbell
Dustin Dailey
Christopher Dockrey
Troy Funk
Benjamin Hamilton
Zachary Holderby
Kurtis Ingrum
Tristan Kelley
Joshua Kottke
Matthew Law
Carl Vanderhoek
Samuel Zega
Christopher Lowe
Brian McKeown
Zachary Miller
Erik Nyhus
Justin Pritchard
Christopher Saunders
Chris Rodkey
Torrin Shimono
John Steinnes
Clay Tenney
Scott Tripple
Michael Vollbrecht
Tyler Williams
Max Aquino
Dave Bentler
Allen Chan
Mark Swannack
Christopher Seidel
Zachary Corker
Marshall Davidson
David Edwards
Peter Fonfara
Matthew Ganser
Peter Ha
Joshua Head
John Kirsch
Terry Lachowicz
Tim Liese
Ryan Matthews
Isaac Merkl
Matthew Mormino
Chris Olson
1999 Evergreen Boys State Committee Chairs
Evan Muxen - Environment and Natural Resources
Richie Wall - Transportation
Craig Kearns - Children and Family Services
Jeff Bartunek - Economics, Development and Labor
Mike Barnes - Ways and Means
Health Care and Corrections
Nik Yacono - Government Operations
Mathew Bird - Higher Education
Clay Tenney - Agriculture
Richard Tarbill - Law and Justice
Russel Gourlie - Education, Energy, and Utilities
House of Representatives
David Edwards - Rules
Max Aquino - Trade/Economic Development
Josh Ranes - Transportation
Alexander Hustead - Local Government
Pat Munson - Education (K-12)
Jason Norquist - Commerce/Labor
Josh Filzen - Health Care
Brant Bosserman - Judicial
Micah Throop - Appropriation
Erik Nyhus - Fisheries and Wildlife
Mark Swannack - Environment
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Senate
Nate Caminos
Russell Gourlie
Beau Blanc
Nick Yacono
Matthew Anderson
David Pend Ie
Mike Barnes
Clay Tenney
Zach Miller
Peter Ha
Carl Vanderhoek
John Kirch
Erik Alskog
Dave Stevens
Matt Bode
Sudhir Shaunak
Josh Zender
Dwight Haak
Richie Wall
Lee Kerber
Conn Doherty
Michael Smith
Patrick Hornung
Kevin Gallagher
Ted Cassel
Jeff Bartunek
Thomas Valier
Torre Olson
Brandon Littlefield
John Velte-Smith
Evan Muxen
Paul Lanouette
Rick Tarbill
Tyler Dempsey
Mathew Bird
Craig Kearns
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 House of Representatives
Seth Engle
Andy Adams
Jason Norquist
Heath Ham
Jeff Steen
Matt Hyink
Kraig Edwards
Micah Throop
David Burnett
William McCullough
Brant Bosserman
Brendan Munk
Nick Riba
Jonathan Melton
Joseph Thomas
Jack Darcher
Kevin Krumdiack
Luke Olsen
Josh Filson
Terry Mensonides
Philip Sutherland
Erik Pelfrey
Mark Olsen
Jared Wolfe
Kurtis Ingrum
Ben Hamilton
Ben Brown
Josh Kottke
Erik Nyhus
Will Grant
Nate Holmes
Arthur Bannow
Eddie Coller
Derek Lebeau
Patrick O'Brine
Chad Paul
Josh Ranes
Joshua Flakus
Hugo Molina
Orsen Bell
William Gunderson
Kyle Thorpe
Mike Orme
Greg Stahley
Chris Delriccio
Andy Elfers
James Hunning
Alex Hustead
David Poffenberger
Fred Larabee
Evan Pardini
John Brethauer
Jesse Ellison
Delsin Thomas
Joe Bodolay
Colby Schlee
David Stiner
Andrew Tucker
Kevin Colombana
Christopher Borowski
Marshall Davidson
Max Aquino
Chris Seidel
David Edwards
Mark Swannack
Peter Francik
Blake Henderson
David Shearer
David Tracy
Pat Munson
Daniel Meyering
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Legislative Officers
Lieutenant Governor:
President Pro Tern:
Reading Clerk:
Sgt. at Arms:
Bill Clerk:
Majority Leader:
Minority Leader:
Majority Whip:
Minority Whip:
Sterling Quinn
Sudhir Shaunak
Nathaniel Harrison
Nathaniel Harrison
Todd Rawlings
Joe Miller
Todd Rawlings
Beau Blanc
Jeff Bartunek
Paul Lanouette
Josh Zender
House of Representatives
Speaker of the House:
David Edwards
Sgt. at Arms:
Brant Bosserman
Reading Clerk:
Omar Canaday
Majority Leader:
Majority Whip:
Minority Leader:
John Brethauer
Minority Whip:
Nationalist Legal Advisor and House Council:
Federalist Legal Advisor and House Council:
Michael Lewis
Terry Lachowicz
The American Legion
Depanment of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Evergreen Boys State News Staff
Editor in Chief:
Lance Kissler
Managing Editor:
Matthew Mormino
Copy Editor:
Hong Chhuor
Layout and Input:
Nicholas Johnson
Staff Manager:
Ryan Boe
David LaSalata
Josh Cheshier
Jesse Ellison, Andrew Thebeau, Mark Allen, Tony
1999 Evergreen Boys State Lobbyists
Eric Villiers - Alder
Eric Olson - Elm
Tim Liese - Maple
Gabe Pederson - Fir
Ryan Lundrigun - Fir
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 County Government Officials
Cascade County
ColUmbia County
County Executive
Louis Blaser
County Councilmen
Conor Boyle
Erik Langland
Leif Backstrom
Ben Moehrle
Troy Funk
County Assessor
County Executive
Ryan Reed
County Councilmen
Dale Wentworth
George Eastman
Samuel Willourn
Cosmo Buffalo
Jordan Mason
County Assessor
County Auditor
Tyler Williams
Prosecuting Attorney
James McInerney
Superior Court Judge
Matt Law
Superior Court Clerk
Sam Campbell
County Clerk
Sam Campbell
Michael Dekker
Mike Dauer
County Auditor
Josh Furr
Prosecuting Attorney
Blake Trafton
Superior Court Judge
Adam Huff
Superior Court Clerk
Alex Selskov
County Clerk
Alex Selskov
Kelsey Kramer
Joe Snyder
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 County Government Officials
PalOuse County
PUdet County
County Executive
Jonathan Sherwood
County Councilmen
Loren Hall
Peter Fonfara
Paul Candler
Isaac Merkl
Jacob Freeman
County Assessor
County Executive
Jesse Travis
County Councilmen
Abe Gardner (Chair)
Rich Stout
Garret Meyer
Jason Kono
Gary Lagerstrom
County Assessor
County Auditor
Jacques Crocker
Prosecuting Attorney
Darrell Miller
Superior Court Judge
John Koehn
Superior Court Clerk
Jonathan Daniels
County Clerk
Jonathan Daniels
Josh Head
Dan McKeegan
County Auditor
Josh DeBoer
Prosecuting Attorney
Gus Hebish
Superior Court Judge
Saul Whitworth
Superior Court Clerk
Peter Cheng
County Clerk
Peter Cheng
Matt Reynolds
Jim Foreman
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Alder
Row 1 Seth Williams, Heath Ham, John Bailey, Nathaniel Caminos, Jason Kono,
Christopher Williams, Jason Norquist, Seth Engle, The King George LaPold
Row 2 Andrew Adams, Jeff Hiatt, Jeffrey Steen, Bryan Dennis, Matt Brouwer, Jesse
Travis Row 3 David LaSalata, David Lonack, Colt Fry, Beau Blanc, Matt Reynolds,
Matt Clark, Matthew Hyink Row 4 Russell Gourlie, Phillip Kelleher, Joseph Miller, Eric
Villiers, Ben McDonald
Matt Brouwer
City Clerk:
Jeff Hiatt
City Councilmen:
John Bailey (Chair)
Matt Clark
David Lonack
Chris Williams
Ben McDonald
Chief of Police:
Chris Williams
Election Board:
Seth Engle
Russell Gourlie
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Birch
Row 1 Bobby Hoffer, Mark Allen, Ben Brown, Tristan Kelley, Torin Shimono, Erik
Nyhus, Kurtis Ingrum, Ben Hamilton, darick Baker, AI O'Brien
Row 2 Michael
Valbrecht, Brian McKeown, James Coats, Justin Pritchard, Scott Tripple, John Steinnes,
Chris Lowe, Chris Saunders Row 3 Troy Funk, Matt Law, Michael Barnes, Zachary
Holderby, Zach Miller, Sam Campbell, Louis Blaser
Row 4 Clay Tenney, Chris
Dockrey, Tyler Williams, Will Grant, Dustin Dailey, Josh Kottke, Ben Patrick
Justin Pritchard
City Clerk:
James Coats
City Councilmen:
Brian McKeown
Ben Patrick
Scott Tenney
Mike Vollbrecht
John Steinnes
Election Board:
Zach Miller
Darick Baker
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Cedar
Row 1 Bobby Wochnick, Kelsey Kramer, Josh Furr, Dave Stevens, Joshua Dalton, Matt
Bode, Nathan Holmes, Timothy Schell, Harry Easley Row 2 Brian Wakeman, Arthur
Bannow, Patrick O'Brine, Joe Silva, Andrew Thebeau, David Ito, Mike Trajillo, Dustin
Wilson Row 3 Derek LeBeau, Mike Brown, Chad Paul, Eddie Coller, Rikker Dockum,
Jason Curry, Adam Mills Row 4 Omar Canaday, Tyler Griffin, Erik Alskog, Andrae
Evans, Kyle Privette, Nathaniel Harrison, Jake Loya
Rikker Dockum
City Clerk:
Jason Curry
City Councilmen:
David Ito
Mike Brown
Tyler Griffin
Doug McWhorter
Kyle Privette
Election Board:
Joseph Silva
Nathan Holmes
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Elm
Row 1 Erik Schei, Seth Krause, Delsin Thomas, Michael Hart, Kevin Colombana, David
Stiner, Eric Pedeferri, Steve Mura Row 2 Paul Chandler, David Olsen, Chris Fyall, Mike
Pusch, Javan Rhinehart, Richie Wall, Mark Lee Row 3 Aaron Jaramillo, Conn Doherty,
Joe Bodolay, Ryan Hookland, Eric olson, Colby Schlee, David Browning, Jon Daniels
Row 4 Lee Kerber, Aaron Grimmer, Josh Barbour, Roger Ludwigsen, Michael Wojinski,
Oaken Ewens
Javan Rhinehart
City Clerk:
David Browning
City Councilmen:
Mark Lee
Dan Smart
Michael Hart
David Olsen
Seth Krause
Election Board:
Paul Candler
Oaken Ewans
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Fir
Row 1 Ben Haynes, Blinn Carstensen, Rich Stout, Kevin Krumdiack, Hao Guan, Kevin
Gallagher, Sterling Quinn, Ray Ochs Row 2 Fabian Valencia, Patrick Hornung, Nick
Riba, Matthew Faulder, Jonathan Melton, Dale Walstad, Ryan Boe, Matthew Brunhaver
Row 3 Gabriel Pederson, Eric Douangmany, Ryan Lundrigan, Chris Johnson, Luke
Olsen, Nick Schultz, Joseph Thomas Row 4 Jermaine Mize, Michael Smith, Preston
Hart, Nic Connor, Andrew Kettel, Jack Darcher, Nicholas Lewan
Not Pictured: Jared Berg
Hao Guan
City Clerk:
Dale Walstad
City Councilmen:
Preston Hart (Chair)
Matt Faulder
Fabian Valencia
Eric Douangmany
Nic Connor
Election Board:
Rich Stout
Jermaine Mize
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Hemlock
Row 1 Aaron Shepherd, Ted Cassel, Dustin King, Brad Shumaker, Erik Rice, Drew
Conrad, Eric Thornton, Michael OeFant Row 2 Allen Huck, Josh Filzen, Jesse Boelk,
Michael Smith, Marty Byrne, Bill Harbey, Jared Wolfe Row 3 T.J. Valier, Kevin Ramey,
Nicholas "Maddog" Johnson, Mark Olsen, Mike Dawney, Philip Sutherland Row 4 Jeff
Bartunek, Michael Lewis, Brandon Marchand, Eric Anderson, Ben Moehrle, Terry
Mensonides, Mike Dauer, Eric Pelfrey
Alan Huck
City Clerk:
Drew Conrad
City Councilmen:
Eric Thornton
Martin Burn
Josh Filzen
Brandon Marchand
Jesse Bolk
Election Board:
Drew Conrad
Jeff Bartunek
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Juniper
Row 1 Chris Colley, Tony Kinkela, Josh Flakus, Cosmo Buffalo, Jeff Boeshe, Kyle
Thorpe, Grant Seaman, Rickey Bonnell, Karl Van Tagen Row 2 Nathan Coppock,
Hugo Minolla, Joe Kuhlman, Adam "The Man" Huff, Ken Daugherty, Jordan mason,
Tate Robbins, Joe Snyder
Row 3 Matthew Anderson, George Eastman, Dale
Wentworth, Hamilton Galloway, David Li, Chris Judd, Brandon Olson Row 4 Ken
VanEaton, Orson Bell, Will Gunderson, David Pend Ie, Jason Swaim, Josh Ranes, Tyler
Haskins, Nick Yacono
Grant Seaman
City Clerk:
Jeff Borsche
City Councilmen:
Brandon Olson
Nathan Coppock
Tyler Haskins
David Li
David Eaton
Election Board:
Josh Flakus
David Li
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Maple
Row 1 Nick Taylor, Brian Rash, max Aquino, Zach Corker, Allen Chan, Chris Olson,
Dave Bentler, Tim Liese, Fred Olness Row 2 Isaac Merkl, Chris Borowski, Terry
Lachowicz, Peter Ha, Todd Karnofski, Matt Mormino, Matt Ganser
Row 3 David
Edwards, Marshall Davidson, Josh Head, John Kirsch, Carl Vanderhoek, Chris Seidel
Row 4 Chris Rodkey, Mark Swannack, David Carlson, Sam Zega, Ryan Matthews,
Peter Fonfara
Zachary Corker
City Clerk:
Tim Liese
City Councilmen:
Brian Rash
Matthew Ganser
Samuel Zega
Allen Chan
Dave Bentler
Election Board:
Max Aquino
Peter Ha
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Oak
Row 1 Sina Nazemi, Jonathan Peregrino, Eric Asato, Gus Hebish, Garrett Meyer, Josh
Zender, Abe Gardner, Bob "Tinker" Trethewey Row 2 Farshad Talebi, Pete Cheng,
Brant Bosserman, Brendan Munk, Michael Lindberg, Adrian Bentley, Lance Kissler
Row 3 Sudhir Shaunak, Dwight Haak, Dan Rasmussen, William McCullough, Trevor
Karnofski, Steve Corson, Gary Lagerstrom Row 4 Jared Sprague, Kraig Edwards, Saul
Whitworth, David Burnett, Jim Foreman, Josh DeBoer, Micah Throop
Dan Rasmussen
City Clerk:
Trevor Karnofski
City Councilmen:
Farshad Talebi
Mike Lindberg
Jared Sprague
Eric Asato
Steve Corson
Election Board:
Brant Bosserman
Adrian Bentley
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Pine
Row 1 Adam Sanford, Todd Rawlings, Jonathan Sprouffske, Nathan Gent, Brian
Saechao, Dan Zimmerman, Adam Rydberg, Erik Langland, Dave Lamb Row 2 David
Tracy, Leif Backstrom, Charlie Bernhard, M.J. Crandall, Conor Boyle, Josh Cheshier,
Brandon Littlefield, James Mcinerney
Row 3 Dan Meyering, Pat Munson, Peter
Francik, Towm Edwardsen, Leah Tanner, Matt Kathan, Mike Dekker, Blake Henderson
Row 4 Jonathan Velte-Smith, Drew Pierson, Michael Hunter, Daved Shearer, Jeff
Kistler, Torre Olson, Ben Wick
Charlie Bernhard
City Clerk:
Michael Hunter
City Councilmen:
Brian Saechao
Dan Zimmerman
Nathan Gent
Jeff Kistler
Leah Tanner
Election Board:
Nathan Gent
Todd Rawlings
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Spruce
Row 1 Brian Boggs, David Ko, Trung Ke, Paul Lanouette, Hong Chhur, Rhett Miles,
Andy Elfers, Chris Putnam Row 2 Charles Maggio, Micheal Orme, Jon Lochrke, Evan
Muxen, Solon Pietila, Ryan Reed, Alexander Salskov Row 3 Stephen Boyles, Walter
Hale IV, James Hunting, George Birch, Adam Bacon, Chris Delriccio, Brandon Freeman
Row 4 Samuel Williams, Greg Stahly, Seth Gililland, Bif Hendrix, Richard Tarbill, Blake
Trafton, Mark Sherman
Not Pictured: Isaac Calip
Jon Loehrke
City Clerk:
Adam Bacon
City Councilmen:
Rhett Miles
Trung Ke
Mark Sherman
Isaac Calip
Stephan Boyles
Election Board:
Brandon Freeman
Greg Stahly
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The Great City of Tamarack
Row 1 James Wojcik, Kyle Chow, Tyler Dempsey, Alexander Hustead, Jacob Freeman,
Jamie Villegas, Clinton Travis, John Wilkinson, Matt Nevitt, Ron King Row 2 Craig
Kearns, David Poffenberger, Johnathan Sherwood, Josh Cambra, Darrell Miller, Shawn
Reese Row 3 John Koehn, Loren Hall, Mathew Bird, Jacques Crocker, Evan Pardini,
Ryan Logfren, John Tasto Row 4 Dan mcKeegan, Pat Hession, Justin Steele, Adam
Gill, John Brethauer, Jesse Ellison, Fred Larabee
Josh Cambra
City Clerk:
John Wilkinson
City Councilmen:
Kyle Chow
Clinton Travis
John Tasto
Ryan Lofgren
Dashawn Reese
Election Board:
Jamie Villegas
Darrel Miller
The American Legion
Department of Washington
1999 Evergreen Boys State Directors
The American Legion
Department of Washington
The American Legion Evergreen Boys State
1999 Instructional Staff
Row 1 Dave Lamb, Ricky Bonnel, Ron King, Bob Tretheway, Wayne Sharp, AI O'Brien
Row 2 Fred Olness, Steve Mura, Mike DeFant, Kyle Schei, Dave Carlson, Ed Fantozzi
Row 3 Karl Von Tagen, Loren Sperry, Chris Putnam, Larry Sperry, Harry Easley, George LaPold
Not Pictured Ray Ochs
TliankJfor tlie great year! ! !
The American Legion
Department of Washington
Evergreen Boys State
1999 Evergreen Boys State Junior Staff
Row 1 Bobby Hoffer, Jesse Angle, Brian Boggs, Sina Nazemi, Ben Haynes
Row 2 Chris Colley, Nick Taylor, James Wojcik, James Pemberton
Row 3 Charles Maggio, Aaron Shepherd, Adam Sanford
Row 4 Erik Schei, Jared Berg, Shannon Wells, Seth Williams
The American Legion
Department of Washington
1999 Evergreen Boys State Office Administration
Jesse Angle
Wayne Sharp
Administrative Officer
Ed Fantozzi
Asst. Administrative Officer

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