Lodestone Section 6 - Destiny


Lodestone Section 6 - Destiny
Destiny’s Lodestone
Chapter Twenty-One
“So Jacob set up a pillar in the place
Where He talked with him,
A pillar of stone,
And he poured a drink offering on it,
And he poured oil on it.
And Jacob called the name of the place
Where God spoke to him, Bethel.”
At the time Jesus spoke of the kingdom being taken from the Jews and given to a nation that
supported him, the stone of Jacob was already fulfilling this role in a new place and another people in
the land we know today as Ireland. Some five hundred years previously after the overthrow of
Jerusalem by Babylonian troops, Jeremiah and his faithful scribe Baruch, together with a select group
of refugees including two isolated princesses of King David’s royal lineage, the last remnant of King
Zedekiah’s family, carried this stone of destiny and David’s royal dynasty to a new home and a new
beginning in the British Isles.
The stone and the royal dynasty eventually crossed from Ireland into Scotland and King Edward
the First brought the stone to Westminster, in August 1296 CE. The royal Davidic lineage arrived
later in the person of James the Sixth of Scotland who, after the death of heirless Elizabeth Tudor,
became James the First of England. Jumping forward seven hundred years to 1996 we arrive at a
point in history where nations are in terrible turmoil and we approach what the Bible has termed
‘the time of Jacob’s trouble’. On July 3rd. British Prime Minister Mr. John Major announced that the
Stone of Scone otherwise known as the ‘Stone of Destiny’ or ‘Jacob’s Pillar’ was to be returned to
Scotland in August of that year. A number of questions arise from this interesting development.
Each move the stone has made in the past has brought with it a shift in the balance of power and
significant changes in the course of history. Does the stone’s move now signal another historical
watershed, a fulcrum to swing the course of history onto a new heading back towards Palestine?
Perhaps Edinburgh is a first staging stop on the way to Jerusalem in preparation for the promised,
physical return and coronation of Jesus Christ on the throne of his father David.
Is it perhaps a measure of divine protection that seeks to safeguard the stone, and title deed that it
represents, against the troubled times of international terrorism in which we live? If this were so the
question begs. What diabolical plan is being prepared for the destruction of Westminster Abbey;
that building that above all others within our British Commonwealth is symbolic our Christian
King David named the ‘stone’ covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as the ‘everlasting
covenant’. Is this incident indicative of the nation breaking the ‘everlasting covenant’ by rejecting
both the stone and the covenant it stands for? Isaiah spoke of the impending judgment on the earth
because the laws are transgressed, ordinances are changed and the ‘everlasting covenant’ is broken,
and the picture he paints is freakishly similar to the chaos seen and experienced anywhere in our
commonwealth today as we throw to the winds more and more of the values that made our
company of nations great.1
If the United Kingdom finally hands over her autonomy to a European parliament, Britain will also
be casting off her spiritual headship vested in the Queen, and accepting the spiritual headship again
of a dominating, idolatrous Roman Catholic influence. Many would say that God, if He has any
interest at all, has rejected the family of Israel, but read what Jeremiah had to say long after Israel
had gone into captivity and Judah on the verge of invasion by Babylon and ask, “What has changed
in twenty-five hundred years?”
"Have you heard the saying that’s making the rounds: ‘The two families God chose, Israel and
Judah, He disowned’? And have you noticed that my people are treated with contempt, with
rumours afoot that there’s nothing to them anymore?
“Well, here’s God’s response: ‘If my covenant with day and night wasn’t in working order, if sky
and earth weren’t functioning the way I set them going, then, but only then, you might think I had
disowned the descendants of Jacob and of my servant David, and that I wouldn’t set up any of
David’s descendants over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But as it is, I will give
them back everything they’ve lost. The last word is, I will have mercy on them.’”2
Destiny’s Lodestone
We live today in the greatest need of statesmen, and leaders who will administer justly, men and
women who have the nation’s interests, common safety and welfare at heart. Instead we find
ourselves sadly lacking “without king or prince” to stand in the gap and shield our society from the
ravages of debt, greed and wonton social destruction.
Generally speaking we live today “without sacrifice or sacred pillar” the three-fold cord that
bound our common culture together – the Faith, the Scriptures and the Christ – is spurned at the
highest levels. With ‘political correctness’ and ‘multi-cultural’ interests running rampant through
our land we can no longer even seriously call ourselves a Christian nation for we are prepared to
bow down before any altar.
The word translated ‘sacred pillar’ is the same used for Jacob’s pillow stone and it reinforces the
importance and significance of this stone of destiny that has now disappeared from Britain’s
spiritual centre. Perhaps this is indicative of the moral and spiritual emptiness that grips our
civilisation, its removal illustrates a rejection of the covenant this pillar stands for; or at the very
least, reveals an ignorant lack of knowledge, which will bring its own destruction. There is a saying
that asks the question; ‘If you think there is a distance between you and God, guess who moved?’
By the same token, if you don’t think God is doing anything in the world today perhaps it is time to
seek another viewpoint. As Jesus reprimanded Peter, “…You are not mindful of the things of God,
but the things of men.” Or as J.B. Phillips translates “…You stand right in my path when you look at
things from man’s point of view and not from God’s.”3
As part of ancient Israel’s judicial system, the High Priest carried within his ephod behind the
breastplate, the Urim and Thummim stones (teraphim) allowing him, with God’s insight, to judge
between right and wrong. We live today with a judicial system that almost makes a mockery of the
word justice; a system where the criminal is hardly penalized and the victim invariably is, where
wisdom and truth are buried under mountains of graft and deception. Living “without ephod or
teraphim” also means living without knowing God’s mind, having no one who mentors, no oracle
to consult. To the degree that our national spiritual relationship is lost, to that same degree greater
and greater emphasis and reliance is placed on the law making process and treaties with other
nations, as well as the policing of these laws and treaties with disastrous results.
Whatever the reasons for the move to Scotland, we can rest assured that the story of the stone is not
yet over, as Hosea predicts in the next verse:
“Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the LORD their God and David their king.
They shall fear the LORD and His goodness in the latter days.”4
Some may write off this ancient and primitive object as a useless piece of sandstone but it’s
voice will still be heard in the end, and still continue to play its part as the ‘Stone of Witness’ in the
long term welfare of the Anglo Saxon race. As Jesus told the Pharisees on the day of His grand
entrance into Jerusalem:
“…If these (children) should hold their peace the very stones would immediately cry out!!”5
Why did Jacob choose the particular stone he had laid his head on? Was it because the voice he
heard emanated from the stone itself? We understand that computers require ‘special stones’ in the
form of ‘silicon chips’ to be able to operate, and other ‘stone’ materials are used to make the disks and
hard-drives which are used by computers, not to mention audio tapes, video tapes and CDs.
Bearing in mind that this ‘special stone’ was known as the ‘Stone of Witness’; what if the stone
itself were some kind of ‘time capsule’ or even ‘computer disk’ on which God has recorded and stored
all of the significant moments in history dealing with Jacob and his Israel family, from dreams to
crowns and from covenants to title-deeds? Who knows if, with the right technology and in the fullness
of time we might not unlock the code and from the stone, like a video tape or DVD disk, witness again
those special moments when God and man made contact and contracts with each other? Remember
wise King Solomon who said:
“There is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, see this is new? It has
been already of old time before us.”
And Joshua declared:
“For it (the stone) has heard all the words of the Lord.”
Destiny’s Lodestone
Jesus indicated that it was possible for stones to cry out! Truly truth is stranger than fiction and in
the light of our technological advances perhaps we should be asking ourselves, ‘is this a stone or a
- The Stone of Scone in Edinburgh Castle from 1997 -
Unless the Fates are faithless grown,
And Prophet’s voice be vain,
Where’er is found this Sacred Stone
The Wanderer’s Race shall reign.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Historical Facts about British Christianity
oday, as we accelerate into the twenty-first century, the Christian faith comprises over 1.759
billion people worldwide, one third of the human population. In the United States alone over
190 million of the country’s 300 million consider themselves
Christian, while the largest church has a membership comprising
some 57 million Roman Catholics.
Christians are familiar with the Scriptures of the Bible and the
teachings of Jesus. Every Sunday, pastors, ministers, and priests
faithfully exhort, teach, and speak to their audience or parishioners
about their particular take on Scripture with a general direction
towards a spiritually and morally higher life. Caring more about the
people around us and embracing the values of trust, love, and peace.
Nearly every person of Christian faith has heard that Jesus died for
our sins, and this is still the most significant thing that has ever
happened on our planet. It is still the most important issue that each
of us will ever have to deal with personally. However, we are often
so mindlessly focused on tradition that we forget to ask simple questions. Questions like, Who?
What? When? Where? And How? Consumed by our goals in life or perhaps just the stresses of
survival living we simply forget to ask the basic questions? Here are just a few…
What is the origin of the Bible? Where did it come from? Why is it so important? Who are the
people of the ‘Book’ and what has happened to them? What is my connection, if any, to these
people of the ‘Book’? Why does a book about an obscure group of wanderers living in Palestine
some four and half thousand years ago have anything to do with me today? What impact has their
lives had on Western civilization? What relevance do the Scriptures have for a twenty-first century
person today? Who are the Jews? And what is the difference between an Israelite of the Bible and a
Jew of today? Okay, okay, we could go on, but my purpose is not so much to answer all of these but
rather light a spark of interest in your connection with the past, and more importantly, destiny for
the future.
Every successful journey depends entirely on two simple but critical pieces of information. The
first is, What is my origin—“Where did I come from?” And the second part is equally important,
Destiny’s Lodestone
What is my destination—“Where am I going?” Based only, but only on the correct answers to those
two questions can we track where and how we are travelling at any point along the road no matter
whether it is our trip to work each day, or the trip of life. So… this is not about living in the past,
but learning from it so we can find direction, courage and inspiration to live each day with purpose
and not be a wandering generality getting ‘nowhere’ because that’s where we are headed. If we are
not careful, much of life can be about dead-end streets and the Bible is one of the very few books
that can, and will, and does provide answers, both about our origin as well as our ultimate
destination. In a world where the sands of time are constantly drifting before the winds of change, it
is awesomely powerful to be able to find a rock solid truth on which to stand securely and face the
future with unbending confidence.
Did you know, for instance, that the Bible on your bedside table or gathering dust in your
bookcase is not a collection of children’s stories or even a collection of mythological tales? If your
family is firmly planted in Western civilization then the Bible actually contains a history of your
very own ancestors. It follows a nation whose humble beginnings in the Arabian desert, led them,
after the Bible left most of them in Assyrian exile, and later the rest under Persian domination, to
eventually settle on the Western seaboard of Europe, and in more recent history as their populations
expanded, to colonies spread around the globe. Daniel, an exiled royal prince of Judah, and now a
special adviser to Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar [c.600 BCE.] likened this process to a ‘stone’
that would grow and became a great mountain filling the whole earth7. Daniel was explaining
through the King’s dream the procession of four nations that would take place after his own. Like
any good diplomat, Daniel, was deliberately obscure in identifying the fifth ‘stone’ kingdom in the
presence of a foreign king. He obviously knew the identity of the fifth kingdom that would break in
pieces and consume the other four kingdoms, for just a few chapters later he declared:
“…The saints (a deliberate obscurity for Israelites – Psalm 148:14; 149) of the Most High shall receive the
kingdom and possess the kingdom for forever, even forever and ever.” (Daniel was very emphatic about
the longevity of this kingdom)
The word ‘stone’ gives us the clue, for stones governed Israel’s whole, and special, relationship
with God, as the prophet Isaiah, one of Daniel’s own countrymen, had exhorted Israelites to…
“Look to the rock from which you were hewn,
And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug.
Look to Abraham your father, And to Sarah who bore you;”9
Abraham’s grandson, the patriarch Jacob acquired a stone pillar that became his stone of witness
or title deed and focal point to all that God had covenanted through the families of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob. This stone began its history as a reject building block that was consecrated by Jacob
after a life changing dream. Today it is a priceless heirloom in the same category as the English
crown jewels and holds pride of place in Edinburgh Castle. This rough sandstone block became
known as the Coronation Stone upon which Israelite, Irish, Scottish and English Kings and Queens
following King David’s line have been crowned for more than three thousand years.
Then there were the tablets of stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments and placed within
the Ark of the Covenant. This was the focal point of the Law of Moses, governing the nation of
Israel’s complete relationship with God for some fifteen hundred years. In a very real sense they
were the vows by which Israel as a nation promised to be faithful to God in the same way a wife
promises to be faithful to her husband.
Then there were the precious stones that the High priest bore on his shoulders and on his
breastplate. These identified each tribe of Israel for a memorial whenever he ventured into the
presence of God within the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle.
The Apostle Peter writing to these very same Israelites as “the scattered” or “the dispersion”
calls them “lively stones” built together with the “chief corner stone” into a “spiritual house”. In
God’s eyes there has only ever been one nation where stones have played such a prominent part in
their relationship with Him. And as foretold in Scripture, there has only ever been one kingdom that
would stand forever and this is the nation of Israel.10
Did you know that the message of the New Testament profound as it is is but a stepping stone
towards what followed and is still to come, in the spread of that Good News into the rest of the
Destiny’s Lodestone
world? Saint Paul’s missionary ventures detailed for us in the New Testament, delude us into
thinking that these were the first outreaching efforts of the early church, and nothing could be
further from the truth. Did you know that before Paul’s conversion, and while he was still working
for the Jewish Sanhedrin dragging early believers of this ‘new faith’ off to prison, this Good News
message had already leapt directly from Jerusalem into the British Isles and was being propagated
in Somerset by one of the wealthiest men of his day and a great uncle of Jesus?
I have found most Christians entirely unfamiliar, or worse, confused, with the origin and history
of both the Bible and the Christian church. Many have erroneous historical views because so much
of history has been distorted or suppressed by foreign invaders such as the Roman state in its early
occupation of Britain together with the later Dane, Saxon and Norman invasions, but even more so
by the Roman church through its 900 to 1000 years of European ‘dark ages’ control.
Here are some facts about a history that has for over twenty centuries both challenged and
shaped Western civilization. Today, in many respects, our civilization is turning its back on the very
tenets of truth that made our combined nations of the west the greatest ever known since the dawn
of time. We do it to our eternal shame and impending disaster for ominous cracks of destruction are
already evident within our societies as we move blindly and persistently towards the ‘fall and
Collapse of Western Culture and Civilization’. Winston Churchill once said, “A nation that forgets
its past is doomed to repeat it”. We could rephrase that by saying, “A nation that forgets its past and
the true source of its greatness has no future!”
In The Beginning…
We know Jesus was born to Mary by the overshadowing power of God’s Holy Spirit and
that Joseph was his step-father. From the book of Matthew we learn that Mary and Joseph
later had a family of their own, providing Jesus with four half brothers; James, who later
became the leader of the church in Jerusalem and was stoned on the steps of the Temple; then
Joseph, Simon, and Judas, along with at least two half-sisters. (Unsubstantiated claims make
these Joseph’s children from a supposed previous marriage.)
Matthew also informs us that Joseph’s father was Jacob, while Luke informs us that Mary’s
father was *Heli. Apparently Jacob and Heli, as well as Joseph of Arimathea the youngest, were
brothers, all sons of Matthat or Matthan depending on which record you read. This means that
Joseph and Mary were first cousins. Both Matthew and Luke record the lineage of Jesus as a
noble and direct descendent of King David.11
*Luke uses the word, Gr. Nomizo translated “as was supposed” Actually means a legal son as
reckoned by the law, making Heli, Joseph’s ‘father-in-law’. – E.W. Bullinger
It is thought that Jesus lost his stepfather Joseph during his childhood years, for his mother’s
uncle, Joseph of Arimathea was granted power of Paranymphos (guardianship) over the family.
This would only have occurred through the death of the male leader and provider in the family.
As a result we find that Joseph of Arimathea significantly influenced Jesus’ upbringing.
Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy and influential tin, copper, and lead mining magnate and
merchant. From his home near Lydda (Ramallah) in the Plain of Sharon, about 20 kilometres
from the port of Joppa (Jaffa) Joseph ran a fleet of ships, which delivered ore from mines in the
British Isles to Rome and Phoenicia. These were the same mines that nearly 1000 years earlier
provided materials for the construction of Solomon’s Temple. As an important supply source
for these minerals used extensively by Rome, Joseph acquired the status of an important
Roman dignitary. As a legislative member of the Roman Senate and mining specialist his
official title was ‘Noblis Decurio’. He was a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin as well. There is
more than enough tradition suggesting that as a boy, Jesus accompanied his great-uncle, to
Cornwall, spending time in Britain, particularly around Glastonbury in Somerset. It is even
possible that He was educated at one of Britain’s many famed Druidical colleges during his
‘silent years’, enabling him at the age of twelve to amaze the Jewish leaders gathered in the
temple for the Passover feast.12
Destiny’s Lodestone
Joseph of Arimathea disagreed with and pleaded with the Sanhedrin when Jesus was
condemned to death. Joseph then used his influence to demand and take possession of the body
of Jesus from Pontius Pilate after the crucifixion. He provided his own tomb as a burial place.
Jewish records indicate that after the resurrection and the discovery of the empty tomb, the high
priest Caiaphas, ordered Joseph of Arimathea to be questioned by the Sanhedrin about his role
in the events. Because of his powerful Roman status he was untouchable, so the Sanhedrin
devised a new penalty by forcing Joseph of Arimathea and his companions into an oarless boat
without a sail and set them adrift on the Mediterranean Sea.
In referring to the Christian exodus from Jerusalem in 36 CE., Cardinal Baronius in his
‘Ecclesiastical Annals’ stated, in that year the party mentioned was “exposed to the sea in a
vessel without sails or oars. (I’m sure there is an amazing story hidden in those few words.)
The vessel drifted finally to Marseilles, and they were saved. From Marseilles, Joseph of
Arimathea and his company passed into Britain and after preaching the Gospel there, died.”
Eusebius (260-340 CE), Bishop of Caesarea, sometimes referred to as the father of church
history, wrote, “The Apostles passed beyond the Ocean to, the Isles called the Britannic Isles”.
According to Cardinal Baronius, the disciples who were cast into the oarless boat included:
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Lazarus – whom Jesus raised from the dead
St. Martha
Marcellus – The Bethany sisters’ maid
St. Mary – mother of Jesus St. Joseph of Arimathea
St. Mary – wife of Cleopas St. Maximum
St. Salome
St. Sidonius (Restitutus) – Jesus restored sight
St. Trophimus
St. Martial
St. Eutropius
St. Saturninus
St. Clean
(Although Jesus’ mother is not mentioned in the original list, I have added her to this list for it is almost
certain she would have been in Joseph’s care. A confirmation of this comes when Mary is later recorded
with Joseph’s group and buried at Glastonbury.)
Against all odds, the vessel and its occupants arrived safely in Marseilles. Upon their arrival,
they met numerous other believers who had preceded them, including the disciple St. Phillip,
who gave Joseph of Arimathea an Apostolic Appointment to Britain. Because of his tin mining
connections in Cornwall, including lead mines in the Mendip Hills close to Glastonbury,
Joseph had close ties with the nobility of the region. King Arviragus of the Silures in Cornwall
sent a delegation to invite the party to Britain, offering safety and land. Before long, Joseph and
the disciples made their way into England.
9. Britain became the first country outside Jerusalem to receive Christianity in about 36-38 CE, as
acknowledged in many historical records as well as several church councils including Pisa in
1409 CE., Constance in 1417 CE., Sienna in 1424 CE., and Basle in 1434 CE., where Britain’s
position of superior antiquity and precedence was challenged. It is also why our British
monarch carries the title ‘Our Most Religious Queen (King)’.
10. The church in Britain was first known as the “Culdee” Church, the natural result of Joseph and
his companions being regarded as “refugees”. Under Rome’s sphere of influence, Britain was
the only country that afforded a secure asylum for Christians persecuted first by Saul under the
Jewish Sanhedrin’s authority, and later by Roman Emperors.
11. The original church built at Glastonbury, and later expanded into an Abbey, was quite small,
built of wattle and daub 20 meters (60 feet) in length and 9 meters (26 feet) in width. Following
a pattern of the Old Testament tabernacle it was completed between 38 and 39 CE. In a letter
from St. Augustine to the Pope 400 years later, Augustine acknowledges Joseph of Arimathea’s
work and erection of the church on the very location where Jesus earlier built a wattle altar.
12. Arviragus King of the Silures and possibly Joseph’s relative through a married daughter, gifted
Joseph of Arimathea and his companions with 12 x 150 acre hides—or tracts—of land upon
which to established their mission. Recorded a thousand years later, the land grant can be still
seen today in the ‘Doomsday Book’ compiled by William ‘The Conqueror’, King of England
[1066-1087 CE].
Destiny’s Lodestone
Joseph of Arimathea and the British Silurian Royal Family
d. 27 July 82 CE.
Daughter Anna m. = Beli Mawr –
(Thought to have either married Beli or what is more likely, Bran below.)
(the Great)
Llyr (King Lear of Shakespearean fame) 10 CE.
Bran Fendigaid – (the Blessed)
First British royal convert to Christianity
Aulus Plautius
Caradoc (Caractacus) 10-80 CE.
(Taken to Rome after his capture 52 CE.)
(Claudia Britannia.)
Gladys d.97 CE
Cynon Cylinus Linus (1st. Bishop Rome) Eugain m. Salog
m. 53 CE. Roman senator & aide(Martyred about 90 CE.)
de-camp to Aulus Plautius in Britain
Gladys m. Roman General
Rufus Pudens Pudentinus
(Martyred 96 CE.)
Llewrug Mawr (Lucius)
(Nationalised Christianity in Britain 156 CE.)
(Their 4 children Martyred…)
A great luminary – light bringer of his time
d.140 CE.
d.137 CE.
d.140 CE.
d.107 CE.
St. Timotheus
St. Novatus
St. Praxedes
St. Pudentiana
13. Caradoc or Caractacus, a cousin of Arviragus, was the Pendragon or war-lord of the British
army. His family became closely aligned with Joseph. His father Bran ‘The Blessed’ who had
abdicated the throne in favour of his nephew Aviragus in order to become an Arch-Druid was
officially the first royal convert. Caradoc’s sister Gladys and his children, Gladys (Claudia),
Cyllinus, Cynon, Linus and Eugain were also early converts to the new faith before their
capture and seven year house arrest as hostages in Rome.
14. Before Christianity was birthed in Judea, there existed from the remotest period in Britain a
patriarchal religion known to us as the Druidic, of which the three leading, and identical
teachings with those of Christianity were…
a. the immortality of the soul,
b. the vicarious atonement,
c. the triune nature of Deity represented by three rays of light and called ‘Yesu’.
The motto of the Druids, “The Truth Against the World”, was the principle and foundation upon
which Druids build their order.
15. While multiple statues of gods and goddesses prevail throughout sites of Egyptian, Greek,
Indian and Roman origin as well as other nations, not a vestige of an idol or image has ever
been found that could be termed British. Although claims have been made for human sacrifices,
only animal bones have ever been found in the vicinity of the Druids known altars.
16. Several significant legends emerge from Glastonbury Abbey. Joseph is said to have brought
with him the chalice used by Jesus and the Disciples during the Last Supper. It was this goblet
that gave rise to the ‘Quest for the Holy Grail’ legends of King Arthur, who’s discovered
remains lie buried at Glastonbury. Another legend relates to his staff which grew when planted,
and still another centres on two cruets of Jesus’ blood and sweat Joseph brought to England.
17. Joseph of Arimathea is said to have been present when Mary (mother of Jesus) died in 48 CE.,
and was buried at Glastonbury Abbey.
18. According to Cressy, a Benedictine Monk and historian, St. Joseph of Arimathea died and was
buried ‘over Mary’ at Glastonbury Abbey on 27 July, 82 CE. Inscribed upon Joseph’s
sarcophagus were the words ‘Ad Brittanos veni post Christum Sepelivi Doci Quieri’ or “To the
Britons I came after I buried the Christ. I taught, and I have entered my rest.” Besides Joseph
Destiny’s Lodestone
and Mary his niece, and contrary to Romanized history, a number of the Apostles, ended their
days in Britain and were buried at Glastonbury in Somerset. The remains of others were
transported to Britain after their death.
Converts to Christianity flooded to Glastonbury Abbey for baptism, instruction, and missionary
assignment. Isadore, Archbishop of Seville [600 – 636 CE] wrote in his ‘Historia’ that Philip
from Bethsaida together with his daughters preached Christ to the Gauls. At one point Philip
sent 160 disciples from Gaul to assist Joseph of Arimathea and his team at Glastonbury. One of
the first outreaches from Glastonbury was undertaken by the Bethany group of Mary, Martha,
their maid Marcellus and brother Lazarus. This family headed back across the channel to
France where Lazarus evangelized in the region of Marseilles for seven years. They lived out
the rest of their lives preaching and teaching in southern France. From this point, Glastonbury
Abbey became the centre of Christian outreach worldwide. For centuries, Gallic records
indicate the Archbishops of Treves and Rheims were all Britons supplied by the mother church
of Glastonbury, Avalon.
There are records claiming that Joseph of Arimathea’s daughter Anna, and cousin of Mary, the
mother of Jesus, married the Silurian king, Beli the Great or what is more likely his great
grandson, Bran ‘The Blessed’, and Joseph’s first convert to the new faith. It may well have
been this family connection that drew Joseph back to Britain when persecution against
Christianity broke out in Judea.
One of Jesus’ twelve disciples, Simon Zelotes, followed Joseph to Britain about 44 CE. but
appears to have laboured independently. During the Boadicean War Simon was martyred 10
May 61 CE. by Roman forces who crucified and buried him at Caistor, in Lincolnshire.
The elderly Aristobulus was a third member of the Jerusalem church called to missionary
service in Britain. One of the seventy, brother of Barnabas, and father-in-law of the Apostle
Peter, Aristobulus was ordained the first bishop of Britain by the Apostle Paul and together
with his son, Maw or Manaw, travelled to Britain from Rome with the elderly and recently
baptised (58 CE) Arch Druid Bran to engage in this commission. Reputedly the first Christian
martyr in Britain, within a year Aristobulus was dead, killed by locals in a misunderstanding of
his association with the much hated Romans. He was buried near St. Albans about 59 CE. A
district on the River Severn, in Montgomeryshire perpetuates his name—Arwystli—in the
original Cymric language.13
Reputedly, Peter the apostle was received by the family of Senator Rufus senior at the family’s
country estate outside Rome in 44 CE. This was also the year a Claudian banishment decree
forced all Jews and Christians alike to flee from Rome. The records indicate that Peter fled to
Britain visiting and evangelizing in both Britain and Gaul several times during his lifetime
before being incarcerated at Rome for nine months in the worst possible manner, and refusing
to die in the same position as his Lord, was crucified head-down in 67 CE.14
Pendragon Caradoc (War Lord Caractacus) carried the war successfully against, not just one,
but a combined force of three or more of Rome’s elite generals, including at one stage the
Emperor Claudius himself, until traitorously betrayed and captured by a break-away renegade
tribal leader 52 CE. When taken to Rome as captives and hostages by the Roman military, this
family’s home of house arrest (‘free custody’) became the official church of the gentiles
(uncircumcised) in Rome and became the base for most if not all early Christian activity in this
city. Both the apostles Peter and Paul, and many other Christian notables such as Paul’s
prodigy Timothy, enjoyed the hospitality of this home. The other official church (of the
circumcised) in Rome was in the home of Priscilla and Aquila, until absorbed by the other.15
When St. Paul arrived in Rome (56 CE) as a prisoner, he found Caradoc’s family already living
there under house arrest, including Linus, Pudens and Claudia, as well as Aristobulus (Eubulus)
and already converts to Christianity through the work of Joseph of Arimathea.16 Here is further
proof that the church at Glastonbury was established before the existence of the church at
Destiny’s Lodestone
26. Aviragus succeeded to the position of Pendragon (War Lord) after his cousin’s capture and
carried on the war against the invading Romans with increased vigour and success, forcing the
Romans to accept peace by treaty rather than a too costly conquest.
27. Linus, son of British prince and war-lord Caradoc was ordained by St. Paul the first bishop of
Rome before 69 CE. The ordination of Linus by Paul was confirmed in a statement by St. Peter
in a publication entitled ‘The Apostolic Constitutions’. Peter first stated that Linus was the
brother of Claudia and further affirmed his British origins and princely birth. He also confirmed
Linus as the first bishop and that the ordination was performed by Paul sometime after his first
arrival in Rome in 56 CE. The claims of the Roman Catholic Church regarding the founding of
the church at Rome by St. Peter are confounded by this statement made by Peter himself. Linus
was a martyr of the church at Rome some time about 90 CE.
28. Although a hostage, Caradoc’s daughter Gladys, and sister of Linus, was adopted by the
Roman Emperor Claudius and received the adopted family name to become known as ‘Claudia
Britannica’. Claudia became very popular in Roman society and married into a Roman
Senatorial family. Her husband Rufus Pudens Pudentinus had been aide-de-camp to Aulus
Plautius, one of Rome’s ablest generals in Britain. His friendship with Claudia may have even
begun in Britain when Aulus Plautius married Claudia’s Aunt. Rufus was also reputedly the
half-brother of St. Paul through their mother, (Priscilla?). The marriage was performed by
Pastor Hermes (Hermas).
29. Rufus and Claudia had four offspring, all of whom were instructed in the faith by the apostles
Peter and Paul and all four were also martyrs for their faith.
30. Caradoc’s Son Cylinus became king in Britain after Arviragus and his grand-son King Lucius
nationalized Christianity in 156 CE., so that Britain was the first of all nations to accept
Christianity as its national religion.17
31. With the connection made between Paul and Rufus, and noting the way chapter sixteen of
Paul’s Roman letter unfolds, it is possible to believe that more of the Roman notables to whom
Paul sends greetings in his letter were actually members of his own family.18
32. After his acquittal in Rome, of all charges relating to his arrest in Jerusalem, Paul followed his
primary and stated purpose in coming to Rome. In the translated words of Clemens Romanus,
the third bishop of Rome, he went “to the extremity of the west”. Paul left Rome about 58 CE.
Possibly Caradoc, and his father Bran having just completed their seven years of detention,
together with Aristobulus, newly appointed bishop of Britain, and his son Maw, were Paul’s
companions for at least part of the journey. He travelled through Spain and Gaul before
reaching Britain where reputedly Paul spent most of the next four to six years, out of European
circulation, evangelizing particularly among the very receptive Druid communities in Wales.
He returned to Rome sometime about 64-67 C.E., to a martyr’s death along with Peter at about
the same time; both victims among thousands of Nero’s insanity.19
33. Her husband and all four children of British Princess Gladys (Claudia Britannica) suffered
martyrdom in Rome for their faith; her husband and Roman senator Rufus Pudens, 96 CE;
daughter Pudentiana in the third persecution, 107 CE; Novatus in the fifth persecution, 139 CE;
while his brother Timotheus was in Britain baptising his nephew, King Lucius. Just a year later
now aged 89, Timotheus was martyred in 140 CE., and also Praxedes his surviving sister, one
month later that same year. Claudia was the only member of the family to die naturally 97 CE.,
a year after her husband Rufus. All were buried in the family grave beside the remains of St.
Paul their beloved apostle and relative.
34. In 137 C.E., during the fifth Roman persecution 89 year old Timotheus son of Rufus and
Claudia travelled from Rome to baptize his nephew King Lucius in Britain, and some twenty
years later in 156 CE. Lucius nationalized Christianity in Britain. Records indicate that 140
years after the original disciples erected the first wattle church Eleutherius, bishop of Rome
between c.174-189 CE., sent missionaries to Lucius, King of the Britons, arriving on the island
and making repairs. Upon their departure, they chose twelve of their converts to remain on the
island as hermits in memory of the original twelve. This community of hermits lived
Destiny’s Lodestone
unmodified, until St. Patrick, the Apostle of the Irish, arrived in 433 CE. He taught the hermits
to live together in a community, becoming their abbot and remaining until his death.
St. Cadval, a famed British missionary out of Glastonbury, was attributed as having founded
the church of Tarentum, Italy, in 170 CE, 14 years after King Lucius Christianized Britain.
In the year 630 CE, at Glastonbury, St. Paulinus constructed St. Mary’s chapel over the wattle
and daub church with the idea of preserving the church. However, in 1184 CE a fire gutted St.
Mary’s and with it many of the church’s original relics and documents. Rebuilding began at
once, and Glastonbury Abbey was completed in 1186 CE. Soon after this, with the consent of
King Richard I, and an expensive appeal made to the pope, the abbey’s independence was
The city of York (Caer Evroc) became the city of choice for Romans after the massacre and
sacking of London by the rampaging outraged army of Boadicea in 61 CE., reacting to the rape
of Queen Boadicea and her two daughters by Roman savagery. In fact several Roman
Emperors functioned from York, preferring its safety to the jealousy, intrigue and threats of
Rome itself. One of these was Constantius Chlorus who ruled the Roman Empire from York for
ten years. With him began arguably one of the most momentous chapters in the history of
Christianity. In the year 265 CE., he married Elaine (Helen) the daughter of King Coel of
Colchester (the ‘merry ol’ soul’ of nursery rhyme fame), and a great grand daughter of King
Lucius already mentioned above. It is to her credit, probably as much as her famous British
born son Constantine the Great [274–337 CE], that Christianity was accepted nationally and
became the religion of choice of the Roman Empire.
Over a period of six years, between 306 and 312 CE, fighting his way to the top against serious
odds and several contenders, and finally being hailed as victor and as saviour of the empire by
the Roman Senate, Constantine ended persecution against Christians. Constantine’s coemperor, Licinius, joined him in issuing the Edict of Milan in 313 CE., which mandated
toleration of Christianity. With his mother’s support and encouragement Constantine favoured
the church with legal rights and large financial donations.
Changes favouring Christians immediately began taking place. In chronological order,
Constantine stopped pagan games, freed the Church of land taxes and civic obligations;
permitted the freeing of slaves; forbade private people to offer sacrifices to idols, reserving this
right only for societies; commanded Sundays be celebrated throughout the empire; protected
Christian virgins; abolished Roman laws against celibacy; permitted the Church to receive
property; ordered Christian Churches to be constructed; and restored Elia Capitolina to its
former name Jerusalem.
Constantine the Great commenced building Constantinople in 326 C.E., on the site of ancient
Greek Byzantium, present day Istanbul, where it remained the capitol of the Byzantine or
Eastern Roman Empire until 1453 C.E. Amongst other achievements, his mother, Empress
Helena, built seven churches in the Holy Land, and still honoured today as shrines to some of
the significant events in the life of Jesus.
Christianity now grew so rapidly that through ignorance, error, and deliberate design aimed at
increasing popularity, numerous practices belonging to other popular pagan religions and cults
were incorporated into church tradition and beliefs. Within a very short time the bishop of
Rome now known as Pope was wielding more power over an enlarged Holy Roman Empire,
than the Emperor had over the Imperial Roman Empire. This state of affairs continued for the
next 1000 years called by some the ‘iron age of spiritual slavery’, until the reformation of the
sixteenth century shook the church to its very foundations.
Probably the most momentous event to influence the church next to Constantine’s rise to power
was the overthrow of his city Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks in May 1453 CE. This
seemingly unconnected incident in fact, triggered the renaissance that swept a tidal wave of
new learning across Europe. Fleeing refugees from Constantinople brought with them a flood
of manuscripts, many of them original Scripture written in Greek, the language of the
Destiny’s Lodestone
universities, and in contrast to Latin, the compulsory language of the Roman church at that
The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in his home town of Mainz,
Germany just thirteen years before in 1440 C.E., added impetus to this flood that quickly swept
beyond the restrictive controls of the church.
England again led the way when John Wycliffe labelled ‘The Morning Star’ of the reformation
produced some time between 1380 and 1384 C.E., an English copy of the Holy Scriptures
translated directly from the Latin Vulgate. For the very first time people were able to read the
Scriptures in their own language and its popularity grew rapidly despite severe persecution
from church officialdom. As a result of his studies Wycliffe also began to question and
challenge the validity of some of the Catholic Church’s traditions. He died 31 December 1384
C.E., before the church had time to deal more severely with him.
The next step forward in England was taken through the first visit in 1500 CE., of Erasmus the
illustrious Dutchman whose meeting with the then still future Henry VIII (aged 9) sparked a
correspondence that continued for many years. Erasmus also won many friends in Oxford and
an open door in the future for his published “Testament of Jesus Christ in the original
language”, a Greek New Testament collated carefully from the manuscripts, translations and
commentaries available to him, and correcting many of the errors and Roman bias of the
Vulgate version. Through the use of the new printing invention this publication set the world on
its head, or in the words of historian J.H. Merle d’Aubigné, it “awakens the dead”. From
peaceful homes to ancient university halls it created animated discussion wherever it went. It
was from this time that the Reformation of England truly began, independent of everything else
that was happening on the continent.
It was into this electrified atmosphere that William Tyndale was born about 1493 C.E., with a
linguistic skill of genius quality. After time spent at both Oxford and Cambridge, where he met
Erasmus, Tyndale returned to his home in the Severn valley to a teaching position. It is here
that he conceived the idea of translating the Scriptures into the mother tongue of those around
him so that they could work out their own salvation without depending on the erroneous and
downright false doctrine expounded by, what were in the main, ignorant monks. Eventually
opposition forced him to leave England and it is possible that his first two gospels translated
into English were actually printed in Wittenberg with Luther’s support and encouragement. He
died a martyr 6 October 1536 C.E., at Vilvorde in Belgium. Even after his death, edition after
edition of his English Bible continued to flow into England in spite of every attempt being
made to suppress it. His work fulfilled an early promise to an opposing theologian that,
“If God spares my life, ere many years I will take care that a
ploughboy shall know more of the Scriptures than you do.”
Tyndale took the fire that had been kindled in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge with
the reading of the Erasmus Greek New Testament and set the world on fire with his version
printed in the common tongue of the people. In 1534 C.E., it led to Henry’s momentous break
with the Roman Papacy. In less than eighty years it led directly through other versions, namely
‘Matthew’s Bible’ (1537 CE.), the ‘Great Bible’ (1539 CE.), and the ‘Geneva Bible’ (1560 CE.),
to the King James (authorized) version of 1611CE., that after four-hundred years is still being
printed and used by many today in the twenty-first century.
In November, 1729 CE, four young gentlemen of Oxford,—John Wesley, [1703-1791] Fellow
of Lincoln College; Charles Wesley, [1707-1788] Student of Christ Church; Richard Morgan,
Commoner of Christ Church; and Robert (Bob) Kirkham, of Merton College,—began to spend
some evenings in a week together, in reading, chiefly, the Greek Testament. The next year two
or three of John Wesley’s pupils desired the liberty of meeting with them; and afterwards one
of Charles Wesley’s pupils. It was in 1732, that Benjamin Ingham, of Queen’s College, and
Thomas Broughton, of Exeter, were added to their number. To these, in April, was joined Mr.
Clayton, of Brazen Nose College, with two or three of his pupils. About the same time James
Harvey was permitted to meet with them; and in 1735, George Whitefield [1714-1770] of
Destiny’s Lodestone
Pembroke College. The sight of this little group of fourteen or fifteen meeting so regularly and
for long hours excited some ribald comment. The little company was dubbed “Bible Moths” the
“Holy Club” the “Godly Club” and lastly “Methodists” and that was the name that stuck.
48. After two years spent among the Indians in Georgia, USA. From October 1735 to December
1737 CE John Wesley returned to England. Soon after he had a meeting with Messrs. Ingham,
Stonehouse, Hall, Hutchings, Kinchin, fellow of Corpus Christi, and a few other Clergymen, all
resolved to be Bible-Christians and, to preach Bible Christianity.
49. Although perfectly regular and zealously attached to the Church of England, they became
convinced, that “by grace we are saved through faith;” that justification by faith was the
doctrine of the Church, as well as of the Bible. As soon as they believed, they spake, salvation
by faith being now their standing topic. In this John Wesley followed the counsel of an
associate who advised him to “Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it you
will preach faith.” Indeed this implied three things:
(1.) That men are all, by nature, “dead in sin,” and, consequently, “children of wrath.”
(2.) That they are “justified by faith alone.”
(3.) That faith produces inward and outward holiness:
These points they insisted on and in a short time became popular preachers. The congregations
were large wherever they preached. Through the work of these men and the Methodist
movement it is certain that Britain escaped a fate similar to that brought by the uprising and
bloodshed of the French Revolution across the channel [1789–1799 CE].
50. A direct result of the Methodist movement was the work of (General) William Booth [18291912 CE] born in Nottingham and founder of the Salvation Army. By the end of his life the
army was operating in 58 countries, and today is one of the largest providers of humanitarian
Okay!—So What?
hristianity spread from a single church beginning with just one hundred and twenty disciples
in a Jerusalem upper room after the ascension of Jesus, to reach the western extremities of
Britain, impact the city of Rome itself and stretch east through the work of doubting Thomas
into the sub-continent of India in less than one hundred years. Truly, as the people of Thessalonica
claimed, “these…turned the world upside down”20. A number of Kings and princes, Apostles and
disciples, but mainly just ordinary people like you and I with a profound belief in the Captain of
their Salvation, have played significant roles in spreading a faith that has now become the most far
reaching structure of belief in the world.
I have come to realize that there is more to this Bible business than meets the eye. It is far more
than a religion that is traditionally dead and lifeless. Christianity is about a person and all about
relationship. From the moment of our birth a sacred trust has been placed in our hands, to revere the
past and learn from those who have succeeded in bringing this ‘like precious faith’ to our time and
our lives. Christianity has shaped world history, not always positively, but those occasions regarded
as negative had everything to do with power mongering, bigotry and individuals on ego trips, and
nothing to do with the message it brings. Whole countries and nations have been built on its solid
moral values and conviction. In fact as Jean Henri Merle d’Aubigne author of ‘The Reformation in
England’ (1866-78) puts it,
“If Jesus can do without kings to establish his kingdom, kings cannot do without
Jesus if they would have their kingdoms prosper. Justice, which is the
fundamental principle of the state, is continually fettered in its progress by the
internal power of sin; and as force can do nothing against this power, the state
requires the gospel in order to overcome it. That country will always be the most
prosperous where the church is the most evangelical.”
Today the truth of that statement is highlighted with every newspaper we open, and in every
courtroom in our land. The gospel is the only code where all individuals are treated as equals
regardless of status, sex, colour or creed. And where the single requirement demanded is a belief in
Destiny’s Lodestone
the Name and work of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and soon coming Lord. Our nations continue to
rise and fall in direct relation to their spiritual condition determined by their answer to the very
same question Pilate the Roman Governor of Jerusalem asked two thousand years ago; “What then
shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?”
As I have studied these histories, I realize the significance that these brave and industrious
individuals have secured for my life and my faith. Over centuries of time, we have seen how God
has spun a cycle through cause and effect to bring about the values we embrace today. Through the
pedigree of Joseph of Arimathea and the connection so many of those early evangelizers had with
each other and with Britain, I am alive, and able to thank God for the Royal House of King David
[c.1000 BCE.] that still functions in Denmark, England, Holland, Norway and Sweden today 3000
years later, as a fulfilment of Jeremiah’s prophetic word, spoken when everything was unravelling,
and it seemed so pointless, and the message so out of step with what was happening before his
“Thus says the LORD: ‘If you can break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night,
so that there will not be day and night in their season, then My covenant may also be broken with
David My servant, so that he shall not have a son (heir) to reign on his throne, and with the
Levites, the priests, My ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the
sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister
to Me.’” Moreover the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, “Have you not considered
what these people have spoken, saying, ‘The two families which the LORD has chosen, He has also
cast them off’? Thus they have despised My people, as if they should no more be a nation before
“Thus says the LORD: ‘If My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the
ordinances of heaven and earth, then I will cast away the descendants of Jacob and David My
servant, so that I will not take any of his descendants to be rulers over the descendants of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. For I will cause their captives to return, and will have mercy on them.’”21
Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from
which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug. Look to Abraham your
father, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him.
For the LORD will comfort Zion, He will comfort all her waste places; He will make her
wilderness like Eden, And her desert like the garden of the LORD; Joy and gladness will be found
in it, Thanksgiving and the voice of melody. Listen to Me, My people; And give ear to Me, O My
nation: For law will proceed from Me, And I will make My justice rest As a light of the peoples. My
righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, and My arms will judge the peoples; the
coastlands (isles) will wait upon Me, And on My arm they will trust.22
Together we are truly the family of God, and through His conscious awareness, we can better direct
ourselves, our families, our communities, our churches and our nations for God’s future plan for
mankind and this planet. May God’s plan be with you now and always. The truth is yours.
- The Truth Against the World -
Destiny’s Lodestone
Above is a plan of Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset. From this location the message of Christ was first
proclaimed to the British, The remains of St Joseph of Arimathea, his niece Mary, the mother of Jesus,
among many other notables including St. Patrick and King Arthur lie buried here.
Basilica di S. Pudenziana 160 Via Urbana 00184 Roma
Arguably the first Church above ground in Rome and the family home of Rufus Pudens Pudentinus, and his
wife Claudia Britannica (Princess Gladys, adopted daughter of the Emperor Claudius). For seven years, it
was home to her hostage father Caractacus (Prince & Pendragon Caradoc) of British Royalty. Both St.
Peter and St. Paul enjoyed the hospitality of this home.
Destiny’s Lodestone
Westward Ho!
The Migratory Trend of Western Civilisation
Leaving Egypt as slaves under the leadership of Moses some 4000 years ago, Israel has spread
today around the world to become places and nations we know today as Belgium, Denmark, Eire,
Finland, France, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States of America,
and the British Commonwealth including England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia, Canada,
New Zealand, South Africa.
Destiny’s Lodestone
References & Bibliography:
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile
The moment a single man contemplates it,
Bearing within him the image of a cathedral
- Antoine de Saint Exupery
B.I.W.F. (N.Z Auckland); “Covenant Report”. (Various – 1996–2001). Official organ of B.I.W.F. Auckland, N.Z
Bennett, W. H.; 1976. “Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Booker, Richard; 1981. “The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread”.
Destiny Image Publishers Shippensburg, PA. USA
Bright, Dr Bill; © 1965, 1995 “The Four Spiritual Laws”
Campus Crusade for Christ
Bullinger, E.W., 1967 “Number in Scripture”
Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Chant, Ken; c 1970. “This We Believe”.
Crusader Publications, Fullarton, South Australia
Cooper, Dudley; 1983. “World Destiny – God’s Master Plan”. Endage Print, Mitchell Park, South Australia
Davidy, Yair; 1993 “The Tribes”.
Russell-Davis Publishers, Hebron, Israel
Davidy, Yair; 1995. “Ephraim”.
Russell-Davis Publishers, Hebron, Israel
Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni; 1889 “The Viking Age”
Elibron Classics; 2003 Adamant Media Corp
Elder, Isabel Hill; 1962 “Celt, Druid & Culdee”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Elder, Isabel Hill; 1949 “George Of Lydda” (Soldier, Saint & Martyr) Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
”History of Christianity – A Lion Handbook” 1977 [1990]. Edited & Organised by Dr. Tim Dowley.
Lion Pub. Oxford, UK. Illinois, USA. Sutherland, NSW. Australia
“Illustrated Bible Dictionary”. 1980 [reprint 1986] Inter-varsity Press, Tyndale House Pub. Illinois, USA
”Lion Handbook to the Bible”. 1973. Edited & produced by David & Pat Alexander.
Lion Pub. Tring, Herts, UK. Sutherland, NSW. Australia
A.J.Tull & Sons Kent, UK
Fox, John S.; 3rd edition 1948. “Today, Tomorrow and the Great Beyond”.
Goard, LL.D., F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S., Rev. Wm. Pascoe; 1934. “The Post-Captivity Names of Israel”.
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Haberman, Frederick; 1962. “Tracing Our Ancestors”
(2nd. Edition) Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Heath, Rev. Alban; 1934 “The Painted Savages Of England”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Jowett, George F.; 1961 “The Drama Of The Lost Disciples”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Lewis M.A., Rev. Lionel S.; 1958 “St. Joseph Of Arimathea At Glastonbury” (The Apostolic Church in Britain)
James Clarke & Co. Ltd. London, UK
Merle d’Aubigné, J.H.; “The Reformation of England” (Volumes One & Two)
Banner of Truth Trust, London, UK
Milner, M.A., F.R.G.S., Rev. W. M. H.; [1902] 1952. “The Royal House of Britain an Enduring Dynasty”.
12th. edition. Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Morgan, Rev. R.W.; 1860 “St. Paul In Britain”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Pritchett, Rev. P.H.; 1928. “The Enduring Empire of the Brit-ish”. Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Rand, LL.B, Howard B.; 1947. “Study In Jeremiah”
Destiny Publishers, Haverhill, Mass. USA
Roberts, Rev. L.G.A.; 1926. “Studies In Jeremiah”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Rogers, Mrs G. Albert; 1928. “The Coronation Stone”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Sargent, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Major-General H.N.; 1932 “The Servant Nation”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
“The Companion Bible” 1964 (King James Version – (KJV) – E.W. Bullinger DD - notes)
Samuel Bagster & Sons, London, UK
“The New Testament in Modern English”. (JBP) 1959. Phillips, J. B. The MacMillan Company, New York, USA
“The Amplified Bible”. (AMP). 1965
Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, USA
“The Message – New Testament in Contemporary English”. 1993. Peterson, Eugene H.
Navpress Publishing Group, Colorado, USA
“The New Analytical Bible” (KJV). 1950 Dickson, John A. (Notes)
John A. Dickson Pub. Chicago, USA
“The New Jerusalem Bible” (NJB). 1985.
Doubleday & Co. New York, USA
“The New King James Bible” (NKJV). 1991 (Spirit Filled Life Notes)
Thomas Nelson Inc. Nashville, USA
“The New Revised Standard Version Bible” (NRSV) 1989 (Apocrypha) Oxford University Press, New York, USA
Turner, F.A.S., et R.A.S.L. Sharon; 1840 “The History of the Anglo-Saxons”
Elibron Classics; 2003 Adamant Media Corp
Destiny’s Lodestone
Warn, W. H.; 1930 “And It Was So”.
Hulbert Pub. Co. London, Birmingham, Glasgow, UK
Wesley, John; “The Journal of John Wesley”
Moody Press, Chicago, USA
Wuest, Kenneth S.; 1956. “First Peter in the Greek New Testament”
W. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Whiston, A.M. William; 1957 – Translation of “The Life and Works of Josephus” (Jewish historian)
John C. Winston Co. Philadelphia, USA
Williams, R. Llewelyn; 1958 “God’s Great Plan”
Covenant Publishing Co. Ltd. London, UK
Destiny’s Lodestone
- THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL Derived from Eber or Heber who was a great grandson of Shem, son of Noah.
Meaning to colonise, travel or wander.
Genesis 10:21; Luke 3:35
“Abram the Hebrew” has a double meaning, speaking of his descent and also his
wandering pioneer nature. This ancient word in the form of “Abiri” also means
“People of the Bull”. His family appear to have carried the name “Habiru” away
from Ur to Haran and later to Canaan. Recognised as the “Abiri” or “Khabiri” on
the Tel al-Amarna tablets they were the “Hebrews” of the Bible. By this name they
colonised Spain (Iberian peninsula), Ireland (Hibenia) and the Hebrides.
Place names derived from the word ‘Hebrew’ are:
- Ibernia or Hibernia, an early name for both Spain and Ireland.
- Hybernia, an Irish town or city.
- Hebrides, off the west coast of Scotland.
- Ivernis or Hybernis, a Spanish city inhabited by the ‘Iberni’ at the time of the
historian Ptolemy.
- Ebro or Ierne, a river on the N.W. coast of Spain.
The son of Abraham and Sarah meaning laughter, and in whom Abraham’s seed was
to be called. Words like “Saxon”and “Jack-son” - I-Saac’s son(s) evolved from this
Genesis 21:12; Amos 7:9, 10
The natural name of the younger twin son of Isaac and Rebekah, meaning
supplanter. Often used prophetically to collectively include the entire natural
Genesis 25:26; Hosea 10:11; Amos 3:13.
descendants of the Israelite nation.
Jacob’s name was changed to Israel and this became the collective title of his twelve
sons’ families indicating their special relationship with Yahweh. The official title
passed with the birthright to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh but, apart
from prophetic utterances, fell into disuse as the nation’s idolatry flourished.
Genesis 32:28; 48:16; Amos 3:1, 12, 14.
An emblem or symbol prophetically depicting the whole house or nation of Israel.
Judges 9:8, 9. Jeremiah 11:16, 17; Hosea 14:5, 6; Romans 11:24, 25.
The fourth son of Jacob, from whom was
promised that kings would come. Nationally
the kingdom included the tribes of Judah and
Benjamin, in whose territory Jerusalem lay,
and also a significant part of tribal Levi,
whose civic duties included the operation of
the temple at Jerusalem.
The capital of the Southern Kingdom used
figuratively for the kingdom of Judah.
The tribal emblem of Judah
A prophetic symbol representing the Southern
Kingdom of Judah.
The house of David was a ‘branch’ of the tribe
of Judah, and its use is restricted to this ‘royal’
A prophetic symbol representing the ‘royal’
house of David.
Genesis 29:35; 49:10;
I Chronicles 5:2;
Isaiah 7:17; 11:11 - 13;
Jeremiah 3:18;
Hosea 1:11; 5:12 - 14.
Ezekiel 16 & 23:4;
Micah 1:1, 5.
Genesis 49:9, 10; Revelations
Jeremiah 24; Joel 1:7.
Jeremiah 30:9; Hosea 3:5;
Ezekiel 34:23; 37:24, 25;
Revelation 5:5.
Isaiah 2:13; Ezekiel 17:3, 22,
Destiny’s Lodestone
This official title was passed on with the
birthright to Ephraim and Manasseh by Jacob
when transferring his covenantal blessing.
Used in the same context as his sons Ephraim
and Manasseh, the birthright holders.
Genesis 48:13 - 20;
Hosea 5:3, 5.
Amos 5:1 - 4;
I Chronicles 5:1, 2;
Amos 5:5, 15;
Zechariah 10:6.
Used for the principal birthright holder of the
northern, ten-tribed, kingdom of Israel.
Used for the mothers of her son Benjamin and
his territory, Bethlehem in particular.
The capital of the Northern Kingdom used
figuratively for the nation.
The principal emblem of Ephraim the
dominant tribe, but not often used because it
had already been set up as an idolatrous
religious symbol.
A buffalo or wild ox, and a secondary emblem
of Ephraim and Manasseh.
A prophetic emblem or symbol; depicting the
ten-tribed house of Israel.
Another prophetic emblem or symbol;
depicting the ten-tribed house of Israel.
Isaiah 7:17; 28:1; Hosea 5:3;
Zechariah 9:10, 13.
Jeremiah 31:15.
Ezekiel 16:46;
Micah 1:1, 5.
Deuteronomy 33:16,17;
I Kings 12:28;
Amos 4:1.
Numbers 23:22; 24:8;
Isaiah 34:7.
Isaiah 5:1 - 7;
Jeremiah 6:9.
Ezekiel 17:6 - 8;
Hosea 2:12; 10:
Joel 1:7; Micah 1:6.
God and His prophets mainly used this name after the division.
This God-given name speaks of the spiritual and covenant relationship that the nation had with God, but
lost nationally after Jeroboam set up the worship of the golden (engle) calf.
A name commonly used by other nations including the Moabites and the Assyrians to identify the tentribed house of Israel, through Israel’s fourth dynasty the ‘House of Omri’.
The name speaks of Israel’s soulish commercial relationship, particularly with surrounding nations.
Omri was responsible for giving Israel her ‘new’ identity and ‘soul’ by providing a new legal code,
establishing Samaria, Israel’s new capital & making treaties with countries like Phoenicia.
It is from the word ‘Samaria’, capital of ten-tribed Israel, that words like Cimmerian, Kimmerian,
Crimea, Sarmatian etc. come.
This name was chiefly used by the Israelites to identify themselves and their origin.
This name speaks of the physical and natural relationship with God in His choosing of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob; “In Isaac shall your seed be called”.Genesis 21:12.
Guta comes from the region to which the Assyrians exiled the Northern Kingdom of Israel
which, within a short space of time, the Scythians are known to have originated.
During their wanderings outside the promised land the nation divided into tribal, clan or family units and
became known by these as the sifting among the nations took place. Names like Danaoi, Tuatha de
Danaan, Getae, Massagetae & Parthian took the place of Biblical names.
Amos 9:9.
NOTE: When the nation’s spiritual relationship was lost, greater emphasis and reliance was placed on the
law making process and treaties with other nations, with disastrous results.
Destiny’s Lodestone
(Franks); Rhabbanai (East Scythia).
Chauci. Hugo (Franks, Saxons).
Clans: Chanoch
(Phalui); Falia (Phalia in Germany from where the Franks
invaded Gaul).
Chassuari (Franks); Istaevones (Sicambri - Franks).
Carmania (Southern Iran); Crimea (Scythia); Carini (Franks in
Clans Nemuel
Generally associated with Judah (The Jews).
Clans Zarah
Semnoni (Germany including the Angle group prior to their
invasion of Britain); Samnitae (Scythia); Simuen (Ireland);
Simeni (Wales); Semoni )East Celtic Britain); Samnites
Nemetae (Gaul); Nemnetes (Gaul);
Headobards (Lombards migrated from Scandinavia to North
Yom (Viking group); Ymbrin (Sweden); Ambri (Scandinavia,
Euci (Anglo-Saxon Germany); Eucae (Scythia East of the
Caspian); Euchatae (Scythia); Iceni (Celtic Britain in “Semoni”
region). “Iceni” approximates to the Phoenecian-Hebrew
rendition of Yacin. Hecani (Anglo-Saxon group).
Zohar - Sular (Holland); Zarchi - Zaratae (Scythia)
Silures (Wales).
Clans Shucham
Jews (of Israel & the Diaspora); Yadi (Cilicia in N.W. Syria);
Yeda (in Scythia among the Nephtalite Huns); Lutae (Bactria);
Jutes (Denmark); Juthingi (Switzerland & Alsace).
Zaratae (Scythia).
Chassuari (Franks).
Hamlyn (Frankish Germany); Haemele (Anglo-Saxon Group).
Paretz (Modern day racial Jewry); Frissi (Friesland - Holland Anglo-Saxon Britain); Parissi (Gaul - Paris, Celtic Britain in the
region ofYork); Parsi (P-Parthians (Iran); Phiresi in
Sali (Franks).
See Carmi of Reuben (Carmania, Crimea, Carini).
Eytan (An Irish ancestor).
Calcol (An Irish ancestor).
Chalubi, (Chalybes of Scythian Caucasus and Calybes of Celtic
Spain - famed metallurgists).
Ancestor of groups among the Scandinavian Royalty.
Jair, Iari, of early Middle East and later of Ireland and Scotland
Tuatha de Danaan (Greece, Spain & Ireland); Danaster,
Danaper, Danube are all rivers associated with the Scyths).
(Scythian tribe); Dana (from Lebanon in Israel to Ireland.
(Wales); Dangalai (Iran); Damnones (Scythia, Scotland, SouthWest Britain, also known as “Dannonia”); Dani (Danes of
(Suham); Suehan (Sweden); Suoumi (Finland, also associated
with Simeon.
(Hussem); Hesse (Franks in Germany).
Destiny’s Lodestone
Nephtalite Huns (thyssagetae of East Scythia); Thule (Norway).
Zeeland (Holland); Zealand (Denmark); Yssel (Scandinavia).
Clans Jahzeel
Egan (Norway); Gugerni (Holland); Chouni (Huni, Huns of
Scandinavia, etc.)
Jassar (Alans); Vraesi (Denmark, emigrated en masse to
Sillingae (amongst the Vandals, Holland & Scandinavia).
Clans: Ziphion
Clans: Jimnah
Getae: A Gothic group in the Balkans and Scandinavia.
A Gothic group east of the Caspian Sea - “Yueh-chi” and in
A Gothic group on the Baltic coast.
(Scandinavia); Gadrosia (Iran); Gad (Goths); Pasargadoi (Sonsof-Gad in ancient Iran); Thatagydes (Afghanistan, ThataTeutons & Thata-Goths or “Gydes”); Gadeni & Gaedhal
(Scotland); Geddingas (Anglo-Saxon associated group).
Thaifalli (Gothic alliesfrom Scythia migrated to France).
(Chaggi); Chauci - (Franks also known as “Hugo” &
“Hocing”); Yngling (Sweden).
Suiones (Sweden).
Bastarnae (Gothic-Galatian group moved to France); Astings or
Hastings (Vandal group who invaded England and Scotland
Osnabruch (Frankish - Germany).
(Geri); Grani (Sweden); Greotingi (Goths, Sweden).
(Ha-Arodi - Harudi (Norway); Hreadgoths (Scandinavia).
(Ha-Eruli) - Eruli (Herules); Associated with Goths & Sweden.
Chouni (Huns); see Guni of Nephtali, (Egan - Denmark,
Gugerni - Holland.
(Ancestors of Scandinavians from Scythia); Asii (Scythia);
Ansis (Leading family of Goths & Khazars); Aorsi (Scythia);
Asianoi (Scythia, East of the Caspian).
Omanoi (Vandal group, Lowlands of border Scotland &
Heissi (Vandal group, Lowlands of border Scotland &
Beria-g-h (Brigantes of Celtic Britain, Ireland, Gaul,
Switzerland); Brigands (branch of Brigantes); Bryggs
(Brigantes of Britain and Phrygia in Anatolia - Ancient
Turkey); Boreoi (Vandal group); Barragos, Variag, Varangians
(Vikings in Russia); Varachan (Khazar group in Russia of
probable Viking extraction); Warings (Scandinavian group in
Anglo-Saxon England).
(Chever) - Caber (Wales); Chabiones (Franks); Ligi & Lygi
(Celtic groups absorbed by Vandals. Their name may derive
from a root-word for “league” meaning “union”.
Meaning: “God is King”; Royal Scythes, Basiloi (Khazars);
Basilia (Scandinavia); Sakaraukae (East Scythia).
Destiny’s Lodestone
(Sagartoi - Iran & Scythia); Sagaruce (Scythia); Sacaraukae
(Scythia); Scirri (Galatians); Skirri (Gothic group); Serica (East
Tollund (Denmark); Thule (Norway).
Clans: Tola
(Puni) Fenni (Ireland); Vannones (Switzerland); Peones
(Swiss); Finni (Finland).
Abii Scythae (East Scythia); Ablis Maurunganie (Saxon group);
Ubii (Holland).
Suebi (Switzerland).
Asmirae (Scythia).
(Yachmi); Kym (Finland).
(Jibsom - Gibson); Uusima (Finland).
Mikeli (Finland).
Clans: Sered
Zabulistan (Afghanistan during the Scythian period);
Sabalingoi (Denmark & Holland)
Suardinoi (Sweden); Suardone, Suarini (Holland).
Alan (Scythes, Khazar-Jews); Aland (Sweden, Finland); Halin
(Norway); Halland (Sweden); Holland (Netherlands).
(Yachlayl); Chali (Denmark & Holland).
Compare Hebrew for “taken away” - Genesis 30:23; Yasubi,
Yasubgalli (Zagros mountains, East of Mesopotamia); Aspioi
(Afghanistan); Ysufzi (Caspian); Aspassi (Chorasmia, East of
the Caspian); Usipetes (from the invasions of Gaul by Germany
at the time of Caesar); Swaefi-Suabi from Germany to Holland
and Switzerland); Suebi (Suabi), called by the same name in
East Scythia.
(Legendary ancestor of tribes in Germany who moved to Gaul
& Britain); Massagetae (East of the Caspian); Identified with
Maracanda, Maruka, Amyrgioi (All East of The Caspian);
Makran (S.Iran); Skati Marika (Name given to Mercians
meaning “Scythes from Maruka - East of the Caspian); Mercia
known as “Myringas” (Important element among the Goths and
The name “Machir” son of Manasseh became, after a simple
letter permutation, the name “America” which may be
understood to mean the “Land of Machir”.
Galatae (in Gaul); Galadi (name of Galatae); Giladon (Wales);
Caledonians (Scotland).
Heleucones (Germany to Britain); Calucones (Germany to the
Isari (Emodian mountains in Scythia - legendary place of
sojourn of the Angles, Saxons and Fressians); Aorsi (West
Scythia to Scandinavia); Surry (Saxon England).
(Secem) Scymbi (East Scythia); Siganbri, Sicabbri
(Afghanistan, Bactria, from Germany to Gaul).
Soumbol Aggiloi (branch of Angles); Soumboi Laggobardi
(branch of Lombards); Samides (legendary ancestor of the
Gauls; Saemdag (Scandinavian ancestral hero).
Hefr (nickname for Gothic warrior); Haeferingas (Middle
Saxons in England).
Hebrew = “Aiezer (Ai-g-azar) = Agathyrsi (Became the
Khazars who converted to Judaism and Picts of Scotland).
Clans: Machir
Destiny’s Lodestone
The “Aegel” (Jeremiah 31:18 Hebrew word for “bullock” - The
birthright symbol and tribal ensign; Aegloi, Aggiloi, Angli are
all names of Angles); Augali (North Bactria); Aegloi (Bactria).
Sittones (Scandinavia); Sceald (ancestor of the Anglo-Saxons);
Clans: Shutelach
Skioldings (Denmark).
Eirne (Ireland, Scotland); Irin (Ireland, Arran, Mannae in the
Caucasus); Arri - Hirri (German Goths); Granni (Sweden);
Garinae (East Scythia).
Bukhara (Bactria - Chorasmia); Boroctuari (invaders of
Britain); Bogari (descendants of Ing - of the Anglo-Saxon).
Tahat (another name for Tahan)); Teuton (Scandinavia);
Teutarus (Scythian Representative); Tencteri (Frankish groups);
Tehuni (East Scythia); Thatagydes (combination of ThataTeutons & Gydes-Goths in Afghanistan & Sogdiana
Boradi (Gothis group); Bardi (Sweden); Bordigali (Bordeaux Bered
city of S.W. Gaul).
Portions of the Brigante (Britain and Celtic Europe);
Burgundians (France); Varangians (Vikings & Khazars);
Warings (Anglo-Saxon)
Cobad (Denmark).
Clans: Belah
Intermixed with Judah. The national capital Jerusalem is
situated within Benjamin’s traditional territory.
(Beulah - Bela-g-h - Belagae).
Nemetae (North of Gaul); Namnete (Brittany - Normandy).
Rus (Vikings in Russia); Ross (Scottish Highlands).
Menapi (Ireland, Celtic Britain and Belgium, & Bactria, East of
the Caspian)
Heath (Anglo-Saxon England)
Ardueni (In Belgium).
Chapter Twenty-One Original Time Capsule in Stone
I Chronicles 16:14 – 19; Isaiah 24:5;
Jeremiah 33:24-26. The Message;
Matthew 16:23; C/f Hosea 4:6
Hosea 3:5
Luke 19:40
Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10; Joshua 24:27; Luke 19:40
Chapter Twenty-Two – Historical Facts About British Christianity
Daniel 2:35, 44, 45;
Daniel 7:18;
Isaiah 51:1, 2;
C/f: Joshua 4:1 – 9: I Kings 18:30 – 32; I Peter 1:1 & 2:5 – 7
Matthew 1:1 – 17; 13:54 – 56; Luke 3:23 – 38;
Luke 3:41 – 47;
British Achau, or Genealogies of the Saints;
Argumentum Epistolae St. Paul ad Romanos – Cornelius á Lapide.
Romans 16:3, 5;
Compare II Timothy 4:21;
Romans 16:13 – 14;
Romans 16: 7, 11;
Romans 15:24, 28; See also an apocryphal Acts 29;
Acts 17:6;
Jeremiah 33:20 - 26;
Isaiah 51:1 – 5