THE STUDY OF SEAWEED Glacilaria sp. FOR DECREASING CHOLESTEROL LEVEL IN BLOOD SERUM"' Hardoko1 ABSTRACT The study of how Gracilaria sp seaweed consumption toward blood cholesterol was done using male wistar rats (Ratus norvegicus). Rats were fed with high cholesterol ransom up to hyper-cholesterol stage. After wards rats were fed by ransom with 0% (standard ransom), 55, 10%, and 15% Gracilaria sp. The result showed that the decrease of blood cholesterol and triglyceride went faster as the concentration of Gracilaria sp. given went higher. Ransom with 15% Gracilaria sp was able to decrease blood cholesterol and triglyceride from hyper-cholesterol to normal on day 12 and 9. Ransom with 10% of Gracilaria sp. was able to normalized triglyceride on day 12, but wasn't able to normalize cholesterol level up to day 18. Ransom with 5% Gracilaria sp wasn't able to normalize both cholesterol and blood triglyceride level up to day 18. Generally HDL cholesterol level tend to decrease as the Gracilaria sp in ransom increased, although the amount was still above normal HDL level. Blood LDL cholesterol decreased up to day 6 and then to increase, although the amount was still under normal level. Keywords: Gracilaria sp; Cholesterol, tryglyceride INTRODUCTION Gracilaria sp is a member of red algae (Rhodophyceae) its major Characteristics are deep red color, long and rough thallus, damp, and usually a little dry (Sugiarto era/., 1978; Nasran, 1992). This kind of seaweed mostly can be found along the west and southern cost of Java, Karimun Island, Riau, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku (Atmaja and Sulistijo, 1983). It is known that Gracilaria sp contains of 27.2% water, 1.3% protein, 1.2% fat, 4.0% ash, and 67.22% carbohydrate (Angka and Suhartono, 2000). Most of the carbohydrate are colloid forming polysacharide and it is dominated by agar-agar (Susanto, 2002) up to 47.34% (Kadi and Atmaja, 1988). Dreher (1987) stated that gums isolated from seaweed can be categorized into insoluble and soluble dietary fiber. Dietary fiber influences the body's physio1 Faculty of Fishery, Unibraw- Malang and Dept. of Food Technology, UPH •* Pernah dipresentasikan dalam Asean Food Conference 8-10 Agustus 2005 Jurnal llmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol. 3, No. 2, Oktober 2005 47 logy both directly and indirectly. Dietary fiber can directly affect the bowel system, limit calorie intake, shorten transit time, affect digestive enzymes, add feces and increase bacterial growth. Dietary fiber can also indirectly modify lipid metabolism which can control cholesterol and blood sugar level in a long term. The ability of certain dietary fiber in decreasing cholesterol level vary according to its kind and where it come from. Dreher (1987) stated that soluble dietary fiber such as guar gum, gum Arabic, locust bean gum, and pectin tend to be more effective in decreasing total cholesterol and blood LDL. Insoluble dietary fiber such as wheat brand, cellulose, vegetables, and soy skin are less effectives in affecting hyper-cholesterol level. Seaweed is believe to have even higher content of soluble dietary fiber. Since there are so many kinds of seaweed in Indonesia, it is important to know how each of them affect blood lipid. This essay will explore the ability of Gracilaria sp. seaweed in decreasing blood lipid. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials The main material examined in this research is dry seaweed of Gracilaria sp., achieved from 'Akar Mas' store seaweed distributor from Bali and surrounding island, located in Jalan Kolonel Sugiono, Malang. Other materials used are ransom materials, chemical for proximate analysis, dietary fiber analysis, and blood lipid analysis in experimental rats. Rats and diets Rats used in this research are 3-month male wistar rats (flatus novegicus), weighing approximately 190.72 ± 3.86 gram, taken from "Laboratorium Unit Pengembangan Hewan Percobaan" Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Twenty four rat were used and divided into four groups with feed 0% (standard ransom), 5%, 10%, and 15% Gracilaria sp. The rats were kept and fed in ad libitum level. During the first stage, rats were adapted for 7 days with standard ransom (Table 1). Then the blood cholesterol was increased up to hyper-cholesterol level by feeding them with ransom containing high fat and cholesterol (Table 2). After the hyper-cholesterol level is reached, each rat given ransom according to the treatments. The triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol of blood were observed every 3 day up to day 18. 48 Jurnal llmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol 3, No. 2, Oktober 2005 Table 1. Composition of standard ransom Ingredient Casein Corn fat Cellulose (CMC) Mineral mix 1) Vitamin mix Com starch Amount (%) 20 5 5 4 1 65 Note: 1) Muchtadi (1989) Table 2. Composition of cholesterol ransom1* Amount (%) Ingredient Casein 20 5 Com fat 5 Cellulosa (CMC) 4 Mineral mix'' 1 Vitamin mix Saturated cow fat 20 45 Com starch Note: 1) Muchtadi (1989) Table 3. Ingredient of mineral mix Amount (g) Type of Mineral NaCI Kl KH2P04 MgS0 4 anhidrid CaC0 3 FeS0 4 7H 2 0 MnS0 4 7H 2 0 ZnS0 4 7H 2 0 CuS0 4 5H 2 0 Co, 2 6H 2 0 139.3 0.79 389 57.3 381.4 27.0 4.01 0.548 0.477 0.023 Source: Muchtadi (1989) Jumal llmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol. 3, No. 2, Oktober 2005 49 Tabel 4. Composition of vitamin mix* per tablet Amount Type of vitamin 1500 SI Vitamin A 1 mg Vitamin B, 0.5 mg Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 0.5 mg 10 mg Nikotinamid 5mg Ca Pentanoat 0.5 mg Folic acid Vitamin B.2 0.5 mg Vitamin C 25 mg 150 SI Vitamin D Note: " Production by PT. Kimia Farma Bandung, Indonesia Blood Sampling and Analysis Before blood sampling, rats are kept in fasting stage for twelve hours. Blood sampling was done through vena arbitalis in the eye using hematocrit. Blood 1 cc was kept in ependorf and was centrifuged with 4000 rpm. The transparent liquid was taken as a serum and the total cholesterol, tryglyceride, HDL, and LDL were analyzed enzymatically using Diagnostic CHOD-PAP made by Dyasis Diagnostic System GmH and Co. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Nutrient Composition of Seaweed Gracilaria sp. Gracilaria sp. seaweed nutrient was determined by proximate and dietary fiber analysis. The result of proximate analysis was shown in Table 5, while the dietary fiber composition was shown in Table 6. Table 5. Nutrient composition of dry seaweed Gracilaria sp. Gracilaria sp Type of compound Water (%) Mineral (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Carbohydrate by different (%) 50 27.66 3.34 0.91 0.80 67.29 Jurnal llmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol. 3, No. 2, Oktober 2005 Table 6. The dietary fiber composition of Gracilaha sp. Type of fiber Soluble dietary fiber (SDF) Insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) Amount (%) 9.18 57.40 Total dietary fiber (TDF) 66.58 Gracilaha sp is high in moisture content, but relatively low in ash, protein, and fat (Table 5). In spite of these, the condition of Gracilaha sp still fulfilled the standards for dry seaweed, since dry seaweed should contain of maximum 27.2% water,4% ash, 1,3% protein and 1.2% fat (Angka and Suhartono, 2000). Gracilaha sp has higher dietary fiber content compared to land plant, such as legumes (33-44%) (Komzan, 2001), vegetable and fruits (0.4-8.8%) (Suyono, 2003). But dietary fiber content of Gracilaha sp shown in Table 6 is still lower than agar-agar powder (Salow Globe merk) which contains 73.4 TDF, 32,64 SDF and 47.4% IDF (Hardoko, 2004). The Effect of Gracilaria sp to Blood Lipid The amount of lipid serum for normal rats before treatment and after hypercholesterol stage is achieve was shown in Table 3.1. Hyper-cholesterolemic condition was reached on day 6 after the rats were given high lipid ransom (Table 2.2). Hype-rcholesterol rat were more aggressive and their eyes had cataract which will result into blindness if the ransom continues. Gracilaha sp ransom caused changes of blood lipid in hyper-cholesterol rats, shown in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. 260.00 — 22000 f | 18000 s I- 140.00 100.00 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Day —-*— 6%GnWian« —A—10XGrtCtari* —«r—5N Gntcmcm —O—15%Groc**io Figure 1. The changing of blood tryglyceride by consuming of Gracilaria sp. Jurnal llmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol. 3, No. 2, Oktober 2005 51 —*—0%Grabl«ta —•—SSGndlm —*—tmonciMa •• * -NamtKha** —0—u«GncHvu Figure 2. The changing of total cholesterol by consuming Gracilaria sp 9 12 15 ie H.iy 0%GraaUru 10%Graalana HlX-nomwl —•—5%GndHna — O — i5%Gradtara Figure 3. The changing of HDL cholesterol by consuming Gracilaria sp 60.00 ^ 2 45.00 ^-»^ ^r £[ 30.00 W^**' n ""* '*** ^ 15.00 0 • 3 6 9 Day 12 15 OS Gracilans —•—5%Gradtone 10% Gractlana —O—15%Gfaaiana 18 - • * -LDL-nofinal Figure 4. The changing of LDL cholesterol by consuming Gracilaria sp. 52 Jurnal llmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol. 3, No. 2, 0ktober2005 Figure 1 and figure 2 showed that Gracilaria sp seaweed was able to decrease triglyceride and total cholesterol level, both has almost the same trends. The higher the Gracilaria sp content in ransom, the more the decrease of triglyceride and total blood cholesterol level. Ransom with 15% Gracilaria sp. decreased triglyceride and total cholesterol into normal in day 8 and 12 after consumption. Ransom with 10% of Gracilaria sp decreased triglyceride level in 15 days, while its total cholesterol level hasn't reached normal condition up today 18. The ability of Gracilaria sp in decreasing total cholesterol and triglyceride is slightly lower than 'Swalow Globe' agar powder. Hardoko (2004) reported that 15% agar powder was able to normalize cholesterol and triglyceride level on day 9 and day 7, respectively. This difference may be caused by water content of Gracilaria sp (27.66%), which is slightly higher than agar powder (15.7% water). It may also be caused by lower dietary fiber in Gracilaria sp (66.58%) compared to agar powder (73.24%). The ability of Gracilaria sp in decreasing total cholesterol and triglyceride level was assumingly connected to physico-chemical and functional properties of it dietary fiber, in relation to the digestive system. Dreher (1987) stated that certain kind of dietary fiber have water holding, cation - exchange , and organic molecule (bile salt, cholesterol, etc.) adsorption capacity which may affect digestion and absorption of food. The mechanism of how Gracilaria sp decrease triglyceride and total cholesterol level is still not known up to this moment. But it is assumed that it is related to cholesterol metabolism and absorption. Chen and Anderson (1986) said that dietary fiber could affect serum cholesterol by reducing cholesterol and bile acid absorption, by altering the metabolism and ratio of bile acids absorbed, by changing intestinal secretion and hepatic production of lipoprotein and by modifying the peripheral disposal of lipoprotein. Furthermore, in Figure 3, the decrease of HDL was greater as the concentration of Gracilaria sp was higher, although HDL level is still above the normal level. In Figure 4, it is shown that Gracilaria sp consumption increased blood LDL level until day 6, but still under normal level. This may be related to the function of HDL and LDL in lipid transport or metabolism. According to BNF (1992) and Wiajaya (1993), HDL transports lipid to the liver in order to undergo catabolised, while LDL transport lipid from endogenous synthesis to peripheral tissues. These function run in accordance to lipid adsorption and how lipid is metabolized in the body tissues. Jurnalllmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Vol. 3, No. 2, 0ktober2005 53 CONCLUSION Gracilaria sp seaweed was able to decrease triglyceride and total blood cholesterol while keeping the HDI and LDL level under normal condition. The higher the concentration of Gracilaria sp. consumed, the faster the decrease of triglyceride and total blood cholesterol. 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