inContact CTI Agent Console App for Zendesk


inContact CTI Agent Console App for Zendesk
inContact CTI Agent Console App for
Volume I
Jill Blankenship
The information contained in this document is private and confidential. You may not disclose this
information to anyone without written consent from the CEO of Frontline Services.
Frontline Services 9 Hope Lane, Eastsound WA 98245
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Features: ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Pre-Installation.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Installation, Setup & Login ............................................................................................................................ 2
Login Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 6
New Customer .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Choose a Password ............................................................................................................................... 7
Agent Emails.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Credit Card Information ........................................................................................................................ 8
Existing Admin........................................................................................................................................... 9
Admin Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Add More Agents ................................................................................................................................ 10
Manage Agents ................................................................................................................................... 10
Manage Credit Card ............................................................................................................................ 11
Agent Login ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Agent Console Overview ............................................................................................................................. 12
1. Agent Console Icon ............................................................................................................................. 12
2. Agent Status ........................................................................................................................................ 12
3. Panel Content...................................................................................................................................... 12
4. Logout Icon.......................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Phone Panel Icon................................................................................................................................. 12
6. Agents Panel Icon ................................................................................................................................ 12
7. Skills Panel Icon ................................................................................................................................... 12
8. Address Book Panel Icon ..................................................................................................................... 13
9. Contact History Panel Icon .................................................................................................................. 13
10. Info Panel Icon .................................................................................................................................. 13
11. Queue Counter Icon .......................................................................................................................... 13
Phone Panel ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Agents Panel ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Skills Panel................................................................................................................................................... 15
Address Book Panel..................................................................................................................................... 16
Contact History Panel ................................................................................................................................. 17
Information Panel ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Reporting .................................................................................................................................................... 19
The inContact CTI App for Zendesk is designed to seamlessly integrate the inContact Agent Console with
Zendesk’s Customer Relationship Management tools. This application will increase efficiency and easeof-use for any company who uses both services together. As soon as an agent receives a call through
inContact, a new ticket will be created in Zendesk and a search will begin in your Zendesk CRM to find
any past contacts with the caller’s phone number associated, and link it to any account if found. If there
is no history with the contact found, the agent will have a New ticket pop up when the call comes in.
Integrated Zendesk/inContact Agent Interface
Enables inContact Voice Contacts to be held and routed inside the Zendesk application
Allows agents to transfer to another agent or skill
Allows agents to do blind or warm transfers
A Mask feature that agents can click on to mute a part of the recording which could hold secure
information like credit card information
Inbound Voice Contact (ANI) Value Based user profile Screen Pops inside Zendesk
Automatic Inbound Contact Ticket Creation and Automatic Team Assignment based on ANI
(Optional Account Administrator Option)
Multi-Browser Support
Includes First Point of Contact Customer Phone Support (24/7), Maintenance and Ongoing
Product Updates
Before using the Agent Console App for Zendesk, your administrator must have an active Business Unit
with inContact.
Installation, Setup & Login
inContact Account settings:
1. You must be an administrator on your inContact account, please go to: Manage > Account
Settings > API Application (please see below as circle in red):
2. Click on “Create New” (see below in red box)
3. Please provide information as shown below and make sure to check all boxes as ticked below:
4. It will provide you the following information once created that you need to fill in the next step:
Title: inContact Agent Console
Token Service URI: It is always same please copy the link below:
Client Id: (please check the screen below)
Client Secret: (please check the screen below it will be a long string with many different
Installing the Agent Console App for Zendesk is easy. Simply log in to Zendesk, then in your settings tab
located in the bottom left corner of your screen with the
icon, choose Marketplace under the Apps
heading. Search for inContact and select the app that appears. Enter in your inContact account
information, and then click Install.
Once installed, the inContact icon
will appear in the top right corner of your screen. When you click
on the inContact icon, a window will open showing the Login Menu if you are not already logged in.
The Agent Console will always be available to you through the inContact icon. You can expand or contact
the console simply by clicking the icon, allowing you to only see the console when you need it.
Login Menu
This will be the first menu you see when you open the inContact Agent Console App. New customer
administrators will click the “New Customer” button to set up their account for the first time. Existing
customer admins will choose the “Existing Admin” button to make changes to their account. Agents will
choose the “Agent Login” button to login to their agent console.
New Customer
As a new customer you will need to enter your company name, admin’s full name, and admin’s email,
then click “Next”.
Choose a Password
Here you will choose your admin password. Your admin’s login information to will be his email and this
password. When finished, click “Next”.
Agent Emails
This next screen is where you enter the number of inContact agents and their emails that will be using
the Zendesk App. When finished, click “Next”.
Credit Card Information
The last step to creating a new account with the inContact Agent Console Zendesk App is to enter your
credit card information. This will be used for your monthly billing. You may view our privacy policy and
the terms and conditions by clicking the links provided in the app. Once complete, click “I Agree &
Submit” button to submit your information to our secure servers.
An email will be sent saying either:
a. Success! Your order has been approved. An email has been sent to you. Welcome to
the inContact CTI for Zendesk powered by Frontline Services. Your agents are now able
to download the application and login. If you should have any questions, please give us
a call at 800-417-6542.
b. There seems to be a problem. Please check to make sure you have entered your
numbers correctly or use a different card. If you need assistance, please call us at 800417-6542 to speak to a representative.
As soon as your submission is a success, you will be redirected to the Login Menu where you can access
your account.
Existing Admin
Enter your admin email and password to log in.
Admin Menu
The buttons on this page do exactly as they are labeled.
Add More Agents
The Add more Agents screen is where you enter the number of inContact agents and their emails that
you would like to add to the Zendesk App. When finished, click “Next”.
Manage Agents
Here you can see a list of the agents that are registered in your app. Click on their name to edit agent
information, or the trash can icon to delete the agent. When done, click “Finish”.
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Manage Credit Card
Here you can change the credit card information used for your billing.
Agent Login
To log in to the Agent Console, enter your inContact username, password, and station id or phone
number. Then, click “Login”.
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Agent Console Overview
1. Agent Console Icon
Click this icon to expand or contract the inContact Agent app.
2. Agent Status
This is where you can view and set your availability status, as well as see the amount of time you have
been in your current status.
3. Panel Content
Content for your selected panel appears here.
4. Logout Icon
Click this to end your session and log out.
5. Phone Panel Icon
To dial outbound numbers.
6. Agents Panel Icon
A list of the agents currently logged in to inContact.
7. Skills Panel Icon
A list of all the skills associated with your account.
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8. Address Book Panel Icon
Address books that have been provided by your company through the inContact system. Simply click on
a name to dial a contact.
9. Contact History Panel Icon
This shows recent contacts you have made within the system.
10. Info Panel Icon
Information about your account can be found here.
11. Queue Counter Icon
Displays the number of callers in the queues you are assigned to. Click the icon to view the queues.
Phone Panel
In the Phone panel, you can dial outbound calls like a normal telephone. Click the
icon to place the
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Agents Panel
In the Agents panel, you can view a list of active agents and their status. If you have the privileges, you
can also click on an agent to see more detailed information or interact with them. You may also sort the
agents by team and search agents by name.
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Skills Panel
Here you can see the skills that are associated with your account and the number of contacts in queue
for the skills. You can also use this panel to transfer a call to a skill queue rather than a specific agent.
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Address Book Panel
Address books that are built through inContact can be viewed here if the user has been assigned
permission. If there are multiple address books available, you can select them with the
icon. All
listings in the address book will appear in the area below, and can be clicked on to view more
information or to be dialed.
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Contact History Panel
Here you can view a list of recent contacts you have made, as well as click on them to see more details
of the contact. Sorting by date and searching for known information about a contact is possible. In the
future, more sorting options will be added.
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Information Panel
The Information panel shows the detailed information about the user and station being used.
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Dispositions work exactly the same as they do in the Thin and Power Agent Consoles. Simply select a
disposition from the drop-down menu, add your notes in the text box if applicable, and click “Save Call
Notes”. You will then be automatically returned to an available state to receive your next call.
The inContact Agent App for Zendesk will automatically create and populate a custom field in the ticket
with inContact’s designated Contact ID number. This makes it easy to cross-reference any information
you may need about the call in inContact. If there are multiple calls received for the same ticket, all of
the contact IDs will appear in this field.
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