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Co )5 on up ( on ( p 31 ag s ! e 2XUEXVLQHVVLVEORRPLQJ 9LVLW2XU*,$176725(%LJJHVWLQWKH6WDWH 23(1$//<($5'$<6$:((. 6KRSDW&2;¶6 3ODQW)DUP /DZQ*DUGHQ &HQWHUZKHUH RXUJUHHQKRXVHV VSHFLDOL]HLQ JURZLQJTXDOLW\ IORZHUVDQG YHJHWDEOHSODQWV IRURXUSODQW ORYLQJFXVWRPHU IULHQGVOLNH\RX )RUEHLQJDYHU\ LPSRUWDQWSDUWRI RXUEXVLQHVV \RXGHVHUYHWKH PRVWFRXUWHRXV DWWHQWLRQZHFDQ JLYH/HWXVWDNH WKLVPRPHQW WRVD\ ´7KDQN\RX 1(: &+$&+,1* &+(55< 3(781,$ :HDSSUHFLDWH KDYLQJ\RXDV YLQJ\RXDV YLQJ\RXDV QJ\RXDV DIULHQG LLHQG G LHQG 317-539-4632 U.S. 40 at Clayton Road (6 miles west of Plainfield) “COX’S - The Place to Go for Things that Grow” (Pass the Word) March 29th to June 29th: 8 am - 8 pm • June 30th to November 1st: 9 am - 6 pm November 2nd to March 28th: 9 am - 5 pm CUSTOMER SERVICE Cox’s Plant Farm Offers You… *$5'(13/$176 $118$/)/2:(56 3$&.$*(6((' %8/.*$5'(16((' 3(5(11,$/)/2:(56 $1'%8/%6 1856(5<672&. 6+$'(75((6 251$0(17$/75((6 )58,775((6 6(9(5$/%(55,(6 526(6 6+58%6 9,1(6 &(0(17352'8&76 )257+(/$:1 *5$666((' 635$<6 )(57,/,=(5 3($70266 0,6&/$:1$1' *$5'(16833/,(6 3277(5< 02:(56$1'7,//(56 We can give you much better quality of plants and flowers, at very reasonable prices. Shop in our greenhouses where we grow over 300 varieties of flowers and vegetable plants. &DOO8V7ROO)UHH &DOO 8V7ROO 7 )UHH :(+$9(*,)7&(57,),&$7(6 *LYHDSHUIHFWJLIWWRVRPHRQHVSHFLDO At most stores “Customer Service" is a hard-to-find office some place in a very inconvenient location and the person you need to see seems to be always “out of the office today." At Cox’s customer service is where the customer NEEDS service. It is at the counter where you may purchase seeds by the scoop; it is in the greenhouse where you receive information about annual flowers (need to be planted each year), perennial flowers (come up each year), vegetables, herbs, or houseplants and even get answers to questions about plants you already own. If we cannot provide what you need or cannot answer your questions, we don’t mind spending time trying to find information for you. In the shrub area you will find people who are glad to help you select shrubs and trees suitable for your home. Whether you need low-growing evergreens, flowering shrubs or trees, fruit trees, berries, grapes or shade trees you will find our employees eager to help you make the best selection. Inside the main store, along with lawn mowers, lawn mower parts, bird baths, lawn ornaments, pottery, gardening tools, hoses, seed, peat moss, fertilizer, insecticides, herbicides, landscapes stone, etc., you will find friendly staff who believe that helping you is the most important job to be done. At Cox’s Plant Farm everyone is in the business of Customer Service and we are “in" 362 days each year. Here there’s always someone available who will gladly help you. —Wayne Cox YARD & GARDEN %/$&.+$5':22'08/&+ :22 2'08/& &+ &$7$/2*,1'(; 3DJH&DWDORJ,QGH[DQG%DJJHG0XOFKHV 3DJHV3RWWHG$QQXDOV 3DJH *UR)LQH/DZQ&DUH 3DJH+HUEVDQG*URXQG&RYHUV 3DJHV 3HUHQQLDOV 3DJH:D\QH¶V6ROXWLRQV*DUGHQ,PSOHPHQWV 3DJH%HGGLQJ3ODQWV 3DJHV$QQXDO)ORZHUVLQ3DFNV 3DJHV 2UJDQLF3URGXFWV 3DJHV 9HJHWDEOHVLQ3DFNV 3DJHV 9HJHWDEOHVDQG2QLRQ6HWV 3DJH&RQWHVW:LQQHUV%LUG)HHGHUV+RXVHV 3DJH /DQGVFDSLQJ&DFWXV3UHFLVLRQ6HHGHU 3DJH6WDUN%URV)UXLW7UHHV 3DJH *UDSHV%HUULHV1XUVHU\6WRFN 3DJH%XON*UDVV6HHGDQG)DOO*DUGHQ3ODQWV 3DJH6QDSSHU3RZHU(TXLSPHQW 3DJH3ODQWLQJDQG)LVKLQJ&DOHQGDU 3DJH6XSHUWKULYH 3DJH0LVFHOODQHRXVDQG&RXSRQV %DFN&RYHU /RFDWLRQ0DS $77(17,21&86720(56 If you are parked out in the parking lot away from the front porch, you can still load your car at the front door. Just have someone watch your cart while you bring your car to the front. If you are alone, then have your cashier page someone to help you. Please just don’t park behind someone who is trying to leave! COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone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epth of 100 1000 :H UHFRPPHQG DW OHDVW D Mulch SQ. FT. SQ. FT. GHSWK 7KLV FKDUW ZLOO KHOS 10 bags 100 bags 2" GHWHUPLQH WKH QXPEHU RI EDJV 15 bags 150 bags 3" QHHGHG EDVHG RQ WKH FRYHUDJH 20 bags 200 bags 4" OLVWHG 2 CU. FT. www.coxsplantfarm.com 2XUEXVLQHVVLVEORRPLQJ We carry a large selection of proven winners, including several new varieties of proven winner shrubs! The Breast Cancer Research Foundation Incrediball h +\GUDQJHDDUERUHVFHQV $EHWZR Huge flowers are the biggest ever seen on a hydrangea. 4-5' tall and wide with strong stems. Invincibelle Spirit h +\GUDQJHDDUERUHVFHQV 1&+$ The pink 'Annabelle' hydrangea. Dark pink buds open to hot pink flowers. Blooms mature to a soft pink. Flower size is larger on mature, established plants. 3-4' tall and wide. Top Seller! LIFEBERRIESh FOR HEALTHY HOME GARDENS Goji berries are all the rage, popular for their antioxidants and other potential health benefits. Goji berries are easy to grow in full sun, although some staking may be necessary for maximum access to the nutrient-rich fruit. Sweet Lifeberryh Lycium Sugar Mountain Blue Reminiscent of raspberries and blueberries, this new selection gives you bigger, tastier berries on an easy to grow hedge plant. So much easier to grow than blueberries, this native shrub is super hardy and needs no special soils. Plant two selections for even heavier fruit crops. Sugar Mountain™ Haskap Lonicera Big Lifeberryh Lycium www.coxsplantfarm.com Phone 317-539-4632 • COX’S PLANT FARM We have your perennials! Bloomerang® Purple Syringa Show Off ® Sugar Baby Forsythia Yuki Cherry Blossom™ Deutzia Gatsby's Star™ Hydrangea Fire Ball® Euonymus Sugar Shack™ Cephalanthus Let's Dance® Blue Jangles Hydrangea 'Miss Molly' Buddleia Handy Man™ Pink Rhododendron Sunny Boulevard™ Hypericum Sunshine Blue® Caryopteris Handy Man™ Purple Rhododendron Lime Rickey™ Hydrangea Spilled Wine® Weigela Tutu™ Hydrangea Blue Chiffon™ Hibiscus COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 www.coxsplantfarm.com Here are a few of the NEW varieties of perennials that we will be carrying this year! Echinacea 'Big Kahuna' Heuchera 'Black Taffeta' Gaillardia 'Sun Devil' Hosta "Rapberry Sundae' Leucanthemum 'Goldfinch' Groundcovers Traditional groundcovers include Ivy, Pachysandra, Vinca (myrtle), Ajuga, and Euonymous among others. Our selection will include most of those as well as others that you may not have considered for groundcover. 3DFK\VDQGUD 0\UWOH GROUNDCOVER PRICES 4 per pack Flat Sedum, Dragon Blood $2.98 $28.98 Ivy, Baltic $2.98 $28.98 Ivy, English $2.98 $28.98 Myrtle (Vinca Minor) $2.98 $28.98 Pachysandra $2.98 $28.98 Euonymous Coloratus $2.98 $28.98 4 per pack Flat Ajuga Bronze $2.98 $28.98 Ajuga Burgundy $2.98 $28.98 ECONOMY FLATS & HALF-FLATS Rooted Cuttings 1/2 Flat (50) Full Flat (100) Ivy, Baltic $17.98 $28.49 Ivy, English $17.98 $28.49 Phachysandra $17.98 $28.49 Euonymous Coloratus $17.98 $28.49 3DFN3KOR[0LVF*URXQGFRYHU)ODW2ULQD+DOI)ODW3KOR[RQO\ Herbs for the Perennial Garden Include perennial herbs in your garden for their strong form, attractive foliage color, delightful fragrance, or culinary uses. Herbs are the ultimate hands-on plants. 3N3ODQW±)ODW3NV± HD 7HUUD&RWWD3RW± +HUEVSDFN±)ODW[SNVSODQWV± HD www.coxsplantfarm.com Phone 317-539-4632 • COX’S PLANT FARM Check Out Our PERENNIALS W We Have the Largest Selection in the State Some in s are varietie supply limited sell out y and ma ckly. i qu Many of the perennials p listed will be available in a variety of container sizes up to 2 gallons. /$5*(53(5(11,$/6 3(5(11,$/6 3/$176,148$573276DQGXS ,7(0635,&('($&+$5(3(5)/$7 25025(HD SHUIODW 0DQ\RIWKHVHSODQWVDUHHFRQRPLFDOO\ SULFHGDWSODQWIRU $IODWRISODQWVZLOOEH 7KDW¶VRQO\HD Use Superthrive and Multicoat when planting for the fastest start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’S PLANT FARM $5,6$(0$-DFNLQWKH3XOSLW 6LNRNLDQDP $67(5 $OSLQXV'ZDUI0L[HG 3XUSOH'RPH :RRG V3XUSOH $-8*$%XJOHZHHG %ODFN6FDOORS %URQ]H%HDXW\ %XUJXQG\*ORZ &DOLQ V*LDQW 0HWDOOLFDFULVSDEURQ]H 3LQN/LJKWHQLQJ $5$%,65RFN&UHVV 6QRZ&DS &219$//$5,$/LO\RIWKH9DOOH\ 0DMDOLV • Phone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vailability While Supplies Last! www.coxsplantfarm.com Largest Selection of Perennials in the State Use Superthrive and Osmocote when planting for the fastest start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’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 *(5$1,80&UDQHVELOO -RKQVRQ%OXH 3DWULFLD +(8&+(5$&RUDO%HOOV&RQWLQXHG *HRUJLD3OXP *LQJHU6QDS *OLWWHU *5$66(6 $UXQGR'RQD[*ROGHQ&KDLQ*LDQW5HHG 0DJQXP $UXQGR3HSSHUPLQW6WLFN*LDQW5HHG 0LGQLJKW%D\RX 0LGQLJKW5RVH &DODPDJURVWLV(OGRUDGR 2EVLGLDQ &KDVPDQWKLXP5LYHU0LVW 3DODFH3XUSOH &RUWDGHULD3XPLOD 3DSULND &\PERSRJRQ&/HPRQ*UDVV 3HDU&ULVS (ULDQWKXV5DYHQQDH 3OXP5R\DOH )HVWXFD%RXOGHU%OXH 6SHOOERXQG )HVWXFD(OLMDK%OXH 6WDLQOHVV6WHHO +DNRQHFKORD$XUHROD 6XJDU%HUU\ ,PSHUDWD5HG%DURQ 9LHQQD ,VROHSLV&HUQXD =LSSHU /H\PXV%OXH'XQH 0LVFDQWKXV&DEDUHW 0LVFDQWKXV&RVPRSROLWDQ 0LVFDQWKXV*ROG%DU 0LVFDQWKXV*UDFLPXOXV 0LVFDQWKXV*UD]LHOOD 0LVFDQWKXV0DOHSDUWXV 0LVFDQWKXV0RUQLQJOLJKW 0LVFDQWKXV3XUSXUDVFHQV$XWXPQ5HG 0LVFDQWKXV63XHQNWFKHQ 0LVFDQWKXV66LOEHUIHGHU 0LVFDQWKXV69DULJDWHG 0LVFDQWKXV6LQHQVLV=HEULQXV 3DQLFXP&ORXG1LQH 3DQLFXP+RW5RG 3DQLFXP5XE\5LEERQV 3DQLFXP6KHQDQGRDK 3HQLVHWXP)LUHZRUNV 3HQLVHWXP6N\URFNHW 3HQLVHWXP.DUOH\5RVH 3LQQLVHWXP3ULQFH 3KDODULV6WUDZEHUULHV&UHDP 3KDODULV9DULHJDWD3LFWD +(8&+(5(//$)RDP\%HOO %XWWHUHG5XP &RSSHU&DVFDGH &UDFNHG,FH *ROGHQ=HEUD 6ZHHW7HD +,%,6&865RVH0DOORZ+DUG\ %OXH5LYHU &KHUU\&KHHVHFDNH &UDQEHUU\&UXVK )LUHEDOO .RSSHU.LQJ 0,GQLJKW0DUYHO 3DUW\)DYRU 3OXP&UD]\ 3OXP)DQWDV\ 5REHUW)OHPPLQJ 6XPPHULILF%HUU\OLFLRXV 6XPPHU6WRUP 6ZHHW&DUROLQH +267$3ODLQWDLQ/LO\ %HQ9HUQRY\ %OXH$QJHO %OXH0RXQWDLQV %OXH0RXVH(DUV +(0(52&$/,6'$</,/< %ULP&XS %ODFN6WRFNLQJV &RORU)HVWLYDO (G0XUUD\ 'DQFLQJ,Q7KH5DLQ +DSS\5HWXUQV 'ULQNLQJ*RXUG /XOODE\%DE\ )LUH,FH 0DFEHWK )LUH,VODQG 3XUSOH' RUR )LUVW)URVW 6LORDP'DYLG.LUFKRII *UHDW([SHFWDWLRQV 6WHOODGH2UR /LEHUW\ -XQH +(/,236,62[(\H 0DJHVWLF 7XVFDQ6XQ 0RRQVWUXFN +(5%6 5DLQIRUHVW6XQULVH &DWPLQW1HSHWD)DDVVHQLL.LW&DW 5DVSEHUU\6XQGDH /DYDQGXOD$QJXVWLIROLD+LGFRWH%OXH 5HYHUVHG3DWULRW /DYHQGXOD$QJXVWLIROLD0XQVWHDG 6XPRI$OO /HPRQ%DOP 7ZLOLJKW 0LQW$SSOH0HQWKD6XDYHROHQV 0LQW&KRFRODWH +28778<1,$&DPHOHRQ3ODQW 0LQW3HSSHUPLQW &RUGDWD&KDPHOHRQ 0LQW6SHDUPLQW +<'5$1*($$UERUHVFHQV$QQDEHOOH 2UHJDQR*UHHN $QRPDOD3HWLRODULV 5RVHPDU\3URVWUDWXV+XQWLQJWRQ&DUSHW 'RXEOH'HOLJKWV3HDFH +(8&+(5$&RUDO%HOOV 'RXEOH'HOLJKWV3HUIHFWLRQ $XWXPQ/HDYHV 'RXEOH'HOLJKWV6WDUJD]HU %HUU\6PRRWKLH 'RXEOH'HOLJKWV:HGGLQJ*RZQ %LUNL )RUHYHU3LQN %ODFN7DIIHWD 3LVWDFKLR &DUDPHO ,1&$59,//($*OR[LQD &KHUU\&ROD 'HODYD\L &LUFXV ,5,6 &ULVS&ROOHFWLRQ %HDUGHG%HVW%HWLW%OXH (OHFWULF/LPH %HDUGHG%HZLOGHUEHDVW )LUH$ODUP %HDUGHG&XSLG V$UURZ *HRUJLD3HDFK +(//(%2586/HQWHQ5RVH %UDQG\ZLQH ,YRU\3ULQFH ,5,6&RQWLQXHG %HDUGHG'XVN\&KDOOHQJHU %HDUGHG(SLFHQWHU%ODFN&KHUU\ %HDUGHG+DUYHVWRI0HPRULHV %HDUGHG,PPRUWDOLW\ %HDUGHG5DSWRU5HG %HDUGHG5RVDOLH)LJJH %HDUGHG6DYDQQDK6XQVHW %HDUGHG:LQH6SULW]HU0DJHQWD (QVDWD&DSULFLDQ%XWWHUIO\ (QVDWD1HVVD (QVDWD6WLSSOHG5LSSOHV (QVDWD9DULHJDWH *HUPDQLFD%DFNDOLFLRXV *HUPDQLFD%UD]LOLDQ+ROLGD\ *HUPDQLFD&KDQJHRI3DFH *HUPDQLFD&ORXG%DOOHW *HUPDQLFD'DQFLQJLQWKH'DUN *HUPDQLFD(GLWK:ROIRUG *HUPDQLFD)HHG%DFN *HUPDQLFD+HPVWLWFKHG *HUPDQLFD,PPRUWDOLW\ *HUPDQLFD0H[LFDQ+ROLGD\ *HUPDQLFD0\VWLF V0XVH *HUPDQLFD5HG+DZN *HUPDQLFD6DQWRULQL *HUPDQLFD6DYDQQDK6XQVHW *HUPDQLFD6SLULWRI0HPSKLV /RXLVLDQD%ODFN*DPHORFN /RXLVLDQD%ROG3UHWHQGHU /RXLVLDQD5RFN\+XQW 3DOOLGD$OER9DU=HEUD 3VHXGDFRUXV 3VHXGDFRUXV9DULHJDWHG 6LELULFD%HDXLIXO%OXH 6LELULFD&HDVDU V%URWKHU 6LELULFD6XSHU(JR 6LELULFD%XWWHUDQG6XJDU 7XPEOH%XJ ,9< .,:, $UFWLF%HDXW\ .1,3+2),$5HGKRWSRNHU 2UDQJH9DQLOOD3RSVLFOH /$0,806SRWWHG'HDG1HWWOH 2UFKLG)URVW 3LQN3HZWHU 3XUSOH'UDJRQ :KLWH1DQF\ /$9(1'(5 +LGFRWH%OXH /(37,1(//$ 3ODWW V%ODFN /,1'+(,0(5,*DXUD /(:,6,$ &RW\OHGRQ6XVHW+\EULGV /(17(1526( %UDQG\ZLQH ,YRU\3ULQFH /(8&$17+,0806KDVWD'DLV\ $ODVND &UD]\'DLV\ *ROG)LQFK ,FH6WDU /DFURVVH /DVSLGHU 5HDO'UHDP 5HDO*DOD[\ 5HDO*ORU\ 5HDO1HDW 6QRZFDS 6QRZ/DG\ Availability While Supplies Last! www.coxsplantfarm.com Come Check Out Our Perennials Use Superthrive and Osmocote when planting for the fastest start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vailability While Supplies Last! WATER PLANTS We carry a variety of water garden plants in the greenhouse. We also carry ponds, pumps and accessories in the store! COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 www.coxsplantfarm.com Step 1 – GRO•FINE Crabgrass Control 25-3-5 GRO•FINE All Purpose Garden Food Step 1 is a one-step premium pre-emergence crabgrass/annual grass control product with fertilizer. It promotes the growth of thick green grass. An 18 lb. bag covers 5,000 square feet. This product is easy to use and satisfaction is guaranteed. An all purpose fertilizer designed for use on flowers, gardens, trees and shrubs. Easy to use and satisfaction is guaranteed. Step 2– GRO•FINE Weed & Feed 30-0-3 Step 2 controls broadleaf weeds and fertilizes your lawn at the same time. This weed & feed is easy to use and provides fast green-up, as well as slow release feeding and a more weed free lawn. An 18 lb. bag covers 5,000 square feet and satisfaction is guaranteed. Step 3 – GRO•FINE Lawn Food 26-4-6 Step 3 is a balanced fertilizer plus micro-nutrients which promote a thick green lawn, along with fast and slow release fertilizer. An 18 lb. bag covers 5,000 square. It is easy to use and satisfaction is guaranteed. Fertilizer Program Analysis 25-3-5 30-0-3 Product Crabgrass Control 5M Crabgrass Control 15M Size 18 lb 39 lb Price 12.98 33.98 26-4-6 26-4-6 26-4-6 5M Lawn Fertilizer 10M Lawn Fertilizer 15M Lawn Fertilizer 18 lb 36 lb 54 lb 10.98 20.98 29.98 30-0-3 30-0-3 5M Weed & Feed 15M Weed & Feed 13 lb 39 lb 14.49 33.98 11-22-6 Starter 5M 18 lb 9.98 Trimec Lawn Weed Preventer 5M 10 lb 12.49 Fall Feeder 5M Fall Feeder 10M Grub Preventer with Merit 18 lb 36 lb 10 lb 12.49 22.98 29.98 GRO•FINE Step 4 – Spring Starter/Fall Feeder 11-22-6 Step 4 is a premium fertilizer designed to maximize new growth and help improve grass health and disease resistance. Contains high phosphorous for improved root development. Easy to use and satisfaction is guaranteed. COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 18-8-15 25-0-13 5,000 M www.coxsplantfarm.com Wayne’s Solutions to Common Lawn & Garden Problems For over 50 years Wayne Cox has been growing plants and vegetables, and solving the problems that can arise with them. PROBLEM #1: SOLUTION: PROBLEM #2: SOLUTION: PROBLEM #3: SOLUTION: The builder took all of the topsoil, leaving you with a nice looking lawn that will not grow anything. You may have tried to plant grass, and only got a lot of weeds and thin grass as a result. That is because the soil packs down as hard as concrete. The grasses’ roots cannot penetrate the hard soil. We have a product that we have used on our field for 5 years. It really works, breaking the soil compaction. One inch of rain will make it go 1 ft. deep in the soil. For trees and plants with longer roots 4 inches of rain will loosen the soil 4 ft. deep. The product is called LIL’ PERK- Soil Conditioner. LIL’ PERK comes in an 8oz. Bottle, and can be mix 1 oz. per 4 gal. of water for coverage of 5,000 sq. ft. An 8 oz. Bottle will cover 40,000 sq. ft. (approx. 1 acre) and only costs $27.98. Use LIL’ PERK twice during the first year, once in spring and again in the fall. After that apply LIL’ PERK only one time a season to keep soil loose. LIL’ PERK can also be used with a fertilizer for food for the plants. Plants are like your car, the car needs gas or will not keep going. Your plants need nourishment too. LIL’ PERK can be used on gardens, flowerbeds, trees and shrubs. Without this product your plant’s roots will stay close to the surface, because they can’t get down through the hard pan soil. LIL’ PERK will loosen the soil allowing for deeper root penetration. A deeper root system can more easily draw up moisture, yielding better results. In dry weather, your plants will fail without moisture. We also have an ORTHO PROBLEM SOLVER BOOK to help you with the proper chemicals to use. Rabbits and deer think you are growing a garden, trees and roses only for them to feed on. Most repellents work by leaving a bad taste on the leaves. This only discourages the animals AFTER they have destroyed the plant. Finally, we have a product that will drive away the animals without sacrificing your plants. Liquid Fence Animal Repellent works by a smell. They think your plants are not edible vegetation, and they go to another area, leaving your plants intact. Liquid Fence works by training the animals to avoid your plants and remains effective through the colder months as well. With normal rainfall amounts, Liquid Fence will last a year. If we have an extreme amount of rain, you will need to put on a second application. We have a ready to use bottle or a concentrate for larger areas. YES. “it really does work!" GUARANTEED. You must be 100% satisfied with Liquid Fence or we will refund your purchase price. This product is environmentally safe. Liquid Fence uses non-toxic ingredients and is biodegradable. It is safe to use near people and pets when used as directed. Grub worms, moles, Japanese beetles, all are related to cause a lot of grief. This is how the cycle works: Starting in the spring, the grub worms will come up close to the surface, eating roots off the grass. Then the moles go after the grub worms, tearing up your grass even more. This damaging process goes on until about late June into July, when the grub worms hatch into hungry Japanese beetles. The mature beetles fly everywhere looking for large amounts of something good to eat, devouring their favorite plants and trees regardless of who’s property the plants may be on. After that, they breed and dive down on the closest nice place to lay their eggs, approximately 25 or more per beetle. In September and October, the grubs hatch out and look for food (any grass roots you have left) to get ready for winter so they can come back up and greet you in the spring. If we do nothing, they will be soon be so thick there will be nothing left. The best we can do, as there is no complete way to get rid of the problem, is to reduce these pests to help have less of a problem. April and May: This is the best time for lawn grub killer. Use after a rain, when the hungry grubs are close to the surface. The rainwater will activate the grub killer. Less grubs will mean less moles chasing after the grubs. Late June, July, & first part of August: After the grubs change to Japanese beetles, use spray on plants they like to eat. It helps, but they still eat your plants. Beetle traps will catch them on days the sun shines. However, the trap must be located away from plants you want to save. beetle traps have a sex lure on it and the beetles go crazy to get in the trap. Remember each beetle can Iay up to 25 eggs. If the trap gets full very quick it will hold over 1,000 beetles. Multiply that number by the amount of eggs they lay, and you could prevent 25,000 beetles a day when they are in full flight over your property. If the trap draws in beetles from surrounding areas, you are reducing the problem in a positive way. PROBLEM #4: SOLUTION: Plant a tree in hard clay soil and the tree may live if you have enough rain, or water it. Things to help make a tree grow better, dig a square hole, not a round hole. The roots will grow in circles in a round hole. With a square hole, the roots come to corner and go straight out the hole. LI’L PERK will loosen the soil for better root penetration and SUPERthrive will get it going. When planting, also use with fertilizer for better growth. What the numbers on fertilizer mean: as the number goes higher, the ingredient gets stronger. The first number is for NITROGEN, aids in the growth of green plants. The second number is for PHOSPHATE, which yields better flowers and blooming plants. The third number is for POT ASH, which gives better root growth. PROBLEM #5: SOLUTION: Moles and Ground Squirrels tearing up your yard or garden. Put some castor beans in the mole run. When the mole travels through the tunnel and finds a seed and eats it, he is done. The bean is very deadly. For ground squirrels, put the castor beans out where they will steal them. The squirrels will take the beans back to their dens and eat them. Bye, bye, squirrels. PROBLEM #6: SOLUTION: Ground needs to loosen up. Buckwheat planted in June will mature by Fall. It helps bees when in flower, and loosens soil very well. PROBLEM #7: SOLUTION: Need a winter cover crop for your garden. Use Crimson-Clover All Mix. Planted in September or early October, it grows all winter. In the spring, chop it up with a lawn mower and till when you get ready to plant the garden. PROBLEM #8: SOLUTION: Fall Mums won’t come back in the spring. After all green is gone in late fall, cut tops off at ground level. When ground freezes solid, pile approx. 1 ft. tall pile of straw over roots. Remove straw in late March. Mums get in trouble when it warms up in January or February. They think spring is here and start to grow, then it gets cold again and kills the new growth. PROBLEM #9: SOLUTION: Birds or cutworms cutting off plants after you put in the garden. For cutworms on tomatoes, put 2 small wooden matchsticks next to the stem, when the cutworm wraps around the stem, the wood is too hard to cut off. Birds, attracted to the bright green pepper and tomato plants, fly down and cut them off. If you can camouflage the plants for a few days, the birds get used to them and leave them alone. Use tall weeds or a tree branch with leaves so the birds can’t see the new plants you’ve just planted. The weeds won’t grow. COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 FREE TREE GROWS UP! If you want to see our Blue Spruce B from the free fr ccoupon in our ccatalog, here is a picture from one of our fr ccustomers. This 5 year old tree was given away w in the 1980’s. SSee what results are possible a with this free w tree from our tr ccatalog! www.coxsplantfarm.com Use Superthrive and Osmocote when planting for the fastest start. Sweet Potato Plants IN MEMORIAL... 2XU6HDVRQ6ZHHW3RWDWRFRQWHVWZLQQHU -RH.XNPDQRI3DUDJRQ,1KROGLQJKLVOE HQWU\%HORZDUHDOEDQGOEIRUJRRGPHDVXUH 5LJKW+LV6ZHHW3RWDWR3DWFK 6:((7327$72(6 6:((7327$723/$176 BB%HDXUHJDUG±7KLVQHZVZHHW SRWDWRIURP/RXLVLDQDLVRXW\LHOGLQJ VWDQGDUGYDULHWLHVDFURVVWKHERDUG 0RVWLPSRUWDQWIRURXUQRUWKHUQ FXVWRPHUVLWSURGXFHVELJVZHHW SRWDWRHVLQGD\VRYHUZHHNV HDUOLHUWKDQDQ\RWKHUYDULHW\ ([WUHPHO\SURGXFWLYHZLWKURVHVNLQ DQGGHHSRUDQJHIOHVK)XVDULXPZLOW UHVLVWDQW3ODQWDIWHUIURVWGDQJHUXS WRWK-XO\ZLOOPDWXUHE\2FWWK ±± ±± We Raise Our Own Bedding Plants $118$/%('',1*3/$176 $118$/ %('',1* 3/$176 We grow and handle a very large selection of annual bedding plants and summer flowering potted plants. Whether your planting is in the sun, shade or a combination of both, we can help you select the right plant material. As a general rule, bedding plants should not be planted until about May 10th in this area; however, Petunias, Pansies, Snapdragons and many perennial plants can be planted two to three weeks earlier. COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 www.coxsplantfarm.com ANNUAL FLOWERS IN PACKS Our better quality plants are grown in Indiana, not shipped in from another state. $*(5$780 3DFN3DFN BB%OXH+DZDLL $*(5$780 $/<6680 $/<6680 3DFN3DFN BB'HHS5RVH BB3XUSOH BB6QRZ&U\VWDOV BB:RQGHUODQG%OXH BB:KLWH%RQQHW $0$5$17+86 6800(532,16(77,$ 3DFN3DFN BB(DUO\6SOHQGRU *URZV»IHHWWDOO $67(56 3DFN3DFN BB3RW13DWLR0L[ $67(56 %(*21,$'28%/( %/2201216723 »3RW RUPRUH 3DFN BB1RQ6WRSFRORUV BB'RXEOH%HJRQLDVFRORUV »3RWRUPRUH %(*21,$ '5$*21:,1* 3RW BB5HG +<%5,'%(*21,$6 %(*21,$+<%5,' 3DFN3DFN BB%URQ]H/HDYHV:KLWH5HG '28%/(%/220%(*21,$ BB'HHS5RVH0L[%URQ]H/HDI BB*UHHQ/HDI5HG:KLWH3LQN5RVH0L[ BB&RUDO %(*21,$5(; BB3RWVFRORUV %52:$/,$ 3DFN3DFN BB%OXH%HOOV 127,&( '8( 72$ ,1&5($6( ,1 '(0$1' )25 %('',1* 3/$176 :+,&+ :( *52: 620( ,7(06 :,// %( ,1 6+257 6833/< :( &$1127 35(',&7 $ <($5 ,1 $'9$1&(:+,&+,7(0672,1&5($6(<28:,//:$17726+23$6($5/< $63266,%/(:($7+(53(50,77,1*:+,/(285,19(1725<,6&203/(7( COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 &(/26,$ 3DFN3DFN BB$PLJR0L[ BB.LPRQR0L[ BB.LPRQR2UDQJH BB.LPRQR5HG BB.RVPR3XUSOH5HG BB6SLN\3LQN BB6SLN\3XUSOH &+5<6$17+(0806 RUPRUHFRORUV BBSRWHDFK RUPRUHHDFK &,75$1(//$0RVTXLWR3ODQW »3RWV &+5<6$17+(0806 &2/(86 3DFN3DFN BB&DUHIUHH0L[ BB&RORU3ULGH BB0L[:L]DUG BB0XOWLFRORU5DLQERZ BB6XQ6XQVHW BB9HOYHW5HG BB&KHQLOOH%DVNHWV BB%RXJDQYLOOD %DVNHWV &2/(86 &25(236,6 3DFN BB3HUHQQLDO(DUO\6XQULVH )ODW3NVHDFK '$+/,$ 3DFN3DFN BB)LJDUR,PS0L[ BB)LJDUR2UDQJH BB)LJDUR5HG BB)LJDUR9LROHW BB)LJDUR<HOORZ '$+/,(77$ 6HYHUDO&RORUV 4W3RW RU0RUHHD '$+/,$ ',$17+86 3DFN3DFN BB3DUIDLW0L[ BB3DUIDLW5DVSEHUU\ BB3DUIDLW5HG3HSSHUPLQW BB3DUIDLW6WUDZEHUU\ BB:HH:LOOLH ',$17+86 www.coxsplantfarm.com ANNUAL FLOWERS IN PACKS Our better quality plants are grown in Indiana, not shipped in from another state. '867<0,//(5 3DFN3DFN BB6LOYHU'XVW )/2:(5,1*.$/( '867<0,//(5 3DFN *DO3RWV)RU)DOO BB5HG:KLWH )8&+6,$ 9DULHWLHV 3RWRUPRUH +DQJLQJ%DVNHW *$=$1,$ *$=$1,$ /DUJH3DFN BB'D\EUHDN%URQ]H BB'D\EUHDN0L[ BB'D\EUHDN2UDQJH BB'D\EUHDN5HG6WULSH BB'D\EUHDN<HOORZ *(5$1,806+<%5,' )URP6HHG3DFNVRIHD )ODWRI3ODQWVHD BB0DYHULF3LQN BB0DYHULF5HG BB0DYHULF6WDU BB0XOWLEORRP5HG BB3LQN BB5HG NOW G BB6DOPRQ TURINns A E F BB:KLWH ure sig +<%5,'*(5$1,806 Pict lant tables ep above thdiscriptions with lanting and p tion. informa +$5'<*$5'(1)$//0806 Started and blooming plants may be planted in the spring, or if you prefer, we will have larger container plants available in the late summer or fall for “instant" color. *$//213277('21/< RUPRUH²RQO\HDFKRUPRUH²RQO\HDFK *<3623+,/,$ 3RW BB*\SV\'HHS5RVH'EO +<32(67(6 /DUJH3DFN BB6SODVK3LQN BB6SODVK5HG BB6SODVK5RVH BB6SODVK:KLWH 5(*8/$5 ,03$7,(16 ,03$7,(16 3DFN 6RPHDVVRUWHGFRORUVDYDLODEOH BB5HGBB:KLWHBB$VVRUWHG&RORUV +DQJLQJ%DVNHW 6HYHUDO&RORUV ,03$7,(16 1(:*8,1($ 'LYLQHIURPVHHG 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’S PLANT FARM • 3DFN3DFN BB%HOOV0L[± BB&KLPHV3XUSOH:KLWH BB&KLPHV&KHUU\ BB)ORUDO6KRZHUV/LODF BB0HG7DOO/LEHUW\9DULHWLHV 0L[5HG<HOORZ BB0RQWHJR0L[± BB0RQWHJR%OXVK BB0RQWHJR%XUJXQG\ BB0RQWHJR2UDQJH%LFRORU BB0RQWHJR3LQN BB0RQWHJR3XUSOH BB0RQWHJR5HG BB0RQWHJR5RVH%LFRORU BB0RQWHJR6XQVHW BB6QDSVKRW0L[ Phone 317-539-4632 9,1&$ BB3DFLILFD%OXVK BB3DFLILFD5HDOO\5HG BB7LWDQ'DUN5HG BB7LWDQ/LODF BB9LFWRU\%OXH BB9LFWRU\&UDQEHUU\ BB9LFWRU\/DYHQGHU BB9LFWRU\3XUSOH BB9LFWRU\:KLWH 9,2/$6 3DFN3DFN BB6RUEHW%OXH+HDYHQ BB6RUEHW3XUSOH-XPS8S BB6RUEHW6XQQ\5R\DOH 9,2/$6 =,11,$ 3DFN BB'UHDP/DQG0L[ BB6ZL]]OH&KHUU\,YRU\ BB6ZL]]OH6FDUOHW<HOORZ BB=LQQLWD0L[ =,11,$ www.coxsplantfarm.com GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES Why not have Mother Nature help you lower your high grocery bill? Grow your own vegetables in your spare time. Use your backyard to save lots of money and enjoy the very fresh flavor you can’t buy at the store. For example – the average yield and cost to grow some of the vegetables are... 1/4 lb of GREEN BEAN SEED will cost you $1.49 and will produce approximately 10 lbs. of green beans. At an estimated market value of $1.50/lb. that would cost you $15.00. 12 SWEET POTATO plants will cost you $2.98 and will yield approximately 50 lbs. of sweet potatoes. At an estimated market value of 75¢/lb. that would cost you $37.50. 1 bundle of SWEET ONIONS (approximately 30 plants) will cost you $1.98 and will yield approximately 15 lbs. of onions. At an estimated market value of 75¢/lb., that would cost you $11.25. Four TOMATO PLANTS will cost you $1.n9 and will produce an average of 20 lbs of tomatoes per plant. At an estimated market value of $1.00/lb. that would cost you $80.00. 1 dip of BEET SEED will cost you 9x¢ and will yield approximately 40 lbs. of beets. At an estimated market value of 75¢/lb. that would cost you $30.00. Four CABBAGE PLANTS will cost you $1.n9 and will produce an average 5 lb. Cabbage Head per plant. At an estimated market value of $2.50 a head that would cost you $10.00. 1/4 lb. of CORN SEED will cost you approximately $5.00 and will yield approximately 125 ears of corn. At an estimated market value of 30¢ each that would cost you $37.50. Four PEPPER PLANTS will cost you $1.n9 and will produce an average of 15 lbs. of peppers. At an estimated market valueof .75¢⁄ to $1.00/lb. that would cost you $11.25 to $15.00. 1 dip of RADISH SEEDS will cost you 9x¢ and will yield approximately 25 lbs. of radishes. At an estimated market value of $1.00/lb that would cost you $25.00. 10 lbs. of SEED POTATOES planted in a 100 foot row will cost you approximately $7.50 and will yield up to 100 lbs. of potatoes. At an estimated market value of $1.00/lb. that would cost you $100.00. 1 dip of LETTUCE SEEDS will cost you 9x¢ and will yield approximately 10 lbs. of lettuce. At an estimated market value of $1.50/lb that would cost you $15.00. Now, this is just an average yield, you could get more or less, depending on weather conditions. Fertilizer will also help make your plants grow better and give you a better yield. The more you plant the more you will get in return. Just remember that you will also have to combat Mother Nature's pest problems by spraying your plants! While we were raising our seven children and trying to make ends meet, having a large garden was a big help by canning and freezing the vegetables we had raised ourselves!! Thank you for so many great years... The Cox’s ORGANIC PRODUCTS &8&80%(5²0(/21²648$6+ 3DFN BB&DQWDORXSH$PEURVLD BB&DQWDORXSH%XUSHH+\EULG BB&DQWDORXSH6XSHUVWDU Our Organic seed is grown without the use of chemicals, BB&XFXPEHU%XUSOHVV+\EULG7DVW\*UHHQBB&XFXPEHU%XUSHH+\EULG coming from organically grown plants. BB&XFXPEHU%XVK3LFNOH BB&XFXPEHU6ZHHWHU<HW BB&XFXPEHU6SDFHPDVWHU%XVK BB&XFXPEHU3LFNOLQJ featuring BB*RXUGV6HYHUDO6PDOO0L[ BB&XFXPEHU6ZHHW6XFFHVV BB3XPSNLQV+RZGHQ ESPOMA ORGANIC TRADITIONS PLANT FOODS BB3XPSNLQV-DFN%/LWWOH We feature a large variety of organic productsincluding plant food, bulbs, BB3XPSNLQV:KLWH flowers, vegetables, tomatoes, trees, holly, bloom builder, garden gypsum BB6TXDVK$FRUQ soil acidifier, lime, green sand, kelp meal, manure and Miracle-Gro BB6TXDVK%XWWHUQXW NOW G RIN organic potting soil. BB6TXDVK&URRNQHFN A FE TUe signs r u Pict lant tables BB6TXDVK6SDJKHWWL For insects – safer insecticidal soaps, End All for yard, garden and more. ep BB6TXDVK6WUDLJKW1HFN above thdiscriptions h Natural guard for copper soap and Neem – kills fungus, insects and mites. BB6TXDVK<HOORZ=XFFKLQL wit nting and pla tion. Diatomaceous earth, hot pepper wax, liquid fence for rabbits, deer, moles, BB6TXDVK=XFFKLQL%ODFN a m infor Critter Ritter. BB:DWHUPHORQ%XUSHH¶V6XJDU%DE\\ BB:DWHUPHORQ&KDUOHVWRQ*UH\ BB:DWHUPHORQ&ULPVRQ6ZHHW COX’S PLANT FARM • Phone 317-539-4632 www.coxsplantfarm.com