Pigs - Mid Devon Show
Pigs - Mid Devon Show
IN AID OF MID DEVON TOWN & COUNTRY SHOW SOCIETY supporting DFYFC Devon Federation of Young Farmers Clubs SCHEDULE of the Twenty Third MID DEVON SHOW Saturday 23 July 2016 PRESIDENT: TONY SLOLEY The Showground Knightshayes | Chettiscombe Tiverton EX16 7PP Site Holding Number 10/406/8019 Gates open to the public at 9am www.middevonshow.co.uk Mid Devon Town and Country Show Society Ltd • Charity No. 1029231 En M trie O sc 6 N D lo Ju A s ne Y e to be held by kind permission of the National Trust, The Chettiscombe Trust, Richard Frankpitt & Sons and the London & Devonshire Trust at ********************************************** MID DEVON SHOW PRESIDENT: Tony Sloley ********************************************************************* SCHEDULE OF THE TWENTY THIRD SHOW to be held by kind permission of The National Trust, The Chettiscombe Trust, Richard Frankpitt & Sons & the London & Devonshire Trust at THE SHOW FIELD, KNIGHTSHAYES / CHETTISCOMBE, TIVERTON, EX16 7PP Site Holding Number 10/406/8019 on SATURDAY 23rd JULY 2016 Opens to the public at 9.00 a.m. Prize Money, Cups, Trophies and Rosettes for DAIRY & BEEF CATTLE – SHEEP PIGS - PYGMY GOATS - HEAVY HORSES DRIVING - RABBITS - CAVIES & TRADE STANDS Separate Schedules for HEAVY HORSES & DRIVING, RABBITS, EXE VALLEY Y.F.C. RALLY CLASSES there will also be ON FARM DEMONSTRATIONS - CRAFT - W.I. - COUNTRY MARKETS W F U - COUNTRYSIDE AREA - FOOD HALL - CLASSIC CARS FANCY RATS - POULTRY - CHURCHES - RURAL CRAFTS VINTAGE - CHILDREN’S PLAY AREA – FARMERS’ MARKET together with a full MAIN RING PROGRAMME including Jamie Squibb’s Freestyle Stunt Team & Cyril the Squirrel Terrier Racing ***************************************************************** ENTRIES PLEASE BY: MONDAY 6th June 2016 *************************************** MEMBERSHIP LIFE MEMBERSHIP.....…........................................£300 PATRON ...…............................Any Sum (£70 minimum) MEMBER ...................................................................£30 OPTIONAL GUEST BADGE ...…..............................£25 JUNIOR MEMBER……………………………………£6 Benefits: *Mid Devon Show Badge & Ticket *Forward Parking - Voting rights at the A.G.M. Interim Show Newsletter *Hospitality in the Ashfords Members Marquee Guest Badge holders are only accorded privileges marked * Please show your support for the Mid Devon Show and become a Member *********************************************** SHOW DAY ADMISSION CHARGES ADULTS: .............................£15 CHILDREN (4 - 16 yrs) ........£5 FREE CAR PARKING ********************************************** DIRECTIONS TO THE SHOWGROUND The Showground is situated on the Tiverton to Chettiscombe byroad and is signposted from the A361 (North Devon Link Road), Junction 27 off the M5 and via Tiverton. Livestock Exhibitors - (use Post Code EX16 7PP) All other traffic will be in different post codes BUT: All traffic MUST follow Show traffic signs when close to Tiverton NOT YOUR SAT. NAV. DIRECTIONS! There are temporary road restrictions in place for the event. RULES & REGULATIONS ARE AT REAR OF SCHEDULE. ENTRIES PLEASE BY: MONDAY 6TH JUNE 2016 ************************************************ An AwardDORSET of £30 will be made for the Best Kept Exhibitor’s Area HORN / POLL DORSET and Best Presented Livestock within the Pig lines. To be shown in accordance with breed society regulations. Judge: PIGS Mr A Bickley, Tiverton Class Senior Steward: M Dymond 102 Older RAM 103 RAM Shearling All Pigs to be moved under Show and Exhibitors Licence 104 RAM LAMB No Pigs permitted entry to Showground without production of Licence 105 Older EWE Exhibitors: PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL PIGS ARE MANGE AND LICE FREE 106 EWE Shearling It is a condition of entry 107 EWE LAMBthat exhibitors ensure that handlers must only show animals where they have the necessary to cope with foreseeable problems. S18 Champion Pollstrength Dorset –and W Jexperience Daw Perpetual Challenge Cup All2015: Boars be shown by two competent handlers. Winner N Jto Burrington Any breed represented byby a minimum of two breeders Bestnot Dorset exhibited a Society Member - Dorset will Hornbe&placed in the ‘Any Poll Dorset Breeders’ Association Rosette the best of each breed within Other Breed’ class. Sheep The judge will be asked to nominate A pair of sheep,that one class of each be selectedFinal. by the Judge forsex, thetoInterbreed for the Interbreed Pairs Championship Any class within a breed, having only one entry will be amalgamated with another class within that breed. Exhibitors will be notified of the position in time to allow them HAMPSHIRE DOWN to withdraw, if they so wish. To be shown in accordance with breed society regulations. Entry Fee £3.00 plus fee for pen hire £1.50 each (inc. straw). Prize Money 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £5, rosettes to 5th place Judge: Mrs A Halcrow In addition Champion and Reserve Champion rosette in each section Class 109 RAM ShearlingJudging to commence at 9.00am prompt 110 RAM LAMB 111 RAM LAMB - untrimmed 112 EWE Shearling BREED SECTIONS 113 EWE LAMB Judges:Champion Mr R Swanton, Wiltshire S6 Hampshire Down – Martyn & Ann Waterman Perpetual Challenge Winner 2015:Abbot H Derryman Miss C Cup Uglow, Milton A pair of sheep, one of each sex, to be selected by the Judge for the Interbreed Pairs Championship BERKSHIRE This show is a qualifier for the BerkshireLLEYN Pig Breeders Cup for the Champion of Champions Class 251 SOW born 1/7/15, to have farrowed and reared a litter to 3 weeks since Judge: Mrbefore R Branton, Tiverton Class 1/1/16 252 GILT born 114 Older RAMon or after 1st July 2015 253 GILT Shearling born on or after 1st January 2016 115 RAM 254 BOARLAMB born on or after 1st January 2016 116 RAM 117 Older EWE P1 Champion Berkshire - Bill Roberts Perpetual Challenge Cup 118 EWE Shearling Winner 2015: S Fildes 119 EWE LAMB P5 Best Berkshire, - F J Brewer Champion LleynOpposite - WinnerSex 2015: Mrs E Eagles Perpetual Challenge Trophy Winner 2015: S Barnfield A pair of sheep, one of each sex, to be selected by the Judge or the Interbreed Pairs Championship 20 12 MIDDLE WHITE ZWARTBLES Class Ms T Peak, Barnstaple Judge: 255 SOW born pre 1/7/15, to have farrowed and reared a litter to 3 weeks since 1/1/16 256 GILT born on or after 1st July 2015 Class GILT born on or after 1st January 2016 257 258 BOAR born on or after 1st January 2016 120 Older RAM 121 RAM Shearling P9 Champion Middle White - Shutevale Challenge Cup & 122 RAM LAMB Middle White Club Rosette (Members only) 123 Older EWE Winner 2015: M W & C A Dunstan 124 EWE Shearling 125 EWE LAMB ChampionGLOUCESTER Zwartbles Winner 2015: GOLD B Renfree & Family SPOTS **This competitionCONTINENTAL is a Southern Champion Qualifier** ANY OTHER BREED Class Excluding sheep eligible for the Any Coloured Sheep section 259 SOW born pre 1/7/15, to have farrowed and reared a litter to 3 weeks since 1/1/16 Judge:GILT born Mron D or E after Smith, Chulmleigh 260 1st July 2015 261 Class GILT born on or after 1st January 2016 262 BOAR born on or after 1st January 2016 126 Older RAM 127 RAM Shearling P3 Champion Gloucester Old Spots 128 RAM LAMBPerpetual Challenge Cup Winner 2015: M J Smith Bill Roberts 129 Older EWE Gloucester Old Spot Pig Breeders Club Rosettes 130 EWE Shearling for the Southern Championship Qualifer & Reserve. 131 EWE LAMB Champion Any Other Continental - A C Mole & Sons Perpetual Trophy S23 Winner 2015: G B Renfree & Family LARGE BLACK A pair of sheep (of the same breed), one of each sex, to be selected by the Class Judge for the Interbreed Pairs Championship 263 SOW born pre 1/7/15, to have farrowed and reared a litter to 3 weeks since 1/1/16 264 GILT born on or after 1st July 2015 ANY OTHER NATIVE BREED 265 GILT born on or after 1st January 2016 266 BOAREntries born onfrom or after 1st January 2016 breeds not listed on the RBST Watchlist Judge:Perpetual MrTankard H C Derryman, HonitonLarge Black P16 for the Champion & Large Black Society Rosette: Winner 2015: D Stevens Class 132 133 Class 134 267 135 268 136 269 137 270 P15 P11 Older RAM BRITISH LOP RAM Shearling RAM LAMB SOW Older born EWEpre 1/7/15, to have farrowed and reared a litter to 3 weeks since 1/1/16 GILT born on or after 1st July 2015 EWE Shearling GILT born on or after 1st January 2016 EWE LAMB BOAR bornAny on orOther after 1st January 2016 2015: M J & V M Pile Champion Native Winner Southdown Sheep Society Rosette for the Champion Southdown exhibited Best Lop, Sow or Gilt to be judged between 1st & 2nd of all Sow or Gilt classes by a Society Member. –Wensdleydale Wyndham Shield Winner 2015: No entries Society Rosette for highest placed Wensleydale Champion British - Smallicombe Shield: Winner No entries A pair of sheep (of Lop the same breed), one of each sex, to2015: be selected by the Judge for the Interbreed Pairs Championship 21 13 An Award of £30 will be made for the Best Kept Exhibitor’s Area BRITISH SADDLEBACK and Best Presented Livestock within the Sheep lines. Class 271 SHEEP Qualifier for the finals at the Hatfield Show in August. Senior Steward: G Stevens SOW born before 1st July 2015, to have farrowed and reared a litter to three weeks since 1st January 2016CLASSES - SPECIAL NOTICE SHEEP GILT bornmust on or after with 1st July 1)Sheep272 Scab - Exhibitors comply SAC2015 sheep scab regulations in force at the time 2) Maedi273 Visna -GILT Entries for on nonorscheme flocks will be accepted. Exhibitors with Accredited flocks must born after 1st January 2016 bring their Separate areas allocated. 274papers. BOAR bornpen on or after 1st January 2016 3) Docking - Current legislation requires that lambs must have sufficient tail retained to cover the vulva of Saddleback British Saddleback Breeders’ ClubVeterinary Rosette: female sheep andChampion the anus ofBritish male sheep. Sheep will- be inspected in the lines by the Show’s Winner 2015: M W & C A Dunstan officers 4) All sheep in breed classes must be eligible for registration in the Breed Society Flock Book. TAMWORTH It is a condition of entry that exhibitors ensure that handlers must only lead animals where Class they have the necessary strength and experience to cope with foreseeable problems. 275 SOW bornand before 1st July 2015, to have farrowed reared litter toParade three weeks All Champion Reserve Champion animals mustand enter theaGrand since 1st January 2016 £3.00 plus fee for pen hire £1 each Entry Fees GILT born on or £10, after 1st Prize276 Money: 1st £15, 2nd 3rdJuly £5,2015 4th (given in the event of there being at least 10 277 GILT born on or after 1st January 2016 entries in the class) £3, rosettes to 5th place in all classes, if 12 or more entries rosettes to 278 BOAR born on or after 1st January 2016 6th place, in addition Champion and Reserve Champion rosette in each section Young Handlers judging toPerpetual commence at 9.00am P2 Champion Tamworth - Bill Roberts Challenge Cup followed by Breed and Other Sections at 9.45am, Winner 2015: A J Brown Interbreed Sheep then Wool on the Hoof. Fleece Classes at 11.00 am, RAM/EWE Shearling orLANDRACE older classes will be& amalgamated WELSHif less than 5 in each class. If 15 or more entries are forward a class may be split. Class Please include the year of birth of the sheep on the entry form 279 SOW born before 1st July 2015, to have farrowed and reared a litter to three weeks since 1st January 2016 SUFFOLK 280 GILT born on or after 1st July 2015 281 GILT born on or after 1st January 2016 Judge:BOAR born Mr on L Barons, Totnes 282 or after 1st January 2016 Landrace & Welsh Winner 2015: J Newth Class Champion Entries must be from accredited flocks only. 10 22 81 Older RAM 82 RAM Shearling OXFORD SANDY & BLACK 83 RAM LAMB The highest placed Society Member to qualify for the Champion of Champions 84 Older EWE at Newbury Show September 2016 85 EWE Shearling 86 EWE LAMB Class 87 GROUP THREE SHEEP (one opposite sex,and exhibitor 283 SOW bornOF before 1st July 2015, to of have farrowed reared bred, a litterselected to three weeks from animals entered in the classes above.) No entry fee, Rosettes only. since 1st January 2016 284 GILT born on or after 1st July 2015 S2 Champion Suffolk Rowland 285 GILT born on or after- Colin 1st January 2016Perpetual Challenge Cup Winnerborn 2015: Derryman 286 BOAR onHorCafter 1st January 2016 S12 Kings Suffolks Perpetual Challenge Cup awarded to Winning Group of Three Winner 2015: C Hopper & Son Champion Oxford Sandy & Black Winner 2015: C J Sully S15 The West Country Suffolk Sheep Assoc. Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Oxford Sandy & Black Society Rosette (Members only) - Best of Breed Female Suffolk Winner 2015: C only) Hopper & Son Oxford Champion Sandy & Black Society Rosette (Members - Champion of Champions A pair of pig sheep, of each sex, tothen be selected by the qualifier. (If the has one already qualified the reserve toJudge qualify in its place) LARGE WHITE CHAROLLAIS Class 287 1st July 2015, to have farrowed and reared a litter to three Judge:SOW born Mrbefore P Tully, Bridgwater weeks since 1st January 2016 *** ThisGILT Show is aon qualifier 288 born or after for 1st the JulyBritish 2015 Charollais Sheep Society Points Cup for the GILT Exhibitor the1st most prizes at one day shows in the South West region. 289 born gaining on or after January 2016 290 BOAR born on or after 1st January 2016 Class Entries must be from accredited flocks only. 88 Older RAMLarge White Winner 2015: S J S Loveless Champion 89 RAM Shearling 90 RAM LAMB 91 Older EWE 92 EWE Shearling ANY OTHER BREED 93 EWE LAMB 94 GROUP OF THREE SHEEP (one of opposite sex, exhibitor bred, selected from Class animals entered in1st theJuly classes above.) Nofarrowed entry fee,and Rosettes 291 SOW born before 2015, to have rearedonly. a litter to three S7 292 293 294 S14 P12 weeks sinceCharollais 1st January 2016 Hopper Perpetual Challenge Cup, Charollais Champion - Clive GILT on or after 1st July 2015 Sheepborn Society Rosette GILT on C orEafter 1st January 2016 Winnerborn 2015: Irwin BOAR born on orofafter 1st January 2016 Leigh Perpetual Challenge Cup Winning Group Three - The Trinity Winner 2015: J Harding Champion Any Other – GtoWbePack Perpetual Trophy A pair of sheep, one ofBreed each sex, selected by theChallenge Judge Winner 2015: S J S Pairs Loveless for the Interbreed Championship TEXEL JUNIOR HANDLER Judge: Mr M Yeo, Barnstaple It isClass a condition ofEntries entry that ensure that handlers mustexhibitors be from accredited flocks only. must only show animals where 95 they have theRAM necessary strength and experience to cope with foreseeable problems. Older No Entry Fee, Prize money £5 to the first 5 places, 96 RAM Shearling Rosettes to all exhibitors 97 RAM LAMB 98 Older EWE 295 100 296 101 Open to exhibitors from age 12 to 15 (at date of show) showing a pig (no boars) EWE LAMB Open to exhibitors from age 16 to 18 (at date ofsex, show) showing a pig (no boars) GROUP OF THREE SHEEP (one of opposite exhibitor bred, selected from animals entered in the classes above.) No entry fee, Rosettes only. All classes in this section to be judged on preparation and manner and ability with which the animal is shown. may be taken onCup, the day. Champion Texel - Michael LearEntries Perpetual Challenge Winner 2015: A J Carter Champion Junior Young Handler Perpetual – Stags Perpetual Challenge Trophy Best Texel Ram Lamb - Brooking Cup Winner 2015: Ryan Mr & Sowden Mrs I Andrews Champion Young Handler Stags Trophy A pair of sheep, one of each-sex, to Perpetual be selectedChallenge by the Judge Winner 2015: William Sully for the Interbreed Pairs Championship Class 99 EWE Shearling S4 P13 S5 P8 23 11 Interbreed Dairy Judge: Mr D Christophers CHILDREN DAIRY CHAMPIONSHIP It is INTERBREED a condition of entry thatPAIRS exhibitors ensure that handlers must only show animals fee. No money is allocated to this classwith foreseeable where they haveNo theentry necessary strength and experience to cope Open Pairs Dairy Championship to have been shown in previous classes problems. and owned by sameRosettes exhibitortoatall time of entry. exhibitors C27 To Winning Open DairyofChampions - rather than the Pig. be judged on Pairs the ability the Handler Her Royal Highness The Princess Noora of Bahrain Trophy 297 Open to exhibitors the age of (at date Champion of show) showing a pig age), together with theunder Champion &12 Reserve Prizes of (any £20 & £15 no boars Entries may be taken on the day. Winner 2015: O Reed & Panda Holsteins P14 C12 Mrs B Petch Trophy for the Best entry in the Children‘s Class INTERBREED DAIRY CHAMPION Winner 2015: E Loveless Crediton Milling Perpetual Challenge Cup together with the Champion and ReserveNOVICE Champion Prize of £35 and £25 Winner 2015: TheNoDavis Family Entry Fee, Rosettes only Interbreed Beef Judge: Mr J Neale, Launceston Class 298 Open to Exhibitors who have not won more than four 1st places in any other shows. The pig to be judged,BEEF NOT the handler. EntriesCHAMPION may be taken on the day. INTERBREED YEARLING No entry fee. No prize money Best Novice Handler - Maltmix Shieldis allocated to this class Eligible to the highest exhibitor bred male or female animal from the foregoing Winner 2015: Mrsplaced J Smith breed/A O Native classes to be born after 1st January in the year prior to the Show. C11 Champion Beef Yearling Exhibitor Bred Animal Judges: Mr R Swanton & Miss C Uglow William C May Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner 2015: D & A Wheeler P6 BEST PAIR OF PIGS INTERBREEDNoPAIRS entry fee,BEEF RosettesCHAMPIONSHIP only No entry fee. No Show prize money is allocated to this class Both pigs owned by one exhibitor and to have been shown in previous classes. Entries may be taken on the day. Interbreed Pairs Beef Championship (any combination male/female, owned by ) to have wonto 1stthe place in previous Pairs the same exhibitor P7 Oldbell Perpetual Shield awarded Champion Pair of Pigsclasses. C19 Interbreed Beef Champion - The Angela Browning MP Winner 2015:Pairs S Fildes Trophy together with £20 Winner 2015: J May Reserve Champion £15 BEST PIG BORN IN YEAR OF P10 C13 C14 P4 C15 24 8 SHOW BEEF CHAMPION IMMINTERBREED (A G World Europe) Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Best Pig Born in the Year of the Show, selected from previous classes. Winner 2015: M W & C A Dunstan Champion Native Breed - James Pryce Perpetual Challenge Cup Winner 2015: E A Jones INTERBREED PIG CHAMPIONSHIP Champion Continental Breed - Vale Veterinary Group Perpetual Challenge 2015: Patrick Greed Supreme Interbreed PigCup Champion -Winner The Chris Quick Haulage Ltd Champion Beef Animal Perpetual Challenge Trophy & £25 Priorton (Bill Perpetual Challenge Cup together with the Winner 2015: S JMay) S Loveless Champion and Reserve Champion Prize of £35 and £25 Winner 2015: Patrick Greed LIST OF ENTRIES EXHIBITOR NAME…………………………………………. Office Class Name and/or Description Use No. ____ If Young Handler entry please show ____ name & age of entrant_________ ____ of Entry Ear Tag / ID Number ENTRIES PLEASE BY 6th JUNE Breed Sex Date of (Pygmy Goats Birth kidding date) Dam £ Fee p Not needed for sheep Not needed for sheep _____________ ______________ ______ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ _____________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ _____________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ ______________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ ______________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ ______________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ _____________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ _____________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ ______________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ _____________ ______________ ______ ____ ____ ___________________________ _____________________ __________ ___ _______ ______________ ______________ ______ _____________________ __________ ___ Not needed for sheep ___________ Sire CATTLE STALLS REQUIRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £0 SHEEP PENS REQUIRED @ £1 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5’ X 5’) Young Shepherd . . . . . . . . £0 (5’ x 5’) PIG & GOAT PENS REQUIRED @ £1.50 each (inc. straw) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5’ X 5’) NUMBER OF VEHICLE PASSES REQUIRED . . . . . . . . . . . . (FREE) TOTAL NUMBER OF ANIMALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Entry total £ Pen total £ Total c/fwd £ MID DEVON SHOW CERTIFICATE OF ENTRY All exhibitors shall be considered as having read and understood the Show rules and regulations. The Schedule will be on the web site (www.middevonshow.co.uk) and entry forms may be downloaded. Movements to and from the “Mid Devon Showground” should be recorded in movement books and passports. Site holding number 10/406/8019 PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING ANIMAL HEALTH CORRECTLY HEALTH STATUS: CATTLE - SHEEP PLEASE INDICATE IF YOUR HERD HAS CHeCS LEPTOSPIROSIS JOHNES IBR BVD NEOSPORA - IS YOUR FLOCK MV ACCREDITED CERTIFICATION FOR (Please indicate clearly) Office Use Adult Child V/Pass Pr Vchr All certificates must be presented on show day for inspection ENTRIES TO: Cattle / Sheep / Pigs Mid Devon Show, Ground Floor, 18 High Street, Halberton, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 7AF Tel 01884 820859 Email: [email protected] Pygmy Goats S Davies, West Instaple, Bradworthy, Holsworthy EX22 7PZ Tel: 01409 241993 PLEASE NOTE: ALL ENTRANTS ENTRIES BY DATE: FEES: Entries/Pens b/fwd (see regs.) Max. two passes at concessionary rate of £12 each Child tickets £4 Membership £30 Show Programme Voucher £3 TOTAL £ CONTACT DETAILS WILL BE INCLUDED IN SHOW PROGRAMME UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUESTED …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. _____ Stalls/pens need to be booked. Monday 6th June 2016 - No entries can be accepted after 18th June. I enclose a cheque for £ : (payee Mid Devon Show) or BACS payment to NatWest Bank Plc.60-21-27 A/C 54528615 and agree to enter the 2016 Mid Devon Show subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Show and the bodies to which it is affiliated. I also confirm that I have fully paid up public liability cover in place. Entries will not be accepted without full payment. Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAME (CAPITALS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FULL ADDRESS (CAPITALS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POST CODE. . . . . . . . . . . . ... TEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RULES AND REGULATIONS SIMMENTAL 1. All cattle, sheep, pig and goat exhibitors to be in the Show Field with their exhibits by 8.30am. No exhibits to be removed from the Show field before 4.00pm without written permission being first Judge: Mr J Kimber, Chippenham obtained from the Show Organizer Class 2. The committee disclaims all responsibility for any accident to or loss by any person or animal at 58 COW or HEIFER born before 1st January 2014 the show. No claim will be entertained for anything that may happen to exhibitors, their employees or 59 HEIFER born on or after 1st January 2014 those who accompany them, their property, exhibits or goods. 60 BULL (any age) 3. It is a61 condition of entry each exhibitor shall indemnify thethe Society any official or guest PAIRS (anythat combination male/female, owned by sameand/or exhibitor) of the Society against any claim arising from any accident and/or occurrence in which the exhibitor or C18 Champion - Alanthe Barrow, Contractor his exhibit are involved. TheSimmental Society reserves right toAgricultural remove an animal from a ring and/or the Perpetualdangerous. Silver Tray, Britishshould Simmental Society Champion Rosette showground if considered Animals not be Cattle left unattended. Winner 2015: D M Barker 4. The SocietyReserve may, in its absolute discretion, postpone cancel abandon the Show without giving Champion - British Simmental CattleorSociety Reserve Champion reasons and suchRosette decision shall be final and binding on exhibitors. Exhibitors shall not have any claim against the Society or any member of the Society in respect or any loss or damage consequent upon the Show, or part of the Show, (for whatsoever reason) being postponed, cancelled or BRITISH BLUE abandoned. In the event of cancellation the return of exhibitor fees will be at the discretion of the Society and will not exceed the amount of the payment received from the exhibitor. In the event of Judge: Mr R Hull, Tiverton postponement or abandonment there will be no return of payments. In no event will any consequential Classloss be paid. 62 COW or HEIFER bornproperty before 1st January 2014for one month prior to the closing date 5. All livestock must be the bonafide of the exhibitor 63 Full breeding HEIFER details born ontoorbeafter 1st January 2014 for entries. provided in breed classes. 64 BULL (any age) 6. Suitable must becombination worn for the male/female, purpose, in particular 65 clothing PAIRS (any owned byfootwear. the same exhibitor) 7. The Society will adhere as closely as possible to the&published schedule and programme but C8 Champion British Blue - A E Stuart Son Plate reserve the right Winner at their absolute 2015: E Cdiscretion Haste to put forward or alter any class without notice if found expedient to do so and the right to refuse any entry and to cancel any class if less than three entries or otherwise without necessarily giving a reason. In the event of there being less than 4 exhibitors in CHAROLAIS any one breed Section the Society reserve the right to withdraw that Breed Section. Mr by J Kimber, Chippenham 8. OnlyJudge: officials appointed the Society and exhibitors currently showing in a class shall be permittedClass to enter the Show Ring 66 COW or HEIFER born before 1st January 2014 9. Prize Money will be awarded according to the following scale of forward entries:67 HEIFER born onrespectively, or after 1st January 1, 2 or 3 entries, 1, 2 or 3 prizes rosettes 2014 to 5th place. N.B. Some variations. Prize 68 BULL (any age) Money may be withheld, or having been awarded may be reclaimed, if an exhibit is found 69 PAIRS (any combination male/female, owned by the same exhibitor) subsequently not to be as represented. C23 Champion – Theonly South Charolais Association 10. In awarding Interbreed Charolais Championships, theWest Champion in each breed shallPerpetual be initially Challenge Trophy – Winner 2015: Patrick Greed paraded: when the judge has decided the Interbreed Champion he shall then call for the second prize winner in the Champion’s class so that it may be considered with the other Champions for Reserve OTHER Interbreed Champion. NotANY applicable to InterbreedCONTINENTAL Cattle Pairs Championship. Judge: be allocated fromawards otherengraved, section once entries received. 11. Trophy winners areTo responsible for having the Society cannot undertake to keep the Class cups up to date. or HEIFER born before 1stthe January 2014 12. All 70 protestsCOW must be made in writing stating grounds of objection and must be 71 the Secretary HEIFER born onone or after January 2014 lodged with within hour1st from the time the prize was awarded, together with a 72£10 which BULL (any age) deposit of will then be forfeit to the funds of the Society unless the protest is upheld. 73 PAIRS (any combination male/female, owned by the same exhibitor) 13. All disputes shall be settled by committee which the Society has appointed or by any referee whom that committee may appoint and such decision shall be final. 14. All animals entered for special prizes or cups must be in their appropriate class. 626 15. Please ensure that you register your entry by the closing date. Entry passes - One vehicle pass plus:Two tickets up to three animals Three tickets for four or five animals Four tickets forSECTION six or more animals COMMERCIAL CATTLE Up to two tickets at the concessionary ratefor may be Breed purchased. For Young Handler classes etc. tickets (not eligible Inter Championship) will be allocated as one per exhibitor, if all junior entries then one extra ticket will be provided for a Judge: Mr I Scott, Launceston parent/guardian. Fleece Classes Class - Exhibitors who make three entries or more will be entitled to a free entry ticket. 74 STEER (born on or after 1st January in previous year) CATTLE 75 mustHEIFER (born onring or after January in previous year) 16. Cows not appear in the in an1stover-stocked condition. C16 Commercial Cattle Champion – 17. Should anyMerial contrivance or device of anyChallenge description be found on, or2015: proved to Davies have been used on ‘Ivomec’ Perpetual Trophy Winner EA a cow or heifer Special at any time during show either for preventing or influencing abnormally the flow rosette forthe Best Local Exhibit of milk, blistering, bandaging, and/or boarding of udders, the sucking teats or any other purposes the Society at their absolute discretion shall have the power to disqualify the cow or heifer so concerned from any award or trophy at the show. YOUNG HANDLERS 18. All bulls to be shown by two competent handlers. 19. All prize winners are expected to participate in the Grand Parade. SHEEPIt is a condition of entry that handlers must only lead animals where they have necessary strength and experience cope withinforeseeable problems. 20. Sheepthe Scab - Exhibitors must comply with SACtoregulations force at the time. No Entry Fee, Prize Money £5 to the first 5 places, 21. Maedi Visna - Entries from non scheme flocks will be accepted, except where stated relevant toentry. all exhibitors certificates must be brought with anyRosettes Accredited Separate pen areas allocated. Judges: Mr R Leyrequires (Dairy) 22. Docking - Current legislation that lambs must have sufficient tail retained to cover the & Miss R Hurd, (Beef) vulva of female sheep and the anus of maleWiveliscombe sheep. Class 23. No sheep to be shown in any more than one section 76 Open to exhibitors of 7 but under 10 years on the day of the Show, showing dairy 24. Sheep willcalves be inspected the lines by thethe Show’s Veterinary of any in breed born since 1st January in theOfficers. year of the show. To be judged on preparation and manner and ability with which the animal Exhibitors 25. All females of the Dorset Horn; Polled Dorset or Finnish Landrace mustisbeshown. accompanied by a must be accompanied by an adult. declaration that the animals are non-pregnant (empty) or have not lambed in the previous 30 days. 26. All77 Champions Reserve Champions expected to participate in the Grand Parade Openand to exhibitors from 10 to are 16 years on the day of the Show, showing dairy calves of any breed born since the 1st January in the year prior to the show. To be PYGMY GOATS judged on preparation and manner and ability with which the animal is shown. 27. Conditions of entry are subject to current DEFRA movement restrictions and exhibitors must comply with all animal health regulations in force at the time of the show. 78 Open to exhibitors of 7 but under 10 years on the day of the Show, showing beef 28. All goats must be ear tagged in accordance with calves of any breed born since the 1stDEFRA Januaryregulations. in the year of the show. To be judged on preparation and manner and ability with which is shown. Exhibitors 29. All exhibits must be registered with the Pygmy Goat Club withthe theanimal exception of female kids accompanied by an adult. under 6 months,must malebekids under 12 months, wethers and pet females. Registration details must be included79on the Open entry to form . exhibitors from 10 to 16 years on the day of the Show, showing beef calves of any breed born since thebe 1stcurrent January in the year prior to theGoat show. To be 30. All exhibitors (except Junior Handlers) must members of the Pygmy Club. judged on preparation and manner and ability with which the animal is shown. 31. No late entries or substitutions will be allowed. C25 Winning Junior Young Handler Dairy- Stags Perpetual Challenge Trophy 32. All dates to Winner be calculated the day of the show. Dates of birth and kidding dates to be 2015: to Keira Martin includedC26 on the Winning entry form. Young Handler Dairy - Stags Perpetual Challenge Trophy 2015: Davis 33. No pregnantWinner goats may beEmily admitted to the showground. C20 Winning Junior Young Handler Beef- Stags Perpetual Challenge Trophy 34. Goats to have kidded a minimum of 30 days prior to the show. Winner 2015: Grace Denning C10withWinning Young Beef-or,Stags Perpetual Challenge Trophy 35. Classes only 1 entry willHandler be cancelled if possible, amalgamated. Winner 2015: John Coaker 36. No entries to be accepted for goats bred or previously owned by the judge. 27 7 Liskeard Show - Saturday 9th July 2016 Secretary: Mrs B Breyley, Eldon, St Ive. Liskeard. Cornwall PL14 3NE Email: [email protected] Web: www.liskeardshow.org Yealmpton Show - Wednesday 27th July 2016 Secretary: Paul Davis, 1 Castleford Cottage, Combe Fishacre, Newton Abbot TQ12 5UQ Tel 01803 814390 Email: [email protected] Web: www.yealmptonshow.com Launceston Show - Thursday 28th July 2016 Secretary: Naomi Hutchings, P O Box 105, Launceston PL15 9WY M07988 479452 Email: [email protected] Web: www.launcestonshow.co.uk Totnes Show - Sunday 31st July 2016 Secretary: Mrs Linda Harvey, P O Box 220, Totnes, TQ9 9EN Tel/Fax: 01803 732813 Email: [email protected] Web: www.totnesshow.com North Devon Show - Wednesday 3rdAugust 2016 Secretary: Pat Sennett, 13 George Arcade, South Molton EX36 3AB Tel/Fax: 01769 573852 Email: [email protected] Web: www.northdevonshow.com Honiton Agricultural Show - Thursday 4th August 2016 Secretary: Marcelle Connor, Bank House, 66a High Street, Honiton EX14 1PS Tel/Fax: 01404 41794 Email [email protected] Web: www.honitonshow.co.uk Tiverton Horse Show – Saturday 6th August 2016 Secretary: Gillian Tucker, Rose & Crown Riding Stables, Calverleigh, Tiverton EX16 8BA Tel: 01884 252060 Camelford Show - Wednesday 10th August 2016 Secretary: Mrs Ann Hayne, Rest Holme, Trewassa, Davidstow, Camelford PL32 9YG Tel: 07786 382560 Email: [email protected] Web: www. camelfordshow.com Okehampton Agricultural Show - Thursday 11th August 2016 Secretary: Claire Woodward, P O Box 101, Crediton EX17 9AH Tel/Fax: 01363 866161 Email: [email protected] Web: www.okehamptonshow.com Chagford Show - Thursday 18th August 2016 Secretary: Mrs Sally Hutchings, 6 Stanburys Orchard, Crockernwell, Exeter EX6 6NA Tel 01647 24306 M07811 687494 Email: [email protected] Web: www.chagfordshow.com Dunster Show – Friday 19th August 2016 Secretary: R Langdon, Apple Tree House, Higher Vexford, Lydeard St Lawrence, Taunton TA4 3QF Tel: 01984 656990 Email: [email protected] Web www.thedunstershow.co.uk Kingsbridge Show - Saturday 3rd September 2016 Secretary: Katherine Harrod, 169 Cumber Close, Malborough, Kingsbridge TQ7 3DE Tel 01548 560043 Email: [email protected] Web: www.kingsbridgeshow.co.uk Dorset County Show - 3rd & 4th September 2016 Schedules: Dorchester Agricultural Society, Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester DT1 1EF Tel: 01305 264249 Email: [email protected] Web www.dorsetcountyshow.co.uk 28 ************************************************************** All Cattle, Sheep & Pig entries for the Mid Devon Show to be on the enclosed Official Entry Form and sent to the Show Organiser: Jacqueline Stamp Mid Devon Show Ground Floor, 18 High Street, Halberton, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7AF Pygmy Goat entries should be sent to: Sharon Davies West Instaple Bradworthy Holsworthy EX22 7PZ Tel: 01409 241993 All enquiries regarding the Show to: Tel 01884 820859 Email: [email protected] Website: www.middevonshow.co.uk Chief Steward Livestock Section: John Daw ********************************************************************************* Kingwood Childcare & Pre-School ‘Creche’ facilities are offered to Exhibitors and visitors to the Show ********************************************************************************* Mid Devon Town & Country Show Society is a company limited by Guarantee No 2867043 Registered Office: Quayside House, Highland Terrace, Barrington St, Tiverton EX16 6PT. Registered in England as Charity No: 1029231. Member of the ASAO.