1 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 MODEL COURSE GUIDE Universidad Católica de Valencia Methodology in Music therapy Course 2016/17 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TEACHING GUIDE FOR THE SUBJECT AND/OR SUBJECT ECTS SUBJECT: Methodology in Music therapy 6 Module: Foundations and methodology of Music therapy 15 COURSE: 2016/17 Semester: 1º Type of training: Obligatory Teaching staff: Mr. V. Alejandro March Luján Mrs. Marina Romero García Mrs. Vanessa Vannay Allasia Department: E-mail: [email protected] MODULE ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________________ Nº ECTS 15 BASES AND METHODOLOGY OF MUSIC THERAPY Materias and subjects Materia FOUNDATIONS AND METHODOLOGY OF MUSIC THERAPY ECTS 15 SUBJECT ECTS Course/ semester Foundations of Music Therapy 3 1/1 Methodology in Music Therapy 6 1/1 Evaluation and organization in Music Therapy 6 1/1 TEACHING GUIDE FOR THE SUBJECT AND/OR SUBJECT: Methodology in Music therapy Prerequisites: No precise Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 GENERAL OBJETIVES - Knowing the relationship between the sound phenomenon and man, how this relationship can be obtained both preventive therapeutic benefits, rehabilitation and / or. - Develop the ability to discover the world of non-verbal context surrounding all relations link. - Raising awareness of non-verbal phenomena that occur in the therapeutic relationship. - Learn the use of bodily-sound-musical expressions - Using and Creating instruments as intermediaries or embedded objects. - Knowing the expressive resources in Music therapy. - Deepening the use of some techniques, knowing their methodology and design of the therapy session, and locate them an individual, family or group context and their therapeutic goals. - Introduce students to the knowledge of the different models used in music therapy, such as: music listening, live music or edited. - From experimentation, the student experience and raise awareness to different music therapy techniques. - Develop skills and resources in the implementation of music therapy techniques. Weighting of competition TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES Instrumental 1 2 3 TC1. Capacity for critical and creative thinking. X TC2. Capacity for individual initiative, teamwork and decision making. X TC9. Capacity for teamwork and effective collaboration with other professionals (with the ability to function in an interdisciplinary and international context) X Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 4 4 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 1 2 3 X SC4: Know the different existing methods and techniques in Music Therapy and its application in different areas of music therapy intervention SC5: Ability of criticism and self-criticism in the planning and music therapy intervention, introducing progressive adjustments will occur as the music therapeutic process 4 X LEARNING RESULTS COMPETENCES R-1 Recognize the main models of practice in Music Therapy TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 R-2 Differentiate each of the features of each model TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 R-3 Identify the most suitable model for each practice TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TRAINING ACTIVITIES PHYSICAL WORKING ACTIVITY Learning methodology Relation to learning outcomes of the subject ECTS PRESENCE CLASSES Presentation of contents by the teacher, competency analysis, explanation and demonstration of skills, abilities and knowledge in the classroom TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 1 PRACTICAL CLASSES Group work sessions supervised by the teacher. Cases studies, diagnostic tests, issues, field study, computer room visits, data search, libraries, networking, Internet, etc… Meaningful construction of knowledge through interaction and student activity. TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 0,5 Supervised monographic sessions with shared participation TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 0,2 Application of multidisciplinary knowledge TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 0,1 TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 0,3 TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 0,3 SEMINAR EXPOSITION GROUP WORK TUTORSHIP EVALUATION Personalized and small group attention. Period of instruction and/or guidance by a tutor to review and discuss the materials and topics presented in lectures, seminars, readings, papers, etc,.. Set of oral and / or written tests used in initial, formative or additive assessment Total Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2,4 6 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF AUTONOMOUS STUDENT WORK ACTIVITY GROUP WORK AUTONOMOUS WORK Learning methodology Relation to learning outcomes of the subject ECTS TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 1 TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 2,6 Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc… To post or deliver the lectures, practical and /or small group tutoring. Work done on the platform or other virtual spaces. Student study: Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc… To post or deliver the lectures, practical and/or small group tutoring. Work done on the platform of the university Total 3.6 EVALUATION SYSTEM TO ACQUIRE THE SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS SYSTEM Assessment instrument ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Given percentage Record attendance tracking R1, R2 & R3 40% Written test R1, R2 & R3 20% Directed work R1, R2 & R3 40% Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 CRITERIA FOR THE AWARD OF HONORS Explicitly mentioned specific criteria for the course and faculty that the title is attached and according to the general rules stating that you can only give an honors degree for every 20 students not by fraction 20, with the exception of groups of fewer than 20 students in total, which can be given a license plate. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS COMPETENCIES Receptive techniques in Music Therapy (self-experience I). Expressive techniques in Music Therapy (self-experience II). Benenzon model (self-experience III). GIM method (selfexperience IV). Nordoff-Robbins method (self-experience V). Psychoanalytical model, Mary Priestley (self-experience VI). TC1, TC2, TC9, SC4, SC5 TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING (Students of first registration) BLOCK CONTENT / TEACHING UNIT NUMBER SESSION 1 RECEPTIVE TECHNIQUES IN MUSIC THERAPY. 1 2 EXPRESSIVE TECHNIQUES IN MUSIC THERAPY. 1 3 BENENZON MODEL. 2 4 GIM METHOD. 1 5 NORDOFF-ROBBINS METHOD. 1 6 PSYCHOANALYTICAL MODEL, MARY PRIESTLEY 1 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 8 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 BIBLIOGRAPHY Benenzon, R. O. (1971). Musicoterapia y Educación. Buenos Aires: Paidós. Benenzon, R. O. (1972). Musicoterapia en Psiquiatría. Buenos Aires: Barry. Benenzon, R. O. (1976). Musicoterapia en la psicosis infantil. Buenos Aires: Paidós. Benenzon, R. O. (1981). Manual de musicoterapia. Barcelona: Paidós. Benenzon, R. O. (1991). Teoría de la musicoterapia. Madrid: Mandala. Benenzon, R. O. (1999). Musicoterapia, una experiencia de supervisión. Roma: Phoenix. Benenzon, R. O. (2000). Aplicaciones Clínicas de la Musicoterapia. Buenos Aires: Argentina. Lumen. Benenzon, R. O. (2011). Musicoterapia. De la teoría a la práctica. Barcelona: Paidós Benenzon, R. O., Hemsy de Gainza, V. y Wagner, G. (1997). Sonido, comunicación, terapia. Salamanca: Amarú. Benenzon, R. O., Hemsy de Gainza, V. y Wagner, G. (1998). La Nueva Musicoterapia. Buenos Aires: Lumen. Betés, M. (comp.) (2000). Fundamentos de Musicoterapia. Madrid: Ediciones Morata S. L. Blatner, A. (2005). El Psicodrama en la práctica. Méjico: Pax México. Bonny, H. & Savary, L. M. (1994). La música & su mente. Madrid: Editorial EDAF S.A. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Bonny, H. (2002). Music Consciousness: The evolution of Guided Imagery and Music. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers. Bruscia, K. (1.999). Modelos de improvisación en musicoterapia. Victoria: Agruparte. Bruscia, K. (1997). Definiendo musicoterapia. Salamanca: Amarú Ediciones. Bruscia, K. (2007). Musicoterapia. Métodos y prácticas. México: Ed. Pax México. Bruscia, K. E. & Grocke, D.E. (2002). Guided Imagery & Music: the Bonny Method and beyond. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers. Bush, C. (1995). Healing imagery & music. California: MMB Music. Clarkson, V. (2002). Soñé que era normal. Méjico: Alfaomega Davis, W., Gfeller, K. y Thaut, M. (2000). Introducción a la musicoterapia. Teoría y práctica. Barcelona: Boileau. Fincher, S. (1994). Creando Mandalas. Editorial Mirach, S.L. Fregtman, C. (1985). El Tao de la Música. Buenos Aires: Ed. Estaciones. Grocke, D. & Wigram, T. (2007). Receptive Methods in Music Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Grocke, D.E. y Wigram, T. (2007). Receptive Methods in Music Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Grof, S. (1994). Psicología transpersonal. Barcelona: Kairós. Íñiguez, L. (2009). Investigación y evaluación cualitativa: bases teóricas y conceptuales. Atención primaria, 23 (8), 496:502. Lecourt, E. (2005). Análisis de grupo y Musicoterapia. El grupo y lo sonoro. VitoriaGasteiz: Agruparte. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 10 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Maslow, A. (1973). El hombre autorrealizado: hacia una psicología del ser. Barcelona: Kairós. Mercadal, M. y Martí, P. (2008). Manual de Musicoterapia en Geriatría y Demencias. Barcelona: Monsa-Prayma. Moreno, J. (2004). Activa tu música interior. Musicoterapia y Psicodrama. Barcelona: Herder Editorial. Murow, E. & Sánchez J. J. (2003). La experiencia musical como factor curativo en la Musicoterapia con pacientes con esquizofrenia crónica. Salud Mental, 26 (4), 4758. Recuperado de Nordoff, P. y Robbins, C. (1971). Therapy in Music for Handicapped Children. London: Gollancz. Nordoff, P. y Robbins, C. (rev. 1977). Individualized Treatment for the Handicapped Child. New York: John Day. Nordoff, P. y Robbins, C. (rev. 1984). Music Therapy in Special Education. St. Louis: MMB Music. Inc. Pearson, C. S. (2006). Despertando los héroes interiores. Madrid: Mirach. Pellizzari, P. (1993). Musicoterapia psicoanalítica: el malestar en la voz. Buenos Aires: Ricardo R. Resio. Poch, S. (2000). Compendio de musicoterapia. Volumen I. Barcelona: Herder Editorial. Robbins, C. y Robbins, C. (1981). Music for the Hearing Impaired – and Other Special Groups. St. Louis: MMB Music, Ind. Rogers, C. R. (2000). El proceso de convertirse en persona. Barcelona: Paidós. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 11 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Ruud, E. (1993). Los caminos de la musicoterapia. La musicoterapia y su relación con las teorías terapéuticas actuales. Rosario (Argentina): Editorial Bonum. Sabbatella, P. (1998). Un estudio bibliográfico sobre metodología de trabajo y evaluación en musicoterapia. Música, terapia y comunicación, 18, 67-81. Salkind, N. J. (1999). Métodos de investigación. México: Prentice Hall. Stein, M. (2004). El mapa el alma según Jung. Barcelona: Ed. Luciérnaga. Thayer, E. (comp.) (1968). Tratado de Musicoterapia. Buenos Aires: Ed. Paidós. Wigram, T. (2005). Improvisación. Métodos y técnicas para clínicos, educadores y estudiantes de musicoterapia. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Agruparte. Interesting Webs Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”