Spring 2016 - Camarillo Hospice


Spring 2016 - Camarillo Hospice
Join us for our
Spring Garden Tour
Sunday,May 1, 2016
Noon to 4 p.m.
Is a volunteer hospice
and grief counseling
center dedicated to the
dignity of life by
providing free care,
comfort, support and
counseling to
individuals and
families facing a lifelimiting illness and/or
grieving the loss of a
loved one, and
education on end-oflife issues to all.
Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
—Gerard De Nerval
Water is a precious commodity—and we’re
still in the midst of a drought, regardless of
whether El Niño has finally made an appearance. Gardens remain one of earth’s
divine delights, however, and we still believe there is no better place to celebrate
Spring than in a garden. You can quintuple
that pleasure on Sunday, May 1, 2016,
between Noon and 4 PM as five generous
Camarillo homeowners open their gardens
for the benefit of Camarillo Hospice. You’ll also
be able to pick up gardening tips and enjoy original
artwork and live music.
This year’s gardens belong to Adrienne and Al
Reeves, Mary and Kelly Stark, Susan and Dave Stone,
Theresa and Mark Toomey, and Jane Donlon Waters
and Ed Waters. Each one is an outdoor masterpiece
created and maintained with love, care and devotion.
This year’s Garden Tour will feature original art work and demonstrations by Pastel
Society of the Gold Coast members Carrie
Givens, Kathi Colman, Judy Klement, Lynn
Byrne Simon, and Donna Vis.
Tempting opportunity prizes include
a one-week stay in a Maui condominium, a
one-week stay in a Mammoth Lakes condominium, a treasure chest of gift certificates to
local restaurants, an assortment of gift certificates
for Camarillo Certified Farmers Market vendors, a
Gardener’s Dream Basket, and a large flatscreen TV.
Garden Tour tickets ($25) are available online at
www.camarillohospice.org, or for (continued on p. 6)
Putting Things into Perspective
Thanks to the following donors for their support
during the period 11/3/2015 through 3/7/2016
GOLD ($5,000–$9,999)
DCH Audi of Oxnard
The Ferguson Foundation
SILVER ($1,000–$4,999)
Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation, Inc.
Bob and Laura Brickley
Richard and Sharon Brucker
Burch Family Foundation
Camarillo-Somis Pleasant Valley Lions Club
Jonathon and Meryl Chase
Shawn Collins
Cops Running For Charity
John and Linda Dullam
Robert and Carol Goodkin
Ron and Nancy Lindsay
Christopher Loh, M.D. and Ingrid Loh
Bill and Sandy Puchlevic
C. Albert Reeves, M.D. and Adrienne Reeves
Mark Schwartz
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Leonard and Lynn Byrne Simon
Sherry Stearns
The Channel Islands Gulls
Judith Willis
Sondra Wood
BRONZE ($500–$999)
Michael and Riitta Andonian
Arthur Chirino
Bill and Candice Clark
Robert and Rosemary Edmeads
Fredric and Robin Folino
Carol Hahn
Elizabeth Hartman
L.Q. Jones
Nels and Paula Kristofferson
David M. and Patricia A. Menne
Pacific Western Bank
Padre Serra Parish
Soroptimist International of Camarillo
Tony and Kathy Trembley
Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura
Verizon Communications
Carole WarrenSheldon Weinstein
Sarah Wilcox
Roger and Betsy Willey
William W. Wilson
BENEFACTORS ($250–$499)
Gladys Aanerud
Barbara Arner
Carl “Butch” and Christina Bolton
Bob and Susan Brown
Shirley Carson
Robert and Carol Chirhart
Combined Federal Campaign of Greater So Cal
Cronies Sports Grill
Larry and Pam Davis
Michael Derr and Christine Cohen
Art and Pat Ecker
Employees Charity Organization of Northrop
David and Mary Fish
Stephen and Janice Freeland
Karin Gordon
Arthur and Judy Goulet
Stella Grippa Harter
Glatha Hemme
Hinricher, Douglas & Porter, LLP
Tom Knoles
Bill and Mary Little
Michael W. McCarthy, D.D.S.
William J. McElhinney
Dave and Sandy Nirenberg
Michael and Jean Parcher
Philoptochos Society of St. Demetrios
Val and Roger (“Ted”) Rains
Paul and Michael Ann Rockenstein
Patrick Ryan, M.D. and Nora Ryan
Colleen Scott
Jerry and Loretta Scott
Clayton and Ruth Smith
Sandra Souza
Barbara Spandrio
Mary Vanderlaan
W. Thomas Veal, Jr., D.D.S.
Carol Weaver
Kay Wigton and Deena Wismann
Katherine Wilkinson
Michael Willard
Wilhelmus and Johanna Zwinkels
FRIENDS ($100-$249)
Dale and Janet Ackerman
David and Marilyn Adams
Frank and Doris Allard
Ron and Linda Allen
David Alstot
Lisa Bacerra
Dona Bailey
Robert and Jeanette Bassett
Gail Beltramo
Harper Lee wrote in
To Kill A Mockingbird:
“You never really understand another person
until you consider
things from his point of
view—until you climb
inside of his skin and
walk around in it.” That’s
Sandy Nirenberg
the heart of empathy. The modern world makes it easy for us to lose
awareness of the feelings of others, but empathy is
integral to the best lived lives and is the cornerstone
of healthy human relationships.
According to neuroscience research,
human beings are naturally primed
to embrace Ms. Lee’s message. The
ability to empathize is an in-built
capacity for stepping into the shoes of
others and understanding their feelings
and perspectives. The problem is that most
of us do not tap into our full empathic
potential in everyday life. We may be hardwired for
empathy but we short circuit ourselves. We can learn
empathy, however.
We easily pass by someone struggling with a
package or complaining about a situation as we rush
somewhere we need to be. We read about a tragedy
in a distant country and sympathize, but we let it slip
from our minds as we go about our own busy-ness.
This empathy gap appears in personal relationships,
as well, such as when we shout in frustration at our
children or aging parents, or fail to realize that someone else really is doing his or her best.
Listening for a person’s feelings and needs (what
they don’t say, as well as what they do), whether a
friend just diagnosed with cancer or a spouse upset
at you for working late yet again, gives that person a
sense of being understood. What is vital to empathy
is to be present to what’s going on within, to the
unique feelings and needs another person is experiencing at any particular moment in time.
We must let other people have their say, hold
back from interrupting, and reflect back what they
have said so they know we really were listening. (Regrettably, I often find myself finishing someone else’s
sentence or thought. I immediately think, “how rude!”
but that does not change the fact that at some point
I stopped listening to the other person and concluded the thought for him or her.) It’s not easy to
be a “radical listener,” but becoming one can have an
extraordinary impact on improving communication
and resolving conflicts.
Empathy is intensified when we became mindful
of every person connected to our routine actions.
Think about all the people we take for granted, then
approach everyone you encounter throughout the
day with an innate curiosity. With morning coffee,
think about the people who picked the coffee beans.
As you button your shirt, consider the labor behind
the label. Consider how even the most mundane elements in our lives connect us with people throughout society and the world. Consider your own
“creature comforts” from a deeper perspective. “Who
did this work?” “Where in the world are they?” “What
are their lives like?”
In his poem, “A Worker Reads History,” Bertolt
Brecht wrote “Who built the seven
gates of Thebes? / The books are
filled with the names of kings / Was
it the kings who hauled the craggy blocks
of stone?” What a much more wonderful
world this might be were we all to develop an
awareness of the countless individuals hidden behind the surface of our daily lives, from the perspective that we may depend on them in some way. We
do, you know.
Having conversations with strangers can open up
our empathic minds as well. Children have unlimited
natural curiosity. Part of growing up, it seems, is to
restrict that curiosity to what society and etiquette
comfortably allow, however. To develop empathy we
must recover our basic, insatiable interest in others.
Think of people as comprising a human library. Borrow a person for conversation, and in that conversation, listen to their words, embrace their emotions
and accept their feelings. Go beyond superficial talk,
following the advice of oral historian Studs Terkel:
“Don’t be an examiner, be the interested inquirer.” In
doing so we meet fascinating people—and also challenge the assumptions and prejudices we have about
others based on appearance, accent or background.
Practice empathy. Open your heart and mind to
a far deeper and more meaningful consciousness. In
doing so, your own spirit expands—and so do those
of all whom you encounter.
From the Board Chair
It is a privilege for me
to accept the gavel as
Chairman of the Board
of Camarillo Hospice
this year and I have
big shoes to fill. Randy
Churchill has been the
Chairman for 3 years. I
mean really big shoes!
Kay Wigton
Board Chair
As I reflect on the
responsibility of leading the board this year I am
humbled by the depth of impact that our organization has on so many lives. I first joined the hospice
board in 2013 because I was in awe of how important Camarillo Hospice has been to so many people.
Our volunteer training was a life changing event
and gave me the motivation to try to raise as much
money as we can to serve our community to the
fullest. Losing a loved one can be the most devastating experience we encounter and with the help of
our trained counselors and the love and support of
our groups it can be more than a healing process, it
can be inspiring.
Every day Sandy Nirenberg and our wonderful
staff see people in pain, suffering great losses and it is
their job to bring hope and support to everyone that
walks through the door. Not only does Sandy bring
guidance and experience to individuals every day she
is constantly out in the community meeting with
businesses and groups to bring in the resources to
keep Camarillo Hospice functioning in the successful
way it has for years. Our board of directors, staff, and
volunteers have all been touched in a special way
that only Sandy can do and we are all very grateful
that she is our leader.
We have elected a few new board members this
year as you will read this news letter. Please take a
moment to thank them for their support when you
see them out in the community. We are a working
board and believe me when I say that each board
member contributes monetarily and with a lot of
hard work.
One example is Dr. Al Reeves . He has been a
practicing physician in our community and has
always had a heart for people. He is now the administrator for Gold Coast Health Plan. Mrs. Reeves
(Adrienne) schedules volunteer workers for the
farmers market, and this year they are even sharing
their beautiful gardens with us on our Garden Tour.
So, as you can see, Camarillo Hospice is a family commitment. Dr. Reeves heads up the Strategic Planning
Committee and helped develop a grant program
for individuals that can’t afford in-home care during their last days. He is the co-chair of our Tree of
Life event and at the Chili Cookoff you can see him
delivering ice to each station starting at 5:30 a.m.
and being one of the last to leave at the end of the
day. Like I said our board members work!! This kind
of dedication allows us to offer all our services at no
cost to the individual. With his schedule and responsibilities at work we are blessed to have such a caring
mentor on our board . He also helps individuals gain
access to the counseling they need to deal with end
of life issues.
As we begin Spring and all the beauty of new life,
I am anticipating a year of growth and development
from our board of directors. It is exciting to have our
new board members and always a pleasure to work
with the experienced members as well.
Please make our garden tour a must on your
calendar so that you can experience the love and
caring of Camarillo Hospice while contributing to
our continued success. Enjoy the gardens as you are
reminded that each day is a new day and that the
sun gives life to beauty.
New Directors, Officers Elected
At the Camarillo Hospice Annual Meeting on
February 23, 2016, members of the organization in
attendance elected Christine Cohen, Linda Dullam,
John McCoy and Gary Schein as new Directors.
Incumbent Directors Petra Lowe, Tony Trembley,
Cameron Draine, Dr. Al Reeves, Jay Berger, and Theresa McConville were elected for additional terms.
Ken Eastman retired from the Board, having completed the maximum number of terms allowed and
contributed vast amounts of time and talent to the
growth and welfare of the organization.
Following the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors elected officers for 2016. They are: Kay Wigton, Chair; Tony Trembley, Vice Chair; Kevin Sumida,
CPA, Treasurer; and Gerry Olsen, Secretary.
If you are interested in serving on the board,
please contact Sandy Nirenberg at 805-389-6870 x11
or [email protected] for information.
Carolyn Berenson
Jay and Joni Berger
John (Jack) and Jill Bernick
Pat Bianco
Barbara Black
Neal and Joanne Blaney
Margaret Borchard
Bob and Terri Boyer
Norman and Ruth Brooks
Chris Brown
California Designers Choice Custom Cabinet
Camarillo Amber’s Light Lions Club
Camarillo United Methodist Church
Mark and Pam Cardella
David Carpenter
Carl and Suzan Cashin
Andrew Cattano, M.D. and Julia Catttano
J. Anna Chen
Churchill & Valencia
Jay Clancy and Desmond Clancy
John Clancy
James Clark
William Clark
David and Shirley Clements
Christi Clogston, Ph.D.
Judith E. Cofer
Robert and Sonja Conroy
Bertin and Myla Cote
Michael Crawford
Ronald Dalzell, D.V.M. and Cathleen Dalzell
Wayne and Barbara Davey
Bob and Seana Dawson
Lois B. Denardo
Tom and Pat Dodds
Sheila and S. George Dresnin
John and Marilu Duarte
Ken and Sue Eastman
Evelyn Ellis
Larry and Maria Erlichman
Dwight and Sachiko Evans
Grant and Mary Fairbanks
Marylou Faris
Jon and Joan Fiedler
Kathy Fink
William and Susan Frank
Thomas M. Frew, IV
Bruce and Janice Fuhrman
Tomas Gardea
David and Pat Gibson
Thomas and Gale Gill
Robert and Nancy Glickman
Karen Goetsch
Michael Gold, M.D. and Linda Gold
Alan and Mary Goldberg
John and Carolyn Goolsby
Ken and Jenelle Gorski
Nelda Gruenthal
Patrice Gubricky
Robert and Kristina Harrell
Larry and JoAnn Harris
Ronald and Kathleen Hatcher
Sue Heffler
Joseph and Barbara Hemmens
Hiepler & Hiepler, A Professional Corporation
Mebe Holmboe
Lua Hooper
Carolyn Houser
Robert Improta, M.D.
Dennis and Carol Isleib
James and Nancy Jaeger
Ellie James
Janet Jensen
Craig and Carol Johnson
Janet M. Jones
Robert and Dorothy Jones
Kathleen Jorgensen
Patsy Jorgensen
Richard and Donna Keister
James and Nedra Kindig
Edith Klein
Herb and Peggy Knecht
Kathryn Kochevar
Hank and Leah Lacayo
Jerry and Terri Landes
Steve Lattimore
Deborah LeBeau
Betty Lee-Myers
Leisure Village Women’s Club
Larry and Janet Lindgren
Harriet Lit
Lisa Long
Jonathan and Susan Loring
Joy W. Lyche
Donna Martin
Lee and Vincent Mason
Linda Mathews
Ken and Carol Mathis
Leslie and Stephen Maulhardt
Sharon McCarthy
Peter McDermott, M.D. and Anita McDermott
Robert McKenzie
James McMartin, M.D. and Rory Ann McMartin
Meister Family Foundation
Carmen Mogg
Linda Molina
Montecito Bank & Trust
Michael and Donna Morgan
Pam Mortensen
Ken and Mary Lee Myers
Camarillo Hospice
Napa Auto Parts
John and Erika Nash
Leslie Nunley
Paul Ouellette
Joseph and Rebecca Palazzola
Katherine Pape
Paraclete Elder Care Services
Parrott Aire Inc. Heating & Air Conditioning
Kathleen Perry
Melody Peters
Norma E. Peterson
Nancy and Dennis Phillips
Fred Phipps and Cathy Trainer
Dan and Robyn Popescu
Bruno and Vickie Pozzi
Betty Priest
Jeff and Marijke Priest
Kimberlee Priest
Grace Pugliese
Joyce Resnik
Ken and Becky Riley
Chris and Kimberly Ronneberg
Mark and Mary Rose
Robert and Connie Rose
Margaret Roth
Thomas and Karyne Roweton
Dorothy Sanders
Camille Schaetzel
Tim and Kelly Schneider
Michael and Sally Scyphers
Mildred Seidman
Jim and Melanie Smith
Rick B. and Patricia H. Smith
Louis and Janet Spasiano
Thelma Spohn
Donald and Carol Staton
Fred and Barbara Stelzner
Donald and Julia Stewart
Clark Sumida
Paula A. Sumida
Oanh Nguyen and Michael Nguyen Ta
The Groundskeeper, Inc.
Don and Kathy Thielen
Jeanne and L. Gene Thompson
Linda and Tom Toutz
Angela M. Tringali
James and Dorene Tsukida
Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs’ Assoc.
Billie Vice
Janna Visser
Maureen Wachold
Henry and Carole Wadsworth
Ron and Launice Walker
Donald and Kathleen Waunch
Donna L. Weiss
Phyllis G. Weiss
Ron and Honey Lou Whitaker
Donal and Barbara White
Linda White
Joe and Sarah Wigert
Michael and Evelyn Williams
David and Gayle Wolcott
Rosalinda Yanez
Carol Yung
DONOR ($1- $99):
Kent and Karen Allen
Amazon Smile
Betty Juel Andersen
Helen Andrews
Betty Z. Angle
Kathy and John Anglin
Irene Arakelian
Jack M. and Lorna J. Arnot
Bud and Stella Arosteguy
Julianne and Robert Arthur
Artistic Hair Salon
Mary Lou and Roy Ash
Chris N. Bacon
Maya Badon
Caroline C. Bailey
Susanna Banuelos
Alan Barber
Jeanne Bartlett
Melissa Beasley
Michael and Karen Began
Marlayne Bellenson
Dick and Sharon Bellman
Noella Belvedere
Robert A. Benson
James Bergstrom
Susan Bernstein
Marlynn Block
Tina Sasaki Bollinger
Michael and Candee Bolyog
Phyllis Boothman
Susan Menzie Borquez
Robert and Sherrill Borrell
Maurine Bouley
Michael Brennan
Bobbi Brewer
Lewis and Debbie Brown
Renee and Joseph Brum
Lura Brummer
Marissa Buck
David and Rebecca Buettner
Kevin and Karen Bulger
Elise Burgett
Camarillo Hospice is a volunteer hospice and grief counseling center dedicated to the dignity of life by providing free
care,comfort, support and counseling to individuals and families facing a life-limiting illness or grieving the loss of a loved
one, and education on end-of-life issues to all.
Camarillo Hospice provided direct assistance to more than 8,000 community residents during
2015, all at no charge whatsoever. In addition to practical and emotional support to critically
ill patients and their families and caregivers, grief counseling and support groups for those
grieving the loss of a loved one and education, resources and referrals on end-of-life issues,
Camarillo Hospice offers a “life story” program to the community at large.
Camarillo Hospice Services Include:
• Volunteer practical and emotional support in the home, including respite for caregivers and friendly
visiting with patients as well as errand running, peer counseling, transportation and auxiliary programs
including Oral
History, Pet Therapy, Music Therapy and Supper Club
• Ongoing grief support groups (average of 10 per week) and individual volunteer grief support
• Individual and family grief counseling sessions by appointment
• Patient care and bereavement volunteer training courses
• Intern program for individuals with a Masters in Counseling who are preparing to become licensed therapists
• A weekday office providing a safe haven, emotional support, practical assistance, counseling services, referrals and
resources, lending library and a peaceful and loving place just to “be,” if only for a short while
• Provided ongoing volunteer hospice care to 513 unduplicated patients and respite and support to 663 unduplicated
family members and caregivers, delivering care, comfort, support, counseling and education to individuals and families
dealing with a life-limiting illness
• Facilitated 498 grief support group meetings for 500 unduplicated clients (and a total support group enrollment of
4,763), offering groups for adults and children focused on specific types of grievers, including young widows and widowers, suicide loss, loss of a child, adult loss of a parent, teen-age loss, young adult loss and loss of a pet, as well as
Spanish language groups in Oxnard
• Provided 4,287 hours of individual and family counseling support to 306 unduplicated clients
• Brought education on end-of-life issues to approximately 2,026 people, through 21 presentations and reached countless others via 371 broadcast, print and social media exposures
• Fielded 2,750 phone calls regarding end-of-life, home care, hospice and palliative care issues and
resources and 1,577 phone calls regarding loss and grief and the availability of emotional and practical
• Coordinated 226 Supper Club deliveries
• Provided 247 Music Therapy sessions
• Delivered 21 Pet Therapy visits and approximately 750 pet visits between Bella, our resident canine comforter, and
counseling clients and support group attendees (an average of 3 visits per day during the week)
• Conducted 87 Life Story visits and completed 15 Life Stories
• Conducted two 24-hour/eight-week patient care volunteer training courses, graduating 37, and one nine-hour bereavement training course, graduating 16 and provided ongoing training, in-services and professional supervision to 84 patient
care volunteers, 45 bereavement volunteers and nine counseling interns
• Served a clientele encompassing all ages, ethnicities, income levels and geographic areas within Ventura County
• Brightened Camarillo Community life with a Certified Farmers Market every Saturday morning, the 19th Annual Spring
Garden Tour, the31st Annual Community Memorial Service, the 7th Annual Camarillo Hospice Chili Cook-off & Music
Festival, the 30th Annual Tree of Life campaign, and delivery of a reported 12,446 hours of volunteer service to the residents of Ventura County by well-trained, professionally supervised, caring, generous Camarillo Hospice volunteers
2015 Annual Report
December 31, 2015
Operating Funds.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................$419,565
Fixed Assets........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................111,801
Restricted Funds.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................805,066
Total Assets..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................$1,336,432
All services of Camarillo Hospice are provided free of charge. Camarillo Hospice receives no County, State or Federal
funds and no reimbursement from insurance companies, Medicare, health management companies or any other thirdparty payers.
Fiscally, Camarillo Hospice relies on contributions from individuals, corporations and service groups, private grants,
endowment fund earnings and various fundraising activities, including the weekly Camarillo Certified Farmers Market
and the annual Spring Garden Tour, Chili Cook-off & Music Festival and Tree of Life. Camarillo Hospice is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization, Taxpayer ID No. 95-3347061.
Amgen Foundation
Archstone Foundation
Burch Family Foundation
Channel Islands Gulls
Camarillo Council on Aging
Camarillo Rotary Foundation
City of Oxnard: Senior Services
Gene Haas Foundation
Goodall Family Charitable Foundation
Harriet H.NUMBER
Samuelsson Foundation
Livingston Memorial
1,010 Foundation 36.9
Martin V. and Martha
1,729 K. Smith Foundation
May and Stanley
Smith Charitable 100.0
Meadowlark Service League
Sherwood Country Club Charitable Fund
Sidney Stern Memorial
Slover Memorial Fund
Stone Family Foundation
Swift Memorial Health Care Foundation
The Ferguson Foundation
TOLD Foundation
Union Pacific Foundation
Bill Wilson Charitable Foundation
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
General Contributions and Memorials....$ 80,706
Memorial Donations................................................$ 13,955
Membership Dues......................................................$ 11,244
Fundraising Activities.............................................. $ 256,029
Certified Farmers’ Market..................................$ 84,428
Chili Cook-off & Music Festival.....................$ 82,019
Garden Tour.................................................................. $ 33,633
Tree of Life........................................................................$ 53,595
Miscellaneous................................................................$ 2,354
Interest on endowment.........................................$ 1,254
Bequests..............................................................................$ 229,118
Programs .......................................................................$ 449,441
Fundraising.......................................................................$ 82,745
Management...................................................................$ 63,100
(Excluding phone, email and walk-in contacts)
Child (0-18)
Young Adult (19-29)
Adult (30-54)
Senior (55+)
Oxnard/Port Hueneme
Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park
African American
Native American
0 -43,050
43,051 - 68,880
68,881 - 103,320
103,321 +
Reported volunteer hours.....................................................................................12,446
Additional support hours......................................................................................10,374
Cathy Burow
David and Barbara Burrows
Catherine Busch
Amy Bustard
John R. and Mary J. Buzzell
Norm Caligagan
Camarillo Newcomers Club
Rebecca Carasco
Paul and Ann Carter
Steven Carter
Suzanne Chadwick
Dorothy Challinor
Fran Clausen
Terry and Rosemary Clites
Donald and Margery Coler
Catherine Collins
David and Leona Comer
Laura Conger
Janine Coronado
Jim Cox
David and Kathy Cramer
Sue Cronk
Judy L. Crouther
Ruth Mary Crowell
Aurora Cuellar
Eleanor S. Cunningham
Janet Danielsen
Carmen Davenport
Cookie Davidson
Laurie Davis
Claire Day
Walter and Lauren De La Torre
Thomas and Connie Deardorff
Diana Debring
H. F. Deffenbaugh
Lynn Dempsey
Eleanor V. Deraney
Terry and Gail Deschamps
Charles DeSimone
Robert and Candace Diehl
Kim Dilallo
Joseph and Elizabeth
Dilibert Hueneme
Kim Dishman
Patricia AnnThousand
Gertie Dorward
Jeff and Patty
Carole Dunlop
Marie DuranMoorpark
Mike and Cindy Dutter
David and Teri
Lina Lee Edwards
Karl and Scharden
Megan Emery
Eduardo S. and Candis Enriquez
Arline Erickson
Don and Andrea Ethell
Handel and Carol Evans
Kirsten Falsey
Connie Farris
Marilyn Farwell
Warren and Kathy Felger
Pauline Fernandez
Paul Fickenscher
Mark and Bridget Fischer
Dedra Fischer-Dobson
Alice Fisher
Carl D. and Jeanne Fisher
Frances Flynn
John and Vicki Flynn
Paula Levi Fodrea
William Fontana
Edie Fowkes
Lisa G. Fox
Sandra Fox
Bob and Ruth Fraser
Lori Fulmer
Lenore Fusano
Frances Gagola
Thomas and Sharon Gamache
Donna Garcia
Roberto and Carol Garcia
Richard and Karen Gatchel
Jan Gerk
Lois Gibson
Jane Gifford
Gail Ginnetti
Lois Glab
Karen Goetz
Michele Gonser
Mary Goodenough
Linda Grant
Willa Greeley
Deborah Greene
Marie Griffin
Ira and Lois Grooms
James and Diana Gross
Nancy Guirell
Deanna Hackman
Diana Hagen
Bonny Hall
John Hallisey, M.D. and Julia Hallisey
Shannon Harris
Joy Hart
Suzanne Hartwich
Kenneth Haugrud
Lorissa Hays
Debbie Hebert
Maureen Hefelfinger
Betty Y. Herrmann
Marie Griffin
Ira and Lois Grooms
James and Diana Gross
Nancy Guirell
Deanna Hackman
Diana Hagen
Bonny Hall
John Hallisey, M.D. and Julia Hallisey
Shannon Harris
Joy Hart
Suzanne Hartwich
Kenneth Haugrud
Lorissa Hays
Debbie Hebert
Maureen Hefelfinger
Betty Y. Herrmann
Darren and Angela Hicks
Ann Hills
Patricia Hilton
Donald Hobson
Arnold and Poldi Hockenmaier
Richard Hogan
Amanda Holdsworth
Donna Holland
Marilyn Holthouse
Colleen House
Brian and Juliann Howell
Daniel and Carol Hubbard
Albert and Cherry Huen
Susan Hughes
Craig and Cecilia Husband
Barbara R. Hyatt
Ken and Carol Imhoof
Daniel J. and Christina Inloes
Roberta Jefferson
Bill and Jill Jenkins
Matthew Johnson
Christian Jordan
Helen and Dennis Juell
Walt and Do Kainz
Brad Kane
Jim and Carol Karas
K. Victor Kato, D.D.S.
Robert and Anne Kehoe
Marj Kempner
John and Beverly Kerwien
Martin and Winniefred Kimbrell
Shirley A. Kindig
Randy and Sue Kinsling
Steven and Cheryl Kitagawa
David and Susan Kittinger
Rhonda Kjorlien
Thomas and Madeline Kline
Walter Knaebel
David and Laurie Knapp
Adam and Holly Koch
Maureen and Gopal K. Kohli
Mary C. Kramer, Ph.D.
Ken and Patti Kruse
Steven W. and Holly Kunkle
Miriam Laatz
Jeanne Lackey
Tiffany and Raphael Lansden
Judy Lautenschleger
Linda Layman
Melissa Layne-Maitland
Ward and Shirley Leslie
William Lewis
Roger Lininger
Rebecca and Tom Lowe
Margarete Luesebrink
Bob and Donna Lutz
Julia C. and Mac Macasieb
Macy’s Foundation
Jan Maez
Malachi and Jacob Mahan
John H. Mainzer
Lyle E. and Doris Ann Maley
Phyllis Mandel
Eloise Mansfield
Linda Mansfield
Joyce Mansnerus
Suzanne Maraboto
Ronald and Lois Marcus
Paul and Grace Martinez
Gary and Mary Marwick
Nobuko McClure
John and Leatha McCoy
Susan McDonald
Joan McDonough
Rosemary McIntyre, M.D.
Nancy Mecozzi
Bill and Nikki Melhorn
Bob and Pearl Mench
Joan and Joe Mendez
Joe and Janice Mendoza
Suzanne Menne and Donovan Nebreklievski
James and Theresa Merrin
Valeri Mervyn
Craig and Patti Messi
Betty Metzger
Judy Miller
Laurissa and Eric Miller
Marion A. Milne
David and Carole Minkin
Janet Mitchell
Lynnea C. Mitchell
Jeanne Money
Bill and Camella Moore
(Garden Tour, cont.) those who prefer to purchase in
person, at the Camarillo Hospice office and Certified
Farmers Market, Baron Brothers Nursery, B&B Do-It
Center, Growing Grounds Nursery & Tree Outlet,
Las Posas Emporium, and Petropolis in Camarillo,
at Modern Oasis Garden & Patio in Ventura and at
Armstrong Garden Centers in Thousand Oaks.
The 2016 Garden Tour committee is chaired by
Camarillo Hospice volunteers Carol Weaver and
Betty Bright-Martinez and includes additional vol-
unteers Jay Berger, Patti Distad, Cameron Draine, Ken
Eastman, Karen Knight, Komali Nunna, Linda Ramelli,
Ruff Smith, Kay Wigton and Susan Yaberg.
All proceeds of the Garden Tour directly fund
the volunteer hospice, grief support and education
programs and services of Camarillo Hospice, which
are free to the community.
For Garden Tour sponsorship and advertising
opportunities, please contact Belinda Brown at 805389-6870 x 15 or [email protected]
32nd Annual Community Memorial Service Set
The 2016 Camarillo Hospice Community Memorial Service has been set for Thursday, June 2, 2016,
beginning at 5:30 p.m., in the East Garden at Camarillo Ranch, 201 Camarillo Ranch Road in Camarillo.
This year’s guest speaker is Rabbi Michael Lotker.
The program also will include live music, the “memorial quilt ritual,” which allows those in attendance to
remember and honor departed loved ones by speaking their names and placing a personalized butterfly
on the quilt, and a traditional dove release.
Come join us in remembrance on Thursday, June
2, 2016, at 5:30 p.m.
Shop Amazon, Support Camarillo Hospice
Giving to Camarillo Hospice has never been easier!
When you shop Amazon (and we KNOW you do!),
you can make an automatic donation to Camarillo
Hospice just by choosing to smile!
Best of all, you don’t pay for the donation—it comes from Amazon!
• AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know
and love. Same products, same prices, same service.
• Log on to smile.amazon.com and choose Camarillo Hospice as your charity of choice.
• Amazon will donate 0.5% of the
price of your eligible AmazonSmile
purchases to Camarillo Hospice.
Support Camarillo Hospice today—just SMILE!
The invisible conversation you held while you were alive can still be heard in every shadowed wall, in the birdsong of
morning, and in the last light of evening; the final rays above the river drawing the shape you make in the air by your
absence. So that even in the warmth of the southern night I hear your laughter singing from the same familiar sunlit
nowhere you always inhabited even before you left and that still flows with me, morning or evening, invisibly close
to where I go. Even in narrow streets, surrounded by stone, I listen through those walls in parallels now, and at times
inhabit an intimacy where I seem to hear your unseen heart beating close to mine, counting the seconds of my life, as if
telling me to live fully in this parallel until I come, some fateful day and meet you, standing at the threshold of yours.
When I speak, the words are no longer mine to give away, even though I begin alone, we seem to finish every sentence
together and often in ways I needed but could not imagine, so that now I cannot tell where I begin a theme and
you join in, and I wander among my friends, wondering if they know to whom they speak. I know now the essence
of our friendship because the impetus of your death continually leads me to places where I feel you just about to appear again, your hands lifted toward me, your laughter reminding me of what we both wanted while you lived and
breathed, your body strangely reborn in mine, and yet continually coming and going from me, at times the familiar
line of your back suddenly turning to that shouted wave at the corner before you disappear; off to some imaginative
otherness where others wait, but always returning after an hour, a day a month, a year, the beckoning stranger come to
meet me, shaking hands for the first time, the light in your eyes alive again to our future, with no shadow of parting.
—Avignon Elegy: June 2013 © David Whyte
Heart Work Meets Art Work Again in 2016
Those of you who visit the Camarillo Hospice office are well-acquainted with the incredible talent of
Gold Coast Pastel Society artists. We proudly feature
18 original works of art throughout our offices.
Camarillo Hospice also is delighted to have been
named the charity of choice of the Pastel Society of
the Gold Coast (PSGC) for its 2016 annual “Passion
for Pastels” art show. This collaboration has become
a successful fund- and friend-raising adventure for
both organizations. Since 2014, Camarillo Hospice
has received $3,333 from PSGC.
PSGC’s month-long free art exhibit will be on
display in the spacious Thousand Oaks Community
Gallery July 5 through July 30, 2016 from 11:00 AM to
5:00 PM Mondays through Saturdays. The Gallery is
located at 2331-A Borchard Road in Newbury Park.
PSGC artists will staff the exhibit and explain pastel painting. 10% of each art sale during the exhibit
will be contributed by the PSGC artist to Camarillo
Hospice, so please start “sizing up” your walls, then
make those original artwork purchases you’ve been
dreaming about between July 5 and 30th!
On Sunday, July 10, from 1 to 3:30 p.m., the PSGC
will host an afternoon reception in honor of Camarillo Hospice at the Gallery. There will be art demonstrations, food and drinks, gift drawings and fun. All
(100%) of the drawing proceeds at the reception will
be given to Camarillo Hospice.
The Pastel Society of the Gold Coast is a non-
profit organization whose purpose is to provide
public exhibitions for its members; to educate the
community through collaboration with environmental and other non-profit organizations; and to
promote the arts in general. Membership consists
of approximately 30 Southern California artists who
“utilize the dynamic and diverse application of soft
pastels to express the nature and beauty of our Gold
Coast region.“
Visit the PSGC website at www.pastelsocietyofthegoldcoast.org to learn about the incredibly talented
artists of the Society and preview their work. AND
plan to attend the reception, enjoy the exhibit, and
help support local artists and Camarillo Hospice.
Capturing nature in a work of art delights PSGC artist
Lynn Byrne Simon.
National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16
Celebrate National Healthcare Decisions Day by
completing Five Wishes. National Healthcare Decision
Day was established several years ago to encourage
all adults to discuss their preferences and plan ahead
for their preferred care in the case of a serious illness.
Five Wishes makes advance care planning easy
because it is written in everyday language and deals
with the things people care about most: being kept
comfortable, maintaining their dignity and address-
ing various personal, spiritual and family matters.
Five Wishes specifically mentions hospice care and
prompts people to think about what good care at
the end of life is all about. In the end, most people
want to be able to exit this world with as much dignity and love as possible, however they visualize that.
Not only does Five Wishes offer an excellent starting
point for a frank conversation with your loved ones,
it also allows you to memorialize your end-of-life care
To further review Five Wishes or obtain a copy of
it, please contact Camarillo Hospice at 805-389-6870
or [email protected]
It’s set for Sunday, September 4, 2016, and we’re looking for new/additional
volunteers to help plan the event. You’re invited to join the committee!
Previous experience not required—just enthusiasm, energy and ideas!
Contact Sandy Nirenberg at 805-389-6870 x11 or snirenberg@camarillohospice.
Karen, Yvonne and Selena Moraga
Cheryl Morgan
Dagmar Morgan
Jim and June Morrison
Bob Mucica
Donna Mullennix
Rudy and Pat Muro
Gary and Judith Murphy
Sarah J. Needham
Carol Neel
Jo Ann Neff
Jeanne Nelson
Trisha Newhoff
Emanuel (Mickey) and Josephine Newman
Robin Nixon
Lynn Norman
Doreen Odehnal Booffard
David and Karen Oliver
Carolyn Ostrander
Barbara Owens
John and Linda Packham
Neil Parker, M.D.
Darren Patnoe
Nanci Paulson
Daniel J. Perata
Darlene Pickering
Karen S. Proffitt
Robert and Sheila Rakestraw
Patty Ramirez
Richard and Shook Reese
Bruce and Catherine Reeve
Rodney and Annie Resnik
Darlene Responte
Dan and Sandra Rickard
Lynnette Robertson
Patricia Rodriguez
Anita Roll
Jean M. Rom
Linda Romano
Barbara Ross
Steve Roth
Janet N. Rowe
Sandra Kay Rowe
Carol Rundgren
Christine Rutter
Timothy and Lynn Ryan
Diane Salisbury
Ed and Sheryl Sandell
John and Karen Savaya
Rochelle Savren
Karl Heinz Schober
Maxine Schreul
Richard and Cynthia Seaberg
Diane Severtson
Claire Shanley
Prithvi R. Sharma, M.D.
David and Donna Shepard
Joan Shively
Paul and Marilyn Sills
Zita Simmons
Marianne Slaughter
Sharon and Ken Slaughter
Carolyn Smith
Rhoda Smithkin
Capt. Dennis Solomon
Claire Sortomme
Susan Spangler
Bill and Sue Spies
Barbara St. Amand
Nancy Stehle
James and Laurie Stirone
Charley and Nancy Stoll
Yu-Fang and Ko-Shun Sun
Ruth Suszko
Joe C. and Joan I. Swindle
Catherine Tabor
Katherine Taylor
Nellie Throneberry
Michael and Miriam Timrott
Argene Tisdale
Kathie Tobias
Carmen and Anthony Trerotola
Dorothy Trotter
United Way California Capital Region –PCFD Account
United Way of Santa Barbara County
Judy Van Dyke
Margaret Van Huss
Nancy Vancott
T.L. and L.I. Vesey
Robert and Sue Walker
Blaine and Diana Wanke
Debbie Weiss
Richard Wells
Sandy Wepplo
Jeanne Whalen
Dale White
Jerry and Galena White
Rick and Sandy Wiegman
Judith Wilcoxson
Fred and Carole Winter
Ellen Winters
Pat Wise
Rosemary Wisuri
Stefan and Mary Jo Wolowicz
Bobbin and Steve Yarbrough
Mary and Herb Yee
Russell and Paula Yermasek
Wayne and June Younger
Deloria Zabriskie
comfort & counseling
for life’s journey
Camarillo Hospice Corporation
400 Rosewood Ave., #102
Camarillo, CA 93010
805.389.6870 • Fax 805.389.0296
Hours: Monday–Friday
8:30 AM–4:30 PM
Kay Wigton
Chair of the Board
Tony Trembley
Vice Chair of the Board
Gerald “Gerry” Olsen
Kevin Sumida, CPA
Randy Churchill
Immediate Past Chair
Jay Berger
Christine Cohen
Cameron Draine
Linda Dullam
Dennis Gaiser
Petra Lowe
Theresa McConville, Esq.
John McCoy
Roger “Ted” Rains
C. Albert Reeves, M.D.
Gary Schein
Keith Sciarillo
Sandy Nirenberg
Laurie Davis, MSW
Director of Volunteer
Carole Wadsworth, MA, MFT
Director of Counseling
Stacia Sickle, LCSW
Associate Director of Counseling Services
Sally McSweeney
Administrative Assistant
Belinda Brown
Event Coordinator
Gail Barrish, MA
Christina Burke, MS
Marilu Duarte, MS, MFT
Brenda Estrada, MS
Laura Gallardo, MA
Scott Loorz, MA
Yash Mirji, MS
Sarah Nare, MFT
Carrie Phillips, MA
Carol Robrecht, MFT
Stacia Sickle, LCSW
Michelle Williams, MS
Rosalinda Yanez, MS, MFT
Sandy Nirenberg, Editor
Ken Eastman, Graphi Designer
Please contact Stacia Sickle, LCSW, at 805389-6870 x 25 for meeting dates/times or
to enroll, or visit www.camarillohospice.org
Adult Loss of a Parent
Bereaved Parents
General Bereavement
Good Grief Club (Children 6 to 14)
Healing Through Creative Writing
Newly Bereaved
Pet Loss
Survivors of Suicide Loss
Teen Age Grief
The Masculine Side of Healing
Young Widows and Widowers
Spanish Language Grief Groups (Oxnard)
• Cameron & Summer Draine
• Dennis & Joan Gaiser
• County Commerce Bank
• Al and Petra Lowe
• William and Joanne Miller
• Leonard and Lynn Simon
Union Bank
• Churchill & Valencia
• Michael Ragen, M.D. and Ann Ragen
• Anonymous
• Buena Vista Hospice, Palliative & Home
Health Care
• Coastal Eye Specialists
• Dignity Health/St. John’s Hospitals
• Gold Coast Health Plan
• Richard and Nancy Ney
• Gerald (“Gerry”) and Joan Olsen
• Ed and Diana Paul
• Radiation Oncology Centers of Ventura County
• Val and Roger (“Ted”) Rains
• C. Albert Reeves, M.D. and Adrienne Reeves
• Maureen Wachold
• Kay Wigton and Deena Wismann
u March 2016—Membership Month. Mail your annual dues today to be a member of Camarillo
Hospice in 2016
u Sunday, May 1, 2016, Noon to 4:00 PM—20th Annual Spring Garden Tour
u Thursday, June 2, 2016, 5:30 to 7:00 PM—Annual Camarillo Hospice Community Memorial
Service, Camarillo Ranch
u Sunday, September 4, 2016, 11 AM to 4:00 PM—8th Annual Camarillo Chili Cook-off & Music
Festival, Camarillo Ranch
u September-October, Wednesdays, 9 AM to 12 PM—Patient Care Volunteer Training, Camarillo
Hospice Office
u Saturday, December 3, 2016, 4:30 PM—Camarillo Hospice Tree of Life Lighting Ceremony,
Constitution Park, Camarillo
u Every Saturday, 8 AM to Noon, (rain or shine)—Camarillo Hospice Certified Farmers Market,
2220 Ventura Blvd., Old Town Camarillo