Winter 2016 • Issue 23 - Miniature Hereford Breeders Association


Winter 2016 • Issue 23 - Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
Miniature Hereford
Winter 2016 • Issue 23
• 2015 NAILE Grand Champion Female
Pre-Junior Show
• 2015 MHBA Junior Nationals Grand
Champion Female
• 2015 National Western Calf Champion
Open Show
• 2014 NAILE Grand Champion Female
Pre-Junior Show
• 2014 NAILE Reserve Grand Champion
Female Open Show
• 2014 American Royal Heifer Calf Champion
• 2014 Iowa State Fair Grand Champion
Prospect Heifer
KAP Orson Hunter
Dam... KAP Cady 8104
We currently have 28 fall calves on the ground
– Available for Sale on March 1ST
CALL NOW calves of this quality don’t last long!
Brian, Daydree,
Kodie, Karsen & Kanyen Dopps
1621 W 140th • Milton, KS 67106
Darrin Barbour, manager
816.898.8990, Darrin’s cell
w w w. k l d m i n i h e r e f o r d s . c o m
In This Issue
Winter 2016
Marketing Cull Cows
When should you cull, and what cows should be
culled from the herd.
Cold Stress in Cattle
4 tips for managing cold stress in your herd.
2016 MHBA Banquet
Find out how to join us for the MHBA Banquet!
In Every Issue...
President’s Perspective
Board of Directors
Regional Directors
Membership Application
Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation
Upcoming Events
Show Results
Classifieds, Etc.
Regional Reports
On the Cover
2016 NWSS is coming!
Photo courtesy of Tami Arnold.
Current Advertising Rates
Card Size: $192/year or $60/issue
1/4 Page: $336/year or $105/issue
1/2 Page: $528/year or $165/issue
Full Page: $960/year or $300/issue
Back Inside Cover: $500/issue
Classified Ad: $6 for first 20 words;
30 cents per word thereafter
*1 Year = 4 Issues
President’s Perspective
Hello MHBA Members
& Welcome
New Members!
With the events of 2015 now
in the record books I expect the
growth and progress to roll right
into 2016. Entries at every show
continue to be on the rise and the
sale prices have set an all time
high. Congratulations to all of our breeders for making this
I hope everyone has submitted their entries and plan to attend the 17th Annual Miniature Hereford World Show at the
National Western. Please note the changes in the schedule as
the open show is at 8:00 am on Friday, January 22 and the
junior show will be held at 8:00 am on Saturday, January 23
with the sale to follow that afternoon at 2:00 pm. Don’t miss
this one as the consignment list is shaping up to be the
most elite line up ever—if for some reason you can’t be
present you can join us at
To all the juniors make sure to remind your parents and
make plans to attend the Junior Nationals in Iowa this summer. More information will be provided as it becomes available—please check the MHBA website.
It’s not too late to order your 2016 calendars from the
Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation. These calendars are a
great way to support the scholarship programs for our junior
members and promote your breeding program. Please contact Cynthia DuVal to place your order or for any questions
– [email protected]
As always, please contact any Executive Officer or your Regional Director with ideas, questions or concerns.
Thank you for your support—
Justin Grady, MHBA President
**NEW** Magazine Deadlines
Winter Issue: December 1
Spring Issue: March 1
Fall Issue: June 1
Fall Issue: September 1
To place your ad or to get ad specs, contact:
Tami with Branded Designs at
[email protected].
Ask how to advertise on the MHBA website!
Winter 2016
Meet your leadership...
Justin Grady
[email protected]
Regional Directors
Board of Directors
Region 1
Bill Moreton • Leighton, PA
[email protected]
Vice President
Pat Wendling
[email protected]
Fran MacKenzie
[email protected]
Charlotte Williams
[email protected]
Region 2
Region 3
Ben Lisby • Bloomington, IN
[email protected]
Region 4
Julie Sandstrom • Huntsville, AR
[email protected]
Region 5
Brent White • Blakesburg, IA
[email protected]
Region 6
Jeff Fulgham • Brownsboro, TX
[email protected]
Region 7
Joe Bottini • Pueblo, CO
[email protected]
Region 8
Jerry DuVal • Silverton, OR
[email protected]
Region 9
Bart Kendell • Uintah, UT
[email protected]
Membership Application
Family Membership—allows all family members to show at MHBA shows.
Includes one vote in MHBA elections and one magazine subscription.
Please list all family members’ names (including juniors, ages 3-22).
Junior Membership—ages 3-22. Allows juniors to show in MHBA junior and
open classes. This membership carries no vote and no magazine
Birth Date(s):
Ranch Name:
Send your membership dues, payable to the MHBA to:
MHBA Treasurer, Fran MacKenzie
16743 W. 75th Place • Arvada, CO 80007
or pay online at:
Annual Membership Dues:
pU.S. Family Membership: $75
pCanadian Membership: $80
pAll Other Countries: $85
pJunior Membership (per junior): $15
Memberships run calendar year, with dues payable Jan. 1 of each year. New memberships joining between
October 1 and December 31 will receive a lengthened membership term through the next full calendar year.
The undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association (MHBA), a non-profit corporation, and in consideration of acceptance, agrees to conform to and abide by the
By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Association and Amendments or Modifications thereto which may, from time to time, be adopted. By submitting this application for membership, applicant irrevocably
waives any claim against and grants an absolute release to the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association and member, employee, or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in connection with the
Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the Rules and Regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by the Association.
Winter 2016
Cull Cows
by Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Emeritus Extension animal scientist
Some culling of beef cows occurs in most herds every
year. A few cows will become reproductively unsound, broken-mouths, bad udders, open, and/or just plain OLD. If
feed resources are available, some producers may wish to
market the culls after the first of the year for tax purposes.
The Beef Audits have generally shown that cull cows,
bulls, and cull dairy cows make up about 20 percent of the
beef available for consumption in the U.S. About half of
this group (or 10 percent
of the beef supply) comes
from cull beef cows. Cow
herd budgets often show
that cull cows and bulls
make up about 20 percent of the gross income
in a cow calf operation.
Whether we are culling
because of drought or to
improve the productivity
of the herd, it is important
to understand the values
placed on cull cows intended for slaughter.
The USDA market news service reports on four classes
of cull cows. The four classes are divided primarily on fatness. The highest conditioned cull cows are reported as
“Breakers.” They usually are quite fleshy and generally
have excellent dressing percentages. Body condition score
7 and above are required to be Breakers.
The next class is a more moderate conditioned group of
cows called “Boners” or “Boning Utility.” These cows usually would fall in the body condition score grades of 5.5 to
7. Many well-nourished commercial beef cows would be
graded Boners.
The last two groups of cows as reported by the market
news service are the “Leans” and “Lights.” These cows are
emaciated to thin with body condition scores (BVS) 1 – 5.
They are in general expected to be lower in dressing percentage than the fleshier cows and are more easily bruised
while being transported than are cows in better body condition.
Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Lights are thin cows that are very small and would have
very low hot carcass weights. Leans and Lights are nearly
always lower in price per pound than are the Boners and
the Breakers. Lights often bring the lowest price per pound
because the amount of saleable product is small, even
though the overhead costs of slaughtering and processing
are about the same as larger, fleshier cows.
Producers that sell cull cows should pay close attention
to the market news reports about the price
differentials of the cows
in these classes. Cull
cows that can be fed
enough to gain body
condition to improve
from the Lean class to
Boner class can gain
weight and gain in
value per pound at the
same time. Seldom, if
ever, does this situation
exist elsewhere in the
beef business.
For example, in Oklahoma City, the difference in Leans
versus Boners was about 6 dollars per hundredweight in
favor of the Boner cows. On some occasions, the gap between Leans and Boners has been as wide as 10 dollars.
Therefore, market your cull cows while still in good
enough condition to fall in the Boner grade. If cows are
being culled while very thin, consider short term dry lot
feeding or putting them on wheat pasture to take them
up in weight and up in grade. This usually can be done in
about 50 to 70 days with excellent feed efficiency. Rarely
does it pay to feed enough to move the cow to the Breaker
class. There is very little if any price advantage of Breakers over Boners and cows lose feed efficiency if fed to that
degree of fatness.
A source of market information for many states and
many livestock markets can be found at the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service website: Feeder and Replacement
Cattle Summary.
Official Publication of the MHBA
䘀愀氀氀 椀渀 氀漀瘀攀
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Winter 2016
4 tips for managing
Cold Stress
in cattle this winter
Reprint courtesy of Amanda Radke in BEEF Daily
In my neck of the woods, we enjoyed warmer-than-average temperatures in December and through the holiday
season. It’s now January, however, and Mother Nature has
switched gears and brutally cold winter weather has arrived. In fact, despite the weatherman promising “plentiful
sunshine” today, even a bright sun can’t take the sting out
of a high of -9 °F with 20 mph winds that make it feel like
Ranchers don’t have the luxury of calling off work and
hunkering down in the house when things get cold. Part of
the rancher’s job description is weathering the elements –
whatever they are – and making sure the cattle are tended
to. We know what we need and can provide for ourselves.
Fortunately for us, we also have warm trucks and tractors,
plenty of warm layers to wear, and plenty of hot coffee to
keep us from freezing when the weather gets tough.
Cattle are built to handle all sorts of weather conditions
if they have the proper nutrition, body insulation and wind
breaks. Still, special attention must be paid to ensure that’s
all available when the temperatures drop to the extreme
lows we’re currently seeing.
Here are four considerations for managing the effects of
cold stress on beef cows.
1. Reduce wind speeds to increase animal comfort
Warren Rusche, South Dakota State University Extension
cow-calf field specialist, says that wind speed can drop the
effective temperature dramatically.
“Most beef producers understand that when the weather
gets colder their cows need more energy to maintain their
body condition,” says Rusche. “The questions are when
do cows start experiencing cold stress and then how much
more energy do they need? When we’re considering cold
stress, we need to factor in both the actual temperature
and the wind speed to determine the effective temperature. Any kind of available protection, whether natural or
Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
man-made, can be very valuable in reducing the amount
of wind chill.” 2. Cows’ energy needs increase as the the temperature drops
Rusche says, “As a general rule, for every degree that the
effective temperature is below the lower critical temperature, the cow’s energy needs increase by 1%. For instance,
if the effective temperature is 17 °F, the energy needs of
a cow with a dry winter coat are about 15% higher than
they would be under more moderate conditions. That energy requirement jumps up to about 40% higher under
those conditions if the hair coat is completely wet or matted down with mud.
“One of the ways that the cow responds to cold stress
is by increasing voluntary feed intake. The animal’s entire
metabolism system increases in activity. Also, the passage
rate of roughages through the rumen and digestive tract
increases. These changes trigger an increase in the cow’s
appetite and voluntary intake.”
3. Make sure feed intake is maintained
Rusche says, “There are some management considerations that we need to keep in mind regarding changes in
feed intake in response to cold stress and the cow’s need
for more energy. Make sure that water is available. If water
availability is restricted, feed intake will be reduced. If the
feed availability is limited, either by snow cover or access
to hay feeders, the cattle may not have the opportunity to
eat as much as their appetite would dictate. Be careful
providing larger amounts of high-concentrate feeds. Rapid
diet changes could cause significant digestive upsets.”
4. Sort off thin cows for more specialized care
Chris Clark, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef program specialist, suggests sorting off thin
cows to a separate area.
Official Publication of the MHBA
“By sorting off thinner cows to a separate area, you can
provide them with a higher-quality ration while eliminating
competition from other cows. If you are using lower-quality
forages, it’s important to supplement those forages appropriately to meet animal requirements. Nutrient requirements go up throughout the third trimester and early lactation, so cows that are thin right now will need a high plane
of nutrition to keep up with fetal growth, milk production
and Iowa winter weather.”
What special steps do you take to reduce cold stress in
your herd?
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those
of or the Penton Farm Progress Group.
About Amanda Radke
A fifth-generation rancher from Mitchell, SD, Amanda grew up on a purebred Limousin cattle operation in
which she and husband Tyler are active. She graduated with a degree in agriculture journalism from South
Dakota State University and was active from a young age in advocacy for the U.S. beef industry. Perhaps
you’ve heard the story of a young FFA member who led a walkout of several thousand members from a Carrie Underwood concert in 2006 in protest of the country singer’s anti-meat positions and association with the
Humane Society of the U.S. That young person was Amanda. She’s the 2006 National FFA Extemporaneous
Speaking champion, and the 2006 National Beef Ambassador. And she’s served previous internships with
USDA’s Ag Marketing Service in Washington D.C, and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in Denver,
and BEEF magazine. On BEEF Daily, Amanda provides timely industry news and commentary from the unique
perspective of a young professional committed to a life in production agriculture and invites readers to join in
the discussion.
Winter 2016
2016 Miniature
Hereford Breeders
Association Banquet
The Annual MHBA Banquet and Meeting will be held at our Host Hotel, the DoubleTree Hilton, 4040 Quebec Street,
Denver, CO on Saturday, January 23, 2016. Social Hour will start at 6:00 PM with dinner served at 7:00 followed by
reports and awards. As always we will have a Silent Auction – with a few choice items selected to auction live – to raise
funds for the Association. It has been the tradition for members bring auction items to donate, and we again ask you to
find that special something that will catch the eye – and bid – for the auction. This year a portion of the Auction proceeds
will be used to offset the Banquet costs so we can keep the meal more affordable. Notice the price is down from last
year: $30 for adults and $15 for children under 12. See you all there!
Dinner Reservation
Garden Salad / Assorted Dressing
Beef Eye Rounds, Roasted Red Potatoes, Seasonal Vegetables
Chef’s Choice Dessert; Coffee, Iced Tea, Water service
___Adult dinners @ $30.00 ____Child (under 12) dinners @ $15.00
OR ____Child Chicken Tenders, Fries, Carrot Sticks, cookies @ $15.00
Please make checks out to MHBA and send with completed form by January 8, 2016 to:
Fran MacKenzie
16743 W 75th Place • Arvada, CO 80007
Please email reservations to Fran: [email protected]
Or phone to: 303-921-9487 (M) and pay upon arrival in Denver
Thank you & have a safe trip to Denver
Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Official Publication of the MHBA
Double K Spitfire
Double K Luna
14 Time Champion or Reserve Steer
NE State Fair Res Jr Female
Clay County Fair Champion Female
Dennis, Tena, Kyle and Karly Biddle
6487 New Liberty Rd. Walcott, IA
Home: 563-843-2595 Kyle: 563-528-1986 Karly: 563-370-2186
Email: [email protected] Facebook: Double K Mini Herefords
Heifers, Steers, & Bulls
Winter 2016
Cynthia DuVal-DuVal Farms
[email protected]
Director of Scholarships
Peg Aldridge-7 Ranch
Committee Member
Alta Bennett-D&A Miniature Herefords
Committee Member
Beatrice Jensen-Livin Dream Ranch
Committee Member
Terrie Potter-Silver Peaks Farm
Committee Member
Nan Taylor-Shadow Mountain Cattle
Committee Member
The Miniature Hereford youth Foundation was established to promote youth involvement in the breeding,
management, showing, and marketing of Miniature Hereford Cattle through developing leadership skills,
and educational programs, encouraging personal growth, as well as providing a pathway towards attaining
grants to continue to promote Miniature Herford breeding programs and awarding scholarships.
Director of Scholarships Report
We still have 2016 calendars available for sale, so
PLEASE help support the MHYF scholarship fund. Currently, the sale of these calendars is the primary endeavor
to generate funds used to provide scholarships to Mini
Hereford youth pursuing higher education. The Scholarship committee would like to increase the quantity
of scholarships awarded annually to meet the growing
number of students enrolling in colleges, universities, and
technical/trade schools….but we NEED YOUR HELP!!!
If you have already purchased a 2016 calendar, you
10 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
can still support our youth by placing early orders for the
2017 calendars or even purchase a monthly page and/
or days-of-the-month. 100% of the net proceeds received
from the sale of advertising space and calendar sales go
directly to the scholarship fund. We anticipate sending
the 2017 calendar to print as soon as possible, so please
reserve days-of-the-month prior to February 15th, 2016
by contacting Cynthia DuVal ([email protected]). Thank you again in advance for your support and dedication to our Mini Hereford youth!
Official Publication of the MHBA
Greetings All,
I want to take a minute to reach out to our membership
and let them know what the MHYF is up to these days.
I would encourage any member interested in the youth
of this breed to get more involved with the Youth Foundation. This can be done many ways, but first and foremost
come out to our shows. Show participation is key to
improving this breed and moving it forward for the future.
If you can’t participate in the show, come out and watch.
You can also donate money to the Foundation at any
time. As a reminder the Foundation is a 501C3 organization. If you would like to volunteer your time, let me know
and we’ll find something for you to help with.
We are in the process of forming a committee to work
with Pat Underhill to further develop our grant program.
We are looking for a couple of volunteers to serve on this
committee. If you are interested please email me at [email protected] and I’ll get you on the google group
and we can get started.
Perhaps one of the most exciting and fastest grow-
ing events for our breed will be the 2nd Annual Junior
National Show. This year our show will be in Ames, IA
on June 22-26, 2016. This year’s theme is Buckles &
Banners. We are currently looking for sponsors as well as
individuals to make donations. If you can donate to this
show, please do so. A monetary donation of any size is
welcome. All donations are tax deductible and receipts
will be provided. Please make your checks out to the
MHYF and mail them to Shelley White. You can also contact Shelley with any questions at shelleymckeeverwhite@ If you can sponsor the show in another way
or know someone who can, please reach out to Shelley
as well. It is the goal of our group to continue making
improvements and make this show a great experience for
all our youth.
If you have questions or comments I invite you to email,
call or catch me at show.
See you in Denver,
The MHYF Board would like to remind all Show Managers/Superintendents to be
thinking ahead. If you are planning to request funds from the Miniature Hereford
Youth Foundation for your Junior/Pre-Junior show, our guidelines follow below.
1. Show Managers/Superintendent are required to provide a written request at least three months prior to the show
(request forms will be available through the MHYF).
2. The maximum amount to be awarded from the Foundation Funds is $500 per show.
3. Donations made to the Foundation that are designated to a specific show will be credited to that show and paid
out to the Show Manager or designated person, or used to pay submitted invoices.
4. Shows having designated support will be less likely to need or qualify for Foundation funds.
5. The Miniature Hereford Junior National Expo, our one sponsored show is excluded from the $500 cap.
6. Funds approved will be paid out upon presentation of invoices for expenses for the show.
If you have any questions regarding the MHYF Grants for Junior/Pre-Junior shows,
please contact one of our Board members. Thank you!
Daydree Dopps, MHYF President • [email protected]
Jami Mattson, MHYF Vice-President • [email protected]
June Roberts, MHYF Secretary/Treasurer • [email protected]
Cynthia DuVal MHYF Director of Scholarships • [email protected]
Pat Underhill, MHYF Director of Grants • [email protected]
Winter 2016 11
Upcoming Events
National Western Stock
Denver, CO
Entry Deadline: November 20, 2015
Begin Arrival: Wed., Jan. 20, 2016 • 8a.m.
In Place: Wed., Jan. 20 • 7:00 p.m.
Open Show: Fri., Jan. 22 • 8:00 a.m.
Junior Show: Sat., Jan 23 • 8:00 a.m.
Sale: Sat., Jan 23 • 2 p.m.
Begin Release: Sun., Jan. 24 • Noon
All Out: Sun., Jan. 24
Hotels: Double Tree Hilton
4040 Quebec Street, Denver
Group Name: Miniature Hereford Breeders Assn
Group Code: MH
Justin Grady • [email protected]
Charlotte Williams • [email protected]
San Angelo Stock Show &
San Angelo, TX
New in 2016!
Entry Deadline: January 15th
Arrive: February 4 – February 5•9am to 12:00 pm
Cattle may arrive between these hours to the
Housley Communications Cattle Barn.
Check-In: February 5 • 2pm
Exhibitors must have their papers checked and
present their animals for weight and measurement
Pre-Junior Show: February 6 • 10am
Exhibitors between the ages of 3 and 11 compete
with their Miniature Herefords.
Open Show: February 6 • 12:00 pm
Open exhibitors compete with their Miniature
Information: Entry forms and information may be
found at
12 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Iowa Beef Expo & Sale
Runnells, IA
February 14, 2016 • 8 am - 5 pm
Sale: Sun., February 14 • 1:00 pm • North Annex
Preview in stalls 11:30 am
Lee County Livestock Show
Giddings, TX
March 2-5, 2016
2016 Pre-Junior and Junior Miniature Hereford
Heifer and Steer Show
Surround counties eligible to participate.
Arrival: Wed., March 2 • after 3:00 p.m.
In Place: Thurs., March 3 • 10:00 a.m.
Check in: Thurs., March 3 • 10:00 a.m.
Weigh and Measure: Thurs., March 3 • 11:00 a.m.
Show: Thurs., March 3 • 4:00 p.m.
Information: [email protected] or call
Dan at 254-760-7710
Houston Livestock Show &
Houston, TX
March 6-9, 2016
Consignment Deadline: December 21, 2015
Arrival: March 6, 2016 • 7am
In Place: March 6, 2016 • 3pm
Checked In: March 6, 2016 • 5pm
Weigh & Measure: March 7, 2016 • 10am
Banquet: March 7, 2016 • 6pm
Pre Jr. & Jr. Show: March 8, 2016 • 8am
Sale: March 8, 2016 • 7pm
Open Show: March 9, 2016 • 8am
Begin Release: March 9, 2016 • upon completion
of the show
All Out: March 9, 2016 • 4pm
Rules: See pages 14-15
Official Publication of the MHBA
March 12-13, 2016
The Oklahoma Youth Expo – OYE – is open to all
4-H and FFA members in Oklahoma with a special
class for pre-juniors for the Miniature Herefords.
Entry Deadline: February 20, 2016
Check In: Saturday, March 12 • 4:00 pm in Barn 8
Show: Sunday, March 13 • 10:00 am in Barn 3
Jr. National Miniature
Hereford Expo
Ames, IA
Upcoming Events
Oklahoma Youth Expo
Oklahoma City, OK
June 21-26, 2016
Entry Deadline: Late entries accepted postmarked
June 6th or earlier – entry fee is $75
Arrival: Wednesday, June 24 • Noon
In Place: Thursday, June 25 • 10:00 am
Release: Sunday, June 28
Show: Saturday, June 27 & Sunday, June 28
Contests: Speech, Judging, Showmanship,
Photography, Arts & Crafts, Show
Competition age groups:Pre-Jr. ages 3-7,
Junior ages 8-12, Intermediate ages 13-17,
Senior ages 18 and older
Lodging: Rooms are available at two hotel sites, only
a limited number are available so book ASAP and
use Miniature Hereford Block.
Iowa Hotel
Reserve by June 3rd
Reserve by May 21st
Camping is available with electricity on the
Fairgrounds $25 per night.
Contact Shelley White to reserve your spot
[email protected] or
Sponsorship: There are many opportunities for
sponsor ship that include vendor space during the
event. Thanks to our current sponsors: Sullivans
Supply, Trans Ova, Vita Ferm, MHBA, MHYF,
Showtimes and many breeders.
Shelley White • 641-777-8822
[email protected]
Heath Stehr • 580-305-4822
Winter 2016 13
2016 Houston Livestock Show And Rodeo
Sale Consignment Rules
Dee Lynn Braman • TXMHYO Representative
Jeff Fulgram • MHBA Regional Director
Allison Donalson • TXMHYO Representative
All questions can be directed toward [email protected]
Bulls • $100
Heifers • $100
Cow/Calf Pair • $100
Prospect Steers • $100
Commission Rate: 10% on all animals sold through the
sale. The commission fee will be assessed to the final sale
price and deducted from the settlement check. Checks
to consignors will be issued to consignors no later than
30 days following the sale. All sale lots will be charged
a consignment fee, even those that do not sell or are
purchased by consigner.
Bulls: All bulls must meet all HLSR Livestock Health
Regulations. All bulls 18 months of age and older MUST
have a certificate of Breeding Soundness and Fertility
from a licensed veterinarian no more than 90 days old as
of check-­‐in. All bulls must be entered and shown in the
2016 HLSR Miniature Hereford Show.
Heifers and Cow/Calf Pairs: All females must meet
HLSR Livestock Health Requirements. All females must be
entered and shown in the 2016 HLSR Miniature Hereford
Prospect Steers: All prospect steers must meet HLSR Livestock Health Requirements. All prospect steers must be
entered and shown in the 2016 HLSR Miniature Hereford
All Cattle are subject to inspection and approval of the
sale committee prior to sale. Livestock deemed unsuitable
for sale – at the discretion of the sale committee – will
not be permitted to sell. Cattle that are removed from the
sale will not receive a refund of consignment fee.
1. Copy of American Hereford Association Registration
2. A short Biography/Narrative (Note: this is imperative to
the proper sale and marketing of your cattle)
14 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
3. Consignment fee check (Made payable to the TXMHYO)
5. Photos (GOOD QUALITY) of sale animal. (Color)
(Note: All cattle must be properly show clipped and
presented in photos. Photos will be subject to inspection
by sale committee. Sale committee reserves the right to
reject photos and require a replacement. If acceptable
replacement is not submitted by printing deadline then
the lot will be rejected from the sale. Cattle that are removed from the sale will not receive a refund of consignment fee.)
• All sale animals must have valid Veterinarian Health
Inspection as required by HLSR guidelines.
• All bulls 18 months of age and older must also have
Certificate of Breeding Soundness and Fertility from a
licensed veterinarian no older than 90 days of check in.
Terms and Conditions will be printed in the 2016 Texas
Select Miniature Hereford Sale catalog.
Want to advertise in the catalog? Place ads for your
Ranch/Farm/Business in the sale catalog at the following
• $125 • Business Card
• $250 • Half-­page Ad
• $500 • Full-­page Ad
All ads and photos must be submitted electronically via
email to [email protected] by January 1, 2016.
Ads must be in electronic format and in the form you
wish to appear in the sale catalog; no ad design will be
** All sale entries, photos, ads, narratives, etc.­
with payment must be postmarked on
January 1, 2016. No late consignments or
advertising will be accepted to ensure adequate time
for preparation of the Sale Catalog **
PO BOX 1037
Official Publication of the MHBA
2016 Houston Livestock Show And Rodeo
Texas Select Miniature Hereford Sale
Submission Deadline: January 1, 2016
Sale Consignment Form
Bulls @ $100: ____________
Heifers @ $100: ____________
Cow/Calf Pairs @ $100: ____________
Prospect Steers @ $100: ____________
Total: ___________________________________________________________________________
Consignor: ______________________________________________________________________
Ranch/Farm Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Send ALL paperwork to:
PO Box 1037
Refugio, TX 78377
**Required Document Checklist**
q Copy of Registration Papers
q Sale Catalog Biography
q Photographs
q Consignment Form
q Check
Sale Catalog Advertisement Order Form
Business Card @ $125: ____________
Half-­Page @ $250: ____________
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Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________
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Email: ___________________________________________________________________________
*** Don’t Forget All Advertisements Must Be Submitted Electronically *** to txmhyo@gmail.
Please Make Checks Payable To: TXMHYO
PO BOX 1037
Refugio, TX 78377
Winter 2016 15
Winter 2016 17
Spokane Interstate Fair
Show results
Spokane, WA • September 9-11, 2015
Class 6
Summer Yearling Heifer 5/1/14-8/31/14
1. DF Miss Clinique—DuVal Farms; 2. KMC Miss Roxy—
Cole Setniker; 3. EE Maisy—Emma Dalke
Champion Bull Calf
SPF Advinture
Reserve Champion Bull Calf
DF Captains Red Tide
Class 7
Spring Yearling Heifer 3/1/14-4/30/14
1. HP Eva So Thankful—Half-Pint Herefords; 2. DF Glory’s Lady Luck—DuVal Farms; 3. LDR Dessie’s Dream—
Livin Dream Ranch; 4. DF Be Still My Heart—DuVal
Farms; 5. SJR Once Upon A Thyme—Smiling J Ranch
Class 23
Summer Yearling Bull 5/1/14-8/31/14
1. KMC Sir Charles—Cole Setniker
Jr. Heifer Champion
DF Miss Clinique
Jr. Heifer Reserve Champion
HP Eva So Thankful
Class 10
Junior Yearling Heifer 1/1/14-2/29/14
1. HP Curly Cutie—Half-Pint Herefords
Class 24
Spring Yearling Bull 3/1/14-4/30/14
1. LDR Tandy’s Waylon—Livin Dream Ranch; 2. DF
Cascades Sunrise Outlaw—DuVal Farms; 3. SJR Doc
McFadden—Smiling J Ranch
Champion Jr Bull
LDR Tandy’s Waylon
Reserve Champion Jr Bull
KMC Sir Charles
Class 11
Senior Yearling Heifer 9/1/13-12/14/13
1. DF Rose’s Truth—DuVal Farms; 2. DF Twilight Fantasy—Livin Dream Ranch
Senior Heifer Champion
DF Rose’s Truth
Senior Heifer Reserve Champion
DF Twilight Fantasy
Grand Champion Female
DF Rose’s Truth (pictured above)
Grand Champion Bull
LDR Tandy’s Waylon (pictured above)
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
KMC Sir Charles (pictured above)
Class 35: Get of Sire
1. DuVal Farms
Class 36: Best 6 Head
1. DuVal Farms
Reserve Grand Champion Female
DF Miss Clinique (pictured above)
Class 15: Cow/Calf Pair
1. SPF Lucy Lou—Silver Peaks Farm
Class 18
Junior Bull Calf 1/1/15- and older
1. SPF Advinture—Silver Peaks Farm
Class 19
Winter Bull Calf 11/1/14-12/31/14
1. DF Captains Red Tide—DuVal Farms
18 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Official Publication of the MHBA
M Graham’s
Heifers for Sale
C oy le O kl ah om
B Minis
M & M Graham’s Minis
10907 Karsten Creek Road
Coyle, OK 73027
[email protected]
Utah State Fair
Show results
Salt Lake City, UT • September 13-16, 2015
Spring Heifer Calf after 3/1/15
1. DNT’s Tink’s Little Lady—Shadow Mountain Cattle; 2.
D&A Princess Mary—DA Miniature Herefords; 3. DNT’s
Hope Bambi—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Champion Junior Spring Bull Calf
DNT’s Stitch—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Reserve Junior Bull Calf
DNT’s Zues—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Junior Heifer Calf
1. Tina Sweet Rosie—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Champion Fall Bull Calf
MMH Lil Gunnar—Mountain Moo Homestead
Champion JR Heifer Calf
Tina Sweet Rosie
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf
DNT’s Tink’s Little Lady
Champion Yearling Bull
D&A Master Tom (TJ) —DA Miniature Herefords
Reserve Champion Yearling Bull
DNT’s Hercules—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Champion Intermediate Heifer
DNT’s Bo Peep—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Champion Senior Bull
DNT’s Quips Peter Pan—Shadow Mountain Cattle
Spring Yearling Heifer
1. DBK Hattie Mae—Double Bar K Cattle; 2. DNT’s
Minnie Hope—Shadow Mountain Cattle; 3. DBK Hallie
Kixs—Double Bar K Cattle
Champion Senior Heifer
DBK Hattie Mae
Reserve Senior Heifer
DNT’s Minnie Hope
Grand Champion Heifer
Tina Sweet Rosie
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
DNT’s Bo Peep
Grand Champion Bull
DNT’s Quip’s Peter Pan
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
D &A Master Tom Jr (TJ)
Get Of Sire
(4-Both sexes)
Shadow Mountain Cattle
Best 6 Head: Owned By Exhibitor
Shadow Mountain Cattle
Premier Breeder Award
Shadow Mountain Cattle
Champion Cow/Calf
DF Holy Night (Merry) —DA Miniature Herefords
Reserve Cow/Calf
G.A. Bella—Shadow Mountain Cattle
This year was the 2nd year for the Utah State Fair Miniature Hereford Show. Although we had small quantity,
quality was excellent.
MHBA Breeders attended:
• Double Bar K Cattle—Bart & Julie Kendell, Uintah, UT,
• DA Miniature Herefords—David & Alta Bennett, Rupert, ID
• Mountain Moo Homestead—Richard & Sheryl Davis, Payson, UT
• Shadow Mountain Cattle—Daniel & Nan Taylor, Genola, UT
• Cody & Janelle Taylor, Santaquin, UT
New MHBA Junior Members attended:
Lacy Larson, Wytney Larson, Grayden Larson, Tyrell Rus-
20 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
sell, McKenzie Taylor, Kelsie Taylor, Tyler Taylor
Shadow Mountain Cattle worked with a local 4-H Class
in their area, adding new junior members to MHBA and a
Show Team of 8 Students to the State Fair: Lacy Larson,
Wytney Larson, Grayden Larson, Tyrell Russell, McKenzie
Taylor, Kelsie Taylor, and Tyler Taylor.
The highlight of the show was our Peewee Class. This
class created much interest from public attending the fair.
All seven exhibitors were under the age of 7. The peewee
exhibitors all showed calves owned by Shadow Mountain
Judged by David Bennett – D&A Miniature Herefords
Rupert, ID.
Official Publication of the MHBA
West Texas Fair
Abilene, TX • September 15, 2015
Fall and Winter Junior Heifer Calves—
born Sept.1, 2014-Dec. 31, 2015
1. 44CC Solana Lucy 417—Dolores Jenkins; 2. K Bar C
Lady Bug Rocks 11—Maizy Stence; 3. K Bar C Micholas
Rouse 13—Maizy Stence
Champion Junior Heifer
WW Joy of Hope
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer
44CC Coco Pebbles 5424
Summer Junior Bull Calves—
born after March 30, 2015
1. 44CC Rocky’s Sky 521—Dolores Jenkins; 2. EWR
Little Ricky—Justin Kirkwood
Spring Junior Bull Calves—
born Jan. 1-March 30, 2015
1. EWR Brutus—Justin Kirkwood
Fall and Winter Intermediate Bulls—
born Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. WW Joyful Jude—Charlotte Williams
Champion Intermediate Bull
WW Joyful Jude
Show results
OPEN Results
Summer Junior Heifer Calves—
born after March 30, 2015
1. WW Joy of Hope—Charlotte Williams; 2. 44CC coco Pebbles
5424—Aubree Blissard; 3. EWR Summer—Justin Kirkwood
Summer Intermediate Heifers—
born May 1-Aug. 30, 2014
1. KAP Huntree Nelda ET—Aubree Blissard; 2. 44CC
Imperial Jewel 4421—Aubree Blissard; 3. FHMH My Fair
Ruby—Blaize Whitaker
Spring Intermediate Heifers—
born Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. BDJ Silver Stormy 433—Dolores Jenkins; 2. WW
Winsom Wilhemina—Charlotte Williams
Fall and Winter Intermediate Heifers—
born Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. BDJ Sally Oak 455—Lelia Hallmark; 2. MABC
Peaches Lady 3413—Aubree Blissard
Champion Intermediate Heifer
BDJ Sally Oak 455
Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer
KAP Huntree Nelda ET
Grand Champion Bull
WW Joyful Jude (pictured above)
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
EWR Brutus
Market Steer 1
1. WW Not-Our-Baby—Charlotte Williams; 2. EWR
Merlin—Justin Kirkwood
Grand Champion Female
BDJ Sally Oak 455
Reserve Grand Champion Female
MABC Peaches Lady 3413
1. 05’s B=Day Joy—Charlotte Williams; 2. MABC Coco
Lady 2409—Aubree Blissard; 3. CR Scarlet—Justin Kirkwood
Grand Champion Cow/Calf
05’s B=Day Joy (pictured above)
Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf
MABC Coco Lady 2409 (pictured above)
Champion Market Steer
WW Not-Our-Baby (pictured above)
Reserve Champion Market Steer
EWR Merlin
Pre-Junior Results
Fall and Winter Junior Heifers—
born Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2014
1. K Bar C Lady Bug Rocks 11—Maizy Stence; 2. K Bar
C MS Golden MT Zeph—Kendon Scott; 3. K Bar C
Micholas Rose 13—Maizy Stence
Summer Intermediate Heifers—
born May 1-Aug. 30, 2014
1. KAP Huntree Nelda ET—Aubree Blissard; 2. 44CC
Imperial Jewel 4421—Aubree Blissard; 3. FHMH My Fair
Ruby—Blaize Whitaker; 4. Anna Gayle Winnie—Emery
Winter 2016 21
West Texas Fair, cont...
Show results
Abilene, TX • September 15, 2015
Spring Intermediate Heifers—
born Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. Daisy 44CC Arizon Oak—Emery Glassinger; 2. Elsa
Horseshoe B Miss—Emery Glassinger
Fall and Winter Intermediate Heifers—
bornSept. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. BDJ Sally Oak 455—Leila Hallmark; 2. MABC
Peaches Lady 3413—Aubree Blissard
Grand Champion Heifer
BDJ Sally Oak 455
Prospect Steer—Heavy weight
1. Red Raider—Kinley Barnett; 2. K Bar C Colie 12—Brycen Cole
Grand Champion Prospect Steer
Red Raider
Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Steer
K Bar C 15
Market Steer—Light Weight
1. Toughy J H Rainmaker—Emery Glassinger; 2. K Bar C
Tac Gold Oak—Colt Terrell; 3. K Bar C Oak Rock—Cutter Martin
Market Steer—Heavy Weight
1. Aggie—Jadyn Woodley; 2. Little Aggie—Jynli Woodley
Grand Champion Market Steer
Reserve Champion Market Steer
Toughy J H Rainmaker
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
KAP Huntree Nelda ET (pictured above)
Prospect Steer—Light weight
1. K Bar C 15—Cutter Martin; 2. K Bar C Crow 10—
Colt Terrell
22 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Official Publication of the MHBA
Tri State Fair
Amarillo, TX • September 19-21, 2015
Pre Junior Grand Champion Showman
Shelby Britten
Champion Intermediate Heifer
JH Miss Amie 154
Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer
KAP Hunters Lil Dai ET
Junior Grand Champion Showman
Aubree Blissard (pictured above)
Intermediate Grand Champion Showman
Andrew Aguirre
Senior Grand Champion Showman
Cheraye Aguirre
Summer Junior Heifer Calves—
Born after March 30, 2015
1. WW Joy of Hope—Steve and Charlotte Williams; 2.
44CC Diamond Gold—Aubree Blissard; 3. 44CC Coco
Pebbles—Aubree Blissard
Fall & Winter Junior Heifers—
Born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, 2014
1. 44CC Solana Lucy 417—Bill & Dolores Jenkins; 2.
CA Solana’s Shooting Star—Cheraye Aguirre; 3. Mickie
Rockette—Blaire McGinty; 4. LK’s Sally—Shelby Britten;
5. LK’s Maisy—Abigail Britten
Grand Champion Female
JH Miss Amie 154
Show results
Fall & Winter Intermediate Heifers—
Born Between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2013
1. JW’s Pistol Annie—J Bar W Cattle Co.; 2. MABC
Peaches Lady 3413—Aubree Blissard; 3. SHF Thunder’s
Dolly—Wyatt McIntyre
Reserve Grand Champion Female
WW Joy of Hope (pictured above)
Cow/Calf Pair
1. MABC Coco Lady (pictured below)—Aubree Blissard;
2. 05’s B=Day Joy—Steve & Charlotte Williams; 3.
DLPSS Aubrey—Andrew Aguirre; 4. LS Toughy Daws—
Cheraye Aguirre
Champion Junior Heifer
WW Joy of Hope
Grand Champion Pair
MABC Coco Lady (pictured above)
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer
44CC Solana Lucy 417 (pictured above)
Summer Intermediate Heifers—
Born Between May 1 and Aug. 30, 2014
1. 44CC Star Twinkle—Bill & Dolores Jenkins; 2. KAP
Huntree Nelda ET—Aubree Blissard; 3. JW’s Breeze—J
Bar W Cattle Co.; 4. 44CC Imperial Jewel 4421—Aubree Blissard; 5. 22 Flashs Baby Brea—Stehr Land &
Cattle; 6. 44CC Tristans Misty 4420—Aubree Blissard;
7. CRB Ooisys Emma—Wyatt McIntyre
Spring Intermediate Heifers—
Born Between Jan. 1 and April 30, 2014
1. JH Miss Amie 154—Wyatt McIntyre; 2. KAP Hunters Lil Dai ET—Raynee Schacher; 3. Rafter F Inchs Miss
Minsy—Rylee Schacher; 4. JW’s Ice—J Bar W Cattle
Co.; 5. WW Thumbeelina—Braylee Adkins; 6. BDJ Silver
Stormy 433—Bill & Dolores Jenkins; 7. WW Winsome
Wilhemina—Steve & Charlotte Williams; 8. 44CC Sierra
Carla 4415—Aubree Blissard
Reserve Grand Champion Pair
05’s B=Day Joy (pictured above)
Summer Junior Bull Calves—
Born after March 30, 2015
1. 44CC Rocky’s Sky 521—Bill & Dolores Jenkins
Spring Junior Bull Calves—Born Jan. 1-March 30, 2015
1. American Whiskey—Stehr Land & Cattle
Fall & Winter Bull Calves—
Born Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2014
1. CA Lucky’s Charm—Cheraye Aguirre
Winter 2016 23
Tri State Fair, cont...
Show results
Amarillo, TX • September 19-21, 2015
Champion Junior Bull
CA Lucky’s Charm
Reserve Champion Junior Bull
American Whiskey
Spring Junior Heifers—
Born Jan. 1-March 30, 2015
1. K Bar C Nickie Rockette 16—Blaine McGinty; 2. LK’s
Sally—Shelby Britten
Summer Intermediate Bulls—
Born Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. SLC Boomer—Stehr Land & Cattle; 2. JW’s 38 Special—J Bar W Cattle Co.; 3. JW’s Gold Buckle—J Bar W
Cattle Co.; 4. JW’s Gunslinger—J Bar W Cattle Co.
Champion Junior Heifer
K Bar C Nickie Rockette 16
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer
LK’s Sally
Fall & Winter Intermediate Bulls—
Born Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. AA Wyatt Earp—Andrew Aguirre
Champion Intermediate Bull
SLC Boomer
Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull
JW’s 38 Special
Two Year Old Bulls
WW Joyful Jude
Pre-Junior Show
Summer Intermediate Heifers—
Born May 1-Aug. 30, 2014
1. KAP Huntree Nelda ET—Aubree Blissard; 2. 22 Flashs
Baby Brea—Cadence Cooper; 3. CRB Odisys Emma—
Wyatt McIntyre
Spring Intermediate Heifers—
Born Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. JH Miss Amie 15Y—Wyatt McIntyre; 2. 44CC Sierra
Carla 4415—Aubree Blissard; 3. WW Thumbeelina—
Braylee Ann Adkins; 4. KLD Bullet 482B—Cadence
Fall & Winter Intermediate Heifers—
Born Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. MABC Peaches Lady 3413—Aubree Blissard
Champion Intermediate Heifer
JH Miss Amie 15Y
Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer
MABC Peaches Lady 3413
Grand Champion Bull
WW Joyful Jude (pictured above)
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
SLC Boomer
Grand Champion Female
JH Miss Amie 15Y
Market Steers 1
1. SLC Sooner—Stehr Land and Cattle; 2. SLC Cowboy—Stehr Land and Cattle; 3. WW Not-Our-Baby—
Steve & Charlotte Williams
Market Steers 2
1. JW’s Bullet Proof—J Bar W Cattle Co.; 2. WW Kid
Buckeroo—Ryder Evans
Champion Market Steer
SLC Sooner
Reserve Champion Market Steer
JW’s Bullet Proof
24 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Reserve Grand Champion Female
MABC Peaches Lady 3413 (pictured above)
Market Steers
1. SLC Sooner—Hanna Stehr; 2. SLC Boomer—Zeke
Official Publication of the MHBA
Oklahoma State Fair
Show results
Oklahoma City, OK • September 22-25, 2015
Junior Heifer Calf—Calved Jan. 1, 2015
1. Baylee Mendell; 2. Baylee Mendell; 3. Brandon W.
Fall and Winter Senior Calf—Dec. 31, 2014
1. Julie Sandstrom; 2. Lynnie D. Utsler; 3. Lynnie D.
Utsler; 4. Julie Sandstrom; 5. Karson Nolen
Summer Senior Heifer—May 1-Aug. 31, 2014
1. Caitlyn Ramsey; 2. Wyatt McIntyre; 3. Baylee Mendell
Spring Senior Heifer—jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. Wyatt McIntyre; 2. Kodie Fleming; 3. Julie Sandstrom
Fall and Winter Senior Heifer Calves—
Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. Wyatt McIntyre; 2. Cody Ramsey
Grand Champion Heifer
Wyatt McIntyre
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
Baylee Mendell
Junior Bull Calf—Jan. 1, 2015 and after
1. Julie Sandstrom; 2. Julie Sandstrom
Grand Champion Bull
Julie Sandstrom
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Julie Sandstrom
Prospect Steers—629-638lbs
1. Kelby Sager; 2. Caitlyn Ramsey
Prospect Steers—741-769lbs
1. Kylin Oakes; 2. Kelby Sager; 3. Erick Hamill
Prospect Steers—840-893lbs
1. Kodie Fleming; 2. Ethan Wartchow; 3. Kynlee Waters
Champion Prospect Steer
Kylin Oakes
Reserve Champion Prospect Steer
Kelby Sager
Junior Show
Class 1
1. Brandon W. Hensley
Class 2
1. Kiley R. Utsler
Class 3
Kiley R Utsler; 2. Gavin Sager
Class 4
1. Cody Ramsey
Grand Champion Junior Hereford Heifer
Cody Ramsey
Reserve Grand Champion Junior Heifer
Kiley R. Utsler
Tulsa State Fair • Tulsa, OK • September 30-October 3, 2015
Junior Heifer Calf—Calved Jan. 1, 2015
1. MCC Phoena 2C ET—Baylee Mendell; 2. MCC
Phoena 1C ET—Baylee Mendell
Champion Junior Heifer
MCC Phoena 2C ET
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer
MCC Phoena 1C ET
Fall and Winter Senior Heifer—
Born Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2014
1. 6E Mini Minnie 74B—Blayklee Steizer; 2. JSSS Bertha
401B—Baylee Wessels; 3. KLD Penni 20B—Karson Nolen; 4. PB Sams Kiley—Julie Sandstrom
Champion Senior Calf
6E Mini Minnie 74B
Reserve Champion Senior Calf
JSSS Bertha 401B
Summer Senior Heifers—
Born May 1-Aug. 31, 2014
22 Flashs Baby Brea—Phillip Stehr
Spring Senior Heifers—Born Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. 6E Daisey 40B—Blayklee Steizer; 2. KLD Bullet 482B—
Phillip Stehr; 3. PB Kings Victoria—Julie Sandstrom
Champion Senior Heifer
6E Daisey 40B
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer
KLD Bullet 482B
26 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Grand Champion Female
6E Daisey 40B
Reserve Grand Champion Female
6E Mini Minnie 74B
Junior Bull Calf—born Jan. 1, 2015 and after
1. SLC American Whiskey—Phillip Stehr; 2. PB King Victor—Julie Sandstrom
Champion Junior Bull Calf
SLC American Whiskey
Reserve Champion Bull Calf
PB King Victor
Summer Senior Bull—Born May 1-Aug. 31, 2014
1. CAC New Era—Phillip Stehr
Champion Summer Senior Bull
CAC New Era
Spring Senior Bull—Born Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
1. SLC Boomer—Phillip Stehr
Champion Spring Senior Bull
SLC Boomer
Grand Champion Bull
CAC New Era
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
SLC Boomer
Pair of Bulls
1. Phillip Stehr
Premier Exhibitor And Premier Breeder
Phillip Stehr
Official Publication of the MHBA
State Fair of Texas
Dallas, TX • October 3-5, 2015
Roxie—Madeline Braman; 4. KAP ½ Hungress Brena
ET—Madeline Braman
Junior Heifer Calves—calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2015
1. 4C’s Aggie Rose—Caroline Campbell; 2. 4C’s Sweet
Bernice—Melissa Lang; 3. TLT Miss Lily—Aubrey Turner;
4. GF Miss Valentine—Wade Neyland
Senior Yearling Heifer—
Calved Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
1. MABC Peaches Lady 3413—Aubree Blissard; 2. JAM
Miss Fanci—Kelly Show Cattle
Champion Junior Heifer
44CC Diamond Gold 5423
Reserve Junior Heifer
44CC Coco Pebbles 5424
Champion Yearling Heifer
KAP Clints Lil Jaida
Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer
Brayden Roma
Grand Champion Female
KAP Clints Lil Jaida
Show results
Spring Heifer Calves—
Calved after March 1, 2015
1. 44CC Diamond Gold 5423 (pictured below)—Aubree Blissard; 2. 44CC CoCo Pebbles 5424—Aubree
Blissard; 3. BS Anna Ringo A419—Kelly Show Cattle; 4.
JAM Stormy—Meredith Roberts; 5. WW Joy of Hope—
Charlotte Williams
Winter Heifer Calves—
Calved Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 2014
1. KLD Lexi 8B—Kolton Kauffman
Fall Heifer Calves—Calved Sept. 1-Oct. 31, 2014
1. RHH Snowflake—Carlisle Braman; 2. 44CC Solana
Lucy 417—Bill & Dolores Jenkins; 3. Rafter F Decker’s Eye
Candi—Jeff Fulgham; 4. Ivy Ms Yoyo—Tayler Scarbrough
Champion Fall & Winter Heifer
KLD Lexi 8B
Reserve Fall & Winter Heifer
RHH Snowflake
Late Summer Yearling Heifers—
Calved July 1-Aug. 30, 2014
1. 44CC Imperial Jewel 4421—Aubree Blissard; 2. EF
Bobbie Joe 1426—Kennedy Kauffman; 3. 44CC Tristans
Misty 4420—Aubree Blissard; 4. Rafter F Decker’s Lil
Cheri—Jeff Fulgham; 5. 4C’s Anna Lee—Melissa Lang;
6. KC Mojo 4 ET—Grace Curry; 7. Maisie—Madeline
Braman; 8. LTL Miss Sparkles—Aubrey Turner; 9. LL
Hunter Litnin Esther—Jim & Shiela Lindsay
Early Summer Yearling Heifers—
Calved May 1-June 30, 2014
1. KAP Huntree Nelda ET—Aubree Blissard; 2. Rafter F
Inch’s Lil Fie Fie—Jeff Fulgham; 3. PBT Miss Grace—Brylie C. Turner; 4. KAP Clint’s Lil Qiana—Wyatt Watkins;
5. KLD Ruby 12B—Haley Folks; 6. DDD Dreka—Chelsee Hobbs; 7. SLC Miss Rachel 4010—Haley Folks; 8.
JAM Charmin—Meredith Roberts
Champion Summer Heifer
44CC Imperial Jewel 4421
Reserve Champion Summer Heifer
EF Bobbie Joe 1426
Spring Yearling Heifers—
Calved March 1-April 30, 2014
1. KAP Clints Lil Jaida—Shawn Leifeste; 2. Brayden
Roma—LND Cattle; 3. AZ/Winchester’s Sweet Ann—Jim
& Shiela Lindsay; 4. Horseshoe B Miss 115B—Meredith
Roberts; 5. HD Jacks Poppy—Kelly Show Cattle; 6.
Stormy’s Jill—Shirley Williams
Reserve Grand Champion Female
44CC Imperial Jewel 4421
Cow/Calf Pair
1. MABC Coco Lady 2409—Aubree Blissard; 2. 05’s
B=Day Joy—Charlotte Williams; 3. LL Misty Rain—Kelly
Show Cattle; 4. CR Dory—Justin Kirkwood
Champion Pair
MABC Coco Lady 2409 (pictured above)
Reserve Champion Pair
05’s B=Day Joy (pictured above)
Pair of Females
1. Aubree Blissard (pictured below); 2. Jeff Fulgham; 3.
Meredith Roberts
Junior Yearling Heifers—
Calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2014
1. KAP lil Huntress Alana ET—Carlisle Braman; 2. WW
Winsome Wilhemina—Charlotte Williams; 3. SS Foxy
Winter 2016 27
State Fair of Texas, cont...
Show results
Dallas, TX • October 3-5, 2015
Spring Bull Calves—Calved after March 1, 2015
1. EWR Brutus—Justin Kirkwood; 2. 44CC Rocky’s Sky
521—Bill & Dolores Jenkins; 3. JAM The Jeneral—Meredith Roberts; 4. EWR Little Ricky—Justin Kirkwood
Junior Bull Calves—Calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2015
1. BS Olaf Marshmallow A126—Kelly Show Cattle
Champion Junior Bull Calf
EWR Brutus
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf
44CC Rocky’s Sky 521
Fall Bull Calves—Calved Sept. 1-Oct. 31, 2014
1. 44CC Rocky Stawley 418—Emery Glassinger; 2. GF
Cash Money—Wade Neyland; 3. 4C’s Clarence Nelson—Melissa Lang
Reserve Champion Spring and Yearling Bull
Rafter F Decker’s Romeo
Senior Yearling Bulls—
Calved Sept. 1-December 31, 2013
1. JAM Stone Cold—Meredith Roberts
Champion Senior Yearling Bull
JAM Stone Cold
Two Year Old Bulls—Calved Jan. 1-Aug. 31, 2013
1. WW Joyful Jude—Charlotte Williams
Champion Two Year Old Bull
WW Joyful Jude
Champion Fall Bull Calf
44CC Rocky Stawley
Reserve Champion Fall Bull Calf
GF Cash Money
Summer Yearling Bulls—
Calved May 1-Aug. 31, 2014
1. SMH Cyclones Chanse—Kolton Kauffman
Spring Yearling Bulls—
Calved March 1-April 30, 2014
1. Rafter F Decker’s Romeo—Jeff Fulgham
Champion Spring and Yearling Bull
SMH Cyclones Chanse
28 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Grand Champion Bull
WW Joyful Jude (pictured above)
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
SMH Cyclones Chanse
Pair of Bulls
Meredith Roberts
Official Publication of the MHBA
Northern International Livestock Expo (NILE)
Billings, MT • October 10-12, 2015
Class 2 Junior Heifer Calves
1. Rockindlo Kelsea—Darren Osbment; 2. Tina Sweet
Rosie—Shadow Mt
Champion Jr Heifer Calf
Rockindlo Kelsea
Reserve Champion Jr Heifer Calf
DNT’s Tink Little Lady
Class 4 Senior Heifer Calves
1. DF Lyssie’s Sue—DuVal Farms; 2. SPF In A Daze—Silver Peaks Farm
Champion Fall Heifer Calf
DF Lyssie’s Sue
Reserve Champion Fall Heifer Calf
SPF In A Daze
Class 6 Early Summer Yearling Heifers
1. DF Miss Clinique—DuVal Farms; 2. KMC Miss Roxy—
Cole Setniker
Champion Intermediate Heifer
DF Miss Clinique
Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer
KMC Miss Roxy
Class 7 Spring Yearling Heifers
1. DF Glorys Lady Luck—DuVal Farms; 2. LDR Dessies’
Dream—Livin Dream Ranch
Champion Yearling Heifer
DF Glory’s Lady Luck
Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer
LDR Dessie’s Dream
Class 9 Senior Yearling Heifer
1.DF Rose’s Truth—DuVal Farms
Champion Senior Heifer
DF Rose’s Truth
Grand Champion Female
DF Rose’s Truth
Reserve Grand Champion Female
DF Miss Clinique
Class 10 Cow/ Calf Pair
1. SPF Lucy Lou—Silver Peaks Farm; 2. DF Holy Night—
D&A Miniature Herefords; 3. DF Triple Elegance—Livin
Dream Ranch
Class 11 Spring Bull Calves
1. SPF Advinture—Silver Peaks Farm; 2. DNT’s Stitch—
Shadow MT; 3. LDR Watch This—Livin Dream Ranch; 4.
DNT’s Hope’s Soda—Shadow MT
Class 12 Jr Bull Calves
1. Rockindlo Willy—Darren Osbment
Champion Jr. Bull Calf
SPF Advinture
Reserve Champion Jr Bull Calf
Rockindlo Willy
Class 14 Senior Bull Calves
1. DF Cascades Built Tuff—DuVal Farms
Champion Fall Bull Calf
DF Cascades Built Tuff
Class 15 Summer Yearling Bull
1. KMC Sir Charles—Cole Setniker; 2. DF Cascades
Tomahawk—DuVal Farms; 3. D&A Mister Tom Jr—D&A
Miniature Herefords
Class 16 Spring Yearling Bull
1. LDR Tandy’s Waylon—Livin Dream Ranch; 2. Little
Warrior—Daily Wilson; 3. DNT’s Hercules—Shadow MT
Champion Jr Yearling Bull
LDR Tandy’s Waylon
Reserve Champion Jr Yearling Bull
KMC Sir Charles
Show results
Class 1 Spring Heifer Calves
1. DNT’s Tinks Little Lady—Shadow Mt.; 2. D&A Princess
Mary—D&A Miniature Herefords; 3. Rockindlo Zoey—
Darren Osbment
Class 19 Two-Year-Old Bull
1. Livin Dream Odessas Boon—Bye N Bye Miniature
Herefords; 2. SS Mr Mark—Ad Jensen; 3. DNT’s Quip’s
Peter Pan—Shadow MT
Champion Sr Bull
Livin Dream Odessas Boon
Reserve Champion Sr Bull
SS Mr Mark
Grand Champion Bull
Livin Dream Odessas Boon
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
DF Cascades Built Tuff
Class 20 Open Prospect Steer
1. LDR Shine On—Ad Jensen; 2. DNT’s Zues—Shadow MT
Champion Prospect Steer
LDR Shine On
Reserve Champion Prospect Steer
DNT’s Zues
2015 NILE Jr Show/Showmanship
Class 22 Jr. Prospect Heifer
1. DNT’s Tinks Little lady—Taylor; 2. Tina Sweet Rosie—
Class 23 Jr Prospect Steer
1. LDR Shine On—Ad Jensen; 2. DNT’s Zues—Taylor
PeeWee Showmanship
1. Tyler, age 6; 2. Tayslee, age 6
Junior Showmanship
1. Daily Wilson, age 9
Intermediate Showmanship
1. Tucker Wislon, age 11; 2. Grayden, age 12; 3.
Kelsey, age 11
Senior Showmanship
1. Cole, age 14; 2. Laci, age 17; 3. McKensie, age 16;
4. Tyrell, age 15; 5. Wytney, age 14
Winter 2016 29
Heart O Texas Fair
Show results
Waco, TX • October 14-17, 2015
Open Show
01 - Summer Heifer Calves,
born after March 30, 2015
1. Aubree Blissard; 2. Sunny Kelly; 3. Justin Kirkwood
02 - Spring Junior Heifer Calves,
born January-March, 2015
1. Melissa Lang; 2. Meredith Roberts; 3. Caroline Campbell; 4. Haliburton Cattle Company; 5. Desirae Lupo
Champion Junior Heifer
Aubree Blissard
Reserve Champion Heifer
Melissa Long
03 - All & Winter Junior Heifer,
born September-December, 2014
1. Cartisle Braman; 2. Dolores Jenkins
06 - Summer Intermediate Heifers, born MayAugust, 2014
1. Aubree Blissard; 2. Dolores Jenkins; 3. Kinley Smith; 4.
Aubree Blissard; 5. Haliburton Cattle Company; 6. Aubree
Blissard; 7. Jim or Sheila Lindsay; 8. Melissa Lang
07 - Spring Intermediate Heifers,
born January-April, 2014
1. Madeline Braman; 2. Carlisle Braman; 3. Madeline
Braman; 4. Aubree Blissard; 5. Madeline Braman; 6.
Sunny Kelly ; 7. Haliburton Cattle Company; 8. Bentli
Levien; 9. Carlisle Braman; 10. Jim or Sheila Lindsay
08 - Fall & Winter Intermediate Heifers,
born January-December, 2013
1. Carlisle Braman; 2. Sunny Keliy; 3. Aubree Blissard
Champion Intermediate Heifer
Aubree Blissard
Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer
Dolores Jenkins
13 - Cow/Calf-Calf must not be more than
270 days of age on show date
Champion Cow /Calf
Sunny Kelly
Resreve Cow/Calf
Justin Kirkwood
14 - Summer Junior Bull Calves,
born after March, 2015
1. Justin Kirkwood; 2. Dolores Jenkins; 3. Meredith
15 - Spring Junior Bull Calves, born January-March, 2015
1. Justin Kirkwood; 2. Sunny Kelly
Champion Junior Bull
Justin Kirkwood
Reserve Champion Junior Bull
Justin Kirkwood
16 - Fall & Winter Junior Bulls,
born September-December, 2014
1. Melissa Lang
22 - Fall & Winter Intermediate Bulls,
born January-December, 2013
1. Meredith Roberts; 2. Sunny Kelly
Champion Intermediate Bull
Meredith Roberts
Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull
Sunny Kelly
Grand Champion Bull
Meredith Roberts
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Justin Kirkwood
27 -Prospect Steers, All steers less than
12 months of age at time of show
1. Melissa Lang; 2. Justin Kirkwood; 3. Melissa Lang; 4.
Desirae Lupo
Champion Prospect Steer
Melissa Lang
Reserve Champion Prospect Steer
Justin Kirkwood
Grand Champion Female
Aubree Blissard (pictured above)
30 -Market Steers, All steers more than 12
months of age at time of show
1. Justin Spies; 2. Melissa Lang; 3. Jana Wall; 4. Sunny
Kelly; 5. Shelby Chrudinsky
Champion Steer
Justin Spies
Reserve Champion Steer
Melissa Lang
Reserve Grand Champion Female
Dolores Jenkins (pictured above)
30 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Official Publication of the MHBA
State Fair of Louisiana
Shrevesport, LA • October 22-November 8, 2015
Junior Heifers—Calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2015
1. SHF Kings Kitty—Julie Sandstrom; 2. M&M Kiel’s
Dewdrop—Melvin Graham
Champion Junior Heifer Calf
SHF Kings Kitty
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf
M&M Kiel’s Dewdrop
Winter Heifers—Calved Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 2014
1. PB Sam’s KIiley; 2. M W28 Kiels Vicky ET—Beverly
Fall Heifers—Calved Sept. 1-Oct. 31, 2014
1. Rafter F Decker’s Eye Candi—Jeff Fulgham; 2. SHF
Kiel’s Lele—Julie Sandstrom
Champion Fall and Winter Heifer
Rafter F Decker’s Eye Candi
Reserve Champion Fall and Winter Heifer
PB Sam’s Kiley
Late Summer Yearling Heifers—
Calved July 1-Aug. 30, 2014
1. Rafter F Decker’s Lil Cheri—Jeff Fulgham
Early Summer Yearling Heifers—
Calved May1-June 30, 2104
1. Rafter F Inch’s Lil Fie Fie—Jeff Fulgham
Champion Intermediate Heifer
Rafter F Decker’s Lil Cheri
Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer
Rafter F Inch’s Lil Fie Fie
Spring Yearling Heifers—
Calved March 1-April 30, 2014
1. Rafter F Miss Smokin Hot—Jeff Fulgham; 2. CBD
Leo’s Angel Cee Cee 14D
Champion Yearling Heifer
Rafter F Miss Smokin Hot
Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer
CBD Leo’s Angel Cee Cee 14D
Grand Champion Female
Rafter F Decker’s Eye Candi
Reserve Grand Champion Female
Rafter F Decker’s Lil Cheri
Junior Bull Calves—
Calved Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2015
1. PB King Victor—Julie Sandstrom; 2. SHF Thunders
Seahawk—Julie Sandstrom; 3. M&M Kiel’s Mr. T—Melvin Graham
Show results
Spring Heifers—calved after March 1, 2015
1. SHF Kiels Blissful—Julie Sandstrom; 2. M&M Kiel’s
Blue Sky—Melvin Graham; 3. M&M Iras Corkscrew—
Beverly Dale
Champion Junior Bull Calf
PB King Victor
Reserve Champion Bull Calf
SHF Thunders Seahawk
Summer Yearling Bull Calves—
Calved May 1-Aug. 30, 2014
1. TQR Thunder Master—Regina Sirman
Spring Yearling Bull Calves—
Calved March 1-April 30, 2014
1. Rafter F Decker’s Romeo
Champion Yearling Bull
Rafter F Decker’s Romeo
Reserve Champion Yearling Bull
TQR Thunder Master
Grand Champion Bull
Rafter F Decker’s Romeo
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
PB King Victor
Two Females—Bred and Owned
1. Jeff Fulgham
Winter 2016 31
North American International Livestock Exposition
Show results
Louisville, KY • November 17-20, 2015
Class A1
1. KW Lucy’s Golden Vienna—Kelli Wicks
Prospect Steers
Class A12
1. KAF King Diesel—Brookelynn Kreel; 2. RFD Double T
Strike—Jonah Sciano; 3. SMH Dusty 163—Carlee Smith
Class A2
1. Double K Luna DK09—Double K Mini Herefords; 2.
SAF Show Me Ms Molly—Long Ear Ranch; 3. BHF Spring
Zoey 63—Rachel Bryan; 4. BAT Lil Miss Reba—Zachary
Chambers; 5. BHF Spring Penny 53—Allison Bryan
Class A13
1. KLD Redneck 502C—Bristol Barbour
Class A3
1. KAF Lil Saphire—Brayden Kreel; 2. RFD Striker’s
Loleeta—Claire Brooks
Class A4
1. RHH Sky—Chase Van Vliet; 2. 4 Wiley Rain Quartz
Rock—Walker Wiley; 3. BAT Miss Gia—Gus Sciano
Class A5
1. BPTR Cookie—Cale Alan Jensen; 2. C&C’s Gypsy
Rain Yale—Ashton Lisby
Class A6
1. KLD Koko 483B—Karsen Dropps; 2. Sherdells Ula—
Summer Kath; 3. JW’s Fantasia—Isaac Wiley
Junior Champion Heifer
BPTR Cookie
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer
Pre Junior Champion Prospect Steer
KLD Redneck
Reserve Pre Junior Champion Steer
KAF King Diesel
Market Steers
Class A14
1. T-Bone—Cody Landin
Pre Junior Champion Market Steer
Junior Heifer Calves—
Calved April 1, 2015 or later
Class 1
1. KW Yoni’s Summer Sunshine—Kelli Wicks; 2. KW
Lucy’s Golden Vienna—Kelli Wicks
Class 2
1. SMH Sunny Bear 173—Smith Mini Herefords; 2.
C&C’s Doll Avery—Cream & Crimson Cattle Co.
Prospect Steers
Class A7
1. 22 Flash’s MVP ET—Kelli Wicks; 2. RFD Double T
Strike—Gus Sciano; 3. KLD Leo 503C—Grady Barbour
Class 3
1. RFD Gada’s Amazing Strike—RFD Miniature Herefords; 2. SMH Cherry Blossom 169—Smith Mini Herefords; 3. EZ Lil Mis Gussie—EZ Farms
Junior Champion Prospect Steer
22 Flash’s MVP ET
Reserve Junior Champion Prospect Steer
RFD Double T Strike
Class 4
1. KAF Show Me Ms Molly—Lil KAF Ranch; 2. KLD Lola
508C—Double K Mini Herefors; 3. Double K Piper
DK10—Double K Mini Herefords; 4. BHF Spring Zoey
63—Rachel Bryan
Market Steers
Class A8
1. RHH Dewalt—Gabe DeWitt; 2. WW Goldden Boy—
Karly Biddle; 3. KAP Hunter GEB ET—Summer Kath; 4.
Abshire’s King Triton—Austin Abshire
Junior Champion Market Steer
RHH DeWalt
Reserve Junior Champion Market Steer
WW Goldeen Boy
Class A9
1. KAF Show Me Ms Molly—Brookelynn Kreel; 2. RFD
Gada’s Amazing Strike—Jared Brooks; 3. BHF Spring
Zoey 63—Landon Bryan
Class A10
1. KAF Lil Sapphire—Brycen Kreel
Class A11
1. KLD Kit 480B—Kanyen Dopps; 2. EF Betty 1424—
Carlee Smith
Pre Junior Champion Heifer
KLD Kit 480B
Reserve Pre Junior Champion heifer
KAF Lil Sapphire
32 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Champion Junior Heifer
RFD Gada’s Amazing Strike
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer
KW Yoni’s Summer Sunshine
Spring Heifer Calves—
Calved Jan. 1-March 31, 2015
Class 5
1. TNT Willo’s Little Momma—TNT Cattle; 2. Double
K Luna DK09—Double K Mini Herefords; 3. EZ Lil Miss
Sassafras—EZ Farms
Class 6
1. SHF Kiels Blissful—Sandy Hills Farm; 2. C&C’s Lil
Zoey—Cream & Crimson Cattle Co.; 3. BAT Lil Miss
Reba—EZ Farms; 4. BHF Spring Penny 53—Allison Bryan
Class 7
1. SHF Kings Kitty—Sandy Hills Farm; 2. TAC Six Queen
BJ H1—4 Wiley Farm
Class 8
1. KAF Lil Sapphire—Lil KAF Ranch; 2. RFD Striker’s
Loleeta—RFD Miniature Herefords; 3. CJ Risa’s Lil Sky
204—Smith Mini Herefords
Champion Spring Heifer
TNT Willo’s Little Momma
Reserve Champion Spring Heifer
KAF Lil Sapphire
Official Publication of the MHBA
NAILE, cont...
Louisville, KY • November 17-20, 2015
Class 10
1. KLD Lilly 16B—KLD Mini Herefords; 2. KLD Penny 2B—
KLD Mini Herefords; 3. SHF Kiels Lele—Sandy Hills Farm
Class 11
1. RHH Sky—Rolling Hills Cattle; 2. BAT Miss Gia—RFD
Miniature Herefords; 3. 4 Wiley Rain Quartz Rock—4
Wiley Farm; 4. SB Disco Rose—S&B Farms
Champion Intermediate Senior Heifer
Holly’s Thumbelina
Reserve Champion Intermediate Senior Heifer
Summer Senior Heifers—
Calved May 1-July 31, 2014
Class 12
1. BPTR Cookie—Cale Alan Jensen; 2. C&C’s Gypsy
Rain Yale—Cream & Crimson Cattle Co.; 3. EF Betty
1424—Smith Mini Herefords
Class 13
1. KLD Kit 480B—KLD Mini Herefords; 2. KLD Koko
483B—KLD Mini Herefords; 3. Sherdells ULA—Kath
Family Farm; 4. Becket F Lilac 292P—Becket Farms
Champion Summer Senior Heifer
BPTR Cookie
Reserve Champion Summer Senior Heifer
KLD Kit 480B
Spring Senior Heifers—
Calved Jan. 1-April 30, 2014
Class 14
1. MLU Sammie—RFD Miniature Herefords; 2. JW’s Fantasia—4 Wiley Farm; 3. BAT Lil Miss VAlentine—EZ Farms
Class 15
1. 22 Flash’s Lil Misti—RFD Miniature Herefords
Champion Spring Senior Heifer
22 Flash’s Lil Misti
Reserve Champion Spring Senior Heifer
MLU Sammie
Show results
Intermediate Senior Heifers—
Calved Aug. 1-Dec. 31, 2014
Class 9
1. Holley’s Thumbelina—Holley Land & Livestock; 2. PB
Sam’s Kiley—Sandy Hills Farm
Grand Champion Heifer
BPTR Cookie
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
TNT Willo’s Little Momma
Cow/Calf Pair
Class 16
1. SMH Lexie—Rolling Hills Cattle; 2. SMH Mom’s Sunny
131—Smith Mini Herefords; 3. KAP Quip’s Lil Yoni ET—
Kelli Wicks
Winter 2016 33
NAILE, cont...
Show results
Louisville, KY • November 17-20, 2015
Champion Pair
SMH Lexie
Reserve Champion Pair
SMH Mom’s Sunny 131
Pair of Females—Bred and Owned
Class 17
1. KLD Mini Herefords; 2. RFD Miniature Herefords
Prospect Steers
Class 18
1. KAF King Diesel—Brookelynn Kreel; 2. RFD Double T
Strike—RFD Miniature Herefords
Class 19
1. 22 Flash’s MVP ET—Kelli Wicks; 2. SMH Dusty 163—
Smith Mini Herefords
Class 20
1. KLD Redneck 502C—KLD Mini Herefords; 2. KLD Leo
503C—KLD Mini Herefords
Champion Prospect Steer
KLD Redneck
Reserve Champion Prospect Steer
22 Flash’s MVP ET
Market Steers
Class 21
1. RHH DeWalt—Gabe DeWitt; 2. Abshire’s ZZ Top—
Austin Abshire
Champion Junior Bull Calf
RHH Shakey
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf
RRG Mr. Clem
Spring Bull Calves—
Calved Jan. 1-March 31, 2015
1. TNT Cloe’s Mr. Oesch—TNT Cattle; 2. KAF King Mo
Money—Lil KAF Ranch; 3. PB King Victor—Sandy Hills
Farm; 4. EZ Lil mister Rockin Ringo—EZ Farms
Champion Spring Bull Calf
TNT Chloe’s Mr. Oesch
Reserve Champion Spring Bull Calf
KAF King Mo Money
Summer Senior Bulls—
Calved May 1-July 31, 2014
Class 26
1. RFD Strike Zone—RFD Miniature Herefords; 2. KW
Thunderstruck—Kelli Wicks; 3. HPU M Joey 6B—Hugh
& Patricia Underhill; 4. BHF Shennendoah Augustus
Supreme—Tim Byran
Champion Summer Senior Bull
RFD Strike Zone
Reserve Champion Summer Senior Bull
KW Thunderstruck
Class 22
1. WW Goldeen Boy—Double K Mini Herefords; 2.
Abshire’s King Triton—Austin Abshire
Two Year Old Bulls—
Calved Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2013
Class 27
1. 4 Wiley Mountain Mitchell—4 Wiley Farm; 2. EZ Lil
Mister Tatum—EZ Farms; 3. SB Disco King—S&B Farms
Class 23
1. T-Bone—Cody Landin; 2. KAP Hunter GEB ET—Kath
Family Farm
Class 28
1. SS Turtle—Old School Genetics; 2. KAP ½ Enuf
Hunter ET—Kath Family Farm
Champion Market Steer
RHH DeWalt
Reserve Champion Market Steer
Junior Bull Calves—
Calved April 1, 2015 and later
Class 24
1. RHH Shakey—Rolling Hills Cattle; 2. RRG Mr. Clem
5505—Riggin Rose Goings; 3. EZ Lil Mister Chewbacca—EZ Farms
34 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Champion Two Year Old Bull
SS Turtle
Reserve Champion Two Year Old Bull
KAP ½ Enuf Hunter
Grand Champion Bull
SS Turtle
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
RHH Shakey
Official Publication of the MHBA
Junior National Miniature Hereford Expo
Chickasha, OK • June 24-28, 2015
Show results
Overall points winners from Jr. Nationals 2015
Pre-Junior: Carlee Smith; Junior: Kanyen Dopps; Intermediate: Kelli Wicks; Senior: Karly Biddle.
Each participant is scored on their overall participation for all contests; judging, photography,
speech, showmanship, arts & krafts and their 3 best exhibits. Congratulations to these ladies on their
hardwork & successful Jr. Nationals.
Winter 2016 35
Classifieds, Etc.
3 year old Tenley Wills of Sheridan,
Illinois showing her mini Hereford at
the Sandwich Fair, Sandwich, IL.
A three year olds very first cattle
show is something to remember for a
lifetime especially when it’s so stinking
Top Left: Proud of her calf after coming out of the show ring.
Bottom Left: Giving her calf Iowa a
good luck kiss before they enter the
show ring.
Bottom Right: She was showing her
calf some love prior to entering the
show ring.
Top Right: Her first steps into the
Submitted by The Wills Family,
Tri County Mini’s
Left and Above: Kyndall Burns (age 3)
Submitted by Kati Burns
36 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Official Publication of the MHBA
Above: MHBA Secretary, Charlotte
Williams, with grandson, Isaac,
showing Not-Our-Baby.
Champion Bred Cow
$6,000 • Pagosa Springs, CO
WW Ranch - North • 970-264-1014
LS Oak Princess 0686 “Rosie” was born 6/20/2010. She
is from the original Point of Rocks Ranch and is on the
smaller side. As her nickname implies, she is a darker
mahogany color and is dehorned. She was shown once
in Austin and has a sweet temperament, so is halter
broke. She has had an odd calving history – the first calf
suffocated in the draw where he was born, the second
drowned in about 3 inches of water when he was born
in an irrigation ditch, and Rosie’s twins died last year because the first one was breach. Fortunately, this year she
gave us a little heifer calf we plan to retain in our herd,
so Rosie is up for sale. She has been pasture exposed to
multiple Grand Champion WW Joyful Jude and would be
guaranteed bred.
(photos on
Champion Bred Cow
$7,500 • Pagosa Springs, CO
WW Ranch - North • 970-264-1014
WW Golden June “June”, born 6/3/2009, was an FFA
project, so she is extremely gentle and well halter broke.
She won Grand Champion at our local county show and
has nice calves . She is massive with good conformation,
but her head is a little steery, although not unattractive.
She is a meat machine! This year’s baby sold as a bull
at a couple of weeks old, the steer from her last year
was Grand Champion Steer at the show in Abilene, TX,
and her 2013 heifer calf was Reserve Grand Champion
Female in Billings MT in 2014. June has been pastured
exposed to WW Joyful Jude “JJ”, who was Grand Champion in Amarillo, Abilene & at the State Fair in Dallas this
year, and we would guarantee she is bred.
Registration #: 430075
(photos on
Classifieds, Etc.
Above: Ryder Evans & his steer, Bucky,
at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas.
Windaway Farm Herd Reduction
Randy Lunz • Greenville, TX
Windaway Farm • 214-862-2453
1.CC Miss Boomer Reg#42738354 (Carley) Born 05/06;
Sire LS Madrone Reg#42095782; 100% LS Bloodlines;
Bred to MKP Dapper Dan Reg#42689249 for June 2016
calf $3,500
2. Windaway Candace Reg#43026034 (Candy) Born
03/09; Sire LS Mountain Knigh Reg#42406522; 100%
LS Bloodlines; Bred to MKP Dapper Dan Reg#42689249
for June 2016 calf. $3,500
3. SS Lady Spice Reg#43141682 (Spice) Born 11/2010;
Sire SS King Charles ET Reg# 42534267; King Henry
granddaughter. $2,500
4. Windaway Serena (SS Lady Spice heifer calf) Born
05/15; Sire KAP LlL Rockin Elvis Reg#42694272. $2,000
(Awaiting registration)
Bull and Heifer
Murfreesboro, TN
Contact Brian Carmouche • 615-542-9980
Horned bull and heifer. Both halter broke and have been
shown. Bull 2yr old and heifer 14 mo old.
Winter 2016 37
Region Reports
Region 3
Hello from the Midwest….
We’ve just recently held the ninth annual Miniature
Hereford Show at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, KY. Numbers were
slightly up over previous years and the show was, again,
very impressive and laced with good quality cattle. Emily Griffiths of Kendallville, IN sorted our cattle. Miss
Griffiths was very complimentary of our cattle throughout
the day and I think we had a very competitive and highquality group of cattle representing our breed as always.
Congratulations go to the show winners and many thanks
to all our exhibitors for supporting this show!!
As is always the case, on behalf of Region 3 Breeders,
as well as all those participating in and benefiting from
the show in Louisville, I want to formally thank the MHBA
and it’s governing board for their support of this show.
May we all reap the rewards from the type of exposure
granted by being a part of a show of this size and quality.
Additionally, I wanted to pass along some other exciting
news. As many of you know, there has been a Miniature
Hereford Show at Ohio Beef Expo in Columbus for a few
years now. I’ve been asked to coordinate that show starting in 2016 and begin the process of moving it under
the sanctioning of the MHBA. Again, the details are not
finalized quite yet, but please do let me know if you would
be interested in updates and I’ll be sure and get details to
Charlotte to put on the website as they become available.
We’ve also begun talks with the Open Beef Show Coordinator for the Indiana State Fair, and it looks like a very
good possibility that we’ll be having a probationary show
there in August of 2016 as well. Details to follow on that
front as well. It’s extremely exciting to see the interest and
to be getting these opportunities to further expand the
Miniature Hereford reach further, and more broadly to
the East. Stay tuned, and thanks again to all our NAILE
Exhibitors… the quality of our presentation there is a big
part of what draws attention and makes these additional
opportunities possible for us.
Ben Lisby, Region 3 Director
Region 4
Greetings from Region 4. Hope everyone had a nice fall
and a Happy Thanksgiving. It sure doesn’t seem like winter
is just around the corner.
As for what has been going on is our area this fall It started with the shows in Oklahoma,The Oklahoma State Fair
in Oklahoma City, a week later the Tulsa State Fair.Then to
the American Royal in Kansas City. Then In November we
headed down to Louisiana to the State Fair of Louisiana,
at Shreveport. This was the first time they have had Minis
there and the staff at the fair were great they fed us lunch
and then the next evening we were all invited over to the
east side of the barn to have a chicken combo dinner.We
hope to see this show grow we had lots of people stop and
shop for minis.
Then we were off to Louisville where Ben had a great show
again. Now we can do some work at home have cows to
breed and some to calve out before Christmas. Then need
to plan for Denver, hope to see you there.
Hope you all have a Happy Holiday!
Julie Sandstrom, Region 4 Director
Region 5
Hello and welcome to our new members, it is exciting to
see the continued growth in our breed. Fall showing season
was great, the cattle look better than ever and the competition continues to be tough. Congratulations to the winners!
We continue to see many new faces and are thankful for
the continued excitement around the Miniature Herefords.
Please contact me if I can help in anyway.
I also want to remind each of you of several opportunities
to market your cattle in the next few months.
January 23, 2015—NWSS sale, Denver, CO
Contact Justin Grady or Charlotte Williams.
February 14, 2015—Iowa Beef Expo, Des Moines, IA
Contact Brent White or Conover Auction Services.
Deadline for consignment is December 18th
March—Houston Stock Show, Houston, TX, Dee Braman
We are very excited to be the host region for the annual
Miniature Hereford Jr. Nationals (MHJN) Buckles & Banners
2016. This event will be held in Ames, Iowa. This is a great
opportunity to compete, learn and make new friends. We
would love to see you in Iowa in June.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, hope to see many of
you in Denver 2016!
Brent White, Region 5 Director
38 Miniature Hereford News; Issue #22
Official Publication of the MHBA
Region 8
Region 9
Happy New Year everyone! Well, compared to last year,
the winter weather certainly is back to normal in many parts
of Region 8—freezing fog, ice, and snow. Just a reminder
that your cattle care should increase during periods of
weather stress, especially with respect to adequate shelter,
hay/forage quality and supplementation, mineral access,
and respiratory problem prevention/treatment. Make sure
to keep a close eye on any winter calving heifers/cows as
severe weather stress can trigger early calving. More information on winter weather stress is located in previous
issues of our “Moosletter.” Also, we would like to wish everyone safe travels as we make our way to Denver for the
2016 NWSS! Hope to see you all there!
The Utah State Fair was a big success. We were happy
to have the breeders there from previous years Dan and
Nan Taylor, David and Alta Bennett, Bart and Julie Kendell and welcomed Richard Davis as a new participant. We
increased our numbers of entries from 13 to 19 just short
of the 20, but there is always next year.We added the Jr
Show that was a big success, and Pee Wee event so the
youngsters could participate on their own, we were even
able to talk the larger breeders into letting some of their
little ones participate with the Miniatures.A big thank you
goes to Dan and Nan Taylor for bringing the Jrs to the fair
and taking the time to teach and help these participants
learn how to care and show these animals also for the use
of their stock in the Pee Wee event and David Bennett for
being our Judge in that event. The kids had a blast.
A big thank you to all the breeders that participated I
think fun was had by all.
We have added a few new members to our Region and
we welcome them to join us at the fair next year. We really
feel that the breed is catching on in our Region and with the
addition of the new members the numbers can only go up.
We would just like to give the breeders that participated
a big Thank you...We couldn’t have done it with out you.
Jerry DuVal, Region 8 Director
Bart and Julie Kendell, Region 9 Director
[email protected]
175 W. 200 S. Rupert, Idaho 83350
Winter 2016 39
Miniature Hereford Breeders Association
c/o Charlotte Williams, Secretary
PO Box 3430
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147