File #6 - The Black Vault
File #6 - The Black Vault
6 Q < .FEDERAL FREEDOM OF BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: MARIO PART 4 SAVIO OF 5 OO SUBJECT: FILE MARIO NUMBER: PART SAVIO SF 100-54060 2 OF 5 a_ - J ?= r. '..: - . 9 sac, sat: Fmrczsco I». -Q,-%C] Fzoar =LEGAL SECTION 90-HQ! 0 ' _ 1 . VV * $ubi=== =FFET.DQI~[ INFQRI¬5.TICN OF -PEVACZ LCTS FUIPA! File Destruction! - 4- to an The following hate beer: reviewed pursuant FQIPA matter _a.nd maynot be destrcxye until -_ indicated. >0 _1§;_L_._=;_ SET-EAL - _ - V 92 > >_. 5Fi092s>O 92!.;>_ LI. IN§'=TY:.T?.'=.'.'T.T.1§§! CC=§3T.~"1IP:£'D 5--';'J'=.'.' *, ,5 - DODEST?.CI NCT __§Q, UNTZZ. 92 e /M-/0/92/£4}/v Q5 77,0Sulé ' _ 0 »~»..._._..-1---r-~-__-_-_-_~... ,-._.---.-,-7..--.-...-..-._.. "-1- .....,_.->-W-_-v-_....-_-_--......_.,-,__.-__ .-.._.._.;_,,_ ___,__ __,,_.___,____,_______ ______ ___~- " ~~ l** *"'-'~'-'-~*~*~1' - --»~--1.--....._....._.,-_-..»-._.*_,. 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V 4 3 .1 aw w~ :»;r:.:,-qr-2' _ ':*---»~~~Av,.;.~»_ ._ 1 " H . . "  M_; 1;. ' ;1 ~.¢¢. . jg _ _# ,., . ~~~.-_~ ¢_ .4»,-~,I-R:. ~ .~=_~@-1;¢;§*»=-._§v,;$z~ - ~a92-¢= ' ~~1: 5* = QA'IE_ i!-T22 - I1 ?/974 = ==¢;-. .;,~=~;é***"Z"=3 -~ "%§§h 3?-& . .. _ . wk-*~»_~_~':=,1- <5.5 <_.*~ 1-. -'5" an _;:3';."' I>55'l"3"--"w"-7*.~* _~<~,,,l 7.. v1 " .»~ ' .,1§.Z<F:.s?.7f',..= V' >1,".-jgf-*;._e,~¢ 1i== ._ EV, _t~~ »_ _- 3,;!?.>.w-:'-_ - J,5».¢~.';_ ~' ».,~ -.1» .-=.. _ 1, ___ " ' . _ 92 I 'Y7__IVi:: _ 1~--T~_ ___ ____ _ 1 » Yul: 1: _ _ -*<£»i;~~* .. .__;,;é~.92-_;' _*-;j~"- vf " .;. - I DQ K' - 0|morw_ mam no. no ,2- 5q|°-|°7_4 _ -.csa ancm. ma zomou '" nan. NO. :1 r"§,__ E, - _A! UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . Memorandum TO SAC, SAN FRANCISCO 100-5no60! bATE= 3/23/65 FROM : SA|||||||||||||||||' " tf1" SUBJECT! MARIO SAVIO SM C Re FD302 dated 2/23/65. The captioned rally, individual was -¢~macmo¢@»ca00caa econ present at aFSM .¢oo ¢o.c ¢ at University activity is of California on 2/12/55. One copy of FD-302 setting forth being placed in his, Subject participated Speaker her case file. as: X Partici a t-_, observe? n Photographs were taken by: ' M §LL4INrunmA1I0N couwarun 9*T V '" Newspaper photographers Police FBI " " T.V. The original *_ FD-302 is B e§¥§ n :'** E ll Other " SubJect's filed in 100-5h559-1A; ~swam .cD ___mMwn___ ' * " AS£R|ALiZEF .. -i..r|L¥nl§__ .../_x£Rox rAA:3L~/ comrzs Ml¢.__pT§ blb #10 1" I _ p FBI:-__.>.492N l-RA|~,'CI ¢/ 54¢ 92Q/92 Buy Saving: U.S. Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan -/Zw-mé»/$7 L I Q ' I U PD-302 1c-xx-es! Rev. .-f 92 K! -__ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION2/23/65 1 Date On February 12, 1965, FSM! held a rally on the Free the steps Speech Movement of Sproul Hall, University of California. MARIO SAVIO spoke at this rally giveing the history of events of the FSM and .claimed that the FSM's objectives had been realized. SAVIO announced that this would be the last FSM rally. achieving the SAVIO stated the 800 people who helped in obJectives were being treated as criminal offenders. He advocated students who dismissal of charges against the were defendants. JACK WEINBERG also spoke at this rally claiming that he wanted to expose the ill treatment being given to the arrested students by the court. WEINBERG advocated dismissal of charges against the FSM defendants. and others Near the close of complained about in Selma, Alabama in the rally, the lack connection with Negro voter tration. WEINBERG also registered policy in Viet Nam. The members to travel SAVIO, WEINBERG, of federal action of the aprotest audience were to protest SAVIO announced able at Bancroft Way at H:OO PM to transport Office Building, U. S. to the policy in that car pools would and Dana Street, Berkeley, demonstrators to the this FD-302 PP°P1a"e 1"°' have been ' be avail- California, Federal Berkeley, California A Date placed in ALL mroanmoucomumm stasis , by ea Federalg Viet Nam. San Francisco. Copies of 0n__ S. then invited to San Francisco, California, Office Building regis- against U. ~ IF _ 100-54559 # y File ~ Ixo/10 /blb 2/V16/65 dictated A _ This document contains neitherrecommendations nor conclusions ofthe FBI. Itis the propertyof the FBI andis loanedto your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed ...,l,.._.___ _»¢¢_¢:..._y92r~~""W¢_.YA-¥Lb&»m;@.>.-~p.1E1wm:~1iL outside your agency. ....__ _. .. -_ -......-..,......_...._._..._.-.._.......... .._. ..- _ ..._ .. _»_. ..*___.__ I -.1 {.. wrlowu. roan no. co MAY ma EDITION GS! G@. REG. NO. 27 ,m¢_,°,_, S I UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Me momndum To sec, .FROM 2 92 SAN FRANCISC 00-5uo60! new SA I 3/23/65 ' . _ I r _. SUBJECTS MARIO SAVIO SM -C Re FD-302 dated 2/23/65. The captioned individual was rally, present at ademonstration & 1 8. tUniversity activity is of California on 2/15/65- One copy of FD~302 setting forth being placed in his _____! her case Subject participated as: SubJect's file. Speaker X I Participant Observer Other Photographs were taken by: air. mroammou cormnmn Nenspaper photographers HEREIN UNCLASSIFIED IS ' Police -aa~n..u-=3=-=0»-1:-4:-=.:.=='.:;_Other The original "DAH B_____ _' _ 1% 92 , FD-302 is filed in 157-258. SEARCHED IKDLXEU ..t.i SERIAUZED _._HLED__._,_ ______. _£x EROX rnAo comes .#10 ISA Z'5195 , /J 0-J 9/0 6L Buy U.S. Saving: Bonds Regularlyon the Payroll Saving: Plan ' 92O I FD-302Rev. 10-ll-63! ' FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 2/23/65 1 Date . On February 12, 1965, the Free Speech Movement FSM! held arally on thesteps ofSproul Hall, University of California. MARIOSAVIO spoke at this rally giveing the history of events of the FSM and claimed that the FSM's objectives had been realized. SAVIO announced that this would bethe last FSM rally. SAVIO stated the 800 people who helped in achieving the objectives were being treated as criminal offenders. ,_.1' 3 He advocated dismissal of charges against the students who were defendants. JACK WEINBERG also spoke at this rally claiming to the arrested students by the court. WEINBERG advocated dismissal of charges against the FSM defendants. that he wanted toexpose theill treatment being given Near the close of the rally, SAVIO, WEINBERG, and others complained aboutthe lack of federal action in Selma,Alabama in connection with Negro voterregis- tration. WEINBERG also registered aprotest against U. S. policy in Viet Nam. The membersof the audience were then invited to travel to San Francisco, California, to the Federal Office Building to protest U. S. policy in Viet Nam. SAVIO announcedthat car pools would be avail- able at Bancroft way and Dana Street, Berkeley,California, at #:OOPM totransport demonstratorsto the Federal Office Building, San Francisco. Copies of this FD-302 have beenplaced in Pp"°P1a'°e les ALL mrbamxmoucowmmzn rjnsamlégig On___ Berkeley, I1? " 4 $59 California gFe#g 100- 5 92L /blb 2/16/65 by1 eDate dictated _e Thisagency; document recommendations neither conclusions nor the FBI. ofIt isthe property of the FBI and is loaned to your it contains andits contents are not to bedistributed outside your agency. ~~ 0 I FD :02 f 10-11-ea! Rev. i jE O Mi. ~! FEDERAL BUREAU'OF INVESTIGATION 2/23/55 92 ._ 1 1Date . e On February 15, 1965, the Congress of Racial " Equality CORE! and the Students Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC!held anoon rally on the steps of Sproul Hall, University of California, in an effort to gain support for amass demonstration on Friday evening in gakland, California, protesting racial discrimination in akland. _Approximately 1,000 - 1,200 people stood in the Sproul Hall Plaza to hear MARIOSAVIO andLARRY KNOP speak regarding alleged racial discrimination in Oakland and office of the the Federal SAVIO and KNOP,called for asitin United States Attorney CECIL Office Building, San Francisco. spoge ofnthe "inaction of the federal government in Selma, Ala ama. . that the "FBI does nothing except agents have become agroup in the F. POOLE at SAVIO stated take notes of stenographers." SAVIO announced that cars and the would leave the campus area to travel to the Federal Office Bilding at San Francisco beginning at 2:00 PM. He stated that the group would visit CECIL F. POOLE in the Federal Building and ask him at the to: of five CORE Oakland. l.Insure federal protection for demonstrators. Jack London Square next Friday night. 2. Request the FBI to investigate the arrest members in last Friday'sdemonstrations in 3. To voter registration protest the in selma, government's failure Alabama. to aid L IfR ~__-T'-1 Man ix"- >' ' ' " _ " ' ' ' COHTAIE;-.4_~.-.;;=I;_;= " " HEREIN SUNC DAH ¥ IFIED ' at Berkeley,'California Fe#* 157-258 -92o/30/blb Date dictated p2/16/65 O This document neither recommendations conclu nor ion f th FBI. It ' th ~ your agency; itcontains and its contents are not to be distributed outssidesygur zfgency. is eproperty of we FBI and ls loaned to I V > 11 : 2 Es 157-258 c/ db W SAVIO claimed that Title 18, United States Code made itpossible for the Special Agents of the FBI to make arrests without a warrant when they observed a violation of the law. SAVIO claimed that this action was Selma, Alabama, because the FBI refuses to protect constitutional Director J. rights. JACK WEINBERG then took not taken in EDGAR HOOVER the microphone and told the assembled group that the Oakland Police Department did everything possible to harrass demonstrators noting that he, WEINBERG, received two tickets last Friday night WEINBERGurged everyone present to Join the demonstration at the Federal Building immediately following the rally. In addition following persons to those mentioned above, were observed by active in the various the discussion speakers: near the the writer the to be microphone with MALCOLM BERNSTEIN ALEX HOFFMAN ROBERT KAUFMAN BARBARA GARSON. Copies of priate case this FD-302 have been placed in files. I appro- I 4-no 12-14-as! Rev. .X-XXXXX . XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATIONSHEET Page s! withheld entirely at thislocation the in file. One or more of the following ii. statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. El Deletionsmade were pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with nosegregable material available for release toyou. Section 552 Db!! A! U d!! El b!<2! [:1 b!! B! E] i!! Cl b!! U b!! C! U l<!! D b!! D! El l<! Z! U b!! E! U k!! U b!! F! El k!! E] b!! U I-<!! U b! -4! U b!! ' E] b! 9! U b!! C] Section §52a El b! l! E] k!! D l<!! Information only pertained atothird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. D U Information pertained only ato thirdparty. Your namelisted is in the title only. Documents originated with another Governrnent agenc}" These documents _ies!. were referred to that agency ies! review for and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency You will be ies!. advised the byFBI as to the releasability ofthis information followingconsultation our with theother agency ies!. _5f_Page s! for withheld the following reason Will be processed s!:__ D52/J9-Q in _Re: 52] Cone For your information: Document -his identified as: ___g_Z::/t wiéri/t __n/M4/1/l ! 7oi 3 Q.9* ,§' I §$Q'Ci >C}¢/_/4;/t:za 54M The following number toisbe used reference for regarding these pages: K, 4 QF /61>» §<~/o ao-l$'2 g I xxxxxx XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX!O{XXXXXX}IXXXXXXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FBI/DOJ 4-no12-14-ea! Rev. If XXXXX FEDERALBUREAU OF FOIPADELETED PAGE iii. i. XXXXXX INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely this at location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. [I]available Deletions were made pursuant the to exemptions indicatedwith below segregable no mate forrelease to you. Section U b!! U b!! U b!! U b!! U b!! 552 Section 552a b!! /92! Ud!! b!! B! El j! Z! b!! C! U RX!! b!! D! U k!! b!! E! [:1 l<!! b!! F! El k!! b!! C1 U92'!! b! 9! El l<!! E] b!! El k!! [J Information pertained toathird only party no with reference to you or thesubject your of U Information pertained toathird only party. name Yourlisted is the in title only. UDocuments originated another with Government agencies!. documents Thesereferred were to that agency ies! review for and direct response to you. request. Pagesthe contain information furnished by of another Government agency You will beies!. advised by FBI as to the releasability this information following our consultation with theother agency ies!. E. -23 Page withheld s! the following for reasonbe s!:g processed Will in ,/=5? Re¢:"'7'+w* = /770 l!P/n/0l 92i?i>~@<=*_»_:,::' f/ BE] -@_ For your information: Hbacument identified -is as __' ' 5 mli Olafm _ __ 5 leltpr to/92P/tr The following number toisbe used for reference regardingpages: these »-t " _Pa, LHTYL "¬~C"/ 3'.2 QLy gfig $1: i6?i- ';f~,'*/@630 i§L/ r;Tl~92!;/ /5'5 XXX}O XXXXXX}-IXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXX I-BI/DOJ I 0 o FD-350 Rev. 7-18-63! 2 .1 MountClippingin Space50%"! »5"":e FSM Backin Aroni II -_1 -_->+~ _ -.. f' -..,, *.-3-.-2 -5 Savio Lashes Kerr-a'§'l*H .- Leaders of. the Univer- an apology to students, facul- 1 92 . v.,_ f 2an ".@& 15:.. ..i warned that Regent med-§ dling in internal affairs of, Free ty. and administration. P45;-} name oi Savio was particularly ired ithe campus"will not be tol-j > Indicate Sp e e ch Movement,qui- over the suggestionthat the ferated. newspaper, city and state.! ' escent since the beginning Free Speech Movement was oi? the spring semester, in any way associated with staged a noon rally that the untor7.alnate.froe s;::<|1al Sacramento over Savio. 92.i0~ enrolled as{;a_ Brought out 2300 students intercourse m 0 ve m e n t," is notpresently sity of California 77 .-, .n 3There was aflurryjln; _ which he describedas inde- student.SenatorJ. Eugene_ 92M<:Ateer Dem-S.F.! blasted; Mario Savio, a former stu- fensible. the Universityfor permitting dent, lambasted President. But he-ts 4;: * Lliat they Clark Kerr as a "two-laced don t expel people from lSavio to worh seven-and-a-; half hours as a philosophy hypocrite and warned fol- _. ¢,;g& '5 *" i.l-.3.-,&# ""52 -=_ 1-". yesterday. school just for being silly, reader last January, earning lowers not to sign petitions he said. Vurging Kerr to withdraw his Bettina Aptneher, a mem- 1$15.53for his chm resignation. said ber of the FSM steering com- Universityspokesmen He called Kerrs resigna- mittee, said the real issue on lit is mot unusual"for nonto read examination the camp: was free speech students; tion statement shameful - - '.. § ;- >7 _.1S. F. ___Pg. » 1- 92 <X - -. s;92. Chronicle 1.5 1...;» _, ._.._ .,.,,-F g '2. -:n_ § San Francisco, %_la?e"rlity and papersfo_r_proies'sors. They anddishonest-""-an%lled forandnot said Savio 1S not now em~~ Calif . 5*.riii all-"1 ployed,and has not worked; atUCsince then. y_, __- To qualify for payment Savio was required to si n thetraditional loyalty oai, swearing to defendthe cdp-1 stitutions of the Unittjd States andCalifornia and also attesting he belongs to ' 3 /1 2/65 natsubversive organization Dam Final st kingtheoverthrow of the government by violence. 3 force and up his $15.53 check is not known, butit wagissued on: . ;i fF;.,n Edition: Whether Saviohaspicked . QNcomalnl! ~-'§§i_il¢§i_iss1r1ao February8. Home Au=h=>rChas . deYnung Ed°==Thieriot Title: s 1.3 .__ .1 ..._.,;_ . » _., -. Character: or "l ' 14' , L . __-té.e 4" ; 113- sr;'<nn.::s1 ,4I re-ftm Classification: --S -, Submitting Office: F D Being investigated "4' _,_ ,'.> FBI--SANFRAi92lC_l°- b* v A es» ._ ./ I§3.~7 . .:r;,;; df. il f¥;~"§ .9-.%$§" __ ~"> 4-tso Rev. I 12-14-as! XXXXXX _ XXXXXX YIZDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirelythis at location in the file. One or more of the following -O statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. E] Deletions made were pursuant to the exemptions below indicated with no segregable for releaseto you. available material Section 552 §gction 5523 El b! l! [J b!! El b!! El b!! U b!! A! Ud!! El b!! B! E] i!! U b!! ¬! U D b!! D! El l<!! E] b!! E! E] l<!! U b!! F! E1 l<!! Ci b! 8! E K!! U b! 9! U <!! 1 U b!! El b!! El RX!! El k!! Informationonly pertained to a third party with reference no youthe to or subject of your Informationonly pertained toathirdparty. Your name listed isin thetitle only. Documents with originated Government These documents were referred to that agency ies! review for another and direct response to you. agencilies!. request. Cl D Pagesthe contain information furnished by another Government agency You will beies!. advised by FBI as" to the releasability this information of following consultation our with theother agency ies!. -L "P W! E Page s! for withheld following the Will reason beprocessed s!: in /5}?!"~5§ Re : For information: your Document identified g_ is :11/!<!/mat as: 2% I-3"& 3 .2/4.5" t- 2K. J1/ /<17..-i ' The following number to beisused reference for regarding these pages: *"' ,,-- <§!/ .1 xxxxxx XXXXXX XXXXXX 1+.»~< ea é>" /J? XXX!O XXXXXXJ-IXXXXXXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X _ -' 4I- " ".,___ """--"<' ==4-»~.~.'.A --" 1'Q>. _....._.-_. .._, _-"' _____N'*'~~=-'Y=r-92..,.,u4-,,__,,:.,__ _, .-._.. .___ "=*= ._,__H _>__;_ 4: 1 >7 HL -»~~- , _..t»,_»~_~,.-_._.. ___ I__, - Q Ec; @.'»-t Q. I » i MD """'"92 ATHE RESENT 92/92 15:. ii;"|"_L VQ F-_ C792wL_iD z ~;__;; _ ~::*Z%.5 What will guarantee that Q" -?.;.& .1;-1 -J.3; auj» I ,.'~ Ii §*~ 1 4~ .-Ht, >3 the policies of the December 8th Resolution will guide the regulation zlctiviiy on the campus How are the Spider of political '? Ei and 'obsc¢':nity't cases relevant""5 ¢:»-" -Q INTERPRETATIDN AND DISCUSSION BY: REGINALD Z-ELNICK ~;; I92/FA RIOSAV IO 3"-i.=Y »~_¢»; TI*i'C!PA MAS RKINSON ._., Y» 92 .1 Rom-:R'r smp £{.AUFMAN £___mD SERIAUZEU /.é..L4..<. 2L.  <7" t _  To be followed by discussion open the oor. FB]__ from MAQ 2J 1 H3331}; 1965 -2 ALL INFOIWATION CONTAINTQD IS UNCLAS31x§92IF»9,§;;;;?MAA bb e _, ,_--: /"§ 16%» o33-1-5% Zoos [Q e 41¢» ';~ ~a ;%wUbN¢£L ¬b¢tALM Q GCCAFTsonsoi:3 ? i 3/Z5/65 labor donated ' " -L P ~ W OJC Q/vk/LPJ924L¢-a»~/A92, 6w.Au.»@> 3 to $* 1/5/o t 'Q U/C. ¢w92,.3/:z9292~{924$'~ 'U.4.¢» I < I ,0 - OPYKMAL FORM lb- 16 < solo-au UNITED STATES GOVEKNMENT -1 Memorandum W To ' SAC, SAN FRANCISCO 00-5uo6o! OATHu/3/65 /,_, V; L/ SUBJECT! ROBERT MARIO S/A6IO SM-C I / with individuals whom ley and not appearing to be students. She this group suspicioned her presencein the a she described felt as V that area as they seemed watch to her and gradually they drifted away in 1 V10 small groups, leaving the park onarather detour-type , route. The group completely was dissipated by p.m. 1 92 V?! She was unable to observe what they were doing other than and talking out was earshot. of P furnished the above information for wha ver value itmay be or interest to this Office. I i I1' »- » 00$! .- 92 4LL Iuroéulrxon CONTAI '1» msea AW HEREIN Is ussmznnm 92 . 4sqE § vs. M" _Brzzrg, _ /P0 "J/4 £0 A57 'gkjyzxsc oswwgp - ...._.~ seamuzs LEI zI/'92 7'-'. FBI}; SAN. i=R;92F*9,§°' .92Q92 Q I I OPTIONAL, I FORM NO. I0 _-f_ luv malumen an cm. nu.Mo. n . Jam-my-4 4. *_ _ . . . - '_ . U1}!TED STATES GOVE;92NMENT g' Memorandum T0 : SAC,SAN FRANCISCO 00-5UO50! DATE; FROM : 3A 3/Q4/55 1 x 1 I SUBJECT! w<#r¢:ee=v::ww:r¥A3I0 AVIO e SM -'C Re FD-302 dated 2/11/65. The captioned individualwaspresentat a H8 3l92$»100v7l02J90l61JO0300060160 M 1 rally, at University of activity is California on 2/11/65. One copy of FD-302 setting forth SubJect's being placed in his, her case file. ' Subject participated Speaker Participant Ob server as: -0 XIN ALL 1nFomAT1?gSg%§'§ » ". C e",5;&_ .- ___Other Photographs were taken by: None known. Newspaper photographers §5 Police " FBI T.V. Other II H 7 I! The original FD-302 is é 1 fi1ed_in 1oo_5u559-1A, /Def v , $7 / J, _ kt -f~ 92"a|__L J:_ cow .-_; '. _,r. .-/ ; v'-Fox E 1 eat y 92H;>___---:_;V_~;_-f . 92v -___.__ 92. bib #10 d , Bay U.S. Saz/mg: Bond: Regularly an the Payroll Saving: Plan - W C/ I_. . 6 F°"°"°°! R""QEDERAL BUREAU OF lNVESTlGA'I u. D... 2/23/65 1 On February ll, 1965, the writer Plaza at the a rally was University from about 12:00 noon to 1:10 was for the purpose of hearing speak on the "free university." GOODMAN generally laws and restraint of of the speech, STEPHEN Graduate Coordinating representing the for "as May Second purpose of in Viet west on the Nam. way to to the and then Shattuck Avenue went south on Shattuck Avenue Service Headquarters in the made to Bancroft until approximately observed to mount 2:1O,PM. astreet-side and address the demonstrators requesting that of draft age sign adeclaration which states ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED .92 1- U CLASSIFIED 0.. 2/11/65 .... .B@1"1<@l¢¥ Cslifsrnia PM .,__am Q4 your agency; main Street, where they the sidewalk at the Street in front of the HEREIN IS This document contains march was The demonstrators paraded four abreast Shattuck Avenue north to Center Street, MOSGOFIAN was all males Selective Berkeley. Bancroft way stopped briefly on Bancroft way to Fulton way, east staged aprotest demonstration on corner of Bancroft Way and Fulton mail box pleas in a march to - 300 persons were observed Telegraph Avenue entrance to at approximately 1:15 PM. proceeded Service Headquarters, west on Bancroft streetin downtown Berkeley.! Selective of all Movement made special Bancroft Way, Approximately 250 as they assembled at the the University of California The group middle of a U-turn and rally advocated abolishment MOSGOFIAN stated the current U. S. policy then paraded PM. This PAUL GOODMAN,Sociologist, to Join Service Headquarters}2199 Selective ASUC Student campus activities. At the close WEISSMAN representing the Council and DENNIS MOSGOFIAN many as possible" to oppose qbserved by of California A/Mb .>............. 2/16/65 neither recommendation:not conclusions oi the FBI. It it and its contents 10°-W559 are not to be distributed outside your uqency. le the property of the F81 and la loaned to I 92 t I92 0 gr 100-5 559 92 /qa _4 Ct 0 the signatorees opposed "U. S. military the war in South "refusal to Viet Nam" fight against intervention in and further states their the people of Viet Nam." Many of the demonstrators carried signs attacking U. S. policy in Viet Nam suchas "war on Poverty-Not Viet Nam" - "Get Out of Viet Nam" -"Don't Fight Johnson's Dirty War" and others. persons were observed by the writer in this The following as they participated demonstration: , L// DENNIS MOSGOFIAN MARIO SAVIO EDWARD ROSENFELD SUZANNE GOLDBERG SERGIO SCHERR swsvs PLAGEMANN STEPHEN WEISSMAN HOWARD HARAWITZ MARTIN ROYSHER ELLEN HARAWITZ PETER MULDAVIN CHARLES AARONSON CHARLIE ARTMAN RON ANASTASIA DAVID GOINES DAVID MANDEL RICHARD.BROADHEAD JACK wsxussno MARVIN GARSON HOWARD JETER BARBARA GARSON LARRY KNOP JERRY RUBIN BETH STAPELTON MIKE FRIEDMAN SYD STAPELTON STEPHEN DE CANIO Copies of this FD-302-have appropriate case files. ALEX HOFFMAN been placed in 1 ME M O R AN TO: _SAC, D UM :~ . United States _Government : PITTSBURGH lOOl16T5! so 4 DATE: 3/P4/55_ _ m7 C,TT___,_~iDICTATED;_i3 *Mf'SUBJECT£"JOHNSON-FOREST GROUPWT BY' 9 *5 '_ 1 ,%§§ ~~~ ~* ~_-~ -INTERNAL sncunrwy -JFG _I_-i._._._ .Source: -: Date of *? Date -._:£.§.4 -,-an 1 Activity: _1 Joint1§!'w_*_f_~mfmf _ Receivedz"-"-"~~" Agent Receiving: File Location: SA -1 le2- 1 -Pittsburgh g _1 - ' - 10 ; Detroit 1'-§__ ~§% < 1 1! RM! * _ 1 ,*,.;i. ~__§..-.&_'. ~..-A. ~-_ .5. {Q ;'. * 1,-giu :33? .- s. ,~ ;<,-t .b1c- H§ ;¥i 37' -Boston loo-29261f JFc! RM! it 1;!0 - . ;~ 137D ~ » u-New Y¢rk RM! "92 W 92 °' 100 -111o6M "JFG! icog _ 3_ Q {rib <R?"! ha. 5»; K"Q,-I fa-f-;~'? ;::".' - -"7!92 .-' 3*}? 1___ '. Q1"! .~?ii= _5 -Lo S 100- ;b7C/ ._.>v 1. = .1 1-_ §38Francis<¬3 ._ 49% Q f3Z_éé:l. ,1..... __ I Q ' :L_____ A ' 1 .V ' - _--13%? _ vn" .921~92A'fI'bmacoN-.~*11"3P ' if E;-:=::s7>~z ~12;-as sac-WN:_ ,1 _ 0SA-W aall GADB H 11; .~.-92 4-no 1:-14-as! Rev. Q XDOOOCX ! FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET s Page s! withheld entirelythis at location in the file. One or moreof the following ii. statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletionsmade werepursuant to the exemptions below, indicated no with segregable material available for release to you. &w_ti9.1.1__22l E1 mu! E I E1 b><2> El b!! £21 tbxo El <b><s> EJ 92>!<6> Q C] 5 I F 0 § ¢ El D .__-- 4-Z-iv o>>< u>>< <b>m --.:;...:;.._.~-...;§:.~.;;.....-;.~;=.-~'.;¢.-..-.,..»-..h -.- ,-.. », .... ' ..._ - ,._., W... -4 . _,_,__,_,*..*_§_7::_,<i_:,._ _,__, , , ___, , __,____,, I"%"I'I'I'":' I§.IIII'IIIwM' ;{~"!"'W"I II"'"_Im'~*& II ...__ ,_._A I , ___.__A' , V .___.._,.~.-_. _._._._.._._-.>-_ _ ._.,-__.... _ _.I,..___.____»._-_-_._._.___4_-..___ ..___..,_____-_ ._ _ ....--,.._____.__._..__-_ ___.._.._______ _______.._._~---, _=" -0 FF rein - ME M 0 5». N D UM' UNITED"S'1ATES'G ' - * 4 _ I _ I'Oh:_ ' SAC , LOS ANGEI.ESf .00-551155! a:1,L~: 55?? 92I we_..W :.;w,»>. _» '_92'£?T=¢ DATE:3/25/65' _~ ,,:i.'f"Eijié}EEi;§;'émmI'X~'§ I-M W II " I 4 _ ' "W ' $";~ . .;?_§__._,v " '. 5" I I sourrmau CALIFORNIA nxstcnxctc, 95°-A$5"lE 57* -"' II>IIIllIIIl?. E~Is-<= -I . I ' I I I -14:.-*1/, 1zD»~»~<~~-E 1 _§:é1¬s_~_ P; ». 32;: {" SOURCE 92 ,» $ - ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT / -.-- it ' _:_;y;;=,7 ,i?;1.=;» .- Writer ~: '*-.'.'-c ' 1-.-' -.1 1 Informa.nt's report is quotedas follows: 2;. *4 .; M cZ§ss.. .v~1F/1-9954 Franci Declassi i nr Wm 157-. .:.._; 92 /sq _ Q6 92oD .6 1': E.¢. "1.; 92 ,_._ -1 ,-SIC H bV/ ALL! .w1ouconwA1m n1:?.z::~: =1" <:-" $1! 22:02?-'.=*.-zi Y-us saovm on-:2~:RwE WORLD -< socmry! MARIO SAVIO u! - {I' szmoum E rwecw 9/ ._<._< CULTURAL APR 7 1965 I FBI SAN FRANCIS l 4-no 1:-14-as! Rev. J9' H pi, AW 1XXXXXX XXXX xx: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 02/ Page withheld s! entirely at this location theinfile. One or moreof thefollowing & statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletions made werepursuant to theexemptionsbelow, with indicated no segregable material 121 available for release to you. Sgggign Q52 Elmu! E1 two! El mo! D <b><4! i ! El u>>ts> <b><e! El El El Z-_-in .1-1-- El i t 1 ll El l 0 I l I 4 XXXXXX <b>< b>< <92> u>>m f ~__ 41 . P OPTIONAL FORM NOV I0 MAY IN1 EDITION GSA GEN. REG. N0. 27 x 4 -5am_|g;_4 ~ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENTL} I '2 I I i 1 M emoranaum I To =SAC, SAN FRANCISCO ///:9-§¢0w!YA DATE, 5/@f ,/ FROM1SA ' 92 / SUBJECT! / 5"l' 5 SM - C Re FD-302 dated?/ha !// 5The captioned individual was present 7;?" ' 7-; "1@ I at a ~rally_, demonstration,-pic-1»set-1-inersi:t'"in*or _¢z_j92 ¢ atxi/U 7' 17 California L1;/1'¢,»L<Q_ onP?92%/ Qx I rth Subjec"'s activity One copy isbeing of FD302 setting -0- t placed in hi§4 her case file. Subject participated Speaker L@ Photographs were > / 92 D ' ": i. ~ION C0NTA1* ~ ' I taken by: 5; ., .-_~--vi .,-_...» A p'x?"_;~; . ; =5" 5 Newspaper photographers " /_ Police " FBI : T.V. s.-fr-13-5 as: Q Other g § Part blp nt.-_ Observer s .~ .:;?i=;V !:v|.4' t=' V.-fa. .,-"K%&# ..1; I I I Other V The originalFD-302 isfiled $10K ARV in! .1 &# .-re :_-I3 /" f;_§'1'/ =_ ¢ . _ V» .< smcuzo _..+ NDEXED c SERIALIZED 92MFIL¬9___-{' L___' -st./' ,___/_XEP.O2<1 :,:Ac corazs FBI SAN FRANCI ' ¢A ~ .' ' - #10 PR 2 1955 - K Z /!Q/ / él Buy U.S.Bond; Savings Regularly on t/weSaving: Payra/l P/an I ' ' . <. FD-302 Rev. 10-11-ea! " >2/19/65 . .FEDERAL BUREAU OFlNVE$HGAl@M 1 Date ¢;=.o-=--'~; -_....;.. ..-. -92~ =-"¥"§_$_I .92 _>__ , On February ll, 1965, at about 2:00 p.m., a demonstration against U. S. policy inViet Nam was held at Selective Service Headquarters, Local Boards 46-48, ,,. , 2199 Bancroft El.-35*? 3.1 Way, Berkeley, stration was California. This sponsored by the May demon- 2nd Movement. F 920c/ Local Boards#6-#8, 7 advised on e ruary 12, 1965, that DENIS MOSGOFIAN and EDWARD ROSENFELD entered the Selective Service Headquarters ..'r:'*Z'i.I"during the February ll, 1965, demonstration and presented .-'-92 >;.~ -. a large scroll signed by 94 demonstrators. The scroll was -av aroll of white shelf paper with the following written in grlf ~bold l es" blue letters: E "A Declaration . -;'»;»= -_ "r-.'1.if-*4; "$;;_. 2.-i==-=_'.':"-*- 1 »?I~ 1 1 "We, the undersigned are of draft age. y "We are opposed to intervention in v -n_a>~u_ 1.-at-,---¢ United States the war United States participation is for suppression of for self-determination young Americans military in South Viet Nam. inthat war the Vietnamese and national struggle in- dependence. ."i. 3 .;_92_._, -7 "WE HEREWITH,STATE OURREFUSALTO FIGHT AGAINST THE F U11. -'2 Immediately following '"~.-4-.~_;_the following .--~ _.'; L, .1}. .-¢__~¢w-. 1,.-9-1 _' 3'" ""1 ~e J» -. V ~__ ~~1< _1. l 5; -L = IEDWARD signatures: sp the above after name declaration were denotes illegibility! J. ROSENFELD gOSEPH E. DIGILIO 8 onFeb. 18! TEPI-£ENDE CANIO MICHAEL KOGAN gal INFORMATION g%§¬AINED é; , ?,;f§FE2-§.<P-$93 7.._. e$9r ,._ ..-1 ...,_~ :.--. 1:; ;r- -- - é? _.-.--_.5 PEOPLE OF VIETNAM." 1 2/12/65at Berkeley, California Fe# SF 100-5#559 On by ' Date 1ated dict 2/15/6 ' , I <0 0 .L 1» .1 2 SF 100-5#559 Qéig aw W Q .; 1 MICHAEL SCHWARTZ F. HUBERT FIELDS DAVID BRANDT ERICKSEN »IcEAEL KLEIN :~. 3 - :3--. ... "3' .._;" M -9.-_,,.."~ , - _1,~.>=» 11£1 _-A*I:&# LEE CRONBACH,II .TERRENCE .:§§ e. CADY NILLIAN REIS JERDRE EREEDNEEA riis ;;*:f3 RoNNIE WIDFIELD s 8 JAMES D. PRIDEETI MICHAEL JAMES LESNISIEIT on Ja.n.9! RIcEARD MEYERS mmT.mmwm w J. DAVID STEIN A43-is-6! s" ;_.'*; .'- *-' _< -.1 ..: STEVEN M. LIPSON SAMUEL P. SLOTKIN DANIEL s. ROBERT SERGIO SCHERR ROLAND FINCH DENIs MOSGOFIAN WOLFGANG FRIESON -:15 we BERNARD A.TIMEERE Sp! IAN UNDERWOOD JAMES 0. COHEN JOHN HAYES ERIC or ENO! HOLDEN DAVID GOINES eARwooD SMTH NMRTIN ROYSHER STEPHAN wEIssNAN DEARLIE BROWN!ARTMAN ROY BISSELL JAMES w. MARGOIS sp! HARVEY MEYERS THOMAS A. FISKE ROBERT 0. CIRESE PETER MULDAVIN NEDEAEL s. KELLEY STEVE IsAAcsoN RAY B. TARKINGTON STEPHAN SHOLL iwxa "!_"Z55;3&7; I» ' _ 3' '_ v. _.159 , . F ~P .5 =.' Q ,A~ 4 . _=< =?f§ 1. ..f¬ 3M :2 $2 *5 4! 7 ' 5»».-. ~ -' 1.31 q,. _ -&&# I _ - =0 Q *" _/ ~ 3 $2- 1' :15 , SF 100-54559 cw :'l_v 1;.'f A. W 92or"; <1/ MICHAEL C. BERRY SETH SELMAN BILL CALFISON Sp! DAVID RIKE MARVIN T. GARSON JACK RADEY BRIAN PROUDFOOT LEE RELSENSTEIN DARMANRAREY Sp! K £1: , __~._8?;. _». t I 1:_ ' 2113 MELTON HARE 1. ~-~;_ LANRENCE SHAPIRO BB . RICHARD BROADHEAD CHRIS CHASE-DUNN D. H, FINDLAY DOUGLAS KEUCHIESp! .> Ri JOHN TIMOTHY LEON M. BRADFORD, JR. RON GOLDSTEIN DAVID KAST BOB WILSON PAUL GILBERT BOB COOPER BRUCE COLKINS FREDERICK SHELL g -$75: _-ER L3 KEVIN LANCDON MATTHEW ZION MICHAEL MARCUS RONALD J. MARUTH sp! FREDERIC BRUNKE EDWARD A. HART HOWARD HORAWITZ KENNETH ROSENTHAL MARK C-OODI--H-1N THEODORE SCHROETTER RAY BARGLOW ROBERT HERITT Sp! STEVE HAMILTON STEPHEN PLAGEMANN KEN SPIKER G. CHANAB Sp! A 1,. >'--:& _1-152,,. .,;-,-B -;9!:. . --35¢ , ?..;{_*,i: w. '5 x ' -3 ' .1~w *5.-- ' -':-= 1-,-.~. ,Q.»,_ J¢_-IR 543;? I 5.~.'s I16-as-i I g hp 5*. SF 100-5M559 ggrs 92>7é/, @T§ -*>§,*_f§ %$* MARIO SAVIO §%w ¬r1- ELVIN H. FIELDER Sp! ROBERT C. WOLFSON PAUL M. COOPERSMITH MICHAEL FRIEDMAN GARY FELLER PETER G. ROGERS GERRY HERRQN ' JERRY RUBIN The above scr-oll contains made available b Tne pho";<>graphed and 55¢; J. b 1 l :-.=r _" 9lL signatures ne print and was scroll was also are in 100-54559-1A. I we p°sseSsi° ° »-» 4' , 5"-Q; .1. The or'i'gina.1. scroll is no lonsger in .fn"'!C_ 1.. u.--. 2 . 4 I.-A, 2 . .j _.11 _-L . Y. I » S1 fl . *my .5 92 §1:» ""7?<*."» E .5% '92 I FD-350 Rev. P 7-16-53! 9 I 4 MountClippingin SpaceBelow! f Sev-inQiu-oieei-at? U.C. Sit-in . - t1 ' ll' Trial I BERKELEY Mario--SavioHonour nr:c1s1or§,_;_; ' I jshoutedthrough a bullhom to , Golde asked Beall who ordered him to makethe arrests. his?fellowdemonstrators in,Beall replied it was a decision ;Sp|1oul HallattheUniversity ofby the group.It was' ot California to move to theup-Qmade tan order." » f ~r ~ per floors to make the arrests Beall, like a report by U.C. Lt. Merrill Chandlerbefore him, more difficult. U.C. Police Sgt. RobertLud- saidthat he hadbeentold that, den mtified to this p-_=si.»:'nidiovernor1'-irown hadphoned at; nightepisodein court yesterday?l0:50 p.m. to order that the as the took the witness stand in demonstrators be arrested. ~~ the non-jury trial of Savio and _ Beall yesterday descrihrd the? 154 fellow demonstrators arrest- arrests which started with a yell ed in the Dec. 2-3 sit-in on;*thecops arecoming." 0ve1{700,; campus. taken into custody inthe eprly "~ iLunden, onthecampus force, ~ymorning. Themasstrial of the; is onmisdemeanor chafges, fair17% years, saidthat on thatlp155 , ~ .-n4-5, tumultuous night he was sta- ;stemming from tho§e_arrests. ,1 tihnednear the main doors of Sproul Hall shortly after midnight when an unidentified man called in to tell the sit-inners that he had heard that Governor Brown had ordered arrests. ACCUSE $AVln t.~.§=. f7¬{3* ,-_ l ' ..-vi ._5,£:¢: Ludden said Savio appeared .3 onthefirst floorto repeatthe inf mation and then called on =- indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! tha floor and move above. . i le quoted Savio as advisi the demonstrators to give their -i .¢.92 -_i. :,§-:3 __? Oakland Tribune ___ Oakland, Califa g:1-F &# has it:- the demonstrators tovaczit aI.L__I 1 Data: I-':& . - -,_ -.-': I»-8-65 I you g FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! . t ' " '~./ T _... MountClipping in space Below! - 4 . r< Coakley thafliel1ad's'tretched thelimito_ AttorneyJ. Frank Coakleyshisremar-rlrpastr an opening statement, " opening s't'aE'1T-iii. ' I do not wantto make f'_'lhe~ purpose hereis to ruling. So -kindly temper i /Repgloft §av1os i1? --r : V aw»;  ".1; _._ . nit .. .2 giveyoua fair_hearing," he your remarks,"he ordered; said.lfyoii"dont like reHISTORY OFFSM 1 Veice pT 1 marks that I make please Coakley complied, _ try to control yourselves. The district attorney said Many eZ~<~ E l;._ ;:_;.._; be hat during the Fall semeste' made that -may greatly in- at the Berkeley campus o U.C. asmall group of stu-, page, indicate name of andnon-students newspaper, city and state.! -the visitors in the public gal- dents lery. . formed the Free Spe ht 1 5. remarks will T l.p8 R8COTdi!lg92'icense you, the attorneys and At Sit-I n Trial, By FRED fa Movement which was a h N0 JURY core of season-id agitators to .92LLGOOl92-92 ,1 This trial must he coira motley | ducted under the strictest which gravitated rcollection of students. 3 rules and this court will not ThevoiceofMario! -1.13. Siavin. 92_vhir.'h touched offtolerateanythingbut order,"I i the SproulHall sit-inslast December, was heard in 1 d dJ d C -tt, d Their leaderwasa stul ='dent named Savio. Notlone §:¬§i§ earigggfhe gsgriygjlout ofNew York, he foresoog o the name of Robert ajury. to the most glamorous name oi BerkeleyMunicipalCourt7 Thelaughter came when Mario. yesterday as the trial oi Coakleylaunchedinto an atthe first batch of sit-instack on Mario Savio,leader He wasa juniorstudent began. in philosophy but soonebe--.~ of Student Free Speech , »;.7§_' . Movement came which staged the what is known as a Savios p ole m i c outside sit-in Dec. 2 but was termi- drop-out and now operateson ] Sproul Hall. deliveredon Dee. nated by the arrest of 773 the fringe, he said. ~ 2, was captured on tape that _emonstrators. i Coakleysaid that Savi da and played before Judge Rj pert Crittenden near the 'efied the Regents, Pres-g cltse of the first day of tes- it uxbaum objected to Coak- dent, Chancellor. and other ' eys statement and Critten-t tir ony. _officials. 4 to wateri niversity rhe speechwas a rouser, as den askedCoakley t He said the leadersof the down his remarks. _.-> i witnessthe fact thereare 155 FSM0rganized the sit-in as defendants in the trial-and ~ Buxbaumobjecteda sec- a spectacular move to boost ond time when Coakleyre- 1 S.F .Examiner ,-cted arrogantly and open F J Defense attorney Richard thats only the first batch. l their slacking movement. morning withtestimony fromgood actor oregocentric per- _ nnscnmnsRALLY ferred The trial resumes-this to Savio as either a rally Sproul Hall officeworkers sonalitywho could easilybe He described the which was held..o.n...£he steps whoare expectedto tell how manipulatg-1_1;'_92L_gthers.Z' marchthey were discomo-92 This time Crittenden told of Sp_rou1 Hall on Decemberl biilated by the sit-ins.' wvannrxo BYJUDGE; ".'>:3.~';- San Francisco,Celifa b ' . "T, », ; rs; Date: I-|»"2 -65 Edition: Final Authon Fred Allgood I-:<w<>== Edmund J .Dooley .- Title: 1 ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED '-.'?@"-" f-Berkeleys 300-seat Vet'Lrli.EllEIN IS Character: or ans Auditorium is the scene- ._,_£: ofthe mass trial, which began? DAT? with a stern warning by Classl ilcctlon: JudgeCrittenden to the de- ____.._ fendants that he will tolerate; no disorderand/ordemon-3 strationsin his court. ' E] Beinginvestigated y, Crittenden cutshortnoisy, studentlau£-_h.te_LJ&;b1¢h burs. out duringA1?Y.!12§.=?-.1?i_$l=?1.°. l 7* --- __ _ -iv -...._.'l , uzso J APR t<=-"*1 i 92Q92 F81 --ea}!-1 z-at l ~»_:__ v Submitting O§§ice:SE _-¢i_______ . ' 1;?-& I J. .t *1-av ' u< A 0 ...:.:¬:" : 3, When t§1.e___5_gg;ents were] Suit, neatly pressed. He has urged tomarch intothe Hall had arecent"lT3'1FET. ' of Administration Building cheered when _unt1l either the administra-The students toward them._ l tion capitulate or thestudentsSavio waved arrested. l 92 Most ofthe FSMleaders _.5 .a _. __ ».- §/'_ The demonstrators roamedwore suits and looked the ofideal students.An around, blocked entrances models to! exception was Arthur Gold.! offices, _"=nterlered with worl<,_§ were singing, g, berg, s h 0 utin - -;."»§J Who was dressed in a breaking windows, and mak-ashy °P8nnecked shirt. ling apublic nuisance of The courtroom has 300 seats and was -Ttil'¬d"3lmos themselves, said. .he _ !1 The District Attorney §nq¬*°"¢aPa¢"Y- the students were orderedto ; 1.. .--gt r: .v§.&# ,_;,," lc1:.';c when that building is regularly closed, t and at 3:10 a.m. by Chancel-l lor.Edw:».rd Strong. willfully, deliber ,te~ ._3chd ¢0¬lqi_yfe1y'co1nmit?ez crirjjesthe with full knttlwl-__ edgy of_t_heir consequenc s. THE cuanons They defied the law and invited arrest. The prosecu-- tion askseach be found guilty; on all counts, Coakley said. The students are charged with trespass, failure$4to perse from an unlawful as- sembly and resisting arrest. Buxbaum replied that the prosecution had insufflc ent, evidence to prove itscase _§ The evidencewill si ow that theconduct was moti-_ vated by high principlesl n eg ati n gcriminality, he. said. - ' _'_ Buxbaum said that the conduct of the students was 2 petition against grievanqesj atld was therefore protected by theConstitution. He that thestatutes under w ch, they were tried were of, doubtful legality. ' "i .. -/92»T -1. _.4 ;;.,._ ,_._92._t,_..4:-_,_-»,'-.X¢_.-"*"' ._ ..=.. 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SAVIO wAs'"ATfACKso BY rilebit 92» -Other sit-in defendants shown: Weinberg, Jack Susanne and Goldberg Q ANSWER ROLL CALL_ At the start of Crittenden ordered the trial each de- fendant tostand upand, an; SW81call. r_o1l ' First wasMario Savio, who were zrexii BEST 00PY AVAILABLE 6L .___ _:_ I 7 r 1. "Optiona1F6fmNo. I0 v P § United States -» Government A ~ME?iORA'92?DUM ~ T0:_ SAC, SAN FRANCISCO ._:;__. .1};_ ~"~.:.i~_;_;. ,~¢¬==!.'-:1. _. @553 Date§ApR 5 1965 From: _S s = .,-;.-=:~' ---~ 4-'1 ».av1,;;-j.» ; § 5 ' , , <2 ' v. §?: .~,.; .~ 10 .~*~r@:192- §@y A-H Subject, ~ %%* '§§f§1¥i~: .,yA __ ~ __....___._ _- ,._ --_-.----_----~ - muuo Av|o"' 2904 ADMIN! - --~' - can-92:|.z92v cu. 9470: ~~r-~ ue no as ~141- _~'"H F 1:? wn . P EOPLE'S 5&1? £@? WORLD"92 -c .b7¢» APR 2 - ~- -- »-~------~~ w ' I Y ACAL IF 94109 -+-~~-'~ _92|lIII!'g_' u6no es a_ ¬%§i .-.__.i-._4.~ ~-1 -_ h-?' Y it. zzsz smcnorr §§?%_~__________A____o______,_,,_,_ »L»-_-a¬---»-~" ._.--,@ ERK IL .w Qav _~. .-3. at * b9 1965 ~~~ _t_ ; $1 .ormation - 1' 4 San Francisco Office. The ;..__ '7' -'7 .1 011" ,,411 {=3 i_.-z ;.1,,__ $_?;' _ :5. ,- 1| Im- or other files of the * -publishedinweekly San Francisco. >¬f 92 ;.»;»~... 1 1 e=-'_: >,> ,_~ <;':.~' " =.=¢;< .Q » ¢'.---.5. __l_,.f___, .. .<' _ -_ .1» -=.;.-rzg _ if-._ ' .=§~t~ >1; »a.'~_"7% ' 1= ' 55';-i"'I ' ormant's file PW is a ' tCoast communist newspaper 92 1 curren ews subjects be handled circumspectly ves tion in this regard. of ore, . 1 I 4-tso Rev. 12-14-as! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX 92 . FEDERALBUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely this at location in the file. One or more of the following ii statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. E] Deletions were made pursuant thetoexemptions indicatedwith below no segregable mate available forrelease toyou. Section 552 Section U b!! U b!! U b!! D b! ~! U b!! 1U 552a E] b!! A! El d!! El b!! B! E! JXZ! U b!! C! E] l<!! E] b!! D! E] RX?! U b!! E! Ci KX3! D b!! F! U KX4! U b! 8! El k!! b! 9! [:1 l<!! U b!! U k!! El Informationonly pertained athird to party with no reference to you or the subject your of lnformation only pertained athird to party. Your name listed is the intitle only. Documents with originated Government These documents were referred to that agency ies! review for another and direct response to you. zigencylies!. request. D Cl Pagesthe contain information furnished by of another Government agency You will be ies!. advised by FBI as to the releasability this information following our consultation with theother agency ies!. __LPage s! for withheld the following reason Will be processed s!:_ S/:1~*1:3;a>in Re: é I A1 _.- ~_v Qi"'> £1 E For your information: gD:>cumertt; identified is as:r; 7.é;",a'i,5:.;* l9l¢?>'>a¢> '_/3éf/ The following number to is be used reference for regarding these pages: 6;: /62>~' ~</é 5741350 7 XXX!Q XXXXXX}§XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXX rat/not I so-aso Rev. 7-16-63! Q .4 _1 ,.1- .. - MountClippingin Spa:e Below! r;i _~.. iii-Zfr / ~--.. ' ;1 Dr~a£ts 4 V ~ . O ' "'| - *4, . '1' 3V10% .1:-I, .£4 ..-.-.. ' ~.~.--& .-92-ma indicate page, M11119 °i newspaper. ¢l!Y °"d s*°*°'! Closing? t-rs; ~. -1'2; I ' r MarioSavio, whocommandsit-in trial in Eiericeley B111 ed his'own privatearmy of nicipalCourt,wherehe is a. ' -Free__'Speech Movement reb- defendant._ elsat the University of Cali- foruia last fail, moved one Savio, whoregistered for the draft inNew York chtyt II1 =>& ..._~_!: 511%: 610561 yesterday £0 be- has iqfour years ago when he was 4 cc ing a private inthoUnit-318, taken partin camus est States Army. . v ,_».iA _t., -. -~...~:-< It, .;..5_ . He reportedat the Armyl Induction Station at 1515 ClaymarchesprotestingUnited St.,Oakland, for a physical Statestroopsin SouthViet- 92 4 nam. ' examination, Savio was selected this 3 Savio said afterwards that month forphysical examina~». 1 - -.4 92 S.F. Examiner the Army hascompleted 90 tionbecause heis nolonger percent of thetestsandpro-a registered student,having] nounced himbothphysically droppedout from UC last and _mentaliyfit for draft January. i San Francisco,Calif. service.He must return to- His chancesfor actual servday __ to complete umhun the exam- icehaveincreased because ination. _ station -92t1on totheSproul Hall theDepartment of Defense Saviow o the induc boosted its quotas recently; Date: The May figures aretwice? ALL INFORM those for 1'53. . fir 12; i...._....' _ _,.c 1 Edition: Author: Editor: Title: it-16-65 Final 2 ..__. 51*-».;& 5. ., ..,,_< re ; 54 ..<:¢_"- $34-2& gze F*4? Edmund J.Dooley - ,,.~.. . i Character: trmln '=§¬f:*~*7* t i '>.92 'v o OI iticution: Submitting Office: G Beinginvtes tiqated i ff:-i._t_ _ f":".- aged 7 ..-..§;.~,..-.» _ fl_{HI V; ""iI="~ I 92 ,_.i_, _ ...... _>-,;:92 r::._~' 1 : '3 ,-l 3 -~¢|92 4i--.1ax - ~ ~- Wt I il >. / FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! MountClipping in SpaceBelow! 5'2 "--":3. '1 r>= 'Z ; .=0»:/r _-Ba. --at; __: i ,J §3;q§_¬lli1!; . 1.1-7 Q-i92 _"II.-N..-3». *f=*_"A ; -: '  t For Savio ! Mario Savio may be leading new troops soon! _ _,-.>. w~¢1T> 3 - 3 InquiriesintoSaviosabsence} Indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! §fromtoday's court session in the itrinl of University of California Free. Speech Movement demon-' stratorsrevealedSavio was atf i. . .. Fhe U.S.ArmyInduction Center in Oakland. . _ $2-=& I' - 'i Defense attorneys saidSzlviox liiadbeen excused fromcourtilto- Y 5-;.' by his draft board to show up i» :1» daybecause hehadbeenordei-ed' for a pre-induction physical. 92 Like other 22-year-oldsingle: *1 '.see men who are not in school and is inotemployed inindustries vital, to U.S. defense, Saviois a likely candidate for the draft. p Generally, if a man takes a 1 Berkeley pre-induction physicalexamination and is foundphysicallyacceptableby the Army, he then is eligiblefor -thenext draft call_ unlesshe qualifies1ar~a-de?er- Daily ' ~<;-.-=3 Gazette . :33 3-ii-1&5 Berke1ey,Calif. t~,"¢7;¢_*~'°4 t. .I F18; K --' I1.- Date: [+_1 Edition: Eve . Author: E" '92 .11 231.11" <-or _'.~l _ George Dunscomb Title: r- I "1" £131./N CQNPAINEID '..'3+_ VfCLASS'FIs¢' e; _ _.. Cha;-ixcter. .:=-a,;¥;; _,.:.,c,._ ,,_ Classification: SubmimnqOffice: .-L. -:r» -'-A _-3» g, _{:§_f& C] BeingInvestigated §,.'_= .2i'%@£ 0_/ J 9 i c.~i_C'*'55,_.__.. ?¬DE'{5D . -I __r~.v 1'. 1* Hit '-T_v_:92i92 f 2 bile 4-750.12-14-ea R I V! I if; iXXXXXX XXXXXX xxxxxx N "FEDERAL BUREAUINVESTIGATION OF FOIPADELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely this at location in the file. One or more of the following A statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. El Deletions were madepursuant thetoexemptions indicatedwith below no segregable material available forrelease to you. Section 552 E] b! l! U b!! Ub!! U b!! U b!! Section 552a E1 b!! A! U d!! E] b!! B! El ]!! U b!! C! U k! l! Ci b!! D! El l<!! El b!! E! Ci k!! U b!! F! El i<!! El b!! D b! 9! U l<!! U k!! [:1 b!! El !<!! El lnformationonly pertained toathird party no with reference to you or thesubject your of Informationonly pertained atothird party. Your name listed is the in title only. Documents with originated Government agencyes!. documents were referred to that agency ies! review for another and direct response to you. These request. D E] Pagesthe contain information by furnished another Government agency You will be ies!. advised by FBI as the to releasability of this information our following consultation with theother agency ies!. it 12Pagefors! following the withheld Wi_ll processed reason be /Ci s!:_ in gRe: L./m av;/Q.<>~F Ké?//'92'. E] For your information: __DI>cumen4; identified ._.,£_;&_ isas: >é;*& 7% ..§.4§'*¢.-.§¢M .Q{ré!t"'.ed /5%/mzriaa 7+ 9/:> The following number to is be usedreference for regarding these pages: ép /am»5"/ow» /we XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX K XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FBI/DOJ ~ Q IfI I'p } Mount Clipping inSpace Below! i f i AW§[i_SeiV for Suvie E Brio Savio,the former Univer~ 5i10fCalifornia philosophy studg whobecamea nationalg-~ uzduring theFreeSpeech Movemot demonstrations at the wkeley campuslast fall, will bepresented a Citizenship Award bythe First UnitarianChurchof ins Angeles Friday.. Saute is dueto bepresented; theawardat an 8 p.m.awards banquet _atthe church,locnid Also scheduled to in? < re~; E;J Indicate page, name of I newspaper, city and state.! in d0l'ntown LosAngeles. receive an l awardis Dr. Carleton B. Good-1 lett. publisherof the San Francisco Sun-Reporter, a Negro weeklynewspaper. T Mario Saviois of thenew,mili-l __._ I'5 Vi *-._/-1?" . Zeraelay i tant,young generation who are; I| Gaaeitu F50 »2 in the front ranksof the slt't1g2 gle on the campuses,in._.thc£~ slums,and in Mississippi, and Selmaand M ontgomery," the churchsaidin announcing the éiéi r<5%: -I . ~;.>_,, award. . :;%51'":;%:'. £5;59i§¬t.L.L £0 - .2;- -1*: t . hg...4w.v ALLI2~IF$E~ new co»1'rAIl92t*ls1!"'??~**? Dczte: HEREIN l.ittC'i,:t.SSIi~IED tt/M/=45 vars 3-Is:3-_§3 iEdition: -I Brspi . . Author: F?*<*?E! t_. ., ,,;._~ Title: V ~' _;-v. xi-:-T t .,_;;,_ E¢w"=aorga 92 Hunecemh Character: or Classification: 5 l Iz . - ,_,,_.,. >_ ,.. r» >> 7 0 M -1/71 Submitting Office: Q BelnqInvestigated .+ 55% 1 -l ,. tp-1.» _-fa -.--92-s- 4F Ft/'1 . Y .;%.;, 2- --.1; R . i_-me.-..& ,5 - 92. ~ OPTIONAL NO- N FORM MAY I962 EDITIDN GSA GEM. REG. NO» Z7 5OI0IC7 ' g. J! LNITED STATES GO92-'ER192'MENI' A .Mem0mnaum TO -SAC, San Francisco DATE! 4/22/65 . sac, Birmingham 57-0! / Svlwrr »muuo - SAVIO / nu ,_.;¢_' g 5_::,;?,~§ 11; has been noted in "The BiimainghamaNews", daily newspaper, various and national magazines one that MARIO SAVIO has been a student leader the on campus of the University of California, Berkeley, California. V.- .» E":35'92 -4 -_"-1.1511. V, be in the Selma-Montgomery sponsored March Dr. by Martin Luther King, Jr., President the of Southern Christian _ Leadership Conference, a pro-integration organization. V2 .~.-av: Ye:-&# "~"~e3¢ C- ' 1:? /! In view of the fact that Berkeley, California, is covered F canbe furnished withtoaphotograph of which will enable Agents at Birmingham recognize himsubject on sight. b th S y eanrancisco itwill beappreciated Office, Birming -.s Pi-".;+'1-:1-. iii! Q Birmingham indices are negative regarding MARIO SAVIO. Q -3.-'. _ _'_& _4 .f», _..; § @QFrancisco San , .$hW 1- Birmingham ,92;n.LIrzF-eamwlom-,=_'§-I CONTAINED -..-1. Qbe 4/ °*"*é/£~-e ' C ' _.';J~-9 i92-= 72/ vf 2hSS HEREI IS U§pLA5SIFIED ' '¬¥ 92~_j-_ _-. - >. V.I ' P471-:.a, §=~'.~,~ '. _;.=.;§ ' it-i_92 r*u"~' 92'92. -_~~+-3.. .- -' ~ /~, .4 N I f 4-150 Rev. 12-14-as! ' .XXXXXX XXXXXX I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPADELETED PAGEINFORMATION SHEET Page withheld entirely s! atthis location inthe file.One or more of the following statements, whereindicated, explain this deletion. El Deletions were made pursuant tothe exemptions indicated below with nosegregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section U b!! A! El d!! I3 <b!<2! E3 b!! B! ElM2! D two! El b!! C! Cl l<!! D b!! D! Cl k! -2! D b!! E! U U b!! F! El k!! D b!! U RX-5! b! 9! D k!! U RX?! 0 El b!! [:1 b!! t :1 U b!! D 552a U b>> k!! Information pertained only to a third party with no reference toyou orthe subject of your lnformation pertained only toathird party. Your name islisted inthe title only. Documents originated with another Government agencyes!. documents were referred to that agency for ies! review and direct response toyou. These TEQUESI. Cl D Pages contain information furnished byanother Government agency You ies!. will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation withtheotheragency ies!. [ Page witéld for s! the following reason Will be processed s!:__ in /572! ' Re: /0;were 41 5' .4;t/at '-122;; ta; E]For your information: _gDI>.<i1ment isidentified as:W/xxp-_0§' A'7 vi! ,/fZ;_Zt;r5i};/ tr!»/gear" , /K The following number istobe usedforreference regarding these pages: /42> 92.-DGWVI}/C! on--/7.5 g XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX g XXXXXXXXXXXI-IXX!QQ !O XXX X DELETEDPAGE X S! X NO DUPLICATIONFEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FBI/DOJ I +15012-14-as Rev. ! .92 .XXXXXX XXXXXX O . '» FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPADELETED PAGE INFORMATION xxxxxx SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location theinfile. One or moreof the following explain this deletion. statements, where indicated, E] Deletions made werepursuant tothe exemptions indicatedwith below segregable no material available forrelease to you. Section 552 U b! l! U b!! U b!! U b!! U b!! Section 552a b!! A! U d!! b!! B! C] j!! b!! C! E] k! l! b!! D! El |<!! b!! E! El I-1!! b!! F! E] k!! b!! [:1 KX5! b! 9! D <!! U b!! U|<!! El lnformationonly pertained atothird party with no reference to you or thesubject your of informationonly pertained atothird party. Your name listed is the in title only. Documents with originated Government .'igenc§' documents were referred ie to that agency ies! review for another and direct response to you. These Pagesthe contain information by furnished another Government agency You will be ies!. advised by FBI asto thereleasability this information of following consultation our request. D U ii, with theother agency ies!. _L>_Page s!forgthe withheld following reason s!:_ be processed Will in /.. /T/5/$9/Q _//K!/I14//35?, 7 Q1 4/.,é,,... V For your information: is Document identifled as¬af S_f Q'_,»,j Fisiif/#0 s/»-.2 a,m:// ~e;~ .<..,.¢/ 4; Lo 7 ¢ , The number following toused for bereference is these pages: "'5 regarding E Tl ¬£.;é_ _Re: E ' _3- e " ' 5F A63» ~» -§""éi/0&0 »;/v¢,//7s"" ..<¢_,r,,,/ g __ xxxxxx XXXXXX XXXXXX XXX!O XXXXXX}IXXXXX>O XXX x DELETED PAGE S! x x NO DUPLICATION FEE x x FOR rms PAGE x XXX!O XXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXX FBI/DOJ I .. 5 , :5 1 .,:f_" *5 nxreceon,rs: 00-#43052! §I ;§,.= .":.-.'*¢==% HAP-I0 RQBERT 3AVIO,¬1QSE C _' i Re sumnaz-y report of SA 3/12/65. i I-1:<-4 ":~.~ :1;g =. '.,-T_;.--> 1 4/27/65 sac, sm Famcxsco 00-slwéo! -s$5.. - _..,...__._> 3 ... S . _J.~ .- W0 On -Q/15/65 Arm Induction Center, 1515ClayStreet, Ga!end, ifo a, advised th t SNJIO ,.92C/e reported to theA:-mytlnduotion Center for a pre-induction 92! ;.,I; physical examination. stated that ~r.'~' knoxm for a period of whether SAVIO I " 3: stated he would advise this office t -:;>~ E : ..<~~-4 4-pi--g developments in S1.VIO's draft demonstration 12/3/oi}, On14 0 ----Q ' ':"'i would not be status. SAVIO'a trial in I-iunicipel Court, Berkeley, California, in connectionwith his arrest in the Free SpeechMovement sit-in ; it passed the examination " regerdixxg any <.; .;s continues at the present time. 6" I advised S21. r maycontinue for anothersix weeks.SAVIO b is being tried along with 178 other defendcints1;, the first phase of the mass trials for the nearly 800 sit-in defendants. qw 1; <3 Referenced report set out a lead to take appropriate . _?..__,_ T ".'. 4- administrative action regarding the recommendation that Sub3ect'e name be placed on the Reserve Index-B. upon receipt of advice Bus action will be taken the Bureau. -r 92 ?;-qr<.mmc~»I Q0-TA >5 r 15U1~&CLAS:BlFlE-D 1.»-#16 £3;;z£._.?=4£=¢$-r/"-'=""l;.-+ .___ Nix? . .4.. 3? __;¢ from if K///I l-S-an FranciscoH , / ~2-Buree.u R3! lmh #10 3 '1 ' ~0-->7 '4'; -.2.-us * 92_.---» . ' "' ""L'_"_".¬; J I, 4-150 12-14-as! Rev. I V FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED it XXXX . XXXXXX BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. xxxxxx SHEET or more of the following eletions weremade pursuant to theexemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 [:1 b!! E1 <b><v><A> El b!! E1 <b><1><B> Section 552a Elvxci @~r6><v><1>> Ud!! U b!! Cl J'!! _E1 <1<><1> U k!! El U b!! E! U l<!! U b!! F! El <!! U b!! E] b!! U l<!! U b!! E1 b! 9! Cl l<!! U b!! E] l<!! C1 Information pertained E] only to athird party with only to athird party. Your no reference to you or the subject of Information pertained name is listed in Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. the title only. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. El your request. Page s! withheld For your for the following reason s!: information: /K Q/e following number is to beusedfor reference regarding .5/6 /¢Y'?1~ 5%/0Q._0 V/"27 XXXXXX these pages: I H ,7 FD-350 Rev. 7-l6-63] MountClippingin Space Below! Senate select.another com"mittee to conduct.-nous, hear,- ls¢-Qgssi ¬Slap9. ingsin the same. obscenity C3585. - ' The 1~' ' - ~s» . .emergency L-.;"' 93.; -gm... |Z. A-E -i_'>;__ 5;}I _.5 Q _ execu- gtivecommittee rejectsthis attemptto discredit thework- Savio ' 7 An attempt to makethat flauntingof obscenity a le_of' the faculty committee. .~;:.:":.-=:;1 _~|. .---' 1*. 14 ._ _ -i...-at-iM.~ Thepunishment metedoutgitimate*useof free speech t week to four students 'should not divert attention indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! from the unresolved issues the obscenity demonstra[oi real substance. ns at the University of The emergencyexecutive lifornia was supportedlast {ht by the top faculty com- thehandling oftheobscenttcc ~, the I.%:;s¥;oley mpus; . " ' ;'lvI-P ;'., _,;.__.___ ....» -*.7".~.& glommittee issatisfied that itycases has been inat--_ - --- -;¢l.<%l. __"-&# .-e|:,V. -23;; lordance with due proceslti We find therefore Ihis support was an indiimerit in the demand_for :t slap at former stunt Mario Savio,, who inched a series of noonne demonstrations in an further campus hearings i 4 court the obscenity cases." The faculty statementALL . ~. .__._...o,.-, _- 4 .,-J», u ;. . ':$921*. QSLFTL ort to get the administra- I ' noted thataftertheFree I '_§1~,T_%'§§=.-. "' B spend three others. |the taskof constructing ai Movement demon-p DA n to reverse its decision Speech dismiss one student and strations of the fall semester,=' _______....---- - -inew community concensus, The emergency executive integratingpoliticalfreedom- andacademic order,hasre-l nate also supportedthe quireda. periodof adjust-§ n on the sale of two pubment. , - Aa 1 mmittee of the Academic "ations on the campus. The committee noted in a atement that both actions i dents have enjoyed hi? ' During this period,st]-p S.F. Examiner eyerson had been recom-_ ended earlier by facult Y5and organization on camp ~ . and have been free of haras p zgmittees. ment in their exercise. IntQ . . . 47% ta.1-. . J'it. Dcrte: It-2::-65 Edition: Final The statement Said 1Pa92 inthe observance ofinterim} In the past few weeks turn, they have co-operated Author: Editor: zting ChancellorMeyersony t-time, place and manner: isacted ontwoimportant regula wns' :-, -.-- _;_ Edmund J.Dooley Title: -- commendations of facultf university climate mm the creatingthe basisfor a new Character: or . The first faculty commi-ll fumed mtg pmgre _interobscenity -, _e'pisod_es ' _ Y4 .>. e ' ' ~ made recomznendatiors ><=9rni_ne the Par} °n.lVll>deliberate, In the violation pres nt Submitting Office: SF »on closed. I [:1 Belnqinvestigated oi ' ' -. at .tycommittee hasrecomé * ~ ended penalties'in__the ob-3 /0 61; ~~ ~ ~53 ----~--~- eand its-pi-oeedures, mtg nd fault -with the 'commit amand _that _th_c_ Academic; 4 -H" 1» 92/J Ear'v 4 enity cases, somepersons W . .-;;&# £1 92. 92' g I"..1 Classification: i hcations.That issuewas mg rules" Now that the secondfaCQlarly destructive.?.I_..,;. .I 4 . 5» mpusdisciplinary matter ' hu patient work and zsinghis decisions on the mutual forbearance were; -_ P,=»:¢=s-55 ESan Francisco,Calif. footing Chancellor Martin§f'~ i rightsof politicaladvoca l 92 mittees. - 3' ' .-1F34} :1 ' -;-~.< I I FD3S0 Rev. 7l6-63! Mount Clipping tnspace Below! "en "J. - Techniques :41: _ appropriate V la" _ 5aYI0,Qet!It$.t:l tV I I 92 ashamed ifpeople failtoiollow , |through, noton thegrounds 0 As _; ' p » s~ lthatvthey cant deliver but be' tcause they'll lose more if they ''~15'? idodeliver." . :in_1_;_ -£' "-#71-1 "1 I U.C.Rebe§s..Pse"*" i A1 , _ Healso expressed disappoint- -' "e. ment atwhathecalled a'>growing gap between the leadership' » , ° it theFSNI andthestudents. , BERKELEY -- Maxie Qavi _ e Indicate page, nameof newspaper,city and state.! ' "ls; ~_3311 h abandoned his role as lead-92 '1_he former honor student in. .__-1 Qt ofat the Free Speech .WP° d1'°PP¢d ml f-' lla a Move-'; o5 h11°$°PhY ' 1 1-"" Y-" r-sity . 1ms Si <1 the Unit/c ofC.l»-; °h°°1 semester ?O"£iLa H if} Even if do return as a stu4 - §dent,.,I wont take partinpo- ht .f""1 i v _-__- activity. Onthesteps oi Sproul Hall,litical Therehad beenrumorsof where hehadelectrifiedmanyf, witlfnthe; leadership audiences with his speeches on;dissension of the FSM - somefavoringai moderate stand indetenstf oft scenity case andothers, invlud~ ignation yesterday to a stunned, ing Savio, arguing foraihili-_ xsrRALLY 2 1tantposition. "t 5 . Oakland 11- behalf. ofstudents political free-3 thestudentseinvolved in theob-i dom, Savio announcedhisres-" crowd of1,500. ' 4,4..- 1 Oakland, __-_- ~ 1 Tribune Califu ea. .F , iThisis my lastrally,tl_e-7 . ly - haired 22-year-old said: _.__--» oodbye andgood luck. Hisfarewell wasadramaticp climaxto an address in which l ..._.__ he castigated a committee ofp regents forits report callingi for morestringent rulesgoveg erningstudent conduct, I-le'1 st-'enity . . . farworse than y Edition: Author: i Editor: ftgur-letter word." 1_ _L9ti Onestudent wasdismis d-7 lastweekandthreeothers s . pended forusing a four-letter ALL 1:~:_r Av obscenity onthecampus duringa demonstration. UNDEMOCRATIC _ FEQVT 34 ; .>.'>;-1 . 1+-27-65 Date: allied it a catalogue ofob-i - on CONTAIN'F.l! Lass»: ZFIED Title: Red Streak Wm, P. Knowland - ' --w Saviotoldthe rally yester-~ V day hewas leaving the FSM because he couldno longer Character: or > principles thattheuniversity Classication: Submitting om: S F administration isfollowing". _ U Beinginvestigated keep upwiththeundemocratic ' Savio, who ledthemass sit-in atSprout Halllast'Dec. 2-3, ad- vised agm1§_t_§j_'gnilar action bythe students; s==92yma= ' iii.i I e. mw~s?>s/42-,i7; At?-7 "3 -T1*; ¢_ I' J J .".'.':. FBI-SAN FR:-hcisgg -,_.~ .,,<fg .&# &# 11$ SEARCHED _l ,,{§}-jig $55!?-LiZi:D §2l¢¬|LL,v-Y~J 4~w k/1/ I _ P0 t' 3 s ' FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63l ~ l MountClippingin $pqcaBelow! THE PROSECUTION Savio Bows OutI Al UCBut w 0un d its casethis morningafter anost five of testimony by 34 l weeks witnesses. Morethan2000- Jig lv§» .11 .1" -Z'f3 .t" -_, I pagesoftestimony have compiled, and 525ex- V He'll StayClose been hibits.introduced. ' lgario Savio, unlike the beginss old»soldier, probably has The defense. little v;': case; Monday andexpects ,0 t talge three v¥ h_ ee1ks.d if-j lnteiatlon of fading awdy. '-»..3:..ll' >1 5. " ,' -.~.;?:" V_92 .§;i.§§§,§eiTi 5.1.6., l He saidtodayhe'll stayon FSM last fall whenhe ex- l in the Berkeley area even hortedstudents to block a avio too _ ea ers ip o #375-2 .-.1%:= > :i_-~-> -I" >5- thoughhes quit as leaderpatrol car in which a_FSM of the controversial Free member was held. SpeechMovement at the Saviowaslater suspend- » ~ ,. 4, y C1 _ sed from UC after a~lengtl y Univc:t'slt" of tléir-Lula. was becoming too undemo-l Dhi1osOphy_ said he decidedto quit be- Academic Senate. 1e" C8i!lS¬ hethought theFSMthe was a junior majoring ll2 - craticandhimselftoomuch Bulle tin ._.__- San stepsof his mostfamous . _; _~' - -11 Francisco Calif. libattleground -Sproul Hall. 5 I ' .. .:.123 Z 4. of a Napoleon. HE MADE his announce-t - S6#'o ___ New C 3 5-{L _l ...1_- ment Mondayat one of thosenoon rallieson the g< 2--1 92< lat.-lea; .__.._- ' He stunnedthe crowd '-1o . Hisvoice washusk wigh emotion. i l I amleaving thecampu ~_,¢" E. . .'!. l w0nt return. THEVOLATILE l 22 year old explainedhis fears aboutFSM becoming 92in- democratic, with himself as 1 8 Napoleon. _ _ -- ~ , ,._ Cl-ASDIFIED '" IONgoistimsn "Therefore, l amstepping down . . . I am out of the 1 movement . . . Goodbye. avio has not been re lar student at Calsinc g fa 1. He was majoring i K Date: - pg 92 ~ ~ I tumultuous S.1z.m..92;1 H311 sit-ln.__ Eastham ._.~92.<. 1., .3? 51&# ti.. A _,. 2.? 1 3 :- [3Bang I,,.,es,1qq,ed Class! fl cotton: Submitting Office: _ _.,_,_,___ SF n . ,..3 '.-. j_... ' -.. i 15;; smczezs ___. _ mnsxao ___ --.§Z*9/623'/V5 V; M. 1? Thomas .. Savio iscurrently on_ trial l in B erkeley Municipal Court as one of the 800 l arrested in lastDecembers Editor: Title: Homa Character: phllosophy andwasa topI student. Edition: Author: i .~;1;E< A-27-65 ssmuzeo ,taz:FlLED 92D/} Q, A5-"3 2 $3ll-l:'%.> t FBI- SAL? 1' V._. k ge E-*3» I 4*-~ F'D~350 Rev. 7-16-63! I it _,. MountClippingin SpaceBelow! ~ ' 1wnnarewjat ,jre_¢eivins7".§ vote of "confidence from. §m1io names "~""" ' gaai -c ' Boardofegéhti _ . _=ei_;; " Savio prefaced hisresignaj-_ . -eevee£3». *¥ J afar ,tionwithanother haranguep ' i against theRegents "- their catalogue f of obscenities." . 1 Theostensible purpose of By Don Wegara ' Mario Savio, firebrand ofthe University ofthe_r-111? waswdiswss what. Indicate page, name at California's Berkeley campus, yesterday told a action the _$h09211<1 ¢_a1<.¢,_n newspaper, city and state.! student rally that heisquitting the Free Speech Ito protest disciplinary meas H ';ures meted outagainst four Movemezzt. __ L H_ , » ml h 1500 ' students who bandied 3;.»0921lapt 7A0.-3.', _ -=< e - 'i" as-5. it; .-__e¢;_& . R. -.~"»¢. an§§Zg'iiti?Z¢gt?,°Pr.§;'Zk5i :1froul1H:1ll:u¬vhere_! i°"I'1°"°r "5° °_PF: :5 helet! the student sit-in last December 3. IifCineof EXPELLED ' the four,A».-mhr; r.; Sa92"io's umenicement tookthestudents . t vlvtelv by sulipnse. " com~ 1°°°g a§l l:e1:let~r<1:n?:c1la_i When the meaning of what he had said becamet fad :1: gel. three were.:31_ clout. ziizpluiise forhimrjicaullly innitupto an uendgah ~ » ,W BX 5 Savio practicalovation. Savio said hewas quitting because he Yesterday, prjongcr could -keep up wiith the undemocratic ly mled out an_omer mass Sig. principles that theuniver-I ill sktyadministration is follow mg." i _ ._ The techniques appropri- proprinte thissemester, he i- said. 1 Saviosaidhewouldliketo_ remainin Berkeley butdoes sitys violation of the spirit. of December8-the day the Academic Senate voted to . tefi __._- ate1_ast semester arenotap- VIn a bitter preludeto his announcement. Saviosaid he was fed up with the univer-I S.F.Chronicle pointment with a growing. gapbetween theleadership 1-1<=w<>=== Final Home A~9292h<>== Don ielegars t4 by you thestudents! is not worth organizing,heYtold thecrowd. ' '°= Thieriot ALLInsonnmiou CON'lAINED IS uuc1.i.ssie1ED,' "=~_. oz-<12;-1 ia°l.:92,5~%5., _ , _iB!s; losophy majorhasnotbeenapt regularstudent at Berkeley sincelast falls crisis. . Savio said he had been g thinkingaboutquittingfor § a_longti1nefandlthere is "absolutely no chance"he resignation," he said... University President Clark Kerr anno§_1n_c_e_d_1gis ownres= 1 ianationlast monthandrthepw SubmittingOffice: p5.-~_-.112 , 1:] BeingInvestigated smcuzo_.._.._.__|NDEXED _W W 5ER92ALiZEDL2Clc':=£ttED.Q."/_. APR 2 8 !965 ran-saw .1; % L"?-E Character or Classication: » Z! gg/_ppA,@/9'/ p_ 1 This wasn't a Kerr-type 92. E"°'= Chas.dei'oung ' .-we,-a. The22-year-old former phi- will reconsider. E:_».->&# ' ~_-_1t Y as: etu Date: of the FSM and the students tjranny . . . if notorganiz d , ~55 '__§an Francisco,Calif He also expresseddisap- E-Any kindofinsurrecti n againstinstitution 1 - ._not know if hoveei-ll-H2-ente92 le university. _' ., support muchof theFSM: program forfreedom of politicaladvocacy. ' themselves. er £6}..=~_>. _. <».~i FRANCISCO -_ V 0 =.~= I-*1to .;, 1'21 . ,$3-=~.. -we _ ¢~.. -s ..- '~ &# ""I' _ I 9. FD~35O Rev. 7-16-63! 1 .7 / ' Mount Clipping in SpaceBelow! < ".<;'92"-S_~ ~'-i" 1* v I:-1 . .5. , '... ,;»_'-V '- --1 ::.-, . -~.~ z.~~. , z,¥§~':'r "§"T*7 ,-_y§_ 5, ';~§,§ 735;-I ~ '_ Mr. »aJ ' ; ~-. i F» ~'s ** 1 __._'-._ . Fits, _ vii v__» U" §»j£,-_92 :.;§5-I ~'§!92"Z.: "E-v<' 5*? ' 1! ifiv. 92 9"L-'§>»I A »~*~ ' »*=-er<. :1 " '5: r. ~"*"-3": ~rs: 7 L-.7 rs . t. H. 1 -A . 4.-. » V?» ~ J.-/_ ;_,-r-..._. "en '- ~ 54* ~ '~*'r.:v_2.=:;;%a* '1 E3-L--:', " Q"5? S=- ~.,. =.»=~' -»;grs.f $1:~,A __¢=_;_L_._;=_ -5" ?aQ=_;,§_:_,. S ;¢_;='= " ::.' ' T. r- .» ~ 4,.<- -. ~_§5_ .. .-.. !.. . ~ _______._''~. 2' .I"""~¢ . - e ,-: , N i-11.:-s ,'. .~;~:-'1" ~ <;e§r%92 . =:-.' ~2"?3!}' ~ 5;,,:~;1 _-. K9512-1 in Q ?¬92-Q, '-5¬~"f92. ' I £14 "ii " r"..- ' " - ' -_ [N5 .~_-..-; I.--» . - ~:» '3 .7? T-,.-_ ¬"§¢_ r_ 3- 4 !92 v ~ -, . =t».f1 --_:- Pi. $5 s; ~*"Z at . ~e-. .:3; -"1 "1; ' 1¥'>r _ --5.» 3i$~ as -1-" 1 I. .Y?'17.'-'_' W i .i73'"Y =F;,;=f', _.."* . ~.=92 ;£"?" I371.» -ii "'""3'-*/ '.=*' "'.'-";Y,1_l' ks»:/" ' ' . ._ r _ ._ . , , , . *1.» ' ~ .»~. -,-6;.'" .7*> ;?'~°*-1.<:1-".@a».» ' *5" ;-_ _. Indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! -.. i - Q '=3! ' ¢"..~»"?~41. st 1* " :_ L 1- ' --~' *.-'.'.i -"ist . 7 - -, : "4-92Z92 .._{f.-31¢, ,_, " "1" -,_tr .e.'>r3 : .3! .-' 92._.__ - _ _,a._@ -' 11'; - _; ,, '5; ..a'.1- . ~e.__;,-_ -.5 s_ z,-: >1 ~;_.-H4 1'-Q:-' A _ 1,.-4}: <;'~. _=.-> ~ ;-es-', is -15 ;_,_ _ -~.--.».': . ._ 92 _2<_-_ -< .. , _";1.r . <=:' .3, e: L-' .4'5-. '.-=1."1 ' '7 Y :-. ' .,?v:*&.-.¥[email protected] _ > . -~z .P.t s-V 3.-9?-~' '5--1 -*5~ 3 14.; 3;: E :1 ' X ~'> » I .r;{,~, * ._-1r ..1. :» 5" i > Q >3. ' <:.e I ft. .:-/3.» ~15-.1 -"=92é<~ Ff e. i 5 ,,_.~,._ -T. 4' 1, 2 , r ~r;§;' 115, 4*-.. = . s..5 ,"i=9?-<~ |- 1.Q.2» '92. 3:-'~ -1: . "~,!» ".13!» '>' 1.1-.:» --Y: -.< _-..-_ _. ts. 1 <,.4'r' . ' all It . .2-~' Y7 _ _, *3-i=I»;: ~-. . - ~ 1-str " '-7 *=! ~ Aetioli.V have been influenced byhisE Situns His cruitment into the Army. - " '-He said that the , r student m.ra_:..is2&5___._.BY , _' protests at Berkeley are in danger of becoming undemo- I 3 Author: :°" Title: Savios principal lieutehants. .I --?iiwere taken bysurprise and it ,- gloomily predicted the earl Fred All od Edmund -Jg. i!ooley I-' i;..' 313;, 3 - .311" ' V _ t; fl! r bowedout; 5P°e¢h ".Yem°at?-the ggagproxslagnxl, oann areena . . 4, i V Submitting Office: F The resignation came theendof3 speech in . He added that he_ wi1l_he attacked the C] Belnq lnvesti gated -92 __ aw ~/ 92 I W-<>n.¢ return- . » -<1.t.-<..r1.s-'=92.*.:..i><>1itI§f.'.."921T1'<=-s SpecuL*ée§-raaaise,-1'Howeirei§T leave the campus. . . arid Boardof Regedtsand a that Savios ,,decision may  Classification: University_of Californiahas_dominatedfor because heis afraidof be- m°ths' cm.nmg,,3. dmtaton>. +r» Character: or as leader of the Free *'1eS¢eH ____mo£x£o ____: 920/! / Qzimeo APR38 FBI-.SAN :::"_ Y..- ,;-21:4 s. E . I. :__.i 92 er ¬RE1>,AH<@<><>1> tiz2*:§§'2**2:,.1§1;:.§i*!: §'M3r1° SW10 qu1tYe5§er'-gismatic leaderof"-' Ly . _. L :-' .i; .r s_-' ' . 1. 1, Date: Edition: Finalv " cratic with himself as a Napoi- 6Won9t_Bea*_ z,_-;1eonB onaparte. ,-. NP0130 Examiner COiJTilI¥+'F=D .:'=f' AL in L I?-1FL~?.?'D.TION . -1-», 9 S.F. _ ~Sa11-..FI?&ncisco,Calif.'. center in Oakla st month, and faces the p sibility of being drafted so ' _ » . 1 X » =ying colors his preinduction 1 sts at the ArmedForcesr'i- ~ r . draft status. He passedwith 1 . .. ,,,' SE" 4:3;-@i...,,.92"_»*3-7* - -~_1.-._ |3 a ,a g ,_. ,s.__. I SF I g 23 92_. i - -:1f.' posed at a" regents meeting __:: 2-y. in Los AnEéTe'sI:sti week. V"Hecalled rules the an act z1 1 of obscenity I find more of? fensive than any four-letter] word I have heardon this campus." » ~ "_ His supporters in thecrow of 1,500students atthe noo' T" Y ..._-I 13¢-m ._. .. at-.-._»"&# _ rally warmly applauded in the belief he was trying generate theright kindo; if emotional atmospherefor "more civil disobedience this week. _ g_. 2 I :7. 5, '21 _ ~ _ULTIMATUM _ Savio sentthe regentsan Q 92 uitimaiuin lest week expiri g- atnoon tomorrow which due- ! s mands the reinstatement of the four dismissed or sus~ pended students involved in the obscenitycrisis. - Suddenly Savios tone- changed. In asubdued voice, slightly quaking with emo- tion, hesaid: If any protest_ against thenew rules ispto have any meaning value, or it; must be organized you. by j ,. ;::' '.-A ~ . 12 ' He explained his fears that the FSM was becomingun-» 92 ,1 democratic. =- _Therefore am Istepping; dowm. This is my last ral1y.j Go<_fdby. ~ 3-5} ,- Savio waved to the stunnfadi cro, d and slowly walki d,» perspiring,ato treeby the "--; ' ' a -f ..,, side ofthe Sproul Hall steps and sat down. . Someone shouted, He can't mean it.{But Saviosaid he ma. =_ ~ r"J ";_' He _m~'ade it clear that his , -_ ~ decision was final andi'rrev¢_ 5:, ..__; is: ~_ __;_92;_ 4. -.i;._E? ocable. He felt thatas anon-,_ student heshould nothave to bear the burden of organiz; ing further studentiprotests; ¢.2' .5 ; _ -.. I»¬-'; "rs fr»?-3:? Savio said he felttheFSM should be reorganized _o !more democratic lines. Abitter split in the FSM ranks preceded Savi0s withf drawal. Most of Sav_ios_ top; lieutenants the movemen'% in last semesterhave "since dropped outto concentrate on their studies, andone ol the -principal leaders Goldberg, dismisggg .ha§,_hgg1 *_ _____§______n__lnnuihesmmmHL~e=#?#~-~~--r-*r*r*"i ' I ' Q FD-350 Rev. 7-is-63! 8 /' Clipping Mount in Space Below! '. =1-.;~¢ *»_ gllllllllllllllllilllllllllIlltllllll[llllIIIIlllllllllllIiINilllliliimllllilillllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllll 5 ;r I»' '4. ' °, V,_»»,:,. :» _t>' 1,31" .' =¢_f:1+~. :-".-:.*~ *-;»_;". 1» _ ;- -x~--eq;'7-71 -.1* 2» . ' 2- -no .,-5;; J~=& ¢.~ = _ -1 Ppcketful of Notes u = E. newspaper, city and state.! 131-.V -s ~..;J%;-a =~ ..=:~_ ._-- I-4- +2!-T qindlcute page,nameof . ADD INSlDEl92lS: Mario Savio hadthree good 1'ea resigning sons chief of the as for Free c_h_ Spq Miovement at Cal:! the Regentsrejection flat lS_ of uiiiinatiun, expiring t~sds_y, they that reinstate he foikr students involved in theobscenity! the issue; Academic reaction--not Senatesafreespeech is_sue--andrefusal its to backhim up, anal his .!! dawn1_gg_._tegJization he haslost control of the that students. in defeat, Even his timing isgood. "_-»_.l it __._- iiéé 2": :1; . ___.. 27 S .F .Chronicle @-' ___- __S@n Francisco,Calif Date: 1+-28-65 E=1w<>n= Final -990 1:»- ».,__ ~~u Home HCel"faP sPdaeeigoung -92.,.. "*= Thieriot !§LLF13 INmu 92 11;;-{AT JG921'1',-g [NEDA 1 Tn UEYI92? ..~, ;92T.92 E ..' an -.. r-~4.~ .-.. 5P4 0A'r:¢.;92f§f;¬&:~_l'l.°_ 92Q1 c, Character or Class! iication: Submittinq Office: is? U Being investigated _Z*..';;§_5 ..L SW--»=-i ._.._._..-.s. ;GZ;.;J ...._____ 5 szm.:uzau¢.4xQ,;:Lec [A50 =r.:=' - ,92-v -,-'.' I ,-92 . Fbi - :AN FRA.~iCl3CO :9 I 33 I --I ,I to FD-350Rev.7-l6-63! V7 i :_s . V : ii Mount Clipping InSpace Below! _ fNW QII 40Ymmg name,Editor andPublis! I 5 IT ,_ i Q tway . 9 92 . , . . .U-.@.... . i~....».i_,.....-_.92..,...._....-.......... * ,._.._..__...,,_,___._._.4..-.-J--» 3-... ..,. _v Z, 1>¢.9" ... ;-4 92._:;£}: ' .-Karel? -~- ' .:.;».< ~92-1 ' UIn,__"u li|92_|r_l9h5 2 in"L5 4 Camera P bl em_i§_j]8_6S 52%; " -i |»§_cn==|¢=;-;_i2r_a!>4_.§r|.iJ'}¢a|'.¢ ":a.r0~l;4~4u~;92; Editorials} > Y .. et l Q . =~» 'iii101'l3" 92 l _ _- l -i . ,-,1» :-;qs;;: newspaper, city and slate.! 92 _p_ Y Indicate pcxqe, name of -'-'-~:.*~:»~,-WI.-' :~i2z}¢vc'»;'.~i§; um r~~- Vit ll - '1 55;»-*3It o AFzll"e§fv-will ,i it . ,7_92_ -. ...__.- I1A. r'l92'l:92iZi<' Al!lJIiTS who their hair ' - get v»,~ ~-;".-J:-"=' ii two weeks andjkeep their check stubs correctl§@LL Q-_;--:§j.é, have formed unfavorable, even hostile, 0pl_Il1OIlS o§L~gB,Eii=. 10 U at-.;;~ " 'Ma1io]Savio,' the ,Univ'ersity,_of California i,en-stui;l92TE ' U _o1 dént W110.<=;e. $ii¢.e<;h M@v¢m?nt'._ -~'-1 f.1.;_ -~" ' Most of the things young Savio has said atié stood forinFSM during thepast eight months have! struck the orthodox citizen and taxpayer asofauth too de¢_92 -iant, tooiudely insistent; too subversive git? and discipline, too heartless to tofthe their d__ ncepts. The threat to bring one great uorder '3 versitiesot theworld grinding toahaltisnot» forgottenq; -_:.-f'~= f; » V-' __. ,, u{{;.i '}~-iA":"Yet thisundergraduate ledastudent 'revolu-fit tionwhich willcertainly notbesuccessfully con,' Yiiied totheBerkeley campus inextent nortothe +4 S.F.Chronicle _.__- , w§§n Franeieco,Cel»f@ .l»? :1 0 > 1 Date: it-28-65 fall'sern'ester_ 1964 intime}Wearewitnessing aft Edition: Author: Final caters warn us;onethatischanging thenature a Ednor: Title: §hasedeYoung -Ti *4&# Thieriot upsurge of whole student generation, manyeclucharacter oicampuses andcampus_relations_h' _"at therevolution ofMario Saviois still she; tie administrators, theRegents, thefaculty ckurtsofBerkeley weintheBay Area wellkn_ .ET.S.¢W.h"° it?§9P1¥teeming w.make it§¢1§,¬t=}i ---JA Mosr" EXTRAORDINARY 'pnémsm,§;i_qn; 't11is'y0ung~n1an_; who struck firejust at when 11-1'§_tindeij 'yva_s ready to"ame;__ itV_wa§;i=w shouldn_t "fAo'rge_t{§ at theoutset] oftheGoldwate Home Character: or ,,.. =1. ,_~_1 if; J! " *!"" ;' Class! tlcatlon: Submitting Ofllce: U Being Investigated ¢ampai,;_»;s;' with; allthat that seemedto threa_ten'i_; " J99:e/Mi?lg the1s¢a1e_ 0§_?§¥l1¢l?t .Ya.1eS>= 1 eI __.__m0£x£o :1? smears _ .... __U ~./4 T i "G°°d'bY ?d3°°d1°k> he°Y'5aY5-£°a'-Q39 saRa»92l92z&<>§92.:>.~_nLtc 92Dl Q _,__,_ gotten? Or will h_e;;be getting athat Ph.D, and; hea 1_n FélPR e.~» ~;";*-To foi"'énéi0TlTfFY=¢fli¢?lF11i!928J0b$ he has, ma res "3"" Fm" ° Calstudents. F1ve.;years_~fron1 uow,_will h_e_h_e_ f_or;i _ iii I ~_ I ~ I ~ /I 92 92-. Iv!. ' i rp/92, *92 _~ .,. ..A_ Q».";§;:'-1-_, I ,_ <~ ..-', _~: ~92: .» -1, ' I- p_V .92 . ,. _ ._e_ . '~ £1"-4.  . ~H ' _ ' -. .92: ,' Y |_ p j%1,;92__""_ _,_7T'f__ §;§I:¬-£3 A, Lb _92 Iv-]_ .-1 -~ -A;9 __ <1 _ 1, _ t . _ _~ . ... -. . '~ , . . ._ » ¢--~.¢_u_.,-1.i..: ->= . -i~:is-: .?g:~~s_g£~? i ¢_--= n.,..A&r-*5-.._' .-~-:»~ ~.¥» .1...@,,, ~_=-» 1-~ »*»<~M .==. :=& -_l 2-">;.,*.-.-L-.-'-J-¢'-"~& -~21 ~v"<~-1:4§, ~.~.=.-:~-~-~-;"" --'-.1'~-?~". 4._,e P .-3;!»-' "F :e~»>g.@ ~'=7-?, -:!"_j-" W.» $1-»* <'-.¥r..>» 1;r1.¢ Y -W ¢--W» --.'.'-V ., -qr? ~.-3»,§-¢;3;$;~1:;'1<-'h' 9;-_92_.-.: -4 *.»'nf.$»<-' >-92'.,_ ~; u ~,9;-,_1,;_h__-1& ':;Y :1 ~~»~ "-i5-er §?¢ '$ -5-» "»»m_;u: ~»1-. ' 1*  &# P1 w» ~47 1... *, .rr'"-' _.-;_-~=~,',' 1"Y,-' .»' ..-3. "¢_ »_1-.~ /4: I.~12-, fa "1'~ -_.<-P ,2 "$ 5", _ -x, I " 92y' ._, "_,..-.~ " .-- .__.»;, ~ 92.¢~-v,4 #6 . . -~ ~ 3° . :-1;; *4. - A 4 4- ", ~»<.~.~: J: @..D= < '"*:¢.~.1"»"-: 1 -*1?-1:;.>:~~'=~ ,1; " " ,:. ,=;>'<_»:= 1:,-.~'»»'?"» '== ,._ .§-~:-rm-er "'i"}"5»7"*~§< r-..,4,. '-1 *3"-i#:/-; r,~+~ V. _ .,,.1~= . ,~ ;;_.§§i:,*;I»T;>5.~".I.r»_-'5 ':_i;g,-@311-_»e;'=A ' ~~. , , '¥_-,3 . »92»~_ ~,_., <" '.,¢'~~ -rg; "»ei, »*?~_>§: ; _ _ .--e.;'I 3"'~ -_~»==~_,,'.a5i' -~ F. I 4 1 L. > ~ ~~-= .. »».» -' ..? _ ;j=.Y-'1~*».~.»..f~; "'5 .~*-"; .->1»: 1 ~.L*-f » .~ ' - -1'~ ' >- -' --__ ...' ' .4."' -A ~-.=_. <~i .. ,_ I .1,, :, - >-u J xI Z2:y|::E3nEEZ£{r;|:°no.n|o aoro-nor ' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT .-_ i Memoranduin . eZ l T0 ISAC, San Francisco m>64060! 14, .i Director, FBI00~443652} -. n DATES5/11/65 ea "1 *'= . .; -~-".~ SUBJECT! MARIO ROBERT savior s1;-zcuartvy MATTER -c Reurlet 4/27/65. Referenced letter advises that appropriate action will betaken by the San Francisco Office regardi it ng s recommendation >' ~ <2. :. ,. . that subject's name be placed on the Reserve Index, Section B upon receipt of advice from the Bureau. For the information of the San Francisco Office, necessary to include names of »i Bureau e e authority ' iseat scour tysubgects inSection Bof theReserve . IQ y, 1&3; }Z~=; mi; >_ _-"., ..-,1 -.- li -, Index. -jv. . .., "=~.= . "e1 ,_,i_¢;-;,= . .' ' 92~ arse? /0 0 -.5 *5 .0 1550-/3} S=E.-..=.C.><.-'_D____ are-Y-1__~/_g1! .§&# _ I r~$s<;? 92 "92vv-1-n :_ _!»;=7i5., V~ . f..' ~~~_q.1-:;;@.<1 BY;..1@,_,,,;/,,,,§j 5::-x n9 .';'T92£?:1Tl' Tr"7'".-"T A "crg;- JV . :92r'92-:0¢LA_ .4»? 92l1192,_u__L>L>_L - 2' i r~~. 1..-4 ,._._ '-- 7"-~ /'?.¢~ >e? _ :¢aéf__£..»4~ I ' 92 H ,:_ -- Ll. III ' "- "'1 .M -.5<*,v=e ' .1»,-;_7:,_: _ ~.-,~~:: ~:. 32 '5»- £1 92@/»<~ I O 7 U smr nus:1» my _, ~_7 AGEL.ZY CHECKFORM "° 1; F om 5~ 5 21Apr1l1965 T0: ,' , F99"Commander FElm. BUREAU OFwvssrxcnxcu RegionI.115th nrrc 31> FRAi£3£5_CT-!.,.A c;921',i§om~:1A PMS-33i° °f 1 i7"1*@1=ei$¢0. * U_ _ C23izfcrnia 9/; -29 suaalgcr /~Mario "_/-J-V,» ,1;..-;-in _,,> ALIASES ' SAV10, Robert »,,." ADDRESS A<¬E:l:CYkT0 as councrgo gfg ac on: 55per 5 page A--~ [I] rm ' ,' [:1 DCSWT G ONI 2901+ Adeline, Berkeley, Calif 5-pmsent!" ,_.e_: '>*.*-;.' - 1 e_~--A, omenaoonzsszs - -~»--»~--~_ ~ ~V - ~»~= 1 2556 College, Berkeley, cm:1+-65! *;,_Ac=» Ce am", 92 New York, New York 8 W _ __e [:3 N [:3 vouc: ; , W 55 73;, " .57 _ ~ ;g, ,-e...,._ wj _. 92 1 ,__..._..¢_._..,-_.W._..._,_..-..._,.__,_..__....__.___._...._. . _4 [saw ermew __W_ December 1942 '7' ' -- e 5 5 5 M1 5 1 ["5-E",-;~~~"*~= orsuaascr eR;;_~;§-~~e "*-',r;'3;"~r"""" ,~_.., nzscmrnon -. * Tam./17r 7'15: zvzsMARITAL sums 57 >Q WE D mm 73" cogonso MALE 199 , W 92 ADg|T|Q|¢A92_ 5P§¢|F|¢gT|7 Scar7i, !} Ampu!al.l0nl77, MC73 7 f B1-om Blue Single _ 7Pu92c£775= :u7w7£ovuzvn 777777 7 5 __ 777 W 77 UniverCalifornia, Berkeley, cm: 1+-65! peru time! ~_~ , 5 ____ _ -1 7RESULi 6? cnzcx $U3,_1EQT 7777777, _ Qg 57 Q1; MAY4 1965 .-__..F.- _" _> /V___4 Li //-/7 * T YA , SUBJECT: SAVIO, Mario Robert, ssve Registrant, ssm131+-31+-22.1.1 mflljsgeplty Isles. réeun of Tocheck check of FBI ;;; 5 " "- DOB: 8 December 19,42 > - mcofdgarave arrest *, , I* POBL fork1 New Ibrk 5' . - New 56 Cele 7 4/ DATE P I53 /3% y/¢ °.? ."$* beSvbmied ' toFBI ldentacatvon Division. ~ /00<5%é0» /A: 57 7777K ___APR 3 O1 F5! - Si-we ' we -.92 6AA FORM 7. 29 JAN64 _ __ neppncss sornon OF 1 JUL 41,wmcu MAY asusso. , ,/77 J1, 7 92 ,4! 92 44' Amu'PRm72 I FD-350 Rev. '/~16-es! '- 1 " MountClippingIn SpaceBelow! Lgullefin; I AP!-Mario Savio, 22'year old frmer leader ofthe now defunct Free Speech Movement, said last night he expects to return to the University as a student next fall. Savie said although he dropped out two months ago, he has been _=. I acce_g_t_e;1_;e5 readmission. Hewas 3philosophy main,-_' W" ~'___':_..W" Indicate pcqe, name of newspaper, city and SW16-! 3 -  3 ""= 5 "-1-; -t- 1-_. ans31.! a orn 1ThD'lClif Berkeleyai /.-9:, E%?Z , in... .~~ & ;3; Date: 5~ I Edition: 7., T&# Author: ,_92... EX§®<-X ..-~ ALL I =""**"'IGN COEiMI292JED -smaxx d Pub.:Assoc.Snu-=~ Ht ' W ___ _8 1-rs;-"<21 UI~iCLA:>b1FIED e:~ S U92OfC"l¢ . T_;a,= 1:-an-:_.....-. 35.. .._BY-5_{>LMs. ,F A L£_y§_92,e,, . Character: K QF °' ; Classication: - Subm1£nqOfi1ce: [:1 Being Investigated 9 if; ,1! 1 #.1;_"f?i 4 "" -' 6,? ;_:1& f ,._ / .>_, v __ 92 ~ CN 0 ., 4 ._-._.......__. >.-._.- o_.. MM.-....92_._.__.,...92 J ,_.. _ »1 ' I ,;~- . I J- »A-"I»>r ' CITY __ __ |gs 3 b/M, Z 1 ?;'.-r=7".:f~.:f'o1"""'-" " T.A"" -- - -gf , -,,,_ >._.-_ -:. --::".Ti_4 I _. >7: 1.x§_'*F~-7'1¢'?_:; -_ .1 ». - 1» ,.*=_~, _ . ,=' , _;-5;».1-1" _--_;.__=_..-; <-.~§.=;i-,._I~':-.' .-1'1» i;*.~¢'=T fT1w;~'-» -'~,'1*._*,;?5r " Y! .-9 _'-r: .~, ~..-.1 _ ~-_ _.-_~a-u ,_,-_,.uk ~».,:.92.: _,>-L4.-. -3 S1,3 .92; --.-.~. >' _.~?»._,,=_;,»;:.~ .1--.= -_¢_--._-5.K. _, ,1, -=n ;»_;"§-;71~.->_* -f -4 -' _~--_.5_*.:_¢_1;n" " ¢fuEA.i<?,1;",: . .."... ==Y< "--' <_--if ?-' ' -;-.».~'4F~ .» "W -_ "5' 5*-'_ ' V| " .»_ ,1. ,-»_ ,._-1" =. 5,-=3 <2 1.. v- .;.v"-1. - ._. ¢-~It.F,.-'Y.{~r1»o .~.__ ¢_. 2 -_-.<_ - -_~ 1, - _;;.-.;_ !--3"-. . -z ..~_. ~| »» -:' ._ ,--< ' ~.;-I¢..-_.§~,1; 1'~' _..-'_ '11:,.-..V-~'-= ,_.»4-V . . ,, -w-'1 »_-_ : ___ a~.=.~..'-~:~-.~,-,-~ ; -.v-Q _-_|_=, ::__,;--_. . . >._-,;-Z _,-._.1{.~-.;_ __ ->_. __,1_ -1' _ V ,_ 92 . ¢ . »~ <'~.&# "" 4~**= -~»:; -1 -:.'4-~'.-.if '3'; .>'-Jiriili »~."-=~E"»"~z~::."» =~-'1"; "1. i.>".- '1 » . I .~1=-==-i:%?¬¥ V~< >'; ..'='-';=~» _' -1-~"~=»-A, -- --.--.~*'"--' .» @ ":_~__92 :; . 42 ~ r".,4; ..;~, '4&# :31, '-1131&# ;g;».{ ~..:::~ ~_',_; -»-urn. . -.-=_...~.~. .. ~. 1.>,1:»=;>,4 :, -~-.~, -1,_,;~,*,» .-.1 _ k/-Q " »»..!->-:1-e ..., -,..,.. "~92 m..-;-~.» 5* :""- ~ - L. .,_ ' 1. _-. _A , _n' -» ' ~@a£,.":§@r ~' '~ v ' o 11" "* IFIED " i=* Robert R1chard'Sa 1 ALL IN°P~~ _ -é= ' -'_1;,I_,,_-______, 1I.-. . ,_~»_-1...» 2;...'f";-v ", ~~41 5 ff? LASS * ' 5T M '-' f _. _ ~=**-"--;-r. §1>{ --_»C1::._<=rg_5%-jmc. " By = -- ._ " *%* and NewYork aivtel to San Frwn¢P°°, 1 ,¥J_=-~s,».~, . ~< R-_._ .,. -.-' ' r'* F. 92'~,:;_ .._,~,,- ; __:. -is V W $06 .,r __' .3-;:._.~,.->. -;'."*-&# ' '_:_ :2 ~. , V__,;92_7;7 _ -_-. -3&3 .~ ' '~"é~ .'-3.3x 92-:7 _"Ly; ' L-' - "*2" ? -*5 .. '%" ""J@"'::5 _ .._2.A. ,n_Lg;_»> the Univers;tyof Missouri,Columbia, Missour$q--.For the infonmtion of the Kansas CityD3:-ris;i.on, San Francisco,on October29, 1964 aviaed the New York .+» Office that onOctoberand 1 2,@l9éh, massive Student demonstrations i .*J:ez~o'staged the Universitv at of CaJ.:}.tor:*::§.-.<=., I3e'z'2#;<;.l<:;1&# ; protest of Universitypolicies in connection with 0ff~0ampus'=, "A I political ac¬;iv;u';y, solicitatisr-n oifunds foroff-oaxzspus A F . A__ ..,,. organizations and solicitatioz-1 of_Iz~=or.ioersI1:ip for of'fcar%z'puS§ -' . ._groups"._ _,The8e domonsoisrr:-.tiom3. reached me.ssive proportions _ w:1§' .and centerod'é.r_ounfI,a "captured" police vehicle with e. ' V "- L"p1~isone'i'finside automobile2~i,-£10 .»the SA-I10 was, the leaderL~' 8nd1118.1hSpOkE5l&D for this group of students who used theoA i z,. _' .a-1' ..-top ofthe police vehicle for a. speaking platform. SAVED .;. a.nd._1;he__ domoxlstratorsv defied the loco-3. law eniforcement M V_ _» iofficers 1and,rofused_to the permit polide caror prisoner - AT . x to be moved; for a.period from Tm_1.:fsd.s:.y,' Al,_1961.1, October about _. ;-noon, l9~;:1f-, < ' . Lu';i:il_5Fr1c}a;,%,_____9o?:ober_2,_ - 1". '> _--trA.,=.=~ »~.- »'. .= . .-* ab'ovut;_'?:li-5' _-. <4. ._' _. P _.. > L -_..5 92 . -2%" T1"... 1 6 , Y. ,,5,.,. _-_~-92.~'- ffhe :o}.1ox?:i'iig bao}:§gro1:ii_;i inforriation has been V. <d¢v¢1°PP-R 1-_¢r ' ~ ' ;5'_ 1.--1; 5,/ --.;,'> f-xv-:_a'§& " 31.1.-r?';*» 1" oi-Un1ve1»B1tyoQ§ A Berkeley, indicate MARIO ROBER1 o.'92'VIO born Decezzber 55, was137142,*.¢$§¥% in NewYork, Roi-1 York. He n=:a.s :;1cZr:itte<1 to the Univezsity of ' Ca3.i£orni.a,Berkeley, September,1963.» Heattended the - "_' ~. " J ~;' <_--' -"i*5g;i'? Io _~. 2-Kazzsas City mczsmm! ;-/1% ~rEP'</<=6 /ff _ _1 _DFrancisco San SEA mcxswzaaro! -_._____,_ - Los A-ngeles " 0o~5l»o6o! -~ zmvo! "°"5°~7_,7_|r<p 515; nzbjs »<1 _ . _ sER15P»-<~4_~ _'f'/ L320 -4 .o MAY18 -' .r";*;" QQJ?-'7/Y1= .v '-=~TTg._ [1 H ,f"°°PYAvMlAB1: 1. I O ac <32 0 -... _t 1a - I > m 157-981% ,' .1V LH-.-,'.-.'~ ,~,__r;;=, _=_-I , ,_.='._¢~,.~ 1 5 .. . ,_;_f -.1.._:' ';'=-:_.. *4"F-".:-X -9";-_. _ t&11v6r§it§_of"Ca1if6n2ia d*l1?1.-I18 ' the In~~ - I ~ .~ ,>' L1 ' ~' - , §'em¢8téi" 1953 " andY .if u spring semeséer19611;en;§o11é<1Ccllegé of Letters;-A and science, ';:}a,}'J1'ing in z¢:.>'~o1ogy.]35:1applicaticm 1'0? ad" _ v. V4 n.' mission to the University .-5» of Califcgmxia dated June 7, 92 . h92 ¢ 1% A M-.' 1 1». '3. -_.-. K". " 3;.-=1 >:** ~._1 -3._»#5 'i¢w_ -='-A .f-~.~~' ...~ f- '1--| » ~_ . ._. M-1.,. --v.-.;». .~.,':»» _. . <"-*" 35"'~. . .. ~92-.§f&# K~1 5, - _ ,' jg , " A1; ROBZLIRT smiroi .1 , 1» ~- v.-92-5, -'.;;¢:.;-".£__ »' ~' 1-:.;1, _-:£;;.¢. <.~. ;-. . E >1;-T ;»; , _ ~ _> -4 . _>_ . __ __[ _ >_ -_".;?_ __ B1 . _,_>_H. M__'_"f§"» ...v_ =., 1¬»§@§,;'!,.;~i 1* ' entmrice , -_ V 92._.¢: ~_..c-4 .x.,._1-! . -.":??§&# . exawizwation board. test-as taken mules:this name! ~~ if. .1-._}! - QQE, »..~z ;1,*3-~,»..> §AK£=1-:' Q»;-* .-:_i'e1-mnenf; address" 1'9-22 262nd Street»; Floral-Park ' ' " " Long Islmnci, N21-zY¢»r3:{:mb;}c»:":"?: _ ; v >. ' " ~ 1-.f::=:1. ¢..»..=re<1u@$"@@d that w"-<~w-121* @»;;2lAi<=¢ . tion be m9.11e6' tq 1216 , ,~ifs; 9 3, N ::-= 4:;.;»~- Hcrbhridge Avenu,e; !'¥3.en.r.;0raI," Cali pa *- 15;. »- fornia. It was noted that the = _ "~:1_§{*;.addreaa in care ' of Hr. _RICHA}?3!," K3 - u-:5 1 '*-> G0'IAB.D, I8-50 3§l§¬it i ii ~: » Rxrk,LungIsland,NewYor, bad been inked out and the '4 .4"; ' ,:-2 ¢ -.' ~. .s.: .._.~Q mi? Q above- mentioned Glemiora address put in its place!. Ila-tin H F J -p" _< . Van Buren High Schoql Qu-sensVillage, .§ A Hrzzw York; ~;' :~*~.q;_Sep1;ember, lEi6O~§>eptez_s1be1',& 1963.; :. - .~. I. ,1 - . -~." ~.-<11 . -;. N. . ' ."» ~- . .-; .>-.,;:»» .- .... :..1 44 ~; . .- lhnhattan éollegé,New YorkCity - z. . * ii:-;;~_ 1952 and Febrzwxy,-1963tqdate '2. .;=: -- oi this addrega apnlication = F . 262m: Street; !?'1bra.lp " 8 Island, sit-in'demo:nstra.'1:1ona 1*: San Francisco » #-1' T1 .2 ._NewYork, September, 1961-Liarch, - 1 mm: %_ I ;?:1li%wEPH gm;S-m<2L.,¢_ _ Mother": maiden na.me_ DORA ' * ».. ~_>;_;;. ;- 5f 4~ ~,;.2»-: <:$;£' " r : ,'> '§~f+ -KI .1-V . New Kerk ' as 1nv&>ter"a 1'é5;i;$¬1'7a.tib California. and was aubsé" quently a§;q__u.itted ongs '0;diagliybing thégeacq. i;=:;::%.'SAVIO_ was alaé répsred active, e£3;orts_in Mississippi during the Sums-axf Pro;-2:21;,3.961%. ! 5; , ¢ 1% .4 ;~é;-,3;"_:' ' .I?-li~' =.- .i?"l;1-*1 E - 'r.J»& _ "-, ~.--. #>-.>41, 5|-.1 2 I~-' V-*1». ..-w M »-::.<::;;; 5.4.¢ Q2- Q.-§:~*.@ ,.2 ,.;.<, <_-¢.<. :5--;.&# 1 § i . *1. O' e 92 ".92 LA-]£;7'S£y t! kiwi! q¢- O aI dv _me aher _ arm he had.;H; ~ié -A been activein the summer vaterls registration pro5ect_in _3 i§§§§ kssissippi, however, the place of this activity is no@_2nown,j; i }§§§ ' . .»1'4 . .;1 . ~_ t» * .~ Sm . , A" ' The .. -.; _;;_/ ;.3 files of ¬he L03 .- .... _ Ahzd1as'Offiéé in part_. reflect um JOSEPHammo, 2'-£!'~.RIC1's parent, resides at 121.6 East _ . ;;'* ;a- ;__i*; P5 :5 ~.-, up '. " . ~ *' ~*wM +%mL ., Northridge Avenue, Glendora; California. .sAVIO 1a'a'bhce i;,§% *metal worker who cama to Ca@ifornia from Manhattan, Néu York. ~ '>ThA Haw York Office b ?éirt§ida£é&e§§m$ér8 .', .i§64§ §¬%s ,1";-7'~ ~~ _92 -~=.~' '_._ . ;.-,». ;_1 advisednf83 -on that I-Iovember 13, 1.<;-1%;-*_§m¢c Yaw B¢- abi QJ 292D venue, , record of - ' ROBERT R.SAVIO re¬lects LAttended t UA$$Ywng: ', .<.~ m ,_ " P ' >'sePt9mbe?i'1957~JUnés l99~ -rm. 1 $6.6; birth Place of birth in 124:: Residence Lhnhattan JOSEPH and Q@#% DQRA SAVIO _;New 79-22 York 262nd Street, Floral Park, V >-¢,¢= .' ~-, . ,1..'>9 ..v,_9;-.1.1:: <_»1».-a,. =-1- £1-~ Q. ~1:§ z, .»>:"F-*¢" ' »~.!>..*=-_ Queens College, April 19, 1 Vhrvard, Septabcr 15, 196 UCLA, June. 10, 1963 1j- received the following awards at graduation: to Manhattan College; * » - *2: *<92 a ;"§A' 1-,, .1v' N-~ 92 ;,,,-E ' Eva's L2'1 .z;"~,§ -J"' ?§§#§ .-= 3_ The Mayor's Award for scholastic achievement Co~np and Government; ' ._ General OrganizgtionAward_ Student_G0vernmcnt!; .'-_. ._ '.r.c?? .1~¢.' _».._&# »sp_;>-.~;..~ ; , C. ~ The LI Press; -Eh; Betta Kappa; VParents Asscciaticn Service; student of thc_Y¢ar-~ scholarship Jnzinvu _ . <, . 3 - » - ~ .:» ' Q ' »~~..:_ _. :35; , Q92 %§éw; December 8, l§42 Full scholarship -0 iwé {J $- % Transcripts .4 __ .._-. 1-3;.-.> .- '5 1 Final avcrnge Date of .i"SAVIO /;c, Mlwv. ..0 * * 0. qm ._;,._,,_ "ii; ,5,,4..:92 ,3.»3;_ =-Y? -.13?" » I ~92¬ . fa km» ,_._ %¥ "fl<;? Qi -3 - P*"1.= *%%~#~<+P gx ' ""J;Z:1imé».->2 >. ,4&# H ' Q 1 3 LA L57-98h w ,_~@ . 1- i _ _10., Spanish,-throe ' r12> ~ yeaxo from teachera_o£ Spaniah!;;. ¢A,% ll}*_Physi¢s teaoher5;»¥@;§3x;;g;¢:v¢g@@;;;;~¢'F@;r5$%: ;:§§§§? ;¥-;i Th >Uostingouoe Honor-Phption;vw§§;§F;j* "5?* ' 1' __-:f__ =_ ».:;:?~}hV;»»_:_.~!w. .-" 14. Highest average§"Bnglish.th1ee yoargg; A@15~ ~V@l@@i¢@QYi@8;o§§¥. <§i;?.1L* ,=i »§5~ .m::~@ .. --'~'.-1 .--_~. ' ' .. 5» . 1 .., ., _.5;' » R: r. 1-<,~¢<>1~a iixztlxer rofleoted sane: :1.c1:'1'%r'i ~ -;¢ a3_follcw5*§+ @;;< ~f¢* "L . . » ..; " . > , _ -,-__v'_ _ ,___. , 1 . ». .*.92 - 4- ' Editor . ii Y yz. **¬? T-',*1o ."'5 " " _ {I"" £14I .1"9 .- '"i' ~v'.i e._. 92"'1_v-I T 7:" -> » ; ,.'. ,-~_-_. |. 2,, '. .I:_ ' ._ _,92 ... 3'; .L.L :~. 1_ ,_ __ ,4_ ;.__. ._ of Sedroh_Lights" *~c:&1<:s:; Club, June, 1.95 _V ~ s_ : . .,, ~.'. . ,.__ .... 4-,.,.'j' -- - ' ". ¢>~Jugo;'195g;-1;s§~,;;L . _;,,,§_~..-.~.. ' 'l""7.& ' ~ 1.~1;:;:: X 7 J-71 : 3 i--.'..--~, ~-..~L $2 1 :-~». M 5' -'-Iii? . . '.l_>ef& | >j:§., -5P :-_ T-as-~ vi-=' 1*;c" 4 --:;;>__ if-:*=.~1Z¬. ' -;.,>;' Q»: '-71 . :1--'_<v .l~»"_-5 V3" _§_. V . , ;_.- ~ ~Progress'He1per, Juné§1959** "Horizons; January, 1960;."j= G.O. President, January, 1906; Representative Borcugh, Youth Forum; AUH Press Cooferenoo§State Dpartment_Roprosontative; . A;U_ProoshConferen¢e4-Chinese Representativo;VL"" Discussion Conferences aBryant ;_Ad&ress in Auditorium on UN; High School; '3 -=» . . w.~$-=1. ,.. . ;h.<. Ed1ted_Att1tudea_and_0pin1ons;_, . :*ihde up 35 questions _ _verous_¬aBte for use ;.Evaluation .., Comn1saion3_ *" oi US - -' Foroign Policy; -- - *- V Science Fair ; R- _ ';1'%f ~> Q > 2 .' , »é%§ f%@ A :$§%% k .§;Seg$og:t1on Bib}ibgiaphy:QomiBsion;.V First prize, P1*:§,~;l_£2_ 1.. " ¢.;>.~:'*: "-.1 _;1-:. i-1.- *-' ;===&# by Achievement .Beétor report on edQ§ation;_» {V -» r: ='- T -./~ 92. -Y »:@#§§ . 1/ §-,_.-..;. ...'., - A1.&# ,__.. l7W&# m@»-».>... '§{ 2,1" - 1>;:r~. Mr IA-v:=? ..8? *g§;- we aka <:¢2;_".5_- ' <1»; ' "- » I I . <_ 92 A :1; <1!~ I i 3:2 *' - 4 .. a 9 i 1.: » ._~.w~ 1 -I-'~' . **_="< Viv '--¢-"-';, 'v ~,_. <._.1..;=-,..,"_£4 _.;' -_v ~ nu. . .-»..§.'._.-§ ._GL-,5 4 ~.~.-~r ..». "u v On November90,, Q1 MARIQzzoaansg; recorzi Of uhich J z~.;~viewe& . Q U10 follows: 7 "- ; >; 9 , .4 1 , Q. q:;_~LI;' ... . ~=._.<:1~.; -,..=_,_ H .-'3'?!--1:~>** >;.v.;-;92v % "=-Q334%"-1: -'-*5;¥,:=§a;;:--~ 5'1<;:"-I._.I. , _,',f'¢l .=A_-..-;-. »c~-, ~' ,=E;, _;. , .- 51  ~_ ,3. ' ..1r;=; .¢~_; ~__. 5. -5- _ >~.~. ~.... ~<'{ _ -" "" :~. . .I.:v: , .__ EIEI-$4.. v <,»*-~ V »=~"-E. .» -~~_ " ;'»~;=~*-:1». HA":-110 ROBERI SAVIO '.:l of birth December .8 3.9142, was ?' axnittéci Beptembe:éi19, 1960, the Sciénce Progresag; £1:"f 85<11'95$.92?$_ fl Street, Floral, Park; Long " Q3, .:,sa~'" ~. ,-- ' _:l92I¬:: _ ;.+2j; _ 4* T511 -. K _;-1; %:.,;_& 1&9."-' .3 _j .?,l{;:»§!_~ ' ;~.,~& .§,»§ '5& fin; I;' ~J" .~. ya.-1 7-APE,--.~. ;.;,~_.;;,» -V,-.w;31. ,-; 1 _. .. _ ca 0 e December 19,1960, llaryflielp ofmua ¢n,an Hex»: York '9, - W" le:-r 130%, fzxfébiar z"e£'i.ccte<1 tto thsvegis zmr . ranscr s Yorl5f,tJe.n1.*.e.ryi3, were ssuzz 0in~h£'i1QJco§ * and _§§31vez*s1I¬y¢a.11fo:ni_a, I-oz Anm{es,Ca_1$.1'oznia, J92_me_25, 1963.? e graduated from Martin? Buren H1 Sch 1 = __ Village, New York, Junia 28,; 1&0with mgaa" aggrige. ~ =-:19. 1 Hie parents were listed Placeof birth Ha. 10 in at which . , . as MBEPH and DORAand hia was1nd§;ca.!:ed as NewYork Gity. Be was mnked aclass of lu3. ._ .1 __ .. 1>- ;-, v' The Y*'->I@5°i1'1£ 5.5 being furnishe and¢<>@letionoi yaur f11e..I, y ~ - .V 1.» .,_ - '~-~; ~ V ~:'1- -_--, ";.;., ,3 ~c , I He lzwt attended school June 6, 1961, time r_he transferred ta1»?--.1-_r axwther college. 5::._,. _>-'51 -" P.-'--~-"' _~-.».-_ -__',1!r. ~; _~":~> .->- ¢- .~.:.a~-l J %f"<i/T 4.-»-1. . . vf ' rm-" '¢.g-=,. we - 9-;_&# -~* rt _xi * . .-T?»=-> ='4i4=' ' »_ -P . _ -- for .a=-=_~~-..-.1:1w j .- -A»-V, - ~ - 1 I ~_ - --~ information ~ .;_:-; . ;.. _' v.. , _f~/~,i.§_? "-_"& <..-,;. H..- ;_ ~ _.:;-T4-r-. .*-=1 ,1-_,~m_& <J"1" =,. =» :-ea-& ». <..92=Y'-ii? I. .»_ s:;_ _ ' 3g'.~.* :~ ...- 92 sv .'fj ._ ~13; .§.25?; é_é»,?{ - * _. ~.;». K_ 1= . 5 ,, . ;g.,¢-5%,- »'.",~ J x .4 " .1_.; "¬~.4;rr-. ;r;?;.=¢ .5. f"7:~. 1" 5».-;;<<;-:3 2:} ' .1." >' : " 2*." - '~ :1.-~ -~-*=@~.~_: '.» ;.».&# ~' -.~<.@~,_-:»_ _,-. .-;~¬~-_-*-,4 " ,_ ' r x '" ,.1V 154V I »-:_: '_" 3; _4? * _._.-J: ' L ; ~' 3951'! "4 ~' ' ' 5_ » *- " , - .¢ 4» g- 4¢ , _<$" _v,3- ;-.,. .,_» 1 , N '..'. i; .'. 19; ~11-".? ~47 #1..32 ~ ?.:-:1 V " :4 i :1 3 ' -'. -5- "-92=---@---v----~--,,---W | ~r7 ~.- .- r-.....,.__.__,.,_.__.-,->-..r_-........._._.___. _.._._____., . k__._._..__ __ __ 4-'/so 12-14-as!Rev. xxxxxf 4 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETEDPAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirelythis at location in the file. One or more of the following iii statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. El Deletionsmade were pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release toyou. _ Section 552 Section 552a U b! l! U b!! A! U d!! 1:1 b!! D b!! B! E] .i!! Elb!!t U b!! C! Elk! l! D b!! D! Elk!! U b!! E! Ell<!! U b!! F! U KX4! Ub!! Ci k!! E3 b!! U b!! U U b!! b! 9! U <!! U k!! Informationonly pertained athird to party with no reference to you or the subject your of E1 Information only pertained atothird party. Your namelisted is the in title only. 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II / ' . .8 t I ' pI _.= we MountClipping in SpaceBelow! its Did iiieeio " _K.'* " it~E: is .1 l illl@CB /:51 i a i "'"w Andexplaining his reasonfor opposing direction actionat tls time, he said, "Idon't want to lead people into things that will lead to expulsionif we ca»-'t 1. supportthem " BY Fmillii-92Y1D-92'ER The newestFSM call for di' Just how the FSM will fare Iario Savio, who gained narect P Y * Savio shouldbecome aptio -wide attention as the leader hasfurtherwidenedthe splitandwithout the oitht: Free Sp=:-.-rli Movement 1 parent in M --1 next few days. lsaivio, tisually the iicry pied p"i Oneof thefacultyspeakersat inlits revolt against theUnilperotthedirect action grog versity oi California,renounced t is moreor lesson the outside.. his leadershipoi the FSM in a The dismissalof Art Goldhcr f dispute over tactics, sources1 an FSM wheelhorse,and the sus close to the movement's inner ; pensionof three other students councilssaid today. [in theobscenity rowhas'trig___'lhe exponentin the past of - gered the call for direct action direct action, Savio now opposes even openrevolt and, as a result, is ter to the movement. action ossibl tomoriowin the minorityin the FSM, the Savio, say thosecloseto the sources say. _ .";__ ,.5~_92 : we-&# *--.&# _,.»-2» . ssh! . 5 indicate paqe, name of newspaper, city and state.! ____. .-st-.=... .._t -;_.,.,, ,,_ _-, ._ Mi tM._>_& ..--s . ;.j'; s1-. In his-farewell addressyester- FSM, day from the steps of Sproulhisposition is the minorityone, .-;..:;&# *~:' -fl "? .' _ i"_-iI _;92-.-r-~ .. :2>;' »c_=p-;-; . 1-".1. Hill, Saviogave weight tothithey add. They claim his resijp th.ory when he said that th nation wasannouncedbecause "llpchniques appropriate las semesterare not appropirate this semester." Throughout the short,but hectic history of the FSM,it has ' '4-ea--,__ t,-' ~ .;' _---13&# -. -': ' FSM on the University oiCag- lyesterdays noon rally of the if the resultsbring disas- been divided over tactics. The "' iornia campuswas Reginald 2 faction favoringdirect actionsuchas the Dec. 2 and 3 sit-in at SproulHall-has beenin con- '1Zelnik, actingassistant preten- opposes direct action,but sor of history,who referredto xi 1 Berkeley > the Meyer Committee report on ¢ l ~--1'ecommenclations_ for governing 5 Daily Gazette studentpoliticalactivityas ian- ;l , he could not approvedecisionstastic." Berkeley,Calif. remarkswere; taken overthe weekendto resolrt Prof. Zelnik's .to dircctaction it the four-.stu-. initially attributedto Proi. Phil-De-' u dents are not reinstatedby the ip Selznickoi the Sociology partment who di;La*1;sp,eak at Regents. Some see his action asan at- the rally. Date: tempt to split the FSM at this crucial moment and make it im- troliimost of the time Svio was recognized. as the[; new prote-st -p possiblefor the movementto -r "ather _ enouohstren3,th to mount leaer andspokesman of-this Savio Said yesterday his Y. . El'°~!P in U19Past It was Savio! prise farewell address fromhe whoinspired the'. ~95? steps of SProulHall thathe' classic directaction oi theFSMdisappointed with the growing whenits members invadedthe gap betweenthe leadershipoi §PFOu_l Hall onDcc.2 for a sit-.the FSM and the studentsthem- tronagainst institutional tyranny But this semesterthe more on- Ew Title: _t Eve . Mih<>==Fred Gardner- Georee 0 Dunscomb nu. INFORMATION contrsmso HEREIN IS~ uncssssmsn DATE _._.Sb..' "K_L__BY?1P§@T in thatended in aharrestof $_@lv@$~An>' kindof insurrec- morethan700persons. Edition: ' 3:::~fa:& Classification: _ Submlttlnq Ottlce: »:._ _.. -av? ,1 s »e<:. ' ~,. >15:" 1:..:1 FD-350 I-l6-63! tn". /_ J_____,.,-~ ,/1 ~ ' +~ .. , __92 4 92_.- Mount Clipping In Space Below! V r I Won:_tReturn l 1'-I-¢nt@-as Marie Resigns p . 3 5? irSi92~v/i Leeelershiia Q By JOHN as he OPPEDAIIL drew to aclose aspeech BR/tl92'DLl _....,» _"'* ...a....~..-»-7 _._.--.... _»e-~indicate puqe, name oi newspaper, city and state.! ttacking the report of the Meyer _stepped ' lltlario Saviounexpectedly ents. ' down yesterday as one and BRUNO ~ -r i=:g.s.&# Li _- ommittee of the Board of Re- _ ofithe leaders of the Free Speech ,It has been said certain pe le have gained their position ,§as 1 _!lo92'eme=it. _ leaders of the others lack un- 0 His reason for leaving is its excessively t movement democratic character." l I l It may FSM! here becaitse competence, he said. well be, -_- he added, that others with competence have not come forward because the leaders of last semester are lie sni»! he "denitely will not come back to the FSM. .:~»=~4 .19? -'1& * .-.g . p}-V} =-:¢w--= . 5.1,. 5" 545' I-lis announcement came atthe still around. r' v 1 1-Q l end of :92 noon rally and startled Principal 1-pcsiiiers beside Savio the more than 1000 persons who at the rally weer Reginald Zelnik; gathered to hear Savio and other assistant professor of history, and ~ speakers attack the so-called Kenneth Stampn, professor of Bit».-3."<'r Report on possible new ML, .. I-;> *if.$SI§'"l1..tJT ' " " .. ff__ts-351 M-3ysQ; " 1-ti. ' . cieeiplinary procedures for the liistory. XLB0ll1the attacked ileyer Pe- 0' mpas. ort which would revamp camplns llleferring possible to upcoming i;lisciplinary procedures if itlis F ii! direct action against the administration for l i ousting four aidopted next monthby the trill Board of Regents. A major problem now is how to action isn't organized by yon, it's get the Meyer Report not worth being organized."_ before the Regents acceptrescinded it, he Lest Ifeel deserving of the said. » charge of Bonapartism which Zelnik said three things were even Isometimes have made wrong with the fantastic docuagainst myself, Id like to wish ment": you good luck and goodbye. 0 1: speaks to issues which a_ Nobody moved as Savio strode statewide administration has no students last week he said If the away from the microphone where he has made some of his most famous speeches._ ___ fsavio said he did not know if right to consider. are obnoxious on their faces 6 Itcarriestone the of aIrre- he would leave the Berkeley area. stricted doeu I Savio, as one of those arrested __ 0 Fifty per centof its P0l1¢195 11111 Qif 7° Y. :l5Iow me'mEers of an acadeirlje e~'fIdentally haveremain l-6 Wlll lIl¢om-_mu;nity have keep to line? in 1 The Daily Californian All students ought to me to step down. not return of FSM. as one of the ADate: 4-27-65 .EIdltion:. 1!;; '1 Iliy 3-»;-95 "5 I .._.;;.: »_ ..ZAMh°s._.Eg.On 8c. B. slsoc.Stuimmxxdents of begin tell- U.ofCal. Classification: Submlttlnq Ofilce: element on this community." i -$2 :3?._ 1ii vi:_~n1§ »:-*~& -- .- ...< 1,<,., ~;..E iijile l; [3 Being lnve-stlqaled leaders _sumptionasignicantnumber of care He said he did not know if he Regents n here '5avio at his "departure" hinted - _, ,_, _,>,A /m-I4 060-17! wh,at__.the.-. faculty ' _ ___ qmijter 3smdmj§f?i_"ji_"°?li gs wt ' wou register it, .. Character: or He said he may stick around to But this might not work," he watch what goes on" but he will added. We're going on the as- ' ~. :5/:& . .9-1 .  /it. _ ~92. I've thought along time about ingthe Regents the Meyer Report it," he said. There has been no will not be acceptable to any pressure on _;_ _3.,_ _l. ..__._¥ -~..' Q, 1-' ' #113? U.of Calif., tBerkeley,Calif. Berkeley until the end of the trial Referring to the sections on stuof the 800 personsbeing tried for dent conduct, govemment, and sitting-in at Sproul Hall last: discipline, Zelnik emphasized, @erm.>*ter.! - ;~.;:r ;:.<aA ALL Iigrom-nrrcor COl~i'iAI 111;?-ITT?92 SEA.=.C;~IED _... _____mosxso . 5531111159~KQF-ED--KB]: tr.» t -e "if ',92 I ....--t .._...,_.~ -- ~---..r..._......__.._._..,_ .___.___ <_ .._... .._.._..._..._._._. .._.__.....__.._-_-_ _e.__._._.-i ._-_._____ v ~ J .1--92 History Professor Kenneth; This Board of Regents, deemed by any sartrof social valStamp? told _th_e,growd The re-' rmt, ,.and ue, makes it very difficult for port was 11'" disappointmen reects oneof the problems that to respond in ameasured way on i/K/* 92__J! confront state universities."~ QWednesday. ' "The Boards of Governors threats Yale, Princeton-function as a cushion between students and. faculty and large, he .Stampp not occur the community-aw continued. maintained this does in state universities be- in a -1 l Savio was referring of some Eastern schools-llarvard, . to implied telegram sent Last. week to the Regents from F523 urging the four students last week be reinstated ately."! _ ousted ' 1 vi V ' 1._ _':.r , . I don-t think anyone would he ashamed of the demand made oi cause too often, appointments . the Regents. 1ts_the_13i'?imum re to the boards of regents are quired for -a fair hearing," he politically motivated. _Inevitably, ve sity _ 4 50 __";-: fr. > 1 Pa-i¬K_ si t Q4~.-__._--r "?+",5&# oz». -..;& .2 1,. A  said. ». someone at a Unt- will outrage a signic t pat of the outside community he ad-'»'~:l. - 1 Of the Meyer report, he said, "It is not an inspiring, liberating document but agloomy, negative one 2101 of pains, penaics, and threats. It has all the idealism and inspiration of a bill of Iading. It gets the Regents into in which they ought not areas to med- dle," he said. "It totally violates campus autonomy. I urge students to get to work _ once on objections to the >30rt and send them to the _ gents," he continued. Sproul Hall. case of the banned mag} azine Spider, rst the bad. guys, then the good guys" forced decisions from holding the hearings on Spider, masse can do justice. But this is dai Qerousand Ihope it do snot ha pen. ' Pe said he did not thi ' the fol .students involved in the o'escenity" incident spoke in line with the true function of the University." ' _' However, he said, when that case went to a committee, "even rudimentary demands of due precess were denied them." '=:~'7x "".,f":.l-., i?',¢:>.~._'?. -4:! '_»'; .;vZ,i _. *-=1~. "F - are . »' v'v'h '4 . T.-;=.,@:r  TL?-3. '2 .t .-,¢;@~r, .xiii?tr»./=.> '§<'*-1,.-*t'i'T_-@ .> _-»;;a=~_"~"'"' -- ,.=:~ 5 . {».-T-~"»?;,," _".,. , Pi,92' .. --~ -iii. "i/T1 - . ...- . 92 ,92 -»K } ,. - :-..3i iv -» -4 v I._. ,-. ix -. ~.1.~s r: >411- '. ~-' -.~.~=:. 1 1 -ti. VI ,1;. -- ¬9292» -t I *2 :- 92 -rt ,_.< . , . :91 . v ,.. f,_~.:___'-' ' ;::~. , l'_"~.,; 6*. _r't I _ _ -i 51--' .t 1.,~. -"5 i'=-.1;-->1 ' ' . -+i7.":i' i * 1;; ~;"'~'-.,. ~,.__. -v_. ,_,-V 4 bi .. at . J J4 ._._ -1;; ~.I ..'..~_ 92 . .1. .- .., f. --*-/-v 11 ..§,__ . .ff J _Q, Q. ,'.:-;_';_;_~":31 fa .92 92.,Yi..:;'r:_~. .-."- -... ,.._.. ~'_l.~»;=r"' <- .-, . <~: .,i L._.. .. ~,_ aw-'1 =,-$4 »-».l < 1 ;__'7;--.-¢.;,: , ,, .'-3, ~<_.- 1-Z1."-=. .. ..-- .'.'..'-"'g_-._.:y __,= ._ .._ _. .<;='"* ~'-, ....,,,92 7_' -.5.» L" .<"%='.£-' ~ .-2'3" x '1"; ;,,.; 8,. ,A,__ . = ... _. . __; ' vi ~ _-_.9292!-V 92..,,-.r-'> ,/"- -Q, =P~ . 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".5 LKw:_-7 *§§#&# -is '§.* ..,_; ;4_ 1 I1 5 Those people who backed the us those . 1' - E J-.. 4ea he said. . But both decisions were corrupt," he added. If the courts don't have the conscience, then the people en when the Regents deny channels?" .1. tlv _; ;.. ~*i",,_{~é the committee administration last year said didn't use orthodox channels. t 1' gt}~§__z N-_' .-.;:. _s-_»:_:.»1 I4'. :' 1~. ...-.. .1. hi Y-' " if '" H» A ,;,_.= -, ' - =7 _.a..,-1-,-F-.¢." 2' -.3 -nl 0 i-;.°:-; .~.»,' ":'~ =lT".-__.h.:92¬"E'__a P. i '=.'i , 3,: _A.,i.; 5,-.'_v_ >,.;» - _. ;;= rf§*!'.92 3:»;It. . ~.~.'Q ..' i~1;».";{'7,! .1-I!3.- .j. =5 iii? i: ...,~ - '.~$ v..,_~.u'~»-..~.:-.=2.¢»¢'1 , ., .¢..¢. .. , .. »: ~ -_,,-'w~>..l3 .,;' ,-:',.;: -' tF,, 1. .92..,:.~'*,';I92 3-' nyi $1Ifr T'2 1 92 ,._ *-..:~ . ._i .~_ ~,-__>_/fl z . =1.-é-r*.~~ 92'-P -gyw.--_..-' ~; ,' ,...v.!,_, 1-,.-';,~. 1 Then came Savio for vqnnl would behis lastspeech from t§z0__ steps of In the .......--. - B.-1 »~ wt.-9:.K -!_,,,,.. .1 ..w-/ ,'» ~.- +7501:44-aa! Rev, _, Z I V - ~l_ I . ,- .. -M» -_ -»~ -.* N 1g g .; _~ ,. 47*"he »~XXXXXX MLFEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE xi. . INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirelythis at location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. ._ E] Deletions were made pursuant to theexemptions below indicated with no segregable material available release for to you. _ _ .t b--§ggtiQn 5,52 , VM»-_ - ~ Eection 552; U b! l! El tb>tv><A! E U b!! El b!! B! l:l' i!! U b!! E1 <b><1><¢> E] |<!! U b!! D! El l<!! U b!! E! I E] d!! . U l<!! D b!! F! E] |<!! U b!! U b!! E] l-0! U b!! E] b! 9! D k!! U b!! E] k!! D Information pertained toathird only party with no reference to you or the subject your of U Information pertained to only a third party. Your name is listed in thetitle only. E]toDocuments originated another with response Government agency ies!. documents These referred were that agency ies!for review and direct you. to f¬qU¬Sl. ~ Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency You will ies!. be advised the by FBI as to the releasability this information of following consultation our with the other agency ies!. ii. Page s! withheld for thefollowing reasonwill s! 92-wt / Re2I ' ,If Ce /L7? W 37 II be processed in /*" -:.£3--_<-K~~. .*.'t>'../1<a.e.-»t»' _ @ Foréyour information; Dbcumertt is ntified as: /:; _~!gr/m,/ 3"?#*-4;-L; fa /QC.3/T 443?. $1»/' 5"? =2! L/g/' "/~é Jmi»: <§,0#~e Thegfollowing number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 5/Y» /,2,/13ea~/xv. XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! ue:/P1~¢',e X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X X FOR THIS PAGE X $ rat/ooa l 1 -R » . a FD-350 Rev. 1-15-63! V i. I K .. '/ MountClippingin SpaceBelow! W Editors note: Tlie following isthetext of a letter bv_Ma,1;i'n=,Savio l reu!ived"flat'e Qsterday bythe Daily aliforinan. 'l:uesday ilaviolg ' ~ :5} stepped down asoneoftheleaders oftheFreeSpeech Movement.! ' Tothe Berkeley Students and Faculty: if_ I _;~"_ I had believed thatlsaid yesterday only one thing which oouldr have beerrmislnterpreted. Mysaying goodbye could have been takenf tomean that I would not re-enroll orthat I was leaving thecity. I dont feel bound toeither course ofaction. For now, I amceasing alldirect participation inthemovement forstudent rights onthi{k 92 I 3:! indicate page, name oi newspaper, city and state.! campus--a fortiori in anyroleofleadership. This does notpreclude, however, myparticipation incampus politi 1 n] activity at sometime in thefuture. ' _. ' ' s a z. T93? " -1. ;..R. .»._ 1 -Ii. . -s _-_,-._ l zPeople ofsome lEt.f§t=,'-l"ll~L:=_} andofvarying degrees ofresponsibiiity92 have tried tondreasons behind reasons formyresignation. A -"1 The Examiner suggests achange inmydraft status; Mr.J.A,R. ' Editor, ofthe Daily Californian. hints that I was part of2discredited a l S .1 faction which was urging "direct action," butwhich has now been _, defeated bytheforcesgof moderation both intheleadership and on . 92&# :~. >___ campus generally; theGazette has it that 1was part ofadiscredited -4-:12. ff-~.. 1.13? ..3,. N,-. faction which was urging moderation, but whichhas now been de-~_§ feated bytheforces fordirectaction. onwenj l *' _' . " ' "E 'Q Thereasons I gave in what I stillbelieve wasa relatively clear apeeeh maywellbetoosimple forsome journalistic minds to eonil end: - V ' A - * -- The campus must organizeitself. If thestudent rights movement at Berkeley mustinevitably f ~3 l outmyleadership, thenit werebestthatit fail. 1The Daily Californi- an U.of Calif. , Berkeley,Calif. I should doa greatdisservice to ourcommunity if I wereto mak >> myxelf indispensable; andinrecent weeks I have become verynearl nzdispensable. . V_- But I amcondent thatthiscommunity is entirely capable of.i organizing itself intothepowerful trades union form oforganization which this "knowledge factory calls for. -_ - ' V-' K Date: Edition: it-28-65 xnxxxpub_; anarchists 1ast'fa_Hthe truth is that even members of the Faculty g Forum-nr,1nuaecogmze theunpo ceofourdemand §5F'ihTé"'br0cess * tempts to_l-abel usdegenerates thissemesterreme_mber, it was; ~ ALLIi-!FOP..="L'=T --IT.-1.INED' '-I5.-.' ".=?.?=.EIN IS Ia: nu 3' 1, R, Author: Concerning therecent cases of alleged obscenity: despite theat-_ inthese cases andshare ourshock atpunishmenm which seem tobear 1"r_"& §i< ,_1;-, .4 ~i xxmxxdents Assoc.Stu ofU.ofCal. Q_.-rv --P -2 -ii _...&# '1: *3 Character: or 1;; Classification: b.92'r2£92:1§:3?L..---Qs1/;.m /'5 J, 3/4/0 40-/93 Submitting Office: EL?.= ;A SF [:1Being investigated "at -tr .»£»~ ..~" '1 .->' a I 0 I' l {I -;;.. =.> 2,. ;ai6 -_-.A__ T-13-1 ~12 a£=E.~1? ¬'w ~ .11 Y.. I V. ,1! V-;j. 1 T{$5 s .. I. L_ ,.-. 92' ~__.,._ ,P s__ .~ /~*~:2 no rationalrelationship to th. "crimes." Furthermore, since it can he arguedthat thesecrimes weri attemptsat legitimatesocial criticism, I believe there for serious doubt that is room the font; oughtto havebeenpunished£0!- conduct unbecoming a studenif, 5 *2 -1 is .1- I believe no one should feel: ashamedat having supported all ultimatum looking toward actio.l_ to protectour fellowswho wen! so unfairly treated. I also bu; lieve that in the changedcirc92921IEf stances of this semester no out should feel ashamed at deciding n to march into Sproul Hall at hish noon on Wednesday. . et me add that perhapstho, .2 :1. _-92. Rx ;v_.1:  .2 1'7 -_§ §E satdcstthingaboutthis munity is-thewontinuing rely:-.?: tance of fz-.eulty_ to defend 1 cf rightsofstudents to sel£go<'e§nment, to due process,and to 0;} full and liberal educationas posed to the factory training} whichwe studentshavegenerally; hadtosuffer. 1,;-ti; The Berkeley" students have; beenforced todesperate acts causetheir professorsrepeatel lyhave failed them. .» I canonlyhopemorefaculty; members1nay' soonshouldertho; responsibilities theyhave theirstudents. " __ ,:;.=.'l~>92§~st;.~;7! v.=i;; Mano Sa .-:1 __,- 1-W, 3- ,3. ~ 1. I 1 ,;. "gf%w 1;;>.~.92 L Ew*m**-@=~ us 1% 1. .. § - 1 w.a.=:waMr » 5" £5-ig3i.." P¢i%.°"..*g-'1' ».*=;.i *7? . >*=a._:. .1 1 ,. ~. w .¥r»%§&¢m 3Y%Q#$@§§$#m§%Mg y 3: r-:»j~§$;¢f»n.v¢.~~~~='~~- a=t--" ' H ii .~ ~. 3 1_§,r.-,f -v._.;. -_; _;¢~ ;,__ ~?"~_" _ _...x___Y}. _};- f'4'?;v _ 1. iv 92_.f.;=i'.'-T J -2 - 92-. »: . 92 _.;.-_.1_..§_;;.,.92_,... ' -; 1 ._ ;x ... . »:~-. *;'§~,1. 751$ 5 ' I .f .- X... f . 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A. f;.."~.. 1:};/' ' L. __ra __ . .1, -;" .113 , . -_-'~ > .".;' 1.} .. .1 " - ' -. 1' 5"'f %%§é§?¬% ;V 3} 92"wmw @§§%§@@ 1.12% 9 7L o§}H 3v~' -1-.'-' "'1 l¬'QI' Mfr-1 .-.._ ;,:.'»*-. "1,-':"<. :1: 2 $0» i C.§. _ L5 _. . s1.c, 0 _. V sm rnmcmo .- 4_,92_ _v 3 i P K y. V _.___~___4_ ___ V - . 92> . ~? ¢Ru¢;="' ' INS MARIO , _92 ¢» M; <V .. . <3-rf , -,.' ~' -...;;_, kw W 9/ .é ._-_;+*92--. 92 ~_.4;» . ElA 1J ,,92..,92~. . 7 . ' ' in Q,;¢-"-,:;'_' :1: '.':"'" I r .3 ,4 .. -2 ~..'> _I.;- ., s.3&t'Cv1é - RH!. '" ~ nhb. -. .4 -,,... . /, .~ . .1l"*--- 1- .. .- .23 I¢,_,__ . . - »: ,~_'_ "' ".5 *.. . ,100-51% O._ Ha.1"¥ib Sav1'.o!!/ _. ':-3*"-1.-.-'*. . 2.' T 1/: - I - ' Y .-. » -- '1 ¢,'_ _92 . ._'.-.L.' :;,'<-*.' J1.-~11 . -. '*f.A;;3:§_$}_"r. <-.._,,,_; ,; _1..__. _ .45.;"{§' ~ '92 ;...,:-...' .~_,_, _ . -.":."Y.L5,._1l§¢>5'3l=¢-A ~-I:-"»_-I '1, .» '__Q. . :.-".'-»,_f'.. 92. ' - . .__ ,_. .;' In 1=5-gr -- ._v >.~ . -~ ._.¬_. 4'-J-_ ~ .1.y = ._.' |_ ' '. 1-} ' - 1""-9¬;>a-§~' .': Ug;-V. 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Saga oH_heSit-in -- - Ce ate lndl pcxqe, name of newspaper, city and state.! 4-Mario theSavio, 22-year-old firebrand led who tile odel of decorum vesteidb wlwn took he stand the Berkeley a%92the 1.33 trialof sproul Hall sit-in demon .92.'iU .8nt at the rebellion University of California last f ill and winter, was the very m _ strators. ,' "' _. | Sax-io dropped out ot UC told ofthe violent stuiate last tall -but he re- He Octo- i vealed on the stand that he ident demonstrationsof the result? had appliedtor re-admission.lber1and2 and of eig had beenaccepted andwoul -indefinite suspension is t u den t.s. among tlu, re-enter either in Septembe ' Rlario Savio. L or"ne.92"t spring. He interjected the coinSavio declined to take th that custoniary oathand merelyment Kerr "had 3 S.F.Chronicle no idea of the need for student political ac~ tivity." The suspensions. he said. "a'ffirn1ed intent his to testify truthfully. BEGINNING . .111 ~ ~~-& 'r,.»;; ~t ,. President Clark J; ~:,-. :3": 5-; 409 students Then hebegan his account came after troopedin to see deanof men ot his involvement in the now-d efun c tFree Speech; Arleigh Williams and con- l_§an Francisco,Calif and col; Movement. and the student fessed individually! they too demonstrationst h a tbegan lectively -that had violatedcampusrules by early last September. V During thesummer of1964, Savio said. he-.had_been a Date: harmingrecruiting SNCC- Edition: Author: Editor: Title: yesin the forbidden _SatE ovate area. ~.r Student Non-Violent Coordinating Council volunteer in Sa v i0-s- runningaccor ft will be continued __.._ Monday.-f re815' Mississippi, teaching school and assisting in voter tration. - l These experiences. he said,I motivated his activities inthe-5.4 Sprout Hall sit-in. He testitiednthat he had been scheduled I0 b°¢°me »-t~;3.:*<-".'l"a¢ zix:'u3b'-1. 15- LDm '.'<92-'."-'I ' q___,_-SQ ww~--" ; '.. _.__ .,..---~-' Z Then Saviobeganan 81? most day-by-day 1EP°1't hi °5 Character: or Clusst ttcution: 1 Submltiinq Office: ____ q -~ _ ,9 1 1Qi §has.deYoung Thieriot rum: *92r"D "1 T.¢.'~.:--'.>~::c:t <392;@=-=-'~#-**-. W -1 ~ prbhibitions on advocacyand DIARY 0 Final Home »= r'-";"""I<_"?" chairman the of Camp?!» l l-"ends oiSN_CC, but1h:d failed organize to grollp the because of vadministrati n. political activity. 5-1L-65 [3 Being lnvestt cited _;.,;.' " 52$. ~93 . Z3. ' eei ¥.V /61} I $Z_4*J f "/ 77;& attempts to persuade theU versity 3'dn1'!tl1¬ltat.i0n changerigid H1188. the t W r FD~35D Flev. 7-I6-G3! Meunt Clipping in Space Below! _ I. I. '1 KerreMav It at Sit-IP11 Trlail ByFRED ALLGOQDabledoubt that I did not, replied. Dr. Clark Kerr, PresidentSavio ., | of~.the University or Califor Did youtell theI-Ieymen; Committee that you set up; nia, is likely to be calledtootables on indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! that day?" Jensen! 'i< . 1. testifyin the Sproul Hall sit-asked. Q in trialonThursday in Berk- Consistent with my_last eley, the day the Board of answer, no, Savio Regents meetsin Riverside, T he 2 >- -_-___ replied. _I Heyman. Committee the Academi¢ was set up by it waslearned yesterday. 1 .. TheRegents aredueto e_v§SeI13lZ8 la-stOCt0b6l _. to . ,_ 1. cide on student disciplinary ~§'1°a1in88 inthecase ofeight suspended procedures andcampus rulesstudents for allegedly violating ¬S ianito startcomparing notes tonpolitical activity atBerkeon the reactionsto the.con< troversialByrne Report zines: _-}1_- L le . -_= V itsaid Mr. whichcriticized them for initsreport Savio freely admitted that he their method of governing .-*-=..; <1-3" s set up a table in the area in Malcolm Burnstein, chiefi Sept. 29." _theuniversity. 70 S attorney for the 155 defen- " At thispointJudgeCrittena recessuntil 10:00 dents nowv on trial before den called this rnorning.- » .92Iunucip_'al_ JudgeRupert aggres-A Crittenden; saidthataccord- -Sa vio answered in?tohislistofwitnE§§e}11"°1y ' °e§£°i"°°*° Kerr will likely be Thursday. grammar. calledJensen's X San Francisco,Calif. . Date: Monday. _ 0 , Thetrialdeveloped yester- dayina"-sharp_ battle ofwits; 0 between Savio andtheproe-I *"°'= Fred Allgood 92,'->9 n »792If92.92_7 p~, _1-1 - .1t--~_ .- ."¥,"-t.'-'J~ ca... f_ sap,whocross-examined "Did you set up a card Jensenaskeii--.;... ' I________.___ believe beyond a reason-4 Edmund J.Doole Character: or 1 re -* iv; '5--is - Classiflca tion: duringtheafternoon session. Jensenfed Savio some innocent questions and theni snappedsome carefully tableoncampus Sept.29?" Ew" Title: -V". Z _-.i_:92..>I;ilfI..n_f=1~$£1B_='v-*;'°"$,. A ~.Eq"f_ _> cutingattorneyLowellJon-* worded ones. 5" Edition: Final leader of thedemonstrators, is cross examined lengthily, calleduntil ___ . J?..' . _i If, however, the current witness. MarioSavio, oneof the defendants andformer Kerr maynot be .F'. Examiner SubmittingOffice: G Being lnves lee/ .6 _ /'4» klh * big ii qqted -/92 %%e;# 4-yke =& FD-350 Rev. 7-I6-63! - I MIN-"'19 Clippingin SpaceBelow! Savio's Storryot The Sit-in .92i;n'io 5-avio.the 22-yeart-Etl loader sity" of of the ,<' -.1 -wax,t Ii_.9 Indicate page, name Q! newspaper, city and state.! Univer- California Free .<;";ot=.t-l1 .92Io92'ement. jin:.-hcdhis sagaof the great sit-in _92"estei'day in Berke- ley- Albany Mu ni ci aal tfdurt. 5 L ow e ll Jensen. assistant? -hstrict attorney prosecuting L35of the sit-ins, began going hackoversomeof the details! or Sa92'io's day and a half 0 !<-stitnony. He also determined $3;-ii [.5 .2;:J~>-.- that éuxio once flunked a German i-omsc and got incomplete greitlcsin chemistryand phiiosopliy. 2 t S.F.Chronicle -'e 3 fiavio explained that the iree speechactivitiesgot in the way of chemistry and philosophybut he had now c om ple t ed his philosophy 1. _§§n Francisco,Calif. ¬_{ 55: ' work. He intends to get the chemistrydonewhen he reenters the Berkeley university next year. Savio also concededunder .lensensquestioning that he instructed the 773 students Af F? _>¢ 92 fry,,5. A -¢~I._:._. s-1,5 D1115; zicn 1s:;sxo¢u;r:soE, »i::_1t1§;§:t__.rzauasevv» 9292'i?¬'! spent the night in Spout Ha 1, last December2, hat mayshould go limp police arrested them. Ee"M=Final Home **= Editor: Chas .deYoung Te= Thieriot . t-1.e_;_ when "I was aware, said the . my police somewhat from re-, studentleader,it wouldde- Character: ° Classification; eee P-3 . 4" _».~. f FD-350 Rev. 1-is-63! I I J ¢ MountClippingin $paceBelow! _ s-avios N esw at Sit in Trialii ' hwa |l'c ~., Thep1-OSeCUt io n re_' attached much importance o itwhen first asked his nanée @3194!yesterdayat the Berkeleysit-in trial that f"Ihere were importat I wastestifyingto, Ie MarioSaviohasusedoth- things e1'_names. Saki 1 l r indicate page,name of ' During hisdirect testimony} l Savioand154otherUniver- newspaper, city and state.! three days ago, the lankyZsityof Californiastudents are Free SpeechMovement lead- standingtrial beforeMunicier saidhis namewassimply pal Judge Rupert Crittenden Mario Savio. ' ' for their part in the masssitYesterday,however,Depu- ins at Sproul Hall on the 1y District Attorney Lowell Berkeley ca,nLp.u.,1ast DeJénsenproduced a baptismalcember 2-3. certificatefrom New Yorjr datedJanuary24, 1943gi ' *7-.-' ert Savio. , i .1 I .5, s.zvios name asMario mi '~.92 5;.-&# ' I Jensen also asked Savio if he hadusedthe nameRobert Richard Saviowhile attend- ingcollege in NewYork. Yes, I did, Savioreplied- S.F.Chronicle 5 é'. I. =,_4 Savio e lainedfrom witness st§nBd"taT'e had not 1 _§.?n Francisco,Calif Date: Emum: .... ,1-92".'Y7|192, _____,.__.:., ,~ 7: 1},-_ .l'92:=-* .. "_ .,_ -_ v__ ___. _ v f Final Home Author: Ew _'jf_ .9:/92' ,3--."' '. LILD_~'I Qhas.deYoung ".¢ 1 q"925"%f.._ei;-#-"-gyl-:n"§"' "== Thieriot .92> Character. O! Classification: SubmittingOffice: G Being Investigated --.-_.-.,__________ /5 0 $951? ~; -.1; ~-I _ .1-..~ I 1:.=.~v:ate1s.i.. 5 ? 55=|--~ ::'».=92 --I .-_-_-_._~.__..__...--,.. -»---__....__._.__ 3/A;/5?50 2m C/ 92O1 » _ I J. 5 FD-350 Rev. 7-l6-63! if lg Mount Clipping in Citeswlfirsf Amendment? Space Below! it-.. The BerkeleyPolice De- A partmenpintogpedthem; theycouldsetuponlythrees .5vio--Sit-in tables at the entrance-in-1 steadof the six to 10 they?- . hadbeenallowed previous-H ly, he claimed. _ I " allayBe I-egali CONCERNING forma- ti in of the CampusComttee on Political Activi- By H. W. Kusserow _ ,_ ties,Savio_ saidtheFSM,in a bargainingsessionwith _ Indicate paqe, name of newspaper, city and state.! the administrationOct. 14, had madeit clear it would sity buildingsmay be legal overruled the objection and not go alongwith the comStudent sit-ins in univer-' JUD G E CRITTENDEN under the First Amend-5Jensen asked, Did you mittee if it were setgpg a ment of the U. S. Constitu- vote? 4-4-4 ratio of students-f tion. Mario Savio. leader of -T:I did not, Savio ad-ulty-administration.' the defunct Free Speech :;nitted,but did not go into FSM wanted it 6-6-6iv y .92li92'ement at the Univer- ally of day. California,said tol He said UC had no right SM to have four of the six detail. tudent delegates. He said he knew that llChief defense counsel aving four FSM members to single out an individual Malcolm B student for discipline for newsman u rnstein during .:.--1 ..~ ~'-.. ._l_..x_. 92 told on the student delegation a recess sitting-in and blockingthe that Savio didn't vote be- would mean that FSM would have effective veto entrance to the deans of- cause he had been a day fice in Sproul Hall last late securing an absentee power. Savio Oct. 1. ballot, being out of the state DURING THE day, and another FSM leader, HE ADDED the sit-in on Nov. 8. Bettina Aptheker, issued a Savio continued to testify joint. statement on statemayeventuallybe ruled legal under the Constitu-on how he had been menta by 6 S.F.l92lews; Call ____Bulletin FBI Director J. disturbed at Berkeleys new Edgar Hoover concerning under cross-exam- political advocacyand ac- Communist activity in the in tion as a defendant in tivities rules laid down last UC campus crisis. Sept. 14. B San Francisco,Calif. tipn. Savio, is-1 It said in part: He was mgs_t_Aup_set, he We find Mr. Hoover . pulations barring istatements._ patentlya t{z sit-in trial,aidatSn y ,Berkeley ~- tlidnt votelastNov._3,al- mdems from cmcampus *'urd. It once Date: again in - though Assistant'DlStllCt .und_sO1iCitatiOn, advocacy ates Mr. Hoovers inability AttorneyLowellJensensaid o grapplewith and underthe student claimed to be andactivities for off-cam-tand that tlfere were real "vitally concerned"about;pus organizations. . national and international affairs. The rules dealt a blow to civil rights movementshe issues confronting the stu- nicipal JudzeRupert Grit; teinclenin the trial. of _rreg. 15;» ivelyinv f Character: *3 izxssiffution: '1'; » S; .&# 4 3%} - 1" __[¢ L! - 5~§/<.?Q'~ :"_,2 c trying to -_Savio added that the Uni.» - students were - - barred -- versity ofCalifornia radical ggf lzggtggwroft*.a» 1; .. i92.';~_. ii mi1it8nts'-during, lastt'al1's"|Te1eérap~h Avenue free $P9e¢hcum Eastzham Cl Bemq Investigated with key state such as Proposition hich he vehemently mind" of Thomas 1.. or-=~:'~"~H>l" ......ta. or,'-p--_.. The defenseobjected,but Jensenmade it clear he was posed. state of E<*°*= Final Kusserow ->. SgroulHall slit-indemon-ven strations. ' H.W. _ l 92_-k __..= '-: "~T. ,'1s:r-. .92c*-fi;* ..=¬.$~1-_I".§'~.! 1 '. .4. J -<1 *8 stand before Berkeley Musv I-IE ALSO. said such Author: dentsat the l§niv§;sity of SNCC, the gr ou pi to; to Savio, 22, Tuesday aft- and .11¢*b.©1QP$§: ' nu. ernoon as the former FSM -which generalcontinuedon thel Emmm:XXKiK9 Star Title: said--particularly" C6_RE_ California, Jensenput the question i l to UC-Berkelgghgg ha d course to city property. i'b - hrs _,..-....-..-._-_--...--- __._-_._-_...._-_.-..--. . W . .- .' 1 OFFICE MEMORANDUM L ;5 UNITEDSTATESGOVERNIIIENT AT0: sAc, Los ANGELES 00-33973! DATE: 5/5/65 FROM: sA||||||ll||||l||||||' 92w/92L/ ' SUBJECT: COMINFIL, FIRST OF LOS ' UNITARIAN CHURCH ANGELES IS-C SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION Wr11 >».~ K4 ~> Informa.nt's report is quoted as follows: . //7 , W :,E 929 /1045? 3 INFORMATION."=-couT%é E .29//' .REIN *s UNCLASSIFI ,5; I§92TE /00 - J 925»;~<J.§a2-01 ' so I ' SEARCH ; L1» §__ Read I ..,.. - .>_ ..._ »__..._...;.-_-4._ n _NH -_¢ ., Q, , Q 4-750 Rev. .12- 14-88! -iii xxxxxi .» FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE E] INVESTIGATION INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletionswere made available for SHEET or more of the following pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material release to you. Section $52 El Section §52a E] b!! El b!! A! [3 d!! U b!! C] b!! B! [:1 j!! U b!! U b!! C! U RX!! E] b!! D! E1 k!! U b!! E! U [:1 b!! F! U l<!! U b!! U b!! E] k!! U b!! -U b! 9! U l<!! E1 E] b!! D RX3! E] k!! Information pertainedonly to athird party with no referenceto you or the subject of your request. Information pertainedonly to athird party. Your name islisted in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!.These documents were referred _i 92 to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you Pages contain information furnishedby anotherGovernment agency ies!.You will be advisedby the FBI as to the releasability ofthis information following our consultation El with the other agency ies!. Page s-/s!.~ withheld for the following reason Will s!: beprocessed in 4 I Re: 7/7v-er /pa.» tee; /'!":7tJ-tm/1»-re,/-Ic% For your information: Document is identified / "/Q3? as: :?.ZLl-I_92'%iA/1/92_, 7'1: C§,Z7»'4f~.x44/ %'*r /, Ci; 4'54. 97¢.-:1 The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: /.1» XXXXXX56 XXXXXX XXXXXX 56/0' é= Q-022 !- t92p#»@¢»e*' XXXXXXXXXXXl'Z X DELETED PAGE X S! ___4A'-1s0 12-14-88! ._.____--__-__,._:_0:_ Rev. __e-~»- -~» " FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION *~l-'OIPADELETED PAGE . INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirelythis at location in thefile. One ormore of the following statements, indicated, where this explain deletion. _-t. El . _ Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release toyou. ggtion QQZ ection §52a C] b! l! U b!! A! U d!! U b!! U b!! B! [:l' .i!! Elb!! D b!! C! Cl RX!! Elb!! D! Ell<!! E] b!! E! D El b!! F! El|<!! U b!> U b! 8! El KX5! E1 <b>> E]b! 9! E]k!! E1 <b>> "El .[:1 KX3! k!! Information pertained only atothird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. U E] Information pertained only atothird party. Your namelisted is the in title only. Documents originated with another Government agencyes!. These documents were referred to thatagency ies!review for and direct response to you. ~ Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency You will ies!. be advised the by FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with theother agency ies!. -A s! forwithheld following the will reason be processed s!:_/522% in é IPage f y Re ./:1/ WY 92;,4:1v»=>'@~/./Q /Wwmumr I I IO E] For§your information; Document ztdentifled .1.s as: ~/-4 L/4 ----p 1'77 5/zig K//1/_Z? K/2-T /a Thezfollowing is number tobe used for reference regarding pages: these 5/; /9*-'>~ 5% é>o~» J93" l XXXXXX XXXXXX DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS XXXXXX PAGE X XDX FBI/DO] 92 '. , CUi922'FlD O FF T0: I C EM E M O R A ND UM UNITED STATESGOVERNMENT SAC, LOSANGELES 00-31229! DATE: 5/18/55 Mi W SUBJECT: UNITARIAN ~ UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP < FOR SOCIALJUSTICE UUFSJ! ISC SOURCE ACTIVITY RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION* £{ 9 3,10 Writer G! ALLINvn?v -:¢v¢~ I B7,?-3-'92. I-j .' -.;1.J... Excarf -i~¢J%N Informant's report is quoted as follow §:a2n¢;;5 O 5% 92°w4'9@Fr 1coREGI ERED -=.. / .Casged by ""° f'31 Declassify gADRon: MARIO /00 -$4/¢¢, Q -,2@;/ 92 I awmmn r MAY2 5 K Read by 920 WC. CONHD 4-150 12-14-as! V, Rev. I A FEDERAL BUREAU FOIPA DELETED PAGE Page s! withheld entirely at this -ii. D Deletionsweremade pursuant available for release to you. OF INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET location in the file. statements, where indicated, explain XXXXX One or more of the following this deletion. to theexemptions indicated below with no segregable material Section 552 l§ E] b! l! U b!! A! E] d!! El b!! E1 b!! B! U .i!! U b!! U b!! C! U l<!! U b!! D! D <! Z! El b!! E! U k!! U b!! F! D l<!! El b! 8! E] k!! E] b!! U b!! ii] b! 9! CI k!! El b!! El l<!! U Information pertained onlyto athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. [:1 Information pertainedonly to athird party. Your nameis listed in the title only. E] Documentsoriginated with another Government agency ies!. These to that agency ies! forreview anddirect responsetoyou. documents were referred ~ Pages containinformation furnishedby anotherGovernment agency ies!.You will be ii. ~ advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. éPagewit/h_l_1,e_ld s! the following reason for s!: beWill processed in Zf4[ p-éQ_§3 R91 /i'IYp92@ eg/ha»? <2»/92~ wt/»@n»?t¢M.f;/" / E! Foryour information: Document isidentified as: :2!; ré/M-its?*3!p'°./rad ".?-i S/FT -L. Oi ,4/:14»/er;5-1{Q;; 4/a:Z'Z2f/ /g@~.-4 i%0 2-5//he Q41!-g /%?/1 I _' I..__ , .,/7 The following number is to be used reference for regarding these pages: H//5-5//ii/3 £1: " C e /@»Ea</0.... a.._./ iW~>-il /-" XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX xxx>ooc<xx>oc~:>oo<>o<xxxxx x DELETED PAGE S! x x NO DUPLICATION FEE x FOR THIS PAGE x x xxx>o<xxxx>o<xxxx>o<xxxxx I-Bl/DOJ I I FD-350 Rev. 7-16-53! V, L *1" MountClippingin 5pdC0391°"! SaviorSays i.ei'ieFsTiited From Files k*7t;" Irs, .3' ei By TOMKNOX Former FSM leader Mario 1 Indicate page, name Of newspaper, city and stui--J Savio yesterday testied two let-, torsweretakenfromtheles 4 Unihersity President Clark'Kei last? October with 0ut Kerr s7 i ."_' ..;av4"2. t-at _ 0,, ,.= knowledge. Tine letters weretaken fromtlfeI tiles by someone in President Kerr's oice," Savio admitted under erossiexaminstion, Tie said he couldnot renieinbertile persons name. **% Published in part in the Nov. 5 Daily Californian,"the two! letters were addressed to the .l-A. . ti Regentsand dealt with campus regulations on political activity.j ~"= 1; §3>,.1 Oneof the letters,bearingthe, typewrittennameof Kerr, but n ti signed by him, proposed a chan e 3 The Daily Californi- an inf rules to prohibit on-campus reffruitment of students for tn- lawful off-campus action.. _ U.of Calif., Berkeley,Calif. __lilerr immediately repudiatedt the contentsof the letter adding? itwas never submitted tothe} Regents. In spite of the repudiation, the, letter became the basis of FSM charges of administration bad faith. Y7 r~. A; T I */-._'L.". r "PD LT..:J:1 ny-,.,T, £11 _92.,~,_,V ,-9292y Y.. __"-__ 192.i92~;t;-_>92 ~_;,._-_-- , Deputy District Attorney Lowell Jensen's 'cross-examination also 1 delved intothesource of FSMi funds. " I2t_I5duncLAs5§FIr'3;D r>~==== 5--19-65 ll!-_j__L£__;8 Edition: Dally .-* - ~1 ' figomfundscollected at table whereverpoliticalrules allowe tables to be set up. ' Also at ra.lies. y . Tom Character: or FSM prior to the Dec. 3 sit-in at SproulHall. Severallawyersdi_d -however, h cross-examination tomorrow, He is one of 155 demonstratd being tried Part in th Dec. 3 sit-in at Sproul Hall. _ L-' . . ..s..,.- E1 -:&# . ' .1», 4~ 4- Classication: -' Savio will resume theystand in Knox :j'9 . > ~&# *E:;;XPub.:Assoc.St X dents of U.ofCal. 92 Savio also told the court no attomeys were retained by the act as advisers i? Author: Saviotestified money camp} added. ' Submitting Office: / Q!, fl/06031155 [:1 BetnqInvestigated 1 ~'. 2-, 1; 1~.-7;:-._, ;_ SEAE£HEDi:;;7¢:gEXED SEHALHEE,W,___HLEDe I/. i.-.--.».3 :1 !I:!" in:-, _--1 FBI-SAN cu OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5010-104 UNITED STATES 2 GOVh192NMENT 1..1 Memorandum TO r SAC 00- DATE! 5/21/55 FROM I 92; SUBJECT! $330 O 3- 4:-~.--. . r ____,-2,,-.*; _ .:,.§  :5 _ ~c Today while checking records at the Office of the Alameda County, C-akland, was I advised bv oneof the ~. -r"'~ Clerk employ-ees Eég _yg that FARIOLAVIO had just taken out a marriage licenseto rarrv SUZAN192IE192'IAEILYN 5608 Avaiha C-CLCBZIRC-, Avenue, Qerkeley.Accorclinsr to the employee, ¬?:l.VlO was attended by a numberof newsyz-"qeermen and photographers . AGTION ?T3CC7?'I3?2":BD: Route to '1 _for iii / 92D/7 ___,_.:4:&# +;:': -=15;-:2! -F. ,.-... z:_<~»-- " .Z;-.'.& see» :1:--_'<" I. 5.. LL INFORMATION CONQAINED '*" t .8. ' ' V a;:l». A..RE.i *u '5 UNCLASSIFLED ED -A0 '-i ,_ >1 _~.; i-" ' ,,,__:.-_=;& : .';~5 R =..~. 3 _o 92 xac /Kw ~» §</a é0-1; 7 ee ..4$,5;.:§' vi» 1; 41% »¢_»;.5'. >3 .-KL} E LL:'-.1 L ED ZZ"Iwag _V , 1 so_ ...-zl...__:'-"vixen @;;19e¬i I FD-350 Rev. 7-ll-63! ' .9 O fl I bE bee _ MountClippingIn SpaceBolew! Subi/ersives win;E§M. " -§:92& FBI Chiel Coniencls ~..:.;_ ,_,_ _ _.===-:5-g. "c ' WASHINGTONUPI! Forty- as a "subversive"in published vio three personswith subversivetestimony.But he said b ckgrounds" tookpart in theihad traveled with Retina Apthekeron a tour of mid ests ailedfreespeech demonstra- 1;??? R-?' ti ns last fall at the University oi California,accordingto FBI financial ha;-izirigfor students ernandeastern to elrf in the colleges demonstrationsi _D1 ectorJ. EdgarHoover. . arrested According to testimony re- Miss Aptheker was Savios leasedMonday,Hoovertold a close indicate page, name of newspaper, city and Irate.! Qi 1, . adviser" on the tour,= Hoover said. He identified her I8C*;;.,i,H ou s e a[ipr£ipTl8l.lOli.i subconnnittee hearing that the as a member of the W.E.B. Dubois Club and as the daughter 43 includedfive faculty members, whomhe did not identii . of HerbertAptheker. Savioand Miss Apthekcr ere I ~ said Lhotiemonstrations the Berkeleycampusof th the only two personsassocited uni ersity were not orginate with the Berkeley demonrations whom Hoover menti ed or controlledby Communists, but that they were exploitedby name in publishedtestimony by a few Communists for their before the subcommittee head- own end." He said that Mario Savio, a ed by Rep. John J. Rooney, !~ .~.-~ $1; »I-' -_-.._ 25;, 5-5-::e~ ' swi~5% If; 1, ' ?z§;;,i._* . . .., ,,__ ---_ D~N.Y. gave detailed informahad associated with a member Hoover studentleaderand spokesman for theFree Speech Movement, 1 Berkeley Daily Gazette background Marxist - oriented"tion about Savio's W.E.B.Duéoil- Hubof Berk-after telling the committeethat eIey.'..1 , '.--_f-"rioting and picketingrecently at the Universityof California at diso£- the Hod92i'¢{did inot refer toS_§vi_o 5?; ":-5". 1-. Berkeley,Calif. = hr: F°sP?_° 5?T..§!*h°.'iY:'i'___'._._./ - Date: 5-1 Edition: Eve o 2 1.2 y Author: E'°" George Dunscomb I » _ __ y Tron coma 3., Title: E-__-__. .: J ..-,'92,> Character: or 4"»;.§: -H L--z ;' Classication: SubmtttlnqOffice: ~e,: _y D Beinqlnveatiqaied '§ in U64-Jq /%»J*9 SEARCHED ___*_|N{!E! ED SERIALIZED _g;i..a' FILED Al.-Ql ?92I| ".92/l r FBI- /l Q 4 FD-350 Rev. 7-l6-63! ../' i _ 1.t is X0/2J ace Below! Mount Clipping InSp Sproul Hallsit-inf today recalled lSuyio492dmii_'§;_Hisi i the events oat-led-upto the, police carentrapment of_Oct. 1.; Saviotoldof,petitioning the Students office withsome 92Deanvof .- l .' sousignatures, as1<ins_th.t¢i§¢lplinary action betaken against; 1those signing asgWell_as> ii}? 51$; ' ,partment, reading andgradingi 37L531_3u_7~921ENFELP , iiinalpapers. Hewasnota stu-1 whoweregivensuspenswns {.1 Grade re miscDowny Cross examination ofMar1oSa-gentat the time havingbee --<-*1 breaking UC regulations on c W .-.-" indefinitel b vio,theex-leader of theformer. Y sus P9nded" Y for pus political activity. Q of the500whohadsi ,d' FY9951399!!! M°Ve!92'92e¢¢°lmmer Chancellor EdwardStrong.! Some Savioconcurred withJenseni hadnotactuény participated 3 ued today. ._;.._- did raise his voice in thebreaking Savio,whosedirect testimonythat he of University_ruleSa to UC Lt. MerleChandon the eventsleadingup to his talking indicate pcxqe,name of ler whenhe tried to obtainper- without arrest Dec. 3 in Sprout Hall, having beenengagc<1,l_I1; newspaper, city and F-tote.! . of endedat the noonhouryester-m iS::lO[lfor the admittance and were asiring tobedlSC1Qll1l? '§ p-1-*<"~" agtual violation. However _Say19i Attorney AlexHoffmanpriorto,naintained dag, is undergoing pairistakingq that ' those'_§9281192¬_; exlaustivequestioning by Depu-hisarrest. He saidhe becaméfi werei0lI1llYmafmlng me_m'= irritated, angry, and no longer"bles tygDistrict Attorney Lowell Jeri where collqg'_t,1nu:; 92i1e;.e being amicable" when Lt. Chandler continued to answer hisrequest' The former UC student's somt i sex taken.-; times glib answers aremetwi p  Q 3' ' 5 in the same manner. cuttingit-buitals by Jensen. , Q. "Andwhenyouleft did you_say, God damnyou to Lt. An exampleduringthe one-1 1 hourafternoonsession yesterdayChandler?" -1 have." T concernedSavios actual arrestj A.I may around4 a.m. on Dec. 3. ; Savio said itwould be a fair Q, And were youlayingon interpretation"to say he went .=~' the floor? A limp whenanunidentified police ' A. Twas lyingonthefloor. officer edged him down the ; . %:{$I|_i& stairs following the confront?- _ Q."We'll gettothesubject of - your flying,later,Mr. Savio.:_i tion with Lt. 1 Berkeley Chandler. _ I _J_ensens questioning of Savio He admittedunderquestionin- urging other demonstrators £1 beganwith a resumeof where. 1 helivedduring theinitialfor-1 in limp. . matftnof theFSMgroup andhis j Savio couldn't remember whethgradés at UC. r Daily Gazette Berkeley, Calif. he had maimed tables on Sayio saidheentered theUni-Sept.29as hehadtoldtheHey- ~-,r~£,," versttyin thefall semester of mm;Committee onstudent gagZ duct, ' >1963and received incompletesf Fin chemistryand philosophy atl ' "I'm sure1 didan theaon1," Zthe endof thespringsemester, he Said.but I'm confused about A964.He said he was a philoso-the 29th. i - .1 phymajor, though for a brief are g '1 period tookpre-med courses. Trialproceedings heldin VeteransMemorialBlc . Q. Wereyourgrade points . §Audito1-ium, 1931Center St.,L A. "Down, because I hadt.he_fore Municipal JudgeRupert .yt9292't* . flunked lilrittenden. It isa non-jury trial. ti Q.mco_mpletes." "You, meanyou ; Q. D14 you haveto¢"_'; repeatljROSS1-zxamrmrrou ;German.'f' ' 5-1 Edltlona Eve. °'=Lari Blumenfeld '92 omr.__g__§;_§£t_-Character: - -Jr or Classification: A-Oh, yes, German." Ma:gonSaE°':1gd¬r. clmssi 9; -ingJensen delved into_Savio,s idemonstrators in the Dec. . '3 i /c°0-.4 910 -9&3 tPrior;_to this lined ofquestionQdemonstration inwhich a UC¥ .. .-1 5any" .fThat';L_right. =-...'-1,1" . - SubmittingOffice: D BeingInvestigated employrnent by the llniversity oi Californiaalter the Oct. 2 éatbio_.@ "T~b£Xn>" i i Fl sanmuzso eép.LED -police department car was held-i .3 -~<<_, g ,f<n. 5 .§ ' J. ;-K . 1. ¢= .7tr >1. ix ':& ;F%>{'g_i!G ? ::-¢- 2*- Dunscom ALL ItiFORMhEPI¬iS h":.RnIN §§[ll ~ at -! M upor down?v _ Date: Mlyi -9 J _ ._ .,._ Q; . 1&# _ 912 i§_ , .-,1" -~-> vs ».D ,3.,. .;>.~_ <1 ik-1; Q _. 4.5.".7.a . ft?-' =1 gt;112:1 - "1-& _5'%~<= . _o .. ..¢.,. FD-350 Rev. 1-16-63! > ..->3 -r _',_; __ _- C ~ By JAN F _ Both names and the"subject' of the times; poking, Mari_o_Savio of the Ha of Dee. In a band yof an sAwe r s Lowell Jensen, testimony from Savi full name was Sa io, § "'s line 0 lem th st Sr: 1 full n==92'ie, a factor oi _Sav§ofs batismal certicate, is¢>xMa§__i0 daringthe.pec;,2-3; *'~=f-'2 _,.» timhks? - {St _ W-.s__aske;l if in setting I read_tothe courtittjiesta<i<:!-iegt; 115* $¢!¥¥§5§¢1'@,A° h?¬.i1°"?9§' ,. - ¢ made,by_,fprme::. Il1ai1ce11o:;vEd-7 1| ulirhie8v .t t Rant Savim ; . '. Q?-315: In theafteFnoBn session Jensen i ward' Sprogil, Hal1D_ec.' 3. I Strong had ~read' thisstatement to the demonstrators on eachoor - By settingup ta_bles_ we o _ - _>__ _.-..t. V..t_. _ K. "if-=-1;.-~r~* ' , _ » intended to. continireg-gthoseé, of SproulHall inst prior;;t;o_'___t,l1e; arrests. ' ' v 1' J: tions which the last year§,, t. The statement identiedf the gagedin over? c Chancellor to the demonstratorsSavio_testied.It so;happened1j= _ Q Sept._14_=_sueh action:-7? and then informed them; their E-that._since violated University, m1e;,;__p_ut_t f¬= assemblance in SproulHall_l_92qas - .2ii"-I~"_."' - vs "=,.'.,_...= .:;-;-{$31 r. OR * e==~»= *9" ..,4 la v =~» :.»:¢; . -4--t T. .317 .1;n' -_=:11 » .__§.~.,___' v__ 0' "1-.+~- ,5 " L1,; , G£i*3'.»if ' er I, u:-' _. .;.,_._'.i'. 9,. _ 1_...l I ._ '~*,='~'¢ AuE _ illegal;thatit seriouslyimfiaiied was not ' o921rLpgirpose.Y*;§_;v:_i ._ ii ask_'e'<l_' is it washisfeelingciw»; -" -_ »;15.:-11. rightsfbec'a'.m§'; 3 72::. theworkings andpurp0seS"6P thee 'Constitutio_nal U versity; that such action topi¢fof incitiiryas"YSavlo~ 1 as; 'uld not be tolerated any-i '9 wl ere in our society; and con»-right ofpetition hadbeentlenlezii by_the=administratio1I.__;1fyé.-};;>~ ' ? cltded Please go. A j-_M ' -. ' . fig e statement alsoa11uded°__td -5-"'lhoi1§h petitions _rmm"a-am; two claims;-1--+;»_;'-_ _,7-_-1-. -. organizations werereceivedtbyg Ddte '3 -"6 'Iliél §UniVei'sity f administra- the administration last semester,-_~, Saviotéstied, he couldnot wasalwa'§§:gp_<e11_to-hear gi~iev' that any?7righ¢'{' tadbeen A. ances. = ~.*',~%'=T%i O The t ailijinisgtrationl hadne:{ ercised'jc'pn§idé1ali1e'2 restraint. in7| _5"I_see:theright of_petition'as_; using their legitimate authority >EZd1U.<:»n5 Author: J WK acxacx Y mcludins. 1aTr@sP<m§e..-;..¥=.°_ #92? tinned. *1_. -, ._Thede{ensewill6al1thelrn_ '~' _t1v1 . 4::;.:¢j_; *3. W en asked what hi's1"reac'ti'o to the stand»-whan_wH_ wa ' as he listened last Der: tr 3 at .' v honiienes to constrain campus poliical Savio later e it'15 _o ti do PiB'_ii:'as§, 66gs i dents of Utb f°§P1~ >--_1¢l_..-ma Chen-acter:_ Str%l1gs. words; Saviof repliedjirijf could not helphut t_o__h_ef<1_is;nay: _ _'*hFi¥' g- .==.3L . _ il .s"F5 ' _'~> __,.-;>_n~_v *':*-1:-w> . gt -_ t-_ E11-=»_ 'LI; OI L -' ' Classiftcuttoift .=.=+_= , 92- ;F_ .-r_ 2;-,§!¢~ ' '."'.f;: :-» - ' airy ~. ~.~'~~2 . I Asia?" ALLIi~XF"C'EJ'iA'lION conrlxrnto 4 stb=..1..t..<,¢m';;* thoughts.. . He foldthe c'ourt"of: tl1eI?'i t cqlty" throughout_'_the_1entiré la} se esterf oi negotiating with.A'_ /m1»{;1a40"1/' Ui:versity. f;--it :-:_'~"1 5 7 ";.';1',~Ti{-§_j'i;f:.'_ ' vent1whenTall' people,b_elo_ -4' -, ~ _~ t President ClarkKeriinfw; U versltyhierarchyhadfailed sm.¢n;.;;_t;;E;>;;D'; _.. SERIALIZED FlLED i WES achievea.solution;_direct__ Idlscu -.¢9a..19s;,§avie-e wt,l11h.1:'¥fPf"= ,, ~ he i w i' ' Tnev _~fo a a V I rcoPvAvmus i . ..-*D,T~' <i1ev. Iif 4-'15-e4! _, .92_ ; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date 5/19/65 .MARIO SAVIO appeared at Agency at 4:05 pm in connection of an extortion case wherein the Berkeley with the SAVIO is Resident investigation the victim of threat- ening letters. SAVIO was accompanied by ALEXANDER HOFFMAN. SAVIO made aremark when entering the Resident Agency, "So this is the Federal Bureau of Inquisition". SAVIO was immediately advised that he was in the Berkeley Resident Agency of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and interviewing Agents identified_themse1ves as Special Agents of the FBI. SAVIO was which threaten advised that him with was in connection with this SAVIO was and SAVIO stated HOFFMAN if stated he the FBI is in possession physical harm and that extortion asked why ALEX is he was was "here to help for accompanying afriend". him After asking as an attorney, MARI0" the status f=.'t_ E . Y-=**.I , case. representing SAVIO questions regarding .. 4%. 1 WI-§e: ~g;~;;;f3. of letters the interview Ms. HOFFMAN accompanied Just -.-.<-r.-~ After three of HOFFMAN SAVIO, HOFFMAN stated 1"-' -.5 5 > HOFFMAN direct and his "I am ; _._..A»- reason MARIO's at- torney and Iam here to advise or help him in any way I can . I.- =_-"§-1 Acareful HOFFMAN regarding in the explanation was made to FBI Jursidiction SAVIO and and responsibility ' § extortion matter. vouch for third party discuss this SAVIO was then advised that the FBI could the confidential matter of information if is present matter in SAVIO stated life" and was willing and therefore, the presence he would to tell not a HF-It preferred not to of Mr. HOFFMAN. "trust ALEX with his HOFFMAN anything. -,1. >< 5 §..;§r ; _ ' SAVIO was advised that this was his privilege, however, we preferred not to discuss the matter in the presence of athird party. '" " ALLEI , , ':_:;-.e;>_L-$5" 3i.¬:f..-.,§¥l:5 .. 4 ..&# F? -< ::2z.' -;»' DATE-l';'£;5.?1_~___?3y , ,,,,@;'*g=~¢, -a.~92'92'fi>.~; -U-I a File # aSF I109-5AQ50c =5--""/' 9207 V Date dictated A5,Zlé£/ 5 ontains neither recommendatlons _ ' 'of the FBI . It is the property of the FBI and is nor conclusions loaned its contents ' ' ' andare not to be dxstnbuted outsxde your agency. to I z. i .. . . 2 §F 100-54060 ela 0» W, ,. -./ SAVIO declined to cooperate and was intent on bringing extraneous interview. He attempted to cite his University of California controversy during as arule UC! officials the Fall of procedure inthe interview matters into the experience with of l96, for this during the and Spring FSM of 1965, interview. i-< SAVIO was advised courteously, this interview pertained to the extortion unrelated matters were not germaine. SAVIO then '=. attempted to but firmly case and that Li :42-L-.1 launch into of the Justice Department and the FBI for arrests and take action in the South where are being violated everyday." a critisism "failure to human rights make 5 _9,; SAVIO was again reminded of the nature of the interview and was firmly advised that the FBI has and will continue to fulfill its investigative and Jurisdictional responsibilities in every case. 7 1. 5.?! '_~, It was suggested to SAVIO and HOFFMAN that no reason existed to prolong the interview unless SAVIO wished to furnish any information he might have regarding the extortion letters. SAVIO opined that he could furnish no we should terminate the information. HOFFMAN respect the stated to policy presented interview". The SAVIO "I by these think Agents and interviewing Agents agreed with this conclusion and respectively suggested to SAVIO that we would appreciate his help inthis extortion case and would attempt in every way to determine the identity of the person or persons who prepared and mailed the threatening letters. , :i;_v_.| 21_-;;;4 rd E 1: er. .5; t>*e"7" e- ;_ ,.,: u-I -2 Z 'g "ii L5 ,i 77*, Y.. As SAVIO and HOFFMAN were leaving the Resident Agency, SAVIO made a rather feeble apology for his"con- temptuous language Agency. upon his arrival at the Resident 5. v 3- --. i g .,;»;.=+ '§ ~.{_ e>,On 0 D . "I '.'. _ .' 3- The Savios aeiirimei Student firebrandsMario Savio and Suzanne Gold- committee, and both have His parents, Joe and been a rr est ed several Dora Savio, berg were onabrief honey- times. were attheI moon today. Vue back in court for indicate page, name of wedding. The bride'snewspaper, par-itcity Rumors oftheir romance and state.! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; th continuing Berkeley had repeatedly spread Goldberg Westport,;l of so-16*. - Conm, their phoned cn-.; ratulations. 5 cuse byunderstanding of~ Savio quit UC, butplans ii-Ier father isaNw to return this summer to 3 ofk attorney. i The I dos, as mightbei _ The youthful leaders of major in math andph sics sit in trials, they were gr-{nnted anunofficial ex- ithrough the ma ratho n ya 4",.-< ___ i trial. .~i ..=s_. ficials. y _. ,. . ._§ the now defunct Free Both heand hiswife are»expected, didntstili politi , Speech Movement at the brilliant students.She has cal passions.V University of California amasters'degree in phi- . Theresone thing wed were married at the Bev- losophy and will studyfor really like to have as_a i --i doctorate. erly Hills home ofMunici- her wedding present,SavioA said. Wewouldqlike Pres-' pal JudgeJerome Pacht. THEY PLAN to live in ident, Johnson to with-1 M SAVIO, 22, and Miss an apartment in Oakland draw all our troops from Goldberg, 24, met at a and, Savio shrugged, It Vietnam from zuxcl the Do-'5 campus sit-inlast Septem- looks likewe cantgo ona minican Re ublic. Very 3 S . F'.New:-; Call ber. Both__ggere members hon eyinoon"for along of the F§SMis'aexecutive time._ ~ little w e us hapI ,_= ' ;3% ,.t-.7 .~_-' .- _;;> -»-,_~.:er ~*.'~ .-»."" .1 l1 2 Bulletin pier. San Francisco,Calif. -wt.-*1 Date: Edition: Author: Editor: Title: - -6 Saint 5 Thomas Easthem , ~,.,,=~,»,.-.,t-.<~1r~»r P.I.;?~Z'l.-'l.Il92Z~I.I! AJIIL l.:4~J-'~"": -aév .41H-"._. ~,.~ tn , aILD ' r"~r-'1 *" Character: Hmw '~lJ~Um¢f !¢ whe' [:5-. .9.'.'§15:.:..a_j~---'°l"$*p *6 ys-' &# O - -_ 5_aw. 1:, or .- C1rJs5=192ic<1tXOn: Submitting Office: E] Being Investigated /4 ~- $5 ' M :~. b .92 <I _ ._._ it-u:.92;D _. ______. seazaiizso,,_..i/7.,r;tao_;__¢4_92_/ 5 : '~ r _§ ~- 3,--.-92. ' ~, . 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Wi+ness~E|sa_'|1'1_9mpson signspager-'s af; 1 wedding _<of Mario Savio and _Suzanne . . _ .. .¢-->::@$;;f-f-"f. Goldberg.Oihersare Savio's'brorI1er, at forney ,A|ex Hofrnan Judge Jerome aaahf? . | 1 .. . . _. ._.Unltnd Preaslnl-erx1atlana|i='1zot0..i~}',~ D " -1, ;; _~..~:-x? -_v ..>;_»1 SI ;. 4. -J? Bi ,/V ~,-_-. », .1. , .; .' 4J35 »..__..,, Z. _.= ..¢1=a ~51 9 .g< x _5% |,f FD-350 Rev. 7-l5¢63! , 921 // »!__! J. Y9 V{ 92 1P Z 3 .. _ J / /, 5/ b _ MountClippingIn spocoBelow! l Leader Tepstifiesgi .,¥_ ¢--~====si .7-_ ~=-»--_1_-=_.1===n s _p Ss ff Recalls Gctober By TOM KNOX W 92 Bo. s £11} -' . reaction, the defense _ counsel I asked.» - Mario Savio relived the frantic October days of the police car sitaround y8$i.¬_Tr'7£ij,', as he took the stand in the trial of himself and his fellow Sproul Hall sit-ins. ~ No, . replied Savio. On Oct. 2, student leaders of z the incipient FSM met with T l President Kerr and Chancellor Strong iii the President's oice at A noon rally had been planned lndtccite page, name of newspaper, city and state.! the day non-SlllL'iil Jack Weiu~ University Hall. At that timil, Savio tcstied, Kerr proposed fl berg was arrested by campus po lice for soliciting funds against University regulations, Savio told demonstration and free the auto"the court, and conscgs-t.>.ri.i,;1a'.1.=t~ niobiie. p _ ei-pusstudentswere in the area. i ,. V-&# ="" <2 >9» :1 plan. rfour 0 point students cease -the unla ii I v ~ q92 ~..,_,__. ,- >2. .,__ ., __;_ e-¬".aa_ ' =<.,... -Z .._._..J W... 4_ L Oafaciilty-student-administra# ;Baviodescribedthe student re- tion committee would be s'et up to action to the arrest: Some moved ' to sit in front of ihe police car, "*£~=~ consider the problem oi political -_.;--1__' _~ _;; othersbehindit, and otherstow expression. 0 an Academic Senate com-. the sides. Q . 5. , V' mittee would consider the casesl Both he and ASUC President of studentsunder University dis-Q "-~ -..,<;§, Charlie Powell spoke from the top cipline. of the auto, Savio remembered. p V0 Jack Weinberg would be re-j and the University, woiild n}? Followingthe speeches,We leased on his own recodnizanc went to the dean"s olce . . . and from there to see the Chancellor, _ press charges. ! . the FSM leader recalled. »; -i 1 1 . - P -dh ~_ 1 The Daily Californi-57?? Obiection to Kerr's rst rein Sa_vio_said he hadinsisted it a ,| an inlggarugg tggvggiinomgég tgs pplied only tothe present demon- -anddemonstrators future demonstrations which lai' together, J »;[any might beunlawful presidency to bringtheChancel-.3 su'a° andnotbe'e§m°ve.°f§ S"° *' = . .r1 -.~. !"£92~ iv,-_~=_ U.of Calif., Berke1ey,Calif. 92L Strong andKerrthenleftthe »S .;=¢_ At the meetingwith then Chan- room and FSM,1eaders,pondered cellor Strong, Savio told the court, the oer, I then explained we wanted charges against suspended stu- Saviosaid. -J dents dropped, we wanted Jack Date: released, and we wanted to enter pf ' $565 . L 5-1 into negotiationson the subject Edition: Da of student politi§aL_tiglits." What was Chancellor Strong's Author:Tom Knox XNKK Pub.:Assoc. xxxxdents -.0. ~ »-r:.;i:r1~_. ' ;"'~"7'» Stu- of U.ofCalif. Character: or . Classification. '7' T"ED h '7 AI LI'1lFCP.i':.5.TIO§92I Cgiigk 4'1 ,_.Ya MSubmlttlnq Office: SF uF¥'l_'E.tN IQ Lim.»l~A"";;',_. "~p;;,w92 § 1 -N Y__,n ;, 3. I, __ . f_f|;f_4._,-. __,.92S___¢92'_______ :2 _. D *4* /¢0/5##%$- lT .'. ...__ .c/..~<92I. .,_.._.-.. lsz¢=suzao_LilZLJ1:;;.. l .92. , AL____._._...-_.._......_._.... J Betnq Investigated is . .1 --""..;x W . Q YIT" er 5& "Y .~~ Fd .;-2.-L-:° .;. .~~~é-J -s_._ ,._r  -. %§* l.l...,.., 1-1-1 b92 Fr» J01 lR0v4-rs-an * -I .._.._...._...._..ia....l_,...l-....._..__, ,o_,,,_..._i..l.m,...:_ .V"*""">""""- -N _ :~=- ~» . ~ _ .~ ....~.1'- ' -w. ~;;,-1:~., 1.;-.,;.,.' "' '_ ~ .'. k .1-3 _';_ _ I ' .- »- FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION .i%i:: , . . d.__ 7_-.,__.,_. _ . .1" ~*;.~ I-I ~-1 ._ ~47-f.t4NH , .. . V. - v >, v ; V ' . .' ,g V - H_ V_ ' -." Ge _6 -.r_'4._ - v -- ;* >. - . _ P s 92_., -..~-by v"">,;_.V -_ . 55 .<- ~1:25 1~;-i~".If' . __-_ >-~. _. ~-- ~ > _ , .=_ ' " <1. ' .-' v > _1__ A _, .-» -_ * 92.__ r; >.U VF » 4.. ~- . " _ " _»_~,1 " I. .; 1 ..V'=_.~v;1:-= =''~~?»-'.;1Z*:%l-:t'.§=*?F4'2-e"-g" :7;-.rV*;'¬.~"::*=-at-;fV:-.~'*"*~rr : -1»-.'s~?->§"~.~~=**i==¢'él=i'=::'<r:~@v£ *-'.''_=*-'*1~~"~:ri1*<*'¢»' --1: 5 1-'47: ' :-M1---"-l-"'»o~ =1-"~~ . 92' 5- = ;.-§- . *V-$1"-'"-Y-~.~~:" * ,_~~-">~V'-~*.'*":.~r.?~= V" ~-*5."-,~: '1:-15' -2:-~--.1 ',""i~e~*2.=.'~1'~'-," ":»*s~:><»'~"2;';.~=:.¬i * -.2»:*?r'1~~:"-:'r.m='$c° _--<--V . . ' =1-"5"¥T=::¢¢.,'-aaiz-¬.;§.5."'§F; ?7"a;§=!%&*.V;.'.>'.4:»_»'.»-s?'bf; 535."-.=§:~ --='§'7§-.1.°=V $7-9»=a;»92e=:¢~ -'9} ,/3¬-'3.-'1 >1... :;¬;.-.._,,i;§-o A-;¢,.W;==....:.-aw, av. »=>. .~.-.,;..;;~._. 1=-;_--sir-;',, -cl;:.~,,V_~,;,f;l,s{,;,~§r --,',¬:~:,,f»~§_¥ii!:-§~*"'11 , 3.-;; -;-.<_ ,5; F; 13:1 .-4;;...,_,4 _7 V- - .¢;,¢_~_ -- _;_-E57»:-£.é -~:.¢ .~_--.> ~- _I.1: ~ 1» _-_-2»-= <5 .'.~.,.: ,.< Y , ;§;1¢Z_-:,:¢,'., - '---1 -1.9; V=~. .,1 '4 , -w 1 ~_..=5.» -'-'L'»92~'492",'f¢»-'>-:4 .--_.,,-1 ~»~_- -t _ .¢.4.-.~:-an, -~u-.»V.4..'.-*1-¢..'.-,~,_~-.. V . » >._»~ _n ,__.V- ~ .-*'x_ _ .._= _; _» .=,, .> ._..."y~2.2: '92 *=V - ==,a'o-f?921r:-* _ ~ . ~~t.-:1»;~"-"--iv: -V :.'~.~ *» l=--.=.;'-=_v~." =-~ -1%-;:§* i@ihiR1o"s.§§r1oj"'rorme£~ dlegato; the*ra<=ie. t' .14"» . .-. 1:.| ~"4.-1' =1 »=:;;I».~;-.-5-.-<.= -,~92-9 . _. _,.92.>. ._ -_ .%;i»>=';,'3-. 1: 3- e" --1é~'.-"»j921 """¢>".?-=.-~";.r»':*,.V:.» 1 :1,» . "",1 »V Motenent, University of'Ca1ifornia;¢Berkeley&*spoke during 5- §§;; the early morn1ng'of.Mayg22;»1965£?atZthe'VietnaiDay Comunity;§§§§§}Q;;i 'Meet1ng, May21-22,,l965;_§niversity.o§§Ca1i£ornia,,Berke1ey,;;;§g§§f 0a1L1.'91Y!i1..§ *:1:B¢r.<>1f¢;. ¥!B1<1n5.:111.&.V8P¢Q<=h,~V.8AVI0,_.said_ that KLEIN;fwho' maybe identicali to; LOUIS hi-df-. announcement to make.,* pp, Q;§;q.;;; - .Qfo_ ,- 'E-;§5;'_.jM4Qfg V %}"*¬*;¢?KLEIN urged all in_attendance to_proceed withh1m_.-~<'_ <3§~ _..A92_.V .,.-.;. . r. -4.". 1. . ..,.~; ,1...>-...y:»-_ 3...? . .-:..=. V, l-1} __ _ -ll1".*' '92 -Fry.-3'1. ;'_. ra -_z-< h8 ainat to the local draft board, located . .<" » H.-' ea .~.--.-=-" *;L?>-V about one or two blocks f _.r- ,; away, to.burn their draft cards to evidenoemtheit protest, 5 .$w, ;,@ the United '_ ' Stateabein _ p8 Vin Vietnam.-5 this proposed burning of draft diately following imme~ the close of the Vietnam_Commun1ty Day_ A .. Meeting, He said that he realized that not he able He s'aidj,tha.t Q »~ ",..~----,4; V V __ ;',_-Z=f=.:~i3_.:*.", cards would take place to burn their draft Ho everyone there would ' cards, but expressed -< ~-e.1~.V* -£4 -.. . .... V92'~" 3* i .-.<!;§;:_ . _5 , his." -¢»v;Iri-at;- hope that from one to two thousand people would be on hand to participate in or observe the protest action at the draft I "s board. "@¥7*?§§&§ MARIOSAVIO said that he did not claim to know_the ;=< , .~»._. 92. -r _, ansuers'aboutVietnam, but v . he did have a lot of questions. He spoke about the American Revolution in 1776 r "#3? > and the French ;;;. .M 1&2? Revolution in 1789 and tried to draw an ana1ogy_between the ,;l 1-; =.... »',.;<j ~._ attitudes or spirit of the people of those days with the" .3; iii "_,,-;.~ ~_ .-,,= e.92., 9? revolutionary aspects or life in the world or todaye$@p;f__f§}@ ;f ,;.':-., 4 -» .. ;: '._';' -> .-,.~-U ' #5.?- ;~, . .,_92.-1 p,,;._>_,.;§,_ ..._ » ~ 22.1.: .< ' _r-. ,v'.7:. _ ;.... ., had 3 ..,-1=,_v. others 1;. W.. ,__-. 92 _ f ' .~ » =- -- ~~ -. » .o;SAVIO said that he did not pretend to be an authority _ in world affairs, but had found that.drastic changes.werewf;>p necessary at the University of California and that he and ;?!" .University and their '-4,;-I 1.that 1-21'. A :1 euro done much towards oi California Ymbfn .. -~ ~ ,.___. ? ,.;.._ He ind1cated,,¢,~?~ .*_ 2o,_~; 92 .. <1.1~:i&# .; J: ; ~».aaY 92"*7< ... <V 7" . I§§?=' :2: I. ~ .:g*..,.~a,; 11:: V-.» c ..-¢.__.. - . =';&# V-1-.--. F_"92 ' J*"?¬r1é;,-1 _r» -2 1 -w. v-~ 5,;-. _ ,,~, __ 3*1;"a_11<".7{<a.sand . uzszm IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE i~|§~95 5/22/55 Vt % .~;.= ."-/-"1 >7"v~..92. vn "*'~v ' . -;- er. - =s:r throughtheirfdamands';}' {ff _' :?%?<""T £1? "»"V' work in the Free Speech Movement; sAvIo ' ~ A " of the" he the same of to make thatfeltthethat Governhent of kind the United Statesneeded conduote itself ; ~V.V .. l ... ..».,. 1 V. - _ --</-V1., <.. <-.-,-..;~,-1:,V;.¢r 1- the oppression Administration Pir<>P@P1Yd-ItoV _,..... . _. __»,..~n ___ ..__ ,_ ._ .., rectifying .1..._ ,, . L"_.'_j& <1: " Ea. ,,.;:~,, . ..-, . ,<~r,92. -a»~g&4 10" J:_lF>ile_# SF 1 " ";Berke1ey, California o ' E. __. bY-§L "5"& <~.§-"2; ' .»___w d. 4_ , ----do ~-» - Wt document Conl<:in$"neiIh¢r recommendations norconcluiioni of.Ihe' FBI. It is-Rho properly. oi lhdFBIandlsloaned. toyouragency: "»afr'll and is; conlanlsare no! to be disfribuleclouisido your agency, -4 ' ' ~ -' "'-' -' - -'1- >_._{.r;-; 3/ 4n ;. I 0'; ¬ : 5 UNITED STATES sow YMENT _ W M B M 0 R A M nu. M ~ % TO: SAC, SF 00-50255! DATE: 6/3/65 ¢ /v/i SUBJECT: BAPLP ' IS PLP ' _1;-" .92 ' 11.3.4.,3.,. .;A_,.y 9 advised as follows: b was inJERRY RUBIN contacted and with said QK so e ' p to about getting some money to retur to 1-Jew York with and RUBIN told himhe would try to get some Esaid thatlsosaeshad for him that = es to newspaper and things likesome that. money -said he hadspent the evening with SUZZANE V and FIARIO SAVIO and had abouta five-hourconversation about * 1* ._".,:.92 ,-.->-_ '71? :2lI that he 1, .- .~ la ":9" -M ~. V4' _ f.-u_~»._ ._t_»:.~.-:»>}<-- 92 .':_& 3,4 -'.~ T as everything. 515:5.-'3. that S -JIO the same level as = those guys da Stanford. saidnotheon is friendly butnot 1_=_92& ... _:..4._u - organizationally minded at this sage. contacted Sud summer had an Austrian women who operates a camp forsaid juniorshe high me school kidsand who hasaposition open if anyone wanted it. Qtold to contactas he hadSaid the entire picture t all her jobsare tobe handled through this wouldn't an ordinary be job butwould utsomeoneainposition to bearound high school kids. said he didn't think Fe move camppossibly and nigh1I I,we inerested it. in out to }§ »'¢ would .,_. " "7""; > :"_:~.. Z CONTAINED ;~*" , I1FORN=~~ . , 1?@ Q%1s%mmmnwe§ - 1 - 100 ~¢TON . "~2¢;;e1%, ,,.. .;. -, -X, ._; _/ , .. .._'» ,_ .~»,92,. ,7 X I1,4: a= Se rch 5 Return! Db9/ J .,_~_-... ;-' I:-_-¢;~,;,~;> -1' >5 .~t_;»-; Y ->.5.3 , .¬~ Iff4-_'w& - v v_ . $.rI5'~ #1 ' tiff . »-~I~»' _1..<. !9_ ;;,.92Z ~'.»-*1; fa. - /_,,/7,_____=_ k 1I.<.. 1, JUN 3 Zap FBI -SAN 1965 FRANCI »~' ski 1 92o"' l ' /£/ <_,/6'?/¢;;* /-7?/% ,? 7 i ,f . C __ r .... ~..___» __- ,, 1. W sc, s Mm ' -92 5 $' u 5 I SF 100-50255 cl late contacted Wand said he heard aboutplace a $50 awhere lives aastry toathree room apartment for mon a eis going to get. f Qsaid that there is ameeting Wednesda ni ht and who that at esent was he traveling around with is asalesman,and - is observinghim wor. 1 I in. "<-as .;' * ";.&# ~» géiii contacted and , asking him ifhe coui! makeqnpointment an would besee to they agreed that Thursday at 7:30 the some ime and best time. was in see wanted to saying he contact with him Thurs to drop over hishouse at was in contact to know Y~hen w ing was return- would return $155 for his return trip. 0 Zanzibar to noted tha~ ade he was him and before Uame atenant wawtsd Y said he that he and noted send the film taken it out 1 raised Z * t»old hat f to start union formed out in the Mission District in San E Francisco and said there. was some action arcrund the I»-Jaron 1 Poverty. _asked if the fellows who came to the convention are still working witrr him and _asked if black guys. He said yes, but very l' having ameeting with them tonight that there wou d be Thursday at an East Bay executive -~-~-H2 av; H. .. Zik ., X-' .. ;;..» <,.~1~. . /"I -';,f:& ; ..E;;< he meant the said he was meeting 10 _&# I from some good a contacts down anfordssaid Cerge in the Bay Area and said he had trying _ <_~ »r 1 .& t3 p.m. with and to New Thursday morning 5 tel ' ,,_ rf-aI>.*" ._ r~.=_t " 1. .4" ' -H ; .': ;§ Cer o'c oc 1 her place. ,ag Q RECOMMENDATION: J. File. We -;.}.=?% *@T% ..;L-31 _./,..92- » 11-»-.2 1:1 _. 5.» ..= ,-3 = 3~.L11 :**.:*_n>-1 -_,5. <. 2 »4"».-_-. r-:..~-92 2 ' ~i< " » -.~.s,' '=&# ' _ _g ', t~--~ '-_-»_, -we '. ' - '-92 _,-._.;;_»_,.1.-.._...-_.~..~---.>._._..-_W_'¢,_ _, 'v~<_ ..~_____._~4_7,,,._._._W_,,,__, l_____,_,___,_____,,,,_._.=.,.-~o..,._._ >92O!?V9I - .._._, ._...,__. __ . _, , _.& m.m¢=...4.92M " f. ~__.Q-92 - . _ -1, -' _: .-A _ , » V , 4- 4 _. , ".»J_ ."-;'... .;- Q , . ~___.;-»..;,;~.+-;-4 V. _ v . ~< .V _ ~ .. ._ , "~ » .~-=&.~.=*'..-'.;4 _, ;._.,v, I _ .._ A "~-»1' , ,3 , -; 9 ',1";-.~ U F T FEDERALBUREAUOF INVESTIGATION-7--l _ .,._ 4 ». H¢_>. I .. ~ 1 ~ -» yxeeteaiéiwwkhhhrz;t$;%a1£Q%§%a&$§¥?&$§~@&hnag;eoyeoghoanh@;w¢-_ ,;-'T»',?;~:-"=;'1=;'.":-*-': *1--. -:~< -:1.-~-".--*Z»~."~'e 3'31.--1.!~' 1&2:-'~'~:-F-2? --- §§§9%¢>,'T::§r? .1 T-P»-¬"-1. -1' ~'*:.»"' ,.-,~ ~<.*f*r-;== .:- » -" 435,.-.»~-. ';¢._.,;._oi ¢=*;..' _>~, v_-1;&_-,1~,__,_.. 92 ,.~.~~_.~< -~;.-1/1-*.-4 .:_:1";- 3*-~ - .-_; ., " ~» v I. .. ~$ -I-4,.~§I92t'A+v' , ¢, -.5"! x ._-<1.-,= 5 *1--;-2": 1"-'5,-92 -- v-- o »p Pf5;, ;§§§§K?.~*_MARIO'SAVIQjEformer leéde of th§;§reespeeohggi gggggg" ;»§?;'I¥1°v=?,l@?-F13?-i;-,.UQ1V°1?81¬¥.9;: _.:¢a11fvrn1a,;.B°1k¢;¢z.i> nspvkehdvrine 1' .r @116 .9?-e1'11.! m°m1n8Q?; ;,;_-,_-;.,._;___,-_92_¢.__ - ~* ~-.~--'1.» _~.1a_~-_ -'_;~ . or f5 32>"1.955».a:.'?c.t?1° Vietnam} PayQ°P?Wn1§¥.i_»=he??? V ~ ~ V --. sp¢e¢h;+.;t§AVIO - -~ ~said-.1 . w_ »-- '3*-4 ',KLEIN, whomaybe identica1<to MICHAEL LOUIS_KLEIN; had.ajr» ~' ;ih§ éannouncement to make. ' i1"*@_YA,r»_;§»IAwet4 e»#vr.i;¢;&i; ' ~/ "_ ~.'>_~;,1_ ' ,.* ',,.3-...-._, ..-> *: ', K * ~ '~ , 4r-_-.--» ~ 5 Z-;~»'yi; 1"» "92 1I J _&~:~..-~ f -1. _ ~54 9 __.-. ,4? _.. _=4.__H ;~-_ ___,_,_, ___ If-e-_ -,1,'=_;;.=, 0.; F_~92~ , dot».Q5-&r':*,§,,,1.a.j'; __4;_'=.;,§.* Z5LT.-.;31,.-3'8-L;,. .57,f .3,-.. :~ ,. ~..-. _' ». ._ "'~ _1 ,»."+':= ,-*' ;~~:- w;_:.'.* ' "4:a.= ." *_;'.,_*-»:'-=1"! '."~.-vi-;T/2 is _' :».:.*§'=-Jo."*-'11?'?§?§§=-3r:~':'~'; ' ~.~1:e.-:~.'»;= 2' -V.-1-.'.'-;-1}"-f1= '"' ,92a;'?,* ~=>._,¢¢.._,_ 2.-_,.=; ~=~.,_ . .v:_, _=_=~.-;: ;. 92*--1-<.,; <__ .: >~_.4,-___; w, - -;3~-..-,1 ,_-., . ~'-~ *.--'-_=_£- ~ ._ ,--.-. ~- = --.-..- _.-.,.~1... .;*={~.*5;'-*.' 92i"*.1--»-.':~¢ -'-'1*:1_4 : .>"-1l.?'.*'-:=!=_»=e":.=<= =.<»-' ~' .+":-~*= ~ =..--:1» --1;=1;.f;.'. '1' =-<3. -+»-/=-.~ ;.-~1-.;;;- "7' "'-_. E 4 ¢ -->~-~. iv, : .._¢--..'' -' *.$s» _-.1 .;+;.tto the local draft board, ' .. p A V H located about one or two blocks pr£'v. ._ _ _ -_ ='.:->5; ' , _ .. . .____,:.,_____:>__,_;: :~' ,?~_='.=.'.;-iv =»# away; tc>;,""burn.ii=.l1e1;;if;-izirart '<'3". ' e @=L oM.KLEINurged all in attendance £¢*p&@eeeawith him *t Ncards'to'ey1dence their protest§§§g&e** b+¥~.again$tYtheUnite States being in Viétném. He séf tnatf*~*§§ =_, _thia proposed burning of draft cards would take_p1ace §7H immes _I Q.-. ,' ~.a~.__ ; J e-|r-f~:»~i? 518-'¢e.lY., f°11O'W.1I1s 1t'=he-r°1Q$<* F13-the;V1°t,n8~11i».oCQmmun1i?¥Barf- A'~, 1 9 " -Meeting.> He said that he realized that everyone there would not be able to burn their draft cards, but expressed his hope that from one to two thousand people would be on hand to participate in or observe the protest action at the draft board. "5. .t . Eel ' ...-'3-2 1 _3E"m7.%"Y 5 _ .*~ ~,1 1%4~answersabout Vietnam, but he did have a .,... lot of.questions. ,__vV,,? . -1; .3-?~. Z-»:>év""{ ..--or-A-=:$.;~ gfnfiitgé ~1-5" V' '. ,* He spoke about the AmericanRevolution in 1776 and the French" " -.;: Revolution in 1789 and tried w jA_att1tudes_or;spirit _ .__'_ ,~ to drawan analogy between the ; of the people of those Qays with the_;{L revo1utionary'aspeots;of life v in the wor1d,q£:today.<'T}_?,:fp i 1-1". ,_ _. . .. :_'___ '".__' '_r _._ .= ;-..1" .- ». ...,- . I-~~_:-*__ p-T; - *~'. . 351. ,L we -Io-T "{_.~,+15%" -~=92:~,~, "2'2 11 Q*Qj hp? ; ;g§§AVio§g;1a thathe ai§7hqtjp§e§eh¢ tobeananthorityi @»??Lin wor1d'affa1rs; but had found that draatio_changesTwere f";¢Qi@ ._ ?; -.; necessary at the University of Californid and that he and I<* ~_5;others_had"done£much towards rectiying the oppression of the 1e§§nivers1ty'of CaliforniaAdministration through_their demands - ,h and their work in the_Free Speech MovementhwHe_indicatedl.»Qf&3 h];that he felt that the samek1nd of action is needed to makeTF*?» ;?sureptha§the ~ __e,_, h§p.,,¢..3AY5Q;§;ta1k WQ§;£ii,igé;fan&> JA. ,5._.<»,._.: .,»_, .~.*?=?1F ._;': $§%§ .92 o¢véramene1¢r1 théfi§Ir1ite_d'1_,$te.tes conduots 1ts_¢;;:"l1- P-¬-i__ 'r~~PP°PePlY4r4b@a§¬§%§$§§hesi¬;%>a;§;Qg>;;#§ ___3 >_-H : »_;;_.,-._ _.. _<___.,_ : :...-;e.._.-.-_f-;.._q_j"$.,.___.;7." '~'_'~."-_;_.¢¥;..z7. <_;:' , >1.:'7 . _-~ ~~r~,_-t-I-.* t -¢ ~.- ;..._,_= _;.;--'».., <_,.; .-.v 1». .~ -, ..._A. _ ,-v,_-_;_H 1 ... | __; ,?-,-:31:-.=§._=g e__ . W-»*!:¢,---ir§ _,=|, fl-"/'.':I . . -.- ',/. -Peze , I552 U1*%GLAS¬;3IFIED *3 J:{$1 -ts/an ** _:-' ".~.--;:w'.. 92»> =;"*I>_ W O,,____5/22/6p5, :0, B¬I'k9_18_1!__C&11fOI'[1i8.__%_92_Fi|§.#;S?-l_ ,ih Q ..7 . /"""¢c: 100 ' This documentcontainsneither recoinmandalion:nor-conclusions oflhn FBI. ll Handin conlenls amnotlobedistributed ouvsido YOur-~cgoncy.'~ 5/?7/5? !C.. is-the 9'00"! °' '5 FBI 0nd |I. locmedlo your 96"¢Y;~ 1- -7_;'-*--:~~'~.'_A'~= ~~~----,=='_~ -~- -~ - ---- -gage I:'*~ £~»~ »-*". 4-150 Rev. 12~ I 14-88! A. ¢-ii x;>l§>.% ' -_i, 92 . FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE El INVESTIGATION INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. XXXXXX SHEET or more of the following Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no scgregable material available for release to you. Section §§2a Sectign §§2 U E] U U b! l! D b!! A! E] d!! CI b!! E1 b!! B! [:1 OX2! El b!! U b!! C! E]RX!! U b!! D! E]k!! U b!! E! CI KX3! U b!! F! Elk!! E1 b!! [:1 b!! [:1 k!! El b!! U b! 9! D b!! D KX6! E]k!! Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertainedonly to athird party. Your name islisted in the title only. J. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred ~ to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised bythe FBI as to the releasabilityof this with the information following our consultation other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the followingl reason will s!: be processed int__§F ./¢1*3'§&# '1"! 92 *" Re: W>:_'/_za/:>/ye, Q34?!/1/-.1: For your information: Document lis identified as: __;;3-1 /§3;11,='2»/,;_/"Q __a<4'¬/ _//-:5?»oifmr K-K-.f<A é"./.51rigtim The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: JF /J2" XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX :5"?//xa4» ~4/; XXX}O XXXXXXI'IX X DELETED PAGE S! X I 4-150 12-14-as! Rev. i FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE XXXXXX XXXXXX I rXXXXXX INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET B Page withheld s! at entirely thislocation the file. One in or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. E}/I!eletions made were pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 U b!! D <b><v><A> [:1 b!! E1 <b><v><B> Section 552a E1/ ute! [E/ t>><v><D> E1 <<1><5> U b!! E] o'><2> E1 <1<!<1> E1 <1<><2> El b!! E! E3 no! U b!! F! El 00! U b!! U b! 8! E1 lots! U b!! U b! 9! D 00! a E] II] U U b!! E1 loo! Information pertained only to athird party with no reference to Information pertained only to a third party. Your These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the El subject of your name is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Z____-i you or the IBQUBSI. other agency ies!. Page s! withheld For your for the following reason s!: information: / 1 / E]/Tli'e following number isto be used forreference regarding these pages: SF /91;» XXXXXX s""~/méw-» .2/7 _ v_ -_ - _......... _.._ e_._.___. _._..._...,__,___.. _...,-..~_-4 . . ....._._ _..~ e. _ _ .._____.._._._ __. ._ _ .._ . Qbtional fQ§§L§p. United States -_- - Q_ _ Gove""rent ___w -- _ SAC, "SP PCISC 3§i~ Tram: .'=.~1~4. _1__ .._ - -~ --»--- 92 _______________w____,___,, __'fEl_Q?.A3??DU}§ ._.-__~ VTo: e -- UDate:JUN ~ 251965 SA b4 Subiect: Eezopxzzt. n L1: .._. :£*~'>"'~' Q/ ..,e:-Q, . 2'--' _ --- .~a . a-,5 L =. - 2904 BER {LEV ADALINC CAL» 94703 1 er recorn ___J ther files eekly 1n of the San Pranclsco The PW is a San Franclsco. ?1ce est Coast ¢orwant's flle co*wur1st nevsnaner Dubllseq 1. r- s renes gatlon of subiects me F" d_ed c_rcur=:ect v '2 l ! ..-_~ * ti: L.11" -if-:-.5: ;92-: a"3. 1:1,.-:*»<-5 _.__.; T7-_ -PZ " .- -~v ----1'921ED I <1 15 s/'1: 1n tTlS re arc. 0 or ,___ --.~.m,- I. 92 "~_ , s l1 7- . UNITED -GOVERNMENT STATES .TH M EM ORANDUpzcussmsn MW BY ON TO: SAC, SAN FRANCISCO loo-54559! DATE:6/15+/65 FROM: S. W? Searched. Seri * ~$6 SUBJEC'I: xggcusgnm Y JUNE 11+ 1965I 7 J-1, WDL J _HE-';T~IE-I :4 1 Ahas information pas ,a 159 Z97 Q ritt w furnished reliablew en report set forth below. f BE CERTAIN T0_PRQTECTIDENTITY OF THE INFORMANT The informant could notfurnish any RECOMMENDATION: File 1 39 "* Co; cc: _ > D information.  Read by -#216-@t>~ Af J _ igiieviewed i ?_ N' i MW; Ma, 7' "W ' .75 ~-/oo~5 i;j;»_. Index: >70 1,1, _ ;__ 2% B T___ 2! $9. J4 5 ____M_ __ ___ _: "!.__¬ *0! t {U 92 U id 9 V A 5 5_ h 5 S _ O O lF IV N S ___V __vi_' v_ __U__?" ww '5 _V_;_W G A > _i_i___mh______ J_ __3£_%__ i_;_"_: ____w _m__5 ,_ H_ t1 b _ l_q;§,__U_ __ _~__M__m__ wwal 92__ A 3 _'_ _v n___ U____H l_ V_WV"m__M___>_W___m__ ______ Mk V > 4 _;»_;_M __1v_m_Y_ ___92_ _ H v ___MM_ _" U_ A M__H_w_W>_tq_&_k 7, V? 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E] Documents originated with another Government agency These ies!. documents were referred to that agency ies! for review anddirect response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Governmentgagencyes!. will beYou advisedthe by FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation -_-u with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for thefollowing reason s!: _-_-1-I E1 For your information: . The following number to is beused for reference regarding these pages: SF /5' <1» ~/"2/61;! am 34/ n ,. 0U1 DELETED PAGE S! X NO DUPLICATION FEE X 100009! 300505 Rosatfeld JODOCXX II --11/9/87 Request. FOR THIS PAGE X PBX/DC ' ' I I 6 SAC, NEWYORK 6/30/65 ' 1 SAC, SANFRAN/ISCO 00-suoso! MARIO SAVIO sn -c e~7_-.j > _]_Lil: :1._1 " , ._ V,_,,_;, IT: .:,_. _L¢1 ' * I *" _ ~"_';-_. .. . _J; __I.;,_.;, _;_ -I _3'. 4 *~ * "J _' ». _ - .1I:;_. H 5;I - "___ F_' z-. > 2,-"<.¥ -Biiff __92;:.4<-. = -4 On 6/28/65, Judge RUPERT CRITTENDEN, Municipal Court, Berkeley,made inquiry i _" »;'; o.. '.. V_' 1* . ' Hf r-;; ' Q. , ._ _. _-4,, ,4i..-,, ..V /":' Id ,_»_~.¢. ' _'_f Y ».; vb of the defense_attorneys in the University of California UC! sit-in trials as to the whereabouts of MARIO SAVIO.Judge CRITTENDBN was informed that MARIOSAVIO is presently in New_York andwill not *' 1' ii "return to Berkeley until a court appearaneeis mandatory. , i-'1 bIt is noted that SAVIOhas an uncle, RICHARD . GOTARD, 1a-sozsstn Street, ' Floral Park, Long Island,New York, withwhom he is probably staying~, duringhis time in New York. w ~e .,e- »LFTAD 1 i» ' y-*-.~ Q» . .~1~_.-==.;_~ 1,. ,,."_ _"~.-:~. '2 ,_ ~<~ .1 92 _ l.1- "E"e¥QR!<_.~9e§F1¬._§= ' "i - §@' 1..4,, _a will attempt to verify SAVIO's presence in New York and furnish any information to San Francisco which has been reported _ New York REG.! 1- San Francisco 1 2- by security informants. ' ' "Ai ' _H -~, $_ .-'.~ "* ; 1 92 .1LL ' INFi.Y.tI4A'I"IO!J',CQITAINED ' ' A ' U6 ./-""$92 > 4 5;; -,1:¢._ iw» . ;- 5 -I .£1! '-'_§q,_ %~_; ."#3: ._ '5 ..1,-V».-1 - Searcnemj-----f Seria4iz§~¢~/-I-4 ~. .,-. $/!&d0Xed__.--5?; .50¢. .§w" F:¬kV::;r '5re =-' 1.2, -_~= -i 5%-~.£ , _.,-.=;,~; I. _.., .11- . "~.-92.=.92m} E .r~=:- -*¢,w= zenee Uni? _,_ /14,1, are/4,.-.-.1> --_, O1. _.-.'/_. _ I_. f. ¢ £25,? L __ 6/29/65 I Amsa ' T0 F % =§%m§ .' .5!» $131 : gas. -L_i_=' F868: 5&3 ii? $35}-I} . '~ I" Ila!.w-. "$1 '-'."=5" ' a-§:m1*;.~ ;$?=VI¬> Q»<-9 - L INFSFS-i?J11§=N @C»1~1P~1~§f"§ 1 y, 5.1; 3 ¢_>;,., ' - $51131}! IS dbau1.ASSlFIFD_,-3 DATE. .51.: 15/;_PfL._-B 1 -~ E! ' 'edl" , . .,i if; Q _-Q, 4?"';% ""' ","'f_§ '-""3! M I #§ KARIOR0333? 3AVIQ to IQ the m nal-:sed_ 35093Y": aults cf the . i at ragay -,5-~puck-n ;, --< ;, §_ -. _L __,_ . 3.-'92~ reviaw sf a L33 with I file. Qéclnssed for 1 ¬~3¬I'1 of $119 Zl£*39 *--'1 Q! the are twe c .;5C1@¬Tu ; > @ » @553-7'1& 2V V; fizz. tha Bureau .a=.*a we copies Anseles ::._;_k,;L_ -mi-71.5. 2-~ "~ .~ 'B:-3* 2 "°~5=' "ii" ,..-..~;;.-,.; .1»-.-.»?Y*;;< =1»: 1-'1-.1 ,_ .' §,-Y~: ,-. 11% r ~ . f , ~.»;;=<;., , A 2:; Q, / & :~92.,_ > _ . r;- ~ ! --. > ¢,.<V I ' ; - <.2a;§2;n ;5Tgn¢i§¢§ i. All! V 1'-' 5?! A_. Q > fr 5 . SE§RHEd§-§'AExE° __L _.W1, Q4:-=:u'a N "-ssmu2~@u4i!-rrw 5*;.§§ Q1-.5, z ' - ._-_~_ >.,~92u...& _» .,_~:>. * ' ~;~~.~..1-;-:-, ."' 2 riu__;;_;:_;:;, -A '4» M. ,922F- dnwunuqqqg 0 6,0 49* 7¢»<./ >@~lz~;_¢" _ M W 6- $. i V A .- 4-150 12-14-as! Rev. I XXXXXX '¢~* XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION _._/_ Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. SHEET or more of the following ions wererelease made pursuant to theexemptionsbelow indicated no with segregable material available for to you. Section 552a Section 552 U b! l! E1 <b!<v><A> E1 d!! E1 b!! E1 <b><v><B> El j!! [:1 b!! IEI<bYv><c> [:1 <!! U b!! D! U <!! E1 <b><v><E> E1 <!! E1 <b><1><P> D l<!! E1 b!! E1 <b><8> El l<!! U b!! ' U <b><9> D <!! El b!! U <!! El Information pertained only to athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. [I] Information pertained only to athird party. Your name is listed in the title only. II] Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. documents were referred Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability with the other agency ies!. i...-i Page s! withheld 1:1 For your for the of this information following ourconsultation following reason s!: information: /K [Z1/The followingnumber isto be XXXXXX XXXXXX used for reference regarding these pages: /t'5"=?>"' la»;S"/0490» mm DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION FEE X I 9 Q £530 , . ,~:-:;.-~~ ... Zlw i%#% ieéji washirgtou P<7:at".ia6 1' 1"-ahinstvnr 9-¢>,carried 5 star;:3§§§§p3§§§ §§1§§§?r ?u¢Saw.b/29/$5. edition whichstatadthat aare savzo,22¥@&r~016 §hil0BQphmajor£romhu Ybrk, waaam»~ those _. .~ . _ *" _ . ._~ . _ 4 . * Bccsrdinsto the nan artiele SAVEG andhis bvida, YZn5/E3/55? u,b+,J{u'a §?£t§¬ $Jya1- *4 urk S "i'""* may wish to advise lacal "u* er state authorities if he yH 52 /Q @@4_»;¢,@ 7/4!//$5, ixm 2 1.~-.-.33 §%§§ "1': V1 1»= Berklayangigggggg, thatsubjact hasa va1%d Z=5§§§§§ 35$ vl lmnva thiz cmuntryat any ma wlho fur%hernut*Pi~a to any aderal , -9 .._., _*":;+'>» -3;.-u -V. tian W" .;'j_-*v;T ~» -$=.5£.4" "*~ §% 5.4;-L ._;.».' A - 53% F??? . 17.1"-".7 Li: ::."""f" '-~-."-~.& I- " .._ ~.92~_-»_ _.1->v. Q, :_;_ 92 » %iwm _92;;$gi ' .. .92 ._;'..*&# ' ->11 §;'7 . »__ ;r.~,"~-:3-Q-&# j_~i!:"92' F:<.'*~ 1;-21.3 Q--;:., v. < 13 Q I . :-:3 5221??, Q D I I. UNITEIL TATESDEPARTMENT OF JUST I _ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I" Reply, Please Refer£0 File Na, .§aahZn»3tan, D. G. 23535 _ June 29- 1965 I' . mnv scam 3.014 /. E120 lm cf the ?az:ap=.'=:t =.":f#.c$. Unitd .;3t1;:*:9a J<:~;:avtm:z%Q state, rened by a :*e.*.=:~0se=':i;at+;~:e ct the Federal Buraau at Invstigatlsn £331! anJune 26,1965. oantalmd the follwzng infarmtjonz .., .,.. . "*1? Marla Hebert $avS.o waa issued ;:aas;:-art £+3113587 $0 2 T-"-4" 44 ~. -~1 -2-:5.. , 1?, 1955- é 2-:?' V 3. ._~ -._.~--~~ 0 Q gr Q; gl ;'*§.'r-;-..;ae of :-»'Z..'<.?;,' -__..-~01 at }IiZ.iYa:-2, 2512?: Ynri-:, far it-z* ;@;:<~:<>=~! t-.120y::a1*a H-d, 2:». . .5 -;:'*-G -p l1<'.~~;1 27-. 2' the La his .l;,;*;"l_i<.!¬:§§.-5'/ii 23-_;§Q¢3 Jame1-.3.1565, at HawY:>2~3.:. {BenZarir, he stizted mat he ;.st:.-ndedtv da:.»ar*tin ;~:-:!;e:a§=<2z~, 1.~f=-*3 Th-.a ii" I-I; 1"-i1_:;:l~;3 I r £3- ,.»;;*o Q;-I¢¢;9 '~i!>-1!1-1--I. Cuba and thrma V at-Ema u:x2c:~ c.-azaunlat c ;._> -. ... c;;;~,&'.:'1~.-.;s portlana of China, Kama and mtml . T .'-_=i .';¢v'~t: ste!;ed tint he 1:5 b~:=m tn Dncezairer 3, :9 :; -at: Y-1": Jfty .129xe E2: *;¢z?~:.*.'-:*e:-.£-, ;~~e~f;?.f:~;=::: as - ...:2, O-_.5r7 - ;12;~.».eZe3', Ja11:':.~r-'.:s. I-is 1.*..~;!.'¢.:~<3 h-.2 Lztizer :13 J;:¢;:,£1 ;--1;;-#1 "u;u:t .;-l:'3, 1.31"!,i.:,It_11y amdhis :.2.;:f:;ez' 3.-.1-'1: 3. /v-.4: 71! r l...~_.._',£ " Wt-1: 1*?-"'>Y 39381-*1---"3I 33.~.1916, at ??~;-<4 Yrrfz C ta. 319z¬2,t-;d 9 Last; 1I:..:frl¬:~_! ..1 Z»i;.3'J_I5.3, 3.35-Q5, to .3u::.z::2-A2 i~'.sz'2-.1v;n :3,-. '~.;I-:0 ma b->z=,-1 14:1 J;-:';a -V», at £::"~..?52__j,'n, :7»;--Z; Y1;-;-:4, vent ":: 1?-"nth-11 s-zcfdrmt he ;=z:':§u-35¢»:-ti ':.':'".-Lit Jraseyzh --'11:. ma £::z::a:~, be n timed at 12:1-J iizst H.-.=i;;;»:-_*_=§;;e;:~_1e, <'i1oz:»d ea, -.'1a¢;:<-:»:>nia. its 2':-13.':*.1'.n3 descrn-t*cn appeared in Mn Tilt: 51:3 Lghl . Hai?: I..';I L2: " ~..~."4 ;, *§' J? :17 *3 ¢-O K??? iceapatianz S1: feat one inch I-131'! bi?-:7?! {Ems ~ .;,re-an .. ¢~.'~." T C"':~1u.».A' . , -1 pl:C..?-i,;:E%AsqEF1ED ;.;»; _ Studcn =;;.921 -7 -~-QT: | 1 -_.-4+ '192 *- ' WW ""92"923D ~"_I' sR°E° Liosxso 1 -- t-1 ._., $£n:A1;',»»P,é1:9_ * J'"~ if ""1--~ UEI 8574:55- L-7'»? "'i§ 1-; * Y _ 92= :'§ :2'?-; 7 -.21--"~-4;? ' ' ' ' *- j_<--=- 92n° ,t FD-350 Fla-v. 7-l6-63! 92 Mount Clipping in Space Below! Judg_¢=:__§o Fix New Slavio Court Date ».:¥ ..x_-_~ t BERKELEY Municipalé I Judge Rupert Crittenden will try again Tuesday toreferMar-E ,r .~ ' io Savio and other convicted UniI versity of Californiasit-in dem-' onstratorsto the probationde-_ partment for pre-sentencere- i ports. 2TE eza ,..-.._.. s-ti- Indicate page, name Of newspaper city Ind Slqle-! j Savio, 22,hiswife,thetorrner Suianne Goldberg, 26,and siever l others scheduled to dak for referral were absent. pe sonalcourt appearancesFri- T v *=~ sis; { ii? f Saviosreportedly were in sol;,33$ New York and short of travel money. Judge Crittenden ordered 8,- l FP:-A ".>-L -_1 _~,&# bench warrants with $550 bail tor absentees Mona Hutchin,19, Edward J. Rosenfeld,25, and WendelC. Brunner,19, to be is- l I i _ 5hxg.-3; s ,_._».. 10 Oakland Sunday sued Tuesday. Defense attor- neyssaidMissHutchin waslat- Tribune tencfing a school in NewYork andi,Brunner wasin the soiith for 1the Congress of Racial Emhmy With two more _ Oakland,Ca1df. convictions Friday, 634 demonstrators have beenfoundguiltyof trespassing in SproutHall Dec. 3. Of these, 516also are guilty of arrest. . resisting T FED g = :~;,-;i,;?: __ _ ,.,_1. _§~ 1;-' 4 Date: ,,._ . *r"-?~ "N 92 l_ a 1* All IllZf??.?'¬-'~~T*'U'JnC9 JEdition: Last TC ~~=cLrm>su:i = oneby one,'staii"ti1'1g"ili1ly 19. " - :2... t . Crittenden willpasssentences; s 5 D-9. _ Author: Editor: Title: I Wm.F.Knowland .~ I}-&# . i 1-: K 3 Character: or Classification: ~ Alf I: BeingInvestigated xmdsoMe,Anm@o,_a. sanmuzao .12,/H LED I -iog-'_ FRANCI l .>1 ,.. ,1 SubmittingOffice: L'£9%;.§3i¬QfQ St? nu 1 -. I wk.» FB|-SAN i __? W" ..;:.j-+< *-vrmri is? 9292 ,l,.jIat ;fI I I .~~ ,.-...' O F TO I M OCRAN "FCI C E M E =SAC, -1 D U M *** UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LOS ANGELESlOO49599! DATE: 6/30/65 I JONHD FROM: S: 92@1/ SUBJECT: JFCC! JEWISH FRATERNAL COORDINATING COMITTEE .Is-c SO URCE I ,; ACTIVITY TIAL ~ I RECEIVED AGENT LOCATION Writer /V b92 bw Informants report is qhoted as follows: 92__.__..--- '~-*7 bqC ,0! .f _--92 . 4yyb Jqsslaz by 923ec92a?£-$1_,__.J °' ALL II-Z? ex » HF-"2: <; ..!..":h:1:-ILGN :.~.-1 CONTAINED. £g;:.;firH§33IFlED . . ~V 011;; .92-n- ,_, b9» b1b!D i ;.§4'U'N U7 W 4-750 Rev. 12~ I 14-as! . .XXXXXX ; FEDERAL BUREAU FOIPA DELETED -L, E1 OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION XXXXXX SHEET Page s! withheldentirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, ' explain this deletion. Deletions weremade pursuantto the exemptions indicated below with no segregablematerial available for release to you. ction Q52 §ecgign §52a D bX1! U bX7XA! E] d!! U bX2! El bX7XB! D JXZ! U b!! El b!X¢! E] RX!! El b!XD! [:1 RX?! C] bX7XE! U KX3! D bX7! F! El KX4! El b!! U KX5! El bX4! X [3 b! 9! El bX5! El f U KX5! U b!! 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V u led ,_Pi; a -.=:_->~~,:;-Q==,:a;,>;:;§.g;¢»zag;-&:q>;§. :-- ,,_:-~:;;.'5==;5=-'3.-5.1*;r-4.2: zf-,1->'.~s>?¢:<=:.I§.I:1:I:==:1;1s¢':¢.1:-:;»;¢-' "1.-"1.V-;¢§'.;-:5-=.' -3-.-.,-=».;¢;_:--;=;=-.1123='.1.;-.-as--321:1';-§;'-r:;'::~ ft-52:-~'-»~1-'2;->;='§'>-"W-<¬>";"§-=";@:?%' -:-.-51' 'Y~.5 éIl:1l~'lr.92'}E¢=E=E-E="~"£541**""1§%1:=-" 1"II-.-'=.;=1.=:=.1?I"1-1§Z>:':'-:-'I-=11?if . - .V_;_;_.;.;5. -.-.»;.-.~~. .~..~,~_ , ,3: >.§¢$92-1%--.».92§-.»,'+-"Q-.é=-551' -_¢., _ _....~,.'2:_-_.,~.-;.;.;.;._.-._._<_,_»,_.;;.;V;.,_+;.__,;;y;;;.6.,$;N,;___.1, .>._,,_-/.-.92 .-L~ l cam»: ManoSavzo, former FSM leader at Un1ver-antin physics. Howard Jeter, a SanFran-_ Q-Title: sityofCalifornia here, andhiswife,thefor- cisco school teacher who wasarrested in sit» ";rSuzanne Gldberg, leave court after hewas in atSproul Hall011' Dec. 2-3, told thecourt" kound guilty of trespass inthe UC sit-in dem' that attorney Vincent llallinan would reprei; Qustratiozis last year.Savio isto besentenced sent him ina jury trial. Sentenciug of thqsl Character: kl my 26. Since his FSM leadership, found guilty will start Monday and cntiuuql Savio has the week. ~l 4 1 I _ rV or ________,,,,,,_ ' _*..,___,.--- 4/*1 0 ...-,_~..~»-=i"""" Classificat Submliti-X El B 107° V 100- 5"4° {av-;921.>-ti» 5. .1/,4,-;I92 ~-// SEARCHEQ __m,!g: ¬a lsERsALl¢£9...&<e.Q.. _ LE1! J2 é a /§/'}.4,.!L~7/*"" ll-. _. 1965 I . 19/an. ' I OPTIONAL FORM N0. no '- 5o|g.|°g um! no EDITION »' GSA 65124. REG. Z1NO- t 1' UNITED STATES .5 i. -./ GOVERNMENT Memorandum A;>727 TO SAC, SAN FRANCISCO lOO54060! DATE: T/16/55 H7" F1?°"@'/ FSAC, mzw00-1sl.»189! YORK nvc! SAVIO /' susmcrz MARIO SM-C 1;-.; A..._-_. . *,<_~.>. .. V. Reurlet, 6/BO/E5. On 7/15/ 6 J sA apretext call to b4C is lis 92...92. as . J,._..=- IOWH - answered the . ...,. phone and advised Subject formerly no longer as follows: resided at resides at this the above address, but address. She heard on the night of Z/14/65, source not divulged, that subject had returned to California and she presumedthat subject was presently in Berkeley, California, address unknown. She further informed that she assumed subject's wife was with him in California. she also advised she does not and doubts but seldom writes". 2- San Francisco New York She said, "He talks a101; -M? a. . =-.=-. J The retext l know what subject's plans are, 11" the subject knows. utilized above AMRM! I. <1. . ;.:;, 1,-71g1 - L...5 Hep _~ ' -4:..;...,,, .15? , Y . C; . s i/92o/ i -"E 5.» pm E"; SEiRCHEb___gH:EX¬D___ n'r .~"»T a.. i_;;;;r ;o.r "hii BLASSIFIED r~s . I/I I .. 1 _| .,_,_. . fw{=<@ SEémLrv1='*w ton PAINED 5. gs? 1% ~~---_.__._.___' BI$.,@.Ln§_' -.-"~-:~Z! C/ I" 92 xi k _..- '; 2% ~ ._"_":.*: --.r:'; ..._.. F."' es; I 92 P; §:_:=w§ , . lg §$ ' on-noun. Foam no. so UNITED STATES sow-ror-4 Le GOVERNMENT Memorandum ' T0 SAC, SAN FRANCISCO DATE, $4/eyt /0104;:/L145 mom : SA I 92O/92 / -.1 __ . <9 sun]:-:01": 3 S,4! -:<-,1. SM -C ...T§~.& .-f.,#_,.4_. ~'-.; _ ,_ Re FD-302 dated¬§;7§23 //Lairi '1 The captionedindividual was present at a rallygLdemonstration,pie%et&ineT~sLt;ha4g$ at -»-'-_ Ox !California on § bi-_ ' One copy activity r-'.. -1>~' of FD-302 setting forth is being placed in his,_her-case Subject participated ~$-s SubJect's file. as: GT~:~Z 1-,, Speaker Participant ' Observer . Other ¬$a;i% ES VhCLASSIFIE2§? 1m'rE__;I$'fgi i ,m:sP' T ??@_ Photographs were taken by: Newspaper _:¬~:_./_> <o,p .A?CENATIQH CQH?AIEDjF¢=@ "3~r i - ~.:..~ 5 photographers Police " FBI T.v. II Other " ¢_' -3?__-g,&# : -;.' U" 1? TheoriginalFD-302 is filed ix; /C}i9§92$:~ !:7i? . t5?5'~ ' J5-:'3 @AlI'5A~ / 5/Z :::r:::::$:& c3p]';§§ :.:AD 17 . 10 0 f V_ V K7/7/Jr.' _ 92D/UBuy U.S. Saw/zgs Bonds Regularly onthe Payroll Sax/zngs Plan O" LU O : /¢""'i§?§92 » ~>'~22¢ I . FD-302 Rev. 4-1s~s4! . I K & ' 92 -I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIQN '~ 5/13/65 Date Approximately 500 persons heard ROBERT KAUFMAN, JOSE NUN, visiting Professor of Political Science from Argentina, SEYMOUR BENJAMIN CHATMAN, Professor of Spanish, University of California, PAUL JACOBS and others condemn the United States "invasion" of Santo Domingo and attack United States foreign policy. JRMES PETRAS was the master of ceremonies of this rally. Following the rally, which was held on the steps of Sproul Hall, Universtiy of California, approximately 300 persons marched behind a simulated coffin which had been covered with black crepe paper. This coffin Service Board and placed was U5 carried to the 48, 2199 Bancroft on the counter inside local II y. .v~ g . ; ,- . --:.~? -1-1 J E 1 Selective Way, Berkeley, the Social Security Office. During the demonstration at Selective Headquarters, the crowd of demonstrators swelled into the street and local police officers were called to the scene to keep traffic lanes open. The coffin bore a sign, "we mourn the Dominican dead fighting for While carried on the demonstration Draft Board, DENIS was being MOSGOFIAN and at the Local mounted a United States street mail box and urged the crowd to continue their protest against United States foreign policy. ROMAN bitterly, verbally attacked a Berkeley Police Officer, who was photographing a football what they the demonstrators. type huddle alleged were The demonstrators on the sidewalk draft cards. _ them and began 7.-. 4,_e~. h self-determination" RICHARD ROMAN .-r _t '5 Service formed to burn At the center of the crowd of approximately 300 milling persons, an unidentified individual began to count audibly as individuals presented draft cards for burning.'Number 30 was the last number heard by the observing Agent. I-'4 i _;.l."5. s 7;.53? . ~§ iv ti; v » ¢~~.» ._ 1 .. i. -ff? ,;2 .; . 5 w : "ET !,!'f <!! A11".1 .. -Q_£:._! qt _ I;~.L.92,,_"_--§_..;l'492_!f.; _gQ ,.,,, £R@iN I UN?I*S¢?rr*~ jig? .DATE 3-7; -351 @315 ' 0n__ ley, California elavb,L Fe#, $ '>' -,,n. _-0 xi ' SF lO0+55073 Date dictated ~ A 5/7/65 This document neitherrecommendations norconclusions of the FBI. It is the t f th B ' your agency; itcontains anditscontents arenottobedistributed outside your agency. proper y 0 e F I andls loaned to i ¢F,4, I . -7 r, ". I 0 / -¢ I E. SF100-55073 P1 vi ea ass ,,,._,, _ The following persons were California rally by the University of JAMES PETRAS, observed at the observing Agent: ROBERT KAUFMAN, JOSE NUN, SEYMOUR CHATMAN, BETTINA AETHEQKER, TED COHEN, ED ROSENFELD, JERRY RUBIN, JACK KURZWEIL, CONN HALLINAN, LENI SIEGEL, RICHARD ROMAN, DENIS MOSGOFIAN, BARBARA GARSON, MARIO SAVIO, SUZANNE GOLDBERGZ,~ ROGER BLEWETT, FRANK HERZOG, FRED SOKOLOW, MIKE KGGAN, ELENA FLEMING, JOHN SUTAKI, DAVID GOINES, LEO YBERA, TOM MILLER, CHARLES ARANSON, JAMIE HUBERMAN. Subse uentto the demonstration atthe Selective y;!L Service B@ard, Boards A6 to M, avised her with demonstrators said thirty draft cards. This that the group planned the President matches from of the the box amatch were the of the box which burned ...92&# ta.* 5:2:-4 ;j 5;:. Q»,-.#<¢ contained ;F: _-._; a ~;92;§£9 V3; ".157 ;'1 representative advised to send another empty United States and advise had been used to burn thirty The following individuals demonstration by match box him to that the draft were observed TED COHEN, ED ROSENFELD, EI-free! ,4-_ at the the writer: ' JAMES PETRAS, ROBERT KAUFMAN, BETTINA A.PIHE§KER, JERRY RUBIN, LENI SIEGEL, ARANSON, JAMIE 92 92 HUBERMAN. »92 RICHARD ROMAN, DENIS MOSGOFIAN, BARBARAGARSON, MARVIN GARSON, ROGER BLEWETT, FRANK HERZOG, FRED SOKOLOW,MIKE KOGAN, ELENA FLEMING, JOHN SUTAKI, DAVID GOIBES, LEO YBERA, TOM I/KILLER, CHARLES § ' I remains of cards. , draft board A . ,. ,r .4 Selective Service that representatives demonstrators presented what the VQZQ 5; P .2--2 5, P 4. .52;: "1"; .av -~;~.-g '3 - 3.. if-' _-., ,,v92 / I 4-750 Rev. 12-14-88! Q xxxxxx XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED ii BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain E/Keletionswere made available for SHEET or more of the following this deletion. pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with nosegregable material release to you. El mo! ED/Q2! Elmo! Section 552 E1 <b>o><A> Section 552a E1 <b><v><B! El d!! E2/®o><c> ES/ b/!! D! E] i!! E! k! l! U k!! El Cl U b!! E! U <!! U b!! F! U l<!! El b!! U b!! El k!! E1 b!! ' E1 b! 9! E1 <!! U b!! E] l<!! U Information pertained is only to athird party with only to athird party. Your no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained name is listed in Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for reviewland direct response to you. the title only. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the [:1 For your information: following reason s!: t F / [girlie following number isto beused forreference regarding these pages: I D Q FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! I,$ Mount Clipping in Space Below! .19"-_;: Mai*io . L -:I2l;§E, . err-"M& 4_,. .,.,1 > --Leave Me A oineh .~92_ A , Mario Savio, the former Free SpeechMovement lead- __ / .~»;;o< 3-=1--1=':===~I¢:z.===i§:=:ii'=. -Y "iY3i:3§.i5§5§§:§;§§5i£Ei'i ' ' "§ ,-.:-' *1 =2 15$?-1-3-%=~--I .».11" ;::".= T-,3 :3=,;¥¢<:; gr ;:~.,#;<-.:,-;;5-,5 ;-.3 -.i"--»::;-:,.,.-, --.,,-* . _-=¢=*=* :t-'<,:~;-.;:-3:-.;:-:;:;:;:_ .1 , -,p, " ">'>.¥i5s;:=:2=¢=-re-2»5;-$;p_;,;a-;-;p<».<;»P~<1: -' ;;- :;.' P"4-.:.§ 1;-:'-."-.:-,'>.'-1:-'~'-1: Q92' <~ " limelight yesterday, but this ' -..-;-'-:<:;:;:»._,-=_-92_ , it,"-_, V ' _, i" ** ~'="¥2 * <¬@~* ' .» , itta -~. .~.-='~/ i==:42.&::»a.='1:=ze"'-*-Y -:?>=»-; X *~* ' ' ' 1ail-?<-1 =-.r<-.:-ft;-¢;='1:':=:¢=¢;-es » ~ -it .-. -?time he didn't open his iz2;;g_:=.;§2;£ii.;¢-1-» .-1:-:15£1=5:'.15?iE5E?EZEiE1?§EE;'1Z=%%E?;§=£'.=£i-5I£'31'¬'E=1i , ----~-1»; 1:fI;;':_5:1fzgg;:;7;:;;;:¢.;:_.;ts~>:;.-X;, I»_»; » r-es.-...~:<i-.»'' ~/Q1, Indicate page, name of .,»:_ ~ 7+_. .,_ 92;-;_;.;,;_33-" .t»1-:~-.->: . '92n92 1", F ._ 1_~Ipi22115;;E'2=§=;:§'E,E_¬3§3=;I;t,Z:¢1 mouth. _I 114;: , = newspaper, city and state.! " " The youngfirebrand who:;.. ..,:;;;;. -e-"*'3"=5;£"Zi7g§§;%%a:L'f-:35 II11-1-i1I:%Ef:=::..:~2~i5%=52.1.=45 -92=.-¢i=i=i.-11.1"»? " _. ..ft:7>1:1i-iitit-Igiiic 1 delivered" dozens of speeches -1-. ~- at-; -F er at Cal, was back in t1 ~,-,>~m>:$,gg»§»'< //X»!_k'92;'~§ at}; a the e5 _pn thestepsof Sproul Hall during the University of California demonstrations and _ -=E- ;=~'1-*7i*>£;-§.%'~>';:é,§.~:~~ i $55 .I.<~e.1.. -ital"? "1E?E'.1Ei=E';'I:S;.<<'f si-~-I:-:_' --~;z-*a;:'*ce:.-.-=5¬§§-..;¢ ",-:. /2 ;f-1 1I "Hr *='<é'-,:;~§.:./'51-"~'~;-t-;-;,;= =1; 1 '~ .- >¢ -.~»:,, .4 . I-.:"-11"-1'-1"-5-Q,J; ;-;- 3 ,...=.":»:.;;: ., :r'--" s-"~;; at ;;*92~..., ,_~-_ : 92' Y -=-"1¢;i;>a=:'"",,V -' a,- =-. "'92'?=":§~rf;§,-.§'-.},-_;i92 =:§=§:;=%§;.;.' 1;---:=~_,§;j<,¢ i?, -a" =e.=a=-;t"=z»a I i--$11112*§;=L"i1i'£E==I"¢"11.1.-£1, ,:~ es. .-iii 21 ,was anoutspoken commen~ :=:=.'.::I;1;-;'..:=.'-:';.=-'.:_=:~..I" ».3'=~-==;§;=.j»j-1.1;5:;-g:g:3-g.';'.;.j'::;-.,-at-I 9292i-,-;- .=;..». _a_:_'afj."Y..-i-;._~..1 _> .. "*":"-"="' . tator in court, stood silently .5.-;.. ., -_ V-.,.;,s-~u_ V-t:;_;_;». §£;92i§{j{j=_;<;;,;t=-,"z;:.t;;;;i " r"»'-'== r_ "-"§. F '-,I':v.~ ;..-;_:;§:_f:§_'::'>f:':,":f__ /1}_'z?lf'_kI927..:1-1 F51 5_1,; -1' "5 in Berkeley Municipal Court ".2.§':_11==.1»i...{#. /hi-,-=»:~_ '-. ."'§-I-I=.. .92.>/....-1:*5::?.:E=.'I253-§£:;.¬:Z.:.»'-I "*-43* 4?-*»ii as Judge Rupert Crittenden ==i='¢=1.=%1¬:¬=-=1i:11=~'*' ,*-7%.; .§-5-" ~ -'¢$1¬I-ii?-jl»-,>¥-' .:=.3%a1=.==.:1_r=::;.-=».<¢r~= -.51-~""?*=-*~!1$'~s-i' =E1:'=Z=E=E=5i.=="" :=;?{<'¬é:=E,:I:.'~ .-2=1';1:=;3:¢:I5:=:=::;r:r._»1" -.:_"92 t_ xi -e.»--évga" =:. » ~.v 1;. 2I -~';~ '-3:15 -"_;$= 1 found him guilty of trespass ", »---»,~ ;"-1-,;".'-':¢'--J-*' .f.i'.:E:=_J'.'1';5E1*5:_-1.5:; $*.. '92": :. -;'* >.:>v" ~ I-1'-._ 1 .1 --1-.-Ta; " ~ "»I"I=i and ordered him to report to :;.-'.Ii:%1:i=i=£i=;¢='ia%¬t ~ 92=-~ H .-'1; 3 8%-~" 4,5;->1;;,;_=;;;--;~»~;:;_,;§-5:;.-;-_ -=»:¢v.'.-;-:._:_-:;-_;. _ __ .».--,. 92 the probation officer for inter'.>':I..=i"i;=z::z:; . its »1-1521;-E2=.:<;=* .- ~.21.1-:-~ 2. ' ' 2. _jzi::_:_.;:;1:;-;.;';.;»_._. »~§-Ti..-.==:=:¢:;=.z~;.=.&:;;;;:;:;¢=_=g5:;;;;g;:;;:1;;-=--1:1:-;-_:_=;:g¢_.92_=:;_._._ - er _, V18W. '51EI515===:=I§55=I-I ""E='I=92~'E'I"-i=:~--:~:-1 '12?.'£=;I;E1EI:¢5é:3r;r£15=E;='=-'-"5*?,;:gg;' 1;-, ;-_;,;j ,PP -;;; 5¥§:E:?r==5i_'1I'3-.:'.I;f'Ii?-1_Eié1~I:=§; " I??*?~;<:'».=~;;'a't.,.;v?.,_ -$1.. 1~~:=1'1'-'F;_.1'5-3"-E" - ' "'1'f}f:;irl;i:}~;-.15 ~<,,:- "¥:r§¢'Y_4.=:=:-=1. =1--"'~.._,1-_-:1-.--.»=2»»:¢..e.,, '<-1.111.». His jaw thrust aggressively =ea.-telii?i1;aF?i%§ae%¬1i%:%:=aa1; - V .~t- .1.=-. <1.» *1téaliiéiiiiiii???it *7»ilii2-2e*ii§'f3="' 25$" V -1-.;7*~=7:E'T-2115352-:I2i=% 1.forward, Savio accepted aslip *".$'"3151*i1~Z3'II'-1.55151111;,-'"'1:'I3-.11:E'E"1;-$1.. "-.;>--'~-=».»..' ..' - §';' 2' i'1~~=" " = - __.':;._;;;_.,__;f:-_.';:I-§-j1;,;.j : -5-_--_;;.;;;,;;:; i1,k"":&# of paper, detailing the time -_ -3., _-.5-;:§.{.;.§:_1:§:;.E._'1:-,:f:f" {gj;;1:;=r_;5;;;;;::5:;;;;;;~55.;1.-ageqwj'__ _j iIf%i%{IiZi§fii§§f-§Y'§f§'2%§E:I -- ' " §Eff:z7::-J5i=?%%E%%==='%:iEi1 for his appointment and :=z :-;=_s=§~s;a=z;s:>--'Jgzgg-egg; -;;;:::--1*1'-1*-~=, .;='-j,.-» is »._ 'i_>'.;;1=-¢<:r=:$;Z';§;£r:;2?,_ "¢¢==:_ 1' ~E; > ._ ~_5;» 15 _$,_lf_. Examiner _ ! ~ .~.r .1 strode poker-faced back to his t ; . seat. Earlier in sit-in trial he r -~--e-;- ¢-=>-;t-»*.»:$:-.»;-.;.J--~*--. »<I ~'--.4 '_- I .~_ 92._,¢--,..,-.-.1-4. at ..;, f=92 ..~» i. *sf? :-.~:t.-.~;-;-;-:'..~.:,.».v<..,:-.:';. Légv, _.!_:_'-,;__:. iV.3e;;;5E:_;,...:;-5;::§5;é§s::::.:._"__ rblp. 7. _. the Sproul Hall '~5,_;>' I22z&:==2:2:s:;=z=2:-:s:=15§=l *3.Ii:55I5£521--;-;1:rr:$§5=2rEr=-=51 é?-='-' ;; 4-Y1.1 _,';'_.>.,_ we ~>»% '. * spent four days >V ~"R;I-=:1:'~I~=-*"*"" " ' z?-1;.-;f§;f-;,;;;r;:;-.;,~;-; ' -.;__,f§~"_i>,,=, ,4: / a >.. It e. , ~»;~}§-.r"&-' Q ~. .:'j;,-, =1! '>.»-'>-1-*"-{§an Francisco,Calif .l§n the witness stand--longer than any of the 61 testifying-- xies c 1' i b i n g the tumultuous évents of last fall. Once he was cited for contempt of court and sent to jail for two 5 is; »J».-. .",$,92 "3 :5 f *>, > - -<| ,' ,, =:".a O AMario FORMER YOUNG QUIET IN FIREBRAND COURT 7! and Savio wife, his Suzanne Goldberg l_ @1321 5___ » .'19 : Date: days. ' . V A fate. Savio was one of the last of their »"- i" _ ship of the the demonstrators to appear Savio refused to pose for before "Judge Crittenden al- photographs when he arrived the former Suzthough he was the firstinto with his wife, SproulHall on Dec. 2. Hewill anne Goldberg also adefendbe the last to be sentenced~ ant!, and rasped, Why dont you leave me alone? when on July 26, oneweekafter the FSM in May and! marrying ASuzanne, he ;;ha5 worked atUC asaresearch g assistantin physics. y,=;:::;:._ Edition: Author: Editor: Title: - -6 Edmund J".Dool ex Judge Crittenden completed-g handing down judgments] the 773demonstrators oyester day-all were app _r_o ached 1391163-emihe students learn gewspaperrnen m. < _V,t- . ;¥"i-z't;.1T-. - and /02--54260-23/' day; found .oe§§PP».¬.T°$55Bin&=hi5§ 1°?F1°1" -~--r:¥Z '' .0; i> -"?1,=f= ' '::§§ . 11.1; --at i' ii"; ' .It. gh-l& , 92',_ _ Character: OI Classification: Submitting Office: i .- -r92&~ ~.» ;.: 1..=-' =: .=.& .~.<_-{>1 E'5 '-; -~_& ,__ ,_.> > -..='~. D Being investigated WARCHED NDEX so 1.1O?s-LATIOEI -~ $9l5°:F CON'AII2D .4? t V Uh-_ . __L- ,- 4 ILED z.'=.;?{. " ' " ' 1 "'7' *7; lb ED JUL t J 1965 .-,_...-~.--Jr -._ u:1oLASSI_F , 1~ W_q__1i_9g_____p W i,$_put:_<¢. FBI-SAN al'51.:.-ti' L FRANCISCO " .' - -,;. ~~~-~~ ~ - - ' ~- -- ' ~ A ~ rW -~~ -- - ._ . , g FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! _ :n,___s E. -~ fif .4 r;v": s is Haunt Clipping In space Below! ¥ -»~--__.. ...=nr. .-~;...-.. .*. _ . _.__ .. >.,J. $>~¢u92 =3 7 2". ~" I ". __ _.i _ 41>-11:;-_.".. Jbunc...Z..».~..-L 5-¬*¥_.; IR-$pniL_ _..»=-......=-.s.;....,[email protected],-.-=4 :';e:as:-;_:Q_k'--*9§H: _-=._,. ,¢.¢,~:-~ -_ , :* *1 .- . ___ . -. x .. ::.;. __=+'=_*z.-.=:: ,1. ._. ._;~ s -s .~.- _-,--_,_~92 ' " "2 re->-Senfencingtsrssls Nexf e n g__.._ ,_ - » ,I V:-»--' '~ _-.. ~-~~ - _- /<_.-__-__._.. -. _. . ._ . -... ». .. . . _ _. M... _ . ._,. ..._-.._._ . , .. s . _ ._ Sentencing ~~be_gins next ;-L-1; I4 E Qionday forthe773defend .;;ii"e in the mass~'ffee §epeh"demonstrators trial-ii _§f1>e re Berkeley ' MLi'nicipa1' 1 Indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! eRupert Crittenden. 5 at .~ '_"_-PI-Ie finished handing down ?§udgments on the Univerjity of_California demon_J}trators Wednesday. , i. An773werefound guilty. k, s, if Amongthe1asL_to befound Zuiuy by JudgeCrittenden EwednesdaywasMario §avio,theformer leader of _ Y-ca: ch ns -i -3 '15.. __ 1. def unc t organization M garnered manyheadduring the UC unrest the pastschool .year.' He wasfou guilty of IO ;.F.News Call Bulletin esfmass andordered to retotheprobgtion officer iw ixlterr/riggi, _ ;;_:;4_ ; _ I36?! ?P&¬iSQO;Ca1if -;°I15PTii§.*§3QY.i$P@B5@P or -L mme;;ta;;¢,;savio 3 would 3 MR Ar~m.ums.»MAR'|o sAv|o LEAVEVCO RT Q vZd¢e1l@i'2E5*-Ps"h° i y lea? ' The»U.C."Free Speech" firebrandyvas unc si|enr_ Date: .,;~; p ::l= a one. "'."£2~'_T. 1"" __" - -1 ' .' '~»_..-..*.-'- :=om~u'r1orz [email protected] Edition: Author: Editor: Title: n>?1 5-65 F1*13§:'l'!?~ ,,: :0E as Eastham _ - 15L::~:JLaSSIFIED'.:;e4 - _1$~ 5,,__,_sup1m§?_~ Ch uracter: Of Classification: Submitting Office: "N 13F E] BeingInvestigated I i <%. sac, mm YORK 7/28/65 %»..- _~, -__ ,$4¢,@ S IW¥°I'=~<=¢.? 610°-5*4°60!., 5; h - _ _ . ... >,_ _.. <, 1.».,4-_. ¢v.=<. -_ A -.~ .~_,.- . 7 . .,_ _. 4 _4 _5 _'>_ ._ - _, '11 _. ---_ ,92,.;~.!.. 5" ___.-- .» .,-- -=, » », mam ROB1L21".SVIO SR - 0 . <1 . ,. V , -K -@ b 251§"5* J" l. msséfn i='mmis<.=o 1*ette:'ev £¢1:511 Y<>§§1<; 6/30/65. .j I Rev York may di'aeontinuee£tor1:a'to locate SAYIO inasmuch as Subject has returned to Berkeley, < It wouldhe appreciated if -.2" 715 -:Lv"' :;:"Sawh **_~92 5.».'1 ' V... V_; California. New York 1-muld mz-nish San F:-a.ncisco any 1nfc~:~ma.#;ion reported by security 1z2fo;a*ma21¬; rm~1 Q S .. ;'7& ;:.-' _ .~315;,..,-5 ; . i+~~;-' % .~~ - % = --. . V . .-' .'.'.» ,y~a-;~:*-, . 2;-, nmn-aw?-~;@ qQ92<!92'[ION Coysryé "'*j__ .' ~ '1; Z:-92Y92 $1ED n~<»IA$=1*° "-' Wm; * F""'w__9__;,s',.:Zf1»-B ' 0 Au n ;R DER?» Q -.I -I . * .,_~. ,. 4h; Q5 . =?:: 5;: ' it ~-> .3 g. ._ ,2_-Haw York RH!A24! I-ra.nc1sc0 A92Dq<./ " 1,..&# .~?-3;:-_. _';r§: ' " r:¢%E:.;&# 1 " L" Q1?; #1o_ ; :.;'.& ,_¢ r '1 ¢.,-§;f1.l~_ ~.,:Zl:¢;_,,. -2A1-L *1"<.'< -t..1 ~:;;-gm M23 j;;'>-~ fa .7-_._g._ >- < .9 »_- ~ I?%*i=:; '* Fé - a =./I; ¢W .1. ,L.L'§d. . "§I1;-.:: .»¢.-.-#4 .-. .92 rs -a -'- I ., F'e92-:1::.s 7-18-63! Rev. 3w, _ * a 92 Mount Clipping in Space Below! O ' -"4. ,.-~, __. I. sa . ~.2 ,_ _ - .- <. - 1;.'_~ -_ - ~ _t_-. ..-. I J _ .. . __ -. _~ _,,_,,. _ . 92., were takenin * or jail sentences. The defendants 'ByLARlBLUMENFELD"of doubled-fines University of groupsof 10 for their sentences 1 Free .Speech leader-spokesmanMeanwhile, seven be read and each group was California professors appeared into {Mario Savio_received afourmonth jail sentence for'his par- court unofficially at the end of represented byone ofthe battery the long session seeking ways to of defense attorneys, including !ticipation in the mass Sproul Hail lie the burden ofthe $550appeal Richard Buxbaum, Norman Leo[sit-in last fall. bail bond imposed by the court. nard, Stanley Golde and Henry , Savio, 2, receivedthe stiff jail _. V pro- Elsonj 'term when herejected Berkeley- -lpl_1nvI_t_._,Seaile, associate fessor of philosophy at UC, led Eighteen of the 46 to be sen-3 Albany Municipal Judge Rupert -Crittendens probationary terms the group of professors.He said tneced rejected probation and these were banning unlawful "sit~ius, lie-ins,apetition was now being encu- more than half of lated onthe campusand is al- allowed to give brief statements walk-ins, or stand-ins." looked Scheduled todayin court was ready signed by 70 professors. by Judge Crittenden.who .».the sentencing of some48 defend-The petitionasks theCourt to re- rested and well after alite-day their own bout witha virusinfection. ants who pleaded no contest" lease the defendants on with the professors Three demonstratorssaid they for the Sprout llail demonstration, recognizance, the first to be judged with this as characterreferences. ' would not ' {,.;vq ... l Indicate pcqe, name 0! newspaper, city and state.! _iz@»»/Z1 ~" 6-=/>/J ;~-.-*.~.""i1 "' >.-. .»._*a _§,e/»¢15& _.... :5-."-31&# ._ .....4in-t appeal thejudge's ver- Named on the petition so far dict, one of whom plea. . was Hollis The FSM leaders wife. Susanne are defendants Susanne Savio, Chenery, fined$100 andgiven a Goldberg, wasgivena45-day jail Kate Coleman, David Kolodney, 10-day suspended jail term._ - , sentence. She too, refused to ac-~ Lynn Hollander and Roberta LIGHTEST SENTENCE -4 Gregory. V- o. f cept probation. i The lightestsentence handed out by Judge Crittenden yester-if ~More than 60 per cent of those session incourt,with the defendday-was a$30-fine-and one year sentenced by.j;JudgeCrittenden ant and --spéctatof section at__the took -th'e'~.'samej_st;"ni_c1_'_.y_against: his-Veteran; Memorial-Buildinglaw ,1 probationl. to Mona ilutchin Gor~ wan»-, oF_ l JAIL FOR OTHERS _. 4--tar-as 55 Tension marked the afternoon -»-;. ?a:I} ~ d¢§£1;iQ,.:md1u;¢re{,give'n'.a,;§ehoi/he fit1ledto'j-'capaci_ty_ 4. A-_'d_itori§irr'§. tconiipuad on»Pu|,.2,-Colqm 0*. -.:2] e-1' -= '... -.__ w | 1 I ,__,_.., V VA I~.! _ .r ~>_ ,.__. . -" _y," J.. -8~.-.-Y. »i"'I-'~;;-_'1f.,i"¢ »n.=c_pg; r.;-.3.-_~:;-my4", :1 ----~. -. ~ -4: ml 5 v an " ._ T.l'Z0 .v -_¢,-__'._-;. .9-_,»>_92=_ .-~,-._:.'-':.:_,» Vt. _| _ ;._ __. v 1., l_,<;:f.] ' }.;L|" Q; '2;-?-{It 5-f'.92_-.' ,/~ J44. '§;, {.1 ' "" "*1/l »- -- . an-__ 4»-..¢.-_-. 1. ;=.- an-2-gr _-_- , _I .75.-'3; v. »~ :1»; <i1y'9»-,§'f~._<=~§47 -,_ .¢ --' 1 1. ' Edition: 7/;.7/ Author: ' - __-_~__:.', .,. £";I;;;,...$'¢i¢'».vU-¢w92-oi-1~4la'.e4.~5--1u-' . 1-.-"um." 2-" ";a_L|$ " ,-~,.5 -_,_, -'i¥;".";2.92.,t....£."' .._ ,:"... fe.L..l.4,-,"Y'*.-".'!:.éif¢1"'.*_92;'.-.'5J0Ll»0£ .. ._.._§._. Editor: ALL INFcoiirAIir"Qo?5=??3" I!gMATION inn" I 1. »92 HEREIN " Ea : - Character: qSubmitting Office. M . 1aw c92"?{;. 4 -n - 1 U/V . ~"1 /92-U 929 Cluaatllca I Gail _, Q .5. 9, '#] ,9/x fa W-*3 » .._-_..__..~..--._-_. -______ ._ Iwe qlnvaatlqcted fig? 7 -'..~.f" "T-". 1~_.~,._, '--"X.______ 92.|;..L __'l:.._.'_-V._.:._! ~-,.. .:l P1} ,_ -. 92> 79i§75;¥@ q<' 4___._______: ___ 1___ W ___ _- _»___ I 1 '0 if ?-=- .-_ » ... . ___ ~ 1' . -_-_... -_..-..--- .--9 .!.' -.1 . 1~-.~, ;_-_ _. T.. 1?-__i_ QBERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY. JULY 21, W65-"foe péf c@'§'ay'-$1.75.&# Manila? *1 ' . : ~ 4. . .¢I "'ii .V U»1',-.=~ -. , ._ _ _-11. V- 4'4 if '_ ~ -.. ' .v. .3.~»,_ _;. - ~l'.:':'§§l53'$$:i'.l;:1:>1512E1:%7'£E?9& ->.,-,>.-.-;--.-;-_.-. -4....-.,;,§ ...::: <':=::----~ .I - ~-1_ w -. .... v V--. Q .1? .;::=-I:-;:e= » V'.'1'$.9 E ¢ - . V,< ' r;---R 92 . 92 . >.[».~---».' _ .,..-=:=V_-oi». ~ 5" -Q V x-.--"' . 92._" D ' . M!. . » 1*-'' "' .. "1 '1 Q .-"36 4' " *5 _;" . VV. , -Iii? r. 35$ 92_, ._ ».-,-¢.-».=;l ._-' 92.,.k92-§°' K i K & . _..4 ., _~_, 92_ _. 92...- V I - _.--.. , ' ;:--'V'-.-:;"_:V;;_:;.-._..-., :- -. ~11 . . . .,._____; _ .,., I , _ 3 .Y4. _.f_ _.4,, >.,_é ma. _..~ .. »._ - . ..V .-.we . A, Iif.n4 __ ,_. _.,,._ _.92; .4.-I. I___v . 1.-.P~ ~ .5. .; V __ ,. *<, .3». .' ~; -. -. _ . _ _»_ .,__ -V; -'_,_~ _. V3,-;_= 5-. _-Q. .: -3,, ~ M ~.~ ___ _ 5;; ,._.-=@. Q IV L...» _ -. V;* __.,. . ' .-<_..' - ' .'->~;_._-'-,._-2_, ~;v.t..4 . ~ . _~. fl, A . 1-PAM5.,-,=., x... _..,-_;.-_.-1' .._.k, .< ~'~. ;<-V. ' 92 ' 1 G . 7% ~¢,= 92*' '92-7 I'AVf"3.. .":.'-~ =:":ip f'g." »;;"" J ,1!, '92_».92;,»."'j_':§ -'92?>'.' ;.. - ;",~?:>. .V .1.--=._,.¢.~ ">_;&T+.92-@~~'~.¢V--§.92,,1'v': 92:.~n_'"{~~"*~1-».P~. r...,_4 Que A.Y.-.,q|;,;;._,. .~_._31} gt '!_:;_7_.§-.3...;;._;-;,3~..f-!~_... _..b_f:.;_. »-I Q V 3 ;__, .-1.-..4. . _§J*-'-...-""*>r-.§-V"5:3"v' ¬'§5?<~INi3i1*:é§'?:¥%1?-" "-y l'Vil*' -'¥';."'* ».;=?¥' .~ _.~._.. L . ~-» 2:V. " ' >: . ..-,._- .V._.-. ,V ~_ .;,:_::-f:.<92 __- ..»:-: .-,,~ ,.... _._ .-.-.-,~. ,~.~-; 1A 92=~.-.. .-:t_.92:>~4_:~:;.}4-. . ;-.,j_?~ =-V7V .. /I _. ._ _ .. ._'.; ,.. ,". 92 l¢.~_VM_»'-f_,k;V,...q92v kn"1V-.__; 5:15; aw -. ».r, ' v92 -4. V ""#"»?'~V_ .V-.<*;»:»r=--"V . ,/Z Q 92_ 0, ! Y . _ .. V? .. .. 4 I '7 V..c ~ .r* x ';',2-_V, -I J. i "5.1/.~ --.i;.' _-:_;.5-~1~,.. 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'1 , . y»Q," 1?. ._V_ .3-~;._._;;;;'..';-.jf -,, _ n - ,.~;.:: t,_ ;-.____;;, 1:5! '. ~ "' -.---V1 . .. ._.,, é..,_ .,_, L ?.,_ -92 ;;;; § /,F 'V-' _ -"' .31;-':":.~-'2" "f5;f-:-:;-'-92. H *. , »__ ~ .- .. ':'.'-..=.f:'3' 5 I, - ,_4 ;. _' wt .- " ay- K . r .1' '. » Y ' ' " -. . f,' - V/*3? f _q,f . _> C "V'1:§:I;§V§;j" . ~;_-'*__, . - -1,. . . ; ' "'-"V-.~.,""."I'F'-I :;-*=i';'=. V- . _»_:-._-,"_.:*¢--;; ; Lg.;_:_» F.1:11 ' . - '-' :' .. V"F. .4"-.' ' > ~:?I I "ii-:,:.-<. .- .,v * ;_ . L...@-£15 .- 1 _ . , .. V Q Vwi§- _.-;; '.§._-_:f:; :1-1'2 .3 , 3 I-I.-' ,. .. -Z . "I _._.:.._ _ :._._.__5. Z -_-=_ -_ 1 -_-",§.;_;.- 5-14.13 * =.,1.I_f;r.- gj»;If~ 2&5 = FfV?". . » .,.;> ./N, ;v:___,_.d.! x< . ,.v_.__..v._.,:.5..;; !.;;____ ti .;'§E;F'; ., -1;:;E_'E=$. _ ' '__I.z_j_;ij§;_f_.§.-§_.f,,.§-:;}~; _ ~&;.-I1-'-.11. .,..'_. l .. f .<.-» _. . f . ., ; 1%. ;13'.5.'i-' "1"§?=:"?7:§'¬55:§'-'iV?Z3"55" .' - T x ._ 92 ;_....V=_'@."";;.,._.=1.'f.~,.'.,-"'_"-:1, -;';>> _ , V Q _fFree-Speech defendant Anthpny,Biown, riht,-"5 5 ' 1 Hg; 1_ ; jail fqrhisparticipation in;the_ ...¢... IQ _ I -"5.-_92*~ -1..."""V .. ..Y 7 .-..-.1: -, .. ,!.:.;_ V.-.~.1- ,¢$..»,;,~',--__. . _>;.-_~-__.. -... . _V.~._: .1. ---~=V..- J1 -1 ,,-.1iL.L_]. e: <____!_._, _.V.-. =.~. ._ . .-' .~~.-7_ !_5___'L, {:1-r J _._!,_i,:_.J[, Q -_-"-""" ' L_J:I . U 92Q/92 ' ». 92 - rl -~stridcsbeside_Sl_1erif£ Deputy R. G._*CEoss_'-1,?g:;,,¢,_¥:1s_§;B"°7"YV'-»"ftn?-°.5erYe -!v 1].: ,",{_-1~;V:'.':v '_ _'_ onhiswa_fto_' -'.....-...'1/..1 ~ »-:- V. ....92~;-._ V..-- -.. -. i". ,'» ' - ,>_'"Ii&'§=§';%5§,lf§%__§.'ItI.j3..*';5§fZ%3-.'. _,-$5 *1-33i{I3I§.t-~"_i;-"'4 », V V' .t.<_, .=j-,.'___;;-:_:_-,;j_._.,1. 1 '. i'¬-¥§.¥i.?-11%;."P1332?i*.i??"<57§E?f"'-?»iI.-:i° ' A * ~ --1.».';:':..*§=&~r==s=Za~:T";="" , "" . . -=-&# :'--.-»-.>rV~.§..¢.-M. ._,_,M._,_,-¢» ' £; ~<» 1 ' _,,:<,. J' .91- 92 " 92,_' _v : f'*-».. .....;.V=~-- ,; . -3. -. =3... ~, 92 .:,I.V,92 "j::_:--;_:--5:15!-I:-El-'I --13 R . V 1» - > .V -'--_ '-.~.: . , Y}..;@551-1-;'=§§é=}.§5-;__-.*.-.'=-.. -1. __ M.-..92_._._. .~ -I J,.'.'I:'.'.:f"..;';f.;§;"1;?§I;';§31'z===7j-j "I-__~¢ e 3 ¢.;;».,....~'~*' .., . ' = ..- . - 1 .~ - ="= ='.:-I.=z-I-.:1I:::5"i?:;l}l%:i}%&i.¥r'=V . _s V': :T. --A ;,;_= _~.::2__¢._:,v-' I, .~»~». " -i ':-,15?5:.-=13-->:e..m.?"-?=' ",9 .§'-*1, g_.*._.92....-,.¢,~:_t.. fl. . _.__ , _,,,,.- i . U - 1. >1 4, .2 -: -2- - .,.-.4.».. !--.2. V. "Via I.' :'- I 1*. . - ._ _ Itin-_g ' 1 .- t ,' é. I 0 - ".*"*~~,~~-~ ¢_.- _. =_ .' _ 9., .,.....-----. '1 ~§:*-'! ,__. >.=, -~ ,. 3-L5 ....*. ..-._92 t ».191 4_.,. 1 .; 21? rerj;e§,{di_.. 92 .--'- :5 jhon1as_Sulliyan. rejected pro- !- in civil rights movemEtT.§?:.'1n batio "$111'6 " da v=~.A!"' . 92 . _ n, ys. . ' 1.. -..1 4*- "he sat-inat ssa Lynne Hollander,rejected proi Hallinan said Hall because of restgigthins and don. -S.Bergsten, and ,_S_t_e_wart bation, $300 or 30days. Gladst_one.4'lhey the accepted pro- ~Gary Sugarmanjaccepted pro- rejected the probation anthe . ~ Ln z.1-: é. 'r bation terms. bation, two years and $150. Crittenden Brian Turner.accepted proba-59Lm9-3.9125 doubled the fine and/orjail sen- tion, two years and 60 days. A Ta"? 15 Planned by the Viet tences ofthose whorejected pro- Conn Hallinan,rejected probalbation. tion, $250or 25 days. .? Savio licld a press conference Robert Novick, accepted pr . fr th » Y. on the Veterans Building steps bation, two years and $50. following thelengthy, 4-hour af- Alice Weldon, rejected probaternoon session, lie was SuiZion, $100 or 10 days. OLilliO .llYl-1whet rounded by sympatheitic demon- Shannon Ferguson, accepted another 8' strators and a large press conprobation, oneyear, $150and 10 - 5' tingent. days. ei i With Amerircanpolitics in the Roberta Gregory,rejected pro»l hands of the morally and intellec- bation, $350 or 25 days. tally bankrupt," Savio said, David Richardson, rejected t or 25 days. " " bth in the courtroom and to the probation, $250 Gencrally, Judge _/ Nam Day' Th ' % ' -Zomm .era w1tht_;~.1==~..~_:;:§ /92 iceday. tar ;ag{CoC8mpI1s Civi _to Buildin s fpqsiie ° V" , /ix ea. fa"?will be held --92 , p ess outside, rebellion sitive duty." » is a '.~.-n Barbara Silverman, rejected probation, $250 or 25 days. His wife Suzanne quoted Thom- Jo Freeman, accepted proba$150. as Jefferson, "The right to tion,'one year, revolution is I people." the right of afree Stewart Gladstone, , ' j : _$f; 2Mi»? >1-~ .-=c-5: §§?.' =5-' -its accepted probation, oneyear, $50; = Others receiving jail sentences Joann Biasotti, accepted pro; t-2?; ' _ ;wereAnthonyjllilde, 515 days andbation, one year, $150. tSyd Stapleton, 30 days. 1 David Kolodney, rejected pro- 1' Those appearingand their senftences were: I ' bation, szso or 25 days. '~&# ;i:_ - V Alb_ert_ Litcwka, rejected probaI $250 or 25 days. * Kate Coleman, accepted proba- tion, Peter Franke, accepted proba-l "'tion and $150"fine. 5; tionj 'no'appeal, two years,' $150 Stephanie Goontz, accepted pro- ibation, twoyear probation, $150fine. - . 10 Stephen Crafts, accepted pro- fine. bation, one year and$50. Matthew Hallinan, rejected probation, $300 tine or 30 days ail. 92- in J Edward Rosenfcld, Judge .Crittenden told. the % packed audience -he would to_lrejected erate nooutbursts inresponse re ' -15 ; 92 ,»~. s those who made statements. Te probation. $300 or 30 days. y, b92'Cll lCll 3ijiini1er,_rejected pro-demonstrators obeyed.- -'- b tiooo or 25days. A Generally, thosewhospoke " t R:;, fa;-3-.t_*.~ .~ P.-33.5 ~' jected probation on,the basis it Tlctoria Blicltman_,_ accepted would curtailtheir participati_<_m,, probation,'_or§ey'eaI"'and g _;_ -U 1'-g >.'8 l In0 ,9 I F 9 FD~35O Rev. 7-I6-63! » 1 7 92 t.J Mount Clipping inSpace Below! SENTEWCING TODAY ~3"~'-'5 . -_L. . = Reckoning -5:12.-1 1...-.= _ 52'- Saxon it  ar- l istration building at Berkeley member of the top policy rives at 2 p.m. today for on Dec. 2, was found guilty of trespassand resistingar- Free SpeechMovementand, Mario Savio, leader of the a frequentSp£Z1i£¬l at noon rest. . a-........s-.._._....____-a I . .._._..__.._.. .._.._ v _,.._..__.. studentdemonstrationsat the Oneof the ringleaders o The hour of reckoning University ofCalifornia last the student revolt, Michael fal committee of rthej} Rossman, wasgiven a thrc making; page, Indicate name of newspaper, city and stole.! .,'he 22 year oldNew York- monthjail term beforesen been sentenced so far, two tencingwas delayedby the er-jwhothundered defiance rallies. againstauthority almostillness of Judge Crittenden daily fromthestepsof Sprou last Tuesday. 7t..!3 1&# ,»-,;,.& A- -re»-~ 3-~~' li'~* >|<~:&# ~_-is -A ' - I Ofthe 653 demonstrator; one the minimum of a years After resting at home for found guilty, only 79 hav; last fall will stand before six days Crittenden said yes- Fifty defendants told the judgethey willjail terms, refuseto acbe back on the receiving Berkeley MunicipalJ u d ge terday he will seven_ $200fines, 69 fines of $150 andi Rupert Crittendento learn bench today. The second person to be his fate. _ _ sentenced today will be probation. At the end of a 10week trial p Su- conditions ln=n»i-Lthomto lawSavio, alo-;1»;,r__92.:zith,.his follow- Savios wife,_1e__f;~.rmer Hall on the Berkeley campus ,: 1>1-{L zaa -":4! ,,4-1,--. kr ;-_»:< -1; _ .:._§*; 7 7 a.! _H ers whooccupied the admin- zanneiG ol db e r g, anotherful activities. I ceptprobation-- whichCrit-K tendensaidhe will givealli A demonstrators because the 3 3 lsixaminer -., . iSir_1__Francisco,Califl_ -- '. '--~,.-~-.-_ -' .>,»~,-u_._.A '.' I7"-:5-'.92'-s o' J -jg; ' 0' ALLINFORMATION conrarnnn hr "zaain IS __ UNCLnSS, If}. nnj»¢, .-_:j<:j- ......._- B!quaeEvné;e= - 2., _1:QL£a_ . . 1---swat-i~;" Date: s MP Edition: Author: 7-26-65 __ _F_ina.l Editor: Title: to-, i U SEAF.C;;Z£ -s_I_ ._z;-sag;-,;L M_; 1/,,92,& is. -=, . at -<2 T-& nd J¢,Doole_ mg. O1 /YZ~§vc4@__5* Character: S §a§ Classification: Submitting Office:i 1» 92 < .W. ;"3;j =:e-_fr s-1 _' ' S H,.~.~;:9 1 2 FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! 1 1 i - Mount Clipping In i 1 space Below! ! Savno Set -_;:92 "J. "K,-,.~ -_ >1,55. 4g _._ To Protest s-5 -_ 2' V. ;, .~.= =¢|.' & #39; 41 Probation w EMario Savio, firebrand of last fall's demonstrations . We t {aid-&# -- -' _. vs? ! .; at tneiUnive1'sit;.' of Caiiforriia, isnltgoing ottakehiss:ntencing sitting down.,1 ilndicate page, name of rit"v.-2;,-¢{>»:~'i", city and siuiu.! i Hesgoingtn protest. I 5 He and his bride, the former Suzanne Goldberg, were to be sentenced i 1 E later today. Both indicated theyll turn down any probation that will restrict their participation in sit-ins, lie-ins, SlEEpins and other protests. These activities Z-92 are strict- tea Iy prohibited under prolia-- tion ordered by Berkeleyi M»,1nicipal-Judge Rup>rt Crittehden. Savio and Suzanne are among the leaders trying to. get most of the more than_ 3 700 defendants in Berke- most of the others have; askedfor timeto decide. All were arrested last Dec. 3 in asii-in"%t Sprouli Hall. , ,. . 5-c-an s~;"' ~&# -r-:g.~;_»~"~,-; 1»; !"4$ San Francisoo,Calif resumed sen- tencing today, after an a - sergce sincelast Wednesd y beiiauseof the flu. I $0 far, hes sentenced91. Thirty-sevenhave refused probation outright, and, Call Bulletin ii 1eys mass sit-in trial to reject probation. Crittenden S.F.News ALL see Inrui eTIQN CQNTAINEDHews; Date: 7-26-65 Edition: Author: Editor: home ;'3[ i"".>1:L& * Q"f I*h§i?EIi'"I 115 UNCLASSIFIEJ! '-3._. J? DATEi;'_ e:/¢1:8?_ _ aBZ1pzi9;WE$3; Title: Thomas Eastham Z51 Ii E. _:_&# ..-¬_;;;-5; Vg Character- OI ii Classification: Submitting Office: it 7,, -.'s G Being investigated >- - "o¢§9 - Me sQwmQ-mw@f newJ bqcj senmuzen _§riieo_,/fl ' 1;'~ I;.~ w- 92;~:;& FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! ' ., " I . it » - . W Mount Clipping in SpaceBob"! wig p--_ w ,.Tm: .-U CHRISTI SCIENCE ~ - Moviroa =, _ Thursda JulZ._1...-?_.,.......___,.;> 29 196< ' ._;--._._..Y-. ¢ Two symbols Eris" ' :_.»"?;"& Anew, *. :~*:"§1" entrsarroe, page, name of er, city and stale.! on Be-rireieycampus W By Harlan Trott Sta correspondent of ' l §..:.~ -92~...9 .~, ~-.-._ .. '4 . ._.;,.i- . l. TheChristianScience M o_nito1- Berkeley canipaigu was largely successful. 2.11. Savios remander to jail doesnt belie that. Now the administrative focus is seen to _$1/..,¢,Q be on iieeclcdteachingreform.Dr. Kerr says 7 Two men, two symbols, crossepaths rkeley on the University of Californias_ Dr. I-leyns lls campus this week. leader from anothergreat state university Mich, sidered an outstanding and experienced ,_ Arriving was Dr Ann Arbor, Rn er W. He s from ready to tackle chancellors job Oct. 1. a plan being given a Y dent leader, who drew a 12 -day jail term for trespassing and resisting arrest during the civil strife stirred up by the free-speech movement last December. To many onlookers, Dr. Heyns is an of one of the world s . endorsements establishedonh a single large university campus.! The need for educational reform is fur- ther highlighted in a recent study by 10 Berkeley professors. They urge that: Likewise, many observers hopefully view Mr. Savios sentencing as the complete and nal erasure on a university blackboard crowded {or months with controversial Warm i~':-_ several highly self-contained colleges are great universities. _ writing. wider role in Cali- fornias statewide university program. Facility study Under the residential college scheme, affablesymbolof a hopefulnewera in the times loads, simplied"grading, _ faculty, alumni, doctors degrees in three to four except the 773 students now being sentenced in bunches by the court for disturbing the peace and resisting arrest during last winters Sproul Hall sit-in. . l years versus up to eight now!, be protected from overwork as teaching assistants, and be accepted by thefacultyas_ respectedjunior F5 :~~ ..,. 3 _|_qInvestigated ~ v~¢ , ¢/ ..-,_. / iv ." . <YTi' ,=: .~;;r;& .3 q:' _.i §riirc_-._..~-.. L '3 f. 1965 , 4 - r v'.. _ ~r t A uurxro _. ziqOffice: ~ - -t vi < §t.r or: i M . :'<1tlox-i l sometoughevaluation.In this, Dr. -'Heyns ALL is -53;; :6*1.-L J , "< part.ners._' , _ . . -_ is ' These suggestions by the select committee on education at Berkeley are due for presumably will have a part to play. g naszzn oar 7 >'» as professional ad- and dent for academic affairs since 1962._ This takes in just about everyone here .q|IIl']9I92§-GlII92l92 l?"5"]' l - 7i.z"7/vs vising, less restrictive degree programs, are being heaped on tion courses. _ ' studentgovernment.Dr; Heynshas served 0 Graduate students be offered reasonas the University of M_ichig_ans vice-pres1- able programs" that will let them obtain the regents, F" *1: I Undergraduates begivenlightercourse more distinguished professors to teach their the University of Michigan man by Dr. Clark Kerr, UC president,and by spokes- courses, and more coherent general educamen for 1. and he is said to be the chief architect at Michigans new residentialcollegesystem, his new Leavingwas M§gioSa~Ji'n. the rebelstu- tumultuous ,,t F the bill because he is con- :AN F_RAi92:01sc I 1. FD5350 Rev l 7-16-63! ' -.,/ -r92|.., Mount Clipping in Space Below! ' ' " Savzo Gets; 4Mrmths . -tli'_él1'%inils ofthe rnorally an ; r-intellectually bankrupt, re- .' .E-' 159.533 92 gbellioniis apositive duty,"_ he _{S3ld. "I _ _ .' If the- court means to pre-I By FRED ALLGOOD !'§ gpscribeihow act politically}, we ;it sets itself squarely againsti -i-; 4-92 ~.i. -...92. 92l2lll0 Savio was sentenced to four m0llil1S_,lI1.he addei .- our Q heritage/§ ithe noblest of Savio quoted from : _]3ll 92L:>lCl92Ll} ioi leadinYthe student denionstrationsSu"anne * Indicate page, _ _ p §Thom§SA;Jevffe_rson shq_when newspaper, city tthe Uimeisity ofC3llf0lDl3 last fall._ gwas given p¬lII1lSSl0ll ad~; to name of and state.! His iufe Quzanne, aalso key figure in the Free dF83§l"d§'9the 5 'Sp'ce<;h which Movement or- Tile right to 1-evolutionyis i ganized the all night sit-in at téa-=I?ued on Pg_ 13, COL bproul on Hall the Berke1eyé_.;u;4__ _ <:;.:w;ms Dec. 2. got a~15-dayi; jail sentence from Bet-keley i-_ .92Iunicipal Judge Rupert Crit- I tenden. qt Two other leaders of the sit-in students he =~&# 7" were ordered jailed, bringing to six the to~ tal jail terms handed down to the 773 defendants sinner, sentencing started last 92veel<.,*i Another 18 -i- students were; given the option of paying u tS300 days in fines or spendin in jail after they r S .F. it Pages 1 ised to accept probation be , San cause the terms prohibited, them from indulging in unlawful sit-ins. Francisco,Calif. Date: absence from the courtroom_. Author: read a E°" Edmund statement explaining why he rejected probation. ' Title: SAVIQ disobedience is_ J.Dooley QET5 FQUR. Character: or somehow bad behavior. Far fromit. __ U;;_:; Class! flcctlen: Submitting Office: K H , -.i._,..;.>'l'i¢. V 6 Gp' Being lnvestiqqted PMinion coiYiir;n"o"?"¥:.':5~"*i $13355 /6?--5 " WTED ' ___ I! DWii/Ll3.sDI.. -. SEARCHED 3 ' s 4iyéliw, ."mggxgg "5 __ .1 6 /> ,~7i 1. . 1» MON Tl-IS "The terms of probation implv that politically moti-7 an _ ?=1&# Z-$I;;& W 1 '" 27 Edition: Final Savio to ' F 5' .~/ ?.$5 alter his six dayflu-enforcedi vated civil and 13 _" Tcn dcieudants accepted probation andwere fined$150. Judge Crittenden looked fit He allowed Examiner 1 *5 '6 --"Y--9* ,._s:niAi|zri>j.Dir|iro,._¢l AUGJ1965 rs: - W ._ .3 ....~::_;. 5?? -Q ._» I it L51»: .. T >= ' 92v& o. 3" 1- .~<3 , ¢ f 1 1" -.-§'-:*=?1.=J'i.'<--re ;-i - -i - .1»: " .-.@.=:=,.,"' .. _ _ ,~ " _, 92-; -" i... _.*"" ~' ' -. ,»,-.._.-_:_~ .~.i~ .:.92;-:---;».;e<;f;.,,,;; Q-:, _-. ;._;:§§ ;._,3f__,;;,;=__;,5 3__. __g,>__-.§.,;< 35 , -- *~ >-»~- .,'.4_;; 92¢_92,.;;,,, ' " .,~ »92~92 ' ".;_..-11.1 . .,-»- 15- '¢» -.I--;&""i:i'-='. r=<;";»§a-'v>~.-"-"~...-=< .>.--, » §»_":~.' *5» >.1 " V-1:-<="'¢_=-'*_-,1-.;;1 _92,-§;:;,._;.': -;=. _»: x~ Q-+ -=;__ _;, :'..;fIrj-'"'_'..,:;-;>; 3~~-< ! ti __ ,'?'¢;5-_»_£ p _ -1i-1.~'::'__j_.j._.l'.-,l ., - ->' -@;_-P-M;_,§'-_'.»'~~ ._,_,;I.,...,;. .1 _;:,-K; '~ >;i_ ~- ,_.j:-_>,_ - 4;.-.'_ -. » V 1./5-r»n .,92» 1-~ ,., .--f-~;, -6 ,~.~* , ' , F--~,',9292 ~.= -.=:;§==-._v._923_.92;"~:rv"a .71"; _ .;j$%i$_ . b j.r._i ~_~.,.__,~ -' ' *' ; ,. 1.,,.:-.;,.=a=s1.;;-» e--'2-' -N, .-' 33 V f -- -"°-832. --_. W .-_-,. , Lin? 2+1;-;~.',;i4: ::::$..::%~;:f:.:r-':%'4Ei:¬i:;n=-Zli _; 3-» ~92~»-» 92 ~' a ._. .. 4A ,"* . -_x, » .-:, I -_ ~' .. . 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V, __, . _~~-5;,-,5: ¢,¢;1>.'+-.1=;;1-;-.1:=-,-.;-:--.:~ -~;»n-,_~..;-,,»--_ ,1,;;;:_.-_;¢»;=;:v_.-_:r_i ' S -- ..-1.~.;a,.,./~"~ --»~:4»---..- -, ..»:. ~ ~ 1 »» ~--* -- ~».5=*~~ ».z._.mi- ..»=< -ee» ~- -_, w -. -.= _ ~ ?a:.*'"7&3;~..1»+.~'.' -r ~- :.'-::-,--1" =_.-:<2<:-=-=;v=:- g;1 _-'§-"~ -5 _-= - 92"'/l-5;-;I:?;=.f.._,i >1 ,~'~ 5-11 i -;-§-__. '-' " .'-1. 7-';;52:'»-1:--»''3;;~*-.r;;>'-.1-; . '31-;j'e;§';:j ;.;-: >:".<:=i.~>'$:~=r-. I,¢f».' '2-<1 ,:.¢-._>:_~;.,-;:'.j.r,:~;r=' --1-» .» ;§;"-3;r;/if .3»-£3-92 'Q@.'.;-L;-."92¥Y_# '_~¢ .. ~' e- -' -.1:n92.:.92. >_ -1"331-Q" "-*-e~. "-§"""-1} l?_- E3-z;.+:z;;'-:.1.>=.; :;~: <2: ~»1-:'> '> ':¢v~,.?¢. '.=»"-1.-r ' - 4,-: '1' ;»_»,¢-.;-;. »§.":;::r-'- l "-F 4. ' -~,§1:_ v__;i-,.,-i-.-».1_'; ~;__»-,;l»-;§';_:j5 srliiillwo SAVIO AND WIFE.- il lNTO COURT FOR SENTENCING GO A l, rebellionisGduty "l'le told judge: _92iill1__Egli_li§s inhandg ofihe morally lvcmkrup ,1; laevioele Ge s e . ' * =:;&# r.--._,_», §.~' /Z , 13* ":&# ~::,._ 92~* . .jg if Q ..1, -_, . ~~ ._,-e.¢~ ,_};~ .=. ~..@ ._» _ . m11~AM@nth?sl . -_» . ' . 4 ___- Co_n§inued_ fromPage 1"! ' " the ght of a free people, 3 shequqted. ;.:f The -probationterms, she, said,deprivedherofher right to engagein politicalaction f and to dissentfrom g0vem-is mentalpolicy. - -,' 3 -;-7' l; _Thefgurth-person who de- linanded the right tof speak? _.- - ~ ".13. __}_~1:»=¢ 1--aw 5» I <1 . -. ,, 0 - avs?» eloquent m==1=;'*= see J theJudge with _asmile. "1 Hewas, merely -' - stating - -' thathe declined probation. - ; ; liewas fined $300 or givena 30-day sentence inja'iIi'=Tj;1~' P .. His lb'°°'< °°""¥_ 315° .d°' It clining probationfwae fined ._ $250 or had the option of a '15day jail ~ -- 3?. . .sentence .. ' IQ'5'<¢,;'"»-. ". Also Jaded by the Judge wasBrian Turner" whogot60 days. Aformer FSM leader, 1 heisnow a senator inthe Stndent Governrnent_ _ in V_ f Berkeley. SydStapleton, zinember ofthe FSM steering _» "committee," received 30days. Q. 92All sentences were stayed 2 1:513; /-tr. ~-, .1'4 rl >1 ,3 .~... » -ta. ..,,. ; -- ...a.<' .--. '. 1-_.-*».=..: ' 1-? 5 -""":' =-"::*: 1 : e - 1}?9'12,-e ' '. , 1;I-'._ _, -:9 , 5;? §i.:I 1, . i..»_ ***+e vegdins appeal ~< . . emu TURNER ne of he mneafour-lettk-W1. He 9°, 6° days § ,______---~ --- -.'i=92 Rl:'§~ .-  »; .. . . cf M _> .,';:; . men convicted of obscenity}: last~_June, Ed Rosenield, madea defiant statement re 3 jecting probation. ' "E . Ii the defendants had_ chosen to acceptprobation. j theanti-social forces in the community would havewon'._ 3 greatvictory. But_they E £aiied_._Y, ' -.' '. . i XAlbert Litewka mildly re-Y ..,- _ c. F ' K" § ~~.~.=~:~.».'1 92_:<r-:15 --Q-'1 ' =1 l92rJ_< 175$? . .-1» fi; ' 4:4. .-' ,_1§Z£&# .' >2 $11 3""~ -buked thejudgefor provokE Lng. defendants by spelling . ut conditions of probation 1 limitingcivilrightsactivity.'= , /2: .-. The lightest sentenceyes- terday wnttoMonaHntchin, theyoung co-ed whowasaif-' § restedi on 3 SanFrnciscos '~ cablecarlastNovember for 2 ~P. -= insisting onstanding upon"' theoutside. Shewasfined$50. Theboxscoreof sentences to date:jailed6;]fined$300, 1_5;,fined $250, 3;fined $150,; 79,_ fined$50one;nofine,one. : ; Sentencing resiimes morning .5'»;;;_~,-,-l4b~92----»- ask-I;-2 -L-W 1351 - .-I _______ iiii .... _. ~ .....-.~_. ..-_...o___A._......__._.,e.......n._.._...._. l.__.n._._.. . ~..... . T777___L__ _ __ _ I . FD-350 Rev. . I I t ,1 7-16-63! i . __./ I 1 * P;-an---'-Q ' ' -. _, _ V-- ~ - M90!!! Clipping inSpace Below! ' ' '~ :-"' ' ,. . "'"."= V _ ; . _' ,,1;;--Q Say-io.5plurri,sProbation I §-Y TRosPEEcums' ~- ;46-0ther.,Demonsiraiors p. l_ Also Reject Judge's Terms .Flea; ,,,r-"95 *. .**I~s..-JFV riv- Bl I _ Judge'C1'ittenden'hadiéfii'sed Q... ...s 3 5 .,' J. "TI 1.' to let defendantsgive speeches follotving the July 19 court- room uproar when Michael Li »| Dukerejectedthe termsof pro- ¬ is :2 Indicate page, name or newspGPEF,city and state.! JudgeCrittenden saidat the bation~.~";~But when defendant 5 _BERKELEY-Mario Savio,close of yesterday's sessionl Matthew B. Hallinan, 24, asked his wife--the former Suzanne that he is willing to r.=,nsii"i~er' to addressthe court, the judge Goldberg and 16 other con-t these statements. The jurist loosenedhis discipline,but not victedSproulHall sit-in dem askedthetattorneys for the d¬1lwithout a battle. onstratorstumed down Judg fendants to present him with - fYou may addressthe court the first voucherstoday. y lprobation yesterday anddrew Dr. Searle, Benjamin Paper- throughyour attorney," Judge ¬ Crittenden said. 1 stiff sentences. master, assistant professorof ~ AttorneyNorman Leonardre- 1' '3 J. Savio was sentenced to twc bacteriology; ReginaldZelnik, I should like to urgeat concurrent 120-day jail term. assistant professorof history; sponded: upon the court that Mr. Halliand his wife drew 45 days o and Charles Dekker, professor nair---hés the~right to address l1BUp¬l'l. ¬rittende;is terms0 counts of trespassing and re of biochemistry, were present . » in the courtroomand conferred the _c0urt, and he cited a case where the SupremeCourt Judge Crittenden, backonth with the defense attorneys after. Q ruled that even the most._per,1 ,i suasiizeattorney cannot convc sistingarrest. bench after a battle with th92 t8 sessinn_,,.._. flu,hadwarned he would hand18REf~ USE TERM$ g f l the'={ull emotion of_adefendanl stiffertermsto thoserefusin They' wereprovidedl with"gaincertain instances. - -l l1§92_ .i~.I Br .4 n-.. l probation. statementform written by at- CIIANGES ORDER ' DECISION RAPPED ; torneyRichardBuxbauin, who 2 Savio denouncedthe judge's; urgedthe professors to signas JudgeCrittendensaid he rec-I . mrnin session. » #1.. Cukland Tribune A-_a-_. .r .-1; ,. n' I: . .91 "955 I5 3 P1 me ::..:s':;z a'::::::"a.t:.:ti 4-»-,-i-,;-i . . ._ ,5;?»,.»i_;-3 n eseray'5 ' es,-_rou lB"lld"l8' ,..- ; " 'n<l<?n?" calgndal',, 32were sen-" wi i is, so es JusI E23 Q 0akland,Calif. get this thing over with," the 5 ~5 Meanwhile", a_,group" of 70tencedand 14 others saw their judge.sajd,_go headMr. Hal. University of California profescases. putover. _linai!-;. resorslaunched _acampaign. to » Of those sentenced,18 Hallinansaidhe felt the free . have.-thestudents,e. fused jto acceptthe terms of speechcontroversywas brought on~by' the university adminsidefendants releasedon theiripmba50n.,fO,.biddmg pamdpaI stand-ins andlie-tration,not by the students. ?ownrecognizance, which wouldtioniii sit-ins, makethe appealbails,rangingins-jo/: theduration of ihepro;feeicthat I cannot accept any from $220to $550,unnecessary.bation. " 3»restriction on my rights,andI HJohnR. Searle, associate pro- After eachdefendantstatedrefuse the terms of probation, Date: Edition , Author: Editor: Title: ach. K 7/27/55 Red Streak _25 ~>:&# 2 .... 1. wm.F.Knowland to the terms,theHallinanconcluded. fessor of philosophy, saidthe his objections ';-';The judgethensentenced him changed theoriginal professors are readyto signjudge,-i $300 fine or 30 imposed a, al statements sayingthat studentstencefand days in In*Savio,<_>_' case, thej_u<_lgehad theypersonally knoware re- ~' ,al 90-daytail term "sponsible members of the stu- metédjoui andftwojyears probation, but dentcommunity." when-Savio refused the terms Classication: SubmittinqOffice: APPEARANCE GUARANTEEf of probation, the sentence. was The statementsalso would li'i'-Fiii§Y*1~*.t>,_.*l° 1%t.>:¢a>' vouch»for' the studentsreturn to court,"whentheir appeals Cgllliko i :95; r.92:_ _§_. ."=iir- Character: OI El Belnql1'l_!.§.st1qat el- ,-. /92 ,_.¢e_3,~ 92- .,,!:_ AlfI?!?O{?;?,tj"if"=~==I-vs ._ -.,. ./. ? -*'"-"' :~riar.Ii' 1" JCLASSIF n D.§'1'e l -§~ll°i I'D I Qlnnijgfggg k{l I t Q *. t. :1 _ r._ _;_..2 -er '1 R/_.,_» <- -llzsiz F? .-I >-.~ ._ 7*.1.:»;-_§ l3:-M.=_riA..Savio wasalso i ' '9 ::" = .Y- >"1f;¢ -2 _nIkA ~ !to_ make _a statement;after lthe judge urged him to be brief. Savio, in turning .- 4 down=~.:. * ~4'1 1< '5 , 1""'/~ .' ' probation, declared that with a1 13¢.:* ' A, vF I/tmerican politics presently in;-,ii f §the handsof the morally and . lintellectually bankrupt, rebel; When ii:-/..1ne Ftavio asked tn r . . >' A 1.: 4 '1'->4 ,- 1 , ' Attorney Leonardignored the ~ 3 .. jurists smile and answered.»,-".-".3; ¢i,i.l .v .v..~» . that theSavios are before the j ourt as t'-5&# L 5!92 V;' . »-'Z's. .. " '_ , ~J. TH} .1 ~' very eloquently, and arentF . '-92O".¥- husband and wife one?" I -" 31%§;g{,;g¢.*~92: --;_.r_-_-. .._~V.:,} n»:?;§Y'!»yA .V _;,_.. _ .,,.;;== y». .-:>.-=-.~..=...' '¢1 *=-.2. . ~ - .,1Iv-.,.~_»___. :7-4,1-~ ..' +1; ~, -'. -> 92 . I ' /92 ' r address the court, Judge Crit~ tenden said: Mr. Savio spoke __.." _V' _. 39% k '...'..Q§ty ' »"r ~-6. ' 2* ax 1 / U»-=..1.-.'.-~II"' -' &;»:_*.r>§ ~ "V_. .-. Ci .- mg . -.F 13ftftfg-,~;..-t<.,;a'.;;.;1..-~.:_1;. :. »._ _.t ,_ 92'~92 "~.1':1é$_:~Yt;»"r-* .-- -ax...-55"" 5z':.»4' »_ >z,.'f4"-.;' tr liona.ispositive duty.. 92 792ATTACK ON RIGHTS *7- . .F. ' ': ---e;._»u- individuals. [H Mrs. Savioinsaid her ad . z 4. 1. "< v" _ ... .1 in $3 -'>~:=.;I~';.':I--. '_' ., ;.-7.: >~ .9 . -A","./r§3§:if.§§,:3.3¬:'<§;v§.5»f=§;:FI ".1-,2,~ at - -.~<-¢-..""-~ ._ .r at »_,."!3.'~ I - . ». -V .>~"-iI§-1'": . ?.l.'.~ ' -& 111::-:2:-1 -.= <-.~~"- -:.1i.. " ?%~a_=.i1§F-.512.-.1.' _.. '_' 1. - /f ,;-. 1 t .' '_/;; ¬_;,._v:.'.. _, --_:'3 _>. . - -.~-, =-=' .-. - ¥ .'-r.>;;.-,:-V; . --,411;. 1' dress to the court that she con , . "Z lfb/' ~:.;.' '_:~-';.1-._..j{., $.31 1-_, "*..-/;._.-".5.t V '25%;-'¥I5'1'§'5I;"'?E ' "j**."":°=tf="'l* lsidered the judge's terms of pro-t it._ >' '-'~ -. -.=r§;;:_<;;.~.»,,_v; . .. 92 92 "~'.> . . . -V . 4. ':>--. -7:1 it-::. bation "dangerous and anti _ 1-92,. -1' .. :1;=?I"~1<.<~'/:..'¢' .VI ' democratic and an attack 011' 5.» .~ . _.,_ .'-s=>' ;fr7,-;I.».'.» 13:1 " .r1.5, movement. .':":'.f ~ ' '¬,¬-2?-"3'».~'1,=. She quotedThomas Jefferson 51.. -~ Y.:---"'-1 2-; ;r.j.» if; '> .. V ~,'»=¢._.-;. .. .g:~s - 1_ ._ . ' .._,.->,.¢~,<_. . . ;.,,»..-.1 -, 3», is the first right of a free peo-3 .-' ¢;~;;-t;1--.,;:f-;__:,¢_»,__/-.;:_;::. ski :::::_¢ $.;- 1119 >;.. >.;:;.-'-. = :4;3;--".3:-,,_ ple, and she added: If it _~ -,_,,;;;.:=,_ n'.92,1.. -' werent for that right.we would . ~ ;_¢=.=i'»s::»-'_ =£¢;;»"'I ~. .; 1»=.-.-=-'¢I-.*,.*=?-".-" H ' '1 éfz .- ~z=-'51-1 _ .1.,-lfiff; I.' I :3-.1?! ;'.;1rL"'.1.'.'-=» ..-X v--'14:"-' :1. ~1., .-' ' _,~ 4. .. 1 »" t ::J~;r<-.=re > Judge Crittenden then sen ~.?'2 '>%'-"»:/'*i.:fJ . *-..'1¢k-1=:~~-.-.z-='.j:.I~;;».i-Z; . ~-:-~92-. .92**..=-»=><~.&_> .I-..._'~,..t-v .. _..;; _A Q;-4'-'~'.> V-=<:1<-, I. _.;. ..r-. 'f:1"-.92 ,.-;, ...xn,.~ 5;., _ , »._._;::_:. ": _- >-»-»._.;<:_._-»-_;:*;-; :' ..;:-.4. 1 ._ ». -. _ .~.'<§4_92-;'!!' ',erm. 2;» Several other defendants ad-t -.», at!. °*'=';,>"=-::'"=~X.Tt.»:v=.~ ~'Y 1ressed the court, butfew drewl.._ ;;;'t_._lI_ V_V ._.._ <§..5-» ti ;.-,. .s~ <.-_., - -~_-- .-'3. ._». A .92 X.-r.» ~ ' .',~ A_ ,,,__-,=. _,_.;.,;,_;,,,_-,,_.,_..~.-_-; ._ _;_;>,_t 1: 5 V. .».», ,A' . toniinent" from the judg L . Q! . . .,.. .Va s. .-~.&.._$f~.. 5,1-.?I;.7= _ _ .. _., ..-. .. __./. "..92. , ' -~_¬i>'.','-:~>'~~< -.».i.¢~'~- t-.__.~._~. er. ...1. -- ---1'1--.~, .' -1.'7 ",. :,N » .. »-92»_.r .,<~.»-.09 ,_ ,_ _,. 1. 3 J=A the tactics of the civil rights S > . as saying that right the rebelé to 7? _ _ x ' ~< > , still British he subjects. ;;-- - - "r. ~._~_ .- _>.V_ t. _/.-'2 -.-12- =.'- tfnced her to the'45-day jail >_ f2§E'12'5:=; : ; ;,§92*.¢g_»§>1_.:' at I =4-~31 {<1 tr-"3 -- .~ 5, t*~;,~-" =~"~-."',¢e"»'.*: - -t 1 "- .'»*-=-"'¢925¬i'¢. . '-; r"~ i =I£.l?;1%.. -:,i~*=.=',."r:.'_§~r.-_-'. 3.1»a;=.'~> "4»1:-1 u»0;-3:1,}. . - t, ;v .'3" "5-!Z§'§"47'> a._- I ~§-r I~.'--: >.- "~';~ - _.:»,,-;.:»' ' ' H. "2 .1 ...' ,' ... , [mg ;,' ._ .. ' if-if #%%~%l=~=?.%=.%.»i Iv . '._;; " -;.' -. .. . ;.:__.:v 2» .. F3§'92~< . ' '1? /1 "'. . $'?i* .1 :. '5' M ?'-u.~a¢a-mung - -. ° * -r» =~ 5. MARIO SAVIQ, WIFF, FACE JA|_|- SENTENCE _ He andguzannespurn pro5 --al|5h,,i§eno /Y '"' r-.»v-..~::~.-'<.-t»-.;:.*_.;-.<|.Fi2 BEST 09?! §.l'.l! D FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! 0 Mount Clipping in Space Below! iQ'*" >_ "l jg;-7?? -"*1 M,,-. > Scivibrxpeci To Be Three ' ¬$§ indicate page, name of IIGWSpdper, city and state.! V Mario Savio, Fiee SpeechMovement1ea'er 0:; the Berkeleycam;us 0:!the Universityof CZ1li~ , 2 fcrnia, and his bride, Su- ..» _&# J zanne, are expecting a baby. This was a.nn0unced today by Mrs. Susan Stein,FSMspokesman, in afrelease describing Op: eiatic»ii Fight.- Back, a legalmoveto try to keep Berkeley Municipal J udgq Rupert Crittenden from setting bail at $550 for de- fendants appealing convictions resulting from campus " Flews .-19 winter. Call wee P Bu lletin -- i A.-~ -92 nan zraneisco9Calif page 1 ETFEYH IS :1-_ fl?" UNCLASSIFIED _f §;a >:y;;= Lg; ~..¢. ALL INFGRHATION CO¥TAINED kf 8/3/65 Date: *- I 1 Edition: Author: Editor: Title: Heme Thomas ;-}'.7 E 2 , Eastham .~ ~ e P350 . --_-~.~; Iv! Ill A _> '>5 F6 1Character: /[$,~§/6 4_20°r . Classification. SubmittingOffice: Q Beinginvestigated SEARCHEDauosxcu. , 5:.V. ,., 4»-§:J>f; Sa.i.m:;:m ]]]]] lee: in- § H °' I OPTIONAL no. no roam ~ Jsow-mu MAY ma EDITION ' ._ i asa cm.nee. no.n UNITED STATES r I GQVERNMENT 92p/7 C Memorandum "° = SAC, SANFRANCISCO 00-5no6o!D,m;= 8/2/65 4. *R° 1SAC, NEW 00-15Ls189! YORK RUC! SUBJECT MARIO TI. 2:1» -».92. ~===-at .:,r .. >._, ,:?<._. K. ROBERT SAVIO SECURITY MATTER -c Re NewYork letter dated 7/28/65. . The New York Office information concerning dated Z/16/65 has received the subject by New and your letter 5%-_ _:: no additional En York sources. 1/ ' wT4 {Q -'2; L .-1--.=; I _Y - at I .ply» T92'='.*r*'::92 ;§TTG?3 Ccrié .-:.,=.~.;.-. 4- -_f,."J, '.» -f- 3.~<;. v;'.-.1,» -~ ~-,.- ¬;{'.-§CL.*s.s5J.J..L£>o 1 iv;-A-1. - AA 5.i.,_;-f;8_Q_______B Uif-*3 ,,,._.-.w__~.__ 1'? ; '~ Francisco RM! 1-New York S5AF'1C}' E ~~-*-"-l*"*-~_ .- " S{~|>'I_'|» pmg 92o"" I 1~ C ll3,-C .- t '1.- W /:10- ,. _. I "Q 92 FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! lY M ~,/ "0 O Mount Clipping In Space Below! i ..,.; 'Savio's 2640-a-r-old bride;- »» Q _. - I '**92~:.-1* -,t ~. hérs;-'f@11092~'@d 11u$l?=!-"4, au@a~s;~1:ee1;»x:e1qge Grit-i" he 5' tin" lead-and a1so"re< r" -.1 . , »~~ thehformer Suzanne Gold 'Al_lll!::_ half v5_i='>_§§-_=f;l.§ili1 _. 92 Im an C e tmo earltendehtrespassing of reand 2; §9d3ys"§£/351%s§sti»92g'A '2.» .;>+ _ _:-gtnsteildashe_w?stsent:n&e<gl!§qo921;'t-is .§t,ipg_lation' they; must .. .. . a3 '° ., .<__ N0 P robatgon,-;1-{f,§;men{,;_ ,_¢_u¢:!§ennt , during theirPYQ7.e.=-.i11*=,g=:~1.,_,<..1 Hi ;-I:!;ltogetlier,_ defendants 48 jo_nstration_s .- -n I .~-' :1: '3 scheduled to appear be~ bauoggty ,Pe11Q¢§4¢ : _I,Mario _Savio, the-_ 225wei-_e f o°r"ethe court _yesterd8Y_.;'1Appealsfiled _'a°re'belng ins, indicate page, nqrne of year-old firebrand who led Fourteen aw-Ipted terms 0: behalf" of virtually allof those; lust ycafs free speech uproar at the University of California, was senlencetl ;vcstertlay' to 120 days in Alameda County Jail for his participation newspaper, city and state.! the court wgre gig; the ;0um_192gu;1ty_ _ :...lll 31 P911... 9,,;a=' wk by-now s one; two or years probatiompa; édsggégggggecgfaggggs; S156 fine and aten-day sus-_ --. - l -. :_:;1.i._ ., pended sentence. iiigliteenlezzey _192lem'n_;ui, sat through refused andwere eithergiv-"the afternoon sessions in the? {Slit-lll. ~. " He elected to decline =--rs-Y . .*' *7 gmtetnis jail fined"; or of hopes'of' and seeing"Judge _iia§ten<len to pie-as for the riin Dc.-;embers Sprout Hall 14-15¢ not 3f!bea1}. and 1. .---. park across from the Vet "@- 1; it.;' ~:?;*e' 2".-f§¥"% . ..-_,.i=~. »-th"e-'i 1:- sentencing /datesans 1"?-,i Building where court pail-5 §,${3h9a1ll@l_f-f f __' , ceedings areunder way.; 3 _Be,ke1ey Municipal Judge» Among ».tl1<1=e__101nme-112:-lease their o_wn recoga under m_d<==<=1inm2 nr0bati°n;nizancedefendants of ;plan-i §Rupert Crittendens sen- zsavis e l 7 WERE Sidney Stapleton, 19; -ningto appeal. gtence oftwo year's proba-p and the Hallinan brothers, ,,ZIhe professors were unsuc~_' Matthew, 24,and Conn, 21} ', 0' ition and a90-dayjail term.3 éessful. But just before the Stapleton and M at t h ewj court adjourned at 5:45p.m.,;;; Addressingthe court beforeHallinin were giyenfythe d_e*te n s e attorney Richard; isentence was Savio, choice of.;a $300 fine or Buxbaum requested that five: 1 fq , _-.. S.F.Chronicle l : ii days 1n'jail, while Conn_Ha11i'-" isaidthat by rejecting proba-¥ defendants alreadysentenced |tion, with its p1Ol1ibiOllS!n_an._T9¢9iV9dthe °P°I1_0f_al' by releasedwithout bail. One $250_fine 'or 25 daysin jail. r' of the defendants was against illegal sit-ins, lie-ins, Savi_o£__ 7_ I 4 ~Af_ t_er'_ reiusing_probation,~ Sa Mrs nFrancisco,Calif ' -ti stand-in; pr. similar" demoncl1oic,e-=;a $250' fine_Tlleiiludgesaid the request? he, was: fighting the sé1_ne_ s tions," ._same restrictionsii -. .~_ . that or -25 days in ~ ,' " , .howe'ver, he, wilhcirew sen-1: Date: 1/27/65 .; ».. "*e~:T-5& $9 vi >~=:1 .'-> . .g.: a< 1 . ; .iail'-1-was__'of-V was-_ difficult to comply with; . . ,. .- Q-'»%**<*= P's eain<;?&nEt:li1<lh¥l1Vil:! 5?-.1?-<31-.,-"'..",iiI,?*Y-" % ve and sea es33%?é?°",¢°»{i¥ we Edition: Final Home Ca1_itor:f1_1»f=1,§f;j>:}:"{}.:L_,__ Uznidge-.Crme n; d-en. ..w ho _. ;.sf<would"1_mpose the same pen: Author: He said he "pref°r§edA' alrecovering acase from ofin galmonthem today i dd - ' straight jail s_entehce'because';n df dtn Mi-i'¢,'~111is,_he_said,_ ugiye Editor: woul Chas.deYoung Title: itdf frnight be-.'necessary~for_~ tiinentgln :1e;1¬a3 pd-;;then1§_ttnie to make .8 dt to demonstrate, g . ~. ..motlonsfor release, Thieriot 1: en imas memment thatacqueline Goldberg, 20, S1S~l!ba._ 3<>am5 3 ' " iter of another Free Speech .. A noon rally was held was ~morally ande. P01i<5?11Y i t , .Move ment 1e a d er, Arhur bankrupt. '- ' Judge, thef~U0_Jca_rnpu's yesterday enlist supportfor the I welcome the _0P[>¢<§1f._1<92§}192 not tion' reb'els{__ and to freject 'PI°b3t1°1l.,'a!92_ =1. tlme make public the;,§t1_L_l1"$"$=-Plll Of Ch t : _' Cldsslflcatton: cxrac; 9: cheduled for Submitti pose .., w'hichTIi1§,l!t;b@t ....-_. the future to iml penalties for acts ffi : nqf ce political activity,he said: ~ G B91119 1@Jstiquted .I am also, in asense, l'ectin H_ the coercive _ power which acts 835110 r.,-4 ¢TeInt6§.i;!;iiYidPe1}i_.§1?¥nm "?'_""%:":1:-"4: co--ti:92i»~=~1> .v92. ' ' .,2f'l"T'[ Y n" " .-.-'_ l-_:'-7! cf». 4/ V I suncuzn mosxsu we-eta SERIALIZED u __ __ I %;;55l an Q-J,T _._<!,'_,i-B .__ "'.;¢. Al G 16:» FBI-SAN FRANCISCO ~ ._- ____.__._________________ ______ ,r ______ _ _I r. Z *1 i .1- Q V~,._»;_-.;:_¢.-.~.~; M, ....-.1"=';r-"5:;VE=~---'&;§$ " zr::e-_>.;-.92r v.< p ,+:- -» -. .f=-z--5-.¢.~=¥=;=-.==a=11.:.--'1-'1i=:':'":I 2%%1:=:z~=l§2i¥aizI3z=2i:i¥:L:a¥:¥zI£?i?.i" =-I ;5=-. 1-; '-. O ' -V . V¢§;*»*~£-. 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One -E statements, where indicated, D explain this SHEET or more of the following deletion. Deletions weremade pursuantto the exemptions indicated belowwith no segregable material available for release to you. ection 552 Sectign §52a El b!! Ub!! /-U El d!! U b!! Ub!! B! D i!! U b!! Ub!!{C! El k! l! U b!! D! E] k!! U b!! E! El tots! U b!! F! U l<!! E] b!! El b! 8! U k!! [:1 b!! 13 b! 9! U k!! Ub!! E] E E] k!! information pertained only to athird party withno reference to youor the subjectof your FCQUQSI. El Information pertained only to athird party. Your name islisted inthe title only. U Documents originated with anotherGovernment agen<:y ies!. These documents were referred ~ to that agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. Pages containinformation furnishedby anotherGovernment agency ies!.You will be advised bythe FBIas to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. i "Q Page s! withheld for the following reason g Will s!:be processed in ._§/Z:/§z!~i>' . 77 5 ll1*/'/Q 2ttit/4'»-1»/4-.1</15 Re: 3' / *""~ ,19*"F~¢r~ ~"' E] For your information: Documentidentified _is gas: A/J74/Wkly /I/75%.!//J 2/116 The following number is to - XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX /? .4§'r6»"n/ 5» 5'P/r~ be usedfor reference regarding thesepages: i§/5 _/<11- Jim an-.2;/5 XXX}O XXXXX7CIXXXX X DELETED PAGE X S! X NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXX I-Bl/DOJ 4--rso Rev. 12- Q' FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE % INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more El statements, where indicated, explain of the following this deletion. Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated belowlwith no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section $§2a El b!! El b!! A! E] d!! U b!! E3 b!! B! E] i!! E] b!! [:1 b!XC! U U b!! D! El l<!! U b!! E! El k!! El b!! F! [:1 K!! El b!! E] b!! El k!! [:1 b!! IEI b! 9! El k!! El b!! RX!! El l<!! E] Information pertainedonly to a third party with no referenceto you or the subject of your El TCQUCSI. El Information pertainedonly to athird party. Your name islisted in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!.These documents were referred to that agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. -ii Pages containinformation furnishedby another Government agency ies!.You will be advisedby the FBI as to the releasabilityof this information following our consultation Q with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for thefollowing reas0nWill s!Igbe processed in_¢/52>-5§/040.5 E1 Re: 7;?/1_$t9<Pc-/e wot/,@»;<¢..:~>»,t?"L For your information: Document is identified as: I I . /2 ,,.._. ~ /_§'/'7 461/ We/Me 5t//i'?i.~/ *6»! 6//>42 ff/3 I"!-ft 44/15!/g v The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: .5//e I/totefeaiateav» <94/e XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX! XXXXX!C'IX X DELETED PAGE X S! XXXXXX X NO X FOR DUPLICATION FEE THIS PAGE X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1-at/001 '88! ' K. I xxxxxx 4-750 Rev. 12- FEDERAL BUREAU FOIPA OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. statements, where indicated, El explain this Qne or SHEET more of the following deletion. Deletions weremade pursuantto the exemptions indicated below with no segregablematerial available for release to you. Section Q52 ii U b!! Db!! A! El <d><s> U b!! E1 b!! B! El 0><2> U b!! [:1 b!! C! El kill! El b!! D! I3 <i<><2! U b!!<E! El loo! U b!! F! U o<><4> U b!! U b!! El too! U b!! U b! 9! E] <i<><6> U b!! El [:1 l<!! information pertained only to a third party with no reference to youor the subject ofyour request. El Information pertained only to athird party. Your name islisted inthe title only. El Documents originated with anotherGovernment agency ies!.These documents were referred ~ to that agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. Pages containinformation furnishedby anotherGovernment agency ies!.You will be advised bythe FBIas tothe releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. i ,4-_, Page s! withheld for thefollowing reasonWill s!: be processed in /533" A Re: / /92** 5 0/» /7?/vP/iipaui/ E] For your information:gbacument 1s identlfied as: H ;r1i -My ;§».¢c ,,'%f/<_,/,U,:~7/g, Z74/,i~,»-i/ 9+/0» 5 The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: .92_, < XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX s t5/r" /<f>@.54//am» QQV7 XXX}Q XXXXXXZ' X DELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION FEE X O 4-750 Rev. 12- 14-88! L' .xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE INVESTIGATION INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. 7-, SHEET or more of the following U Deletionswere made pursuant tothe exemptions indicated belowrwith no segregable material available for release to you. ction Q12 §gg;ion §§2g Db! l! D b!! A! U b!! U bX7! B! U b!! U b!! C! LEl' d>! at E1 nu! El nu! _D b!! D! El 0<><2> ,D b!! E! I3 mo! [:1 b!! El b!! E3 b!! F! El u<><4> El b! 8! El k!! D b! 9! E3 me! E1 b!! E] l<!! E] lnformationpertained only to athird party withno reference to youor the subjectof your YBQUCSI. [3 Information pertained only to a third party. Your nameis listedin the title only. E] Documentsoriginated withanother Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! i;_ ~ for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnishedby anotherGovernment agency ies!.You will be Iadvised by the FBI as to the releasabiiityof this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. __? Page withheld s! the following forreason be s!: processed Will in/0! »j!¬/tJ §" E§/r""!,_.' 5Re :}§:+»/ 50¢? 51%»/":3 t./z-'¢,{/,4/£1.-,t.f/'5" I s 1 , $1 For your information: Document identified is as: //I ~.r;//"!4-»/ 74»0p¢w&# , I 1 92 ' ' §/7/6 t0/t%$ur:r,£., ;~~'»;'-Q +5 The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: Q XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX S 5 :92-*4 /~" / >1! Jn- S'V:>e<r>~»,>1§4P XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X XENO DUPLICATIQN X FOR THIS PAGE FEE X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX rat/not l I .FD~3 Rev. J2 4~l'S~64! _ { .- Il . C FEDERAL BUREAU ' OF INVESTIGATION DMBZ August U, 1965 _ allot 7 Special Agent arrived at campus of the University mately 1:10 p.m. on July 29, An unidentified ,at 1965. person with a the .V I-§§' ;92" _=-/.~.» ._ 7? T-": V -§W.1~<1 approxi' from the steps of Sproul Hall that a rally protesting jail . sentences, bonds and probation handed down by Judge CRITTENDEN against students , I,-_ ._! '#:" me, » ~5 mike was announcing arrested in the Sproul Hall sitin ,~-.~-f~ had just been concluded, and that the persons attending the rally were now marching to the persons were urged to court in the vicinity courtroom. He immediately join of Grove and stated that ;$nw ';:.-¢:. all interested the protesters Center Streets, at the | I K Berkeley. The rally commenced atthe Civic Center Park, which is across the street from the Veterans Memorial Building where the court was supposedly in session, and the general theme .. ... .v »Us ~'4 ¢ was an attack on President JOHNSON, United States foreign policy and United States intervention in Vietnam, as well as CRITTENDEN forthe sentences which he had victed students. MARIO SAVIOspoke and outlined strations against the SAVIO stated that in held at the University denouncingJudge handed down to conplans for ' ~<? Q": ~».,- more demon- * court and made anappeal for bail money. October another of California, = Vietnam Teach-In will be after which civil dis- obedience will occur against United States intervention in Vietnam. He suggested that the Vietnam Day Committee organize a .K .I ' ~;-':&# be arrested - defense committee for the purpose of defending those who at that time. BETTINA APTHEKER was introduced first comments of the FBI o to the will g 92 -... Q crowd and EQEZ were that she would like to point out Agent was in the crowd. At this point she pointed 1' _*".2- towards nd stated,has "Hebeen shadowing for three me ~~--'51:, P .1 ' i'1. an ".:":? ALL 1 -1o921 cownm ; I ; __ 92}I.ASS_iFIED i $i"';§'2.:>A ' 1- ;':i&# __ 114: .._ _.' ~< _'.s »$ DA:E_.__.,._.--._._~»_11Y~5!?-1-& 5 P, 1 On _'z_Lz9_Le_&a at __BeI211l9$L, California File ", by SA #loaf-3_!_+_20# U ll ,.»;¢_- =1-_-. =-»;' 100-suosb92 Q ... /1mac;-zen 8/ _.|:~;ncxeo 3C/'6; 1 -...M. _.t.D;a.te.. ed =fta This document neither recommendations con usions nor 0'! FBI. the Pggthe pro erty of the FBI and is loaned go t92 your agency; 1tcontains and 1ts contents are not to be distributed utsidf our ag"nc§. 7 _. BY- an 1- r'92HC|o ,__,,/1" w .-._-_ .»--»».--.~.v.-._-_. .__ ._' I CO ' 100-suzou months." stated She that she_ma'de would like pretended come up and speak to the crowd. no c . to ignore her statements. " ' !C.,/ 92-. :._-bi-#;<__ >. ":31: *7 . ~: ; Other speakers were STEPHEN SMALE, ALLEN GINSBERG d an PAUL IVY. The lastspeaker was BARBARA GULLAHORN, who identified herselfas Secretary of theVietnam Day Committee. She statedthat the word isout all the radical students inthe country arecoming toBerkeley inthe Fall. Shestated it was the responsibilityof Vietnam Day Committee to orient these students properly and thisthey intended to do. She stated that byorientationIdon't mean just reading them rules laid down bythe Administration. ~ . I'-Q _-_,92_,. ~' cf I. _ .39. 3.I..'.:.-ii 3" 1:.:'_ . H4, _The rally concludedby mostof the persons inatten- dance mlllingacross thestreet to the courtroom. __ --_*..' ._.~gQ;@ $. »>5 ...m¢;;-=1 Q . is ,__-1,? -v w Y r 7 lI -92.._ . =! Q, .1-.= . ..~,=~'-i&éQ .- I V -Sb-350Rev.7-l6-63! 51 .Q I I Mann?Clippingin SpaceBelow! _ v.-e---TD _ . - 1; [F5/924. Leaders *0Vis" Eealsdrti ' - ~~-< > ... '~ -' » -~v.:.-.-1' ~* ' _. -4 i. ',_. .n.. , _.-'. Q . " " ._ . - » The avielsii is ' 1' , G» ._ Mario Savio, the 22-yearold firebrand who led the University of Ca.1=ifornias student revolt last winter, vie Ws l and his by Suzanne, jail term bride, "' ' " r--' ;';~92q.-I 2% i-1 4W3. , given a four-month it -~+{Q fa Municipal Judge and its environs; Iv- - Indicate page, name of newspaper, clty and state.! Crittenden andMrs. Z5. are planning to fore- lRupert sake the Berkeley campus ff» "Pi:92 -:;1:5_ . ._.,~ I'Savio, 45 days--both for tres- :.&# Y*3? passingand resistingarrest. . TheSavios areamong tile; of E480 sentenced so far who arii The two young leaders the now-defunctFree Speech appealingtheir conviction . Movement are going to Eng- Saviohas posted bond0:» land in the very near fu- 551100 andMrs.Saviohasput ellure"-~Sa92'io tostudy andhis up $550. . Epregnant wife, to work. i i. . -. A  _-_- _: c ' APPE.-92Lll.92lE The Savios themselves , it is expected it will take could not be reached for com- 5 ,1 ment on their plans, but [betweensix and 18 months friends said they obtained for the appeals to travel their passportsin New York through higher courts and if a few weeks ago. The British the appeals fail. the couple consulate here said neither will return to Berkeley to Savio nor his wife had yet sezve their jail sentences. made applicationfor work Savio dropped out of UC permits,nor {or the visas re- during the FSM flurry and l i ! {.1-.»~-u 1 3,, S.F.Chronicle "._....v~"& quiredfor a,prolonged stay in initially plannedto reenter England. .' ' nextmonthas a junior.He Savio has, however, spent said he planned to switch his I 92; considerabletime from philosophy to 1 in the Brit- major ii . physics or mathematics. . ;}an Information Service librai -- ;; ry in recentdays. p ii SENTENCE " San Francisco l Now, friends say.Savio Date: 8 iuncertain aboutwhathj . wants to do, and feels a l 6 Editionzllzéigal pert. Both he and his wife are to d abroadmay helphim under sentence for the part Imake a decision. ' , l_oers Sprvcrl-Hail sit-ms. Sa-holds a n1astersdegree in E¢<=r= Chas . deYoung T111-= Thieriot p ~ * E$31 v -,2? philosophy,has been working for her Ph.D. F59 t Author: 61 already they playedin last l!ecem- Mrs. Savio. who 7 Calif. . ,. l Character: or _;-._ .._ _ - J >.w--"oi"-:>e92.'rl<l=?-l CC 1 - -:--2: s .92I.-rED T I -. NCLASST A_A_:___,."" _ .-its-Z ,_/; 6QC ----,.-_;T3-' .»I-.3»!-Z . 3*- Classification: l = jggmlttinli Omee SF y .~¢.. >1 Hr,-= sagas;-azo___. 7 ¢- -1 1:~:s:;»;;o szRlAL|zeo__¢nLs0_[C: lO"'!C» l'5.i.§ii ..4 l??? FBI-SANFennclsgg CZ?" -rs; :. .9; ' /[92_ M? an I=U4 mv N' ;___ D My V Q H__WW_ in _ EU ____V _n_ ALI; 4_ in h_rM_m_m_mM%_HQVw/b W M __;%92_3 HM? _»__ kg zto ___;_:_ __W___>_m Y __v_$___mvH92w"_>__>u__H,YAmm_/ J __ ___¥_ Hi ,H__ u _' _> »__"'___nM__>_~___"_> _>_v___{__"_r_ _ __;,__ _ h__'w_0 W w%_~_>____L__ ~_ua___'m_ c_AZ'_ "l,____U_ _M_ 1% V p J K 92, x I, /8 ~_ ____ hp aw A mw ___"_ _ !__§4H__~_m4V if __!H______H¬__ ¢h__ vy 2 ,'_ Q _ _u?¬_~ A_ !_ H ___u_HV_,;_U!__; "__ _ _, ,92 __1_£! 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U b!! b! 9! U k!! U b!! Y U" b!! E1 b!! Ell<!! D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your El f¬qU8SI. E] Information pertainedonly to a third party. Your nameis listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. ii- Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency You will ies!. be sfc/7L advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation witteot agency er 10+ ies! U, "V 'h h h ___ 0/5?,- ' . » [Pagewitliligd s! the forowing fol reas0n Will be s!:__ processed in_§' /6'?/J 93 27"°. Re: .l¬.,'¢ @ For your/~;/we information: Document identified tis£7/,1/_, as: .1/é7§;"/;¢fz-g /2»7,d»' 7-éi $6, iii!-3.» /V51/'26 M! ééié/f//-44 /5 /"ti 1§az<w/ m}7I$'1!.:' 7% Mare ~» /r" . - / . /0 +><4,/5"//MK/we . . . 0 / The following number toisbe used for reference regarding pages: these mg!!-4<, /I;;'P1" /' .S¢ _,,...[/4 A;/L, SF ,on» :94/oéz; ->15/ XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX! X DELETED PAGE X S! X NU DUPLICATION X FOR THIS PAGE FEE X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!Q XXXXX 'I 4-750 Rev. §Q 12- V xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE xxxxxx INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following -D- statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletions weremade pursuantto the exemptions indicated below with no segregablematerial E] available for release to you. Section 5§2 § U b! l! El b!! A! El U b!! El b!XB! [I] OX2! U b!! E] b!! ¬! U RX!! U b!! El b!! D! U l<!! III b!! E! U00! [II b!! F! El k!! U b!! CI l<!! I1:1 b! 9! U b!! E] KX6! E] b!! [II d!! El k!! Information pertained only to athird party withno reference to you or the subject ofyour request. El Information pertained only to athird party. Your name islisted inthe title only. E] Documents originated with another Government agency ies!.These documents were referred ~ to that agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advisedby the FBI asto the releasability ofthis informationfollowing ourconsultation with the other agency ies!. _é__ Page s! withheld for the following reason Wills!:be processed inS/L:/® ZRe: 5??-J/4¬"£-" ,!L, !/UtJ¢¢>;;,¢té-,.»<.:1 BE! For your information: Document lis identified as: E¢ér»»L#~./ W/F-42¢: i/}f¢, ,7*».._The following numberis to 5;? /aw- J!//3- é.J/ be usedfor reference regarding thesepages: 544.» *e§Z5;'2. xxxxxx XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX§'IXXXXXXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX rat/o OJ I {O FD 353 Rev. 7 18-63! Q I,_ .__.__ ' MountClipping In 59¢-ml50h"! M,-.1-::v'~:~.~ is -'umucma pdqlv nwv vi newspaper, city and alum-! _ __?§ 7 sm FRAFCISCU-*92 cmznrrlc nan! ' T0AIDrs»:nanzxnmrs92 ""-' ' Ja protestnull sentence: giveato them. §~{2XD,92Y. AUGUST20 8 EM. LXLWU HALL, 400 North Point, 8.1. veer: Marla Savln, Jesslcu Mltlqyd, 4»;-RQIBUIYIZI-All Willie Brown. Dunn on l92.50. 2!gnucan:come lld 0 donn on #9 the ommleo for u Dzhuu ol SheBlll of Rlghtl, H2 Mn-ht BL, 3. 610, San Funcileo, whichll lpnnlo n thin rally, toge!.herwith the Inn StudentUnion. ~' , _ --- » !i£'1I0?¥AL GUAEBBI ,!¢.Yq HEN YURI --i ALL INFORMATIONCONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED 1m"B___~ ~$.. Date: * Edition: ugxzat lh, Authen Editor: Title: Character: or 92 Clonal cutlcn: &=/-4:r/ SubmnqOffice:L.:1 N/F? 3 U Beinglnvoatlqafangt QQQ /Z;-5;/-550 n/e/o snu/0 ssancasommuaxso ........] seamuzeu..%... g I';92.'92.2 ,~ P 6/ M __ n r-we mu. an /Q/6 p/es-"F .r1-vosrvr Unlronl T / j %I .1 > --.» _.< I -. no-350 Rev. 7-l6-63! 1L-! Mount Clipping in Space Below! the3 4 Aperiod abroad-in classic Améinrmmmw -i may help him .- return with fresh perspectiveson where ,he will fit ing to Mn. i in this society YB av; friends.. f . ' ' savfo has comple 41' her master's'd9gl'¢¢ in Ph°53'| _f;~.j 1-1 phy at UC and has been work- ? ing toward her doctorate. She -.-.-~ .=1.~i-&# ,5. !|" rfibroad lario andSuzanne Savio are Planning to go to England in the very near future,acwiirag tofriends, to give the former spokesman of theFree Speech Movement achance to find hiniscif. >5-¥.v~ TaWIndicate 13 BOW 8Q paqe, name oi _ ' newspaper, city and state.! Both areunder sentence for their leadership roles in the FSM demonstrationsat the University of California last Fall -he for fourmonths and she for45 days in theAlameda. E 1 Both areatotal out onappeal and have posted of $1.65 hood. it is expected that mg appeals will travel to higher" Berkeley Daily Gazette erkeley,Calif. bany Court of Municipal Judge Rupert Crittenden where they may beanywhere from six to_ next courtappearance may be required. ' .l'he couple would return Berkeley in time for B it 18 monthsbefore the Savios . to future legal action. friends reported. {Friends saySaviowill study _ arid Suzanne willwork _, 7 E1 gland, but theBritish Con -; spjate in San Francisco sad] neither hadapplied forwok H 71 ,. ., .w,,?u£¢1¢N CONTAINED ~~ ,..,L _._, 4.. A_*;,l 1.... -I. T~_T_ I._. ---7*-Y???-l ':'1~*'3,T__,AC-5_Z.T:.i..l.£-2:! '_-" . l.4 have obtained passports; how-1: ever, -"from U.S. government} oiiices inNew York -,'._':__' Date: W2/// full-time dem instrationsl He had planned to return to UC to study mathe- "am L@_¢@_i$_1@Q@§J§w Edition: Author: Editor: Title: 92 inéi matics or physics, but is now mdecided a':s'.:tW' he W111!!! ._ __._.5 <'* ~ Manes L W.s. . .- .; ,-= . ~->3!" .1» o ~. - -4-; - ior -at UC_ whenhe dropped out due to the "r~ &# wi_~.' ..y .3 ggg ii;5§i~§l1"¢;lfS:3'°l -_ZBis41vR¢<$*f.. x~~J..,....-.---~""" permits orvisas. bothneeded 1 Saviowash philosophy I .31 Page 12 :1 for entryinto thecountry. Reg ports .were__ that. the. Saviosi ~V11 .4_ , 1. Y-:>."..._ .. 92... .;.-5&# courts than the Berkeley-AL and that ..:.».~7" ....~,__V 4~~.¢" I lCounty Jail. were sentenced ' ,'2~ s..__., iv! .-.~ 1 E as . ;,2-.5§ ">1? 8/12/65 1» _&# rJ ._ George Dunscomb r *1 ,,-._ Z 4 -;5 F: *1 Chara: or Classit ication: . Submltttnq Oitlce: sF U Being investigated -=' & 1V*.:. Q1=1?; " _ I wiTWM%@ 1 _;? 311111 1,0," f*fTQ%@*%** A1 t CQN¬i {n§Q;1 . . - -- 1 I __ _ _. _ _ _________ - IL11;.»P,v; -.2-._'-1 ; _ .. '1 =-ex 1, .y_<. ,; *=_ .-92-.-_-_.. .,- '3 __ UNITED smcrzs GOVERNMENT}MEMORANDUM.1 . : »_ . _._..___~_ _ ._.___..._.e_._._._._____,. ~",1-5%?.13 ' -,. 1,-,,__;.~.~" ., .-t '~"- __~ - ~~~,-_-_ _» - ".,' ' > :_. 1- . ' IU_, 1 I "' 7 . _1 1' n 1, I. ¢1*<>_=,;,1..1 1 $A¢--.1?¥1T$B1¥BG3... l<?Q:11575!, 11>a¢<== 1 8/13/651;;;;;; _.. ~ 92 ,' ~.-- _ ' -'r._ .92-; ~' ». - '3 TIP- Dictatedz *'_*"**si:1§;rE6@2*":r51:m§5xr bE°$$'F&# BY g§:E"b}3 Z _ INTERNAL szcunmr - JFG on ' _ Kfl Q =:.-.1; ~' :- *0 1 /,01 1%I Date of.,' Activity: _ I I Date Received: .1 . I' I Mb7C. . File -"T "I-1 2 ' ~-,3;1 ~1- L4 5'. _ -.~:~'Y .;_Y_~;:§.* 3 A - Location: 1 w 1 by _ 1 1976; _ , JFG 3182559 by-3QAZ£.L-* _Dec!= -if; *2:OADR. ~ ' E92 :2 *' ..~_.:;{r .{92.-. . w >1 3}"-'~»11:> .14, - 1 1 »" mm ' . ll 1 an Francisco -11 - 100- _ TION conmmnn Ex-:=:s,:~:' v.:zz~:sz1o'.*.'a 02:-mzwsz. . , 1,1 - ,1 - 100- =0m HE?-E-IN "JNCL!*.SS!'FlE " I,=°$ >1 ' - * 1;1- 6 - Det . 14 ' 1; Pit . -x ..; =.92 a:. ~:*'»" = ~I 79;. ».'1 ~'" ' E,1* ,,.*.»¢ ..,. 1-4 »}l,r-12;; bqb 1 ' 3 g,-,',§.._§. - _ _ 100-11675-1A-1129 1,1 13 A 7/29/65 11$ 92Agent Receiving: :';»:=:-'4» 7* . 51._ *¬ <» -¢>~.e;~e _1i _ Aq1,77D-1ef: L1-Source: '..'. . .1_-,-. -.. =;. '5 Q -.FROM:----- "-1 1 .."1 , .1 i -§'T"" <-.';;,,-5;; .m ,.. 4- 1 1 5 » - _ { ..92--~ A 0 - /7-~ /.i'."" DEXED 0" , 1:1 100!! ARIO B013 g1uI-_ §§,fu$ / Lg; » Ll_100SAVIQ _ f _ 0r 1;; .' * .-sm1=1w11'1 157° F6 an _/9 0 e-191 <- .,-92 4-vso 12-14-as! Rev. i I FEDERAL .XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED 3_ Page s! withheld entirely at this INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION location in the file. statements, where indicated, explain SHEET One or more of the following this deletion. Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregablematerial available for release to you. Section Section 552 Elb! b>! Elb!<3! 552a E] b!! A! U d!! E1 b!! B! U j! Z! W! ! U l<! l! Elk!! U k!! Elb!! E! , E1 Cl E] l<!! b!! F! E] b!! El b!! E] i<!! El b! Cl b! 9! E] l<!! U l<!! E] El Information pertained only to athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. ___._.._- Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. in the title only. These documents were referred -ii- E] Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld For your for the following reason s!: information: The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 5F/M »§;10@o/95¢ /06,2-$1 XXXXXX XXXXXX it oP'nomu_ Fomm. no sow-104 _ - 1,_ j '92 92v UNITED STATESGU VERNMEN T Memorandum T° ' SAC, FROM : we E 1. SAN FRANCISCO 00-5uo6o! DATE 3/23/65 .>§' ...,' 5-3 MARIOsAvIo R. / suspzcrz SM -c . This case has been kept Subject's pending trial in was recently convicted on open to determine result of Berkeley Municipal Court. SAVIO charges resulting from the Free Speech Movement sit-in demonstrations atUC, Berkeley, on 12/5/EA. SAVIO wasfined and sentenced to Ll monthsin the Alameda County Jail. His ,-,1 ~. ff. .92 in-:: *1". .'.i-»..1..<~¢Z z.-f~gs:y .1, < ' rel?-->-v !.».i_~,_ - case was appealed and Judge RUPERTCRITTENDEN set bail at $550. Bail was In view posted bySAVIO and his appeal is of the fact that the appeals in Speech Movementcases may drag through the courts months, it is not deemed necessaryto keep during the period of appeal. A summary report on SAVIOin March, 1965. No other leads are __ I, .....,4 d~' v 443 ta aw. . ~<*' -4?. ":~-Q pending. the Free Ea»;-111 ' 1 ~35:-. =. for several SAVIO'spending case was prepared 5 ?~ . ' ";~ .5» :&*e?***¢;~ outstanding. ~f, $1 as ACTION RECOMMENDED: ONCONTAIN'F_.l! . §§§¢¥ "L2oSIFIED 4~ n;§i;¬_q;i.s' . 92_._-/4 l1E% 0-I lam ad to SA Returned L0 4?; xiii gir"/. ,1, no ¢#bk ~¢-;~; ="-%=.?Ti*:3 .4-f.:~:~ i"..lI.~ 52: . ~=71 __ ».: ..1, p _. {ii g§t=@ .1} "-3! .4' $qwunds¢z'q A .;d. L f%%% '1-' $;"'169-_5j§/Q 5 ll!!llil! lI|l:%iz F1"fi /<2;;,¢¢1>-/'3??? -3 .:_$2¥<<-; ._ .?3;£*; A-@761. ~ ;,;. r.-~,>.~ .w _»$ - 4-150 12-14-as! Rev. Q92 XXXXX "_j xxxxxx XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED -iii. Page s! withheld BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION entirely at this location statements, where indicated, explain in the file. One SHEET or more of the following this deletion. E] Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a U b!! b!! A! El <i!! E1 b!! b!! B! [:1 i!! U b!! b!! C! E] <!! b! '/'! D! U l<!! b!! E! U l<!! b!! F! E1 <!! E1 b!! b! 8! U l<!! U b!! b! 9! E] <!! U b!! U l<!! [:1 Information pertained onlyto a third party with no reference toyou or the subjectof your request. |:| Information pertained onlyto athird party. Your nameis listed in the title only. [:1 Documentsoriginated with another Government agency ies!. Thesedocuments werereferred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. 2-;_ Page withheld s!the for following reason s!: 79/i Ad¢A,qJgp' /67! ~$"y<3Jé Hf! ~C/tlert./=4 [Z}v#rt1~¢,~.7"! g [D/For information: your 0IL!R-~ /641; Lnr»*/wrap/4'/§ grove ,Qf4t2' §¢f?c.. <9*3/7&5 Ztmmtiir/¢ 5r~?% :br4..»a<e. %_ AZ/Z421 m / 5% El The followingisnumber be to used for reference regarding pages: these L_';: /-5 JF /02> -s';/oeo~.,:>:'g/ DELETED PAGE S! XXXXXX NO xxxxxx FOR xxxxxx DUPLICATION FEE THIS PAGE X X X mom FBI/DOJ I 4-15012-14-ea! Rev. . 92 XXXXXX " . F FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION XXXXXX SHEET /KI:¢1geentirely s! withheld this at location in the file. or One more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. I]/Qations were made pursuant to theexemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. El <b><1> Section 552a Section 552 E/ X2! Dtwo! U b!! A! E] d!! [:1 b!! B! U j!! [Qf5'7! C! El l<!! LT-1-- 'b7! D! El l<!! E1 <b>o><E> El k!! E1 <b>o><F> U l<!! El b!! E1 <b!<8> E] <!! U b!! '<b> U 9> U l<!! El El b!! U Information pertained only to athird [II U l<!! party with no reference to you or the subject of your I'6qU¬St. Information pertained only to athird Documents originated with another party. Your name is listed, in the title only. Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. .i._.__-.- Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: [:1 For your information: / / [E/The followingnumber isto be used forreference regarding these pages: 1_g/5* /our S1/0£>0»s2s'? XXXXXX I 4-no12-14-as! Rev. XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU FOIPA DELETED PAGE Page s! withheldentirely at this -L. OF INVESTIGATION INFORMATION location in the statements, where indicated, explain SHEET file. One or more of the following this deletion. U Deletions were made pursuant the to exemptionsindicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 5§2 Section 552a U b! l! b!! A! El U b!! b!! B! Elj!! El b!! b!! C! Elk! l! b!! D! E]I<!! b!! E! U I<!! b!! F! Ell<!! E]b!! b! 8! E]k!! C] b!! b! 9! C] k!! U b!! d!! Elk!! [:1 Information pertained only to athird party with nw referenceyou to orthe subject of your request. E] Informationpertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in thetitleonly. [:1 Documents originated with another Government :igency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response toyou. s Pages contain information furnished by anotherGovernment agency ies!. You will be advised bythe FBIas tothe releasability of this information following our consultation ii- / with the other agency ies!. i Page withheld s! theforfollowing reason s!:g be processed Will in ,5/'1/J3 -'3_¢ Re = /c/4-V5? />4/,0 E For your information: Dacumeidergified ;is as: 9"-1-4~,< I weed» at 3'/>a;¢ ~//»£/.£e=..e.e1 7 The followingnumber is to be used forreference regarding these pages: 5/: /oz,» 59/Q51. 24:0 I XXXXXXXXXXXI'IXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XDELETED PAGE S! X X NO DUPLICATION X FOR THIS PAGE FEE X X XXXX'XXXXXXXXXXX!Q XXXXX FBI/DOJ 4-750 Rev. 12- 14-88! 0 y 92 xxxxxx XXXXXX 1 XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION Ei- SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. E] Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a b!! A! U d!! E1 b!! b!! B! E1 j!! U b!! b!! C! U k!! b!! D! E1 k!! b!! E! El <!! b!! F! E1 <!! E!b!! b! 8! E] <!! U b!! b! 9! El l<!! D b! l! E1 l<!! U b!! El Information pertained only to athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. El Information pertained only to athird party. Your name is listed inthe - Cl Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. title only. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. ti Page s! for withheld ,the following reason s!: -/L.-.',. 5P/JD 5 f';'f ;?'i_L92__vf»/&# ' £0¢»?' 6% yourinformation: /#I_7b/.4e»/ ;@y?.'/1-za ,5/9' J://:' 7/p_ wif~;3- A-4" ¢i,£1/;;W/ ';,,m¢a' t Z4, paw ta,,5;//2;9ncm atIw/>% a¢,aJ¢ we [I1/Fife following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: _.§/1/02> ~:*§/we XXXXXX XXXXXX - aw DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION x FEE x 4-750 Rev. 12- 14-as! { . I XXXXX _ XXXXXX -A XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED D BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. SHEET One or more of the following Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregablematerial available for release to you. ' Section Cl E] C] 552 Section 552a 1:1 b! l! b!! A! E3 d!! E1 b!! b!! B! U i!! El b!! b!! C! E] <! l! b!! D! El l<!! b!! E! E1 k!! b!! F! U l<!! El b!! b!! E] l<!! [:1 b!! b! 9! E1 l<!! E1 b!! U k!! Information pertained only to athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your I'¬qLl6St. Information pertained only to athird 5 party. Your name is listed inthe title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page for s! following withheld the 92<'p_f reason s!: {id;_/tpitg ,§E /5 !'§Q'Q£ t//J PF/é>Pm,,< p /?!<;;_w.a,»@.¢ O [Z1/For information: your /L! é 244.1 é"'??p,t;,,»g J/:T ? 3/$5 Cpvllmiiese/p/60mmi¢£/irf '@~4~,4r E"fhe foilowing number is tobe used for reference regarding pages: these w/7/Z7-/7 Kfswzfré _5? XXXXXX XXXXXX /<f>*=>~ 3"/O<fz>£3~r .240;->_ s XXX!QQQQ XX}O }QODQ }Q XI> X DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION X FEE X 4-150 12-14-es! Rev. I' XXXXXX 92 xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU FOIPA DELETED PAGE . OF INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. E] Deletions were made pursuant to the available for or more of the following exemptions indicated below with no segregablematerial release to you. Section 552 & U b! l! b!! A! U d!! U b!! b!! B! E1 l!! E] b!! b!! C! Cl l<!! b!! D! U l<!! b!! E! U <!! b!! F! El l<!! U b!! b!! El l<!! U b!! b! 9! E] <!! E1 b!! El l<!! :1 Information pertained onlyto athird party with no referenceto you or the subject of your request. [:1 Information pertained onlyto athird party. Your name islisted in the title only. El Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. Thesedocuments werereferred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. z Page withheld s! thefor following reason s!: fl/I :'r:<f,.ie°§ 5; / I; .15/04%PW i/Mt/_ /;¢@.,a.,W»-! EFor your information: -~!O5L:-; $31»? /MW4///7&,/ 1_fl/ZN J!/C rzé 4/054?! Czflwrta lltiomewt /0f¢?¢r I J EPTEE following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Sf: XXXXXX XXXXXX /one 5§/C!E31§--=>2r$.j g DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION X FEE X SUBJECT: FILE MARIO NUMBER: PART 3 SAVIO SF 100-54060 OF 5 -1 . .1 4 Mem0r:mdu$" a- 0 1 _ _._ . L~,_ ._.-:7. -». .1.' -& . -I ' . 4.; <-1.. . ». To : .. sac, sm FRANCISCO % n-. '= --. 0- ' LEGAL SECTION 90-?;l92! > 92 ~ ._._.,> Fn:ur:'_> Sunkist: F'zZET':.DOI~I INFORMATION -PRIVACY OF ACTS FOIPA! File Destruction! .. -- - _" 92 . 0- . _ . Thefollowing ha-re bee: reviewed purstiant. tsan . arQ~ .-x 1-. ~=-_r~ *1 .,.,;, .;f¢: . .M» FOIPA matter53.1161not may hev.destroyed. untilindicated. . . 4 ' ~:'; H & I _1-":15.-§;:=.1:.u. n 4:,".. .5 Em. .3 ~ % 92o0- 5~92ol@O 92!_5 z 1 E M ' AINED 1m=o'.=.2~1:>.1j101~1 com égiazu u>c1..>.ssF_I&1FI@"£§1J" IS 1i!RTl*;_*3g;_92i*.'.35!---"LP | DO NCT DE-STI~iC'f §Q92 UNTIL M»/~+.4;~ as "710 5.¢,;4¢ it O ,, ._ _._,.-............_ ..._.,»...= .. .92....,...;..._,...._. ,.. ,,,_...._.-..._-.-_-_. ._. ~~-~"--------~-»-Q»----n-4----,-.,.!.._,,_,,_......_..4 ._..,R__..___.,__ .,.,, ____ T, _______ _ _____'______T_ _:___%___w r ' _ ._ __ , .. .-92 I . '-; _awn. __ . J r-~ nI,.. :1, p "1 . _.. - . . . 92 s /~ =-Iv-I-&t:'::"~"-!Jf~jj-g-L-J-1-1 ' -Y ' .'V ' . <. .;-;.~.. .r»>"_~ ..::. .,..5';'--.~'."'~' . ._:§~_1 _; -. <-.-..=.,. ~ /{I _ - . ' .> *' ' _ _;»~ , '. 1,.. -., 1 - ;*_w:_1:.'92_» _.=-<"{'_".'-.v-~ T . -~ .. ' *»"»¢..- .. "'» ;.' ' 1" _~I - '5::-".g1.'I:§. {:z:~=>=:.' 5-~§ £17. 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I K . - 92 _,.1, 92 ' :._,__». > ' 1...; '7-vw r ._'-.-- 2.1-». _ .,.f-"j<1 P'74:, > ._~' A _ r. D0 NOT PLACE - 1 .~_J__ ¢ , . I ADD92T92O?'%.592L . 92 w. c I, {N Wis92/Ci 11;. / /. I am. 1uFo:=..92:.mo1& cgrgigfj' A n';Rr.1rmcmssi IS ,,, V z>§.T2.I_2?_:L1:_83_._-Y~?11¥'--5"Y._1 I » . 5; 1 g. ----~»__,,v,__;;T,__-~ "Kr<>+-.r,,_>,,¬_~-.,...,..,-§r_,;__12_> _i_>_ ___ I1 ' __. ._. 2 _4~.» < . §T§ -7...... ' I-i?j=. f 5": "Q. I 92 ..=11 ~. 0' 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU InReply, Please Refer to JUSTICE OF INVESTIGATION I nuns San . Francisco, California LKJP] vjyil H DECLA September 1965 A17, NF NTIAL._ *1*3? - °""-71? -$Sn9II""""'"".*4_ ~.I=-»~_-Iii MARIO ROBERT SAVIO 7-35' BY S cLASs/D0 also_known as "',_,_,_____,__ _ I '5 , .by2 DNDRZ .Desrfy W,.. F; i Department ._ nee HERE; S ["$%%/ Suzanne Goldberg Zia? E-$1.-iui&# Z "I52. -I The files of the Passport of State, reviewed Office, United by arepresentative Federal Bureauof Investigation on June the following information: tf of the 29, 1965, contained Mario Robert Savio was issued passport __ he States F3H3587 on June17, 1965, at NewYork, NewYork, for proposed two years travel to England, Italy and Francefor the purpose ofstudy. In his application datedJune15, 1965, at NewYork, NewYork, statedthat he intended todepartinSeptember1965;} This ,passport was valid for three years travel to all countries except Albania, Cuba andthose portions of China, Korea and Viet Namunder communist control. rharioSavio stated at New York City. I that hewasborn on December 1942, 8, He gave his permanent residence as Blake, Berkeley,California. He listed his father _ Savio, born August 28, 1919, in 2127 as Joseph Italy and his mother as Dora E. Berretti, born December 23, 1916, at New YorkCity. He stated that he was last married on May23, 1965, to SuzanneMarilyn Goldberg, whowas bornon June 6, 1939, at Brooklyn, New York. In the event of death or accident he requested_that Joseph Savio, his father, ~ Glendora, "f- his 4; - file: @ be notified at 1216 East Northridge Avenue, California;i The following description appeared in _ ' '¢, Ha , _'1' ,_- New York i92 Z1} l09~54Q53% S36. i &100-5!+2~66$e:yi: >c 0N F IKE NT I AL |nd~z>;ed._--A IP 1 _ &.as=>4....92.._;:-____.,;._ 15 _ Bureau __ _ _Ha 925j¢San Francisco Exclude rom automatic P downgra ng and __ declassf cation /0§"J §/065 This document contains nei her recommendationsnor conclusions FBI. of th e It is ' th e proper tfyo FBI d the an ' l d t o your is oane agency; and it itscontents are not.tobe di92tri _ _Awupde your agency. /<,_</92%m,L._J /_J7 '|;~92L -_-._..¢_-1.; ...._.. .. ....»v. ._..,.. »..._...-.-....:,.L...92..~.....u~,..._~u..__-._.-_.__ ,,____,_ _____ Iv i ~ Q? "' y>0 _' W @~ CO MARIO ROBERT N FI TI . S AL SAVIO SUZANNE SAYIO 7 Height: 6 Hair: Light feet l Eyes: gray-green - Occupation: inch brown 5 1 ' Student vhecords of the Passport Office, UnitedStates Department of State, #50 were reviewed by arepresentative h Investigation on '3» Suzanne Savio Golsen Gate June 10, applied for Avenue, San of the Francisco, Federal Bureau of 1965, and these records reflect that anew passport on June 10, 1985. Her address was 2127 Blake Street, Berkeley, California. She was born June 6, 1939, at Brooklyn, New York, and described as: 5 feet 2 3/4 inches ..' .,_.. . Brown Heigh;: Brown None Hair: Eyes: ScarsMarks: and *§ _1?4»...-.e »- '3 "I Student University of California U0? Berkeley, California g? a:~~ . c.; *1: T,9? p=» ,,92-:& ii: Occupation: '-fa 1 ¢I"': Her parents were listed born January 3, 1909, in St. Spritzer, born June 6, 1912, in as Charles Louis, Missouri, New York, Morris Goldberg, and Nettie New York. Suzanne Savio stated she wasmarried May 23, 1965, to Mario Robert SavioLL born December wished to travel 8, l9H2, in New York City. to England, Italy and purported length of departure of stay was indicated as September, the person to be 17 Sniffen Road, Westport, She indicated France to study. 1965. In notified was as two case of Charles M, '3& =»' ,1_-' >__ -. .< ;.;_.¢;a;. she Her years and death or §?<7" 152&# her date accident Goldberg, father, §@¥ Few; .4 i,_fl! Connecticut. 3?slii Suzanne Savio issued June 1, 1960, She had not received was formerly issued passport 2268U60, under the name Suzanne Marilyn Goldberg. a new passport number from the Department of State. » The "Berkeley news article Daily Gazette" which said in part, planning to go to England in former spokesman of the Free newspaper carried "Mario and Suzanne Savio a recent are the very near future to give the Speech Movement achance to find himself," ><_§ E mg 1% -. gay 5 ., _ .5; 7,;~i~"3*" ' w ,¢,~ .-_<;:,t; -v,'f . _- sy..» 953.3; ~, ..~> o 2 4» CO N F NT _h~ I AL r ....;..-...,.-_.._.,......_....-._.. _.»......_....,...,.,..~.-<..~,~....s.-.-~.~_-4--~_-s ..,._.._.___.. __ _ "3, »I .v .'/ ' 0 __ .!; . _ 1_ c0 MARIO ROBERT N FI 0E IA L i SAVIO SUZANNE_SAVIQ_ On September lk, 1965, it was learned through /v oz~ 92 a suitable pretext by an Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that Mario and Suzanne Savio left Berkeley, California, about September 7, 1965, to travel to New York where they boarded an Italian ship to travel to Italy and . then to England. The Savios plan to stay in England for six months to one year. , Y_lhe Free Speech formed at *2 :. J ,;§ L& UC, Berkeley, 7-. v-.~_ --1 a' ii Movement FSM! was anorganization by agroup of students and others 33¢. . to protest UC rules and regulations pertaining particularly to recruitment of members, solicitation of funds and distribution of literature for "offcampus" type political organizations. The FSM gained national recognition beginning in September, 195% vhilgroup of'several thousand captured apolice vehicle on the UC campus with aprisoner inside the automobile on October 2, 196%. Demonstrations then continued almost daily until amassive sit-in took place in the administration building at UC, Berkeley, on December 2 and 3,_l96Q, which resulted in the arrest of about 780 persons. Most of these individuals have been convicted in Berkeley Municipal Court of trespassing and resisting arrest and most cases are currently pending §§& .~S3 "$6; appealsgj rhario Savio was convicted in Municipal Court, Berkeley, Qailiornia, on as Hresult June 28, of his 1965, for arrest in December 2 and 3, 196k. Mario in jail and one year probation. bail pending appeal. . resisting arrest connection with and trespassing the FSH sit»in Savio was sentenced to Mario Savio is currently ' 120 days on Y r Y;; 3 1. »>' J; F§*:& fe}, ' ;;§ Suzanne Savio was also convicted of L/1_I;1- trespassing and _,' . 2. resisting arrestland is currently out on bail pending appeal. ,5"! the FSM Yhario Savio was the leading spokesmanand leader of and his wife, Suzanne Goldberg, was extremely active in the FSM,_ Asource advised periodically between September, 1964 and February, 1965, that Mario Savio and Suzanne Goldberg Savio were seen in close conversation with Bettina Robert PaulKaufman, both active in the FSM;l as :5 1% ~£ _ ..Y ,..=,.~ =;_-.,,_., Aptheker and ;-' ,..1 Q 11» % ._,. ~ 3 C O N FT D E NT L -u 1 i l ._.,.--.~--s.,;.._ ,;3;:-._... _,.. ,__ _e=e_.,-.-, .>_."-¢InP_',.'*_ ~;....;,_-_'~-~v--:_:-¢= __-v--v-$:.'. V ~-v. _____,__y,________ __r ____ _ __ _*_;__ V _ V_, ' .. Q 92 », 4 92 .-92"9'- -. .- i ,.. _-,-92 ix-!,v' "-;|||92ln- MARIO ROBLRTSAVIO .1; _ 1~ '.--. -'.,.V 1_ _,, SUZANNE SAVIO S 7r Both Savios were also Federal Bureau of Investigation this period of time at and consultations I observed by Agents of the on numerous occasions during FSM rallies with Robert and inclose Paul Kaufman conversations and Bettina Aptheker. W W1 57./D 1> év Robert Paul Kaufman 1S a -,92.!J . in the Mario Savio resigned from his FSM at a UC rally on reason for his withdrawal would become April 26, from the an indispensable that it appeared the without him. part of movement would position of leadership 1965. He FSM as gave his "fear that the FSM".and be unable I stated to carry on LM» 5 la/D :__._ ; .31.; I On February ll, 1985, demonstration against U. S. Mario Savio participated policy in H.. Vietnam at ina Selective f K4. s. 55'-'.PF" g?s . g Q; . é=~¢. 5"?".',F'*3? . gr. C ONF I NT I A L X MARIO ROBERTSAVIO %' W- suzgmwrp SAVIO _ .;,X__ 1 V , Service Headquarters,2199 BancroftWay, Berkeley,California. He signed a "declaration" fight against the people at this rally of of Viet Mario Savio led arally Nam". - his "refusal to at UC, Berkeley, on February 15S 1965, at which time he called for a sit-in at the office of U. S. Attorney Cecil F. Pooleat the Federal OfficeBuilding in San Francisco to protest registration in _ 92 "the Government's failure to ~ aid voter Belma, Alabama".He stated, "that the FBI does nothing except take notes and the Agents have becomea group of st v 1-:; evb Mario Savio participated inla demonstration at Selective Service Headquarters, Berkeley, California, protesting U. .4 i1 Mario UC, Berkeley, Mario International San Francisco. S. policy;in Savio spoke Santo Domingo. at the on May 5, 1965, Viet Nam Day "teach-in" at on May 21-22, 1965. Savio spoke at a rally on _ August 20, 1965, at the Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Hall _This rally in was held for the purpose of raising Q 2 sV _ . ._..4_..._._......-.,. Av...-. .4-_ =-.2 V_-_--~ V_.,l_.,__A,._ __._ A _ I . @w Ob CO MARIO ROBERT SUZANNE SAVIO funds for N FI D ET I 1 1. ' _ .... I~-.»' .._,_& .'~ ~34», AL .3 SAVIO the Berkeley =n_-if _ . FSM defendants who are ;.,,n presently out on bail pending appeal. At this rally, Mario Savio verbally attacked the "Establishment", which according to him includes UC, many community groups, the Governor of the State of California, and the President of the United States. E. » J..F_ _92 T-5£".»-1 .~_»J. ..":-".t-:2: §"¬l' -."Y#: I~<.7w§, ee - Ir, ~_ »= '73; 4._;.v .s;,. _ ¢' 92 1 s g. ¥§§§ gs "' <-1* _Bi."1 .:.... 3w§&# "3"Zr.; 6 CONFIDEN AL 1 s -.~......,~,.._,.,_,_...,___c.___-.~..._,..,____,_,_____ _'$:7r%__,' 7;: WW wk __ _,. _ ___ V____>__v ,7 _ ,.W_.. W, V_W.--.4.-V. 7_ __V _e_~W,»v W, I _ ,__,, ..£,_,_ ..._.-.... . i §Y __ ~_-_.~-_~_' ' 1 _f7*'_~_"_4e>_--1-: _- _' __~ - ' . Q?» 1 Q GC! - do N FI D NT I AL - L COMMUNIST INFILTRATION FIRST UNITARIAN OF THE CHURCH OF LOS ANGELES 1.; ' '1! 5 3.», .1- 92 A source of the advised on First Unitarian April 29, Church of 1964, that Los Angcles the premises EA 3 '-J have been utilized for meetings by Communist Party members and sympathizers over a period of years. Speakers and lecturers at the church frequently espouse Communist causes or follow the Communist Party line. Communist front group literature is distributed at the Communist Party members for This same church such as Fellowship for church. The church is used by "mass concentration" infiltration extends the Unitarian IIF some I work. to adjuncts Public Forum 2,;-' -1»;' ,. 5-; of the and the Unitarian .~»-.- Social Justice. STEPHEN H. FRITCHMAN has been minister of the since 1948. church 92 1 Reverend STEPHENH. FRITCHMAN is described in the Fourth Report, UnAmerican Activities Committee in California, l9M8, page 115, as a very active "Communist fronter" and connected with numerous "Communist front organizations . -, ,¬,_ =w@ 53& .4. and activities." Membership itself connote in the First Unitarian Church membership in or sympathy with the Party. " .'_ '. 2 1 ilg . . 453? ' -wt does not of Communist ,- §¥% -ff2&# 1 ..'g . Q~{~§ ~:.s_ars *5, . , ;f=.*-;?¢§ _, .K2,. -=.~i-#2?» vf >1-H-1* Z48 §§'_ as, 92 ~14 , ~r..,;-~: -; '.&# '. ~' ~. ,@ ¢_-1 ' "r5?_~. ,2I .r. 5 '.& 2i u APPENDIX 7 C ON .v._. P-%_~' ,_ e ,_._-_-;_.,; ,¢»~~.; »..__ _.__ ,.... FI -- DE n~~_.~~..e<. IA _r ;,.;: . 7 H Q -1 .5 L I _~- Y-s_... i__....__.___ 4-150 Rev. 12-14-ea! _XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION SHEET xPage withheld s! at entirely this location theinfile. Onemore orof thefollowing stat ments, where indicated, explain this deletion. tions were madetopursuant exemptions the below no indicated with segregab materia available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a U b!! E1 <b><1><A> U b!! CI <b>u><B> El d!! E1/t6<v>tc> El<§>iv><D> E] b!! U j!! U k!! U l<! -3! El b!! [J b!! [:1 b!! E1 <b><v><E> El k!! D <b><v><P> E1 l<!! El b><s> E] k!! El mo! U l<!! El l<!! I3 Information pertained onlyto a third party with no reference toyou or the subjectof your TEQUESI. [:1 Informationpertained only to a third party. Your nameis listedin the title only. E] Documentsoriginated with another Government agency ies!. Thesedocuments werereferred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the i--_ other agencyes!. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: [:1 For your information: [Q/'llie following number is to be used for referenceregarding thesepages: c /Te /em~S?/@¢@»¢Qé¢/ XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX ~*---~»----=7 ~~ A -__-__ it l__l-____92,0, _ A, , __ ,_,_ M 1 w.E.B. DU BOIS CLUBS OF AMERICA - BERKELEY BRANCH; w.E.B. DuBois Youth Club - Berkeley Chapter; Berkeley W.E.B. DuBois Club, East_Bay,QuBois Club Berkeley DuBois _q, g,_ i, Club; ,_ 1*~ g9 Asource advised on April 12, 1963, that the w.E.B. DuBois Youth Club - Berkeley Chapter, was originated in Qctober 1962, principally through the efforts of MATHEW HALLINAN. This same source that MATHEW advised in HALLINAN was and Comunist Party CP! Representative of Youth Club A second October 1963, elected as the Berkeley during September source advised the Berkeley DuBois Club that organization to be Berkeley Branchl" Chairman , ~' Youth Commission ,__. CP On-Campus 1963. that aleaflet distributed by in Spetember 196M, reflected the name the "W.E.B, DuBois Clubs of America - 3., of r*s1~s This same leaflet, under the heading "The Duois Clubs oi America" reads as follows: "The Berkeley DuBois Club is a part of anation-wide socialist youth organization founded in June of this year. It attempts to bring together those action-oriented youth who consider socialism to be avisible alternative to the ills '3 of this society." "-, --, As of was registered April 23, with the membership organization. campus with and maintain prior Univarslty aliterature 1965, the University of As auh, Berkeley W.E.B. DuBois Club California as an "off-campus it could permission and table on present lectures was allowed campus. or to act aw "5-51 Egg». §;I'. r».~ &# 1-'= =.,927 _'_.,. 1*-=~ ' *=,*> »=. ~. 2.'.:" £1?-.= W ,1- T»-tr 5lq_,:;::; ..&# ,-,1."Y,, ex-~ ,,,,.-_ ::*;.» *z<~.r~, &# A;~_I§E 1 .~. L. .92 z!"_"_.- * cszsnam APPENDIX 9 _ I "i 5 ii .,3 ll ? ,. _ .. ,.___. _i _<--.~.¢., cl-01;:-_';_7 °,_ .4 _.__i.____._ __ _ _ i >____ _ A_92 , .., 92_ . I4 92 s, ~25 1Q __ ._ r 92 v mmm Q » .5 .3-,. r.~__ -4c k.,7 4t_~ W.E.B, PU BOIS CLUBSOF AMERICA: Asource has advised that on conference of members of the Comunist October 26-27, 1963, a Party GP!, including na- tional functionaries, met in Chicago, Illinois, for the purpose of setting in motion forces for the establishment of anew national Marxist oriented youth organization which would hunt for the most peaceful transition to socialism. The delegates to this meeting were cautioned against the germ of anti-Soviet and anti-CP ideologies. These delegates were also told that it would be reasonable to assume that the young socialists attracted into this new organization would eventually pass A second into the conference of on December 28-29, 1963, the new youth organization to be held in June 196M, A second for the for advised that new youth organization was "r' Iv-"" persons met purpose of and planning source has 150 Golden Gate Avenue, the name W.E.B. DuBois CP itself. over 20 for the 2". ea. initiating acall afounding convention the founding held from £=.~. 7:3. in Chicago to Pan 5-<. convention June 19-21, 1964, at >aé z_ .r§b= San Francisco, California, at which time Clubs of America was adopted. Approximate- a ly 500 delegates from throughout the qmited States attended this convention. The aims of this organization, as set forth in the preamble to the constitution, are, "It is our belief that this nation can best solve its problems in an atmosphere of peaceful co», existence, complete disarmament and true freedom for all peoples of the world, and that these solutions will be reached mainly through the united efforts of all democratic elements in our country, composed essentially of the working people allicd intht unity of fully recognize Negroes and other minorities that the greatest threat comes from the racist and right most reactionary sections of the tool of anti-Communism to with whites. to American wing forces the economic divide and ._¥ "1 3 ,-.4. . ' L - :al" ,'+ We further democracy in coalition 2 with the power structure, using destroy the unified 0 r --I71 mr-15» .,,>.c-, ' §§~ '». _,3: struggle of the working people. As young people in the forces struggling for democracy, we shall actively strive to defeat these reactionary and neo-facist elements and to achieve complete freedom and democracy for all Americans, thus enabling each individual to freely choose and build the society he would wish to live in. Through these struggles we feel the American people will realize the viability 6f the x' ~vii i'; ' L .!_ _. . BL am $5 ':sq. ' 044--=-1 -asQ "-w -mg .. >¢.~_ ? socialist alternative." ss» APPEND -92 A.._?» iv log, e. CUNFHA TIM E -~~1-¢-»-'--t-'=»~-e-'-'-is--~ -~.-r-v.-»~" -~.~-2.,-Y_.e _,,,=,.e_?,,f_-._.;,,,¬._1;¢--N.-NC,__;___;,:___, -s __ _______, _.,_,,,<__,,,;__,____ .,__ _;__ _,_ |,. = |_ _, ___ __ _ _ 2 c,pnnm The constitution Q. r further states that this new organize» tion shall be amembership organization open to individuals, or if five or more people so desire a chapter~can be formed which shall in turn be guided by the policies and principles of the parent organization. . ~ The second source advised in April 1965 that the San Francisco, California; Both sources have advised two officers were elected: PHILIP CHAPIN DAVIS that at x the founding -President source has October 26, aCP Chairman advised that 1962, PHILIP recruiting class T-=q~ $3 -¢ 4' A e. 4 -~u_- on Q; 1579 Scenic 0 afliforniar A fourth source has ,BLOICE, reporter for advised that CARL the "People's World" newspaper, was, on April 3, 196M, elected to the newly organized San CoutyfComittee of the CP. Francisco The "People'sworld" is awest coast communist newspaper published weekly in San conventio DAVIS attended held at Avenue, Berkeley, Y :92; .<¢p..; -'» hey Wu- CARL ELLENGER BLOICE ~Publications A third ._-» T2 , W - head~ quarters of the organization continues to be located at 1853 1/2 McA1lister Street, -.51 . .1, Francisco, California. » "-7. _-_ 4I WW Q. ,,,e._ T e~e W; * ..,.>¥ '§1" _ , , __;;.§ ,;._,1% -':.§ -.w..~, . ";<;.ii * -. - 5 . 1,; ".  1:2, A ~ git";-,:;,_ r> v=.,. , __& . 1*?? *-' &# -' 6 APPENDIX _ cnm ~i 11 __ _~_r-:2» =_uE==§,_-a»..,._l....._. .--,-,7_.,...?.-_-M»-~'..'.. ~ ~..'--<-*1-e,;:manewqw@,»_1,,-¢, 1. ~_ 1: -~:,_¢.~_..... _~_e I I __ ,~ I 4_ ._.._. _._ ._... _....._..-._.._. .___ __._,__ __,_.._ _,__ ___ __ _______ _ -T~. .= -an UNITED STATES _ ' ' If>EPARTMEN'I or 4%w&%¢§ FEDERAl.BUREAU JUSTICE OFINVESTIGATION ». g;¬?P%em$w San Francisco California is eCON September 17, .0 I >< 4» ENUA1. R? 1965 _ 33% 92 MARIO ROBERT Title SAVIO also known '4 as Robert Richard $2 ~.~n-&# &# Savio SUZANNE SAVIO Suza nee _-3Vhr  Suzanne Goldberg Character AReference San Francisco dated and at San memorandum captioned as above Francisco, California All sources except any listed below! whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in wa §;1 _% w~ éF-. A}- ~/-rlv! .={19 -2&# I .. :3 ,,.;_._,_ ,. ?".g_-_. "t ;- the past. ». 5: ~.-@., I .-'0 i 4 K i :'_" . ' ¢2F.:r 'f m i ' e; ., IP,-. 1: 32¢. £2: I? >4. -_>1. »ca I ;<¢-~2-1* ..i_,<.§_ »1; :3 I IN: = "-' #1: &I7".:-.& 1292¬"I& 192 .~ ,=.:,_-Is; If 92 ~~14 " "v# . .r."1 92 This document of the FBI. It contains neither is the 12» recommendations nor conclusions property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed ::&# I. >51». R: 4»49. -< g.-< t ;. t. ' I RD-36 Iésv. s-22-54! J IMITI ; SEE PERMANENT IIIP I mm.9/17/65 . . Transm1t the olIs£m F vm Sous . Type in plamext or code! AIRTEL AIR MAIL - REGISTERED I 923>.. . It .v Priority! _ T°" °m°'1'°R FBI nscussrrusu BY * I mom SAC, SAN FRANCISCOon G7 ]Q93_ 05:91 .0.70 I,I_I_I__I_I_,Q_Qm_ RE: MARIO ROBERT SAVIO,aka J SM-¢~ BUfile 100-uuaosz! Robert SF Richard "_ mu!-~ Savio D_EcI.Assi.-. N0"- 100-514060! -~ ' .. ~ '<' II//3/7 _. suzzumz SAVIO, nee grIN 15 RIL1¥='-=.~_,.;-.159 T0.r~r.~.m~m§§ Suzanne Goldberg.' 9" -¢ SF 100-suzss! EXCEPT, DTHERIII z -10:24 a-?_.__ .<_-IPU ~.3t<f__.' 5; .'54"~'-5' 6- Bureau Encls. _ I. -.' .: .v..a_.' ' é: 92f£§§:§::§Ec§ls. 2! _ Info! RM! b7? P; 100:-suzss I II 12>,~._@.<>92 Approved; I pZ _. :9 EA2<9'5' -245 I MCICON TU Re summary report for MARIO SAVIO dated 3/12/65, summary report for SUZANNEGOLDBERGSAVIO dated It/15/65, San Francisco which airtel to Director dated and 9/17/65. Enclosed for the Bureau are sixteen 6! copies LHM the Bureau may wish to disseminate. Copies are enclosed r . . .___ !H _ »_ --! SF 100-SHUSO 7a SF100-59266 _b -/sea C Q5! =:1. -+ W 5% newspaper, $7 "MARIO *- the ON "T141" Arecent article in the "Berkeley I Dail zette" ' Berkeley, California, sets out information that and SUZANNE SAVIO are planning to go toEngland in very near future to give the former s pok esman Free Speech Movementachance to find himself." of the .-v. I 61° s~ b7'D _575 , California, stated on about 9/7/65, traveling to NewYork where boarded a"slow Italian_ boat" w abo t u ten or eleven days to reach Italy. hic' will the SAVIOS plan to go toEngland where e1 1" six months to ayear. enclosed: I take spend The following sources were used in the LHMwhich is P 35 Sources S the used to document the SAVIOS' activi during q - were be Agents of the FBI periodically between September, 1964 and February, 1965. - on ; S Source used to Source used 6/29/69. to ;Sou! ~ SF :3 $9 L ~i ,é= i_£56 / W1 t 6 "7 2/11/es wasq MC Selective ea Service 1 I §_____ ' t - sr ,0 O x. J 100-snoso we 00-suzss i igg for @§§ '3;-g? 1 .'.'-g-1 .5 1 ?b,1> U F b1" ects were b°¢' . s/s/ss. mnxo SAVIO was observed by'sAon2/15/65 andb'7c The files of the Passport Off State,werereviewed on6/ZN/65by IC Therecords of were reviewed on 6/10/65 In view of , ' -E 13 4 7. c_ the PassportOf 1te,57 by SA the fact that the Subjects will be out of the country and they both are maintained on the Reserve Index B, these cases will be placed ' in a pending 'inactive status in San "Francisco pending their return to the U. S. i eve -;.-_:; ':92-.4,-;.n .. ~ - a »..._ - ..I - {. - __.-. ,.-.,...¢.....,-..-..........~......_..-..-..._,..._.__ . .. .-; ....<;- _....__.._...._,.............,... . --~~--I, _-1'" -~ 2 .-_~.' 1__' > 5' 1_-'J;I3.a <,'.'K,;;-r_..'-='-' . ;,L , ' I ' ' k _' 92_..;>'_-A . L , _':,<. I 1, ~ . .~92__. .. , {I - X. _ . , . V5 1 .- -w . '" ,= "---5* , _ ,,/,. - ., Y/1 > ,-Q;_ : V1,;-E '_*___~;.I~-_=.-.' "., > 1-. - . . .1;. .4 . .'= -,~-.-1,: ,. . ,. . .. .~r' ~,~. ~,- -V-'-4 ;~_ :.=92, . . ~_. ,_L' . .. ,,.._, - AJ._3-4-F - u 121;: 3*:-:~' ' , ~_.§_ I , . -§__ > .' .>..;;._.,= 6_4,-§. .~;-_ ~¢§§ X ¢ "- ._ . ;_,._._. ,=...,.-» .,>.M,.'-. *..'_ ... ' _ U. "'35-;1 ";;'T.~i~.'.»:;;-'1? 33;;-_-"3 -"~;-W .¢T_-1' %5_.;_;;;;*£:.!!AR10 " Robe':'r"1.' Rich arc!Smrin » @» "sn'~ c» >f ~~ v; _-.J._rs;:*- ..-, J; .. . -_- :~»-,._ i*<"aun1¢ 100'-1."l'923_957! L °§T"" <sr 1no;suoso7*" .~~. . 1:-1 ~.W __,V92__ _M »_-Y. ..-. _ ._.~~.._.<_. .>__ -_ _' . 5-,,-,.{.-_';v.~,=_:;.:___I E _V _»,» _,-._--=;'.,~» ; L.:~:;,;r_: . 1 . i;~§1-:92Iv-:,_.q,:_-5 . :7. " *%§$+IsUZAKHB8AVIO;nbd@?@*%%§%$5%=---' %1TI°!;¢°R?A§§§§§¢%§v fsuzannée@1¢nerg"?F*;£* *$EBEIN UNCEASS7F§§7?¥§7"135 sn -c sr ~ 3"'~*"EXCEPT §§RE snuwu ~¥@?¥»~*~/#*~~» orssawr . "' ' 100-suzss! -1.1gmumgry report t'o:~~HARIO.8AVIO dated,3/12/65. ' awn w~§Q? '* On" 9/H165: itwas learned from _ _ _ 2-» 4 -~ J; -' ' ,_,,», ' " ~ gyagu .17/65 t6">tra<;eI, to!§;eu, D I géork Zahara 'tf}£¢:":"y; ,b<L:£%.1"¬'3-IE 31;. Italiati ship1.9traye3._t<> Is§:"§3.$",j;,, -Q? andthan to yngxana. The 3AVIOShy1an_t0_s?Y-1% Tgl I for six montha11¢.0119.Y§a1.~_...., I 1-.fii;"*7..>Z-iii%:isV , g,-:_-__,.-;-, -.. 5 _»»=_*.92_@ 412',-44 '_1.'.~.<< .-. "= ' V. ~~-*-' ; -,:.; ~ ' .- ~-:."~ r.~.. -:. ..-.*, ,~.~,;-<. »:=-*92'_"~ ,-_~<.,, -*~'92s_-¢-1_..,. ,~.;r »., ;.¢;;. ""';f v: ..' -L-, '.;_='_ »;.~=;,»-.:~4 ' ~.~~~<_ 7 4..-__-=_".1,4==< _-1";-~-.-: " >~*;f -.- ,."-W ''1.-1:1--,_;: ;,;;_;', __»<'5. 92»._; ,,,; ._~. _-,4 ~. -5., -.1---4;;:;.;-»;'= .8 ..'->5'i41.=.--_ _:_ii . r-. ._._ .-~j;.J.., ,.-;?<; -'= --_ L --ii __ -_..'t:*_f-,1-*,~.--f*j_,:*.;, 3'* »_.>' -l<.-. .<@?~,»;=.92 ' =1 ~. 1-,; . __Hz _:,_"vi _. _ . -. .=,._,¢: 1 '5 _. Y_ ._, ,.._. .-.v;-1.-J .j _.._*2, F! V> » _ > ~'>92P ;,~-. ..--~ M » ._ ~.;. ,.H >__ .. X __, *-_, _ -':A.~'¢:,*"*,,~'~;;~:-@»h ~ V1»-i . - .- _.<;?;1>'_»~~~§ .. ,_ _. , . > ~.»-;-=-'~=~»-;,.__ -,@.:14.~;,¢_,,-_~.~..~L, _.;,>v;;£--'__,f;<¢=..:_.___=»>~ ..v.-~._.__= _ VV. >'~¢t~-. -"~'v*"=4"' *"- REV-,1<»? £1-5"»-"'-"92!4'".=-""T"""~!1j11.1*i!f :»=;~?w»;-~¢ :.;-5;»?-f;¢>;<" . ...,s_.:_. .,.. ,- _~-~. _~_. -_- 4» P,""~=.-. .' _;:r;-1.-;;_=:..» . .. W. N1. , .[__ . ,_. _ ._-*' 4 ~ £4 5 I-'¢§¢:-*1:-;.»'...;' 1*".~- -".1-r-.-:1-u.1"--.-e;">.J'1is+*~ :1.-~,-~¥~+.¢ 1 ~ _ 5", . -~""._¢. " ~ :§~.1 ,.,_~-Y ~> ~ , -» 1; *e.;-J, .3-i.-_-,5-.;7:;_;,tK;*;:~ :.;-"~. -' '1.~._:-..;~;-. ~ » ="' -tj:5;-.,. ._. , , _,.-Y,. . .:<. .4 u, -~.,;.~,_.t~'_ . - .1-. -,,,;,, . ,, 7 1 vr ._ 1 I,'>; --.; :~:,_ ._.- . .!.:. >-.-~ . . .'.~, _W."=;4=,"*§~:~ . ". ,_ __ _, __=-,,~ » -_ ' x.. '~> 3', "~15 1., ., .-*1!<,g~._t -"J. .__=,' ..._.j1¢--1-"' "F11.'o';';& Z,',' . 1. . -,. ,; ,~* "=2-.'... '1: in , 1 4*. ~*~ -LuK£o11ow;._,§;,,»; 3Yé[ * r~.§.<. Q/ c:ess,. - -_; .7""if. ~ - , f;_1;,;_: §.'r,:;-;;f53.-J;-;_.:={§'.: __..v_ 1. J _ -, . -._-r _. _ '_ '4'; .= 4»,__->~-1:1. ,1: :2-,-,. W: 7'r"_1.-"~:_-_g;l.;;§'.;,¢§;..@y»'l;1-;--, Bureau _ RH!: Jo .;-_~_~E A_,~__A ? __J! .~.. ,_; _,_.. < A;. r __ , ;.¢.*_; jxoo-saoeoi ~ 100-suzee! S8-8 Searched... .__ _,..- _ '1-Li I.. - >' '7"."92 -,',-'~ P"-..:c ,: '-51¢» I;* _ --1*. .@=" '-"-1::-L-1 4 ' "'5', < ,_:,i 51. " - -_='~3.' ,.-$7 -,5-92 ._..~ -.»:.-.92'..':e,;*,' '-'="*»..i. ;_.2-1;.-'=-1.. --: '-- ' -~. '2-4 -11; ; ' . -_ - A Francisco ~WMm;4§T ¬-- . ' '~~¢. '.- .23-»';=»",r;/,".-*"," <-, A~;-4*!_;;_. . 7. .~ - ¬" -we. ¢§,-_ '_ »- ~=;;;='Y5 K-; ~4'92~¢92-' __ -___,m,;_;; H ---_----4< ~I. 5eria¬%2nd. .¬_.Z% J|lel.m , lm:exed._. --.-~ ----=-~'==- _____,_ _,./~.,>_,.. _._~ .._._,_ -~----~~; ~ . _'.~ A » ~~"' :._ __..._.» -_----w-~-i' ~1" ' """"""V"' ' >._._.._»-___. .-.. ,. -<.~~.--v -»< V...--.--4_....@_--..-~.-.>-~§->;~r---_.-4..-' '-o-r "1-wuv->,~ '-=. .:__;__ 92~~-~y."""" "" 1 1. a , ~. p I-IQ-.92:>0 Rev. I-16-63!92 _K A. __92i__ ",5 .0 -' Z f _ VMount Clipping Specs IntBelow! , .'92~1 p 5 Senienc-ing-"Delayed 1 I I ~xii zae 1 ISentencing of Free Speech Movement defendants wast D cut shorthere yesterday, afternoon when Municipal" Judge Rupert Crittenden was ordered bed to for a virus ,' Einfection byhis doctor. 1The magistratewas unable to presideat the after-M noon session. Municipal JudgeFloyd Talbo_ttsubsti-Y ~ -J indicate page, name 0! nawcpcpor, city and ute.! ltuted longenough to con- ftmue the 63 cases before the court t-;= "'=ri by, July 30 ;.£ 2'p.!!». H" *'_. 7 fgdudge Crittenden been hafor"theh* part; Judge Crittenden "~ .I -11 attling abug" over the92wee}:~*-.1 _ the Dec. 2-3 sii,-in. sf.-iiwr 2Y U-til, Lie wile said,which "caughtin all. . ' »- ','up him to yesterday." His doctor Crittenden placed all e-» jorclered bedrest andtreated him Judge endants onone or- two ye rs iir .-fit"-'01. robatiozr on é;LU~_I-151$ do ot they 3 Mrs. Crittenden saidhe hopes during that time participate in ito resume,sentencing tomorrow."illegal sit-fins,walk-ins, stand.7Meanwhile, it was like old ins, or lie Us." times at the University of Cali- Twoiaeders of the FreeSpeech 1' i"-i- --1 A t; .. 4. i-_ 1Berkeley xa2?, Berkeley campus in an uproariTuesda The le ts handedout -throughout last fall. ; by Mario Saviot nd Jack The newrally waskindled by berg, argued against accepting the probation terms. . '-,} 3»-4:. .-.,, 41' £2 _. vi fomia today with much the same Movement,which led last fall's issues, battle cries, noon rallies revolt and then. disbanded,dis-, and parn§t»hlz:tsthat kept the tributed leaetsto e defendants growing numbers of sztuclcntsun- .5», Daily Gazette 2 1 ii- - "1 The cainpaigrz appeared !;.';;:p:,.= _, ._ ,. . tobe_, - . ;e-;'*S¬riI&I?3-es . 1.c._. l . - ,_-, .,.r,_.,!. against. bearing fruit as*.i,.lAl1_L.l__h§.a&-_92"'t-_~{1= 37 of 91 defen;;_<,p.v:nt,rd_,d<:nir>:tsLrar~u, ;:'.-;ii-_=.<»_;__-,,_,_-- . * Berkeley,Calif. ¬ -.M.-s.,= 61:: ~ 5.:-9-E ;~ --'i$ .': &# dants so far sentenced during the first two dayshave refrzsc--:l'i1ro-'_ i.-etion. These 1'..',':r'c'-'Z"i't'§?1.7?"."""_]_i£L;'. over- Data; _é; Edition: Eve . Author: . Editor: G eorgc Dunscumb Title: ' -5; 'i coN'm1i~FE-T! _.,_,L-*.:;:'l:'92Y_Im El: ,..~ - . ~ Character: or Claaatcutlen: Submltttriq Olcux D Belnq Invea llqc-ted ..,_ . ~' 7*7-,_-cf 1-: 4 M,» . _s_.. ~,_»_ '.:., .,92 . I,2 2:12; -. M.It @?? ~.=.x<_~ ~¢,f_ F . -e~.»: awe.-_ ' -f"£i"=3.? w--mg? .3. ,~% I .;. bow , _ . ~O - "&92~ ,. 4'-_»<q_ . ' ' v __ .. - 0 ;92 .___' . ~; . a __ , . 0 "I .. . .» 4_.-' , .- ,1 -92 ' . . K921 _ - . . "' ,1 . " .. M 1-' -' -.~..£-w . _ft . ' _ ... .92V .» '. 1- .. . ' .. . _= -. . 92 » 92 ' ... 1 . ~. . 92 . 0 ._§~ E11: a-_ ~x--: -"f 92 I_ 1. 1-, we r -'_ -~ v. -,;.-. _'-. - ;- >.,._.,-W 2- -,-.~-._'_<-, :. ' » 92 92 1 A-.1; '-1& .' ii _5 I 1 - .-. .'_=_".>/l».»;~-."'»I'.».'I :_ >'Z -.1».-' P ._4»r.~ I. <?. - ,~» ~._.........;-;___..,;. - »4- .-.">,'j$T~s,::;: ,.. 1,,,,. 1»; .,».¢ .. ~ /;, ,.,-/ ~;92_92 aw,. .92; .' 11,? »*/»."~ ,:< =» ~ ., »:.-.-;-;-,».+.-1»-;_:,3;,-.-.-_._;';.-.~ .1»!-.->:-;~'_-;» ' 511-,wt, ,>,¢,_w --:;:,;.»;<;-;:,__;;';;: -2; §m..._;.__,.4._ ,K ,,, 1,._-.;,,:>;.~ u.. -_.>.:.., ..A-. xx.¢.~<-;._= 3. .,"-};j:;:I=5a.v_/.1:1;_-._='{ -j!;§-' " '., '~ ._~ -- ;:}:_-_'4: W .. .. 92!. . 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EEMQEBIAFNIDEPZTITY s @'1i-;221:2_f§w.?: IS P.LR_9l"E9TED..- made available to the reat thefollmwing $69 porting Agent demonsiz-atio.1: Q1 ss - I!-.*:tat: Place: / ¢ ,92 Sponsored by: Negatives ' h F ave been The photograph to be that of ' d ..1.led in by attached to ate. this memorandum captioned individual, and is placed Ow» 92O,~}.! is believed inthe f5 le for- O-9 J3. i.n§c»1~mati.ona.3 p92.!TpC92S¬S . In the the case event further is assigned should make s action is taken, the Agent to Whm positive identification. ACTIQNWBE9QNEEN93D= Fi1e- ' L. ,1-->-_. ,_ » 33:"-f§~&# ¬"!»< ,3 _ 92,;_ "1: §;,,;»;_;' i;g;Ii5gI§;.;L:-1 1" §g:g'm1z»"E ;E~:' iffvi ""=92 E-ii--£5-».41 U¢iULASD.L.i"I,ED ID Mk ~:-.:~-, * Y.m..,-_.Q__L§_$.]____ B1gp_L&?¢pw92_,Y. ~ -p..-,, _ _ .:lsE:lt§4:vL. ,.- ;,_,, o. r." 1' -A 1 i-5 -. FBr$AN 'i~"~--~_ , :i§f~ .:-:~ . 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El Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. E] Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. These documents were referred ._____-_- Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will -be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. i.__.__- Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: E] For your information: / K E2Tl:e following numbertoisbe used forreference regarding these pages: 5/ /4?» XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX rzoea -/.271 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE X X L-a ,,....._ .,_.__..._._,~_=;__»~:_,_~:. i._<l._>,,_-=1. ..,_:,:_,;_,,_ __._,_,,?__;... .._'_,,§m-_,.,__,,__1_LL ,;,._-_,_,, ,___,;____ ,_,,:.:5 f_T_______h____ __, _;_:__::~_~_____ i___~r Q ' _/' ~_ _A Optional 5' >L Form No. 10 UNITED STATES 5' i7_W__~__ _i_A__ a I K V; ,., 4.~-! GOVERNMENT MEMORANDUM e i 2.924:.. TO = SAC,FRANCISCO SAN loo-5*-/vaa! DATE: 9;$/A5 v. ./92L/ a i SUBJECT: /774410 S"'0 O sm - .1.» .- BE CBRIAIN IDENTITY or poi"-"Ling Agent INFORMANT IS PROTECTED. 1? ai1.ab1e the to1_'e~» the following D -._ p at demonst ration: Date ://y Place: W'@ £§%Aé;L¬? Sponsored by: l ~1- #15541 Negatives been have filed in The photograph attached to to be that of captioned individual, informational purposesc In "the". by date. &!92O"@ CL .1 thie memorandum is believed and isplaced in the 1 file for I eve-rm, 1"u:<i>@he":_ ~.-1c:i.17or: is "?;.'..'i-:_~:_:|,, [>£,uI11. "Lu the =.-.~h~..-.=»- vs; ease».is assivgned .9-., ACTION RECOIfII"!ENDED: File. _/;; ¥§e s& ....».;:;=;;;§?¢ CC?-iT.192I}TED _ 41."H -e ~a *"*-~i-<- '*~-92 . __. ~Ci¢1.SSIFIED3;,;' T~_._&# I-"5--» ' *"f"~BY5f4&"3<'W@ I §"»'» 1 .;;l_i,fl_ ,;_' . J541¥"1 *-. Q %i .92. 1.${ff.'M -:1 - ..; __ BT/ 2 .{>~.-.,~V ' -#1, V ;>:= = -Q FB1blH~ ~rm~-<- ."---~-~-- *5,-. _ =<' wa 92w__ jibLTdi.O~/92_,_¥'92.§I.|§923. eh/K WC.-" ' __ .- - , should rna.<;e: }_j.*C».5;"4'§;;I..~,'~'. 1'd92;_x1"tif' A YJ. - E Z, " ~? V W r 3 9 E i ;.__ <??~"» ¢ i 4-15012-14-es! Rev. .x v_V -- XXXXXX ~ xxxxxx ! .1, .,_» O FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET 3Page s!withheld entirely at thislocation the in file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Eéletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Sectl "on 552a __.__._1-ii U b! l! U b!! A! El d!! U b!! U b!! B! Eli!! E] b!! D b!! c! Elk! l! [2/6<?><1>> El <!! U b!! E! U k!! U b!! F! El k!! E] b!! E1 b! 8! El k!! E1 b!! El b! 9! E1 k!! . El <! '/! U b!! E] Information pertained only to a third party with only to athird party. Your no reference to you or the subject of your request. El Information pertained name is listed El Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. in the title only. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. ii Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: [:1 For your information: 7K I3"T'li'é' numberfollowing isto be used for reference regarding these pages: 5 F XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX ea ~51/0 so '2 73 x>o<>o<>o<x>oo<>oo x DELETED PAGE x S! ,. _. ' LEQ SQ Optional Form No. l_0 92_:'-92-:1? UNITED STATES HE MO GOVERNMENT RA ND ,4_ U M X age: 1 x__ J -11,: ..4__i,_ TO = SAC, FRANCISCO SAN <1oo<;qwL¢! I DATE: '4/Q4é$" ' ,fx§ 5., PRO" = S/* 44/ I ,t 929 ' SUBJECT: /IIMM $v'/ ~._ SM- ¢ BE CERT . LI ' .1?- " 11;;-. IDENTITYIzqF0?RMAN1j??Is or; ____ 0 _ 7PRQ'lECf 92O9, O _! made available por"Lin,g Age:z1L to the at H2? 1 re-t 92D -ae--;~ ' <u 1.. i'O1lO92:f'.iYv;'a-_AT. demonstration: _ 5 3 _i- Date: 1'//ff //6 Place:P,4/ 5 ...__ " 14. Sponsored by: /C3/77 Negatives been have filed in oy The photograph attached to to be that of captioned individual, informational purposes. In the date. 92>92O» 3' -.*"~ iv; this memorandum is believed and is placed in the file for ' e.vv-3m: fur'thez* action is takezx, 'i.}i_<?1 1?c:a-we F": a1ss;?._<-;;.~¢:<?: _-::1o111:§i make positive the Agent "' -92_ to i-.»_'?~».-.nn. _a 3-4. identifi cv.;ci.on. ACTI_ON RECOl"H"II:lNDED: File. I -..~' -!'i& 5 Jl I - K ' . Hit." ....; .-¬¬fZ'~§z¥' -Z .; '- <- .-i ,_..~_ - &J92ixlL',_ ' ~CONTAINED =~,'¥ ,.4-$-_& ".3I'- STFIED _ _$12.! ~._; t ,-= ¢ .1» < $£Asc;sm]£:7i s£a|AL.zu.- ..r1 U3 - FBI-5 -_-.._____ 1*e§92§§ ' <.' 198O __jg m=£$ :;>;;:._ AN §'» ~-.= .,-7 !'::* J*---__. v1 ¢ M",-»"-i "~*~ -I BTI If I 920'7C L% /M ~5</am Py -I-¢...~e ~.92>r Yr-' 4-750 Rev. Q - 12-14-as! XXXXX XXXXXX 92__ *1, FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE __L INVESTIGATION INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Eéealetions were made pursuant to theexemptions indicated below with nosegregable material available for release to you. Section Section 552 552a E1 b!! E1 <b><v><A> [:1 d!! U b!! E1 <b><v> B> El j!! E1 b!! E1 <b><v><c> E] l<!! Q/t'6><v><1>> El k!! El b!! E! U k!! U b!! F! E1 KX4! El b!! U b!! U l<!! U b!! U b! 9! U l<!! E1 <!! U b!! El Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. El Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title Cl Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. only. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. ._I-_-- Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: [:1 For your information: t / / ['3/ré following number is to be XXXXXX XXXXXX used for reference regarding these pages: ./t_f>"£!'" §/o@_-» pg ~17? XXXX!Q XXXXXXX!QQ X DELETED PAGE X S! V4-1so tt=y,tg¢;4-as! , --~---~~ __ '"" "W"3999 v FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I __>T . ~~-~--~~~ WFOIPA DELETED PAGE vii INFORMATIONSHEET Page s! withheld entirelythis at location in the file. One ormore of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. _, __ __ .. ~ » U Deletions were made pursuant thetoexemptions indicated with below no segregable mat available -for release you. to p . _ &eet_i_0_n_.§L2 S.¢§_l_i_tm_22;a D b! l! b!! A! Eld!! 92 1'3 b!! U b!! U b!! E3 b!! b!! B! U' i!! b!! C! E]RX!! b!! D! E]k!! b!! E! Ell<!! b!! F! D k!! b! 8! U k!! b! 9! E]k!! E]b!! U l<!! U Information pertained to only a third party with reference no youto the or subject of your I'¬qU¬Sl. U Information pertainedtoa only thirdparty. Your namelisted is the in title only. DDocuments originated another with Government agencylies!. documents These referred were to thatagency ies! review for and direct response to you. 92 Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency Youwill be ies!. advised the by FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. -D II Page s! forwithheld following the Will reason be recessed s!:_ /53innslci §§Y 1 ' P""- P e " Re: :*?~~za¢?wi>-' 1/ 5..¢i;j';/:-.e:»;.~/"7~wt<5> e-e4>l>"?.-.-1.,» as. E For Eyour information; Document identified is as: /!'>.»o/ [§~'z 92<_.4; ...» , T/lb 792;/~t?¢»..» V0/'4 //" §-T éorpw p Theifollowing number is tobe used for reference regarding these pages: .&_§,/3: /A:/:>- S$/0@.:,»~»5175/ I XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X DELETED PAGE S! X X NC DUPLICATION FEE X XFOR THIS PAGE X XXXD FBI/DOJ 4-150 12-14-ss! Rev.». r XXXX ' XXXXXX i XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 4Page s!withheld entirely at thislocation the in file.One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. [1 Deletions were madepursuant tothe exemptionsindicated belowwith no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 §§_<_:t_i9_g_l§_ U b! l! b!! A! 1:1 d!! E1 b!! b!! B! U OX2! El b!! b!! C! U l<! l! b!! D! U l<!! b!! E! U l<!! b!! F! U k!! U b!! b!! E1 k!! U b!! b! 9! U l<!! [:1 b!! 1:1 l<!! E] Informationpertained only to athird party withno reference to youor the subject ofyour request. E] Informationpertained only to athird party. Your name islisted inthe title only. lQ4c>cuments with originated another Government agency These documents ies!. were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the following reas0n s!: at [:1 For your information: _ /I /. I g lE~1Flre following numberis to be usedfor referenceregardingthese pages: 5/= XXXXXX XXXXXX /Jo ~F$/oeo -_2>e mooooormooormoooo DELETED PAGE S! NO DUPLICATION XXXXXX FOR THIS m PAGE x FEE x I _r-1.....~..-.¢.._=.~._....-.. ' - ~...---=92-¢---~_,~-~'~" *'""' ""' '="'*"""""" "" . FD-350 Rev 1 xs ea! » ..v.- >:;A_A.' .._...._...-._, .. ._...-__.-... 1 r _ a 5* ---I-~-----»--- . ? "1 K1 E ? > 92D/w MountClippingIn SpaceBelow! __ ' ' is *1 -41. . ' I *:.1 /<1f'év ...'-'~'~*»-..:.*3_"".;:;§.,,_- lndlcaina page,nameof I-i; 5 ~.. ,-.§_ F2.- newspaper, city and skate.! 5 SCIi%Z&§¬3 fShI§.3S$ _~;> M'iP»,i$.?Yi°» ledsr; !>¬-.1.,.* $511 mestér's Freé SpeeC1i"M0vémeh¬}"* 3 I _ in_Engla1§d, tryin; £u__ deuiav Lwhethertofacc'ejrt' a.'séh4_$larship , from Oxford University92 on one from the University of London. R}.4Thelatte:-_ ism_pm1y5i¢s Ema the fvfqrmér in' philosdpHy,' saidS'usa' ._i Stqin;_ whorecentlj{ recejve_<'§f1 1 lettérf f;ox_n__ Saviozl 3 _~ MxSJ'Stein"was' also'=iéc1_vs" ' -» t1,e ' ' ~ When_ she;-eceived the letter, Savio and'his wifeoi am monhs"-5 Szisan Goldberg Savio,weré£_'1'iv-3 J? - ingwitha 1riend_in Landon, Mrs.i ' Steingaid. The Daily Califor- U.of B£1?i"};.r'.1l¬%} 5 Ca:T! :i_.i.¢ - 1 é ~. ~$1 ./3-&# -. Savi znz-.y havedecided75;;now 5 Av/Al1'ich_ scholaxjship to take,_ H =ai¢' $<.=h<.><>1 s*=1'!=~~$h*>%'.¢'. =i!11}f jF - " W -" '_=»~..._._._.,.,.=~ 11 nian Date: Edltiqn: D3 9&# Author: @{=XiXPub. :Assoc: .Stu.~~ i§.¥§¬Xdents of the Ihoi. ? Calif.- 92 ,1,1m=o:-wvrxon CONT§INED ;;:T; 1% uvcmss1Fm! . A 0.-92I'E__°92:?9T§1? ;?BY$4l- =V ;;_ Character: Of Class! ilcutloni . F,  51?; v~ .2? >3 ' -r SubmttunqOffice: C] BelnqInvestigated /"°<~~"'*°6°-a?77 5 s ;ARCHED .......4 pywgvgg ,T* - scnmuzzn v§{;rfLg{{_ -xiv! mas _ FBI--SAN FRA ¢/ _ _- m '* ' . or'r|a:w..uo. roam no MAY SI! EDlTlGi GSA 5%. REG. NO. 17 92.-- Em-92°'I-4 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT C2"»?_V; Memorandum To SAC, . - 11/2 NEW YORK 00 u9s1> DATE, fnsctassanzo s/as BY FROM C"pLs/=.c, rFRANCISCO SAN 59¢ COMMUNIST PARTY I??? SUBJECT USA IS -C ' - ' W" bl R .- ms TY the San Al-L ;;.""=»='.*%.92.. NTAINED _H1353!?-_1.-E as llllllll"11 before any type of case involved were of .t SISLED ' INFORMANT ~»~-<= Francisco ice v_&!l 1 _. security informant o d' dth a th as avise eis ' not W1 '11 ing to testify hearing board but would testify in asubstantial of natu and testimony would be ofmajor importance. court if the the informant's The informant desires that his identity be concealed and his relationship with the Bureau be maintained in strict confidence. He should be described as a con ' ential source who has furnishedinformation reliablethe past. in % A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the offices designated and to San Francisco files in which the informant has furnished information. _.,_ : ff» :!_' 2a Yor - New -.{.'~:',"=" 1. " II"1'? k _REC-3.! mm ,3? 1 6 D I ' :.'.1;} ;_ iiib bl, Search!"' --- 1? ' b'>° S5135-92¬d86~"_. ,..-out M681 -"""" ~;__,,,,;§l -,-» ~~ Heci.-----7"""_'7'' M 4-150 rm. ta-14-ea! I .xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF XXXXXX INVESTIGATION I-"OIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Pagewithheld s! entirely atthis location inthefile. One ormore ofthefollowing » statements,where indicated,explain this deletion. Z! Deletions were made pursuant totheexemptions indicated below with no segregable material availablefor releaseto you. ectign QQ2 D b!! 1:1 b!! /U D D b!! ct b!! B! D u>t2> D b!! ta b!! C! U mm b!! D! U tt>t2> D b!! El b!! IX .tt>>te> D D d!! 1:1 b!! E! D mo! 1:1 b!! F! El 00! t:t b! 8! D 13 b! 9! El k-X6! k!l Dmm information pertained only toathird party with no reference toyou or thesubject ofyour request El egtion §§2a _ Information pertained only toathirdparty. Your name islisted inthe title only. Documents originated with another Government agency These ies!. documents were referred tothatagency for ies! review anddirect response toyou. Pages contain information furnished byanother Government agencyYou ies!. will be advised by the I-Bl as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the otheragency ies!. ti--_ Page s! withheld for thefollowing reason s!:__ L--_ El For your information: _~_ Mia The following number isto be used forreference regarding thesrpages: g SF /oa.5'7d£.0-.271 //6-5. 1+3! D IOODOCX 7999994 IOQDOCX Rosenfeld II -- 11/9/B7 Request. o£1.z'rzt> PAGES! x NO DUPLICATIONFEE x FOR rt-tts PAGE x BI/DOJ I 4-150 Rev. 12-14-as! I ' ' 1. r XXXXXX rxxxxxx XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED _L BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. SHEET or more of the following E/Deletions weremade pursuant to the exemptions indicated below withno segregable material available for release to you. 546! E1b><2> Section 552 E1 <b><1><A> Section 552a E1 b><v><B> U d!! ErtF>T?><c! El<b><v><n> E1 b!! U J'!! U l<!! [I l<!! El U b!! E] KX3! E1 <b><v><F> [1 k!! , E1 E] b!! Cl E1 <b><v><E> hrs! El k!! Cl mo! [:1 KX5! U b!! U <!! El Information pertainedonly to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. __._.i-» Information pertained only to athird party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation El with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld For your for the information: "The following following reason s!: _ number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: I . I &# > -' =1'¢,<"=r? 1 =6/ Director, FBI 00-443052! 11/30/65 00-443731! ___ EJW ' 4- Q-.L __.__ P°?*i 34?*° l ¢15§%?§°§°? ' :25? ;1*<'%;£s _. . ._ _ ,_ K: il_x.. i v A .. __, J" .- _ 1, ' y,.. '2 '92 ». ' - ':,'5,» .; ,' mnlo nomrarsAv10f" , ' 'su c -an 9292.~ 1 s x 4I "_ I ~- .' . 1 . v _ .. -ii!. ..--,,, suzmmxa SAVIO su-c . .W ,- .' .1-0:-2:5; ':.v,/J' -,-.1»-'; 92;.~..;-. '-*~92~ .~ v-.~ ,..: :---?.,7-~ 7 7"?-¢ ..~ ' .yr».1-Wm -11-!-'$ ' :'*i"¢ 4353°-T- 3?-3fi1_ »'» .00: sr! 00-54060! 00-54266! ._ _ 1 L.~ . ~ aw? .=:.%* |' »492n.92&# .~,¢ . ..1:"; :.:¢"_; pw!/y bx ,_."e=-- -_-:1 5:» -" iv ,»;,:=-z_ ~ Z. ~'&er-» 3 ~ Bureau ncls. i - Liaison 1 ~ Landon sent 6! P direct! :¢. _} . !!!cm "~/£~i/ Eff-31%;; .- ...»,»;;;,_ . by_-.$,.4l1i§;Q»Qf/7"! L Desiassiiy om923%?!h i_',_.: '.-».¢g=»:< I , ,_!f AT.-I:~I2¬F'37."Z?-§ATIO{~¥ COHTALNED 92 3-L '-'--.-,~. . . _ £1 lid ¢5bCLAS3IFIED U392'Zi * '92. .' _ .._92..,._ .__, I _ I.-1;:-.~~!~;A 4:K' 4 ¢ ._,_ <~ _ ,1 .} 1- 1: *, ; 1;;-._ _N¢_._.i._,_,,_,_ ».'~",. -, E,~:-.92. , 1. SEARCHED i¥§§XEU ,_ . .. 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Your name islisted in the El Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished title only. These documents were referred by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: information: For your g/ / I]/'1'é following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: f ' / : <* ' 1 ' % alt! I»iT!A[ SAC , PI!!8.WRH00~11¬>'y'f;! 76» F bah % ~ 2@*>'* ~35-A 12/7/° gU ammo:-2% arm» V% % g ..:-- , 65 % DEC mama swans:-era W._ 'Y . _1; $030II IIIIIQIIQQ I bi, Agentaacaiviagz 57D P11: :.@¢¢r._:.¢-Fm 100-11E>'I':~1.A-114 ' Source: an afastivlty Rte Boeaiwulz .1q/4/as jun 9 ? ac, I! arm-arm» in this in cuaaaimted,are mustbe nureiud ta: cumal tbridaatity at the source. 57¢I Copies atmuacne have been éuigmtod forthetile:cl . the ergnniatloanandisnuviduala hereinaftermantis,-ma. Theshavemuraa, Him "' Le Lnturmtian in the pan, furnished A at and er anrot_urnod.§ 92 -v ._._} ." §§ ,!_.;t3. "'1: 1 ~ Pittsburgh 3 - mmzs ¢;..,: ' 512 -1'5, 5 6 Lo: Angola H! . 100363&8 {IE C7;ff? mi: ALL I ' non corrrmmn :33-.3.-I!SQICLASSIFIED _.sacmu xx Y-"'»== ,' _/ 0:";szr;n' ' -____._,A,-,.»,=~-§ K/;»f-$8'l'lD¢1II0 " 1oo~ SE,*92_&z_1§'1§?iéu ' bsxso 4-rsota-ta-as! Rev. ' xxxxxx XXXXXX . XXXXXX rtznzrtat, BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION rotrm n£t.t:n:n net»: ratronttuvrrort sneer XPage withheld s! at location this entirely the One file. inmore ortheoffollowing statements, where indicated, explain this dE1EI10"- El Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available forrelease toyou. ectign §§2 egtion §§2a D b! l! 12 b!l EJ tum E3 b!! D b!! b!! A! D d!! b!! B! U OX2! b!! ¢! D RX!! b!! D! El l92f!! b!! E! D R!! b!! F! El 00! b! 8! D k! $! b! 9! D |<!! 8tarts! E] D RX?! information only pertained to athird party with no reference to you or the subject your of information pertained onlyato thirdparty. Your name listed is the in title only. Documents originated another'Government agency ies!. documents These referred were to that agency ies!forwith review and direct response you. to request _ D D Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency You will be ies!. advised by the FBI as to the releasability this of information following consultation our with theother agency ies!. i- in-_-_ Page s! withheld for thefollowing reason s!: D For your information: W1 121 The following numbertoisbe used reference for regarding these pages: SF /oo -5</040 -,2i/ m DDDDOCX 7990994 Rosenfeld II- ll/9/B7 Request. JOOODCX r DELETED PAGE S! X NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THISPAGE X Bl/DOJ ' O FD-36 Rev. 5-22-64! I . 1I I FBI Dme= 2/1s/ss- Transmit thefollowing in i. vm" AIRTEL ' -_<-._._-.-.__.._-.._ ' TO: I ~,~ Type inplqingexq or code! __ _4 . -_-.,-__-__ . FROM: Priority! SAC, NEWYORK SAC,SAN FRANCISCO ~~ ' =. ».,, 1,.I SUBJECT:MARIOROBERT SAVIO aka Robert Richard Savio . SM ' "5-.12; 1. NY I c >4¬%1oo~s4oso! SUZ Suz SM 100-15 . R189! .___-_-.-..¢-T~_ ANNE SAVIO .. ,;.._ .~ ' I v I nee .._<.. ' '". "YF-_:92: ",,»_~.=_., '1& ma > ': -.,l'.&# '4 " "ii . anneGoldberg ' ' L. SF I77-IX - C. -~-I--'r~e.92.1!.'{{F,I-I CC3I'1';:*92I¬192*3*9. §?i¢*,'1é'";cLAssIF EDF? "' NY100-54266! -T v . e I 4 -.. . »- l92»:._->=1 -v-r .._ -V-~."' 1:12,-I-.¢;§ ' .' .> The following is being setforth for the information of SanFrancisco' ' A I 92_;,4 -' F-,8 ' _: Q. _. £%$ i, i:-- ~12" 1 1'. ;1i=;':£~ 1:5,--5*" 2-New York 5 _».4»e . I: -' ,,. HP §.*v}=,;25 -_!~:92+-# ' lggsan Francisco RM!Ap,Qy? I i¥__~.. . * ~~ Q._ 2-. ; 492 .--_ ' "1-~_ 92j __ f~;~-.__' - -2 . ».,.-,. ~=.t;,-$7.; ' _ -1-»I-_ -J; _ ....e_..._.~_>e -Z vi? I~. 5;"a.»'.».» { '..;__,;_:,_:.§_;.~_ ~.->1 4 ».. ~. :-' 4-150 Rev. 12-14-as! I 1O XXXXXX - .5 92 F XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL FOIPA DELETED Page s! withheld statements, where entirely at BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION this location indicated, explain in the file. One SHEET or more of the following this deletion. -/D¬leti0ns were made pursuantto the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. mt?! El<b><2! Section 552a Section 552 E1 bra! U b!! A! U d!! [:1 b!! B! [:1 j!! E-1»-*?!! C! U l<!! '<!! E1 E1 b!! D! E1 <b> v><E> U k!! E1 <b><7!<P> U l<!! E] b!! E1 b! 8! [:1 <!! E1 b!! E] b! 9! E] KX6! E] E] E] E1 b!! U k!! Information pertained only to athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. i-_-_-i Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. D title only. These documents were referred Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: 92 For your information: XXXXXX 52>; /m>»s'l/oeo» XXXXXX "l"he following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 2;/3 I . ' OP1'|ouAL 1-mm no. so MAY IN! EDITION -W-u-0' ,_ _ CS4GEN. REG. NO.Z7 ' UNITED STATES I GOVL92NMENT ' Memorandum T° = DIRECTOR, FBI 00-443052! "Am 1/31/as l 00-4437319- mm DLEGQT, LONDON oo5o!'wc! /"b ._ > ~ »~-___._____ '/xfanxo SAVIO 31ROBERT TI;;"Q MR ,1! ;0§f9292/ I0 SM":-"'C'""""""""""~= 77 - ____ - SUZANNE SAVIO SM - C 00: SF 00-54060!0054266!' Remyletll/30/65, There are ~_-_:_. I-IL .- bemg reopenedreceipt upon additional of informatiomw 5 M ,;*;,g@= 9mm>z>¢.§/ C a'ss§5<->55 ee A1,: II~7F9?:£.92'IIO-N comsam On: OM35 -.-.--.=~=,+-.2-sn"11'=11J./ aqlI U . ~~' ~--= -.. 1»».A~ n.' .. :- _ 1 ,3 =5-;~3i¬£:£ ;>;iU3'i§ ~I. ¢_.. :- 92 ..--... -- I 92, .. I . ' , -~~~-~_ F-->, .='§"-'T '~;-i*'f :1": 1 .' _. _ V-11*-5 _.';.~. .' 21 1- 92 4 /Q, ,>/ ' Bureau Encs.. -Liaison London 5._ ; .' /- se"n1:-" Qlreet! Enc. ._¢92 92 '¢ K "1 =5? kQC* !!!ec , """ r~92Ao /75 5"-= -of " '9 I, '§_'[ F, 92fT_ ~ ; I . _' ' '1] -Y q I' /''.;..92-£1; 92;»92.}i' F. -"I.' ~-_ F§= " V 76 . P § Director, Q F81 00-443052; 100-443731! _vlagat, idle ~Q04306! BBQ§-I 2/28/66 ammonoun-runto an "' C' SUZANNE BAYIO SI - C O0: San Francisco! Baliulet dated 9/29/65 and Legat, London, let dated 1/31/66. concerning ' future, t the advised. ! acts received Buraau nnd interested by the Home Office in offices will Pi! the be promptly I ~¢;~.., KNE3 69* _ 2* >,_,¢__,~,92;i. >15. a Q1 Elba, pm»W. -A.~.-a-tr-1=P~=. 5%"-* §;z~§::iéa wtqqbxgbldgr -' , ti I E92 92[ / s;1§~<33~:r».~>*~ » 4° _ _ ve°"°¬ r IF t // /3 1,; ' 5151?-> 0- am-an _" 7570183 ¢ '*-=. rill-IQ?---.<~*~-92 ' ' &- Baa Pranciscoi 00-$4080: 100-54266»-@=;»~ 4"Y zoo-1306! 1 - Bone »w= . 4»; M " - 57° 4 /00 - .- A. /r ~_ 54/04, 0 ~,2a>{ 9 5-101 Rev omcvmmm an nu roman on cm. us. uo_:1 55! . _ UNITED STATES /' sow-we GOVERNMENT lemorandum TO . P Di t , FBI Atzzritgn : 11%.: -4 w} -. >53 1-":96! r"; Q .4457 _. r~~¢'92 '_.J .,...->_ in "7*.5 , altKr 4 . !DATE: Legat, Paris 1004369 ILIIO IQIRT ! 2,1445 m ! 5 81710 IUZAIIISL710 BI ~ C 0: San Iraacia ET 424 a .' "2:%i~°%v pertinent '92 ~,__.-_. -0!-n fa £5! ... 92-.A cs" |»-I ;~.' ui,. " N .-if -."" I '1; 92:::;f 4*£3 Remarks: T: ¥.-1 >...i> background data this nutter is 5 - Braau ~ being placed in - Liaison lac A #438. -1: -1;. an on "' - 1°"-5°.§?~.;1°@~§£@66 1 i I O Q V,4 U. S. M E GOVERNMENT M O RA ND U M TO: FROM: RE: SAC, SAN FRANCISCO DIRECTOR, FBI MARIO ROBERT SAVIO, CONHDE W1 DATE: 3/21/65 aka SM C O0: San Francisco BU 100-QU3D52 SF 100-SH060 . SUZANNE SAVIO, Suzanne Goldberg _' nee SM C O0: San Francisco BU 100-#43731 SF 100-SURGE. =1- .. <_a --r~ h. -JSAS9 .B *°##S¢Y .. _ "7@51 "-¢~_ Re Legat, forLondon, to Bureau da d 1/31/66 Enclosed Newletter York is one l! photograph and New Subject York airtel of eam to San Francisco dated 2/16/66. .'. 2,;~~&# 3% vi 92. $3; £31 Q I or -Bureau RM! -New Angeles RM§ & Haven RM! -New York Encls. - San 1 Francisco -Los 1: .5651 -9 =3, _ _4?>.¢1 92{ 2! RM! -sea 1o0~su0so~/77 8!"*=1 100-suza ~ =-.4 3- 1.._.: --§'**' _ 35"; _. A"§'§R _¢ ' -_,.,,§_~;~.i 7,:-ii: b" --?;..;',,,.~,_;u1 ?§§ _é & -L; %~_~,_ _;j-_ -j;_1_-.-'g__/_ ":1: ~______"* _..$. _.; 1*"_' ' _ 7= '--~'--_,-~_---3;-~ -»1~»~~---__ 7; »-~ >______ ____ _'" *' "T rfi .'.__. i~_~_-_1-|- _c 5 _.____,_...._ i_- .-. .,..._. . ._ ._ .,, - .. __,___._ ,___,_,_.,________._--' ._... z I -l__.___. _.. ..-.._.__=_.. ..__._____._.._____._.._. _......=!__._=.'_. . ., ._. M..-_. .____.._4.____._...i_. ._. ._._.__. __.. . __ ._. >_-.=.u=n.;=-; 7. _=~_.__., -- . . __._ 92,-_.=;=._a.;.=l_r¢ __.u=.==-==,..;.l _-. _..._.-_.15..-.__ __-.»:~ ,- a_.__ ll =3: . ,.... .. V. .___ I».___.4 . . ._,_-_ -92¢"¢92_, _.__,_.., ~':~* ' 4 ..,=92_.1 _.,.._ _.__ .. _;_ V-_.-= Q._. ==-1-=. ..= . _..._~..s=e=¢-_u_~;_- ._... ~.._.._ I 1. -Ii? 1 M w »»; N '3F -=_92 ~92 00-5"050_.__v V;@ ,. ' All 92O¬92 f'¢wWQ '"j.f,__ ' M '"" "" '" f M &=~"**.~_':~.i .1, J x~*i s92_~_ '"' " '"' "f'"""_'"" -9-e in _i-_m _l-1i1 QM! ' ' ' ' '~"_"_.' v'. WF 1.,§__i W 5- §a=:~-= ;-':"*»e- .4§~.'~ .- .-/A sex-.1 ' i. 1 i .1". Egggi 24;; r, "-. KNIGHT THOMPSON aconfidantiof noted -2-x' ,92. .-.- !!,,_.. this office to be during the trials mass trials ..-_~ -. -. . 1 from in Be of the SAYIOS r. was MARIO and SAVIO and other. . defendants in keley Municipal Court in the ¢ /en 3 1965 resulting tsi the arrests at UC Agents of SU -i 2 AH7" Berkel D gr; +--:2 ~| ~_»v =r;'__;. .-M-. Iaz?.,_I ~__, ._s Confidential sources alerted to in the vs. notify San Francisco and informants this office of the Division if have presence of been the SAVIOs and when they arrive ¢. 92 I 1 X] in Berkeley. It is noted that both SAVIOs and particularly MARIO SAVIO received a great amount of newspaper publicity, including photographs and television appearance; and MARIO SAVIO is well known in the Berkeley and found area. to be negative for the _ 10'? T »~t i ea * - Tiiliqee >1 **>v '¬II];§*tamm T?tit""~ -_., ' 7 "3-nil? c v~~§'-~~~»~~§-+;~;%;*#}_;___;_*__~ M "i,_; 3gg,M .~ " ~»» -#if' - :~x~e- M A-~¢;e~@¢ h ~__-___-. 5! P0 5 ' ;__;~;_ _ 920>m fl: ~ ~ - » p:--'--:' --e~:Z.T:~.._::.;t::::::;;;, .:._;":: ;:_""r -.-?:,:."~_'::"-T§5~~:' 1- ;,;-'~-»~ ,_. ;__. ._. . W ~-" ~-- »-- e -- » ~~ L i . Y; ;'>~~ ~~~m~ -~- ~-_, _ ~7 > . -_ 5 .Wli __. . .__.. _, 7':-:_7Z'-';&# __»_ ~ of NARIO SAVIO'S, RICHARDGOTARD,W ';78=60266th*Street;~floral~Park,~Long~Island,~New~York,;__;_ll_ll;il E5 Q =x -" that hARIO:and;SUZAhNB_SAVIO ~~7g+f7 Pvisited with an uncle ee_s Nfuzssz It~1s-further noted ,.,rA ~._ M land before their time with RICHARD departure from the U. S. had spent some, GOTARD. ' ' "" "'t*" __ ' L42; 1,. _ .+_.-_____ Efforts Berkeley, are continuing to locate the SAVIOs at California. " An LHMsetting out return of the Subjects to the U. S; is being held in U. S. is verified. ' abeyance until their presence in _ the ::'-- LEADS 92Z6'§12"'";. " * ml. .1» §'._; e, _. e , LOS ...; -J . A . ..iI ' §= i 2 s ! if e 5 . k to locate Subjectaat ANGELBS Floral Park WE» A AT GLENDORA4CALIFQRUIA: and through s attempt Subjects" are-presently attempt .-, will address. contact to determine with visiting will any logical the present attempt with MARIO to determine SAVIO'S parents neighborhood sources whereabouts of the captioned individuals. if ATwEsTPoR';_,__cor~n;1-:c'1";cy'1'= will attehlpt to determine the captioned visiting with individuals have visited SUZANNESAVIO'S parents. or are presently _ Y -"1 ii -.,- ¢ , r ' '- 9 w. ¢v <-r.fl , U. S. M E onei-* 92n;%* GOVERNMENT M 0 R A ND T0: SAC, .=92-"* U M SAN FRANCISCO IQO-52152! DATE: 2/10/66, PM SA_17<' ' SUBJECT: sns '1; IS -C DECLASSIFIED BY DOCUMENTATION: Y_°" A 21/as 11* 59/ bb K forth verbatimsubsequent on ispage areport by b1<> "'above, the has been thoroughly questioned concerning furnish no additional pertinent RECOMMENDATION: All necessary action information. has been taken. . -1--,3-1f;T_92?-ITR-"-SE9 '.2;_;__=,s:21av H C » P ~" ' d~~;50W3 "§ 9553 11;m;§§; *3 * L{7CL Read by Revl _ .¢ ;g 1- Searched .nb2 ;;;, ISerializ 57? Indexed , iled FEB 10, 1966 FBI -San Fran A Ave R b7¢' c }»{};*.}r. ,i;*;";@~~, ~15: 1. "-.v _:__>-- _ 4~1so n-14-as! nu. .xxxxxx XXXXXX l , FEDERAL nunuu rote». ntztcrzn _L aooooot or 1r~tv1:s'nc1mor~t nor: INFORMATION sneer Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. Oneor more of thefollowing statements, where indicated, El explain this de1¢l10- Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for releaseto you. ection §§2 El two! El tum! D b!! E3 tum D <t>><s! ectign §52a b!! A! U d!! b!! B! El J!! b!! C! D RX!! b!! D! El k!! b!!1! Cl k!! b!! F! El k!! b!! El k!! b! 9! El k!! B . b!! El k!! D Information pertained only a to thirdparty with no reference to you or the subjectyour of request 1 El information pertained only to athirdparty. Your namelisted is the in title only. Documents originated with another Government agency These ies!. documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. D Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency You will ies!. be advised the by FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheld for the following reason s!:g cm. Cl For your information: I8 The following numberto be is used for reference regarding these pages: SF /00.5"/0&0-.2!! /4,2, X XXXXJO 3990994 Rosenfeld II --- ll/9/87 Request. !OODOD DELETED PAGE S! X NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE X F Bl/DOJ " J_ . cf , I 1% . 1»/7/65 . AIR MAIL REGISTERED! ; AIRTEL __",~; 1» .-.- y e1-..»iv-1%~ V"*~ 131.; -e-F-"T _,, at ».T7 *' i TO DIRECTOR, FBI FR OI-'1 sac, LOS ANGELES §157~98-H:-! _ rwc} _ -' -921oo~68211! RUG ; ,= MARIO ROBERT 'sAv1o, aka SUBJECT sz»/1 ~0 00: SA392I.~FRANCl'SCO BUFILE 2 100-1+1:-305 suzzgmilrs SAVIO SM C ' 00': SAN FRANCISCO /3UP-ILE: 100-1+1:-3731 fl Re San Francisco letter to Bureau dated 3/21/66. _' .~:»92j :5'  ; ..-_.;l _ ~ 6 Bureau New York Info! San Francisco _ ALI.pysom-z:92TI02: CObITl§_IbEQ #5 ¥&# 4E 2 100-511226; **'**#='5Ji~g3-B~ Los Angeles ""' .- .:»3§ ~.,,,,_= l.=.._ 2 '77"! mg 5 =>.. 3 L 1:. F C/_ 1 _,ss:.acneq___. -._.; 30/f%3' SER!.~.LiZEJ_; a 920 5' . ~- | ~ ~~~ I - .>-.:-1:1 ' y :'~ 1145 ..<.~". 4 .. H 1.' ' I ¥ 3 2 1 LA 157-984 LA 100-68211 i LEAD . , ~~ :5! SAN~FRANCISCO _Ag? _BERP@LE_Y,_,CALj§§ORNlA_: D_ei;e_rmine: through neighborhood sources if the SAVIOS can be located 29074 Adeline, Berkeley, California; at 5, 4-I ~=-.~ -3% :7-*1 i~92¬ .~".,.» 4_ .-,1? .~é W -_' _ £3 v£%* .. +:~. Y -E-2& ;,__=_. .1 5 iz;-35,15 e ,/1 ,=..~_ *"_i. so. 5:-i1"_*& . .y.__1.;, , ,'. .frI! W414 1,2.» ,."=;!~. .;. -" >¬ . n2 Q ._ ._. ....,_._.»..___ __...~.__... ._.-_.,....._o._o_-..., .._._ ..,. ,_ _v____ __ -iLe"eé fr 4,. -' . 3: 4;-,-. :¢~ P $*$B sac, 1:..v, _ u--'IQ ,92% ,.,. W I*.< ;_g:,,:.,, 7... fa ,.§:f_..;. ;_ -.~_-_-...,'1 _ -~. *-.' .. ~.e~..' .__-__»-. ';"n" :_1,_. §%§¢ .'.' '-§£.-:1.-21>; ¢z~ae~; . .. .:" -V _-;,,_,, -3 . ft!:-Jo J _. aw kfvcl 4/5/66 nnw uavzu 03-18337! uanzo aoaznw SAVIO, aka an - P! , c' O: SAN FRANCISCO! Bufile: 100-443052! SUZANNESAVIO, nee Suzanne Goldberg 3 - u 0; c __ saxrnaxczsco! Re: SanFrancisco letter '°Y§TICH CUNTAINEQf _ 1;;-2". *=LA'SSIFF.F.D _ q g8 Iv-H»:»;»3~ Bu£11e:loo-44213;! "'1' H ~30 ."i.1_,i_-¢- -, DIRLCTQR,rnx v :#a§§ "* _;_-' .!<" r.~ »s t '~£_§p| ---"Q- >0 /YY1;_ . to Bureau,3/21/66. _ i ha ii EQ,_ r no , 4: "92-.' , orma e .=;.<.-._4 _; ¬§¥§ no fidenceas the people in each others buatnoaa . _ | ¢»~2 _: Q ~1 sax FRANCISCO -8-.1.-IL ATi Ban Francisco' Cali! it 4*-g E732 .~ ~~¬ __.__- inioxma in the area were on on be trusted t they to maintain knew a con- 0 very gossipyand interested l£1D 9257* YYYD __ I111 forwardto New llavenphotographs anddescriptions of captioned subjects. A Bureaumi! SanFrancisco R 42 - 100-54060! Z-New Haven ' |91":v ' " "~>'_-;_"i& -7»' sE.=::.z=.L::ss;{;<_:_ 92 * SEARCH-TI! > ' 92D"1¢/ I l .4 - 311 100-18337 w'5J:f& N m.4s#&;~ ' Y-.'__-1 -J.< ._-7' I-~;»;-1 »~¬<fT> -&¢ ~ . ' drill N Aft ¥!estP_oz.ftW,_MCgng:' _- . '- ' *" °°'°" '--' W W? ' ~ 57 N11":1.;5<-M? ~ kw ,2 G *.;~_iii}-E .1-@ . . . =4: ~' -,.»-5,. ---,»_ .1, F ",:n»-~§  ;./~ '--4-E .. 7, ' .>:-. or:.-92-.;..&# Lsgr; -3:» . _ . -r»_!.»& q. o._._ >.51 I4 ;_;...~..» ~.{= -51;: 1- ~*;g:.="&# "1; 51» ;_¢?;".,-9_ L4<-.1 :5-'9 . ¢ ~. i= ">~*-:' . ; *1;;;:; -__" .,.  -_ .. :~ av. t ':. ----1;- ; 92 Q " _f"¢,"92-. _,,_ "3; 11: . JL1»-r~-;= I .. .' ' z. 15 "!-v9i:_.=!~<~>1= .,-' <1¥l"2;-P = -2- H/18/66 {. AIRTEL_z.;<, ~ wQ, ;i_,=;1~-MIR~»~nse1srsnsn¢~¢i--, .. , -.-. .. '. * 1--i .1., . -. ~ x H-~_ , ~-;-_ 2* -<> ".1-~l - ->' -In '~ .;._ -. »-' W, Y_-l *-- --.' __.~ -. _-;j~' _ 1:0 A_ . I » ~ 2.. I ', ~ < :z' ~ "E-* -'* ;_~ ~ ' - -if-1 ..'_ > ,_< _ >.V "- / »-ma.-> .,,_>.~__ 2-=1 DIRECTOR;-' rBx~'bolansos2> *5» .§~"§_@=~~_ ii_;»1O0f%373l! » J3??? L V. ,'. -.-:'.; »rRon 1' SAC; . A §E . *-> '1 , ":'§ P --_" '_~ >5-'1 I "" '.;»; »~_ -. ~- s, ,:.1,:"»" ._ _ .-_~. 3*5 .-. ' -. - :6. I 2 ,_ k_ __:j_y,:_ - . 1-_»~¬ .- -;.,-__ ,1. - . .-J" _41 ' * .":.'-as ...-.-.2 .,~ '.* Q1 '~.-_-'. ' ..'.~'.~. 2 -92 1? @"= %%?~ . 00-snzes! 1. .»-2*' 1 '-&#  . maze Roa£Rr,~§Zv10,M§u<aV. ' '1 j V~ 1V IS ~c _' _ »",-;~~;._ J}T-».tnJ ' - '>»~ '.,_;. .,.: _;E_f' ,/ »-suzmmn ,._s'§vIo T*F**'f?-1?-;:-' SM ~ ¬ ___i_ L éé§3i¢i§ U§GYpS£EiED$% fr? / oo "am: V ,_. ... 2-zumclsco - -' X, .1 ReLos Angeles airtel to Bureau H/7/66 and San Franciscoletter to Bureau, copies to NewYqrk and Lea _ Angeles, 3/21/86.. ,; " * .- V i , '» > 5:':&# *5 _ ?Q§@? '7 :1: .__,- j§,j,,-=jf.¢{§ .' 1 eta t ther of these newspapers during the Frgo SpeechMcvementcontroversy at UC, Berkeley. - .efforts to .' 1 J addresses. _ 1 Q» -...l , =a?; u '5 All lpgical contacts have been made15 Berkeley In ' 1qga¢eWSAYIQ ;}~ . p;t§ nagatiye reaultg. . .' , .?1,1 - --P 1 ,-;;§>4* . I .' - i 5% "1;! ' 5& ._. .»_~9 3-92 w NewYqrkad§isé'Sé Fr§ncié¢o%ré§ulti§fAc§tacti;h = : 'I&# INS' Searche-J...._._...4..;..... ..... .._. ~n an 1- Bureau AM REG.! ' _ mro! AM REG.! ° Loa Anggles 51-sen!00-se2 1 San Fr _cisco New York i$¬;??*5ii"" ° "~~~'~~*-~~--'----&# AM r¬S£°&-:!---~**--9:3/ Pyw _ /61-05</each»:-9% I0 - s v 1' n sac, mzw1-um-:uoo-18337 ! V29/56 ft,;;_>.~=--1"-2.'* :¢-,- _f 3 f.;_'. ~|~ ._.1 5,~.a _~.~4__~:,.-7 ,'.,;;.-._.._.,Q___ ,_,..,, q-1', f. ._A.. .._ ' _.-- _-' ._.i,=;.~,._»_.,,,,92-,~'n A ,.__, --~-. . ~=.;, ---1. -: .,= »!-92'~ -<.,< -~-.':~ ;_, -._ _~ _ .. ,__ 55-.- =--.:;.; ,~.. _* =..:= .4*'=-.~-»' 11* 92., 4 "' _~l. "Y -~ -e __ ,,,_, "' ' -,2 / * 1 92 -I "5 . ». -- _:§~u...-: ., v.-,_,. ~~§' - ~54. , mdiwitsooeg-§ '0; " v %V ~ - » __ ' » ~1!92 : ;,'._ 1.__,. ~.~, - --V. Q D66 _ ~ no _v _ :,;__ ._ .92 " -» 4_ .-'» ~ _ 92l ~ "P-R16RQBF-R-I BAVIQ am, ;r;~1;15i?... ~ . . .,--~_ , 7 .3; W gzange Goldberg '~. Z:~ . , to the Bureau _~ 7 .. _. 3 J92,._,_.?w% -i'if,. v.ii. ~.:< :u.». > - ' qam a/5/65, _ .. ' _ {Enclosed fofltheuseoftyew Favéizre of Eliecap'oi.oned_ ixxdiyiduals . "_ A3-. -=' . Re New Haven letter _A _ _Y-f'__~-, 92" via; 1.-R~:..92 _. ._-r ._ $4 , ,1-»,_; ;_-, ~' I v-*-2* ZS ,5-_...- -.Y: BUZAHHK SAVIO; "~~ ' 1- =. J3 V -+~"> l . __ I ,_, . ;;.<.,.;__~& _ .*~:"~& - ' -!921 . <.'7;1-,;.-. -'  3"! .--~ _ '-a 2-NewHaven &:.c1a. 2! 2-San Francisco J ; _.,1~' . _> , ,.,,.».;,/A-W. . TION CONTAINED ' ;>..4;.. ~ B§.é'Q_'..;"".G.:9 ' »-u&# I E? YA "* FT SLASDI moE?* . -:~>;>§& ~ hi .1: 2" -'. /< . . / L/ .. 4 " -,. .{V 1. ,<.-_=* .<_922 :#r~;. ,1, >1 1 ~ 59.8¢cn¢,;;_ _ ..<.A*. - -: -. 'éi~~.v-ai.# a**fi1e.1..16* 3-"*5-".i:r?:_ig__ mm , _ 92 92__L____ ¢~ I/J . /£4 >~ V_,<9 0 __ ~': »;/2 1-7{~'%_§'/%/56._,'>£< /u Q 0 Iv + aL '1 9292 92o92/ V _:__ ~- .-~ .',r~: ..5:Jq§_ >._;> . ,5»,5 c .- LIiP -'J-, .-3 , _;n1re¢t°?? F51 I lQ°¢443553»l¢5§4§3731¥ §i§ *;. 5/10/66_§ . , ' -; -- ' =,» -' ~'-' - . _ "' -~ ~ - - ' ."-.'_ ;.> .. - .1 Legat@ ypndon ?Qo;3a5o!¢»yc! -. "r ; -~ ~" ~1~;--§» ' " -. 4 . 3~_ - ' I - . _ _ =.<_.-. §MAR1o ROBERT SAVIQ _ ;§ ~ sm - c_ - :~»1-=I -- Y » ¢é§;£ - ~ " -1 4- 1-: ~?~- _.<.,'. - _. . ;f<z-._i»_-_>.L--r4... :~"F*.?,e-.1 ->-.4?" ~;» -1. - I SUZANNESAVIO j ... . sm - c » O0: SF 00-54060! - .-. ;-_ -55>??? 1; LY - -5!.; 55'=~"f "' :, 5:-~'¢1"- _;;.;=:f - 00-54266! RaeLega'§_, London lett___e_r 1/31/66.,___ . I .~. -.' Y _. 1,. ."_ .V _ . I u.Y. - :92~"fii-»:-*.: -:~ ~:_._ . E25 V,.5-J 4 % , ~' Bureau - Liaison London W ' ' "- ! k>92 - ,,r sent dir_e<;t! ' '- " L-_ <; " .9, -~_= _- $.54 I- :~2 }-~:~2"..' :11~_1%.:5-7"" k-T41 :.. -W.~' _ ":1-é-:4 00:1-§.m1:r"¢J74 .1"--Ji';.-925SZEI31Il,/J j___v_1, ,'_.._.. ¢_,i__-Hm . ;'_"" " =_4=¢v. 92;.?¢~f__~ : ;~ -2 _..' y-."~.> ~.~?&& "' - :.1,: L'rlI-$;& ,,. : __J. ._ - - @@z§§@ :' 1_ 4,_ .- Q 1 z-Z-' _92 - >7. ,3-8! =4 ' L * §;;1.¢.§.;§:@@§ f=:w-$111-4-1-<4?-*". % % _. ? L % § v..,.*,- 1.. ~ -an:§3.5='i'?§92 %L §V,;~?_ " __ fqu. _4 : =;-13?: .. -*~ - .__ 4», »92 ._». .1 ~ R'_'_ '.. -, -.4 .-_ 21 -- as " -- ~. ._/ wn. 1 Q/ I::':.waw WA 92>1/ , »7/7..7 _/w /92J ~W<*+=~1->>;~::RLL?1>i5331L¢§l1115iJ§Zéé/é& i _ _________L*¢;L¥__* .- . FD~3e s-22-64! Rev. ;"~ Qy*1 .--* .' Q 5> I FBI Date: 5/23/66 Transmit the following in Type in plaintext or code! AIRTEL AIR MAIL Vm ->--'-_.,A____;;._.____,___ '7 _;,_,,__,,,_____, 7" Priority! _ REGISTERED cc__, TO FROM I 1"" 92a.v .,- at the Unlverslty o Physics or Mathematics. 5.. 2.. Bur 3_ 2 . 2.. New 1IA 1_ I Los 11_ Mew 1-f"." --_._._._-___-__...-..-_-._--.__.-_--_--_-.1-__ -"I". lg. 4,: . 5%? .i_' L' W? ' I3: 4 _r _ .1 C _L I 92 SF 100-5'+060 1 I | ! 1 ' 1 i 3.00-514266 /afp 92 1 '.: .T.-;.4;_; '9 --'-. I11' __--.2 _~ 9 $315!; The "Oakland Tribune" newspaper for Sunday, 5/22/66, carried abrief news item regarding the SAVIOs return to Berkeley and indicated SAVIO has stated he does not plan any participation in demonstrations or political activity. " On 5/23/66, MARIO SAVIO was teleohonically under suitable pretext by SA and SAVIO he plans to re ,., _ u ent at advised that Berkeley, in either Mathematics or Physics. 1,?-»._-wt-1& V .:1 . T.-; Mi; ; -M "¢37'T&# interviewed 92O~7<___ UC, SAFJIO stated .>'i:"__.: .-~,,._, he :_;.!.-_::;~_" > ,. ..._,,_ -r. .§"-*~!*.+1 ' ,2-'. 5- '-a does not plan employment at UC, Berkeley, since he would "refuse to sign the California Levering Act th" California loyalt oath!. The retext meat efforts to . New York, Los Angeles locate the SAVIOs. a10»; and New - -2*:-vi -».. Haven discontinue if I3 . =.-v_4-. ..*-2Art-::"', :2 -» -F . aqlk ' 5 P-3' . 1 f a .1. .._, ~.'.;7; 4 E ~<,;.~.. .- .-..,..~ l5, - 1 ._,_ ~.-a... .'-¢~!T+ . ,f5E'~;% '¢.' , ~_ 1,31 ' -_._-. ~ ' " + 1 _ __ FD-350 Rev. 7-i6-63! Q ' __' § I 4 Mount Clipping In Space Below! I-53-l 1.: -.~ ;,  e we ;£%e ' . $avi_o Applies p 551;- i l92"92l:' V- "I.-ii. _ ' Mario Savio, aleader of the now-defunct Free Speech Movement at the Berkeley ~ ~~ e indicate page, name of new spcper, city and slate.! P c am pu s, has applied for E .7~ ¢-=& '-&# ~_»3-9.;<£;g=5::" tr ' ,  1: readinissionto the University 4 ti. ~f11". r. ~§~ s 2*. of Caiit'0inia. %awo mm hm wne aft foiinner SiiIf*.!"~r?'g. ~ rv tuigned to Beikeley last wet-l~: at er spending past theyezir in England. Lt; on a _i. Before leaving teiicm.'siiip_ Savio said he planned to return and switch his major from philosophy to physics or mathematics. .J. ' _-.92 'ak» . The former leader of the; Free Speech Movement is A free on bail pending the ap- p peal of his 3 S.F.Chronicle conviction for § trespassing during the UC ; sit-in demonstrationsof 1964. j Friends said Savio intends to slay out of political a ~tivi~ iff. 92L- _ San Francisco,Cal?. 5:»:-., _,. F; , _¬:-4""? -.. _ 92tj":'  <;->.' A 5-23-66 Date: ._ 9~.-.4;>-1» ~~-rift-.92 f9292!l192AY?~F""' _»_1_,§_, L_:._'_l-_ ...'-.._>.r;I CLlll.Ll"..;.LU:=D -» 5 -' ' .~'_-. ' p-92 --92 4 .__ Zt,':.'..:.,.i.i'1 '-.:.-§.»lJ.~923JSli :;.3 _-92 _-~,¢' -_ 2;, 11% e _.>._&# 2 ~ -.n Edition: Author: Final Home Editor: Title: ii%i§1=§E8%°g ;. 14' 2 , .1 ' -92~*r< .>;. --31->I ::~w . ... .1.-.9; -as 1 #"§% Character: or 3 st f Class! cation: /40 §W@4@ Submitting Office: C] Being lnves iiqcxted u 5":g;=< ..» _»~»  : 7' .iI-Xe.» - SEARCHED if!" HID.-51-.iZi I L_______.__ ,¢,r// //Z671 §%@é0»9v> '1 @ FD~350 Rev. 7-i6-63! if 5 - l. W Mount Clipping in SpaceBelow! saaaiA5l¢"fRé-ed Mario Savio,now 23, the form-1 er leader of the Free Speech Nlovement at theUniversity of Q lifornia,hasappliedfor read- ngssion toUC, according tore» ' ; portstoday. ' - Friends say Savio, married to another FSM, leader, the former SuzanneGoldberg,and the father of an infant son,will stay out of political activity to pursue a degree inphysics ormathemaV by thousands; .. 1attended and hiswife left_Berke"-1 iéavioi returned toBerkeley . t, Savio - tu 1 h sam-é-~..1 ;--.."mt aw Us iii ieU 1' D ,, vCiimmittee celebrated its firstl anniversarywith a" -. ".__i.E:;._ :3 i-;_5;§."* L. ;3. ;»~%,-;I3.. . »..i-,,;;; _.-_;.~' :___|.i; A» T.1--.¢, . .*'.% 4..b,,;-§. #3. ..__ ,»t_'_ 92 eyshortly after appealing tlxeiri onvictions inthe rn ass ea sparse1y-at-ial of more than 700de in} tendedprotest rally on campus. arrested in theSproulal About 500personsturned out to strators of Decembei-,199264,l: hear a seriesof speakers.It was Hallsit-ins a year ago that the VDC spon¢> andlivedin England for a year.ii sored an lréesaabieml Days Of? or Protest" weekend on campus- Savio was back intown last? week and was said tobeintent on er:-:1;:e;£: indicute page, name of newspaper, city and state.! resuiniag his UC~§!,1.u1.ei gm >-r. -..-~;<~ .X ,-~.-.-.1-.1 '. "."':.. 14 _ , Q vi.0-921 -, ' . faé at =¢_ -:1 _ .u <.-, 2-.-r*-. 1 Berkeley Eamy gazette -;--_1 ;r=j_=g,q _ _ L-.4--5 ~~ wrniwb * * miao ~ . ;, _§e_rke1ey,Calif. an ;.01.t"1§!""4 Date: Edition: 92 Author: Editor: Title: 4Character: " or Classification: -1*-v1;; fun-f " .@.=. .- W-:,92 </_,-..-.,.,. ;s' ~;& 5; .» . t-.i_: r-2& ,e George '1; J?__ . §-""'-&# . - Dunscomb -;.-71&# __;,. l~:.~ .. i*e@ . . _7.._v;f_ Q »' .:"' ~. -.~_;;<u:1 -' ~1»~' =".4 "n> A. FD-350 Rev. 7-is-es! K w 4 ~Q ti U y MbuntClipping In SpcceBelow! Leading. thousands into Sproul-al theotjstuélgnts UC"a ' ' - sewer istrat.l0nbu1lding, e nighttf i Q 1>@.¢l-,3.498? sun almost we -i ed= A ."'J-';'._.'..:?.},;-" 7 Npyv__ 'k3'W1ij5§ the"Berkeley; Rel" re92'olutionf,._,' j th_e'_ Free Speech I 2:if;,, »-,._..'MoiZernentfientled after an Be"k9|e,[email protected]. at-;~d¢h§¢%1:.i»§§s weheld an k' g *-1 . - ." % ' lrele VeteransBuildin-, ._3=1' V' M31103 b?¢_1'~'_i11 l°W11-léj ndjconsideiecl the largest mag  ~ It the uninitiated, those new tqj,_; _;aL_in the history ofrecord Be"i°!e¥Q13"! PeT5°_'F.. ._Yh<?=; erican jurisprudence. Wei?!/we In ecave dwi:._.lh?< {Judge Rupeyt Crittenden, wq W1Ya"d 59""? °f196465:...Ma'-IW0n_praise forhishandling at Xndlcute page, name of newspaper, city and state.! rioisMario Savio, thefiery stu-4 th;"trial5594 at theageof53 dc-ntleaiierof theUriiveisity. of _t -.2" 92.& v last month. Calit'orni:.=. Free Speech _192f1[!92V_§§92_'f After the ma1_ atwhich almost m°"t~ .. -t more than700defendants Qi Savio,thenajunior studentat were .~.~..-192'?c!-=1-'1 of II1lS<Il£I..-"ll0£" U3, c-rnergecl as the most aiticw I tfenses, Savioandhiswife,the late spokesman for thene92'vstu-_: iormer Suzanne Goldberg, yvent dentgeneration, and becarne a '0 England whereSaviowq's92 -_-_ :1g2t.-:'ializt92% in deli','eriug fierce. last reported studying ata mil-, or;tions,liberally sprinkledwilzhy veristy there. ' y qu s and puns,from the t0p8_ Saviowas.seen _. yesterd, of utomobiles. theheads of long,withhiswife andyoungsonby $1»:--. "tie 1». .,,.i -- .-.»_;.i-';' UC Jou'1'_n_al_isrn Professor Peter I ..= 1" ":2-1» 1 Ste£i_eus,___92v_h9 notedthatthe, former? FSMleader seemed heav- _ L !:*, .1-5. --'1-=,,,,~,.. e%@éme§wey~*w ' .. he wore betoire,-aael--sttill had 3} =_,.. .. '=Z;$"?§z»:1~;Z'-Y .. 3'» u . .-._.., *1";-< V. £ull'head of bushyhair. _r~_,;et_»~,§_~.,._.',:,;;;; 3 ':I i" F "g.-.'.-;-;_ ' , ,.~»-_ 3n.;=s r-ea-:21" ' . * ~' its Q-»=-:_. _ 2-,; ier,'wore clothing similar tothaté 5 Berkeley Daily Gazette -_-_ V Berkeley,Calift - ~ _"5: Il.':'i-1::'V.""i..z:-';~ l1: **<§5 --F15 '1 I , . -3;lr§5§:a'}I'.ji. in? _ -v . V»-~11 -. ~< .-> -.._. v .15;-3=;=-:1; ' ;;_v:_;_>,-.-.. _,t-§:;'e;.;.;_,_'-311;.;_,£_' - .;_;,__ . .* l _.' -=~*»:-.'.:» F-0 -1#77, '.'l "1 V Date: ... . -~. _ 'l'5'1'AIIl.i1:D> ii. ' '=§§?'lI:'5§f;liil-j.;.»., 1 -V , I ,»I A . l -~ ' ' :1 4,_ ._ . -.-;- 1'. -s. ." . Edition: 1-_<92 i$f1L"_".?;6 Author: :,y-~_. _'-: v;=.~-=1,;=-in1._.1~:;'=;=3~-<1",; .,-1-1.;-;; Editor: Title: t MARIOswlo §' Z27 M-I Eve 0 George Dunscomb ' I Q1 .5 ;;;:;é Ii es of marching students, and Character: or -lof course-the steps of Sproul Hall. ' _- '" " Savio, a native of New York. Classt ttcatton: whoseparentslive.1nSouthern qalifornia, threatened inlithe Submitting Office: fiocedures governing poIit_ al ibtivities on to "bring" E 1me ofUC studentsprote§tng" the wheelsof the university grirnling to a ha_lt_.fl.. _.~___¢_ _ ..,. »*"=*""T'Lle-v-> 352* >9-.-7: ,_-V. "SF Belnq lnvestlquted semcnsv ~._...i,92:.~ <3; _ QMMQZED r ,_ ,1 0" t uniq- /4'45 _4>*¢<X4£ e . -.; / 1"1 ' - Po-1s4<= ' } -s-'55! E '! . ~ ' Xrm ,.- L ' Mcussllgéi -...;§-.__, _>~._ ' .nq0] ----e--.-.#1?"-'-VIRIFIDKTIOI roa nesenve IIDEX .>;-.'~;.>a1:~_:,;~1'g;s:,...'"" t -Y: :1: . >' ".7 "' " 5urnlronmnol . _ 1&7? 7' VK Re: - 7Office ...: I=?;'i~<;;;nAa1o ROBERT SAVIO ._.;_~__ ~» v ¬92~v_v-b>-$-!?92. . ..., .. ..> .f - ' File: Now +- 100-suobo in »[:1 RI-A Z; urecolded ZYUI4 J-Taeline {St}, Befkel ey, C61. ' Student and rUC Berkel / {D source! Specml Sources ! informants! contacted. no current Agencies ! mfonnation found, submit report. 59» b7Df -_-_i ii- 4%! report s"' g__ -_ s r . . bv ="°» P"I1¢»,,¢~v/11/66 . } _ _ j I _ I .~ A__,_ . ., . » . » »in W- .--_ v .;. 1'- _.r,__. __ . -"1 T ,1 l"L7;1 ». =.1 _..3' ,. . ' .. .s .I . 1»~ ;~:~5+;~ ;'i!¢:: ~v=, , z ,1 i 1_ 92920>D ?i"?. 92-">2. 1*-*2/v1.1"? '.:i:e_-re cc '.-.-->rkcd, 1:11: 71:1-it§.c'~=:m'1& :,.92 ».':r:t?";c >~;~.i_;; g;r-;>~.y.:¢:1-:2. she-wt ='.T:iv.rrs1ty of C-=1_-.i1orz".1a_. SWIG indicated that size would rm; be '"~'~*?}<?FI{3D"/=*@d fiat fhe ~19 S*"I'7; I"znYI@ t"eiI' saw.-M1, citfd *.-Jiilrl 1; em. 1- I . =|=../"*1-1..& .:. W";/, 1- 7-J-kl 1'. 4' V. 2 , N aC'?.'?.-3*: *ss1gn lends SF to nd determine A 3079 verif3,r residence of their X9»! Q 2. Bnute copies for" MARI?! ant} SUE 5-NI-J to *2?»-=2_s;e=.rti"-nn:iTlL'1g tT:*.ose'cnses. /-'""S ~ A. ' _ ,. . 1 ~'-_;_.§ ._<, 4 ml/cc: J.f?-51+4I6f;#r-rim QL f~"<*-vim! p.=§r=¢3=1.%T£0N COME-.1NED L;_ L~' "0110 J1 -3:1 SSIFLED ' »Tm,IO? "1+"~6 CueI~* ~ Jum; is;>~;£2: LA, ' i .§&# v___;.. ?~~==._ __. _;_ _ -='=="*;_J *-..,:5,,,&_ 1 __,,¢._.v I,'°"-1 A,92_.1;,-'*"-*=@ ';*",'"",_,"=,..: .__ ""¬,=_i:" "'7 ' ' , :,._.__ .*;_'_;_'_.____, -____. ,__ i _ ', f '_;__,, l_ :'-____ _ ' , __ ' __; _ V 7___________ *3 ___,____$.__; -: -~=: > 1+..,r-iv.--1 .=1;i=4 *' .1?-.?-~;;" =*">-<1» i';;;2;;T; 7' ; I ' 1~~- _.4_ .. >-v;r._ ;r;; .-.3-;,_w__-._-_~. ._-.;-_- .__,.._ 4 _. ,_ .._,__,__,,____ __ , -~_ .<'__f<2> <'_ __.? ' M---.~_ ,, ye ~1 V _, ., _ ~ -,@ 92 _.. " -_. _i_->._~ __.". .1_g_.._' :' .__._-:..:': ;.-1?:--_,.'*' 24iiiil ~ ..i ..._. . __... 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' » ».' ._______., _- " A-- ._. 3 - -~-rm. *1 . .. ---->-"~~l~ --~--~'-~A . V- ' ' -- 7 _._ ~~ _ ' - . Y- - Indicate page, name of ngwgpqpef, any and state.! __-._. _...._,___ _ -.. .._;__. ~> ' _""" ; _ . »Q?1 _-__,____»_;>:_;_ -. -~ .,._. _ J... ...~;. -, _92. .. _ __ ___ __A,_,_,_,____,_____ _ __,__________ _ - &@,n~J/' I -¢ , /9"."".5 :"_|.; .'. ._.._. A,~'__ .:=-1.-.. L~iL'?Z='.' - f~§.s_.-. .?1~".'.' --:.-. - :,,?'?ri*." Q _V__>.;_ ~_"' '31. _ 92 Date: Edition. . Author. v-L 3 L_ L 1.. " Editor: rule: ~ Character: or Clcsalcuo Submtlnq Office: Q BeingInvestigated / smszzzr L@ QQ; s£m#.:::rs-;/__"_m:c __._._ , f ./. --';; I Page 32Section_l A1 -"i ' _,». ' ,._7.;» ..~. -_:.>,t__I;%._.__92.-.-I.-.. . ._,_fl ~_. ' l,>-.-.>_53*»»s,s.-.___¢w?1§,{';__: ;;:i;:»",;-_:_,1;~~r--._?,~,.-. p-_v_-._-~,g.-__ ' . ~. .i. g-7-_.;_»,¢,; T}: . _ _ _ 2'». 1-" - . ».. . _ . ' -It i44.. ="_.->~ X!'_v_ ii. i .,," ..l>"_'_-.,.*_ . >. .2 . 1. e- New. Mario-t 1! ~A ... _ '~ -» "i,,_.: , ~ ~v =__ ' ' - __,_,.. we - .._1612%! .- ,;d._,_. r> * . _' 1__.__>__._ >__ _ _ _.. _,vv_i__', .92 ~ ~;-: . 3i I i I 1 ,-' ' .. ~_7_', . r,-_ _ -=-..1 _ *2.'-r-"r./0; _,'_-_; .;» .. ~ t._-2 ;~-,3.-.....-..lf'~£-.-Y.-s--. --v "vs . e ., . . .. 1'; *-' *:.~fi ~...~.»92.--..l-... .i p _,._v_>--f.-s . - N U. .22,_92<:-_;I J:-__§ .;_...._>._'_,..,': -2 =1 f H. A' _ _' -r-= 1 5 ' if.=-lg. ..=,.r.-.-'.?..-,=':.. 3, ~ -_v 'I'_ ' - 5.,-;_1';.;,__s_»V--.;.1_=-,,~...:i:;;: -3 ,-v_~:~-351;". -:!.. _>.i<t.-._~. -. ~. -. '~ -3' . - Mr,-, '-' "1 i u ~ ~ .t.~..-;-1 <_~_=';»-=_~.:"' i l LYW I_-l.'lII1_8!l the Vublic " Sw0[ = i it "U-' -. KP, §§ _ to lsaid}, . . --...=»;.-_._~~ é-_;=. -:~;:;.»_-,:._.=..--,e-- Mano Savio wants , ._ .¢. »= 5-3&1 1.», _. 1*-1:-= -- -,s;:...-'~;.-at ;3>_§'~ ' > 451°-7<92:,_// E 1-'->7 1 ,~ '1: / s :..i£E=t»' ., }. ,Q_.._, A p _. . ii"-""¢*i;%Y'~si . . . *1-» . an W . .. 5..... . / .92~__-[.__.~_»§}-_,__ ~ . § 92 14s " 1'4 '"l"%>a- -».1-r; -= '35:1; :--' »';pendent radical political Unless public leaderslive_;f; Y ~:'-; -,.'»'¬a,t-;-{_-'1.-.,. .'."-Y3-TJ:¢ __e<_.. _. .,. ._ .; ;=,'.j1!}g; -I.ji;,j:=_ '-- 1'2. <1.-~.;-,,¬"~;.:1$5;I;1¬=.»-5: .i-at-> ->=:i=I~_1.<=_»~ party in the EastBay. _ outsidethe, limelight, Savioj .' .. we <1-ta ~::.=,§,-;;.:.-.»:-= '_ . .. » . ._g_-_. - 92 The young man who led the into confusing their p¬lSOl'l35 "95? *3. ._;{' _92 °t,-n .,~;g=-;'-;; W./..'»_ , ":11, *3.-"' .",, " '1-*.'-,_ _- _"1 5 iv *2..-» * --,;:_'/'2-'::.;1.. r r 19 {P 5 1??-l5,¢Y:§."' nations most convulsive stu_;. ., as-_i.., ».-92.1= . -,..? -/=.~:»=1-:-=~.- *<>¥__ ,.i .= . dent revolt is disappointed to- ii ' -. , it.'_ '' ' ~.-<-:-:u:-1_ _ 92--t13¢ __~.:________v:_§¥ ...¢,t..;,...{. 1%, M; - "-1'>'.-%=¥.1 "' »_ II-2,-; -+:2:a»1..15:-I=day in the protest tactics, of 17 Q; ."-11>;-4-.~--~»1K_,_ 1., =r-s=~<<'=-:=:;-:a=:~ , $3 § -_=>¢..-"st *--' -' esp .1 :..,j "<=¢<<'=&':.»-.~. ;.:-.=._z='.~§%z¢.-'=?_f~.._ - sQ:-__ _,_ J;; .__..;..~.:.¢:z:-~.1.:» ;<==--1 .. zmiéiithe past, the marches and aimed at <:.-';:;._._¢§;I:'~ .x 'demonstrations -::»- 1;JV--1;;-1 _-_-_ ;::»*:.< .1112 ta ' ' . . . r '~ ' :;-;:?»;--:1...-.1: ._->;»V .» 11:.;.-< .T. *arousing moral indignation. _. V» -1;;;gs_g_:;;..a1=¬=¢'5:-.»;;. , ' :>.=:-1;:.<:: 9 _,. I 1-. ~ ";;§,j:?:?: '»i.'--:s.-" -=--*1»-.1;-.-. 1E '~ Power,he said,is _more_ ef- calrole - and therefore; . .31'1:-:-;.-.-;-.». ' ' --<2 fective. _-."*'1ié5'5.."'iT5I;'~; »=z'9g: *.-_is, . 4-/1.3;: . if " ,_>:3Q»-i-.'l>' ' ...I¢:=:<'= ' -. into using the political arena "-l " A a< Q-; ».J Suvio i.;§{flGS8a'.l his aspira- - 1-' A_92': :;..:I;_';-'2.» 51,7; =--_40 ~<__.;;...=_.-6 tions and theoriesin his only k ..{.~,,; V..1;§,,é,>,,, ,.i.:g_.__.:4_ _ p e rs o na 1- psychological" 1 "II -V: .151'1I¥:£-.E'i:§§I§i%=;=. "-P311-5-f';"'""123" "/ ' 3.1.->1 interview in the two months quirks. ;v_ _.-:. /. since he returned with wife A oiesire to prevent bct:on:ac-' ""5 4,.4,, an ii baby boy to become ,':F:'{-+ 1-/;:-:,;_; >-< ; -_ ,- ~ -;-.;.; _;_- J.-,.;..t-,' ._. av""2*:tZ<"-'59:/1'1 ,3 fre I x permanent residents of the t ~.~.~ *4 . Bay Area. , " rte-7-'.*s i - g A.1*.§':.;., " -' -;92:-=-:V-.' :, . ;e92»__ '~ i 1965when he abruptly quit ' ILLS OF SOCIETY . <= :1»;-I-=1, .'-<1:-:1 .,11,; -",;""_ " " "4 ">' 'theFSM. p _ it help organize aninde- worries, theyaretempted-3,5. . /1 ' ~- aldestinies with their politi-"' toact out solutions totheilffi , z " .':~::.s-.:=.-._~ ~ £8-:-E -. .- V ing adictator was the reason g given bySavio inApril or; :3-j1[_j!-:__.__/:1;--_-_ .1.<.~.,;. ,92;_ , ,.9-,92, _ .. .. -.~.'T;..i.. .v_!ae.-_:.1.-:-,2-e Liizgéé. »>;,.,,¢,,.--,¢..< ,»,.. .-.-v;-.;_2.=-3:55;. ;="!._ visa _;. Suzanne F -sold-i issuesas leftist politics, edu-I In July hewassentenced tofg cational reform, public lead- l four monthsin jail for lead-Ff ership and the ills of society.I irig the Sprout Hall sit-in of H i s bushy hair is even I Dec. 2-3, 1964, in which 773 . SUZANNE SAVIO AND SON STEFFAN . Permanentresidents of the BayAres 1 E InMay he married another He was as vagueabout per_,.,-..-~¢. ;-.--Fl ._-;:- .,-- " -, . -.-- . ._~" -. » -- ~> -,.._ ~-. -,~ gar ->i%e __,, , , ,.. »~~~¢,.-._.,.--. _ .. _..-Q 1.1;sonal e_vents of the past year l FSM lender, .,TV ifs? : Y-=; = -"T?" ' ,, -t. ,. ._ .1~..,!,~-, .. .,_,--» ...<<_ ."".--11* .. -~1.-., V 2* as he was specific about such AS V berg; i3 .~.-:1-1.--» >-;-_-;., -_-__ 1. 9 bushler now,but he no longer - __.__. =_:. - . _=_.-........____.. , ->-..,.__....».,t -._...a ..»__. 92......i.-.--.affects -the fleece-lined ranch.<~rs coat that was an inevita- I'v.:92 E_-' ._>_ . ' 1 granted most FSM demands. ble part of his rebel costume He left with Suzanne in' during the masssit-ins, mass Sep t e m b er for England, where he enrolled as 2. phys_ Free Speech Movement of His Status Now - arrests and mass trials of the * _92~iario Savinwi never 92i""omcr:-inyr en' ed by probation mendation demonstrator-s_were arrested. , UC had l At the same time, 1964-65 on r e c 0 niof President V icsstudent atst.Cai3.=i;;' ti I1:-l V. ~ So far he has remained in Collegeof Oiri-.irciUni92'e1'sii_-,' -1weeks University of California Cl a rk Kerr, with the seclusion, a theorist instead He dropped out late: lo: !'?s_»Z§>l!3 -.';nly' peV authorities for his role in ' of the activist leader who beconsentof the UC Board the Free Speech Move- of Regents. a symbol of extremist ripherally connectedwith Q "92 came ment of late 1964, al- though he never re-t turned to his classes. _ . He was registeredas a junior in September,but W before he could file a .1--.__cessary ,,_-agrstfation . 1' ep-he e 6; Hewouldn't give} the na- -ieducationl Subsequent i discipli-' . discontentamong tions new generation.-" .. HALF-SERIOUS nary action against Savio and other FSM leader so led to the mass -Sproul Hall sit-in of Dec. them becauseof theysit- wardStrong onSept.30.; semester, Saviowasper- . turned to the"United States longvisit with his par- pearanceseven for causes he ents in New York City. They supports, but a goodly num- decided toreturnto theBay; as Mario, our Savio. +,. . ne92vspapersf.'_j' f y ~-; lg - - iQ 1"-1--e _ I"? .kl 3*--' 1'1 .. -w '1---3 {.11~.-»~ ber of -University of Califor- AreauinMay, andwith themii ~ nia students continue to re- is Steffen. Savio,>7 montl1s'.-,lf gard him','in the lialf-serious Theirsit-inappeals are still words of one FSM veteran, inthecourts ._ He described as incorrect Savio_ssuspension,_fmitted towithdraw from 92- It is a role thatSaviosays an earlier report that he has ,one of eightf0]lO92Vlgj-AUG-as ofpgepg 30_He p he detests. He blames the re-appliedfor admissionto 3 the first sit-in.Sept.30, had not attendedfclasses was i 1 ~5 In February the Saviosre-"- » He wont makepublic ap- for a 2._ Five days later, Kerr gran ed amnesty to Sp¬flSl0!!."'";tlIl arrests. ._ en Chancellor Ed Before theend of the thereasons. = a 24' -To focus on personalities UC,wherehewouldbe later._ changedto for-three months, _ -..* -" . rather than on issuesis to ob- yearoldp junio_r._He. may re-. .. ~.;__._.-. 4A_> -,~---»--;;~y-. 1~'~»~; * ' ' "' _~"'_ i scure _the issues and encour- apply next year, he said, and then again,maybehe won't. A p , .: t age theleast_democratic sen-V' When informed that his re-  V .-"5 :3" .as -&# . FZ. 1.» .. sari =- § ~;..__ , 0 _._.._>_ _ ___. . lies:butit inalges difficult it is ~3y_ayJust by being3 ~_.'_*. . ..__.... >'_.._..__~~._. _>_ W I This helps me ._.~;_e.ri=_~ -j~ a=;~.-_7.'»:;»-._~.=:.-._ ., ith greater sympathy enemies becausethey, .. those whom I consider -G. .<_. .,':, too, were little children at time and are not less vic-1"-. - r -if-'.J-_.'.<.-g1 ?tims " /.- of arrill society? - <' Mx ......,....--._._._._ .. ..Q........_. p _ _e,,_ -._._..__.._.... ...,,, ;'_ -#+ !N- VIETNAM: ff-no--4< ..,....._. "The waryisonlythe mostexcruciating instanceof . fjf; Q ,. _ ..,,__.._ _ _.._.._-_._. _,whats wrongwith socie_ty._ e i .-1 THE .44:.,_.__.___-..__:..__;,_ e--___.'_.._._____...:. My viewissummed upbythatbutton youcanget .Qnthe campus. v , , _. Q. . . .1, 1 ' I, " The button,on salefor 35 cents,says:War ls Q- _ GoodBusinesslnvestYour Son.! _ -> e _._.i..__. . ~- ~.-we-',? .».-;~»~ »-* -_ -.. "* ;J..Itsclear that if investment inwarProduction-, e,.V__. .. .."!_ were to be endedrapidly and soon, the U.S. economy would be, at least over the short run, -crippled. ' ON CIVIL RIGHTS: __ A » ..t .., _- sbecomeareryazleanthatethetechniques of the to win for Negroes the kind of gains projected now. . .. ." -_ Picketing the Seawolf in Jack LondonSquareisnt Zi"'.*"-Q-'~ = really going to get many jobs for Negroes. Whats iml =--5' ' -Z-' ~'= portant now is to gain political power for Negroes." V ,-.past are not going -;' --->»1_.":', - It . . _ . . = ._ ~ ... .._ iz.:: ._ -=~ ~ ' -»ow FRUSTRATION or RADICAL THINKERS: &# In California,large numbersof peoplehave no placeto go. " "";;;;_-~..:'I*-"T_~'- ' " The Republican *Pa_!1y*canbe1novedfn;Ru& to the right,aswas de_m_o5strated~by Goldwater and Reagan, than"the DemocraticParty can be"moved lelt.??_.. _ _;. _._1l"__e_-;;1I;I.j_;._-j.__.. . 0N,C0llIMUNISM: _ _- j The reasonthat FSM,spokesmen wereconsciously determinednot to discussthe Communistissuewas be *1t happensa referenceto a questionaboutsome causeit wasclearly irrelevantto _thec'ivil._lib student radicalswhobecome sohopeless aboutchange questions involyedand would haveiserved onlyto make that they becomehelpless!. It must be seenin the con- all. the easier an attempt by the press to deal with the -textof a societywhichhassostructuredits institutions 'most sensationalissues; ~--,4 V3--I"-V-7-1 1» as to makedissententirelyirrelevant. V -_ It's -bad tobeanunthinking antilcoiiialmis as on POLITICALPARTIES: '"- ~ ._ manyoftourcountrymen are. _Its also_bad_to bean un; "e"~-:Of the two, the less impervious to progressivepo- thinkinganti-antilCom'munist, gonfall occalitical ideas, the Democratic Partyyis in no sensecom- =sionsfrom criticizingCommunists. I tbinlgfithey should like_Republicans andDemocrats.T _»_,,,_. "» to a political program thatis publicly discussed..betreated -» x~ . _ . .. ..>_ _ .. .. i... ~.-__..._ -~ r-;-. - T--r".'-":i?""*fr~-'?< .1 _ ;_-. .;.;.=;_-.:;__:_ _.=::_'-.a.:;=~=,=1-'::.{sake-.~t& -=;= .92_ 924Us ..-v llllllllllllila .1, "_ .. _. ' ___ -.'=>" :-~~' ' r ;,~..;_; ;:~.1,"._' ' ; .~ , .'~'_;'§ v l-v». l.._:,__v ?>~-1 -1'2: ~r_-a-.5;-s.~ ..>1 _ tlila t..- .. . . ....__ wear -. . . .; _ ...... ., . ,1", >_b"e muss <;;s;ny"»mer nu»rei11ark?f192?61i say, Man - %. fightdent. '31 ¬_:-~ "-= 1 < -1 ,1and "He isloo ~__e__l~ "81 gig: youridepeudent is 'he has __ -"i"; e 1-ball VBl8d1C1'D1181l radical '" work m ti am e eweapon, be said clear that Savi other political g hither-_~lett wing _..1iii92$§..!nil¢h liking gentletorrnsjorcivil ~ advocatedby I King and Ba; longer ~serio whites,if ?9s"="1=1i¢¢1_ing in will thejl he he sait I Q FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! I Ipt 204° MountClippingin SpaceBehw! ' F ._,W. . .t ..t V "M ' '"' _--=:~-t-¢.?-v.~|=':~- ~ "~92:"':!" '1-92-1,-»<'*'<,"92~-. ., . ;~ 1, ' "-~-.14 - I t 1"1-" L ;'nf,,i,}_31, .,., 3:"; .4:--" 55"" _=--. t,. . r: - *~ *1? Q, _,, ~.~ t.-_ v'>.>. "§_'.-.d-,5.?<' . _, 3 _;{> ~1><x V;-.: ~11? rf.-'3$§' », "-at-,7- ' '4 ~";=:"'!" ."I . .-2 . 'i; 1,-,. - ~ .."~:.-*.' _., _,3 -I92I-' -53' - ".-:1 .=.v ~' _,j." Q ' r%,-' 2~ ;' t-x 4 "Z I *3. ~11 -V t' -. .~ we _ . ' _ " ,"' . '5 ' ' ' ~e t-,= -- .1 :A _ -7.: "' ' _.. I I3 . U. ,-.--.7 ., ¢.n ,4.:, ~'- 1'72 - "K1* _ - -,_ » . ~ ~~-'- ~--- . . ».--; .-_-»." V 5t.. 1*; . mi: Y --jr~~- X ' I ..- ,3»; g* K_ Egg? P ~" ~~_ ~ ,. -q .. -~-' '¢-*<~. -i. _ ,I ;.",' »:1 "-- . . 1*2», V H "_ . __' -_ _ t , ~ %~?~.1":=' -E3 ~ !:"_-.*-<-1,5,; -;:_. *5 , ' _- .1t_.:'a£_;,'; t5 ' w L'--~----Si? I *~~~»-4 -1' ,,,,=, ,_-,;., "$3.2? __; fa' __ II ~ ,1 ,1,-_.. .1- ~=::'i:_'_ ..~ -*_!" I',_,», ~4 4? ._.-4V» 5 *1 -=¥ Ia, > _ .1 51- r ,¢.a_ 'IH - F A e-~ -~- """"7!*=¬" . -"1: '4 , .t .. l Indicate page, name of newspaper, clty and state.! ~»"< ~a iié;- i* 2 s Vt 92 tt t £157.. n; V _ . ., = .~ 3; .4 -.- Ti; wt Q ,_ ._?;-.- -, z1.7*f:q -1 5%. - .32; 3;.»pt. Fr"; . 1ACRAMENTQ UPI!..._.--,j1Ra,§feW ..hf;1'15e1f 3 .1-f -- D1,-E Max Rg_f_fe'_i:f_g1>":§é§g'U££:gI% . H- f " NJ versity oi California» Re»-$91.". __»;>§.i5:B§§E§ :..1lE§§ 1; ti. theuniversity afewmontlt gentswouldbe nuts_'YQif_ theyp8II11itt8d the mission to -» . L57.-l t=." .---2-2;? ,~ 1"31I=3=1'-5','3Y-21%'IE§i"'¬f""'l'."II'Ii' ,_ , _, ;, t. _ago "foo that __of a,_haggi' -- pantsslapsttck comsdlan-". the Berk_e1"ey He:f___s_a1d that1tSawo welfe cantpus of MarioSaviog, . ._:.__. leader Of the Free S1!-is-.92}.1T5i,92r1mitt95» I suggest that .~* * it at 1 M°Fm@*~.4 W-fesentssubmit out--;.i:, 1 Berkeley of PublicInstructi0x1"-s';:'t;r3, in ,".svct§otttet"apy." ' _ Berkeley,Calif. -<I The State Superintendent "}¢'1v_¢'>,g forthwith "°gm? ' t1 ' -1 ~~*'1i'"" 1 92.<-:.~:,~_t :;.-.".;.. ma~1e;;t,5;~ to BoardQ; R5,. Sarto returned to aitexv Benz». , -!.31ey-'re¢e1Ijr a yeas ' t U"EMRVIO SA"2-!O Daily Gazette L. .,_ _ > $93 > -- g§?* Ch37*" pz:m»1:_Tlk¥e'£_-5.tdX§1!l¢Q!!d<?na ff¢92n<.1< int 1- »-..¬¥.§§.F£1d§Y~*f" cated thatthe might ap;{y§ andthedaily P1e5s}4.1'_§_Z§ forreadmission to theUni-A; céedS-avio, leader Date: 92{e;~S;¢y_ _ V IQ student demonstglatior_ts; YHewastheleadér"of_the'~: Edition: Author: Editor: 7-2-66 Eve. George Dunscomb Wjch rocked thecgmpusif December, 1964,sit-in; Title: 9 in 3 ,§_.@t8¥=?1?%.:..~..; Character: or isabout to be reaam;t§gtfk1;;:; Sprwl Hall, that pf<>Y<>k; <1} ¢t<.1;2*1°"- the ia°"1*Yend smtj 2 .. i ,, . _ R-t. "ji:>§ ' 5 . __ ;a~r.j» ":l&# thati M!->= SW:h@§;~dUj§§fe,§§} .se§f,,, f a"fmf;"1'_t ivised» ° '**RP1i¢4sPF1?9??'¥1i*Si~{tifttstemt Classication: ..-.4» . Submitting Office: -to:-the, _13erkeley?'campus_. i .5 _" ,,. n- '-,~.f;,:-* [:1 Being Xnves ligated affe1:tY; who cal1el:i_>$t*11v£ZPi_ ,"92t..-T-31;-To-f;:'t'.T.---""-WO COMQn't'D io ineff_ab1e, said letter, >i£w¢_1et this 5-'1-1" j - acterbackiu,,92ve}/o got be nuts. . ' _., . . .1-.., v_...;.;.§s~ :;_.§_Z;.'.:¢.;.s'§' -¢_-1-~ ..._ .../ _-.._--| . t »-Qaakli , __ , 5 _/ Y I 1. FD-350 Rev. 7-16-83! 1L AMount _ Clipping in Space Below! is - -is: ' "" >- --"---~~--~-~~~~-~=-- KM _ W -, H3 seat I -' ¥ ~ i MarioSavio offered opinions aon full range of I ~-' * ~~- .-' Y.-/Pt». " _,92 qt estions during alengthy interview withg_pExamine writer. Lytm Ludlow. -I '1, >4 Answers included the following comments: ' i' ON FATIIERHOOD: I Becoming afather doesnt make me less angry at how society harms growing children through their families, but it makes me much more sensitive to how very difficult it is to avoid hurting oncs children in some w -just by being aparent. _ ' L This helps me tho ewhom to were to regard with greater sympathy 1 i :5 4;: ~ ' 2, .-'-._ " i.I_i1"J_ 2? at one time and are not less vic- hag. society. ON VIETNAWI: . I ~ LQa= " The war is only the most excrucia-f;ing instance f what's wrong with society.. g ON THE DRAFT: ' f.My view is summed up by that button you can get on the campus. " I " The button, on sale -.l I S»F~Sunday Examiner and Chronicle for 35 cents, says: War Is Good Business-Invest Your S0n.! .Its clear that if investment in war w;re to be indicate pcxqe, name of news;-r=;.-er, city and stale.! Iconsider political enemies because they, little children ' sof an ill r .<;<.-1 .,_V-::§. -.-1 ~.~__ " production ended rapidly and soon,the U.S. E ' <1 ?i5 S.F.Examiner economy Section wt uld be, at least over the short run, crippled. "lts become verythat clear techniques the the of ON CIVIL RIGHTS: I I past arenot goingto winfor Negroes the kindof gal s San Francisc0,Calife project-=":-5 . .- now. Date: j;lt happensa reference to aquestionaboutstme stuil ent radicals who become so hopeless about cha ge Edition: Author: Editor: as tomake dissent entirely irrelevant? Title: thag become theyhas helpless!. It must beItsseen _In the ntext ofasociety which so structured Institut ns _ 0NPOLITICAL PARTIES: _ " =_ . 7-10-66 Sunday Edmund J.Dooley I I F. _ m':¬ _ -2 iT7? §aae :, . <;& .5 -, ,: _..14. ,:e.§ _ 9292 Of tire-_L92.1I_n,.1_lw less ir_npervIous_ to progressive po--J Character: or ' 2litical ideas,the Democratic Party, ISIn.._no-seine com- mitted to apoliticalprogram that Is publicly discussed. ~- ;,-;-:. 1'2 _"___. ii?! i.Z¥~"§ .7: %§@ *2 "1J Ticketing theSeuwolf in Jack London Square isnt really going to get manyjobs forNegroes. Whats important now is togain political power for Negroes. V 4 ON FRUSTRATION RADICAL OF THINKERS: If5_ <;L:-_E -,,,-,.~* i -92 .v r-.1-£<~r-_f-2:-."rI:I:t Ctimiipl '55-§.." ~ .f-*1;-f?.'; l_:.;<c';sssIr1w Y;-1;, LH 8-33 B?£§p.L£.'-_____ ._ i Classi ficatign: Submitting Otfice: [:1 Being Investigated - .4-+___a_-- SEARCHED ...,J.._T.lNDEXED 3 ll; I1". ltlii FBI--sAn ERAN 1»: ,___1 I, sfZ"-*- I:-1-»;  "1 A <_ 5' .'-& " ,_, 1 - § ' F 92 v Q z s> : V ;1., "as ii 5"! 1-/; '  I .~-,1 , .-~<~ i ' 3*~1"=ii;.e1"";salsa; """" ' '= -I Y ~ ?fi;.if , I i /f~.<-"<'. .'~ -. '1, -Ms ,j'--'-_'*.-*-"I-';'f--; _ ;_,»_: :v1<'::3-<;e,*.»r<'-$£;-.1-~»1.;-1:is-» '--_'.-;5:.-.;-.'-=_-_'~;-I.-3'1-5 » ,4..»_92-, ~~.*..-2*. ~;__..c-,; ;-,§_,._., _.}_->3.-_;_; ,~. .» .--' -7;-,~»~~<-»-,-_-;1-- »'-'»-~» V .~__-5: *-~-""7l=1 .-.~.~ >»-z -71'>.> "--" 1e..."?"» $1-.-'=,=.'-,-.-.-*: ',92 -ta. "§:<"""3"~:l".:-£I»§ "-; .,'-& 1 "/ ~i. .- "V" Q2 ix-c z ¢1'4;¢1¢:;iv:e;t§:»:;-;,;>-;s<-I._-;>»' Q-92<*._.< T>.§1I'Z'":','1::'::-11'-14'v'Z$1:§§;¢1":'-I'1j1 1, _ ,~-'s, I>~ W-;<*z< 92~*-'-=-, > ;.§ 1___ >1' '-1 '--_.-,:-92_-.-;.<,, ,.v _ '_;»_:»__-_=._: ' 1 §.*=.=1-*-'*> 1-:-;z<:;<>_ ;_' - -1-=j_»_,> -_=;-:,.-:»,. .~ ».-':_~;»1.> . --;»_~:-i".~<'»»~=:> >92 -I-:_->_A-.J~c .s.1-'-»_~* .-. .4, .~ >.-'.~'-.->:-:<'.L-»:-I-'-7~-:---92 »--. "f.~_7_:I¢-1-7i4*&1;--'<"1'-'' _. ' . .-' 1."-_'. "2! "=5 i~ » ~»-c ~Y; ~< MyQ"45; $39 7: ~». 4<~ -v :4-~11,-p»,,¢~,9292s.-.,. . . *-.;;: ~I92 _i -33;. _ i"' '~;"-_92 '. .-1.-1r: *- ".5~-92==¢;~>3i*21?_-1,1-.-;:;;3;~m:=95;-~.;-73 ~=< ' #5 r - ~ 92 __.:;, _,{ ~"~~1. _,; "V, ' ' -"*?-". MARIO sAvio iip _-; 1: .,-§.-B5 :9 -.21 p_ _In California, large numbers of people have no. placeto go. _' _' 1.7 nThe Republican Party canbe movedmore sily ' to the right, as was demonstrated by Goldwateran _ I. 1! left. _ 1 £5/£5 Reagan, thethan Democratic.Party canrnkvedli be ' ~ 1 _ .H - ON -COMMUNISM:1-- __ n' .¢ "The reason that FSM spokesmenconsciously; were di terminednot todiscussthe Communist issue was. be-ii 215% e¬.' -s Y, » cz_ use itwas clearly irrelevant to the civil liberties__ qi estionsinvolved and would have served only tomakei al the easier anattempt by the pressto deal_wit_hthe; most sensational i5SueS.*~s-lf;~l_;l.I<_?:_l__f;-»f¥-1¥5*f"""i§-iri-f";{§§ ' It'stobad be an unthinking anti-Communist, an; many of our countrymen are. It's also bad to be- an un~_-. thinking anti-anti-Communist;-p to'onrefrain alloccia-$3 sions. £ron'i"'é'ti'El°1';iiig Communists. thi1L92$_lhiL¢'=hould I 31 . -. "e1 be treated like Republicans and Democrats]? ; ;..____,_f'_,-.--'4.--~_s_-,~."~.:+--. _~..¢.-.115;-.1 .. o.~-..-2?-z¢~é§55-1~.<'>o!.s.'4-#3-1*» ll ~v.l__ - ~ I- -~ - ~~~-~ -. _.-_.._. ...._.._..__.___-e...._~.. _._-._.-.._-.....-_W. -~._-_, ._._ ~__ W __ _,_____ _,______ __.,,....___- I S FD-350 Rev. 7~l6-63! f"; 1 Q, _£F mt _r Moun9fClippIng InSpace Below! _ "-7" "T1 T"_"_""""' 3- -I -_ H -. Indira-1 ¢=.=-===="' i,>_. 1~-_-.>._ .» ~ », ~ ' His StatustN01w ""4: -& p probation on r e c o mmendationof President officially penalized by University of California Clark Kerr; with the of the UC Board authoritiesfor his role in consent of Regents. ' 92 the Free SpeechMoveSubsequent discipliment _o£late 1964,alMario Savio was never though ~» _e_A_ indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! nary actionagainstSa- he never re- _ ~___>_ ____V _ andotherFSM leadturned tohis classes. I vio er s lr-cl to _the mas He was registered as a ' ; .. .;$' sf" Sproul Hallsit-inofDe . i juniorin September, but 2. Five days-later,Ke , lbetore hecould filea study list-a necessary registrationstep-he was put on suspension by then-Chancellor Ed- granted éia 9?,  ~~s amnesty them because of the sit___- in arrests. <-.:V_::l.7 Before the end of the Savio v.":i.~.@ perward Strongon Fjcpt.30. semen.-1:1-. mitted to withdraw from Savios suspension. one of 5,, . W, .»;l92 :;:5,.-,,-;,-9 eight following UC as of Sept. 30. He the first sit-in Sept. 30. was later changed to 3~F-Sunday had not attended classes and for three nmn.ths.- Examiner Chronicle ..__. 32 S.F.Exam1ner _§ection I .= .~, CF;!NTAl_tiE.D = _ 92.92>092 1.»--..,{92.¢~;=:_-a'§"IGN -v-1 . ~,.i : _ st 553 .1. . .L 3;}; *151 LED »~gjMq§L 'd6L-/ fr;-i'¢...<;/. 1...,153 X15214- $ 3& ,_ 7 ySan Franc1sc0,Cal1 §*% Date: -"41? r_ . Edition: Author: Editor: Edmund J.Dooley 9%?! -{ J&# Title: 92 --L L? . -,,,...1:-2 .' @3__-. <>; Character: or ,7 11-» 1-A 5-: 1&# Classification: SubmittinqOffice: /92 92_]Beinginvestigated smcH:n_,_;é_|NDm.;D ir &3mUET~§s;Puo;:l¥ e'l/'1"/1 _ $3 S, ti ~ 9*" F2 ~5- *1 ' F81--SAN AI B£SI corvivnlum §;_<_ I;' gé 92 if -»rm 441 c ' '1 Q 1.-2 .V,.i, I <,i FD-350 Rev. 7-is-sal it Ii . , u Mount Clipping In Space Below! .sag, 1 $5? -¢; 1"ne;*New1-Marie '»-Y ~ii» ni.-. Want -- it _§f.~~__ 5,y}.= -_: Ziééidéd mi rem coin? Piey .- -. r Kerd -"1FSM ha"-581155? theveteran" in May, and aim with them w°rd3 °f:°ne is Steffen Savio,§ 7months. .1 i/EV_la1'i'o o.wa'nt's'to Sa appeals still _Mario, our Savio. are an inde- p; t is arole that Savio sa Their sit-in" he,porganiize hdetests. He blames petident radical p'olitical E. yinthecourts» th * 1 rHe described as incortct party in the East Bay. in -"s9aP°;an earlierreport that he has 'lfo. focus on personalities The young man who led the lre-applied for admission to nations most .- rather thanonissues is to ob- convulsive stu- »,_UC,;-where would he be a24dent revoltis disappointedto- scure the issues and encour- iear-bld junior. He may re-- _ indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! day inthe pramt tacps 0V,,age/the leastdemocratic sen- year, he £"3j_Jpi}' next said, and __, 3 ;.§s he, then again, maybe he wont._ __. °§ P}? ;_ -_*»r 0,Pb1i¢_..;_ . | , '."I.92. J- the past, the marches and s, de onstrations aimed at Unless public lenders live art:-lising indignation. moral outside the lixneiiglit, Savio , admission is opposed by Max When informed that his re- I1 wer, he said, is more effective. .. I_ Superin-_ orries, they tare teinptediftafferty, the State li tendent of, Public Instruction,_ into confusingtheir personSavio disclosedhis aspira- * destinies with their it-Savlo justsmiled. _,politi tions; andtheoriesin his only cal role - and therefor eIt was the 0! smile; interview in the two months into using the political aren th'at§",L_eo,mi Nomellini if-" since he returned with wife! to act out solutions to the 1 wearif challengedtopa ti fit . by, say,Mario Savio. S » p er s o nal psychological, ti" permanent residentsof the: quirks." 1._92;. 5' Bay Area." 1" f I7 A desire to prevent becom- Savio, the valedictorian of .g. S»F-Sunday Examiner and babyboy tobecome! ILLS or SOCIETY ~i ing adictator He was as vague 32 S was the reason his highschool inQueens and given by Savio in April oft a student at Manhattan and about per-~ and Chronicle NON-STUDENT J; J sorysl events of thepast year1§:'5 hewhen abruptly quit,Queens collegesl»-::=:;:_-c he; he .> was specific about suclr till FSM. Section I 2;} came to UC in 1953, has not isslfes asleftist pol?-tics, edu- 1May he married another-1» immediate plansto change catona1 reform,public lead- Fleader, ersiiip the and ills of society, berg_ bushier now, but he no his statusas anon-student Suzanne Gold- San s -.-ff During theFSM tumult, e In July he wassentence 1 was allowedto withdraw et~3 Hi sbushy hair is even; longer: 0 icials have 2;? said chat? L-Savio, Eere-applies, if will mass arrests and of the mass trials Date: Edition: Author: Editor: Attheisame time, UC. haY dmost FSM deniand Free Speech Movement of lHe left with Suzaime l 19134-65 _ who be- came asymbolof extremist discontent among they tions new generation. I 7"" HALF-SERIOUS _I-lugw<mtmake public na- 4; 7-10-66 __ ante' _',, -0.? >BY 14L -1" J .-,---,-1-rs? ""'.' *3 #- Sunday Lynn Ludlow Title: $0 far he has remained in sefelusion, atheorist instead of lthe activist leader Francisco,Galif f0u;.'_m0nths jail for le ind-i;roIaT%tiv§fly classes. fromJ affects thefleece-lined ranch"-ll ing the Sproul Hall sit-' o ers coatthat wasan inevita-pDec._2-3,1964, in which 73 ble part of his rebel costume demonstrators werearrested. during the mass sit-ins, .F.Examiner Edmund J.Dooley ,. It CGN'lAli¢ A 9",-."~ i 3»-eptemberEngland for '*-'~1*~3°' ->1 i here heenrolled asaphys-t 1 I Classification: ics student at St.Catherines§ ap- College of Oxford Universi He "droppedout four we AI IC] ---l_.-I-_-i------~ '" Being investigated _ ater for reasons _ only SEARCHED I NDEXED , _ education. He wouldn't | g1 .. ' »._ :. Vi!! '- _ pearances for causes he: even 11" Febm th S -~ _ -< e 31 is,_11 bt Q noIv nu d to 3? U;te3" °' "*'~$*~-* PM_ SUPPOI _8 _m;turn ee. States; 1 ' '46 .riph_era1ly.. connected wi saunzsn the reasons . 4' 92 92 Submitting Office: nun ___£..-;. W I .-v» I -0 1 .» { 4. ibehandled as Qy otherstu-remark: You cant become dent. _.. _ a man until,_you_.pereeive He is lookingfor oddjobs, ultimatei weapon, '--the power.*, courts,"Ahe ' ., .1 and he has tended bar in a your independent beer hall for ,2 in- In discussionvof -theinde- It is clearthat Savio,like the radical &# ,5 powers. to .be many other politicalgures crowd, labored at yard work pendent and written a piece for Har- achieved by a new politi ol of the hither left wing, noers Magazine. _. longer has much liking for civil di ;TIRED, THIN black power and its ma i- the gentle forms 01' bedience advocated by M To complete this, the sort tin Luther King and Bayad er Fat-tyofLowndes §ounI personal account that SaRustin. J . V10dislikesso intensely,it ty, Alabama. prirty, Savio talks at té92Elstatio.-a_ astheBlack P -l l lhouldbe reportedthat he The lts use of the tactics of ~&# no longerseriously_ »-& tired, thin and, at mass sit-ins, mass arrests, l believedthat whites,if theyi 'mes,un§_a§y.____ - etc., has diminished because see you kneeling in thel I He repeatedly offered -this the Glhversiole always has the streets, willopen theirhearts!, and pocketbooks, he said. .' ooks -' V». ._ The F,a1veEe'Tl; gone. ' " ".5" ' .92 >1. ' l ,'. .,,.».'.--.'..~z Q -. ,-,, =.~ .4-;;i.9 . ,...-.-.i~.. '-¢'!%"-1-';'=-1'-'Il'EI:--' #7i" - -.-e _ -"°%,»<¢{'?-I»5Y*'§ .. ."-/f-y'>--.:'¥>.. -'-A1 ,.... "J "»';,-';_ _=Z~', =j{:4¥f5..?_;:;:§:R"5;.921;f:92;-I-l'~ "<,-.;;~~--J >511? 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V --,., '->1, - ,.-V,.K-, . »' -:--=>-51--5-;;:r=.'. . -t;..~.~,,;, -5: -.:~».; --< : enei :1 ~=-- ._. 3%»it,1-.=§_1:'=,-i la»_--*~">~2$£=>-"*4-> =*--.--4:».§%:>*g,<15 _' ~. 11*' . -,l_='92;.;,,J;~;.i, cwe xWs<.-§5$}~;.92, -. @129-fa z .; . ~92 {~ ..§a~ ee _A suzmus SAVIO _ ..92;,¬:"-1:55-:§é'. -. .92' AND SON_'_STEFFAN T ' ' may-E 5-.1-.;;1'i1Zl£e.:mee¢n*..'.?e$i¢¢P* 9.... ¥!1e...5s?§[..¢§.'§e& * --Y"§ -*.-_; _ ______..___ ___.. ,__ ._ _ ---.¢_ .. .._.-.-...H-..,_.....,_.-..-...__-~__.,-_.. --......-_-___,<-.,_....__._. __,_ - 1 ~_-- .~ _;_ - ' _ -~~- *i________i}7' ' 7 <~l';',' f OPTIONAL FORM N0. m MAY mz zomon . WM GSAnee. can.21 no. = UNITED STATES GuVERI AZNTA A F Memarandztzm .- ""4i TO ~ $A¢1Ll9°-5Q59!T DATE 7/21/as d0:su2es! MIIIIIII FR_OM SUBJECT! t 6ROBERT 9 MARIO SAVIO ,$1; sn 0- .I-Q ~s _ ."4.4 :m9' ».,-_»}.-_~.<-;. .*»,4¢" ~4: i r - Efw§;Q;;§é§SIF1E9;a i--,"-sfawcoMTA1E9 ~ §.i SUZANNE SAVIO, nee Goldberg A D sn -c ___ _i ~M_ ,, BUp1A§£°"Y ;, . 6 ,9 - ~'*5&# -">3-$2.-=;.» .-.1-1*,-.' _L.... .:~' ~L_5 --M-.Q - .'ea:¬=<I* '5 -.3? :3,-1'-Q .,.-._.- _b._ Re San Francisco letterto Bureau,5/23/66. MARIO and SUZANNE presently SAVIO in an reside apartment 2106 at McGee Street, Berkeley, Calif. MARIO f;#=§~ SAVIOcurrently is planning to enrollat theUniversity E2§ ..,v_g_---9. ~..:1... iv, _, of California,Berkeley, for the FallQuarter, 1966 SUZANNE isSAVIO ahousewife where she cares for the SAVIO's small child. *'9 h ' e-. r Source: £% y;vZ> ;___.~_5..a J ~.. 2'; ."1-'. =..=$.* _92_.-.--1" ,1 ' ,_,.'sr 7- _Source :1 > 2*534 It was determined that although the filehasaconsiderable _ amountinformation of therein no subversive-type information ill who 0A W, is contained in this file. SAVIO continues be to a figure iattracts The newsmen file on MARIO SAVIO was reviewed bthe w't and other@news and media istherefore given ' yP1. £21. publicity in the newspaper and localpressmedi b aecause becoming a"cause celeb "re in of his the 196% Free SpeechMovement A? -.,-4 .~"?/:: =5 ;-.___- i'. ;._ ."§'i~.l:" :. _:"_,_"_:I1i§;.51; I .I:.-?-?1:lF+§ :.»Ewa S.. - 92v~ .- ' -.':r-:1' ~*~-V;-.92,=s.: 11 _ ~I.,glt£".~ ., * "'1-s 3 controversythe at University of Gaifornia, Berkeley. For example, the Julyhis 10, 1966, "San Francisco Examiner MARIO SAVIO and wife wereSunday pictured conducted with MARIO SAVIO. During thi he-stat viA,4 . !!_§NW, éggfxs/¢:f:;;t max .. . 'a*§*% =.-5?: 3%. 92;:-,jn=, Q? t aw¢_= 4- ".C& ...1'-~ -1-~. ~r3 _l-I. wgww/$5 /]C./ .' <y . t 3 T; *>- I J .,ri-  _.:t-' .......' "Av. -1 sr 100-suoso SF 100-5R266 that %?@§ .1 .4;-W». ~.-we! he would like to establish a party" of some kind embroiled plans for in a political controversy. the future are indefinite the University but that publicity and planned to live a ACTION: 1! Section B. Retain on that he continue his did not want quiet life. individuals are Index Section currently included B and due to which may that they publicity given be of interest remain on the .B RIB 2! 3 to become ~7 SAVIO stated his but he may enroll at Berkeley, to to SAVIOs and possible activity to the Bureau it is suggested Reserve Index, not intend SAVIO stated The captioned in the Reserve he did of California, University education. 17} #9:: "independent political §5w T,,__ >1»< I. >4 =J1% = »_ 4§ Close both cases. 5... ~ 2;7 K' 211% %i@ , A ' ". . es; *E a.. ;- 1.2:? A. fa", 5 ' .¢ V 1; eimi W. " <::~»-_&# -._1;.,,> , 5; .. *~»./1: - - -".;137~. 1- 4 _.» 2%5 22*-?e&E I 1}. 2 92 I *1 x . FD-350 Rev. 7-16-53! ~: n ,- . 1 J -v rd; Mount cuwins in5P°'=° 5""! ' Q u' '74 u~ J92§_ee $no;,g¥Q._:., I, ' Mario Savio, who longer en- I A. ,. .. ",3: newspqpefi C I gages in thepolitics ofprotest, will meetwithmembers of the Com 'nu:1ity for New Politics this Saturday to engage inwhat? , According toDavid Kolodny 0! theCNP Steering Con. . A fill'tt GEIJ Y_» --. 3-. --i. Savio, Kolodny, CarlBloice, Bob ' Avakian, andBenson Brown will select a panel topresent various palternatives forthe November Con-  :5" ~_e gressional election to a general membership meeting July 30 ' n The panel willpresent arguments forawrit- incampaign, running kt» anIndependent Candidate, ordoing nothing on theelection, totheallday meeting. Then the meeting will break into groups to hammer out4 proposals, There willbeaplenary _.__ session anda votewillbetaken " L K /. BM J Kolodny said, Themeeting willbe,ginl0 am.July 30. _ l Anearlier general meeting, Wednesday July2'7, will discuss peace action, the Oakland Schools, ..¢.... Z»;,.,_,.., __ Jobart, andtheproposed State- wide convention ofpolitical radiPl ofboth meetings hasnot calsin September,"""_- /1»/1» Zamon: atB stime, been decided: Author Editor; SE I l Title: 0 M ' i <4- [3 Bemq lnvestlqqted ____ I 92 K E*92 _..--~____ .-- 'J£929, ,4 .- L, zi t. ~:"§3 .» 3r:-& Cl<:ssl£icut1On= Submlttlnq Oitl¢e= 1,;ET+LbU* aka" L$.'§.6wW ac Ii}VY;;'l¬l:-~'-3~L"""' r isr? ?' re f. "e 4. 1;;:§_{ Character: or ,_ ,_..'. .92' I-""3; zen: :' f», .5" ;927__ _&# _,,.:;__, jy' mi r i iii. J """f~' " -' 13:. n-"A --. ~W____r _..,;... _.--__92,.. _..._._._.~._ .=._ ¢-<.. »_ . .=;> Rqvr-9~+653! -* *4 7 »_.. . ' £1 _,,_ 9 __-v-;-_. ".._____.____ ---_~ -~___. ~..~¥ __ ,_ --_.___-_.._ __. ._._~._ :_:.._..-. 92,_____ 7-_._-_:. _._.. - ;. _. > ' _ 1>_ N-_~._.._..__..__ ._~._ -- .._. _"A -i-._._. _ .-_..,. ___.__ §_...~. : ,__..__n ,1 *'%~..",L';<a "~--~_,__ : ., : M¢vM -" _-__ VClipping In SpcceBelow! _ 92 -_@-» _¢-._ ., ._ .___,_____. .~ . ..._L.Ll_.__._.___.9 1: Q. Iii: §§En k. I 1: ___.__._.__.._..._ .__..._..____.,_.,__-._.__ _.__ _' m ' ' """ * ~ -- -..__ ._, iéf 1! "- Indicate page, nameof newspaper, city and state.! . ._ :=-" .."37, J. 1 i .__ .'< E: 1 ' ¥1.7!?"' . ..___- 1 i _// I "=2; _i§.FZSunday Examine Chronicle and L; ~ .Y4 ,1;_ .3 § S.F.Examiner -s." ' ' Iv J [Ii - " I 1: San Francisco,Calif July 10, 1966 Date: _ LI .."._-92r92?1_92 ,"Qbwfl *1 921'1 AINED Edition: Author: Editor: =-923z~1GLAS51F#*D Sunday Lynn Ludlow Edmund J.D0ole Title: g92 Character: or Clusnictlonz S. 1* SubmittingOffice: é a I. smcasn_.._._mo:xzn __.__ D BelnqInvestigated s£Rmuz£o_.___m£o_____ 4 t Q K 92 s in? timents ofthe public,"he? By LYNN'1:t715££"W said. ""."" i =Mario Savio wants t Unless publicleaders "ve? h lp organize an inde outside thelimelight,Sio§_ 3 pendent radical politicalinto confusing 1* . worries, theyare tern ed} party inthe EastBay. their per n-1 cal--and role thereforej al destinieswith their politia fL4? The young man who led the nations mostconvulsive stu-l into using the political arena, to their? dent revoltis disappointed to- to act out solutions J1}; -1-.,~ day inthe protest tactics ofp ersonal _psychologicalf the past,-the marchesand quirks. demonstrations aimed at Adesire to prevent becom- ¥;-3 P . arousing moralindignation ing t adictator was the reaso given by Savio in April ' _; Power, he said, i;ctive. , M is moreetllthe 1965 he when abruptly 11'4" FSM. I Savio disclosed his aspire-{ tions andtheories inhis only In Mayhe marriedanoth interview inthe two monthsFSM leader, Suzanne one-1 since hereturned withwife, berg_ I and baby boy to becorneiIn Julyhe wassentenced to permanent residents of the four monthsin jail for lead-y Bay Area. ILLS OF SOCIETY 1 ti; ' ing theSproul Hall sit-in of ' iiHewas as vague about per- Dec. 2-3,1964, in which'77§ demonstrators were arrested. the sonal eventsof the past year At same time, UC had p granted most FSM dema sl as hewas specific about such issues leftist as polities sdii-9 lleleft withSuzanne in -1 cational reform,public lea September for Engla d; where heenrolled asa ptQsership the and of ills societir. ;iesstudentSt. at Catherine-s Hi s bushy hair is eveh bushier now,but he no longer3 College of Oxford University. He droppedout tour weeks affects the fleece-lined. ranchers coatthat wasan inevita- later for reasons onlypt? with ble partof hisrebelcostumeripherally connected 5-11 &# wouldn't give during themass sit-ins, mass education. He A 4 arrests and mass trialsof the the reasons. Free Speech Movement of In February the Saviosrej . turned to the United Sta i he has remained in for along visit with his p j-f sqeclusion,theorist a insteadents in New York City. Th 1964-65 ' - So far » 1 oi theactivist leader whob _decided toreturn tothe B a c me asymbol of extremis Area inMay, andwith the>2 di contentamong the n is Stean Savio, 7 months stiE tions newgeneration. '_ Their sit-inappeals are HALF-SERIOUS _ ' inthe courts I-_4_ii He wont H_e describedas incorrect makepublic ap- report he thatha: pearances even for causes he an earlier supports, butagoodly num- re-applied for admission __ he would bea2% ber of University of Califor-UC, where year-old junior. He mayre nia students continue toreapply next year, he said, gard him,in the halt-serious maybe he won ;, Vt rdsot one FSM veter , then again, at Mario, our Savio. iWhen informed that his opposed by l -lt isa rolethat Savio sa s admission is h detests. lie blames te Rafferty, theState Superiii HTo _personalities _ _.ntendent ofsmite;-_ Public Instructio focus on saw; just w :_@ 05;S..1t?§_"§1.°.'"l?7d -rather than on issues is toob',._...l'¥ newspapers. __ " _-; -scuire theissues andencour age the-.1eas17¢meatic . 1 Q at 92 ~. Q. ; 1 . I I 1 w zat i.*F§_: i @ ,,. '_,:.§~ _ .,.~.e_:;;;_ I i»1¢ii}ii'a1z's' _ou_ can't become handled""5s-zffyother stu- remark: ff Lea1T6n'1?-flnni. mightbe dent."-* s " conrts,l_1.e_said;~., ; 92 ear if challenged to afight , say,Mario Savio. He is looking for odd jobs, Savio, the valedictorian of rowd, laboredat yard work his high school inQueens andand written a piece for Har- per's Magazine. -~ I at Manhattan and Q ue e n scolleges before he came to UC in 1963, hasno as anon-student. During the FSM tumult, he, vio dislikes as allowed to withdraw THIN V many other political ti In discussion ofthe ind endent powers of the hither left wing, '1 to b _longer has, muchf-liking 3" torzns 01' civil di __ chieved byanew politicalthe gentle party, Savio talks about bedience advocated by Mar-V black power" and its mani- tin Luther King andBayard} __ festation as the Black Panther Party of LowndesCoun- Its' no "longer seriously, Rustin} ;,;I;;;f Q Tocomplete thesort this, of personalaccoimt thatSa immediate plans to change sstatus _TIRED, perceiv , that 92Savio,"li Q; our indegendent power.,_. ~"1tis clear nd he has tended bar in a e er hall for the eradical NON-STUDENT astudent a ._man until you ___ so intensely, it should be reportedthat he ret- ty, Alabama. believed that whites, if The use of the tattics f mass sit-ins, mass arres , see you kneeling in Q. yS < _ 0 J? '-_ ?!'.F .:_1 g ¢~.: .->.:' .1-._:..-., _ t- .6,-'-f 11 e~ g~v»' streets, willopen theirhea __ ~ 2! ."2 looks tired, thin and,_at _::-r' and pocketbooks, he said.-5" etc., has diminished becau, Thz 2~ei*-'Et'¬'I§Tone. ' times, unggsv. I UC officials lggygysaid that _ ' s92 ~, =c*v&# . .___. .t~»..$ 3;._,_;,,,.,,g_,; l He repeatedly Offi.ic"Ll thisthe ciiu.-1"side alwagshas the-' actively from classes. Savio, if lue"f"e-ap{>lies, will ,-on-:~; ' I _.Edff r».' -I- p nly? 1..., P ~,-7L: ,Q .-, __d __ S --s-._ _ V~,_,_____,-. _.'--""" Q4 -~31!-. , . e, ._ - -.,92, _-,1: §¢"I ' ,»=~ ~.;""=1;'~'* -. »;.;_"_*-1.-_ q .,» z= t-> '!.:",='_'~2-,~-1,1.-x-,,..:.~ ,' -. ok '--.»2;~» :T V1' sf: '4** .r 5v?;;jMF§::-4"->;1_l . " 11 » ,3 £1? 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I -. ¢,§~;;.""-=':.?£=*¢ ..;-1-:>. a':4*h~e;= "-at,*'=:'> :=;.- *.::.»'>;:~,;e;s,-¢+-F 3 _-;<;~;-.<,¢;_..-:-,'-':.=~..e';'~1-_=;=-1,,-:_"'/371*/. _,5 11;-1. iV?-:__g;-=-.. ~11. .. :f.,-¢:-';'£&,, .j:=__,,'"';f-_'-:'-'-.'=f='1;¢1»I:¢£i ' .1-»._'<";"" 1~,":=".'I;1'.i .~; s"4' 11 »-"J "'2;;"'-;" -, __» --,--': "ii" 4~'v" -»~-~ se-.~.--..'<-.,~_-,_ e-..;...';;,:<;»;;-»s=-' <31, » >',~ i ii SAVIO Aub ' <- -;.-_,;_;<! .~a' '- ~~~e» -»*'.-§,-:,-,_;==.-=.=-.-'=2 . - 2, . I»i'?-"-11,: kit .1131, ~- -' =:' "-5-$3-~~ .~- ~. :-. ,,. I--~ ~.-,; V.» z. .__, r.- __ .,-,. E, _ ._. ifgg, :.0 1 7* _M .5-..*-..M~.t'§, at ..i?'f< sm-5»-:~ *as ~e>ee, ~suzmue "' sou srssrm "' .» 0 -' .:egg; ° #2.. +.,_._. I .i 9- 0 92 . i/; n .»~ ----_ 3. §_g.9 »5 .&# -.3 1.5-7, ,5» V Status Now S ' QsHis .1~ " 11..-......_:n q,.,__¢-nn Nlarin Savic was never officially penalized by University of California zuthorities for his role in he Free Speech Movement of late 1964, although he never re-turned to his classes. _ He was registered as a fa ~|, probation on r e co m-V Knendation Presiden oi Clark Kerr, with Honsent of the UC u ot Regents. th Boar 1 -. Subsequent disciplinary action against Savio and other FSM lead- ers led mass to the Hall sit-in oi Dec. junior inSeptember, but Sproul .2. Five days later, Kerr before he could file a a n t ect amnesty to study list--a necessary" gr 1 i ' registration step-he them because of the sit- ward Strongon Sept.30. semester, Savio was permitted to 92v'itlldl'G,W from UC as of Sept. 30. He had not attended classes in arrests. I » was put on suspension Before the end of the by then-ChancellorEdSavios suspension, one of eight following the first sit-in Sept. 30. was later changed to __ ,IE5 .~ pf: ,= ,.-,_g ;- ->= :2-&# _9 --1;?- -..@. _. ' If *-=. .~ .3; -_.,.., ' A_"":"& for thren-months. v" --._ w_ .. ,-_ -5, .ff-Z357 . 92 . .' "-§!*_§ ._».. s _-. .» ._ re , 3:»:' P  &# . n 92 I - <_ 4. s- + t» Q--_' J. 717 . ,__ ._ ~' Y? =E; *n?;~? 3r~¢»_ . fit: ... 1 "92. .-, r .3 I92 . L .. a» 1'._'l_' '- .elf, 4' Z . . _> e ;=_-__e_..=-.j' -<:1r 5 -,=v --~ ~~/ 3-vveovv-~ :9r..._-.4.~-,-i ~> -- His 0inionls "".;_'~.TYi.f1 1 . Q ~r.=l1»v: ,5 ,. t;~~--I4 ~v. »_ i MarioSavio offered opinions afullon range of qiicsiions "tugalengthy interview with Examiner writer, LynnLudlow. A - ~i -.. 92 »;.;_».~.,,;,;» - Answersincluded following the COYllmt°I:tSZ on i"AiIiIL'RliOGl!: ., j x' . . i 92_,__j~ _ 1:l .-P-92_-#5?-It 1.5.»,;.-~;;._._:-_-,:;.-*t:<>»-:;>,.-.'_;.-,;;.;» ta:-,i_ ,92f;==.-.:4»~.-_ss=§ i:;»:-':;-:;~:-".:;.;:;;-. ! Becoming father a doesn't make me less angry at ___,;§>;;_._.__.;.;.-;-.;.1.::,=t;..-5:.-. .. ... -.1»,$92/:.¬1.92'-1 W how society harms growing children through their fami- Q! .:»;=*_;;-.»:-;-"' =1"<'-4 11; '1, ,,9; .§ .-,._,.§, '5!: - .. " V; -.~-' -=;~ ~;92 ~-rs»: f-=1; :5. _ lies, but it makes me muchmore sensitive to how very -r'";>1:-; -,~v=-=~~.;'§~¢=:i== d'fficult is toavoid it hurting one: children in some -:~;.. ale92?_~»#>¥;':, Wvyvil .< ....~.. .t,, k. .,. . -..-.,_;_@2-;."i:tt' T!-2~¬;5Z7§<g;»>.>-1'-=-~ <- $_ .-,_. ;-.-.51;-.;»:-4;15:-a;-. .~'-is 11;;-:<-.» 5;;-1;/_t.;~':-<¢_:--:r.,; :;- V ~y-justbybeingaparentp ' " _...i ' V-<$<>»92 tr} -"=4 ----i-m@**;~<i-=- _ "" . ~i» - as.. This helps me to regard greater with sympathy " 1 tse whom Iconsider political enemies because they, . _ -r t o,were little childrenone at time and are not less victimsan of society." ill __ -i -=1'-"I" ,st" :<. >~92.<-4. ,;~, s, ..~.<..»,.~,~-.....~... ..> aw->....-, . ..°- .i.+..<t~¢ .-.92- v E ON VIETNAM: I-1' pAY4! I ~-1-I-'~_7J1'-';' 1 1, I3-.':=:%'.I .5 p'lhe er isonly 1'. the most excruciating instance of --¢i._;<,~ " " 4; ,-_>;:'-;v;-:_._ "_, _ .- ,4-.; ._,;._.;.,92 .11 7¢.;_-.. .;' 2,*i'l3t'.5 with society." wrong " " ' ;-' r;---R - wt ON '1'.i5¬3I DRAFT: - ,1 >_'92I i &92 .>'¥~ ;.'.~. ,<.'.~»;$ - ' .52.?" .' . 9292 _. K Iv; view is summed up by that button you can get on thecampus. ~ ~- e-s, *V $2 ha <,!~< 9 §'92_, K . < .1-..-as --*923-.f-_--~*w R2 ~_-' >9292'92."",' '1' _-_~E._. ' 92.r.5-92 The button, on sale for 35 cents; says: War Is ,v Good Business-Invest Your Son.! i A . ltsclear thatit investment in warproduction weri to be ended rapidly and. soon, U.S.economy the ._ _ wou be, at least over the short 11111, crippled. _e :K< - >;,._¢-Le "~' , ,_,_;,-5' "_' . . .A7e~,'*~ ._ MARIOSAWO. 92- I M~ -- ~~> ' _-5. . s ' fa92 A In California, largie of people no togo. ' i - T""j numbers ~:;,_i_.' "have. _,..*f_I_ts becomepyery clear that the techniques of the place ~ =- portantisno_w to gain political powerNeg'roes._"; for '4 _ *<>~ ¢0MMvN1$M= e 5 x: NCIVIL RIGHTS: p- ;, past are not going to win for-ANegroes kindgains of the The Republican Party be canmoved more easilyf,i projected n0w.. .. -.' to the right, was as demonstrated by Goldwater an " -Ticketing Seawolf the Jack in London Square isnt Reagan,the than Democratic Party canibe", move -cw. left."-im. " ' f" s_;51r'~*,,.l,-j; ._.*;J._s;;j5 really going to get many for jobsNegroes. What's 4. on FRUSTRAfl'ION or RADICAL 'ri11NKER's=I ' 11t reason that FSM spokesmen werei§0n It happens a referencea to question about some determined to discuss notthe Communist issue bewas student radicals who become so. hopeless about change 23.1486.clearly 1t..wa_s., birrelevant to the ' civillibertiesli that they become helpless!. It must be seen in the con- questions involved and would have servedonlymake to ext aoi s»:=<f:lety _which_has structured soinstitutions its all the easierattempt an the bypress todeal with their sto make dissent entirely irrelevant, A~ on POLITICAL PART'IES~ Y ; i- ~. most sensational issues. " {ffanti-Communist, 11_.!i"-T5 J'7-" unthinking 5 " ij"__fItsto bad be an " Ofthe two, the less imperviousto progressive manyour of countrymen are. It's also badfto bean ,3 thinking anti-anti;Communist,'to refrain on all occ 1 lttical ideas, th Democratic Party,inisno sense com sions from criticizing Communists I think they shou mittedato poll 1c program thatis pnbliclyfpdiscuss - . F9450 Rev. 7-16-63! _ MountClippingin SpaceBelow! I ., i Vi.» _, . _:»dt#i -. . -érw 4 ' *d!92_ .35.! 4;'-a -*<» -as ~ , 1 ~n.-A 9-M. §%%:l =- 1 .-.9?-.92§ . . "_ _-_-_.»~., ._,v,vI& J9 > - ,51 Suvia Mario Savio. once the silv r-tongued orator of th L iversity of California stri Indtcdte: Vpade, nakvié of famfx dnt Free Speech Movement? newspaper, city and state.! 9292 IS denied readmission as 2; student at the Berkeley campus yesterday--but only on a f7*"i~ ". .;a-:.. . ,._..  F technicality. University officials, w h 0; previouslyhad denied receiving an application for read- 1?», mission from the 23-year-old fifebrand, declared that Shvlosimply applied toolate. Y 4 a-1:» t -*A -:' ISa v i o s application,said. ; F etter, was not received mt- g last Friday, afull week a£ter the final deadline. He may still apply vember i untilNo- ll 1 for admission to the winter quarter, which gins January 3. S.F. Chronicle oe~ He would be at junior int . ysics. San Francisco, Snvie.who became tliek __Calif. 0fl'ic§z.l Sp0i~li:3l'1';3Il of tle? ee Speech Movement i 1 64-65 0 n campus, spen mostof the past year in Eng-} land. wherehe-attendedOx-§ ford UniversitY' Al-I. '.t92_tn:~.i! Prior to leaving, hs mar-4 r I e d the former Suzanne Dam Aug. 18, 1960 Emu, Final Author: Editor: Title: :3; V _, '._;£_ :.._.:.:k92.J' 92 Oi V 4--2]!.M__._ G?! 1 dbe g, r another Free Y; 11...Fl..~.1X.: .&Sl.._..__ s.z$.p.Ln:.¢"6wW 53' eechleader.they have A eikht-month-old son.Steffa ;5i'ncehisreturnto Berl-1 92 Thieriot -»..ll Character: or spotlight. wot king asbar-A. tenderat the Steppenwolf on Classification: SanjPab1§>, a tavernP°P1a1, with»UC spudentsa I ~__-4 1;:-i Submittln qOffice: --_V:-&# -'+ :»~. .a-i.*,-&# .67» kg:~_ -G» 5, .. 3a¥]Belnq1nvesti ;-: f SEARCHED _....__|::z>£x£n 8ER1AuzeD..£."./.._meo ii. -.._ <f>. Fi;SA:i __-III----Q-u-__.___ :.._, i T07. -~.~~ 1. 0?W J".4 Young ,»:;92 eléy'Savio hasshiediromt I /092° eu2j' Home i W I FD-350 Rev. 7-16-63! [ MountClippingin Space Below! . -..__.____..-. .. , I ~92. -<-.-__,___' x___,-.1 I -I-J3-.4:- 0XFO_f{D onocovr While in uglaud, Savio at-: ' tendedSt.Eliz:-.bethsColle';;e' Ur. 4~-s I l {of Oxford -. ,,-,> .":sh-out a nzouih beforedrop-I . 92_. -* i ~-*- '<J ---'-- =-- ~./ i.J-@L-.;. =;v 4.11" but otn.ert;'i.~':tmliiscloseclf ,4. Bcf0L't3 comingto UC _'U . "92":"3 it ll in} had attentled Queens andManhattan col-Q i leges in New York City. He Indicate puqe, name of newspaper, city and stale.! . . 2;"--& ?;ejg_ had been valedictorian of his ._high school - .~: 92 , " Y-av . 1't§-.92:!IlS. Q 1963, Savio 1t 92.¢.921»,. ;_<=:5 . ping out for "n->n-edziczation-; f ~- 4.1» ....,;=_'.:l"2 fl 5' -£3 -9 73'4" 92. l.'nivez~sity ivrj 92,¬ :--.<~-e ~, > :2 class. V l SavioandotherFSMleadera were placed on suspen3-Ql ..92la1ri0 Savio will not be1e;-zdinittecl forthe {ell si-fmfor a SproulI-lull sit-in al; '~ .23?'. term at the L nive1'ist_"; of Ca1ilo1'nia in Berkeley.LC the start of the 1564 fall seofficialssaid today. mester.andthe subsequent The l't':l!l'Fl!. orator of the Freel Speechl~la~.-mnezxt m lstudent u nr est culminzlted lS¢'&~6o waited:1we-k toolongbeforedecidingto submitan 2.pplicutio:1_ Ht:was inlorzned bvD1: the arrest of 773 demon. strators at a mass sit-in in Sproul Hull. Sa92~ios convicflan still is on appeal. ' D.-an Fr-_-tiersaid all ;"<i:-,Jli9292"iLda211 Fl. P:-alter".l'_:i,1ll 0: cell-.:-n.~; since .-'m.'_:. 5 rt;-z Coll-;-=_1e u: l.t-:r_=;-rsand State Superintendent of Pubh-_~_-1». ¢l2nl=-'l tau!-25.; the '.l.2l:=._v 6 $Z"'I":nc&?$, iizxi -wl~j5c;iti11lic lnstrzzcti-m_92la:; Raii3.=.-1-tg. ¢-."< et-_u;~.':<i by ret=._-11:5 "hia.lZ';i".:. ll-"'51: |"':_l£;=_'7 Y_'_"l_;=il§§ lie said the I-I»:~-gents should _ff'_?!;1.f. Ila»:'=Y,=.r'.:7:-:1-is c~;92:'.?r-oi." C.F.;l92'~:-1 L-rite!til»:131;. 5 £l~;*;1<_l4-.o,-mi: to "gz'o2:p p§;.'t,-i;oii1e;'S.;'.'i~;-. in s-'_-cizzsic-11 sin-.'-J his 3155:!-Jr 9xcu;:~tl-Jzinl 4.'ll.§LS. apy if Savio we-t'e permitted rettiru to llerlzeley. has been - The deutllille mi" routine to L~nt'0ll aigailt. worlting at..;3__§;:vi=*~s of part-= 7921j:Q;l"Q1'Ll-'ltic927.: ;»~,4:92.ns;1-in nyWith his 92'.'ilL'. the tumier time jobs. . pii-'.--='ation2 -VLIS.lvne 15. and Goiu'l_»ei"g of the at iitat time .~?;o'io on-; telling Suzanne F5.-I. and their infant 5011. %IL':ncl.$ '.i.'.-l. in; '.92".as t2mil':cidSheila ns Suxio returned to -2-3about ill: ill[l_l1'ci last .92i;i_92' alter nearThe £'f:'eu-t or the rejection Bvl'l{cl8_92' ___ __ _ ___ I1.-92Hl-_II"l92 Hour _plies. as EC, T1 "1 __ S.n.hxaminer 1 s Dam Aug. 17, 1906! Edition: HON-16 . .. _..,, . F7 E<*"<>== Edmund J.Dooley '""'== MARIO SAVIO he 1 SM-C EC adinixustrmors lxud?'0l11d l?t?¢9_1}§§___§_=§>u:n'?i' stu- Dmmisedto handlemg ¢35e;dent92v1:l1 3.10810! m p11ySlCS. ¢ "l.i1~:': anv otherstudent. butl. - Character: er Bufile 100-1+1+3O52 Classification: Z1--1'-'»*~ :"il**'==, ~'¢5_1m~"-$5 ,5 L r>»;mr_:~-».-."'.*Ioit CONTAINED, 31. " qf1»-_-_;ger.ts_'z.;a5_~-pzonnsed b!. ,_1.i_-7.4;l_,IlCI.A3SIFIED -*7-_ SubmittingOffice: _<, , t __ ' 92 *§ . _ .i ' "-' ,_.»,».-.. .-;.»_&# .-. .. ;,;*~S IJiira G BeingInvestigated smcxso _...*..|.~|->ao.:A:>._.__ .l &£ib92L92.ZZD._ mm L7 TO sumo B!as84 226 66 ~> -~- Author: expected.for the! ',.-imel. quamr at * 5%-l_, 1 San Francisco,Calif ly :1 year in Englzmtl and '-#215 £0 p0=Ii-~n*.e tzmil 1il't=.>r York Cily I l.*.=1_92'c-92".~t:1l,-.-r :,lcL{l'J£l a live- .92'£-92'.' .921J'~92' he is three years ly ~'lisp=.1te over v."lietlzer S;t92i=.1 1 behind his class. If he reap:'§l'!llld. he reeldznitted at all. V it , . 5? I, :74; ¥ 1-.= -AU';1 23 1% 929/!U 1; ....._.f;4?:§"-'*.__F-*»*=t*<f . . .__. _________,_._...,__~ __~ - I FD-350 Rev. 1-is-63! s:-,5 - C g -_ l Mount Clipping In Space Below! _ _ .1 1 J; ijirf _~ e '°. E Enrollment atK I _.1 .. .; U. C. 3": :Z :1 _;-& -_ , HTheapplication of_Mari0 ,1 ti0n,_with those ofother pros-'_§ Savio. leader of__ theFreeg pective winter term students, Speech .92Im-'ement and sit-ins: will be consideredai'tcr ap-A ,-~"é' 1 yindieate-wpcxqe, nameof newspaper, city and slate.! at Berkeley,for admissionto i plications for the Fallterml ' mug, < thewinter termofthejunior gfihave been processed. .;4~11 , Mas}at the University of The winter term com> Cah§fo1"nia isonfile today. gtimences Jan, 9. Q Stéavio; awaiting theout-i Savio wasarrestedwith; come at hisappeal from ag other Sproul Hall I.'>5:c.; four-monthjail'sentence,'sent-2. 1964.iThe late Superior-I his applicationyeste.rday"l;J udge Rupert'Critt'emlen.§ Q from 2 i»-'*:'*rr"-iey address.Hei the na ~s .= . >-"-4,/.-rt Q!3ii~.t'1_.§' Municipal; spentlast year at 0xford§Court judge.foundSavioguil-7 University, England. His ap-ity_and imposedthe four-,1; plicationfor tl1eeFailterm?monthsentence. A' Y was deniedthis week. 1 Savio is 23. married and A SpG*==.;..,*¢-!=.l;£3 fortheuni-ithefather of an 8months old versity said Savios applica-1son,Steffan. <92----" 8 S.F. - Examiner _:i;.? . veg Pt $2,. San Francisco, Date: Calif :;g$ 8-1 Baum Final Author: Editor: Edmund J.Doo1ey Title: Home MARIO SAVIO. 92 SM-C Characler:Bufile1 _92.~ ». .-., rKNC iNT.592.i-NED, or . i ._-J:_ ' ~ .' :; ' - ';= :7?»_ -".2;-A we 5'4- "L»-4 .__y SF1C0-54060 A E-fA|~ET: gar/3'. I Classification. SF Submitting Office: r_p;52_.E'§_;'i _1_>'.l' -... J. {-1 __,.'.~ t §t::'ya'§E..i71'£":ai"dQ " U Beinq Investigated 92D/3 L! smcnzn ---..!=-l0F.X£D'.._..¢...l sss1mzzn.t; r_ .b§=;»"J2 iv -SAN FHMICIS /7 M gmccmo sumi.-.40 at as£44,141_,_,_, ,:"...;»;1;.i,__,$?/P. , /,g i 7 .?*' f I Q K ,~__ I_I.$- . -1 ,' 4 I ¢ PQ FD 350 Rev. 7-16-63! 1 ~ _ v MountClipping in SpaceBelow! I A » PI-in-gt M. Sovios E O I * Application Turned Down. The University oiCaliio% Indicatepage,ne-lite oi. here hasinformed Mario Sa io,I newspaper, cit; W M 43. .i.~:» ' ind state.! a leader in the Free Speech gi":T." hlovenicui disturbances in the F-. {allot 196;, that his applica- tion for re - admission for the fall quarter was f.?f¬ V not approved because it was submitted after the deadline. ->».".i i_ -'= ,DeanWilliam B. Fretter jf the Collegeof Letters and S ie ces advised Savioby letter f H Berkeley h s decision. ' The college,part of the UC Berkeley campus, has beenV denyingre - admissionrequests> Daily Gazett vi}. _. .:' .1! Berkeley, ince Aug. 5except tostudents hose late applicationis due California eee __,. -- to causesbeyondthe student's :ontrol. The official deadline for un- _,.. iergraduate admissionsw as last June 15, with exceptions oeingmadeonan individual ba- sisthroughAug. 5. Saviofailed to file applicationuntil Aug. 12. Processingof admissionsfor :he fall quarter indicates that "f? ."*.TTj"1",-?"T :92i.11J 4. "_'_;...-.1. -1-1-T5" -f 7,111,. ,...'_.;Li.! i.: theBerkeleycampus will be at 1r near its plannedenrollment peakof 27,500 graduateandun- ca. e F12-D 1»=-I FONTAZNED'> <T Y ;'.s'a.5i_,,,_f l.',.L_f_.,.._' ,. -.... ,3;//+4614" dergraduatestudents. Saviowill haveto reapplyif he wants to beconsidered f l admissionto UC for the 1' er quarter. » ~ 92 8/17/66 Eve. Date: Ediilonz Author: Editor: Title: 92 ~': ,_.;_ l..:7: 4._ -:ma... g 153 George Dunscomb gp-Q--A--4-8 » .= . . 92 .34...~_; J; M: _._,., Character: or 5 Clcsst mutton: Submlttlnq Office: SF §IHD____JMmuo iinwéhkinup "* AUG 2 9 1956 G Being Investigated 4.;-2-1 -. '; FD-350 -2-e2! ' I t0 1 i .- 1 i I MountClippingin SpaceBelow! l t;%»%~__=,-- -. 4Savio?i;;:iy Reiuririifoil S t. In other action on the-Free" jorieWennerberg, "facing Ia fine Speech Movement Front,asthe of$276. Mari C an-io,former leader of the Free SpeechMovementat I=4: - -L-'.= _ i» T Wire Servicesmightsay,'Jacque- ~. .- _ _- the sisterof Art Berkeley in 1964,hasapplied for line Goldberg, Goldberg, andalongwithhim 3 readmission to theUniversity. member of the After spending lastyear at 0x~ muchp=.92blici;=s=.:l Free Speech Movement leader~ ford University in England, Savio, ship,lastweekpetitioned BerkeFloydTalbotforrelease ~ his wife,/the former_§uza;m=leyJudge from twoyearsprobation anda ___<;3i;_ig;g,r§§_3nd theireight-month ¢¢< 'T_' r; _L _ __--vs i indicate page, nameof newspaper, city and state.! 5;Mrs. Savio confirmed that Savio teachat Illinois publicschools whileonprobation. Shehaspaid - -.» 3-. Hiutends toiiieforadmission to her fine and completedhalf her probation. ' A the fall quarter,for whichhe is 7 late.Thedeadline wasJuly15for Talbotdeniedher requestand t returning students. A University saidthatshecouldteachin'llli- ~.*~.,_ -..--._ __ -U, ..._, .____- spokesman saidthatafterthat noisprivate schools untiltheend 1 dateapplications are handled on of herprobation. Shewentto the an individual basis. _ Universityof Chicago this past i - University spokesmen t 15"T:fie The Daily Californian say Sa- togeta teaching credential. vio's application willbehandledyear Two others convictedfor the as that of any otherstudent. Savicwasoneof more than 700 sit-inswithdrewtheir Superior3 last week.Sander persons arrested in the Dec.2, courtappeals 30- I 196-i.sit in at SproulHall. His Fuchs,whofacesconcurrent - county jail terms for trespascaseand thoseof 570 othersare day singandresisting arrest,andMarbeing appealed. - 3.:::.___.=.__;g X92-" . ,. a, <5...---I Ii I V Berkeley, California . a/17/as ta -iniSSIFIED ~RE;H H. _.H¢ -if ?¢< "> 1m?1aHaTIGN CONTAINED Daily ggg Pub: Assoc. $52,?3@:§1L_;¢%%::< §§§1°tudents of the -='>.-U ._ _ 1? .. _r:9 1 .._l,_,, Date: 5'1 ...:1 -L I,- =. v~ .-~e -E-§,==_ Xhv ~'~; *'.~ 7' ' ' e-53; . ..-a '_ Z" >,.-2; fine.11..-=attorney. Stanley 0i i_,:.40!l, Steffen, returned tothe $400 Gold,saidthatshewasunableto '."Bay Area afew months ago. /- Edition: Autho U. of Calif. 01' ..;' , _ ..> » 1;, 1'; ~:f ~;. .--1. 31. ' -' 5? 13} ;i -~ 9.. 5; -'I 3' ___ ,. gt _<=_ E3 Character: 3EAi0liED 3EitlAl.l lax; AUGZFE i FBl_sAN_. 1966 .. Classification: S Submitting Office: F i_i_____-____ W W .. gee we ¬~» I Q FD-350 {4~3-62! C * "92V, . 92.->!~,'| Q ' it . * ~i . 92 . Mount Clipping in$pcice Below! ' - - '<92n--s-in _ iv---._.,., 1.?i Mario Scivio Asks Permissionto i .' 7 - Indicate page, name of A. newspaper,city and state.! , ByFRED GARDNER.p' 1 ll/Iario Savio yesterday took out registration papers: to apply for re-admission to the University ofCalifornia. The 23~yeai*-old .L§.f=.f0l3ilCi who gained renown asthe mostarticulate spokesman ofthe1964-65 FreeSpeech? !Movement appeared atthe It-':gisi_rars wir-"tow at21;-*4 pm. to pick up his applicationforms. ,, ' . . i g "I Healso visited the Dean of Students office to clari j hisstatus asa former and""*""*"-""."" i Berkeley ' °°"5e~ 7°t be determined sible transferred credits could until hehas completed theapp ._. _ pncaon forms . The Dean Daily Gazette i E" year in University, England studying at Hisacceptance orl'E]¬Cil0l1, ofQxfm-d andthepos_ Ci L 5 _"" =- 1*  >11 emu» ! ~&# ..1 i" *- P°55ib19 Y9-Qiliefing UCSm Hespent thepastacademic . advance hisstanding. Here ______Berkeley, Californ .» *>S ' _,.<_c>927 .4 H office i med i9 Beiikeley of Students this ' Past stated that Savio was not undei 5" W".hiS wifeSuzanne? .»,mbmon ndwas academ; and lght-illOnih'Qif1 son, callyeligiileforre-admission 5iefia"wme thedeadhne for new Savio hasstated to f 1i¬lld: 5 &# I .M .= --- ' ~L students has passed Savio could and acquaintances that ifhere be eligible for admission be.turned toUC,hewould devote hi time t hisstudies andnot 1' ~ §iJ'<i§ni£iiis§§§§3§mi§aii§°§§§§ipaiii student i=<>1iii¢sir>=e= 8/12/66 standing Exceptions have been Commenting on his taking out E°"°= EV9. made foir students applying late ggifetgintgizln sali>;1Per%avi Z6 a,s Author: .-.: for re-a mission. . _ ,_ __ ' Ifadmitted, Savio _would be quest for admission, like tlioge p:*:l°.' Beorge i_$LL!l8G0m ; ~~ junior. Whe-ii previously enfor allother SiUd¬DiS,thWl pa rolled, he had tiled asaPHYSICS treatezihsagiilg any P ersta ii-. 3"-G6!!! _ :ea§cra"__ .. v Yi CQWPA K* I NED $33.. in. If--TQ» I,.rL,92S<;1s1sn ,4-,;.;-{;_~_T__§_'; is int; . ~'_ J 9,6 'i;1_&;¢2..?..__-vY-9*" 1. ~ -414-.... '_J_,4~' /1 _ _ I i _¢ 0 8- Charécter: . : Classification: i O» . "Submitting Office: SP i s s WlGiHI_...._,__ ,_|Rp£xg ______ 3BiAil2Eii..____4»" 'nL5p_I.D>n 1I AUGI 5 1966 FB|-SAN 920/U .... ../nae-_i1514¢2£.d2_:_s_-____.. . i * PD35URev.7-15-53! __J J . 0s 92 i rd!, _! A . 0 v MountClippingin SpaceBelow! 47* t I M. Sc1v|os , 3- _<1 K APP"<°lrt°t# Turned Dcivvni .. V I,ft-t =4=;i~=& nu.lZ<r;< ,_t--s 5 _,¢._ __. ¢_ X 13 -' 3-92<< 4:?» ..~'~ . -__ ~.._~ "f! Indicate pqqe, nqme Qf newspaper, city and state.! The University ofCaf%§i¬t/ here has informedMario S vio, a leader in the Free Speech Movement disturbances in the fall of 1964, that his applica-t tion for re - admission for the X Em dz fall quarter was not approved becameit wassubmitted after} the deadline. JL1 iDeanWilliamB. Fretter'f 1 theCollege ofLetters andSi;-i Berkeley ehcesadvisedSavioby letter of his decision. > L' Y Deilv 7>42, __ e " ?*;f*.-1&# The college, part of the UC Berkeley campus, has been denyingre - admissionrequests sinceAug. 5 except to students whoselate applicationis due to causesbeyondthe students control. ~ ~,- Berkeley, California r ~-"err 3 -;i*:~¢e The official deadline for un- 5Processing of admissions for} the fall quarter indicates third ti Data: he Berkeleycampuswill be Saviowill have to reapply Author: Editor: Title: "g quarter; i-' -11 ,; 92- George Dunscomb _L§ n_,}& é 92 Character: or .,.¢ ALL I A:;___ §~ v E, t.._._; .2 ' " "rt .4-<3, 95' ,d¢_.,-. ._,»,-. ;,Ir: ?,?-. <jT. J Edition:Eve' tr near its plannedenrollme £1 peakof 27,500 graduateandIm- he wantsto-beconsidered for»; admissionto UCfor thewinte : ~3_;-.i~7 -_._..._ dergraduate admissionsew a s last June 15, with exceptions beingmadeon an individualba- t sis throughAug. 5. Savio tailed to tile aPPlication until _Au 8 . 12 ,-* dergraduate students. _L e*-s=e.: ,1A4 CO§iTAIliED I 1 If! tii§Li..:.SSIFlF.D p Clussication * : Submitting Office: E Being investigated . 11»s' ~,~.~~ _w-_.. -,1, e ». fa. .,~. $1.--]._ 3 oil:;_ei:iZ;8aL-DY-;?t11+?@:§-~'Y' c ssuoam .__,,...moeeo _____ sau92uzro_____r'" u.ao___...__T Y ' / xv AUGL 1966 FR-ANCt FBI-SAN 92o" /dd -5"?/0 é 0'13/F5