automatic system fo automatic system for cooling of photovo r
automatic system fo automatic system for cooling of photovo r
AUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR COOLING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL FOR R COOLING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC AUTOMATIC SYSTEM FO PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL As.Eng. Ionel-Laurentiu ALBOTEANU PhD1, Prof. Eng. Gheorghe MANOLEA PhD1, Eng. Alexandru NOVAC PhD2, Eng.Constantin ŞULEA 1 University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering 2 S.C. PROMAT S.A. REZUMAT. lucrarea prezintă o soluţie cu privire la creşterea eficienţei panourilor fotovoltaice prin reducerea pierderilor datorat incălzirii celulelor fotovoltaice. Soluţia constă în aplicarea pe spatele panourilor fotovoltaice a unui sistem de răcire răcire cu apă apă. pă. Funcţionarea Funcţionarea automată sistemului sistemului de răcire va conduce la la creştere eficienţei panourilor fotovoltaice fotovoltaice şi reducerea consumului de energie. energie. Cuvinte cheie: sistem de răcire, automatizare, panou fotovoltaic, microcontroler, senzor de temperatură ABSTRACT. ABSTRACT. The paper presents a solution focused on increasing efficiency of photovoltaic panel by reducing losses due to warming photovoltaic cells. The solution consists in a water cooling system applied to the back of photovoltaic panels. Automatic operation of the cooling system will lead to increased efficiency of solar panels and reduce energy consumption Keywords: cooling system, automation, photovoltaic panel, microcontroller, temperature sensor 1. INTRODUCTION Crystalline silicon currently offers a yield of 15-16% and some studies consider that its limits would be reached approximately 25% under laboratory conditions [2]. Although other materials such as Ga, offering a yield of 30%, prohibitive price makes them suitable only for space applications. Recently, researchers of U.S. universities have announced that was obtained a photocell with a yield of 60%. It's a big step towards the upper limits of efficiency photovoltaic cells [5]. Very complex technology and materials used do remain only the state of laboratory. Therefore, in the next decade, nothing seems to threaten the supremacy of silicon. Recently more and more companies have been able to increase the yield offered by solar cells based on silicon. In March 2003, BP Solar announced an efficiency of 18.3%, while Sanyo has already put on the market a cell with an efficiency of 19.5% [4]. Overheating of a PV module decreases performance of output power by 0.4-0.5% per 1°C over its rated temperature (which in most cases is 25 degrees C). This is why the concept of "cooling of PV" has become so important [1]. To reduce this phenomenon can be applied on the back to panel a cooling water system, which can provide hot water for domestic applications [1]. 2. COOLING SYSTEM OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL The PV panel made in the present study comprises a commercial PV module and a cooling system (figure 1). A USP 150 mono, crystalline solar PV module (1600 mm x 800 mm) (rated 150Wp, 42 V peak voltage) was adopted to be combined with a water cooling system. The cooling system adheres to the back of the commercial PV module. Thermal grease was used between the plate and the PV module. For better contact. Below the heat collecting plate, a PU thermal insulation layer is attached using a fixing frame. Fig. 1. Section of cooling system The experimental system was built using the PV module and cooling system combined with a water storage tank (Figure 2). To enhance the heat transfer of cooling system, we installed a DC pump to circulate the water from the tank through the cooling system. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 1 Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 113 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES CNAE 2012 - 2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONFERINŢA NAŢIONALĂ DE ACŢIONĂRI ELECTRICE, ediţia–XVI, SUCEAVA For a solar water heater, there exists a critical inlet water temperature that is proportional to the ambient temperature, the solar radiation intensity, and the thermal parameters of the cooling system Ensuring water circulation pump is controlled by a microcontroller that collects information on the panel temperature by two temperature sensors mounted on it. Fig. 2. Structure of PV system 3. AUTOMATON SYSTEM OF TEMPERATURE CONTROL The system designed for a monitoring of the temperature is a module system made by the Center of Innovation and Technological Transfer C.I.T.T. Craiova, [3],[8],[9]. The automaton can measure six values of temperature in different points (fig. no.3). There are available values of temperature and humidity inside it, which are almost equal with the values around it. Fig. 3. Automaton for monitoring the temperature There are presented the temperatures T1… T6 from the electrical cell. T7 and U it represents the temperature and the humidity from the vicinity of the equipment (the sensor is placed inside the equipment). The temperature values are between –50 +125 Celsius. If the information is not correct, then the message « ---« appears on the screen. The values for humidity are between 0…100 %. If the information for humidity is not available then the message « ---« appears on the screen. The equipment, which can be purchased in eight different sizes, allows the setting of several important parameters. As a result there can be set: - XY device address where X, Y ∈ {0, 1, 2,…, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F}; - start address of the XYZW data where X, Y, Z, W ∈ {0, 1, 2,…, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F}. It is recommended not to use an address placed near FFFF in order to avoid the overstepping of the presentation format. The data is represented by the succession of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, U. The start address of the data is the address of the T1 temperature; - the speed of the serial: 4 800, 9 600, 19 200 bits/s ; - the parity ODD, EVEN or NONE ; - the highest temperature that activate the signaling – it belongs to a range between 0…+125 grade C; - the lowest temperature that deactivate the signaling – it belongs to a range between 0…+125 grade C. The interface for the user is assured through an alphanumeric display and a three button keyboard. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 2 114 Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie AUTOMATIC SYSTEM COOLING OF PANEL _____________________________________________________________________________________ AUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR FOR COOLING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL The interface for the process is made through a four connectors placed on the low area and another connector placed on the right area. The automaton is made up of two modules: - the slave module that scans the seven temperature values and one humidity value; - the master module receives the data from the slave module, displays them on an alphanumeric display and carries out a MODBUS communication with other numeric systems (automate). 3.1. SLAVE MODULE The SLAVE module has a central element, the ATMEGA8 microcontroller [10] (fig. no. 4), U3. Its reset is carried out by the Q1 circuit, type MCP120. Because the slave microcontroller sends the data to the master microcontroller through the serial port, we have chosen to use one external quartz, Y1, instead of the internal RC oscillator which is much less stable. 3.2. MASTER MODULE MASTER Module has been developed with ATMEGA128 microcontroller [11] (fig. 3). An efficient reset is carried out by the circuit no.2 (MCP120). As the microcontroller is SMD type (directly glued to the rear plate), for activating the programming function it is necessary to use the connector J4. The optocouple 3 assures the data serial transfer from the slave module to the master module. Having a code memory of 128 Koctets, a RAM memory of 4 Koctets, an EEPROM memory of 4 Koctets, two serial ports, 53 signals of input/output, up to 100 000 re-programmings and a very good work speed (up to 16 MIPS) carried out by a 16 MHz quartz, ATMEGA128 microcontroller represents an excellent solution. 3 2 Fig. 5. Cabling of master module - the part with components Fig. 4. Board with components for slave module The scan of the temperature transducer is carried out with some blocks that contain a diode and two resistors. Thus, the microcontroller works with two electrical signals associated to an acquisition channel, even if the temperature transducer has only one data bidirectional. The seven signals are available at the level of the couple 3. The supply of the slave module is carried out through two DC sources 2 and 6, with galvanic separation . The source 6, through the signal ON, can be activated by the master module. Thus, if the master module considers the data coming from the slave module is wrong, then it can command its reset by canceling the supply for a short period of time. The slave module also contains, among other things, the command block of the relay 5 and an optocouple used of resetting the supply of the slave module. The interface with the user is carried out through a three button keyboard and through an alphanumeric display with two rows with 16 characters each (fig. no.6). Fig. 6. Cabling of master module – the part with junctions _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 3 Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 115 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES CNAE 2012 - 2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONFERINŢA NAŢIONALĂ DE ACŢIONĂRI ELECTRICE, ediţia–XVI, SUCEAVA 3.3. RS 485 - RS 232 ADAPTOR MODULE The automaton can function also independently from a network by connecting it to a computer through a RS485-RS232 adaptor module. Such a module contains a TTL-RS232 driver (3), a TTL-RS485 driver (2) and a monostable circuit (4) (fig. 7). The presence of data fluxes is highlighted by the LED-s D3 and D4. The LED D2 shows that the supply is on. The design structure has galvanic separation and it can function with a transfer rate up to 115 kbits/s. 1 2 3 4 The description of the pins: GND - mass DQ - Input/Output Data VDD - supply The sensor resolution can be set to a value between 9 and 12 bits. The temperature conversion at 12 bits is carried out in a maximum period of time of 750 ms. The sensor contains two registers of 8 bits each for stocking the minim and the maxim alarm levels (TH şi TL) and another register through which the user can set the temperature conversion in digital format of 9, 10, 11 or 12 bits. This is the fact that sets the incrementation pace of the measured values: 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.0625°C. The implicit resolution is of 12 bits. 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to test the automatic system for cooling of photovoltaic panel in real condition, we have made an experimental PV system. The general view of the experimental PV system is shown in fig. no.9. Fig. 7. RS485-RS232 adaptor module The supply of the module is made through the USB port of the computer. The result is a portable small product. 2 3.4 3.4. TEMPERATURE SENSOR 1 DS18B20 temperature sensor is made by Dallas Semiconductors company [12] and it needs no other parts for producing the signal and it can measure temperatures between -55 °C and +125°C with a precision of ± 0.5% in a temperature range of -10°C … + 85°C. 3 Fig. 9. Experimental PV system The description of the components: 1- PV panel; 2- Panel of automation; 3- Electrical equipaments of PV system. According to figure 10, the three temperature sensors where installed in this way: T1 - the sensor placed in the extreme right side of the PV panel; T2 - the sensor placed in the center of PV panel; T3 - the sensor placed in the extreme left side of the PV panel; Fig. 8. Temperature sensor: a) overall view; b) pins configuration _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 4 116 Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie AUTOMATIC SYSTEM COOLING OF PANEL _____________________________________________________________________________________ AUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR FOR COOLING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL T3 T2 T1 To emphasize the power consumption of the pump that provides cooling PV panel were read every 5 minutes the values of voltmeter and ampermeter connected in circuit pump, electric power was then calculated, values resulting graphical form in figure no.12. Fig. 10. Location of sensors on the PV panel Fig. 12. Evolution of Power of pump The experimental results consisted of monitoring the temperature values from the three sensors mounted on absorber plate of the PV panel cooling system. Experiments were made on 13.06.2012date, between 12.00 and 13.00 time, the results are presented graphically in figure no.11. From the graph we can see that the average power absorbed by the circulation pump in the cooling system is insignificant, about 16W. Fig. 11. Evolution of temperatures on the PV panel Prescribed temperature at the initial moment was 37oC. Is observed from the graph that the PV panel temperature oscillates around these values with a hysteresis of ± 1 °C during the period 0-15min. This was done automatically by the system developed, which allowed the pump start and stop according to the prescribed temperature for PV panel. The next time 15-60min, prescribed value of temperature change in value of 37 ° to 38 ° C value. Is observed in the graphic is also increased by about 1 °C panel temperature. 5. CONCLUSIONS From the graphs of experimental results it is observed that: PV panel temperature values evolve around the prescribed values; PV panel is hotter in the center than in the extremities; PV panel temperature values are similar to the extremities; The power absorbed by pump is insignificant compared with the advantages of cooling system. In conclusion, the experimental results emphasize the good side of a PV system operation and on the other hand, accuracy and efficiency of the cooling system designed for photovoltaic panel that can be applied successfully in domestic solar applications. Acknowledgment This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID 61968 (2009), cofinanced by the European Social Fund, within the Sectorial Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 5 Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 117 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES CNAE 2012 - 2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________ CONFERINŢA NAŢIONALĂ DE ACŢIONĂRI ELECTRICE, ediţia–XVI, SUCEAVA BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Alboteanu, L., Increase efficiency of stand alone photovoltaic systems by reducing temperature of cells, Annals of the "Constantin Brancusi" University of Targu Jiu, Engineering series, issue 3/ 2011, ISSN 1842-4856, pp. 15-25, "Academica Brancusi" Publisher. 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[12] *** - Dallas 18B20 Temperature sensor. Datasheet. About the authors As. PhD. Eng. Ionel-Laurenţiu ALBOTEANU University of Craiova email:[email protected] Graduated from the University of Craiova, Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering -2004, graduate master studies in "Electromechanically Systems Complexes" specialization-2006, PhD engineer since 2009. It is currently a teacher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Prof. PhD. Eng. Gheorghe Manolea University of Craiova email:[email protected] Graduated from the University of Petrosani-1970, PhD engineer since 1981, professor at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering. Leader in doctoral field "electrical engineering". Director of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer. Phd. Eng. Alexandru Novac SC PROMAT SA Craiova email:[email protected] 2004 University of Craiova, PhD in Electrical Engineering, theme of thesis: "Digital command of electromechanical drive with asynchronous motors";1996 University of Craiova, Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, diploma of Master in "Command of Industrila Robots " specialization; 1995 University of Craiova, Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, diploma of Engineer in "Electro mechanics" specialization; It is currently an engineer at SC PROMAT SA Craiova. Eng . Constantin ŞULEA, University of Craiova email:[email protected] Graduated from the University of Craiova, Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering -2007, graduate master studies in “Engineering and management and environmental quality" specialization. It is currently a PhD student in doctoral field "electrical engineering" _____________________________________________________________________________________ Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie 6 118 Buletinul AGIR nr. 4/2012 ● octombrie-decembrie