Newsletter 2013 April - Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka
Newsletter 2013 April - Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka
NEWS LETTER INSTITUTION OF INCORPORATED ENGINEERS, SRI LANKA VOLUME 24 - NO. 03 SINCE 1990 APRIL 2013 ISSN 2279-2376 LAUNCH OF INCO 2013 IIESL proudly launched the lNCO 2013 Industrial Exhibition and Trade Fair on the 9th February 2013 amidst a group of enthusiastic members, well wishers and other stakeholders of the exhibition at the Auditorium of the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA). Hon. Thilanga Sumathiala MP graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The Inco 2013 exhibition which will be held from 28th to 30th June for the 11th time in succession will carry the theme “Our Commitment to Industrial Development - beyond boarders”. Head Table (From Left): Eng. (Mrs.) Chithra Botheju Trustee, Eng. Bandula Wimalasundara- PP & Chairman Inco 2012, Eng. K Ariyawansa- President IIESL, Chief Guest Hon. Thilanga Sumathiala MP, Eng. K M S B Rekogama PP & Chairman Inco 2013, ,Eng. Benadict Uluwishewa PP & Chairman Elect for Inco 2014, Eng. Anton Peiris PP & Advisor Inco 2013 GEE ANURAA 2013 In aid of the building fund, the Institution organized a musical extravaganza “Gee Anuraa - 2013” on Saturday the 23rd February 2013 at the Musaeus College Auditorium from 6.30 pm onwards. The lucky audience experienced an unforgettable musical extravaganza which they would cherish in their memories for the rest of their lives. The audience was given a rendition of carefully selected best and most popular songs of this era by Sri Lanka‟s most famous singers. Visharada Victor Rathnayake sang his famous songs. It blended with his personal experience made a memorable impression. Sunil Edirisinghe sang a song for which the lyrics were written by our colleague Eng. Janitha Pradeep. (Continue on page 06) Industrial Exhibition and Trade Fair will be held at th th BMICH from 28 to 30 June 2013 1 Photo Gallery ….Gee Anuraa Performance at Gee Anuraa Left above: Visharada Victor Ratnayake Left right: Visharada Sunil Edirisinghe Left: Samitha Mudunkotuwa Right: Nirosha Virajini Bottom: Compeer Asela Bandaranayake Rest: Channa-Upuli dancing group Photo Gallery P R.F. & POWER ENGINEERING Siyane Engineering Diplomates Association (SEDO) AGM & Get-together NO. 26, B.O.P.398 Above: Executive committee for 2013; PULASTHIGAMA POLONNARUWA Below: Members at the Head Table 2 THIS EDITION EDITORIAL THE INSTITUTION OF INCORPORATED ENGINEERS, SRI LANKA 12/2B, Galle Road, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka What Professionalism Counts I am fascinated with the ancient irrigation systems of Sri Lanka not only for the accuracy of technology employed but also for its sustainable co-existence with the environs throughout centuries. A recent opportunity to go through the works of Judge C. G. Weeramanthri, Vice President in the International Court of Justice on „Environmental Aspects of Sri Lanka‟s Ancient Irrigation System‟ as a parallel to a case concerning Dam Project between Hungary/Slovakia, made me ponder on the parallels we could draw from our ancient heritage for our sustenance in the modern society. Specialized knowledge and competency are two key characteristics of Professionalism as the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism; “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person"; and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation." The above also signify that there are number of other attributes which make a person a professional. While the ancient kings and the irrigators had possessed the required specialized knowledge and the competency as can be seen through the evidence remaining until present times, what is more interesting is the other attributes they would have possessed to be to true professionals. Modern day human behavioral specialists list Honesty and Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Self-regulation and Image as attributes essential for a professional in par with specialized knowledge and competency. An example described by Judge Weeramanthri for sustainable coexistence with the environs is “Kurulu Paluwa” in our traditional paddy fields. This means the lower section of the paddy field is left without harvesting. It is left for birds, for co-existence. Isn‟t it a way of self-regulation? Being respectful of living beings and commanding back own respect? Being accountable for the surroundings? Having conquered technological know-how modern day technologists have much broaden terrain to practice his professionalism. Indeed, we need to perform in such ways that open the eyes of the authorities. Professionals should make productive contributions to the country. In turn the professionals should be placed in the due positions and should be recognized and looked after. The Engineering Council Act which is about to be approved and enforced will place the Incorporated Engineer in his due place while all of us should be more than ever be vigilant about our professional outlook. Eng. Dr. Mrs. Bhadranie Thoradeniya EDITOR 3 Launch of INCO 2013 1 „Gee Anura‟ 2013 1 Photo Gallery – Gee Anuraa & SEDO AGM 2 Editorial, IIESL H/O Building Fund 3 Costs of Electricity: Let us understand some facts 4 Education and Training: CPD programme 5 th WEDA - 17 AGM & Get-together 6 th 16 AGM & Get-together-SEDO 7 Appreciation – Eng. S K Manchanayake 8 Membership drive at Central province 9 IIESL AGM Notice 9 CPD Programmes 9 Cross-word puzzle 10 Donations received for „building fund‟ 10 Photo Gallery – CPB, WEDA & Avurudu Ulela 11 New year celebrations - 2013 12 IIESL HQ BUILDING FUND The commencement of building project work on the 8 th March 2012 has given a big moral boost to our members. At the foundation stone laying ceremony itself a number of members have contributed towards the HQ Building Fund. We are happy to announce the contributions received through our newsletter and our website (See page 08). The IIESL has opened a Current Account with the Commercial Bank, exclusively for the Fund Management of the proposed IIESL HQ Building and the details of the account are as follows. Account Name: Institution of Incorporated Engineers, SL - Building Fund Account Type: Current Account Account Number: 1114022520 Bank: Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Katubedda Branch 162, Galle Road, Soysapura, Moratuwa The Council of the IIESL urges all members to contribute to the Building Project in your BEST capacity and make the dream of IIESL HEAD QUARTERS BUILDING a reality. EDITORIAL BOARD Eng. K. Ariyawansa - President Eng. D J Amerakoon - Hony. Secretary Eng. Dr. Mrs. Bhadranie Thoradeniya - Editor Eng. W.D. Fonseka - Vice President & Chairman (Publicity & Media) Eng. D A Thevathason - Fellow Member Costs of Electricity: Let us understand some facts (Join the protests if you are too lazy to think) By Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya Energy Consultant & Managing Director, Resource Management Associates (Pvt) Ltd Not a single credible cost figure was quoted by any of the editors and reporters including the Island, who wrote miles of editorials and reports over the last few weeks on the subject of electricity costs and prices. All such editors and reporters, and the readers alike, and the protestors in Parliament and on the streets, took cover under much convenient terminology such as “corruption”, “private power”, “mafia”, “relief”, “subsidies”, “white elephant”, “solar power”, “privatization”, “reforms”, “water released”. Although electrical engineering involves a bit of complicated mathematics, the business of electricity production and supply involves arithmetic and logical thinking, just as in any other business. (c) Government should give fuel to CEB at a lower price, and charge the difference from whom, I do not know. (d) I do not know these things, engineers are there to check, but it is corruption that causes this to be high for sure (e) Privatize CEB and this figure will then come down, irrespective of how much fuel you have to put into a generator to produce a unit of electricity. Table 2 gives the total cost structure of electricity supply in 2013, adapted from the PUCSL publication. Table 2: Structure of the Cost of Supply: 2013 Rs per unit of electricity sold to customers Generation Capacity 2.75 Fuel 13.74 Transmission 0.77 Distribution 2.72 Network Loss Adjustment 1.87 Short-term Debt repayment 0.32 Total cost 22.17 I do not intend to discuss the PRICING of electricity in this article, but would like to enlighten the people protesting against electricity costs, blaming everybody all the way, about COSTS. Look at the two tables below and answer the questions that follow. These questions can be answered by any person: politician, teacher, student, newspaper editor, any reporter, TV journalist, engineer. Table 1 gives the FUEL cost structure of electricity production for 2013, announced by the Public Utilities Commission (PUCSL). Table 1: Structure of Fuel Costs 2013 Primary Ownership Production Source Share in 2013 Hydro Small Renewables Coal Norochcholai Oil Average Question 3: What is the largest single cost item? Question 4: How can the major cost item be reduced? See previous Table 1. Fuel Cost Rs per unit of electricity produced - CEB 30% Private 7% 18.00 CEB CEB and Private 15% 8.30 48% 23.41 100% 13.74 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) by building more oil power plants by building more small renewable power plants by building coal power plants by building hydro power plants by privatizing CEB Question 5: What are the next most important cost items and how can they be reduced ? You may mark more than one. (a) Generation capacity cost, can be reduced by more private investments, which are based on commercial loans and commercial rates of return (b) Generation capacity cost, can be reduced by Govt investments, based on concessionary loans and low (or zero) rates of return (c) Distribution cost, can be reduced by removing excess staff (d) Distribution cost, can be reduced by privatizing the distribution units (e) Network loss is the problem, although I remember my Science lessons in school that a wire is heated up when electricity flows through it. (f) All the above (f) None of the above Question 1: From which primary source should Sri Lanka produce more electricity in 2013 ? (a) hydro, (b) small renewable, (c) coal, (d) oil, (e) there is corruption, and if corruption is eliminated, this problem will go away. Question 2: Is this figure of Rs 23.41 for a unit of electricity from oil, correct? (a) I do not know, but I think that is too much (b) I asked the owner of a generator, about how much of electricity can a litre of fuel produce. He said it to be around 3 units. A liter of diesel is Rs 120. So, 120 divided by 3 is Rs 40. So, I think the number is correct, or be even higher. Year 2014 Alas ! The Norochcholai power plant cancelled not less than 10 times by various Presidents and Prime Ministers in the 4 period 1992-2004 was actually built, and its No 2 and No 3 generators will produce electricity for the first time in 2014. See the Table 3, to see the possible fuel cost structure in 2014. Contribution from oil power plants will be down from 48% to 18%. The average FUEL cost will decrease from Rs 13.74 to 9.30 per unit. Table 3: Structure of fuel costs in 2014 Primary Ownership Production Source Share in 2014 Hydro Small Renewables Coal Norochcholai Oil Average (h) Solar power (ordered by PUCSL to CEB to buy at Rs 25 per unit from the private sector) will reduce the costs. (i) There is no need for Norochcholai, and we should have privatized CEB, and that would have caused electricity costs to come down. (j) None of the above (k) All of the above. Fuel Cost Rs per unit of electricity produced - What if Norochcholai was not cancelled in 2002 ? CEB 30% Private 7% 18.00 CEB CEB and Private 45% 8.50 The Presidents and Prime Minister who cancelled it ordered oil power plants to be built. Norochcholai would have been financed by Japan, and all the three generators would have been operational today, under Japanese standards, against the Chinese standards on which it was finally built. Table 4 gives the cost structure for this year, if those Presidents and Prime Ministers did not cancel it. 23.41 9.30 Table 4: Cost structure for 2013 in Norochcholai was allowed to be built on time 18% 100% Question 6: What do you observe from information in Table 3? You may select more than one. Generation (a) Norochcholai coal power plant will not reduce the costs of production (b) We should not have built Norochcholai but more small renewables at Rs 18.00, and that will reduce the cost of production. (c) What are you talking ? The Church will be washed away to sea, dead fish will be floating in the sea, and the entire Kalpitya peninsula will be converted to a desert. Hasn‟t that happened as yet ? (d) We should have cancelled Norochcholai and built more diesel power plants, to reduce costs. (e) We should have built more oil burning power plants to reduce costs. (f) We should have built more private power plants and that would reduce the costs. (g) Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) power plants would reduce costs. Capacity Fuel Transmission Distribution Network Loss Adjustment Short-term Debt repayment Total cost Rs per unit of electricity sold to customers 2.50 9.30 0.77 2.72 1.27 16.55 The present average selling price of electricity is Rs 15.50 per unit, before the recent increase. So, if Norochcholai was allowed to be built in 2002, the increase in electricity price this year would be from 15.50 to only 16.55, not to 22.17. Believe if you like. If not, join the protests of people who do not care to understand simple mathematics. What a shameful nation are we? Protesting that we cannot pay Rs 5 for a commodity that costs Rs 27 per unit (and proposing that we should build more solar power plants at Rs 35 per unit). Education and Training Functional Committee Conducted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme Series – 01/2013 Module 2 held in the afternoon session on “UDA Building regulations and its legality”. One day CPD programme was successfully held on “Application of Price Fluctuation in Construction Industry” and “UDA Building regulations and its Legality” at the Central Bank Training Center, Rajagiriya on the 22nd of March 2013 from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. The programme was attended by 35 participants from public and private sector Institutions. The Chairman of the Examination, Education and Training functional committee Eng. K. K. Kithsiri thanked all those who helped to organize the event successfully. He also urged all the members of the Institution as well as prospective members and diploma holders to take part in these continuing professional development activities organized by the institution. The programme was delivered in two sessions where the Module 1 held in the morning session on “Application of Price Fluctuation in Construction Industry” was delivered by Eng. Mrs. Deepa Samaraweera, Charted Quantity Surveyor from ICTAD . The CPD activities are geared not only to enhance the knowledge of participants but also to give credit when recognizing a person‟s professional achievements. Mrs. Senani Somasekara, Deputy Director of Urban Development Authority was the resource person for the 5 Wayamba Engineering Diplomates’ Association 17th Annual General Meeting & Get-together Wayamba Engineering Diplomates‟ Association, popularly known as WEDA was established in the year 1996 as the professional body representing the JTO and NDT certificate holders residing/working in the North Western Province. The main objectives behind establishing WEDA are professional developments of the members and the social welfare activities of the family members of WEDA. Also WEDA conducts worthy humanitarian projects annually for the benefit of public as its‟ Corporate Social Responsibility. WEDA also represents all activities of the “Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka”. The following office bearers were elected for the session 2013/2014. President, Secretary and Treasure were reelected to succeed their second consecutive year. Office bearers for the session 2013/2014 The 17th annual general meeting of WEDA was held on 30th March 2013 at the Hotel Seasons, Lake Round, Kurunegala. The annual session was held under the patronage of Eng. K. Ariyawanse, President of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers - Sri Lanka, as the Chief Guest. Key Note Address of the session was delivered by Prof E.S Wickramasinghe, Dean Faculty of Business Studies & Finance, University of Wayamba while Mr. Harsha De Seram, Chairman of International Construction Consortium (Pvt.) Ltd. (ICC) participated as the Guest of Honor. (Cont.. page 1) President Secretary Treasurer Senior Vice-President VP (Social & welfare) Mr. U.L. Sarachchandra Mr. B.M.A.S. Jayathilake Eng. K.A. Wijethunga Eng. M.A.L.W. Marasinghe Eng. Saman Senavirathne Asst. Secretary Asst. Secretary (Social& Welfare) Eng. A.M.T.B. Atapattu Mr. M.M.L.J. Kalawana A new feature of the annual sessions was the recognition and appreciation of WEDA family members, specially the children for their achievements in curricular & extracurricular activities. GEE ANURA 2013 Even though Nirosha Virajini was not physically well due to her recent medical treatments, made the audience swing in a cradle by her heart catching singing. The evening was well attended by the members, their families and friends. Despite the short duration that was available for publicity a considerable number of music lovers attended the event too. Samitha Mudunkotuwa sang her most famous songs with great applause from the audience. The members appreciated the hard work put in by the Organizing Committee to make the event striking and memorable in the history of IIESL. The music was directed by the famous Music Director Samantha Perera and his Orchestra added unforgettable rhythms to all songs. Well! It went of great! In hindsight the best thing that came out was to make this as an annual event with an IIESL identity. Music is present almost everywhere but for Incorporated Engineers it will be none other than GEE ANURAA….. The evening was livened by the internationally famous Channa – Upuli dancing group with their own eye catching dancing performances. INVITATION FOR ARTICLES Journal – Incorporated Engineer Journal “Incorporated Engineer” is now improved in quality. Articles are invited from the members and potential members. The articles can be on any field of Engineering / Technology and they will be peer reviewed before publishing. They should be either on applied research or of any topic of professional interest. Please email an abstract of your planned article (not exceeding 300 words) at your earliest to the Editor – [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] for the next journal. 6 16th Annual General Meeting & Family Get-together SIYANE Engineering Diplomates’ Organisation By Mr. Sunil Mendis The 16th Annual General Meeting of SEDO was held in grand scale on 9th March 2013 at Nikado City, Kadawatha. Prof. W. M. Jayaratne, founder of Management Studies & Finance, University of Wayamba graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Prof. E S Wickremasinghe Dean, Faculty of Business Studies & Finance and the Director of the MBA programme, University of Wayamba was the Guest of Honour. 4. SEDO Annual Educational Trip to visit important places for children like harbor, power plants etc. will be in October 2013. 5. SEDO Vs. WEDA Annual Cricket Encounter – We will organize this event in Gampaha Botanical Gardens in September 2013. Dr. TAG Gunasekara, Director Institute of Technology, University of Moratuwa, Dr. Senarath Rekogama, President of NDT Alumni Association and Eng. K. Ariyawanse President of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers - Sri Lanka participated as special Guests and delivered motivating and educating speeches on current interests of the community. The following office bearers were elected for the session 2013/2014. Office Bearers President Secretary Treasurer VP (Fund Raising /Membership) VP (Educational & welfare) Asst. Secretary Chief organiser Editor Past President / Web Master Auditor Past President Past President Patron Patron Patron Activities of SEDO for 2013 The executive committee of SEDO has planned the following activities for the benefit of its membership. 1. SEDO new year festival -2013 – We organized “Bak maha ulela “ every year at Botanical garden Gampaha. This is the most attractive cultural event for member families (especially children) of the organization. Also the SDEO conducted an art and essay competition for children parallel to the New Year Festival. 2. SEDO Annual Trip - We will organize a two day Annual trip to visit places of interest in September 2013. Mr Damita Abeykoon Mr Sunil Mendis Mr I D Chandrapala Mr Anura Walpola Mr W P R S Thilakasiri Mr Anil Jayaweera Mr D A Chandrasiri Mr Nisantha Silva Mr M D I S Delgoda Mr Tissa Kavisekara Mr Upul Manchanayake Mr Ananda Gunawardana Mr P Kamburawala Mr Sarath Manchanayake Mr Upali Rathnayake Committee members: Mr Herath Dissanayake, Mr Sulalitha Ranasinghe, Mr D Premasiri, Mr Susith Rajaguru, Mr Adithye Madugalle, Mr Indika Andarawewa, Mr P Wanniarchchi, Mr Sisil Perera, Mr Manjula Karunarathne, Mr Tilanka Baddevithana, Mr Saman Amararathne. 3. SEDO alms giving to Childrens‟ Orphanage or Elders‟ home will be in July 2013, encouraging our children to help others who do not live with their loved ones. Above: Sections of members participated at the AGM. (For more photographs please see page 2) REQUEST FOR NEWS, VIEWS & ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER . All members are kindly requested to send any news and views worthy of being published in the IIESL Newsletter and short articles on any related topics – EDITOR. 7 Appreciation Eng. Sarath Kumara Munchanayake Manager (Project Formulation & Development) respectively in the years 1992 and 1997. In 2007 he joined Sanken Overseas (Pvt.) Ltd as a Senior Engineer and served as the Procurement Manager in their head office, as Project Manager in Republic of Seychelles and as General Manager for Skills Training & Management (Pvt.) Ltd of the Subsidiary of Sanken Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. From 2011 to until his untimely death he worked as the Chief Engineer (Planning) for Nuwani Construction (Pvt) Ltd. He continued his further education while working. In 2004 he obtained an Advanced Diploma in Industrial Management and in 2008 a Degree of Bachelor of Industrial Studies from the Open University of Sri Lanka. In 2009 he obtained Post Gaduate Diploma in Business Management and then in 2010 Master of Business Administration from University of Wayamba Sri Lanka. Further in 2007 he was awarded with Graduateship of City & Guilds of London Institute - UK.. It was a great shock for me to hear the demise of Eng Sarath Munchanayake with the dawn of 28th March 2013. I could not believe it because on 26th (Full moon poya day) when I visited him he was working in his garden and we had a discussion for about an hour. As usual I got valuable advices from him and he accompanied me up to the road when I left his residence. Both of us joined the Siyane Engineering Diplomates Organization (SEDO) two years after its formation and became the committee members. As the 3rd President of SEDO he did a tremendous service during his tenure 2000 and 2001. He reorganized SEDO and gave a new life to it. SEDO did not have a constitution or a logo for its identity. He himself designed the SEDO logo and drafted the SEDO constitution. He bore the printing cost of the constitution and distributed it among the members. He believed that for the existence of an organization there should be members who will not leave the organization in time to time. Hence he started registering life members. In his car we went house to house of SEDO members and got them enrolled as life members. At that time we did not have money even for our postage expenses. Life members' registration fees were deposited in a fixed deposit and interest of fixed deposit was used for postage expenses. Printing of souvenir for AGM was started by him to raise funds for the organization. He was able to build up a very good relationship among the families of our members. Until the time of his death he served SEDO as a Trustee. He served as a Council Member of IIESL from 2002 to 2007 and Honorary Secretary in the session 2007/2008 up to October 2007 where he did a remarkable service to the Institution. He was a Charter Member of IIESL Toastmasters' Club as well as Siyane Toastmasters Club. He served IIESL Toastmasters' Club as an Executive Committee Member in the capacity of Sergeant-At-Arms in 2006. He was an enthusiastic Toastmaster and enrolled me too at the IIESL TM Club. Sarath was the 7th of a family of 8 children and whose parents were descendents from well reputed families. His beloved father Madiris Subasinghe Munchanayake was the Head Master of Magelegoda Maha Vidyalaya and Mrs. Dili Kamala Lokuketagodage was his beloved mother. He was married to Damayanthi Renuka a lecturer in Siyane National College of Education and had two loving sons Viraj and Malaka who are undergraduates of Medicine and Engineering respectively. On 9th of March 2013 at the16th AGM of SEDO he was awarded with a memento, to honor him for the tremendous service he has rendered. He has had his primary education at Pitiyegedera Maha Vidyalaya and Galahitiyawa Central College. In 1971 he entered Veyangoda Central College and completed his Advanced Level in 1974. At the time being a popular Tuition Master in Veyangoda he did not think about higher education. We have lot to learn from his life. He was a real role model for all of us. Though he was younger to me, he was far above me when compared with his life experiences and maturity. He never hesitated to face challenges. He had the courage and strength to lead from the front and face for any challenge. When celebrating the victory he silently enjoyed being at a side which shows his humbleness. In 1979 he decided to continue with his higher education and entered the University of Moratuwa to follow National Diploma in Technology (Civil Engineering) program. Having completed his Diploma, in 1983 he joined Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd as an Assistant Engineer and served in Air Lanka Catering Service Building Expansion Project and renovation of Old Parliament Building Project. In 1984 he was promoted to the post of Site Engineer and handled, Old Dutch Hospital Conservation Project for Department of Archaeology and the expansion of International Passenger Terminal Complex under Colombo Airport Development program. Though he has left all of us forever his name will live eternally in our hearts because of these valuable qualities he possessed. Eng. P. Kamburawela NDT (Civil Eng), MIIESL, GCGI (UK) Past President IIESL Toastmasters Club Area Governor H3 - District 82, 2011/2012 In 1988 he joined Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd. as a Civil Engineer and he was promoted to the posts of Chief Engineer and 8 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE AT CENTRAL PROVINCE The membership drive of the Central Province Branch of IIESL was held on the 27th of April at the College of Technoloy, Aruppola, Kandy successfully with the participation of about 50 eligible candidates. A group of members from the parent body comprised of Eng. J K Lankatilake (Past President), Eng. (Mrs.) P R Jinadasa (VP-Membership), and Eng. Jayanth Amerakoon (Hony. Secretary) were the resource persons of the session. a) The candidates who could be enrolled as Associates, b) The candidates who could be enrolled Associate members, c) The candidates who could be enrolled Members, d) the Members who could be elevated to rank of fellows and e) the Members who could be enrolled as members of CPB Eng. GDFU Perera welcomed the visitors and the participants and Eng. Asela Gunathilaka addressed the gathering pointing out the importance of being a member of a professional Institute. The participants were given an opportunity to practice the writing of the CDR under the guidance of the visiting panel. Eng. DDS Dassanayake proposed the vote of thanks. Eng. JK Lankatilake explained in detail the processes involved in submitting applications in different categories and requirements for submissions under each category. The participants were identified under five categories. Please see page 11 for photographs of the event. NOTICE Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programmes 35th Annual Sessions and Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the IIESL – (2012/2013) Following CPD programmes are lined up for the balance period of the current session. No. Date 1 MAY 2 JUNE 3 JULY CPD Programme Title Business Psychology Productivity Improvement Techniques Vehicle Maintenance Techniques To: All Members of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka Duration 1 Day Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting for the current session (2012/2013) of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka is scheduled to be held on 20th July 2013 (Saturday) afternoon at the Mihilaka Medura, Bandaranayakie Memorial International Conference Hall, (BMICH), Colombo 07. 1 Day 1 Day The main objective of conducting these programmes is to enhance the knowledge and productivity of our members. Programmes will be conducted by highly qualified & experienced resource persons in the field. Corporate Members who wish to move Resolutions and / or Amendments to Bye-Laws of the Institution are hereby informed to convey such proposals to the Hony. Secretary, IIESL, No. 12 / 2 B, Galle Road, Moratuwa to receive on or before 20th June 2013. Such Resolutions and Amendments to Bye-Laws shall be duly proposed and seconded by Corporate Members of the Institution. Any of these programmes can be conducted in your organization and also for Groups of 25 participants. For free pre-registration please call; IIESL Secretariat on 011 261 1430 or Eng. K.K. Kithsiri (Vice President – IIESL & Chairman – Examination, Education & Training Functional Committee) on 071 429 0918 or Email to [email protected] IIESL is also planning to conduct following Certificate courses for non members: House wring and Electrical insulation - 6 consecutive Saturdays Automation - 6 consecutive Saturdays Eng. Jayanth Amarakoon Hony. Secretary IIESL 9 Cross Word Puzzle - 02: Prize Rs. 1000/1 7 Solution Cross Word Puzzle – 01 10 N 11 13 T V A P O U R A S U N 16 23 41 A E 48 U G A S 50 R I G E A R A T I O N S T C S E A I G C A M I L D G E I N F R A R E D E W L A DONATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE BUILDING PROJECT 64 IIESL thankfully acknowledge the following donations received from members for the Building Project: 71 87 A 94 Down 1 creates a reservoir 10 A connecting member in a network of beams 13 Seeding this is an artificial source of irrigation water 16 a shiny aluminosilicate mineral used in electrical insulators, heating elements . 41 A unit of length equal to 1.83 m, used mainly in nautical contexts. 48 A line drawn on weather maps connecting places with equal atmospheric pressure. 50 This is used to direct or control the flow of a liquid or gas. 64 A natural or synthetic substance used as an adhesive. 87 Refusal E Across 7 This inserted through assembled parts is secured by a mated nut that is tightened by applying torque. 11 A segment of a circle. 23 A measure of distance from the equator to a place on earth 41 This transfers and distributes the weight of a building onto the ground. 71 Use of such components and units reduce the weight of a building. 87 Hammered into wood or masonry and used to fasten objects together 94 Variation between the true value and a calculated or measured value of a quantity Send the filled puzzle to reach the IIESL office on or before 15 th June 2013 Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka, 12/2B, Galle Road, Moratuwa together with your Name, Address, email/telephone number and membership number. The first draw among the correct answers will get the prize. CONGRAULATIONS Winner Puzzle - 01 Mrs. Manel Nanayakkara – M 1398 No 23, Sri Bimbarama Road, Piliyandala 10 Eng. Mrs. D.N. Siyambalapitiya - Rs. 100,000/Eng. D.S. Senarath - Rs. 100,000/Eng. Hemantha Jayasree - Rs. 100,500/Eng. N.A. Nandasena - Rs. 50,000/Eng. B.K. Ulluwishewa* - Rs. 50,000/Eng. Asela Gunathilake* - Rs. 50,000/Eng. P.A.D.R. Chandrasiri** - Rs. 5,000/Eng. S.J. Hettiarachchi F 0085 - Rs. 100,000/Eng. Mrs. P.R. Jinadasa M 0303 - Rs. 50,000/Eng. B.N.P. Mendis M 1575 - Rs. 50,000/Eng. A. Jatunarachchi M 1955 - Rs. 10,000/Eng. M.C.T.B. Palipane F 0062 - Rs. 5,000/Eng. M.U. Amaratunga M 0245 - Rs. 5,000/Mr. H.L. Wickremasinghe AM 1126 - Rs. 5,000/Mr. P.H.K. Punchihewa AM 1053 - Rs. 2,000/Eng. B.J. Katugampola M 1552 - Rs. 5,000/Eng. E.A. Ponnamperuma M 1551 - Rs. 10,000/Eng. M.M.A.D.T. Abayawardhana - Rs. 5,000/Eng. M.E.N. Peiris M 1472 - Rs. 5,000/Eng. W.R. Pathirathna M 2074 - Rs. 5,000/Eng. R.A.P. Ranasinghe M 1549 - Rs. 5,000/Eng. M.G.K. Chandrarathne - Rs. 5,000/Eng. Mrs. D.C.R. Boteju - Rs. 200,000/Eng. K. Ariyawansa - Rs. 1,500/Eng. D.J. Amerakoon - Rs. 1,500/Mr. B.M.V.C.Bandaranayake AM1167 - Rs. 2,000/Eng. Kabeer Shiraj Ahamed M 2048 - Rs. 4,000/Eng. W.A. Cyril M 1539 - Rs. 30,000/Mr. A.B.H. Rodrigo AM 0976 - Rs. 1,000/Eng. R.D. Wimalaweera M 0123 - Rs. 1,500/Total Received - Rs. 964, 000/= Photo Gallery – CPB Membership Drive Far Left: Lighting the oil lamp Left: Eng. J.K. Lankatilake (PP) delivering a presentation Far Bottom: Eng. Asela Gunathilake making his speech Bottom: Participants receiving practical training on CDR writing Photo Gallery – WEDA Annual General Meeting President Mr. Sarachchandra ceremonially Eng. Ms. Ratnamalala with Eng. Rekogama llighting the oil lamp at the inaugaration Eng. Zainudeen and Mr. Jayathilake A member’s son receiving an award of appreciation for his achievement Photo Gallery – NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS – 2013 Lime & Brinjal game Nalin receiving his price 11 Special Award to Jagath for compeering NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS – 2013 ……….. IIESL Sinhala Aluth Awurudu Celebration was held on April 6, 2013 at Railway Grounds, Base Line Road, Borella with the participation of all categories of members of the institution. Ceremony was started around 10 a.m. with the welcome speech of the president. Several past presidents were also among the crowd. Small kids had a very good time as there was lot of games for them as evident in the following photographs…. From Top Left: Winner Coconut Scraping, Needle & Thread Game in progress, Kanamutti Game, Sanugi tries to eye the elephant, Tug of War, Mithila receives his price from the President, Lakwin receives his price from the President (See page 11 for more events captured by the lenses.) Next Newsletter will be published in July 2013 For electronic copy & other information visit If undelivered please return to: Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka, 12/2B, Galle Road, Moratuwa 12