OEiCiJ.:+,4 - Creapromedia
OEiCiJ.:+,4 - Creapromedia
.Èr=D=DNold(t'D OEiCiJ.:+,4 )c:lo Sdvr :lrr3ssvc 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES C a s s e t t ec o m p a r t m e n t r l l u m i n a t i o n OpowenswlrcH . he T h e p o w e r c o m e so n w h e n t h e P O W E R s w i t c h i s d e p r e s s e d T l e v e l m e t e r a n d t a p e c o u n t e r , a n d t h e c a s s e t t ec o m p a r t m e n t i l l u m i n a t i o n ' w i l lt h e n c o m e o n . €)DUSTCOVER W h e n y o u a r e n o t u s i n g t h e d e c k , a l w a y sk e e p t h i s c o v e r i n p l a c e t o p r e v e n t d u s t a n d d i r t f r o m a d h e r i n gt o t h e h e a d s e c t i o na n d r o t a t r n Ep a r t s . T A P EM A R K E R @REMAINING l f t h i s m a r k e r i s v i s i b l e ,i t m e a n st h a t t h e r e i s e n o u g ht a p e r e m a i n i n q f o r s e v e r am l i n u t e so f r e c o r d i n go r p l a y b a c k . @ ) r N p u T( R E C O R D T NLGE V E L )C O N T R O L S I O H E A D P H O N E JSA C K This is the output jack for your stereo headphones. You will be a b l e t o h e a r s o u n d f r o m s i g n à l ss e l e c t e d b y t h e M O N I T O R s w i t c h es Use this Jack when you wànt to monitor the quality of a recordrng or when you wanl to listen to a làpe pilvately on the C T F 9 5 0 A d j u s l t h e o u t p u t l e v e lw i t h t h e O U T P U T c o n t r o l s . NOTES: a Use lou-tmpedance heodphones If you use o high-imped,once model, you uill not be oble to obtoin sufficrcnt uolume c You u'ill domage thë microphone if you plug it into the HEADPHO.\'E:S jock by mistahe sELEcroR swtrcH @rrueur Use this switch to select the program source which you intend to U s e t h e s e t o a d j u s t t h e l e v e l o f t h e i n p u t s i g n a l sf r o m t h e M I C j a c k so r r e a r p a n e lI N P U T i a c k s . T u r n i n g t h e s ec o n t r o l s t o t h e r i g h t i n c r e a s etsh e l e v e l record LINE: Set to T h e c o n t r o l s a r e c o u p l e d t o t h e l e f t a n d r i g h t c h a n n e t s ,b u t y o u c a n a l s o u s e t h e m t o a d j u s t t h e r i g h t c h a n n e l( b a c k ) a n d t h e 1 g 1c1h a n n e l( f r o n t ) i n d e p e n d e n t l y MIC: Set to this position for recording signals from a microp h o n e , o r m i c r o p h o n e s ,c o n n e c t e d t o t h e M l C , a c k s . L E V E L co ) N T RoLS @ o u r p u r ( e L A Y B A cK U s e t h e s et o a d j u s t t h e o u t p u t s i g n a ll e v e l d u r i n g p l a y b a c k .T u r n i n g t h e c o n t r o l s t o t h e r i g h t i n c r e a s e tsh e l e v e l .T h e c o n t r o l s a r e c o u p l e d w h e n t u r n e d b u t i t i s a l s o p o s s i b l et o a d j u s t t h e r i g h t c h a n n e l( b a c k ) a n d t h e l e f t c h a n n e l( f r o n t ) i n d e p e n d e n t l y . W h e n p l a y i n g b a c k a r e f e r e n c et a p e ( 1 6 0 n w b i m ) , a r e f e r e n c e p l a y b a c k l e v e l ( 0 d B ) i s o b t a i n e dw i t h t h e s ec o n t r o l ss e t t o t h e " 6 " click stopposition. @ r n p eS E L E C T o R T h i s s e l e c t o r a l l o w s t h e b i a s a n d e q u a l i z e rc h a r a c t e r i s t . i ct os b e s e l e c t e dd u r i n g r e c o r d i n ga n d t h e e q u a l i z e rc h a r a c t e r i s t i cdsu r i n g p l a y b a c kI n l i n e w i t h t h e t y p e o f t a p e y o u a r e u s i n g M E T A L : F o r u s i n gm e t a lt a p e s F o r u s i n go r d i n a r yo r L H r a p e s STD: CrOr: F o r u s i n gc h r o m et a p e s Fe-Cr: F o r u s i n gf e r r i c h r o m et a p e s oMrc ,ACKS T h e s ea r e t h e i n p u t j a c k s f o r m i c r o p h o n er e c o r d i n g p l u g t h e l e f t c h a n n e lm i c r o p h o n ei n t o t h e L l a c k a n d t h e r i g h t c h a n n e lm i c r o phone into the R .iack. this position for recording a program source which is connected ro the rear panel INPUT jacks. NOTE You will be oble to record Eignals from the INPUT jachs il LINE suitch is depressed euen when the microphone. plugged into the MIC jochs @ o o L g y * N Rs w t r c H 5 e t t h i s s w i t c h t o O N f o r r e c o r d i n gw i t h t h e b u i l t - i n D o l b y n o i s e r e d u c t i o n s y s t e m a n d f o r t h e p l a y b a c k o f r a p e sw h i c h h a v e b e e n r e c o r d e du s i n gt h e D o l b y N R s v s t e m . @arnscoNTRoL U s e t h i s c o n t r o l t o a d l u s t t h e b r a s i n a c c o r d a n c ew i t h t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i cosf t h e t a p e b e i n g u s e d l r i s s e t s o t h a t t h e c e n t e r ( c l i c k s t o p ) p o s i t i o n c o r r e s p o n d st o t h e s t a n d a r db i a s . @ M O N t T O RS W T T C H E S Y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o l i s r e nt o t h e r e c o r d e ds i g n a l s( p l a y b a c ks o u n d ) i f y o u d e p r e s sr h e T A P E w h i l e y o u a r e r e c o r d t n ga p r o g r a m . Y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o l i s r e n r o r h e s i g n a l s( r e c o r d i n gi n p u r ) j u s t b e f o r e t h e y a r e r e c o r d e d i f y o u d e p r e s st h e S O U R C E . U s e r h e s e s w i r c h e st o m o n i t o r y o u r r e c o r d i n g D e p r e s st h e T A p E d u r i n g o l a vb a c k * N 4 a n u f a c t u r e du n d e r l i c e n s e f r o m D o l b y , L a b o r a t o r r e s . *Dolbr and [[ 4 the ore .]rc trddemarksof Dolbr.,Laboratories GT-F95Cl 1. SPECIFICATION 2-channelstereo Compactcassette, Capstandrive;DC servomotor x I Reeldrive;DC high torque motor x 1 Ferrite recordingl Heads . tYPe headx 1 combination PlaYback erasingheadx 1 ' A p p r o x i m a t e l 8y 5 s e c o n d s . . " F a s tW i n d i n gT i m e (C-60tape) 0 ' 0 4 %( W R M S ) t h a n m o r e . N o . . W o wa n d F l u t t e r Systems Motors FrequencyResponse -20d8 Recording Standard,LH taPes FerrichrometaPe Chromiumdioxidetape . . Metaltape ' ' ' 20 to 17'000H2 (25 to15,000H2t 3dB) - - ' '2O to 19,000H2 (25 to 17,000H2I 3dB) " "2O to 19'000H2 (25 to t 7,000H2t 3dB) ' ' ' '20 to 19'000H2 (25 to 18,oooHzt 3dB) OdBRecording 20 to 11,000H2 Chromiumdioxide t a p e . . 20 to 14,000H2 Metal tape 59dB Ratio . D o l b y N R O F F ; M o r et h a n Signal-to-Noise 69dB t h a n D o l b yN R O N ; M o r e ( o v e r5 k H z ) : : i: liiTi:i: PowerRequirements PowerConsumPtion Max' . 420(w)x 187(H)x 365.5(D)mm Dimensions in' x 7'318x'14'318 16'9116 Weight Furnishedparts. . ' ' 1 0 ' 1 k g( 2 2 1 b 4 o z ' l cordswith connectinS . . Stereo P i n P l u g sx 2 swabsx 3 cleaning Head x 1 instructions OPerating NOTE: possiblemodifi' iir"ifi"otio"s and the design subject to improuements' to due notice càtionwithout NOTES: l. Raterence & LH: DIN 45513/BLATT6or lor equiv' : CrO,: DIN 45513/BLATTTlCrOt (16O level indicatitlg OdB Meter 2. ReterenceRecording Level: levell nwb/m magneticlevel= Philipscassettereference 3 . Reference Signal: 333H2 compensatron 4 . Wow & Flutter: o JIS [3kHz, with acoustic (weightedl, rms valuel -2OdB twet' OOLBY 5 . Frequency Response: r Measured at NR OFF,level deviation is !6dB without indication' harmonic distor' 6. Sign"l to Nois€ Ratio: o Measured al the third tion 3% level, weighted. reference recording 7 . Sensitivity: inpur level (mV) required for level with input (RECI controls s€t to maximum' S.MaximumA|lowab|eInpul:Whi|âdecreasingsettingsofinput thisis (RECI level controls and increasing level at input iacks' recording poinl where (mVl the at level the maximum input amplif ier output waveform becomês clipped' level when meter 9 . Reference Output Level: Playback output indicates OdB. level with reipêct to 1 0 . Maximum Output Level: Playback output (PLAYI l€vel controls output reference recording level when are set 10 maximum. iack Semiconductors... T r a n s i s t o r s7x6 Diodesx 84, PhotointerruPterx 1 lCsxl3 Subfunctions i n d i c a t o rl a m p . O o t U yN R s y s t e m( O N O F F ) w i t h L E D +7dB) (-20 to . Fluorescenttube levelmeter selector) (Peak/Peakhold/average a Fluorescent taPecounter o Biasfine adlustingcontrol knob PlaY a MemorystoP/MemorY a Counterrepeat/EndrePeat O a a o o o I nput selector Automatic tapeslackcanceller compartmentillumination Cassette Standbymechanismwith unattendedrecording TapeSelector4 Position. Click StoP.OutPut VR' 42O(Wl x 187(Hl x 365.5(D)mm Max. * with rackmount adaptor JA'R102 * 48OlW) x 187lHlx 3801D) mm Max. Unil: mm 3. LEVEL DIAGRAM PLAYBACK P8 LEVEL ADJ. F LAT AI,IP P8 AMP DOLEY AMP OUTPIJT VR LINE ouTPul s.]01-| OISPLâY AHP souRcE auel HEADPHoNEs G o i n7 . 4 r l B I \l I I -scav 7V) l.l8V l(l.12vl LINE OUl - 7tl8V -6d8v (o.5v) - 6.a(DV (o.a7vt AtaP Goln o.44vl - 23dBV o o -20 VR Lc. 3dB I ( 3 6 ' 2m v ) - 24dBV (63.lmv ) RL' 8 F LAT AMP Goin | 3dB J u, u, - 36GV J vR Lo.r ild PB AilP Goin .19d8 Not.; . O d B V' l V . Fr.qu.Êct i 333H2 -74dBv er-Fs|5cl C L O S 6 O L O O P O I J A LC A P S T A N 2 MOTOR TAPÊ TRANSPORTSYSTEM a<>}a4a I Èf - -o swlTcHEs @opeRnrtruc .rt (REW): t) I (STOPI: > (PLAY}: BEC: D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h t o r e w i n d t h e t a p e .( T h e t a p e w i l l t r a v e l a t h i g h s p e e df r o m r i g h t t o l e f t . ) D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h t o s e n d t h e t a p e f o r w a r d a t high speed. (The tape will travel from left to right.) D e o r e s st h i s s w i t c h t o s t o p t h e t a p e r u n a n d t o r e l e a s et h e o p e r a t i n g s w i t c h e s . D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h w h e n p l a y i n g b a c k a (The tape will travelfrom left to right.) Depressthis switch together with the PLAY switch for recording. T h i s s w i t c h w i l l n o t w Ù r k w h e n a c a s s e t t ei s n o t l o a d e d o r w h e n t h e e r a s u r ep r e v e n t i o n t a b s o f a l o a d e d c a s s e t t eh a v e b e e n b r o k e n o f f . D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h t o s t o p t h e t a p e t e m p o r a r i l y d u r i n g r e c o r d i n g o r p l a y b a c k . D e p r e s si t a g a i n t o allow the tape tc continue to travelas before. rNDrcAToR @ uEruonY/REPEAT T h i s i n d i c a t o rc o m e so n w h e n t h e M E M O R Y / R E P E A T s w i t c h e s a r e d e p r e s s e d ,s i g n i f y i n g t h a t t h e d e c k i s s e t t o t h e r e s p e c t i v e mooe. swlrcHEs @memonYlREPEAT M E M O R Y : D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h a n d t h e t a p e w i l l b e r e w o u n d t o STOP t h a t s p o t a t w h i c h t h e t a p e c o u n t e r w a s p r e s e t t o "000" during reclplay, when the REW switch is d e p r e s s e da t a n y p o s i t i o n y o u l i k e . D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h a n d t h e t a p e w i l l b e r e w o u n d t o that spot at which the tape counter was preset to "000" during reclplay, and playback will start from that spot, when the REW switch is depressedat any position you like. REPEAT COUNTER: D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h w h e n y o u w a n t t o p l a y b a c k a tape during playback or recordingfrom the point at which the tape counter was set to "000" up to the end of the tape. END: D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h w h e n y o u w a n t t o p l a y b a c k a t a p e f r o m t h e b e g i n n i n gt o t h e e n d o f t h â t t a p e . O F F : D e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h d u r i n g n o r m a l t a p e p l a y b a c k o r r e c o r d i n g t o r e l e a s et h e M E M O R Y a n d R E P E A T gWitCheS. NOÎES; a When ony of the operating suitches are depressed, the cor(except uill come on responding indicator STOP mode) signifying that the dech i8 set to that respective mode. . Att the opercting suitcâ€s are released, (OFF) to stop mode uhen the POWER switch ls turned OFF' BUTToN @courureRRESET D e p r e s st h i s b u t t o n t o r e s e tt h e t a p e c o u n t e r d i s p l a y t o " 0 0 0 . " @rnpe couNTER swtrcHEs @mrrrn PEAK: The meter functions as a peak lcrrel meter when PEAK HOLD: This indicates the position of the tape run. The counter reset to " 0 0 0 " w h e n t h e p o w e r i s s w i t c h e do n , AVERAGE: @lsvrl METER T h i s i n d i c a t e st h e i n p u t l e v e l d u r i n g r e c o r d i n ga n d t h e o u t p u t l e v e l during playback. 8y operating the METER switches, it can be made to function asa peak meter, a peak hold meter or asa levelmeter. The input signal level is indicated when the MONITOR switch S O U R C E h a s b e e n d e p r e s s e d ,a n d t h e p l a y b a c k ' o u t p u t l e v e l i s i n d i c a t e d w h e n t h e M O N I T O R s w i t c h T A P E h a s b e e nd e p r e s s e d . @o o l a Y N R tN D tcA T o R srARTswlTcHEs @rtmen Depress thesc switches when you are playing back or M E T A L : T h i s l i g h t c o m e s o n when the TAPE selector is set to METAL. This light comes on when the TAPE selector is set to CrOr: CrO2. recording a t a p e w i t h t h e u s eo f a t i m c r . When this switch is depressed,the dcck will automàticalREC: l y b e s e t t o t h e r e c o r d i n gm o d e a t t h c p r e s t t t i m e r t i m e , and recording wilt begin. Use this switch for recordint FM programs when you are out of the house or other' PLAY: This lights up when the DOLBY NR switch is set to ON and it indicates that a tape is being recorded or played back with the Dolby NR system. @ræe lNDlcAToRs this switch is dePressed. The meter functions as a peak level meter and the highest level of the signals is indicated when this switch is dePressed. The meter functions as a level meter when this switch is depressed. OFF: wiseoccuPied. W h e n t h i s s w i t c h i s d e p r e s s e dt,h e d e c k w i l l a u t o m a t i c a l l y b e s e t t o t h e p t a y b a c k m o d c a t t h e p r e s e tt i m e r t i m e , and playback will begin' Use this switch for wake'up p l a y b a c k i n s t e a do f a n a l a r m c l o c k . A l w a y s d e p r e s st h i s s w i t c h w h e n y o u d o n o t i n t e n d t o recotd or playback a tape using the timer' (This will release the REC and PLAY switches of TIMER sTA RT.) rHÊçÊ : rtu.nb..tj . ^t :^gPO . gpot s i o - . !U ^ ! loN a \ 'roft u ^ T----Ita,rzeol i ^ePor- €Pgz ulog dHv otn (^rn6 z) r | ( ^ u r tl ^æo9- (^ur6'1) ^8ezr-__l_ilojl: \)l ( ^ , . u t . O g) ^gP9Z - T-fT-l gp'zr I I l-e "ÎTin gPt ,lo9 dtrv ^9100 L (^r!t'cz) ^892Ê- sPt t (^uç'6ç ' ^gp gbz- ron u^ u l o g d n vl N l OZ- (^rEor ^gPOr- (^ tt'o l ^8Pz - I I I I I I I I I I m m I ê @ -:[I-I (^1'O ) | ^ s P ç- I I ---------J I I I I : i | I I I I I I I I ( ^62'0) ^gpz- lt It tl lr I I I I ïI rl rl ll oz i I I dfrv f lfl orw ov:x /]S ctu \-,1anv ^8'loo .'rlllJ xdn dt,rv f,3u l-.* dnv 3Nl'1 9NtOUO33U osiciJ-Ic '6lJ sued roualxa lo ^lquresseslo l-t leued luolJ N Âlquase qclt/vtsuotpunl 'oo10 s,rÀercsEuropun fq a1e1dtuolloq aql o ourag'g 'dn EutsrerÂ11uaFÂq 1t ll elotueg 'seqsnq reqqm Jo sueaur Âq srsseqcaq1 oluo pelunolu sI flqurasse qclFrs uollcunJ aq;'? @ 010 s/rrercsEuropun Âq lauad luorJ aql a^oruall'U 'o o?' s/t{\arasSulopun Âq aql e^oulall 'I lauuoq o slueuoduroC leuæu3 ^lgt I:ISSVSIO '? MechanicalAssembly When replacing a motor or a belt, be careful of the sequenceof disassemblyand reassemblyof the various components concerned. 1. Remove the capstan motor by undoing screws Oto @. 2. Remove solenoid A by undoing screwsO to (). 3. Remove the plunger chassisassemblyby undoing scre\ils Oto 9. 4. Remove the sub-c*rassisassembly by undoing screwsI to (0. 5. Remove the take-up motor by undoing screws @ and O, and remove solenoid B by undoing screws(D and O. SubchæsisassemblY SolenoidB Take-upmotor Supplypulleyassembly Capstanmotor Sub belt chassis asembly Flywheelassembly Capstanbelt UL cord clamperD SolenoidA Fig. 4-5 Disassemblyof mechanismasembly cT-Fg|scl MechanicalAssemblY After removing the front panel, undo screws Oto@. Fluorescent Indicator Tube 1. Remove the indicator lens assembly by undoing screwsoto@. 2. Remove the indicator amplifier assembly by undoing screws O to O. 3. The fluorescent indicator tube is mounted on the indicator assembly. Remove it by means of a soldering iron. Take great care when handling the indicator tube so as to avoid damaging it. asemblY Mechanism lndicatorassembly o-@ Fig.4-2 new spring is properly seated. The requirements of the sub-sectionentitled "Pinch roller pressure adjustments" (Page30) included in the section "Mechanical adjustments" shall be satisfied. -è*n"ring iron o-o Removethe mechanismassembly Sub-head Assembly, Pinch-roller Arm Asembly and PressureArm 1. Remove the sub-headbase assemblyby undoing screursOand O and the socket-head hexagonal Fluorescentindicator @ bolt. 2. Remove the feed side pinch-roller arm assembly by loosening the height adjuster (unt). 3. Remove the take-up side pinch-roller arm assemblyby taking off E-washerQ. 4. Remove the pressure arm by taking off E-washer O When the pinch pressure spring is replaced with a new one. take care to ensure that the o-o I ndicatoramplifier assemblY I ndicator lensassemblY o-() Fig. 4-3 Removethe fluorescentindicator tube (nut) Heishtadjuster Socket*read hexagonalbolt ,.'u ,.ry) ô E washerQl o 5 K\ Ewasher tp^pin"n-'ott* armassemblv assemblY Sub-head arm pinch'rollerarm assemblyand pressure assembly, Fig. 4-4 Removethe sub-head 5. PARTS LOCATION F R O N TP A N E LV I E W G u i d e( R ) R N K€08 Half cover RNK.777 G u i d e( L ) RN K.566 E s c u l c h e o np a n e l RAH.285 Front panelassembly RXX.251 REC VR knob (R) assembl RAA.225 REC VR knob (L) assembly RAA-22: PB VR knob (Rl a s s e m b l yR A A - 2 2 ! PB VR knob (L) a s s e m b l yR A A - 2 2 F u n c t i o ns w i t c h RAC-108 P u s hk n o b ( A l RAC{91 Tape selector knob assembly RAA-301 BIASVR Knob RAA.231 F R O N TV I E W W I T H F R O N TP A N E L R E M O V E D T a k e r . r pr e e l a s s e m b l y( B ) RX B-190 Supply reelassembly BXB-189 Reel cap (B) RN K-815 Power switch RSA-021 Sub-head base assembly RXB-255 P u s hs w i t c h ( A ) RSG064 Volume 5k (B) (BIAS) RCSO20 Volume 20k (B) RCV464 MIC iack R KN{44 Headphone jack RKN046 P u s hs w i t c h ( B l RSG{68 cT-Fs'E'Cl TOPVIEWWITH BONNETREMOVED Power supplY æsembly RWR{)67 assembly RWX-359 REC EO assembly RWX361 Powertransformer R T T - I 7 5( K U I RTT-I8s (KCl @ntrol ass€mbly RWG-103 lC amp assembly RWX-360 Pushsrvitch(A) RSG064 Pushsaritch(Bl RSG068 Motor RXMO47 Indicatoramp assembly RWX328 REARPANELVIEW Bonnet RNA€64 ain relief cord RDG{)22 ovlH 3lu dl lV 3:lU 90tu^ ovlH ISVU:t lilt 3SO SV|S u 3t:l Ë !o8 s 10v u:tJ,3'l logu^ r_to9s  a: rorrror rors a Ê-,0,s ;4 lxtt uoss3coud uorvuvdnoS OUJl1,1 dl,lv NOrSS3Udy{O3 3r!{HIruv90'l S]NOHdOVSH 9Nrrnn tno 3Nr1 dhlv lNoHdovlH Indln0 :ltl l'l t ' r c 3 u .s o ? u ^ --------------< et 13-.1 ( ' r v I 3 n) ( ? o r J ) 20t) / 0 r.s 1 0 v3 s o ' î v J , 3 n ç o ç u ^ .orf: zoçu^ 0t'S/tc-rj uor.3f13s 3dvJ. : 19çg^ rçots r ' 0 v o : t t j c 3 ù: Ê o z u ^ f0v ^E'ro0 3fu:tozu^ u N^ 8 1 0 0ç o z s u ^ 3 N t 1: t o z l u ^ u o l f 3 ' r 3 s r n d N r .l o z s l.nd Nl 3N t'1 t-r0zlù^ I r r'r'601 u31 xdl^û dt\lv tV'lJ dt^lv 311,1 ^s100 I tov 13^31 Indlno: rotE^ u^ J-ndlno.toçtu^ fov ^g't00 gd : çolu^ ù o r t N o n: t o t s tN ^9100:!-çozs 10v 03 gd :tolu^ 3 r B no s ovSH gd 3dvt dl,lv IV'IJ dl,l,lV 8 d uN ^8'loo 18 l tvu9vto )colg '9 ;;, e'Cil-IC % cr-Fs|5cl 7. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS For details of the circuit of the CT-F950, refer to the block diagram on Page 13 and also the overall schematic diagram on Page 54. 7 . 1 R E C O R D I N GA N D P L A Y B A C KC I R C U I T PlaybackEqualizerAmplifier The playback equalizeramplifier is an NFB type amplifier which uses a low-noise high-gain monolithic IC (AN370). P l a y b a c kF l a t A m p l i fi e r ( O r o : ,O r o +) The playback flat amplifier is a single transistor amplifier possessingflat frequency characteristics. It is used to amplify the output of the playback equalizer amplifier. A trap circuit is used at the input sideto prevententry of the recordingbias. Buffer Amplif ier (Oros,Oroo)' The buffer amplifier is an emitter follower type circuit which is used to take the output of the Dolby NR amplifier to the LINE OUTPUT terminals. rc (PA4001) The PA4001 was developed by PIONEER as a system IC for use in tape decks. It contains a microphone amplifier, headphone amplifier, flat amplifier and recording amplifier. Its block diagram is shown in Fig. 7-1. OUT 16 IN 15 14 OUT 13 12 tN 11 67 IN 7-1 .to OUT 9 8 GND our (topvtew) B l o c k d i a g r a mo f PA4001 Headphone Amplifier The headphone amplifier consists of the headphone amplifier section of the PA4001. This is a complimentary amplifier having a gain of approxi' mately 7.4d8. The headphone output is taken off a resistive voltage divider. Microphone Amplifier T h e m i c r o p h o n e a m p l i f i e r c o n s i s t so f t h e m i c r o phone amplifier section of the PA4001. It has a gain of about 28d8. 7.2 TAPE SELECTOR CIRCUIT The CT-F950 has been designed to use metal, CrOz, Fe-Cr and normal tapes. The tape selector circuit (see Fig. 7-2) is switched to suitable equalizer and bias levels according to the type of tape employed. This switching, plus the tape indicator (CrOz/NIETAL) switching is performed by the TAPE switch Sr:or . P l a y b a c k E q u a l i z e r S w i t c h i n g C i r c ui t The playback equalizer may be switched to either of 2 positions: 70ssec for METAL/ CrOz, Fe-Cr and 120ssec for STD. lVhen the TAPE switch Srror is in the IVIETAL position (or CrOz, or Fe-Cr positions), a bias current flows from Droe (or Drrr or Drro) to Qror via Rrrz, resulting in the transistor being turned on. The Cr r q and Rr r s seriescircuit is thus connected to t h e p l a y b a c k a m p l i f i e r t o s e t u p t h e 7 0 g s e ce q u a l i z e r a m p l i f i e r . W h e n S r: o r i s s w i t c h e d t o t h e S T D position, Qror is turned off, thereby reverting to t h e 1 2 0 1 . r s eecq u a l i z e r a m p l i f i e r . Recording Bias Generator and Bias Selector Circuit Metal tapes require a bias current of about twice the level of the bias required for conventional STD tapes. For this reason the push-pull generator output is amplified by a bias amplifier (composed of step-up transformers Lro r and Ltoz plus coupling amplifiers Qroo and Qroz) prior to being applied to the head. The bias amplifier input may be adjusted by the front panel BIAS control. Whereas more conventional bias controls vary the B voltage of the oscillator, the system employed in the CT-F950 also varies the erasure current at the same time. Since erasure efficiency is a particular problem with metal tapes, the CT-F950 has been designed to also vary the secondary side of the oscillator transformer. Bias switching for each type of tape is achieved through the TAPE switch Srror . Bias level is changed by first maintaining a constant oscillation level by fuzo, and then changing the voltage by inserting resistors in parallel. The parallel connected resistors involved are R:zo and Vfuor for metal tapes, Rrzz and VRroz for CrOz, and Rrza and VR:or for Fe-Crand STD. Equalizer Circuit Selector Recording The recording equalizer is switched to 4 separate positions (METAL, CrOz, Fe-Cr, and STD). Tran- sistors Qror,Q+or, Qeos and Qeoz are tumed on and off according to the position of the TAPE switch Srlor, thereby switching the LC resonance circuit in the recording equalizer, amplifier. REC HEAD Tapo solector sr30r P.B. EO AMP Ril5 clt9 I olo! ^rrt t'X""'o" ET A L Fig.7-2 Tapeselectorcircuit 7.3 LEVEL METER The level meter circuit is shown in Fig. 7-3. It consistsbasicallyof 3 ICs (ICaor, ICaozand ICsor) and 1 microcomputer. Levels are displayed in digitâl form using a fluorescent indicator tube. 1. The signal obtained from the output terminals of the headphone amplifier is converted into a IC voltage by means of a logarithmic compression amplifier. This DC voltage becomes the reference input for the comparator. 2. The comparative input to the comparator is a DC voltage obtained by passing the indication condition of the level meter through a digitaU analog converter. 3. Accordingly, the comparator continually compares the reference voltage with the indication condition of the level meter, and sends signals to the microcomputer so as to maintain the comparative input (level meter indication condition) equal to the reference input. The level meter is primarily a peak reading meter, however it is possible to use it either as a VU or PEAK HOLD meter by pressing switch Ssor-r (VU) or Saor-z(PEAK HOLD). XEAOPHONE AMP LEVEL I|€lER LOGARITHMIC coMPRESSTOt{ AMP saor-2: MElÉR S€LECTOR Fig.7-3 Levelmetercircuit 7.4 ELECTRONICCOUNTER The electronic counter consists of a microcomputer (ICaoa) and a counter type fluorescent indicator tube (Fig. ?-7). Sensing pulses emitted from the mechanical assembly undergo rvave shaping at Qaor to Qsosand then enter the microcomputer (ICaoe). The input pulsesare added and subtracted in the memory of the computer, and the resultant numerical value is displayed at the counter indicator tube. cT-Fs|5c, 7 . 5 D O L B Y N R P R O C E S S O RC I R C U I T Recording Mode Operation 1. Input signals are first applied to the MPX filter where the FM broadcasting station's pilot signal is employed, and where an 85kHz bias trap is employed to prevent mis-operation of the Dolby NR noise reduction system. 2. From the MPX filter, the signals are passed on 6. The clipper produces a time lag in the signal applied to the voltage-controlled amplifier, and since it is not capable of responding to sudden Ievel changes, no uncontrolled signals will be applied to the adding amplifier. 7. When the level of the signal passed through the high-pass filter is high, the rectifier output DC voltage will also be high, and the variable filter turnover frequency will be increased. The subsignal level will therefore become almost "0", so to the buffer amplifier whose output is divided into 2 routes. The main signal is passed directly to the adding amplifier, while the sub-signal is passed via the side chain amplifier and clipper before being recombined with the main signal in the adding amplifier. 3. Besides being applied to the clipper, the side chain amplifier output is also passed via the voltage controlled amplifier and integrating amplifier back to the side chain amplifier input, forming a variable filter circuit. 4. In addition to the above, the side chain amplifier output is further applied to a high-pass filter and rectifier where it is converted into a DC voltage for control of the voltage controlled amplifier. there will range. be no contraction of the dynamic Playback Mode Operation Although each section of the Dolby NR Processor operates in the same way as during recording mode, the sub-signal is derived from the output of And since the adding the adding amplifier. amplifier is an inversion amplifier (where output phase is opposite to input phase), the sub-signal will be of opposite phase, thereby forming an NFB loop. In Dolby NR B noise reduction systems, contraction and expansion occur within a fixed 5. When the level of the signal passed through the high-pass filter is low, the rectifier output DC frequency range determined by the variable filter And, in order to achieve perfectly circuit. resulting in a voltage will be almost "0", minimum tumover frequency for the variable filter. The Ievel of the adding amplifier output will thus be 10dB (above SkHz) higher than the symmetrical operation, it is necessary to fix a reference level for the operational point. This is level", below which no the so-called "Dolby contraction and expansion is performed. level of the main signal, thereby contraction the dynamic range. MPX Filter Adding Amplifier BufterAmolifier Sidechain Amplifier Voltage.control led Amplif ier R e c t i fi e r H i g h p a s sF i l t e r F i g . 7 - 4 D o l b y N R p r o c e s s ocri r c u i t 7.6 CONTROL CIRCUIT PLAY Operation 1.lVhen a cassetteshell is loaded, the cassetteshell detection switch will go into the SHELL position and the slack elimination circuit (Described later) will commence functioning. When the PLAY switch 'Sgoais pressedon, the 2. voltage at Pin 17 of lCsor will become a High level (Hereafter abbreviated to H level). Current from +Br will flow from the capstanmotor CM to Qszz. As a result, Qszz will become conductive, and CM will start to rotate, At the same time, current from *81 will flow through Qszr, the reel motor RM, Rssr and Qsrz, ând hence RM will also start or rotate. 3. The voltage at Pin 15 of lCsor will also become an H level. Current from fBr will flow through the pinch solenoid $[,rror, Qsrz 31d Qsrr, hence SL r r o r will operate and the unit will go into the PLAY mode. REC Operation 1. When a cassette shell having erasure prevention tabs is loaded (The erasure prevention switch Srros will go into the NO HOLE position), the PLAY switch Sgos and the REC switch Ssoc will go on simultaneously. The operation of the pinch solenoid Srror and the capstan motor CM is the sameas for "PLAY operation". 2. The voltage on Pin 16 of ICsor becomesH level. As basecurrent flows from Rsoe,Rtro to Qtos, Qo og becomes conductive, the bias oscillator circuit operates and the unit goes into the REC mode. When a cassetteshell which does not have erasure prevention tabs is loaded (Srros goes into the HOLE position), Pin 5 of ICsor will become Low level (Hereafter called L level), regardless of the position of Ssoa, and hence the unit will go into the REC mode. FF, REW Operation 1.When the FF switch Ssoz is turned on,Pin22 of ICso r will become H level. Cunent from *Br will flow through Qszr, the reel motor RM and Qs r o, and thus RM will start to rotate. 2. Current from *Br will flow through the brake s o l e n o i dS L r r o u , R s l s a n d Q s r e , h e n c eS L r r o z will operate and the brake will be removed. ,1E| 3. The REW operation is basically the same as the FF operation except that the polarity of the voltage supplied to RM is reversed. PAUSE Operation 1. As previously explained, when the unit is in either the PLAY or REC modes, current from *Br flows into the pinch solenoid SLrror, the capstan motor CM, the reel motor RM and the bias oscillator circuit. 2. If now the PAUSE switch is pushed on, Pin 15 of ICsor will become L level. As a result, Slrror will not operate and RM will notrotate (Refer to section entitled "PLAY operation"). Hence the PLAY or REC condition will be temporarily removed. TIMER START Operation r PLAY Operation 1. Pressthe TIMER START PLAY switch Saor-s on, and then put the POWER switch on using the timer etc. While Carz is chargingup, Pin 4 of ICsor will become L level. and thus the unit will operate in the same ïyay as if the PLAY switch S4o3ïyere put on. 2. When the power supply voltage reachesits final value (after about 4 seconds),Pin 14 of lCsor will become H level, and the unit will go into the PLAY mode. . REC/PLAY Operation 1. Pressthe TIMER START PLAY switch Ssor-e on, and then put the POWER switch on using the timer etc. While Car r and Carz are charging up, Pins 4 and 5 of ICsor will become L level, and thus the unit will operate in the same ïyay as if the PLAY switch Ssos and the REC switch Ssoawere put on simultaneously. 2. In the same u/ay as for PLAY operation, Pin 14 of ICsor becomes H level, whereupon the unit commencesREC/PLAY operation. MEMORY STOP Operation Press the MEMORY STOP switch on, and then press the REW switch on. When the tape counter indication reaches "999", the REW operation will stop. 1. Pressthe MEMORY STOP switch Saor-r on, and press the REW switch Sgor on. lVhen the tape counter indication reaches"999", a pulse will be sent from the microcomputer (ICaoe). I |'t I F= Tà EG l-o âE oô lo z-, Èo c ô o È o o o c o o a J E U9 a E o o ôo o o o o o o o o o I o o o o o o a o ;ù ot Fig. 7-5 Controlcircuit o o GT-FS|5O Current will flow from Ress to Qaor, thus Qaoz will be turned on, and as a result of the integral pulse, Pin 11 of ICsor will momentarily become L level. l. When Pin 11 of ICsor becomesL level as a result of the program within the IC, the output will go into the STOP mode, and thus the unit will ceaseoperation. 4EMORY PLAY Operation . Press the MEMORY PLAY switch on, and then put the REW switch on. . \[hen the tape counter indication reaches"999", a pulse will be sent from the microcomputer gCff.). Current will flow from Rssr to Qaoz, 'ûruË turning on Qeoz, and as a result of the integral pulse, Pin 11 of ICsor will momentarily become L level. . When Pins g and 10 of lCsor are to L level by means of the program in the IC, the unit will momentarily go into the STOP mode and then commencePLAY. ounter Repeat Press the REPEAT (counter) switch on. When re tape stops during PLAY or REC/PLAY (auto op), the unit will automatically go into the REW .ode, and when the tape counter indication raches"999", it will revert to PLAY. , Press the REPEAT (COUNTER) switch Seoz-r on, and set Pins 8 and I of ICsor to the L level. \ilhen the tape stops during PLAY or REC/ PLAY, Pin 12 of ICsor will momentarily go to the L level. When Pins 8 and 9 of ICsor âreset to the L level by means of the program in the IC, and Pin 12 goes to the L level, the unit will automatically go into the REW mode. . When the counter indication becomes "999", a pulse will be emitted from the microcomputer (ICaoc). Current will flow from Rass to Qaoz, resulting in Qeoz being turned on, while Pin 11 of ICsor will momentarily go to the L level as a result of the integral pulse. If Pin 11 of lCsor goes to the L level during the REW operation of the unit, resulting from Pin 12 going to the L level, the unit will go into the PLAY mode as a result of the program contained I C s or . 5. Because of the program contained in lCsor, COUNTER REPEAT is not possible during FF or REW (Auto stop is possible). End Repeat Pressthe REPEAT (END) switch on. If the tape stops during PLYA or REC/PLAY (auto stop), the unit will automatically go into the REW mode, and when the tape has completely rewound, the unit will once againgo into the PLAY mode. 1. Pressthe REPEAT (END) switch Ssoz-zon, and set Pins 8 and 9 of ICsor to the L level. 2. For details of the REW operation, refer to paragraph 2 "COUNTER REPEAT". 3. When the tape completely rewinds, Pin 12 of ICsor will once again momentarily go to the L level. Pinch Solenoid Switching Circuit This circuit is designed to protect the pinch solenoid from overheating. It operates after the PLAY switch has been pressed on, by applying a high voltage (approximately 13V) to the pinch solenoid for a period of about 0.5 seconds,in order to increase its attractive force, and then reducing the voltage to about 6V after the solenoid has operated(Fig. 7-6). 1. When the PLAY switch Ssos is pressed on, Qs r r becomes conductive, the pinch solenoid Sl,rror operates and the unit goes into the PLAY mode (Refer to section entitled "PLAY mode"). _a e Fig. 7-6 Pinchsolenoidswitchingcircuit CT.F9 2. Cunent will flow from +B through Rsao,Csoz and Qsr z. A voltage approximately equal to the +B voltage (approximately 13V) will be applied to the pinch solenoidSL r r o r until Qsr z becomes fully conductive. 3. When Csor becomes fully charged (after an interval of about 0.5 seconds), Qs r z will be reduced by Rsar to the minimum value (approximately 6V) necessaryto hold the plunger in position. 4. If Pin 12 of ICsor goesonce againto the L level during the REW operation of the unit, resulting from Pin 12 going to the L level, the unit will go into the PLAY mode as a result of the program containedin ICsor. 5. Becauseof the program containedin ICsor, END REPEAT is not possible during FF or REW (Auto stop is possible). Auto Stop Circuit This circuit is used to automatically releasethe mechanism in the event that the tape stops during PLAY, REC, FF or REW. It employs a photointerrupter type switch linked to the take-up reel by means of a belt, in order to detect the running of the tape (Fig. 7-7). 1. When the tape is running, pulse signals emitted from the photo-interrupter (TLP a n d h e n c eQ a o t ,Q a o z Q , a o r ,Q s o ca n d Q s o r switch on and off continuously. At the time, Csor will charge and discharge While Qsor is turning on and off, the of point A will be relatively low, and thus will turn off. 2. When the tape stops running, pulse signals the photo interrupter lamp will disappear, thus Qsor will go off. When this h Csor will charge up. The potential of po will start to rise, and Qsoz and Qsor wil turned on. Consequently,Pin 12 of lCsor become L level, and the unit will go into STOP mode. 3. When either the POWER switch is and off. or the PAUSE button is H level will be applied to the base of Qsor Dsos and Dsoa and thus the potential at will not rise. Consequently, the unit will go into the STOP mode. +92 a +83 (5 6v) c504 R5r4 050t R5t3 MUÎING CIRCUII Fig. 7-7 Auto stop circuit TapeSlackEliminationCircuit 4. \ilhen Qsra is turnedon, currentfrom iBr will The CT-F950 employs a closed loop capstan to provide constant speed drive for the tape. If slackness appears in the tape during PLAY, it will be impossible to obtain the necessaryloop tension, and thus the normal tape head contact will be lost. The tape slack elimination circuit is designed to take up any slack when a cassettetape is loaded, by causing the supply reel to rotate in the RE\{ direction (Fig. 7-8). 1. When a cassetteshell is loaded, the cassettetape switch Srroz will go into the SHEllposition. As a result, current will flow from *Br through R s o e , Ç s o aa n d Q s z r , a n d t h u s Q s z e w i l l b e tumed on. 2.When Qsz+ [ggsmes conductive, current will flow from *Br through Qszc, Dsto Rsce and Qs r a, and thus Qs r s will become conductive. Accordingly, current will flow from tBr through t h e b r a k e s o l e n o i dS L r r o t , R s c s a n d Q s r r , a n d thus SL r r o r will operate (Brake will be removed). 3. At the same time, current from *Bs will flow through Qszc, Rseo and Qsra, and as a result Qsra will be turned on. f l o w t h r o u g h Q s z o ,R s s s , R s s c a n d Q s r a a n d hence Qszo will become conductive. When Qszo and Qszs become conductive, current will flow from +Br through Qszo,the reel motor RM, Rssc and Qsra. As a result, RM will rotate in the reversedirection and take up the slack. The time required to take up any slack will be determined by the charging time of Csoa (approximately 0.5 seconds), and the rotational torque of RM will be determined by the value of Rssc. 5. Muting when the unit is switched from STOP to REC is basically the same as that described in Paragraphs1 to 3. Pin 16 of lCsor will become H level, and hence current will flow through Rszz to Qsos. When Qsos becomesconductive, Qsoo, Qsoz and Qror will be tumed off, and thus the muting condition will be removed from the recording amplifier. +Bl S I I O 2 T C A S S E T THEA L F D E T E C T O RS w l l C H HALF F i 9 .7 - B T a p es l a c ke l i m i n a t i o nc i r c u i t +B3 (5 6V) cT-Fs'5 Chart PAUSE OPERATE AUTO COUNTER REPEAT P FF or REw Rec / PLAY / END REPEAT PLAYoT"t"rrro, PLAY ___};;: .l I TAPEENO /ra ENO re" I \l ]lo"1' 2.2rcc | 6.4;3ç l-i O.4r:c AUTO START )(I W E R No -:LÏ tt L O.4sac I s. c l--] o.4 3ac t !; O.4rac -loc... r -U ]__ -U 04ccc H O.5ræ o.4 tcc _r f H Irac PLAY l_ -o.5rc ft LI / Pr I LJ- J ON OJ taG t-t I 2.2ccc Rec ,/ PL AY L-i IJ Flo.6roc ttâtat *th-ot 5m3êc 5m3æ+ L I O.4 sec l-1 O.5rcc O . 43 ê c I\F I O.4soc I O . 5s r c -lt- - f - /il cT-Fs|scl DIRECT Timing Chart 1 NORMAL ON BRAKE SoLENOTO oFF TAPE RUl{ RUN STOp CAPSTAN MOTOF REC MU T E O FF ON OPERATE CT-F9SCl 7 . 7 M U T I N GC I R C U I T Muting When the PowerSwitch is PressedOn and off This circuit is designed to eliminate noise (e.g. click noise) 'vhen the POWER switch is pressed on or off (Fig. 7-9). r When Power Switch is PressedOn 1. When the POWER switch is pressed on, the emitter voltage of Qoor will immediately rise to approximately 5.6V. Because current does not flow into Coor, the voltage across its terminals will be 0V. Consequently, in the Schmitt trigger comprising Qooz and Qcor, Qeor will be turned off and Qeor will be turned on. Also, Qsoe will be tumed off and Qsos will be turned on, and thus the 5.6V source will produce a current flow through Dcor into Qroz and Qroe. As a result, Qroz and Qror will become conductive, thus short circuiting the LINE OUTPUT. 2. Meanwhile, Ceoz and Cers rapidly charge up. When Cooa chargesup, the base potential of Qoos will become -6V, and hence Qoor will be turned off. Consequently, the voltage across the terminals Fig. 7-9 of ZDoor will become approximately 6V. Thi voltage will cause current to flow through Rc r: and charge up Coor. When the voltage acros Ceor reaches the reversing level of the mutinl circuit (Approximately 4 seconds after thr POWER switch has been pressedon), Qooz wil turn on and Qeor will tum off. BecauseQeor will be turned on, and Qeos, Qroz and Qloe will be turned off, the LINE OUTPUT mutinl condition will be removed. r When the Power Swibh is PressedOff 1. When the power switch is pressed off, thr chargesstored on Coor and Cors will rapidl5 decay. Consequently, the charge on Coor wil flow through Door and Roor into the base o Qar c. When Quoe becomes conductive, tht chargeon Coor will rapidly decay. 2. Consequently, Qeoz will now be turned on, an€ Qooe turned off. Qcoe will be turned off, anc Qoos, Qroz and Qlor turned on, hence tht LINE OUTPUT will be muted. After the POWER switch has been pressedoff, the power supply for the unit will be charged on Cooz. M u t i n gc i r c u i t 1 MutingduringFF,REWandSTOP This circuit is designed to eliminate noise (e.g. motor noise), during FF, REW or STOP (Fig. ?-10). l.During FF, REW or STOP, Pin 20 of lCsot will become H level, and hence basecurrent will flow into Qsoa. 2. When Qsra becomesconductive,Qsoeand Qsro lvill also become conductive. Current from +Br wilt flow through Qsto, Qqoz,Stot-l. Rtzs, Rlzz, Qroz and Qros. Accordingly, Qeoz and Qcor will become conductive, and the LINE OUTPUT will be muted. At the same time, current will flow 166 tB3 3. through Qs r o, Ds r z, Rzal and Qzor' Qzor will thus become conductive and mute the recording amplifier. 4. When the MONITOR switch Seor-r is in the SOURCE position, the LINE OUTPUT will not muted. Muting During Changeover from Stop to Play (or REC) This circuit is designed to prevent switching noise when the PLAY or REC switches are operated(Fig. 7-10). 1. When the unit is in the STOP condition, Qroz, Qroe and Qzor will be conductive, and hence the LINE OUTPUT and the recording amplifier will be muted. Also, Csoo will be charged (Refer to previous section entitled "Muting when unit is in STOP condition"). 2. When the PLAY switch is pressedon, Pin 20 of ICsor will become L level, and hence current will not flow through Qsoa. 3. When Qsoa becomesnon-conductive, the charge on Cso6 will decayvia Rszg. Duringthe interval that Csoo is discharging (approximately 1 second),Qsor, Qsro,Qtoz andQroe willbecome conductive. After about 1 second, the unit will go into the PLAY condition, and thus switching noise will be muted. 4. When the unit is in the PLAY condition, current will flow from *Br through Rsrr, Rszc and Qsoo, and thus Qsoe and Qsoz will go on. Consequently, current from *Bs will flow through Qsoz, Dsoe, P'zet and Qzot, and hence the recording amplifier will remain muted. F i g .7 - 1 0 M u t i n gc i r c u i t2 cT-Fs'E'Cl 5. Muting when the unit is switched from STOp to REC is basically the same as that described in Paragraphs1 to 3. Pin 16 of ICsor will become H level, and hence current will flow through Rszz to Qsos. When Qsos becomes conductive,Qsoo, Qsoz and Qzor will be tumed off, and thus the muting condition will be removed from the recording amplifier. BiasMuting Circuit During recording, the bias signal is sometimes recorded due to the increasein the relative speed of the tape and head during the on/off switching of the PAUSE or releaseof the recording controls. The recorded bias signal can be heard as a ,,click" noise when the tape is played back at its fixed speed; the purpose of this circuit is to suppress this noise. 1. During REC/PLAY operation (when the REC and PLAY switches are turned on simultaneously), the No. 16 pin on ICsor reachesH level,and because the Q:ot receives bias and comes on. the oscillator circuit operates. 2. When the PAUSE switch is turned on, the No. 19 pin of ICsol reachesH level, and the bias comes on through the Dsoz - Rszo - Rsro route to send biascurrent to esoe. 3. With Qsoe on, Qsro is also tumed on, and +B takes the Dsrz - Rror route to tum on eror. 4. With Qror turned on, Crot and Rror follow a fixed time constant and turn on eroz by reducing the emmiter voltage. 5. When Qroz comes on, the bias current flows through the condenser and is grounded. Bias current is supplied to neither the base of etoe , Qsoz nor to the record head. 6. When the PAUSE switch is set to OFF, the PAUSE operation is halted and recording resumes. However, even if the No. 19 pin on ICsor reaches L level, since the discharge time for Cro: (determined by the Cros and R:os time constants) only turns on eroz, there is no bias supplied to the record head. E R  S EH € A D REC HÉAO ( R ch I REC XEAO (Lch) R330 , L304 c32rï 3r9 T z c320 R3O4 R3O5 c3Ol 0507 R520 F i g .7 - 1 1 B i a sm u t i n gc i r c u i t ADJUSTMENTS 8. MECI{ANICAL (springbalancewith Sfi)g scale) 8.1 PINCH ROLLER PRESSUREADJUSTMENT 1. Put the unit into the PLAY condition' 2. Using a tension gauge (Stick weighing instrument: approximately 5009 full scale), gently drop the pinch arm (Fig. 8-1). 3. The force necessary to separate the pinch roller from the capstan shall be between 360 and 4409 at the take'up side, and between 90 and 130g at the supply side. If outside these values' reset the Pinch Pressurespring' 4. If Paragraph 3 cannot be satisfied by resetting the pinch pressure spring, replace it with a new one. 8.2 TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT 1. Connect a frequency counter to the OUTPUT terminals. 2. Replay the SkHz part of the test tape STD-301' Adjust the semi-fixed resistor in the motor until the frequency at the start of the tape falls within the range 2,995Hl2to 3,010H2 (Fig. 8-2)' 3. When the semi-fixed resistor is turned in the clockwise direction, the tape speed will increase' Fig. 8-1 Pinchroller presilre adiustment and vice-versa. 8.3 TAPE GUIDE ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Standard Put the unit into the PLAY mode, and check that the tape is running normally without curling around the head guides (Fig. 8-3). Method of Adiustment If the tape curls around the head ggides' turn the height adjuster to the left or right so a's to obtain a suitable taPe height. Fig. 8-2 Tape speedadjustment Postcdiustment Check Put the unit into the PLAY mode, and check that the tape does not come into contact with the head guide. Tape guide Height adiuster Fis.8-3 TaPeguideadiustment cr-Fg|E'Cl 9. ELECTRICALADJUSTMENTS Before performing electrical adjustments, check the following items. 1. Ensure that all mechanical adjustments have been completed. 2. Adjust the measuringlevel to 0dBv = lV, and place a 50kO (47kQ to 52kQ ) dummy resistor acrossthe line output terminals. 3. Perform adjustmentsusing the A-side (the side with the label) of the specified test tapes. STD-331A : STD-341A STD.601 STD-603 STD-604 4. Obtain the For overall replay For replay adjustments STD blank tape Cr,Ozblank tape METAL blank tape following measuring instruments. Millivoltmeter, low frequency generator oscillo' scope, attenuator. 5. Unless otherwise defined, the term "recording condition" as used in this manual shall mean the condition when a cassette shell is loaded, and both the PLAY and REC switches are pressed. 6. Unless otherwise specified, adjustments shall be performed on both L and R channels. 7. Clean the heads and also remove any residual magnetism using a head demagnetizer. 8. Always perform adjustments in the specified sequence. If the sequence is changed, the performance of the unit may be degraded. Adjustment Sequence 1. Head azimuth adjustment 2. Playbackequalizeradjustment 3. PlaybackIeveladjustment 4. Level meter OdB adjustment 5. Approximate adjustment of recording cunent 6. Erasurecurrent adjustment 7. Biastrap adjustment 8. Approximate adjustmentof recordingbias 9. Recording equalizer and variable equalizer adjustments 10. Recording and playback frequency response adjustment 11. Recordinglevel adjustment 12. Recordingdolby NR adjustment 13. Playbackdolby NR adjustment 14. Output level adjustment STD-3314 LÉVEL(dB) o -20 tOOscc rOOsoc 5Oscc tOOr.c sTD.341A L E V E L{ d 8 ) 33 3Hz | l4kHr 333H2 5Osac lOta€ lOr?c JOscc Fig.9-1 2 5kHi IotHr 8 r r u 6 3r|t 6Or.c lO3.c 3Otac Recordedcontentsof test tape 9.1 HEADAZIMUTHADJUSTMENT 1. Connect the millivoltmeter to the OUTPUT Adlustment screw terminals. 2. Turn the OUTPUT level control to the maximum position, and put the TAPE switch to STD. 3. Replay the -20dB part of the 10kHz test tone on the STD-341A test tape. Turn the head azimuth adjustment screw until the output from both L and R channelsbecomesa maximum (Fie. e-2). 4. After adjustment, apply lock paint to the adjustment screw. Screw driver Fig. 9-2 Headazimuthadjustment 9,2 PLAYBACK EOUALIZERADJUSTMENT l. Connect an millivoltmeter to ttre OUTPUT terminals. 2. Set the TAPE switch to STD, tum VRros and VR roe up to maximum positions, and VRloz and VRroa to central Positions. 3. Play the 333H2, -20dB portion of the STD341A test tape, and adjust the OUTPUT volume control to obtain a -20dBv (0.1V) reading in the millivoltmeter. 4. Next play the 10kHz, -20d8 portion of the same test tape, and adjust VRror (left channel) and VRroz (right channel) to obtain a +ldB level difference from the 333H2 output reading. 5. Then, play back the 14kHz, -20d8 (signal) and confirm with the mV meter indication that the output difference is over +0.5d8 when compared with the previously pXayed 333H2 signal. When less than 0.5d8, adjust in accordance with the flow cbart on page 37. 6. Change the TAPE switch to the METAL position (or CrOz or Fe-Cr positions), and check that the frequency responsereferenced at 333H2 is within -4.0 t ldB at 10kHz. 9.3 PLAYBACK LEVEL ADJUSTMENT The playback level must be carefully adjusted owing to the fact that it will determine the Dolby NR level. 1. Connect the millivoltmeter to TP terminals No. 26 (left) and No. 25 (right) on the mother ass'y (The OUTPUT potentiometer may be set at any position). 2. Replay the OdB part of the 333H2 test tone on the STD-341A test tape. Adjust VRror :L-ch. and VRroq :R-ch. until the respectiveindications on the millivoltmeter become ldBv (1.12V). 9.4 LEVEL METER OdB ADJUSTMENT 1. Connect millivoltmeters to the TP terminals No.30 (left) and No.29 (rieht) on the mother ass'y. 2. Set the MONITOR switch to the SOURCE position. 3. Apply a 333H2, -10dBv (316mV) signal to the INPUT terminals, and adjust the INPUT level -3dBv controls so that the millivoltmeters read (700mV). 4. Then immediately adjust VRaor (left) and VRaoz (right) in the indicator amplifier ass'y so that the level meters read OdB at this time. First turn VReol and VRsoz full around counterclockwise, then tum back clockwise and stop when the OdB segmentlights uP. 5. Also check that the following readings are obtained in the level meters when the input signal level is changed. Input Sisnal 333H2, --5dBv (560mV) 333H2, -26dBv ( 50mV) lC amplifier 02seso *%,"d l6E - vn,".dE / Lro" ,.015 Fig. 9-3 Adiustment Points Level Meter Reading +5 t 2dB -16 r 2dB GT-FS|5c, 9 . 5 A P P R O X I M A TA E D J U S T M E NO TF R E C O R D I NC GU R R E N T 9.6 ERASURE C U R R E N TA D J U S T M E N T 1. Set the TAPE switchto the METAL position 1. Connect millivoltmeters to the TP terminals No.30 (left) and No.29 (right) in the mother ass'y. 2. Short circuit the base of Q:o: (mother ass'y) to ground (circuit board pattern ground). 3. Set the MONITOR switch to SOURCE, and turn the DOLBY NR switch off. Then apply a 333H2, - 10dBv (316mV) signal to the INPUT terminals. 4. Start the CT-F950 in recordingmode. 5. Adjust the INPUT level control to obtain readingsof -3dBv (700mV) in the millivoltmeters. 6. Next connect one millivoltmeter across TP terminal No.40 (left) and ground (mother trs'y), and the other acrossTP terminal No.43 (right) and ground. 7. Set the TAPE switch to the STD position, and adjust VRzos (left) and VRzoo (right) to obtain readingsof 1.55mV. 8. AIso check that the followng readingsare obtained in the millivoltmeters when the TAPE switch is changedto the other positions. and turn the INPUT volume control down to minimum level. Then connect an millivoltmeter across the mother ass'y TP terminals Nos.45 and 76. 2. Proceed in recording mode without any input signal (but with an unrecorded tape being used). 3. Adjust VRror so as to obtain a millivoltmeter r e a d i n go f 1 6 0 m V . TAPE Switch Position AC Millivoltmeter Readins METAL CrO: Fe-Cr 2.14mV 1.84mV 1.45mV 9.7 BIAS TRAP ADJUSTMENT 1 . C o n n e c t m i l l i v o l t m e t e r s a c r o s st h e m o t h e r a s s ' y TP terminal No.42 (left) and ground, and TP terminal No.39 (right) and ground. 2. Set the TAPE switch to the METAL position, and turn the INPUT level control up to maximum level. Proceed in recording mode (with unrecorded tape) but without any input signal. 3. Adjust Lzos (left) and Lzoa (right) to obtain m i n i m u m r e a d i n g si n t h e m i l l i v o l t m e t e r s . 4. Then change the MONITOR switch to the SOURCE position, and connect the mi-llivoltmeters across the mother ass'y TP terminal No.16 (left) and ground, and TP terminal No.15 (right) and ground. Adjust Lror (left) andLtoz (right) to again reduce the millivoltmeter readi n g st o m i n i m u m l e v e l . Note os carefully oB posThis adjustment must be performed sible since the result will influence the lrequency resPonae during recording and ploybach modes when the DOLBY NR sutitch is on. l C a m p l iife r a s s e m b l y( R c h ) @@ @@ Fig.9-4 Adjustment points OF ADJUSTMENT 9.8 APPROXIMATE R E C O R D I N GB I A S 1. Set the BIAS control to the center click-stop position, and the TAPE switch to the METAL position. Then proceed with the CT-F950 in recording mode. 2. Connect an millivoltmeter across the mother ass'y TP terminal No.40 (left) and ground, and another meter acrossTP terminal No.43 (right) and ground. 3. Adjust VRros (left) and VRsoe (right) so that the meters read 12mV. 4. Next change the TAPE switch to STD, and adjust VRror to obtain meter readings of 6mV. Change the switch again to the CrOz position, and adjust VRroz to obtain meter readingsof 9.5mV. 5. Then set the MONITOR switch to the SOURCE position, and apply a 333H2, -10dBv (316mV) signal to the INPUT terminals. 6. Connect the millivoltmeters to the OUTPUT terminals, and adjust the INPUT level controls so that the meters read - 10dBv (316mV). 7. After completing the above adjustments,set the MONITOR switch to the TAPE position, and record and play back the 333H2, -10dBv (316mV) signal onto/from the STD-601 test tape. Then after first turning VRaos (left) and VRsoe (right) counterclockwise, turn them back clockwise and stop at the maximum position. OUTPUT LEVEL M a x i m u mo u t P U t I ras Fig.9-5 OutPut level 9 . 9 R E C O R D I N GE O U A L I Z E R A N D VARIABLE EOUALIZER ADJUSTMENTS 1. Connect millivoltmeters to the mother ass'y TP terminalsNo.30 (left) and No.29 (right). 2. Short circuit the base of Qror (mother ass'y) to ground (circuit board Pattern). 3. Set the MONITOR switch to SOURCE, and apply a 333H2, -10dBv (3LGmV) signal to the INPUT terminals. Then proceed in recording mode. 4. Adjust the INPUT level controls to obtain meter readingsof -BdBv (700mV). 5. Next connect an millivoltmeter to TP terminal No.5 in the IC amplifier ass'y, and adjust VRzor and VRzoe to obtain the same output levels for the 333H2 and 10kHz input signals. (Variable equalizer adjustment). 6. Then set the TAPE switch to the STD position, and connect millivoltmeters across the mother ass'y TP terminal No.40 (left) and ground, and TP terminal No.43 (right) and ground. Switch the input to 15kHz and obtain the same AC millivoltmeter readings by employing an attenuator in the input stage. Adjust Lcor (left) and Lqoz (right) so that the amount of attenuation required is 13.0d8. (STD recording equalizer adjustment). 7. Change the TAPE switch setting to METAL, and adjust in the same way as described above in step 6. In this case, adjust Leos and Lcoe so that the attenuation required will be 16.0d8. (METAL recording equalizer adjustment). 8. Finally set the TAPE switch to the CrOz and Fe-Cr positions, the required amount of attenuation being 19.6 f 1.5dB and 12.6 I 1.5 dB respectively. 9.10 RECORDING AND PLAYBACK FREOUENCY RESPONSEADJUSTMENT 1. Connect millivoltmeters to the OUTPUT terminals. 2. Set the TAPE switch to STD, and the MONITOR switch to SOURCE, and apply a 333H2, -30dBv (31.6mV) signal to the INPUT terminals. Adjust the INPUT level controls so as to obtain meter readings of -27d8 (44.6mV). 3. Set the Monitor switch to TAPE, record 333H2, -30dBv (31.6mV) and 10kHz, -30dBv signals onto the STD-601 test tape. Play these sections back again, and adjust VRooc (left) and VRros (right) so that the output difference between these two signalsis about OdB at 10kHz. 4. Then, confirm that the record/playback frequency responseof test tape STE-601 is within the fixed standard range (page4O). 5. Set the tape selector switch to METAL, ild use the STD-604 test tape as in the previous instructions. Record the 333H2 and 10kHz signals and play them back. Then, confirm that the playback output deviation of the 10kHz signal is within +1 t 1dB of the 333H2 signal' 5. When a certain type of tape does not meet with the standards specified in section 4, confirm that the adjustments are within the standards of recording and playback frequency response adjustment with the Dolby NR switch on, and then adjust VR205 (Lch) and VR206 so that the value in section 3 is within the range o f - 2 . 5 t 0 . 5 d B( 8 0 0- 7 1 0 m V ) . the INPUT potentiometer so that the indication on the millivoltmeter becomesOdBv(1V). 4. Next, set the level of the input signal of Paragraph2 above,to -50dBv (3.16mV). 5. Put the DOLBY NR switch on. Adjust VRzor (left) and VRzoz (right) so that the millivoltmeter indication becomes-34dBv (19.9mV). 9.12OUTPUTLEVEL ADJUSTMENT 1. Connect millivoltmeters to the mother ass'y TP terminals No.26 (L-ch) and No.25 (R-ch), and tum VRror and VRroe down to minimum positions. 2. Apply the 333H2 signalto the mother ass'yTP terminals No.16 (left) and No.15 (right), and adjust the INPUT level controls so that the millivoltmetersread - SdBv ( 700mV). 3. Set the OUTPUT level controls to the center click-stop positions, and connect millivoltmeters to the OUTPUT terminals. Adjust VRror (left) and VRroa (right) so as to obtain meter readingsof -7dBv ( 46mV). 9.14 PLAYBACK DOLBY NR ADJUSTMENT 1. Connect the millivoltmeter to terminals No.25 (left) and No.26 (right) on the mother ass'y. 2. Put VRro: and VRroc in the minimum settings. 3. Apply a lkHz signal to TP terminals No.15 (left) and No. 16 (right) on the mother ass'y. Adjust the input level so that the millivoltmeter indication becomes0dBv (1V). 4. Next, apply an input which is 34dB below that of paragraph3 above. 5. Put the DOLBY NR switch on. Adjust VRroo : L-ch and VRros : R-ch. so that the indication on the millivoltmeter becomes-40dBv (1mV). 9 . 1 3 R E C O R D I N GD O L B Y N R A D J U S T M E N T 1. Connect up the millivoltmeter to TP terminals No.29 (left) and No.30 (right) on the mother ass'y. 2. Apply a -10dBv (316mV) lkHz signalto the INPUT terminals. 3. Put the DOLBY NR switch off, and then adjust r\ U L.o, L.- @@ 1.. llC amplifier I a s e m b l y( L c h ) L.- @@ r'6dô"^"-flI?P'Bie æ ( /,6i1!,*u,l'""gZr,d,"Y,t^ Fig.9-7 36 Adjustmentpoints a CT-F9EiCl 6. If outside the specified standards, refer to ..9.6, ERASURE CURRENT ADJUSTMENT'' and adjust VR303 so that the value is within the range of 160 + 20mV. 7. Then, confirm that the record/playback frequency response for metal tape is within the fixed standard range. 8. Set the tape selector switch to CrOz and using test tape STD-603 as in the previous instructions, record and play back the 333H2 and 10kHz signals. Then confirm that the playback output deviation of the 1OkHz signal is within O t 1dB of the B3BHz signal. If outside the specified standards, adjust vR302. 9. Then, confirm that the record/playback frequency response for test tape STD-609 is within the fixed standard range (page 40). 10. Set the tape selector switch to Fe-Cr; record and play back the 333H2 and 10kHz signals on a SONY DUAD C-60 and confirm that they are within the fixed standard range (page40). 11. Set the Dolby switch to ON, and confirm that the record and playback frequency response for all types of tapes is within the fixed standard range (page 40). x when making adjustments, also refer to the flow chart on page 37. @@ 9 . 1 1R E C O R D I N G LEVELADJUSTMENT NOTE: Since this adjustmentsets the recordingleuel, it must beperformedaccurately. 1. Set the MONITOR switch to SOURCE, and apply a 333H2, -10dBv (316mV) signal to the INPUT terminals. 2. Turn the DOLBY NR switch off. and connect millivoltmeters to the mother ass'y TP terminals No.30 (left) and No.29 (rieht). Adjust the INPUT level control so that the meters read -3dBv (710mV). 3. Then set the TAPE switch to the STD position, and turn the DOLBY NR switch on, and also change the MONITOR switch to the TAPE position. Record the 333H2 -10dBv (316mV) signal onto the STD-601 test tape, and adjust VRzos (left) and VRzoe (right) so as to obtain millivoltmeter readings of -2.5dBv (750mV). during playback. 4. Set the TAPE switch to CrOz, and then to METAL, and record the 333H2, -10dBv (316mV) signal onto the STD-603 test tape and the STD-604 test tape respectively as described above under step 3. During playback with both tapes, check tbat millivoltmeter readings are within -3dBv (710mV) t l.5dB in the both cases. @@ t,.,gu; Fig.9-6 Adjustmentpoints ,r& cT-Fs|5cl Playback adjustment flow chart A d j u s tt o + 1 d Ba t l o k H z Adjust to +ldB at lOkHz ( V R r o r ,r o r ) Does the l4kHz exceed +O.sdB Connæt C,"r, ,". lsOpF to Nos. 18-19 20-21 on the mother unit Do Crer, r6r reachlSOPF? ls the reason that the high range is exaggeraled during plâVbâck? (Plavbact response at l4kHz over +3dBl ls the reason that the high range is attenuated during playback? (Plavback response at l4kHz is near +O sdB) Release the Cror. Crez l8OPF from the mother unit Adiust (VRror, rorl to +1dB at lOkHz Refer to step 8 in flow chart 39 Inspect the azimuth. the head itself and the test taoe. lkHz 4OHz lOkH2 lokHz l4lHr 533H2 * UsingSTD-331Aand the STDposition,with DOLBYNR OFF. Note: The frequency characteristics for the R channel shall be obtained by subtmcting ldB from the ualue indicated on the meter at 40Hz and 63Hz respectiuely. 4OHr l25Hz 333H2 6.3kHz l2kHr {' Using STD-603 and the CrOz position, with DOLBY NR OFF. 1kH! ?lHz zloHz l25Hz 333Hr ô3lHz l z lt H r t Using SONY DUAD C-60 and the Fe-Cr position. with DOLBY NR OFF. 4OHz l25Hz lOlHz l2hHz 333H2 t Using STD-601 and the STD position, with DOLBY NR OFF. llHz lOkHz 4OHz 125H2 333H2 6.3tHr lzkHz * Using SONY DUAD C-60 and the Fe-Cr position. with DOLBY NR ON. I kHz 4OHz t25Hz 333H2 6.3kHz l2kHz Using STD-601 and the STD position, with DOLBY NR ON. 4OHz 2kHz l25Hr 333Ht tOkHz l2lHs * Using STD-604 and the METAL position, with DOLBY NR OFF. lkHz 4OHz l25Hz 333Ht tOtHr l2kHr * Using STD-603 and the CrOz position, with DOLBY NR ON. 4OHr l25Hz 333Hr 65tHt 63tHr tzkHr tzkHr * Using STD-604and the METAL position,with DOLBY NR ON. 40 -a o 6 F @ .; 3: ;à ;l: o È :Ë >8 U> q 9@ c <;* !.:- ! o@ q c ,r :o 3 -o ii 5€ 58 t!^ 3 8s ôi t-o È :Ê P1 ! ô; <6 Ë9e o--N 3- o éJ +> a' :@ OÊ.. u -i éa= -P- oE E I o È À7 E9 ;P 4 <6 Jo i- oE êÈ= .9- :i; l >È o 5eï P sË no >o t. FE GT-F95O I c o -o @ Eo o J@ I F ô i9 F >= t; F 3, 3 is !i o êo ÊF Ë;i 5 rï >à cEo >! <E <v Go >É >o 9< .1.' F 9-6 t F :;< < 3> ! + l <o I Ê E F 3 :x É .' >Ë :: 6{ ;â 6 = <v fr5 oË s! >: fI i 33q gP; >o Hox i3=- ill <8 9 o9 o : ;1 qr oo Ë> ùo =! 3: :Ë eËe €o 1c- €E; Ë:., ;o i! to oÈii lÈ Po J@ -U t- i9 Ë; F = gË? 3-qE ;-- a i9.e >r^ !< Zo F o-i q@ .z- è ! 9N <:{ EéO ÈpÀ : x; ù6ô r-1yf>'\ ft-e b RT3X6 43', T P 6z X 8 3E --û )-_,_çt, *,rsnn J 14 ,<oàrwZ Odx05t \ \ P S A z .X E5 *rrl", I',+1 | 63 $*^>re{V ' tW25d pSA2 6x 5-€' --\ (\- Nù) rt'tlsd z 6tuv -52 ^6 \---.-trilril.7éx0.25r 64 r -_ t- tlll.5é cT-Fs'E'Cl 10. PACKING fr<> PartsList Key No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part No. D66cription RRB-106 RHLOl8 Rl{L{31 RHA-l75 RHA-I74 OPeratinginstructlons Vinyl bag (for operatinginstructionsl Vinyl bag (for cassettetapedeckl SidePad R Side pad L Key No. 6. 7. 8. 9. Patt No. Dæcription RDEOIO RHLOl9 REA{21 RHG-282 RHG-281 C o n n e c t i o nc o r d Vinyl bag (for connection cordl Head cleaning assemblY Packing case (for KU typel Packing case (for KC tYPel 11. EXPLODEDVIEWS o 11.1 EXTERIOR Key No. Part No. Dccription RAC-094 M e c h a n i s ma s s e m b l y P a n e ls r a y ( B ) Power knob Switch joint-bar (D) Power switch Control assembly Bracket UL cord clamper (Bl Half cover (Ml Function switch knob 1. 2. J. 4. q 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. RSA02l RWG.103 R NK . 7 7 7 RAC-108 RXX.251 Function switch unit P a n e lh o l d e r Rubber bush Front panel assembly Power knob guide 16. 17. 18 19. 20. RNK.566 RNK-6OB RBA.O45 2',1. 22. 23. 24. 25. REF.Ol4 RBK-132 RXB-169 RAH-285 RNK-731 Steel ball Spring Hed cover assembly Escutcheon panel 26. 27. 24. 29. 30. RBA.O44 RNK-780 RWR.067 Screw (Al E s c u t c h e o n( M ) Power supply assembly Heat sink Power supply P.C. board 31. RTT.175 RTT-185 P o w e r t r a n s f o r m e r( K U ) Por,\rertransf ormer ( KCI Terminal 1P Strain rel;ef Foot assembly Chassis 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. BEC-272 RXA-905 RDG{22 RNA€ô4 REB-223 RAC{g1 Lens Guide L Guide R Screw (B) N y f o n w a s h e r4 6 x 6 ô x O . 2 t Escutcheon lens Botrom plate Screw M4 x 8 Rear panel Power cord Eonnet Bubber (D) Switch loint-bar (C) Switch iointôar (8) Switch ioint-bar (Al P u s hk n o b ( A ) Key No, Parts without part number cannot be aupplûed. Part No. Dcrcription 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. RWX359 RCS-020 Mother assembly Volume sk-B (BlASl Shield cover Mother P.C. board P u s hs w i t c h ( A l 51. 52. RSG-068 FlK80t4 (RKBO16l RWX-360 RKN-046 RKN.O44 lC amp assembly Headphone iack MIC iack 60. RWX-361 RE8.233 RAH.287 RWX.109 RWX-150 REC-250 REC EO assembly Coner cushion Half covsr panel S p a r k k i l l a r( U L l Spark killar (KC) Capacitor cover D 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. RAH.286 RBA-038 RBM{04 R R W - 1l 2 R8A026 F u n c l i o np a n e l Screw Wire nut UL Caution label (A) Screw 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. RSG{A4 P u s hs w i t c h ( B l 4Pmounr pinjack GT-FS'5c' 1O. PACKING \// \ -,\ .'' \--'- PartsList Key No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part No. Description RRB-106 RHLOl8 RHLO3l RHA-l75 RHA-I74 Operatinginstructions Vinyl bag (for operatinginstructionsl Vinvl bag (for cassettetapedeckl SidePad R SidePad L Kay No. 6. 7. 8. 9. Part No. Desc?iption RDEO1o RHLOlg REAO21 RHG-282 RHG-281 Connection cord Vinyl bag (for connestion cord) Head cleaning assembly Packing case (for KU tYpel Packing case (for KC tYPel 3 See pagef5 NISX RT3X6 PS0) \ \/6i tl <l t -.€' x6 PSIS nT3 x l0 n-ffi r8 lg-q' z,----30 _RT3X8 pslg'"i- 62 8It4x I p/^/ Oi=--:- 3XE rwroxo.tt RÏ3X6 35 =a RÏ3X8 34 h 1 1 . 3 P A N E LS T A Y Key No. t. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pan No. Description RWX-328 Indicator amp assembly P . C .h o l d e r Switch(E) Switch (F) RSG.066 RSG-067 I n d i c a t o r P . C .a s s e m b l y Shield cover Holder(M) Holder(C) b. 7. 8. I 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4A c LD8242 F I P5 D 8 RAC-O93 RAA-223 RAA.225 Indicalor unit F l u o r e s c e n ti n d i c a t o r t u b e F l u o r e s c e n ti n d i c a t o r t u b e I n d i c a t o r P . C .b o a r d P u s hk n o b ( C ) REC VB knob (L) assembly REC VR knob (R) assembly Key No. Partswithout part number cannot be supplied Part No. Description 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 R ED . 1 4 5 RXX.252 Volume mask Indicator lensassembly Indicator lens Indicator panel (M) 21 22. 23 24 25. RAA.231 RED-O47 RAA.3O1 RAA-227 RAA-229 BIAS VR knob Switch mask T a p e s e l e c t o rk n o b a s s e m b l y PB VR knob (L) assembly PB VR knob (R) æsembly 26. 27. 28. 29 30. 31 RE D - 15 1 Volume mask P a n e ls t a y ( M ) Volume unil Shield cover (tapeselector) S h i e l dc o v e r ( M ) Meter lens T a p e s e l e c l o ra s s e m b l y GT-FS|E'Cl o Parte utithout part number cannot be supplied, Parts Lirt Key No, Part No. Oescription Description RBH-511 RSF-022 Arm assembly Arm Arm Spring Microswitch 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Spacer Microswitch (B) Switch bracket Detector arm Half holder 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. RXB.O55 R8K-107 66. 67. 68. / 69. 70. REB-317 RXB-190 RXA-998 REB.272 TU belt T a k e - u p r e e l a s s e m b l y( B ) Take-up pulley assembly S e n s i n gb e l t Arm assembly R8H-502 RXB-144 RNK.561 R 8H.498 RNK.562 Spring ldler arm full assembly ldler Spring Spring holder 't. 2. 3. 4. 5. Key No. Part No. 6. 7. L 9. 10. REC-278 RSF-024 11. 12. t3. 14. 15. RBH-534 RBH-563 Spring Spring Brake plate REB.187 RBK.119 Brake shoe Head base holder 16. '17. RB F - 0 1 3 18. 19. 2É:-- REB.153 RNK-348 RBH.374 S t e e l b a lI Head base assembly Stopper Tape guide Spring RN K-556 / RBH.524 RBH.506 RBH.557 Half detector arm assembly spring Spring Solenoid lever Spring Terminal 4P 6P plug RE B - 2 7 0 RNK-815 RXB.189 Screw S o l e n o i d c h a s s i sa s s e m b l y C a p s t a nb e l t Flywheel assembly Spring Brake operation lever Reel cap (Bl S u p p l y r e e l a s s e m b l y( B ) 21. RNK.535 22. 2- RXB-OOS 24. 25. R8 H . 5 1 6 Spring Arm (A) 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. RBH.373 RXB-255_--'- Spring Socket-head screw M2.6 x 5 Ni Sub-head base assembly Terminal 3d Cord clamper 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 31. 32. 33. RNK-7O3 RLA.994 RLA.993 R BF.O37 RX8-093 Head cord cover P i n c h - r o l l e ra r m s h a f t ( L ) P i n c h - r o l l e ra r m s h a f t ( R ) Washer Bearing assembly 81. 42. 83. 84. 85. RXM.O47 RBH-5æ RXP.O62 Take up motor S e n s i n gh o l d e r S e n s i n gu n i t Spring Solenoid (Al RXB.O58 RE8 . 3 1 4 Washer 3C x 6O x 0.5t Supply pulley assembly Sub belt T e r m i n a l( G N D I REB.297 Lamp holder 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. RKPOrt4 RBH-5O7 WO3B RNF.527 RBH.5O5 Connector (1 3pl Spring Diode Spacer Spring RELO72 RX8-063 RXMOSO Lamp (B) Motor pulley Assembly Motor Chassis UL cord clamper (Dl 91. 92. 93. REB.194 Rubber Frictionfelt UL cord clamper (Bl u. 35. 36. 3t. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. RNK.534 RBH.5O3 Adjuster P i n c h - r o l l e ra r m a s s e m b l y Half holder bracket L assembly Half holder arm Spring Half holder bracket R assembly Mechanism holder ldler arm æsembly W a s h e r2 . 2 @x 5 @ x O . S t RXP.Os6 RX8.064 Subchassis assembly Solenoid {B) Motor pulley (B) assembly 12. SCHEMATICDIAGRAMSP.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTSLIST 12.1 MISCELLANEOUS PARTSLIST NOTE: c When ordering reststors, first conuert resistance ualues into code form as shown in the following exomples. Ex. I When there are 2 effectiue digik (any digit apart from 0), such os 560 ohm and 47h ohm (tolerance is shown by J = 5V",and K = IOVo). 56On-56xlot-561 ... RDt/tPSE@IB"I 47hsr-47xIO3-473 ... RDTAPS@AtsJ 0.5a-0R5 ... .. RN2H toEEK Ia-OIO ... .. ASIPTOEEDK Ex. 2 When there are 3 effectiue digits (such as in high precision metat fitm resistors). 5.62ha 562 x I0' 5621 . . .RNYTS^R 6@@û F ASSEMBLIES Part No. RWX-359 RWX328 RWR067 RWX360 RWG.103 OTHERS PartNo. Description Mother assembly Indicator âmplif ier assembly Power supply assembly Integrated amplif ier assembly Control assembly swtTcHEs Part No. Symbo! & D.sciiptaon RSAO2l s001 Povrær switch lcr-F950/KC,KUI RSFO24 sl 102 RSFO22 sl 103 MicroswitchB (CASSETTEHALF DETECTORI Microswitch ( E R A S EP R E V E N T DETECTOR) TRANSFORMER PartNo. Symbol & Dccription RTT.I75 T001 Ponær transformer RTT.185 T001 Power transformer (cr-F950/KUl (cr-F950/KCl SEMICONDUCTORS Pen No. S1ymbol& Decription D l 1 0 1 ,D l 1 0 2 D i o d e Symbol & Dæription RWX-109 cR001 RWX-150 cR001 RXPO62 sLl 101 RXP-056 sLl 102 RÊL472 PLl101 Motor Take.upmotor Powercord Sparkkiller (cT-Fg50/KUl Sparkkiller {cT-F950/KCl SolenoidA (PINCHSOL.) SolenoidB (BRAKESOL.} Lamp B (CASSETTELAMPI j l^d'cot'o. t'thur g 1Èû ,, ,û I F.r I is" .colr(.r!r 1 .ovli.!c' j v.rr 5?Or s?Ot S.Ol rlPur s9or s90? s90l s9oa s90! rr' 1S2473 .c,!v l'r'Lcr - cùrrrr q'e-rrr rar25C2O6O.QoR !i1?" q.rr 2SCIT4OLD RorS qr,-rrr 25D646 ô. o,,o,,r,o2 WO3E rro I iyl I I I I I ...,ê àv, ri. !n ôr,r. c<,u.....<u,, !ric -trq FtL) ox_gE S O U F C É- t a p f 5906 i€t Fa PCiY iEc sIoP PIUS€ siloz ca5s6rtt slo! €F^st stJor lapt - _0I! orÊ OFa OX - OFF on oi Oi ot Oft ofF oaa xÂLr ælEcroF roLf -rc xolt pR€wrl GrEClOa to xoLf - xoLE StttctoF rtYÂL -SrO - CrOr - r. q .àat..t, ,t. .-tcà æ.trt6 rnr Amorr round on !o6. ôd,@r.! compoô.nr p6il! rn. 'heorro^c. ol rh. !ol.ty tocror ot tha Do.l "Ï"""'" I I I I ori..,[. .t..ttotrt,. -pÉlxioD-tvfarct rttta seLecfoa 4 p!^y_aEc _orF I't€a 3llFI rES.y r treÉrr sloP - PL^Y- COUd€l - EiO -OFf courltR e€str oi - otF f^a tdAttt^â o5.o,3? 25Â934 -OcR ..â.4a,.. ro ,irrd...nr! s€LECld xFtrPt rOtrlOF ætlt lH sto?.6- ô @ rv) u.r.r. vorr.e. rt 3ov ....ot srrtc{s soor POùtr Oi - Qll o | ù,. dc. 5ôOr r-! 3COr,ar6 SlO2'r-! iLJr .ct.a "coc'ro' 3 v o (r rraaccÉa, . ' rc .uÊr R . !É , rr , LJ: e! rorroe. lv) o, no 'nrùl .,tnol 'oT{ls UZ A.t!.r,^a F,^t ry I F| @ | OI :: rt c,n.,,,x ,.; ;i;';;;":i*':':i'liÏi.::j:: 'l coroc'r' r,Frlro[or. ^ o t . a c | F | I | I| or rc r/aw :5t CAPÂC|rOFS '.l'c:td I , r, s! r,zg '. O , ,o. r ,; 2 4.rt.tt!t s, pEstSToes Ind'4td lrTr:IAl:D -" rn..ato.a, .^t ,o.ôr,cor ..ôto.t^g, è. tu.a to lta Cottt ol d.!,ehofion '-' I "3,,,* f-T@-i-Ttûrto i I Nt---l la[a .aC I Ov la.3a lt51t. I rOrYI "av l rre-;1*-1-;-1-:;r II oror.roa 1S2473 gr@ .t-: c9t s!* 1'":ii= q$' crt q'.toz tr:rr ?' , ' : - - ' .Ca Z?tta o{!,.â! -!to_ zSCl2aOLN'R d I qr?.2SA7llA-PrO oto. -tr! a56 cro, 1S247! !o..b.i!6.r. ZSCtTaOL|a-R o5or,t,o 25475!A-PorO 63 ?SCl74OLl -R dS t ?9CaZC - Ro.3 tS2t 7J -=-Y-r I cT-Fs|5c' Appearance of Transistorsand lCs PA4005 lr PD40 5OC 2SA733A B PD4004 2SA934 2SC2060 B 2SC828 25C1327 pPC324C 2 S C 17 4 0 1 N TCg121P jtTa 1-l; JI '1 a 2SD686 TA7318P 25D837 AN37O E s.o, ralt.s.rÉcto./ ?'r!. s'.ir vi!o,,ao2 Lrvrr r.ÎÉ..oJ _________-+_ | | -__i.,u:'' ._1,y49?r,, r.:?::,1_@-i r " ]"c,,:r]nto i Tiôi t!ïi rc,o? i 2 5 C l 7 4 O LN - R o S 2SCl74OLil'RorS :13 3 L 1:'z' v l^":15----J Lro'0. Zç,rorc, 'iËr"co" vrs, -----*-l rlrl 22r !Ê07o!,u pG-353tKr -l-----ilË;;-l lt,5 H / \ | sro ra{ icr.or vr!o! v.!o2 a'ri crol rrta lrri .c,.o.a t.tt .rtl! .cr'o.a a[s - H E A O t l- ffi-- o $ ' s ! . 5 0 . 2 S C l 7 4 O L N - Ro r S o!o.2SA733A-PtQ s!o2 Éro.Y . frrt.r/ .3i1'!iJ[*' o.'!è.22 ]s2473 :;):" T I GT-F9Eict l DIAGRAM 12.3SCHEMATIC ) L !31 Lr* @T lLcn, v.o5 06 P s @ ô t L a v fL À o r te2 olr YrÈr.roz EqurLrza. ror cez .5' viol, rq rt LrvaL ^oJ r C92 llt 2SCl?eOLil-R T t !' tcro!,'e.2or.2o2 PA4OOs rfte 22r ,@r ":.:."$i3i.,".. ce?,ofl ^", pÂ4OOt L 20! (,op .ær: flh .;;., ih , O T P A HEÂD o ISrzsu-Po, 1 0 6 0 , , 6 0Or2 Z G2 A tolol3z 24o *o-. wz-n-c r*.gl-25o rDæ7BZ-l1o 1066O2Z16ÀûwZ'056 "l3iit s oso< 2gO2 .r2' a2, ' }|o'o' r A r: a'9 t A ræ' "o.t" r"..s o & , , 6 , o2 9 0 2 3 4 ' O o t Y q6€..or,.06.60!2SCtTaOLN'RorS e.o,60. zsA7!54'Pot Q qer 234954-Q orR 0602,606 6o7 wo3B dS cT-Fs|E'Cl Appearanceof Transistorsand lCs PA4005 2SA733A llPD4O5OC PD4004 2SA934 2SC2060 --Lot No 2SC828 2 S C 13 2 7 pPC324C 2 S C 17 4 0 1 N TC9121P s 2SD686 2SD837 TA7318P AN37O .,x r-l 4 -r MECHANtSt A..'y :Ëfo '*% 1..^" I ,1. lî ê-ô +,I -------t ,\ II |r49 U J. '-----(9 lEà^*-l i "-:-'"l- I rAPE SELEClOR A.i'y L]"'*:_i 52 DIAGRAM 12.2CONNECTION FUNCTION SWITCH attrY t _l tNOICATOR A..'Y lNOlcAloR AMP At.'Y RWX - 328 COilTROL A!r'y RWG- ro3 H H H H H POr{ER SJPPLY A$', RWR -067 cT-Fs'5cl .5 MOTHERASSEMBLY(RWX.359) rts List ;SEMBLIES t No. Symbol & Description RWX-360 RWX-361 I n t e g r a t e da m p li l i e r a s s e m b l y REC EO assembly ,ITCHES Symbol & Drccription I No. RSG068 S201, 5203 RSG064 s401 P u s hs w i t c h ( O O L B Y N R INPUT} P u s hs w ; t c h ( M O N I T O R ) )tLs 1 No. . Symbol & Ebscription RTFO58 RTF{33 RTFO55 RTFO4O RTD-018 . RTF{57 T64001 Ll Ol , Ll 02 L2O1, L2O2 L2O3, L2O4 L205, L206 L301, L302 Trapcoil Trap corl Trap coil MPX f ilter brock Matching transformer L303, L304 T301 Line coil O S Cc o i l ;.:t\PACITORS t rt No. Symbol & D..cription C E A N L l O O P2 5 c E A 1 0 1 P2 5 c E A 1 0 1 P1 6 c E A 1 0 1 P1 0 c E A 4 7 0 P3 5 c 1 0 3 ,c 1 0 4 c l 1 5 , C 11 6 , C 3 1 4 ,C 3 1 5 ,C 3 2 0 ,C 3 2 1 c303 cl05, c106 c328 c E A 4 7 0 P1 6 c E A 2 2 0 P1 0 c E A 1 0 0 P3 5 C E A4 R 7 P3 5 c E A 0 1 0 P5 0 c1 51, Cl 52, C227,C228 c125, C126 c127, C128,C133, Cl 34, C137, Cl 38, c159, C160,C203-C206,C209,C210, c311,C312 c 1 4 s ,c l 4 6 , C 2 2 1 , C 2 2 2 c 1 1 7 ,C 1 1 8 C , 1 s 5 c, 1 5 6 ,C 3 0 5 c E A 0 1 0 M5 0 CEA R47P50 CEA R33M 50 cEA 220P35 c E A 3 3 0 P1 6 c 1 4 1, C 14 2 , C 2 1 3 ,C 2 1 4 c121, C122 c 1 3 9 ,C l 4 0 , C 2 1 1 , C 2 1 2 c 1 1 1 ,C 1 1 2 c304 c E A 1 0 0 P1 6 C E A4 R 7 M 2 5 N P coMA 104K 50 c o M A 3 3 3 K5 0 coMA 223K 50 c31 7, C318, C229, C230-C232 c143, C144,C215,C216 c328 c309 c 1 1 9 ,C 1 2 0 coMA coMA coMA coMA coMA 1 8 3 K5 0 153K 50 1 2 3 K5 0 r03K 50 682K 50 cl49, C150,C219,C220 c307 c135, C136,C207,C208 c302, c323, C324 c 3 10 Symbol & Dorcription Part No. coMA coMA coMA coMA coMA 8 2 2 K5 0 4 7 2 K5 0 3 3 2 K5 0 2 2 2 K5 0 1 0 2 K5 0 c o M A 1 5 2 K5 0 RCE€23 RCE€O8 RCE-025 c c o s L 1 0 1 K5 0 c 1 1 3 ,C 11 4 c306, c308 c225,C226 c 1 2 9 ,C 1 3 0 ,C 1 4 7 ,C 1 4 8 ,C 2 1 7 ,C 2 1 8 c 3 0 r , c 1 6 5 .C 1 6 6 c 1 6 3 ,C 1 6 4 c131C . 132 c325, C326 c 1 6 1 ,C 1 6 2 c109.c110 C K D Y B6 8 1K 5 0 c 1 0 7 ,c 1 0 8 C K D Y B4 7 1 K5 0 c 1 5 3 ,C 1 5 4 ,C 2 2 3 , C 2 2 4 cKoYF 473250 c201 . c202. c327 C K D Y F 1 0 3 25 0 c 3 1 3 ,C 3 1 6 ,C 3 1 9 ,C 3 2 2 C K D Y F1 0 8 2 5 0 c 1s 7 . c r 5 8 Note: W'henordering reslsfors,conuert the resistanceualue into code form. and RESISTORS then rewrite the part no. as before Part No. Symbol& Cbscription c92-857 c92-O51 c92ry7 c92402 c81426 V R l 0 l - V R 1 0 4 S e m i -i xf e d 22K-B vRl 05, VB 106, V R201,VR202 S e m i -i xf e d 4R7K-B V R 1 0 7 .V R 1 0 8 S e m i - f i x e d 1 0 0 K - B V R 2 0 3 ,V R 2 0 4 S e m i J i x e d 3 R 3 K - B V B 2 O 5V , R 2 0 6 ,V R 3 O 4V , R3O5 Semi-fixed 33K-8 RCP052 RCPO49 RCP{48 RCS-O20 VR3Ol VR302 VR303 VR306 RD%PMoooJ R 1 0 1 - R 1 3 4R, 1 3 7 - R 1 8 4R, 2 0 1- R 2 6 4 , R30l-R317, R319,R321,R322, R324, R 3 2 5 ,R 3 2 9 ,R 3 3 2 R135.8136 R331 R320,R326-R328.R330 R D % P F2 2 1 J ROY.PF122J RSIPFOooJ Semi-fixed Semi-fixed Semi-fixed Volume5K-B 4.7K-8 330-8 22O-B (8lAS) SEMICONDUCTORS Part No. Symbol & Drccription AN370 PA4005 l c 1 0 1 ,t c 1 0 2 r c 1 0 3r, c 10 4 ,r c 2 0 1 , rc202 2 S C 17 4 0 L N 2SC1740LN {2SC1327) 2SC1740LN {25C828} 2SC2060-O 0 1 0 1 ,0 1 0 2 ,0 1 0 7 - 01 0 , 0 2 0 1 ,a202 01030106 152473-T 0 1 0 1 ,D l 0 2 , D 3 0 1 - 0 3 0 4 0 ,3 0 6 - 0 3 1 1 0301,0302 03030307 OTHERS Pan No. RKBOl4 (RKBO16) RKNO44 RKN{)46 R8F042 RBF041 Symbol & Dæcription 4P mount pinjack MIC jack Headphone jack Ceramic tube Ceramic tube 12.4 FUNCTIONSWITCHASSEMBLY . coxr{EcloR soctEÎ tù uzct I À ' J c G D f\ IJ o 0 F È DDD o t o L E D g O 5 :T L R 2 0 6 L E D 9 0 -r 9 0 4 : T L G 2 0 6 CONTROLAss'y RWG.103 [[[[[[[[[0 S$l-s6 RsG{63 \\ { \'flÉ Y\ \ \?., \\ t'f6206 PartsList OTHERS SWITCHES Part No, RSG-063 Pert No, Symbol & Description S901-5906 Function switch SEMICONDUCTORS Part No. TLG 206 TLR 206 Symbol & Description -LED9O4 LEDgO1 LEDg)s RKPO42 RNK.733 Symbol & Description Connectorsocketassemblvl12Pl LED holder CT-F9 12 3 MotherAssembty (RWX-35il r' otor, r02 Z s C r T a O L t - di S OrO!,ro. æCrTaqN-â d S o r ? s c r ! ? 7 - Td u rc'o, ro2 rcro!. rq, 2or, æ? OQr, O?. Fr-S., !æ!rl Pr s1 a pa sl Pa S ? O r -| - 2 S?O!r- t s@-r - ! 59 nlY grlot rl Il*c eo rne I a..'t I nwx-sl i I O3o5 - lo5 - o 2SC260 @r CT-F9 v Mother Assembly(RWX-359) r oro5, toa d 5 ?scr?a4t-R cr ?Sçr5?7-1 r U [-ï-'l rcror,ro? rcr0!, rq, 2or,& ær, p2, p'-æ., ptrl s1 Pr sl P! 59 gtoT- ttg 2SrTaOLt-Rd S i*..o^," s10 l^..t I iwx-sl i C to Z II Eir a æ€, ,o7 2 5 C 2 0 6 -0Q {LrtrE-!!91 l3Ë,PE'--".' 12.8 INDICATORASSEMBLY L E O 7 0 r - 7 ! 4 P G 5 5 3 tK X t ns o È N E LEI so lt/2vl sl GI s2 s3 G2 TER F S.l 07Ol:2SA733A-PorO o3 s8 s7 r N c43 s6 s3P t7 r6 r5 t4 G5 s9 r3 t2 tl 6 7 a 5 4 3 2 I Parts List SEMICONDUCTORS CAPACITOR Part No. cEA 100P35 Symbol & Description c701 N o t e . When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, ond then rewrite the part no. as before RESISTORS Part No. RD%pMtrtrEJ RD%PF122J RS%PFtroo J Symbol & Description R 7 0 1 - R 7 1 6 ,R 7 1 8 , R 7 1 9 , R 7 2 1 , R 7 2 2 , R724,R725 R727-R7æ R717.R7?0.R723,R726 Part No, 2SA733A 152473 P G 5 5 3K 1X Symbol & Ocrcription o701 D 7 0 1D , 702 -LED704 LEO701 OTHERS Part No. Lo8242 FI P 5 D 8 RDOO0l Symbol & Dcrcriptbn V 7 0 l F l u o r e s c e n ti n d i c a t o r t u b e ( L E V E L ) V 7 0 2 F l u o r e s c e n ti n d i c a l o r l u b e (COUNTERI Cord (18P) 12.6 VOLUMEASSEMBLY Mother A$'y, No. MotherAs'y, No. 22 MotherAss'y,No. 24 Mothor A$'y, No. Mother Ass'y, No. Mother Ass'y, No, PartsList Part No. RCVO56 Symbol & Irgctiption VRlæ1 V o l u m eæ k ( A l ( l N P U T l 12.7 SENSINGASSEMBLY 'lndicatorAmp Ass'y,No, 3 3 .. f+i; ,' -.-tsfl -+ Amp Ass'y,No. 2 Ass'y, No. 1 PansList Part No. Symbol & Description TLP 5O7A Photo interrupter 3 T a p e S e l e c t o rA s s ' y , N o . 1 2 T a p e S e l e c t o rA s s ' y , N o . 8 Tape Selector Ass'y, No. 7 .--=T a p e S e l e c t o rA s s ' Y , N o . t 0 - - - = , Control Ass'y, No. 7 -------t rt io' i sloP : o.7Y ,*t,ol t Il llr a II rir rlr I r1 ?l it il , ?1t rit Ill rl 56 59 62 * ? ;1*ëi Control Ass'y, No. 16 / €q lrt Rrî 36 'Ieq!fi, 89 )" " 3r I n d i c a t o rA m p A s s ' y , N o . 6 7t æ,31 o_o Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 7 Lrm PowerSupply Ass'y, No. 14 P o r a æS r upply Ass'y No. 8 3a 35 5l5e5aE5 o os 62t ffi o ')). ' T a p e S e l e c t o rA s s ' y , N o . 1 3 'o....- {tr S ::i t\ Ig Control Ass'y, No. 17 / REC oÇroe I' ù 1 > RWX-360 1t rl I tl '!Ê. lË I 1qa ls I RWX-3ô0 Indicator Ass'y, No. 7 C o n t r o l A s s ' y ,N o . 1 2 Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 1 Indicator Ass'y No. 6 1:i i?t 'n r"t tal 3 Volume Ass'y, No. 4 oo lo ?29 a i Volume Ass'y, No. 2 Volume Ass'y, No, 5 rrl o s39 ô ry@ 3kr À lti ?, hl iif | li'l Tape Selector Ass'y, No. 5 Tape Selector Ass'y, No 1 T a p e S e l e c t o rA s s ' y , N o . 2 . _l^ 32 GT-FS|EiCl 4 Bch I nh PowerSupply Ass'y, No. I , Ææ,#.iiîî *sr .,,* l"tqr"F.'Ë_ llflE:l/\KH;Ffj*:.r- à'di PvTrù "!6fffi1 XÏ t*i,,riil.," ,si.^l.æ i:*ÈLl,*-i'*' ' : G,oâ4*,*fIY"u|#,Ëe4î"|s"{H.-=-*u â"o)'i1+l'su tf-ta\f f \\ v5o VrT" .ot,Ë& i:"_'" r*-U',i i Tii -iffii ffi-- * {l-'o-,1*'"' Îol:.1-t't9'"j:': - rP*L-'g:;:-.li;, za. ,,. 2[ ...l r 2?r ...1r -*î- ir6 r. o I I r , -' 6 -o _,::'o: ê> __;-'lll00??lâ...,Hcr.6i!rtlT -'l o I ewD "saral i -;x; q I r loo?? ï er"*. l"ur c,É+ c\E, "+r"+frD/r5 a â 4o0,-x ffir,roo,r_1^!,ijl "J"iË"'- I;1i' I:;i t'ài .ftqF -r*;:I t I J- I II | l s. c z 59*é;oif ? I *lml F'|Èt t I n t e g r a t e dC i r c u i t A m P A s s ' Y , No.12 Integrated Circuit AmP Ass'Y, No.13 I n æ g r a t e dC i r c u i t A m p A s s ' Y , No.12 I n t e g r a t e dC i r c u i t A m p A s s ' y , No. 13 I 0Fl Rch PB HEAD T a p e S e l e c t o r A s s ' Y ,N o . 4 Lch T a p e S e l e c t o r A s s ' Y ,N o ' 3 VolumeAss'Y,No l a': --+=- VolumeAss'Y,No.6 VolumeAss'Y,No.3 -:!l=- 4 6P cT-Fs|5 12.9 INDICATOR A M P L I F I E RA S S E M B L Y( R W X - 3 2 8 } D @ o E I I @ o o o ] o. I o T;,1 o @ ii ,o / @ o @ {:rTïf T:'T--J-,I "'7 tc80t:TA73t8P lc8o2:vPc324c lc8o3:!PD4o5oc lc8o4:PD4OO4 sEol-l-3r METERFUNcrroN(aVERAGE,PEAXHOLD,pEAK) sSol-4-6:TtMER REc/pLAy(oFF, REc/pLAy,pLAyr S802-l-5:MEMORYA REPEAT(oFF,ENOREPEAT,COUNTERREPEAT,MEMORypLA S 8 O 2 - 6 : C O U N T E RR E S E T \lnvt4 -l o ,8 t7 t2 l6 ,l r5 to t4 9 I r3 t2 ç7 tl 3e to 9 q5 4 I 3 2 5 4 3 2 INOICATOR Arri RWX- 327 ô t + .A I I o 8ot, 8o2 , 8o4 - 8O7 2 SCI74OLN- Ror S O 8 O 3! 2SA733A-Por Q I Tape Selector Ass'y, No. 11 Porrrær Supply Ass'y,No. 10 R?13 68r 6Er( lndicator Amp Ass'y, No. 8 ---99 G6 $ oo INDICATOR AMP Ass'y Mother Ass'y No. Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 1 Control Ass'y No. 12 --{+-_-{}-Mother Mother As'y, No. 27 D Ass'y No.32 o cT-Fs|5Cl 4 Control Ass'y, No. 19 ctol .9 ,I ,:,, izoeRrosRlo+ ]OK6ôK6EK 1T1 {tr f Itl tl ___ __J ,, I h,t urED,io3 ( DOLBY) *Ëfir-,il, S^t rl lÉDzoq I +---------------o (AUTO) 1t r:- J--G6 - q z- - ;tI' oooooooooooooooo I iStSZ53s4s5s6F L---- Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 13 + I n d i c a t o r A m P A s s ' Y ,N o . 9 v 7 o ?-F-l P 5 D -8 sz- GT-F9E PartsList of IndicatorAmplifierAssembly(RWX-328) AND COIL SWITCHES OTHER Part No. Part No. Symbol & Description s801 s802 RSG{)67 RSG-066 R T D € 15 L801 Switch F Switch E O s c i l l a t i o nc o i l Part No. Symbol & Dercription c E A 1 0 0 P1 6 cEA 100P35 c E A 2 2 0 P1 0 c E A 0 1 0 P5 0 coMA 273K 50 c801, c802 c806 c 8 11 , C 8 12 c803, c807, c808 c804, c80s coMA 393K 50 coMA 472K 50 c c D s l 1 8 1K 5 0 c813 c810 c 8 15 , C 8 1 6 Part No. Connector 3P R KP.()46 SEMICONDUCTORS Part No. CAPACITORS RESISTORS Symbol & Deccription Symbol & Drscription TA7318P uPC324C sPD4050C PD4004 rc801 rc802 rc803 tc804 2SC1740LN 0801,0802,0804-0807 2SA733A o803 1S2473 0 8 0 1 - D 8 1 ,O 8 1 3 - D 8 2 2 N o t e : When ordcring resistors, conuert the resistdnce ualue into code form, ond then rewrite the part no. as before. Symbol& Description RCPO39 R D P St r O D J R D % P F5 6 1 J V R 8 0 1 ,V R 8 0 2 S e m i -i xf e d3 . 3 K ( B ) R801,R802,R804-R850,R852-R860 R803 (RWX.36O} 12.10 INTEGRATED A M P L I F I E RA S S E M B L Y Note: Parts List CAPACITORS Pert No. 71 RESISTORS Symbol& Dercription c E A 1 0 0 P1 6 cEA 221P25 c E A 1 0 1 P2 5 c E A 4 7 0 P1 6 c E A 3 3 0 P1 6 c 10 0 1 ,c 10 0 7 ,c 10 2 1 c1018 c1021 cl006 c l 0 11 cEA 100P25 C E A4 R 7 P3 5 c E A 0 1 0 P5 0 cssA R33M 2s cEA 100P35 cl010 c1009 c1013 c1014 c1015 C E A N L1 O O P 16 C E A N LR 4 7 P5 0 coMA 683K 50 c c o s L 1 0 1 K5 0 ccDsL 220K 50 cl003 c1005 cl017 c l 0 0 2 ,c l 0 0 8 ,c l 0 1 6 cl004,cl020 Part No. R07.PSOotrJ When ordering resdsfors,convert ?esistance ualue into code form, then rewrite the part no. as bef, Symbol& Dccriptbn - R 1 0 1 5 ,R 1 0 17 , R 1 0 1 8 R1001 S E M I C O N D U C T OARN D O T H E R Pert No. PA4(XI1 RKF€15 Symbol & Drrcription rc1001 Connector |r) to rÈ 1ç E (t/4') 3- R. 6- o Èo I çU 71 N P: (o |r) \ _ (\l to t) .iO , =o (J- Rtol8 : ô M o t h e r A s s ' y ,N o . 2 M o t h e r A s s ' y .N o . 5 tz ? ,ll g PA t2 o 4V to 1{ 4o l( d na ?5 l( I ! l( 3 MotherAss'y MotherAss'y, C o n r r o l A s s ' y ,N o l 8 S e n s i n gA s s ' y , N o . 3 MotherAss'y,No. 32 Control Ass'y, No 6-. MotherAss'y,No. 28 P o u æ rS u p p l y Indicator Ass'y, No. 6 où4 HF -srz 0 Eos 152473 tt0 D.s >*f< fuz lsx Rs 35K Rtn 820 È-4 ^-_ Ræ 15X Ræ7lEX Rær 18x Ræ.elEx R% 3ex tt8 æ + D&s RElt Rcrr6I P.s.sn I - a . n t r o r A s s ' yN o 2 2 cr-Fs|EiCl 4 Indicator Ass'y, No. 8 Power Supply Ass'y, No. 14 C o n t r o l A s s ' Y ,N o . 1 1 Control Ass'y No. 9 Control Ass'YNo. 8 Indicator Ass'y, No. 9 Control Ass'y, No. 5 Power Supply Ass'y, No. 5 Control Ass'y, No, 4 s 6 7 g 9 I,ll.,ll.Jl"ltJ]'*,,,. t |.J foil1213141516ô Rt2o35K 173 oÈer d'tlû RESET COUl{TER \of t\ \\ TEIORY & æf€I1 ,*,tî,i, RE5zl00l( H/\^------< TITER FUXCTIOl{ rO + çbtz c44 22tp PowerSupplyAssembly(RWR-067) v9 | ^çzl à ir 33 to 9ô ol.t ol9u 9Ê/oot ro9f |r) ro o1 ? N ' g 3 Ëà Èâ o9/?2 o E Zt9) C) o o I o î =6 o o 0. 6l ls () s to I N N ôl ) o ôI d l t t = tNl I N Nclx @ oo @ n rf o o o o (o 0 ct o N too ON à< --b N ' b o 96o f) N N 88à 8tt FiNN o 9È o< o .00 oôJ I rf É, ox rr99 €o9u o6 ON 9Z/OZ?" ||9) a 1., o z G' o g J @ sf È- olf) (Dl-ôJ Y' rrstO o () @ U' o RI ôt I ]f) t- I \r ôt 9 fi 9UÈ - I olroç çÊ/LU |f) o (ooo(ooo( o ( o (o oôoo ô o t r) N ô (t, ôJ s€/ooorzo9, çQ/O09t tO9C r -l ol to: ô L_ T -l I I J -'l 6l I oi I @j J tt9u Q o zç o çts () J În N L- I l9a ( ' )r) o o ( o<( , ) ON CT-F95O 12.11 POWERSUPPLYASSEMBLY(RWR'0671 Part No. PartsList FUSE Symbol & Description Part No. s3vc10 w03B ( s 1 8 0{11 ) 152473 2W02 D601 D602, D606. D607 s3vc10R 0226.2A wz-145 BZ-250 BZ-240 o2z5.6A (wzos6) BZ-10 D608 2D601, 2D603 D603, D605 D604 FUl REK{63 CAPACITORS Symbol & Description Part No. cEA 152P35 cEA 102P35 cEA 470P 10 c E A 1 0 1 P3 5 cEA 470P 16 c601 c602 c603 c604,C618 c605,C 614 cEA221P 16 cEA 100P63 cEA 102Pso c E A 1 0 1 P5 0 cEA221P 35 c 606 c 607 c 608 c 609 c 610 cEA221P 25 cEA 220P 50 CEA 2R2P50 cEA 010P50 c E A 3 3 1 P5 0 c 6 11 c612 c 613 c 615 c 616 c E A 4 7 0 P3 5 C617 When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance value into code form, and then. rewrite the part no. as before' Note: RESISTORS Part No. RDT.PSFtrtrO J DoE J RDTaPS R S l P Ft r t r O J RCN{39 RCN{40 Symbol & DescriPtion R601,R610-R612.R621,R623 R6O2-R6O9,R613-R615,R617,R624 R 6 1 6 ,R 6 1 9 ,R 6 2 2 2702W R618 330 2W R620 SEMICONDUCTORS Part No. l> Symbol & Deæription Symbol & DescriPtion 25D234 2SC17rt0LN 2SA733A 25D5æ 25A934 0601, 0610 0602, 06æ, 0606, 0608 0604, oo05 0607 06(x' 2SC1419 061 1 zoæ2 zo604 2D605 2D606 2D,607 OTHERS Part No, RKHOOS REEOs1 Symbol & Description lnsulator lnsu lator i' ! { 2-Z 'Z 9-t ^ 1-113 srou-N'lotztcsz drzr6Sl ezrzsr ro93l Ê29- roco 'roEo o€9-e z9 '€ze '9t9'trc'6oc'Bo9'gos- çoç Uro9-999735, ZZ9O'619-9tgo O - 2 ç 8 O S Zr o 9 8 9 O S Z Ê 1 9 - l l 9 O u roo-tç6vsz tzg'0290 orod-vÊÊzvsz tzg'otg'zog'2090 (sot-9Mu)A-l€1j3SSV-IOUTNOCZVZL t os|ciJ-lc I n d i c a t o rA s s ' V, 8LU F u s eA s s ' y N , o.8 F u s eA s s ' y N , o.5 , ,,iL I n d r c a t o rA m p A s s ' V ,N o F u s e A s s ' y ,N o I -lll1? ilpI oR F u s eA s s ' V N , o.2 - BLK BLU C o n t r o l A s s ' v ,N o . 1 4 | *to lltr I -Fuse Ass'v,No. 6 tvtorher Ass,y,No.58 __ IndicatorA-p ît''v'-No9 ---r IndicatoA r m p A s s ' y ,N o . 4 F u s eA s s ' v ,N o . 7 Control Ass,V,<------------{ No 20 WHT P o w e rt r a n s f o r m e r s.K cR001 A C 12 0 V 60Hz s001 Power switch Cetc 44 | 8v 4?/16 . 2s0234 -OorY D GT-F9EiCl 4 I n d i c a t o rA s s ' y , N o . 2 M o t h e r A s s ' y ,N o . 1 4 Mother Ass,y,No. 90 i A s s ' Y ,N o . 3 f-_Control Control Ass'y, No. 7 I n d i c a t o rA m p A s s ' y , N o . 1 5 C o n t r o l A s s ' y ,N o , 1 0 F u s eA s s ' y , N o . 3 Control Ass'y, No. 1 Control Ass'y No. 2 20606 G----..-\^ r------< W---o R6245.6K 02Z3.6A otVZ-O56 56v J r_-__4 | aeor ? Cooe; # ??0116 .fffru.*&ffi R6il 4?0 l4 5V e4--+ 47lS o) Cot + C6or+ o#€ l0/63 ('*-Ë---.o r500/3s R&6 t,K {Iil Control Ass'y, No. 21 f' rolSguuoS uolldlrùeo € loqur^s UE| 6tûJ) u 'oN uBd U3HIO 't vLtJ rv3 90tc'90tc 0lrc'60rc SLVC'LLVJ 80ro- r0ro uolldlræo rg loqur^s N-r0t4t csz 'oN ued suorcnoNocrhr3s totu c0rB vzta-Lzva '90rH'90t8'ZOia'LOva Satu-60ru ftor s^%ou ftor sd%ou f--r:: Llld%OU uolldlrcreo 18loqrl^s 'aJotaq m 'ou JJDd at41 alymar uaql 'u/rot aPoc olut anlon ?JuoTs'' ar Puo aqJ lJanuot 'ctol4sar îu1taprc uaq6 oN ued 9rtc 8013',ror3 'zrvJ'tLn '9 r t c 'rotc zotc uoltducaao 18loqul^S 09rtzz vltoc 09ftr.z vwoc 09îte e vrro3 09ft6c vnoc 09f es vFroc 09 f889 VWOJ 0s d0ro v33 'oN u3d suolr3vdv 'eot'l Ior burleed totl lrof,6ul),ead ZOg'l' LOFI uolldrrJûao 18loqur^s suolsrsSu OÉÛJIU 690JJ,B 'oN urd s'iloc :aloN ls!'l suBd S r o u - N ' ] O t L fC SZ EOF- tObO ,tz'z Ê.2ëa I 6ÊOO r s ' rt z r u u;5 {ç l ZZ}U gt93 ]vt 3n r.rru ÊtlJ-ô;i- 9'ô;ï- tl'3 srlu oss -. g9O.O 09Ç gllU nu) 9llu 9999 I eoro 7193 r 8 ' 9 Ê| r u IÊ.9 ilru çÊo'o ,tZ 60rA 6OtJ ols {z o,tu otvJ ror zot8 æ/t zou) og/t tob) rt90 tzg0- to90 rz90'0290 zz90'6190-9190 t 190- I t90 'ot90 '1090 '2090 tz90 't290 '9 190 ot90'9290 '5090 '8090 '9090-t090 '1090 l09cl uolldlrcseo |8 loqtr|^S of punoM arM t,LnzsL TE6VSZ 090z3sZ (ræosz) 9890S2 veervsz NtotÉ lSsz drzl6cl Cnto Sd%OU fooD ld%CU l09u^ I ooo Sd%OU LVo-z6J 09.)z0l vl !o3 09 dÉrHv33 0 9 d 0 1 0v 3 c e 193-I 19C 60sc 909C'r09C uolldFcaeo 6 goquÂg 'oN ,t t u8d suoJ.rSvdvc 'oN ued loqu^S re (rgt-xMu) A-lgllsssv 03 33u 8L'Z,L 889U-829U'9t9U-999U '299U-9t9H' t i g Y - Z i g v ' 0 ? 9 U - 1 0 9U (81-lool pexrl-ruras 'oN ued uotldrr:rs.O|'| loqut^S 'arolag so 'ou 1.tod aqt alumar uaql suolsls3u puD'utrot aPoc olu, anlDn a?uDJsrsal aql lranuoc 'sJoJslgarEuuapto uaq16 :oloN 9 r d 0 0 tv 3 c 0r dozzv3c 9r dozzv3c 9 r d 0 8 tv 3 9 0 9) t o l v l l o c MC'9r93'009C 809C ?l9c 9 C'/09C'909C ' e 0 9 C' t 0 9 c 0193 'oN ued lls suorSnoNoSlt trtr Lto-Ncu 1eo-Ncu zco-N3u €99U 9t9U r99U MZ 6 ' t p u n o M e J | M Ml. 9 ' É P u n o M e l r  regH t99U uorldricseO I (tot-gMU) ÂlquassylorluoClo ls!1 sued OEiEiI-IC ti,l::Ë:$l;*11 2SCrz4oLr{-Rorsr,: o5or 29qg17Q 250686 R 5 4359 ( 2 n ) # M e c h a n i s mA s s ' y o o b o o o o o o o o P O W E RT F I A N S F O R M E R t4 {c:or *-+ o a0a7Æ0 D! Mother Ass'y, No. 64 MotherAss'y, No. 63 Mother Ass'y, No. 32 Mother Ass'y No 28 Indicator amp Ass'v No. 1 cærr TT"o* --t' t/50 0506 losoP q$2 ?5 Indicalor Amp Ass'y, No. 5 - , f f i ; a - ' ' " " " ' ,j t ?2o - GT-F95O 4 Power Supply Ass'y, No. 7 I t2O )E370 i0686 I q$3 A" lt( Power Supply Ass'y, No. 1 ! 30 (?*) R ia Power Supply Ass'y, No. 2 tnwl Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 16 Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 14 D5l3 3a Indicator Amp Ass'y No. 3 Function Switch Ass'y Mother Ass'y, No. 47 Indicator Amp Ass'y No. 12 Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. | | lndicator Amp Ass'y, No. 10 J4 / é o$o , Ttt o Indicator Amp Ass'y, No. 24 PowerSupply Ass'y, No. 19 Power Supply Ass'y, No. 15 4 cT-Fg5Ct ASSEMBLY 1 2 . 1 4 T A P ES E L E C T O R oP 0lr o (r! I ^.4 xo c ()a rl B*€ r u NO ô â \l x ô to I ô = f No. 83 Mother Ass'y Mother Ass'y No.82 Mother Ass'y No.81 Mother Ass'y No. 57 sl 3 o r T A P ES ELECT0R oooooooooo Tf,bï;06 oooooooooo :*t H.lo"oo, 12 blhio' ]r r fro No. 74 Mother Ass'y Mother Ass'y No. 78 Mother Ass'y No. 37 Ass'y No. 31 Mother Ass'v No. 71 Parts List Pan No. RSBO20 RCV064 C K D Y F4 7 3 2 æ Symbol & Dcscription Switch(TAPEI Volume20K (B) (OUTPUT} c1301-C13(X 51301 VR1301 Mother Ass'y No.8O 12.15FUSE ASSEMBLY Power Supply Ass'y, No. 12 Power Supply Ass'y, No. 13 Power Supply Ass'y, No. 3 ol a2 al ?s ?s Jz Control Ass'y, No. 13 çg /' Power Supply Ass'V, trol Ass'y, No, 14 tl 1_AC t 20V 6OHz s.K. cR001 Pouær SuPPIYAss'Y, No.4 PartsList Part No. REK{58 REK{44 Power transformer soo1 Symbol & Description FU2-FU4 FUs FuseB00mA F u s e3 . 1 5 4 Power switch Supply Ass'y, No. 17 Supply Ass'y, No. 18 -j- cT-F95Cl 13. TROUBLE SHOOTING CONDITION C A U S EA N D R E P A I R r Fluorescent indicator lamps (level meters and tape counter) do not light up, even though voltage is applied to the filament. r Defective Qzor (2SA733) in the indicator assembly. Level meter segments (see Fig. 13-1) fail to light up even though the numerals and the tape counter are on. r Load a recorded tape or test tape and check the presenceof an input signal. r Defective lCaor (TA?318P) or lCaoz in the indicator amplifier assembly. fuPC324) 7* F i s .1 3 - 1 r Only one, or two, counter light up. columns in the tape I I r One of the segmentsin the tape counter digits fails to light up (seeFig. 13-2). , Segment V tt ll ,_ ,Ir-t t I , t_t Defect in the parallel vinyl-covered leads connecting the indicator assembly to the indicator amplifier assembly. Defective lCaoo (PD4004) in the indicator amplifier assembly. Defective soldering of a component in the indicator assembly (if the level meter is operating normally). r Defective ICaoc (PD4004) in the indicator amplifier assembly (if the level meter is not operating properly). F i s .1 3 - 2 r OnlV one of the level meter segments lights up, or else the segmentslight up and tum off again rather sporadically. The level meter numerals do not light up. r DefectiveICsoe(PD4004). r Defective soldering of componen(s) in the indicator assembly. r A break in the parallel vinyl-covered leads connecting the indicator assembly to the indicator amplifier assembly. r Level meter and tape counter lamps are rather dull. r Defective Qzor (2SA733) in the indicator assembly. I Tape counter does not return to 000 when the COUNTER RESET is pressed. r DefectivelCsor (PD4004). r Defective COUNTER RESET push-button.