Orenco - Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce
Orenco - Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce
Orenco’s August Calendar of Events Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Military Discount, New Seasons 3. 10% Intel Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 1. 10% Senior Discount, New Seasons 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 1. Lace Knit, BlackSheep 1. Happy Hour & live music, New Seasons 2. 10% Intel Employee 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill Discount, Nature’s Pet 2. 10% Nike Employee Discount, Nature’s 3. Orenco group bike ride begins Pet 10 11 1. 10% Senior Discount, New Seasons 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 1. Chardonnay-knitting/Cabernet 1. Lace Knit, BlackSheep crocheting social, BlackSheep 2. 10% Intel Employee 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill Discount, Nature’s Pet 2. Happy Hour & live music, New Seasons 3. 10% Nike Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 7 8 9 1. Sunday Farmer’s Market 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Yahoo Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Military Discount, New Seasons 3. 10% Intel Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 14 15 16 17 18 1. Sunday Farmer’s Market 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Yahoo Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 10% Senior Discount, New Seasons 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Intel Employee 1. Happy Hour & live music, New Seasons 1. Lace Knit, BlackSheep Discount, Nature’s Pet 2. 10% Nike Employee Discount, Nature’s 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill 3. Teachers’ Thursday, Pet iSpark Toys 21 22 23 24 25 1. Sunday Farmer’s Market 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Yahoo Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 1. 2. 3. 4. 28 29 30 31 Sunday Farmer’s Market 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Yahoo Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 10% Senior Discount, New Seasons 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill Open Knit, BlackSheep Almost Beginners Club, BlackSheep 10% Military Discount, New Seasons 10% Intel Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet Open Knit, BlackSheep Spin Group, BlackSheep 10% Military Discount, New Seasons 10% Intel Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet Open Knit, BlackSheep 10% Military Discount, New Seasons 10% Intel Employee Discount, Nature’s Pet Orenco Wine Mixer 1. 10% Senior Discount, New Seasons 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill 12 19 26 13 20 27 1. Lace Knit, BlackSheep 1. Happy Hour & live music, New Seasons 2. Live jazz, Orenco Station Grill 1. Open Knit, BlackSheep 2. 10% Nike Employee Discount, Nature’s 2. 10% Intel Employee Pet Discount, Nature’s Pet Orenco’s August Calendar of Events Open Knit/Crochet/Tat/Spin Together event every Monday 4:30-6:30pm and Tuesday 10:30-12pm and Thursday 6:30 -8:30pm @ BlackSheep Almost Beginners Club—Social knitting for beginners. Free if materials come from Black Sheep otherwise $5/week EVERY TUESDAY 6:30-8:30pm @ BlackSheep 10% Military Discount EVERY TUESDAY @ New Seasons Market 10% Senior Discount (65+) EVERY WEDNESDAY @ New Seasons Market Happy Hour, live music & sample wine pours at Solutions Counter, EVERY FRIDAY 5-7pm @ New Seasons Lace knit/crochet/tat—social event for knitters EVERY SATURDAY @10:30-12pm @ BlackSheep Chardonnay-knitting/Cabernet-crocheting— wine & knitting EVERY SECOND FRIDAY 6:30-8:30pm @ BlackSheep Spin Group—Open spinning and monthly fiber tastings every THIRD TUESDAY, 6:30-8:30 @ BlackSheep Sunday Farmer’s Market EVERY Sunday 10-2pm. Orenco Wine Mixer Tues 8/30 4-6pm @ Salam Teachers’ Thursday EVERY THIRD THURSDAY @ iSpark Toys Every MONDAY Yahoo 10% discount must show ID, Nature’s Pet Every TUES & THURS Intel 10% discount must show ID, Nature’s Pet Live jazz EVERY SATURDAY & 2nd, 3rd and 4th WED 6:30-9pm @ Orenco Station Grill Every FRIDAY Nike 10% Discount must show ID, Nature’s Pet EVERYDAY 10% discount seniors and military must show military ID, Nature’s Pet #MAXME2ORENCO