Orthographic drawing
Orthographic drawing
DRAWING TYPES BST12781 Building Communication Orthographic drawing o o o ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION (90o) = Multiview Drawings Review drawing types Development of plans Development of elevations and sections OBLIQUE PROJECTION (“at an angle” ≠ 90o) = Paraline / Axonometric / Oblique Drawings PERSPECTIVE PROJECTION = Perspective Drawings PAULI Sabine [email protected] Notes prepared by Joshua ROBERTS, Sabine PAULI Source: Francis D.K. Ching, “Design Drawing” p.114 Building Communication 2013 – drawing types Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 2 1 ARRANGEMENT OF VIEWS PARALINE DRAWINGS Source: Yanes & Dominguez, Freehand Drawing for Architects and Interior Designers p.56-61 Source: Yanes & Dominguez, Freehand Drawing for Architects and Interior Designers p.56-61 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 3 DRAWING A FLOOR PLAN (1) Communication Studies 2013 – orthographic projection 4 DRAWING A FLOOR PLAN (2) Source: Francis D.K. Ching, Architectural Graphics 4th Ed. p.1-86 Source: Francis D.K. Ching, Architectural Graphics 4th Ed. p.1-86 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 5 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 6 FLOOR PLAN thanks Source: Bielefeld, Skiba technical drawing. page 8 Drawing with -Walls, doors, windows -Structural grid -Dimensions -Material -Section marking -North arrow -scale ROOF PLAN thanks Source: Bielefeld, Skiba technical drawing. page 8 Drawing with -Walls, doors, windows -Structural grid -Dimensions -Material -Section marking -North arrow -scale Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 7 Section marks in floor plans Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 8 FLOOR PLAN thanks DESIGN DRAWING SUBMISSION DRAWING Source: Jefferis, Madsen (1995) Architectural drafting and design. Page 197 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 9 In-class exercise 1 (20min) Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 10 ELEVATION thanks Materials: Architect’s scale, H pencil, eraser, set-squares, tracing paper, tape Source: Jefferis, Madsen (1995) Architectural drafting and design. Page 66 Instructions: Block Visualization: For each of the blocks create three orthographic projections. (Roof plan, 2 elevations) Practicing how to visualize simple forms will help you later create plans, sections, and elevations of your own designs. Building Communication 2013 – drawing types 11 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 12 First angle and third angle projection thanks ELEVATION thanks Source: Bielefeld, Skiba technical drawing. Page 11 Drawing with -Walls, doors, windows, roof -Drawing with peoples and trees -Drawing with shadow -scale Source: Yarwood, Alfred (1998) An introduction to AutoCAD release 14. Harlow. Longman Page 130, 131 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 13 In-class exercise 2 (20min) and 3 Materials: Architect’s scale, H pencil, eraser, set-squares, tracing paper, tape Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 14 SECTION thanks Source: Bielefeld, Skiba technical drawing. page 12, 22 Drawing with -Foundation, Walls, doors, windows, roof -Dimensions -Material -scale Instructions: Projecting Plans, Elevations and Sections: At a scale of 1:100 draw 1) Roof plan 2) the south and east elevations of the building above. 3) Try to project the ground floor and basic section of this building based on clues and information you can gather from the drawing. 4) Add hatching into your section and shade into your elevations Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 15 Section scale 1:100 thanks Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 16 Elevation and section thanks Drawing with -Foundation, Walls, doors, windows, roof -Dimensions -Material -With people for scale and tree -scale DESIGN DRAWING SUBMISSION DRAWING Source: Bielefeld, Skiba technical drawing. page 58 Source: Eleb-Vidal, Chatelet, Mandoul (1990): Penser L’Habite. Le Logement en questions. Page 43 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 17 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 18 Drawing conventions thanks Assignment 1C Difference in perspective and section or elevation In elevation or section same scale as the drawing Student work 2011 Submission Source: Lockard (2000) Design drawing. Page 160 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 19 Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection thanks workshop on doors and windows Assignment LAYOUT - Overall layout - Title block with - Assignment 1C – manual drafting - Full name university, Course name, all full names of group members - Name of the student who has drawn this page - Drawing number (1C1, 1C2, …….) - Name of the drawing: for example ground floor plan - Scale 1:50 For workshop on doors and windows, you will need the following materials: Books (or copies) with several details (you will sketch details from doors and window in different scale) the details should have full descriptions see example Book examples: IN DETAIL (books and newspaper in Detail (at resource center), books from Birkhaeuser or Schittich, Herzog, Deplazes, Neufert, Ramsey, Sleeper, Edward Allen, Reznikoff, New Metric Handbook, Wakita, Ianl, Watt etc. Handout from all technical studies lectures on doors and windows. Tracing paper or A4 papers or sketch books Pencil, Felt pens / fineliner of 0.05mm, 01mm, 0.3mm, 0.6/0.7.mm eraser, triangle, scale ruler Desk with parallel bar (therefore check your desk before use). Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection This handout was developed exclusively for educational purposes and prepared to accompany BST12781 Building Communication workshops at City University of Hong Kong. It contains illustrations and text excerpts out of other official publications which have been named in the bibliography. Original copyright reserved. bibliography 20 Bielefeld, Bert; Skiba, Isabella (2007): Technical drawing. Basel: Birkhaeuser Ching, Francis D.K. (2003) Architectural graphics. New York Ching, Francis D.K. (1998) Design Drawing. New York Eleb-Vidal, Monique; Chatelet, Anne-Marie; Mandoul, Thierry (1990): Penser L’Habite. Le Logement en questions. Liege: Piere Mardaga Jefferis, Alan; Madsen, David (1995): Architectural drafting and design. New York Lockhard, William Kirby (2000): Design drawing. New York Miller, Frank C.; Miller, Wilma B.; Moravek, Joseph (2004) Blueprints and plans for HVAC . Second edition. Delmar Learning New York Porter, Tom; Goodmann, Sue (1992) Design drawing techniques for architects, graphic designers & artists. Oxford: Architectural Press Yanes, Magali Delagado; Domingues, Ernest Redondo. (2005) Freehand drawing for architects and interior designers. New York Weston, Richard (2004) Key buildings of the twentieth century: plans, sections and elevations. New York Building Communication 2013 – orthographic projection 23 22