TNT is a molecule. Molecules are made up of different types of


TNT is a molecule. Molecules are made up of different types of
TNT is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Nitrogen - blue
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
TNT is an abbreviation for 2,4,6trinitrotoluene.
TNT is a yellow solid and is one of
the most commonly used explosives
in the military and in industry.
Although it is an explosive, it can be
melted, poured and is not shock
sensitive. This gives a lower risk of
accidental detonation than some
other explosives.
Raspberry Ketone
Raspberry ketone is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
Raspberry ketone is the
molecule that is gives
raspberries their flavour.
It is used in perfumes and
as a food additive to make
things taste of
Raspberry ketone can be
extracted from
raspberries but it is also
made chemically on a large
Nitroglycerine is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Nitrogen - blue
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
Nitroglycerine is the explosive
component in dynamite and was
the first practical explosive
discovered that was stronger
than gunpowder.
Nitroglycerine is also used in
medicine as it causes blood
vessels to widen (it is a
Indigo Dye
Indigo dye is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Nitrogen - blue
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
Indigo dye is a deep blue
compound that is commonly used
to dye denim cloth to make
Traditionally it was extracted
from plants but is now made on a
large scale.
Adrenaline is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Nitrogen - blue
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
Adrenaline (also called
epinephrine) is a hormone that
allows our bodies to respond to
dangerous, threatening or
stressful situations (the “fight or
flight response”).
When danger threatens,
adrenaline is released into the
bloodstream from the adrenal
glands. It causes increased heart
rate, contraction of blood vessels
and dilation of airways, all of
which promotes increased supply
of oxygen and sugar to the brain
and muscles.
Methyl cyanoacrylate
Methyl cyanoacrylate is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Nitrogen - blue
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
Methyl cyanoacrylate is the molecule
present in SuperGlue.
SuperGlue is a strong and fast-setting
adhesive that is popular with model
aircraft builders and other hobbyists. It
is also very effective at gluing fingers
As the glue dries, the molecules of
methyl cyanoacrylate join together to
form long chains which hold together the
surfaces to be bonded.
DEET is a molecule.
Molecules are made up of different
types of atoms.
Here we have given each type of
atom a different colour:
Carbon - black
Oxygen - red
Nitrogen - blue
Hydrogen - white
Atoms are joined by bonds. We use
grey straws for all bonds.
DEET is an insect repellent.
It is particularly effective
against mosquitoes and other
biting insects such as ticks.
The full name of DEET is