Trendsetter L etter - ABWA Palm Desert Trendsetters


Trendsetter L etter - ABWA Palm Desert Trendsetters
From The
Volume 9 Issue 5
December 2012
and men, I hear a dominant theme which is
passion for their chosen career, commitment
to excellence, and extraordinary customer
service, all requiring connection with others. During December and the months
ahead, let’s focus on our ABWA theme
“together we can, together we will” and continue to connect to grow personally and professionally.
Trendsetter Letter
A M E R I C A N B U S I N E S S W O M E N ’ S A S S O C I A T I O N
P A L M D E S E R T , C A
T R E N D S E T T E R C H A P T E R P O B O X 4 4 9 2
9 2 2 6 1
Hi Trendsetters,
Inspired by a book written by Brene Brown
entitled “The Gifts of Imperfection”, I would
like to highlight her point of view. She shares
a concept of “wholehearted living” based on
her research on vulnerability, courage and
authenticity. She says that those who embrace vulnerability have a willingness to do
something where there are no guarantees. Because of their vulnerability, wholehearted people have a strong sense of worthiness and belonging, the courage to be imperfect, compassion for themselves and others,
and the ability to connect with others by being
authentic and real.
Connection, per Dr.
Brown, gives meaning to our lives. As I listen
to the stories of successful business women
I look forward to seeing you, your spouses,
partners and guests at our Holiday Party! I
would like to thank Bella Rosa Realty, Rosemary Woodward and Carol Carpenter for
sponsoring our Holiday Party entertainment
and Dominique Fruchtman, Joyce Godier, and
Rosemary Woodward for their huge efforts in
making this event a success!
A warm welcome to our
new members – Jeannette
McCarroll and Stacy Thetford!
Thank you for this opportunity…the journey continues. It is an honor to serve
as your President.
Cheryl Uyemura
December 11, 2012 Dinner
Holiday Party with Live and Silent Auctions Plus Entertainment
Dinner Price $35.00 Pre Paid
5:30 p.m. Check-In
6:00 p.m. Party
RSVP & Pay by December 6th at (760) 565-ABWA
Inside this issue:
December Program
Calendar, Fun Events
Meeting Minutes
Desert Women’s Show Results
Donors, Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Members
6, 9
Seven Nights Flyer, Holiday Party Invitation Flyer
10, 11
Trendsetter Vision , Mission Statement
ABWA Code of Conduct ( Back Page)
The Trendsetter Chapter meets
the third Tuesday of the month
5:00 pm Networking—6:00 pm Meeting
Desert Falls Country Club
1111 Desert Falls Pkwy, PD
Dinner $27.00
Reservations : (760) 565 ABWA
Credit Cards Accepted
(except Discover)
Trendsetter Chapter 2012-2013 Executive Board & Chairs
Cheryl Uyemura
Cheryl Uyemura, CPA
760 779-8877
[email protected]
Executive Vice President
Bev Licata
BL Consulting Services
760 342-0426
[email protected]
Immediate Past President
Cheryl Uyemura
Executive Vice President Records
Joyce Godier
760 880-2909
[email protected]
Foundation Frustration?
What finish do you prefer:
□ Dewy □ Matte □ Natural
Vice President of Correspondence
Dee Ryberg
Send Out Cards
612 670-9090
[email protected]
Vice President of Education
Dawn Suggs
Desert Classic Charities
760 346-8184
[email protected]
Vice President of Finance
Lorraine Ohnaesian
Core Executive Services
760 772-0011
Vice President of Membership
Sharon Zarres
Angel View
Rounding out the Board are:
V.P. of Marketing & Web Development
Alan Kelly
My Little Flower Shop
760 7024640
[email protected]
V. P. of Professional Development
Dominique Fruchtman
Desert Cow Computers
760 992-5562
[email protected]
Vice President of Fund-Raising
Cookie Harvey
Mary Kay Cosmetics
760 485-2002
[email protected]
Vice President of Hospitality
Laurie Renner
Computer Accounting Services
760 469 -9205
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vice President of Newsletter
Joyce Godier
760 880-2909
[email protected]
Vice President of Publicity
Carolyn Barry
Fun Traffic School
760 328-0096
[email protected]
“I will help you determine
what works best for you
from our 6 formulas and
23 shades.”
Call for an appointment’
“9 out of 10 women want
someone to help them find their
perfect foundation….”
Do you?
V OL U M E 9
Cookie Harvey
Independent Beauty Consultant
(760) 485-2002
Page 2
Holiday Party Program
Trendsetter Sparkle, Shine and Share Holiday Party
Live and Silent Auctions for Your Last Minute Shopping
Drawing for Seven Nights on the Town
Magician - Dean Apple
Ventriloquist - Rob Watkins
Entertainment provided by Rosemary Woodward and Carol Carpenter
Bella Rosa Realty
$35 Per Person Pre Paid
Donations by 5:00, Check-in 5:30, Program 6:00 p.m.
Donation Guidelines
Ideally, we will drop donated items at Carolyn Barry’s office by Friday the 8th for bundling
and beautiful wrapping. If you’d rather bring them to Desert Falls, do it by 5:00 p.m. before the
party, you should wrap them yourself for display, and attach your downloaded bid sheet with a realistic minimum bid and the retail value listed. You may drop them off any time after 2:00.p.m. If
you can’t get them there by 5:00.p.m., please arrange for someone else to do so.
Please let Dominique know what you will donate well in advance.
Cow Tips on Start Up
By Dominique
Technical Tips from Mark and Dom
of Desert Cow Computers
Start Up:
“Why is my computer taking forever to
The Windows Startup is not the speediest process to begin with. Each extra
bit of information tacks on several seconds.
Many programs install a component
that runs during startup. Sometimes
this is necessary, like with real-time
antivirus protection. And sometimes it
isn't, like with a program pre-loader. A
pre-loader just makes a program open
faster later on.
ize what loads on startup. The
easiest to get to is the Windows
Startup folder.
Go to Start>>All Programs and
select the Startup folder. Anything
listed in this folder will load on
Startup. Feel free to delete any
programs you don't use. Just rightclick an icon and select Delete.
This story and more can be found
For all your technology needs
[email protected]
Gregory Goodman
Fortunately, Windows lets you customV OL U M E 9
Page 3
Trendsetters Share the Holiday Spirit
Trendsetters are donating to
Sharon’s clients at Angel
View. While they are no
longer children, her clients are still disabled. They reside in
three group homes of six, for a total of eighteen who need
our generosity. They like to choose whether they go out for a
meal or buy something at the store, so gift cards are ideal.
However, it is best to donate cash or checks so that there
aren’t six clients with $25 Visa cards and then twelve to
share the rest of the donations. Call or email Sharon
to let her know how you will help. Make checks
payable to Sharon so she can purchase the cards.
Another way to share in the spirit of giving is donating unwrapped toys to the “toys for Marine tots” at the 29 Palms
Base. The local toy drive by the “Mitchell Page Chapter of
the 1st Marine Division” in Palm Desert is gathering toys for
the kids at the base.
The chapter concentrates most of their efforts to help out at the base at 29 Palms,
and occasionally does things for Camp Pendleton.
Henry Sanchez and his wife will be at our
“Sparkle, Shine and Share” party. He’ll have
a designated box for your toy donations.
Trendsetters Just Want to Have Fun
Sunday at the Movies
Stay tuned for location and time for Sunday at the movies – updates on MeetUp”
More details to follow via ABWA Fun Event e-blast! Sunday at the movies, it's fun!
Sunday Morning Hike
Come one, come all and bring a friend. We'll hit the trail early Sunday morning
and enjoy the beautiful scenery and occasional wildlife of our amazing desert. This trail can
be a challenge for a beginner. Bring a hat, water and good walking shoes/boots. You may
want to have your camera with you to capture the breathtaking views. Start your day being
'one' with nature. A little exercise is a good thing!
ABWA Calendar & Quick Reference
ABWA National
11 Holiday Party Fundraiser - No Business Meeting
11 PD Chamber Business Breakfast Desert Willow
13 ABWA Board Meeting—Roc’s Firehouse Grille
19 Palm Desert Chamber Mixer
Trendsetter Chapter
760 565-ABWA
8 PD Chamber Business Breakfast Desert Willow
15 ABWA Dinner & Business Meeting
16 Palm Desert Chamber Mixer
24 ABWA Board Meeting—Roc’s Firehouse Grille
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Page 4
Desert Women’s Show a Money Maker
“Massage by Yesi”
who sold ten of those
It looks like we made just over
$2,000 from selling tickets to the
Woman’s Show!! A lot of members
sold between two and five tickets.
Thank you very much. As my mother
would say “Many hands make light
A few members really helped to get
the number up. Please let me thank
them here:
Marge Crouter, a long-time member
who is now retired and lives in Yucca
Valley responded to our call right
away and bought ten tickets.
Cheryl Uyemura got some help from a
couple of businesses for a total of 38
Thanks especially to
We are pleased that some of the organizations that will also be benefitting
from our fund-raiser are:
Joyce Godier put the
word out to her
friends and got some
help from Eudora Nelson of Communication Images. Eudora sold 18 tickets for us.
Carol Carpenter is also involved with
Palm Desert-Indian Wells Women’s
Club. Many of the 38 tickets she sold
were to those ladies.
Thanks one and all for a successful
Our new member, Tami Draper, had a
display up in her hair salon
“Sensational Hair”. Her enthusiasm
resulted in 11 more sales.
You may recall, something we did this
year to promote sales was to promise
to donate $5.00 of every ticket sale
to a specific charity or non-profit organization identified by the business
or individual selling large quantity of
Rosemary Woodward
Carol Carpenter
Godier Reports November 20 Meeting Minutes
ABWA Trendsetter Chapter
November 20, 2012
Business Meeting Minutes
Sergeant at Arms, Cookie Harvey, introduced President Cheryl Uyemura who
opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Cheryl announced that under the leadership of V.P. Membership, Sharon
Zarres, we have had ten new members
since August . Sharon introduced her
team, Holly Agliolo, Bev Licata, Jody
Weikel, and Joyce Godier.
Bev Licata led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sunny Simon offered the opening inspiration. She called for a moment of
silence to recognize the passing of our
honorary Trendsetter, Chef Russ
Sharon Zarres led the member and
guest 30 second introductions. A guest,
Henry Sanchez, asked for donations for
Toys for MarineTots for the children of
the Marines at the 29 Palms Base.
Holly Agliolo and Nancy Kelly conducted
the Opportunity Drawing during dinner.
President Uyemura called for approval
of the October Meeting Minutes. There
being no questions or comments, Barbara Larsh moved they be approved as
printed in the newsletter. Lorraine
Ohanesian seconded. The motion carried.
There were no corrections or questions
on the Tresurer’s Report. It will be submitted to audit.
Dominique Fruchtman gave a rundown
on the December 11 Holiday Party
Fundraiser and also on the “Seven
Nights on the Town” dinner raffle. She
passed out tickets for members to buy
or sell.
Sharing: Trendsetters have decided to
contribute money or generic gift cards
for Sharon’s Angel View Clients in
Joshua Tree. She said they like to
have the ability to choose a variety of
activities, meals, or purchases with
V.P. Marketing and Web Development,
Alan Kelly damaged his cornea and
was unable to attend.
Carolyn Barry passed out Woman of
the Year nomination forms with eligible
candidates listed. Members voted by
writing in the name of the member
they wanted to support.
(continued on page 9)
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Page 5
Trendsetters Recognize Donors
Many Thanks to our Raffle Donors
Bev Licata Nortex Travel
Carolyn Barry
Fun Traffic School
Nancy Kelly Desert View Insurance
Dominique Fruchtman
Desert Cow Computers
We apologize if your donation was missed. Please let the editor know.
Get Noticed!
Roster Updates
Bring a gift for the raffle.
Newsletter Ads
If your information
changes, please
Bev Licata at
[email protected].
Everyone who donates will
receive an extra raffle
ticket and recognition
during the drawings, and
in the newsletter when they
log in their donation at the
raffle table.
To place your business ad,
congratulatory note or
event invitation in the
Trendsetter Letter,
Please contact Joyce Godier
@ [email protected]
V OL U M E 9
$5.00 per month or
$50.00 for the year.
Discounts for Larger Ads
Page 6
Delicious Dining with Seven Nights
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Page 7
Holiday Party is Our FUNdraiser
ABWA Trendsetter Chapter
Invites Your Business to Party With Us!
Sparkle, Shine and Share Holiday Party
December 11, 5:30 p.m. Check In - Program 6:00 p.m.
Desert Falls Country Club
Laugh Out
Loud! SideSplitting
Magician- Dean Apple
Ventriloquist -Rob Watkins
per person
Entertainment Provided by Bella Rosa Realty
Rosemary Woodward & Carol Carpenter
Drawing for “Seven Nights on the Town”
Raffle for $500 in Services at Al Michael’s Salon
Make it , Bake it, Sew it, Grow it Or Buy it
Live and Silent Auctions
Invite your Friends, Relatives & Associates
Tables of Eight Get Preferential Seating
Table Sign Recognition for Your Group or Business
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Page 8
Something to Celebrate
Rose King 04
Breeanna Luna 08
Marge Magnuson 26
Jody Weikal 27
Welcome New Member
Welcome New Member
Jeanette McCarroll
Life Mastery Consultant
Stacy Thetford
Bridge to Your Dreams
also Nice Doggie Owner/Trainer
Thetford Web Development
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sharon Zarres
Meeting Minutes Continued
(continued from page 5)
Cathy Scarms and Dominique Fruchtman gave highlights of the
National Conference. Later in the years, they will do a program
based on the classes they attended.
V.P. Program, Dominque Fruchtman introduced our speaker, Sara
Cardella, MA. Among the nuggets of wisdom she imparted was
that “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.”
Bev Licata announced our nominee for National Top Ten Women
of the Year. Nominee is Cathy Scarms, of Scarms Financial.
After closing remarks by President Uyemura, Barbara Larsh led
the closing message.
Respectfully submitted by,
Joyce Godier
Vice President of Records
Newsletter Team
J oyce Godier
Patricia Finn
Cookie Harvey
Bryna Blum
Carolyn Barry
Patricia Finn Photography
Mary Kay Cosmetics
WCBS4 Printing
Fun Traffic
Sunny Simon
Raise the Bar High Life Coaching
Dominique Fruchtman Desert Cow Computers
Patricia Finn
Patricia Finn Photograhy
Help Wanted:
Event Reporter
New Member Interviewer
V OL U M E 9
Page 9
Trendsetters Enjoy Networking at November Meeting
Top Left: Lorraine Ohanesian, Henry Sanchez, Sara
Cardella, and Michael
Top Center: Dee Ryberg,
Denise Detrano, and Francine Ward
Center Left: seated, ??
Dominique Fruchtman,
Sara, Carole Stephen
Center: Stacy Thetford,
Dee Ryberg and Cookie
Lower Left: Gwyn Betz
and Ophelia Cruz
Speaker Sara Cardella
with President
Cheryl Uyemura
Photography by
Patricia Finn
Lower Center:
Laurie Renner
Kim Renner,
and Rebecca
Zarres Hall
Lower Left:
Mother and
Sunny Simon
Dear Coach,
Q: I recently launched my entrepreneurial career. As recommended, I attend
many networking events to get the
word out. I get kind of stymied when
competitors attend the same meeting.
Am I wasting my time?
A: No, not at all. If you came from the
corporate world like I did, you probably
encountered internal competition. It’s
the same in the small business environment. Unless your business is truly
unique, you will never escape your
competition. This is a small valley so it
is vitally important you learn to deal
with others who provide the same service you do.
V OL U M E 9
At an event, be sure to introduce yourself and learn more about them. Perhaps they have a slightly different
niche or serve a different segment of
the market. It is helpful to be friendly
with your competitors.
You may need them for several reasons. For example, a few weeks ago a
client of mine wanted me to work onsite with employees in their Los Angeles office. I had no desire to drive to
LA, so I referred the job to a career
coach in that area. She was thrilled to
get the assignment and I felt good
about referring a talented professional.
You probably have more to gain from
your competition than you think. Collaboration is a good thing. Some competitive entrepreneurs have been
known to form successful mastermind
groups. Everybody wins!
And don’t forget the cardinal rule:
Never trash your competition. If a potential client mentions a specific com-
petitor during an initial meeting, find a
way to contrast the company in a positive light.
One final tip…the pie is not finite…it
expands. There is room for everyone,
so fear not and climb aboard.
Life skills and insights provided by
Jan “Sunny” Simon
founder and president of
Raise the Bar High Life Coaching.
Phone: 760 578-8198
From: Joyce Godier
To: Rob Peralta for coming out
on Thanksgiving Day to fix my
daughter’s refrigerator at a reasonable cost. Rob has twice
been a guest at ABWA. Peralta
Appliance Service, sales and
service of stoves. refrigerators,
washers, and dryers
Page 10
Photography a Snap With Tips from Patricia Finn
Photography Tips
by Patricia Finn
I've been teaching a photography workshop about how to
improve the quality of one's picture taking. Point number #1
is to photograph what you love. I'll share more of the things I
love to 'shoot' in later posts, but rainbows make me happy,
so how could I not enjoy taking photos of them?
Rainbows: I love to photograph them. Note the
two photos to the right. The left photo, was
in Palm Desert, a rainbow on one of only half
a dozen days of rain last winter. The photo on
the right was in Honolulu as seen from my
apartment living room over looking the Ala
Wai Canal.
Patricia Finn Photography
Vibrations of Happiness Art Cards
Yummy Food at Soup Throw Down and Cookie Classic
Photos courtesy of
Patricia Finn Photography
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Page 11
Trendsetter Vision to Meet Member Needs
ABWA Mission Statement
"Trendsetter Chapter's Vision is to be
the best we can be! We will strive to
understand and satisfy the needs of
our members and make it a priority
to recognize member achievements,
to celebrate member and chapter
successes and provide the opportunities to grow with educational programs, networking opportunities and
friendship. We promise to support
one another and have fun in the
V OL U M E 9
The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to
bring together businesswomen of
diverse occupations and to provide
opportunities for them to help
themselves and others grow personally and professionally through
leadership, education, networking
support and national recognition.
Trendsetter Letter
Editor, Sunny Simon
and her team for
“raising the bar high.”
Page 12
Trendsetters Get Recognized
Past Presidents
Cheryl Uyemura 2011-2013
Jan “Sunny” Simon 2010-2011
Cookie Harvey 2009-2010
Trendsetter Presidents
1982-1983 Carla Kordick
1983-1984 Joan Manhire
1984-1985 Harriet Wray
1985-1986 Joann Skelskey
1986-1988 Judy Issacson
1988-1990 Merrien Harmon
1990-1992 Elaine Lloyd
1992-1993 Carolyn Barry
1993-1994 Pamela Amy
1994-1995 Cathy Scarms
1995-1996 Barbara Larsh
1996-1997 Joyce Godier
1997-1999 Margie Hanson
1999-2000 Jeannie Bernard
2000-2001 Joyce Godier
2001-2002 Barbara Larsh
2002-2004 Cathy Scarms
2004-2005 Jan Sunny Simon
2005-2006 Carolyn Barry
2006-2007Rosemary Woodward
2007-2008 Joyce Godier
2008-2009 Carol Carpenter
2009-2010 Cookie Harvey
2010-2011 Jan “Sunny” Simon
2011-2013 Cheryl Uyemura
Woman of The Year
2012 Carolyn Barry
Past Women of The Year
2011Alex Christensen-Finlay
Carol Carpenter 2008-2009
Joyce Godier 2007-2008
Rosemary Woodward
2010 Marge Magnuson
2009 Bev Licata
2008 Cookie Harvey
2007 Carol Carpenter
2006 Jan “Sunny “Simon
2005 Rosemary Woodward
2004 Joan Hinterseer
2003 Cathy Scarms
2002 Kimberly Lynch
2001 Brenda Dryden
2000 Barbara Frazier
1999 Margie Hanson
1998 Lucy Torres
1997 Diana Klumpp
1996 Barbara Larsh
1995 Joyce Godier
1994 Elaine Lloyd
1993 Carolyn Barry
1992 Victoria Otos
1991 Pamela Amy
1990 Margaret Doherty
1989 Susan Miller
1988 Merrien Harmon
1987 1986 Judy Isaacson
Chapter Top Ten
Business Woman
2012 Bev Licata
2011 Sunny Simon
2010 Rosemary Woodward
2009 Cookie Harvey
2008 Barbara Larsh
2007 Barbara Larsh
2005 Cathy Scarms
2004 Carolyn Barry
Chapter Protégé Awards
Dominique Fruchtman
2010 Cheryl Uyemura
2009 Marge Magnuson
2008 Bev Licata
2007 Cookie Harvey
2007 Terry Fischer
Top Ten Business Woman
1987 Marge Crouter
2004 Carolyn Barry
Star Awards
Standard of Achievement
Banner Award
National Board Awards
Scholarship Award
National Meeting
Attendance Award
1995 & 1996
Spring Membership
Recruiting Award
Retention Award
1995 1996
Member Education Award
1995 1996
Chapter Management Award
Spring Conference
Newsletter Awards
1989 1990
1991 1992
1995 1997
2008 2009
2010 2012
National Conference
Newsletter Awards
1992 1997
Best Practices Award
2008-2009 Level 3
Best Practices Award
2009 –2011 Level 1
Best Practices Award
2011 –2012 Level 2
Business Associate
Event Award
1994 - 1995 - 1996
Sponsoring Chapter Awards
2000 PS Spring Conference
2006 Anaheim Nat’l Confer-
V OL U M E 9
Page 13
DESERT, CA 92261
Trendsetter Letter
Published Monthly
Joyce Godier
[email protected]
ABWA Proud Code of Conduct
1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors.
2. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and
convictions to interfere with the representation of
ABWA’s mission.
3. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty,
respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness
and in good faith.
Trendsetter Chapter
of the American Business Women’s Association
provides Business women
4. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA
National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws.
of the Desert Cities a great opportunity
5. Members will not use their personal power to
advance their personal interests.
with networking opportunities,
6. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the
professional development of other members.
to help themselves and others
educational programs, and friendship.