promotions - University of Dar es Salaam
promotions - University of Dar es Salaam
UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release PROMOTIONS This is to inform the University of Dar es Salaam community and the public that, the University Council at its 223rd Special Meeting held on 11th August 2014 approved promotions of the following members of the academic staff to professorial ranks effective from 1st July, 2014: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR TO PROFESSOR 1. Prof. Shadrack S. Mwakalila: Department of Geography, College of Social Science Since his last promotion to Associate Professor in July 2008, Prof. Mwakalila has published 16 journal papers (12 of which are in international journals). Prof. Mwakalila has earned a total of 7.32 publication points. The following are Journal Papers published by Prof. Mwakalila for this promotion: 1. Mwakalila, S. 2013. Intergrated Water Resource Management as Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in the Great Ruaha River Catchment of Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Science and water Resources. Vol 2(11), pp. 396 – 402, December 2013 2. Mwakalila, S. 2013. Climate variability, Impacts and Adaption Strategies: The Case of Mbeya and Makete Districts in the Great Ruaha River Catchment of Tanzania. Journal of water Resources and Protection. Vol. 6 No. 1. 2014. 3. Mwakalila, S. 2013. Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Strategies in Kilimanjaro transect in Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Science and water Resources. Vol 3(1), pp. 007014, January 2014. 4. Mwakalila, S. 2012. Hydrological Assessment for Rural Supply and Sanitation Development in Mbeya District, South East Tanzania. Journal of TEKU 2012, 3, 93102 5. Mwakalila, S. 2011. Vulnerability of People's Livelihoods to Water Resources Availability in Semi Arid Areas of Tanzania. Journal of water Resources and Protection, 2011, 2, 212 – 223. 6. Mwakalila, S. 2011. Assessment of Hydrological Conditions of the Usangu Wetlands in Tanzania. Journal of water Resources and Protection, 2011, 3, 876 – 882. 7. Mwakalila, S. and P. Masolwa 2011. Enviralmental Flow Assessment of Great Ruaha River in Southwestern part of Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol 1(3), March 2012. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 8. Richard Y.M. Kangalawe, Mwakalila, S. and P. Masolwa, 2011. Climate Change Impacts, Local Knowledge and Coping Strategies in the Great Ruaha River Catchment Area, Tanzania. Natural Resources, 2011, 2, 212223. 9. Charles K. Twesigye, Simon M. Onywere, Zachary M. Getenga, Shadrack S. Mwakalila, and Josephine K. Nakiranda, 2011. The Impact of Land Use Activities on Vegetation Cover and Water Quality in the Lake Victoria Watershed. The Open Environmental Engineering Journal, 2011, 4, 66 77. 10. Swetnam, R.D., Fisher, B., Mbilinyi, B.P., Munishi, P.K., Willcock, S., Ricketts, T., Mwakalila, S., Balford, A., Burgess, ND., Marshall, A.R., Lewis, S.L., 2011. Mapping Socioeconomic Scenerios of Land Cover Change: a GIS Method to enable Ecosystem Service Modelling . Journal of Environmental Management 92 (2011) 563574. 11. Simon M. Onywere, Zachary M. Getenga, Shadrack S. Mwakalila, Charles K. Twesigye and Josephine K. Nakiranda, 2011. Assessing the Challenge of Settlement in Budalangi and Yala Swamp Area in Western Kenya Using Landsat Satellite Imagery. The Open Environmental Engineering Journal, 2011, 4, 18. 12. Mwakalila, S. 2011. Importance of Intergrated Water Resources Management in the Great Ruaha Basin of Tanzania. Journal of TEKU 2011, 2, 130141 13. Wawa, A. and S. Mwakalila, 2010. Factors Affecting the Adoption and non Adoption of Biogas Technology in Semiarid Areas of Tanzania. Journal of Geigraphical Associassion of Tanzania Vol. 35 14. Mwashihava, M., Mwakalila S. and T. Mbwete 2010. Policy Processes and Perceived Wisdom on the Use of Natural Resources in the Upper Great Ruaha Basin in Tanzania. Journal of Geographical Associassion of Tanzania Vol. 35 15. Mwakalila, S. 2009. Community Initiatives in Water Quality Management in Simiyu Wetland in the Lake Victoria Basin, Tanzania. Journal of Geographical Associassion of Tanzania Vol. 34:14 28(2009) 16. Mwakalila, S.S. 2009. Indigenous Knowledge in Soil and Water Conservation for Sustainable Rice Cultivation in North Western Tanzania. Botswana Journal of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Vol 4 No. 2. pp 146155. 2. Prof. Agnes E. G. Mwakaje: Institute of Resource Assessment Since her last promotion to Associate Professor in July 2011, Prof. Mwakaje has published 16 papers (11 of which are in international journals), authored a book chapter, coauthored a conference paper and 6 consultancy reports. Prof. Mwakaje has earned a total of 12.45 publication points. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release The following are publications published by Prof. Mwakaje for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Mwakaje A.G. (2012): Can Tanzania Realise Rural Development through Biofuel Plantation? Insights from Rufiji District. Journal of Energy for Sustatinable Development. Volume 16pp 320327 2. Mwakaje A.G. (2012): Coffee Market Liberalization and Private Sector Perfomance in Tanzania. Journal of Indian Marketing Volume 42(6) pp 15 3. Mwakaje A.G. (2012): Environmental Degradation Under Artisanal and Small Scale Mining in Tanzania: Can Innovations in Institutional Framework Helps? International Journal of Environmental Protection. Volume 4. Girab F. and Mwakaje A.G (2012): Impact of Microfinance on Smallholder Farm Productivity in Tanzania: The case of Iramba District. Asian Economic and Financial Review. Volume 3(2) pp 227242 5. Mwakaje A.G. (2013): Can REDD Programmes Compensate Adequately the Forestdependant Livelihoods in Tanzania? Insights from choice model analysis in Kilosa District. International Journal of Advanced Research. Volume 1 (10) pp 435450 6. Mwakaje A.G. (2013): Assessing the Contribution of Environmental Impact Assessments in Informing Decision Makers Concerning the Booming of FDI in Tanzania. Environmental and Natural Resources. Volume 3 (4) pp 118132. 7. Mwakaje A.G. (2013): The Impact of Gasfier Stoves Use on Socialeconomic and Environmental in Tanzania: The case of Arusha and Moshi Municipalities. Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy. Volume 4(2) pp 314326 8. Mwakaje A.G., Manyasa M., Wawire N., Ongare D., Muchai M., Mugoya C.,Masiga C.W., Nikundiwe A. (2013): Income Genearation and Governance Challenges by Local Communoties in Protected Areas: The Case of Serengeti Mara Ecosystem (SME). Journal of Environment & Development. Volume 22(1) 5173 9. Mwakaje A.G., Yanda P.Z., Mung'ong'o C.G. and Kangalawe Y.M (2013). Assessing the Cost of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation by Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania: The case of Kasulu District. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research. Volume 8(1) 83101. 10. Ndetewio P.I., Mwakaje A.G., Mujwahuzi M. and Ngana J. (2013). Factors Influencing Willingness to Pay for Water shed Services in Lower Moshi, Pangani Basin, Tanzania. International Journal of Agriculture & Environment. Volume 2 pp5775 11. Mwakaje A.G. (2013): Assessing the Implication of Liquid Bioenergy Production from Food Crops on Food Security in Tanzania: The Case of Dodoma Region. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. Volume 3(8) pp 113 12. Ongare D., Macharia A., Mwakaje A., Muchane M., Warui C., Mugoya C., Masiga C., Nikundiwe A., Muiti A. and Wakibara J. (2013): Environmental Communication: Areview of Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release Information Sources and Communication Channels for Enhanced CommunityBased Natural Resource Management in the Great Mara Region of Kenya. Research UNESCO Special Section on the ESD. Response to the Three Rio Conventions. Vol 7(1) pp 6170 13. Nynza G. and Mwakaje A.G (2012): Analysis of Round potato Marketing in Tanzania: The Case of Rungwe District, Tanzania. International Journal of Business and Social Science. Volume 3(23) pp 8696. 14. Mwakaje A.G. (2013): The Impact of climate Change and Variability on Agropastoralists Economy in Tanzania: Environmental Economics. Volume 4(1) pp 938. 15. Mwakaje A.G., King'ori J., Temu S., Lokina R. and Chalu H. (2013): The Impact of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) on Forest Dependant Livelihoods by Gender in Tanzania and the Role of the Institutional Framework for Equitable Benefits. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. Volume 5(3) pp 165175 16. Musa K.R. and Mwakaje A.G. (2013): The Impact of Equitable Payment for Watershed Services Scheme on Livelihoods in Tanzania: The Case of Uluguru Mountains. International Journal of Development and Sustainability. Volume 2(2) 120 (b) Book Chapter Mwakaje A.G. (2012): Diary Farming and Stagnated Biogas Use in Rungwe District, Tanzania. An Investigation of the Constraining Factors. In Kumar S. (Ed), Biogas, 2012, In Tech, pp 311 326. University Campus ST epRi Rijeka Croatia. (c) Conference Paper 1. Mwakaje A.G. (2012): The Impact of Climate Change on Pastoralists Economy. At the Conference on “ADAPTION FUTURES” held in Tucson Arizona, USA 2931 May 2012 (d) Consultancy Reports 1. Mwakaje A.G., Mwalyosi R.B.B. and Suleiman Jokha (2012): Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed Five Star Hotel Develpoment in Pemba Island. 2. Mwakaje A.G. and Mato R. (2012): Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed Natural Gas Pipeline from Somanga Ndumbo to Kinyerezi Dar es Salaam. 3. Mwakaje A.G (Team Leader Socialeconomic Study) and Others (2012): Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Proposed on Small Holder Sugarcane Irrigation Project at Mtibwa Area Morogoro Region. 4. Mwakaje A.G. and Mhina E. (2013): Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Proposed Infrastructural Construction Project at Mweka Wildlife College. 5. Mwakaje A.G., Mwalyosi R.B.B. and others (2012). Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA for the proposed project on smallholder sugarcane irrigation project at Mtibwa area Morogoro reigion 6. Mwakaje A.G. and Mato R. (2012): Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed Natural Gas Pipeline from Mnazi Bay to Somanga Ndumbo. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release SENIOR LECTURER TO ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 1. Dr. Godius Kahyarara: Department of Economics, College of Social Science Since his last promotion to Senior Lecturer in July 2010, Dr. Kahyarara has published 8 papers (4 of which are in international journals), authored 2 chapters and 3 consultancy reports. Dr. Kahyarara has earned a total of 10.5 publication points. The following are publications published by Dr. Kahyarara for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Kahyarara, Godius (2010) “ Productivity Effects of Higher Education Graduates in Tanzanian Labour Market” Journal of Utafiti, Vol. 8. 1 2. Kahyarara, Godius and Lokina Razack (2011) “Gender and Institutional Aspects of Tanzanian Higher Education since 1990s. Vol.21 2010, Tanzania Economic Review. 3. Kahyarara, Godius and Lokina Razack (2011)“ Higher Education and Growth in Earnings in Tanzanian Labor Market”. Vol.21 2010, Tanzania Economic Review. 4. Kahyarara, Godius “Firm level effect of competition in Tanzanian Manufacturing”. Journal of Business and Economics v o l u m e 4 N u m b e r 4 , J a n u a r y , 2 0 1 3 , New York, United States of America 5. Kahyarara, Godius (2013) “Tanzanian Manufacturing Export and Growth: A Cointergation Approach, International Journal of Economics and Management. Volume 2 Number 12, 2013. New York, United States of America 6. Kahyarara, Godius. (2013) “Education and Wage in East and West Africa” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Volume 3 Number 1 pp 4970, The Theoretical and Applied Economic Association. 7. Kahyarara, Godius (2013) “Outcomes of Worker Effort and Supervision in Tanzanian Labour”, Africa Management Review, Volume 4 Number 1, 2014, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nairobi. 8.Kahyarara, Godius, (2009) “ Job Creation in Tanzania Labor Market. Where and what types of jobs are being created? Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 9 No. 12. (b) Book Chapters 1. Kahyarara, Godius 2011“ Impact of Tanzania Higher Education on Innovation Research and Development”In Kahyarara, Lokina and Mduma In Efficacy of Tanzania Higher Education Since 1990s. DaresSalaam University Press Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 2. Kahyarara, Godius (2013) “Some Reflections on Tanzania Forest Policy, Institutions and Forest Land Tenure System” in Robbinson and Randy Forest Reforms and Land Tenure, Environment for Development, Sweden. Kahyarara et al. (2013). Greening the charcoal chain in Tanzania. In van Beukering P. Papyrakis E., Bouma J. and Brouwe R. (eds) Nature's Wealth: The Economics of Ecosystem Services and Poverty. Cambridge University Press February 2013 (c) Consultancy Reports 1. Kahyarara, Godius 2012, Report on youth employment and social economic effects. Input in the process of review of implementation of millennium goals by UNDP and Economics Department, UDSM. 2. Kahyarara, Godius, 2011, Chapter on Human Capital as input into a national report on Partnership for Growth between US and Tanzania 3. Kahyarara, Godius etal, 2011, Tanzania Five Years Development Plan, for the President’s office planning Commission. 2. Dr. Willy L. M. Komba: Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies, School of Education Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July, 1998, Dr. Komba has published 13 papers (8 of which are in International journals), authored and coauthored a book and 4 book chapters, 2 conference papers and 2 consultancy reports. Dr. Komba has earned a total of 9.85 publication points. The following are publications published by Dr. Komba for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. W.L.M. Komba (2013): National consciousness and identity in Tanzania: Factors for its development and sustainability. African Educational Research Journal Vol.1(2 pp. 118125, September 2013. www.netjournals.orgz_AERJ_13_062.html 2. W.L.M. Komba (2013): Citizens views on appropriate civic education curricula under multi party democracy in mainland Tanzania. Journal of Education and Practice, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2737. 3. W.L.M. Komba, (2013): Quality of civic education materials to promote democracy in the context of a marketled education system: Conceptual and pedagogical issues, existing materials and gaps. Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 4, No 3 (2013): 101111. 4. W.L.M. Komba, W. Anangisye & J. Katabaro (2013): The development of teacher professional identity at the University of Dar es Salaam: Perceptions and influencing factors. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol. 15 Number 3, 187204. 5. W.L.M. Komba (2009): Teacher Quality in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Adult Education, Number 17, 126. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 6. W.L.M. Komba with E. Nkumbi 2008): Teacher Professional Development in Tanzania: Perceptions and Practices. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol. 11, No. 3, 6985. 7. W.L.M. Komba (2007): Increasing Education Access through Open and Distance Learning in Tanzania: A Critical Review of Approaches and Practices. HURIA, Journal of the Open University of Tanzania. Vol. VII No. 2 December, 6571 8. W.L.M. Komba (2007): Enhancing public empowerment through schools and the education system in Tanzania. HURIA, Journal of the Open University of Tanzania, VOL. VII. No. 1 June, 65 71. 9. Komba W.L.M. & N.R. Alphonce (2004): Elearning in higher education in developing countries: prospects and challenges. OSAC Journal of Open Schooling. Vol. IV No. 2, 919. 10. W.L.M. Komba with L. Ndumbaro (2003): Towards a Coordinated National Civic Education Strategy in. Papers in Education and Development (PED) Vol./ 23, 147167 11. W.L.M. Komba (2002): Views of stakeholders about the content of preschool education in democratic Tanzania. PROSPERO. A journal of New Thinking in Philosophy for Education. Volume 8, Number 1, 1822. 12. W.L.M. Komba (2002): Promoting democratic values through the discussion forum (DF) strategy: evaluation of its impact on KAPs of adult learners in Tanzania. Adult Education Development Journal of the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (IIZ/DVV). Vol. 59, 3542. 13. W.L.M. Komba (1999): Citizenship education in postsocialist, plural Tanzania: Teachers’ perception of their role. Papers in Education and Development (PED) Vol. No. 20, pp 5372. (b) Book and Book Chapters 1. W.L.M. Komba (2008): ICT Application for Improved Delivery and Access to Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing Open and Distance Learning at the University of Dar es Salaam. In C.C. Wolhuter (Ed). Access, Participation and Democratization in African Education. Proceedings of the 2005 annual Conference of the Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society, University of Dar es Salaam, and the Open University of Tanzania, 1619 September, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2. W.L.M. Komba (2000): Social Studies in Tanzania. In Adeyemi, M (ed), Social Studies in African Education, Pyramid Publishing Ltd. 3. W.L.M. Komba (2000): Nafasi ya elimu ya msingi katika ujenzi wa maadili ya kidemokrasia nchini Tanzania. In Utamaduni wa Kisiasa Nchini Tanzania, REDET. 4. W.L.M. Komba and Prof. D. Komba, Prof. H. Mosha, Dr. K. Osaki (2000): ‘Corruption and the Quality of Education in Tanzania. In Galabawa J. et al. (eds), The Quality of Education in Tanzania, Printed by IKR. (c) Conference Papers 1. W.LM. Komba with nine others, (2013): OER in teacher education: reflections from the OER Africa teacher education community, 2. W.L.M. Komba with T. Mays (2013): Revisiting Social Science Education for teachers. http:/ Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release (d) Consultancy Reports 1. W.L.M. Komba (2005): Informed and Responsible citizens. A curriculum for civic and voter education in Tanzania. A production of the Civic and Voter Education Reference Group (CVERG). 2. W.L.M. Komba (2001): External Evaluation of the Primary Schools Furniture Project in Pilot Districts in Tanzania. A study funded by SIDA/MRALG. 3. Dr. Kitila A. K. Mkumbo: Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies, School of Education Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July, 2011, Dr. Mkumbo has published 10 papers (8 of which are in International journals), coauthored 2 book chapters and 4 consultancy reports. Dr. Mkumbo has earned a total of 12.5 publication points. The following are publications published by Dr. Mkumbo for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Mkumbo, K.A.K (2013). Students’ attitudes towards sex and relationships education in Tanzania. Health Education, DOI: 10.1177/001789691351042 2. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2013). Assessment of HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among students in higher education in Tanzania. Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2013.837498. 3. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2013). Prevalence of and factors associated with work stress in academia in Tanzania. International Journal of Higher Education, prepublished, September 12, 2013. doi: 10.5430/ijhe.v3n1p1. 4. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2013). Young people’s assessment of their sources of information about sexual health in rural and urban Tanzania. LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 10 (2), 163174 5. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2013). Factors associated with teachers’ motivation and commitment to teach in Tanzania. Journal of Educational Sciences and Psychology, LXV, 5871. 6. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2012). Teachers’ attitudes towards and comfort about teaching school based sexuality education in urban and rural Tanzania. Global Journal of Health Science, 4(4), 149 158. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n4p149. 7. Mkumbo, K.A.K. & Amani, J. (2012). Perceived university students’ attributions of their academic success and failure. Asian Social Science, 8 (7), 247255.doi: 10.5539/ass.v8n7p247. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 8. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2012). Teachers’ commitment to, and experiences of, the teaching profession in Tanzania: Findings of focus group research. International Education Studies, 5(3), 222 227.doi: 10.5539/ies.v5n3p22. 9. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2012). Reflections on the 2010 National Form Four examination results. Papers in Education and Development. 10. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2012). Content validity of national examinations in assessing the curriculum objectives in Tanzania. Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, 1, 1526. (b) Book Chapters 1. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2013). Old enough to know: consulting children about sex and AIDS education in Africa (Book Review). Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 13. DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2012.761897 2. Mkumbo, K.A.K. (2013). Promoting Abstinence, Being Faithful, and Condom Use with Young Africans: Qualitative Findings from an Intervention Trial in Rural Tanzania (Book Review). Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. DOI: 1080/17441692.2013.840008. (c) Consultancy Reports 1. Development of the education sector strategic plan for HIV and AIDS: AMREF 2. Development of Advocacy Strategy for Resource Mobilisation for HIV and AIDS: Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) 3. Development of Guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender and Human Rights in HIV/AIDS Advocacy Strategy: Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) 4. Sexuality Education Review and Assessment in Tanzania (SERAT) Development of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Package for Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania: UNESCO Dar Cluster Office, Tanzania 4. Dr. Sylvester L. Lyantagae: Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, College of Natural and Applied Sciences Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July 2011, Dr. Lyantagae has published 8 papers (7 of which are in International journals). Dr. Lyantagae has earned a total of 6.66 publication points. The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Lyantagae for this promotion: 1. Grace Langula, Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye and Anthony Manoni Mshandete (2012). Production of iodized Saccharomyces cerevisiae edible yeast using brown seaweeds Sargassum sp Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release media extract by submerged fermentation. International Journal of Advanced Biological Research. 2(4):617623. 2. Tibuhwa, D.D, Lyantagaye, S.L and Mshandete, A.M. (2012) Effect of different post harvest treatments on nutritive and antioxidant activities of wild edible Coprinus cinereus (Schaeff.) S.Gray from Tanzania. International Journal of Research in Biological Sciences. 2(4): 150156. Available online at, journal ID=27 3. Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye (2013). MethylαDglucopyranoside from Tulbghia violacea extract induces apoptosis in vitro in cancer cells. Bangladesh J Pharmacol 8: 93101. 4. Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye (2013). Two new proapoptotic glucopyranosides from Tulbaghia violacea. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 7(29): 22142220. doi: 10.5897/JMPR12.5140 5. Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye (2013). Characterization of the biochemical pathway of apoptosis induced by three Dglucopyranoside derivatives from Tulbaghia violacea. Annual Research & Review in Biology. 4(6): 962977. iid=365&id=32&aid=2739#.UuJW1_bfoy4 6. Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye (2013). Medicinal potential of Commiphora sponthulata, Hugonia casteneifolia and Raphidiocystis chrysocoma indigenous to Tanzania. J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. (B) 4(1): 287292. journal/ Paper/ Vol_4_I_1_2013/ B13.pdf 7. Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye. Medicinal potential of Melodorum gracile and Mkilua fragrans extracts. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences. 4 (02): 008011 8. Sylvester Leonard Lyantagaye. Current status and future perspectives of Bioinformatics in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Sciences, 39: 111 5. Dr. Elliot P. Niboye: Institute of Development Studies Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July, 2005, Dr. Niboye has published 12 papers (8 of which are in International journals), coauthored 3 book chapters. Dr. Niboye has earned a total of 6.25 publication points. The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Niboye for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Niboye E. and Kabote, J; ‘Agricultural Transformation and Population Nexus: Lessons for Sub Saharan Africa Special UTAFITI Journal, College of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam. Nos. 1 and 2, pp 111131, March, 2013. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 2. “Effectiveness of Non governmental Organizations in the Rehabilitation of Street Children – Experiences from Selected NGOs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.” Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 4 No. 1, 2013, ISSN 2222 – 288X (Online version) ISSN1735 (Paper Version). 3. Climate Change and Variability of Livelihood Diversification in Rural Communities of North Eastern Tanzania’. Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences Vol. VI, Issue 7, October 2012. 4. Niboye E. and Kabote, S, “Trends in HIV/AIDS Voluntary Testing in Tanzania: A Case of Njombe Urban, Njombe Region’, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Vol. 2 No. 11, 2012 ISSN: 2862 (Online version), ISSN 2222 1719 (Paper Version) 5. ‘An Analysis of Livelihood Diversifications in Artisanal Mining Communities: Trends before and after privation of Bulyanhulu Gold in Kahama District, Tanzania’ Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences Vol. V, Issue October 2011. 6. Niboye P. and Kabote, S; Gender Equity in Primary Education in Artisanal Mining Communities: Lessons from Kahama District in Rural Tanzania’ Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, Vol XXV, No. 1 Jan – Jun 2011. 7. ‘Vegetation Cover Changes in Ngorongoro Conservation Area from 1975 to 200: The Importance of Remote Sensing Images’ Open Geography Journal, Vol 3, Pp 1517, Bentham Publications. ISSN: 18749232. 8. ‘Challenges to Peaceful Political Integration in Eastern Africa: The Case of Small Arms Proliferation in the Tanzania’ Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Vol II, Issues 9, August 2008, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. 9. Niboye E. and Kahimba J, ‘Grassroot in Water Governance in Tanzania: the Case of Water User Association (WUAs) in Kimani subCatchment of the Usangu Plains’ Journal of Development Studies, Vol.8. No 2, September 2008. 10. “The Effects of Breastfeeding and Its covariates on Infant and Child Mortality: Some Evidence fro Dodoma Region.’ Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 7 No. 1 of March, 2007. 11. Niboye E. and Kashanga, F. ‘The Challenges of Globalisation in Africa: Refelections of Young African Intellectual’ Journal of Africa Studies, (AFRIKA tanulmanyok) Vol. No. 1 of May, 2007. University of Pecs. Budapest, Hungary. 12. Globalisation and Its Challenges to Social Management: Ethical Reflections on Social Order and Chaos’ in UONGOZI: Journal of Management of Development, Vol. 18 issue No. 1 of June, 2006. Mzumbe University, Tanzania. (b) Book and Book Chapters 1. Niboye E., Kabote, S. and Ringo, J. ‘International Land Deals and Rural Poverty Reduction in Kisarawe District, Tanzania’ A chapter in a book titled: ‘International Land Deals in Eastern and Southern Africa’ Edited by Pashal B. Mihyo, OSSREA Publications, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2014. 2. ‘Provision of Life Skills Education to Orphans for Poverty Eradication: Lessons form Orphanage Centres in Temeke District, Dar es Salam City, Tanzania’ A Chapter in a book titled Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release “DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION: Emerging Dimensions in 21st Century” edited by D. Pulla Rao, Manglam Publications, New Delhi, India, 2013, ISSN; 9789381142868. 3. “With Kabote S. ‘Issues in Pastoral Production System in the Past Fifty Years of Tanzania’s Independence’ A chapter in a book titled ‘Agriculture in fifty years of Tanzania’ edited by Urassa Kallisti, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2012. ISBN 9783659 210594. 4. The Impacts of Changing Pastoral Strategies on Resources and Livelihoods in Lake Victoria Basin. A Published Report, Five Chapters, OSSERIA PUBLICATIONS, 2010. ISBN: 9789994455 447 6. Dr. Esther W. Dungumaro: Institute of Development Studies Since her last promotion to Senior Lecture in November 2008, Dr. Dungumaro has published 5 papers (4 of which are in International journals), authored 2 book chapters and 3 consultancy reports. Dr. Dungumaro has earned a total of 7.7 publication points. The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Dungumaro for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Dungumaro, E. W., 2013. Are Tanzanian Households Moving Away from Extended? Evidence from Demographic and Heath Survey Data. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 39, (2), 296 308. 2. Dungumaro, E. W., 2013. Consequences of Female Migration for Families in Areas of Origin in Tanzania. African Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 5 (1), 4659. 3. Dungumaro, E. W., 2013. Biodiversity and the poor beyond global conferences. Natural Resources, Vol.4 (4), 333340. 4. Dungumaro, E. W., 2011. An Assessment of Population Increase and Availability of Water in Tanzania, Tanzanian Journal of Population and Development, Vol. 18 (2), 1734. 5. Dungumaro, E. W., and Hyden, G. 2010. Challenges and Opportunities to Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development among Tanzanian Rural Communities. Sustainability in Debate, Vol. 1 (2) Special Issues on Climate, Sustainability and Development in SemiArid Regions, 7992. (b) Book and Book Chapters 1. Dungumaro, E. W., 2012. Social Protection in Tanzania. In Social Protection Schemes in Africa, Trywell Kalusopa, T., Dicks, R., and OseiBoateng, C. (Eds). Pp 401427. 2. Dungumaro, E.W., 2009. Availability of Domestic Water and Sanitation in Households: A Gender Perspective Using Survey Data in South Africa. In de Sherbinin, A., A. Rahman, A. Barbieri, J.C. Fotso, and Y. Zhu (eds.) Urban PopulationEnvironment Dynamics in the Developing World: Case Studies and Lessons Learned. Paris: Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED) Pp 107123. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release (c) Consultancy Reports 1.Evaluation of UNFPA Country Programme (Consultant for Population and Development Component), 6th September11th October 2010. 2. Effectiveness of Support for Food Justice in Tanzania, Consultancy commissioned by OXFAM 2011 3. Monitoring and Evaluation of HelpAge International Project Titled “Sukumaland Older Women’s Rights Programme (SOWRP) 16th October to 23rd November 2009. 7. Dr. Aldin K. Mutembei: Institute of Kiswahili Studies Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July 2007, Dr. Mutembei has published 8 papers (4 of which are in International journals), authored 2 books and 3 book chapters. Dr. Mutembei has earned a total of 23.5 publication points. The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Mutembei for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. 2013. Language Dynamics in the Congo and Strength of Kiswahili as a unifying force. Journal of Korean Association of African Studies 2. HIV/AIDS in Kiswahili and English Literary Works. Selected papers in Swahili Studies. Special Issue 2013 3. 2011. Kukitandawazisha Kiswahili kupitia simu za kiganjani: Tafakari kuhusu Isimujamii. In Swahili Forum No. 10, 2011.01.00 4. 2011. Kiswahili Silaha ya Afrika: Wanasiasa na Watawala. In Kiswahili Journal Vol. 74, 2011. 5. 2011. Lugha na Urazini: Kiswahili katika Miaka Hamsini iliyopita. In Habari Journal, the Journal of African Studies, Bielefeld, Germany 6. 2010. Mkabala wa Kikorasi katika kuchambua kazi za fasihi ya kiswahili: Mfano kutoka katika Tamthilia. In Kiswahili Journal Vol. 73, 2010 7. 2009. Dhamira ya UKIMWI katika Fasihi andishi ya Kiswahili: Mfano kutoka kwenye mashairi. In Kiswahili, Jarida maalumu la Jubilei No. 2. TUKI 8. 2008.UKIMWIISHAJI wa utanzu wa Fasihi: Mfano kutoka Methali za Tanzania. In Kiswahili Vol. 70, 2007.07.00 (b) Book and Book Chapters Books 1. 2012. KORASI katika Fasihi ya Kiswahili: Nadharia Mpya ya Uhakiki. TUKI, Dar es Salaam 2. 2009: UKIMWI katika Fasihi ya Kiswahili. TUKI, Dar es Salaam 3. The Dry Stump. University Readers, San Diego. Book Chapters 1. 2013. Transcendental Language of Bantu: The Case of the DIVINERmediums of the Bahaya. In Legere, Karsten (ed) BANTU LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS. PAPER IN MEMORY OF DR. RUGATIRI D.K. MEKACHA (Bayreuth African Studies, Vol. 91). Bayreuth: BASS. Pp 2692812. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 2010. Swahili AIDS Plays: A Challege to the Aristotelian Theory.. In Barz G. and Cohen, J. (eds). THE CULTURE OF IADS: HOPE AND HEALING THROUGH THE ARTS IN AFRICA. Oxford University Press, London (pp 256267). 3. 2009. A Comperative Study of Plyas on AIDS from Tanzania and the USA. In J.K.S. Makokha, E. Kabaji and D. Dipio (eds). EAST AFRICAN LITERATURE: ESSAYS IN WRITTEN AND ORAL TRADITIONS. Logos Verlag, Berlin pp 303318. 8. Dr. Abraham K. Temu: Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July 2002, Dr. Temu has published 13 papers (10 of which are in International journals), 5 conference papers and a consultancy reports. Dr. Temu has earned a total of 7.316 publication points. The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Temu for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Temu, A.K. Biodisel Production Using Mixed Solid Catalysts. Advanced Materials Research, vol. 824, pp. 451458, 2013. 2. Okullo, A.; P. Ogwok, A.K. Temu, and J.W. Ntalikwa. Gas Chromatographic Determination of Glycerols and Triglycerides in Biodiesel from Jatropha and Castor Vegetable Oils, Advanced Materials Research, vol. 824, pp.436444, 2013. 3. Okullo , A. and A.K. Temu. Investigation of the Parameters Affecting Castor Oil Trans esterification Reaction Kinetics for Biodiesel Production. International Journal of Scientific and Eng. Research (IJSER),vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 15, March 2013. 4. Okullo, A. ; A.K. Temu: J.W. Ntalikwa and P. Ogwok. PhysicoChemical Properties of Biodiesel from Jatropha and Castor Oils. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), vol. 2, No. 1 pp. 379 348, 2012. 5. Msuya, N.;E. Masanja and A.K. Temu. Environmental Burden of Charcoal Production and use in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Environmental Protection vol. 2, pp. 13641369, 2011. 6. Okullo, A.; A.K. Temu, J.W. Ntalikwa and P. Ogwok. Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa (JERA), Vol. 3, pp. 62 73, 2010. 7. Temu A.K. and G.D. Mrema. Domestic Waste Characterization and the Effect of Substrate Rations of Mixed Waste on Composting Efficiency. The Tanzania Engineer, vol. 8 No. 3 pp. 7383, 2007. 8. Temu, A.K. The State and Potential of Biodiesel Production in Tanzania. Energy Resources in Tanzania, vol. 1, COSTECH, 2006, pp. 155176 (Book Chapter). 9. Temu, A.K. and A.J.M. Itika. Suitability of Some Biomass for Small Scale Combustion Energy Requirement. East African Journal of Engineering, vol. 8 NO. 1, pp. 8492, 2005. 10. Itika,A.J.M. and A.K. Temu. The Suitability of Water Hyacinth as a Source of Energy. East African Journal of Engineering, vol. 7 no. 2, pp. 4149, 2004. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 11. Temu, A.K. Optimal Conditions for Biodiesel Production from Vegetable Oils in Tanzania. East African Journal of Engineering, vol 7, no. 1, pp. 5667, 2004 12. Temu, A.K. E. Naess and O.K. Sonju. Development and Testing of a Probe to Monitor Gas Side Fouling in Cross Flow, Heat Transfer. Engineering Journal, vol. 23, no. 3, pp 50 59, 2002 13. Temu A.K. Effect of Temperature and Slice Size on Avocado Pulp Drying Rate and Yield. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET) 2013 (c) Conference Papers 1. Kombe, G.G.; A.K. Temu, H.M. Rajabu and G.D. Mrema. Alternative Use of Castor Oil in Tanzania, Proc. 2nd International Conference off Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Naura Springs Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania, 1617 Feb, 2012, pp 164 169. 2. Temu, A.K. C.Z.M. Kimambo and B.B. Nyichomba. An Overview of the Achievements of the UDSM Technology Incubators in Tanzania and their Future Prospects, Proc. 2 nd International; Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Naura, Springs Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania, 16 – 17 Feb. 2012, pp 186 – 195. 3. Kombe, G.G.; A.K. Temu, H.M. Rajabu and G.D. Mrema. High Free Fatty Acid (FFA) Feedstock PreTreatment Method for Biodisel Production, Proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology, Entebbe, Uganda, 30 January – 1 February, 2011, pp. 176 – 182. 4. Okullo, A.; A.K. Temu; J.W. Ntalikwa and P. Ogwak. Transesterification Reaction Kinetics of Jatropha Oil for Biodisel Production, Proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology, Entebbe, Uganda, 30 January – 1 February, 2011, pp. 221 – 227. 5. Mwamila, B.L.M. and A.K. Temu. AcademiaIndustryGovernment Relationship: Experience of the College of Engineering and Technology, University of Dar es Salaam. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Triple Helix Association of Ethiopia. (d) Consultancy Reports 1. Temu, A.K. and A.N. Towo. Development of Cluster Competitiveness Training Program for Industrialists and Government Officials, Consultancy report for Tanzania Cluster Competitiveness Program, TPSF, 3 volumes, December, 2011. 9. Dr. Shukrani Manya: Department of Geology, College of Natural and Applied Sciences Since his last promotion to Senior Lecture in July 2009, Dr. Manya has published 9 papers (8 of which are in International journals), authored a chapter in a book and a book chapter. Dr. Manya has earned a total of 7.38 The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Manya for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Mtoro, M., Maboko, M.A.H., Manya, S., 2009. Geochemistry and geochronology of the bimodal volcanic rocks of the Suguti area in the southern part of the MusomaMara Greenstone Belt, Northern Tanzania. Precambrian Research 174, 241 – 257.doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2009.07.006. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release 2. Kasanzu, C., Manya, S., 2010. Stratigraphy and sedimentological evolution of the Neoproterozoic Ikorongo Group of Northeastern Tanzania. South African Journal of Geology 113, 361 – 368. doi:10.2113/gssajg.113.4.361. 3. Manya, S., 2011. Ndisotopic mapping of the Archaean–Proterozoic boundary in southwestern Tanzania: Implication for the size of the Archaean Tanzania Craton. Gondwana Research 20, 325 – 334. doi:10.1016/ 4. Brown, R.J., Manya, S., Buisman, I., Fontana, G., Field, M., Mac Niocaill, C., Sparks, R.S.J., Stuart, F.M., 2012. The Eruption of Kimberlite Magmas: Physical volcanology, Geomorphology, and Age of the Youngest Kimberlite Volcanoes known on Earth (the Upper Pleistocene/Holocene Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania). Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 1621 – 1643. doi: 10.1007/s00445 01206198. 5. Manya, S., 2012. Mgrich metabasalts from the southern Musoma –Mara greenstone belt: possible evidence for mantle plume activity in the Tanzania craton? Tanzania Journal of Science 38, 71 – 84. 6. Manya, S., 2012. SHRIMP zircon UPb dating of the mafic and felsic intrusive rocks of the Saza area in the Lupa Goldfields, southwestern Tanzania: implication for gold mineralization. Natural Science 4, 724– 730. doi:10.4236/ns.2012.49096. 7. Messo, C., Manya, S., Maboko, M.A.H., 2012. Geochemistry of the Neoarchaean volcanic rocks of the Kilimafedha greenstone belt, Northeastern Tanzania. Journal of Geological Research 2012, article ID603971, 118. doi:10.1155/2012/603971. 8. Kwelwa, S., Manya, S., Vos, I.M.A., 2013. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of intrusions at the Golden Pride gold deposit in the Nzega greenstone belt, Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences 86, 53 – 64. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2013.06.012. 9. Manya, S., 2013. Geochemistry and UPb zircon dating of the highK calcalkaline basaltic andesitic lavas from the Buanji Group, southwestern Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences 86, 107 118. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2013.06.011. (b) Book and Book Chapters 1. Ikingura, J.R., Mutakyahwa, M.K.D., Marobhe, I., Manya, S., Kazimoto, E., Kasanzu, C., Mshiu, E.E., 2010. Atlas of Gold Deposits in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, 88 pp. ISBN 9789987477678. 2. Manya, S., 2013. Generation of highK granites at the Archaean – Proterozoic boundary. In SanjurjoSánchez, J. (Ed.), Advances in Geochemistry Research. Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, 59 – 75. 10. Dr. Wineaster Anderson: Department of Marketing, University of Dar es Salaam Business School Since her last promotion to Senior Lecturer in July, 2011, Dr. Anderson has published 8 papers in International journals and authored 3 book chapters. Dr. Anderson has earned a total of 6.7. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release The following are Journal Papers published by Dr. Anderson for this promotion: (a) Journal Papers 1. Anderson W. (2013) Leakages in the Tourism Systems: Case of Zanzibar. Tourism Review, 68 (1): 6276 2. Passape, L.; Anderson, W & Lindi, G. (2013). Towards Sustainable Ecotourism through Stakeholder Collaboration Strategies in Tanzania, Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality 2 (1): 114 3. Anderson, W. (2012). A Genderbased Comparison of Marketing Strategies of SMEs. International Journal of Marketing Principles and Practices, (2): 3242 4. Anderson, W. (2012). Analysis of “AllInclusive” Tourism Mode in the Balearic Islands Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism. 7(1) 309323. 5. Anderson, W. (2011). Internationalization Opportunities and Challenges for SMES from Developing Countries. Journal of African Business, 12:2, 198217. 6. Anderson, W. (2011). Enclave Tourism and its SocioEconomic Impact in emerging destinations, AnatoliaAn International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 22 (3), 361 377 7. Anderson, W. and Juma, S. (2011). Linkages at Tourism Destinations: Challenges in Zanzibar. ARA Journal of Tourism Research, 3 (1): 2741 8. Anderson, W. & Saidi, S.A. (2011), Internationalization and Poverty Alleviation Practical Evidence from Amani Butterfly Project in Tanzania. Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 2(2); 1745 (b) Book and Book Chapters 1. Anderson, W (2012). Antecedents of Domestic Tourism Demand in Tanzania. In Peter Keller and Christian Laesser Eds. New Challenges for Tourism Promotion: Tackling High Multimedia Competition and Changes, Vol. 6, pp. 107123, Erich Schmidt Verlag. ISBN 978350313838 8/eBook ISBN 9783503138395. 2. Anderson, W. and Juma, S. (2011). Factors Constraining the Linkages between the Tourism Industry and Local Suppliers of Meats in Zanzibar, In: Rene van der Duim, Dorothea Meyer, Jarkko Saarinen and Katharina Zellmer Eds., New Alliances for Tourism, Conservation and Development in Eastern and Southern Africa. pp. 4962, Eburon Publishers, Delft. ISBN 97890 59725423. 3. Anderson, W. (2011). Identifying Genuine Allinclusive Demand for Coastal Tourism destinations. In: Sigalla, H. & Sambaiga, R. Eds. Globalization, Coastal Resources and Livelihood in Tanzania, pp. 7390 Linz, Austria: Trauner Universitat Verlag, Band 47. Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM P.O. BOX 35091 DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA Press Release Earlier the Appointment Committee at its 19th Meeting held on 18th June 2014 had approved promotion of the following members of the academic staff to the ranks indicated bellow: (a) Lecturer to Senior Lecturer 1. Dr. Christine Noe (F): Department of Geography, College of Social Sciences (3.75 Publication Points). 2. Dr. Alexander B. Makulilo: Department of Political Science and Public Administration, College of Social Sciences (9.3 Publication Points). 3. Dr. Tumsifu Elly: Department of General Management, University of Dar es Salaam Business School (3.25 Publication Points) 4. Dr. Severine Kessy: Department of General Management, University of Dar es Salaam Business School (3.5 Publication Points). 5. Dr. Bruno A. Nyundo: Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, College of Natural and Applied Sciences (4.32 Publication Points) 6. Dr. Stephen O. Maluka: Institute of Development Studies (4.29 Publication Points). 7. Dr. Pendo Malangwa (F): Institute of Kiswahili Studies (5.0 Publication Points). (b) Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer 1. Mr. Robert Suphian, Department of Marketing (4.5 Publication Points) 2. Mr. Hashim U. Iddi, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (3.15 Publication Points). 3. Mr. Angelius Mnenuka, Institute of Kiswahili Studies (4.5 Publication Points). 4. Ms. Advetina Buberwa, Institute of Kiswahili Studies (3.0 Publication Points) Management and the entire University Community congratulates them for their well deserved promotion. NB: The financial package associated with these promotions will be effected once the government's approval is granted. Prof. Rwekaza S. Mukandala Vice Chancellor 21 August 2014 Direct +255 22 2410751 Telephone: 255 22 2410500-8 ext. 2473/2009 Telefax: +255 22 2410078 Telegraphic Address: UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM E-mail: [email protected] Website address: