Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Mission Statement WINTER 2009 • VOLUME III ISSUE 1 • WWW.HARMONY-AT-HOME.ORG Harmony At Home’s mission is to “establish and conduct programs that teach healthy communication within families, to help break the cycle of violence and abuse.” CONTACT INFORMATION Julianne Leavy Executive Director Shelley Watson Executive Assistant Harmony At Home 3785 Via Nona Marie, Suite 300 Carmel, CA 93923 Tel (831) 625-5160 Fax (866) 280-0931 Email [email protected] Web www.harmony-at-home.org LOOK INSIDE & SEE WHAT’S NEW • • • • • • • Making a Difference... Accomplishments & NEW! Ongoing Efforts – Collaboration Fundraiser Donors Birdies for Charity Staff Roster & Board of Directors Additional 2009 Donors Executive Director’s Message... I am pleased to update you on Harmony At Home’s November fundraiser luncheon “Embracing Peace and Harmony for All Children.” The donations are still coming in! Thank you Monterey County, for helping Harmony At Home’s first ASK fundraiser to be a resounding success. We have received over $26,000 in donations & pledges from this event.The feedback we have received is that people were moved to the point of taking action: action through their checkbooks and action through wanting to volunteer time and expertise. Could we have asked for anything more? We are touched that 243 people showed up in body, mind and spirit on Nov. 6 at Corral de Tierra Country Club to support Harmony At Home and to learn about our programs. With the funds that were raised, we will be able to serve approximately 250 more children and youth who have been traumatized by violence.Through our Sticks & Stones® and Teen Camp programs, the children who will benefit from this additional funding will range from elementary school age through high school. This additional funding will also support separating and divorcing families in our What About The Children? program. We have already decided to expand our Sticks & Stones® program into the Junior High Schools. The youth who will receive services at the Junior High level will have graduated from Sticks & Stones® in their participating elementary school, or will be completely new to the program. The children who were supported by Sticks & Stones® in elementary school will continue to move forward on a path of learning alternatives to violence. The new referrals will be youth who are at risk for gang affiliation and/or have experienced trauma. We hope to reach these young people in time for positive intervention. So far (as we are already a few weeks into the program) these young people are very responsive and truly want our support.This is a great start, and a sign of healing. The school’s Principals are ecstatic that we have a presence in their schools. All in all, the fundraiser luncheon was a great success. Harmony At Home is five years old this month (December) and we are ready to launch our next phase of organizational development and examine the steps needed to continue expanding our services. Stay in touch, so we can share our successes with you in 2010! With Warm Regards, Julianne Leavy Founder & Executive Director Please see page 3 for the list of donors who gave at the Nov. 6th fundraiser. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 43 CARMEL, CA 3785 Via Nona Marie, Suite 300 Carmel, CA 93923 ACCOMPLISHMENTS & NEW! ANNOUNCING THE EXPANSION OF STICKS & STONES® SCHOOL-BASED COUNSELING PROGRAM By Julianne Leavy MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF TEENAGERS THROUGH FILM... A PLEA FOR HELP By Julianne Leavy In the fall of 2008, Harmony At Home was approached by the City of Marina to help thirty 12-year-old youth at-risk for incarceration. We were told that if intervention were not immediate we would lose these kids to crime. Our attention was peaked, but then we were told that the city of Marina did not have any money to support a counseling program. Hmmm... a predicament that many cities and counties are finding themselves in these days. After much contemplation I decided to produce a play for all 600 youth at Los Arboles Middle School, where these thirty attend. I felt this was a reasonable outreach that would impact all the youth, and not cost Marina. In March of 2009 I created and wrote CHOICES©. It is a play about a boy and a girl who each have a difficult childhood. They are presented with two paths to take: the path that leads to addiction, promiscuity, incarceration and early death or the path that leads to happiness and success but may seem more difficult.The play was a hit.The youth engaged in meaningful conversation about making the best choices. Our onsite therapist, Claudia Martin, volunteered to counsel these thirty at-risk youth, and significant positive change ensued. Now we would like CHOICES© to expand to all Monterey County Junior High and High schools through the medium of film. We are looking for help to professionally produce this film. We want professional actors, film scriptwriters and a film crew. These come at a cost of $20,000-$40,000. If you know of actors or filmmakers that may be interested in helping us with this project, or if you know of any donors that would be interested in a project like this, please contact us as soon as possible. With this film we hope to partner with other community organizations to make a difference in the lives of teenagers in Monterey County, along with education and counseling. Harmony At Home’s goal, in the next ten years, is to be able to offer our programs in all of the schools in Monterey County that request and need our services for violence intervention and prevention. We are pleased to announce that, due to a Monterey County Mental Health Services Act grant and the individual donations received from community members, we have expanded our direct counseling hours in 21 elementary schools by approximately 1700 additional hours for this school year. This increase in hours will allow us to serve approximately 300 more children this school year. The support from the County and local donors has also allowed us to expand our counseling to four Junior High schools in Salinas, so that participants can learn alternatives to violence. In addition to supporting our youth, the County funding is helping us to expand our counseling to families that have experienced domestic violence. With this expansion, we can teach families healthy ways to function and live together in non-violence. In time, as we continue to support peace within families, we will see the benefits spill out into our communities. Children that are raised in peaceful homes become peaceful citizens who support non-violence. Our children learn how to act in the world from what they see at home. Harmony At Home has tremendous gratitude to our donors for helping us to make our mission a reality. ON GOING EFFORTS A COLLABORATION THAT KEEPS ON GIVING By Julianne Leavy 2009 marks the third year that Congregation Beth Israel and Harmony At Home have connected children from Carmel and Salinas through giving. The “Holiday Mitzvah Project” is a project for children that attend Sunday Religious School where they purchase gifts for K-6 grade students in three Salinas elementary schools. “Mitzvah” is a Hebrew word meaning an act of human kindness. It is a Jewish tradition that is about giving without expectation. The children in Salinas are delighted and moved by the experience of receiving a gift from another child who they don’t even know. It truly is a heart-warming experience that both organizations cherish throughout the holiday season. Harmony At Home is grateful to be in collaboration with Congregation Beth Israel, as they support family and children learning, celebrating, and being together. Art created by Teen Camp participants FUNDRAISER DONORS THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE WHOSE DONATIONS MADE OUR FUNDRAISER A SUCCESS Mary Adams Julie Anongos Wendy Askew Frances Baca Daniel Bach Susan Bajari Hon. Diana Baker LaVerne Baker-Leyva Michelle Beach Crystal Beget Marla Bell Brenda Bhaskar Albert Bonfiglio Colleen Bonfiglio Pamela Breslin Zuzzanne Broom Luanne Buchman Robert Burlison June Campbell Denise Cardona Casey Castillo Maureen Chodosh Karen Clampitt Janet Eadie Cohen Ron & Linda Cosmero JoAnn Crivello Susan Culcasi Claudia Daniels Lynn & Lydia Davis Cynthia Davis Debra & Victor Diaz Denise Dinner Martin Donald Emily DuBois Julia Edgcomb Bee Epstein-Shepard Anna Frieberg-Gibbs Gwen Frindt Carolyn Frost-Williams Allison Gardner Nelda Getz Anna Gibbs Priscilla Gilbertson Susan Gleason Sheree Goldman Joie Goodkin Robert Gore Suzanne Graybill Susan & Bruce Greenbaum Hon. Adrienne Grover Jason Hall Nashwan Hamza of Hamza Des.& Construct. Kimberlee Harbor Pam Harp Nancy Hatton Robert Herbert Lyn Higashi Rosa Hong Ruth Horn Kip Hudson Kristen Hunter Louis & Roberta Huntington Chris & Rae Huntington Lyde Hussey Larry Imwalle Ann Jealous Ellie Johnson Joanne Johnson Sandra Kahn Cheryl Kaiser Robin & Terrill Keeler Marsha Kelly Nicole Kelly Ron & Ann Kihara Klein Medical Ila Kleinman Nancy KotowskiS Ellen Krause Kate & Dan Kurz Richard LakeJ Theresa Lambert Kathy Lambert Rosemary Lande Wendy Lang Gordon & Terri LarsonL Laela Leavy Mike Leavy & Susan Galvin Zad Leavy Gifford Lehman Laura Lee Lienk Jill Livingstone Lynn Lozier Dia Lynn Roy &Linda Madsen Kevin Mahoney Claudia Martin Maren Martin Judy Masilyah Ann McBride Dejesus Wendy McCraney-Matz Pat McDermott Kelly McMillin Lisa Mendelsohn Tom Michaelson Debbie Miller Kristin Minnich Barbara Morais Miranda Morris Richard Moss Brenda Murdock Eileen Nazzaro Judy Nejasmich Shelley Nemeth Tami Newton Geoffrey Norris Daniel O’Brien Phyllis O’Shea Sandy Oh Kristin Orliss Peter & Dee Dee Osborne Connie Piersol Sheri Perlman Carolyn Pinizzotto Marcia Pompan Catherine Powers Dona Putnam Deborah Rich Louise Riddell-Kaufman Roseanne Rito Nick Robertson of Robertson Antiques Barbara Robinson Susan Ross Jennifer Rossi Simon Salinas Joan Schaeffer Wendy Schmidt Harvey Schrier Marilyn Seeley Scott Sexsmith Lynn Sexton Lisa Shake Marilyn Shepherd Harriet Sheppard Jennifer Sheppard Joanne Shiffman Donna Shore Jill Sleeper Kate Spacher Elizabeth Spadaro Deborah Stark Kim Stemler Roxanne & Steve Storm Robert Taniguchi Paula Taylor Barbara Termath Gary Thelander Antoinette Tramontin Mr. & Mrs. Trotter of Trotters Antiques Donna Vaughan Tara Vindhurst Susan Walker Tempe Wennerholm Anne Wheelis Lynne White-Dixon Phyllis Woolworth Elizabeth Woolpert DONATIONS MADE IN MEMORY OR HONOR Heather Downs in honor of Cole & Mackenzie Keller Linda Ford in honor of Stephanie Hulsey, Assistant D.A. Donna Garren in memory of G.A. Gindick Stephanie Hulsey in honor of John S. Myszak Martha Elin Mountain “in honor of the visionary school administrators who host S&S” Deneen Newman in honor of Larry Newman , Retired Principal of Ledesma Elementary Ann & Steve Packer in honor of Lita Steklof Nina Patane in honor of Marcia Pompan Daniel & Roseanne Pierre in honor of Pamela Pierre Paula Robinson in honor of Julianne Leavy Terry Uchida in memory of Ociel Montiel Lisa Watson in honor of Sara & Summer Watson BIRDIES FOR CHARITY® & HARMONY AT HOME By Shelley Watson Birdies for Charity® (BFC) is a nationwide program that, since its inception, has generated more than $40,000,000 for charities across the country.Currently,there are 18 PGA Tour tournaments participating in the Birdies for Charity® program. The Monterey Peninsula Foundation (MPF) is the private foundation that hosts the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, one of the most recognized and beloved golf tournaments on the PGA TOUR. MPF disburses all proceeds from the tournament to local and regional charities. In 2009, 79 charities collectively raised $135,000. Harmony At Home is participating in the event for the first time this year, and will receive a 10% match from MPF for every dollar donated through Birdies for Charity®. It may have been a bit awkward to have kicked off our BFC fundraiser by combining it with our November 6th fundraiser luncheon, but the prospect of receiving an additional 10% match on donations was too good to pass up. Our donors were kind enough to indulge us in this mission by donating over $17,000 to Harmony At Home through the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. That means we will receive over $1,700 EXTRA dollars from this effort, and that extra 10% will provide over 40 additional hours of counseling for children! We have enclosed a pledge form and remittance envelope if you would be interested in participating in this fun event. You can also participate online: https://birdies.attpbgolfcom/ charities/harmony-at-home. You may donate anytime between November 1, 2009 and February 26, 2010. Donors who complete an official pledge form have the opportunity to “Guess the Birdies” on the pledge form (step 4). The lucky person who guesses the correct number of birdies scored by PGA Tour players during the official tournament play at the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am will receive the grand prize of two Continental Airline Tickets (up to $500 each)! As an added incentive to donate random drawings will occur beginning in December, from the current list of weekly donors, giving donors the opportunity to win such items as a one night stay at the Inn at Spanish Bay, golf for two at The Links, Waterford Crystal or sports memorabilia AND MORE! If you are considering your end of year donations, I hope you take a look at this opportunity. Not only do you stand to receive a great prize, but Harmony At Home stands to gain an additional 10% from your gift—AND if Harmony At Home is one of the top four earning charities, we will be provided with an exhibition booth at the entrance to the tournament for one full day during the tournament. This means exposure to approximately 30,000 people. The cut off date for determining the top four charities is January 29, so please get your pledge or flat donation in as soon as possible. A little birdie told me…you might win! HARMONY AT HOME STAFF ROSTER ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Julianne Leavy, Executive Director Cheryl Trotter, Program Coordinator Shelley Watson, Executive Assistant CLINICAL SUPERVISION Julianne Leavy, MFT Candice Gregory, LCSW, PPSC Wendy McCraney-Matz, MFT COUNSELING STAFF Elizabeth Andrade Suzie Bajari Gail Bengard Colleen Bonfiglio Diane Cotton Lizzy Ehrmann Michelle Feliciano Stephanie Herbert Jeff James Claudia Martin Mirym Meija Tara Modaff Suzie Sullivan Cheryl Trotter Frances Weesner Susie Winn Sheila Wright WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN TEACHING STAFF Gail Bengard Colleen Bonfiglio Nancy Carnathan-Cribbs Terrill Keeler Connie Piersol Susan Ross Wendy Schmidt Mark Shuler Cheryl Trotter Carolyn Kelleher THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE HARMONY AT HOME POSSIBLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VOLUNTEERS Michael Leavy President Financial Consultant Savannah Alvarez Wendy Askew Suzie Bajari Marla Bell Gail Bengard Colleen Bonfiglio Casey Castillo Karen Clampitt Diane Cotton Jim Cox Chris & Joanna Devers Lizzie Ehrmann Susan Galvin Sheree Goldman Laura Gonzales Bob Gore Candice Gregory Stephanie Herbert Hilda Huerta Stephanie Hulsey Kristin Hunter Rae Huntington Patricia McDermott Vice President Marriage and Family Therapist Marsha Kelly Treasurer Former Coordinator/Administrator MCOE Richard Moss Director Operations Manager Wendy NcCraney-Matz Director Marriage and Family Therapist ADDITIONAL DONORS IN 2009 ACTION Council of Monterey County Hugo & Karen Ferlito Dr. Carl Alasko Richard Gerber & Laurie Kleinman Alisal Union School District Jeff & Deborah Greenberg Jennifer Allen Candice Gregory Gail Bates Peggy Hansen Gail Bengard & Marla Bell Harden Foundation Robert Berman Stephanie Hulsey California Pizza Kitchen Nancy Carnathan-Cribbs Community Foundation Community Partnership for Youth Congregation Beth Israel Joseph & Sharon Crescente Jan Davidson Diane Day Billie DiMonaco Marie Diridoni Susan Ditzler Domestic Violence Coordinating Council Special thanks to the Community Foundation for Monterey County For sponsoring our Organizational Capacity Building Consultant: Grace Hammond Edna Jimenez Marsha Kelly Nicole Kelly Charles Knight Nancy Kotowski Julianne Leavy Michael Leavy Pat McDermott Claudia Martin Christina Marsh Areanna Mosley Richard Moss Brenda Murdock Jane Parker Angelica Partida Marcia Pompan Jill Sleeper Kate Spacher Cheryl Trotter Shelley Watson Frances Weesner Janet Eadie-Cohen Clint & Dina Eastwood Emkay Asso. Ltd. Laurel Emsley David & Lois Epel Cynthia Healy Eric & Elizabeth Isaacs Judy Ishizue Natalie Jaffe & Jim Sammet Dr. Richard Kelly Carolyn Kleefeld Helen Galvin Julianne Leavy & Charles Knight Laela Leavy Zad Leavy Paul & Barbara Lee Jerry Lesser Melvin & Shonny Lesser Monterey Peninsula Foundation Youth Fund Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services Charles & Linda Page Perry, Johnson, Anderson, Miller & Moskowitz Rita Reiman Linda Rodriguez Eugene Rosenberg George & Gail Rothman Anna Swartley & David Sabih Salinas City Elementary Schools Ron Schebeck Marianne Schneider Sandra Silvestri Dr. Sid Smith Betty Jean Stallings Patricia Standish Carl & Ellen Swallow Terry & Paula Trotter Frank & Doris Uyeda Hillary Lipman Van Loben Sels / RembeRock Foundation Rosann Lynch Tina Walker Patricia McDermott Woodward Foundation Henrik & Lisa Martin Yellow Brick Road Benefit Shop Ann Mather & Tim Gonzales Madelon Zimner