2016 SILGA AGM - City of Salmon Arm


2016 SILGA AGM - City of Salmon Arm
Water - Connecting Us All
Tuesday, April 19 th Delta Grand Okanagan
1310 Water Street, Kelowna, Be
I :00 pm - 6:00 pm
Golf@ Harvest Golf Club (2725 K.L.O Road, Kelowna, BC)
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Preconference Session
TOTA tourism development session
Key issues include trail development, First Nations, labour and
research amongst others.
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Registration opens
Wednesday April 20'" Delta Grand Okanagan
Registration continues
9:00 am
Busing starts for tours - meet at BC Transit bus stop across Water Street
from Delta Grand
9:10 am - 10:40 am
Downtown Walk/Revitalization (meet in lobby)
James Moore, Long Range Planning Manager and Terry
Barton, Urban Planning Manager, City of Kelowna
Glenmore Landfill (meet at bus stop across Water Street from Delta
Scott Gramm, Business Development Manager, FortisBC
» Scott Hoekstra, City ofKelowna, Solid Waste Supervisor
Mission Sports Complex (meet at bus stop across Water Street from
Delta Grand)
» Jim Gabriel, Divisional Director Active Living & Culture &
10:45 am - II :00 am
Nutritional Break
II :00 am - II :50 am
Breakout Sessions
Mission Creek Restoration (Okanagan)
Todd Cashin, Suburban & Rural Planning Manager
Legal Presentation - How privacy law matters to elected officials
Devin Buchanan, Fulton & Co. (Cassiar/Cascade)
LOLA - Bylaw Enforcement: Best Practices Guide for Local
Governments (Selkirk)
Zoe Jackson and Adam Barnes, Office of the Ombudsperson
II :50 am - 12:50 pm
Lunch at Delta Grand Okanagan
12 :00 pm - 4 :00 pm
Trade show set up
12:50 pm to I :25 pm
Opening Ceremonies
~ SILGA Executive and Host Committee led in by bagpiper Paul
Johnson and the RCMP
~ Singing of 0 Canada -led by Ryan Donn, Kelowna Councillor
~ Welcome Prayer - E lder Grouse Barnes
~ Blessing - Pastor Mike Penninga
~ SILGA President - Chad Eliason
Chair CORD - Councillor Gail Given
Mayor of Kelowna - Colin Basran
I :25 pm - I :40 pm
I :40 pm - I :50 pm
UBCM address
AI Richmond, President
Silver Sponsor
Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust - Luanne Chore, CEO
» Council of Forest Industries /WoodWorks! BC - Cam McAlpine,
COF I and Bill Billups, WoodWorks! BC Technical Advisor
I :50 pm - 4:20 pm
Water Symposium on Sustainable Drinking Water Systems and Healthy
Ministry of Health! Office of the Provincial Health Officer/
Interior Health
3:00 pm - 3: 15 pm
Nutrition break (in foyer) sponsored by FortisBC
3: 15 pm -3:20 pm
Silver Sponsor - TOTA
Simone Carlysle-Smith, Community Development Specialist
3:50 pm - 4:20 pm
Water Symposium continues - Breakout Sessions
I. Cl imate Change and Adaptation as it Impacts Human Health
Dr. Sue Pollock, Interior Health
2. Small Water Systems Challenges and Solutions (Okanagan)
Rob Birtles, Interior Health
5:00 pm -7:00 pm
Welcome Reception - Laurel Packinghouse (1304 Ellis St)
Appetizers, local wines/beer/s pirits
Thursday, April 21st Delta Grand Okanagan
7:00 am - 8:15 am
7:30 am - 8: 15 am
Full Breakfast (Okanagan)
Breakfast round table mining discussions
With Geoscience and AME BC
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Trade Show Opens (Skaha / Vaseaux / Kootenay)
8: 15 am - 8:40 am
AGM Opens
~ President's Report - Councillor Chad Eliason
~ Adoption of2015 AGM Minutes
~ Business Arising from the Minutes
~ SILGA Financial Report -BDO Canada, Mike Gilmour
8:40 am - 8:50 am
Silver Sponsor Presentation
Telus - Steve Jenkins, General Manager
8:50 am - 9:30 am
BC Assessment - Assessment Roll Information & Initiatives
Michael Spatharakis, Manager, Local Government Customers, BC
9:30 am - 10: 15 am
ALC - Chair Frank Leonard and CEO Kim Grout with Vice Chairs Gerry
Zimmerman and Lucile Dempsey
~ An update from the ALC Chair on Legislation, Regulations & the
10: 15am - 10:30 am
10:30 am - 10:35 am
Nutrition Break - sponsored by BC Assessment
Silver Sponsor Presentation
BC Hydro - Jen Walker Larson, Stakeholder Engagement Advisor,
10:35 am - 10:40 am
AGM Continues
Marg Spina, Past President to present the Nomination Report
including speeches from candidates for Table Officers and Electoral
Area Director
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Resolution debate begins
II: 15 am - 12:30 pm
Voting for Table Officers/Electoral Area Director (in foyer)
12:00 pm - I :00 pm
Lunch - Sponsored by Spectra Energy
I :00 pm - I :05 pm
AGM continues
Announcement of Table Officers/Electoral Area Director election
results, Marg Spina, Past President
~ Nominations from the floor for Directors at Large
I :05 pm - I: 15 pm
Gold Sponsor Presentation - Trans Mountain Expansion Project
Ian Anderson, President Kinder Morgan
I: 15 pm - I :25 pm
Megan Sim, Junior Council President, Clearwater
The Issues that Matter - Engaging Youth in Government
I :25 pm - I :40 pm
AGM continues
Speeches for Directors at Large
I :40 pm - I :45 pm
Silver Sponsor Presentation - Municipal Finance Authority of BC
~ Rob Gay, Trustee
1:45 pm - 2:30 pm
Robert Turner, Former Head of the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for the Gaza Strip
~ The Importance of Effective Governance
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Leader, New Democrat Official Opposition
MLA John Horgan
2:45 pm - 3 :00 pm
Nutrition break (in trade show)
2:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Voting for Directors at Large (in foyer)
3:00 pm - 3: 10 pm
Gold Sponsor Presentation
BCLC, Greg Walker, Director of Public Affairs
3: 10 pm - 5:00 pm
AGM continues
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Cocktai ls, cash bar (in foyer)
50/50 draw - proceeds to United Way
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Keynote speaker
~ George Abbott - Romancing the Throne - Can We Really Have
Our Way With Government?
~ Draw for 50/50 - Proceeds to United Way
9:00 pm - II :00 pm
Entertainment - at Doc Willoughby's (353 Bernard Ave)
~ Live band Devon Coyote
Friday April 22"·, Delta Grand Okanagan
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Full Breakfast (in Okanagan)
8:00 am - 10:30 am
Trade show continues (Skaha I Vaseaux I Kootenay)
8:30 am - 9:05 am
Water Sustainability Act
Tina Neale, Water Program Analyst, Ministry of Environment
9:05 am - 9:10 am
Silver Sponsor Presentation - Canadian Association of Petroleum
Lee Coon fer, Oil Sands Communications and Outreach Advisor
9:10 am - 9:30 am
Minister Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural
Resource Operations
9:35 am - 10:25 am
Breakout Sessions
1. Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation Accessibility 2024 Rollout (Selkirk)
~ MLA Linda Larson, Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility
10:25 am - 10:40 am
10:40 am - 10:45 am
LGLA - Ethical Conduct (Cassiar/Cascade)
Olga Rivkin, Bull Housser and Tupper
Fiscal Policy for Infrastructure Funding (Okanagan)
Christina Benty
Nutrition break - sponsored by FortisBC
Silver Sponsor - FortisBC
Siraz Dalmir, Commercial and Industrial Account Manager
~ Community Giving Day
10:45 am- 10:50 am
Announcement of SILGA Directors at Large, Marg Spina, Past
10:50 am - 11: lOam
Minister Norm Letnick, Minister of Agriculture
11: lOam - II: IS am
Silver Sponsor Presentation - Shaw Communications
Kiersten Enemark, Government and Regulatory Affairs, BC
11: 15 am - II :35 am
11 :35 am - 11 :40 am
Minister Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community, Sport & Cultural
President Elect - SILGA
50150 presentation
11:45 am - II :50 am
2017 Host
Sun Peaks Mayor Al Raine
11 :50 am - 11 :55 am
Grand Prize draw
12:00 pm
Kelowna Councillor Gail Given with Jenelle Hynes, Business
Development and Customer Service Manager from Pacific Coastal
Convention closes
Post-convention session
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Energy Leadership Workshop
hosted by the BC Mayors Climate Leadership Council (advance
registration required)
~ For infomlation call David Dubois at 250-457-7319 or register @
www.eventbrite.caleI20 16-bcmclc-siIga-energy -Ieadershi pworkshop-tickets-226607l58 11

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