PRODUCT LIST 2013 Compared to conventional bits, the double jointed KK ULTRAs have a middle link – also known as the bean – that is shortened and angled forward by 45°. article no./ quality KK ULTRA size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) ring-Ø (mm) rings: stainless steel 40605 ... 78 115 4.1/2 14 70 125 5. 14 70 135 5.1/4 14 70 145 5.3/4 14 70 155 6.1/8 14 70 rings: AURIGAN 40605 … 79 115 4.1/2 14 70 125 5. 14 70 135 5.1/4 14 70 145 155 5.3/4 6.1/8 14 14 70 70 rings: stainless steel 40604 … 78 125 5. 16 70 135 5.1/4 16 70 145 155 5.3/4 6.1/8 16 16 70 70 rings: AURIGAN 40604 … 79 125 5. 16 70 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 16 16 70 70 rings: stainless steel 40606 … 78 120 4.3/4 18 70 130 5.1/8 18 70 140 150 5.1/2 6. 18 18 70 70 rings: AURIGAN 40606 … 79 120 4.3/4 18 70 130 5.1/8 18 70 140 150 5.1/2 6. 18 18 70 70 130 140 5.1/8 5.1/2 21 21 70 70 130 140 5.1/8 5.1/2 21 21 70 70 rings: stainless steel 40600 … 78 rings: AURIGAN 40600 … 79 2 Product list 2013 | SENSOGAN ® FOR ALL BIT RANGES! Only with this innovative angle the middle link lies gently on the tongue resulting in even and constant contact to allow clear instructions through the reins. fully rests on the tongue without squeezing, and the connection rings roll on the tongue. The tongue‘s sense of touch is utilised and clear instructions can be given. KK ULTRA bits take advantage of the exceptional sensitivity of the horse‘s tongue, which multiplies the perceptions from signals given by the bit. When the reins are pulled, the middle part of the bit The anatomically adapted mouthpiece is very comfortable for the horse as the rider can give softer instructions and the horse‘s suppleness is supported harmoniously. article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) ring-Ø (mm) KK ULTRA bradoon rings: stainless steel 40200 … 78 115 4.1/2 14 55 125 5. 14 55 135 5.1/4 14 55 145 5.3/4 14 55 155 6.1/8 14 55 rings: AURIGAN 40200 … 79 115 4.1/2 14 55 125 5. 14 55 135 5.1/4 14 55 145 155 5.3/4 6.1/8 14 14 55 55 115 4.1/2 16 55 115 4.1/2 16 55 rings: stainless steel 40224 … 78 rings: AURIGAN 40224 … 79 KK ULTRA 2-TYPE rings: stainless steel 40613 … 78 125 5. 16 70 135 5.1/4 16 70 145 5.3/4 16 70 SENSOGAN® | Product list 2013 3 Ergonomically formed, gentle to the horse‘s mouth. Effective impulses for better communication between horse and rider Dynamic RS bits stimulate the horse to accept the bit more easily. The ergonomically formed mouthpiece lies perfectly in the horse‘s mouth, resulting in soft and even pressure on the entire tongue area, encouraging the horse to chew. In addition, it supports the contact to the corners of the mouth in a very effective way, keeping the horse on the bit. Dynamic RS bits encourage the confidence of the horse in the rider‘s hand and increase safety. article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) ring-Ø (mm) Dynamic RS single jointed / rings: stainless steel 40422 … 78 125 5. 16 70 135 5.1/4 16 70 145 5.3/4 16 70 14 14 55 55 Bradoon single jointed / rings: stainless steel 40215 … 78 130 140 5.1/8 5.1/2 Dynamic RS double jointed / rings: stainless steel 40424 … 78 125 5. 14 70 135 5.1/4 14 70 145 5.3/4 14 70 double jointed / rings: stainless steel 40426 … 78 125 135 5. 5.1/4 16 16 70 70 145 5.3/4 16 70 Bradoon double jointed / rings: stainless steel 40214 … 78 4 Product list 2013 | SENSOGAN® 115 125 4.1/2 5. 14 14 55 55 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 14 14 55 55 FOR ALL BIT RANGES! Gentle to mouth and tongue Dynamic RS mouthpieces give even pressure on the entire tongue area. Due to the curved joints, the bit remains in the correct and central position on the tongue. The fine lozenge can direct gentle pressure pivotally onto the tongue. article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) Middle link angled forward by 45° Dynamic RS bits use the exceptional sensitivity of the horse‘s tongue, which multiplies the perceptions from signals given by the bit. When the reins are pulled, the middle part of the bit fully rests on the tongue without squeezing, and the connection rings roll on the tongue. The tongue‘s sense of touch is utilised and clear instructions can be given. ring-Ø (mm) Dynamic RS single jointed / rings: stainless steel 40408 … 78 125 5. 16 65 135 5.1/4 16 65 145 5.3/4 16 65 Dynamic RS double jointed / rings: stainless steel 40414 … 78 40406 … 78 115 4.1/2 14 65 125 5. 14 65 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 14 14 65 65 125 135 5. 5.1/4 16 16 65 65 145 5.3/4 16 65 Dynamic RS WH ULTRA double jointed / rings: stainless steel 40428 … 78 120 4.3/4 16 65 130 5.1/8 16 65 140 5.1/2 16 65 Dynamic RS Full Cheek double jointed / cheeks: stainless steel 41414 … 78 125 5. 16 50 135 5.1/4 16 50 145 5.3/4 16 50 SENSOGAN® | Product list 2013 5 A double jointed bit, angled forward by 45°, that features a unique roller in the centre section. “This unique roller provides gentle stimulation to the tongue, which encourages the horse to chew, prompting salivation, allowing the acceptance of the bit and therefore the relaxation of the jaw. It has been Ernst Hoyos‘s and my experience that through this gentle stimulation our horses learn more quickly to accept the bit softening their entire top-line enabling us to perform the movements with more relaxation, throughness and ultimately more harmony.” Lisa Wilcox article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) ring-Ø (mm) WH ULTRA rings: stainless steel 40609 … 78 120 4.3/4 16 70 130 5.1/8 16 70 140 150 5.1/2 6. 16 16 70 70 120 130 4.3/4 5.1/8 18 18 70 70 140 5.1/2 18 70 rings: stainless steel 40610 … 78 Bradoon rings: stainless steel 40227 … 78 120 4.3/4 14 55 130 5.1/8 14 55 140 5.1/2 14 55 WH ULTRA soft rings: stainless steel 40612 … 78 6 Product list 2013 | SENSOGAN® 120 4.3/4 16 70 130 5.1/8 16 70 140 5.1/2 16 70 FOR ALL BIT RANGES! TURNADO bits present a new generation of loose ring snaffles by having the mouthpiece turned forward by 45°. This special rotation is distinctly marked by a slightly abrasive surface in the middle part of the mouthpiece. communication with the horse, as prompt and ideal chewing activity is provided immediately. This bit also helps to prevent tongue vices. In contrast to conventional single jointed loose ring snaffles, the rein aids reach the horse‘s mouth precisely, but in a soft way as the pressure is evenly distributed on the tongue. TURNADO bits enable perfect article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) ring-Ø (mm) TURNADO rings: stainless steel 40587 …78 125 5. 16 70 135 5.1/4 16 70 145 5.3/4 16 70 rings: stainless steel 40588 …78 125 5. 18 70 135 5.1/4 18 70 145 5.3/4 18 70 TURNADO 2-TYPE rings: stainless steel 40589 … 78 125 5. 16 70 135 5.1/4 16 70 145 5.3/4 16 70 SENSOGAN® | Product list 2013 7 LOOSE RING SNAFFLES article no./ quality Bradoon size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) ring-Ø (mm) rings: stainless steel 40212 … 78 120 4.3/4 12 55 130 5.1/8 12 55 140 150 5.1/2 6. 12 12 55 55 120 130 4.3/4 5.1/8 12 12 55 55 140 150 5.1/2 6. 12 12 55 55 rings: AURIGAN 40212 … 79 rings: stainless steel 40231 … 78 120 4.3/4 16 70 130 5.1/8 16 70 140 150 5.1/2 6. 16 16 70 70 120 130 4.3/4 5.1/8 16 16 70 70 140 150 5.1/2 6. 16 16 70 70 rings: AURIGAN 40231 … 79 rings: stainless steel 40552 … 78 125 5. 18 70 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 18 18 70 70 125 135 5. 5.1/4 18 18 70 70 145 5.3/4 18 70 rings: AURIGAN 40552 … 79 rings: stainless steel 40652 … 78 125 5. 20 70 135 5.1/4 20 70 145 5.3/4 20 70 rings: AURIGAN 40652 … 79 125 5. 20 70 135 5.1/4 20 70 145 5.3/4 20 70 rings: stainless steel 40512 … 78 130 5.1/8 16 70 140 5.1/2 16 70 150 6. 16 70 rings: stainless steel 40511 … 78 8 Product list 2013 | SENSOGAN® 125 5. 18 70 135 5.1/4 18 70 145 5.3/4 18 70 MULLEN MOUTH AND JUMPING BITS article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) FOR ALL BIT RANGES! ring-Ø (mm) Flex Control rings: stainless steel 40530 … 78 125 5. 18 70 135 5.1/4 18 70 145 5.3/4 18 70 KK Correction bit rings: stainless steel 40502 … 78 120 4.3/4 18 70 130 5.1/8 18 70 140 5.1/2 18 70 CM Mullen Mouth snaffle rings: stainless steel 40583 … 78 110 4.1/4 16 70 120 4.3/4 16 70 130 140 5.1/8 5.1/2 16 16 70 70 KK Universal bit rings: stainless steel 40510 … 78 125 5. 18 70 135 5.1/4 18 70 145 5.3/4 18 70 SENSOGAN® | Product list 2013 9 WEYMOUTH BITS article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) lower cheeks (cm) HO-Weymouth cheeks: stainless steel 42173 … 78 42273 … 78 42174 … 78 42274 … 78 125 5. 14 5 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 14 14 5 5 125 135 145 5. 5.1/4 5.3/4 14 14 14 7 7 7 125 5. 16 5 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 16 16 5 5 125 135 145 5. 5.1/4 5.3/4 16 16 16 7 7 7 Bemelmans Weymouth cheeks: stainless steel 42120 … 78 42220 … 78 115 4.1/2 16 5 125 5. 16 5 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 16 16 5 5 125 135 5. 5.1/4 16 16 7 7 145 5.3/4 16 7 Special Dressage bit cheeks: stainless steel 42262 … 78 125 5. 16 7 135 5.1/4 16 7 145 5.3/4 16 7 cheeks: AURIGAN 42262 … 79 10 Product list 2013 | SENSOGAN® 125 5. 16 7 135 5.1/4 16 7 145 5.3/4 16 7 FOR ALL BIT RANGES! article no./ quality size (mm) size (inch) thickness (mm) lower cheeks (cm) Weymouth “FC“ cheeks: stainless steel 42261 … 78 125 5. 18 7 135 5.1/4 18 7 145 5.3/4 18 7 HS Weymouth cheeks: stainless steel 42178 … 78 125 5. 16 5 135 145 5.1/4 5.3/4 16 16 5 5 125 135 145 5. 5.1/4 5.3/4 16 16 16 7 7 7 42257 … 79 125 135 5. 5.1/4 18 18 5 5 42267 … 79 125 135 5. 5.1/4 18 18 7 7 42278 … 78 cheeks: AURIGAN KK Dressage bit cheeks: stainless steel 42281 … 78 120 4.3/4 18 7 130 5.1/8 18 7 140 5.1/2 18 7 cheeks: AURIGAN 42281 … 79 120 4.3/4 18 7 130 5.1/8 18 7 140 5.1/2 18 7 SENSOGAN® | Product list 2013 11 Herm. Sprenger GmbH Metallwarenfabrik P.O. Box 2453 58634 Iserlohn – Germany Phone +49 (0) 23 71 95 59-0 Facsimile +49 (0) 23 71 95 59-60 [email protected]