mecanoo architects our projects


mecanoo architects our projects
av bibliotek.
a place for everyone
francesco veenstra architect/partner
architect zijn gaat over vormgeven, maar vooral over veel meer dan dat
mecanoo delft
chapel st mary of the angles
theatre en congressfacility la llotja
library of birmingham integrated with the rep
birmingham, uk
wei- wu- ying center for the arts
kaohsiung, taiwan
wei- wu- ying center for the arts
kaohsiung taiwan
municipal offices and central station delft
city of the painter vermeer and of technical innovation
library technical university
delft, the netherlands
library technical university
delft, the netherlands
library technical university
delft, the netherlands
library technical university
delft, the netherlands
a place for everyone
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
birmingham: many identities
white 67.8%
chinese 1.
mixed 3.1%
black 6.6%
asian 20.4%
birmingham population: 1.006.500
birmingham density: 3.739/km2
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
the existing library has a significant collection and archive
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
site along centenary square
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
complex and dominant infrastructure
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
urban setting
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
complex and dominant infrastructure
City centre gardens
canal district
Paradise Circle
centenary square
Victoria square
tower hill
New Street station
bull’s ring
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
complex and dominant infrastructure
LoB functions
historic maps
city of incidents : diversity and fragmentation
three palazzo-s
Centenary Square three atmospheres
library of birmingham materials
red bricks, blue bricks, steel, craftsmanship of an industrial city
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
hierarchy of space: clear and legible route
surprise and excite –
a dynamic journey
introverted and extroverted spaces
library of birmingham: social heart of the city
sequence of rotundas
library of birmingham: canopy and outdoor amphitheatre
people following the red line walk through the library
library of birmingham: canopy and outdoor amphitheatre
people following the red line walk through the library
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
library of birmingham: social heart of the city
library, city archive, business and learning centre, gallery,
shakespeare memorial room, the REP theatre with a new studio theatre
functions are arranged for
maximum accessibility
mixed mode ventilation: energy efficient
(natural and mechanical system)
library of birmingham level 2
the rotunda floor – heart of the library
library of birmingham
construction september 2012
library of birmingham
construction september 2011
library of birmingham, integrated with the REP
library of birmingham
construction september 2012
library of birmingham
construction september 2012
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
topping out ceremony, sept 2011, level 9 shakespeare memorial room
reference: glories, barcelona
reading outside
flexible, open area with water features
and special pavement patterns, allowing
for different informal activities
play: giant chess
…enjoying lunch
music ring / amphitheatre – concept: the urban patio
hidden garden:
natural garden
city terrace:
cultural garden – ‘knot
urban patio – solitary
outdoor space concept - library gardens
library of birmingham
city terrace
library of birmingham: social heart of the city
arrangement of functions
staff offices
a+h open research
readers services
meeting rooms
music zone
children’s library
business and learning
readers services
lower ground floor
programmable water
pavement pattern
(derived from
concealed drains
to control flooded
music ring / amphitheatre - principle
Children’s Library
the terraces
Lending Hub
ground floor
ground floor
signage and wayfinding
The social floor / Level 1
Meeting rooms LoB / Business & Learning / Lending
Level 1
Meeting rooms LoB, Business & Learning,
Walls_glass facade with frieze
Level +2
The Rotunda Floor / level 2
Science and Innovation
Community, Social and Health
Closed Access Storage
Level 2
Community, Social and Health, Science and
The Floor of Art and Creativity /
Level 3
Level 3
Arts and Creativity.
The Floor of the archives & heritage /
Level 4
Level 4
Archives & Heritage
LoB artifacts
level 9 – Shakespeare memorial Room
generate historical identity
in SMR
library of birmingham
wrapped in steel filigree
library of birmingham integrated with the REP: opens in 2013
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
the sequence of rotundas, september 2011: outdoor amphitheatre
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
outdoor amphitheatre
library of birmingham, integrated with the REP
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
view from interior
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
view from interior – during construction
library of birmingham integrated with the REP
book rotunda
library of birmingham
construction september 2011
library of birmingham
construction september 2012
library of birmingham
construction september 2012
library of birmingham
construction september 2012
library of birmingham
a place for everyone

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