CFM Announces Opening of Paradise Cinemas in PNG
CFM Announces Opening of Paradise Cinemas in PNG
Stqlementlo the SouthPocificSlock Exchonge COMMUNICATIONS FIJILTD(CFM)ANNOUNCES OPENING OF PARADISE CINEMASIN PAPUANEWGUINEA 2lsrFebruory2012 co mmu n i co ti o n sF i j iL imited( cFM ) onnounced todoy thot popuo N ew ffi8 re@' gfuDttst .M- ww Guineos firstcinerno multiplexPqrodiseCinemos will open ihis Thursdoy, Februory2310.The complex comprisingthree cinemos will open on the third floor in the VisionCity Mego Moll in PortMoresby. The multiplexis owned ond operotedby PorodiseCinemosLld, o joint venture between PNG FM Limited (o cFM fully owned subsidiory), DomodorBrothers FijiLimitedond the Ciiy PhormocyLtdgroup. . The complex feotures stote of the qrt 3D lechnology ond is fully digitol o n d i n cl u d e sth e P q ci fic' sfir stpr em iumclosscinem o. "Uo untilnow t her e h o s b e e n o l o ck o f fomily enter toinmentoptions in Por t Mor esby ond Communications Fiji Limited parentcompany of: Fiji:FM96,Legend, Navtarang, RadioSargam, VlTlFM, TotalEventCompany & PNG:NauFM& YumiFM SUVA HEAD OFFICE 231Waimanu Rd, Suva,Fiji. PrivateMailBag,Suva (673)3314766 Telephone: Fax:(679)3303748 Emai[ [email protected].[ Porodise cinemos fills this importont hole in the morket". soid cFM Mo n o g i n g D i re cto r,Wi lliomPor kinson. Excitemenf is building ond bookings hove olreody been received for opening screenings,not only from residentsof port Moresby bul olso movie fons from oround PNG who ore plonning to fly in to go to the movies. "Being the first of its kind, development hos been o leorning experience but we see thisos the firsiof o choin of complexesond once op e ro ti o n o f th e V i si on' Citycomplex is settledin, we will be lookin g for ne w o p p o rtu n i ti e s"so , id Mr Por kinson. LAUTOKA GmdFlr,SugarCaneGrowers Council Bldg,DrasaAvenue Lautoka, Fiji (679)6664966 Telephone: Fax (679)6664996 LABASA 10Rosawa Street Labasa, Fiji (679)8812791 Telephone: Fax (679)881 2177 - Fiji's Homeon the WorldWideWeb Theopeningof the cinemoswillolsosee PNGFMLTDlounchingCinemADs PNG thot willoperoteon o similorbosisto its Fijibosedcounterportond providePNG FMwith o new profitcentre."Eorlyresponselooksvery posiiiveond we expect thisto be verysuccessful", odds Mr Porkinson. PNG FM LTDhos investedK1,000,000 in reiurn for its 33.3%stoke in Porodise Cinemosond CFM will'provide o deioiled stotementon performonceond returnson investmentof the compony'snextbrokersbriefingin April. Formore informotion,pleosecontoct Mr Porkinson on phone 3314766or emoil [email protected] or JyotiSolonki,Group FinonciolControllerond Compony Secretory on the somenumberor [email protected]. fu,h* WILTIAMPARKINSON JYOTISOLANKI Monoging Director Compony Secrelory