The Nordics Market Overview November 13th, Nicolas
The Nordics Market Overview November 13th, Nicolas
Accessing the Nordic Markets Presented by Nicolas Ranninger Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture AIDAN COTTER CHIEF EXECUTIVE Growing the success BORD BIA 28 JANUARY 2009 of Irish food & horticulture 13/11/14 Content Market Overview Doing Business Market Place 2015 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market Overview 2013 GDP: €1.3 trillion. (12th largest economy in the world) Population: 25 million. Economic resilience. Food spend represents 11 to 14% depending on country. 6th largest export market for Irish food and drinks: €275m in 2013. Ageing population (1 out of 5 Swede’s are above 65, increasing to 1 out of 4). High level of single occupancy households. Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market Overview: Similarities with Differences Cultural and language similarities: Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Interlinked business: ICA, COOP, Scan, Arla, Lantmännen. High social welfare system associated with high taxes. but Different currencies: • • • • Norway: NOK 8.2 = € 1 / NOK 1 = € 0.12 Sweden: SEK 9.13 = € 1 / SEK = €0.10 Denmark* : DKK 7.45 =€ 1 / DKK 1 = € 0.1342 Finland € Geopolitical: Norway out of the EU but in the EEA. Sweden, Denmark and Finland in the EU. * pinned to the € Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market Overview: Irish Exports Irish Exports to the Nordics, 2013 (est) Irish Exports to the Nordics, 2013 (est) Poultry 1% FI 4% DK 39% NO 4% Seafood 6% Sheep Meat 9% Pig Meat 12% Dairy 6% Beverages 12% SE 53% Beef 48% Prepared Foods 6% Total : € 275 million Source: CSO Total : € 275 million Source: CSO Irish exports to the Nordics have been outperforming the general Irish export average. (+52 % between 2009-2013) Sweden and Denmark are the main Nordic market for Irish food and beverage. Beef remains the key product exported Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Nordic Achievements Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Retail Market Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture MAJOR RETAIL BUYING GROUPS Grocery Market Share 2013 Bergendahls 4% 0% Lidl Netto 4% Marknad 2% Reitangruppen 2% Sweden (1) Rema 1000 Danmark 7% Dagrofa 15% ICA 48% Coop Sverige 19% Coop Danmark 38% Dansk Supermarked 34% Axfood 21% Grocery retail market*: € 30.9 bn Source: Euromonitor Grocery retail market*:€18.6 bn Norway (1) Suomen Lähikauppa 7% 0% 0% Reitangruppen 22% Denmark Aldi Lidl 3% 3% ICA 12% Norgesgruppen 43% Finland (1) Lidl 6% S-group 50% Kesko 37% Coop Norge 23% Grocery retail market: € 23.3 bn Source: Euromonitor Source: Euromonitor Grocery retail market*: € 17.2 bn (1) Alcohol retail monopoly sales aren’t included in the pie chart Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Source: Euromonitor PL purchasing groups in the Nordics AMS Nordic Members : Dansk Supermarked Gruppen (DK, SE,), ICA (NO, SE), Kesko (FI) Coop Trading Nordic Members : COOP (DK, NO,SE) S group (FI) United Nordic Nordic Members : Norges Gruppen (NO)Dagrofa (DK), Axfood (SE) Tuko Logistics, Suomen Lähikauppa (FI) Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Food Service Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Total foodservice market estimated at €23.6 bn (excluding social catering) Sweden Denmark Value*: €3.8 bn Value*: €10.8 bn Key players: Mc Donald,’s 7 -Eleven, Jensens Bøfhus Key players: Mc Donald’s, Max burgers Trend: Fast food channels dominate sales Trend: Health and coffee Forecast ** 2013/2018: +8.5% Norway Forecast** 2013/2018: +5.8% Finland Value*: €4.1 bn Value*: €4.9bn Key players: Umoe Catering (Pepps pizza,, Cafe Opus), Mc Donald’s, Norgesgruppen. Key players: Burger In Oy, McDonalds, S group Trend: Fast food Trend: health and exotic, fast food. Forecast** 2012/2017: +10.6% Forecast** 2013/2018 +6.1% * Consumer food service, source: Euromonitor ** source: Euromonitor Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture INDIGENOUS FOOD MANUFACTURES Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Company Activity/Sector HQ T/O Employees Dairy Viby, Denmark €9.8bn 5,475 Meat Randers, Denmark €7.8 bn 22,500 Beverages Copenhagen, Denmark €4.3 bn 40,000 Dairy Helsinki, Finland €2bn 4,600 Meat Turku, Finland €2bn 7,700 Seafood Bergen, Norway €1.7bn 6,000 Seafood Bergen, Norway €1.2bn 1,900 Bakery Copenhagen, Denmark €804mn 3,700 Consumer Foods Eslöv, Sweden €528mn 1,500 Meat Källby, Sweden €240 mn N/A Frozen Food Bjuv, Sweden €80 mn 6,000 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Brands MAIN WHOLESALERS Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Company Country Cash & Carry T/O € MartinServera Owned by Axfood Sweden y € 1.3 bn Menigo Owned by Brake Sweden € 550 m Svensk Cater Owned by Eurogroup Sweden €290 m Snabbgross Owned by Axfood Sweden y € 250 m Dansk Catering Owned by Eurogroup Denmark y > 40 % Market Share Dagrofa Owned by NorgesGruppen & A/S KFI Holding Denmark > 12.5 % Market share Horkam Owned by German company Citti Denmark 8.5 % market share Kespro Owned by K group Finland € 670 m Meira Nova Owned by S group Finland € 315 m Metro Owned by Wihuri Finland y € 1.5 bn ASKO NorgesGruppen Norway y € 5.6 bn Service Grossistene Norway Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture € 400 m MARKET TRENDS Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market trends Nordic: High food prices NO +186%, DK +143 %, SE +124%, FI +119% above EU average prices. Norway: Highest frozen pizza consumption (5 kg per capita per year) in the world. (Source: Euromonitor) Finland: Highest Ice Cream consumption (13 litters per capita) consumer (Source: Euromonitor) . Highest coffee consumption in the world 11.9 kg per capita. (Source: International coffee organisation). Denmark: second highest western European sugar/confectionary purchases €69/capita. (Source: Euromonitor) Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market trends Finland: Second world highest multivitamin sales per person in the world. (Source: Euromonitor) Denmark: World's highest organic share at retail, 7.6 % valued at € 778 million.(source: OrganicDataNetwork survey 2013) Sweden: Highest retail Tex Mex shelf space allocation in Europe. (source: ICA trade contact) Nordic: Pulled meat is trendy, ex: pulled pork, beef, chicken and turkey. Nordic: Top 10 countries in the world for smart phone usage. Norway 5th , Sweden 7th and Denmark 10th (source: Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market trends Low level of PL despite high retail concentration. PL share is growing rapidly as it is a key priority for the retail multiples. General segmentation: • • • • Price fighter, Standard, Premium, Premium plus, Private Label Market Share by Country - 2012 Volume Share (%) Value Share (%) Switzerland 52.8 45 Spain 50.8 40.6 UK 45.3 40.8 Portugal 43.5 33.3 Germany 41.9 32.4 Belgium 40.4 28.4 Austria 39.1 28.1 France 35.7 28.3 Hungary 31.2 23.1 Denmark 30.7 24.9 Slovakia 30.1 21.1 Poland 30 21.3 The Netherlands 29.3 27.3 Finland 29.1 23.1 Czech Republic 27.2 18.4 Norway 27 21.9 Sweden 25.9 20.2 Greece 23.7 16.6 Turkey 20.8 14.1 Italy 20 16.9 Source: Nielsen/PLMA Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Sustainability SUSTAINABLE BRAND INSIGHT RANK Nordic food companies rank highly in the Sustainable brand index. Sweden has the highest percentage of renewable energy in the EU (over 47%). Denmark has 28% wind power in their electricity system. Denmark has a target of reaching 30% renewable energy by 2020. June 2010, The climate certificate label was developed, for which over 50 Swedish companies have registered. SE DK FI NO 1 Lantmännen SuperBrugsen Valio Stormberg 2 Saltå Kvarm IKEA Oululainen Tine 3 Coop Sygeforsikringen Danmark Fazer Nordic Choice Hotels 4 IKEA Irma Prisma Kiwi 5 ICA Arla Vaasan IKEA 6 Arla Dagli’Brugsen S-market Vinmonopolet 7 GodEl Carlsberg K-kauppa Quality Hotels 8 Volvo Rema1000 Sokos Hotels Clarion Hotels 9 The Body Shop Tryg Paulig Coop 10 Apoteket Jysk Saarioinen Clarion Hotels 11 Systembolaget Tuborg K-Citymarket Rica Hotels 12 Naturkompaniet H&M Ingman Comfort Hotels 13 Bilprovningen Volkswagen Snellman Toyota 14 Skånemejerier Føtex Pirkka Gilde 15 SJ Fakta Arla Gjensidige 16 Norrmejerier Bilka Sokos Thon Hotels 17 Wasabröd Netto S-Pankki Rema1000 18 MAX OK Kariniemi Meny 19 Apoteket Hjärtat Svane Stockmann Q 20 Skellefteå Kraft Volvo Atria Sparebank 1 Food Service Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Retail Manufacturing Logistics Dublin to Gothenburg, Sweden Ambient temperature 1 palette 3-5 palettes Full load € 190 € 160 € 2200 Chilled € 225 € 190 € 3400 Frozen € 225 € 190 € 3400 Dublin to Copenhagen or other city, Denmark Ambient temperature 1 palette 3-5 palettes Full load € 190 € 160 € 2200 Chilled € 190 € 165 € 2800 Frozen € 190 € 165 € 2800 Dublin to Oslo, Norway 1 palette 3-5 palettes Full load Ambient temperature € 275 € 200 € 2850 Chilled € 350 € 275 € 3800 Frozen € 350 € 275 € 3800 Dublin to Helsinki, Finland 1 palette 3-5 palettes Full load Ambient temperature € 315 € 230 € 3400 Chilled € 430 € 315 € 4700 Frozen € 430 € 315 € 4700 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Transport time from Ireland is approx. 34 days. Daily departures are available Transport to Finland is expensive DOING BUSINESS Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Critical Success Factors Market choice: “The Nordic frozen food market is one that has the closest similarity with Ireland (flavour profile, eating habits and product offering) and therefore requires the least product modifications.” Liam Hyland, Export Manager – Green Isle Foods. Entry strategy: “Identify the right distributer, who’s committed, believes in your product, will represent you daily, has attention to detail and is fully backed by you, the supplier” Denis Kelly, Commercial Manager – Rib world. Nordic Consumers : “Nordic consumers and in particular Swedes’ are extremely knowledgeable about food and pay particular attention to food ingredients. 10% of all cookbooks published around the world, are produced in Sweden!”Gareth Gallagher, MD Atlanfish. Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Critical Success Factors • • • • Business Culture : “I have found selling into Swedish retail to be very straightforward and less demanding than supplying to UK retail. The process is open and transparent. 4 things to note are: The lead in time can be quite long i.e. 9 to 12 months from agreement to listing. Open book costing is common. Clarity of communication is very important. When something is agreed, it's agreed. Punctuality is important.” Jason Coyle, Director Mr Crumb. Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Why work with the Nordics markets English Widely Spoken Currency Healthy Economy Healthy State Budget Business Loyalty Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Market Place 2015 Nordic MP2015 Buyers • Alcohol: 1 • Dairy Ingredients: 2 • Seafood :2 • Frozen : 2 • Confectionary : 1 • Grocery : 2 • Bakery : 3 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Information available • CFD guide/directory for all 4 Nordics countries • • • • • Meat guide/directory DK & SE Logistic reports PL guide directory Nordics Organic guide/directory DK Fortnightly Nordic Agribusiness Review You will be judged on Service Quality as much as Product Quality. We wish you a successful Market Place 2015. Bord Bia, Nicolas Ranninger Hovslagargatan 5, 11148 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 54 50 40 58; Email: [email protected] Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture