2015 Catalog
2015 Catalog
WE KNOW GAMES ™ About Us iello is a game and toy company founded in 2004 in nancy, France. We began solely as a distributor, but by 2008, we began partnering with many studios to publish games as well. in 2010, we began publishing under our own brand. We specialize in games that are rich with graphics, beautiful in design, and innovative in game play. We are now a premier publisher and worldwide distributor in a fast-expanding industry. In 2012, we solidified our position by creating a U.S. division to better service the american market. This, coupled with the release of Richard Garfield’s best-selling and award-winning game king of Tokyo in 2011, put us in the forefront of international game companies. We believe in the ability of games to bring people together. To that end, our goal is to bring the world games that are irresistible: games that are intriguing enough to pick up and impossible to put down. From children’s and family games, to party and card games, to strategy games of every variety, we want to provide games of high quality and immense replayability. so, from our game table to yours, enjoy! and game on! Contents Tales & Games 4 5 6 7 The Grasshopper & The anT The hare & The TorToise BaBa YaGa The Three liTTle piGs liGhT sTraTeGY Games 34 35 36 37 FamilY Games 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Fun Farm 18 19 Think aGain! Croak! JoomBa! masTer Fox The phanTom soCieTY me WanT Cookies! niGhT oF The Grand oCTopus alien Wars ZomBie kidZ pinGo pinGo parTY Games sTraTeGY Games 38 sTeam park 39 sTeam Torpedo: FirsT ConTaCT sTeam Torpedo: r&d sTeam Torpedo: To Your posiTions! BiBlios 8 masTers’ revenGe BiG Book oF madness 40 41 42 43 kenJin 44 dunGeon FiGhTer 45 dunGeon FiGhTer: sTormY Winds 46 koniTo? 47 miCro Games 48 49 20 eaT me iF You Can! 21 rumBle in The house 24 kaBuki Card Games 25 26 27 28 29 nJeT The dWarF kinG GhooosT! FridaY The 13Th piña piraTa dunGeon FiGhTer: Fire aT Will dunGeon FiGhTer: The BiG Wave dunGeon FiGhTer: roCk n roll innovaTion innovaTion: eChoes TiTanium Wars TiTanium Wars: ConFronTaTion TWin Tin BoTs mexiCa auGmenTed realiTY rumBle in The dunGeon 22 koBaYakaWa 23 WelCome To The dunGeon maka Bana sapiens shinoBi WaT-aah! medieval aCademY 50 World oF Yo-ho miniaTures Games 51 ZomBie 15’ 52 Guardians’ ChroniCles 53 Guardians’ ChroniCles: expansions War Games 54 heroes oF normandie 55 hon expansions shadoWs over normandie kinG… Games 30 31 32 33 kinG oF neW York kinG oF TokYo kinG oF TokYo: poWer up! kinG oF TokYo: halloWeen 3 2-4 2-5 8+ 7+ a game by New! Jérémie Caplanne & Vincent Joubert a Clever and simple Game oF raCinG and BeTTinG WhY BoTher aBouT WinTer? Alternate turns between 1 the hardworking Ant and 1 the playful Grasshopper. 2 animals) have been played around the table, the race is on! 3 Every contestant has its own way of moving: the tortoise walks slowly but steadily, the hare runs like the wind but may take a break if he’s first, the wolf’s howl can freeze its opponents while the lamb can’t resist a fresh drink out of the river... umn’ is Two modes of play: ‘Aut ides 3 simpler, while ‘Winter’ prov . more in-depth game play 4 Play your cards wisely to bring the animals you’ve bet on across the finish line first! As soon as 8 cards (or 4 similar Careful decis s about 2 your opponention s will likely gain you the fullest pant ry. Item #: IEL51218 EAN: 3760175512186 Box Size: 8.25»x6.5»x2.25» Weight: 1.01 lbs Case Pack: 12 20min Tales & Games Tales & Games 30min a game by Yoann Levet as seen on Item #: IEL51159 EAN: 3760175511592 Box Size: 8.25»x6.5»x2.25» Weight: 1.14 lbs Case Pack: 12 5 2-5 2-5 7+ 6+ Jérémie a game by Caplanne & Vincent Joubert 15min 20min a game by Be the first to cast 3 1 spells by finding the right ingredients. matching symbols to 1 Roll build the most beautiful and sturdy houses! Look for the right 2 forest of your opponents’ arms. Take a deep breath and blow on the spinner to shatter your opponents’ buildings! 2 tiles through the 3 Will you find what you need before your opponents move Baba Yaga across the board and back again? Play the basic game with kids, or use the advanced rules for the whole family. TR 3 Tales & Games Tales & Games Laurent Pouchain & Xavier Colette Item #: IEL51113 EAN: 3760175511134 Box Size: 8.25»x6.5»x2.25» Weight: 1.26 lbs Case Pack: 12 6 as seen on Item #: IEL51110 EAN: 3760175511103 Box Size: 8.25»x6.5»x2.25» Weight: 0.94 lbs Case Size: 14»x14»x9» Case Weight: 12.9 lbs Case Pack: 12 O éE 2013 PH 7 2-10 2-4 6+ 6+ a game by a game by Luca Bellini 1 Igor Polouchine Flip a new animal card and roll the two colored dice. If either die matches a card, be the first to 2 snatch up the foam animal pictured on the card. 3 grab as many If several cards match, u can! matching animals as yo a BeauTiFul version oF This Fun FamilY Game WiTh Tiles, FroGs, and JusT The riGhT hinT oF TaCTiCs. more Than 150,000 Copies sold! 1 20min Family Games Family Games 15min Move your frogs around and reveal the tiles as they hop onto them. Each new turned-up tile has a special rule that 2 players can use for the remainder of the game. 3 You can bounce, and even create baby frogs. But beware nasty pikes and opposing frogs! Item #: IEL51117 EAN: 3760175511172 Box Size: 10»x10»x3» Weight: 1 lbs Case Pack: 6 8 Item #: IEL51023 EAN: 3760175510632 Box Size: 8»x8»x2.5» Weight: 1.3 lbs Case Pack: 6 9 2-8 2-4 6+ 7+ a game by 15min 1 ck! Look at 1 Qui the cards! . 2 3 Mimic the animal he number matching t as It’s a frantic race of tactile recognition 2 you hurry to capture the correct loot. Be best at completing each mission as 3 newthe tricks are added to the mix. 3 progressive rules for even funnier games. Item #: IEL51053 EAN: 3760175510533 Box Size: 5»x5»x1.5» Weight: .52 lbs Case Pack: 12 10 New! How quick and careful are your hands as you attempt to become the new Master Fox? 20min Family Games Family Games Frédéric Vuagnat Item #: IEL51235 EAN: 3760175512353 Box Size: 9.8»x9.8»x1.7» Weight: 1.1 lbs Case Pack: 6 11 2-4 2-5 8+ 5+ 20min a game by a game by Family Games Roberto Fraga Will You plaY… 2 3 As intrepid ghost hunters using observation and deduction to flush out your spectral targets? Which duo will be the fastest? And will the stately manor survive this night of disastrous madness? Item #: IEL51102 EAN: 3760175511028 Box Size: 10»x10»x2.5» Weight: 2.06 lbs Case Pack: 6 12 Roll the die to find 1 which dessert you New! 1 As sly spirits wreaking havoc on a prestigious manor, using cunning to remain concealed? Family Games Hervé Marly & Frédéric Columbier 10min start on! 2 e lines from dessert ic or lic e th w llo fo to Race ferent cards! to dessert, across 3 dif 3 The first monster to find the final dessert gets to chow down! Item #: IEL00044 EAN: 807658000440 Case Pack: 12 13 3-5 2-6 7+ 6+ a game by frederic morard a Fun and easY Game oF BluFF, neGoTiaTion, and GreaT old sQuids… 2 3 Anticipate your opponents’ moves and send your Offspring to counter their plans… Be the first to collect the required components and you will be able to invoke the Grand Octopus and earn His favor! a game by Markus Geiger Memory and dexterity bine in this fun 1 com battle of vaporizing your opponents to rule the galaxy New! 1 Stealthily choose where you want to go next while keeping an eye on the other cultists to avoid them. 10min Family Games Family Games 20min of cards with a myriad Wade through a galaxy e game entertaining. 2 of effects that keep th 3 Droll and quirky, only the most adept will become the supreme commander and lead the conque st of Earth! Item #: IEL51179 EAN: 3760175511790 Box Size: 10»x10»x2.75» Weight: 1.6 lbs Case Pack: 6 14 15 2-5 7+ 6+ 15min 15min a game by A frenetic dexterity 1 game driven by an action-packed soundtrack. nough Be clever e them to eliminate ard. from the bo Or be quick enough to lock them out of the graveyard! Item #: IEL00040 EAN: 807658000402 Box Size: 6.5»x4.5»x1.6» Weight: .4 lbs Case Pack: 10 New! 2 16 Roberto Fraga As a team, your goal is to prevent zombies from taking over. 1 3 a game by Annick Lobet Family Games Family Games 2-4 Collect the most treasure 2 but avoid the traps, critters, and the fearsome warrior penguins! 3 Be brave, fast, focused, and precise as the soundtrack counts down while you attempt to complete all the actions to get safely back to your boat. Item #: IEL51230 EAN: 3760175512308 Box Size: 10»x10»x2.75» Case Pack: 6 17 3-10 2-12 10+ a 20min party Games Bruno Cathala & Ludovic Maublanc 1 3 Be the first player to provide the right answer – which might be a wrong answer, depending on the symbol. Form teams with your friends. 2 teammates Make your s or s many title complete a giving possible by phrases as ging... imicking, sin m , s t in h m e th …while showing them the symbol on the back of another card. Item #: IEL00031 EAN: 807658000310 Box Size: 5»x5»x1.75» Weight: .8 lbs Case Pack: 12 18 1 The Reader picks one of the questions from a card and reads it to the other players… 3 30min New! 2 s Game For an inTuiTive and hilariou Friends! GreaT Times WiTh up To 12 8+ party Games a game by n hard Champio game by Ric Beware the Challenge squares: you’re sure to burst out laughing! Item #: IEL51220 EAN: 3760175512209 Box Size: 8.1» x8.1» x2.4» Weight: 1.4 lbs Case Pack: 6 19 3-6 3-6 6+ 8+ 10min 20min 2 gaMes by Olivier saffre Leysenne 1 Be CraFTY, and don’T hesiTaTe To BluFF iF iT Will save Your skin! Each turn, take on the 1 role of one of these famous characters. 2 Move any isolated character or eliminate someone in a room with several characters in it. character Try to keep your secret as possible. g lon as se hou the inside Item #: IEL88004 EAN: 5425029880047 Box Size: 5.5» x5.5»x2.25» Weight: .7 lbs Case Pack: 10 As the Wolf, try to surprise 2 the other players in their sleep by sneaking into their lovely little cottages. 3 micro Games micro Games Jun’Ichi a game by Sato & Mathieu 3 4 guess who the other players are and kick them out as soon as you have the chance! Combine both games to play with up to 12 players! But beware, Wolf! Your tender victims may have laid traps for you! Item #: IEL51188 EAN: 3760175511882 Box Size: 5.9»x4.75»x1.9» Weight: .4 lbs Case Pack: 12 20 Item #: IEL88004 EAN: 5425029880078 Box Size: 5.5» x5.5»x2.25» Weight: .7 lbs Case Pack: 10 21 2-4 9+ 8+ 15min 30min a game by Jun Sasaki Simple mechanics and quick to play! 2 3 Bluff and bet your way to victory in seven rounds. Item #: IEL51198 EAN: 3760175511981 Box Size: 6»x4»x1.6» Weight: .33 lbs Case Pack: 24 22 2 Can you accurately read your opponents? 3 This push-your-luck dungeon delve tests your courage and shrewd choices. New! 1 1 Dare your opponents to tackle the dungeon with less and less equipment to fend off the increasing horde of monsters. micro Games micro Games 3-6 Beat the dungeon twice or be the last warrior standing to win the game. Item #: IEL51234 EAN: 3760175512346 Box Size: 5.9»x3.9»x1.5» Case Pack: 12 23 x-x x+ 2-6 njet 10+ 20min 1 2 Try to remember who has gotten which mask so far... New! New! e! 1 A great trick-taking card gam Hand out masks to the actors. Card Games micro Games xxmin 2 You want to eliminate an option? Just say “NIET”! 3 If someone doubles up on masks, call that player out and steal her victory points! 3 Gorgeous illustrations! Item #: IEL51261 EAN: 3760175512612 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Case Pack: 12 24 Item #: IEL51256 EAN: 3760175512568 Case Pack: 12 25 3-5 2-6 10+ 8+ a game by Bruno Faidutti 40min 20min The BesT-seller BY Bruno FaiduTTi: a CraZY TriCkTakinG Game, easY To learn and alWaYs Fun! The Card Game BY riChard GarField, Filled WiTh TWisTs and Turns! 1 a goblin, Play with a dwarf horseman, her.… 1 a ninja, or a dragon philosop 2 Discover a new quest with each round.... … and make the most of it! 3 Unlimited Fun! Item #: IEL51033 EAN: 3760175510335 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Weight: .74 lbs Case Pack: 12 26 richard garfield Card Games Card Games a game By Play your cards wisely to get rid of all your ghosts and send them to your oPPonents. ecia l om the Powers of sP fr t fi ne Be 2 om them! ghosts... or suffer fr 3 emPty your draw Pile to chase the ghosts away from your manor and win the game! Item #: IEL51077 EAN: 3760175510779 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Weight: .64 lbs Case Pack: 12 27 2-6 3-6 8+ 7+ a game by a game by Reiner Knizia Donald X. Vaccarino 30min 1 Find out how far you 1 are willing to push your luck when it comes to bad omens. ith high replayability. tion w 2 Short game dura 3 Beautifully re-themed game with bad luck Item #: IEL00037 EAN: 807658000372 Box Size: 5»x5.5»x1.75» Weight: .75 lbs Case Pack: 12 28 3 On your turn, play a card with the same pirate as the last played, or draw a card. discard all o t t s ir f a Be the ates to win get ir p r u o y 2 of nd he map, a piece of t new rule. a to choose At the beginning of each round, add a new rule that combines with the existing ones and changes the way to play! Card Games Card Games 30min icons. Item #: IEL51144 EAN: 3760175511448 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Weight: .88 lbs Case Pack: 12 29 2-6 10+ Check out ou r organized p lay for this gam e. see page 57 . r Check out ou y la p organized e. for this gam . see page 57 40min 2-6 8+ The aWard-WinninG diCe Game oF Fun and desTruCTion BY riChard GarField. The hiGhlY anTiCipaTed FolloW-up To riChard GarField’s kinG oF TokYo! 1 1 Mov e acr oss the cit y and h sto mp on buil ding s in eac but of New Yor k's bor oug hs, bew are : Eve ry rol l of the r dice mig ht mea n tha t you as H, OUC the s feel r ste mon . mil ita ry unit s ope n fire 2 2 3 be co m e a ot li gh t a nd sp he t b a m e t he W il l yo u gr il l yo u be co t a r? Or w rs pe Li be rt y? Su dy y ce le br it be fr ie nd La nd a y t ci t he de fe nd er of , 6 ne w mo ns te rs , rs we po w ne 60 ys an d ma ny ne w wa c! vo ha to wr ea k r: Pick you r giga nti c mon ste en, ali cyb er bun ny, gia nt rob oti c dra gon .... king … Games king … Games 30min Sla p aro und you r ene mie s and dice -rol l you r wa y to Tok yo's thr one ! e y Po int s or be th Ga th er 20 Vi ct or ! me ga g to wi n th e la st on e st an din 3 Item #: IEL51170 EAN: 3760175511707 Box Size: 10»x10»x2.75» Weight: 2.3 lbs Case Pack: 6 30 as seen on Item #: IEL51032 EAN: 3760175510328 Box Size: 10»x10»x2.75» Weight: 1.76 lbs Case Size: 10.5»x10.5»x17» Case Weight: 13 lbs Case Pack: 6 31 2-6 expansions 8+ expansions 8+ 30min 1 2 3 Unl eas h the pow er of the new cha rac ter , Pan da Kai ! nd s t er s a ame mon g e ards. s c ba n the o lu t io ev f o Ea c h o f et s a i g et a Panda K king … Games king … Games 30min 1 2 s: Incl ude s new cha rac ter Woo gie. gie Boo Pum pkin Jac k and Dre ss up you r mo ns te r as a che erl ea der , clo wn , or as tr ona ut an d st ea l th e cos tu me s of you r opp one nt s! Pow er up you r mo ns te rs by rol lin g 3 hea rt s. 3 Item #: IEL51073 EAN: 3760175510731 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Weight: .5 lbs Case Pack: 12 32 2-6 es al so Th e fu n co st um rs to ad d sp ec ia l po we . rs te yo ur ch ar ac Item #: IEL51108 EAN: 3760175511080 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Weight: .5 lbs Case Pack: 12 33 3-6 2-4 10+ 14+ a game by a game by Cyrille François Haffner Leroy 60min 2 Use your tiki to cause your opponents trouble. 3 34 Carefully balance your food 2 and shelter points with New! New! 1 Score the most points by carefully placing your cabanas in the best areas to attract the most tourists. As the chief of your clan, e your people wisely 1 guid through the valley as you prepare for winter. light strategy Games light strategy Games 40min tactful tile placement. 3 Lots of choices when the special powers fro m eight different scenes come into play . Two modes of play: basic and advanc ed. Item #: IEL EAN: Box Size: 8.25»x6.5»x2.25» Weight: lbs Case Pack: Item #: IEL51251 EAN: 3760175512513 Case Pack: 6 35 2-4 2-5 10+ 8+ a game by Théo Rivière 20-45 a game by light strategy Games 1 Gather your army of elite ninja warriors following the path of Shinobi. 1 2 Call on powerful creatures of legends right out from the Rift! H 3 -AAA d just Wat n a s r e t h your fig Combine face! ies in the your enem Item #: IEL51145 EAN: 3760175511455 Box Size: 10»x10»x3» Weight: 1.52 lbs Case Pack: 6 36 New! 2 In your quest to become a knight, you must master the arts of Jousting and Tournaments while finishing your Education and developing your sense of Charity and Gallantry. 30min light strategy Games Nicolas Poncin Wisely draft your cards at the right time to move up the various training tracks. 3 Scoring the most chivalry by the end of the sixth turn earns you a knighting by King Arthur! Item #: IEL51245 EAN: 3760175512452 Box Size: 10.75» x7.5» x2» Weight: 1.44 lbs Case Pack: 12 37 2-4 2 10+ 13+ a game by Sorrentino zo Silva, Lorenzo Tucci Aureliano Buonfino, Loren a game by Ludovic Roudy and Bruno Sautter 40min 2 n quickly Take actio er choice v and by cle e profits. iz im to max 1 2 es and Strategically manage your assets through 4 phas end. 6 game turns to earn the most money by game’s 3 Item #: IEL51123 EAN: 3760175511233 Box Size: 11.5»x11.5»x3» Weight: 3.32 lbs Case Pack: 6 38 Simple but engaging 2-player tactical submarine battle game. Move crew members to activate cer tain compa rtments and carefully position your subma rine for ma ximum effect. New! 3 1 Build a fantastic 3D coal-powered amusement park. strategy Games strategy Games 60min Destroy your opponent’s control room or their crew members to win the game. Item #: IEL51222 EAN: 3760175512223 Box Size: 5.8» x7.9» x1.7» Weight: 1 lbs Case Pack: 6 39 2-4 1-4 10+ 13+ a game by Steve Finn 45min a simple, suBTle Card Game oF auCTions and hand manaGemenT. 1 Collect the most precious books. 1 Choose your cards wisely, as they will be decisive for auctions… 3 …then part with them at the right e time, and buy th es on us io ec most pr e. ic pr t es w lo for the 2 3 You are a martial arts master facing off against other worthy opponents with only your hands to decide your fate. New! 2 a game by Ludovic Roudy and Bruno Sautter strategy Games strategy Games 30min Choose your right hand and left hand cards wisely as you deliver blows and defend against your oncoming opponent. nts ur oppone Knock yo us to win! unconscio Item #: IEL51028 EAN: 3760175510281 Box Size: 5.5»x7.75»x1.5» Weight: .84 lbs Case Pack: 12 40 Item #: IEL51243 EAN: 3760175512438 Case Pack: 6 41 2-5 2-4 10+ 12+ a game by 90min a game by Maxime Rambourg 2 3 But opening the book unleashes hordes of monsters which you co-operatively must contain. ell casting ing and timely sp ce again! Smar t deck-build on ss of Madne ok Bo g Bi e th will shut Item #: IEL51254 EAN: 3760175512544 Box Size: 10»x10»x2.75» Case Pack: 6 42 1 2 In feudal Japan, the quest for power and the desire for peace is a balance you must strike when defending against the other great lords. This card game of bluffing and tactics pits your peasants, thugs, and lords against your neighboring enemies. New! New! 1 In an effort to accelerate your lea rning at this wizarding school, you and your friends seek out the Big Book of Madness. 30min strategy Games strategy Games Nicolas Sato 3 to But make sure unt take into acco ch the terrain, whi y an ge can chan e. battle’s outcom t os m e Scoring th u yo points makes l fu er the most pow . lord in the land Item #: IEL51246 EAN: 3760175512469 Box Size: 7.75»x5.5»x1.63» Weight: .81 lbs Case Pack: 10 43 1-6 1-6 14+ 14+ Expansions 45min Aureliano Buonofino, Lorenzo Silva, and Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino 1 Can you and your cohorts live up to your cla im of being the best dungeon fighters? Item #: IEL51215 EAN: 3760175512155 Box Size: 8.1»x8.1»x2» Weight: 1 lbs Case Pack: 6 Dungeon Fighter: Fire at Will New! Dungeon Fighter: Stormy Winds 2 45min strategy Games strategy Games a game by Item #: IEL51213 EAN: 3760175512131 Box Size: 8.1»x8.1»x2» Weight: 1 lbs Case Pack: 6 Explore the spooky 3-tiered dungeon, find glor ious treasure, buy powerful magic items, and challenge the most horr ible creatures, just so you can defeat the fina l boss. 3 Fully cooperative, this game melds action an d dexterity where your ow n sk ills will deter mine the abilities of your ch osen hero. Item #: IEL51212 EAN: 3760175512124 Box Size: 11.7»x11.7»x2.8» Weight: 3.3 lbs Case Pack: 6 44 Dungeon Fighter: The Big Wave Dungeon Fighter: Rock n Roll Item #: IEL51214 EAN: 3760175512148 Box Size: 8.1»x8.1»x2» Weight: 1 lbs Case Pack: 6 Item #: IEL51244 EAN: 3760175512445 Box Size: 8.1»x8.1»x2» Weight: 1 lbs Case Pack: 6 Each expansion adds new monsters, new weapons, new items, and new armor. Additionally, each expansion introduces a new game mechanic and 3 new ways to throw dice at targets. 45 2-5 3-4 A GAme by CArl 14+ Chudyk 60min + 12+ a game by Frederic Guerard strategy Games Combine key discoveries to gather 1 resources and help your civilization evolve through Time. Activate powerful dogmas to force your 2 demands on your opponents, or benefit from those played by others. 3 Dominate the different eras of Human History and become the greatest civilization of all time! 1 Purchase buildings to master new technologies and increase your earnings. 60-90 strategy Games a QuiCk CiviliZaTion Card Game WhiCh emphasiZes sTraTeGY, inTeraCTiviTY and hiGh replaYaBiliTY. units to expand your fleet 2 Buy and enhance your spaceships with powerful equipment. Explore the edge of the galaxy and 3 adjust your tac tics to seize control of new planets rich in Titanium. Item #: IEL51090 EAN: 3760175510908 Box Size: 10»x10»x3» Weight: 2.2 lbs Case Pack: 6 Item #: IEL51049 EAN: 3760175510496 Box Size: 5.5»x7.75»x1.5» Weight: .84 lbs Case Pack: 12 Discover the Echoes expansion 4 and master time! 46 Item #: IEL51082 EAN: 3760175510823 Box Size: 5.5»x7.75»x1.5» Weight: .84 lbs Case Pack: 12 4 and add new Play with 2 playerslea ders to your d an , its planets, un game with the expansion! Item #: IEL51164 EAN: 3760175511646 Box Size: 6»x6»x1.5» Weight: .9 lbs Case Pack: 12 47 2-6 2-4 13+ 10+ a game by PhiliPPe 1 3 Program 2 harvester robots and try to bring the most Crystals baCk to your base! beware: orders remain in your bots’ memory, and you Can Change only one of them eaCh turn! Push or zaP other robots to mess with your oPPonents’ Programs! Item #: IEL00005 EAN: 5425029880054 Box Size: 12.8» x8.9» x2.7» Weight: 3.9 lbs Case Pack: 6 48 Partition districts, 1 place building, and construct canals. third game in 2 The the Mask Trilogy. New! 2 90min Keyaerts strategy Games strategy Games 50min Magnificent, heavy-weighted 3 playing pieces! Item #: IEL51257 EAN: 3760175512575 Box Size: 11.8»x11.8»x3» Weight: 5.44 lbs Case Pack: 6 49 2-4 2-4 8+ 14+ New! guillaume a game by lemery & Nicolas The FirsT ever BoardGame usinG smarTphones as paWns! here your smartphone is your vessel, dice, cards...everything. 2 3 schlewitz devastated run through the pty homes streets, search em ht fig d for weapons an can! u yo y wa y zombies an 1 1 wA board game 15min miniatures Games augments reality Game 45-90 Think together and act as fast as you can: every 60 seconds, new zombies come to the board! experience a compelling, 15-chapter storyline with progressively increasing difficulty. 2 A video game that brings people together around a board. phone is your ship! It 3 Your knows where it is on the map and interacts with other phones! Item #: IEL EAN: Box Size:11.8»x11.8»x2.76» Weight: 2.87 lbs 50 Item #: IEL51115 EAN: 3760175511158 Box Size: 11.75»x11.75»x4» Weight: 5.1 lbs Case Pack: 6 51 2-5 14+ Item #: IEL51206 EAN: 3760175512063 Box Size: 8.7»x8.7»x1.6» Weight: .88 lbs Case Pack: 6 a game by Frederick Condette 1 3 Play as Doktor Skarov: contro l your robots and traps to stop the other player s in various scenarios! Watch articles appear on the front page of The Guardian s’ Chronicl es as both sides get closer to victory, one achievem ent at a time. Features a new superhero group with their own special abilities. Lieutenant Bigfoot, Quickshot, and Night Vigilante! Item #: IEL51204 EAN: 3760175512049 Box Size: 8.7»x8.7»x1.6» Weight: .88 lbs Case Pack: 6 Features new villains: Voltage, Nuke, and Iron Turtle. Also includes new terrain tiles and new bases for Dr Skarov! 90min New! 2 Wor k tog eth er as a bine superh ero team! com your individual powers ’ with your teammates to overcome your enemy’s minion s! 14+ miniatures Games miniatures Games 90min 2-5 Item #: IEL51208 EAN: 3760175512087 Box Size: 8.7»x8.7»x1.6» Weight: .88 lbs Case Pack: 6 Features new bad buy, Aquarion, and his elite troops. Ally him with Dr Skarov or explore the depths of Atlantis! Item #: IEL51136 EAN: 3760175511363 Box Size: 12»x12»x4» Weight: 3.8 lbs Case Pack: 6 52 53 Check out ou r organized p lay for this gam e. see page 57 . 2 14+ 60min a game by 14+ Yann & Clem a game by War Games 1 Play as the American army or as the evil Nazi forces. Deploy your units and secretly plan your attacks. their Try to outwit your enemies by blocking tactics. strategy and surprising them with your 2 Just days after D-Day, a U.S. Ranger company confronts the Nazis’ Cult of the Black Sun and tries to stop the dark ceremony that will summon the great Cthulhu. 45min New! 3 1 Yann & Clem War Games an explosive and FasT-paCed WW2 sTraTeGY WarGame inspired BY hollYWood War movies! 2 4 2-3 Featur ing 3 opposing armies : the U.S., the Ger mans, and the ancient Dee p Ones. Try one of many ava ilable expansions! 3 This gam e uses th e Heroes of Normand ie system of play and is co mpletely compatib le with Heroes of Normand ie. Item #: IEL51134 EAN: 3760175511349 Box Size: 12»x12»x4» Weight: 4 lbs Case Pack: 6 54 55 On the Horizon Organized Play Bunny Clan little Red Riding Hood Bluff PaRty SHiPwReCkeRS SuSHi diCe hosting an event is easy and free! at sign up, get free promos, play gre es! games, and increase your sal Find out more at http://iellogames.com/wordpress/organized-play Want to build interest in your community for our unique games? 56 57 Sell More With Shopatron! orders generated through our website are passed along to retailers to fulfill. 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