St. Genevieve Parish - Thibodaux
St. Genevieve Parish - Thibodaux
Volume 57, No. 11/March 13, 2016 St. Genevieve Parish Newsletter 5th Sunday of Lent St.GenevieveCatholicChurch 815BarbierAvenue,Thibodaux,LA70301-6533 Of ice:446-5571Fr.Dean’sCell:271-1548ReligiousEd.:446-5127 E-mail:[email protected] [email protected]/StGenevieveThibodaux JoinusonFlocknote@ St. Genevieve Parish “ All Are Welcome” Pastor:VeryRev.DeanDanos ChurchOf iceHours AssociatePastor:Fr.SimonPeterEngurait Mon-Thurs8:00AM-4:00PM Deacon:IrvingDaigle Friday8:00AM-3:00PM ReligiousEducationDirector:Sr.LaurenLindee Of iceStaff:JustinRodrigue/ExecutiveMgr.andYouth&DevelopmentDir. JackieHebert/BusinessMgr.,ScarletAngelette/Admin.Assist.&SafeEnvironment ChrisKnobloch/Principal,CherylThibodaux/Assist.Principal WeeklyMassSchedule: MondaythruFriday:7:00AM FridaySchoolMass:9:15AM SaturdayVigil:4:00PM(3:00PMConfessions) Sunday:8:00AM,10:30AM,&6:00PM Shepherd’s Voice March 13, 2016 Thisweekwearetreated to a reading from John’s Gospel. The scribes and Pharisees havebroughtawomantoJesuswhotheysaywascaughtintheactof committingadultery.Accordingtothelaw,theysay,the woman shouldbestoned.Butthey want to know what Jesus thinks they should do. ButJesus'knowledgeofhuman naturewastoomuchforthem(seeJohn2:25).First,he knewtheintentionsof thescribes and Pharisees,andhewasquitedeft atavoidingtheirtraps.Second,h e knew the heart of the woman, andheknewtheheartsofheraccusers. Whenhelookedintothoseheart,we can only imagine the darknesshe saw. Itseemsthatthedarknesswithintheaccusersfar eclipsedthesinoftheadulteress. Jesuswasamasterof human intentionandthehumanheart. ForJesus,whatishappening on the inside ofa person alwaystrumps in importance what isvisibleontheoutside.Thesinofthewoman,thoughnotcondonedby inshame.Butthesinofthescribes and PhariJesus,was"outthere"forallto see. seeswho stoodbeforeJesuswashidden. Itwasaninnersinofself-righteousness that creptsilentlyanddestructivelyintoeveryareaoftheirlives. made noroomformercyor generositytowardothers.ItrejectedJesus. Andworst ofall,itrejectedthe mercyofGod. Jesus'responsetothetest put before him immediatelyleveledtheplaying ield:"Letthe one amongyouwhois withoutsin be the irst to throw a stone at her.”Perhapsthesewordsledsome of the scribes and Pharisees to see theirownheartsclearlyforthe irsttime.Notonepickedupa ASK YOURSELF : WhenIaccuseothers,doIhearJesusasking me ifIamwithoutsin?WhenIfeel accusedbyothers,do IhearJesus assuringmethat Iam notcondemnedby him? Intoday's Gospel reading,an embarrassed woman stands in the middleof acrowdof peoplewhoare judging her.Someofthemevenwanttohurther.Jesus'wordshelp the womanfeelsafeandaccepted.Haveyoueverbeen inasituation where you could help someonewhowas embarrassed orashamed?WhydoyouthinkGodwantsusto helpotherswhen they feelthisway? PRAY: Jesus,youknowmyheart aswellasyouknewthehearsofthescribesandPharisees.Give me atender heart to loveandnottojudge. Father Dean F. Danos 2 Welcome to St. Genevieve Catholic Church! 57yearsofhandingontheCatholicfaithtoThibodaux WelcometoSt.GenevieveCatholicChurch,aplacewheresinnersandsaintsareathome!Ipraythatyour timewithusisfilledwithpeaceandgrace.Bienvenue! PrayerList Today we are praying for all of the people in nursing homes, hospitals, and the homebound. We are also praying for Barbara Kirk, Virginia Cunningham, Darin Fontz, Debra Ordoyne, Leland Granier, Derick Verdun, Annie Ordoyne, Eugene Mac Nilla, Leroy Chiasson, Jr., Mary Robichaux, Ruth Thibodeaux, Ronnie Bednarz, Gerry Falgout, Sandra Bacas, Laura Badeaux, Connie Bouterie, Dante Galliano, Vergie Gros, Kendra Guillot, Katie Hebert, Sr. Barbara Nell Laperouse, Gretchen Sternfels, Fred Tenney, Allison Walters, Brenda A. Boudreaux, Mary Acosta, Jennifer Hebert, Ken Bordelon, Jeanette Pitre, Kenneth LeBlanc, Joan Blanchard, Rose Baudoin, C. J. Clement, Glenna Dugas, Audrey Breaux, Caleb Garrard, Carolyn Delaune, Judith Benoit, Michael Ory, Chris Toups, Kobe Starks, Vivian Zeringue, Jessica Chiasson, Charles Leonard, Chad Barrilleaux, Adam Robichaux, Andrew Adams, Chris Barrilleaux, Danette Alario, Ashley Silverii, Amy Richard and Jamie Richard. If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, please call the church office at 446-5571. Lenten Prayer Be the change! NEW LIGHTHOUSE CDs! Visit our kiosk in the ves bule of church. CDs include: Calming the emo onal storms: Four Keys to Emo onal, 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy, Beyond Belief: Following Christ Today, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Best Way to Live, Don’t Just Try, Train, The Saving Power of Divine Mercy, The Big Ques on: God Are You There?, The Body and Blood of Christ, Born Again?, Faith Alone?, Contemporary Sainthood?, The Bible Made Me Do It, Discipline That Lasts a Life me and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassa -Man of the Bea tudes. CDs are $3.00 each. 3 MyLentenJourney “IamparticipatingintheDoorsofMercyBiblestudy.IhaveLentenreading materialsallovermyhouseandatmydeskatwork,sothatnomatterwhereIamI cantakeamomenttore lectonwhatJesushasdoneforme.IamalsousingtheBest andmycomputeratworktoremindmetopraythroughouttheday.SometimesallI havetimeforistoliftmythoughtstoGodforamoment,buteventhathelpsmestayfocusedonwhatis reallyimportantinthemidstofmywork.” Celeste Robichaux “I’vealwaysgivenupsomethingandregularlyattendedmass.IfastonFridaysandavoidmeat, somethingthatreallydoesn’trequiremuchsacri iceinsouthLouisiana.DuringthisLentenseason,I intendtocontinuewhatImentionedabove,butI’vealsocommittedmyselftoattendmassonweekdays asoftenasworkallows.IalsointendtoincreasetheprivatetimeIspendinprayer,togooutofmy waytoassistothers,andtocommitmyselftoabstainingfromsinningbothduringandafterLent.” Paul Wilson Care for God's Crea on Catholic social teaching inspires and guides how we are to live and work in the world. In this principle, Care for God's Crea on, we remember that God created every plant, every mountaintop, every animal-everything. And God said that these things are good. We find God in these good things, and so we must take care of crea onboth for ourselves and for all of our human family. Please donate to CRS Rice Bowl today. A Plenary Indulgence for the temporal punishment of sins is imparted by the mercy of God and applicable also to the souls of deceased faithful, may be obtained by all faithful who, truly penitent, receive the sacrament of penance (confession) and the Eucharist and pray in accordance with the inten ons of the Supreme Pon ff, Pope Francis. In order to obtain a Plenary Indulgence, the faithful need to: 1) Make a Pilgrimage through a Holy Door (St. Francis Cathedral or St. Joseph Co-Cathedral) with the desire for a true conversion of heart. 2) Celebrate the Sacrament of Penance within 20 days of going through the Holy Door (before or a er). 3) A end the celebra on of the Eucharist. 4) Reflect on God’s abundant Mercy. 5) Make a Profession of Faith by praying the Nicene Creed or the Apostles’ Creed. 6) Pray the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be for the Inten ons of Pope Francis. 4 ThisWeekInOurParish ThisWeek’sReadings Sun., Mar. 13 Is 43:16-21/Jn 8:1-11 Mon., Mar. 14 Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62/Jn 8:12-20 Tue., Mar. 15 Nm 21:4-9/Jn 8:21-30 Wed., Mar. 16 Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Jn 8:31-32 Thurs., Mar. 17 Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59 Fri., Mar. 18 Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42 WeeklyCollections March6,2016 CatholicReliefCollection $17,404.49 $1,383.00 * Our Annual Easter Quota for 2016 will be $11,000. PleasebegenerousattheEasterweekendmasses.We greatlyappreciateyourcontinuedstewardship! In conjunction with the ExtraordinaryJubileeYearofMercy, St. Genevieve Parish introduces thevisitationofthe“DivineMercy Image.”ThiswillreplacetheTravelingBiblefortheyear.ThroughouttheYearofMercy,eachweeka family in our parish is invited to host the Divine Mercy Image in theirhome. Troy & Joy Albert will be accepting the Divine Mercy Image on March 13th at the 10:30 AM Mass and Susan Brazan will be accepting the Divine Mercy Image on March 20th at the 6:00 PM Mass. The host families are encouraged to makeapilgrimagetoSt.FrancisCathedralorSt.Joseph Co-Cathedral,praytheDivineMercyNovenaandchaplet,andperformSpiritualandCorporalworksofMercy. Please call Louis and Geri Caro at 447-4750 to book yourweeknow.AsPopeFrancissaid“Maywebecome islandsofmercyinthemidstoftheseaofindifference!” *PleasereturntheDivineMercyImagebefore the4:00p.m.MassonSaturday.Pleaseplacetheimage onthealtar.ThankyouandGodBless. Sunday, March 13 (3rd Grade Hosts 10:30 AM Mass & Children of Mary) 7:15 PM Doors of Mercy Group/ER Monday, March 14 9:00 AM Helping Hands Interviews 5:30 CCD Classes/All Bldgs. 7:00 PM Come Lord Jesus/CR Tuesday, March 15 8:15 School Class Pictures/C 9:30 AM Doors of Mercy Group/ER 6:00 PM Cub Scout Mtg./SC Wednesday, March 16 9:30 AM Lafourche Nursing Home Mass 2:00 PM Come Lord Jesus/CR 3:15 Girl Scout Mtg./FC 6:00 PM Pack Mtg./SC 6:00 Pastoral Council Mtg./ER Thursday, March 17 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Adoration/C 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal/C Friday, March 18 9:15 School Mass 10:00 AM Helping Hands Appointments *St. Joseph Altar Set-up Saturday, March 19 10:00 AM St. Joseph Mass & Altar *Daily Lenten Masses 7:00 AM & 12:05 PM **Friday Stations of the Cross— 7:00 AM, 2:45 & 6:00 PM Church Cleaning—Rita Usey Linen Cleaning—Sarah Belle Minor Sanctuary Light —in memory of: Patricia “Pat” Savoie donated by: Douglas, Kristy, Madison and Lauren Roger Adoration Candle—in memory of: Patricia “Pat” Savoie donated by: Douglas, Kristy, Madison and Lauren Roger Wine—in memory of: Mireille Monier donated by: Jerry & Melinda Monier 5 SuggesƟons for PracƟcing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy Wednesday, March 23rd, 6-8:00 PM SpiritualWorksofMercy-TheSpiritual WorksofMercyarekindactsbywhichwe helpour neighborswiththeireverydayspiritualandemotionalneeds. Jacob Guin is St. Genevieve School’s Fi h Grade Student of the Year. Jacob represented St. Genevieve School at the diocesan level with other fi h grade students from the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. He is the son of Shane and Kelly Guin. Advising • be courageous yet compassionate in calling people and ins tuons to be faithful to Gospel values E. D. White’s 12th Grade Outstanding Student of the Year is Shelby Ellis. Shelby is the daughter of Scarlet Angele e-Ellis and Dr. James Ellis. • intervene in situa ons in which people are clearly doing harm to themselves or others • respond to nega ve and prejudicial comments with posi ve statements Congratulations Jacob and Shelby, we are proud of you! • put an end to gossip by walking away; set a good example for others Catholic Youth Leadership Award (CYLA) The Louisiana State Knights of Columbus Supreme Council and the local councils sponsor the CYLA program to honor young Catholic adults who are faithful role models to others in their schools, churches, and communi es. Winners at the local level advance to a state compe on where they are eligible to win a $4000.00 scholarship. APrayerforToday It'sonlyatiny rosebud, a lowerofGod’s design; ButIcan’tunfoldthe petals,withtheseclumsyhandsof m i n e . Thesecretofunfolding lowers isnotknowntosuchasI , the lowersGodopensso sweetly; inmyhandswouldfade andd i e . IfIcan'tunfolda rosebudthis lowerofGod’s design thenhowcanIthinkIhavethe wisdom tounfoldthislife ofm i n e ? SoI'lltrustinHimforHis leading eachmomentofeveryda y , andI'lllooktoHimforHiswisdom pilgrim each ments that Father Him unfolds This year the winners of St. Genevieve Knights of Columbus Council 13397’s Catholic Youth Leadership Award are two truly outstanding and inspiring young people, Shelby Ellis and Joseph Schonacher. Shelby and Joseph each received a check for $150.00 from the St. Genevieve Council. Congratula ons to these two worthy young Catholics. , mo 6 Easter Flowers Reminder!...theSt.Joseph AltarandMassisnextSaturday,March19that10:00 AM.Pleasejoinusforafaith - illedafternoon! St.JosephHoly Oilisavailable atthechurch of icefor$6.00 perbottle. If you would like to purchase a $15 EasterLilyplantinmemoryofaloved one for our Easter Lily Tree, please contactus,stopbythechurchof ice,or simplydropinyourcollectionenvelope withanote.Thankyou! StillAvailable InMemoryofa LovedOne: DonorTree GoldLeaf-$1,000 BronzeLeaf-$500 LandscapeBricks- $100 If anyone is interested in dona ng candy or plas c eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday (March 27, 2016) following the 10:30 AM Mass, please drop them off at the church office. No chocolate please! Callthechurchof iceifyouareinterested.985-446-5571 In 2017 The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux will celebrate it’s 40th anniversary. In prepara on for it, Bishop Fabre is launching a strategic planning effort and is invi ng every person to be a part of planning for our future. A listening session will be held at Christ the Redeemer Church on Wednesday, March 16, 2016, from 6-8:00 PM. All St. Genevieve Parishioners are invited to a end and please wear your St. Genevieve T-shirts! It is important for us to aƩend and make a statement by wearing our Tshirts and show our St. Genevieve spirit! BARBEQUE CHICKEN DINNER (with Rice Dressing, Green Beans and Bread) Sponsored by: St. Genevieve Knights of Columbus/ Council 13397 St. Genevieve School Cafeteria Sunday, April 3, 2016 Serving from 11:00 AM—1:00 PM $ 8.00 per cket (Desserts will be available for purchase) *Tickets will be sold at the weekend masses and at the church office* Treat Every Child like they are MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! St. Genevieve School and Church treats every child with respect because they are made in the Image of God. “The presence of children is a gi to the Church and a sign of a healthy congrega on”. “Don’t forget the greatest legacy you can leave your children is faith”. The Novena of Divine Mercy will begin on Good Friday, March 25, 2016. Copies of the Novena will be available on the table in the center aisle. Divine Mercy Sunday is April 3, 2016. Adora on and confession will begin at 2:00 PM and Chaplet and Mass will be at 3:00 PM. Gregory Schwab will give the reflec on. Mark your calendars and plan to join us! 7 NEXT YOUTH ADORATION April 13, 2016 March 16, 2016, 6:30 PM Lafourche Nursing Home 7:00 PM We will have a Youth Movie Night for grades 812 on Sun. March 20th at 7:00 p.m. In the Family Center. Please join us for 6:00 Mass followed the showing of The Passion. Food will be served. Dona ons will be accepted for CRS Rice Bowl. What a great way to start Holy Week! Invite a friend and join us! June 24-26, 2016 at the Houma Civic Center Those interested in a ending must contact Jus n Rodrigue/Youth Director for registraon informa on: 985-446-5571 DEADLINE is approaching soon, please don’t miss this faith-filled event! CLI 2016 Registra on begins soon for this years conference. Call Jus n Rodrigue at the church office if you are interested in a ending. 8 SAVE THE DATE! St. Genevieve Family Day SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH (Immediately following 10:30 Mass) Fun for the whole family: Food, music, art, rock climbing wall, spacewalks, face pain ng, balloon magic, bingo, cake walk, volleyball, arts and cra s and lots more!!! If interested in helping call Renee’ Castro at (225) 936-7327 9 Congratulationstoouryoungmenandwomenwhomadetheir FirstEucharistthispastweekend.Welcometoourtable! Abadie, Addison Angelloz, Julia Babin, Trey Barbera, Grant Barrilleaux, Sydni Barrios, Gabrielle Blanchard, Rebecca Bourgeois, Emma Breaux, Karsyn Brown, Sebastian Casse, Sullivan Conrad, Dallan DeGravelle, Camille DeGravelle, Sarah Delatte, Molly Edrington V, Nicholas Fabre, Cameron Gros, Charlotte Guidry, Camryn Hadaway, Emmerson Hartman, Tristian Hebert, Emma Himel, Andre Johnson, Aimee Kerne, Lorraine Lafaso, Eli Landry, Jansen Molaison, Andrew Molaison, Caroline Montgomery, Emma Naquin, Amie Payne, Taylor Pearce, Lucy Pham, Lance Pham, Lucas Picciola, Joseph 10 Pinero, Taylor Porche, Owen Reinhart, Gracie Richeʹ, Jackson Roger, Madison Savoie, Emma Thibodaux, Cloe Toups, Rebecca Waguespack, Samuel Walker, Aubrey Weatherly, Maddison Wiley, Claire WhenSt.PatrickwasjustaboyhewaskidnappedfromEnglandbypiratesandtakento Irelandtoworkasaslave.Heescapedandlaterbecameapriest.Hesharedthelessons ofhisfaithontheshamrocktohelppeopleunderstandhowtheHolyTrinityisoneGodin threeDivinePersons. Maytheroadriseuptomeetyou, Maythewindbealwaysatyourback, Maythesunshinewarmuponyourface, Therainfallsoftuponyour ields, Anduntilwemeetagain, MayGodholdyouinthepalmofHishand. 11 MASS INTENTIONS LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, March 12, 4:00 pm: Dot & Murvin Bergeron, Gerald Schexnayder, Dr. Stephen L. Guillot, Jr., Alex & Pauline Gauthreaux, Mae & Sam Lasseigne, Luc Oncale Family, Alexander Ledet Family, Alcide & Stella LeBlanc, ASV Morvant-Naquin-LeBlanc-Boudreaux Families, Souls in Purgatory March 19—20 2016 4:00 PM 8:00 AM Eli Pitre Caroline Delatte Lilly Rose Benoit Sunday, March 13, 8:00 am: Rose Melba Legere, Joseph Volunteer C. Duet, Mary R. Duet, Patrick, Paul & Marcel Usey, Jr., M/ Volunteer M Ritney LeRay & Richard, M/M L. C. Adams, Jr, Mrs. OreCOM Jack Pitre na C. Adams, Jessica Lynn Adams, M/M Francis S. Naquin, Anna Pham Thi Suy, Joseph Nguyen Duc Thai, Anna Ngu- EM Mary Ann Truxillo/1 Annabelle Bonvillain/2 yen Thi Nu, Francis Pham Van Vuong, Mary Nguyen Thi Robyn Cooley/3 Nhan, Joseph Nguyen Van Quyen Volunteer/4 10:30 am: Rose Bazile Daigle, Frank & Rose Bazile, Jake Dale Cooley/5 & Lena Sciambre, Mary Catheine & Lowell Fulton, Walter, Rozalynde Randolph/6 Eunice & Louise Gallo, William & Be y Mohan, Helen DaiJudy Roger/7 gle LeBlanc, Ann Bazile, Arthur & Lorina Daigle, Claude & Ma e Hebert, Clayton Hebert, Preston & Lois Daigle, Ar- LEC Judy David thur Daigle, Geraldine D. Faucheaux, Eddie Comeaux, U Terry Lirette Claude Daigle, Jr., Duane Bernard, Earl & Noralie Legendre, Volunteer Oscar Legendre Family, Thomas Ordoyne Family Donald Barrilleaux, Jr. 6:00 pm: Travis Skakun, Brad Ledet, Dan n & TerreVolunteer bonne Families, Guy & Lovenia Ledet Monday, March 14, 7:00 am: For the People of the Parish Nathan Johnson Volunteer Jonathon Nguyen Volunteer Volunteer COM Dawn Oubre EM Henry Nguyen/1 James Stafford/2 Cedric Oubre/3 Karen LeBeouf/4 Cecil Melancon/5 Dawn Oubre/6 Volunteer/7 LEC Marianna Nguyen Teeny Gros U Raymond Trosclair Randy Benoit Volunteer ASV 10:30 AM 12:05 pm: Cursillo Tuesday, March 15, 7:00 am: Constance Lasseigne, Sheila Neal, Estelle Robichaux 12:05 pm: Deacon Joe Legendre Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 am: For Voca ons 12:05 pm: Msgr. John Keller, Sr. Claire Rodrigue Thursday, March 17, 7:00 am: 12:05 pm: Holy Souls on Purgatory Friday, March 18, 7:00 am: Thomas-Charles Bilello 9:15 am (School Mass): 12:05 pm: St. Genevieve Parishioners Adrian Lindsey Riley Albert Adrienne Sobert Rebecca Grabert Johnny Grabert/1 COM Melinda Monier/2 EM Cat Vice/3 Julie Grabert/4 Jerry Monier/5 Volunteer/6 Glenn Vice/7 Johnny Grabert Michael Ashton LEC Paul Wilson Volunteer U Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer ASV CL 12 Becky Gaudet & Courtney Hada- 6:00 PM Hannah Hebert Gabriella Mandina Mackenzie Steinmann Volunteer Volunteer COM Bonnie Champagne EM Lyddy Lindley/1 Juli Dardar/2 Volunteer/3 Jason Bilello/4 Volunteer/5 Wayne Zeringue/6 Volunteer/7 LEC Susan Brazan Bradley Benoit U Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer ASV Informa on Page Church Name: St. Genevieve Church Bulle n No: 247850 Date: 3/13/16 Contact Informa on: Jacqueline Hebert 985-446-5571 Transmission Time/day Tuesday 9:00 a.m. So ware: Publisher 2013 Adobe DC OS: Windows 7