Processamento Paralelo Introdução
Processamento Paralelo Introdução
Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling Giancarlo Guizzardi IAOA Summer School Trento, Italy Day 3 Computer Science Department Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil Distinctions Among Categories of Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type {Insurable Item} Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type {Student, Teenager, FootballPlayer} Kind subKind {Person} {Man, Woman} Relational Dependence (D+) • A type T is relationally dependent on another type P via relation R iff for every instance x of T there is an instance y of P such that x and y are related via R: D+(T,P,R) =def □(x T(x) y P(y) R(x,y)) e.g., D+(Student, School, Enrolled-at) =def □(x Student(x) y School (y) Enrolled-at(x,y)) Distinctions Among Categories of Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type {Insurable Item} Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subKind {Person} {Man, Woman} Phase {Teenager, LivingPerson} Role {Student, Husband} Roles «role» Student enrolled-at School * Roles e n «role» Student enrolled-at School * The Relational property in this case is part of the very definition of the Role: Student(x) =def Person(x) y School(y) enrolled-at(x,y) Roles • Defined as a (anti-rigid) specialization of a kind such that the specialization condition is a relational one (correlated with derivation by participation) «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* SCHOOL PERSON STUDENT WORLD W «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* SCHOOL PERSON STUDENT WORLD W’ «kind»Person enrolled-at «role»Student «kind»School 1..* 1..* SCHOOL PERSON STUDENT WORLD W’’ Phases • Defined as a (anti-rigid) specialization of a kind such that the specialization condition is an intrinsic one • Phases are always defined in a so-called Phase Partition • Phase Partitions are partitions in strong sense, i.e., they are disjoint and complete generalization sets Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson LivingPerson Deceased Person PERSON WORLD W Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson LivingPerson Deceased Person PERSON WORLD W’ Person {disjoint,complete} «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson LivingPerson Deceased Person PERSON WORLD W’’ {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «phase» LivingPerson «subkind» Woman {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «subkind» Woman Man Living Person Deceased Person Woman PERSON WORLD W {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» LivingPerson «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «subkind» Woman Man Living Person Deceased Person Woman PERSON WORLD W’ «phase» Child {disjoint,complete} {disjoint,complete} «kind» Person «phase» Teenager «phase» Adult «phase» DeceasedPerson {disjoint,complete} «subkind» Man «phase» LivingPerson «subkind» Woman Imagine a game quite like football... • Fault, Forward Kick, Shoot, Assitance, Blocked Shoot, Defended Shoot, Running Forward Kick, Penalty Kick, Pass, Card Punishment, Goal, Direct Free Kick Football Game Action Fault Card Punishment Forward Kick pass Direct Free Kick Running Forward Kick Shoot Assistance Penalty kick Goal Blocked Shoot Defended Shoot «role» Customer «kind» Person «role» Customer «kind» Person «kind» Organization «role» Customer «kind» Person «kind» Organization An anti-rigid type cannot be a supertype of a Rigid Type WORLD W Student Person Instance of x WORLD W Student Instance of Person Instance of x WORLD W’ Student R- Instance of Person Instance of x Since Student is anti-rigid, there must be a world W’ such that x is not an instance of Student in W’ WORLD W’ Student R- Person R+ Instance of Instance of x But since Person is rigid then x must be an instance of Person in all worlds, including in W’ WORLD W’ Student R- Person R+ Instance of Instance of Instance of x But, given the semantics of supertying, we have that in all worlds (including W’), whoever is a Person is a Student WORLD W’ Student R- Person R+ Instance of Instance of Instance of x We run into a logical contradiction! Type ObjectType Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type subKind Phase Role An anti-rigid type cannot be a supertype of a Rigid Type Different Categories of Object Types Category of Type Supply Identity Inherits Identity Rigidity Dependence SORTAL - + « kind » + + + - « subkind » - + + - « role » - + - + « phase » - + - - NON-SORTAL - - Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type subkind {Person} Phase Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Role {Student, {Teenager, Living Person} Employee} {Customer} Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Phase {Person} {Brazilian, Man, Woman} {Student, Husband} {Person} Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category {Teenager, {Physical Object} LivingPerson} {Student, {Teenager, Living Person} Employee} {Customer} Categories (I-,R+) • Categories are rigid non-sortals representing necessary (in the modal sense) features of entities of different kinds • Typically, they form the top-most layer of object types in an ontology «category» Rational Entity PERSON {disjoint} «kind» Person «kind» Artificial Agent ARTIFICIAL AGENT RATIONAL ENTITY Categories • Like all non-sortals, categories are always defined as abstract classes, which means that all categories must have at least a kind as a subtype Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Categories • A kind can be subtype of multiple categories and a category can be a supertype of multiple kinds • Since all kinds are disjoint (otherwise the instances in their intersection would inherit multiple principles of identity), all subtypes of a category form a disjoint generalization set • On the other hand, since categories represent features of multiple kinds, they are very seldom complete «category» PhysicalObject {disjoint} «kind»Person «kind»Car «kind»Bridge Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Phase {Person} {Brazilian, Man, Woman} {Student, Husband} {Person} Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category RoleMixin {Teenager, {Physical Object} LivingPerson} {Student, {Teenager, Living Person} Employee} {Crime Weapon} {Customer} RoleMixin(I-,R-,D+) • RoleMixen are anti-rigid and relational dependent nonsortals representing contigent (in the modal sense) features of entities of different kinds • As all Non-Sortals, RoleMixins classify entities belonging to different kinds • Like all non-sortals, categories are always defined as abstract classes Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types «role»Customer Person Organization Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types Person Organization «role»Customer participation Forum Participant 1..* Person SIG * participation Forum Participant 1..* Person SIG * Roles with Disjoint Admissible Types «roleMixin» Customer Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types «roleMixin» Customer «role» PersonalCustomer «role» CorporateCustomer Roles with Disjoint Allowed Types «roleMixin» Customer Person «role» PersonalCustomer Organization «role» CorporateCustomer «roleMixin» Customer «kind» Person «role» PrivateCustomer «roleMixin» Participant «kind» Social Being Organization «role» CorporateCustomer «kind» Person «kind» Social Being SIG «role» «role» IndividualParticipant CollectiveParticipant Roles with Disjoint Admissible Types 1..* F «roleMixin» A 1..* D E «role» B «role» C Which one is better? Computer Computer has-part has-part Computer Part Disk Drive Memory Computer Part Disk Drive Memory Disk Part Memory Part by Chris Welty The Pattern in ORM by Terry Halpin Patterns and Metaphors • • From a modeling viewpoint, patterns can be seen as higher-granularity modeling primitives Design Patterns are the modeling counterpart of a device for Structure Transferability capturing a domainindependent system of types and relations that offer a stardardized solution for a recurrent problem RoleMixins • A RoleMixin cannot be a super-type of a category, in fact, an Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal type cannot be a supertype of a rigid one Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind subkind Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category RoleMixin RoleMixin Supplier PERSON Personal Customer CUSTOMER Corporate Customer ORGANIZATION WORLD W RoleMixin Supplier PERSON Personal Customer CUSTOMER Corporate Customer ORGANIZATION WORLD W’ Distinctions Among Object Types Type ObjectType Sortal Type Rigid Sortal Type Kind {Person} subkind {Brazilian, Man, Woman} Non-Sortal Type Anti-Rigid Sortal Type Phase Role Rigid Non-Sortal Type Non-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Category Anti-Rigid Non-Sortal Type Semi-Rigid Non-Sortal Type RoleMixin Mixin {Student, {Teenager, {Physical Object} Husband} LivingPerson} {Insurable Item} Modal Meta-Properties • We will discuss here four types of Ontological MetaProperties which are of a modal nature RIGIDITY NON-RIGIDITY ANTI-RIGIDITY SEMI-RIGIDITY Non-Rigidity • Anti-Rigidity is not the logical negation of rigidity, nonrigidity is! Anti-Rigidity is stronger than that as a logical constraint Rigidity R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) Logical Negation Non-Rigidity R-(T) =def (xT(x) T(x)) Non-Rigidity • Anti-Rigidity is not the logical negation of rigidity, nonrigidity is! Anti-Rigidity is stronger than that as a logical constraint Rigidity R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) Logical Negation Non-Rigidity Anti-Rigidity R-(T) =def (xT(x) T(x)) R~(T) =def □(x T(x) (T(x))) Non-Rigidity • Anti-Rigidity is not the logical negation of rigidity, nonrigidity is! Anti-Rigidity is stronger than that as a logical constraint Rigidity R+(T) =def □(x T(x) □(T(x))) Logical Negation Non-Rigidity R (T) =def (xT(x) T(x)) Anti-Rigidity R-(T) =def □(x T(x) (T(x))) Semi-Rigidity R~ (T) =def R-(T) R~(T) Mixin(I-,R~) • Mixins are semi-rigid non-sortals, i.e., they represent features which are necessary (in the modal sense) for some of its instances but contingent to others SR(T) =def NR(T) R-(T) • Every Mixin must be a supertype of a rigid type as well as a supertype of a Non-Rigid type (typically a phase) «mixin» InsuredItem «kind»House {disjoint} {disjoint,complete} «kind»Car «phase» «phase» InsuredHouse NonInsuredHouse Mixins • Mixins represent semi-rigid features of multiple kinds • Since all kinds are disjoint, all subtypes of a mixin form a disjoint generalization set. On the other, like in the case of categories, these generalization sets are very seldom complete «mixin» InsuredItem «kind»House {disjoint} {disjoint,complete} «kind»Car «phase» «phase» InsuredHouse NonInsuredHouse Mixin CAR INSURABLE ITEM HOUSE Insured house Uninsured house WORLD W Mixin CAR INSURABLE ITEM HOUSE Insured house Uninsured house WORLD W’ Different Categories of Object Types Category of Type Supply Identity Identity Rigidity Dependence SORTAL - + « kind » + + + - « subkind » - + + - « role » - + - + « phase » - + - - NON-SORTAL - - « category » - - + - « roleMixin » - - - + « mixin » - - - Stereotype « kind » Constraints RIGID SORTALS supertype is not a member of {« subkind », « phase », « role », « roleMixin »} « subkind » supertype is not a member of {« phase », « role », « roleMixin »} For every subkind SK there is a unique kind K such that K is a supertype of SK ANTI-RIGID SORTALS « phase » Always defined as part of disjoint and complete partition. For every Phase P there is a unique Kind K such that K is a supertype of P « role » Let X be a class stereotyped as « role » and R be an association representing X’s restriction condition. Then, #X.R 1 For every Role X there is a unique Kind K such that K is a supertype of X NON-SORTALS « category » supertype is not a member of {« kind », « subkind », « phase », « role », « roleMixin »} Always defined as an abstract class Always specialized by a unique kind Always defined in a disjoint partition « roleMixin » supertype is not a member of {« kind », « subkind », « phase », « role »}. Let X be a class stereotyped as « roleMixin » and R be an association representing X’s restriction condition. Then, #X.R 1 Always defined as an abstract class Always defined in a disjoint partition Always specialized by Sortals « mixin » supertype is not a member of {« kind », « subkind », « phase », « role », « roleMixin »} Always defined as an abstract class Ontology-Derived Patterns 1..* Obj.Type F «roleMixin» A Sortal D «role» B 1..* Sortal E «role» C min1 1..* 1..* «roleMixin» Customer «phase» Living Person «role» Supplier «phase» Active Organization {disjoint, complete} «role» PrivateCustomer «role» CorporateCustomer «role» Supplier 1..* 1..* «kind» Person «kind» Organization «roleMixin» Customer {disjoint, complete} {disjoint, complete} «phase» «phase» Deceased Person Living Person «phase» Active Organization {disjoint, complete} «role» «role» PrivateCustomer CorporateCustomer «phase» Extinct Organization PARTHOOD Parthood • Part-whole relations are fundamental from a cognitive perspective, i.e., for the realization of many important cognitive tasks. • Moreover, and also for this reason, parthood is a relation of significant importance in conceptual modeling, being present in practically all conceptual/object-oriented modeling languages (e.g., OML, UML, EER) • Although it has not yet been adopted as a modeling primitive in the semantic web languages, there is a significant body of work discussing its relevance for reasoning in description logics • From now on, we use the symbol (<) to represent the partwhole relation Ground Mereology Parthood is irreflexive, i.e., nothing is part of itself x (x<x) Ground Mereology Parthood is irreflexive, i.e., nothing is part of itself x (x<x) Parthood is anti-symmetric, i.e., if X is part of Y then Y cannot be part of X x,y (x < y) ¬(y < x) Ground Mereology Parthood is irreflexive, i.e., nothing is part of itself x (x<x) Parthood is anti-symmetric, i.e., if X is part of Y then Y cannot be part of X x,y (x < y) ¬(y < x) Parthood is transitive, i.e., if X is part of Y and Y is part of Z then X is part of Z x,y,z (x < y) (y < z) (x < z) Minimum Mereology • The formal semantics just present defines a so-called strict partial order relation • These axioms are not sufficient to differentiate parthood from other partial order relations (e.g., less-than, biggerthan, causality, strict temporal precedence) • A stronger theory named Minimum Mereology, thus, defines some additional notions Overlap X Y Two entities overlap if they share a part (x y) =def z (z x) (z y) Notice that this includes the case in which one is part of the other Y X X Y Disjointness X Two entities are disjoint if they do no overlap (x y) =def ¬(x y) Y Weak Supplementation • Mininum Mereology takes the partial order axioms of Ground Mereology and includes the so-called WSP (Weal Supplementation Property) X Y ? Weak Supplementation X Y ? X Y Z Weak Supplementation Principle If Y is part of X and if parthood is irreflexive Then there must be another part of X which is complementary to Y x,y (y < x) z (z < x) (z y) Weak Supplementation Principle * Event * 1..* Event * Weak Supplementation Principle * Event * 1..* Event * Weak Supplementation Pattern 2..* Entity {disjoint,complete} AtomicEntity ComplexEntity * Weak Supplementation Pattern 2..* Entity {disjoint,complete} AtomicEntity ComplexEntity * AtomicEntity(x) =def y (y < x) Parthood in UML: Aggregation 2..* Entity {disjoint,complete} AtomicEntity ComplexEntity * •One of the representations of parthood in UML termed Aggregation •The hollow diamond is connected to the whole •Aggregation is supposed to be a irreflexive and anti-symmetric relation Extensional Mereology • From a formal perspective, the most used theory of parthood is the Extensional Mereology, which can be obtained from the Minimum Mereology by including a Strong Supplementation Principle Extenstional Mereology (+Strong Supplementation Principle) Minimum Mereology (+WSP) Ground Mereology (Irreflexivity, Anti-Symmetry, Transitivity) Extensional Mereology • The Strong Supplementation Principle implies something called the Extensional Principle which implies that: two e entities are identical if they have the same parts ((x=y) z ((z < x) (z < y))) Problems from a Conceptual Modeling point of view • Ground Mereology – Unrestricted transitivity of parthood Claudio part of part of LOA part of ISTC Claudio´s Brain part of part of Claudio part of LOA Claudio´s Brain part of part of Claudio part of LOA Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – Extensional Principle of Identity which makes all parts of an entity as essential parts – In other words, every object is defined by the sum of its. Thus, we have that: • (i) The change of any of the parts changes the identity of the object John George Paul Paul John Pete The Beatles Ringo George ? Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – Extensional Principle of Identity which makes all parts of an entity as essential parts – In other words, every object is defined by the sum of its. Thus, we have that: • (ii) Two objects are the same if and only if they have the same parts John George Paul Pete The Beatles = The Liverpool Indoors Football Team Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – Failure to take into account the different roles that parts play within the whole. In other words, not all parts have the same importance with respect to the whole: some parts are optional, some parts can be replaced by others of the same kind, some parts cannot be replaced without causing the entity to change its class. Finally, some parts cannot be replaced at all, i.e., without altering the identity of the whole Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – There are other meta-properties that can be used to qualify the relation between parts and wholes. An common one is the distinction between shared or non-shared parts. Problems from a CM point of view • Extensional Mereology – There are other meta-properties that can be used to qualify the relation between parts and wholes. An common one is the distinction between shared or non-shared parts. •The other representations of parthood in UML is termed Composition •The black diamond is connected to the whole •Composition is supposed to be a irreflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive relation •It is also suppose to imply non-shareability of parts and lifetime dependence from the part to the whole •As we will see, the notions of non-shareability, lifetime dependence and transitivity are orthogonal! Problems from a Conceptual Modeling point of view • In general, mereological theories treat aggregates (wholes) roughly as sets of entities • As a consequence, the conditions that bind all the parts of a whole together are minimal. Thus, a whole formed by any arbitrary sum of entities is considered as good as any other (e.g., the aggregate of number 3, van Gogh’s ear and the third act of Turandot) • However, humans only accept the aggregation of entities if the resulting aggregate plays some role in their conceptual schemes, i.e., if the wholes they form represent genuine categories • We need then genuine unifying (characterizing) relations for Integral Wholes Integral Wholes • We must complement mereology (the theory of parts) with a theory of wholes, in which the relations that tie the parts of a whole together are also considered. Not one but several parthood relations • Studies in Cognitive Science and Linguistics have shown that we do not have a single notion of part, but multiple parthood relations forming different types of aggregates – (a) Quantities • Subquantity of (alcohol-wine) – (b) Collectives • Member of (a specific tree – the black forest) • Subcollective of (the north part of the black forest – the black forest) – (c) Functional Entities • Component of (heart-circulatory system) Not one but several parthood relations • These different notions of part are neither orthogonal to the previously mentioned mereological axioms nor to the different meta-properties that can be applied to part-whole relations. Moreover, different notions of parts are related to different sorts of unifying relations [email protected]