NSSEO Evaluation Plan Procedures for Certified/Licensed Staff


NSSEO Evaluation Plan Procedures for Certified/Licensed Staff
NSSEO Evaluation Plan Procedures for
Certified/Licensed Staff
Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization
Judith Hackett, EdD, Superintendent
NSSEO Mission Statement: The Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization seeks to
build and strengthen home/school/community partnerships to enable students with special needs
to become participating members ofsociety.
The NSSEO Governing Board, comprised of a representative Board member from each of the
eight member district, is responsible to adhering to all guidelines established by the Illinois State
Board ofEducation. The Performance Evaluation Reform Act of2010 ( "PERA ")is the key to
Education Reform under Senate Bill 7, P.A. 97-0008. Based on Board approval, the evaluation
plan must be implemented reflective on the requirements ofPERA.
NSSEO Governing Board
District 21
District 26
District 23
District 25
District 57
District 59
District 211
District 214
Kathy Edmonds, President
Frank Fiarito, Vice President
Martha Olsen, Secretary
Charles Williams
Dennis Composto
Sharon Roberts
Anna Klimkowicz
William Dussling
The Evaluation Plan applies to all certified/licensed NSSEO staff covered by the NSSEA
contract. Staff covered by the contract are all full-time employed certificated/licensed personnel
including teachers, speech/language pathologists, school nurses, physical therapists,
occupational therapists, orientation and mobility rehabilitation specialists, audiologists, social
workers, and school psychologists.
The Evaluation Exploratory Committee met during the 2011-12 school year to develop a
performance evaluation plan for certified/licensed staff members that would reflect requirements
under the "PERA ". The final Evaluation Plan was developed with considerable thought and
reflection based on Charlotte Danielson' s Framework for Teaching. Committee members
should be considered resources, and are available to staff and administration to discuss the intent
and to give guidance in the implementation of the Plan.
799 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056- I I I I • Ph: 847.463.8 I 00 • Fax 847.463.8 I 2 I • TDD: 847.463.8 I I 5 • www.nsseo.org
Committee Members
John Bialek, NSSEA President
Jill Anderson, NSSEA Vice President
Pam Glickman, NSSEA Representative
Joan Obial, NSSEA Representative
Ilene Siegel, NSSEA Representative
Dr. Judith Hackett, Superintendent
Barbara Hammes, Director of Professional Development and Support Services
Cathy Kostecki, Director of Human Resources and Instructional Services
Dr. Rachele Dadouche-Nowak, SLP/AT Program Coordinator
Kimberly Dungan, Principal at Kirk School
Mary Ann McGinn, Technology Coordinator
The Committee would like to acknowledge the input and expertise of each of the sub-committee
members in developing the NSSEO Frameworks for Professional Growth. Without the subcommittees' hard work and dedication this Evaluation Plan would not have been possible.
Evaluation Plan Contents
1. Philosophy and Belief Statements
2. Certified/Licensed Performance Evaluation Plan Procedures
3. NSSEO Framework for Professional Growth
4. Pre-Observation and Post-Observation Forms
5. Summative Evaluation Forms
6. Professional Development Plan
7. NSSEO Remediation Procedures
Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization
Judith Hackett, EdD, Superintendent
NSSEO believes that professional development empowers individuals to demonstrate
their competencies for the betterment of our students. Professional development is a
dynamic process which is essential to and guided by the aims, values, and beliefs of
NSSEO. This process can be multidimensional and should be meaningful and
motivating to each individual in his/her pursuit of professional growth.
The quality of performance of certificated/licensed staff is the keystone of the
organization. Therefore we believe the professional de~elopment process:
supports the mission of the organization and complies with state and federal
must be clearly communicated, understood, and consistently implemented;
must be manageable in terms of time and resources in order for it to be effective;
is a collaborative effort between professionals, who share responsibility for its
will be based upon mutually established standards which are derived from
effective teaching practices and organizational expectations;
leads to the improvement of instruction through effective, researched based ,
educational practices;
includes the documentation and recognition of the individual's achievements so
as to generate and reinforce improvement of instruction and positive morale;
allows for alternative approaches which recognize the needs and expertise of a
diverse staff;
is an ongoing process which should be continuously reviewed and evaluated.
It is understood that the terms educational, instructional, teaching, etc. shall
include all instructional, therapeutic and related services staff.
799 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, ll 60056- 1 I I I • Ph: 847.463.8 100 • Fax 847.463.8 12 1 • TDD: 847.463.8 1IS • WMV.nsseo.org
Certified/Licensed Performance Evaluation Plan
The Certified/Licensed Performance Evaluation Plan will assess each staff member's
professional practice based on standards of effective practice as defined through an instructional
framework that aligns to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. The instructional
framework will assess the staff member in the following Domain areas:
Planning and Preparation
Classroom or Learning Environment
Instruction or Delivery of Service
Professional Responsibilities
The Performance Evaluation Plan will include both formal and informal observations by a
qualified evaluator.
Pre-Observation Conference
Each formal observation shall be preceded by a conference between the evaluator and the staff
member. The staff member will be required to submit in advance of the conference a written
lesson, unit plan and/or other evidence of planning for the observation including the PreObservation Form to guide the planning conference. The discussion will make
recommendations on areas of focus during the observation.
Observation and Documentation of Professional Practice
(Based on NSSEO 's Framework for Professional Growth)
Formal Observations typically consist of a minimum of 45 minutes at a time, or a complete
lesson, or during an entire class period. A single observation will not exceed 60 minutes in
duration. The purpose of a formal observation is to directly acquire evidence of a staff member's
professional practice in their assigned position. The observation is "formal" in the sense that the
observer remains for a specified amount of time and written feedback will be provided during the
post-conference to the staff member within 10 work days of the observation. The formal
observation will begin with a pre-conference discussion about the observation as well as an
opportunity for the staff member to present artifacts as evidence of their professional practice.
The Post-Conference Documentation Form will be completed by the evaluator and discussed
with the staff member at the post-conference meeting.
Informal Observations reflect the staff member's overall professionalism and are ongoing in a
variety of professional environments. The purpose of an informal observation is to enable
evaluators to provide an ongoing source of evidence of a staff member's professional practice in
a natural setting. Informal observations typically last for five (5) or ten (1 0) minutes and may
include lesson observations both in and outside of the classroom, observations of professional
behavior in a variety of settings and between colleagues, students, parents, administrators, or
other school staff, and involvement in extra-curricular school functions or community sponsored
activities. Feedback to the staff member may be given orally or written. Evidence from the
informal observation used in the summative evaluation must be provided in a written format to
staff members on a timely basis.
Post-Observation Conference
Following a formal observation, the evaluator will meet with the staff member within 10 work
days to discuss the evidence collected about the staff member's professional practice and to
provide feedback. The staff member may provide additional information, explanations, or
artifacts about the lesson presented.
Following an informal observation the evaluator wiH provide the staff member an opportunity to
have an in-person discussion.
Summative Evaluation
The evaluator will complete the Summative Evaluation Form per Article IV of the NSSEA
Bargained Agreement. Staff members will be given a final summative rating based on the
following performance categories according to the Performance Rating Definitions document:
Needs Improvement
Probationary Evaluation Requirements
Probationary staff members must have a minimum of three (3) observations annually. Two (2)
of the observations are required to be formal with a pre-and-post observation conference for each
formal observation. The final summative evaluation will include identification of the staff
member's strengths and weaknesses based upon formative feedback, planning and reflecting
conversations, as well as attendance and competency based on the domain areas. Probationary
staff members must have a summative rating in two (2) out of the last three (3) years of
"proficient" or "excellent". Probationary staff members that have a summative rating of
"excellent" during the first three years are eligible for early tenure.
Probationary staff members in their fourth (4) year of probationary status must have a summative
rating of "proficient" or "excellent".
Non-Probationary Evaluation Requirements
Non-probationary staff members shall have a minimum of two (2) observations during their biannual evaluation cycle, of which one (I) must be a formal observation. The summative rating
must identify strengths and weaknesses based upon formative feedback, planning and reflecting
conversations, as well as attendance and subject competency.
Needs Improvement
Non-probationary staff members who receive a summative rating of"Needs Improvement" must
participate in a Professional Development Plan (PDP). The PDP must be developed within thirty
(30) school days after a Summative Rating of"needs improvement". The PDP does not have a
minimum or maximum timeframe and is developed by the Evaluator in consultation with the
staff member. The staff member may request assistance from the Association. The PDP will
take into account the staff member's ongoing professional responsibilities including their regular
assignment and will include evidence of progress/achievement of goal(s) as well as supports to
address the performance areas needing improvement. A minimum of three (3) observations shall
be required each evaluation cycle, of which two (2) are formal. If the staff member corrects the
performance areas and receives a summative rating of "proficient" or "excellent", they will be
returned to the regular evaluation cycle. Staff members rated "needs improvement" will be
returned to the PDP. If a staff member is rated "unsatisfactory" they will move to the.
remediation process.
Staff members who receive a summative rating of "Unsatisfactory" must participate in a
Remediation Plan developed in accordance with Article 4.8 of the NSSEA Bargained Agreement
and within thirty (30) days to correct deficiencies deemed remediable. A consulting staff
member will be selected who has five (5) years of experience, familiarity with the assignment,
and an "excellent" rating on the last evaluation. A remediation period of ninety (90) school days
is provided unless a shorter period is agreed upon with the Association with a mid-point and final
evaluation during the end of the evaluation period. If the staff member corrects the performance
deficiencies and receives a rating of"proficient" or "excellent", they will return to the regular
evaluation cycle. If at the conclusion of the remediation period, the staff member has not
corrected the performance deficiencies, the staff member is subject to dismissal.
Artifact Collection
The collection of artifacts will be mutually agreed upon by the staff member and supervisor and
should include, but should not be limited to, the following:
Domain I: Planning and Preparation
Lesson plans
Long range plans
Substitute plans
Activities or accommodations or modifications/adaptations
Examples ofassessments documenting student progress
Data analysis
Domain II: The Classroom or Learning Environment
Classroom rules and procedures (incentives, rewards etc .. .)
Behavior plans
Physical layout ofroom or instructional area (rationale)
PBIS implementation plan
Domain III: Instruction or Delivery ofService
Student work samples
Units ofstudy/thematic units
Use of literature or book list
Technology implementation (software, devices etc ...)
Rigorous goals/objectives/benchmarks
Data analysis
Domain IV: Profossional Responsibilities
Parent newsletters or communication
Examples ofteam planning (notes, action plans .. .)
Participation in a profossional community or committee
Instructional and non-instructional records
IEPs/Written reports
Professional development and professional readings
Certified/Licensed Staff Evaluation Time lines
Evaluation PlanComponent
First Day of Student
Pre-Observation Conference
Formal Observations
Informal Observations
Summative Evaluation
Discussion Topic
All Certified/Licensed Staff in
evaluation cycle must be given
~written notice that a
performance~aluation will
be conducted during the
school term. Must included:
Copy of Rubric, Summative of
Professional Practice and
definitions of performance
evaluation ratings, and a
summary of district's
procedures related to the
professional development or
remediation plans.
Staff member must complete
Pre-Observation Form prior to
Probationary Staff: Two
Formal Observations per
evaluation cycle.
1st by November 15 1h
2nd by May 1st
Non-Probationary Staff: One
Formal Observation per
evaluation cycle
Held 10 work days following
the Formal Observation
One informal observation per
evaluation cycle.
Certified/Licensed staff hired
after the start of the school
term will be given written
notice 30 days after contract is
Written notice can be
electronic or paper.
Final Summative must be
completed by May 15
Formal Observations are a
minimum of 45 minutes, a
complete lesson, or a class
period. Cannot exceed 60
Evaluator must complete PostObservation Conference Form
Written feedback must be
given for informal observation
to be included in summative.
Evaluator must offer the staff
member an opportunity to
have a discussion about
informal observation
Summative Evaluation must
include a rating of Excellent,
Proficient, Needs
Improvement of