Fluctuations of Glaciers 1975-1980 (Vol. IV)
Fluctuations of Glaciers 1975-1980 (Vol. IV)
FLUCTUATIONS OF GLACIERS 1975-1980 with addenda from earlier years This volume continues the earlier works published under the titles FLUCTUATIONS OF GLACIERS 1959-1965 Paris, IAHS - UNESCO, 1967 FLUCTUATIONS OF GLACIERS 1965-1970 Paris, IAHS - UNESCO, 1973 FLUCTUATIONS OF GLACIERS 1970-1975 Paris, IAHS - UNESCO, 1977 FLUCTUATIONS OF GLACIERS 1975-1980 (Vol. IV) A contribution to the International Hydrological Programme Compiled for the Permanent Service on the Fluctuations of Glaciers of the IUGG-FAGS/ICSU by Wilfried Haeberli Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich International Commission on Snow and Ice of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences and UNESCO, Paris 1985 Published jointly by the International Association of Hydrological 19 rue Eugène-Carrière, 75018 Paris Sciences and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris . Printed by Vontobel-Druck Feldmeilen, Switzerland AG, The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the publishers . concerning the legal status of any country or territory, or of its authorities, or concerning the frontiers of any country or territory. (C) IAHS/UNESCO 1985 Printed in Switzerland IAHS UNESCO: ISBN 92-3-102367-5 PREFACE In many mountainous regions of the world, observations on glaciers have been undertaken for centuries for scientific as well as practical purposes. The main international purpose of these observations has focused on a better understanding of the evolution local level the prediction become fields of primary of climate, while at the and reduction of glacier catastrophes have concern. During this century, the task of assessing the influence of perennial ice masses on the water cycle has gained considerable interest. Regular glacier observations, which were originally limited to the more densely'populated mountain regions, have now become regular international undertakings. for instance, have played an important International Hydrological national Hydrological Snow and ice studies, role in the activities of the Decade (IHD, 1965-1974) and of the Inter- Programme (IHP) which followed the Decade. Evidence is now accumulating that man's energy consumption could have strong impacts on the global climate in the near future. Changes of climate would seriously affect all forms of ice on earth and could lead to considerable problems related with, for example, water management in semi-arid regions irrigated by glacier meltwater. For this reason, it has become evident that land ice can be considered a sensitive indicator of ongoing changes in the energy balance at the earth's surface. It is in this context that Unesco and UNEP support the activities of the international services which collect and publish standardized data: the Permanent Service on the Fluctuations glacier of Glaciers and the Temporary Technical Secretariat for the World Glacier Inventory, both located at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich. To guarantee the continuity of the observations and to further improve the use of the resulting information, steps are presently being taken to merge the two services. The present report, Volume IV of "Fluctuations of Glaciers" is published by IAHS with the support of Unesco. those of the contributors The opinions expressed herein are and do not necessarily the organizations. UNESCO, D~vision of Water Sciences, Paris, 1985. reflect the views of FOREWORD The International Commission dent of the former which world International was created in order .Although to monitor results to the permanent and this vicissitudes and taken by a single adds to the value the changes sensitively to for of scientists, to be necessary. of two volunteers World Thanks in Wars, changes is the latest changes . is too long generation a legion survived (1894-1927), respond appear~d descen- all around the to climatic glaciers part in the dramatic This volume each addition many economic in ac í.ence during in a distinguished of those previously in the priorities series, published, and methods of investigation. The general be that of has at the same time reflecting scientific relations service efforts service the past century. in which early to be obtained enthusiasm on Glaciers of gla~iers the time ·scale òf this response and an institutional, countries, their recognized in climate, significant Commission the fluctuations to understand it was variations on Snow 'and Ice (ICSI) is a direct pattern r ecognised geographic in observed the observations was on investigation in the dev~lopment study and descriptions of regularities surveys and quantitative predict and. explain of each geoscience o f q Lac iers. At were made. of structure measurements; the behaviour the beginning, Next, the em~hasis and motion at this stage of glaciers can on ly by precise some in terms "l.aws" to of climate, g r a d i en t e t c . wer e s u_gg e st e d b Y Pe n c k a n d B r ü c k n e r, A h l m a n n , R i c h a rd Finsterwalder, approach ical models and calo~ics. by Sebastian Finsterwalder of modern Chamonix in glacier 1958. Although against modelling be of.glacier behaviour to a problem were devised from the that problems and in the ~ollowing in 1906, we may date the ICSI symposium mathematical somewhat held in modelling earlier years, many new observational such as VHF sounding, ·ice core drilling, metry which, II This and mathemat- than to in most other geosciences. MeaDwhile, have logistics, observations. the first such models noted to glacier field of physical in 1903 and Weinberg It may t echn.ì que s were applied problems and tested by the development to reduce the complexities in mechanics start and others, has been followed appeared, have provided together a wealth or satellite with imagery a tremendous of reliable techniques and alti- development and detailed in information about glacier characteristics and behaviour that wa~ not possible before. The,study of glaciers, an important brancn of geoscience in its own right, and closely related to climatic studies and hydrology, has also become important to petrology, ~aterials science, cosmology, regional pollution, northern navigation and other areas of science and human affairs. Con.sequently, leSI has considerably broadened its scope, and its initial major activity of monitoring fluctuations of glaciers has become a Permanent Service of the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services (FAGS) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), under the tutorship of ICSI. These developments do not mean that the monitoring of glacier fluctuations has become less important or obsolete. Today more than ever before, glaciologists need reliable and representative data on glacier behaviour to tune their models or to test their theories. A heàlthy dialectic has started between the Service which gathers the field data and the users of these data who ask for more data or for improvements in the way they are collected. Each piece of information obtained by systematic on-the-ground measurement is more laborious to acquire and more expensive to the data user than any piece of information obtained from an orbiting satellite; but data obtained by remote sensing will not replace direct field observations, although it can enhance their value. Satellite imagery is of va¡ue to glacier studies in its own right; it can be used to give generalized information when field data are missing, and can further enhance the significance of ground measur~ments by providing comparative observations of nearby glaciers or recording the timing of events between field observations. teers for field observations Teams of volun- and efficient people to gather the data according to established procedures are more useful than ever to the modern study of glaciers. It is the work of these teams that is presen- ted in this volume. In any discussion about glacier fluctuations, it is usual to stress the .ì mp ort ance of monitoring these fluctuation,s in order to allow better management of water resources, or to detect world-wide climatic changes at an early stage. The recent broadening of glacier studies to be relevant to a wide range of sciences and important human problems has been noted above. Without minimizing in the least these important and obvious goals and developments, we should like to draw attention to a more idealistic bu~ nonetheless vital role. III The hoble ~~jective of,UNESCO, UNEP and other agenqies forming part of the United Nations system is to foster international cooperation in the advancement of science and exchange of information, peace, for the development for the sake of of less favoured countries, and for the b ene f it o f m ankind . At its m odes t. rank, th e PSFG con tributes to th is objective. tropics ,Glaciers are found in many parts of the world, from the to the poles, and their presence and their value to world science bears no relation to political systems or the economic development of the countries in which they are located. Through its requests for data from all glacierized regions, ,the PSFG brings isolated agen- cies and geosciences community. from many lands into the world-wide Being involved ina continuing scientific study backed by an inter- national agency helps the institutions and their staffs. to obtain facili~ies for fi~ld studies, travel. t ì f ì to produce scientific publications and to They contribute important information to a world-wide scien- ce n t e rp r se , and exchange scientific ì glacier scientists in other countries. data directly with leading In its small way, the PSFG helps scientists in many countries realize, perhaps, that it is not necessary to have a large budget in every branch of science or a,NASA or a CERN on their doorstep in order to be able to contribute significantly to that most important undertaking of mankind: the advancement of the scientific understanding of our shared environment. We are therefore happy to present this fourth volume on glacier fluctuations, which materializes years of patient work, and which is published with the high standards of its predecessors We congratulate over coordination difficulties, and of IAHS publications. its principal author, Dr. Wilfried Haeberli, who took of the enterprise after a number and by his energy and dedication of delays and has brought it to a successful conclusion. E.F. Roots President, leSI 1979-1983 ottawa and Grenoble, 1985 IV L. Lliboutry President, ICSI 1983-1987 PROLOGUE AND THANKS Efforts to monitor land ice on a global scale date back to the last century. Between 1895 and 1913, world-wide glacier observations were summarized by the International Commission on Glaciers. This Commission was succeeded by the International Commission on Snow and Ice (ICSI) of the International subsequently Association established, of Hydrological in 1967, Sciences (IAHS) which the Permanent Service on the' Fluctuations of Glaciers (PSFG) as one of the services of the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical, Sciences of the Int.e rnat i onal Council of Scientific Unions (FAGS/ICSU). Three volumes containing glacier fluctuation data have already been published by the PSFG: Vol. I: Fluctuations of Glaciers 1959-1965 (P. Kasser) Vol. II: Fluctuations of Glaciers 1965-1970 (P. Kasser) Vol. III: Fluctuations of Glaciers 1970-1975 (F. MUller) The objective of the periodic PSFG publication series is to reproduce a global set of data on the fluctuations of glaciers which - affords a general view of the changes - encourages more extensive measurements - invites further processing of the results - facilitates consultation of the further sources - serves as a basis for research. To aid standardization on an international level, UNESCO, together with IAHS and ICSI, published a series of "Technical Papers in Hydrology". These publications were aimed .at the study of snow and ice as natural resources, and at the study of the mechanisms of glacier fluctuations and their relationship to climatic variations. Some of these "Guides" have been updated in recent years, and the following ,relevant for this present volume (Volume are those most IV) of "Fluctuations of Glaciers": v l. Variations of Existing Glaciers. Practices for their Measurement. A Guide to international Technical Papers in Hydrology No.3, UNESCO 1969, which is in part superseded specific by: Instructions for Submission of Data and made more for "Fluctuations of Glaciers 1975-80", issued by the PSFG in June 1983. 2. Perennial Ice and Snow Masses. Assemblage A Guide for Compilation of Data for a World Glacier Inventory. and Technical Papers in Hydrology No. l, UNESCO 1970, which is in part superseded by: F. Müller, T. Caflisch and G. Müller, 1977: Instructions Compilation and Assemblage of Data for a World for Glacier Inventory, and by: TTS (1983): Guidelines for Preliminary Glacier Inventories, both issued by the Temporary Technical Secretariat for World Glacier Inventory of ICSI, Hydrology and Glaciology Technology 3. Combined now at the Laboratory of Hydraulics, (VAW), Swiss Federal Institute of (ETH), Zürich. Heat, Ice and Water Balances at Selected Glacier Basins, Part I: A Guide for Compilation and Assemblage of Data for Glacier Mass Balance Measurements. Standards No.5, and Data Exchange. Part II: Specifications, Technical Papers in Hydrology UNESCO 1970 and 1973. After the publication of PSFG Volume III in 1977, the unexpected, tragic death of its director, Prof. Dr. Fr itz Müller, interrupted until 1983. cult acti vities This interruption not only lead the service into a diffi- financial situation but also discontinuity in the contacts collaborators. Neve rt.heLe ss , thanks response from glaciologists allover produced, with national in some cases, correspondents to the cooperation a and and quick the world, the present volume could be completed within a relatively short time period. Thanks are due to the parent agency FAGS for the allocation of grants. 'However, the main burden of the operation had to be borne by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich. of many colleagues VI at the Laboratory The help and assistance of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology, ETH Zürich is most gratefully acknowledged. In addition to the Director, the PSFG team consisted primarily of two people who were responsible (computer for a major part of the work involved programming and data management) - Peter Müller and Pamela Alean (administration and text) who, throughout the production of this volume, showed the sort of initiative which contributed greatly efficiency with which this publication could be completed. to the They were ably assisted in their tasks by Willy Schmid (maps), and by Werner Nabs and Jiri Pika (data input). Karl Scherler, Executive Secretary of the TTS, provided valuable back-up expertise and implemented a step towards the future coordination of the TTS and the PSFG by assigning WGI-numbers to all glaciers in the PSFG data bank. M. Kuhn (Innsbruck), 'M.F. Meier (Tacoma) and L. Reynaud (Grenoble) acted as scienti fic consultants, Group for PSFG/TTS and the members - D. Vischer of the Swiss Coordinating (Zürich), A. Ohmura (Zürich), H. Röthlisberger (Zürich) and B. Salm (Davos) - as well as C.C. Wallén, consultant to UNEP, helped with administrative measures. Their efforts greatly facilitated the work of the PSFG office during the preparation of "Fluctuations of Glaciers 1975-80". VII TABLE OF CONTENTS page PREFACE I FOREWORD PROLOGUE II AND THANKS V TABLE OF CONTENTS VIII LIST OF ANNEXED MAPS CHAPTER X l - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preparation of Volume IV of "Fluctuations of Glaciers" l 1.2 Organization of the Present Vo~ume 4 CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE OBSERVED GLACIERS 2.1 The Parameters 6 2.2 Sources of Data and Comments for the Various Countries 7 CHAPTER 3 - VARIATION IN THE POSITION AND ADDENDA FROM EARLIER OF GLACIER FRONTS 1975-80 YEARS (TABLES B AND BB) 3.1 The Data 14 3.2 Sources of Data and Comments for the Various Countries 15 CHAPTER 4 - MASS BALANCE STUDY RESULTS AND ADDENDA FROM EARLIER YEARS (TABLES C, CC AND CCC) 4.1 The Data 23 4.2 Sources of Data and Comments for the Various Countries 23 CHAPTER 5 - CHANGES IN AREA, VOLUME AND THICKNESS OF GLACIERS 5.1 The Data 29 5.2 Sources of Data and Comments for the Various Countries 29 CHAPTER 6 - SPONSORING AGENCIES FOR THE GLACIER 6.1 Introduction VIII AND NATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS STUDIES 31 6.2 Sponsoring Agencies and Sources of Data for the Various Countries 31 6.3 National Correspondents and Collaborators of the PSFG CHAPTER 7 AND TABLE F - MISCELLANEOUS 40 43 CHAPTER 8 - THE ANNEXED MAPS Bondhusbreen, Southern Norway, by B. W~ld 65 Hellstugubreen, 66 Southern Norway, by B. Wold Austre Memurubre, Southern Norway, by G. 0strem 67 Thickness Changes of Swiss Glaciers, by P. Kasser and H. Siegenthaler 68 Gepatschferner Hintereisferner 1971, by K. Brunner 75 1979, by M. Kuhn 77 Vernagtferner 1979, by H. Rentsch 79 Langentaler Ferner 1971, by K. Brunner 81 Changes in Elevation of Glaciers in the Eastern Alps 1969-1979, by R. Finsterwalder and H. Rentsch 84 Issik Glacier, by G. Patzelt 85 Batura Glacier, by Xie Zichu 88 CHAPTER 9 - PERSPECTIVES FOR THE FUTURE 89 REFERENCES 91 APPENDIX l: Data sheets and notes on their completion 95 ************************************************************************ TABLE A - GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE OBSERVED GLACIERS 117 TABLE B - VARIATIONS IN THE POSITION OF GLACIER FRONTS: 1975-80 137 TABLE BB - VARIATIONS IN THE POSITION OF GLACIER FRONTS ADDENDA FROM EARLIER YEARS TABLE C - MASS BALANCE SUMMARY DATA: 1975-80 157 169 IX TABLE CC - MASS BALANCE SUMMARY DATA ADDENDA FROM EARLIER YEARS 181 TABLE CCC - MASS BALANCE VERSUS ALTITUDE FOR SELECTED GLACIERS 185 TABLE D - CHANGES IN AREA, VOLUME AND THICKNESS 221 TABLE E - AVAILABILITY OF HYDROMETEOROLGICAL 237 TABLE F - SEE CHAPTER 7 (PAGE 43) DATA 249 ALPHABETIC INDEX ************************************************************************ LIST OF THE ANNEXED MAPS Bondhusbreen (1:10,000) Hel1stugubreen (1:10,000) Austre Memurubre (1:10,000) SdIvret.t.a,Verstancla and Chamm glaciers (1:10,000) Limmern and Plattalva glaciers (1:10,000) Gries glacier (1:10,000) Gepatschferner 1971 (1:10,000) Hintereisferner 1979 (1:10,000) Ver~agtferner 1979 (1:10,000) Langtaler Ferner 1971 (1:7,500) Changes in Elevation of Glaciers in the Eastern Alps 1969-79'(1:20,000) (with accompanying sheet) Issik Glacier (1:25,000) Batura Glacier (1:60,000) x CHAPTER l INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preparation of Volume IV of "Fluctuations of Glaciers" The present volume of Fluctuations of Glaciers 1975-1980 continues the series of ,publications started by Kasser (1967, 1973) and Müller (1977), - referred to here as Volumes I, II and III. Volume III saw a major development towards standardization of data and the installation of a data bank; it appears that this standardization is, in general, acknowledged by the glaciological community to be both appropriate and useful. It was felt that changes in terminolgy, format and types of data should be kept to a minimum term series. in order to preserve the coherency of this long- The format of the present volume therefore strongly resembles that of Volume III. Data sheets were "sent to national correspondents in summer 1983. These sheets saw only minor changes compared to those distributed during the compilation of Volume III. The question of mass balance terminolgy may be the most delicate point. Some mass balance terms used in Volume III, such as "net accumulation", not only give correspondents the freedom to present their sp ecí.aL'k nd of observations, í uncertainty when interpreting recommended that national correspondents but may also lead to some mass balance data~ It was therefore define what they actually measured by using, whenever possible, the terminology developed by Mayo et al. (1972); this recommendation was, unfortunately, not followed by most national correspondents. puristic point of view; This is certainly regrettable it may, however, be of less importance respect to the practical use of long-ter~ records. from a with The data sheets also requested information on the availability of hydrometeorological data, even though the actual data are not published in PSFG volumes. A noteworthy change with respect to Volume III is the fact that length variations of glacier tongues are given as total displacements (m) and not as mean velocities (m/year) of advance or retreat, sometimes over long time intervals; interpolated which were this change was suggested by Patzelt (1979). For the first time, correspondents were asked to supply information about unusual events, such as glacier surges or large glacier floods; such information in national reports (e.g., Kasser and Aellen 1983, Rist 1984) has proven to be very useful despite the fact that it is often qualitative and incomplete. The request by the PSFG on this point was considered as a' pilot study on the question as to whether or not such observations should be included in future PSFG volumes. The weak echo to the request probably indicates that informa- tion on unusual events is not easily obtainable and cannot yet be collected for regular publication on a whrld-wide scale. reasons, it was decided not to include bibliographies For similar and results of short-term energy balance studies. Computer programmes were developed to not only represent the actual data but also to process it further in order to summarize later date and to form a basis for making developments. the results at a assessments on current A system was developed to store all the data received on data sheets, magnetic tapes, punch cards and print-outs. Information is most complete on the original data sheets where, for example, specific remarks pertinent to the measurements of individual glaciers can sometimes be found. measurements, this volume. Other information, such as the dates of individual was stored on the magnetic tapes, but is not printed in This means that information more complete than that prin- ted in the tables is available. Computer work was done using the CDC computer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich. Proofs of the tables and the text were sent to national correspondents at the end of 1984 and beginning of 1985. The present volume contains information on 691 glaciers. Data on "Positians of Glacier Fronts" for the period 1975-1980 were received for 626 glaciers, with "Addenda from Earlier Years" for 105. "Mass Balance Study Results - Summary Data" were submitted for a total of 76 glaciers, with detailed "Mass Balance versus Altitude" data for 20 glaciers. Data relating to "Changes in Area, Volume and Thickness" are presented for 36 glaciers. Although some information is available from glaciers in Africa, South America, Asia and Antarctica, the bulk of the data comes from North America, Europe and the USSR. For the first time in the PSFG series, data on Chinese glaciers is included, but no fluctuation data Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Spain, Turkey, Afghanistan, Nepal, India and Bhutan. was obtained from Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, In some cases, the PSFG was not able to establish contacts (e.g., Chile), in others programmes seem to have been suspended (e.g., Afghanistan) or to have st a rt ed after 1980 (e.g.,Spain). 2 A special section, Chapter 7, has been included in this volume to represent important information which does not fit into the standardized format of the tables. This section mainly concerns balances estimated using "index measurements" on remote glaciers and polar ice sheets. The scarcity of fluctuation data from the largest ice bodies on earth still represents the chief limitation to global land ice monitoring today. The tradition of including examples of special glacier maps continued volume. with the inclusion .ì abe i.nq of 13 maps in the back pocket of this The collection of maps in PSFG volumes not only reflects the "state of the art" in the field of glacier mapping, but is also thought to document especially well-studied glaciers and qLac ers in remote ì areas. The value of such maps for interpreting glacier fluctuation data is certainly beyond any discussion. The PSFG is extremely grateful for the fact that most of the maps included here were donated. Brief descriptions of the maps are given in Chapter 8. A reference list for the present volume is to be found after Chapter 9, immediately before Table A. It should be noted, however, that refer- ences pertinent to the map texts are found at the end of each text and are therefore not included in the general reference list. As a result of requests for the standard PSFG'data sheets from various scientists and authorities, it has been decided to include the data sheets which were used for the collection of data for this volume in Appendix l, together with the corresponding explanations. 3 1.2 Organization of the Present Volume The data presented in this volume consist of the following types: Table Ä: General Information on the Observed Glaciers Table B: Variations in the Position of Glacier Fronts, 1975-80 Table BB: Variations in the Position of Glacier Fronts - Addenda from'earlier years Table C: Mass Balance Summary Data, 1975-80· Table CC: Mass Balance Summary Data - Addenda from earlier years Table CCC: Mass Balance versus Altitude for Selected Glaciers Table D: Changes in Thickness, Area and Volume Table E: Availability of Hydrometeorological Data Table F: Miscellaneous Data presented in Chapter 7 Sources of data and comments can be found in Chapters 2 to 7. each data type, the glaciers are organized according where they occur with, in same cases, sub-division graphical units, e.g., Austrian glaciers Within to the country into smaller geo- are divided into Il groups according to natural sub-divisions of the country. Table A provides the reader not only with general information on the glaciers of a particular country or region, but also lists which data are available glaciers in other tables. for these An alphabetic index of glaciers is given at the end of this volume to allow easy location of the data for anyone glacier within the various tables A to F. Glaciers are identified with a name of up to 15 alphabetical and numerical characters and a "PSFG Number" of four or five digits alphabetical prefix denoting the country. with an The order in which data from the different countries are presented, together with the corresponding prefixes, is shown in the following table: Country: Prefix: --- Country: Prefix: Canada CD France F U.S.A. US Switzerland CH Peru PE Austria A Greenland G Italy I Iceland IS Kenya KN Norway N U.S.S.R. SU S China CN Antarctica AN Sweden Germany (Fed.Rep.) D 4 Although in some cases it was necessary 'to abbreviate the names of glaciers, it should always be possible to compare data for any particular glacier in the present volume with data in previous volumes. This volume sees the inclusion of the PsFG number for each glacier in every data table, including the index. Glacier Inventory In addition, the corresponding World (WGI) code number for each glacier is given in the index in order to facilitate work with both data sets (PsFG and WGI) in the future. It should be noted, ,however, that the WGI numbers printed in the present volume are those which were being used by the TTs at the end of 1984. Some of these may be changed in the final publication of the WGI and a corrected list will appear in PsFG Volume V. Although all data are tabulated in Tables A to E, it is not recommended that they be used without consultation of the relevant sections in the tex t ; in th e cas e o f Tab le F, th e da t a are given w ith in th e te xt o f Chapter 7. Furthermore, when citing data from this volume, references to the original sources of the data - given in the relevant chapter of the text - should be quoted wherever possible. 5 CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE OBSERVED GLACIERS 2.1 The Parameters The inçluded parameters consti~ute a useful minimum of information about each observed available glacier. Emphasis is placed upon basic information from a national glacier inventory carr ied out according to internationally agreed speci fications. A list of the parameters given in Table A, together with their abbreviations as used in the Table can be found on the cover page of Table A. each glacier The 3-digi t classi fication of (CODE) is based on the following scheme (UNESCO/lASH, 1970) : Digit l: Primary Classification O Miscellaneous l Continental Ice Sheet 2 Ice-field 3 Ice Cap 4 Outlet glacier 5 Valley glacier 6 Mountain glacier 7 Glacieret or snowfield 8 Ice-shelf 9 Rock glacier Digit 2: Form 6 O Miscellaneous l Compound basins - two or more glaciers coalescing 2 Compound basin - two or more accumulation basins 3 Simple basin 4 Cirque 5 Niche 6 Crater 7 Ice apron 8 Group 9 Remnant Digit 3: Frontal 2.2 °l Miscellaneous 2 Expanded 3 Lobed 4 Calving 5 Coalescing, 6 Irregular, mainly clean ice 7 Irregular, mainly debris covered Piedmont foot non .contributing 8 Single lobed, mainly clean ice 9 Single lobe, mainly debris covered Sources of Data and Comments Indi vidual each Characteristics investigators country agencies Canada for the Various and their in Chapters 3 and 4. and organizations holding Countries sponsor ing agencies The addresses original are gi ven for of the sponsoring data are given in Chapter 6. (CD) Data for 43 Canadian glaciers Surface Water Division, porating the standard Ommanney was assisted glaciers are mostly (NTS) at a scale were provided by C.S.l. Ommanney of the Ottawa (SW), in the form of a manuscript PSFG data by J. Jackson derived sheets (Ommanney, and J. Zi to. from the Canadian Data on individual Topographic Map Series of 1:50,000. All of Canada has been flolNn with low level aerial photography for mapping missions at a scale of 1:50,000. have been 1:10,000 or better. are available incor- unpublished). flown Flight In several cases, for the mapping line information special of glaciers suitable air photo at a scale and the individual of prints from the: National Air Photo Library, Surveys and Mapping Branch, 615, Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OE9 7 The Surveys and Mapping Canada at a scale sheets. Having glacierized Branch of 1:50,000 a somewhat areas is striving and to update lower of Canada to complete are available Canada ottiwa, based digitizing system to Z = been assigned of a glacier determined Canada. boundaries for Canadian division, using 26 .. and w ith unnamed position reports or submitted NTS maps sheets with the "Automap" approximate allocation alphabetic have KIA OE9 using data, a computer- software. For the large ice were drawn on the 1:1,000,000 maps of Canada and the areas measured. The PSFG number digits scale. Branch, from published off the most recent initial at the larger and Avenue, Ontario, have been taken scale glacier NTS of the mountain from the : Surveys ,and Mapping when not taken scale of Map Office, 130, Bentley caps and icefields, 1:250,000 many have yet to be mapped Maps at all scales and indices Area values, the priority, its mapping from features name within has been based on the of 1-99 at 50... based its particular listing of named with the subscript .ì ,e , A = Dl .. two digits, starting at a scale the latest Glacier names glaciers the first The last two on the relative alphabetic glaciological west, south-east block, as features in and east etc. refer to the fact that only one lobe of the main tongue was observed. The Canadian reports manuscript published to work published contains or produced a b~bliography from which lists papers 1975 to 1980 inclusive. since then are available from the national and References correspon- dent. Data for 3 additional R. LeB. Hooke U.S.A. Data (UM) and A. Ohmura in NWT Canada were submitted by (GIETH). (US) for 106 U.S. glaciers the U.S. Geological denotes Survey were provided to the PSFG by C S. Brown of (USGST). The first digi t of the PSFG number the state where the glacier is located; the second digit denotes the range, the mountains 8 glaciers or a specific mountain. 1st digit O, l Alaska 0001-0199 2 5 Brooks Range 0200-0399 Alaska Range, Aleutian Range 0400-0599 Kenai Mountains 0600-1099 Chugach Mountains 1100-1299 Wrangell Mountains 1300-1799 St. Elias Mountains 1800-1999 Coast Mountains Washington 2101-2150 Olympic Mountains 2002-2012 Mount Baker 2014-2019 Glacier Peak 2020-2040 Mount Rainier 2050-2065 Mount Adams 2075-2090 Mount St. Helens Montana Peru (PE) Data for 4 Peruvian glaciers were received from M. Zamora Cobos of the "Unidad de Glaciologia" of the "Empresa Electricidad del Peru" in Huaraz (ElectroperujEP). Data for Quelccaya Ice Cap were sent by C S. Brown of the U.S. Geological Survey. Greenland (G) Mass balance data for 3 glaciers in Greenland were received from A. Weidick of the Geological Survey of Greenland in Copenhagen (GGU) 9 Iceland (IS) Frontal variation data for 49 Icelandic glacier tongues were provided by S. Rist of the Hydrological Survey, National Energy Authority in Reykjavik (OS), and compiled Reykjavik. by H. Björnssnn of the University of Iceland in The Icelandic letters ö and ~ appearing in glacier names have been transliterated in the data tables as o and d respectively. Norway (N) Data were received from three sources: from B. Wold of the Norwegian Resources and Electricity Norwegian Board (NVE) in Oslo, from o. t est e I of the ì Polar Research Institute (NPI) in Oslo, and from J. Jania of the Silesian University in Sosnowiec, Poland (SUP) - for Spitsbergen. The Norwegian letters ~ and ~ appearing in glacier names have been transliterated as oe and aa respectively. Sweden (S) Data for 15 Swedish glaciers were received from V. Schytt and P. Holmlund of the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University (NGSU). Shortly before this volume went to press, the PSFG office received the sad news of the death of Professor Schytt. early pioneers to start glacier mass balance As one of the measurements and as national correspondent for Sweden since the very beginning of the PSFG publication series, he holds a special place in the history of this service and will long be remembered for the active role he played. The PSFG numbers for the Swedish glaciers are the last four digits of the IHD index numbers given by Gaffeng (1971). The Swedish letters ä, ö and ~ have been transliterated as ae, oe and a respectively. The names of the following glaciers are taken from topographical maps and are corrections of the names appearing in Volume III 10 PSFG number Name Name in PSFG Volume III S 767 Ruotesjekna S 796 Passusjietna W Pasustjietna W S 797 Passusjietna E Pasustjietna E S 798 Karsojietna Ruotesglaciaeren Karsajoekeln Germany, Federal Republic (D) Data for 3 Bavarian glaciers were received from Commission for Glaciology, Bavarian Academy o. Reinwarth of Sciences of the in Munich (CGBAS). France (F) Data for 7 French glaciers were received from L. Reynaud of the Laboratory of Glaciology and Environmental Geophysics in Grenoble (CNRS). Switzerland (CH) Data on 114 Swiss glaciers were received from M. Aellen of the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH), and additional, mass balance data for Rhone glacier was sent by M. Funk of the Geographical Institute of the ETH in Zürich (GIETH). The main source of general information was the Swiss Glacier Inventory by Müller et al. (1976). Austria (A) Data for a total of 120 Austrian glaciers were sent to the PSFG from three sources: Research from G. Patzelt of the Institute in Innsbruck (IHG), from H. Slupetzky Institute, University of Salzburg (GlUS), and from for High Mountain of the Geographical o. Reinwarth of the Commission for Glaciology in Munich (CGBAS). The main source of information was the Austrian Glacier Inventory; the data in Table A (General Information) were, in most cases, taken from this inventory and refer to the situation in 1969. 11 The first two digits of the PSFG numbers for Austria denote the mountain groups as shown in the following table: Di~it Mountain Group Digit Mountain Group Dl Silvretta Gruppe 07 Glockner Gruppe 02 Oetztaler Alpen 08 Sonnblick Gruppe (Goldberg G. ) 03 Stubaier Alpen 09 Hochkönig 04 Zillertaler Alpen 10 Ankogel-Hochalmspitz Gruppe 05 Venediger Gruppe Il Dachstein Gruppe 06 Granatspitz Gruppe Italy (I) Data for 60 Italian glaciers were received from G. Zanon of the Department of Geography, University of Padua (DGUP). The main sources of information were the World Glacier Inventory (in preparation) and the Italian Glacier Inventory. Kenya (KN) Data on 6 glaciers on Mount Kenya were received-from S. Hastenrath of the Department of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A. (UWDM). U.S.S.R. (SU) Data on glacier fluctuations in the U.S.S.R. were received in the form of a manuscript report in Russian by K.G. Makarevitch (unpublished), of the Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences in Alma Ata (ASKASSR). Some additional data were taken from various Soviet glacier inventory publications. Data are given on a total of 87 Soviet glaciers in this volume. China (CN) Data on 27 Chinese glaciers were sent to the PSFG by Shi Yafeng and Ren Binghui of the Lanzhou (LIGC) . 12 Institute of Glaciolology and Cryopedology Antarctica (AN) Data on 32 Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic glaciers were received from T.J. Chinn of the Ministry of Works and'Development in Christchurch, New Zealand (MWD) and from I. Allison of the Antarctic Division, Department of Science, University of Melbourne, Australia. There is considerable difficulty fitting Antarctic ice sheet data into the present format of the PSFG volumes for two reasons: knowledge of the ice sheet is still only rudimentary and both the spatial scale of the glaciers and the time scales of the variations those of mountain desi qned. glaciers are much greater than for which the PSFG format was largely (See Chapter 7 for further comments.) 13 CHAPTER 3 - VARIATION ADDENDA 3.1 IN THE POSITION FROM EARLIER OF GLACIER YEARS FRONTS (TABLES 1975-80 AND B AND BB) The Data Data relating the period included same to the position 1975-80. in Volume cases volumes BB also but which front in metres. data which were to be stationary; to be in advance; = glacier of for cases there was some frontal activity appears SN in the position period: appears glacier in in earlier data are also given glacier = were not volume; reported the variation +X = glacier -X 1975 which or updated. Qualitative were made although in the reported = preceding have now been corrected where no measurements ST gives data in Table B represent the glacier observed fronts are given in Table B for III are given in Table BB of the present Table Quantitative of glacier The data for periods appears tongue to be in retreat; is covered with snow so as to make the survey impossible. In all cases, for which the qualitative either other hand, quantitative tions should data should quantitative data following be understood last quantitative refer or qualitative a series as referring The data given in Table B are not homogeneous annual recommended in Kasser sporadic of qualitative to the whole period year On the observasince the measurement. of observation regular to the preceding data are available. used. In some or biennial by the Glacier (1967, p , 20-26). or casual cases, surveys rather than theodolite In other better than about survey. with respect methods of the Swiss cases, based ±0.5m and may be much are similar Academy to those methods of the data will d~pending by are more photogrammetrie worse, made of Sciences the measurements upon The accuracy to the method measurements following Commission and are often the rarely be on the m~thod used. Dates 14 of survey are omitted from Table B simply on account of shortage of space. made In almost at or near Austral Autumn between annual variations, all cases it can be assumed the end of the balance seasons. Deviation surveys will from cause interval the limit or of 365 days in the calculation lie within are i.e., in the Boreal a time errors but they will usually that the surveys year, of annual of errors due to other causes. 3.2 The Sources of Data and Comments methods glacier used fronts according a b c d e to investigate are given 6. Canada (CD) geodetic in Table Canadian BB. position in the text which of follows, glacier, (e. g. , visual) glaciers ways agencies in Canada over or determined the have years. given can be found in been Early the mean variation Some of the systematic reported 1970-75), measured in a investigators from a number glacier in the previous also included studies Canadian regular of ground of around PSFG report photography photo stations. In 1945, the Dominion the variations or no information from one fixed, know~ point to the outer limit the turn of the century, 'from established tape etc.) are given in Table B and for 21 glaciers variations fixed point measurements. (for fluctuations (theodolite, used for the sponsoring Glacier measured survey of a, b or c different traditionally British in the photogrammetry other methods of the visible variations key: ground combination Data for 25 number Countries aerial photogrammetry terrestrial The key to the symbols Chapter the for each glacier to the following = = = = = for,the Various Water and Power and rate of movement Columbia. Up to 1960, changes method and thereafter by a baseline cussed in the previous report. Bureau started of several were determined method. The Water routine glaciers by a snout The methodology Survey surveys in Alberta of and area was dis- of Canada has been the 15 only agency in Canada measuring glacier variations systematically on an annual or biennial basis. Unfortunately, their programme in British Columbia has been suspended and that in Alberta is under review. 1978 marked the last year of the biennial terrestrial photogrammentric surveys on Bugaboo, Kokanee, Nadahini, Sentinel and Spinx glaciers and those on Athabasca and Saskatchewan glaciers were suspended in 1979. Fortunately, the Çalgary Office of the Water Survey of Canada has continued snout surveys on these latter two glaciers in even-numbered years. The plaque-line, glacier movement survey of Saskatchewan glacier was discontinued in 1978, 'but that on Athabasca glacier continued. In the previous Canadian report, figures for the retreat of Athabasca and Saskatchewan glaciers were annual rather than biennial Hence corrected values are given for these two glaciers. the figures listed for these two glaciers volume are variations over a two-year values. In additian, in Table B of the present period, since there were two differents sets of biennial surveys. The investigators for the Canadian glaciers, together with their sponsoring agencies, are as follows: Athabasca/c - WSCC and I.A. Reid and J.D.G. Charbonneau (WSCO); Berm/a, Elkin/d, Fleur des Neiges/a, Griffin East and West Tongues/a, Staircase East and West Tongues/a, Thunderclap East and West Lobes/a, Tsoloss West K. Ricker (RICKER and ACC); Sentinel/c and Sphinx/c Clendenning/d, Tongue/d Bugaboo/c, and Caltha Kokanee/c, Lake/c - Nadahini/c, - I.A. Reid and J.D.G. Charbonneau (WSCO); Havoc/a, Surf/d, and Wave/d - K. Ricker, K. Hunt and L. Jozsa (RICKER and ACC); Emerald/c - R.J. Rogerson (MUN); Friendly/c - J. Lixvar and K. Ricker (RICKER and ACC); SouthWest SJC and ACC); neau (WSCO); and ACC); ACC); "New Moon" North West and Lobes /a - K. Ricker, L. Jozsa and D. Kennedy (RICKER, FCC, Saskatchewan/c - WSCC, AHD, I.A. Reid and J.D.G. CharbonTchaikazan/c - J. Lixvar, K. Ricker and N. Carter (RICKER Terrific/a - K. Ricker, J. Clarke and A. Post (RICKER and Wedgemount/d - W.A. Tupper, K. Bracewell. J. Leroux and K. Ricker (BCIT and RICKER). U.S.A. (US) Data for 102 U.S. glaciers are given in Table B and for 18 glaciers in Table BB. 16 Sources of data and sponsoring agencies for the U.S. glaciers in the order in which they appear in Tables B and BB are: Falling to Meares - W.O. Field (WOF/mostly Columbia- M.F. Meier b but also a, c and e); and A. Post (USGST/d), W.O. Fißld (WOF/d), G.K. Gilbert, Shoup to Saddlebag - W.O. Field U.S. Grant and D.F. Higgins (b,e,e); (WOF /a, b, c and e); Betseli to Chetaslina - C. Benson, M. Sturm and P. MaeKeith (UA/a, c and e); Geikie to Wright - W.O. Field (WOF/a, b, c and e); South Cascade - R.M. Krimmel (USGST/e); Carbon to North Mowieh - C. Dr ie dg er (U SGS T/a); (USGST/a and c); Shoestrinq - M. Brugg m an and M .F. Me ier Carrie to Ice River -·R.C. Spicer (USGST/a and b); Blue - Table B data from W.B. Kamb and K. Eehelmeyer data from (UW/e), W.B. Kamb F Dickinson R.P. Sharp (CAL/e); et al (CAL/e), E.R. La Chapelle and G.O. Fagerlund Black (CAL/e), Table BB to Queets (ONP/e), and R. Hubley C.R. Allen - R.C. Spicer and (USGST/a,b); Grinnell - Table B data from W.A. Blenkarn (USGSH/e), Table BB data from M.E. Beatty and A. Johnson (USGSH/e), G.C. Ruhle (GNP/c); Sperry - W.A. Blenkarn M.J. Elrod, Dyson .Ll., and (USGSH/e) Peru (PE) Individual investigators for the Peruvian glaciers, together with their sponsoring agencies and method of investigation are: Queleeaya/e - l.G. Thompson (NSF); Broggi, Yanamarey, Uruashraju and Santa Rosa/e - unspecified members of EP. Greenland (G) Measuremer:ts of variations in the position of glaciers PSFG-sense are not performed of measurements photogrammetrie determinations fronts in the in Greenland. However, of the snout positions of Qamanârssup (lCH21002) sermia lead to the conclusion that this outlet was approximately stationary between 1968 and 1980, whereas its northern neighbour, the outlet of lCH21002, period. Nordbogletscher started to increase its volume (lAG05001) and its neighbour in the same Nordgletscher (lAG07008) have been considerably increasing in volume since the 1940's; on the other hand, Valhaltindegletsehet (lAG05008-09) has apparently thinned slightly over the last few decades (Clement 1981, Andreasen et al. 1982). The main photogrammetrie investigations are made by N.T. Knudsen, Aarhus University, for the GGU. 17 Iceland (IS) Frontal variation data for 49 Icelandic glacier tongues are given in Table B. Method c was employed for all glaciers. The individual investigators, all members of OS, 'are: Jökulkrokur, fellsjökull - A. Piihl; Gigjökull and Haga- Sidujökull E. - O. Jenssan; Hyrningsjökull and Jökulhals - H. Haraldsson; Kaldalonsjökull - A. Johannsson; jökull - I. Eiriksson; jökull - K. Johannesson; jökull Solheimajökull Nauthagajökull fjardarjökull - B. Thorsteinsson; Baegisarjökull Svinafellsjökull, W. - F. Björnsson; Hoffellsjökull Leirujökull- - H. Gudmundsson; and Falljökull Fjallsjökull Breidam.jökull Reykja- - H. Björnsson; Skaf- Virkisjökull G. Gunnarsson; Kviarjökull, Hrutarjökull, jökull Skeidarar- and Mulajökull - M. Hallgrimsson; - G. Jakobsson; tafellsjökull, Oldufells- Skeidararjökull W. - E. Hannesson; E. and Morsarjökull S. Jonsson; - V. Johannesson; Gljufurar- - and Breidam.- E. - S. Thorhallson; Tungnaarjökull - H. Haflidason; Eyjabakkajökull, Bruarjökull and Kverkjökull - G. Stefansson. Norway (N) Individual investigators Norwegian glaciers Austerdalsbreen, for the frontal variation measurements are: Buarbreen, Briksdalsbreen, Bondhusbreen, Faabergstoelbreen, of Styggedalsbreen, Nigardsbreen and Stegholtbreen - unspecified members of NPI (method c); Aalfotbreen and Engabreen - unspecified members of NVE (method c); Werenskioldbreen/b and Hansbreen/c - J. Jania (SUP). Sweden (S) Frontal variation data for 15 Swedish glaciers are given in Table B. The individual investigators were not specified and all investigations were carried out under the sponsorship of NGSU. The methods used for these investigations are as follows: Salajekna, Partejekna, Mikkajekna, Ruotesjekna, Suottasjekna, Passusjietna W. and E. - a and c; Ruopsokjekna - a; Vartasjekna, Stuor Raeitaglaciaeren, Rabots glaciaer, Isfallsglaciaeren, Storglaciaeren and Karsojietna - c; Kuototjakkagl - e. 18 France Data (F) for 6 French Argentière/e, glaciers are Mer de GIace/c, given Bossons/c, Blanc/c - no individual carried out by members of CNRS. Switzerland Frontal data tions, with Cantonal persons. as follows: R. Epinay, Marlétaz; Forestry Glarus W. Rohrer; of Rauch, Service of Canton and work was Method c was used glacier front investigated Laui Ie ) and de Mauvoisin - M. Barter, - A. Boden- A. Tscherrig Besançon of Canton Berne o. - Stahel; of Gallen Bisaz, Forestry H. Vogt, Canton Service - J.l. R. Danuser, B. Parolini, of Canton Ticino - Forestry hydro-electric Blanc, - Forestry and F. Viviani; Oberhasli of Obwald - W. Suter; A. Colombo, G. Viglezio and Service J. Könz, C. Mengelt, power V. and H. Boss, W. Wild and R. Zimmermann. the variation Swiss glacers; the as indicated: Oberaar(a), Fee, Forestry Service St. investigators methods, - R. Straub, and F. Zurbrügg; F. Juvalta, to investigate Blümlisalp(e); Matrices are H. Siegen- Vaud - J.P. P. Mercier, Pierredar(e), programme M. Torrent, Forestry for most of the in cooperation power companies in this Valais of Canton Uri - K. Oechslin; by other Martinets(e), Forces of Canton private supervised M. May, M. Peter, C. Valeggia, E. Hodel, out B and of observais H. Röthlisberger, of Canton Blumer; and J. carried involved P. Kasser, Graubünden - A. Flotron; A. Godenzi, Bis - all - Service Service G. Ciseri, Commission, observers Service H. Klöti, A. Sialm G. Corti, plant - E. Canton O. Hugentobier, L, all in Table The programme hydro-electric R. Zumstein Forestry given BB. are H. Widmer; Forestry are Services, Service T. Kuonen, K. Steiner, Service glaciers Gebroulaz/c but Glacier measurements and Forestry and P.A. Wenger; Canton Swiss Forestry Individual W. Schmid U. Vogt, Sorlin/c, glaciers in Table by the VAW- M. Aellen, A. Mathier; mann, For these were specified, 114 Swiss Fee glacier VAW; many of the or private J.P. for supported various thaler, Saint investigåtors data for largely by the B. (CH) variation addenda in Table Garner, in the position following Giétro(a), Unteraar(a), glaciers were Allalin(a), Tri ft(e), Unte Grindelwald, of the Rosen- Basodina and method d. 19 Austria (A) Frontal variation data for 119 Austrian glaciers are given in Table B. The sponsoring Club. agency for these observations The indi vidual investigators is the Austrian for the glaciers in each group are as follows: G. Grass; Oetztaler Alpen: Alpine and the methods of investigation Weissee Silvretta Ferner Gruppeie - to Ka rLe s Fernerle - G. Patzelt, Hochjoch Ferne~ to Vernagt Fernerle - H. Schneider, Rettenbach Ferner to Mutmal Fernerle and e-A. e-G. Gross; - A. Laesser; Venediger Granatspitz Gruppeie and e-H. Karlinger Stubaier Alpenie and Zillertaler Alpen: Wildgerlos Keeslc - W. Slupetzky, all other glaciersie walder; Schöpf; Keeslb and e, Klockerin Gruppeie Slupetzky; and e-L. Ober- Glockner Gruppe: Keeslc, Pasterzen Kees to Pfandl- schartenie, Eiser Keeslb and e, Griesskogl Keeslb and e, Schwarzkoepfl Ke esz'c - H. H. Riedl (1979), G. Patzelt (1980), Baerenkopf Ke esz'c- G.Patzelt, Oedenwinkel Slupetzky, Kees to Teischnitz Kees/b H. Tollner and e-H. (1976, Slupetzky; Sonnblick Gruppeie - H. Tollner (1976, 1978) and N. Hammer (1979,1980); (1976,1977) (1978-80); Dachstein and R. Mayer Gruppe: Hallstaetter G./c Gr. Gosau 1978), Hochkönig/c Ankogel Gruppeie and Schneeloch G./c and Schladminger G./c - J. Goldberger G./c - H. Lang; - R. Moser, - R. Wannenmacher. Italy (I) Frontal variation data for 59 Italian glaciers are given in Table B. The sponsoring logical agency for these observations Committee is the Italian Glacio- (CGI) in Turin, with financial "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)", Rome. all cases. in which from the The individual investigators for the glaciers in the order they appear in Table B are as follows: E. Armando, W. Monterin; C. Lesca, A.V. Cerutti, Piode - W. Monterin; I and A. Mazza; C. Smiraglia; Agnello to Lys - F. Bach, A. Cotta Ramusino and Belvedere to Camosci - L. Tettamanti , Ventina to Dosegu - L. Buzzetti, C. Saibene, G. Catasta, C. Smiraglia, I. Bellotti and A. Pollini; Pisgana Dec. - C. Saibene and Mandrorie to Amola - V. Marchetti; Dcc. - V. Marchetti, F. Secchieri, R. Serandrei Barbero. Presanella to Gigante G. Zanon, U. Mattana, R. Serandrei Barbera and V. Giannoni; 20 support Method c was used in E. Zanella, Dcc. di Montasio ta Canin Dcc. - Kenya (KN) Frontal variation data for 6 glaciers on Mount Kenya are given in Table B. All were investigated by S. Hastenrath (unsponsored), using methods a and c. U .S.S.R. (SU ) Data for frontal variations of 77 Soviet glaciers are presented in Table B and for 51 of these glaciers in Table BB. Individual investigators and their sponsoring agencies are as follows: Marukhskiy/c - A.l. Krenke and V.M. Menshutin (IGAN); Y.U.G. Ilichev (UGKS-NC); Alibekskiy to Kozitsiti/c A.G. Sannikov and V.N. Vladimirov (UGKS-T); and Turpakbel Nizhn to Akbulakulkun/c Sh.K. Fayzrakhmanov Kyzylkul/c (SANII); - (UGKS-T); Pakhtakor/all c - V.O. Panav, and No. 503 to Oiakhandara/e - Raygaradskogo to Batyrbay/e by V.F. Suslov, G.E. Glazyr in and Golubina/e Kalesnika/c, and GGP/e - N.V. Maksimov (UGKS-K); Tokmaksoldy-l/c and Karabulak to - Sh.K. Fayzrakhmanov (SANII); Tuyuksu Tsentra./c, Shokalskogo/c, Talgar Yuzhnyy/c and Molodezhniy/c - K.G. Makarevitch and A.K. Makarevitch (ASKISSR); (ASKASSR); Karabatkak/c - A.N. Oikikh and E.K. Bakov Koltar Vostoch. and Kolpakovskogo Kuzmichenok and A.N. Oikikh Kuzmichenok and A.N. Oikikh (ASKISSR); (ASKISSR); to Bordu/all Aksu/e e - V.A. - R.O. Zadirov, Shumskogo/c V.A. - P.A. Ehe rkasov Mal yy Berelski y le - N.V. Erasav, N. Ospanov an d G.A. Tok ma- (ASKASSR); gambetov (ASKASSR); Kozelskiy to Mutnovskiy Grechishkina/e SW/e - V.N. Vinogradov - V.N. Vinogradovand (OVNTS); Ya.D. Muravev (DVNTS). China (eN) Frontal variation data for 12 Chinese glaciers are given in Table B and for 10 glaciers in Table BB. The sponsoring agency was 'the lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and eryopedology (lIGe). The individual investigators are as follows: Zichu et al.; laohuguo/b Sigonhe Urumqihe No. 4/c Shuiguanhne No. 4/a - Sun Zuozhe; - Wu Guanghe; Sigonhe and Qiyi/b and e - Xie Tuergango/c- Su Zhen et a Iv ; No. S/c - Zhang ehangqion; Source No. l/b and e - Wang Wenjing et al. and Sun Zuozhe et al.; Quntailan/e, Tugebieligi/c, Muzhaert/c and Sayigapeir/c - Su Zhen; 21 Kalageyule Wuk./c - Zheng Benxing Deshing ; Rongbu and Qiangyong/a - Xie Zichu, Zhang Wenjing and Zheng and Su Zhen; Qierganbulak/c - Mi Benxing. Antarctica (AN) Frontal variation data for 27 Antarctic and Sub Antarctic glaciers are given in Table B. The individual investigators and their sponsoring agencies in the order in which they appear in the table are as follows: Schlatter to Victoria Lower/b - T.J.H. Chinn (MWD); Allison/a - P. Keage and I. Allison (ANARE). 22 Baudissin to CHAPTER 4 - MASS BALANCE STUDY RESULTS AND ADDENDA FROM EARLIER YEARS (TABLES C, CC AND CCC) 4.1 The Data Mass balance study results are presented in the following tables: in Table C summary data are given for the years 1975-80, Table CC contains data from years prior to 1975 which have not, as yet, been published in a PSFG volume or corrected/updated values of previously published data, whilst more detailed data for mass balance versus altitude are given in Table CCC. Data in Tables C and CC were extracted "Mass Balance Study Results - Summary from the completed Data" standardized PSFG data sheets whilst the data in Table CCC were sent to the PSFG in various formats as no specific PSFG data form was prepared for this purpose. A list of the type of data given in each of the Tables C, CC and CCC, together with an explanation of the abbreviations and symbols used can be found on the cover measurement sheet of each table. Where the system (SYS) is given as STR, it can be assumed of that balance quantities relate to BW, BS and BN respectively (stratigraphic system), for SYS = FXD (fixed- whilst they relate to AC, AA and BA respectively date system). Where the system is given as OTH (other) or ** (unspecified) the situation is admittedly ambiguous. 4.2 Sources of Data and Comments for the Various Countries. Canada (CD) Data for 15 Canadian glaciers are given in Table C and for 2 glaciers in Table CC. The investigators for these glaciers, sponsoring agencies, are as follows: together wi th their Alexander, Andrei, Sykora/Bridge, Helm, Place, Sentinel, Sykora, Yuri and Zavisha - O. Mokievsky-Zubok (NHR); Devon Ice Cap and South Ice Cap - R.M. Koerner (PCSP); Ice Cap - W.Paterson, J.M. Power (NHR); Baby Glacier K.C. Arnold and R.M. Koerner Meighen (PCSP), Peyto - Barnes Ice Cap - R. LeB. Hooke and K.A. Brugger (UM); - J. Alean (McGill, PCSP and GIETH); White Glacier - K. Wyss et al. (McGill, PCSP and GIETH). 23 Mass balance versus altitude data for 2 of the above glaciers are given in Table CCC. The investigators are the same as those given above. There have been some changes in the Canadian mass balance programme since the last report (Fluctuations of Glaciers 1970-75). Some of the IHD projects have been terminated (e.q., Ram River glacier and Woolsey glacier) while others have been started. Included here for the first time are the results of a series of mass balance studies, undertaken in connection with hydroelectric developments in the Coast Mountains, in the Bridge River and Iskut River areas. A study of two glaciers in the Homathko River area commenced in the early 1980's. The present report also includes some information covering the period prior to 1975-76 which was not reported earlier. Data on the mass balance of Meighen Ice Cap, measured since 1959, and the South Ice Cap of Melville Island, both missing from the last Canadian report, are included, together with somewhat more detailed information on the Devon Ice Cap and Peyto glacier. Mass balance results for the Axel Heiberg glaciers (White and Baby) and for Coburg Island were collected Institute, ETH Zürich (GIETH); (and are held by) the Geographical White glacier data have been carefully reinterpreted by K. Wyss (1984). Measurements of mass balance have been made on Barnes Ice Cap along the trilateratian net flow line during each of the years covered by this report; the reduced data were made available by R. LeB. Hooke (UM). More detailed comments on Barnes Ice Cap investigations are given in Chapter 7. On Ellesmere Island, studies of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf have been taken over by M. Jeffries and those on the small ice cap north of St. Patrick Bay by J. England. No data from these studies were made available for this report. In 1980, four glaciers in the Torngat Mountains, Labrador - Superguksoak, Minaret, Abraham and Hidden - were visited by R.J. Rogerson of Memorial University and mass balance investigations begun. It is hoped that data from these studies can be included in the next Canadian PSfG report. 24 U.S.A. (US) Mass Balance data for 4 U.S. glaciers are given in Table C, for l of these glaciers in Table CC, and mass balance versus altitude data for 2 glaciers in Table CCC. (cf., also Chapter 7.) The investigators and the sponsoring agencies for these glaciers are: Gulkana and Wolverine L.R. Mayo and D.C. Trabant (USGSF); M.F. Meier (USGST); Columbia - - L.R. Mayo (USGSF) and South Cascade - R.M. Krimmel (USGST). Greenland (G) Data for Valhaltindegl, investigated by P. Clement (GGU), are given in Table C, and data for Nordbogletscher, also investigated by P. Clement, in Table CCC. (cf., also Chapter 7 for data on Qamanârssup serm'ia.) The present line of glaciological observations started in 1977 and only three glaciers are covered by mass balance measurements for the period in question. Two of the three glaciers are outlets of the Inland Ice. This means that the magnitude of the glacier area and, hence, of the total mass balance cannot be given. Mass balance versus altitude data for Nordbogletscher (Table CCC) refer to parts of the ablation area only (hydrological basin of the glacier). Norway (N) Data for 13 Norwegian glaciers are given in Table C and mass balance versus altitude data for 9 glaciers in Table CCC. tigafors and sponsor ing agenc ies are Hellstugubreen, Graasubreen, Nigardsbreen, Engabreen, NVE; Trollbergdalsbreen .a s The individual inves- follows: Bondhusbreen, Aalfotbreen, Hoegtuvbreen, and Graabreen - unspecified members of Hardangerjökulen, Storbreen, Au. Broeggerbreen and M. Lovenbreen - unspecified members of NPI; Werenskioldbreen - M. Pulina, J. Pereyma and J. Kida (SUP). 25 Balance data for 1979-80 only are given for Werenskiold glacier and the investigators report that these are approximate. Ablation was calcu- lated from hydrometric measurements, together with stake measurements in the ablation area and observation of summer precipitation and evapo- ratio~. Sweden' (S) Data were received for l Swedish glacier, Storglaciaeren, and are given in Table C. They were submitted by NGSU; the individual investigators were not specified. France (F) Data for 3 French glaciers are given in Table C. (cf., also Chapter 7.) Argentière and Saint Sorlin were investigated by unspecified members of CNRS, and Sarennes was investigated by F. Valla (CEMAGREF). Switzerland (CH) Mass balance data for 6 Swiss glaciers are presented in Table C and mass balance versus altitude data for 4 of these in Table CCC. gators and their sponsoring agencies are as follows: (GIETH); Grosser Aletsch - M. Aellen (VAW); The investi- Rhone - M. Funk Gries, Limmern, Plattalva and Silvretta - H. Siegenthaler, M. Aellen and H. Röthlisberger (VAW). The mass balance data sets presented for the Gries, Limmern, Silvretta and Plattalva glaciers are the results of direct observations on stake networks. The sum of the annual mass changes, determined using direct glaciological observations (a change of method having been introduced in 1970), was checked against the total change in mass determined geodetically from a comparison of maps. In order to do this, it was necessary to homogenise the observations made on the stakes, as well as the way of establishing the annual balances over the whole observation period. The revised values, differing slightly from those published in former PSFG volumes, are presented in Chapter 7 for the three glaciers Gries, Limmern and PlattaIva; the corresponding values were given in Volume III for Silvretta glacier. 26 For Aletsch glaciers (PSFG Nos 5,6 and 106), whose measurements relate to a whole complex of about 3 dozen glaciers (see Volume III), mass changes are derived from hydrological balances for calendar months and hydrological years (from October 1st to September 30th), using the equations and model described in earlier PSFG volumes. The balance model, calibrated geodetically for the period 1927-57, will soon have to be checked again for the next 30 year period. Austria (A) Mass balance data for 5 Austrian glaciers are given in Table C and mass balance versus altitude data for 2 of these in Table CCC. Differences in altitudes with respect to the information given in Table A are due to different reference years. The investigators and sponsoring agencies are as follows: Hintereisferner and Kesselwandferner - unspecified members of IMGUI (sponsored by Austrian Academy of Sciences); Vernagtferner - o. Reinwarth (CGBAS); Sonnblick Kees and Filleck Kees - H. Slupetzky (GlUS). Italy (I) Mass balance data for Caresèr are given in Table C and mass balance versus altitude data for this glacier in Table ccc. was G. Zanon who was sponsored by CGI, additional The investigator financial support being given by the "Ente Nazionale Energia Elettrica (ENEL)". Kenya (KN) Mass balance data for Lewis glacier, investigated by s. Hastenrath of UWDM (unsponsored), is given in Table C. U.S.S.R. (SU) Mass balance data for 22 Soviet glaciers are given in Table C, and cc. Mass balance versus altitude data Table ccc. The individual investigators are addenda for 19 glaciers in Table are given for 2 glaciers in as follows: Obrucheva Khakel Kupol Vav Lova ì - L.C. Govorukha - A.C. Guskov, VDV. Gokhman - V.O. Panov (UGKS-NC); (AANII); and Yu.A. Charushnikov Dzhankuat Igan and (IGAN); - M.B. Dyurgerov and 27 V.V. Popovnin (FGMGU); (SANII); Golubina Tuyuksu and P.F. Mametovoy Shabanov Malyy (UGKS-K); Visyachii-l - Yu.K. and and V.K. Nozdryukhin Tuyuksu K.G. Tsentra. Makarevitch Molodezhnyy Narozhnev SW - V.N. Vinograpov Igli and - A.N. Dikikh (TGU); and and Grechishkina, Ya.D. Muravev (DVNTS); NE - Ya.D. Muravev China (CN) Mass balance data for 5 Chinese addenda for one of these studies was LIGC and No.4, - T.M. Kamnyanskiy Karabatkak Aktru and Mutnovskiy Mutnovskiy the to (ASKASSR); (ASKISSR); Kozelskiy Abramova - N.V. Maksimov Yanglonghe utilization the in Table CC. are are and Laohuguo and snow in the given The sponsoring investigators No 5, Qiyi of ice glaciers as - the Qilian in Table agency follows: for all Shuiguanhe investigation Shan; C, and Urumqihe team Source on No.1 - Zhang Jinhua. Antarctica (AN) Estimates of basins 28 are the given overall in Chapter mass 7. budget of various ice sheet drainage CHAPTER 5 5.1 The Data , Data are CHANGESIN AREA, VOLUMEAND THICKNESS OF GLACIERS relating given to changes in area, in Table D for periods and the uni ts used tabulated volume and thickness up to 1980. A list be found on the can of 36 glaciers of the cover type of data sheet of this also Chapter table. 5.2 Sources Canada Data 7 Canadian They were derived from Water are Survey the in Various Countries in Table D. (cf., data last to' appear on the project U.S.A. 1975b, volumetric pending 1979a, changes been of 1979b, of Canadian det ai Ij . the review, also results 1978, and photogrammetrie have published in such will S. Ommanney (unpublished) terrestrial The data the 1975a, .a r e given from biennial of Canada. This programme glaciers received the included Charbonneau the and Comments for (CD) for 7.) of Data Water it mainly by the from the surveys 1980; Reid glaciers Survey and in any case taken were surveys maps which (Reid et and al., 1978). may well be the of Canada is doubtful has that suspended the same be continued. (US) The data for the 2 U.S. glaciers by C S. Brown (USGST). (cf., follows: Variegated Cascade - R.M. Krimmel Germany, Data for from o. Federal also Chapter - C.F. Raymond in Table 7.) (UW) and D were sent to the The investigators W.O. Harrison PSFG were (UA); as South (USGST). Republic 3 Bavarian Reinwarth given (D) glaciers which are given in Table D were received (CGBAS). 29 Switzerland (CH) Data for the 3 Swiss glaciers presented in Table D were received from M. Aellen (VAW). The investigators were H. Siegenthaler, M. Aellen and H. Röthlisberger (all VAW). The data presented are based oiltopographic maps drawn at a scale of 1:10,000, and showing the situations at the beginning and at the end of the observation periods. Austria (A) Data for Gepatschferner (1886-1953) were received from K. Brunner (PK), and for Gepatschferner (1971-1979) and the other 9 Austrian glaciers in Table D from O. Reinwarth (CGBAS). Data for Gepatschferner 1953-71 can be found in PSFG Volume III. (cf. also the map text Gepatschferner, and Finsterwalder 1953, Finsterwalder and Rentsch 1976, Kutta 1901). U.S.S.R. (SU) Data for Il Soviet glaciers, presented in Table D, were received from K. Makarevitch (unpublished - ASKASSR). were as follows: The individual investigators Dzhankuat - M.B. Dyurgerov and V.V. Popovnin (FGMGU); Koltar V. to Bordu - V.A. Kuzmichenok (AS5155R). Antarctica (AN) Data on area changes of Heard Island glaciers are given in Chapter 7. 30 CHAPTER 6 SPONSORING AGENCIES AND NATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS FOR THE GLACIER STUDIES 6.1 Introduction The data in the present volume were supplied by national correspondents of the PSFG and individual glaciological workers. The tabulations in Tables A to F are intended to be useful to the glaciological community. However, advisable these data should not be used uncritically; it would be for users to consult the PSFG about the existence of extra, unpublished, archival material and to consult with the individual investigators and sponsoring agencies. In order to facilitate contacts with the various bodies involved, a key to abbreviations used in the text for spo ns or i nq agencies, together with their addresses and those of the national correspondents is given in the following section. In almost all cases it can be assumed that the data are held by the sponsoring agencies. 6.2 Sponsoring Agencies and Sources of Data for the Various Countries Canada (CD) - ACC Alpine Club of Canada P.O. Box 1026, Banff, Alberta. TOl OCO. -AHD Applied Hydrology Division, Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OE7. - BCH B.C. Hydro, Hydrology Department, Burnaby Mountain, 970, Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6Z lY3. 31 - .BCIT British Columbia Institute of Technology, Survey Department, 3700 Willingdon, Burnaby, B.C. - FCC Forintek Canada Corp., Western Laboratory, 6620 Marine Drive, Vancouver, B.C. V6T IX2. - GIETH See GIETH - Switzerland. - McGill Axel Heiberg Expedition, Rm CI02A Old Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal. H3A 2K6. - MIN Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. - MUN Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland - NHR Alb 3X5. National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. KIA OE7. - PCSP Polar Continental Shelf Project, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, 880 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario. KIA OE4. 32 - RICKER Karl E. Ricker Ltd., 3369 Craigend, W. Vancouver, B.C. V7V 3Gl. - SJC St. Joe Canada Inc., 553 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. - SW Surface Water Division, National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. KIA OE7. - UBC Department of Geological Sciences, University of British Columbia, 6339, Stores Road, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2B4. - UM University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics, 108 Pillsbury Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. - WSCC Water Survey of Canada, Calgary District Office, Fisheries and Environment Canada, Calgary, Alberta. - WSCO Water Survey of Canada, Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. KIA OE7. 33 U.S.A. (US) - CAL Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasedena, CA 91109. - ONP Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, WA. - OSU Institute of Polar Studies, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210. - UA Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99701. - USGSF u.S. Geological Survey, Cold Regions Hydrology Project Office, Federal Building - Box 11, 101 12th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701. - USGSH U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Building, Room 428, 301 South Park Avenue, Drawer 10076, Helena, MT 59626. - USGST U.S. Geological Survey, Project Office - Glaciology, 1201 Pacific Avenue, Suite 450, Tacoma, WA 98401. - UW Geophysics Department, University'of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. 34 - WDF William D. Field, P.O. Box 583, Great Barrington, MA 01230. Peru (PE) - EP Department of Glaciology, Section of Glaciology and Lake Safety, Electroperu, Jr. Huaylas No. 143, Huaraz (Ancash). - DSU See U.S.A. Greenland (G) - GGU Geological Survey of Greenland, Oster Voldgade 10, DK-135D Copenhagen K. Iceland (IS) - OS National Energy Authority, Hydrological Survey, Grensasvegur 9, 108 Reykjavik. 35 Norway (N) - NPI Norwegian Polar Research Institute, P.O. Box 158, 1330 Oslo Lufthavn. - NVE Norwegian Water Resources and Electricity Bo~rd, Glacier Division, P.O. Box 5091, Mj., 0301 Oslo 3. - SUP Institute of Geography, Silesian University, ul. Mielczarskiego 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland. Sweden (S) - NGSU Department of Physical Geography, Glaciology Section, University of Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm. Germany, Federal Republic (D) - CGBAS Commission for Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Marstallplatz 8, 0-8000 Munich 22. - PK Polytechnic Karlsruhe, Moltkestrase 4, 0-7500 Karlsruhe. 36 France (F) - CEMAGREF Snow Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 114, 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex. - CNRS Laboratory of Glaciology and Environmental Geophysics, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 96, 38402 Saint Martin d'Héres Cedex. Switzerland (CH) - GIETH Geographical Institute ETH, University of Zürich - Irehel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-80S7 Zürich. - VAW Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092. Zürich. Austria (A) - CGBAS See CGBAS - Germany - GlUS Geographical Institute, University of Salzburg, Akademiestrasse 20, A-S020 Salzburg. 37 - IHG Institute for High Mountain Research, University of Innsbruck, Universitätsstrasse 4, A-6020 Innsbruck. - IMGUI Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck, Schöpfstrasse 41, A-6020 Innsbruck. Italy (I) - DGUP Department of Geography, University of Padua, Via del Santo 26, 1-35100 Padova. - CGI Italian Glaciological Committee, Via Accademia delle Scienze 5, 1-10123 Torino. Kenya (KN) - UWDM Department of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin, 1225 West ·Drayton Street, Madison, 53706 Wisconsin, U.S.A. 38 U.S.S.R. (SU) - AANII Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute, Leningrad. - ASKASSR Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences Kazakhian SSR, 100 Kalinina 67, SU-480100 Alma Ata. - ASKISSR Academy of Sciences Kirghizian SSR, Pokrovka. - DVNTS Institute of Vulcanology DVNTS of Academy of Sciences of USSR - FGMGU Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Michurinsky Prospekt, SU-117234 Moscow. - IGAN Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Staromonetny 29, SU-I09017 Moscow. - SANII Midasi.an NIl, Tashkent. - TGU Tomsk Geography University, Tomsk - UGKS-K UGKS of Kirghizian SSR, Frunze. - UGKS-NC UGKS of North Caucasus, Rostov/Don. 39 - UGKS-T UGKS of Tadjik SSR, Dushanbe. China (CN) - LIGC ,Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Cryopedology, Academica Sinica, Lanzhou. Antarctica (AN) Ministry of Works and Development, - MWD P.O. Box 1479, Christchurch, New Zealand. - ANARE Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions, c/o Antarctic Division, Channel Highway, Kingston, Tasmania. 6.3 National Correspondents and Collaborators of the PSFG In the following list, full addresses are only given if they do not appear in section 6.2; abbreviations therefore refer to those presented above. Argentina (RA): L. Espizua, IANIGLA/CDNICET, Casilla de Correo, 5500 Mendoza. Australia (AUS): I. Allison, Antarctic Division - Glaciology Section, Earth Sciences Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3052. (for Antarctica) 4'0 Austria (A): G. Patzelt, University Institute of Innsbruck for High (IHG); Mountain H. Slupetzky, Research, Geographical Institute, University of Salzburg. (GlUS) Canada (CD): C.S.l. Ommanney, Surface Water Dd v i si.on, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario (SW). China (CN): Ren Binghui, Cryopedology, France Institute of Glaciology laboratory of Glaciology and Environmental St. Martin d'Héres (CNRS). Germany, Federal Republic (D): O. Reinwarth, Commission Munich Greenland and lanzhou (lIGC). (F): l. Reynaud, Geophysics, lanzhou for Glaciology, (CGBAS). (G): A. Weidick, Geological Survey of Greenland, Copenhagen (CGU) . Iceland (IS): S. Rist, National H. Björnsson, Science Energy Authority, Institute, Reykjavik University (OS). of Iceland, Dunhagi 3, 107 Reykjavik. Italy (I): G. Zanon, Department of Geography, University of Padua (DGUP) Japan (J): K. Higuchi, Water Research Institute, Nagoya University, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464. Kenya (KN): S. Hastenrath, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (UWDM) . New Zealand (NZ): T.J. Chinn, Ministry of Works and Development, Christchurch' (MWD). (For Antarctica) Norway (N): o. Lì eat.zíl , Norwegian Polar Institute, Oslo (NPI); B. Wold, Norwegian Water Resources and Electricity Board, Oslo (NVE). Peru (PE): M. Zamora C., Department of Glaciology, Electroperu, Huaraz (EP). 41 Poland (P): M. Klappa, Tatra J. Spain CE): Mountains, Jania, (for (S): of ul . Institute Hydrology and Sienkiewicza 26c, of Geography, Meteorology 34 Sosnowiec, 500 of the Zakopane; Poland (SUP) Spitsbergen). E. Martinez Universidad Sweden Department de Pisan, Autonoma, P. Holmlund, Department Madrid Department of Physical Geògraphy, Geography, Stockholm 34. of Physical (NGSU)• Switzerland (CH): M. Aellen, Glaciology, United Kingdom (GB): The U.S.S.R. (SU): C s. 42 of Hydraulics, of Technology, Physics of Department, Hydrology Zürich (VAW). Chancellor's Birmingham, P.O. and Box Court, 363, B15 2TT. Brown, U.S. Geological K.G. Makarevitch, Al ma Ata Institute J.W. Glen, University Birmingham U.S.A. (USA): Federal Laboratory (ASKASSR). Academy Survey, of Tacoma Sciences (USGST). Kasakhian SSR, CHAPTER 7 AND TABLE F - MISCELLANEOUS This chapter standard includes important PSFG format. unprocessed complex information The intention data, but to document observations remote glaciers studied using which index measurements are not possible. stake networks, tions or ice dynamics In the case of Wolverine glacier of mass balance terminology Canada (CD) The following report 1975 to 1980 was on mass sent concern here statistical Glacier are considera- de Gébroulaz, (U.S.), the application system or which are systematically and where (e.q., are applied uncalibrated in cases where more Of primary (polar ice sheets) and glaciers reduced does not fit into the is not to publish France). of the combined is demonstrated. balance to the PSFG measurements on Barnes by R. LeB. Hooke and Ice Cap, K.A. Brugger (UM) . Mass balance measurements have been made on Barnes 1962 (Loken and Sagar, regulari ty since The most recent measurements utilizing from a series the divide of this (1975), Hooke density of stakes around and others were five measurement Accumulation ice. meters flow margin (1980), of the dome. on Barnes been and Hooke latter placed areas, area south dome. Wherever and refre~zes, Summer firn is present, filling any voids (1980). square strain water and transformed The nets with thus providing in the form of superimposed within present. two kilo- it may extend melting meltwater about several occurs over the entire percolates down Thus i t is unusual into it to find firn more than one or two years old; older layers have been saturated percolating of and in the areas the holes, any regularity, further down glacier. studies by Holdsworth small area. Ice Cap is usually with Other and Hudleston of the divide. During cold years, however, kilometers therein). line extending published around points in a relatively Firn only appears, a flow in the ablation In these usually set along line have was highest deep boreholes. 100 m diagonals Ice Cap with some and references were made on the south dome of the ice cap, of 30 to 40 stakes to the north characteristics 1967, by into solid ice. 43 Near the margin, snow accumulates snow is often 2 to 3 times 1973). the Mass balance past. few specific The technique distance used determined in this wedge for its presence balance measurements measurements excavated measured. density firn layers The specific function is crude; winter present balance was determined The firn Snow pits were and stratigraphic estimates measured used to convert were commonly before Where made between that accumulation usually starts (accumulation) ~5%. although on the glacier Snow pit late May and mid The random The winter for the hydrological was made, the points to a water to be 5% to 10% low. is reported the measurement volume the end of the winter are likely several was taken. this of data is approximately 30 Sept) in which snow depths as a a line connecting the average As measurements thus each any low to medium- by plotting drawing a borehole), were due to the scatter balance density penetrated the line. (e.g., around these however. the area under a half to one month season, and along the flow line, measurements equivalent. around and was made to drive the probe of the firn, i f any. locations, the present. and determining density the thickness These pi ts normally of distance points, in in the was measured, of four places were often inconsistent, in one to three profiles at a minimum area, an attempt and thus determine thickness error is made the (Hooke, c~lculations. for the mass In the accumulation June, have not been made allowance and net balance thickness stake. were but in which on the glacier from the top of the stake to the snow surface the snow deeper than elsewhere measurements years, winter in a w ind-dr i ft wedge thicker year snow (l Oct.- it should be noted in late August or early September. The net accumulation and ablation were calculated elevation of the firn (when present) reference and plotting line. entirely lines, The reference ice. and the areas used to estimate used between the volume of first year firn present, ice by refreezing 44 and ice surfaces these elevations Comparable was the points (per metre the volume against 1975 were successive of percolating by determining meltwater, were normal of second along the flow surface, connected surfaces width, above an arbitrary distance summer then the with which was straight determined and to the flow line) year firn converted and the volume to of ice or firn lost below the equilibrium line. These volumes were converted to water equivalent using measured firn densities and a density of 900 Mg/m3 for ice. The resulting figures were divided by the total length of the flow line (not just the length in the accumulation or ablation area) to obtain the specific net accumulation, specific net ablation and specific net balance for the hydrological year preceeding the measurement year. The specific summer balance was estim.ated from the difference between the specific winter balance and the specific net balance. The total balance of the nearly circular south dome of Barnes Ice Cap could be estimated by multiplying the specific balance in various altitude intervals by the area of the ice cap within that interval, and summ~ng over all altitude intervals. However, the specific balance within any single altitude interval is a function of exposure, particularly at low elevations. More melting occurs on the south side of the dome (Loken and Sagar, 1967). Thus the uncertainty in such estimates would be large. The values obtained by the methods described above are given in Table F l U.S.A. (US) Mass balance flowline versus altitude information of the surge-type Variegated is given for the central glacier, investigated by C.F. Raymond (UW) and W.O. Harrison (UA), in Table F 2. Tables F 3.1 and F 3.2 were provided by L. Mayo (USGSF) and compare the results obtained by using the combined fixed date/stratigraphic system of mass balance measurements with those obtained using the stratigraphic system only (Mayo et al. 1972). The data refer to the hydrological year ending on September 30th. Thickness changes along regularly observed profiles are given for the following glaciers in Tables F 4 to F 8: Nisqually, Shoestring, Blue, Grinnell and Sperry. 45 Table F l: Mass Balance of Barnes Budget 1975-76 l. Specific Ice Cap (CD 0201), Year (approx. 1976-77 1975-81 l Oct. to JO Sept.) 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 winter balance (from sno~ depths measured budget in May-June year) 2. Specific of (a) 330 370 210 30 320 230 *** 190 O 50 O *** O 120 20 60 *** 30 230 10 60 *** 370 -80 380 230 *** -40 -600 -90 -100 *** 600 760 560 600 *** ice added above previous year's surface 4. Specific 470 volume of super-imposed summer 520 volume of firn added 3. Specific 410 volume of void space in second year and older firn filled to form superimposed 5. Specific volume of ice lost in ablation 6. Specific ice area net balance (2. + 3. + 4. - 5.) 7. Minimum (b) summer balance (6. - l.) 8. Equilibrium altitude line (m) All values are in mm of water (a) Winter balance (equivalent) may be underestimated since at least one significant storm often occurs in late June, after measurements (b) Values may not sum exactly 46 due to roundoff error are made. Table F 2. Mass balance versus Altitude : Variegated (US 1302) 1974-79 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 m a.s.l. mm m a.s.l. mm m a.s.l. mm m a.s.l. mm m a.s.l. mm 1326 3000 1038 -1300 1827 4900 1816 2200 1814 -2600 1103 1800 1101 -400 1812 4600 1778 3300 1778 3200 1038 2600 80H -2000 1776 5700 1766 2500 1761 2200 791 -300 724 -2700 1771 4900 1755 2600 1754 2900 777 -800 620 -3100 1759 4300 1742 400 1710 1600 777 -1300 597 -3100 1751 4900 1705 1400 1616 2500 776 -800 553 -3300 1739 3800 1597 2700 1591 2400 775 -700 552 -4200 1705 3300 1594 2100 1552 2300 730 -1400 509 -4100 1609 5600 1553 1300 1506 1300 690 -1500 458 -3900 1539 410'0 1545 2000 1492 2400 647 -1700 392 -4100 1490 4000 1479 2600 1431 2100 604 -2000 361 -4400 1454 3600 1410 1500 1382 2000 559 -1700 329 -4500 1424 3700 1294 900 1351 -200 559 -2300 295 -4500 1395 3100 1238 1300 1340 1500 557 -2100 240 -5200 1367 3500 1187 -600 1281 900 555 -2300 1345 3400 1155 1300 1237 1000 555 -2700 1320 3200 1136 -600 1190 -200 515 -1300 1285 3000 1097 -600 1143 -400 465 -3000 1229 2500 1085 -800 1054 300 407 -2600 1206 2200 1047 -200 1015 -100 405 -2800 1182 1800 1012 -800 949 -700 397 -3600 1162 1900 953 -1000 927 -1800 395 -1600 1138 1900 921 -1600 818 -2500 392 -2700 1097 1700 716 -2300 757 -3800 363 -3500 1046 1400 632 -2600 711 -2800 333 -3300 1014 1600 542 -3400 649 -2300 300 -3600 721 -1800 496 -4000 626 -2300 246 -3800 593 -2600 444 -4800 579 -2800 548 -3100 535 -4000 503 -3800 489 -5000 452 -3600 436 -5200 357 -4100 373 -6000 324 -4600 345 -6300 -4200 311 -4700 277 -5500 222 -5800 290 47 Table F 3.1 Mass Balance Data by the Combined System: Wolverine glacier (US 0411) 1976-80 Symbol Explanation Units 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ba(f) Annual new firn balance mm 210 2310 1470 100 3030 ba(k) Annual internal accumulation mm 120 40 110 140 70 ba(i) Annual old firn & ice balance ba(fik) Annual firn & ice balance mm -1010 -320 -580 -1240 -220 mm -&80 2030 1000 -1000 2880 ca Annual accumulation mm 2100 4750 3540 2220 4950 aua Annual surface ablation mm 2570 2850 2920 3400 2110 ba Annual balance mm -350 1940 730 -1040 2910 bO(s) Initial snow balance mm 70 400 310 40 O -30 bO(i) Initial ice balance mm -80 O -10 -10 b Lí l.s ) Final late snow balance mm 40 310 40 O 30 bl(i) Final ice balance mm O -10 -10 -30 -50 AAR Accumulation/area ratio -- 0.51 0.80 0.70 0.44 0.89 ELA Equilibrium line altitude m a.s.l. 1240 1020 1100 1267 906 bm(s) Measured snow balance mm 1000 4640 3500 1550 4670 tm(s) Date of bm(s) 3.06 8.03 4.06 tx Date of balance maximum --- 17.06 25.05 tnO Date of initial balance min. -- 28.10 tnl Date of final balance min. -- S Glacier area km2 48 25.02 8.09 7.07 8.09 5.06 29.05 5.06 6.09 24.09 30.09 6.09 24.09 30.09 16.09 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 Table F 3.2 Mass balance data by the Stratigraphic System: Wolverine glacier (US 0411) 1976-80 Explanation Units 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Beginning of balance year 28.10 8.09 6.09 24.09 30.09 End of winter season 17.06 25.05 5.06 25.05 5.06 5.81 41.4 27.8 4.23 54.6 650 2940 2260 550 3480 Winter balance Not defined Summer balance Not defined Net accumulation total Mean specific net accumulo 106m3 mm Net ablation total 106m3 16.4 5.81 10.2 22.2 4.23 Mean specific net ablation mm 106m3 -2220 -1550 -1930 -2180 -1820 Net balance total -Il 35.6 17.6 -18 50.4 -600 2020 1000 -1020 2860 km2 8.99 14.10 12.33 7.75 15.68 Ablation area km2 8.63 3.52 5.29 9.87 1.94 Total area km2 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 1250 1020 1100 1267 906 Mean specific net balance mm Accumulation area Equilibrium line altitude m a.s.l. Firnline altitude Not defined -------------------------------- Date of firnline All quantities glacier surface. tion 8.09 6.09 24.09 given in Tables F 3.1 and F 3.2 are averaged 30.09 over 16.10 the They are calculated from index station data. Informa- similar to that in Table F 3.2 can also be calculated in the FIXED DATE SYSTEM from the COMBINED SYSTEM DATA. Table F 4: Changes in Thickness of NisguaIl~ glacier (US 2027), 1976-1980 Investigator: C. Driedger (USGST) ALTITUDE 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 m a.s.l. 2080 -- 2300 mm -8900 mm 1835 -4500 mm 1400 mm -- -5900 mm 1620 -1500 mm 4600 mm -- -8000 mm -- 49 Table F 5: Changes in Thickness of Shoestring glacier (US 2075), 1979-80 Investigator: M. Brugman (USGST) ALTITUDE m a.s.l. 2370 THICKNESS CHANGE mm 5700 2300 6900 2220 -18800 1990 -1300 1895 1500 1780 200 1720 -9500 1670 -12500 1600 -9000 Table F 6: Changes in Thickness of Blue Glacier (US 2126), 1957-78 Investigators: R. Spicer (UW), B. Kamb and K. Echelmeyer (CAL) ALTITUDE m a.s.l. THICKNESS CHANGE mm 1650 10000 1600 1575 12000 14000 1540 16000 1505 16500 1480 16000 1450 16000 1425 19000 1400 20000 Table F 7: Changes in Thickness of Grinnell glacier (US 5000), 1969-76 Investigator: W.A. Blenkarn (USGSH) ALTITUDE 1969-70 1970-72 1972-74 1974-76 m a.s.l. 50 2028 -1700 mm 3500 mm 1100 mm 700 mm 1980 -1000 mm 1200 mm 1800 mm 400 mm 1974 -2000 mm 1100 mm 1600 mm -100 mm Table F 8: Changes Investigator: in Thickness W.A. Blenkarn ALTITUDE of Sperry glacier (US 5001), 1968-75 (USGSH) 1968-69 1969-71 1971-73 1973-75 1971-75 m a.s.l. 2341 -2300 mm 1400 mm -- -- 3600 mm 2295 200 mm 200 mm -100 mm 4200 mm -- 2272 -700 mm -700 mm -500 mm 3600 mm -- Peru (PE) Balance observations stations shown Table F 9: for Quelccaya Ice Cap were reported for the index in Table F 9. Mass Balance versus altitude data for Quelccaya Ice Cap (PE 001) 1975-80 Investigator: L. Thompson ALTITUDE (OSU) 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 m a.s.l. 5670 1030 mm WE 5600 east -- 5600 west -- 5450 -- 5250 -- Greenland for individual versus altitude index stations observations applying ----- 1350 mm WE 1230 mm WE 1110 mm WE -- 1230 mm WE -- -- 1370 mm WE -- -- 1130 mm WE -- -- 490 mm WE -- (G) Mass balance The 880 mm WE the linear are being balance information for Qamanârssûp sermia is given in Table FIO. continued model and (Lliboutry analysis is performed by 1974). 51 Table F 10: Mass balance versus altitude data for Qamanârssûp sermia CG 003) 1979-80 Investigator: R. Braithwaite (GGU) ALTITUDE mm WE m a.s.l. France 1000 -1980 940 -2500 930 -2340 910 -2330 880 -2750 790 -3050 790 -4090 760 -3490 320 -5400 190 -4390 110 -5150 CF) Balances continuity of Glacier equation de Gébroulaz applied 1907 to 1950 by Eaux et Forêts given by Reynaud et al. (1983). Il where b represents deviation 52 office. (b = been calculated of the glacier Details The balance the specific from the mean have to a sector using surveyed of the calculation values are given the since are in Table mass balance of the sector and ßt the -1800 mm of ice). Table F 11 YEAR Balance values of Glacier de Gébroulaz(F b St mm mm 1908 -3100 -1300 1909 -1300 500 1910 -300 1400 1911 -500 1300 1912 -200 1620 1913 -1000 800 1914 -900 900 1915 ~1000 800 1916 -1100 700 1917 -1000 800 1918 -1400 400 1919 -1600 200 1920 -1500 300 1921 -2300 -500 1922 -2830 -1000 1923 -2250 -400 1924 -2100 -300 1925 -3200 -1400 1926 -2100 -300 1927 -1900 -100 1928 -2100 -300 1929 -2400 -600 1930 -1800 O 1931 -1900 -100 1932 -2100 -350 1933 -1400 400 1934 -1400 400 1935 -1500 300 1936 -1400 400 1937 -1600 200 1938 -1750 O 1939 -1770 O 0009) 1908-50 53 Table F Il continued YEAR ßt b mm mm 1940 -2100 1941 -2300 -500 1942 -2600 -800 1943 -2800 -1000 1944 -2700 -900 -300 1945 -2800 -1000 1946 -2800 -1000 1947 -2560 -800 1948 -2300 -500 1949 -2200 -400 1950 -2000 -200 Switzerland (CH) Time series of mass balance glaciers have recently 54 from Gries, been revised and updated. ted in Tables F 12 to F 14. and Aellen results Further information Plattalva and Limmern These data are presencan be found in Kasser (1979, 1980, 1981) and Kasser et al. (1982, 1983). Table F 12: Revised values of summary mass balances ,of Gries glacier (CH 0003), 1961/62 - 1978/79 MEASUREMENT YEAR AREA NET BALANCE total 106m3 WE 2) km2 l) EQUILIBRIUM mean altitude mm WE m a.s.l. from to 3.10.61 2.10.62 6.690 -5.664 -847 3010 2.10.62 3.10.63 6.690 1.306 195 2740 3.10.63 2.10.64 6.690 -6.587 -985 3010 2.10.64 5.10.65 6.690 4.636 693 2685 5.10.65 3.10.66 6.595 -0.408 -62 2735 3.10.66 13.10.67 6.380 2.073 325 2695 13.10.67 11.10.68 6.375 3.614 567 2680 11.10.68 7.10.69 6.371 2.966 466 2705 2970 7.10.69 12.10.70 6.366 -3.426 -538 12.10.70 9.10.71 6.362 -6.766 -1064 3145 9.10.71 9.10.72 6.360 2.830 445 2710 9.10.72 7.10.73 6.354 -7.056 -1110 3135 7.10.73 18.10.74 6.350 -0.988 -156 2835 18.10.74 6.10.75 6.348 1.779 280 2740 6.10.75 30.09.76 6.342 -6.700 -1056 3100 30.09.76 29.09.77 6.341 8.078 1274 2530 29.09.77 26.09.78 6.340 6.082 959 2670 26.09.78 25.09.79 6.337 -5.609 -885 3070 l) Area at the end of the balance rammetry since (flight dates: 1966 for annual submerged period LINE specific as determined by aerial photog- 20.09.61, 1.09.67 and 15.08.79), interpolated losses due to melting at the snout which became for the first time in this year by the water in the storage basin. 2) Ice losses from the frontal into the artificial ice cliff lake) were taken (caused by melting or calving into account. 55 Table F 13: MEASUREMENT Revised YEAR from to values of summary mass balances (CH 0078), - 1976/77 AREA km2 l) 1947/48 NET BALANCE of Limmern EQUILIBRIUM total specific mean altitude mm WE m a.s.l. 1.10.48 2.718 1.088 400 1.10.48 4.10.49 2.718 -4.540 -1670 2945 2960 2640 4.10.49 6.10.50 2.718 -3.638 -1346 6.10.50 10.10.51 2.718 1.011 372 2610 10.10.51 1.10.52 2.718 -1.389 -511 2860 1.10.52 30.09.53 2.718 -0.354 -145 2900 30.09.53 1.09.54 2.718 1.315 484 2650 1.09.54 24.09.55 2.718 1.973 726 2540 24.09.55 24.09.56 2.718 -0.720 -265 2790 24.09.56 25.09.57 2.718 0.152 56 2710 25.09.57 25.09.58 2.718 -2.273 -836 2870 25.09.58 25.09.59 2.546 -2.636 -1035 2940 25.09.59 28.09.60 2.546 -0.068 -27 2730 28.09.60 21.09.61 2.546 0.514 202 2680 21.09.61 12.09.62 2.546 -0.350 -137 2860 12.09.62 17.09.63 2.546 -1.167 -458 2875 17.09.63 15.09.64 2.546 -3.553 -1396 2985 15.09.64 16.09.65 2.546 2.805 1102 2325 16.09.65 9.09.66 2.546 2.224 874 2315 9.09.66 15.09.67 2.546 1.369 538 2490 15.09.67 10.09.68 2.546 1.986 780 2420 10.09.68 5.09.69 2.546 0.844 332 2670 5.09.69 6.09.70 2.546 -0.404 -159 2825 6.09.70 11.09.71 2.546 -3.390 -1332 2955 11.09.71 11.09.72 2.546 -0.574 -225 2735 11.09.72 12.09.73 2.546 -2.655 -1043 2960 12.09.73 3.09.74 2.546 0.100 39 2640 3.09.74 9.09.75 2.546 1.374 540 2455 9.09.75 8.09.76 2.546 -2.542 -998 2980 8.09.76 8.09.77 i.524 1.989 788 2555 11.09.59 56 by aerial and 15.09.77. LINE 106m3 WE 28.09.47 l) Area determined glacier photogrammetrie surveys of 28/29.08.47, Table F 14: Revised values of summary glacier YEAR MEASUREMENT AREA km2 l) (CH 0114), mass balance 1947/48 data of NET BALANCE EQUILIBRIUM specific mean altitude mm WE m a.s.l. to 28.09.47 1.10.48 0.756 0.357 472 2660 1.10.48 4.10.49 0.756 -1.072 -1418 2890 4.10.49 6.10.50 0.756 -1.026 -1357 2880 6.10.50 10.10.51 0.756 0.289 382 2620 10.10.51 1.10.52 0.756 -0.376 -497 2890 1.10.52 30.09.53 0.756 -0.049 -71 2840 30.09.53 1.09.54 0.756 0.266 352 2655 1.09.54 24.09.55 0.756 0.479 634 2620 24.09.55 24.09.56 0.756 -0.129 -171 2775 24.09.56 25.09.57 0.756 0.038 50 2730 25.09.57 25.09.58 0.756 -0.718 -950 2950 25.09.58 25.09.59 0.741 -0.759 -1024 2960 25.09.59 28.09.60 0.741 -0.288 -308 2800 28.09.60 21.09.61 0.741 -0.079 -107 2770 21.09.61 12.09.62 0.741 -0.266 -359 2825 12.09.62 17.09.63 0.741 -0.413 -557 2860 17.09.63 15.09.64 0.741 -1.065 -1437 2) 15.09.64 16.09.65 0.741 0.730 985 3) 16.09.65 9.09.66 0.741 0.629 849 3) 9.09.66 15.09.67 0.741 0.372 505 2560 15.09.67 10.09.68 0.741 0.640 864 3) 10.09.68 5.09.69 0.741 0.284 383 2655 5.09.69 6.09.70 0.741 -0.019 -26 2760 6.09.70 11.09.71 0.741 -1.042 -1406 11.09.71 11.09.72 0.741 -0.269 -363 2800 11.09.72 12.09.73 0.741 -0.730 -985 2) 12.09.73 3.09.74 0.741 0.140 189 2710 3.09.74 9.09.75 0.741 0.488 659 3) 9.09.75 8.09.76 0.741 -0.712 -961 2875 8.09.76 8.09.77 0.860 0.468 544 2620 of l), 2) and 3): LINE total 6 10 m3 WE from Explanations Plattalva - 1976/77 2) see next page 57 Explanations for Table F 14 l) Area determined 2) Equilibrium glacier 3) by aerial photogrammetric line at higher Equilibrium altitude than uppermost line at lower altitude Data The following report Antarctic Division, Data presented than lowest and tables were for a number of sectors of the Antarctic format than that for other glaciers consequence up to one million of tens predominantly of the different by iceberg calving The data presented budget of years) in Tables delineated from ciological and Geophysical radio boundary Antarctic tians and are subject short periods 58 area. surface loss or made is derived and the delineation 2000 m surface Similarly, from melt. The of ice the International across large sec~ contour) have been only every 50 km or more the accumulation a few isolated some are mass flux measurement within The fluxes measurements sources .. Mass and bottom of recent data from flux across The loss terms mostly (lAGP). (e.g., the velocity mass have been Insti tute's Gla- and other ablation because Project to large errors. tion over the basins basins of topographic relevant, defined and ice sheet velocity, from surface (response (mass of the overall Drainage programmes, where are possible of the ice sheet estimated basins at the surface (such as the Scot t Polar and, into the Glaciological basins. Folio of Antarctica) out of the area and sometimes thickness scales of budget F 15 to F 18 are estimates echo sounding flux estimates temporal and type This is a (drainage with little ablation drainage compilations are accumulation scales ice sheet. of the various large-scale ice sheet are of in this volume. spatial or more square kilometres), of thousands of the Antarctic arbitrary of the glacier sent to the PSFG by I. Allison, different bottom) limit Australia. necessary mass of the (AN) East Antarctic inputs limit m a.s.l. in 1947). Antarctica mass of 28/29.08.47, (ca. 2980 m a.s.l. in 1947). (ca. 2545 time surveys and 15.09.77. 11.09.59 distribu- measurements of the area of the basins (from over sur- face contours) various may also be subject input and output terms Only the overall positive, consideration the time even scales. with The measured however, and the record annual ice sheet will errors. must rather Antarctic ice sheet. However, any also take into account thickness and velocity the integrated history. ice cores shows dynamic and effect The accumula- that accumulation in the mass budgets rate are a large percentage they represent only a very small of this and the large response future data for large Antarctic probably urements which is signifi- over huge areas, and are not detectable Because ice sheet, this series from can be found in on a time scale of tens of years or larger. mass exchange, elevation technologies. Antarctic 100%. are the means over at the most a few tens of from some the imbalance in surface to the large of this ice fluxes, represent can vary significantly the total regard of years of ice sheet environmental Even though of the The measurements on errors show a mass budget of the implications tion measurements, years, discussion basins studied hence the calculated of thousands approaching are presented. and further The estimates cited. Most of the drainage cantly may have errors budget estimates which these are derived the references to large error. than represent a direct a refinement measure of the of change by present time drainage in the presented fluctuations of the basins in measof the 59 Table F 15: Estimated Mass Balance - Lambert Basin (AN 5500) Interior Basin (Inland of 2000 m) Area (103k'm2) Accumulation (Gt'a-l) 1090 Lambert Glacier Total Basin System 62 +60 1152 +60 Ablation, bottom melt (Gt a-l) -7 Inflow (Gt a-l) -7 +30 Outflow (Gt a-l) -30 -Il -Il Budget (Gt a-l) +30 +12 +42 +30 +190 +40 Average net balance mm a-l (WE) References: 60 Allison (1979) , Budd et al. (1982), Morgan and Budd (1975). Table F 16: Estimated Mass Balance - Kemp Land (AN 5450) Interior Basin Coastal Sector Total Basin (Inland of 2000 m) (coast to 2000 m elev.) Area. (103km2) 67 39 106 Accumulation (Gt a-l) +9.1 +8.1 +17.2 O +4.6 O Inflow (Gt a-l) Outflow (Gt a-l) (includes allowance for bottom melt) ice stream: ice sheet: Budget (Gt a-l) -8.8 -8.8 -4.6 -1.3 -1.3 +4.5 +2.6 +7.1 Average net balance mm a-l (WE) References : +70 Allison et al. al. (1982). +70 +70 (1982), Morgan and Jacka (1981), Morgan et 61 Table F 17: Estimated mass balance - Wilkes Land (Eastern) (AN 5750) Area (xl03km2) inland of 2000 m 159.4 Accumulation (Gt a-l) inland of 2000 m +21.3 Outflow (Gt a-l) across 2000 m contour -21.7 Budget (Gt a-l) O Average net balance mm a-l (WE) O References: Table F Jones and Hendy (1985), Young (1979), Young et al. (1982). 18: Estimated mass balance - Wilkes Land (Western) (AN 5735) Data given for the interior region only (generally above 3000 m) bounded by Dame B, Dame C and Pionerskaya. Area (xl03km2) 421 Accumulation (Gt a-l) +23 Outflow (Gt a-l) across Dome C Pionerskaya line -19 Budget (Gt a-l) +4 Average net balance mm a-l (WE) References : Budd +10 and Young (1979), Morgan and Jacka. (1981), (1979), Young et al. (1982). 62 Young Table F 19: Glacier Name Changes in Area of Heard Island Glaciers PSFG No. Area (km2) 1947 1980 Change Baudissin AN 105 17.43 17.04 -0.39 Vahsel AN 106 12.45 12.40 -0.05 Winston AN 109 14.45 11.93 -2.52 Stephenson AN 110 34.39 31.89 -2.50 Brown AN III 11.66 11.21 -0.45 Compton AN 112 16.86 13.14 -3.72 Jacka AN 113 1.20 0.95 -0.25 Mt. Dixon AN 1010 5.80 1.98 -3.82 Anzac Peak AN 1020 2.35 1.75 -0.60 Mt. Olsen AN 1040 2.50 1.45 -1.05 Nares AN 1120 3.70 3.50 -0.20 Challenger AN 1130 5.45 5.00 -0.45 Mary-Powell AN 1140 2.91 2.49 -0.42 Downes AN 1150 16.74 16.42 -0.32 Ealy AN 1170 17.54 17.34 -0.20 Allison AN 1350 6.57 6.50 -0.07 63 CHAPTER 8 - THE ANNEXED MAPS The following 13 maps can be found in the back pocket of this volume. A brief description of each map, giving information regarding the purpose of the particular map, content, accuracy, and details of the surveying, cartography and reproduction follows in this chapter. l. Bondhusbreen, Southern Norway 2. Hellstugubreen, Southern Norway 3. Austre Memurubre, Southern Norway 4. Silvretta, Verstancla and Chamm Glaciers, Switzerland 5. Limmern and Plattalva Glaciers, Switzerland 6. Gries Glacier, Switzerland 7. Gepatschferner, Austria 8. Hintereisferner, Austria 9. Vernagtferner, Austria 10. Langtalerferner, Austria Il. Changes in Elevation of Glaciers in the Eastern Alps 12. Issik Glacier, Pamir-e Kalan, Afghanistan 13. Batura Glacier, Pakistan 64 BONDHUSBREEN, SOUTHERN NORWAY, ·1 : 10,000 (Aerial photogrammetric B. Wold, Norwegian In connection Water Resources with the hydro-electric the ice cap Folgefonni, various map) and Electricity power scheme glaciological One of the more recent of these studies subglacial water intake start mass balance arranged structed network Norwegian Water consisted Resources logical ridges, Mapping held 1875, same certain point diversion from in ottawa information old photographs system, 1904 and points 1971, within established with contour Particular all triangulation glacio- etc. according on Glacier side of the map has some as frontal some marked. points are marked Symposium the glacier and the by the etc., have been specially such to from 6,100 m a.a.L of 1:10,000, The reverse showing necessary Board. and UTM coordinates in 1965. with the A/S on a B-8 plotter. points the International on the glacier, in 1891, Wider¢e at a scale large blocks, Both geographical to the recommendations were initiated. The map was then con- and 20 m elsewhere. such as crevasses moraine are plotted. detailed and Electricity in 5 colours features, In addition, were taken 1:30,000. tr iangulatian of 10 m on the glacier water from photo flight was therefore of two triangulation and five new The map is printed intervals the pictures S. Haga at Fjellanger control National studies and it proved A special scale was approximately by Bjoern The ground 1979; collecting was done in connection Bondhusbreen, investigations. on 11 August and the picture under Board, Oslo variations front taken information since from the about the etc. 65 HELLSTUGUBREEN, SOUTHERN NORWAY, l : 10,000 (Aerial photogrammetrie map) B. Wold, Norwegian Water Resources and Electricity Board, Oslo The valley glacier Hellstugubreen in Jotunheimen was first mapped by Koller, Solheim & Werenskiold in 1941 using terrestrial photogrammetry, and Randi Pytte re-mapped it in 1962 us nq plan-table technique; this ì latter map was used for mass balance investigations during the period 1962-67. A photogram~etric map was constructed in 1968 by the Norwegian Polar Research Institute based upon aerial photographs taken that year. A new set of aerial photographs was taken on 26 September 1980 and a map constructed by Olav Liest¢l ~sing a Wild A-7 stereo plotter. The map is printed at a scale of 1:10,000 with contour intervals of 10m on the glacier and 10m and SOm in the surrounding terrain. The map has UTM coordinates as well as geographical coordinates, and was made according to 'the recommendations from the International Symposium on Glacier Mapping in Ottawa in 1965. The map is printed in four colours. References for the earlier maps, together with additional information are given on the reverse of the map. 66 AUSTRE MEMURUBRE, SOUTHERN NORWAY, (Aerial photogrammetrie G. 0strem, In 1968, Norwegian Austre Water Resources Memurubre taken on 21 July 1966. was mapped Survey topographical map series (1:50,000) areas, could a glacier features could moraine the map. in the of this is estimated part boulders to be better altitudes, for of southern Norway. for the purpose of glaciological procedure. Crevassed are marked are given orientation taken modern, particular plotting areas have been plotted photographs for a new, out independently of spot elevations better than 5 m for absolute aerial were originally a basis consequently, for topographic Ice-free The accuracy and, Board, Oslo. vertical to form and predominant A large number may be valuable glacier. map be carried be emphasized cover from The aerial photographs Geographical making map) and Electricity the Norwegian Thus the plotting l : 10,000 separately for points and triangulation with a minimum on which on the of detail. than 2 m for relative altitudes, and better than 5 m for horizon- tal positions. UTM coordinates in the map (zone 32) and some geographical coordinates are plotted frame. 67 THICKNESS CHANGES OF SWISS GLACIERS (Aerial photogrammetrie maps) Silvretta, 1:10,000 Verstancla and Chamm glaciers, surveys 1959 and 1973; (1976) Limmern and Plattalva glaciers, surveys 1947 and 1977; 1:10,000 (1981) Gries glacier, surveys 1961 and 1979; 1:10,000 (1984) P. Kasser and H. Siegenthaler, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW), Zürich l. Introduction The maps present some of the results from investigations carried out in connection with the technical consultancy work of the VAW for hydroelectric power companies. In the cases of Limmern and Plattalva glaciers, studied since 1944, measurements of precipitation and discharge from springs were combined with studies on the glacier mass balance in order to find out why the discharge volumes from the river, measured at the Pantenbrücke run-off gauging station, were much lower (by some 30%) than those computed on the basis of measurements in surrounding areas. The studies on Silvretta glacier, which started in 1959, were necessary in order to evaluate the available water mass in high altitude catchment basins. Gries glacier has terminated, since 1966, in an arti ficially dammed lake. For this glacier, hydro-glaciological studies were started in 1960 with two main aims: a) to predict the probability of a glacier advance as far as the dam site, as a function of time (cf. Bindschadler, 1981), and b) to estimate the frequency of particular annual ruo -o f f volumes. In addition to the studies outlined above, all these mapped glaciers belong to the network of long-term observations on glacier fluctuations in Switzerland (Kasser 1981). The maps were analysed in order to get values of total changes in area, volume and mean thickness (computed from 100 m altitude intervals) as an overall check for the mass balance study results, which were obtained from glaciological measurements on stake networks installed on 4 of the 6 mapped glaciers. The main results of such comparative studie~ on Gries, Limmern, Plattlava and Silvretta glaciers have been published in the glaciological yearbooks of the Swiss Glacier Commission, in which 68 the maps were also originally published (Kasser et al. 1982, Siegenthaler 1983 and 1984). 2. The contents of the maps The maps are printed in 6 colours at a scale of 1:10,000. All the glaciological measurement points are numbered and the.entire hydrological catchment basin is shown with contour intervals of 10 m, and extra contours at 5 m intervals in the very flat areas. The topography of the first survey is shown in black lines on all maps, and lakes are black hatched. The contours, glacier borders, crevasses and lake edges from the second survey are given in red, and the lake areas in blue. intervals of 20 m, the areas between old and new contour At lines of identical altitudes are shown in green (increase in glacier thickness) or in yellow (decrease in glacier thickness). outlined in violet, as are all the measurement The catchment basin is points on the glacier. The numbers with these points indicate the average annual specific mass variation horizontal for the time period between the two surveys flow velocity of the stakes for one particular and the year. The positions of the glacier margins are given for both surveys and all glaciers; the limits of firn and of fresh snow are given for both surveys in the case of Gries glacier, but only for the second survey for the other glaciers. shown Likewise, moraines and conspicuous for both surveys for Gries glacier only; missing to some extent on the other maps. boulders are these details are The survey stations on the glacier margins are shown in black. 3. Mass balance results From the maps, volume and mean elevation changes were determined for each 100 m altitude interval. Averaged over the whole glacier, the mean annual elevation change, which is identical to the change in thickness, can be compared to the mean annual mass change or annual mass balance of the same period. The mass balance was determined independently from the measurements made on the stake networks. A comparison of the values obtained from both the geodetic and the glaciological methods is given in Table l, where the respective values are summarized as totals or annual means for the periods given for eac~ glacier (values for mass change are specific annual means). Detailed data for 100 m altitude 69 intervals are given in Tables CCC and D of this volume (cf. also Tables 17 to 20 in PSFG Volume I (Kasser 1967) or tables in publications cited earlier). The general tendency and variability of mass change during the time period between the two surveys are indicated in Table 2 in terms of mean, maximum and minimum values of the annual mass balance, equilibrium line altitude and accumulation area ratio. These values result from the glaciological measurements on the stake networks. each year are published in the glaciological 1982, Siegenthaler 1983 and 1984). 70 Detailed data for yearbooks (Kasser et al. Table l: Changes in area, volume, thickness and mass of the mapped glaciers for the time period between the two surveys Glacier Silvretta Time Area at period start of 1959/73 Verstancla Limmern 1947/77 Plattalva Gries Table 2: 961/79 CHANGE IN AREA period (km2) total annual 3.22 -0.07 -0.2 1.04 -0.06 -0.4 2.72 -0.20 -0.2 0.76 +0.10 6.69 (km2) -0.35 ~~ VOLUME THICKNESS MASS total annual annual (106m3) (cm) (mm) -4.60 -10 -81 -0.48 -3 -11.39 -14 -145 +0.4 -4.82 -23 -171 -0.3 -11.25 -10 -83 Maximum, minimum and mean values of the annual mass balance of the mapped glaciers, with corresponding values of the equilibrium line altitude and accumulation area ratio (AAR) Glacier Time Annual mass balance period Year Value altitude (kg/m2) m a.s.l. -81 2767 0.52 2490 0.97 Minimum 1963/64 -1409 3019 0.04 -145 2729 0.48 Maximum 1964/65 +1102 2325 0.94 Minimum 1948/49 -1670 2945 0.11 ca.2770 ca.0.48 1947/77 Mean Plattalva 1947/77 Mean Maximum 1964/65 -171 +985 Minimum 1963/64 -1437 Gries AAR Maximum 1964/65 +1338 Silvretta 1959/73 Mean Limmern Equilibrium line [equilibrium line 1.00 loutside glacier 0.00 2842 0.53 Maximum 1976/77 +1274 2530 0.97 Miminum 1972/73 -1110 3135 0.10 1961/79 Mean -83 71 4. Glossary English German glacier boundary Gletschergrenzen Firnschneegrenze limit of firn Neuschneegrenze limit of fresh snow Einzugsgebietgrenze limit of catchment basin Grenze der (Oberflächen-)Moränan (surface) moraine boundary Seen lakes Unterschied zwischen den Gletscher- Changes of the glacier's ständen der l. und der 2. Aufnahme, surface between 1st and 2nd dargestellt surveys, repre~ented by hor- durch horizontale Schnitt- izontal areas corresponding flächen: to the shift in contour lines: (grün) Bei Zunahme der Gletscherdicke (green) incr. in thickness (gelb) Bei Abnahme der Gletscherdicke (yellow) decr. in thickness Vermessungsstationen: survey stations: Triangulationspunkt triangulation point Fixes Stativ fixed theodolite mount Permanente Signaltafel permanent signal plates Messpunkte auf dem Gletscher: Measurement points on the glacier: Pegel zur Messung des spezifischen Massenhaushalts b (kg/m2.Jahr) stake for measuring specific net balance b (kg/m2.yr) and und der Horizontalkomponente der Geschwindigkeit Vh (rn/Jahr) horizontal velocity Vh (m/yr) Pegel mit alljährlich annually repositioned stake gleicher Ausgangslage Pegelbezeichnung 72 stake identification 5. Technical Details The following government institutions and private civil surveying offices were involved with the aerial surveys and photogrammetric mappings: Glacier Aerial Survey Date Photogrammetric Flight by Mapping by the Office of Silvretta 31.8.59 Bern (V+D) 12.9.73 Chamm Limmern Joas & Co., Davos of Cadastral Surveying, + Verstancla + Swiss Federal Office Swiss Federal Topographical Survey, Bern (L+T) 28+29.8.47 A. Flotron, Meirin!gen V+D M. Zurbuchen, Bern L+T A. Flotron, + Plattalva 15.9.77 Meiringen Gries 20.9.61 Swissair Photo AG, H. Leupin, Bern Zürich 15.8.79 V+D H. Leupin, Bern The editing and graphical design of the maps, as well as the preparation of the lettering and colour plates were the responsibility of the authors, assisted by other colleagues from the glaciology department of the VAW. 6. Acknowledgements Special thanks go to the Swiss Federal Topographical Survey for printing the maps, and to the Glacier Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences for financial support. 73 REFERENCES Bindschadler, R., 1981: The predicted behaviour of Griesgletscher, Wallis, Switzerland, and its possible threat to a nearby dam. Zeit- schrift fUr Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 16 (l), p. 45-59. Kasser, P. (1967): Fluctuations of Glaciers 1958-1965. Published by lASH (ISCl)/UNESCO, Tables 17-20, p. 32-38. Kasser, P. (1981): Rezente Gletscherveränderungen Alpen. Jahrbuch der Schweizerishcen in den Schweizer Naturforschenden Ge~ellschaft (SNG), wissenschaftlicher Teil, S. 106-138. Kßsser, P., Aellen, M. und Siegenthaler, H. (1982): Silvrettagletscher Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen 1973/74 und 1974/75. Glaziolo- gisches Jahrbuch der Gletscherkommission der SNG, S. ¡46-l57. Siegenthaler, H. (1983): Glaziologische Beobachtungen an den Gletschern Limmern und Plattalva - Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen 1975/76 und 1976/77. Glaziologisches Jahrbuch der Gletscherkommission der SNG, S. 184-201. Siegenthaler, H. (1984): Glaziologische Beobachtungen am Griesgletscher (Wallis) - Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen 1977/78 und 1978/79. Glaziologisches Jahrbuch der Gletscherkommission der SNG (in press) 74 GEPATSCHFERNER 1971, l : 10,000 (Aerial/terrestrial photogrammetrie map) K. Brunner, Department of Cartography, Polytechnic Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany The tongue of the Gepatschferner in the Oetztal Alps, Tyrol (Austria) was first surveyed in 1886 and 1896, and earlier surveys of the whole glacier took place in 1922, 1940 and 1953. Survey 1971 The new map "Gepatschferner 1971", scale 1:10,000 is based mainly on a photogrammetrie aerial survey. normal angle camera The photo flight was carried out with a in August 1971. Coverage of the area of the Gepatschferner involved the production of five photo strips representing 27 photogrammetrie models (photo scale was about 1:15,000). In addi- tion, the southern Italian part of the glacier was surveyed by means of terrestrial photogrammetry in 1973. The scale of the photogrammetrie stereoplotting was 1:7,500. Cartography The aim of the map was to give a detailed representation of the glacier, the ice-free land, and the exact limit of the active glacier. The areas of ice, firn and old snow are separated by the (temporary) firn edge and the old snow line. The colour coding on the map is as follows: (l) Black lines: planimetric representation and contours on rocky areas (2) Blue lines: contours on glacierized areas, limit of the active glacier, hydrographic features (3) Blue-green lines: crevasses (4) Grey lines: firn line and firn edge, contours on debris- covered areas (5) Brown lines: contours on vegetation-covered areas (6) Green tint: vegetation (7) Grey tint: rocky areas. The vertical interval o f the contour lines is 10m. 75 Glaciological results In 1971, the surface area of the Gepatschferner (northern part) was 17.782km2 and the ratio Sc/Sa was 1.29 (corresponding to an AAR of 0.56). The southern part of the glacier had a aur f ace area of 3.842km2 in 1973. In 1971, approximation the mean altitude of the equilibrium of the firn line - as an line - was found to be 3055m a.s.l. The mean changes in the thickness of the Gepatschfern~r for the periods 1886 - 1896 - 1922 - 1940 - 1953 are given in the table on area, volume and thickness changes; corresponding data for the period 1953-71 can be found in PSFG Val. III. LITERATURE Blachut, T.-J. and Müller F., 1966: Some Fundamental Considerations on Glacier Mapping. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 3, No.6, p. 747-759. Brunner, K., 1978: lur neuen Karte "Gepatschferner 1:10,000. Zeitschri ft für Gletscherkunde 1971", Massstab und Glazialgeologie , Bd. 14, H. 2, p, 133-151. Finsterwalder, Ri., 1951: Zur Geschichte der Gepatschferner-Vermessung. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Alpenvereins, Bd. 76, p. 9-16. Kasser, P. and Röthlisberger, H., 1966: Some Problems of Glacier Mapping experienced with the 1:10,000 Map of t~e Aletsch Glacier. Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 3, No.6, p. 799-809. 76 Canadian HINTEREISFERNER 1979, l : 10,000 (Aerial photogrammetric map) M. Kuhn, Institute of Meteorology, University of Innsbruck. Hintereisferner was survèyed on August 14 and 30, 1979 using an aircraft of the "Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen", Vienna, which flew at an altitude o f 6100 m a.a.L, wide-angle Photographs of 23x23 cm were taken with a lens of 15.2 cm focal length, and they overlapped by 60% longitudinally and by 8-40% laterally. The area evaluated extends from the lowest point in the Rofen valley at 2200 m a.s.l.to the peak of the Weisskugel at 3731 m, so that the average scale of the photographs varied from l:15,000 to 1:27,000. The map was produced by H. Giersig at a scale of 1:10,000 with 10 m isohypses, using the colour blue for snow, ice and water and brown for all other surfaces. All points used in the trigonometric work done by H. Schneider have been entered on the map, as well as the meteorological stations and the precipitation gauges. Remnants of moraines from the glacier advances of about 1850 and 1920 have been mapped by G. Patzelt. The map, being designed for glaciological work, does not speci fically indicate areas of rocks or of di fferent vegetation patterns. However, conspicuous rocks and boulders have been entered and are designated by the letter S. Footpaths and trails are represented regardless of their dimension or state. by dotted lines, Thin, broken lines separate grassland from bare ground wherever these features were clearly distinguishable - the lines are therefore not necessarily continuous. the "Reutherweg", broken lines are used to show conspicuous, East of parallel features at the surface. The firn edge and transient snow line have been entered east (14 August survey) and west (30 August survey) of the line connecting the Langtauf'er er Spitze w ith the survey point "Vietoris". The transition from bare ice to debris-covered ice is generally gradual in nature than can be reproduced on a map. places on Hintereisferner where it was justifiable more There are, however, to indicate such limits by a broken blue line - for example on the middle moraine between Langtauferer-Joch-Ferner and Hintereisferner. The margins of Hintereis- 77 ferner are heavily debris-covered. Along the left margin the glacier, by,its shape, is clearly distinguishable however, on the right margin, from the lateral moraine; the transition between active ice, stagnant ice and/or ice-free lateral moraine is less easy to define. As a result, the right margin of the active glacier tongue was assumed to coincide with the furrow of the surface runoff channel. The broken blue borderline between ice and ice-free terrain encompasses ice or snow areas that may not be part of the glacier proper; such are avalanches that have accumulated at the glacier margin, or temporarily snow-covered areas that are ice-free in other years. On 14 August, 1979, the transient snow line was situated in the altitude .interval 2790-2850 m a.s.l. By the end of the accumulation season on 21 September, it had retreated further, reaching a mean altitude of 2970m. The low position of the firn edge is explained balances 1977/78 in the = two years +410 kg m-2, 1978/79 previous: = by the positive 1976/77 = +760 kg mass m-2, -220 kg m-2. Earlier maps of Hintereisferner by Blümcke and Hess (1:10,000, 1899) and Hess (1:10,000, 1924) have been supplemented by maps of the terminus alone (19~5, 1914, 1917, 1918, 1919, and 1922). For historic references and further details of the present map see Kuhn (1981). The map was produced with support by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. REFERENCE Kuhn, M., 1981: 1:10,000. Begleitworte Zeitschrift Vol. 16 (l), p, 117-124. 78 zur Karte des Hintereisferners für Gletscherkunde 1979, und Glazialgeologie, VERNAGTFERNER 1979, l : 10,000 (Orthophoto map) H. Rentsch, Commission for Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich For .the production of the orthophoto map of Vernagtferner 1979, scale 1:10,000, photographs from the flight "Hintereisferner 1979" were used. Two printing originals were prepared, the first for the contour lines (at intervals of 20m) and planimetric representation (map frame, grid sections, survey points, map lettering and technical installations), and the seco.n d for the orthoPh oto . Th e ph otograph s wer e found to be ver y suitable for differential rectification. Four of them had to be recti- fied in order to cover the whole area of the Vernagt- and Guslarferner. The aerial photographs were taken on 14 August, 1979 at midday. Their mean image scale was 1:20,000 (focal length 153mrn). The stereoscopic evaluation of nine stereopairs was carried out with the analytical plotter Planicamp C-IDO, and the differential recti fication with the orthoprojector Orthocomp Z2. The Planicamp C-IDO and the Orthocomp Z2 (both made by Zeiss/West Germany) are connected to computers (in both cases a Hewlett Packard 1000). The reference data for the computation of the profiles (40 m intervals) for the differential rectification were recorded simultaneously with the one-line plotting of the contour lines. A slit aperture of 0.2mm x 4.0mm with a scanning speed of 20mm/sec was used for the projection by the orthoprojector. The four orthophotas were of good quality, and each of the four contributed nearly the same area to the map face. The sheet assembly of the four orthophotas was carried out by a phototechnical procedure. orthophotas A complete picture was made by projecting all four adjacent to each other, so that the four imagescoincided along irregular, curved boundaries. time as the above projection. A screening was done at the same The print was done in black for the two copies on offset paper and art paper. The processes reduced the contrast of the images considerably of reproduction - a unicolour printed orthophoto cannot replace a photographic contact print. 79 Different methods for efficiency and quality obtaining contour under the following mean image scale 1:20,000 mean slope 230 plotting scale 1:10,000 contour interval plotter lines were compared for conditions: 20 m Planicamp C-IDO with hand wheel operation Method l. one-line plotted time/area Effectiveness 2.0 h/km2 faithful contours 2. derived graphy, contours: 0.7 h/km2 reproduction regardless only faithful a) from a digital- topography ized grid with a terrain of the topo- of terrain reproduction in gradually type of the changing 40 m grid width b) same as a) with additional 2.4 h/km2 ing of break limited graphy record- reproduction in steep, but otherwise lines of the topo- rugged faithful duction The one-line 80 plotted contours were used for the orthophotomap. terrain, repro- LANGTALER FERNER 1971 (OETZALER ALPEN), l : 7,500 (Orthophoto map) K. Brunner, Department of Cartography, Polytechnic Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany. To prepare orthophoto maps is an economical alternative as regards the expensive and time-consuming construction of conventional topographical maps (so-called line maps). Orthophoto maps are widely used for glaciological studies because glaciologists are experienced in the interpretation of aerial photographs. Aerial photographs and differential rectification A photo flight in August 1971 took normal angle photographs of high quality and covered the area of the Langtaler Ferner (Oetzaler Alps, Tyrol/Austria) with three photo strips. using three photogrammetric models. Orthophotas could be prepared For the differential rectification, an Orthoprojector Gl l of Carl Zeiss Co. (West Germany) was used according to the principle projection. of central-perspective correlation by optical The orthophotas were obtained using a strip width of 4 mm and a special slit aperture with a slit width of 0.3 mm at a scale of 1:8,000; the orthophotas did not show any distortion. Screening and sheet assembly Reproduction quality. of orthophotas necessarily involves some loss in image For the offset lithography, the photos were enlarged and then screened by a hal ftone screen with 60 lines per cm. (A larger screen density would have flattened the image.) The screened orthophotas were assembled along the 2km-grid lines of the Austrian national qrì d , which was shi fted 100 metres to the north and which is marked with heavy black lines. There is no other way of obtaining perfect agreement along the edges of adjacent photos if this method of differential rectification is used and if there are no elements of cultural landscape in the photo. 81 Cartography The cartographic' representation is achieved by the use of three colours: l) Grey: orthophoto image 2) Black: framework including grid intersection and graticule ticks, survey points, ablation stakes, lettering and contour lines (vertical interval 20m) 3) Blue tint: glacierized area (active glacier and dead ice). Stereoplotting gave the glacierized area and the contour lines. Glaciological results Que to the high quality of the images from the photo flight in 1971, it. is poss~ble to identi fy the structural characteristics surface very well. it is possible between the areas following In particular, of old snow, results: firn and ice. the area of the Langtaler o f the glacier to discriminate This leads Ferner to the in 1971 was 3.478km2; the mean altitude of the firn line - a close approximation to the equilibrium line - was 2895m a.a.Lj the ratio of accumulation area to ablation area (Sc/Sa) was 1.29, wh~ch corresponds to an accumulation are a r at io (AAR) Q. f O.56. LITERATURE B r u n n e r , K ., l 9 7 6 : O r t h o P h o t o k a r t e n ver g l e t sc h e r t e r G e b.i e t e . Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Bd. 12, H. l, p. 63-67. Brunner, K. and Rentsch R., 1977: Orthophoto Gepatschferner, 1:7,500, in Müller F., 1977 : Fluctuations of Glaciers 1970-1975. ICSI/IAHS and UNESCO, Paris, Vol. III, 262 p , Brunner, K., 1979: Begleitworte 1971" im Massstab Glazialgeologie, 82 zur Orthophotokarte "Langtaler 1:7,500. Zeitschri ft für Gletscherkunde Bd. 15, H. 2, p, 195-199. Ferner und Pillewizer, W., 1977a: Orthophoto Glacier Map of the Grossvenediger, in Müller F., 1977, Fluctuations of Glaciers 1970-75. ICSI/IAHS and UNESCO, Paris, Vol.lll, 262 p . Pillewizer, W., 1977b: Hochgebirgskartographie und Orthophototechnik. Festschrift für Erik Arnberger, Verlag Franz Deuticke, Wien, p. 107124. 83 CHANGES IN ELEVATION OF GLACIERS IN THE EASTERN ALPS 1969-1979; l R. Finsterwalder, H. Rentsch, Institute Bavarian The map shows (Austria) lines above the during of Cartography, changes the in period area is glaciers of the in the gla6iers the glacier Alps latest as graphically Eastern in the Munich Eastern 1969 (1971) and 1979. m) represent displayed University, Munich of eight between in thickness level Technical Academy of Sciences, intervallOO change sea eight metric for is The contour stage. a function each based Alps The mean of glacier. altitude The map of on aerial photogram- surveys. On a separate glaciers are the (vertical annual : 20,000 shown surveys sheet, in the for longer in the 1950 (1949, the mean annual Austrian years Alps changes and three periods. The data 1889 (1892) 1953) - 1969 (1970, in surface glaciers are elevation in the based of ten Bavarian Alps on photogrammetrie - 1912 - 1921 (1920) - 1932 (1938) - 1971) - 1979 (1977). LITERATURE Finsterwalder, R. and Rentsch, alpengletschern kunde Finsterwalder, Mitteilung 25-30. 84 im Zeitraum und Glazialgeologie, R., der 1981: H., 1980: Zur Höhenänderungen 1969-1979. Zeitschrift für von OstGletscher- Bd. 16, H. l, p. 110-115. Zur Höhenänderungen Geographischen Gesellschaft der Zugspitzgletscher. in München, Bd. 66, p , ISSIK GLACIER, PAMIR-E KALAN, AFGHANISTAN; 1:25,000 (Terrestrial photogrammetric map) G. Patzelt, Institute for High Mountain Research, University of Innsbruck, Austria This map is a product of the research expedition "Exploration Pamir 75" which was a private scienti fic undertaking sponsored by the Austr ian Alpine Club and the Austrian Council for the Promotion Research. of Scienti fic The aim of the expedition was to scientifically document and map an area of the Pamir-e Kalan (Great Pamir) which included summits valley and the inhabited region of Wakhan-Darya the in NE Afghanistan. The terrestrial photogrammetry for this map of Northern and Southern Issik glaciers was carried out by R. Kosta and W. Kuschel between and 18th August measurement 1975. The trigonometrical of all positions and altitudes starting 1st point for the is P.6281 (Koh-.e He la L) on the Afghan map 1:100,000. The photögrammetrically determined altitudes are accurate to within units of metres (Senarclens-Grancy 1978). The cartography, carried out by G. Moser, and Kostka Innsbruck, specifically emphasises glaciologically important details, and the rocky areas surrounding the glaciers are therefore only shown schematically in a homogeneous colour. The Koh-e Kalan (Great Pamir) is the southern-most mountain chain of the Pamir range. The two Issik glaciers are situated on the southern side of the highest mountains in this chain (Koh-e Pamir 6320 m, Koh-e HelaI 6281 m). They drain into the Wakhan Darya, eventually forming the Amu Darya which runs into the Aral Sea. The Issik glaciers display the form of composite valley glaciers typical for the mountains of central Asia. Their accumulation areas lie near steep, exposed flanks, accumulation thus arising mainly via snow and ice avalanches. The tributary glaciers then flow through canyon-like, deeply cut valleys and meet in the flat, debris-covered glacier tongues. Consequently, the hypsometric distribution is as follows: 66~~ of the total area of Northern Issik glacier lies below the mean elevation of 85 the glacier; for Southern Issik glacier, the equivalent figure is 64~~' (ErnE in Table l). By mapping the transient snow line and firn line from previous years, an estimation of the altitude of the firn edge could be made: from 4800 m on north-exposed slopes up to 5400 m on south-exposed large (600 m) is characteristic difference melting of ice is particularly slopes. This for arid regions. The slight due to the large amount of out- going radiation which occurs at night, and the altitude. Daily readings for the net ablation were made at 8 ablation st~kes on relatively cloudfree days; values between 4.2 cm and 3.5 cm were recorded. melting only starts in the early hours of the afternoon. Significant The penitentes forms in the snow and ice are indicators of the fact that evaporation is responsible for a large part of the ablation. Lateral moraines and unweathered light-coloured debris show the positions of a glacial maximum of the Issik glaciers, which is thought to have occurred in the second half of the nineteenth century (coloured brown on the map). The area which has since then become ice-free c onstitutes on ly 5.6 ~ò o f the tota l area o f both glaciers today . This comparatively small reduction in area is a result of the debris cover at the glaciers' snouts; dead ice remains for a long time under such cover. The steep, active glacier snout of Southern Issik glacier is at an altitude of 4360 m, and that of Northern Issik glacier is at 4600 m. The low values of ablation, ice velocity, mass loss and area loss indicate that the mass exchange is low for these glaciers which exist under cold-arid climatic conditions. 86 Table l: General Information on Northern and Southern Issik Glaciers Name T Emax ErnA (m) Emin (m) (m) ErnE Lmax A (m) (km) (km2) (km2) AD AD ArnE QI IQ QI IQ Northern Issik GI. 6 6330 5230 4460 5400 11.3 28.62 4.72 16 66 Southern Issik GI. 3 6070 5030 4200 5140 9.3 15.05 2.26 15 64 T: number of tributary glaciers Emax: maximum elevation ErnA: mean elevation of glacier area Emin: minimum elevation ErnE: mean elevation between Emax and Emin Lmax: maximum length, longest flowline A: total area of glacier AD: glacier area, ArnE: glacier area below ErnE. debris covered REFERENCE R. Senarclens Akademische de Graney and R. Kosta (Ed.), 1978: Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Grosser Pamir, Graz 1978, 400 p., 5 maps included. 87 BATURA GLACIER, PAKISTAN, 1:60,000 (Terrestrial photogrammetrie map) Xie Zichu, Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Cryopedology, China Field work for the production programme of a glacier of this glacier expedition map was part of the to Mt. Batura from the Lanzhou Inst.ì t.ute of Glaciology and Cryopedology, K.K. Academia Sinica, China in 1974-1975. The map is printed at a scale of 1:60,000, and took one and a half years to produce. Base control and stereophotographs A control network of about 45 km wide was established, incorporating a total of 25 survey stations. error of 1/27,700. The most inaccurate triangle side had an From the control points of the network, the main peaks of the drainage basin were measured by forward sectioning; thus the control network covered the whole Batura glacier. Terrestrial stereophotographs were taken from 65 photo bases. average height of the control points and photographic 4000 m a.a.L,, maximum The stations was and the average length of the photo bases was 320 m. The photographic distance was about 14 km, the average 8 km. The photographic base line had an angular error of 1.1 seconds, and approximately 7% of the terrain was not covered by the photographs. 88 CHAPTER 9 PERSPECTIVES The revitalisation within since of FOR THE FUTURE of the service and the publication as short a time as possible 1983. freedom in as the national factory discussions A number desired. between However, in the future how helped only a limited these tasks should required clear and the careful to all colleagues a steadier is fundamental to a "permanent" i f the technical and international the preparation expertise contacts of the next such a service also helps a number world-wide Evolution the glacier observations for scientific general strategy of data to exist collection future include glacier fluctuation data in computer-compatible is the (Fluctuations of this volume original most urgent of Glaciers is scheduled schedule. new international However, glacier sources, system because 1980-85) and to serve aspects of as a as well as in form, for 1987/88 by this time to bring of older and 3) the design of data collection. preparation scale. of the PSFG 2) a reactivation of The latter PSFG will have to start soon; monitoring there- programme on an international bibliographic and more effective In recent : l) a reorganisation to contain point going. of considerations. archive of a simpler not or even terminated task of the Service, will have to take place in the technical Plans for the immediate in interruptions that an appropriate continues and environmental programmes alive, but the existence programmes An important to ensure Much of one volume computer have had to be reduced problems. one of helping service. can be re-invested Avoiding service to keep local of programmes of economic acquired, established PSFG volume. only helps to keep an international basis that and one invol- can be saved fore, remains planning involved development, effort and money involved with the production because be as well as well as evolution. Continui ty of operation years, best and specialists, of the time, developed, degree to find what is hoped is a satis- the speed needs remained consultants it soon became the service ving continuity to of scientific correspondents, compromise there as IV have been the two tasks for the time This being the case, fulfilled. of PSFG Volume Volume V publication the PSFG back to its the Service will be part of a service. 89 The Permanent Technical Service national for the World services glacier on the Fluctuations Secretariat data. services which collect, service a new world is presently documentation length, and 3) reach areas (Haeberli monitoring programme. mass Within balance or biennial selected mass balance results data glacier (classification length a in glacier imagery for it is planned to series containing time series); of summarizing of glaciers, glacier fluctua- intercamparisan of variations); - carry out a feasibility observation 2) provide satellite publication (running the possibilities two The new on changes by using an annual tion studies, this framework - establish these as to : l) speed up the observations coverage 1985). standardized to merge glacier a global - investigate and publish it is planned of the more numerous remote are the two inter- being so designed of representative better overview and the Temporary Inventory process By the end of 1985, to form combined of Glaciers Glacier study on the installation programme for remote areas using of a glacier satellite imagery; - continue yearly the publication - complete The corresponding realized without community. this therefore 90 and update regional activities fluctuation data and and proposals compilation, most gratefully glacier data at 5- inventories. and developments communication Criticism present of general intervals; from from all colleagues or who received. cannot feedback may be successfully the scientific who already do so in the future, use are REFERENCES Andreasen, J.D., Knudsen, investigations N.T. and M¢ller at Qamanârssdp J. 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Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 2, 2, p. 189-239. Finsterwalder, Rüd. and Rentsch,'H., 1976: änderung von Ostalpengletschern 1969. Die Erfassung der Höhen- in der Zeiträumen Zeitschri ft füt Gletscherkunde 1950 - 1959 - und Glazialgeologie, 12, l, p. 29-35, mit einer Kartenbeilage. Gottfeng, G., 1971: Volume. Hydrological Data Norden: lHD Stations Introductory National Committees for the International Hydrological Decade in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden: Oslo. Haeberli, W., 1985 (in press): Global land ice monitoring: status and future perspectives. present In: Glaciers, ice sheets and sea level: effect of a CO2-induced climatic change. Report of a workshop (Seattle 1984). NRC, National Academy Press, Washington 1985. Holdsworth, G., 1975: Deformation and flow of Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island. Environment Canada, Scientific Series No. 52, 19 p. Hooke, R. 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Kassel', P. and A~llen, M., 1979: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen im Jahr 1977-78, Auszug aus dem 99. Bericht. Die Alpen 4/1979, 55. Jg., p. 197-212. Kassel', P. and Aellen, M., 1980: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen im Jahr 1978-79, 100. Bericht. Die Alpen 4/1980, 56. Jg., p. 192-209. Kassel', P. and Aellen, M., 1981: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen im Jahr 1979-80, 101. Bericht. Die Alpen 4/1981, 57. Jg., p, 177-194. Kassel', P. and Aellen, M., 1982: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen im Jahr 1980-81, 102. Bericht. Die Alpen 4/1982, 58. Jg., p, 163-180. Kassel', P. and Aellen, M., 1983: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen im Jahr 1981-82, 103. Bericht. Die Alpen 4/1983, 59. Jg., p. 198-220. Kassel', P., Aellen, M. and Siegenthaler, H., 1982: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen 1973-74 und 1974-75, 95. und 96. Bericht. Glaziologisches Jahrbuch der GK/SNG, 160 p. Kassel', P., Aellen, M. and Siegenthaler, H., 1983: Die Gletscher der Schweizer Alpen 1975-76 und 1976-77, 97. und 98. 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T.H., 1981: Mass balance studies in East IAHS Publication 131, p. 253-260. Morgan, V.I., Jacka, T.H., Akerman, G.J. and Clarke, A.l., 1982: Outlet glaciers and mass budget studies in Enderby, Kemp and Mac Robertson lands, Antarctica. Müller, F., 1977: Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 3, p. 204-210. Fluctuations of Glaciers 1970-1975 (Vol. III). ICSI/IAHS and UNESCO, Paris. Müller, F., Caflisch, T. and Müller, G., 1976: Firn und Eis der Schweizer Alpen. Publication No. 57, Department of Geography, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich. Müller, F., Caflisch, T. and Müller, G., 1977: Instructions for compilation and assemblage Department of data for a World of Geography, Glacier Inventory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich. Ommanney, C.S.l., (unpublished): Quadrennial Service on the Fluctuatiuons variations and mass balance report to the Permanent of Glaci~rs changes. on Canadian Surface glacier Water Division, Environment Canada, Ottawa, January 1984 (manuscript report). Patzelt, G., 1979: Fluctuations of Glaciers 1970-1975 (Vol. III) - Review. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 14, 2, p. 251-253. Reid, I.A. and Charbonneau, J.O.G., 1975a: Glacier surveys in Alberta 1971. Inland Waters Directorate Report Series No. 43, Water Resources Br., Environment Canada, Ottawa, 18 p. and maps. Reid, I.A. and Charbonneau, J.O.G.,1975b: Glacier surveys in Alberta 1970. Inland Waters Directorate Report Series No. 32, Water Resources Br., Environment Canada, Ottawa, 23 p. and 5 maps. Reid, I.A. and Charbonneau, 1972. Inland Waters J.O.G., 1978: Glacier surveys in Alberta Directorate Report Series No. 54, Water Resources Br., Environment Canada, Ottawa, 20 p. and maps. 93 Reid, I.A. and Charbonneau, 1977. Inland Resources Reid, Br., 1976. Environment Inland Reid, I.A. and 1978. Resources Reid, I.A., in Br., Alberta and L., Vallon, mesures massi f de S., la 1984: No. surveys 63, - Water in Alberta No. 66, - Water 23 p. and maps. L.A., 1978: Directorate Glacier Report surveys Series Canada, No. 60, Ottawa, 17 p. synthése des ETH, ZUrich. Variations for du Pare in 1981, 1982 glacier Swiss inventories Federal by lnstiture of 16 p. glaciers. measurement. Perennial and assemblage Papers in glacier Hydrology A guide Technical and snow masses: for No. l, Combined basins, for ice of data UNESCO, 1970/1973: Part glacier I: mass to international Papers in Hydrology No.5, UNESCO/IAHS, Paris. state Glaciology, Measured of mass Vol. N.W., Pourchet, ice balance and data a guide glacier for compilation inventory. Technical UNESCO/IAHS, Paris. A guide standards N.W., 1979: a world heat, tians, the fiques UNESCO/IAHS, Paris. UNESCO, 1970: data scienti o f j ökulhlaups Geography, of existing their de Gébroulaz, p , 165-172. preliminary of et glacier Travaux (Report for Analyse le p. 9-29. 34. Ar, No. 34, Department practices No.3, XIII, Guidelines Techno1ogy~ 1983: sur France. Vanoise, Jöku Ihlaupaannall 1983: UNESCO, 1969: C., effectuées Vanoise, Jökull, K.Scherler. Young, Series and Environment M. ~nd Carle, de la and 1983). Young, in Alberta Series Ottawa, Waters - Water 21 p. and maps. Glacier Warner, Fisheries glaciologiques National TTS, Inland Br., surveys Report Canada, 65, maps. Reynaud, Ri st, 1980: J.O.G. and - 1975. Resources Ottawa, Directorate Environment Charbonneau, Water J.D.G., Waters in Alberta No. 17 p. and maps. Glacier Report Canada, Charbonneau, surveys Series Ottawa, 1979b: Directorate Environment Inland Glacier Report Canada, J.O.G., Waters Br., 1979a: Directorate I.A. and Charbonneau, Resources 94 J.O.G., Waters and water for measurements. exchange. velocities balance balances compilation Part Technical of within interior the at selected and assemblage Papers East IAGP area. I I: of Speci ficain Hydrology Antarctica and Journal 24, No. 90, p. 77-87. M., Kotlyakov, V.M., Korolev, Accumulation distribution in the 900E - 150oE. Annals of Glaciology, Vol. P.A. and Dyugerav, M.B., 1982: lAGP area, tica: 3, p. Antarc- 333-338. of APPENDIX This appendix l: Data includes sheets and the data notes sheets on their which completion were used for the collection of data for this volume, together with the explanatory notes on their completion: - Data Sheet "General Information on the Observed Glaciers 1975-80" - Notes on the completion of the General Information data sheet - Data Sheet "Variations in the Position of Glacier Fronts 1975-80" - Data Sheet "Variations in the Position of Glacier Fronts - Addenda from Earlier Years" - Notes on the completion of the Variations data sheets - Data sheet "Mass Balance Study Results - Summary Data 1975-80" - Data sheet "Mass Balance Study Results - Addenda from Earlier Years" - Data sheet "Hydrometeorological Data" - Notes on the completion of the Mass Balance data sheets 95 PERMANENT SERVICE ON THE FLUCTUATIONS GENERAL INFORMATION OBSERVED GLACIERS or GLACIERS ON THE 1975-80 l. Country or Territory I I I I I I I I I I I I/I I.av. blank 2. Glacier Number (PSFG) ~--l 3. Glacier Number (in alread~ Eublished 4 inventories) 4. Glacier Name 5. Geographical Location (general) 6. Geographical Location 7. Geographical Co-ordinates (more specific) 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 o Latitude Longitude ol...--..I...-J, l-..1.--J L..-....I--L... m a.sl. year Elevation 10. Mean Elevation m a.sl. year Il. Lowest Elevation m a.sl , year 12. L..-..J L---.J '----'---L.-... ~.~ 2 km year Area ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ km year 13. Length 14. Rough Classification 15. Investigator(s) L...-.L.-...J , Accumulation area Ablation area 8. Orientation 9. Highest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ L.-...l.-.....j ........... ~ : __ [IT] : 16. Sponsoring Agency: 10 17. Type of submitted data: (mark appropriate box) Variations in Front Position Mass Balance Changes in Thickness, Area and Volume Hydrometeorological Data Other (specify under "Remarks") 18. Remarks: Data 96 sheet compiled by : D D D D D GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE OBSERVED NOTES ON THE COMPLETION OF THE DATA SHEET This data be completed sheet should are submi tted for inclusion l. Country PSFG Glacier Numbering National better once will not be changed. a PSFG are Glacier Number of Glaciers" For glaciers without for assigning PSFG Glacier hand digit(s) total = number to denote single of digits and the deg~ee might the glacier might exceptional cases, IV. assigned refer can numbers to It is intended to a glacier to earlier volumes the PSFG Glacier the following it of Number. guidelines of present interest, glaciers This could glaciers used, are become separated the fi fth digit it should be may arise in which is adopted the left- and the right-hand each sub-division. The depend on the size of the in identifying may advance to identify several system within 2-4, will A glacier become or except- be done by using subdivisions, of sophistication in future digits neighbouring the numbering geographical sub-divisions. front which 5 digits. to glaciers Accordingly, it necessary to give with max. 4 numerical "spare numbers". to number number country assigning a PSFG number, the number leave digit(s) has been that the need to number future. asked for Volume therefore, when ionally, should and has proven names, the number: Number In assigning of the glaciers therefore Please, "Fluctuations make data is located. with foreign glacier data are submitted that single on which 1975-1980". to remember. on which remembered where the glacier identification when dealing correspondents glaciers phical of Glaciers Number allows be very difficult the for all the glaciers in "Fluctuations or territory to be very helpful given 1975-80 or Territory Name of the country 2. GLACIERS individual distinct fronts, from the main (alphabetic the or retreat geogra- enough parts, to e.g., a or else part of glacier. or numeric) In these should be used 97 3. Format: right justified Glacier Number in already Only where already a glacier published on column position published number 4 inventories has been assigned National Glacier in connection Inventory with an should this number be given. Format: 4. max. 13 digits, Glacier Name The name the of the glacier initial accuracy, Format: letter) be' written order max. 15 (exceptionally impossible, to in small prevent letters loss of (except orthographic 17) column positions, the name can be abbreviated, left justified. but if this is absolutely a second line may be used. Geographical By "general very should in e.g., accents. If necessary, 5. left justified. large Location (general) geographical location", we understand geographical large political sub-division) tion of the glacier Examples: entity without Western Alps, (e.g., a large which gives requiring the indication mountain a rough range of a or a idea of the loca- the use of an atlas or map. Southern Norway, Polar Ural, Tien Shan, Himalayas. Format: 6. similar Geographical Location A more specific group, to 4 (Glacier Name) drainage (more specific) geographical basin, scale map of the country Format: 7. be found on a small- ¿oncerned. Coordinates The geographical 98 should be given here (mountain can easily similar, to 4 (Glacier Name) Geographical ablation location etc.) which area; coordinates for small should refer glaciers, this to a point point may in the upper possibly lie outside the glacier. Basically, simal the latitude degrees by the corresponding Onl~ where a s~all coordinates decimals 8. and longitude and minutes cardinal glacier in sexage- and be followed may it be necessary for clear identification. - and not seconds to give the In such cases - should be used. Orientation The orientation of the accumulation should be given using the 8-point 9. of minutes) point. is unnamed more accurately of minutes should be indicated (no fractions Highest area and of the ablation area compass. Elevation Altitude of the highest point of the glacier and ,the year of survey. 10. Mean Elevation Altitude of the contour line which halves the area of the ~lacier and the year of survëy. Il. Lowest Elevation Altitude of the lowest point of the glacier and the year of survey. 12. Area Total area of the glacier (in horizontal projection) and the year of survey. 13. Length Maximum length tal projection) of the glacier measured along a flowline (in horizon- and year of survey. 14. Rough Classificati6n This classification "Perennial Unesco/IAHS, - "Primary - "Form" ice and 1970). should snow be given masses" The following classi fication" in coded form according (Technical Papers information should be given: to in Hydrology, (Digi t l) (Digit - "Frontal characteristics"COigit 2) 3) 99 Format: boxes The coded (Digit information should l in first box, digit be given in the corresponding 2 in second box, digit 3 in third box) . Code: (from: "Perennial - Digit l: Primary O Miscellaneous l Continental classification Any not listed Inundates Ice-field Ice areas of continental masses thickness surface 3 4 (explain) ice sheet 2 ice and snow masses") of sheet or blanket not sufficient Outlet Drains an ice sheet or ice ice mass with radial glacier form; not be clearly 5 Valley glacier of the a sub- topography Dome-shaped valley type to obscure Ice cap glacier size flow cap, usually the catchment of area may delineated the catchment Flows down a valley; area is includes ice well defined 6 Mountain glacier Cirque, niche or crater type; aprons and groups 7 Glacieret and snowfield A glacieret of small units is a small ice mass of indefinite shape in hollows, river beds and on protected slopes, which has drifting, avalanching accumulation marked from snow and/or especially developed heavy in certain flow pattern years; fore, no clear distinction possible. secutive 8 Ice shelf Exists glacier(s); 9 Rock glacier least to a coast 100 con- snow accumulation thickby on its surface freezing A glacier-shaped slope two nourished mass of angular rock cirque or valley with interstitial and no there- from snow field is at ice sheet of considerable attatched or bottom for and, summers A floating ness usually is visible snow or dead ice, moving ice, slowly in a firn down- Digit 2: Form O Miscellaneous l Compound 2 Compound Any not listed basins basin Two or more (explain) individual issuing from coalescing (Fig. la) valley tributary Two or more individual feeding one glacier 3 Simple basin Single accumulation 4 Cirque Occupies a accumulation system and basins (Fig. lb) area (Fig. lc) separate, recess which glaciers valleys rounded, steep-walled it has formed on a mountain side (Fig. Id) 5 Niche Small glacier gulley generally further 6 Crater formed in or initially depression on more common than developed Occuring in craters which cirque extinct the glacier or V-shaped mountain slope; genetically (Fig. le) dormant volcanic rise above the regional snow line 7 Ice apron 8 Group An irregular, usually along a mountain A number occurring 9 Remnant of thin ice mass plastered slope or ridge similar small masses in close proximity .and too small to be assessed individually An inactive, usually a receding ice small ice mass left by glacier f!J ff~ 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 101 - Digit 3: Frontal characteristics o Miscellaneous* Any not listed I Piedmont Ice field formed on a lowland by the lateral expansion several 2 Expanded foot (explain) of one glaciers or glacier valley leaves the confining and extends on to a and more level surface Lobed 4 Calving coalescence of Lobe or fan formed where the lower portion the 3 the (Figs. 2a, 2b) of wall of less a restricted (Fig. 2c) Part of an ice sheet or ice cap, disqualified as an outlet or valley glacier Terminus into of glacier sea produce or, occasionally, icebergs; inventory extending lake water includes - dry land calving recognisable (Fig. 2d) sufficiently from the - for to this which would 'lowest be glacier elevation' 5 Coalescing,' non-contributing 6 (see Fig. 2e) Irregular, mainly clean ice (mountain mainly debris covered or valley glaciers)* 7 Irregular, 8 Single lobe, mainly clean ice (mountain (mountain 9 Single lobe, mainly debris covered * Adopted or valley glaciers)* or valley glaciers)* (mountain or valley glaciers)* from M.F. Meier; not used for World Glacier ~ Y//f"~ tP /j \ u ----::.~ J ~ 2b 2a ~-rc ",'I'J --:--' 102 v~ f,l~ \' ,." '/ Inventory. 2e 2c 2d 15. Investigator(s) (Source of Information) (refers to l - 14) If data taken from Inventory: reference to the Inventory If data taken from map: reference to the map used 16. Sponsoring If data Agençy taken from Inventory: full name and address where the original of the agency data Idata bank are held If data taken from map: Format: leave blank max. 10 column positions 17. Type of submitted e.g.,- Variations Study Results for the abbreviation data in the Position - Summary of Glacier Fronts, Mass Balance Data etc. 18. Remarks Any important information or comments not included above may be given here. Comments here. about the accuracy No fields for quantitative data have been given be marked field. accuracy on the data sheet; with an asterisk Only of the various numerical significant data may be made ratings especially of the various poor data should on the right-hand side of the appropriate decimals be given should for area and length. 103 PERMANENT SERVICE VARIATIONS OF GLACIER ON THE FLUCTUATIONS OF GLACIERS IN THE POSITION FRONTS 1975-80 l. Country or Terr'itory' I I I I I I r III I.av. I I I I blank 2. Glacier Number (PSFG) '----'----'--'- -J 4 3. Glacier Name '--L_...__,__....__..__.___.__~__,__.__......__..__._1~5 ..J. _. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Observed since ye ar 5. Date of Initial Survey for Reported Period 6. Variation (Previous Survey to 7. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 8. Date of Survey 1976 9. Variation (Previous Survey to la. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 11. Date of Survey 1977 12. Variation (Previous Survey to 13. Altitude of' Snout/Lowest Point* 14. Date of Survey 1978 '15. Variation (Previous Survey to 16. .Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 17. Date of Survey 1979 18. Variation (Previous Survey to 19. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 20. Date of Survey 1980 day, month, year Survey) Survey) Survey) Survey) Survey) m m a.sl. d •.,mth. ,y. m m a.sl. d. ,mth. ,y. m m a.sl. d. ,mth • ,y. m m a.sl • d. ,mth. ,y. m m a.sl. d. ,mth. ,y. in variations in altitudes 21. Error &-......I-.L... L-&...-.I.'--L-.J.L-...L-.J y L.-.I....-...l..L.....J ~ L-I...-J.I..-..L......I.7 6 'r' L-..l..-L-L.....L-...J ~ L-.I.-..J.I..-..L......I.77 ~ '---'-L-...&-J.L....J L-..L.-J.....J. L-I...-J.L-I........J.78 L.-.I ± L-L.....t.....J.L....J ~ L-1-.J.'--'--.J. '-± 7 9 L-J.......;.....L.....J ~ '---'---J.1..-..L......I.80 (m) (m) :!: L-..L.-.I-.J.L-.J + - 1.........1.-.. 22. Method: I I I I leave 23. Addenda from earlier years (mark appropriate box) blank I I I I I D D ] I· No 24. Investigator(s) Yes : 25. Sponsoring Agency: 10 26. Remarks : * delete inappropriate term 104 Date sheet compiled by: PERMANENT SERVICE ON VARIATIONS' OF GLACIÈR _ ;THE FLUCTUATIÓNS OF A GLACIERS IN THE POSITION ,FRÒNTS ADDENDA FROM EARLIER l. Country or Territory I I I I I I I I/I I I I I YEARS leave blank 2. Glacier Number (PSFG) ~-I " 3. Glacier Name '--'-_J_-'--..I...-..l--L---'-...I--JI..-...L-L--J.-'__"~15 -'-..J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ year 4. Observed since 5. Date of Initial Survey for Reported Period day, month, year 6. Variation (Previous Survey to 7. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 8. Date of Survey Survey) 9. Variation (Previous Survey to ~ 10. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* ll. Date of Survey Survey) 12. Variation (Previous Survey to ~ 13. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 14. Date of Survey Survey) 15. Variation (Previous Survey to ~ 16. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 17. Date of Survey Survey) 18. Variation (Previous Survey to ~ 19. Altitude of Snout/Lowest Point* 20. Date of Survey Survey) L-L-J-L-J m m a.sl. d.,mth. ,y~ L..-I....-I.-L-.L-J L......I-...J.. '---l......J. m m a.sl. d. ,mth. ,y. y m m a.sl. d. ,mth. ,y. y L--L--I.'---L-.J I..--I..--J.-.J.L...-I '--'--'--L-.J L-..L.....J. L--L--I.I-.-J........I L.......I..-I...L......I L-1--L.......J. '---l......J.L-J--I.~ m m a.sl. d. ,mth. ,y. ~.L-.J..-.J.I-.-J........I m m a.sl. d. ,mth. ,y. L-J--I.'---'---I.I...-.I.-.I in variations in altitudes 21. Error 'r' ~ ± L-...L-..l.--L-.L......I ~ L-...L-..l.--L-.L..J &---I---1-..L-. (m) (m) :!: , L-..I.-....I-...L-J + - L-.I....--L.-I 22. Method : I I I I I I I I I I I D D leave 23. Addenda from earlier years (mark appropriate box) blank No 24. Investigator(s) Yes : 25. Sponsoring Agency: 10 26. Remarks : * delete inappropriate term Date sheet cómpiled by: 105 VARIATIONS IN THE POSITION· OF GLACIER FRONTS 1975-80 NOTES ON THE COMPLETION Of THE DATA SHEET l. Country or Territory Name of the country in which the glacier is located 2. Glacier Number (PSFG) See "Notes on the completion of the data sheet: GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE OBSERV.ED GLACIERS" 3. Glacier Name Th e n a m e o f t, he g lacie r shou d b e w ritten in s m aIl letters (except ì initial letter) in order to prevent loss of orthographical e.g., accents. 4. accuracy, Surveyed since Year of the first known quantitative survey 5. Date of Initial Survey for Reported Period As "initial survey" we define the last survey, performed where the position or the variation in the position before 1976 of the glacier frönt was determined quantitatively. The "initial" survey will normally be the 1975 survey. If no survey was carried out in 1975, or if only qualitative data are available for 1975, the "initial survey" will, of course, be an earlier quantitative one. 6. Variation (Previous Survey to 19.; Survey) (refers also to 9, 12,15 and 18) Variation in horizontal projection between previous survey and present survey. Units: metres Sign: + advance - retreat 106 Missing data: If no data are available field should Qualitative using year, the corresponding data data: If no quantitative titative for a particular be deleted. data data are available are available, the following corresponding symbols then placed for a particular variations year, but qual- should in the left-most be denoted positions by of the data field: ST : no apparent + X: apparent variation advance - X: apparent SN: glacier (stationary) (numerical value unknown) retreat ,(numerical value unknown) tongue is covered wi th snow so as to make survey impossible. In the case of qualitative be with respect data, to the previous the variations survey, whether will be understood quantitative to or quali- tative. 7. Altitude of Snout/Lowest (refers also to 10, 13, 16 and 19) If the altitude measured, the of the it should inappropri~te Point lowest point be indicated term of the glacier in the corresponding (i.e., snout or lowest ~as data point) also been field and should be deleted. Missing 8. data: dèlete the corresponding field" Date of Survey (refers also to Il, 14, 17 and 20) For each month, per for med survey, please indicate the complete date (day, year). Missing data: Delete corresponding No survey: Day unknown fields or day and month unknown: Put question mark(s) in corresponding field(s). 21. Error Estimated maximum error 107 22. Method The following indications should Geometrical definition - Variation of the undermost of the variation, - Mean value of 6 linear reference - Change points the glacier point e.g.,: of the tongue measurements located in the frontal across be given here: of the glacier taken in the same azimuth in front of the glacier area divided by the lengt~ from 6 front of a fixed baseline near the terminus - etc. Measurement - Ground technigue, e.g., survey - Interpretation of photographs - Aerial/terrestrial taken from the same point photogrammetry - etc. 23. Addenda from Earlier Years If data from reported on the "ADDENDA earlier years than FROM 1975/76 EARLIER are included, they should be YEARS" data sheet. 24. Investigator(s) Name(s) name(s) of the person(s) 25. Sponsoring Full or agency of the person(s) or agency doing the processing field work and/or the the data. Agency name, abbreviation and address of the agency where the data are held. Format: max. 10 column positions for the abbreviation. 26. Remarks Any important g i ven reason, 108 here . information or comments, I f a r e g u l a r s u rvey this should be indicated not included above, may bp h a s b e e n d is c o n t i n u e d f ()r ~;o m f' here. PERMANENT SERVICE ON THE FLUCTUATIONS Mass Balance SUMMARY DATA 2. Glacier Number 3. Glacier Name 4. Observed 5. Time Study OF GLACIERS Results 1975-80 1. Country or Territory I I I I I I I I I/I I I I (PSFG) ~_¡ .i.s... since System (mark appropriate D box) D fixed stratigraphic other (specify 6. Number Measurement of Points Beginning of Measurement· 8. End 9. Balance/ End of Measurement· Balance/ Year Season Winter of Year 10. 11. Winter 12. 13. Summer 14. 15. Net 16. 17. Net 18. 19. Net/Annua,e 20. 2,. Accumulation 22. Total 23. Equilibrium Line / Equilibrium Annual 24. 25. Firnline Balance total Balance total mth, day, mth. day, mth. 106m3w.e. m total Accumulation m total m total m Date m w.e. km2 Area km2 Area lineo m a.s l. m Addenda 27. Investigator 28. Sponsoring 29. Remarks • deieie area L-.L_j.l__L__j L-.L_joL..,_1__j l...-l-Jol__L__j +~ +~.L--.L.-...I.-' - ~ - L-I.L-..L....I--I + +~ +~ + - ~ - L._.l.._L_L.,L_ +I.-..J.~ -~ - I.-..J.~ + L-I.L-.J....._J___¡ - ~ - L...JoL-...J._,J__J 'T~ ¡_'_¡.L...J_J_J ¡_'_¡.L-.l__.l._l L.....I~ 'T ± L.....iL--l.L.L....J__J L...J.I...--l-.l-, :I: L._I._L_..l.._l l__j__j_J,__J__ Firnline a.s l, day,mth.,yr. L-L__L_L_J L-1....__L_L_¡ l,.__..1_._J.L....-1...--J.L..L.J .;.y .., ... '...,.,.,., 26. Ablation area km2 Area of w.e. 6 3 10 m w.e. spec. Ablation w.e. 1015m3 w.e. spec. Balance w.e. 3 1015m w.e. spec. Ablation w.e. 3 106m w.e. spec. "Remarks") L-'---I_"'--'---'--'--l day, spec. under '---'----''----'---'----'---'---' I Accumulation 7. O D - date from (5) earlier years : (mark appropriate box) ... ".... ,.."".;, ...,....""",.,",l__L__j.l__L__j.~J D D No Yes : Agency : : inappropriale lerm Dala sheet compiled by : 109 PERMANENT SERVICE ON THE FLUCTUATIONS Mass Balance SUMMARY DATA - ADDENDA 2. Glacier Number 3. Glacier Name 4. Observed 5. Time OF Study ,------- GLACIERS Results 1. Country or I I I I I I I I I/I FROM EARLIER (PSFG) ~_¡ 4 .t.a.,.. since System (mark appropriate D box) Number of Measurement - date other Points under I 19 8. End 9. Balance/ End of Measurement- 10. 11. 12. Season Winter of Balance Winter day, mth. day, mth. total 3 106m w.e. m w.e. spec. Balance Summer total 13. 106m3 spec. w.e. w.e. m ..) ..... : t: - I:~<~~~~'#{I '.':,': IG'\+JÄ4~&J.1 i,~i Net Accumulation total 15. 16. 17. 18. Net total Ablation 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 6 10 m3 spec. Net/Annual- Balance total 19. Ablation Total w.e. w.e. m 6 3 10 m spec. Accumulation w.e. w.e. m w.e. +~ + km2 L...L......l__L1 Equilibrium Line / Equilibrium Annual Line- m a.sl. Date m of Firnline a.sl. day,mth.,yr. Addenda 27. Investigator 28. Sponsoring 29. Remarks - 110 delete from (5) earlier years : (mark + l___!_j__¡__J__<)' + L...J-L...L..J__j ".4 L...J L.......L___.,I >\ .,. ~I/':·(.·.~~.I . I.......l....J. - T L..J.t....LJL_J L...J.........L L...J.L...l......L... '.;,:' ,'.'::' ."'..: :.:::,.; : %::-,H.,.::,:::,-:.:-. ..... '. "···,:·······,···,:··,:·: ••• t • L......J...._l_ L..l_._L_L...J \Lt ,"'- ':. I__L___L_.j___¡ '--L......l.... L..l_._L_L...J .:.,,:. L-1--J.l.......L__J.L...L..J appropriate - ""::"'>,} ....;.:' .,.:" ::,':" L-L-I.LL...J.L..L..J " :':'_:., box) : term L..J.L,_j___L...J + L..L......L...1 + L..J.L.J.__J__j '.,."::': I>: tri ¡_J.L..L...J._J : inappropriate L.....L-L.....J - IILi*·i:~'~:·:ffti~·1*1 ± ~ ±±' : Agency - L...J.L-...l-L_j .':.'_: - l.._L__l__l_.._:;:i ·,.H., 26. ii I:~~[III~I - .:.\:.:,.\ Firnline £ il}' 'T' ':i'_ L...J.L...L..J__j L..J.L_j___[__J km2 Area .Hf+~ '.'.: + L..J.L._l__L_J--...,::.:....:: ,±,L..Jo¡___j,___L_, km ~J - '.. \. I:" ·:··'''·~'f+ii~~tL~'"'-'·':¡'-'-'',:::·1 - '+" L...L_¡.L_¡__j I.H< ,..Li L..J.l____L_,L__I 2 Area Area - :.\,.:. w.e. m ..,.".'~~r\h + ~ + L...J.L...L..J__j t<\ .".: 6 10 m3 spec. j :: 1(?+,,·.'t:.£i;¡:1i:~W~¡¡;;¿}ji·:1 l_j.L....J___¡__J / l_j_J ¡i;:; .. ,.::. L-..J.__j.¡_j__.J L.......L.._l_. ::,":' L...L_¡.¡_j__.J '_":' ))i 14. 1Q '.,',.: l.......L__J.L....L..J l_j.~' area L...L_¡.¡_j__.J '... i<: .. <:. L....l...__l__. Ablation :)"' .. :',... '.·'.:··••:·.,·i •••c•••••,:. L...L_¡ol_j_J + + ¡__l___[___J__..L__¡__¡____; I 19 L...L_¡.¡_j__.J day,mth. Year I area ,.".,{ Balance/ Year "Remarks") L-.J--l.___J___.L--L_¡___J Accumulation Beginning of Measu rement" D D D fixed (specify 7. I I I YEARS stratigraphic 6. A Territory Data sheet compiled by : .:.'.', ., .cr, :,' A L..L....J.¡_j__.J.L...LJ :.·.'i.:'- D D No Yes 30. Hydrometeoro1ogieal Data Streamflow gaging station(s) Name -------------------------------------------------------------- Geogr. location ___ Geogr. co-ordinates Altitude ~ (m a.s1.) ' Drainage area (km2) _ ------------------------~----------------------- Location where data ava~lable Meteorological Name _ station(s) -------------------------------------------------------------- Geogr. location Geogr. co-ordinates ------------ Al.titude (m a. sl .) Location where data available ~ _ ------------------------------------------ 111 MASS BALANCE NOTES ON COMPLETION The present balance STUDY RESULTS - SUMMARY data sheet tries to accomodate several inherent data fields. all fields on the data sheet can be completed used here publicai ton "Combined (Technical Papers confusion mation mainly in Hydrology III. to define balances at selected of the reported These terms, data, however, be, because that 2). The following basins" Ta avoid the same terms are deliberately it remains the exact meaning as possible. in mass as fully as possible. 1970, Appendix No.5, as they could correspondents as carefully ambiguities It is not expected that given in the UNESCO/lASH ice and water and to assure continuity as precisely national follows heat, are used as in Volume defined 1975-80 OF THE DATA SHEET data by providing The terminology DATA not the task of of the given infor- reference is recommen- ded: Mayo, L.R., Meier, W.V., (1972): A system M.F. and Tangborn, stratigraphic and annual International Hy~rological mass balance systems: Decade. Journal to combine a contribution of Glaciology, to the Vol. Il, No. 62, P. 3- 14. Please try to use the symbols and definitions given in this reference. Examples: bm(s) area-averaged "specific SnCf) ba total snow net firnification balance (corresponding in the stratigraphic area-averged annual terms not included balance annual balance" (corresponding in the stratigraphic accumulation" "specific Extra winter winter balance" to "total Country (corresponding in these publications 112 or territory the to in the fixed date system). will be defined or Territory Name of country net system). text. l. to system). where the glacier is located in the 2. PSFG Glacier Number See notes on the completion of the data sheet "GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE OBSERVED GLACIERS". 3. Glacier Name The name of the glacier should be written in small letters initial letter) in order to pre~ent loss of orthographic (except accuracy, e.g., accents. Format: max. 15 justified. if this (exceptionally 17) column positions, left If necessary, the name can be abbreviated, but is absolutely impossible, .a second line may be used. 4. Surveyed since Year when measurement of mass balance started. 5. Time System Where to it is not clear whether the method of measurement corresponds the "stratigraphic" or to the "fixed date" system, the box "other" should be marked and an appropriate comment made under Remarks". for "29. Note that observations with the "combined system" contain more information than can be given in the data sheet. 6. Number of Measurement Points Number of measurement sites in the accumulation and ablation Repeated of measurements may be made at a single site for the obtaining an average value for the site but each site areas. purpose may be counted only once. When the number of measurement points is not constant over the reported period, the range should be given. Format: left justified. 7. Beginning of Balance/Measurement Year Day and month of the beginning of the balance year (stratigraphic system), if known, or day and month of the beginning of the measurement year (fixed date system). 113 8. 9. End of Winter Season Day and month of the end of the winter End of Balance/Measurement ,Day and system), if known, 10. Winter year or day and mo~th of the beginning (stratigraphic of the measure- (total) means the integral of the glacier, expressed Format: floating Sign: if under Balance (flspeçific" of th~ point values as the equivalent over the total area volume of water) point the printed cases, Il. Winter of the balance (fixed date system). Balance ("total" (if known). Year month of the beginning ment year season it sign should "+" happens to be false in exceptional be corrected clearly and a note added "29. Remarks". (specific) means "total" value divided by the total area of the glacier) Format: fixed point Sign: see "10. Winter Balance (total)" 12. 13. Summer Similar Balance (total and specific) to 10. and Il. 14. Net Accumulation De f. : (total) "net accumulation (total)." of the accumulation the accumulation Format: floating Sign: see 10. 15. Net Accumulation De f'v t 114 total net/annual mass balance of the point values over area) point (specific) "net accumul at on (specific)" ì divided Format: = area (integral = "net accumulation by the area of the accumulation fixed point area. '(total)" 16. 17. Net Ablation (total and specific) Similar to 14. lnd 15. 18. 19. Net/Annual Balance (total and specific) Similar to 10. and ll~ Sign: put the correct sign in th~ sign box + : mass increase - : mass decrease ZO. Accumulation Area Format: floating point Zl. Ablation Area Format: decimal point in the same column position as for ZO. ~t~¡;:t ZZ. Total Area Format: decimal point in the same column position as for ZO¡ and Zl. 'Z3. Eguilibrium Line/Annual Eguilibrium Line Mean altitude (averaged over the glacier) of the equilibrium line/annual equilibrium line. Z4. Firnline Mean altitude (averag~d over the glacier) of the firnline~ Firnline: transient snowline at the time of minimum extent of the snow cover. Z5. Date of Firnline Day and month of time of mìnimum extent of the snow cover. Z6. Addenda from earlier years If data from earlier years than 1975/76 are included, they should be reported on the "ADDENDA FROM EARLIER YEARS" data sheet. 115 27. Investigator(s)' Name(s) of the persones) or agency doing the field work and/or name(s) of the persones) or agency processing the data. 28. Sponsoring Agency Full name, abbreviation and address of the agency where the data are held. Format: max. 10 column positions for the abbreviation. 29. Remarks Any important given here. information or comments not included above If a regular survey has been discontinued reason, this should be reported here. 30. Hydrometeorological Data (on the back of the data sheet) Self-explanatory. 116 may be for. some TABLE GE NE RAL I N F O R H A T ION A ON T HE O B S ERVE-D ~C~L~A~CI~ R S NR : Record number GLACIER NAME : 15 alphabetic or numeric digits PSFG NUMBER: 4 or 5 digits identifying glacier with alphabetic prefix denoting country LAT : Latitude in degrees and minutes north or south LONG : Longitude in degrees and minutes east or west CODE : 3 digits giving "primary classification", "form" and "frontal characteristics" respectively EXP AC : Exposition of accumulation area (cardinal points) EXP AB : Exposition of ablation area (cardinal points) ELEVATION MAX : Maximum. elevation of glacier (metres) ELEVATION MED : Median elevation of glacier (metres) ELEVATION MIN: Minimum elevation of glacier (metres) AREA : Total area of glacier (square kilometres) LEN : Length of glacier along a flowline from maximum to minimum elevation (kilometres) JYPE OF DATA : B = Variations in the position of glacier fronts 1975-80 or Variations in the position of glacier fronts: addenda· from earlier years C = Mass balance summary data 1975-80 or Mass balance summary data : addenda from earlier years or Mass balance versus altitude D = E = Hydrometeorological data F = Changes in area, volume and thickness Other - see Chapter 7 Key to Symbols: * = No data available 117 NR GLACIER NAHE PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC'AB ELEVATra~s MEO MAX ~IN AREA SO KM lEN KM TYPE OF DATA C A NAD A ICE CD 1335 79 57N 99 08W 303 •••• CD 2340 79 27N 90 CD 0205 79 2bN 90 58W b50 CD 0431 75 25N 83 lSW 303 CD 1961 75 25N 115 01W 303 •••• 715 CD 0210 69 4~N Q20 7 NAOAHINI CO 1402 59 8 ALEXANDER CD 0133 51 ObN 9 YURI CD 2530 56 58N l MEIGHEN 2 WHITE CAP 3 BABY GLACIER GLACIER 4 DEVON ICE CAP ~ SOUTH ICE CAP b BARNES ICE CAP 72 40W 515 OOW 300 l2b7 600 70 85.00 56.0 SE SE 1780 l1hO 80 38.90 15.4 SW SW 1170 1020 710 NW NW 1890 1200 o 600 4QO **.. 44N 136 4lW 538 N NE 1981 **.. 420 1285 .63 1695.10 1.4 50.0 66.00 15.0 500.00 5.0 130 49W 538 NE NE 1820 1670 1190 5.83 5.3 C E 130 3.60 3.0 C E C E 41W 638 NW NW 2010 1~45 1390 10 ANDREI CD 0148 56 5bN llO 59W 428 SE E 2190 1280 610 92.14 22.5 11 BERENDON CD 0240 56 15N 130 05W 518 E 2310 13~0 650 33.40 10.0 12 NEW CD 1430 53 55N 127 46W b26 Ni ~E 2100 1840 1~80 .99 l.~ CD 21QO 53 1830 1550 1.11 2.3 MnON 13 UTEH 14 ATHABASCA 15 SASKATCHEWAN 52 12N 117 15W 438 NE NE 3~10 2850 1920 14.Q5 52 12N 117 OBW ~25 SE E 29Q5 2b20 1790 30.0t NE 2680 1860 1370 15.Ql 7.8 NE 2190 1465 8.14 6.8 2130 1;25 4.64 2.3 2b35 ~125 13.40 5.3 2400 ~240 CD 0698 52 ObN APE CD 0170 52 05N 126 l3W 118 N CO O~20 52 CO 1640 51 40N CD 0560 51 30N 116 32W 67b 20 EMERALD GLACIER 2130 CD 0190 FYLES 19 PEYTO se CD 1905 lb LAKE E 54N 127 47W 5Z8 NE 17 lB DEER C EF •••• 6.13 1600 12ó l~W 224 N 2680 04N 126 IOW 223 NE NE 2710 116 32W 528 NE NE 3185 NE NE 2680 9.3 14.0 1.90 B O ~ D ß B O C E 1.0 ß 21 TSOLOSS CD 2075 51 23N 123 ~2W 504 N 3050 2560 ~330 1.0b 1.6 R 22 ELKIN CD 0575 51 ZZN 123 51W 529 NE NE 2750 22bO 2040 1.49 1.9 B 23 FRIENDLY CD 0692 51 03N 123 51W 526 N 2200 1880 4.43 4.5 B 24 TCHAIKAZAN CD 2015 51 DIN 8.5 B 25 SYKORA/BRIDGE CD lQ95 50 52N 123 35W 418 E 26 BRIDGE CD 0275 50 49N 27 ~E 2b52 123 47W 518 NW N 301A 2410 1790 E 2750 2050 1520 SE E 2QOO 2100 N 2500 .*..... 21.35 18.2 2200 2010 6.50 3.1 43N 116 47W 628 NE NE 33~0 2740 1800 4.Qa 4.0 34W 414 IAVISHA CD 2b05 50 48N 123 25W 63b CO 02QO 50 29 BERM CD 0245 50 33N HAVOC CD 0840 50 3lN 123 53W 428 S 31 SURF CD 19B6 50 30N 32 WAVE CD 2330 50 33 PLACE CD Ib60 CD 123 59W b46 N S S 2380 SW 2500 1400 C E 9.2 11Z.80 123 28 BUGABOO 30 NE C E !:\ D lR95 1.07 1.0 B 2130 1139 Q.4b 7.0 B 2~60 2~10 1815 1640 1.01 1.4 B 29N 123 59W 528 N NE 2380 1800 1463 4.45 5.1 13 50 2bN 122 36W 538 NE NW 2610 2100 1850 3.80 4.3 2025 50 26N 123 26W 538 NW NW 2b20 2210 800 4.57 4.0 B CD 0335 50 25N 123 54W 51~ N 2650 1925 Qb4 26.50 11.1 B CD 0310 50 09N 122 17W 797 NW NW 2290 2210 2130 .1 B 2333 50 09N 122 47W 518 N 2.bl 2.7 B 38 HELM CD 0855 4Q 58N 123 DOW 626 NW NW 2150 1900 1170 2.93 2.6 39 STAIRCASE CD 1973 4Q 5bN 122 36W 438 NW NW 21BO 2040 1645 l.b4 l.l ß 40 SPHINX CD 1965 ~Q 55N 122 57W 638 NW NW 2500 41 SENTINEL CD 1915 4Q 54N CD 0675 49 5lN 123 3bW 438 N 34 TERRIFIC 35 CLENDENNING 36 CALTHA 37 LAKE WEDGEHOUNT 42 FLEUR D.NEIGES CD 123 122 5BW 5QW b35 530 NW NW N N NW 2680 2220 l8bO C E 2050 1585 4.74 Z.5 B D NW 2100 l8~O 1b50 1.60 1.Q BeDE N 2030 1~45 .44 1.1 R 2165 GENERAL 118 .D~ C E INFOIPUTION TAillE A, PAGE 1 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODe EXP AC AB ELEVATI'J~S ~EO "'IN AREA KM LEN KM TYPE OF DATA Z.lO 2.6 B 2.74 2.8 B 3.10 2.3 B D SO lUX 43 GRIFFIN CD 0784 49 5lN 112 38W 1t3Z 41t THUNDERCLAP CD l035 Itq 1t5 KOKANEE CD 1190 49 45N 46 GULKANA Us OlOO 63 15N 145 25W 529 S 1t7 FALLING US 0405 60 Z9N 48 APPLEGATE US 0406 60 28N 148 36W ·638 NW NW 4q CL A~E HON T WE ST US 0408 60 31N 148 42~ 538 NE E 50 CLAREMONT US 0409 60 3ZN US 0410 60 34N 148 38W 526 NE SE 1737 •••• WO L V E R I N E US 0411 60 24N 146 55W 538 S 1700 1310 400 17.70 AWRE NCE US 0416 60 40N 148 37W 536 SW NW 1319 •••• 15 .****** 54 MAROUETTE us 0417 60 39N 148 39W 538 NW NW 1128 •••• 1~ ••••••• 55 BELOIT US 0418 60 38~ 148 41W 434 N UNITED STATES 53 l 117 oaw b38 NE l375 NE N 2150 1450 l7BO 2530 27.10 OF AMERICA NORTH 51 TAYLOR US 5l NE NE 2375 2165 152~ 5lN 122 3qW 434 N BLACKSTONE SW 2460 1840 1200 148 32W 528 NE NW 97~ •••• q14 •••• 1280 •••• 148 41W 53a SE SE 179a •••• S NE 1737 •••• *. Us 0419 60 39N 148 43W 434 NE ~E 1585 •• 57 HARRIMAN US Ob02 60 57N 148 30W 524 NW NE 1585 •••• 58 ROARING us 0603 61 DON 148 27W 678 SE SE 1494 •••• Us 0604 60 02N 148 25W 538 N 5b 5q CATARACT NE 1570 •••• 2.0 8 145 ••••••• ~.O ~ *••••••• *•• B B.O B 1bB O ••••••• A.O C 4.8 ß 3.8 8 O ••••••• Q.O B O ••••••• 11.0 ß O ••••••• 13.0 ~ 1.7 8 425 •• 50 •• *.... *.... o ••••••• 3.9 ~ 13.C a l.~ 8 3.0 8 us ObOb bl bl BAKER us 0607 bl 05N 148 21W 676 SE SE 1707 •••• ~QO ••••••• us Ob08 61 OóN 148 20W 646 E E 1524 •••• 792 ••••••• 1.3· B b40 ••••••• 1.5 WEST b5 SEPPENTINE 66 CASCADe: •••• C S S 1372 US 060Q 61 aSN 148 21W 646 E E 1524 •••• US 0610 61 Q7N 148 l7W 529 SW S ¡q81 •••• o ••• us 0611 61 09N 148 11W 534 S 2103 •••• o ••••••• S 67 BARRY US 06ll 61 ION 148 OóW 524 SW SW 2652 •••• 68 COXE us Ob13 61 08N 148 69 HOLYOKE US Ob14 61 lON 147 5SW 648 SE SE 1890 70 BARNARO US 0615 61 ION 141 5~W 648 S SE l8QO •••• 71 WELLESLEY US 0616 bI 12N 147 55W 534 E E US Ob17 7Z VASSAR *••**** b25 o~w 534 SW SW 1b80 •••• *... *.*. 10.0 p. 9.0 B 24.0 B O ••••••• 11.0 Ro .*****. 2.5 B 548 ••••••• 4.0 ~ R 20I? •••• O ••••••• 6.0 61 l3N 147 52W 539 SE SE 2463 •••• 15 ••••••• 7.0 ß O ••••••• 8.0 ~ O ••••••• 8.0 A 73 BRYN MAWR US 0618 61 14N 141 49W 524 SE SE 2Z8b 74 S"IITH US 0619 61 IbN 147 47W 524 SE S 75 BALT I t1 OR E US Ob20 61 18N 147 46W 538 SE SE 24b9 •••• 76 HARVARD US 0621 61 21N 145 35W 524 SW SW 4016 77 YALE US 062l 61 16N 147 31W 524 SW SW 3661 •••• o ••••••• 152 ••••••• 4.~ ~ o ••••••• 25.0 B •••• 3142 •••• 1341 Us 0624 61 1lN 141 3QW 578 NW NW 1676 •••• 79 "EA~ES us 0625 61 lIN 147 28W 524 SW S 25Ql •••• 3353 •• 78 UNNAMED US6l4 762 .*.*.*. 5.0 A O 437.40 39.0 B 35.0 ß 80 COLUHBIA US Ob27 61 DON 147 06W 514 SE S *. o 10qO.OO 66.6 BC 81 SHOUP US 0618 61 12N 146 32w 524 SW SW 2526 •••• o ••••••• 30.0 ß 62 VALDEZ US 0619 61 15N 146 lOW 527 E S 22qa 83 WORTHINGTON us 0630 bl lON 145 4bW 538 E E 1137 •• GENERAL •••• ** 10~ •••• * •• 660 •••• * •• EF ~ O ••••••• 411 E ß 61 DETACHED 64 PENNIMAN 04N 148 24W b7b 8.5 11.0 us Oba56I EAST •••• 2qO 19.30 .*••••• •••• *.* 60 SURPRISE b3 PENNIMAN OZN 148 29W 524 NE NE 1q5l 8 3,..0 B 6.0 INFOR"1ATION TABLE A, PAGE B 2 119 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ELEVATIQ~S I1EI) I1IN M~)( e~ CHILDS US 0634 bO 4lN 144 55W 524 E 85 SHERIDAN US 0635 60 36N 145 15W 522 SW SW 1737 •••• US 0636 60 33N 145 09W 528 N W US 0637 60 3IN 145 06W 534 W S US 1110 62 ION 144 OlW 529 SE E 86 S~ERHAN B7 SADDLEBAG 88 BETSELI E 1951 •••• 1585 •••• 127b AREA SO KM LEN ~M TYPE OF DATA ••••••• 19.0 45 ••••••• 24.0 a 109 ••••••• 13.0 8 35 B3 ••••••• •••• 4950 2285 1075 bO.OO B 8.0 B 15.2 B MAC KE I TH US 1121 62 oeN E 2590 2255 1675 31.70 8.5 a 90 S MAC KE I TH US 1122 62 06N 143 58W 408 •••• 4270 2250 1700 39.00 8.5 B 91 AHTNA US llZ3 62 07N 143 5ZW 4230 2135 1057 60.00 20.8 B 92 CHETASLINA US 1124 bl 57N l't't 93 VARIEGATED US 130Z 60 DON 139 l8W 529 W W i492 •••• 53 9" US 1314 58 36N 13b 37W 528 E E 1372 •••• 34 ••••••• 10.0 8 NS NE 1448 •••• 50 ••••••• 11.0 8 89 N GEIKIE 1~4 OOW 408 E 38 NE N 17W 515 W SW 425Z 1830 1065 95 HUGH MILL ER US 1315 58 ~~N 136 41W 538 96 REIO US 1316 58 48N 136 46W 434 N N 914 •••• 97 LAMPLUGH US 1317 58 50N 136 54W 424 ~ N l165 •••• 98 UNNAMED US1318 US 1318 58 53N 137 OOW US 1319 58 57N 137 01W 538 NE NW 1448 ••• * 100 HOONAH US 1320 58 50N 137 03W 436 N 99 KASHQTO 639 N NW lbhl NW 1903 •••• US 1321 58 49N 137 04W 524 NW NW 1865 US 1322 58 48N 137 07W 64B NW NW 1524 •••• 103 JOHNS HOPKINS US 1323 58 48N 137 lOW 524 NE E 3322 10~ TYEEN US 132~ 58 52N 137 09W 528 E 1875 •• 105 KADACHAN US 1325 58 '3N 137 ObW 648 SE SE IbOO US 1326 58 107 TOPEKA US 1327 58 5bN 137 05W 538 E 54N 137 ObW 108 MARGERIE US 1328 59 OON 137 IOW 514 EN NE 4133 •••• US 1329 59 03N 137 07W 658 US 1330 59 ION 137 IOW 514 NW SE 383~ •••• 111 UNNAMED US 1331 59 03N 136 53W 53B SE SW 11bB •••• 112 RI1I1ER US 1332 58 59N 136 44W 539 NE NE 1448 •••• 113 RENDU US 1333 59 04N 136 49W 529 SE SE *t* ••••• US1329 US1331 3B5 ••••••• 7.0 B o ••••••• 114 UNNA HED US1334 US 1334 59 04N 136 44W 538 WE S us 58 59N 136 Z3W iie R 15 ••••••• 11.0 B O ••••••• 13.0 ß 1.4 a O ••••••• 2b.0 B o ••••••• •••• ••••••• B 1~2l ••••••• 1.0 8 75 ••••••• 5.4 B 290 ••••• *. o ••••••• NE NE Z012 •••• 115 PLATEAU 4.2 b85 Ib76 •••• 110 GRAND PACIfIC 109 UNNAMED B 538 SE SE 1859 •••• E D F B ** 106 TOYATTE B i¡I 21.0 •••• •••• .*.*..• ••• o ••••••• .**. 101 GILMAN 28.00 21.0 *•• * 102 CLARK US E O 43.50 16.0 320 ••••••• O ••••••• 1433 •• t* 5.5 8 39. O R 3.0 B 4b.0 ß 511 ••••••• b.5 B 255 ••••••• 3.5 ß 15 ••••••• 17.0 ~ 3.2 B 96 NE SE 1250 •••• O ••••••• •••• ~ US 1340 59 06N 13b 23W 524 SE SE 1890 •••• o ••••••• 20.0 B 117 RIGGS US 1341 59 O ••••••• 27.0 B lIB MC BRIDE US 1342 59 05N 136 04W 528 S SW 201? •••• O ••••••• 2b.0 B S ß HUIR 1336 475 ••••••• .*t. ObN 136 IOW 524 SE SE 1585 1890 .*•• 15 ••••••• 22.0 SE SE 167b 762 15 1b5.50 24.0 B 930 15 B52.10 48.0 B 427 •••• 15 ••••••• 3.0 B 58 35N 133 58W 434 NE SE 1524 •••• 9 ••••••• 8.0 8 20 ••••••• 33.0 B 119 MENDENHALL US IB02 58 29N 13~ 120 NORRIS US IB04 58 27N 134 llW 42b 121 TAKU US 1805 58 122 HOLE IN TH.WALL US 180b 58 zeN 123 WEST TWIN US 1807 124 WRIGHT US 1809 58 Z8N .*•• 33N 134 32W 424 E oaw 422 SE S 134 02W 432 E E 2164 133 30W '20 NW NW 2281 125 SOUTH CA~CADE US 2013 48 ZZN 121 03W 538 N N 20~5 1900 1625 2.59 2.B 'leDE l2b CARBON US 20Z0 4b 56N l?l 41W 538 N N 31Q7 ** •• 7.92 Z.l B GENERAL 120 lOBO I~F"RMlTtJN T.SlE A, PAGE 3 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ElEVATlr)~~ MAX ~En MIN AREA SQ KM LfN K~ TYPE OF DATA 127 EMMONS US 2022 46 52N 121 41W 539 NE NE 4330 **** 1522 11.17 2.8 B 128 COWLITZ US 2025 46 49N 121 42W 529 SE SE 3390 *••• 3.42 1.8 R 129 NISQUALLY US 2027 46 48N 121 44W 529 S S *.*. 15A5 1400 4.bO 2.q R 130 KAUTZ US 2028 46 49N 121 47W 529 S SW 3856 •••• 1840 1.20 2.0 B **** 1520 2.82 1.8 B 8.63 2.8 4330 131 SOUTH TAHOMA US 2029 46 49N 121 49W 539 SW SW 3290 132 TAHOMA SOUTH US 2030 46 50N 121 49W 639 S~ SW 4360 •••• 1548 133 TAHOMA NORTH sw US 2030 46 50N 121 49W 639 131t PUYALLUP US 2031 46 51N 121 50W 63b SW W 135 SOUTH MOWICH US 2032 46 52N 121 SOW 637 W SW 4360 •••• 1548 NW **** 381t0 **•• 3840 fl.63 2.8 164b 5.09 2.2 B 1500 3.52 2.3 B 6.17 1.7 B EF R 136 NORTH MOW ICH US 2033 46 53N 121 49W 639 NW NW 3176 •••• 1~12 137 SHOESTRING A US 2075 46 12N 122 1lW 659 E E 29~~ 2370 11t70 • bit 3.3 B E 138 SHOESTRING B US 2075 1t6 12N 122 11W 659 E E 2370 2010 1470 .21 2.1 ß EF 139 CARRIE US 210b 47 53N 123 38W 539 NE NE 2073 •••• 1~15 .98 1.0 B litO EEL US 2113 47 ItItN123 20W 538 N 2194 •••• 1593 1.11 2.0 B lltl BEAR PASS US 2122 1t7 1t8N 123 36W 65b NW NW 176B •••• 1509 .59 1.0 1't2 UNNAMED US 2123 47 48N 123 37W 65b NE NE 1737 •••• 1512 .37 .6 Ilt3 HOH US 2124 47 48N 123 40W 539 NE NE 2347 •• 1160 4.69 4.9 l't'tICE PIVER US 2125 47 49N 123 40W b56 1554 .41 1.1 B 145 BLUE US 2126 47 49N 123 4lW 526 NE NW 2377 1815 l23~ 5.50 ~.3 R 11t6 BLACK US 2127 47 49N 123 43W 659 N N 2255 •••• 1131 1.3b 2.0 B Ilt7 WHITE US 2128 47 48N 123 44W 539 N NE 2133 •••• l2~2 4.69 3.3 B Ilt8 HUBERT US 2130 47 47N 123 42W b49 SW SW 2103 •••• 1404 1.10 1.2 B Ilt9 HUMES US 2132 47 47N 123 39W 658 E 1.85 2.3 B 150 QUEETS US 2133 1t7 46N 123 36W 659 NW NW 1951 •••• 1426 .56 1.6 8 151 ANDERSON US 2137 41 1t3N 123 20W 648 S S 1981 .*.* 1~85 .61 1.3 r:l 152 GRINNELL US 5000 1t8 45N 113 44W 538 N NW 2243 ***. 1945 ••••••• 1.B B 153 SPERRY US 5001 48 38N 113 45W 538 NW NW 2800 •••• 2250 *.*.*$. 1.4 B 151t QUELCCAYA PE 0001 13 5bS 55.00 17.0 B 155 BROGGI PE 0003 US2123 N NW N E 2073 •• ** *. 1920 ••• * 1406 B B ß EF EF PERU 8 59S 70 49W 300 •• ** 5670 5450 4925 77 35W 630 NW NW 5100 4860 4~65 .5B 1.1 156 YANAMAREY PE 0004 9 39S 77 lbW 520 SW SW 5100 48~0 45QO 1.35 1.7 ß 157 UR UA SHRA J U PE 0005 9 35$ 77 19W 530 SW SW 5700 5180 4566 2.15 2.5 ~ 158 SANTA ROSA PE 0006 10 29S 2.36 2.1 B 7b 43W 530 SW SW 5625 5100 4515 EF B GREENLAND .* G 0002 61 25N 45 23W 124 1bO VALHAL TINDFGL G 0001 61 26N 45 21W re i QAMANARSSUP.SR. G 0003 64 29N 49 32W 123 •• W"" 159 NORDBOGLETSCHER b08 N S 2140 •••• N 1630 11t20 lOBO GENERAL ••• , tNF~R~ATr~N 6bO 80 ••••••••••• 1.6B •••• •• * •••••••• TABLE A, PAGE 4 121 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ELEVATIONS MAX MEn MIN AREA SQ KM LEN KM TYPE OF DATA ICELAND 162 JOKUlKROKUR IS 0007 64 4eN 19 44W 433 NE NE 1300 1100 700 13.00 10.0 B 163 SIOUJOK.E M175 IS 0015 64 llN 17 53W 432 SW S 1700 1050 650 350.00 40.0 B 164 SIoUJOK.E M177 IS 0015 64 IlN 17 53W 1t32 SW S 1700 1050 650 350.00 'to.0 B 165 HIRNINGSJOKUll IS 0100 64 48N 23 4bW 433 E 1445 1050 750 166 KALDALONSJOKUL IS 0102 h6 oeN 22 lbW 433 SW SW 167 GLJUFUR4RJOKUl IS 0103 65 ~3N 18 40W 530 N 168 GIGJOKUll IS 0112 b3 39N 19 37W 430 N E 925 650 100 N 1350 1000 5BO N 1&66 1300 300 2.0 a b.O 8 3.50 2.5 fl b.OO 6.0 B 1.00 35.00 lb9 SOlHEIMAJOK. J IS 0113 63 35N 19 l7W 432 SW SW 1500 1100 80 bO.OO 15.0 8 170 SOlHfIMAJOK. W IS 0113 b3 35N 19 17W 432 SW SW 1500 1100 90 60.00 15.0 fl 171 SOlHEI~AJOK. E 35N 19 17W 432 SW SW 1500 1100 b3 IS 0114 63 44N 18 55W 432 NE E 1400 1000 350 173 SKEIoAR~RJOKUl IS 011b b4 13N 17 l3W 432 S S 1700 1100 110 1300.00 50.0 174 SKEIOARARJ. E2 IS 0117 b4 13N 17 l3W S 175 SKE!OARARJ. El **** *.*. ***•• *.**** •••• **** .*** *••• *.*.**••• *. **.* *.* ••••• *•• S 220.00 16.0 IS 0117 b4 l3N 17 l3W ••• S 176 SKf IDARARJ. El IS 0117 b4 l3N 17 13W 177 LEIRUFJ.JOKULL IS 0200 b6 178 JOKUlHALS IS 0201 64 49N 23 4~W 433 E E 179 HAGAFELlSJOKUl IS 0204 b4 3~N 20 24W 1t33 S S IBO NAUTHAGAJOKUlL IS 0210 b4 ~ON 18 46W ••• S S •••••••••••••••••••••• 181 REYKJAFJARDARJ. IS 0300 66 lIN 22 l2W 433 NE NE 182 BAEGISARJOKUlL IS 0304 65 30N lB 2'tW 530 N llN .*. S 80 bO.OO 1'5.0 R IS 0113 172 OElDUFELLSJ. S S 22 23W 433 NW NW *•.*... .... 925 700 100 1~45 850 650 1340 950 500 30.00 2.00 a 8 B B B O B 100.00 17.0 ~ * 8 6.0 B 650 150 25.00 N 1300 1120 920 1.70 925 6.0 8 3. 1.1t 1\ IS 0306 64 34N 20 13W 433 S 'S 1340 1100 500 110.00 17.0 B 164 MULAJOKULL S. IS 0311 64 ~ON lB 43W 431 S SE 1800 1300 600 100.00 19.0 e 185 MULAJOKULL W IS 0,311 b It ,. O N l 8 1 8 OO l 3 OO b OO lOO •OO 19 •O 8 IS 0318 64 07N 16 53W 430 SW SW 1400 1250 160 30.00 10.0 B 183 HAGAFELLSJOK E 186 MORSARJOKULL 43W 431 S SE 187 SKAFTAFELLSJ. W IS 0419 64 05N 16 4aw 430 SW S 1900 1300 100 BO.OO 20.0 ~ 18e SKAFTAFELLSj. E IS 0419 64 05N 16 4aw 430 SW S 1900 1300 100 80.00 20.0 8 sw 189 SKAFTAFELLSJ. ,11 IS 0419 b4 OSN 16 4aw 430 1900 1300 100 80.00 20.0 R 190 SVINAFELLSJ. W IS 0520 b4 02N 16 45W 420 W SW Z119 1450 120 30.00 12.0 8 191 SVINAFELLSJ. E IS 0520 b4 02N 16 45W 420 W SW 2119 14'0 120 30.00 12.0 B 192 SVINAFElLSJ. H IS 0520 b4 OlN lb 45W 420 W SW 2119 1450 120 30.00 12.0 8 193 VIRKISJOKULL IS 0721 64 DON 16 't5W 430 W W 2119 1300 200 18.00 B.O 8 191t KVIARJOKULL IS 0822 63 58N lb 34W 430 SE SE IBOO 1100 50 20.00 10.0 8 195 HRUTARJOKULl IS 0923 64 01N 16 32W 430 E E 2000 1100 200 10.00 7.0 B 196 FALLJOKULL IS 1021 63 59N 16 45W 430 W W ?ll9 1300 200 8.00 8.0 B 197 FJALlSJ. BRMFJ IS 1024 64 02N 16 31W 432 SE E 2040 1200 20 45.00 15.0 B 198 FJALL SJ. G- SEl IS 1024 64 02N 16 31W 432 SE E Z040 1200 20 45 •.()015.0 B- 't5.00 15.0 B S 199 FJAlLS. FITJAR IS 1024 64 02N 16 31W 432 SE E 2040 1200 20 200 BREIDAMJOK.W.A IS 1125 64 lON 16 28W 420 S S 1600 1200 10 1300.00 50.0 ß 201 BREIDAHJOI<.W.C IS 1125 b4 lON 16 2BW 420 S S 1600 1200 10 1300.00 50.0 B 202 BREIDAI1JOI<.W.ß IS 1125 64 ION 16 28W 420 S S 1600 1200 10 1300.00 50.0 8 203 BREIDAI1JOK.E.A IS 1126 b4 l3N 16 20W *** S SE •••••••••••••••••••• GENER"L INFO~MÅTION 122 *.. TABLE Al PAGE ß 5 PSFG NR LAT lONG 20~ BREIDAHJOK.E.B IS Il2b b~ l3N 16 lOW Z05 HOFFELLSJ. W IS 2031 64 lqN 15 3~W ~3l SE SE 1500 1100 20b HOFFELLSJ. E NR GLACIER NAHE 2qN 15 34W CODe EXP AC AB .** .** S ELEVATIO~S MAX HED HI N SE ••••••••••• SE SE ** ••••••••• AREA SO KM LEN KM * ******* **** 80 280.00 30. O * ** •••• * •••• TYPE OF DATA B B IS 2132 b4 Z07 TIJNGNAARJOKULl IS 2214 64 19N 18 O~W 433 SW W 1450 1100 690 120.00 l5.0 8 B Z08 EYJABAKKAJ. IS 2300 6~ 40N 15 36W ~33 N NE 1570 1100 600 120.00 1~.0 8 20q ~RUAR JOKUll IS 2400 b4 41N 16 06W 433 N N 1600 1200 700 1500.00 210 KVERKJOKUll IS 2500 b4 41N lb 38W 430 N N 18~0 1'00 900 211 BUARBREEN N 21307 60 OlN 6 2"E 438 E NE 1630 •••• 212 BONDHUSBREEN N 20408 60 02N b ZOE 438 NW NW 1635 1450 213 HAPDANGERJOEKUl N 22303 60 32N 7 22E 438 W 21~ STYGGEDAlSBREEN N 30720 61 29N 7 53E 52b N 215 STORBREEN N 0541 N 0511 217 AUSTERDAlSAREEN 50.0 B 35.00 10.0 8 670 1~ ..30 7.0 8 "50 10.82 6.0 BC E W 1860 1740 1080 17.80 8.0 ~ 2220 •••• 1300 1.15 3.0 61 34N 8 08E 526 NE NE 2070 1770 1~~0 5.30 2.9 61 34N 8 Z6E 518 N 2.7q 3.4 N 312Z0 bl 37N 6 56E ~38 SE SE 1910 •••• 218 GRAASUBREEN N 0547 61 39N 219 BRIGSDALSBREEN N 37110 NORWAY 21b HELlSTUGUBREEN N ~200 1900 1~70 390 28.00 8.5 B 36E 61b NE E t300 2060 1850 2.52 2.6 61 39N 6 55E ~36 NW W 1910 •••• 350 18.50 7.0 a 1810 •••• 650 17.'t0 7.0 ß 48.20 8.7 BC E 't.82 2.9 BC E 220 FAABERGSTOElI3R. N 31015 61 43N 7 14E ~38 E 221 NIGARDSBREEN N 31014 61 43N 7 08E ~36 SE SE 1960 1618 300 Z22 AAlFOTBREEN N 3b201t bl 5 39E ~3b 870 223 STEGHOLTßREEN N 310Zl 61 ~8N N 65507 bb 21N 13 39E 5Z8 N b70ll 66 39N 13 5lE 43B N N 68507 bb 22.7 WEP-ENSKIOLDBR N 12501 77 05N 15 24E 528 SW W 810 400 27 28.00 7.0 228 HANSBREEN N 12419 77 05N 15 ~OE 424 S S 600 350 o 66.00 1b.5 229 AU.BROEGGERBR. N 15504 7B 53N 11 50E 529 NW N 600 1.60 60 6.10 6.0 230 H.LOVENBREEN N 15506 78 53N 12 04E 5Zq NE N b 50 330 50 5.80 4.8 Zl~ HOEGTUVßREEN 225 ENGABREEN ZZb TROLlBERGDAlSBR C B "5N 43N E NE ~E 1380 1230 7 19E 436 SE S E E 1870 •••• 750 16.70 1160 58e 2.60 940 NW 1594 1~20 40 l~ 27E 538 SE SE 1300 10'0 900 7.0 ß "'.7 38.02 11.5 1.82 B BC E 2.1 BC E 8 E SWEDEN 231 SAlAJEKNA S 0759 67 07N 16 23E 526 SE S 1580 •••• 24.50 10.0 ß l32 PAPTEJEKNA S 0763 b7 ION 17 ~OE 5Z8 E E 1860 •••• lOBO 11.10 5.4 B l33 RUOPSOKJEKNA S 0764 b720N 17 59E 538 NE N 1760 •••• 1070 3.b3 3.9 B 23~ VARTASJEKNA S 0165 bl 27N 17 40E 538 NE NE 1800 •••• 1260 3.64 3.0 8 235 HIKKAJEKNA S 0766 67 24N 17 42E 518 S 7.10 4.3 B 236 RUOTE SJEKNA S 0167 67 25N 17 28E 528 NE N 1600 •••• 1000 5.'tl ".6 ß 237 SUOTTASJEKNA S 0768 67 zeN 11 35E 538 NE N 18"0 •••• 1100 8.11 ".4 B l38 STUOP. RAEITAGl. S 078~ 67 58N 18 23E 538 N E 1760 •••• 1270 2.00 2.6 B l3q RABOTS GlACIAER s 0785 67 5"N 18 33E 5Z8 E W 1960 •••• 1080 4.22 ~.l 8 l~O S 0787 67 55N 18 3"E 538 E E 17~0 •••• 1175 1.~0 2.1 8 S 0788 67 54N 18 34E 528 W E 1828 •••• 1125 3.0b 3.7 BC E IS FAllS GlAC. l~l STORGlAC IAER EN S 1825 •••• GENERAL 880 980 INFO~MATION TABLE A, PAGE 6 123 NR GLACIER PSFG NR NAHE LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ElEVATIO~S MAX "1EO HIN 2ltl KUOTOT JAKt<A GL. S 0795 68 09N 18 34E 528 NE N 2lt3 PASSUSJIETNA W S 0796 68 OlN 18 23E 538 E 21t~ PASSUSJIETNA E S 0797 68 03N 18 26E 538 NE NW 1b30 S 0798 68 245 KARSOJIETNA FEDERAL ZlN 19E 526 NE E 18 .* •• **•• *••• **.. 1730 NE 1750 1515 AREA SC KM LEN KM TYPE OF DATA B \?OO 2.57 2.0 1200 1.B5 2.6 B 1260 1.76 1.9 ß 925 1.48 2.3 B REP. OF GERMANY 2~b SCHNEEFERNER N D 0001 47 25N 10 59E 648 E 2820 2690 2~60 .3Q .9 SCHNEEFERNER S D 0002 47 24H 10 58E 648 NE NE 2700 2b04· 2500 .18 .7 D 0003 ~7 43N 11 OOE 548 NE NE 2580 231t0 2202 .21 .9 21t9 BLANC F 0031 44 57N b 13E 538 E S 4100 3000 2300 1.10 6.0 250 SARENNES F 0029 45 07N b IDE S S 3lQO 3000 ?ß30 .~O 1.5 C 251 SAINT SORLIN F 0015 45 lIN 6 lOE 529 N N 3463 *••• 3.00 2.9 BC 252 GEBROULAZ F 0009 45 l7N 6 38E 539 N N 3580 •••• ~600 2.76 4.0 ß 253 BOSSONS F 0004 45 52N 6 47E 528 N N 4800 3200 1190 10.53 7.2 ß 25~ HER DE GLACE F 0003 45 53N 6 56E 519 N N 3600 3000 1480 33.00 ll.O 255 ARGENTIERE F 0002 It!i 58N 6 56E 519 NW NW 3100 2600 1550 2lt7 2ltS HOElLENTAL E FR ANC E *** 2650 15.bO B 8 Q.1t BC SWITZERLAND S CH 0001 46 37N 8 24E 514 S 257 HUTT CH 0002 46 33N 8 25E 656 NW NW 3000 2780 2580 .57 1.1 B 258 GRIES CH 0003 46 2bN 8 20E 534 NE NE 3373 2Q20 2370 6.28 6.2 ~CD 259 FIESCHER CH 0004 46 30N 8 09E 519 SE S ,.180 31~0 1654 33.06 16.0 It158 CH 0005 46 30N 8 02E 519 SE S 2b1 HITTELAlETSCH CH 0106 46 27N 8 262 OBERALETSCH CH 0006 46 263 KALHIASSER CH 0007 1t6 15N CH 0008 Itb 260 GROSSER 261t ALETSCH TAElLIBOOEN 25N OON 2940 7.125 17.38 10.2 256 RHONE ~b20 311t0 1506 02E 527 SE SE ,.195 3100 22ltQ 7 58E 519 SE SE 3890 2920 2134 8 05E 606 NW W 3370 2940 2660 7 59E 656 NW NW 2935 2160 ab28 86.16 2~.7 BC BC 8.50 5.Q B 21.71 Q.l B 1.85 1.6 B .26 .B a 265 OFENTAL CH 0009 46 DlN B ODE 659 N 3025 2820 2628 .40 .9 B 266 SCHWARZBERG CH 0010 46 OlN 7 56E 626 NE NE 3650 3080 2~60 6.20 4.3 R 267 ALLALIN CH 0011 46 03N 7 5bE 626 N 9.94 b. 5 B l68 KESSJEN CH 0012 46 04N 7 5bE 656 NE NE 3240 2980 ~840 l69 FEE NORD CH 0013 46 05N 7 53E bOb N E 1t190 3320 231b NE NE 1t3bO 3260 2023 .b1 Ib.b6 .9 B 5.1 B 270 GaRNER CH 0011t ~5 bB.86 14.1 B 271 Zf'1UTT CH 0015 46 DON 7 38E 517 NE E 4100 2980 ~232 17.22 8.5 B 272 FINDELEN CH 001f:! 't6 DON 7 5lE 516 NW W ~lQO 3300 2321 19.09 9.3 S 273 BIS CH 0101 4b 01N 7 4ltE b24 4505 3440 2060 4.79 3.6 ß 271t RIFO CH 0011 ~6 08N 7 SlE 539 NW NW 4280 3460 2047 8.26 6.3 B 275 LANG CH 0018 46 2BN 1 56E 519 SW SW 3897 2960 2005 276 TURTMANN CH 0019 46 DBN 7 277 BRUNEGG CH 0020 46 58N 09N 7 'tRE 5lQ N E NW 4bOQ 3220 20bO E· 10.03 7.1 B ~2b5 b.98 5.8 B 7 42E 530 NW NW 4134 31bO 2430 b.12 4.Q B 41E 528 NW N 41QO GENERAL 124 3380 I~FD~~AfION TABLE A, PAGE F B E 7 NR GLACIER NAME lAT lONG CODE EXP AC AB ElEVATI'JNS ~ED MIN MAX AREA sc LEN KM KM TYPE OF DATA 278 BELLA TOLA CH 0021 46 15N 7 39E 646 N N 3000 2840 2655 .31 .6 279 ZINAl CH 00Z2 46 04N 7 38E 519 N N 4260 30bO 2000 Ib.24 B.O 8 280 f10MING CH DOZ3 46 D5N 7 40E b09 N NW 4065 31bO 2300 5.77 '3.8 B 281 MOIRY CH 0024 46 05N 7 36E 518 N N 3845 3120 243B 6.11 5.6 B 282 fE RPECLE CH 0025 46 OlN 7 35E 538 NW N 3b80 3300 2115 9.79 6.0 8 283 110NT MINE CH 0026 1t6 OlN 7 33E 519 NW N 3724 3220 1960 10.89 8.1 8 CH 0027 oft,59N 7 30E 519 N N 3716 30BO 2140 6.02 5.0 13 CH 0028 46 OON 7 27E 528 N NE 3796 3260 2265 3.12 5.0 8 286 CHEILLON CH 0029 1t6 OON 7 25E 517 N N oft.73 1t.0 B 281t BAS O'AROLlA 285 TSIOJIORE , PSFG NR NOUVE 3827 2960 2620 B 287 EN OARREY CH 0030 1t6 OlN 7 23E 639 NE NE 3703 3120 2475 1.86 2.4 B 288 GRANO DESERT CH 0031 46 05N 7 21E 636 NW N 3336 2960 2760 1.65 2.3 1.\ 269 MONT FOR T CH 0032 oft605N 7 19E 636 NW N 332e 2900 2700 1.10 2.0 B 290 TSANFlEURON CH 0033 46 19N 7 14E 606 NE E 3016 2760 2417 3.7e 3.6 291 OTEMfU CH 0034 1t5 57N 7 27E 517 SW SW 3796 3020 24Z0 292 CH 0035 45 55N 7 ZOE 519 E NE ~280 3060 2290 7.59 6.0 CH 0036 45 5SN 7 25E 517 S SW 3827 3240 2555 9.60 b.3 B GIETRO CH 0037 46 OON 7 23E 630ftNW W 3827 32oftO21t60 5.9oft 5.4 13 295 CORBASSIERE CH 0038 45 59N 7 lBE 519 N ~3l4 3200 2190 17.44 9.8 13 296 VALSOREY CH 0039 45 54N 7 lbE ~18 NE NW 3731 3100 2395 2.34 4.1 8 297 TSEUOET CH OOoftO 1t5 5ltN 7 l'E 617 N 1.73 3.0 8 BOVEYRE CH 0041 45 58N 7 l6E 529 NW NW 36b3 3220 2b03 1.99 2.5 B 299 SALEINA CH 0042 45 59N 7 04E 518 E NE 3900 291t0 1713 5.03 6.oft B 300 TRIENT CH 0043 4b OON 7 02E 538 N N 3490 3lltO 1761t 6.58 5.0 301 PANEYROS S E CH 0044 1t6 16N 7 lOE 6oft6N N 2760 2560 2380 .45 .7 B 302 GRAND CH 001t5 oft6l5N 7 09E 647 N N 2560 2oft602350 .20 .4 8 303 MARTINETS CH 0046 oftb13N 7 06E 647 NE NE 27oftO2lt20 2105 .59 .8 B 304 SEX POUGE CH 0047 oft620N 7 13E 656 N NW 2890 2820 2650 .72 1.2 B 305 PRAPIO CH 0048 4b 19N 7 1ZE 657 NW NW 30lb 2780 2400 .3b .9 ß .b7 .7 Z96 DUR ANO B ~ 293 BRENEY 291t M ONT lb.55 8.5 PLAN NEVE 30b PIERREDAR CH 0049 4b 19N 7 llE b44 N 307 OBERAAR CH 0050 4b 3ZN 6 N N N 3731 2900 l421t 3020 2760 2~00 I3E 524 NE NE 34h2 2~bO B B B 2303 5.23 5.2 R 13.5 B 308 UNTEPAAR CH 0051 46 34N 6 13E 517 E E ItOe8 2660 1909 Z8.41 309 GAULI CH 0052 46 37N 8 llE 516 E E 3628 28BO 2135 13.70 310 STEIN CH 0053 1t6 1t2N 8 2bE 5Z8 N N 3oft922880 1935 b.52 1t.7 B 311 STEINLIMMI CH 0054 "b 1t2N 8 2ltE 517 N N 3295 2640 2092 CH 0055 46 itON 8 22E 518 N N 3505·2900 313 ROSENLAUI CH 0056 oft639N 8 09E 526 NE N 310ftOB.GRINDELWAlD CH 0057 315 U. GR INDE L WALD b.8 B 2.21 2.7 R 1710 17.19 7.1 B 3704 3000 1675 6.20 5.2 B 46 37N 6 06E 518 NW NW 3741 3000 1230 10.07 5.5 ß CH 0056 46 35N 8 04E 519 N N 4099 2780 1235 21.71 9.0 B 316 EIGER CH 0059 4b 34N 7 59E 616 W NW 4099 3100 2162 2.27 2.6 B 317 TSCHINGEL CH 0060 46 30N 7 5lE 627 N E 3505 2680 2170 6.18 3.8 8 318 GAf1CHI CH 0061 4b 7 48E b19 N 2837 2260 1960 1.73 2.7 8 319 AL PErl I KANDER CH 0109 46 29N 7 48E 536 NW SW 3270 2800 2290 14.02 6.6 A 320 SCHWARZ CH 0062 46 l5N 7 40E 519 SW NW 3669 2800 Z206 1.60 3.9 B 31Z TR 1fT (GAOMEN) 31N N GENERAL INFfJR"1ATION TAßLE A, PAGE 8 125 LONG CODE EXP AC A8 PSFG NR LAT 321 LAEMMERN CH 00b3 46 2'tN 7 33E b16 E 322 BLUEHLISALP CH 00b4 4b 30N 7 4bE blb 323 A~HE RTEN CH 0111 4& 324 RAETZLI CH 00b5 46 23N 7 31E 626 N 325 TIEFEN CH OObb 46 37N 8 NR GLACIER NAME ¿SN E ELEVATla~s MAX HEO MIN AREA SQ KM LEN KM TYPE OF DATA 32ft3 2900 2502 3.35 2.5 8 NW NW 3663 2960 2205 2.98 2.9 8 7 32E 607 NW NW 3243 2720 2345 1.89 2.8 8 9.80 It.O ~ NW 2968 2760 2320 26E 519 SE SE 3530 2960 2490 32b SANKT ANNA CH 00b7 46 3bN 8 36E 63b N N 2905 2720 2570 327 t<EHLEN CH 00b8 46 4lN 8 25E 518 SE SE 3418 2800 ~100 CH 00b9 46 40N 8 ZbE b19 329 DAMMA CH 0070 46 3BN 8 330 WALL ENBUP. CH 0071 Itf:, 43N 331 BRUNN! CH 0072 46 44N 332 HUEF I CH 0073 3.17 . 3.4 .1t4 B .9 B 3.15 3.3 B E NE 3525 2680 2015 1.21 2.3 B 27E b1b E NE 3520 2820 2040 b.32 3.3 B 8 Z8E b19 E SE 3280 2580 2250 1.70 2.2 B S 47E b24 E N 3295 2760 2335 2.99 2.9 ß 46 49N B SlE 518 S SW 3240 2780 1640 13.73 7.0 8 CH 0014 46 50N 8 50E b17 N NW 3080 2420 21BO 2.48 1.3 B CH 0075 't6 't7N S 2BE 606 NW N 2920 2680 2165 1.18 1.1 B CH 001b ftb 5lH B 30E 62b W NW 2881 2bOO 2460 1.27 1.3 B 33b BIFERTEN CH 0017 't6 49N 8 51E 538 E NE 3614 2B~O 1917 2.86 4.2 B 337 LIMMERN CH 0078 'tb 't9N 8 59E bZ7 NE NE 3421 77bO 2190 2.39 2.9 BCD 338 PLATTALVA CH 0111t 4b 50N 8 59E b5b E E 2980 2740 2546 .73 1.1 BCD F 339 SULZ CH 0019 'tb 53N 9 03E 658 N N ?4AO 2000 17QO .20 .5 B 340 GLAERNISCH CH 0080 't7 DON 8 59E b2b W W 2914 2600 2295 2.09 2.3 ~ 3ltl PI lOL CH 0081 46 58N 9 l4E b5b N N 2785 2bOO ~47e .32 .6 A 342 LAVAI CH 0082 4b 3eN S 5bE bIB NE N 3020 2580 2210 1.7b 343 PUNTEGLIAS CH 0083 46 't7N 8 51E 617 SE S 3005 2520 ?330 .93 344 LENTA CH 0084 46 31H 9 03E 527 N N 3402 2820 2300 1.40 2.6 R 31t5 VaRAS CH 0085 46 53N 9 lOE bOb E SE 2975 2720 25bO 2.51 2.0 ß 34b PARADIES CH 008b 46 30N 9 04E bOb N NE 3402 2e80 2345 4.bO 3.6 B 347 SURETTA CH 0087 4b 31N 9 23E 617 NE NE 3005 2720 21bO 1.11 1.6 ß 348 PORCHABELLA CH 0088 46 3aN 9 53E bIb N 3390 2860 2592 2.59 2.5 B 349 VERSTANKLA CH 0089 46 5lN 10 OItE b17 NW NW 3100 2680 2360 1.06 2.0 ~ 350 SILVRETTA CH 0090 46 5lN 10 05E 62b NW W 3.25 ~.5 BC 351 SARoma CH 0091 46 55N 9 l6E b46 E E 2790 25BO 2390 .38 .7 B 352 ROSEG CH 0092 46 23N 9 50E 517 N N 3650 30bO 21b1 8.72 5.2 B 353 TSCHI ERVA CH 0093 4b 24H 9 53E 518 NW NW 3995 30bO 2150 6.83 5.0 8 35~ HORTE RAT SCH CH 0094 4b 24H 9 5bE 519 N N 4020 3000 2000 17.15 1.5 B 355 CALDERAS CH 0095 4b 32N 9 43E 617 N NE 33bO 3070 2695 1.29 z.O 8 35b TIATSCHA CH 009b 46 50N 10 06E b34 S S 3125 2900 2495 2.11 2.2 B 357 SESVENNA CH 0097 4b 43N 10 25E b5b NE N 3150 2940 272' .b1 1.2 R 358 LISCHANA CH 0098 Itb 46N 10 21E b59 NW NW 3025 28BO 2160 .21 .6 B 359 CAMBRENA CH 0099 4b 24N 10 ODE b14 NE NE 3500 2960 2492 1.72 2.5 B 3bO PALUE CH 0100 46 22N 6.b2 't.0 8 3bl PARADISINO CH 0101 4b 25N .55 1.0 3b2 CH 0102 ftb ISN 9 42E 519 N N 33bO 2140 2160 8.77 6.8 B CH OlZO 4b 27N 8 23E 65b N N 2875 Z720 2500 .27 .7 8 328 ROTF!RN 333 GRIESS NORD (U.SCH.) 33~ FIRNALPELI 335 GRIESSEN FORNO 3b3 CORNO EAST (OW) 9 59E 629 E N E 10 07E 639 NW W 31bO 2780 2~28 38b5 3180 2320 3245 2980 2B05 GENERAL 126 INFORMATION TABLE ~.b B :>.0 R A, PAGE (\ 9 F HR GLAC 1ER tU"E PSFG NR LAT 36't VALLEGGI A CH 0117 1t6 28N 365 VAL TORTA CH 0118 1t6 28N 366 BRESCIANA CH 0103 367 CAVAGNOLI CH 0119 368 ~ASODINO 369 ROSSBODEN LONG CODe EXP AC AB ElEVATIO~S "AX "ED MIN AREA sa K" LEN K" 8 31E 61t8 NE NE 2820 2560 24t00 .59 1.2 8 8 32E 6't9 N H 27~O .17 .6 ~ 't6 30N 9 02E 636 W W 3't02 3080 2570 .94 1.6 8 46 l7N 8 29E 628 NE E 28BO 2720 l5l0 1.32 2.3 B CH 010~ 't6 25N 8 29E 636 NE NE 3225 2880 2435 CH 0105 't6 llN 8 OlE 539 N 2580 24t50 NE 3993 3080 1920 TYPE OF DATA 2.30 1.6 B 1.8Q 3.9 B AUSTRIA 370 LITINERGl. A 0101 46 53N 10 02E 647 N 3000 2630 2441 .70 1.2 B N. A 102A ~6 52N 10 O'tE 608 NW NW 3220 2880 2'10 .61 1.7 B 372 KLOSTERTALER M. A 102B 4b 10 04N b08 W W 3160 2930 2660 .50 1.5 B 373 KLOSTERTALER S. A lOZC 46 5lN 10 04N 608 N N 2800 2650 2485 .33 .7 8 37't OCHSENTALERGl. A 0103 It~ 51N 10 06E 538 N N 3160 2910 2331 2.56 2.6 B 375 VERI1UNT GL. A 010't Itb 51N 10 08E 628 NW NW 3140 2810 2460 2.25 2.5 B 376 BIElTAl F. A 0105 It~ 10 OBE 606 NW NW 3000 2740 2544 .73 1.1 B 377 JAMTAL F. A 0106 46 5ZN 10 IDE 526 N N 3160 2810 ~408 4.13 2.8 B 378 LARAIN F. A 0107 4b 54N 10 l3E 637 N N 3200 27~0 2429 1.b8 2.2 R 379 SCHATTENSPITI A 0108 4b 53N 10 05E b49 N NE 30bO 2820 2571 .58 1.0 B 371 KLOSTERTALER 5ZN 53N N 380 SCHNEEGLOCKEN A 0109 46 52N 10 06N 64b NE NE 3060 2780 2596 .68 1.1 B 381 TOTENFELD A 0110 46 53N 10 09E 648 NE NE 30't0 2790 2550 .72 1.5 8 382 WEISSEE F. A 0201 ~6 51N 10 ~3E b08 2.86 2.7 B 383 GEPATSCH A 0202 46 5lN 10 ~6E 528 NE N 3520 2794 2067 18.16 8.7 B D A 0203 't6 5~N 10 46E b48 N NW 3270 2980 2790 .24 A 020~ 46 54N 10 48E b28 N NE 3490 ?980 2540 2.52 2.5 B A Ol05 46 54N 10 52E 528 N NW 3167 3180 2250 6.67 6.1 8 A 020b 46 55N 10 54E 518 NE ~ 388 KARLES F. A 0207 46 56N 389 HOC HJ OCH F. A 0208 390 HINTEREIS A F. 38't HT .OflGRUBEN 385 SEXEGERTEN F. 386 TASCHACH F. 387 MITTELBERG F. F. F. N N 3518 2950 25bO .8 8 3530 3050 2250 10.97 6.3 B 10 55E 646 N NW 3350 2940 2620 1.61 2.0 B 46 47N 10 4ge 526 N NW 3500 3030 2580 7.15 '3.8 1\ 0209 46 ~8N 10 46E 518 E NE 3710 3050 2391 9.70 7.7 eCDE B D 391 GUSLAR F. A 0210 46 5IN 10 48E 648 E SE 3501 31~3 2185 3.01 2.5 392 VERNAGT F. A 0211 46 53N 10 49E 62b se 3633 322B 2747 9.55 3.3 BeDE A 0212 ~b N 3350 29~0 2610 1.79 2.3 B 393 RETTENBACH F. 56N S 10 56E 6~6 N 39't MI TTE RKAR F. A 0214 46 53N 10 52E 646 SE SE 3580 3230 2960 1.10 1.7 R 395 ROFENKAR A 0215 4b 53N 10 53E 644 SE SE 37~0 3290 2820 1.29 2.2 B A 0216 ~b 53N 10 ~~E .44 .8 a A 0217 4b 47N 10 52E 528 N A 0218 46 47N 10 53E 528 NW ~ F. 396 TAUFKAP F. 397 NIEDERJOCH 398 "APZELL 399 SCHALF F. F. F. 64b SE SE N 3340 31?0 2980 3599 3100 2b90 3b20 3160 2450 2.90 '3.0 B 5.1't 4.5 B 8 A 0219 46 47N 10 5bE 528 NW NW 3500 3120 2480 8.62 5.7 'tOO DIE" F. A 0220 4b 49N 10 57E 608 NW NW 3520 3120 2710 2.8Q 3.4 B 1t0l SPIEGEL F. A 0221 46 )ON 10 57E 648 NW NW 3424 30BO ,180 1.11 1.7 q A 0222 46 4eN 10 59E 528 NW N A 0223 4b A 0224 ~6 49N 1t0l GURGlER F. 1t03 LANGTALER 'tOitROTMOOS F. F. 48N 3420 2990 2270 11.14 8.1 B 11 OIE 538 N NW 3420 2910 2450 3.52 5.1 R 11 03E b28 N 3.17 3.0 8 N 3410 2960 a370 GENERAL INFOR~ATION TABLE A, PAGE 10 127 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ELEV4TIO~~ MAX MED MIN AREA SO KM LEN KM TYPE DATA OF A 0225 4b 50N 11 04E 528 NW NW 3390 l850 2440 1.35 2.9 A 022b 46 50N 10 4BE b38 SE E 3490 3180 2120 4.24 4.2 BC A OZ27 46 41N 10 55E b48 N NW 3522 30BO 2120 .79 1.4 B A 0301 47 OON 11 05E 528 N 3280 2960 2400 4.14 3.2 B A 030Z 47 OZN 11 07E 644 NW NW 3210 3050 2b90 .b9 1.4 B A 0303 47 03N 11 07E 638 SE SW 3497 3090 2120 1.59 2.3 8 A 0304 41 05N 11 05E 608 N N 3150 2610 2650 2.35 2.5 B A 0305 41 05N 11 06E 641 NE N 3210 28bO 2600 .15 1.7 B A 030b 47 05N 11 08E b26 NE NE 32BO 2990 2580 3.51 4.1 R A 0301 41 03N 11 08E 528 N NE 3330 3040 2540 3.77 3.8 e A 0308 47 04N 11 07E 608 E NE 3280 1110 lb20 .90 1.9 B A 0309 41 03N 11 09E b09 E NE 3410 3030 2570 1.45 2.3 B 417 DAUNI<OGEL F. A A310 47 OON 11 06E 608 NE NE 3260 29Z0 2b40 2.20 2.4 13 418 BIlDSTOECt<l F. A B3l0 47 OON 11 ObE 608 NE NE 32bO 2920 2b40 2.20 2.4 8 A 0311 ~6 11 07E 608 NE NE 3200 29'0 2700 .92 1.6 B ~05 GAISSBERG F. 40b KESSfLWAND F. 407 MUTHAL F. 406 SULZTAL F. ~09 BOCKKOGEL F. ~10 SCHWARZENBERG ~11 BACHFALLEN F. F. ~12 LAENGENTALER H3 LIESENSER F. 414 ALPEINER 415 BERGLAS F. F. 4lb HOCHMOOS F. F. ~19 SCHAUFEL 59N N B E oft20FERNAU F. A 0312 46 59N 11 08E 64B NW N 3290 2910 2590 1.89 2.2 B ~Zl SULlE NAU F. A 0314 4b 59N 11 09E 518 N ~ 3510 295b 2402 4.71 3.1 B D oftZZGRUENAU A 0315 ~b 59N 11 12E b48 N N 3420 2891 2362 1.93 2.3 B A 0316 4b 59N 11 l3E b08 NW N 29bO 2650 ?490 .31 1.0 R F. 423 W.GRUEBL F. ~Z~ E.GRUE8L F. A 0317 46 59N 11 l4E b09 NW NW 3230 2700 ~1t20 ItZ' SIMHING F. A 0318 46 59N 11 15E 608 N N 1.13 2.3 f:\ 31bO 2160 2430 .8B 1.6 B D A 0320 46 58N 11 12E 60b NE NE 3370 3090 2120 .59 1.5 B 421 AL P.KIUEUL F. A 0321 47 03N 11 09E b48 NW NW 3410 2960 2b50 .52 1.5 ß 428 VEP80RGENBERG A 0322 47 04N 11 07E 646 E E 3260 3000 ~780 .89 1.3 B 429 TRIEBENKARLAS A 0323 4b 57N 11 09E b48 W W 34bO 3040 21bO 1.79 2.0 B 430 WAXEGG K. A 0401 47 DON 11 4BE 636 NE N 3380 2809 2238 4.12 2.4 ~ D 431 HORN K. A 0402 47 OON 11 ~9E 538 N 3210 2655 llOO 4.19 3.1 B D ~32 SCHWARZENSTEIN A 0~03 47 OlN 11 51E 50B NW NW 3320 2116 2231 4.93 2.1 8 D 433 WILDGERLOS A 0404 ~7 09N 12 07E b08 N 3210 2760 231b 2.24 2.1 ß ..lb fREIGER F. 434 SCHLEGElS A 0405 46 59N 11 46E 604 NW NW 3510 2909 2308 5.63 2.1 13D 0406 ~7 OON 11 46E 606 NW NW 3480 2890 2542 i , 00 1. b B A 0501 47 05N 12 15E 626 NW NW 3460 2760 ZOOO 5.33 ?.B B K. A 0502 47 01N 12 IBE 518 NW NW 3570 2190 20b3 11.51 5.b R K A 0503 41 08N 12 ZIE 528 N 4.27 5.9 B K. 43b I<RII'1MLER K. 431 O~ERSULZ8ACH N A 1(. ~35 FURTSCHAGL N 438 UNTERSULZßACH NW 3660 2850 Z147 3.05 3.8 8 3060 2114 9.3b 5.8 8 3210 2~00 25bO 2.94 2.1 B ~7 05N 12 23E 63B SW SW 3440 3090 255B 3.46 3.7 8 0509 47 06N lZ 20E b28 SE SE 35bO 2920 245B 4.5q 2.6 B 4~4 MAURER KEES A 0510 47 05N 12 18E 608 S 3300 2980 2455 2.03 1.9 8 1t45 SIP10NY K. A 0511 47 04N 12 IbE 609 SE SE 3480 2910 2370 2.78 205 a 44b UI1BAL K. A 0512 41 03N lZ l5E 538 SW SW 34~0 2980 2380 5.14 1t.3 8 441 SONNBLICI< K. A ObOl 47 OBN 12 3bE bOb NE E 1.77 1.5 BC E A 0505 47 aBN 12 22E 528 NE E 440 se HLATEN K. A 0506 ~7 07N 12 23E 518 NE NE 3bbO 441 FROSNITZ A 0501 47 05N 12 l4E b36 E A 050B A 439 VILTRAGEN 1<. K. 44Z ZETTALUNITZ 1t~3 D ORF ER K. K. E S 3480 2140 2229 3030 2790 2500 GENERAL 128 INFOR"1lTT'JN TAßlE A, PAGE 11 • NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ElEV.TIONS ~EO MIN MAX LEN AREA sa KM KM TYPE OF OATA ~lt8 FILLECK K. A AbOl "t7 08N 12 3bE bOb SE SE 2920 28bO .16 .4 4"t9 TAUERN K. A Ab02 47 07N 12 3bE b4b E SE 2970 2830 2620 .27 .7 8 "t50 KA. TAUERN K. S A 8b02 47 07N 12 36E 64b E NE 2960 2810 2640 .22 .6 8 ~51 PRAEGRAT A 0603 47 07N 12 35E 606 W W 3010 2850 2640 .95 .9 B A 0604 1t7 OSN 12 35E 646 N N 2940 2600 2430 .41 .9 8 It53 KARL INGER K. A 0701 47 08N 12 42E 624 NE N 3340 2800 2220 't.00 3.5 R 45"t BAERENKOPF B ~5Z K. LANDECK K. K. 2780 A 0702 47 oaN 12 43E 624 N N 3400 3040 2~70 2.57 3.1 K. A 0703 47 09N 12 44E 647 N NW 3180 2530 ~080 .57 1.7 B 456 PASTER ZEN K. A 0704 47 06N 12 102E 528 SE SE 3700 29BO 2070 19.78 9.2 8 "t57 WASSERFALlWINKL A 0705 1t7 07N 12 43E b38 3150 2870 2blO 1.93 2.4 B "t58 FREIWAND A 0706 1t7 ObN 12 45E 648 SE SE 3130 2890 2690 .35 1.1 B ~59 PFANDLSCHARTEN A 0707 47 05N 12 101E 646 NW W 2940 2660 2530 .55 1.1 B veo ElSER K. A 010B 41 09N 12 41E 646 SE E 2860 2720 2570 .61 .8 8 "tb1 GRIESSI<OGL K. A 0709 47 ION 12 4lE 646 E SE 2960 2170 2640 .36 .6 ItbZ SCHWARZKOEPFL A 0710 47 09~ 12 43E b48 NW Z860 2~80 2340 .54 1.1 ~ 4b3 OEDENWINKEL A 0712 47 01N 12 39E 539 NW NW 31RO 2~QO 2130 2.22 3.4 B A 0113 41 oeN 12 40E 649 N NW 2910 ?530 7.290 1.01 1.9 A A 0113 41 OBN 12 40E b49 N NW 2910 2530 2290 1.01 1.9 B W 455 KlOCKERIN K. 'tbltUNT.RIFFL K. K. K. SE S N 8 'tb5 RIFFLKAR Itbb MAURER K. A 0714 ~1 lIN 12 41E b4b W 2890 2730 2610 .49 1.0 B Iob7 WURFER K. A 0715 41 lON 12 41E b~b NW NW 2820 2690 2580 .35 .6 8 "tb8 SCHWAR ZK AR L K. A 071b 47 lON 12 40E 64b NW NW 2910 2750 l560 .107 1.0 8 "tb9 KlEINEISER A 0717 41 09N 12 40E b4b NW NW 28BO 273G 2620 .25 .6 B 1070 RIFFL K. N A 0718 41 08N 12 40E 6~6 W SW 3070 28BO 2710 .26 .6 B 1t71 VD.KASTEN K. A 0119 41 ObN 12 39E b74 SW SW 3000 2790 2470 .54 1.5 8 472 llPERWITZ K. A 0121 47 Ob~ 12 3qE b3b SW SW 3410 30~0 2620 2.05 1.7 B K. 473 FRUSCHNITZ K. A 0122 47 05N 12 40E 634 SW W 47"t TEISCHNITZ K. A 0723 41 04N 12 'tlE b34 A 072~ A "t75 HOFMANNS 1t7b K. Kl. FlEISS K. 3510 3170 2550 2.87 3.2 B SW SW 3660 3190 ~760 2.07 2.5 B 47 O'tN 12 103E b08 E NE 3700 3140 2510 1.13 2.1 B 0801 47 03N W W 3080 28'0 2547 1.23 1.8 B 12 57E bOb It77 VOG.OCHSENKAR A 0802 107 03N 12 58E 608 NE NE 2820 2640 2349 1.21 1.7 B 't78 WURTEN K. A 0804 47 OZN 13 OOE b28 SW S 2.03 2.7 B 3120 2690 2385 't79 UEBERGOSS.Al~ A 0901 47 26N 13 04E 70b N .42 1.1 A "t80 GROSSELEND K. A 1001 47 02N 13 19E 63b NW NW 3lbO 2810 2380 2.16 1.10 B 481 KLEINELEND K. A 1002 41 OIoN 13 l5E 634 NE NE 3200 2850 2180 3.04 2.4 8 A 1003 't1 02N .82 1.5 ß 't8Z KAELBERSPITZ 't83 W TRIPP K. K. 13 l7E 608 N NE 2845 2170 2630 N 2840 2670 2480 SE S A 100't 't7 OlN 13 19E b46 3220 3000 2790 .60 1.0 B A 1005 47 OIN 13 20E 636 E E 33't0 ~900 2510 3.16 2.6 8 't85 WINKl K. A 100b 't7 OIN 13 19E 648 W W 3220 2810 ?520 .66 1.3 B 't8b GR. GOSAU G. A 1101 41 29N 13 3bE 646 NW NW 2850 2520 2250 1.48 2.2 8 G. A 1102 47 29N 13 37E 608 NE NE 2910 2560 ?060 3.30 2.3 B 488 se HlAD MI NGER G. A 1103 41 2BN 13 3ee blo6 NE NE 2700 2590 21oZ0 .81 .9 R 1t89 SCHNEELOCH A 1104 47 30N 13 36E b48 .23 .8 8 't81tHOCHALM 1087 K. HAllSTAETTER G. NW NW 2530 2310 7190 GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE A, PAGE 12 129 NR GLACIER NAME PSF G NR LAT LDNG CODe EXP AC AB ElEVATI~~S MAX MED MIN AREA SO KM LEN K" TYPE OF OAT. ITALY It90 AGNELLO I 0029 It5 09N 6 5'tE 642 NE E It91 RUTOR I 0189 45 30N 1 OOE 630 NW NW 3't80 •••• 2lt80 It92 lEX BLANCHE I 0209 45 It1N b It93 MIAGE I 0213 45 4eN "6 51E 521 SE SE 4306 •••• t710 't91tBROUILLARD I 021b 45 't5N b 52E 55b S S 3900 •••• 2200 1.Z5 2.S A 495 BRENV. I 0219 45 SON 6 54E 531 SE E 4610 •••• 1~10 1.30 6.7 8 I 0221 45 50N 6 56E 628 SE SE 3500 •••• 2590 .B1 1.5 8 491 PRE DE BAR I Ol35 45 S4N 7 03E 536 SE SE ~100 3.42 3.5 B TZA DE I 0259 45 59N 7 3ltE 536 S S 3800 •••• 2530 't.5't 5.9 B 499 GR. MURAILLES I 02bO 45 57N 7 35E b26 W W 3950 •••• 2300 1.32 500 LYS I 0304 45 54N 7 50E 516 SW SW 't527 •••• 2355 10.12 5.3 501 PIDO E I 0312 45 54N 1 53E 636 SE SE 3850 •••• 2600 1.70 2.2 B 502 BELVEDERE I 0325 45 51N 7 53E 527 N 5.11 6.0 13 503 AURONA I 0338 'tb IbN 8 ObE 538 NE NE 3200 1.13 2.1 B 504 CAMOSCI I 03b1 4b lbN 8 ZOE b58 NE NE 3000 •• *. 2590 .25 1.1 R 505 VENTINA I O'tlb 46 1bN 2.37 3.1 R .84 1.1 B It96 It98 TOULA TZAN CASPOGGIO 3100 •••• 2170 49E 528 SE SE 3900 •••• 2090 *.*. ?a10 NE 't560 •••• 1180 9 46E 536 NE N *••• ?300 3500 2790 2190 I Olt35 It6 lON 9 501 FELLARIA OCC.DI I 0439 46 2IN 9 5SE 528 SE SE 3100 3090 2510 508 CARDONNE OCC.DI I 0~69 46 25N 10 ISE 6't8 N NW 3't't02900 2't~0 I 0't73 46 l3N 10 IlE 646 N N I 0481 10 ZbE I Olt83 't6 30N 50b 509 DOSDE 510 OR.DI PLATIGLIOlE 511 VITELLI 46 3lN 53E 648 NW NW 2985 2600 2630 .10 .9 9.53 B.4 8 3.54 3.5 8 11.29 10.0 B ß 't.l B 5.09 3.0 B R .15 2.1 6 2'29 .85 1.1 R 646 NW NW 3150 3045 28S5 .31 .6 1:\ 2.9 ß 3200 ••• * 10 Z6E 537 W NW 3467 3135 l535 1.82 512 FORNI I 0507 'tb 2ltN 10 34E 529 N NW 3618 3150 2350 13.20 5.5 B 513 OOSEGU I 0512 'tb 22N 10 32E 526 SW SW 3670 3260 2760 3.30 2.8 R 10 30E 531 N I 0577 ~b 515 MANDRONE I 0639 46 ION la 32E 516 NE NE 34~1 •••• 2't65 516 NARDIS I 0640 46 13N 10 3BE 638 SE SE 3500 511 AMOLA r 064~ Itb 13N 10 40E 638 E E 518 PRESANElLA I 0678 'tb 14N 10 39E 526 N 519 LA MARE I 0699 'tb 2bN 10 36E 525 E 520 CARESER I 0701 46 27N 521 SERANA VEDRETTA I 0728 5l't PISGANA Dec. OCC.DI lON NE 3320 3000 25t5 3.3b 2.8 8 11.93 5.0 B 2690 2.03 2.1 ß 7.460 1.20 2.2 A NE 3530 2860 2440 3.92 2.6 B E 3769 3260 2555 4.75 3.5 B 10 ItZE b3e S s 33~O 3092 ?8S1 't.63 2.2 It6 2aN 10 4lE 646 N N 3335 30B5 21B4 1.16 *.*. ~080 •• ** 1.6 C B I 0129 't6 27N 10 It2E b't8 N N 3310 3115 2175 .46 1.2 1\ I 0730 Itb Z1N 10 'tlE 53e NE N 3350 3059 2610 1.15 2.0 B 524 FORCOLA I 0731 46 27N 10 39E 538 E NE 3150 3105 2625 2.52 3.5 8 525 CEVEOALE I 0132 4b l7N 10 38E 538 E E 3100 3078 2635 3.20 3.7 B 526 LUNGA 8 522 ULTIMA VEDRETTA 523 AL TA VEDRETTA I 0733 't6 28N 10 31E 529 NE E 3~50 3100 2640 2.b2 3.6 521 ZAY DI FUORI I 0751 46 32N 10 38E b57 NW NW 3475 2985 2605 .61 1.2 13 528 ROSII'1 I 0754 't6 31N 10 38E 646 NW W 3405 3215 ~900 .76 1.5 B B VEORETTA 529 SOLDA I 0762 't6 29N 10 35E 521 NE NE 3900 290B ~410 6.48 4.2 530 VALL ELUN GA I 0771 It6 It6N 10 33E 518 NW NW 3130 31~B ~4l0 e.55 3.9 ß 531 BAR8ADOR SO I 0778 46 48N 1.81t 2.1 ß 10 42E 538 N N 3550 2798 2580 GENERAL 130 INFa~~ATr~N TABLE A, PAGE 13 NR GLACIER NAMe PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ELEVATIONS MAX HEO ~IN AREA SO KM LEN K~ TYPE OF OATA 3360 3022 2585 1.10 1.1 B 1.63 2.1 B 532 FONTANA OCC.D I 07BO 46 4BN 10 lOE 636 N 533 GIOGO ALTO I 0813 46 47N 10 48E 628 NE SW 3205 2980 27~0 531t FOSSA OR. DELLA I 0823 46 1t5N 11 OlE 636 NW NW 3010 2~15 271t0 .30 .6 B 8 N 535 CRODA ROSSA I 0828 46 44N 10 59E 638 N N 3205 3002 2150 .21 1.0 536 TESSA I 0829 46 44N 10 59E 632 N NW 3300 •••• ~120 .19 1.8 B 531 FIAMf'lANTEDCC. I 0842 46 44N 11 .25 1.0 8 538 QUAIRA BIANCA I 08B9 46 5BN 11 1t1E 626 SW SW 3509 3132 2535 1.41 2.8 B 539 GRAN PILASTRO I 0893 't6 58N 11 't'tE538 SW W 3370 2935 2't60 2.62 3.1 R 51t0 NEVES OR. I 0902 1t6 59N 11 'teE 638 S 3300 251t5 2.21 2.2 B 541 LANA I 0913 1t7 O'tN 12 13E 529 NW NW 3480 2120 2250 1.69 2.9 ß 51t2 VALLE DEL VENTO I 0919 47 02N 12 l3E 538 NW NW 3050 2710 2460 .36 1.2 8 51t3 ROSSO DESTRO I 0920 41 02N 12 l2E 536 W 3285 2818 2450 .88 1.1 8 COLLALTO I 0921 46 55N 12 OBE 638 NW NW 3380 2955 ~513 2.51 2.1 8 545 GIGANTE CENTR. I 0929 46 54N 12 07E 649 NW N 3265 2816 2530 2.57 2.1 B 546 G I G A NTE DCC • I 0930 46 54N 12 06E 636 N N 3300 2955 2554 2.57 2.1 B 541 OCC.DI MONTASID I 0981 46 26N 13 26E 657 N N 1150 •••• IBbO .06 .3 B 548 CANIN OR. I 0981t 1t6 22N 13 21E 656 N N 2330 .95 .3 8 549 CANIN DCC. I 0985 13 26E 656 N N 2400 •••• 2160 541t ---------------------------------- 1t6 22N ... 02E 638 NW ~W 3225 2930 S --------------------_ W .... 2990 •••• .. 2710 2120 4IfIIo......_ .09 .. .3 8 .. _ KENYA '550 KRAPF KN 0001 09S 37 l8E ••• N N 4880 ~7~0 4690 .04 .4 8 551 JOSEPH KN 0003 08S 37 18E ••• W w ~eoo ~100 ~600 .03 .:3 B 552 CESAR KN 0004 08S 37 lBE ••• W W 4800 ~100 4600 .03 .4 ß 553 TYNDALL KN 0005 09S 37 l8E ••• SW S 4BOO ~660 4515 .09 .5 a 551t DARWIN KN 0006 09S 31 18E ••• SW 501t0 4750 4650 .04 .2 e 555 LEWIS KN 0008 09S 37 l8E ••• SW SW 4971 •••• 4598 .26 sw --_-...-...._---_ ... _-_ ... _----------------------------------------- 1.1 BC _--_ ... _ .._-------....._-----_ .._-._-------- .. UNION OF SOVIET SOC. REP. *. 556 KUPOL VAVIlOVA SU 1001 ••••••••• 557 IGAN SU 2001 ••••••••••• 6•• E •• 1180 •••• B~O .61 558 nSRUCHEVA ~U 2002 ••••••••••• 64. E •• 650 •••• 400 .30 559 MARUKHSKIY SU 3001 ••••••••••• 534 NW NW 3100 lBRO 2490 3.30 1t.0 BC 3•••••••••••••••••• 1805.00 •••• 1.4 .6 560 ALIBEKSKIY SU 3002 ••••••••••• 5' ••••• 3700 •••• 2000 5.40 4.6 B 561 KHAKEl SU 3003 ••••••••••• 5' ••••• 3240 •••• Z210 2.70 3.9 BC 562 B. AZAU SU 3004 56 60' •••••• 5.' •••• 5660 •••• a480 563 KULAK N. SU 3005 ••••••••••• 5•••••• 3840 •••• 2150 564 BEZENGI SU 3006 ••••••••••• 5•••••• 5050 •••• 2080 565 TSEYA SU 3007 ••••••••••• 5•• NE •• 4~60 •••• 2200 9.70 6.6 566 SKAlKA SU 3008 ••••••••••• ,•••••• 2.00 3.2 13 567 KOZITSITI SU 3009 •• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• •••• •••• •••• ••••••• •••• 8 568 DZHANKUAT SU 3010 ••••••••••• 529 NW NW 4018 32~0 2100 569 NO. S03 SU 4003 ••••••••••• 64' NW" 3~80 •••• 3340 4000 •••• 3150 GENERAL JNFQR~.TlaN 19.60 10.2 4.00 R 4.4 8 36.20 17.6 B 3.00 3.2 .20 .8 TABLE A, PAGE ß CO B 14 131 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ELEVATIONS MAX MED MIN AREA SQ KM LEN KM TYPE OF DATA B 570 NO. 507 SU 4007 ••••••••••• 6•• N •• 4200 •••• 3620 1.00 2.0 571 DIDAl (NO. 513) SU 4013 ••••••••••• 512 NE NE 4600 3550 3000 1.bO 4.8 B 572 NO 517 SU 4011 ••••••••••• 53Q NE N .BO 2.Q B 513 SHAGA II SU 4020 •• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• •• •••• •••• •••• ••••••• •••• ~ 574 KHADYR SHA SU 1t021 ••••••••••• 538 NE Nlt550 575 GARHO SU 4022 ••••••••••• 512 NW' W 516 SKOGACH SU 4023 ••••••••••• 53B NE NW 5250 4200 3050 571 AK 8 AYTAL SU 1t036 ••••••••••• 5•• N •• 5Q20 •••• 4750 578 M. OKTYABRSKIY SU 1t037 ••••••••••• 5•• S •• 6180 •••• 4440 57Q BAKCHIGIR SU 403B 580 RGO SU 1t03Q ••••••••••• 512 SW SE 6200 4050 2580 581 MEDVEZHIY SU 401t0 ••••••••••• 512 NW SW 4bQO 3800 2900 25.30 15.8 B ,B2 MUSHK ETO VA SU 4041 ••••••••••• 512 NE N 17.10 14.0 8 583 "1AZARSKIY SU 4042 ••••••••••• 512 NW NE 5400 4400 3200 23.00 16.8 8 584 ZERAVSHANSKIY SU 4043 * •••• 512 SE SW 5200 3950 2810 132.60· 27.8 B 585 RAHA SU '044 ••••••••••• 512 SE S 5010' 1t050 29bO 22.30 8.9 586 DIKHADANG SU 4045 ••••••••••• 538 NW NW 4340 3910 3600 1.50 2.0 ~ 587 TRO SU 40~6 *••••• '12 NW NW 4800 3750 3160 4.10 6.0 B 5B8 DIAKHANOARA SU 4041 ••••• *•••• *•••••• B 58Q RAYGORODSKOGO SU 4055 ••••• * ••••• 5QO KYRCHIN SU 4056 •••••••••••••••••• *••••• 3400 2950 ~320 3950 2750 6260 4300 2910 5200 •••• 4480 ** .* .* 1100 4b20 2870 5.60 6.3 B 114.60 30.1t 8 12.60 12.0 5.50 B 4.6 ß 32.00 lq.O B 11.60 b.O B 36.20 24.0 1\ B 4000 •••• 3bOO 1.44 2. '3 548 E NE 4840 379~ 2750 6.00 6.4 B ••••••••••• 549 E NE 2.20 4.2 13 4800 3820 3040 591 KOKBELES SU 4057 ••••••••••• 648 NE N 5080 4100 3120 3.20 5.6 B 592 TUTEK SU 4058 ••••••••••• 64Q W NW 4600 3930 3260 4.60 4.1 B 593 KlYUEVA SU 405Q ••••••••••• 62Q E NE 4400 3640 2880 5.90 ,..2 B 5Q4 TURAMUZ-l SU 4060 ••••••••• 5Q 5 KY ZYLGORU M SU 4061 ••••••••••• b4B 5Q6 SEVERTSOVA SU 4062 ••••••••.••• 64Q NW N 597 BATYRBAY SU 4063 •••••• 598 GGP SU 4064 •••• 5QQ I<YZYlI<UL SU 4100 .* * •••••••• 539 N 600 ABRA'MOVA SU 4101 *•••••••••• 52b N 601 KALESNIKA SU 5001 ••••••••••• 548 NE N 602 TOKHAKSOLDY-l SU 5002 ••••••••••• b48 603 GOLUBINA SU 5060 ••••••••••• 5** NW NW 4420 •• SU 5065 ••••••••••• 648 SE SE 3b40 605 AYUTOR-2 SU 5066 606 AKBUlAKULKUN SU 5061 ** 3800 ~OOO 1.40 2.8 B NW 4800 4000 3200 2.10 3.7 ß 649 SE SE 4bOO N 4000 3635 3270 2.60 3.1 B 3800 3390 3280 1.60 2.4 *... ß N 3490 3250 3000 .90 2.5 B N 4960 4288 3b15 26.21 9.2 3.60 3.6 8 1.1t0 1.Q B * ••• * 6'9 NE N * ••• ** •••••••••••• * 4000 3115 3430 NW NW 3960 371t0 3520 ** ß C 1400 5.bO 4.9 BC 3425 3200 .60 1.4 B ••••••••••• 646 NE NE 3810 3515 3120 3.20 3.2 ß ••••••••••• b49 NE NW 4140 1320 3050 2.00 3.5 B 601 KARABULAK SU 5066 ••••••••••• b49 N 3990 3550 3010 .10 2.1 ß 608 TEKESHSAY-l SU 5010 ••••••••••• 649 E SE 4020 3600 1010 1.10 3.2 B 609 BARKRAK SREDNIY SU 5012 ••••••••••• 641 N N 4180 3175 3450 3.20 3.0 a 610 PAKHTAKOR SU 5071 ••••••••••• 548 NE N 4180 3110 3455 3.50 3.1 B blI TUYUKSU SU 5075 ••••••••••• 536 N 4219 37bO ~401 3.02 :\.0 BC 612 IGLI TUYUKSU SU 5016 ••••••••••• 536 NW NW 4220 •••• 1'50 1.72 2.2 604 TURPAKBEL NIZH. N N GENERAL INFIJR"1lTYONTABLE A, 132 PAGE 15 NR Gl AC IER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG b13 SHOKAlSKOGO SU 5076 ••••••••••• 6llt TALGAR Yl.IZHNYY SU 5079 •• 615 KARABATKAK SU 5080 61b MOlOOEZHNYY b17 MAMETOVOY b18 KOSHOOEMYANSKOY 619 OROZHONIKIOZE b20 b22 VISYACHII 2 AREA KM LEN KM TYPE OF 04TA SQ 536 N N 4~40 •••• 3~60 10.60 4.7 B W 5000 ., •• 3320 1.80 3.0 B ••••••••••• 536 N N 4280 •••• 3290 4.56 3.2 BC SU 5090 ,•• ,. ,••••• 736 NE NE 4150 •••• ~450 1.43 1.7 ec SU 5091 •• " ••••••• 736 W .35 .6 SU 5092 ••• " 737 NE NE 1t070 •••• 3570 SU 5093 ••••••••••• 736 W SU 5095 l + ELEVATIa~s MAX "EO HIN 636 W SU 5094 MAYAKOVSKOGO 621 PARTIZAN CODE EXP AC AB SU 5096 *,' .,. ,•• •••••• .* .* ......•• ••••••••••• * W 4190 •••• 3610 .36 1.2 W 4120 •••• 3460 .31 1.2 736 W W 4000 •••• 3570 .18 .8 736 W W 4370 •••• 3710 .14 .8 .29 .6 737 NE NE 3850 •••• 34BO 623 KOL TOR VOSTOCH. SU 5101 ••••••••••• 53B N W 4612 3720 3156 1t.10 3.1 624 AKSU SU 5102 ••••••••••• 538 NE N 4320 3720 3510 3.90 625 KOLPAKOVSKOGO SU 5103 •••••• 528 S S 4754 4160 3618 30.40 10.0 B O 626 AYLAMA SU 5104 ••••••••••• 528 N N 4510 3680 3150 6.60 4.2 8 D 627 BE ZYMYANNYY SU 5105 ••••••••••• 538 NW N 4Q01 4120 3760 5.90 4.Q 8 628 SAP I-TOR SU 5106 ••••••••••• 538 NW NW 4500 1t160 3802 3.30 3.6 B O SU 5107 ••••••••••• 528 E NE 1t5l0 401t0 3144 5.80 4.6 8 SU 5108 ••••••••••• 528 S E 14.00 8.0 B O SU 5109 *, ,•••• , .,. 528 NW NW 1t947 4120 3680 11.40 4.9 B O 632 BOROU SU 5110 ••••••••••• 52B NW NW 4714 4100 3594 7.60 4.5 B O 633 SHUMSKOGO SU 6001 ••••••••••• 5" N N 4460 •••• 3020 2.QO 3.7 B 634 MAlYY BERELSKIY SU 1083 ••••••••••• 536 E S 3830 2eoo 2110 8.90 8.3 B 635 tUL YY SU 7100 ••••••••••• 536 E N 3711t 3200 2223 3.80 4.4 BC 636 PRAVYY AKTRU SU 7101 ••••••••••• 536 NE NE 3750 3000 2500 4.80 5.3 B 637 lEVYY AKTRU SU 7102 ••••••••••• 536 SE SE ~045 3250 2'50 6.50 5.9 B 638 KURUMOU SU 7103 ••••••••••• 536 NE NE 401t5 3150 2210 5.20 4.7 8 639 GRECHISHKINA SU 8001 ••••••••••• 538 W W 1770 1550 790 14.20 8.1 BC 61t0 KOZElSKIY SU B005 ••••••••••• 539 S S 2030 1600 870 1.80 4.3 BC 641 MUTNOVSK I y NE SU 8011 ••••••••••• 660 NW NW 19'0 1700 11t60 1.37 1.7 BC HUTNOVSK I y SW SU 8012 ••••••••••• 660 NE NE 1800 1710 1~00 1.OQ 1.5 ~C BC bZ9 KELOYKE 630 KARAKOLTaR b31 b42 OAVIOOVA AKTRU *•••• 5020 3Q60 3791 B O o 1t.0 8 O o CHINA 61t3 SHUIGUANHE NO.4 CN 0001 37 33N 101 1t5E 640 1.86 2.2 61t1tYANGLONGHE NO.5 CN 0002 39 l4N 98 34E 53B NE NE 5262 4840 4420 1.46 2.5 C 645 OIYI CN 0003 39 IItN Q7 54E 528 NW NW 5145 4120 "310 2.78 3.8 BC 6"6 LAOHUGUO CN 0004 39 26N 96 33E 516 N ~w 5481 4880 4260 21.91 10.1 BC 647 TUERGANGO CN 0006 43 06N 94 2lE 528 N N 4806 4166 3~81 4.81 5.8 B SIGONHE NO.4 eN 0008 43 50N 88 20E b3B W 1t348 397' 3600 2.96 3.2 8 61t9 SIGONHE NO.5 CN 0009 43 ~9N 88 19E 520 NW NW 5445 4~33 3620 3.47 4.3 B 650 URUI1QIHE S.NO.1 CN 0010 1t3 07N 66 49E 528 NE E 1.84 2.3 BC bite NE NE 5024 4620 N 1t200 4476 4111 37~6 651 aUNT AILAN CN 0011 41 58N 80 07E 519 SE SE 7434 4500 3080 165.38 32.8 8 652 TUGEBIElIOI CN 0012 1t2 ION 80 ZOE 5lQ E E 6Q34 4700 2680 313.69 33.7 B 653 MU ZHA ERT CN 0013 42 18N 80 OlE 519 W S 6627 4800 2900 137.70 33.0 B GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE A, PAGE 16 133 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR LAT LONG CODE EXP AC AB ElEVATro~s ~AX MEn MIN CN 0014 42 l1N 80 22E 519 E E b55 KEGIKER CN 0015 41 50N 80 09E 519' S SE bOItO 1t4bO 30bO b5b SAYIGAPEIR CN 001b 41 5lN 80 12E 528 SE E b51 QIERGANBULAK CN 0011 38 14N 75 06E 438 W 658 RONGBU eN OOlB 28 OItN Bb 51E 51B 659 QIANGYONG CN 0019 28 5lN b54 KAlAGEYULE WUK. N 90 litE 525 N AREA SQ KM LEN KM TYPE OF DATA 153.24 32.4 B 83.56 26.0 B 6049 4140 3300 14.01 10.1 B W 7546 5998 4450 13.00 N 7260 6201 5151t 86.89 6245 4520 2790 NE bb79 5830 1t980 8.10 9.6 22.2 B A 1t.3 8 ANTARCTICA 660 SCHLATTER AN 0004 17 4ZS 1b1 26E 62B S S 2000 1500 400 ••••••• 6.1 B bb1 FINGER AN 0005 17 425 Ib1 29E 628 5 S 1150 1450 ~50 ••••••• 6.4 B 662 TAYLOR AN AN 0006 11 45S 162 OOE 41B E 2200 •••• 57 ••••••• 80.0 8 663 LA CROIX AN 0001 71 39S 162 2BE 626 SE SE 2000 1~00 150 ••••••• 9.1 ~ 664 SUESS AN 0008 11 38S 162 40E 622 SE SE 1150 ll00 125 ••••••• 5.2 B 6b5 CANADA AN 0009 11 35S 162 45E 612 E SE lBOO 7'0 50 ••••••• 12.1 B 666 COMMONWE AL TH AN 0010 11 33S 163 05E 6lZ E SE 11~0 750 2!l 661 WRIGHT UPPER AN 0011 71 31S 160 251 428 E E bb8 CLARK AN 0012 11 25$ 162 25E 626 NE E AN 0013 11 15S 161 15E 518 SE SE 2200 1200 400 AN 0014 11 20$ lb2 OBE 526 SE E 525 AN 6b9 VICTOIHA UPPER b10 PACKARD E ••••••• 14.5 B 2400 •••• 850 ••••••• •••• ß 1198 475 ••••••• 10.0 B 850 1450 1000 AN 0015 77 21S 162 30E 223 SW SW 1400 650 ~oo b12 LAMBE RT B AS IN AN..... 11 OOS 68 ODE 124 .* •• 40~0 •••• 8B 58 b11 VICTORIA LOWER KEMP LAND AN..... 13 OOS 614 E WIL KES LAND AN..... 69 OOS 120 OOE 124 615 W WILKES LAND AN..... b 1 b B A UD I S S I N VAHSEL b13 OOE ,124 •••• 2BOO •••• .* •• 3210 .**.... •• *.... **..... 1B.0 B 6.8 8 5.8 B ••••••••••• O ••••••••••• •••• O ••••••••••• 69 OOS 110 OOE 124 •••• 3800 •••• O ••••••••••• AN 0105 53 02S 73 26E 621t NW N 2400 •••• 17.04 8.8 8 AN 0106 53 04S 73 24E 634 W W 2400 •••• 12.40 8.8 ß b18 WINSTON AN 0109 53 085 73 39E 632 SE E 2300 •••• 11.93 6.9 B 619 STEPHENSON AN 0110 53 01S 13 41E 621 E 2300 •••• 31.89 10.3 B 680 BROWN AN 0111 53 05S 13 39E 632 NE NE 2300 •••• 11.21 6.3 B 681 COMPTON AN 0112 53 035 13 37E 632 NE NE 2300 •••• 13.14 1.6 8 682 JACKA AN 0113 53 ODS 13 20E 633 NE NE 710 •••• 350 .95 1.7 8 esa HT DI XON AN 1010 53 ODS 73 18E 333 NW NW 100 •••• 250 1.98 1.0 8 b81t ANZAC PEAt< AN 1020 53 OOS 13 19E 333 NE NE 710 •••• 340 1.15 1.6 8 685 HT OLSEN AN 1040 53 OlS 73 ZlE 333 NE NE 61t0 •••• 300' 1.45 .8 ß sss N'ARES AN 1120 53 02S 13 2eE b31t NW N 21t00 •••• 3.50 1.2 8 b81 CHALLENGER AN 1130 53 02S 73 29E 634 N N 2400 •••• 5.00 7.3 8 b88 HARY-POWELL b11 E O AN 1140 53 02S 73 30E 634 N N •••••••••••• 2.49 3.6 B 689 DOWNES AN 1150 53 02S 13 32E 624 N N 21t00 •••• 16.42 7.9 ~ 690 EALY AN 1170 53 02S 73 34E 634 N N 2200 •••• 11.31t 8.2 b91 ALLISON AN 1350 53 05S 73 24E 634 W W 2400 •••• GENERAL INFORMATION 134 6.50 7.9 T.t.SLEA,- PAGE B a 17 135 '\36 TABLE VARIATIONS 'IN THE fl or POSITION GLACIER FRONTS: 1975-80 NR : Record number GLACIER NAME : 15 alphabetic or numeric digits PSFG NUMBER : 4 or 5 digits identifying glacie~ with alphabetic prefix denoting country 1ST SURVEY : Year when ~lacier was first surveyed LAST SURVEY : Last survey before reported period VARIATIONS IN METRES ! Variation hori~ontal in the position of the glacier front in projection expressed as the change in length between surveys Key to Symbols: ~ No data available M : +X -X : Glacier in advance : Glacier in retreat ST : Glacier stationary SN : Glacier front covered by snow 1 137 NR GLACtER NAME PSFG NR 1ST LAST SURVEY 1976 VARIATIONS IN HETPES 1917 1978 1979 1980 CANADA l NA.DAHHH CD 1402 1964 1974 2 NEW MOON CD 1430 1946 3 ATHABASCA CD 0190 1731 1975 ~ SASKATCHEWAN CD 1905 5 EMERALD CD 0560 **** **** 2075 1951 GLAÇIER -61.0 -52.9 1975 197~ -17.:0 +6.0 +7.8 -34.0 -53.6 +14.8 -6~. O 1978 1951 M ,., CD 0575 1951 1951 M M 6 TSOLOSS CD 7 ELKIN 8 FRIENDLY CD 0692 1900 1975 9 TCHAIKUAN CD 2015 1900 1915 M -70.0 CD 0290 1964 1974 CD 0245 1947 1970 +70.0 CD 0840 1947. 1970 +195.0 "1 +60.0 ~ -28.5 .., 12 HAVOC 13 SURF CO 19~6 lq~7 WAVE CD 2330 1941 lif70 15 TERRIFIC CD 2025 19~7 lb CLENDENNING CD 0335 19~7 1910 11 C4LTHA LAKE CO 0310 1951 1969 18 WEDGEMOUNT. CD 2333 1941 1913 19 STAIRCASE CD 1973 ~931 1972 l' 1970 1970 M +165.0 -b25.0 M -25.0 -21.0' +25.0 ,.. ST ~ 1865 1972 CD l 91 5 18 22 FLEUR D.NEIGES CO 0675 1931 1972 0.0 0.0 23 GRIFFIN CD 0184 1931 1972 +15.0 0.0 24 THUNDERCLAP CD 2035 1931 1972 +67.0 25 KOKANEE CD 1190 1923 1972 M UHITED STATES US 0405 1935 197~ -)( 27 APPLEGATE US 0406 1935 1974 -x US 0408 1909 191~ ST 28 CLAREMONT WEST 29 CLAREMONT NORTH US 0409 1909 1974 ST 3 O T A Y,l O R U S US'0410 1935 1974 -x 31 LAWRENCE US 0416 1935 1974 +x 32 MARQUETTE US 0417 1935 1974 ST 33 BELOIT,I US 0418 1935 1974 ST 34 BLACKSTONE US 0419 1935 1974 ST HARR IMAN US Ob02 1909 1974 DAR I NG US Ob03 •••• ~974 ST 1974 +X 35 R -x +55.0 0.0 -10.0 ST 0.0 -22~.0 -2.0 +57.'5 -1'59.4 -'" -20.1 +20.0 37 C,ATAPACT US 0604 38 SURPR I SE US Ob05 *•• * **** 1974 ST 39 DET4CHED US 0606 •••• 1966 ST "AR IATI ON IN POSI TI ON OF GlACI ER FR ONT S TABL E B, 138 -.3 OF AHERICA 26 FALLING --'3b M 0.0 CO 1965 M 0.0 ., '" -2.0 20 SPHINX ,.. +1.7 -22." 21, S ENTI NEL 65 1972 +3.5 "1 BERM -42.9 -11.2 -10.0 .., 10 BUGABOO Il -1.0 -91.2 PAGE 1 NR GLACIER ~o BAKER NAHE PSFG NR 1ST LAST SURVEY US 0607 ••• * 1976 1971t +X ST . ~l PENNIMAN EAST US 060e •••• 1966 ~2 PENNU4AN WEST US 0609 •••• 1966 ST 1t3 SERPENTINE US 0610 .*•• 197'" -x 'tit CASCADE US 0611 •••• 1974 -x ~5 BARRY US 0612 •••• 1974 ST ~6 COXE US 0613 •••• 1966 ST ST 47 HOL YOKE US 061't •••• 1971t ~e BARNARD US 0615 •••• 1971 ST 49 WELLESLEY US 0616 •••• 197'" -x 50 VASSAR US 0617 •••• 1968 51 BRYN MAWR US 0616 •••• 1971t VARIATIONS IN 1977 1976 METRES 1919 1980 M, ST +58.0 52 SMITH US 0619 •••• 1971t ST 53 B A L T I H ORE US 0620 •••• l(nl +X 54 HARVARD US 0621 1699 1964 +275.0 55 YALE US 0622 •••• 1974 -195.0 56 UNNAMED US624 US 0624 •••• 1974 57 MEARES ~, -400.0 ST US 0625 1931 1974 -30.0 58 COLUMBIA US 0627 1899 1975 -120.0 59 SHOUP US 0626 •••• 196'" -l( -60 • .0 -bD. O -10.0 +100.0 -x 60 VALDEZ US 0629 1931 1961t -100.0 M_ 61 WORTHINGTON US 0630 •••• 1966 -140.0 "1 62 CHILDS US ~634 •••• 1971t 63 SHERIDAN US 0635 1959 1974 +x -x M M M -105.0 64 SHERMAN us 1964 1968 +125.0 M 65 SADDL EBAG US 06 37 • • •• l 968 . +25.0 M lo! 66 BETSELI US 1120 1977 1957 -460.0 ST ST ST 67 N HAC KEITH US 1121 1957 1957 +200. +b.;O +6.0 +6.0 66 S HAC KEITH US 1122 1957 1957 +365.0 +)( +x +15.0 +1~.0 ST 0636 O +)( 69 AHTNA US 1123 1957 1957 70 C~ETASlINA US 1121t 1977 1977 'H 71 GE.IKIE US 1311t •••• 1974 -75.0 72 HUGH MILLER US 1315 ••• 13 REID US 1316 •••• 1914 M +75.0 14 LAHPlUGH US 1317 •••• 1974 -x "I +15.0 15 UNNAMED US1318 US 1318 •• 1971t +)C M 76 KASHOTO US ,1319 •••• 1974 '" ST 77 HOONA H US •••• l -x M -101').0 78 GILMAN US 1321 79 CLARK US Û-S'-13-22 - .- ••• 80 JOHNS HOPKI NS US 1323 •• US 1321t 81 TYEEN az KAOACHAN 13.2 O • US 1325 * *. *••• +200. O ST 1974 CH It 1974 -", -120. M -385.0 ,.. ** 1971t +46.0 •••• 1971 -x ***. 1971t -M M M M 1·(i7~ - -- VAR I AT I ST O +)( +7~.O - M- ST +321.0 ST ST Q N I N P O S I TI ON DF GL ACI E R FR '] ~ T S T Aq L E B, P A GE 2 139 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR 83 TOVATTE US 1326 8't TOPEt<A US 1321 65 ~ARGERIE US 1328 8b UNNA MEO'USI329 US 1329 1ST LAST SURVE"l' **** •• ** .**. VARIATIONS I~ HETRES 1977 1978 1979 197b 1980 191~ ST M 1974 PII M M ST 1974 M ,.. H ST •••• 1974 H -250.0, PII M '" 1974 M H 11 1914' H M M ST 1974 H H 11 ST ST ST 89 ROHER US 1332 90 RENDU US 1331 **** **** .*** .*** 197~ H M M US 1334 •••• 1974 ST H M ST 92 PLATEAU US 1338 •••• 1974 H M 11 -x -1500.0 -3000.0 87 GRAND PACIFIC 88 UNNAMED US1331 91 UNNAMED US1334 US 1330 US 1331 93 MUIR US 131t0 •••• 197,. 91t RIGGS US 134.1 •••• 197,. 95 MC BRIDE US 1342 9 b MEND ENHAL l US 1802 97 NORRIS US 1804 Í'I M •••• 1914 11 •••• 1974 M •••• 197 .. M M -bOO.O "1 M -75.0 M M M -210.0 H 11 M +150.0 US 1805 •••• 197~ US 1BQ6 •••• 100 WEST TWIN US 1801 •••• 1914 +x 101 WRIGHT US 1809 •••• 1974 -5.0 102 SOUTH CASCADE US Z013 1951 1975 -3.3 103 CARBON US 2020 •••• 1975 104 EHHONS US 2022 •••• 1915 105 COWLITZ US 20Z5 •••• 1915 US 2027 1963 1975 US 20Z8 •••• 1975 NISQUAllY 197ft * 108 SOUTH TAHOMA US 2029 ••• 109 TAHOMA US 2030 •••• 1975 110 PUVALlUP US 2031 •••• III SOUTH NORTH PIlaWICH 0.0' -bOO.O 98 TAKU 107 KAUTZ -500'.O M 99 HOLE IN TH.WAlL lOb -150. O +1(>0.0 +50.0 +x ,+ X -5.0 -5.0 -u~.o -B.4 +'1( +x -5.0 -5.0 -15.6 -7.1 +41.0 ,11 +96.0 +79.0 +30.0 H' +91. O +22. O '", 1975 +23. O +38.0 +119.0 +1~.0 1915 11, +38.0 US 203Z •••• 1975 M H +22. O 112 HORTH HOWICH US 2033 •••• 1915 11 M +35.0 113 SHOESTRING US 2015 1935 1975 M M 11't CARRIE B US 2106 1889 19b5 M "1 115 EEL US 2113 1920 1970 +5.0 '" lib BEAR PASS US 2122 lQ33 1965 M M ST 117 UNNAMED US 2123 1933 1965 M M ST US2123 118 HOH US 2124 1933 1910 119 ICE RIVER US 2125 1924 1967 120 BLUE US 2126 1936 1915 +,35 • 2 + 1 6. 5 121 BLACt< US 2127 192ft 19b5 -30.0' +10.0 122 US 2128 1924 19b8 US 2130 1q07 US 2132 1907 1970 US 2133 1913 1970 WHITE 123 HUBERT lZ~ HUMES 125 QUEETS 19b3 VAR I ATI ON 140 +20.0 +120.0 ST ST ST +10.0 ST 11 -175.0 +22.8 ST ST -20.0 H -470.0' +10.0 M +15.0 -15.0 ST I N POS I TI ON +3.2 +2.9 H OF G L A C I ER FR O N T'i T A Bl E a I P AG E 3 NR 126 GLACIER NAHE PSFG SPERRY NR 1ST LAST SURVEY US 5001 1900 1910 1976 VARIATIONS r~ METRES 1971 1978 len9 1980 +X PERU 127 QUELCCAYA PE 0001 1963 1963 H -132.0 128 B'ROGGI PE 0003 1968 lq7. -1t.8 +.2 -5.1t 129 YANAHAREY PE 0001t 1972 1911t +23,.3 -. b -S.'2 130 URUAS HPAJ U PE 0005 19b8 1913 +7.4 fill 131 SANTA PE OOOb 1917 1911 ROSA ,.. -22.0 -8.4 -11.2 -18.5 +180.9 "1 -7.6 -lb.5 +9.,7 +7.2 -8.8 -~.---_.._----------------_ ...---_ ..--- ......:----_ ....... _-------------------_ ..-------_ ..._----._-------~-ICELAND 132 JOKULKROKUR IS 0007 1965 1971t 133 S¡"OUJOK.e M175 IS 0015 19b4 1915 -31.0 -41.0 131t SIOUJOK.E H111 IS 0015 19b1t 1915 -43.0 -99.0 135 HIRNINGSJOKULL IS 0100 1931 1915 -38.0 -9.0 +2.0 +34.0 +11.0 136 KAlDALOHSJOKUL IS DIOl 1931 1915 -48.0 -108.0 -56.0 -14~.0 -116.0 -11t.0 M +11.D M M +50.0 131 GLJUFURARJOKUL IS 0103 1939 1912 138 GIGJOKULL IS 0112 1930 1911 139 -14.0 H -16.0 -18.0 -51.0 H M fill SOLHEIHAJOK. J IS 0113 1930 1915 -4.0 +5.0 +32"0 +11.0 litO SOLHEIHAJOK. ~ IS 0113 1930 1915 -2.0 +1.0 +37.0 +1.0 +1".0 liti SOlHEIMAJOK. E IS 0113 1930 1975 +1.0 +21.0 +22.0 +27.0 +17.0 1.2 OElDUFELLSJ. Ilt3 SKEIDARARJOKUL IS 01llt 19b1 1975 H -71.0 IS Ollb 1932 1975 -90.0 -5.0 M fill -15.0 -5.0 lltltSKEIOARARJ. E2 IS 0117 1932 1915 -2b.0 +21.0 -15.{) +9.0 llt5 SKEIDARARJ. El IS 0111 1932 1915 +19.0 -14.0 -21.10 -16.0 lltb SKEIDARARJ. Ea IS 0117 1932 1915 -b.O -b.O +10.0 -6.0 llt1 lEIPUFJ.JOKUlL IS 0200 1966 1915 -118.0 -48.0 -2~.0 0.0 llt8 JOKUlHALS IS 0201 1931t 191. -8.0 +5.0 149 HAGAFElLSJOKUL IS 0204 1934 150 NAUTHAGAJOKUlL 151 REYKJAFJARDARJ. IS 0300 1931 1915 152 BAEGISARJOKULl IS 0304 1939 1961 153 HAGAFELLSJOK E 'IS 030b 1934 1913 154 MULAJOKUll S. IS 0311 1933 1911 155 HUlAJOKUll W IS 0311 1961 1917 156 HORSARJOKUL l IS 0318 1932 1914 +24.0 +26.0 .M 157 SKAFTAFELLSJ. W IS 0419 1932 1915 -5.0 -7.0 -33.0 158, SKAFTAFEllSJ. E IS 0419 1932 1975 -10.0 +12.0 -12.0 159 SKAFTAFEllSJ. H IS 0419 1932 1915 +7.0 -15.0 +10.0 IbO SVINAFEllSJ. W IS 0520 1932 1915 +45.0 -3.0 161 SVINAFELlSJ~ E IS 0520 1932 1975 +7.0 162 SVINAFELlSJ. M IS 0520 1932 1975 +16.0 163 VIRKISJOKULl IS 0721 1932 1975 +10.0 +20.0 "IS 0210 1914 -317.0 -59.0 -90.0 19321911 VARIATIrlN M -1.0 -25.0 -52 •.() -36.;0 +11.0 M -15.0 0.0 +b.O -43.0 -11t0.0 +264.0 +665.0 +1.0 -31t.0 -30.0 -100.0 +41.0 -31.0 +1. O +900.0 +17.0 +6.0 IN POSITION +1.0 +12.0 -3.0 -10.0 +10.0 +10.0 +80.0 -3.0 +10.0 -2.0 -10.0 -.7.0 +12.0 -4.0 -10.0 +16.0 -3.0 -18.0 OF GLACIER' -5.0 +25.0 0.0 FRONTS TA~lE B, PAGE 4 141 NR GLACIER NAME 1b~ KVIA~JOKULL 1b5 HRUTARJOKULL 1bb FAlljOKUll Ib7 FJALLSJ. BRMFJ PSFG NR 1ST LAST SURVEY 1976 ·IS 0822 193~ 1975 +2.0 -22.0 IS 0923 19~B 1975 -B.O O. O IS 1021 1932 197' +19.9 +30.0 -5.0 IS 102~ 19~B 1975 +8.0 -ll.0 -3 •.0 -20.0 +5.0 -28.0 -7.0 +25.0 VA'<IATIO~S I~ METRES 1917 - 1978 1979 0.0 O.• o -27.0 0.0 fiol G-SEL IS 1024 194a 1~75 +12.0 -21.0 FJAllS. FITJAR IS 1024 1945 1975 -11.0 -9.0 -4.0 -b.O 170 ßREIDAHJOK.W.A IS ll~5 1932 1975 -25.0 -32. O -vo ,« -88.0 171 BREIDAMJOK.W.C IS 1125 1932 1975 -B8.0 -13'5.0 -125.0 -62.0 172 BREIDAMJOK.W.B IS 112~ 1932 1975 -50.0 -121.0 ~14.0 11 173 BREIDAMJOK.E.A IS 112b 1932 1975 -63.0 -2't.0 +47.0 17~ BREIDAMJOK.E.B IS 112b 1932 1975 -22.0 -55.0 -69.0 175 HO FFELL S J. W IS 2 O 31 1930 1 915 -57.0 -4? Ib6 FJAllSJ. 1b9 17b HOFFELLSJ. E IS 2132 1930 1915 177 TUNGNAARJOKUlL IS 2114 1955 1915' 17a EYJABAKKAJ. IS 2300 1912 1915 179 BRUARJOKUll IS 2400 19b3 lQ63 18 O KVER t< J.D K UlL I S '2 5 O O 19 b 3 1915 -8.0 O -10. O 19BO -95.0 +8.0 +29.0 +11.·0 -Z7.0 -12.0 -18.0 +16.0 +6.0 -34.0 -24.0 M PoI 11 -5.0 -10.0 -13.0 -101.0 -233.0 -1.0 -71.0 -114.0 -27.0 -13.0 0.0 -12.0 -5.0 -550.0 M -10.0 0.0 1'4 '" -Z.O M +21.0 NO~WAY 181 BUARBREEN N l1307 1900 1975 +2.0 +2. O 182 BONDHUSBREEN N 20408 1901 1975 +5.0 +7.0 183 STYGGEDALSBREEN N 30720 1901 1975 0.0 +2.0 -3.0 +2.0 +2. O +10. O +3.0 -3.0 -5.0 18~ AUST~RDAlSBREEN N 31220 1905 1975 +9.0 -1.0 -19. O -5.0 +3.0 185 BRIGSDAlSB~EEN N 37110 1900 1915 +30.0 +l3.0 +3. O +26.0 +34.0 '18b FAABERGSTOELßR. -2·8.0 -20.0 -23.0 +3.0 +1.0 -27.1) N 31015 1903 191"5 -,30.0 187 NIGARDSBREEN· N 31014 1899 1915 -1.0 188 AAlFOTBREEN N 3b204 197~ 1914 +l1.0 +20.0 +20. O 169 STEGHOlTBREEN N 31021 1903 1975 -12.0 -12.0 -9.0 -6.0 -1.0 190 ENGABREEN N bl011 1903 1915 +7.0 +31.0 +25.0 +20.0 -5.0 191 WERENSKIOlDBR N 12501 1957 1973 192 HANSBREEN N 12419 193b 19bO 0.0 -14.0 -75.0 M M M M M -l50.0 SWEDEN 193 SAlAJEKNA S 0759 IB97 1974 194 PA~TEJEKNA S 0763 1965 1975 -15.:l -20.0 -Z7.0 -10.0 -34.0 -8.0 -3,..0 195 RUOPSOKJEKNA S 0764 1965 1972 196 VA~TASJEKNA S 0765 l96~ 191~ 0.0 197 MIKKAJEKNA S 0766 1896 1975 -zt ,n 198 RUOTE~JEKNA S 07b1 1965 1975 -~1.0 -11.0 199 SUOTTASJEKNA S 0766 1964 lq7~ -19.0 -5.0 -13.8 200 STUOR RAEITAGl. S 0784 1963 1972 -17.0 201 RABOTS GLACIAER S 0765 1946 1915 -14.0 -b.O -10.0 VARIATION 142 IN POSITION -~.O -Itt-.o '" OF GLACIER FRONTS TABLE B, -13,,0 PAGE 5 NR GL AC I ER NAME PSFG NR 202 ISFALLS GLAC. S 1ST LAST SURVE'f VMHATIIJNS tN METRES 1977 1978 1919 191b 0781 1897 1975 ST ST 1980 ST -10.0 -10.0 -10.0 ST -Z.O -1.0 -6.0 203 STORGLACIAEREN S 078e 1891 1914 201t KUDTOTJAKKAGL. S 0195 1963 1915 -3.1 '" H 205 PASSUSJIETNA W S 0196 1968 1975 -11.0 -7.0 M M 206 PASSUSJIETNA E S 0197 1968 1975 -Z.O -1t.0 M M S 0198 1905 1975 -7.0 -8.0 -8.0· +.4.6 +2.6 +.7 207 KARSOJIETNA -10.0 FRANC E 208 BLANC F 0031 1817 1915 209 SAINT SORLIN F 0015 1957 1975 210 GEBROULAZ F 0009 1130,1975 211 BOS SONS F 0001t 1861 1975 -l!S.O -20.0 -30.0 +25.0 F 0003 1891 1972 +50.0 +ZO.O +lB.O +8.0 +10.0 F 0002 1818 197~ +53.0 +12.0 +lb.O Z12 MER DE GLACE 21 3 AR G EN T I E R E +25.0 -16.2 -3.4 +57.0 ·+15.0 s W I T Z E R ~ AND --,_,--------211t RHONE CH 0001 1670 1975 -18.3 +15.ft 215 MUTT CH 0002 1918 1975 -Z.l SN CH 0003 1961 1975 -35.6 Zlb GRIES 217 FIESCHER 218 GROSSER CH 0001t 1891 1975 ALETSCH CH 0005 -ZO.6 1866 1975 -9.6 +7.1t -3.2 +19.3 +31.0 +9.5 -4.7 -5.3 -21 •.6 -2.9 -12. e +19. ,. -21.1 -28.2 219 HITTElALETSCH CH 0106 1969 1915 -67.6 -10.2 220 08ERALETSCH CH 0006 1963 1975 -7.2 ST -l.b 2 Z l KALTWASSER CH q001 1691 1971 -10.1 +62.0 +35.5 222 TAEl.LI80DEN CH 0006 1921 1975 -22.5 223 OFENTAL CH 0009 1921 1971 Z21t SCHWARZ8ERG CH 0010 1915 1915 -2.3 +13.1 2Z 5 ALLAL IN CH 0011 leeo 1975 -17.1 +3.5 ST 2Z6 KESSJEN CH 0012 1927 1915 -12.4 2Z7 FEE NORD CH 0013 1879 1975 +6.0 228 GaRNER ST +1t.1t +x +)( +14. '3 +20.,5 x .s~ .+ +9.0 +b.O -3.0 -12.,9 -1.5 -12.8 -21.b -B.b -lZ.7 -5.0 ST -3.0 +7.3 -11.1 +)( +81.0 +x +b8.0 +9.6 +9b.5 +16.9 +53.4, +x +12.2 +11.0 +16.0 CH 0011t 1882 1975 -1t1.8 ZHUTT CH 0015 1892 1915 -4b.0 230 F.INOELEN CH 0016 1892 1975 "6.3 231 BIS CH 9101 1882 1~75 ST -x 232 RIfO CK 0011 1895 1975 -ft.3 -ft.7 233 LANG CH o O 18 18 88 1915 -11.0 -33.:0 +26.0 -167.0 CH 0019 1883 1915 -3.8 -3.1 -2.8 -13.1 +2ft,2 -3.3 Z29 Z34 TURTHANN -, 235 BRUNEGG _- Z36 BELLA TaLA 237 ZINAL 238 HOMING 239 MOIRY -29.5 -53.5 -22.0 -3.0 +)( -~.2 -x .H -22.0 H -1.1 +84.2 ST +x -lft.9 -13.ft +7.0 CH 0020 19ltl 1975 ~ +5.2 -3.1 +23.1 +1.1 CH OOZl 191t5 1975 -Z3.9 -10.1 +7.'1 +50.1 +8.4 CH 0022 1891 1975 -31.6 -25.2 +7.2.14 -10.5 +3.8 CH 0023 1885 1975 +14.0 +.5 -12.0 +10.0 CH OOZIt 1891 1915 -.5 -2.5 VARIATION -6.5 IN POSITIOK OF GLACIER -,5.5 FRONTS TABLE BJ +23.1t PAGE b 143 NR GLACIER 240 NAHE PS FG NR FERPECLE CH 0025 1ST LAST SURVE y 1891 VARIAT{O~S I~ METRES 1976 1917 1978 1979 1975 +3.8 +'5.2 +'.,0 +2 •.3 1980 +16.6 241 HONT HIN E CH 0026 195b 1975 -6.2 +19.0 +8. O +1.8 +2.8 242 BAS O'AROLlA CH 0027 18B3 +6.0 +8.0 +8.0 +8.5 +8.1 NOUVE 1975 243 TSIOJIORE CH 0028 1880 1975 +10.0 +16.0 +5.0 +10.0 +10.8 244 CHEILLON CH 0029 191B 1975 -19.0 -1.0 -5.1 -5.0 -~.5 24 5 E N D AR R E Y CH 0030 1926 1975 -36.5 -.7 +x -2.0 SN 24b GRAND CH 0031 1891 1Q15 -'t.o 247 MONT FORT CH 0032 1891 1915 -s ,u' 248 TSANFLEURON CH 0033 1892 1915 -15.0 -'tB.0 249 OTEHHA CH 0034 1886 197' -17.5 -18.0 -5.3 0.0 250 HONT CH 0035 1885 1975 -9.0 -5.0 -13.0 -9.0 251 BP ENEY CH 0036 188b 1975 -~1.0 -5.5 -8.0 252 GIETRO C~ 0037 1888 1915 -.4 +b.1 ·+3.8 +b.O +11.0 253 CORBASSIERE CH 0038 1886 1915 0.0 +1. O +11. O +14.0 254 VAL SOREY CH 0039 1889 1915 +3.5 +1.2 +5.'0 +1.0 +2.0 255 TSElJoET CH 0040 1890 1975 -9.0 -4.0 -26.0 +5.O +1.0 256 BOVEYRE CH 0041 1889 1975 +1.5 +2.6 +4.0 +3. O +2.0 257 SAlEINA CH 0042 1688 1975 +8.5 +6.5 +tl.5 258 TRIENT CH 0043 1876 1915 +2.B +4.6 +3.2 +9. 259 PANEYROSSE CH 00,.'t 1893 1913 +b.4 -b.1 +35. B -16.2 +11.9 +11.2 -8.2 +39.5 -18.5 +22.6 DESERT DURAND PLAN NEVE -2.6 0.0 260 GRAND CH ~045 1893 lQ73 . 2b1 HARTINETS CH 004b 1894 1975 -x 262 SEX CH 0047 1898 1915 -1.2 +3.0 263 PRAPIO CH 0048 1898 1915 -4.0 +tl.O 264 PIERREDAR CH 0049 1920 1975 265 O B ER A AR CH O O 5O 1919 19 7 5', 266 UNTERAAR POUGE -x 1915 -16.5 -6.9 1886 1975 -12.5 -'5.0 STEIN CH 0053 1893 1975 +6.0 STEINlIMHI CH 0054 1961 1975 -11.0 CH 0055 1920 1Q75 -x 211 ROSENLAUI CH 0056 1880 1Q14 272 OB.GRINDELWALD CH 0057 1880 1915 273 U.GRINoElWALD 214 EIGER 0.0 -13.5 -31.0 +6.0 +11.5 o -i e, o +11. O -~.5 +6.5 +x -x +x -2.1 -8.2 -32 •.6 1893 CH 0052 TRIF~ -18.0 +1.3 +6.2 2b9 -38.0 ST +1.0 270 +4.0 +3b.0 -23.0 +3.0 0.0 CH 0051 (GADHEN) +lb.O +11.0 +12.0 SN 2b7 GAULI 2b8 +4.5 -13.0 -l. -1.6 -14.9 O -4.0 -1.0 +7.0 +21.5 +11.5 +2.0 +61. O -56. -x ST ST ST +x +x +12.0 +b.3 +6.1 +1.0 +75.0 CH 0058 1880 1975 -8.0 -4.0 CH 0059 .1893 1975 +10.0 +8. ~ +8.19 +15.0 +5.0 O +x ST +125.0 +3.3 +12.9 215 TSCHINGEL CH OObO 1893 1915 +2.4 +2.3 216 GAHCHr C~ 0061 1B93 1915 -2.8 -2.7 +b. b CH 0109 1693 1975 0.0 +2. e +1.6 -.2 CH 0062 1924 1915 -4.0 -.8 -5.5 -+2.0 217 ALPETLI 218 SCHWARZ KANDER 219 lAEHMERN CH 0063 1911 1975 280 ß~UEHLISAlP CH 006~ 1893 1974 281 AMt'lEPTEN CH 0111 19b9 1c175 282 RAETZlI CH 0065 1923 1915 VARIATIDN 144 -16.0 +x +2.'5 +1.5 ·+x +10.4 +1.2 +8.1 +2.1 +9.0 +3.8 -8.8 +3.3 +x +X -x +4. '.\ -9.8 -.8 +1.3 +2.9 ST -17.9 -2.0 +1.8 -4.6 +7.0 IN POSITION OF GLACIER FRONTS T4l\Lf B, PAGE 1 NR GLACIER NAHE PSFG NR 1ST LAST SURVEY 1976 VARtATtO~S IN METRES 1917 1918 1919 1980 +~.O 283 TIEFEN CH 0066 1925 1975 -7.3 +5.0 +4.0 284 SANKT ANNA CH 0067 1925 1975 +4.5 +It.O +1. O 285 KEHLEN CH 0068 1893 1975 +10.8 286 ROTF IRN NOR D CH 0069 1956 1975 +3.8 -6.0 287 OAH",A CH 0010 1919 1915 +8.7 +5.2 288 WALL ENBUR CH 0011 1693 1914 +3.5 -7.2 +12.,5 289 BRUNN! CH 0072 1882 1975 -25.5 +.5 +~q.O -~o.o 290 HUEFI CH 0013 1882 1915 -38.0 O.!O +18.0 +29.0 291 GRIESS (U.SCH.) CH 001~ 1928 1975 -5.4 +1.0 +x 292 FIRNALPELI 189~ 1915 -38.8 +22.0 +26.1 EAST CH 0075 +5.4 I' -B.O 0.0 +9.3 +1 q.l +2.18 +'t.5 +13.0 +2.5 +2't.5 +9.0 +10.0 +12.0 -,..0 +12.0 +x +15.0 SN -4.0 -1~.0 +17.5 293 GR IESS E N (OW) CH 0076 189~ 1975 291t BIFERTEN CH 0017 1893 1915 -~.6 295 LIMMERN CH 0018 1964 1915 -11.4 CH 011~ i969 1975 -7.6 297 SULZ CH 0019 1912 1915 +4.4 -2.0 298 GLAERNISCH CH 0060 1923 1975 +~.O 299 PIZOL CH 0081 1893 1975 300 LAVAZ CH 0062 1899 1975 301 PUNTEGLIAS CH 0083 1895 1915 -1.0 302 LENTA CH OOBIt 1895 1975 -1.0 303 VORAB CH 00B5 1893 1975 -12.7 30~ PARAD lES CH 0086 1698 1975 -311.0 -'t3.0 +94.13 305 SURETTA CH 0087 1920 1915 -128.0 +71.0 -14.4 CH 0088 1893 1975 -20.0 -B.5 -3.5 CH 0089 1926 1975 -6.5 +6.,' +6.'5 308 SILVRETTA CH 0090 1956 1975 -1.8 -10.2 +4.1 -1.8 +~.l 309 SARDaNA CH 0091 1895 1915 -9.6 +2.2 +6.6 -~.o +7.8 310 ROSEG CH 0092 189~ 1915 +13.1t P1 -.8 311 TSCHIEPVA C~ 0093 1891t 1915 -31t.' '1 +10.7 +11.5 CH 009~ 1818 1915 -26.8 -5.1 -23.3 313 CALDERAS CH 0095 19Z0 191~ M 31~ TIATSCHA CH 0096 1926 1915 0.0 +1.2 +3.:5 +3.5 315 SESVENNA CH 0091 1956 1975 -2.5 +1.6 +2.'t -7." -.1 316 L!SCHANA CH 0098 1895 1915 P1 ST -x +26.9 -Z.4 CAMBRENA 29b 30b PLATTALVA PORCHARELLA 301 VERSTANKLA 31:2 110RTERATSCH +1.0 +5.7 +5.!2 +3.2 +11.0 -.1 +3.1 -1.3 +2.2 SN +&.!O +Z.4 -1.8 +~.!1 +13.5 -z.O +5.6 +1.2 -3.b -~3.b +9.0 +80.16 -l2'.O +16.2 P1 -108.7 +92.3 -5't.0 -2.2.8 ";'3 •. 5 -10.0 0.0 -10.0 -12.3 -2.,8 -2.0 -1.0 +11.3 +X -1.6 -'.2 -33. 2 . -22.Ò() 1 1888 1915 +1.5 +8.5 +8.'0 CH 0100 1894 1915 +3.9 +8.3 +10.:0 319 PARADISINO CH 0101 1955 1971 SN 320 FORNO CH 0102 189~ 1915 H 321 CORNO -12.8 322 M CH alZO 1892 1915 VAllEGGIA CH 0111 1971 1975 +.1 SN +40.0 +14.3 -50.3 +~. 5 0.0 +1.5 -4Z.5 -10.0 +9.5 +5.0 +6.5 H +X SN -6.8 -12.Z -30.0 ~ M 323 VAL TORTA CH 0118 1910 1975 -It't.O +'to.o CH 0103 1896 1976 P1 ST 0.0 325 CAVAGNOl! CH 0119 1893 1916 M 'iN '1 IN POSITION OF GLACIER -23.,3 -11.1 324 BRESC rANA VARIATION +1.5 -5b.4 P1 CH 0099 -21.0 -3.7 -37.0 318 P.ALUE -, 31.7 ST +~.3 11 +171.0 ~ SN +15.0 +54.2 SN -14.8 +.4 +x . FRONTS TARLE B, -.7 PAGE 8 145 NR GLACIER NAME' PSFG NR 1ST LAST SURVEY 197b VARIATIONS IN MET~ES 1917 1978 1919 326 BASODINO CH OlO~ 1892 lq75 -3.0 +X 327 ROSSBODEN CH 0105 1891 1975 -2.0 -.7 +)( +1?,3 1980 +25.8 +10.3 -11.3 -4.7 ALJSTRI4 328 LITZNERGL. A 0101 1932 1975 -.4 +1.6 -l.'t -3.7 -.1 329 KLOSTERTALER N. A lOZA 1968 1915 -1.9 +4.8 +4.6 -1.1 +3.0 330 KLOSTERTALER M. A 102~ lq6~ 1975 -2.4 -.1 +5.4 +.9 +b.9 331 KLOSTERTALER S. A 10ZC lql~ 1915 -4.0 0.0 -.1 -.1 332 OCHSENTAlERGL. A 01Ò3 1901 1975 +1.6 333 VERI1UNT GL. A 010~ 19131915 -8.4 +.1 -5.0 -9.8 33~ BIElTAL A ~105 1924 1975 -5.3 't. ß +1.,3 -3.Z +.1 335 JAMTAL F. A 010b 189l 1975 -1.5 -3.6 -1.7 -/t.b -1.~ LARA IN F. -3.2 -1.7 -1.7 -1.2 +)( +x F. +~1,1 +7.9 +19.6 -.9 +23.~ +.9 A 0107 1928 1975 -l.B 337 SCHATTENSPITZ A 0108 1973 1915 lX -.5 338 SCHNEEGLOCKEN A 0109 1913 1975 -8.2 +2.1 339 TOTENFELD A 0110 1976 191b A 0201 1891 1975 +5.,Q +1.~ A 0202 1886 1975 -b.5 +1.b +~.O +3.1 F. A Ol03 1950 1975 +2.1 +2. O +3.0 +4.5 +9.0 A 0204 1919 1975 +4.7 +It.~ +5.7 +B.2 +13. e +11.3 33b 340 WEISSEE F. 341 GEPATSCH F. 342 HT.OElGRUREN 3~3 SEXEGERTEN F. tX +5.4 +11.6 +19.7 -.1 +2.5 +11.0 +3.3 +3.7 +.4 +5.0 1690 1915 -Zl.l -9.3 -8.6 -11.3 -13.5 +8.b 192~ 1975 -1.5 3~6 KARLES A 0207 1950 1975 A 0208 F. +/t.o +11.0 1924 1975 020b 348 HINTEREIS +2.0 +19.2 t.5 0205 A F. +5.7 +1~.1 A 3~7 HOCHJOCH +3.5 +10.9 +j( +/t.3 -.6 34~ TA.SCHACH F. 345 MITTEL BERG F. F. +4.5 A 0209 1891 1975 -15.6 -5.3 -b.5 -10.8 -5.b 3~9 GUSLAR F. A 0210 1894 1975 -10.1 +9.4 +8.8 +~. 2 +8.6 350 VERNAGT A 0211 1888 1975 -10.1 . -3.5 +5.4 +.8 +7.R A 0212 1951 1975 -1.3 A 0214 1891 1975 A 0215 1891 1975 +3.2 +1.0 A 0216 1691 1915 -3.3 0.0 A 0211 1891 F. 351 RETTENBACH F. 352 MITTERKAR 353 ROFENKAR F. F. 35~ TAUFI<AR F. 355 NIEDERJOCH F. 1q15 0.0 -Z9.l +1.0 +1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +7.1 +11.1 +8.8 +7.1 -,j( -)( 1891 1975 +3.3 0219 1924 1975 -x 358 DIEM F. A 0220 1893 1975 -10.1 -2.5 F. A 0221 1891 1974 -9.0 -.3 3bO GUPGl ER F. A 0222 1895 1967 -x F. 3bl RQTMOOS F. 3b3 GAISSBERG 3b~ KESSELWAND 3b5 MUTI1Al F. 3b6 SULZTAL F. F. F. 146 -8. O +13.5 -'JC -6.8 -5.0 -1.0 +.3 +4.5 -3.0 -)( -4.~ -lO.b SN -29.0 -14.5 -1.0 -x -26.0 +1.5 0.0 +7.8 +18. O +19.9 +18.2 +14.8 +24.S; +21.,5 +32.8 +35.9 +1.0 +b,3 +12.8 +14.8 +19.6 +26.1 A 0223- 1B91 1975 A 0224 1891 1975 -14.5 A 0225 1891 1915 A ,022b 19b5 1975 A 0221 19b9 1915 +1.8 A 0301 19l1 lq75 +1.6 VARIATION -.5 -7.0 +10.1 0218 3bl LANGTALER -l.O -1~.3 A 359 SPIEGEL 0.0 -12.,3 A F. +11.3 -1.8 351 SCHALF F. 356 MARlELL +.1 +3.1 -4.8 IN POSITION +8. " +10.8 OF GLACIER FRONTS TABLE B, PAGE 9 NR GLACIER NAHE 3b1 BOCKI<OGEL PSF G NR F. A 3b8 SCHWARZENBERG 3b9 BACHF ALLEN LAENGENTALER 311 LIESENSER 312 ALPEINER BERGLAS HOCHHOOS 315 DAUNI<OGEL 376 RIlDSTOECKl 371 SCHAUFEL 318 FERNAU 319 SULZENAU 380 GRUENAU 381 W. GRUEBL 1978 1919 -x +)( +x -x 1980 0303 1905 1915 -4.B +6.8 +5.·5 +7.0 0304 1922 1915 -9.5 -1t.13 -.9 -6.0 -1.5 F. A 0305 1922 1975 +13.3 +11.9 e +18.1 F. 311 1915 IN METPES 1917 A F. 314 1922 VARIATIONS 1916 A F. 310 0302 1ST LAST SURVEY F. F. F. F. F. F. +15.4 +13. +12.1 A 030b 1922 1915 -9.3 +5.1 A 0301 1881 1915 -9.9 -lo.e A 0308 1891 1915 +4.2 +1.1 +1.4 +1.0 A 0309 1946 1915 -1.8 +2.8 +2.:3 -2.3 +3.5 A A3l0 1891 1915 -5.6 0.0 +3.7 +3.3 +8.2 A B3l0 1922 1915 -b.9 -12.9 -2.0 -.3.9 -1.1t Å 0311 1922 1915 -4.1 +4.6 +5 •. 0 +10.0 A 0)12 1890 1915 -6.4 +6.5 +?.2 -1.3 +1t.5 A 0314 1891 1915 +11.1 +28.1 +30.9 +18.6 -.8 +10.e -5.1 +10.1 +.15 0.0 -1.1 -.9 -1.1 -1.1t +13.5 +3.5 \ F. F. A 0315 1891 1975 F. .A 0316 1891 1913 F. +4.5 ~ 382 E.G~UE~L A 0317 1891 1915 -11.9 383 SIHHING F. A 0318 1922 1915 -6.6 +9. 381t FR EIGER F. A 0.320 1911t 1915 +4.4 385 ALP.KRAEUL F. +24.4 -1.1 +1.6 +.9 e +8.0 -.4 +1.0 '+22.0 +2.4 +6.9 +11.3 +10.9 -9.0 A 0321 1915 1915 +X +2.1 +3.7 38b VERBORGENBERG A 0322 1911 1917 +X +3.8 +.3 +1.8 381 TRIEBENKARLAS A 0323 1918 1918 +16.5 +13.2 388 WAXEGG +20.5 389 HOPN 390 SC H WA R ZE N ST E IN K'. 1<. +x A 0401 1895 1975 +5.3 +6.0 +20.0 +9.0 A 01t02 1661 1915 +6.5 +16.1) +1.5 +9.0 +15.0 A 0403 18 8 1 l 915 + 8.0 +40.0 +24.0 +1t1t.0 +1B.0 +.4 +12.1 +8.8 391 WILDGERLOS A 0404 1973 1915 +16.5 +18.0 392 SCHLEGEl S K. A 01t05 1918 1918 +14.8 +17.0 393 FURTSCHAGL A 0406 1918 1978 +7.0 391t KRIMHLER A 0501 1B95 1915 K. A 0502 1880 1915 K A 0503 189b 1915 -4.5 +6.6 A Oi05 1891 1915 -9.4 -4.5 K. K. -1.8 +5.2 +3.it +11t.3 -1t.0 -15.5 395 OBERSULlBACH 396 UNTERSULZBACH 391 VILTRAGEN 398 SCHLATEN K. A 050b 1891 1915 -2.4 +.8 +1.9 399 FROSNITl ~. A 0507 1923 1975 -.5 +13.3 +9.8 400 ZETTALUNITZ A 0508 1896 1975 -15.3 -10'. f3 -13.1t -5.0 itOl DORFER K. A 0509 1896 1913 -95.1 +4.5 SN -.8 1t02 MAURER KEES A 0510 1896 1915 SN 1t03 SIMONY K. A 0511 1896 1915 -5.2 itOItUHBAl K. K. K. -lb.5 A 0512 18961915 A 0601 1963 ~. A A602 19b1 1975 4b7 KA. TAUERN K. S A 8602 1961 1915 +3.0 ~ 0603 1961 1915 H, A 0604 1979 1919 it05 SONN8lICK 406 TAUERN it08 PRAEGRAT 409 LANDECK K. 1<. K. 1975 VARIATION -13.1 +.9 IN POSITION -3.b SN -101.5 +6.4 . +1t.0 \ +3.8 +5.8 +7 .•5· -2.0 +2.2 ' +.6 +4. e +12.5 +5.2 +28.3 -.4 -8.0 S~ SN SN -.1 -b.B -1.5 -3.b -.1 -10.2 -4.0 -1.1 -2.6 +3.0 +it.1 +X SN +X +)( +1.5 +4.0 +4.5 +6.3 ST +)( +)( -x -x OF GLACrE~ F~QNTS TASLE B, +3.0 PAGE 10 147 NR GLACIER NAME 410 KARLINGER PSFG NR K. 411 BAERENKOPF K. VAR t AT r ONS IN ME TPES 1977 1978 1919 1ST LAST SURVEY 1976 -lO.Z +17.8 tb.O +X +6.7 +2.7 SN A 0701 1896 1974 A 070Z 1924 1980 0703 1896 1974 -9.5 +X 412 KlOCKEIUN K. A 413 PASTERZEN K. A 0704 1879 1975 -12.1 -10.9 A 0705 1943 1975 -3.0 -3.3 A 0706 1950 1975 +2.6 4lb PFAND1SCHARTEN A 0707 1931 1975 -5.8 417 ElSER K. A 0708 1961 1975 SN A 0709 1954 1915 A 0710 A A 422 RIFFLKAR K. A 0713 1961 1975 423 MAURER K. A 0714 19b1 1975 424 WURfER K. A 0715 1961 1975 A 0716 1961 1975 A 0717 1961 1975 A 0118 19b1 1915 414 WASSERFlllWINKl ,415 FREIWAND K. 418 GRIESSKOGl K. 419 SCHWARZKOEPFl 420·0EDENWINKEl 421 UNT.RIFFl K. K. 425 SCHWARZKARL 42b K. KlEINEISER K. 427 RIFFl K. N 1980 -14.l -11.2 -10.7 -1.4 +.2 SN +1. Z 0.0 +.4 +4.B -1.1 SN SN SN SN tX +)( SN ')N +5.0 +X 1954 1975 SN t1.0 +8.0 +X 0712 1960 1975 -lB.l 0713 1960 1975 :'3.6 -17.3 -5.'" tX +.5 -.7 +x -e.7 -B.l -.3 -.4 -.6 S~ +X +X t3. o -1.4 tX +lC +X -10.3 +2.0 +1.5 ST SN t1.0 -1.5 +4.0 +'t.0 +1.5 +x +10.9 +x -.5 +x +3.5 42 8 VD. K A S TE N K. A O71 q l ST . S~ -)( +x 429 LAPERWITZ A 0121 1974 1915 +x SN t'( +x K. Q bIl Q 7.5 430 FRUSCHNITZ K. A 0722 1974 1975 +X SN +x ST 431 TEISCHNITZ K. A 0123 1975 1915 tX SN tX ST 432 HOFMANNS K. +x A 0724 1917 1917 433 KL. FlEISS K. A oeOl 1896 1915 434 VOG.OCHSENKAR A 0802 435 WURTEN K., A- 0804 436 UEBERGOSS.ALM A 0901 1892 1915 SN t.~ SN -3.1 SN 431 GROSSELEND A 1001 1898 1915 +1.5 +3.3 t3.4 +8.8 +5.3 A 1002 1898 1975 -1.1 +2.3 +3. '3 +3.0 + K. A 1003 1927 1975 t10.4 -'5.3 K. 438 KLEINELEt-1OK. 439 KAfLBERSPITZ 1896 1915 -3.3 +5.1 1896 1915 -3.4 A 1004· 1925 1913 A 1005 1898 1915 442 WINKL K. K. +lC +11.5 441 HOCHALI1 K. 440 W TRIPP +)( -6.8 SN S~ +16.4 -5.4 +3. " +4.2 t5.8 -7.3 -1.7 +'t.0 -9.8 -2.9 -2.4 5.1 SN +2.4 ')N +1. B +2.1 A 1006 1928 lQ15 -.2 +8.3 +5. :3 G. A 1101 1933 1915 -10.'t +1.5 +.2 t1.5 +4.1 444 HAllSTAETTER G. A 1102 1843 1975 -b.1t -5.4 -18.5 t.1t tl.4 G. A 1103 1933 1915 SN t3.0 A 1104 19&9 1975 -5.7 +?.O 447 AGNELLO I 0029 1928 1975 448 RUTOR I 0189 1927 1975 -5.5 449 LEX BLANCHE I 0209 1929 1915 -27.0 450 MIAGE I 0213 1929 1975 tX 443 GR.GOSAU 445 SCHLADMINGER 446 SCHNEELOCH G. tX tl.5 +1.0 +.9 t7.1 SN SN ITALY VARIATION 148 IN POSITION +1b.0 +7.0 t8.:O +4.0 -4.0 -5.0 -5.0 -37.0 +16.5 +X +x OF GLACIER +x -x FRO~TS TAßLE B, PAGE 11 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR 451 BROU I LLAR D I 1t52 BRENVA 453 TOULA 1ST LAST SURVEY VARIATIONS IN MFTRES 1977 197.B 1979 1916 021ó 1929 1975 ST I 0219 1929 1975 +2.5 I 0221 1929 1975 -x +x ST 1980 +x 'fl +11.:5 451t PRE DE BAR I 0235 1929 1975 -3.0 1t5' TZA DE TIAN I 0259 1927 1975 +1.0 1t5b GR. HURAILLES +x +10.0 +x +28.0 SN +2.0 +8. O' +6.5 +1.0 -1.0 -2.0 +9.0 +11.10 +8.0 +17.0 I 0260 1931t 1975 -l.O ST I 0304 1927 1975 -5.0 +5.5 I 0312 1924 1973 +5.5 +12.0 4"9 BE L VE DER E I 0325 1927 1974 -x -15.0 1t60 AURONA I 0338 1958 1977 +x -/t1.0 461 CAHOSCI I 03bl 1958 19'7 ST -22.0 +20.0 -2.0 +1l.0 -1b.0 -2.0 4'7 LYS it'S PIODE 1t62 VE NTINA I 0416 1890 197' I 0435 1925 1975 464 FELL ARIA OCC.DI I 0439 1915 1975 465 CARDONNE I 0~69 1932 1975 I 01t73 1932 1975 Itb3 Itb6 CASPOGGIO OCC.DI DOSDE OR.OI +9.0 +'t.0 1t67 PLATIGlIOlE I 01t8l 1922 1975 VITELLI I 01t83 1921 197' \_,P1 y 0507 lR80 1975 ST I 0512 1925 1975 Itb8 1t69 FORNI 470 DOSEGU 1t71 PISGAHA DCC. I '0577 1920 1975 47.2 MA NOR ONE I Ob39 1896 1975 ST 1t73 NARDIS OCC.OI I 0640 1925 1974 , -l4.0 471t AMOLA I Obltlt 191t2 1975 ) -6.0 47 5 PR ESANELlA I 0678 1951 1974 -6.0 I, 0699 1899 1915 47b LA HARE +15 •.5 -x +16.0 SN -10.0 -It.O +8.0 +3.0 +3.0 +1.0 ST +19.0 +7.0 +8.0 +.10.:0 +3.5 -3.0 +3't.0 +28.0 +39.0 +13.0 +13.0 -7.0 +2.0 -6.0 -1.0 +6.5 +7.0 +x +x SN , SN +9.5 ST -12.0 SN +22.0 -33.0 SN +27.0 +IB.O 0728 1925 1975 SN SN I 0729 1925 1975 +2.0 +4.0 479 ALTA VEDRETTA I 0730 1923 1975 +12.0 +14.5 480 FORCO~A I 0731 1923 1975' +31.0 48 1 CEVE DALE I O7 32 192 3 l97 5 +21.0 4A2 LUNGA VEDRETTA I 0733 1923 1975 -11.0 483 lAY DI FUORI I 0751 1930 1975 0754 1926 1975 1922 1974, ST +13.0 I 0762 ST +1.3.0 VEDRETTA I +9.0 +111.0 VEDRETTA I ST +50. O 478 ULTIMA 464 ROSIH ST ST 477 SERAN. 485 SOLDA +7.0 +x +17.0 +)( +8.5 +8~0 +40.0 +23.0 +20.0 +3.0 +l.O +4.5 +9.0 +?4.:5 +21.0 +10.0 +24.0 +15.0 +10.0 +1.0 SN +2.0 +x +18. O -2.0 +16.0 +21. O +3.0 +30.0 VALL ELUNGA I 0777 19l1 1971 ST +10.:0 1t87 BARBADORSO I 0776 1935 1975 +ll.0 +18. O ,+43.5 488 FONTANA I 0760 1915 1975 +10.0 +28.0 48b +4.0 I OCC~D +5.,0 489 GIOGO AL TO I OB13 1919 1971 -x 490 FOSSA OR.DELLA I 0813 1916 1973 SN SN +36.0 491 CRODA ROSSA I 0818 1916 1973 SN S~ -1l0.0 492 TESSA I 0829 1916 1975 SN +'59.0 493 FIAHHANT E DCC. I 0842 1916 1971t VARIATION -')b.O +20.0 SN +15.0 +30.0 SN IN POSITION OF GLACIER fRO~TS TAßlE B. PAGE 12 149 NR GLACIER NAME 49it QUAIRA 495 G~AN 496 NEVES it91 LANA 498 VALLE 499 ROSSO 500 COLLALTO 501 GIGANTE PSF G NR 1ST LAST SURVEY V A s r AT I 1977 1976 oN S I N ME T P E S lq78 1919 ,.. I 0889 PILASTRO I 0893 1932 1973 -65.0 I 0902 1930 1974 -26.0 I 0913 1930 197b DEL VENTO I 0919 1932 1977 SN +X DESTRO I 0920 1952 1977 S~ +3.5 I 0927 1932 1975 +l.. I 0929 1930 1915 -15.,5 OR. 50Z GI GANTE 503 OCC.DI 501t CANIN 505 CANIN CENTR. DCC. 1931 19b8 +9.5 -8.3 -5.5 -re s s . ST H 1980 "1 BIANCA SN +7.0 +12.:2 -7.0 5 +32.5 +6.5 +12.5 +3.5 -5.b I 0930 1930 1975 I 0981 1921 1975 -3.0 SN OR. I 0981t 1896 1971t +6.5 SN +3.5 DCC. I 0965 1896 197~ SN SN +24.5 MONTASIO +6.0 -29.0 \ +13.0 __ KENYA 50b KRAPF KN 0001 **** 1973 -15.0 501 JOSEPH KN fr003 1899 1973 -50.0 508 CESAP KN 0001t 1899 1973 509 TYNDALL KN 0005 1893 1969 510 DARWIN KN 0006 1919 1969 511 LEWIS KN 0008 la93 1914 -75.0 -3.0 -20.0 /-17.5 -------...-------_.-----------~--- ...... ------- ..-...---~-------- ...- ..-....- ..---- ..-- ..-1,,-------------------UNION OF SOVIET SOC. REP. 512 MARUKHSK 513 AlIBEKSt<.IY SU 3002 51it KHAKEL SU 3003 515 B. AZAU SU 3004 516 KULAK 511 BEZENGI SU 3006 518 TSEYA 519 SKAZKA I Y SU 3001 N. **** **** **** **** 1974 -3.2 -18.6 -3.1 -2.1 191ft -1.3 -.4 -9.3 -3.5 1914 -1.2 -.1 -5.8 -1.4 1915 +4.9 +33.5 +5.1 +23.1 * •• * *••• 1914 +8.5 1914 -14.6 SU 3001 .*** 1914 SU 3008 **** 1974 SU 3005 * -5 ~O +'3.2 -8.3 '- ... 7 -5.0 -11. O -7.2 -5.5 +4.4 +2.8 -2.0 -2.9 -1.2 -5.5 520 KOZITSITI. SU 3009 ••• 1971t -6.6 -9.0 521 NO. 503 SU 4003 1973 1974 -15.0 -15.0 522 NO. 501 523 DIDAL 524 Nn (NO. 513) 517 SU 4007 *.** 19 •• -1t.0 -4.0 SU 4013 1914 1975 -8.0 -8 • .() su 1975 1975 -9.0 4017 ** -36.0 +1..4 +3.0 -5.0 (,-6.0 -,..,0 -27.0 -4.0 -4.0 -9.0 -14.0 +11. o 525 SHAGAZI SU 4020 •• 1974 +10. 52b KHADYRSHA SU 4021 1971 1971 +18.0 +2.0 5Z7 GA~HO SU 4022 1940 1975 -4.0 -12.0 -8.0 0.0 528 SKOGACH SU 4023 1969 1975 -8.0 0.0 +14.0 +9.0 529 AKBAYTAL SU 4036 1911 1974 530 M. OKTYARRSKIY SU 4031 1971 1914 531 BAKCHIGIR SU 4038 1971 1914 VA~IATION 150 IN POSITION -10.0 -9.0 OF GLACIER FRrJNTS TABLE B, PAGE 13 o NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR s 1ST LAST SURVEY 532 RGO SU 4039 1916 1975 533 MEDVEZHIY 197b V A R tA T ION I ~ 1Q77 1978 +0\.0 +8.0 +0\6.0 1928 1975' SU 0\041 1926 1975 +70\.0 -2b.0 535 MAZARSKIY SU 4042 1958 1975 536 ZERAVSHANSKIY SU 4043 1908 1975 537 RAMA SU 4044 1929 1974 538 DIKHADANG SU 0\00\5 1959 1975 539 TRO SU 400\6 1959 1975 50\0 DIAKHANDAr~A SU 4047 •••• 1970\ ST 541 SU 0\055 1934 1975 -3.4 +5.;9 50\2 KY ReH IN SU 4056 1964 1975 ST +4.0 543 SU 4057 1964 1975 540\ TUTE K SU 4058 1961 1975 +b.O 545 SU 4059 1936 1975 +8.0 50\6 TURAMUZ-1 SU 0\060 1963 1970\ +9.0 -5.0 50\7 KYZYlGORUM SU 0\061 1961 1975 +3.3 +3.0 50\8 SEVERTSOVA SU 0\062 1957 1975 -12.0 50\9 BATYR8AY SU 0\063 190\0 1975 +12.0 550 GGP SU 4064 1972 1973 -3.0 551 ~YZYlKUL SU 4100 1974 1975 0.0 552 KAlESNIKA SU 5001 1973 1975 ST 553 TOKHAKSOLDY-l SU 5002 1975 1975 -8.0 554 GOlUBIHA SU 5060 •••• 1970\ +30.0 555 TURPAKBEL SU 5065 1928 1975 556 AYUTOR-2 SU 5066 1957 1975 557 At<.BUL At<.UlKUN SU 5067 1962 558 KARA8UlAK SU 5068 1960 559 TEKESHSAY-l SU 5070 1962 1975 -7.5 560 BARKRAK SREDNIY SU 5072 1963 1975 +6.0 KO~BElES KLYUEVA NIZH. -9.0 M -2.0 ~.o -25. 0.10 -12.0 -x +21.0 -10.0 -15.0 0.0 -4.4 -13.4 +6.? -7.0 -7.0 -66.0 +12.2 -10.0 +16.2 +3.7 +3.0 +30.4 -2.0 +1.0 +12.5 O ST -12.5 -4.6 -32.0 -16.7 -11. O -9.4 -12.9 +10.0 +17.6 -6.3 -12.2 -7.5 -12.7 ST -16.2 -10.0 -15.0 -2.0 ' +6.0 -10.8 1975 -9.0 +18.1 -32.0 ST -5.0 +b.O +14.0 -1.8 ST -5.6 -5.2 ST +2.6 -7.0 +6.0 +9.,8 -14.8 -4.3 ST +2.0 -15.3 -2.1 -24.0 -7.8 :>9.1 -4.9 +lb.O +1.0 . -5.1 . -6. 6 ST -25.1 +2't.6 +3.2 -q.o -1.3 -4.0 561 PAKHTA~OR SU 5071 1963 1973 -19.0 -b.2 -15. 562 TUYUK SU SU 5075 1946 1975 -22.0 -6.0 -16.0 563 SHOKALSKOGO SU 5078 1962 1975 +3.7 564 TALGAR YUZHNYY SU 5079 1962 1972 565 KARABATKAK SU 5080 19721973 566 MOlODEZHNYY SU '5090 1958 1973 -38.0 567 KOLTOR VOSTOCH. SU 5101 1943 1957 -170.0 568 AKSU SU 5102 1956 19~6 -190.0 569 KOLPAKOVSKOGO SU 5103 1943 1974 0.0 570 AYLAMA SU 5104 1955 1957 -115.0 +105.0 o -15.0 -5.0 o +15.4 +6.0 +34.0 +A.5 +b.2 +'3.9 -2.8 -'.>.0 -b.O +9.4 +11t.4 571 BEZYMYA~NYY SU 5105 1932 1974 572 SARI-TOR SU 5106 1930 19b1 -10.0 573 KElDYKE SU 5107 1955 1955 -112.5 574 KAI<AKOLTOR SU 5108 1943 1956 -810.0- POSITION -35.0 o -5.2 197~ IN -30.0 -140.0 -17.0 +3.2 -3.5 -3.0 -52.0 +4.0 -12.7 VARIATION -x +17.0 o -lb.O -.12. -lb.4 +0\.0 +24.0 -19. -28.0 1980 +11. O -x SU 400\0 530\ MUSHKETOVA RAYGORODSKOGO ME T R E S 1979 OF GLACIER +llt. FROHTS TAßLE B, PAGE l't 151 NR GLACIE~ NAME PSFG NR 1ST LAST SURVEY 1916 1932 1974 VARIATIONS I~ METRES 1917 197B 1979 lqeO 515 DAVIDOVA SU 5109 516 BOROU SU 5110 1932 1974 511 SHUMSKOGO SU 6001 1914 1974 -1.6 518 MALYY BERElSKIY SU 7083 1962 1975 -29.2 579 I'4ALYYAKTRU SU 7100 1911 1975 -1.0 -3.0 -10. '5 -1.5 -1.0 580 PRAVYY AKTRU SU 7101 1936 1975 -3.5 -7.8 -1t.5 -6.8 -5.9 581 lEVYY AKTRU SU 7102 1936 1975 -4.7 -9.1 -b.2 -8.3 -4.4 582 KU RUMDLl SU 7103 1936 1975 -4.4 -5.6 -6.1 -3.9 -3.7 583 GRECHISHI<INA SU 8001 **** 58~ KOZELSKIY SU 8005 19b1 1975 +260.0 14' 0.0 -6.9· -32.l -7.3 +2.-2 -64.5 -50.0 1964 +40.0 -10.0 -30.0 ST -'J( 585 HUTNOVSKIY NE SU 8011 1919 1C}79 -13.0 58b MUTNOVSKIY SW SU 8012 1979 1979 +lO~O NO.4 CN 0061 1963 1976 -9.0 -b.O CN 0003 1958 1975 -1.0 -1.0 -91.6 CHINA 587 SHUIGUANHE 586 QI YI . -4. O 5B9 lAOHUGUO CN 0004 1956 1962 590 URUKCIHE S.NO.l CN 0010 1959 1973 591 TUGEBIELICI C~ 0012 1959 1964 592 MUnUERT C~ 0013 1959 1964 -30 ..0 593 KA l AG E YUL E W U K • C ~ O O 14 1959 1964 -210.0 594 KEGII<ER CN 0015 191t2 595 SAYIGAPEIR CN 0016 •••• 19~2 596 QIERGANBUlAK CN 0017 1960 1913 597 RONGBU CN 0018 1959 1968 59B QIANGYONG CN 0019 1974 1975 1973 -30.0 -150.0 +x +2100.0 -x ST -12.5 +14.0 ----------------------------------_._------------------------------------------------ANTARCTICA -x 599 SCHLATTER AN 0004 1973 1913 600 FINGER AN 0~05 1913 1973 M 601 TAYLOR AN AN 0006 1972 1912 H 602 LA' CROIX AN 0007 1972 1912 603 SUESS AN 0008 1972 1972 +x 604 'CANADA AN 0009 1972 1972 +)( 605 COMMONWEAL TH AN 0010 1972 1912 ST 606 WRIGHT UPPER AN 0011 1970 1910 +x +)( -)( ST +)( 607 CLARK AN AN 0012 1973 1973 608 VICTORIA UPPER AN 0013 1912 1972 609 PACKARD AN 0014 1973 1913 H +)( ,H -'( 610 VICTORIA LOWER +lI' AN 0015 1913 1973 611 BAUDISSIN AN 0105 1947 1947 0.0 612 VAHSEL AN 0106 1941 1947 0.0 VARIATION IN POSITION OF GLA:IER F~!JNTS TAßLE B, PAGE 15 152 " - NR GLACIER NAHE PSFG b13 WINSTON AN b14 STEPHENSON 615 BROWN 616 COHPTON NR 1ST LAST SlJRVfY 1980 M 1947 1947 poil M "1 P1 -350.0 1947 1947 H JIll 114 "1 -600.0 0112 lCH7 lCH7 ,., M M "1 -1400.0 AN 0113 1947 1947 H M ... AN 1010 1947 1947 11 P1 '1 11 1947 AN 0110 AN 0111 AN 611 JACKA b18 DIXON IN HETRE S 197J:! 1979 1947 0109 HT VARIATIO~S 1977 1976 M M M .M -1400.0 -310.0 -700.0 AN 1020 1947 1947 11 M JiIII M -380.0 AN 1040 1947 1947 M H 11 11 -550.0 NARES AN 1120 1947 1947 H M M t1 CHALLENGER AN 1130 1947 1947 P1 '1 '1 t1 AN 1140 1947 1947 H M M M DOWNES AN 1150 1947 1947 M 11 ,.. M b25 EAL Y AN 1170 1947 1947 fol M "1 fol 626 ALLISON AN 1350 1947 1947 H M M b19 ANZAC 620 HT b21 b22 623 MARY-POW 624 PEAK OLSEN ELL 0.0 0.0 -350.0 0.0 -50.0 0.0 '" ~ VARIATION IN POSITION OF GL~CIER FR~NTS TABlf B, P~GE lb 153 154 155 166 TABLE VARIATIONS IN THE ADDENDA BB POSITION FROM OF GLACIER EARLIER FRONTS YEARS NR : Record number GLACIER NAME : 15 Alphabetic PSFG NUMBER: or numeric 4 or 5 digits identifying denoting digits glacier 1ST SURVEY: Day, month and year of survey 2ND SURVEY: Day, month and year of following VARIATIONS METRES: Variation horizontal between with alphabetic prefix country survey in the position projection expressed of the glacier as the change front in in length surveys Key to Symbols: M : No data available +X : Glacier -X : Glacier in retreat ST : Glacier stationary in advance 157 NR GL AC I ER NAME PSFG NR 1 ST SURVEY DY MN YR 2. NO SURVEY DY MN VARIATIOr-¡S METRES YR CANADA 1 NADAHINI 2 NEW MOON 3 ·AT H A B A SC A It CD llt02 12.08.1972 16.08.1974 - cn ** •• 1B75 •• 08.1946 -1150.0 •• 08.191t6 01t.l0.1954 - 01t.l0.1954 .* - 212.0 •• 08.1967 17.07.1971 ;.. 11.0 17.07.1971 02.07.1975 - 8.0 ** 25.08.1952 - 47.6 25.08.1952 18.08.1954 - 3B.4 18.0e.1951t 14.08.1956 - 39.6 14.08.1956 13.08.1958 - 12.0 13.8 CD SASKATCHEWAN Ilt30 0190 CD 1905 08.1950 98.0 13.08.1958 11.08.1960 - 11.08.1960 •••• - 1.2 ** •• 20.08.1964 - 34.2 1962 1962 20.08.1964 27.01.1966 - 27.07.1966 24.07.1968 - 17.0 21t.07.1968 22.07.1970 - 23.8 22.07.1970 19.07.1972 - 6.0 03.08.1973 31.08.1974 - 6.0 31.08.1971t 27.08.1915 - 19.0 ** 21.08.1952 - 7&.8 20.08.1954 - 91.4 20.08.1951t 13.08.1956 - 72.0 13.0A.1956 12.08.1958 - 79.2 12.08.1956 09.08.1960 - 66.4 09.08.1960 06.08.1962 - 81. O 06.08.1962 18.08.1964 - 53.6 18.08.1964 26.07.1966 - 26.8 26.01.1966 23.07.1968 - 40.8 23.07.1968 21.07.1970 - 15.2 21.07.1970 18.07.1972 - 4.0 01.08.1973 29.07.1914 - 42.0 29.07.1<)74 2f1.08.1975 ** •• 1900 *•• * •• ** 1900 *••• 0.0 08.1950 21.08.1952 4.2 - 45.4 1900 - 300.0 1951 - 100.0 5 TSOLOSS CD 2075 b ELKIN CD 0575 .* *. 7 TCHAIKAZAN CO 2015 01.08.1951 ** 1QbB - 501.2 ••• * *. 1951 ** •• 1975 - 8 BUGABOO CD 0290 29.08.1972 24.0e.lQ74 'j.b q BE RH CD 0245 ** .* 08.06.1Q47 - 970.0 ** .* VARIATION 158 08.1967 31.6 IN POSITION OF GLACIER 1720 1968 1883 31t.2 08.08.1947 01.08.1948 + 70.0 01.08.19ItB 18.08.1Q51 - 70.0 18.08.1951 14.07.1970 + 0.0 FRONTS, ADDENDA, TABLE BB, PAGE 1 NR GLACIER NAHE 10 HAVOC PSFG CD NR l 0840 ST SURVEY YR DY MN 12 13 SURF CD WAVE CD TEPRIFIC 2330 CD 2025 14 C L E NO E NN I NG 15 CALTHA 1986 LAKE CD CD 0335 0310 ** .*lB93 - 1B93 08.0B.1947 -1620.0 OB.OB.19147 18.06.1951 - 1B.08.1951 26.07.19604 + 240.0 CD 2333 14.07.1970 + 210.0 08.08.1947 - 08.08.1947 18.08.1951 + 0.0 18.08.1951 26.07.1964 + 35.0 26.07.1964 104.07.1970 + 40.0 •••• 01.08.1948 1947 - 18 FLEUR VARIATION D.NEIGES IN POSITION 1973 CO 0675 OF GLACIER 370.0 211). O 01.08.1948 18.08.1951 18.0(h1951 26.07.1964 26.01.1964 14.07.1970 - •••• 08.08.1941 -10465.0 08.08.19041 18.06.1951 + 512.0 18.08.1951 26.01.1q64 + ?'i6.0 26.07.1964 1".01.1c170 + l q2. O •• 08.0a.1947 -1340. 08.0B.19"7 18.08.1951 - lA.08.1951 26.07.1964 - 455.0 26.07.1964 104.07.1970 - 301).0 ** *. 1883 ** leq3 •• ** •• •• - 1951 50.0 40. O 36. r; O 5'5.0 1914 •••• - 550.0 lq51 19.07.1969 + 0.0 lqOO ** •• - IBO.O 1920 02.0B.1Q41 - 340.0 1920 - 02.0B.1947 08.07.1949 06.07.1q49 22.08.1951 - 93.0 22.08.1951 26.07.1q64 - 214.0 26.01.1q64 19.01.1969 - ~;i3. 19.01.1969 30.07.1972 - 110.0 30.07.1912 OB.oa.lQ73 - •• 28.08.1931 - 820.0 28.08.1931 21.08.1951 - 380.0 21.0A.1951 21.09.1952 + 0.0 21.09.1')52 24.08.1966 - 75. O 24.08.1966 09.07.196') + 0.0 09.07.1969 06.08.1972 - 2'5.0 •••• 28.08.1')31 - 300aO 28.08.1931 21.08~lq51 - 2bO. O 21.0A.Iq51 21.09.1')52 + 0.0 21.09.1952 24.08.1966 + 0.0 24.08.1966 09.07.1969 + O. O 09.01.1969 06.08.1972 + O. O -- CD 160.0 26.07.1964 ** 11 STAIRCASE 270.0 ** ** 1893 *. 16 WE DGE MOU NT V.RIATrQ~S METRES ** ** 1750 ** *. 11 2 NO SURVEY YP. DY MN *. 1895 1895 FRONTS, ADDENDA, TABLE 66, 60.0 O 32.0 PAGE 2 159 NR GLACIER NAHE. PSFG 19 GRIFFIN CD 1 ST SURVEY ·DY MN YR O STATES OF 1195 •••• ** ** 1886 28.08.1931 - 265.0 28.08.1931 21.08.1951 -1350.0 21.08.1951 21.09.1952 0.0 ·21Cl09.1952 24.08.1966 + 150.0 US US CASCADE 09.07.19b9 + 0.0 06.08.1972 + 75.0 •• *. 2B.08.1931 - 880.0 28.0B.1931 21.09.1951 - 925.0 21.09.1951 21.09.1952 - 11.0 21.09.1952 24.08.1966 - 14.0 24.06.1966 09.07.1969 + 20.0 09.01.1969 06.08.1972 + 38.0 ** ** ** ** ** *•• * .* •• ** *. .* ** •• ** .* ** ** ** ** •• .* ** ** ** •••• 18B6 0621 ** 2013 *. 1B99 25 EEL VARIATION 160 A CARRIE 1948 1950 •••• 192.2 1931 1935 1938 POSITIO~ lCH 7 + 300.0 1922 + 540.0 1931 - 120.0 1935 + 1936 - 280.0 1948 + 100.0 + 100.0 1957 + 80. O 20. O 1963 + 1964 - 140.0 1964 ** .* •• ** ** ** 1966 + 20. O 1966 *. ** 19·68 - 40.0 1969 + 0.0 1971 - 60.0 1951 1963 1972 ** ** ** ** 1913 21.07.1974 + 140.0 - 1968 1969 1971 ** ** ** ** 1972 + 100.0 1973 - 15.09.1915 10.09.1911 .6 10.09.1971 04.09.1972 8.1 04.09.1912 21.08.1913 1.8 21.08.1973· 26.08.1974 2015 •• *. 1960 2106 *. *. 1889 •• ** 1933 GLACIER 50.0 21.01.1914 US OF 80.0 11.09.1970 US 2113 40.0 1950 ** 08.1915 ** OB.1975 ** ** 1933 US IN *. .* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** •• 1911 26.08.1914 23 SHOESTRING - 240. O 24.08.1966 ** 24 lB8b 09.01.1969 ** .* ** ** ** ** SOUTH VARIATIO~S METRES AMER IC A 21 COLUMBIA 22 2 NO SURVEY DY "IN YR *. ** 0784 CD 2035 20 THUNDERCLAP UNITE NR 5.4 9.0 + 400. O - 350.0 19.09.1939 - 200.0 19.09.1939 24.09.1965 - 350.0 04.08.1920 09.09.1939 - 385.0 FRONTS, ADDENDA, TABLE BB, PA~E 3 NR GLACIER NAME 26 27 28 29 30 BEAR PASS US 2122 UNNAMED USZ123 HOH ICE PSFG NR US l1Z3 US 212't RIVER BLUE US 2125 US 2126 1 ST SURVEY DY MN YR 09.09.1939 08.09.1959 08.09.1959 07.09.1963 11.09.196,. 11.09.1964 2,..09.1965 IN POSITION VARIATIONS METRES - - 4bO.O 35. O ro .0 15.0 24.09.1965 28.09.1967 + 28.09.1967 29.08.1970 - ** ** 25.09.1939 - 770. O 160.0 1933 5. O '5.0 25.09.1939 03.10.1952 - 03.10.1952 08.09.1959 - 1t0.0 08.09.1959 2 ... 09.1965 ** ** 25.09.1939 - 750. O 1933 ST 25.09.1939 03.10.1952 - 110.0 03.10.1952 08.09.1959 - 10.0 08.09.1959 24.09.1965 ** *. 09.09.1939 - 240. O - 720. O 1933 ST 09.09.1939 03.10.1952 03.10.1952 05.08.1955 05.08.1955 07.09.1963 07.09.1963 11.09.196't + 15. O 11.09.196't 24.09.1965 - 15.0 2't.09.1965 28.08.1970 + *~ 08.1924 .* .* - 150.0 •• •• 110.0 1933 1933 - 09.09.1939 - 09.09.1939 03.~0.195Z - 03.10.1952 11.09.1957 11.09.1957 28.09.1967 30.08.1938 01.09.1939 01.09.1939 05.09.1940 05.09.191t0 28.10.1941 28.10.1QIt1 04.10.19"3 04.10 VARIATION 2 NO SURVEY DY MN YR •.1943 lb.09.l944 - 80.0 1t0.0 'to.O 'to.t) 20. O ST - - 26.09.1944 02.10.1945 02.10.1945 18.09.1946 IB.09.1946 09.09.1947 - 8.4 25. '3 5b.'5 4?.4 2'3.8 18.1 Q.7 12.5 09.09.1947 09.Q9.1948 - A.8 09.09.194B 14.09.1950 - A. ~ 14.09.1950 11.09.1~51 - 2".9 11.09.1951 13.09.1953 - 11.9 13.09.1953 27.09.1954 + 0.0 27.09.1954 06.09.1955 + 06. O9,.19 5 5 25.06.1959 - 14.9 25.08.1959 27.0B.1960 - 2.7 27.08.1960 31.08.1961 + 1.5 OF GLACIER FRONTS, ADDENDA, TABLE BB, ~ .1 PAGE 4 161 NR GLACIER NAME P SFG NR 1 ST DY SURVEY MN YR 31.08.1961 23.08.1962 + 23.08.1962 13.08.1963 - .5 13.08.1963 10.08.1961t + .8 BLACK US 2127 . 27.08.1965 + 11.09.1967 + e.7 11.09.1967 11.09.1970 + 10.7 11.09.1970 19.08.1971 + 5.8 19.08.1971 30.08.1975 + 48.4 *. *. *. *. 07.1935 08.192lt *. ** 1933 •• 07.1935 09.09.1939 32 WHITE US 2128 *••• 1815 *. 06.192". •• ** 1933 09.09.1939 ** 33 HUBERT US 2130 08.194lt US 2132 35 US 2133 QUEETS 162 I.N POSITION OF GLACIER - 130.0 1933 - 90.0 09.09.1939 - 160.0 21t.09.1965 - 310.0 •• 08.192\ -1100.0 .* *. - 290.0 1933 09.09.1939 *. - 120.0 - 390.0 08.194" 03.10.1952 - 340.0 05.06.195' + 65.0 05.08.1955 07.09.1963 - 95.0 07.09.1963 28.09.1967 + 130.0 26.09.1967 02.10.1968 - 135.0 *. 10.08.1919 08.1907 10.08.1919 *. ** •••• 08.1924 -)( -)( 08.192lt 1933 - 280.0 25.09.1939 - 350.0 25.09.1939 03.10.1952 - 875.0 03.10.1952 08.09.1959 - 95.0 08.09.1959 07.09.1963 - 50.0 01.08.1907 10.08.1913 10.08.1913 •••• ** ** 10.08.1919 1933 1916 ST 191b ST - 25.0 ST 10.08.1919 10.08.1920 10.08.1920 08.08.1926 08.08.1926 •• 08.1927 .* 08.1927 *. ** 1933 •• ** 25.09.1939 - 185.0 25.09.1939 03.10.1952 - 115.0 03.10.1952 24.09.1965 + 24.09.1965 29.08.1970 + 10.08.1913 *••• ** ** VARIATION 4.6 03.10.1952 ••• * 31t HUMES l.4 27.08.1965 lO.08.1961t 31 VARIATIO~S "1ETR E S 2 NO SURVEY DY MN YR - 120.0 ST - 1933 50.0 15.0 5.0 ST 1916 10.08.1919 ST 10.08.1919 •• OA.1920 ST *. 06.08.1926 1916 08.1920 FRONTS, ADDENDA, TABLE - B8, PAGE '50.0 5 NR GLACIER 36 31 NAME ANDERSON GRINNELL PSFG NR US 2137 US 5000 l ST SURVEY DY MN YR 06.08.1926 ** ** ** ** 09.09.1939 SPERRY US 5001 1933 VARr4TI!J~S "'ETRFS 1933 - - 35.0 3'5. O 09.09.1939 03.10.1952 03.10.1952 13.07.1955 13.07.1955 08.09.1959 ST 08.09.1959 11.08.1960 ST 11.08.1960 11. 09'~ 1964 11.09.1964 24.09.1965 ST 24.09.1965 28.09.1967 ST 28.09.1967 28.08.1970 *. 14.09.1927 - 14.09.1927 09.09.1939 - 160.0 09.09.1939 .* .* - 400.0 *. *. 08.09.1959 09.1909 1955 1955 40.0 ST - 25.0 ST - 30.0 40.0 - 80.0 28.09.1967 - 55.0 28.09.1967 28.08.1970· + 25.0 01.08.1925 04.09.1926 - 16.8 04.09.1926 26.08.1921 26.08.1927 ** *. •* *• ** ** *. ** ** ** ** ** 08.09.1959 07.09.1963 07.09.1963 11.09.1964 11.09.1964 .* 10.1931 •• Itr* .*.* ••** 38 2 NO SURVEY DY MN YR ** ** .* ** *. *. ** 1946 1950 1956 1963 1935 1945 09.1950 ** ** ** 08.1956 09.1961 08.1969 .*** ** *. - 2.Iit - 96.1 1946 - cH.O 1950 - 15.6 10.1931 .* *• ST 1958 1963 1969 1945 - 60.4 30.5 68.0 + 195.5 09.1950 + 54.0 OB.1956 + 25.9 09.1961 + 59.8 08.1969 + 56.4 08.1973 +)( ------------------------------------------------------------------------PERU ---39 40 Itl BROGGI PE 0003 YAtUMAREY URUASHRAJU VARIATION PE 0004 PE 0005 IN POSITION 20.05.1968 14.05.1970 14.05.1970 16.08.1971 16.08.1911 20.05.1912 20.05.1972 18.09.1974 - 12.12.1973 12.12.1913 13.11.1974 - 05.01.1968 28.11.1973 - FROtHS, ADDENDA, TABLE BB, 11.1 - 12.05.1912 OF GLACIER 15.9 ~.4 1q.0 2b.2 3.4 27.3 PAGE 6 163 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR 1 ST SURVEY Dy MN YR 2 NO SURV~,( DV' MN V'R. VARIATIONS "1ETRES NORWAY 42 AAlFOTBREEN N 36204 43 HANSBREEN N 12419 ** 09.1914 ** ** 1936 •• 09.1915 1.0 21.09.1951 - 527.0 21.09.1951 19.06.1958 + ~4.0 19.06.1958 21.06.1959 - 12.0 21.06.1959 09.07.1960 + b.O 14.10.1968 17.10.1969 + 10.0 11.10.1969 27.10.1970 + 16.0 27.10.1910 21.10.1911 + 1ß. O 21.10.1971 07.11.1972 + 30. O 07.11.1972 31.10.1973 + 21. O SWITZERLAND 'tit UNtON 45 1t6 NORD FE E CH 0013 OF SOVIET 13.09.1974 + 12.0 02.10.1975 + 14.0 SOC. REP. MARUKHSKIY SU 3001 AlIBEKSKIY 41 KHAKEl 03.10.1968 24.09.1969 - 16.8 24.09.1969 16.09.1910 - 10.8 16.09.1970 15.07.1911 - 15.07.1911 14.01.1972 - 14.07.1912 03.08.1973 - .5 03.08.1973 30.07.1974 - 7. B 7. B 12"Q 30.01.1914 •• •• 1915 - 11.8 SU 3002 .* •• 1914 •••• 1975 - 1.3 SU 3003 •••• 1974 •••• 1915 - 2.8 1915 + 21.1 48 B. AZAU SU 3004 •••• 1974 •••• 49 KULAK SU 3005 •••• 1974 •••• 1975 - b.'2 SU 3006 •• ** 1974 .* ** 1915 - 21.5 N. 50 BEZENGI 51 TSEYA 52 SKAZKA 53 KOZ1TS1T1 54 OIDAl (NO. 513' SU 3007 •••• 1974 .* *. 1975 - 8.8 SU 3008 •••• 1914 •••• 1915 + 2.2 10.0 SU 3009 •••• 1914 •••• 1975 - SU 4013 ••• * 1973 ••• * 1975 + 910.0 .* .* 55 GARHO SU 4022 •••• 1972 1915 - 29.0 56 SKOGACH SU 4023 •••• 1913 ••• * 1915 - 21.0 51 AKBAYTU SU 4036 •••• 1912 *••• 1915 ST 'SU 4031 •••• ••• * 1915 I)T OKTYABRSKIY •• *. 1912 1972 •••• 1915 60 RGO SU 4039 •••• 1911 *. *. 1975 + + 150.0 58 H. 59 BAKCHIGIR SU 4038 bl MEDVEZHIY SU 4040 •••• 62 I1USHKETOVA SU 4041 ••• 63 MAZARSK1Y SU 4042 •••• VARIATION 164 31.10.1973 13.09.1914 IN POSITION' OF GLACIER ST 35.0 1913 *••• 1915 '" 1973 •••• 1915 + 61.0 1913 •••• 1915 - 13.0 FRa~HS, ADDENDA, TABLE BB, PAGE 1 NR· GLACIER NAME PSFG NR 1 ST SURVEY DY MN YR 1914 1975 + 8.0 1974 •••• 1975 - 25.0 1914 ** •• RAMA SU 4044 •••• 1973 65 TRO SU 4046 •••• 1973 6b DI AKHAND ARA SU 4047 61 R AYGORODSKOGO SU 4055 68 KYRCHIN SU 4056 69 KOKBELES SU 4057 70 TUTEK SU 4058 *. ** •• *. •• 11 Kl YUEVA SU 4059 •••• 1914 12 KYZYlGORUM SU 4061 •• *. 1914 73 SEVERTSOVA SU 40b2 14 8ATYR8AY SU 4063 15 GGP SU 4064 1b KAlESNIKA SU 5001 ** ••• ••• •• 11 GOLUBINA SU 5060 •••• 1974 78 TURPAKBEl SU 5065 .* *. 1914 19 AYUTOR-2 SU 5066 80 AKBUlAKUlKUN SU 5067 NIZH. *. 19·14 ** 1914 *•. 1913 ** 1974 *. 1914 1973 1914 1973 1913 •• •• ** ** •• *. .* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** VARIATIONS ~ETRES ** .* ** ** ** .* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** .* 64 •• * * ** 2 NO SURVEY DY MN YR 9. O 1915 1915 ST - 1975 7.0 1975 + '.0 1975 + 115.0 1915 - 25.0 ST 1915 1915 - 1915 + 8.0 1915 - 14.0 15.0 1975 - 1Q.0 1975 - 11.0 1975 - 1~.0 1915 ST 1975 ST 81 KARABULAK SU 5068 82 TEKESHSAY-1 SU 5070 83 BARKRAK SU 5072 *. ** .* ** ** .* .* ** ** •• 84 TUYUKSU SU 5075 16.08.,1913 22.08.1914 - 22.08.1974 07.09.1915 - 85 SHOKAlSKOGO SU 5018 13.08.197". 12.08.1915 + 66 HOlODEZHNYY SU 5090 01.08.1958 1:7.08.1913 - 72." 61 KOLPAKOVSKOGO SU 5103 66 SREDNIY BEZYHYANNYY SU 5105 ** 1975 - 3,..0 1914 •• *. 1915 + 9.0 1914 ••• * 1975 - 2.0 21.3 1.b 4.4 09.08.1957 - 550.0 09.08.1957 •••• - 310.0 ** ** ** 08 ..1943 08.1932 1914 -1000.0 09.1943 12.08.1951 +1000.0 12.08.1951 •• - 50.0 18.07.1957 - 50. O 21.0 09.1943 08.1974 89 SARI-TOR SU 5106 ** 18.07.1957 31.01.1961 - 90 KARAKOLTOR SU 5108 ••• * 10.08.1956 -1250.0 91 DAVIDOVA SU 5109 08.1932 •• - 300.0 08.1943 15.08.1951 - 80.0 .* .* 08.1932 1943 15.08.1951 92 SOPDU SU 5110 ** *. 08.1943 + 380. O 08.1974 15.08.1955 .- 15.08.1955 •• ** 1974 - 11'5.O •••• 1915 08.1932 .* 125.0 93 SHUI1SKOGO SU 6001 ** 94 I1ALYY BERELSKIY SU 7083 30.01.1973 21.08.191". - "'5.0 21.08.1974 04.09.1975 - 22. ~ 95 KOZELSKIY SU 8005 01.09.1967 15.08.1973 + 110.0 15.08.1973 10.09.1974 + 120.0 10.09.197" 25.08.1975 + VARIATION IN POSITION OF GLACIER 1914 FRONTS, ADDENDA, TABLE 2.8 BB, bO. O PAGE A 165 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR 1 ST SURVEY DY MN YR 2 NO SURVEY DV MN YR VARIATIO~S ''lET~ ES CHINA ----96 SHUIGUANHE NO.1t CH 0001 97 CIVI C.N 0003 98 TUERGANGO CN 0006 •• •• 99 SIGONHE 166 07.19&5 09.1966 NO.It CN 0008 •• 06.1959 NO.5 CN 0009 •• 06.1959 101 URUMCIHE S.NO.1 CN 0010 102 CUNTAILAN CN 103 MUZHAERT CN 0013 10't C IERGANBUL AK CN 0017 105 RONGBU CN 0018 VAlnATION 07.1958 •• 05.19&0 •• •• 100 SIGONHE 05.19&3 IN POSITION 0011 •• •• 09.1962 06.1962 •• .01.1959 •• ... 1960 •• 05.1959 OF GLACIER FRONTS, •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 05.197& - 182.0 05.1915 - 07.19&5 - 34.0 60.0 09.196& - 09.1973 - 301.0 06.1962 - 06.1961 08.1973 07.1973 - - 50.0 3&.0 1(1.0 75.1 39.& 10.1964 -)( 07.1973 -)( *. 05.1968 ST ADDENDA, TABLE .B8, PAGE 9 ,\ô1 ,\ßß TABLE BALANCE 'HASS C SUMMARY DATA: 1975-80 NR : Record number GLACIER NAME : 15 alphabetic PSFG NUMBER : 4 or 5 digits denoting or numeric identifying digits glacier with alphabetic SYS : System of measurement: STR = Stratigraphic FXD OTH = = Fixed date Other System FROM : Da'y, month and year of beginning 'of balance/measurement TO : Day, month and year of end of balance/measurement BW/AC : Mean spec i fic winter balance BS/AA : Mean specific BN/BA : Mean speci fic net balance ELA : Altitude prefix country or annual accumulation summer balance or annual ablation of equilibrium year year or annual balance line or annual in mm H2O in mm H2O in mm H2O equilibrium line in metres above sea level AAR: Ratio AREA : Area of accumulation area to total of the used area of the glacier in per cent glacier for calculation of mean specific quantities Key to symbols: ** : No data available 169 NR GLACIER PSFG NAHE NR SYS FRa~ DY ~N TO YR DY MN YR SWIAt SS/AA 8~/B4 ,~M HM MM WE WE ELA WE AREA AAR ola ~. SQ 101 CANADA l MEIGHEN IC.ECAP CO 1335 STR +BO •••• -280 •••• •••••••••• * •••••• -140 •••• •••••••••• •• •••77 ••••• 16 ••••• 2 WHITE GLACIER CD 23~0 OTH * 75 •••• ·.76•••••••••••• ••••• 76 •••• ~77 •••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••• *•••• •• •••18 ••• *.79 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••••• •• •••19 ••••• 80 •••••••••••• .*•••••••• -120 •••• 15 ••••• 16 +290 -640 +130 725 6,2 38.930 .* .••.16 ••••• 77 +110 -1~40 .-380 985 69 38.930 16 +220 -1000 -140 950 11 36.930 •••• ,78 ••••• 79 +190 ~7eo -90 940 12 38.930 ••••• ••• *.77 •• *•• ••••• 19 ••••• 60 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 B A B Y .G l A C I E R .* ••. 16 -lbO +150 ••••• 76 ••••• 17 •••••••••••• -~80 CD 0205 STR •••• ,75 +310 •• •••17 ••••• 76 ••••••••••• 930 *... . * ••••••••• * •••••••••• •• •••19 ••••• 80 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ICE CAP cn 043L STR ••••• 75 ••••• 16 •••••••••••• 6 ALEXANDER reE CAP CD 0210 OTH CD 0133 STR +~O 1210 01.10.15 30.09.76 +420 -70 .01.10.76 30.09.17 +510 01.10.71 30.09.18 +410 01.10.18 30.09.79 +330 01.10.79 30.09.eo *•••• *•• 77 77 20.09.78 .* ... 28.09.19 23.09.80 ••••• 75 ••••• 1b ••••• CD 01~8 STR CD Ib~O STR *. •••••••• -590 -80 160 •••••••••• -90 +380 5bO •• -90 +;;»40600 •••••••••• +350 •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• *••••••• .*•••••••• ** ~••••• * *•••• *... . *. *. ••••••• * •• , •••••••••• ••*.*. •••••• •••••• •••• ••••• *•••• +1590 -2090 -500 1630' 33 5.800 +1720 -2240 -520 1190 ~z 5.B3~ *••••••••••••• ~ ••• *... ••• *' 71 •• •••••••••• . * ••• * +1290 -1 340 -,5 O l 7 b 5 59 3.578 20.09.18 2B.09.79 +1560 -2130 -~70 1655 36 3.578 28.09.79 22.09.80 +1520 ••••• 15 ••••• 76 •••••• *~.... *.. -2250 -710 1885 *•• .. .. 23 3.518 15.09.11 22.09.78 +16bO -2~90 -630 Ib10 45 92.1~0 22.09.18 28.09.19 +1620 -22bO· -6'0 1565 22 92.1~0 28.09.19 23.09.80 ,+1890 -2070 -160 Ilt15 b5 92.'t1t0 10.09.15 16.09.1b -1020 +&40 2550 66 13.1t00 -1100 -210 2580 62 l3.~00 18.09.16 25.09.17 +16bO +890 f1 AS S B AL A NC E SU MMA RY OA TI" 170 *. 61 ••••• 1060 600 ••••• 16 ••••• 77 •••••• 9 PEYTO ••••••• 79 ••••••• 09.71 2 O. e 9•18 15 , ANDREI 7b -~O b7 +350 15 ••••• 7~ •••• 20.09.18 28.09.79 8 looe +30 *•••• CD 2530 STR 19 ••••••• •• ••,78 ••••• 19 •••••• •••••• •• '.*.76 •• 7 YURI 93 ••••••• -100 1200 •• ••,11 •••• ,16 •••••• ~..... •• •••19 ••••• 60 •••••• •••••• 5 BARNES •••••••••• 560 +170 •• •••76 ••••• 71 •••••• •••••• . * •• * ••••••• •• •••78 ••••• 79 ••••••••••••••••••••• 4 DeVON .630 83 T A B l E C, PA GE 1 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR SYS DY 10 SYKORA/BRIDGE 11 ZAVISHA 12 PLACE CD 1995 STR FROM TO MN YR DY MN YR ßW/AC "IMWE l&,SENTINEL BNflU 11"1 WE ,.,'" ~E ELA 1'1 010 AR EA SO KM· 25.09.11 09.10.78 +1110 -2160 -1050 2800 21 13.400 +12~0 -20bO -810 2150 47 13.400 16.09.19 23.09.80 +790 -1310 -5BO 38 13.400 15.09.15 23.09.76 +2110 -1280 +830 1890 7&'112.800 2700 23.09.16 23.09.71 +1550 -2060 -510 2210 bl 23.09.71 12.09.18 +1680 -1840 -IbO 2195 68 112.800 -1080 2310 &,8112.800 12.09.18 20.09.79 +1530· -2610 20.09.19 01.10.eo +1790 -l300 -510 2220 CO 2605 STR 15.09.15 22.09.76 +2330 -1230 +1100 2010 CD AAR 09.10.18 16.09.19 112.800 56 112.800 98 6.500 29 6.500 72 6.'500 22.09.1624.09.77 +1&,90 -1150 -2bO 2&,.09.1711.09.7e +1~20 +390 2205 11.09.78 20.09.79 +1&,10 -21bO -690 2285 20.09.19 01.10.80 +1560 -610 2395 14 6.500 +877 1960 81 3.881 3.861 Ib60 STR 17.09.75 16.09.76 -1230 -2230 +2&,31 -155&, 232.5 6.500 16.09.16 18.09.11 +1323 -2550 -1227 2250 11 18.09.11 16.09.78 +1730 -2163 -433 2230 27 3.809 16.09.18 +1072 -3284 -2212 2500 O 3.R09 3.788 20.09.79 20.09.19 20.0~~80 13 HE L M ~SfAA +1496 -2419 -923 2315 15 +2b23 -2055 +568 1890 11 2.921 -21.09.16 01.10.77 +1464 -2928 -14b4 2110 13 2.921 01.10.77 25.09.18 +2162 -2946 -783 2120 13 2.927 25.09.78 25.09.19 +1241 -3918 -2301 2150 O 2.921 25.09.19 28.09.80 +1403 -2341 -~44 2100 9 2.921 CD 1915 STR 24.09.75 27.09.76 +390b -2436 +1410 1670 90 1.8&,0 CD 0855 STR 23.09.15 21.09.76 21.09.76 29.09.11 +2013 -3&'02 -1329 1995 23 1.840 29.09.77 25.09.18 +2642 -2479 +~63 1830 64 1.819 25.09.18 23.09.79 +2010 -37~0 -11~0 2060 23.Q9.79 27.09.80 +3020 -2148 +272 1830 l 60 1.81&, 1.778 _- -----------------------------------'---------------------------------------------------UNITED STATES OF 15 GULKANA 16 WOLVERINE 17 COLUMBIA .. AME~ICA US 0200 STR 05.09.15 02.•09.16 +540 -Z4bO -1020·1840 48 19.300 02.09.16 06.09.71 +lZ10 -2100 -180 1760 58 19.300 06.09.77 07.09.18 +1250 -2000 -80 1760 59 19.300 01.09.78 10.09.79 +790 -2370 -570 1190 57 19.300 10.09.79 31.08.80 +1230 -2000 -60 17't4 60 19.300 -bOO IZ&'O US 0411 STR 28.10.15 06.09.16 +650 -2220 51 17.620 08.09.76 06.09.17 +2940 -1550 +2020 1020 80 17.620 06.09.77 24.09.18 +2260 -1930 +1000 1100 70 17.620 24.09.18 30.09.19 +550 -2180 -1020 1267 44 17.620 30.09.19 16.10.60 +3480 -1820 +2~60 89 17.620 US0627 FXD ••••• 906 *.... 75 ••••• 76 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••••• 76 ••••• 71 ••••••••••••• 01.09.71 31.08.76 •••••••• PUSS BALANCE *••• +360 •••• SUMMARY D.f., . •••••••••• . •••••••••• TABLE C, PAGE 2 171 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR SYS FROM TO DY '1N YR DY MN YR ßW/AC 11M"WE BS/AA "P1 WE BN/BA WE Ht' ••••• 18 ~•••• 19 ••••••••••••••• * •••• lB SOUTH CASCADE US 2013 STR ELA AAR AR EA M O/O SO 101 *.* .*.. •••••••••• 79 ••••• 80 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• ~3.10.75 20.11.76 +1310 -360 +950 1825 20.11.76 03~10.17 +10 -1300 -1300 2250 +500 -830 -380 1925 22.10.,78lit.10.79 +10 -1560 -1560 2225 2.590 lit.l0.79•• 10.80 +10 -1020 -1020 2150 2.550 03.10.77 2l.10.78 78 2.720 2.590 2.590 61 GREENLAND 19 VALHALTINDEGL G 0001 FXO ••••• 75 ••••• 16 .*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••76 ••••• 77 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •• •••11 *•••• 1B •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• 15.09.1B 15.09.19 +630 -640 15.09.79 15.09.80 -vso -670 -la ~i¿o 1315 •••••••••• •••••••••• •••• ** •••• 144C' •••••••••• NORWAY 20 BONDHUSBREEN 21 HA~DANGERJOEKUL N 20408 S TR ~I*.•••75 ••••• 76 *•••••••• *** •••••• •••* N 22303 STR +1960 -2Q60 ~1000 1600 29 10.lbO ••••• 11 ••••• 78 +2370 -2BA~ -510 1500 b7 10.160 ••••• 78 ••• *.79 +2800 -2470 +330 150Ç 6b 10.670 •••• ¡79 24.l1.BO +2330' -27BO -450 1500 67 10.820 •••• +2it~O -2300 +150 1640 •••••••••• +1200 ~75 ••••• 7b -720 1880 •••••••••• •• •••17 ••••• 18 •••••••••••• -300 •••• •••••••••• •• •••78 ••••• 79 ••• *•••••••• +400 •••• •• •••76 ••••• 11 22 STORBREEN N 0541 STR HELLSTUGUBREEN N 0511 STR +1450 -2S50 -1400 1900 •••• +1810 -1900 -90 1740 i75 ••••• 76 +940 -1480 -~40 ••• +1260 -1100 -440 lR15 ••• 5.300 *•••• 78 ••••• 79 +1559 -1450 +100 1700 ••• 5.300 ••••• 79 ••••• 80 +990 -?300 -1310 1970 ••• 5.300 -730 1950 29 3.315 -720 2050 12 3.293 -5~0 1900 41 3.293 -20 1800 69 3.323 -1240 2050 12 3.293 -1000 2300 o 2.518 2.518 13.10.75 16.11.76 +1160 +680 +1050 +1430 20.0~., 25 NIGARDSBPEEN N 31014 STR 12.10.75 17.11.76 +810 +620 -1890 -1400 -1590 -1450 -2050 -1620 1835 17.11.76 01.10.71 +510 -900 -390 2300 o 01.10.77 30.08.18 +610 -890 -220 2150 21 2.518 30.08.78 05.09.79 +910 -810 .40 2100 36 2.518 05.09.79 10.09.80 +460 -1350 -890 2250 15 ~8.200 01.09.75 10.10.76 MASS 172 5.300 •• *••77 01.09.78 20.09.79 0541 STR .*. * •••••• ••••• 77 ••••• 78 01.10.77 01.09.78 N ..* ••••••• ••• 5.300 16.11.76 01.10.77 ZitGRAASUBREEN ~1920 •• •••79 ••••• 80 •• *•• 76 23 *.* ••••••• 01.08.16 *•••• 11 .2880 BALANCE -2480 SUMMARY +400 1500 DAT.l, TABLE 2.518 e, PAGE 3 NR GLACIER NA"E PSFG NR SYS DY 26 AALFOTBREEN 27 HOEGTUVBREEN N 36204 STR N 65507 ~TR FROM MN .YR DY TO MN YR SW/AC M'" WE BSIAA HM WE 48.200 15.09.• 77 15.,Q9.78 +2120 -2250 -130 1600 55 1t8.200 15.09.78 15.09.79 +2750 +710 1500 75 1t8.Z00 1700 28 4·B.200 870 100 4.7B6 15.10.76 30.10.77 +2330 -2890 -560 1300 27 4.7R6 4.7B6 -2040 15.09.79 04.09.80 +1770 -2990 -razo 09.10.75 15.10.76 +4400 -2810 +1530 30.10.77 12.10.78 +2560 -3070 -510 1300 27 12.10.18 15.10.19 +3280 -3410 -130 1250 44 4.~15 15.10.19 02.09.80 +2530 -3350 -820 1250 44 ~.B20 130 79 2.598 54 2.598 06.09.75 09.09.16 +3660 -2150 •• N 12501 FXO t •• 79 t •••• 31 I1.l0VENBREEN ~ 15504 STR N 15506 STR .*•••••••••••• +910 *..... -520 *.*t •••• 80 •••••••••••••••• 21.0B.15 31.0B.76 +3860 -1450 900 . *•• ..* . *. •••• *••••••••• 910 93 3l.0B.76 06.09.77 +20BO -1200 +BBO 1000 86 38.020 06.09.11 04.09.78 +2480 -Z990 -510 1Z50 54 36.020 04.09.78 01~09.79 +3640 -3220 +4Z0 1170 54 38.0Z0 01.09.79 05.09.80 +2680 -3180 -500 1250 54 +2410 38.020 38.020 *. *••15 * •••• 76 •••••••••••• *t.*.* •••••••••••••• ••••• 76 71 •••••••• *•••• .* ••. •• •••77 •• 30 AU. BROEGGERBR. K" 28 •• tt.16 ••••• 19 29 WERENSKIOlD8R AREA SO -110 1700 tt .t.17 ••••• 18 .t•••• t••••• N61011 STR ELA AAR MOlO 10.10.76 15.09.77 +1520 -2290 09.09.76 15.09.77 +2200 -2720 28 ENGABREEN BNIBA "1'" WE *•• 18 *.... . . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••~78 ••••• 19 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• 28.08.79 03.09.80 +700 -1350 -650 380 •••••••••• 15 ••••• 76 +720 -1110 -450 420 ••• ••••• 16 ••••• 77 +lbO -870 -110 300 ••• 6.100 •• •••17 ••••• 78 +750 --1310 -5bO 400 ••• 6.100 ••••• 6.100 ••••• 78 ••••• 19 +170 -1480 -710 560 ••• 6.100 ••••• 19 ••••• 80 +150 -520 440 ••• 6.100 ••••• 15 ••••• 76 -1270 +150 -1100 .-3150 410 ••• *.76 •• *•• 71 +800 ••••• 17 ••••• 78 + 81O •• *••78 ••• *.79 ••••• 79 ••••• ------------------------------------..-._-_ eo ••• 5.800 -840 -40 320 ••• 5.800 290 -4 '3 O 415 ••• 5.800 +800 -1460 -660 490 ••• 5.800 +830 -1260 -430 420 ••• 5.800 -1 -------_ .... _--._..._~----------------- .... ---------- .._---- SWEDEN 32 STORGLACIAEREN S 0788 STR 16.05.75 13.09.76 +1823 -913 +270 1440 43 3.100 20.05.76 09.09.77 -580 +200 1420 51 3.100 +963 15.05.77 12.09.78 +1123 -1105 11.05.78 11.09.19 +166 -1159 22.05.79 21.09.80 +517 -1726 "ASS BALANCE SUMMARY -eo 1469 46 3.100 -210 1491 38 3.100 22 3.100 -1270 1591 DATA, TASlE C, PAGE It 173 NRGL AC I ER NAHE PSFG NR SYS DY FROM MN YR DY ßW/AC TO MN YR HM WE BS/AA MM WE BN/BA ELA MH WE AREA SO KH AAR 010 H FRANCE F 33 SARENNES 0029 F XD •• *••75 ••••• 76 •••••• •••••• •• ••• 7b ••••• 77 •••••••••••• +550 •••• •••••••••• *•. 79 •••••••••••• -110 •••• •••••••••• +:320 • ••••••••• •• •*.79 ••••• 80 •••••••••••• SORLIN F 0015 FXD •••• ~75 ••••• 76 •••••• •••••• •• ••• 7b ••••• 77 •••••••••••• 0002 FXD •••• -1540 •••• •••••••••• +1380 •••••••••••••• •• •*.77 ••••• 78 •••••• •••••• +1150 •••• •••••••••• •• •••76 ••••• 79 •••••• •••••• +110 •••• •••••••••• •• ••·.19 ••••• 80 •••••••••••• F 35 ARGENTIERE •••••••••• +990 ••••. •••••••••• •• •,••·77 •••••.76 •••••••••••• •• •••7B •• 34 SAINT -2000 •••• ••••• 75 20.09.76 •••••• •••••• •• ••• 7b 15.09.77 •••••••••••• •• •••71 10.09.78 •••••••• *••• +1100 •••••••••••••• -1580 •••• •••••••••• +700 •••• •••••••••• +800 •••• •••••••••• •• •••78 12.09.79 •••••••••••• -170 •••••••••••••• •• •••19 19.09.80 •••••••••••• +a~o •••• •••••••••• ---_ .._~-----_ .._--..,.__....----...,_----_ .._---- ..-_ ..._---_ _ .._-.~------~_ .._-_ ........__ .. ........_ _._--------.... _. SWITZERLAND 36 CH RHONE 0001 ·FXD ••••• 75 ••••• 7b •••••• ••••• 7b ••••• •• •••17 ••••• 77 •••••• •••••• •••• 78 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••••• 76 •••• ~79 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• 20.09.79 16.09.80 CH 37GRIES 0003 FXD Ob.l0.75 +lLq~ +211 30.09.76 39.lIMMERN ALETSCH CH OOO~ FXD Zit 6.l69 +1263 2510 93 6.2b7 ~.265 17.3BO -~2b +950 2670 76 +246 -1165 -874 3070 21 6.331 +1038 -616 +719 2660 81 6.330 *•••••••• -6RA •••• ••• 128.420 01.10.76 30.09.77 •••••• •••••• +1477 •••• ••• 128.360 01.10.77 30.09.j8 •••••• •••••• +1805 •••• ••• 128.280 01.10.78 30.09.79 •••••• •••••• +lb2 •••• 01.10.79 30.09.80 •••••• •••••• +153~ •••• 01.10.75 30.09.76 ••• 08.09.7b I +l O2 +12l1 ••• 128.220 ••• llB.200 2.546 -111b -998 2980 10 -322 +78a 2555 72 l.524 93 2.524 41t 2.524 92 2.521t OB.09.77 05.09.78' +934 -143 +85& 2410 05.09.78 30.08.79 +544 -490 -36 2800 30.08.79 01.09.80 +842 -677 +121 2302 0114 FXD 09.09.75 08.09.76 +143 -1063 -961 2A75 08.09.76 08.09.77 +612 -250 +~44 2620 92 08.09.77 05.09.78 +1276 +0 * 100 .860 Z4 .860 05.09.78 30.08.79 HASS 174 64 +1153 C H O O 78 F X D O 9.• 09.75 CH +889 27l~ -1056 3090 29.09.77 26.09.78 08.09.76 08.09.77 40 PLATTALVA * •••••••••• -1457 +lltOit -b10 25.09.79 29.09~80 ••••••••• -1~32 30.09.76 29.09.77 2b. 38 GROSSER • ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +250 BALANCE -290 SUMMARY +127b ••• -159 1915 DATl, TABLE .741 C. .860 PAGE 5 NR GLAC I ER NAME P SF G .NR S Y S F ROM ß WI A C ß S I AÂ ß N I RA El A M~ WE M'1WE "'''' WE '1 +980 +0 +980 CH 0090 FXD 16.09.15 16.09.16 +334 -919 16.09.76 1'.09.77 +1020 -898 15.09.77 1't.09.78 +1051 -850 14.09.18 13.09.19 -42.2 DY MNYR TO Dy MN YR 30.0B.7901.09.BO 'tI SILVR~'l'A 13.09.79 +140 i~.o~.~O +11B5 -1050 **** AAR 010 AREA SO 1<1'4 100 .860 -510 2855 33 3.150 +620 2665 79 3.150 +937 2550 9't 3.150 -56 2790 31 3.150 +1114 2505 97 3.150 AUSTRIA 42 HINTERElS 43 VERNAGT F. F. 't4KESSElWÁNO F. 't 5 SONN BLICK K. 46 FIllECK K. A Á Á A A ~OZ09 FXO 01.10.15 30.09.76 +500 -1't60 -310 2995 58 8.960 01.10.76 30.09.77 +1330 -12BO +760 2B40 78 8.880 01.10.77 "30.09.78 +862 -1073 +410 2825 77 8.880 01.10.78 30.09.79 +546 -1365 -220 2970 58 9.080 01.10.19 30.09.8~ +584 -1349 -50 2930 67 9.080 0211 FXD 01.10.75 30.09.16 +336 -70't +76 303~ 15 9.301 01.10.76 30.09.11 +465 -'t91 +352 2984 BB q.301 01.10.11 30.09.18 +440 -5lt2 +288 3004 85 9.550 Ol.lO.lB 30.09.19 +.376 -875 +44 3059 73 Q.550 q.550 \,01.10.19 30.09.80 +342 -521 +140 3027 77 0226 FXD 01.10.15 30.09.16 +480 -2200 -40 3080 81 4.280 01.10.76 30.09.77 +1110 -2050 +700 3060 87 4.280 01.10.77 30.09.78 +850 -1250 +420 30ao 80 4.380 01.10.78 30.09.79 +570 -1420 +70 3100 75 4.'t20 01.10.79 30.09.80 +670 -1690 +160 aoso 79 4.440 05.10.75 31.08.7b +390 -776 +79 •••• 1.7bO 01.09.76 08.09.77 +496 -7l0 +148 .**. 73 71 1.760 09.09.77 31.08.78 +966 -765 +833 •••• 92 1.772 01.09.78 21.09.79 +486 -709 +224 ••• * 78 1.772 22.09.79 07.10.80 +964 -820 +834 •••• 93 1.760 05.10.75 3l.08.7b +31B -b3 +280 •••• 8q .148 01.09.76 28.10.71 +336 -308 +230 •••• 82 .148 29.10.77 31.0B.78 +875 +0 +870 •••• 100 .160 01.09.7B 21.08.79 +274 -279 +130 •••• 73 .160 22.0q.79 07~10.80 +85B +0 +8bO •••• 100 .148 0601 STR A60l STR ITALY 41 CARESER I 0701 FXD 01.10.75 08.l0.7b +610 -880 -270 3200 01.10.7b 05.10.77 +1890 -900 +9qO 2857 01.10.77 12.10.78 +1200 -1120 +80 30bO 01.10.78 03.l0.7q +1100 -1280 *... -lAO 3125 ••••• 79 ••••• 80 •••••••• MASS BALANCE SUMMARY DAT4, TAßlE 4.680 . 98 1t.680 63 4.6BO 32 4.680 C, . PAGE 6 175 NR <;LACIER PSFG NAME NR SYS FRO~ DY ~N TO YR DY MN YR ßW/AC 8S/AA ~M ~11 WE WE ~N/~A ~'1 WE ELA AAR 11 010 AREA SO KM KENYA KN 0008 OTH 48 LEWIS ••••• 75 ••••• 76 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •• •••76 .* .~.77 ••••••••• ~.. •••••• •••• *•• •••••••. •••••••••• •• ·•••77 ••••• 78 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01.03.78 01.03.79 •••••••••••• 01.03.79 01.03.80 •••••• •••••• UNION OF SOVIET 49 KUPOL VAvtLOVA SOC. -70 •••• -1750 •••• ••• .259 •••••••••• REP. 75 ••••• 7b +4Z0 -ZOO +220 •• •••76 ••••• 77 +370 -180 +190 •••• •••••••••• •• •••77 •••• ~76 +Z50 -1t90 -2ltO•••• •••••••••• ••••• 78 •••• '.79 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• SU 1001 STR ••••• 1t30 ••• 1.605 •• •••79 ••••• 80 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 IGAN SU 2001 STR ••••• 15 ••••• 1b ••••• 76 •• _•••71 +2510 -4290 -1180 •••• ••• .810 +2360 -3980 -lblO ••• .810 ••• .810 ••••• 17 ••••• 78 •••••••••••• •••• +890 •••• •• •••78 ••••• 79 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• •• •••79 ••••• 80 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 51 08RUCHEVA SU 2002 STR ••••• 75 ••••• 76 •••••.16 ••••• 71 +35Z0 -1t410 -890 •••• ••• .300 +3380 -1t880 -1500 •••• ••• .300 ••••• 17 ••••• 18 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5Z KHAKEL SU 3003 STR •• •••76 ••••• 79 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• ••.•••79 ••••• 80 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••••••• +390 •••• ••• 2.100 +11t60 -1200 +2bO • •• 2.700 ••••• 77 ••••• 78 +llbO --lItBO -320 •••• ••• 2.700 ••••• 78 ••••• 79 +1800 +441 •••• ••• 2.700 •• ~ •• 75 ••••• 76 +1640 •• •••76 ••••• 77 -1250 -13~9 •••• •• •••79 ••••• 80 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• 53 OZ HANKUA T 54 AB~AMOVA 55 GOLUB INA' SU 3010 STR 08.09.75 25.09.16 +2220 -1930 +290 3170 57 3.234 25.09.76 26.09.77 +2140 -2510 -310 3270 48 3.234 26.09.77 ••••• 78 +2560 -2120 +440 3170 ••• 3.230 •• •••78 23.09.79 +2520 -2830 -310 3280 49 3.230 ••• 3.230 24 26.210 23.09.19 11.09.80 +2720 -2400, +380 3180 SU 4101 OTH 01.10.15 30.09.76 +571 elS18 -1022 431t0 01.10.76 30.09.17 +1942 -1648 -llt594470 5 ?b.190 01.10.17 30.09.78 +i469 ·-11t96 +1309 1t~50 fl 26.180 01.10.78 30.09.79 +71t1 -1395 -394 4220 't6 26.150 01.10.79 30.09.60 +600 -1632 +10~1 4330 26 2b.140 75 ••••• 76 +500 -900 -400 •••• ••• 6.200 77 +160 -lOBO -320 •••• * •• 6.200 •• •••77 ••••• 78 +740 -lIQO -450 4150 ••• 6.200 •• •••18 ••••• 79 +.820 -1180 -360 •••• ••• 6.200 SU 5060 STR ••••• ••••• 7b ••••• 114S5 176 •••••••••• BALANCE SUMMARY DATA, TABLE C, PAGE 7 NR GLACIER NAHE PSFG NR SYS FROH DY HN YR DY TO HN YR ~W/AC I1H WE SS/AA MH WE ••••• 79 ••••• 80 ••••••••• 56 TUYUKSU SU 5075 STR 17.0q.75 06.09.76 30.09.77 TUYUKSU 58 KARABATKAK 5q 60 HAHETOVOY K ID lE 63 HAYAKOVSKOGO ZAN SU +480 -1620 -1140 3840 *••••••••• b2 3.140 30 3.100 3 3.100 31 3.100 +350 -1830 05.10.78 l3.0Q.7Q +700 -1220 -520 13.09.7926.09.BO +560 -1190 -630 3850 32 3.020 -460 3850 ••• 1.720 3810 ••• 1.720 -17'-04200 ••• 1.720 ••••• 75 ••••• 76 +Q10 -~370 *•••• 76 ** •••77 +920 -1670 •• **.17 ••••• 78 +800 -2520 •••• ,78 .* •••79 +996 -1436 ••••• 79 ••••• 80 +1010 -1410 -1480 4210 -750 3850 -440 3725 .*. 1.720 -460 3750 ••• 1.720 -850 3600 64 4.560 01.10.15 30.09.16 +b90 01.10.76 30.09.17 +230 -3180 -860 3820 61 4.560 01.10.77 ~0.09878 +680 -3860 -1180 3840 59 4.560 -35BO +840 -3330 -500 3750 68 4.560 +930 -3600 -370 3670 11 4.560 5090 STR •• **.15 ••••• 76 +920 -1610 -7003810 ••• 1.430 ••••• 76 .••••• 77 +920 -2140 -1220 3170 ••• 1.430 ••••• 11 ••••• 78 +810 -2840 -2030 4147 ••• 1.430 ••••• 18 ••••• 1Q +1014 -1405 -391 3750 ••• 1.43~ ••••• 19 ••••• 80 +1020 -1910 -8QO ~830 ••• 1.400 5093 OTH SU 5094 OTH SU 3q40 AREA SO KM 01.10.19 30.09.80 SU 5092 OTH SU +$* •••• -720 AAR MOlO 01.10.78 30.09.79 SU 5091 STR bl KaS~OOEHYANSKOY 64 PARTI 5076 STR SU 5060 OTH HOLOOEZHNYY 62 OR DZHONI SU ELA 05.10.78 30.0q.77 57IGLI *••••• +510 -1230 06.0q.76 8N/BA 1111 WE 5095 OTH .* ••.75 * •• ~.76 +880 -1130 -250 3880 ••• .350 •••• ,76 ••••• 17 +880 -1650 -710 3860 ••• .350 ••••• 11 ••••• 18 +770 -3120 -2350 4100 ••• .350 ••••• 78 ••••• 79 +943 -1429 -486 3860 ••• .350 ••••• 79 ••••• BO +920 -1650 -730 3950 ••• .350 ••••• 75 ••••• 76 +990 -1290 -300 3800 ••• .360 ••••• 76 ••••• 77 +920 -1740 -820 3800 ••• ••••• 77 ••••• 78 +800 -2020 -1200 •••• ••• +.78 •••• ,79 +890 -1020 ~130 3730 ••• +.79 ••• +.60 +1020 -1250 ••••• 75 ••••• 7b •••• •••• ~7b +890 ,77 +B90 -1180 -800 -230 3720 ••• *.. *.. +90 3800 ••• -2QO 3870 ••• .360 .360 .360 .360 ,310 ,310 •••• ,71 •••• ,78 +780 -1630 -1050 4100 ••• ••••• 78 ••••• 79 +9f!8 -1290 -252 3850 ••• .310 •••• ,79 ••••• 80 +940 -1220 -280 3800 ••• .310 ••••• 75 ••••• 76 +890 -1120 -230 4000 ••• .180 ••••• 76 ••••• 77 +890 ,-1210 -320 4000 ••• .1BO •••• ,77 ••••• 78 +760 -1610 -850 4100 ••• .180 •••• ,78 ••••• 79 -945 -1373 -it28•••• ••• .180 ••••• 79 •••• ,80 +980 -1310 -330 •••• ••• .180 ••••• 75 •••• ,76 +810 -540 +210 3900 ••• ~6 +810 -890 -~0·4l00 .*. .140 ••••• .~ •• ,77 MASS ,310 J SALANCE SU~~ARY OATA, TAßlE C. .140 PAGE 8 177 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR SYS FROM DY 6.5VISYACHII 1+2 66 HAlYY AKTRU 61 GRECHISHKINA ~N YR TO DY MN YR BW/lC WE BS/lA ~MWE ~P1 BNrSl ~..WE ELA ~ AAR AREl KM sa % *. ••• ••••• 77 ••••• 78 +660 -1130 ••••• 78 ••••• 79 +807 -150 +51 4025 ••• .140 •• •••19 ••••• 80 +860 -190 +70 4025 ••• .1ltO .290 -410 •• .140 +9ltO -1500 -e so 3150 ••• ••••• 16 ••••• 7.7 +950 -1560 -610 3150 ••• .290 ••••• 17 ••••• 78 +830 -1910 -1080 •••• ••• .290 SU 5096 OTH •••• ~15 ••••• 16 ••••• 78 ••••• 19 +1q48 -1291 -249 3150 ••• .290 ••••• 79 ••••• 80 +1020 -1230 -210 3125 ••• .290 SU 7100 STR 17.09.75 24.09.16 +890 +bBO •••••••••• SU 8001 STR -210 2800 25.09.76 30.09.11 +B10 -320 +490 2960 •••••••••• 01.10.17 28.09.18 +200 -680 -480 3lBO •••••••••• 29.09.78 07.10.79 +2eo -BbO -580 08.10.79 23.09.80 +500 '-340 ••••• 3200 +220 3100 15 ••••• 76 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• .*.... •••••••••• ••••• * •••• + ••••••••• . . -••••• 16 ••••• 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••77 ••••• 7B ••••••••••• •• •••7ß 12.09.79 ••••• 79 ••••• 68 KOZElSKIY SU 8005 STR eo * -1150 .*... * ••••• -litO 15.50 * •••• ** •••• 50 14.410 * ••••••••• 19.09.75 15.09.76 +3810 -2480 +1330 1210 73 09. 7b 21.09.77 +aso -1 b 20 -8AO 1280 30 i , ROO +3310 -4250 -940 1330 30 1.BOO 30.09.78 22.09.19 \ +2970 -3170 -200 1450 29 1.780 +590 -180 -40 1410 57 1.180 lb. 22.09.71 29.09.78 23•o9.79 24.09•8O 69 MUTNOVSKIy NE +880 SU 8011 STR ••••• 75 ••••• 7b ••••••••• ~.. •••••• ••••• 16 ••••• 77 ••••••••••••••• •••• *.* •••• 1.800 • ••••••••• *••••••••• •• •••71 ••••• 18 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••78 ••• *.79 ••••••••• 13.09.19 15.09.80 10 HUT~OVSKIY SW +2820 *•••• -2540 *••• *.~... .*..... * +280 1620 t.... SU BOlZ STR ••••• 15 •••• ,76 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •• •••76 ••••• 17 ••••••• 30 . 1.31~ •••••• * ••• . •• •••77 ••••• 78 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••••• ~••• •• •••78 •• •••19 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••• ,. •••••• 13.09.79 15.09.80 +2770 -2530 +290 1b30 70 1.090 CHINA 71 SHUIGUlNHE NO.1t CN 0001 FXD 05.09.75 30.08.1b 05.• 09.76 30.08.77 +lt99 -191 +500 -Itb7 +27b ~~20 +14 4430 ,••••• 79 ••••• 80 •••••• 72 YlNGlONGHE NO.5 CN 0002 FXD ••••• 15 ••••• 1.3bO . •••••••••• *••••••••••••••••••••••••• r« •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 05.09.76 04.09.71 +551 -Z08 +1t96 4600 92 1.620 04.09.11 05.09.78 +200 -631 -215 4150 43 1.620 HASS BALANCE SUMHA~Y DAT.\, 178 l'.3bO 5b *... . ••••• 77 ••••• 18 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• •• •••78 ••••• 19 •••••••••••••••••• b8 TABLE C, PAGE 9 --_-- --- NR GlACIE.R NAHE PSFG NR FROH SYS DY 73 QIVI eN 0003 eN 0001t 15 U.RUH.QIHE S.NO.1 eN 0010 DV MN YR 03.09.79 •• •• • •• 79 ••• 80 SW I AC 11M WE +21t2 BS/AA WE A~/BA "1" WE -275 +35 "1"1 ELA P1 1t700 AA~ 010 AREA SQ KH 60 1.b20 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••• ••••••• FXD 11.08.15 06.09.7b +502 -373 +'384 4550 87 3.040 05.09.76 04.09.77 +532 -1t54 +3 H 4620 82 3.040 •• •• •• •• ••• 77 ••• 78 • •• 79 FXD '31.08.15 •• •• '. TO YR 01t.09.18 •• •• 14 'lAOHUGUÖ ~~ ••• 78 ··.79 ••• 80 28.08.7b ••• 1b' ••• 11 •• • •• 78 •• ••• 19 •• •• •• •• ••• 11 ••• 1B ··.19 • •• 80 1 ... .. •••••• •••••• •••••• • ••• ••• ••••••• _. •••••• • ••••• •••• ••• ••••••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••• ••••••• ....... +ltbO •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• -'359 ••••••• •••••• •••••• • ••••• +331 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• 1t100 •••• • ••• •••• •••• Bit ZI.It~O ••• ••••••• • •• ••••••• ••• ••••••• ••• ••••••• FXD 01.09.75 31.08.76 +569 -422 +29 't06b 45 1.870 01.09.76 31.08.77 +581 -561 +lBO 1t001 65 1.8bO 01.09.17 31.08.18 +51t0 -361 -109 4155 28 I.R60 01.09.78 31.08.19 +512 -311 01.09.19 31.08.eo +235 -858 -3~5 SU"IMAI"" DATA. MASS BALANCE -84 4120 33 1.850 4038 46 1.840 TABLE C. PAGE 10 179 180 TABLE MASS BALANCE ADDENDA NR :.Record GLACIER PSFG rROM CC SUMMARY DATA EARLIER YEARS number NAME : 15 alphabetic NUMBER: or numeric 4 or 5 digits denoting identifying glacier with alphabetic STR FXD OTH = = = Stratigraphic Fixed date Other System Day, month and year of beginning of balance/measurement TO : Day, month and year of end of balance/measurement BW/AC : Mean specific winter or annual accumulation or annual ablation : Mean specific summer balance BN/BA : Mean specific net balance or annual balance equilibrium line or annual : Altitude metres AAR : of year year balance BS/AA ELA prefix country SYS : System of measurement: FROM: digits in mm H20 in mm H20 in mm H20 equilibrium line in above sea level Ratio of accumulation area to total area of the glacier in per cent AREA : Area of the glacier used for calculation of mean specific quantities Key to symbols: ** No data available 181 NR GLACIER NAME PSFG NR SYS DY FROH MN YR DY TO HN YR BW/AC MH WE SS/AA "111 \JE ~N/~A "1"1 WE ELA ~ AAR O/O AREA SO I(~ C~NADA l HElGHEN ICE CAP CD 1335 STR •••••• 59 •••••• 60 •••••••••••• -850 •••• ••••••••• •••• 61 -2~O •••• • •••••• •••• • •••••••• • •••••••• "'.60 •••••• -1080 •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• -240 •••• •••••• 63 •••••• 64 •••••• •••••• +350 •••• • •••••••• * ••••• •••••• +60 •••• • •••••••• •••••• 65 •••••• 66 •••••• •••••• -70 •••• • •••••••• •••••• 66 •••••• 67 •••••• •••••• +0 •••• 62 • •••••••• STR 63 65 •••••• •••••• •••••• +40 •••• 68 * ••••• 68 ••• *•• 69 •••••• •••••• +60 •• 69 •••••• 70 •••••• •••••• -10 •••• •••••• 71 •••••• •••••• -~OO •••••• 67 •••••• •••• CD 19b1 •••••• •••••• 62 •••••• •••••• CA~ •••••• •••• ~.61 •••• *.64 2 SOUTH ICE •••••• *.70 •••••• 73 •••••• •••••• -30 •••• • •••••••• ** •••• 74 •••••• •••••• -'O •••• • •••••••• •••••• 74 •••••• 15 •••••• •••••• +50 •••• • •••••••• •••••• 62 •••••• b3 •••••••••••• -110 •••• ••••••••• ••• ••• 63 •••••• 64 +300 •••• •••••• 64 •••••• 65 •••••••••••• +100 •••• •••••• -130 •••• +170 •••• 65 •••••• •••••••••••• 66 •••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••• 69 •••••• 70 •••••• •••••• 10 •••••• 72 •••••••••••• US 2013 CASCADE VAVILOVA ••• -470 •••• * *. ••••••••• *•••••••• ••• **.* •• •• *.* •••• * •••••••• •••••• 13 ••••• 13 •••••• 74 •••••••••••• -lAO •••• •• •••• 14 •••••• 75 •••••••••••• -510 •••• ••••••••• STR 20.10.10 14.10.71 +880 -280 14.10.71 20.10.72 +1520 ~ -90 20.10.12 27.10.13 27.10.73 30.10.14 SOC. +90 •• +10 +1360 o • 14 o 3 • la • 15 -1050 -340 + 4 5o - '3 o o +350 -310 1825 78 2.720 +1"30 1775 B6 2.120 -Ialta 2100 +1020 182~ +600 -·5 o 18 25 +40 •••• 2.77.0 86 2.120 78 2.120 REP. SU 1001 STR ** •••• .*.... SU 2001 STR SU 2002 STR •••••• 1 MARUI<HSKIY SU 3001 STR 74 13 •••••• 1~ *••••• 75 +290 -520 -2'30 1~ *••••• 75 +2120 -1680 +1040 •••• 74 •••••• 15 +2750 -2610 +140 •••• +2240 -2680 -440 2850 +2730 -2890 -lijO 2820 •••••• 66 •••• •••••• 61 MASS 182 •••• -260 • 12 OBf<UCHEVA 5 IGAN * •••••• +50 ••.••• *••• • •• * ••••• •• •••• • * •••• 6 •••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• OF AMERICA OF SOVIET 4 KUPOL • •••••••• 73 '3 O• l UNION .t.. .t . 71 ••••• 3 SOUTH ••.••••••• •• •••• •••••• 68 •••••• 69 •••••••••••• STATES • •••••••• *. •••••• •••••• 66 •••••• 68 UNITED *• •••••• ~.67 68 BALANCE SUMMARY DATA,ADOEN[)l •••• TABLE ••••••••• • •••••••• ••••••••• •• .300 •• 3.300 •• 3.300 cc, PAGE l NR GLACIER 8 9 NAME KHAKEl PSFG NR SYS SU 3003 STR OZHANKUAT SU 3010 STR 10 ABRAMOIJA SU 4101 OTH FROM TO DY '1N YR DY MN YR BW/AC HM WE BS/AA SN/BA "'' 4 J,4F "''1 WE ELA '" AAR O/O AREA KM SQ **•**.68 **'. **•69 +183O -291O -1O8O 296O ** 3.300 **.**.69 **.**.70 +3190 -2920 +210 2750 ** 3.300 **.**.70 *•••••11 +2180 -3090 -910 *.** .* 3.300 •••**.11 **.**.12 +2140 -3300 -1160 2910 ** 3.300 .*••*.12 *••**.13 +2250 -2470 -210 2810 ** 3.300 .*••••73 ••••••74 +2580 -3020 -~40 2890 ** 3.300 *•••••14 **.*••75 +2390 -3540 3.300 .*••••13 .*.*••14 +980 .*.**.74 .*.**.75 -1210 **** ** -1b60 -660 **** ** 2.700 +1200 -15~0 -'360•••• ** 2.700 *•• 68 +2060 -1960 +100 314C ** 2.990 **.*••68 *•••••69 +1890 -2980 -1090 3340 •• 2.990 •••••• 67 ••• **.*••69 .*••*.10 +2410 -2000 +410 3060 *. 2.990 .*••••10 ••••*.71 +2~30 -2660 -230 3210 *. 2.990 -1140 3320 ** 2.990 ••••*.11 **.*••12 +2170 -3310 *•••*.72 ••••*.73 +2200 -2480 -2ao 3190 ** 2.990 ••••••73 •••*••14 +2360 -2120 +240 3090 ** 2.990 ••••••74 ••••••15 +2180 -3090 -910 3280 ** 2.990 01.10.61 30.09.68 +1237 -1775 -135 4140 61 26.020 01.10.68 30.09.69 +1941 -1108 +8~3 4040 79 26.000 01.10.69 30.09.70 +1377 -1113 -102 4200 50 25.970 01.10.70 30.09.11 +436 -1671 -890 4270 37 25.940 01.10.71 30.09.72 +1011 -899 +5~4 4010 14 25.930 01.10.72 30.09.13 +687 -1520 -999 4340 24 26.170 01.10.73 30.09.74 +542 -1105 -BOO ~250 40 26.200 01.10.74 30.09.15 +573 -1288 -741 4310 29 26.210 Il GOLUBINA SU 5060 STR .*.*••74 .*••*.75 +600 -840 -240 ***. •• 6.200 12 TUYUKSU SU 5075 STR 25.08.14 17.09.15 +580 -1030 -~50 38~0 39 3.190 13 IGLI SU 5076 STR .*••••74 .*.**.15 +690 -1160 -210 3180 .* 1.120 14 KARABATKAK SU 5080 STR **••••74 **••••75 +511 -100~ -49~ .*** ** .450 15 MOlODEZHNYY SU 5090 STR .*••••7~ .*••*.15 +900 -1290 -390 3750 ** 1.430 16 MAMETOVOY SU 5091 STR **••••74 .*.**.15 +870 -1140 -270 3820 ** .350 17 KOSHOOEHYANSKOY SU 5092 OTH •••• *.7~ ••••••75 +890 -1020 -130 3750 ** .360 18 OROZHONIKIDZE SU 5093 OTH ••• **.14 •••**.75 +aBO -950 -70 3770 ** .310 19 MAYAKOVSKOGO SU 5094 OTH *••*••14 **.*••15 +870 -100 +170 3770 *. .1BO 20 PARTIZAN SU 5095 OTH .*.**.74 **••••15 +600 -~30 +370 3770 *. .1~0 SU 5096 OTH **.*••74 .*.**.75 +910 -290 3730 *. .290 1.730 TUYUKSU 21 VISYACHII 1 + 2 22 KOZELSKIY SU 6005 STR -1200 ** ••••72 *••**.13 +3690 -3090 +600 1180 77 .*••••73 *••**.1~ +~130 -2480 +lb~O 1160 15 1.790 *•••••1~ .*.**.15 +3630 -3850 -220 1210 13 1.710 -- ----------------------------------------_ _- .._------------_ ... .. __...,_ ..... _ .... _-_ ..----_ .......... ----_ ...._----- CHINA 23 URUHQIHE S.NO.1 CN 0010 FXO 01.09.58 31.08.59 +546 -603 +A7 4005 60 1.950 01.09.59 31.0B.60 +571 -791 -188 ·'t060 ~~ 1.950 HASS BALANCE SUMMARY DATA.ADOENOA TAßLE CC. PAGE 2 183 NR GLACIER NAHE PSFG NR SYS DY FROH I1N YR 01.09.60 01.09.61 01.09.62 01.09.b3 01.09. DY TO HN YR 01.09. It7 1.950 31.08.62 -lb1 "075 It" 1.950 31.08.b3 +b31 -b58 +Z3~ 3971 b9 1.950 3l.08.b~ +bOl -544 +2 1t055 4e 1.950 +b52 -638 +31,. 39't8 18 1.950 +481 -861 -374 vi i c 3b 1.950 +656 -"79 -70 ,Ob3 4b 1.950 +559 -1000 -,.56 Hl1 35 1.950 +673 -608 +148 'tooe 59 1.9~0 +672 -836 -'313 1t10~ 31 1.950 +6"1 -610 +102 4015 51 1.950 +689 -610 +262 3981 b1 1.950 +450 -1221 -108 4146 31 1.950 +663 -721 -125 't075 It3 1.950 +707 -600 +288 3962 66 1.670 b9 31.08.70 01.09.71 01.09.72 01.09.73 01.09.74 ~060 AREA SQ KM -773 3l.0e.b9 01.09.70 -33 AAR 0/0 -580 31.08.b8 01.09.68 El A 11 +600 31.08.b1 01.09.67 ß~H!U "1"1 WE +592 31.08.b6 01.09.bb SS/AA 11"1 WE 31.08.61 bit 31.0ft.b5 01.09.b5 B WlAC 11M WE 3l.0e.71 31.06.72 31.0e.73 31.0e.71t 31.08.75 TABLE HASS BALANCE CCC VERSUS ALTITUDE FOR SELECTED GLACIERS NR : Record number GLACIER NAME : YEAR : Balance year or measurement = = *** = ALTITUDE: Altitude interval AREA : Area of altitude BW/AC year STR = Stratigraphic SYS : System of measurement: FXD Fixed date OTH Other system Unspecified system in metres above sea level band in square kilometres : Specific winter balance or annual accumulation BS/AA : Specific BN/BA : Specific summer balance or annual ablation SUMMARY DATA: in mm H2O in mm H2O net balance or annual balance in mm H2O Total and mean specific values computed from data for the individual altitude intervals Key to symbols: ***** : No data available 185 NR 1.1 GLACIER NAME DEVON ICE CAP (CD 431) YEAR 1975-76 SYS OTH ALTITUDE FROM TO 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 100- 200 000- 100 AREA SQ KM BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE mm WE 37.5 65.0 122.6 115.0 217.5 180.0 160.0 235.0 192.5 95.0 82.5 75.0 70.0 10.0 12.5 12.5 7.5 5.0 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 151 161 171 181 191 201 211 221 239 180 118 56 -6 -69 -131 -193 -286 -317 1695.1 ***** ***** 171 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 209 ***** 184 ***** 159 ***** 134 ***** -12 ***** -25 ***** -39 ***** -53 ***** -67 ***** ***** -222 ***** -364 ***** -506 ***** -648 ***** -790 ***** -932 ***** -1074 ***** -1216 ***** -1358 ***** ***** -- 000-1800 SUMMARY DATA 1.2 DEVON ICE CAP SUMMARY DATA 1976-77 DTH 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 100- 200 000- 100 000-1800 37.5 65.0 122.6 115.0 217.5 180.0 160.0 235 .. 0 192.5 95.0 82.5 75.0 70.0 10.0 12.5 12.5 7.5 5.0 1695.1 TABLE CCC 186 PAGE l -99 NR 1.3 GLACIER NAME DEVON ICE CAP YEAR 1977-78 SYS OTH SUMMARY DATA 1.4 DEVON ICE CAP SUMMARY DATA 1978-79 OTH ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-~300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 100- 200 000- 100 37.5 65.0 122.6 115.0 217.5 180.0 160.0 235.0 192.5 95.0 82.4 75.0 70.0 10.0 12.5 12.5 7.5 5.0 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 163 164 165 165 166 167 38 10 -18 -46 -74 -193 -377 -471 -561 -660 -734 -849 000-1800 1695.1 ***** ***** 27 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 100- 200 000- 100 37.5 65.0 122.6 115.0 217.5 180.0 160.0 235.0 192.5 95.0 82.5 75.0 70.0 10.0 12.5 12.5 7.5 5.0 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *.**** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 150 ***** 150 ***** 200 ***** 210 ***** 185 ***** 135 ***** 50 ***** 215 ***** *-*"*** 150 ***** -275 ***** -352 ***** -428 ***** -505 ***** -581 ***** -658 ***** -734 ***** -811 ***** -887 000-1800 1695.1 ***** ***** TABLE CCC 35 PAGE 2 187 NR 1.5 GLACIER NAME DEVON ICE CAP YEAR 1979-80 SYS OTH SUMMARY DATA 2.1 PEYTO (CD 1640) 1975-76 STR SUMMARY DATA .2.2 PEYTO SUMMARY DATA 1976-77 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 100- 200 000- 100 37.5 65.0 122.6 115.0 217.5 180.0 160.0 235.0 192.5 95.0 82.5 75.0 70.0 10.0 12.5 12.5 7.5 5.0 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 180 170 180 215 200 170 100 O -130 -350 -550 -700 -820 -910 -930 -950 -970 -990 000-1800 1695.1 ***** ***** -57 >3100 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400.-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.02 0.17 0.86 1.77 2.33 2.62 2.80 1.25 0.86 0.65 0.07 2960 2610 2420 2200 1930 1720 1430 1210 860 720 660 -310 -860 -1420 -1900 -2590 -2940 -3480 2960 2610 2420 2200 1620 860 10 -690 -1730 -2220 -2820 2100-3100 13.40 1660 -1020 640 >3100 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.02 0.17 0.86 1.77 2.33 2.62 2.80 1.25 0.86 0.65 0.07 1460 1320 1230 1130 1010 900 790 690 560 480 380 O O O O -100 -690 -1540 -2220 -3270 -3710 -4120 1460 1320 1230 1130 910 210 -750 -1530 -2710 -3230 -3740 2100-3100 13.40 890 -1100 ~210 TABLE CCC 188 O O O O PAGE 3 NR 2.3 GLACIER NAME PEYTO YEAR· 1977-78 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 2.4 PEYTO 1978-79 STR SUMMARY DATA 2.5 PEYTO SUMMARY DATA 1979-80 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE >3100 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.02 0.17 0.86 1.77 2.33 2.62 2.80 1.25 0.86 0.65 0.07 2100-3100 13.40 >3100 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700 .... 2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 O 2120 1850 1670 1500 1310 1140 940 780 540 440 300 -180 -730 -1180 -1630 -2160 -2590 -2970 -3520 -3830 -4610 2120 1670 940 320 -320 -1020 -1650 -2190 -2980 -3390 -4310 1110 -2160 -1050 0.02 0.17 0.86 1.77 2.33 2.62 2.80 1.25 0.86 0.65 0.07 2130 1890 1730 1590 1420 1280 1090 960 740 660 590 O O -320 -860 -1420 -2010 -2560 -3040 -3730 -4090 -4840 2130 1890 1410 730 -730 -1470 -2080 -2990 -3430 -4250 2100-3100 13.40 1250 -2060 -810 >3100 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.02 0.17 0.86 1.77 2.33 2.62 2.80 1.25 0.86 0.65 0.07 1580 1380 1270 1120 960 820 650 500 290 200 140 O O O 50 590 1210 1850 2420 3230 3650 4220 1580 1380 1270 1070 370 -390 -1200 -1920 -2940 -3450 -4080 2100-3100 13.40 790 1370 -1050 I TABLE CCC O PAGE 4 189 ~- NR GLACIER NAME YEAR SYS ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA mm WE BN/BA mm WE 3.1 SOUTH CASCADE (US 2013) 1968-69 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.02 0.10 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.37 0.40 0.41 0.19 0.21 0.15 0.04 2000 2700 3350 3500 3500 3470 3520 3400 3030 2400 1570 750 ***** **:*** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 250 200 450 610 320 150 10 -900 -2320 -3170 -5030 -7500 3.2 SOUTH CASCADE 1969-70 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.02 2130 2210 2520 2670 2690 2490 2900 2530 2000 1920 1290 500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** -250 -360 -420 -20 -410 -500 -720 -1400 -2550 -3100 -4320 -5000 3.3 SOUTH CASCADE 1970-71 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.02 3250 3210 3820 4130 3980 3500 3800 3500 3200 2950 2000 1500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 500 360 1180 1310 1200 1040 1270 1010 -350 -800 -2590 -5000 TABLE CCC 190 PAGE 5 NR GLACIER NAME YEAR SYS ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE 3.4 SOUTH CASCADE 1971-72 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.02 1380 2000 4260 5280 4930 4730 4900 4500 3350 3350 2500 2500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 630 1140 1840 2310 2150 2390 1950 1370 300 -150 -970 -250 3.5 SOUTH CASCADE 1972-73 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175~ 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.02 1750 1860 2320 2500 2500 2500 2470 2210 1850 1500 1440 1000 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 130 110 40 -120 -10 -180 -300 -1150 -2520 -4150 -4150 -5500 1973-74 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.01 2250 2500 3240 3970 3980 4100 4100 3910 3210 3260 2630 1500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1500 1290 1900 2250 2150 2140 1820 650 -360 -1400 -3060 -5500 - 3.6 SOUTH CASCADE TABLE CCC PAGE 6 191 NR GLACIER NAME YEAR SYS ALTITUDE TO FROM AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 3.7 SOUTH CASCADE 1974-75 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.01 2500 3070 2980 3280 3150 3330 3350 3300 2740 2500 2060 2500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 380 500 890 1030 630 510 450 130 -1170 -2400 -3500 -4500 3.8 SOUTH CASCADE 1975-76 STR 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.04 0.07 0.31 0.32 0.23 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.21 0.21 0.16 0.01 2500 2790 3120 3910 3710 3840 3900 4110 3440 2830 2000 1500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 500 790 1420 2026 1890 1960 1920 1240 -260 -1500 -3400 -6500 3.9 SOUTH CASCADE 1976-77 STR 2225-2275 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.02 0.07 0.21 0.34 0.26 0.36 0.33 0.45 0.18 0.14 0.17 0.05 0.01 750 930 1770 1990 1690 1870 1660 1500 1440 1210 850 700 500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** -250 -500 -400 -410 -420 -690 -650 -1290 -2330 -3430 -4260 -5500 -5500 TABLE CCC 192 PAGE 7 NR GLACIER NAME YEAR SYS ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA SQ KM BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE mm WE 3.10 SOUTH CASCADE 1977-78 STR 2225-2275 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.02 0.07 0.21 0.34 0.26 0.36 0.33 0.45 0.18 0.14 0.17 0.05 0.01 1250 1710 2660 2860 2390 2620 2910 2650 2220 2000 1740 1500 1500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 250 430 1190 1260 710 420 500 -1020 -2780 -2860 -3530 -3600 -6500 3.11 SOUTH CASCADE 1978-79 STR 2225-2275 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-:-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.02 0.07 0.21 0.34 0.26 0.36 0.33 0.45 0.18 0.14 0.17 0.05 0.01 1250 1290 2260 2260 2250 2930 2500 2390 1530 1570 1030 1100 1500 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** -130 -430 -630 -570 -390 -530 -830 -1670 -3390 -4250 -5180 -4300 -6500 3.12 SOUTH CASCADE 1979-80 STR 2225-2275 2175-2225 2125-2175 2075-2125 2025-2075 1975-2025 1925-1975 1875-1925 1825-1875 1775-1825 1725-1775 1675-1725 1625-1675 0.02 0.07 0.21 0.34 0.26 0.36 0.33 0.45 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.02 0.01 750 1360 2020 2060 1610 1880 2090 2100 1500 1390 1380 1000 O ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** -130 -110 -120 -120 -40 -400 -480 -1470 -1970 -2750 -3880 -6500 -5500 TABLE CCC PAGE 8 193 - NR 4.1 GLACIER NAME NORDBOGlETSCH. (G 0002) YEAR 01979-80 SYS OTH ENGABREEN (N 67011) 1975-76 STR SUMMARY DATA 5.2 ENGABREEN SUMMARY DATA 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 600-1500 SUMMARY DATA 5.1 ALTITUDE FROM TO 1976-77 STR o AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 2.30 8.59 6.74 12.11 7.01 9.91 4.57 5.32 0.35 570 470 680 560 430 300 180 70 20 -830 -960 -910 -1250 -1670 -2150 -2830 -3000 -3200 -260 -490 -230 -690 -1240 -1850 -2650 -2930 -3180 **** ***** ***** ***** 1500-1594 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 80- 200 0.12 2.51 9.35 8.55 7.60 4.66 2.46 0.94 0.50 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.22 0.09 3680 5100 5270 3760 3380 3310 2830 2200 1800 1300 1150 800 500 300 300 -1000 -800 -750 -1200 -1450 -1800 -2200 -2800 -3250 -3750 -4500 -5100 -5650 -6250 -6700 2680 4300 4520 2560 1930 1510 630 -600 -1450 -2450 -3350 -4300 -5150 -5950 -6400 80-1594 38.02 3860 -1450 2410 1500-1594 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 80- 200 0.12 2.51 9.35 8.55 7.60 4.66 2.46 0.94 0.50 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.22 0.09 2530 2750 2400 2240 1940 1860 1680 1460 1250 750 640 410 350 200 60 -330 -350 -370 -970 -1160 -1500 -2220 -2710 -3730 -4350 -5000 -5500 -6000 -6600 -6900 2200 2400 2030 1270 780 360 -540 -1250 -2480 -3600 -4360 -5090 -5650 -6400 -6840 80-1594 38.02 2080 -1200 -880 TABLE CCC 194 PAGE 9 NR 5.3 GLACIER NAME ENGABREEN YEAR 1977-78 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 5.4 ENGABREEN 1978-79 ~ SUMMARY DATA STR ALTITUDE TO FROM AREA BW/AC. BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 1500-1594 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 80- 200 0.12 2.51 9.35 8.55 7.60 4.66 2.46 0.94 0.50 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.22 0.09 3630 3410 3240 2720 2210 2000 1570 1210 800 450 400 300 250 190 160 -1650 -1480 -1680 -2870 -3490 -3820 -4250 -4650 -4800 -5250 -5750 -6250 -6600 -6860 -7020 1980 1930 1560 -150 -1280 -1820 -2680 -3440 -4000 -4800 -5350 -5950 -6350 -6670 -6860 80-1594 38.02 2480 -2990 -510 1500-1594 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 80- 200 0.12 2.51 9.35 8.55 7.60 4.66 2.46 0.94 0.50 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.22 0.09 3000 4460 4360 4080 3530 2900 2570 2050 1750 1500 1160 750 490 300 150 -2700 -2450 -2390 -2880 -3270 -3570 -4250 -4750 -5490 -6250 -6750 -7250 -8080 -8960 -9870 300 2010 1970 1200 260 -670 -1680 -2700 -3740 -4750 -5590 -6500 -7590 -8660 -9720 80-1594 38.02 3640 -3220 420 TABLE CCC PAGE 10 195 NR 5.5 GLACIER NAME ENGABREEN YEAR 1979-80 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 6.1 HOEGTUVBREEN eN 65505) 1975-76 STR SUMMARY DATA 6.2 HOEGTUVBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1976-77 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 1500-1594 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 200- 300 80- 200 0.12 2.51 9.35 B.55 7.60 4.66 2.46 0.94 0.50 0.37 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.22 0.09 80-1594 38.02 3500 -2420 1080 3510 -2290 1220 3310 -2600 710 2780 -2890 -110 2510 -3100 -590 2260 -3310 -1050 2060 -3740 -1680 1650 -4320 -2670 1380 -5140 -3760 1140 -6220 -5080 890 -7520 -6630 670 -8570 -7900 370 -9880 -9510 130 -10450 -10320 O -11560 -11560 2680 -3180 -500 1150-1160 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 9_50 850- 900 800- 850 750- 800 700- 750 650- 700 588- 650 0.080 0.214 0.220 0.252 0.318 0.321 0.316 0.177 0.161 0.162 0.217 0.160 3950 4190 4280 4210 4230 3610 3170 3640 3540 3340 2940 2470 -1900 -2000 -2150 -2300 -2450 -2600 -2750 -2900 -3100 -3400 -3750 -4100 2050 2190 2130 1910 1780 1010 420 740 440 -60 -810 -1630 588-1160 2.598 3660 -2750 910 1150-1160 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 950 850- 900 800- 850 750- 800 700- 750 650- 700 588- 650 0.080 0.214 0.220 0.252 0.318 0.321 0.316 0.177 0.161 0.162 0.217 0.160 2400 -1800 2290 -1990 2400 -2100 2340 -2040 2430 -2010 2350 .-2250 2350 -2470 2260 -2900 2130 -3450 1880 -3840 1740 -4250 1330 -4780 600 300 300 300 430 100 -120 ·-640 -1320 -1960 -2510 -3450 588-1160 2.598 2200 TABLE CCC 196 -2720 -520 PAGE Il ~ NR 7.1 GLACIER NAME AAlFOTBREEN (N 36204) YEAR 1975-76 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 7.2 AAlFOTBREEN 1976-77 STR SUMMARY DATA 7.3 AAL FOTBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1977-78 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 1350-1380 1300-1350 1250-1300 1200-1250 1150-1200 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 950 870- 900 0.245 1.015 0.811 0.765 0.649 0.553 0.356 0.216 0.125 0.047 0.004 4420 4230 4410 4480 4560 4480 4360 4090 4360 4660 4540 -2060 -2390 -2550 -2760 -3010 -3290 -3590 -3960 -4080 -4230 -3870 2360 1840 1860 1720 1550 1190 770 130 280 430 670 870-1380 4.786 4400 -2870 1530 1350-1380 1300-1350 1250-1300 1200-1250 1150-1200 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 950 870- 900 0.245 1.029 0.801 0.761 0.649 0.553 0.356 0.216 0.125 0.047 0.004 2290 2550 2440 2250 2190 2390 2230 1920 1740 2770 3000 -2250 -2350 -2480 -2750 -3140 -3570 -3650 -3700 -3800 -3740 -3750 40 200 -40 -500 -950 -1180 -1420 -1780 -2060 -970 -750 870-1380 4.786 2330 -2890 -560 0.274 . 2710 1.015 2950 0.811 2550 0.765 2420 0.649 2410 0.553 2390 0.356 2300 0.216 2260 0.125 2240 0.047 2620 0.004 2750 -2630 -2480 -2820 -3030 -3130 -3340 -3740 -4070 -4380 -4630 -4750 80 460 -260 -610 -720 -950 -1440 -1810 -2140 -2020 -2000 4.815 -3070 -510 1350-1380 1300-1350 1250-1300 1200-1250 1150-1200 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 950 870- 900 870-1380 2560 TABLE CCC PAGE 12 197 NR 7.4 GLACIER NAME AALFOTBREEN YEAR 1978-79 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 7.5 AAlFOTBREEN 1979-80 STR SUMMARY DATA 8.1 NIGARDSBREEN (N 31014) SUMMARY DATA 1975-76 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE 1350-1380 1300-1350 1250-1300 1200-1250 1150-120.0 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 950 870- 900 0.274 1.015 0.811 0.765 0.649 0.553 0.356 0.216 0.125 0.047 0.004 3330 3560 3450 3150 3050 3220 3180 2880 2940 3400 3500 -2740 -2880 -3120 -3430 -3640 -3890 -4010 -4060 -4200 -4400 -4600 590 680 330 -280 -590 -670 -830 -1180 -1260 -1000 -1000 870-1380 4.815 3280 -3410 -130 1350-1380 1300-1350 1250-1300 1200-1250 1150-1200 1100-1150 1050-1100 1000-1050 950-1000 900- 950 0.274 1.015 0.811 0.765 0.649 0.553 0.356 0.216 0.125 0.047 2590 2560 2550 2410 2470 2380 2440 2500 2690 3500 -2100 -2300 -2500 -2800 -3400 -4100 -4500 -4900 -4800 -4700 490 260 50 -390 -930 -1720 -2060 -2400 -2110 -1200 870-1380 4.815 2530 -3140 -610 1900-1960 1800-1900 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 0.31 3.93 9.35 12.76 9.62 6.12 2.18 0.88 0.44 0.54 0.45 0.47 0.31 0.38 0.26 0.14 0.06 2900 4000· -1100 2370 3640 -1270 3380 -1510 1870 1270 3190 -1920 2600 -2780 -180 -600 2450 -3050 2210 -3430 -1220 2030 -3890 -1860 1890 -4370 -2480 1710 -4970 -3260 1590 -5500 -3910 140CJ -6050 -4650 1250 -6870 -5620 1210 -7720 -6510 770 -8460 -7620 550 -9500 -8950 400 -10500 -10100 300-1960 48.20 2880 TABLE CCC 198 BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE -2480 PAGE 13 400 NR 8.2 GLACIER NAME NIGARDSBREEN YEAR 1976-77 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 8.3 NIGARDSBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1977-78 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 1900-1953 1800-1900 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 0.31 3.93 9.35 12.76 9.62 6.12 2.18 0.88 0.44 0.54 0.45 0.47 0.31 0.38 0.26 0.14 0.06 1670 1660 1650 1580 1600 1520 1430 1150 810 850 650 550 450 370 270 170 150 -750 -740 -1170 -1570 -2290 -3420 -3680 -4620 -5630 -5950 -6500 -6950 -7710 -8090 -8830 -9250 -9650 920 920 480 10 -690 -1900 -2250 -3470 -4820 -5100 -5850 -6400 -7260 -7720 -8560 -9080 -9500 300-1953 48.20 1520 -2290 -770 1900-1960 1800-1900 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 0.31 3.93 9.35 12.76 9.62 6.12 2.18 0.88 0.44 0.54 0.45 0.47 0.31 0.38 0.26 0.14 0.06 3020 3080 2700 2310 1820 1590 1440 1270 1200 1160 990 880 800 710 630 510 430 -250 -820 -1250 -1630 -2400 -3300 -3560 -3940 -4250 -4750 -5250 -5830 -6250 -7010 -7830 -8500 -9250 2770 2260 1450 680 -580 -1710 -2120 -2670 -3050 -3590 -4260 -4950 -5450 -6300 -7200 -7990 -8820 300-1960 48.20 2120 -2250 -130 TABLE CCC PAGE 14 199 NR 8.4 GLACIER NAME NIGARDSBREEN YEAR 1978-79 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 8.5 . NIGARDSBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1979-80 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 1900-1960 1800-1900 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 0.31 3.93 9.35 12.76 9.62 6.12 2.18 0.88 0.44 0.54 0.45 0.47 0.31 0.38 0.26 0.14 0.06 3770 3780 3290 2950 2560 2340 2010 1770 1630 1450 1320 1150 990 850 650 490 320 -700 -840 -1150 -1480 -2140 -2670 -3470 -3890 -4210 -4750 -5250 -5750 -6250 -6750 -7250 -7750 -8250 3070 2940 2140 1470 420 -330 -1460 -2120 -2580 -3300 -393å -4600 -5260 -5900 -6600 -7260 -7930 300-1960 48.20 2750 -2040 710 1900-1960 1800-1900 1700-1800 1600-1700 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 400- 500 300- 400 0.31 3.93 9.35 12.76 9.62 6.12 2.18 0.88 0.44 0.54 0.45 0.47 0.31 0.38 0.26 0.14 0.06 1900 -1610 290 2240 -1620 620 2100 -1980 120 1960 -2300 -340 1620 -2980 -1360 1510 -3610 -2100 1360 -4610 -3250 1220 -5250 -4030 1070 -6000 -4930 1110 -6760 -5650 980 -7240 -6260 870 -8000 -7130 770 -8610 -7840 660 -9290 -8630 540 -10000 -9460 430 -10500 -10070 330 -11330 -11000 300-1960 48.20 1770 TABLE CCC 200 -2990 -1220 PAGE 15 NR 9.1 GLACIER NAME YEAR SYS ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE 2250-2300 2200-2250 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 0.034 0.179 0.305 0.384 0.416 0.464 0.457 0.214 0.065 380 510 560 420 520 560 730 1130 1110 -1260 -1400 -1490 -1590 -1580 -1640 -1750 -1820 -1820 -880 -890 -930 -1170 -1060 -1080 -1020 -690 -710 1850-2300 2.518 620 -1620 -1000 ~ 2250-2300 2200-2250 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 0.034 0.179 0.305 0.384 0.416 0.464 0.457 0.214 0.065 380 460 470 400 440 460 630 730 800 -500 -560 -560 -790 -850 -1020 -1070 -1250 -1380 -120 -100 -90 -390 -410 -560 -440 -520 -580 SUMMARY DATA 1850-2300 2.518 510 -900 -390 2250-2300 2200-2250 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 0.034 0.179 0.305 0.384 0.416 0.464 0.457 0.214 0.065 1000 770 590 540 600 650 770 800 800 -120 -130 -380 -630 -880 -990 -1230 -1630 -1730 880 640 210 -90 -280 -340 -460 -830 -92"0 1850-2300 2.518 670 -890 -220 2250-2300 2200-2250 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 0.034 0.179 0.305 0.384 0.416 0.464 0.457 0.214 0.065 880 780 850 780 890 950 960 1120 1230 -880 -840 -750 -860 -910 -930 -880 -840 -920 O -60 100 -80 -20 20 80 280 310 1850-2300 2.518 910 -870 40 GRAASUBREEN (N 547) 1975-76 STR SUMMARY DATA 9.2 9.3 GRAASUBREEN 1976-77 GRAASUBREEN 1977-78 STR STR SUMMARY DATA 9.4 GRAASUBREEN - SUMMARY DATA 1978-79 STR TABLE CCC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE PAGE 16 201 NR 9.5 GLACIER NAME GRAASUBREEN YEAR 1979-80 SYS· STR SUMMARY DATA 10.1 HEllSTUGUBREEN (N 511) 1975-76 STR SUMMARY DATA 10.2 HEllSTUGUBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1976-77 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 2250-2300 2200-2250 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 0.034 0.179 0.305 0.384 0.416 0.464 0.457 0.214 0.065 580 620 460 80 340 450 610 750 920 -290 -620 -1020 -1150 -1370 -1470 -1530 -2010 -2310 290 O -560 -1070 -1030 -1020 -920 -1260 -1390 1850-2300 2.518 460 -1350 -890 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 1800-1850 1750-1800 1700-1750 1650-1700 1600-1650 1550-1600 1500-1550 1450-1500 0.021 0.088 0.301 0.159 0.362 0.605 0.368 0.348 0.149 0.146 0.213 0.182 0.196 0.110 0.045 2000 2000 1640 1670 1680 940 1020 1130 1190 1333 1140 980 350 60 20 -960 -950 -1100 -1250 -1450 -1630 -1820 -2000 -2180 -2350 -2540 -2720 -2900 -3060 -3250 1040 1050 540 420 430 -700 -800 -870 -1010 -1020 -1400 -1740 -2550 -3000 -3220 1450-2200 3.293 1160 -1890 -730 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 1800-1850 1750-1800 1700-1750 1650-1700 1600-1650 1550-1600 1500-1550 1450-1500 0.021 0.088 0.301 0.159 0.362 0.605 0.368 0.348 0.149 0.146 0.213 0.182 0.196 0.110 0.045 1100 1090 840 840 800 730 880 590 630 600 600 540 540 360 470 -800 -800 -860 -950 -920 -970 -1090 -1480 -1880 -1750 -1900 -2150 -2530 -2930 -3110 290 300 -20 -120 -240 -210 -890 -1250 -1150 -1310 -1610 -1990 -2570 -2640 1450-2200 3.293 680 -1400 -720 TABLE CCC 202 --lID PAGE 17 NR GLACIER NAME 10.3 HELLSTUGUBREEN YEAR 1977-78 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 10.4 HELLSTUGUBREEN 1978-79 STR SUMMARY DATA 10.5 HELLSTUGUBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1979-80 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100. 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 1800-1850 1750-1800 1700-1750 1650-1700 1600-1650 1550-1600 1500-1550 1450-1500 0.021 0.088 0.301 0.159 0.362 0.605 0.368 0.348 0.149 0.146 0.213 0.182 0.196 0.110 0.045 1240 1450 1500 1510 1220 1230 1120 670 820 790 810 830 690 460 750 -620 -630 -770 -880 -920 -1020 -1290 -1550 -1880 -2130 -2420 -2790 -3620 -3690 -4070 620 820 730 630 300 210 -170 -880 -1060 -1340 -1610 -1960 -2570 -3220 -3310 1450-2200 3.293 1050 -1590 -540 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 1800-1850 1750-1800 1700-1750 1650-1700 1600-1650 1550-1600 1500-1550 1450-1500 0.021 0.088 0.301 0.159 0.362 0.605 0.368 0.348 0.149 0.146 0.213 0.182 0.196 0.110 0.045 2200 1830 1860 1870 1710 1570 1430 1350 1300 1380 1200 1090 740 430 350 -950 -800 -860 -940 -1080 -1120 -1250 -1470 -1740 -1850 -2070 -2190 -2400 -2640 -2890 1250 1030 1000 930 630 450 180 -12"0 -440 -470 -870 -1100 -1660 -2210 -2540 1450-2200 3.293 1430 -1450 2150-2200 2100-2150 2050-2100 2000-2050 1950-2000 1900-1950 1850-1900 1800-1850 1750-1800 1700-1750 1650-1700 1600-1650 1550-1600 1500-1550 1450-1500 0.021 0.088 0.301 0.159 0.362 0.605 0.368 0.348 0.149 0.146 0.213 0.182 0.196 0.110 0.045 1430 1480 1300 1200 940 680 870 720 540 620 660 600 560 360 440 -950 -910 -1130 -1320 -1570 -1790 -2120 -1950 -2750 -2810 -2720 -2580 -2910 "-3450 -3560 480 570 170 -120 -630 -1110 -1250 -1230 -2210 -2190 -2060 -1980 -2350 -3090 -3120 1450-2200 3.293 810 -2050 -1240 TABLE CCC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE -20 PAGE 18 203 NR GLACIER NAME 11.1 BONDHUSBREEN (N 20408) YEAR 1976-77 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 11.2 BONDHUSBREEN 1977-78 STR SUMMARY DATA 11.3 BONDHUSBREEN SUMMARY DATA 1978-79 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA SQ KM BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE mm WE 1600-1635 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 450- 500 2.96 3.81 1.68 0.69 0.45 0.30 0.09 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 2240 -2080 1980 -2660 2060 -3160 1650 -3720 1530 -4590 900 -5740 800 -6500 770 -7500 750 -8000 700 -8500 650 -9000 600 -9500 500 -10000 160 -680 -1100 -2070 -3060 -4840 -5700 -6730 -7250 -7800 -8350 -8900 -9500 450-1635 10.16 1960 -1000 1600-1635 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 450- 500 2.96 3.81 1.68 0.69 0.45 0.30 0.09 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 450-1635 10.16 1600-1635 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 450- 500 450-1635 2870 -2000 870 2420 -2410 10 2070 -3060 -990 1930 -4010 -2070 1760 -5000 -3240 1550 -5940 -4390 1350 -6920 -5570 1150 -7750 -6600 950 -8250 -7300 750 -8750 -8000 550 -9250 -8700 350 -9950 -9600 300 -10750 -10450 2.82 4.22 1.81 0.72 0.50 0.32 0.10 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.002 10.67 2370 -2880 -510 3520 3070 2380 2080 1440 940 800 ·670 500 330 150 100 100 -2000 -2120 -2580 -3420 -3880 -3970 -4300 -4670 -5000 -5500 -6000 -7000 -8000 1520 950 -200 -1340 -2440 -3030 -3500 -4000 -4500 -5170 -5850 -6900 -7900 2800 -2470 330 TABLE CCC 204 -2960 PAGE 19 GLACIER NAME YEAR 11.4 BONDHUSBREEN· 1979-80 NR SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 12.1 GRIES (AEGINA) 1975-76 (CH 003) SUMMARY DATA AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE 1600-1635 1500-1600 1400-1500 1300-1400 1200-1300 1100-1200 1000-1100 900-1000 800- 900 700- 800 600- 700 500- 600 450- 500 2.82 4.22 1.81 0.72 0.50 0.32 0.10 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.002 450-1635 STR SUMMARY DATA 12.2 GRIES (AEGINA) 1976-77 ALTITUDE FROM TO STR 10.82 BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE 3010 -2000 1010 2530 -2400 130 1790 -2900 -1110 1580 -3600 -2020 1370 -4300 -2930 920 -5000 -4080 700 -5800 -5100 600 -6700 -6100 500 -7900 -7400 300 -8900 -8600 100 -10060 -9960 100 -10900 -10800 100 -11300 -11200 2330 -2780 -450 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.009 0.134 0.502 1.574 0.995 00715 0.570 0.978 0.575 0.217 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 2400-3400 6.269 ***** ***** -1056 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.009 0.134 0.502 1.574 0.995 0.715 0.570 0.978 0.575 0.217 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 2778 2746 2412 2059 1621 1253 704 248 219 -977 2400-3400 6.269 ***** ***** 1263 TABLE CCC 222 254 131 -142 -460 -740 -1382 -1991 -2873 -5184 PAGE 20 205 NR GLACIER NAME YEAR 12.3 GRIES (AEGINA) 1977-78 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 12.4 GRIES (AEGINA) 1978-79 STR SUMMARY DATA 12.5 GRIES (AEGINA) 1979-80 STR SUMMARY DATA 13.1 LIMMERN (CH 0078) SUMMARY DATA 1975-76 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA SQ KM BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE mm WE 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.009 0.134 0.502 1.574 0.995 0.715 0.570 0.978 0.575 0.217 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 2222 ***** 2254 ***** 2249 ***** 1801 ***** 1367 ***** 1022 423 ***** ***** -115 ***** -433 ***** -1441 2400-3400 6.269 ***** ***** 9?0 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.010 0.130 0.547 1.597 1.004 0.726 0.543 0.984 0.608 0.182 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 200 254 119 -32 -647 -842 -1118 -1817 -2225 -3137 2400-3400 6.331 ***** ***** -874 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.010 0.130 0.547 1.597 1.004 0.726 0.543 0.984 0.608 0.182 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** _***** ***** ***** ***** 1800 ***** 1746 ***** 1550 ***** 1490 ***** 1024 576 ***** 372 ***** -65 ***** ***** -324 ***** -1691 2400-3400 6.331 ***** ***** 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.051 0.035 0.016 0.086 0.240 0.460 0.648 0.381 0.218 0.222 0.116 0.103 0.024 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 255 ***** 229 ***** 250 ***** ***** -198 ***** -854 ***** -741 ***** -924 ***** -696 ***** -1651 ***** -2189 ***** -1897 ***** -961 ***** -625 2100-3400 2.546 ***** ***** TABLE CCC 206 719 -998 PAGE 21 NR GLACIER NAME 13.2 LIMMERN YEAR 1976-77 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 13.3 LIMMERN 1977-78 STR SUMMARY DATA 13.4 LIMMERN SUMMARY DATA 1978-79 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.060 0.034 0.017 0.100 0.277 0.427 0.623 0.380 0.211 0.177 0.101 0.085 0.032 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 2250 2235 2235 2060 1776 1436 806 408 -14 -542 -812 -459 -250 2100-3400 2.524 ***** ***** 788 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.060 0.034 0.017 0.100 0.277 0.427 0.623 0.380 0.211 0.177 0.101 0.085 0.032 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 856 1750 1735 1765 1660 1030 989 739 597 299 -188 -59 281 2100-3400 2.524 ***** ***** 856 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.060 0.034 0.017 0.100 0.277 0.427 0.623 0.380 0.211 0.177 0.101 0.085 0.032 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1250 1265 1235 1100 509 98 -35 -242 -564 -672 -960 -682 -500 2100-3400 2.524 ***** ***** -36 TABLE CCC PAGE 22 207 NR GLACIER NAME 13.5 LIMMERN YEAR 1979-80 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 14.1 PLATTALVA .(CH 0114) 1975-76 STR SUMMARY DATA 14.2 PLATTALVA 1976-77 STR SUMMARY DATA 14.3 PLATTALVA 1977-78 STR SUMMARY DATA 14.4 PLATTALVA SUMMARY DATA 1978-79 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA mm WE BN/BA mm WE 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 2300-2400 2200-2300 2100-2200 0.060 ***** 0.034 ***** 0.017 ***** 0.100 ***** 0.277 .***** 0.427 ***** 0.623 ***** 0.380 ***** 0.211 ***** 0.177 ***** 0.101 ***** 0.085 ***** 0.032 ***** ***** ***** ****.* ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1717 1265 1235 1060 610 923 1029 661 431 181 -267 47 -250 2100-3400 2.524 ***** ***** 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 0.034 0.178 0.308 0.180 0.043 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 265 ***** ***** -241 ***** -1016 ***** -1733 ***** ~1279 2500-3000 0.741 ***** ***** **** 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 0.004 0.090 0.202 0.348 0.168 0.048 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 750 633 614 592 399 229 2500-3100 0.860 ***** ***** 544 0.004 3000-3100 2900-3000 . 0.090 0.202 2800-2900 0.348 2700-2800 0.168 2600-2700 0.048 2500-2600 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1750 1733 1327 1261 1107 854 2500-3100 0.860 ***** ***** 1276 .3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 '2500-2600 0.004 0.090 0.202 0.348 0.168 0.048 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 250 67 -119 ~141 -327 -333 2500-3100 0.860 ***** ***** -159 TABLE CCC 208 721· PAGE 23 NR GLACIER NAME 14.5 PLATTALVA YEAR 1979-80 SYS STR SUMMARY DATA 15.1 SILVRETTA (CH 0090) 1975-76 5TH SUMMARY DATA 15.2 SILVRETTA 1976-77 STR SUMMARY DATA 15.3 SILVRETTA 1977-78 STR SUMMARY DATA 15.4 SILVRETTA SUMMARY DATA 1978-79 STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE 3000-3100 2900-3000 ·2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 0.004: 0.090 0.202 0.348 0.168 0.048 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1750 1611 1089 1003 625 354 2500-3100 0.860 ***** ***** 980 3000-"32.00 2900-3000 2800-2900 .2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.242 0.577 0.628 0.789 0.498 0.385 0.031 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 380 ***** 248 ***** -61 ***** ***** -414 ***** -1088 ***** -2023 ***** -5065 2400-3200 3.150 ***** ***** 3000-3200 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.242 0.577 0.628 0.789 0.498 0.385 0.031 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1876 ***** 1412 ***** 1145 610 ***** -98 ***** ***** -987 ***** -2806 2400-3200 3.150 ***** ***** 3000-3200 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.242 0.577 0.628 0.789 0.498 0.385 0.031 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****.* ***** 1756 ***** 1549 ***** 1346 763 ***** 468 ***** 49 ***** ***** -2097 2400-3200 3.150 ***** ***** 3000-3200 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.242 ***** 0.577 ***** 0.628 ***** 0.789 .***** 0.498 ***** 0.385 ***** 0.031 ***** 2400-3200 3.150 ***** TABLE CCC -510 620 937 864 ***** 404 ***** 350 ***** ***** -156 ***** -566 ***** -945 ***** -2226 ***** -56 PAGE 24 209 NR GLACIER NAME 15.5 SILVRETTA YEAR SYS ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE BS/AA BN/BA mm WE . mm WE 1979-80 STR. 3000-3200 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400-2500 0.242 0.577 0.628 0.789 0.498 0.385 0.031 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1913 ***** 1548 ***** 1462 ***** 1087 614 ***** 340 ***** **~** -1968 2400-3200 3.550 ***** ***** 3500-3630 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2743-2800 0.042 0.395 0.811 2.126 2.557 2.045 1.010 0.291 0.024 229 455 349 382 341 239 140 O O 2743-3630 9.301 336 3500-3630 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2743-2800 0.042 0.395 0.811 2.126 2.557 2.045 1.010 0.291 0.024 259 597 480 535 533 35 132 98 2743-3630 9.301 465 3500-3633 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2747-2800 0.054 0.421 0.893 2.213 2~607 2.038 1.016 0.285 0.023 121 541 438 543 468 308 133 98 O 2747-3633 9.550 440 SUMMARY·DATA 16.1 VERNAGTFERNER (A 0211) 1975-76 FXD SUMMARY DATA 16.2 VERNAGTFERNER 1976-77 FXD SUMMARY DATA 16.3 VERNAGTFERNER SUMMARY DATA 1977-78 FXD O TABLE CCC 210 1114 O 299 423 -117 321 -148 354 -133 270 -182 80 -353 -917 -832 -1539 -1539 -2250 -2250 -704 76 259 O 593 -200 461 -202 528 -196 520 -217 317 -233 -404 -189 -777 -741 -1554 -1554 -491 352 O 121 541 O 423 -235 531 -2ß2 436 -280 208 -354 -536 -130 -869 -789 -1652 -1652 -542 PAGE 25 288 NR GLACIER NAME 16.4 VERNAGTFERNER YEAR 1978-79 SYS FXD SUMMARY DATA 16.5 VERNAGTFERNER 1979-80 FXD SUMMARY DATA 17.1 SONNBLICK KEES 1975-76 CA 0601) STR SUMMARY DATA 17.2 SONNBLICK KEES 1976-77 SUMMARY DATA STR ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA SQ KM 3500-3633 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2747-2800 0.054 0.421 0.893 2.213 2.607 2.038 1.016 0.285 0.023 277 507 367 417 391 268 137 O O 2747-3633 9.550 376 -875 44 3500-3633 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2747-2800 0.054 0.421 0.893 2.213 2.607 2.038 1.016 0.285 0.023 193 455 271 374 377 255 143 101 O -226 -286 -249 -232 -251 -278 -669 -1072 -752 169 424 247 365 304 91 -551 -999 -752 2747-3633 9.550 342 -521 -140 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2850-2900 2800-2850 2750-2800 2700-2750 2650-2700 2600-2650 2550-2600 2500-2550 0.011 0.123 0.201 0.226 0.241 0.269 0.253 0.110 0.064 0.066 0.194 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 2500-3050 1.760 390 -776 79 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2850-2900 2800-2850 2750-2800 2700-2750 2650-2700 2600-2650 2550-2600 2500-2550 0.011 0.123 0.201 0.226 0.241 0.269 0.253 0.110 0.064 0.066 0.194 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 314 405 494 233 174 534 280 -783 -587 -188 -341 2500-3050 1.760 496 -720 148 BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE mm WE TABLE CCC O 277 -246 482 323 -339 382 -245 -321 287 -615 -41 -1155 -1072 -1609 -1609 -2170 -2170 ***** -188 262 ***** 431 ***** 194 ***** 127 ***** 305 ***** 153 ***** ***** -1039 ***** -981 ***** -277 116 ***** PAGE 26 211 NR GLACIER NAME 17.3 SONNBLICK YEAR KEES 1977-78 SYS STR SUMMARY·DATA ·17.4 SONNBLICK KEES 1978-79 STR SUMMARY DATA 17.5 SONNBLICK KEES 1979-80 STR SUMMARY DATA 18.1 CARESER (I 0701) SUMMARY DATA 1975-76 FXD ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE HS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2850-2900 2800-2850 2750-2800 2700-2750 2650-2700 2600-2650 2550-2600 2500-2550 0.011 0.123 0.201 0.228 0.252 0.270 0.253 0.110 0.064 0.066 0.194 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 653 996 1144 925 688 1126 847 109 203 644 750 2500-3050 1.772 966 -764 833 30qO-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2850-2900 2800-2850 2750-2800 2700-2750 2650-2700 2600-2650· 2550-2600 2500-2550 0.011 0.123 0.201 0.228 0.252 0.270 0.253 0.110 0.064 0.066 0.194 2500-3050 1.772 486 -709 224 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2850-2900 2800-2850 2750-2800 2700-2750 2650-2700 2600-2650 2550-2600 2500-2550 0.011 0.123 0.201 0.226 0.241 0.269 0.253 0.109 0.064 0.066 0.194 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 381 781 1064 970 788 1167 850 219 176 639 701 2500-3050 1.760 964 -820 834 3200-3350 3150-3200 3100-3150 3050-3100 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2860-2900 0.386 0.453 1.305 1.050 0.849 0.381 0.198 0.058 720 640 640 600 540 560 600 650 -520 -710 -810 -910 -1000 -1100 -12-00 -1290 200 -70 -170 -310 -460 -540 -600 -640 2860-3350 4.680 610 -880 -270 ***** ***** ··240 568 ***** ***** 681 ***** ***** 428 ***** ***** 160 ***** ***** 423 ***** .***** 254 ***** ***** ***** ***** -407 ***** ***** -528 ***** ***** -292 ***** ***** -161 TABLE CCC 212 PAGE 27 NR GLACIER NAME 18.2 CARESER GlAC. YEAR 1976-77 SYS FXD SUMMARY DATA 18.3 CARESER GlAC. 1977-78 FXD SUMMARY DATA 18.4 CARESER GlAC. 1978-79 FXD SUMMARY DATA 19.1 DZHANKUAT (SU 3010) SUMMARY DATA 1967-68 *** ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA SW/AC SQ KM mm WE 3200-3350 3150-3200 3100-3150 3050-3100 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2860-2900 0.386 0.453 1.305 1.050 0.849 0.381 0.198 0.058 2050 2040 1970 1890 1790 1700 1670 1680 -550 -740 -840 -930 -1030 -1130 -1220 -1320 1500 1300 1130 960 760 570 450 360 2860-3350 4.680 . 1890 -900 990 3200-3350 3150-3200 3100-3150 3050-3100 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2860-2900. 0".386 0.453 1.305 1.050 0.849 0.381 0.198 0.058 1230 1160 1220 1210 1170 1190 1240 1350 -690 -930 -1040 -1160 -1270 -1390 -1?10 -1620 . 540 230 180 50 -100 -200 -270 -270 2860-3350 4.680 1200 -1120 3200-3350 3150-3200 3100-3150 3050-3100 3000-3050 2950-3000 2900-2950 2860-2900 0.386 0.453 1.305 1.050 0.849 0'.381 0~198 0.058 1150' 1150 1120 1090 1060 1060 1110 1150 730 -420 -880 270 O -1120 -1350 -260 -1580 -520 -1820, -760 -2050 -940 -2280 -1130 2860-2900 4.680 1100 -1280 -180 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1060 2910 2910 2250 2050 1830 1550 1400 1300 1350 -940 -940 -1050 -1470 -1640 -1770 -2310 -3200 -4200 -5840 120 1970 1860 760 410 60 -760 -1800 -2900 -4490 2700-4000 ***** 2060 -1960 100 TABLE ~CC SS/AA SN/SA mm WE mm WE 80 PAGE 28 213 NR GLACIER NAME 19.2 DZHANKUAT YEAR 1968-69 SYS *** SUMMARY DATA 19.3 DZHANKUAT 1969-70 *** SUMMARY DATA 19.4 DZHANKUAT 1970-71 *** SUMMARY DATA 19.5 DZHANKUAT SUMMARY DATA .1971-72 *** ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1550 2550 2240 2160 2130 1890 1470 1150 920 800 -1400 -1400 -1750 -2120 -2390 -3240 -4260 -5090 -5300 -5920 150 1150 490 40 -260 -1350 -2790 -3940 -4380 -5120 2700-4000 ***** 1890 -2980 -1090 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1040 3360 3160 2570 2550 2640 2260 1560 1220 900 -920 -920 -1100 -1310 -1560 -2010 -2530 -3680 -4180 -4850 120 2440 2060 1260 990 630 -270 -2120 -2960 -3950 2700-4000 ***** 2410 -2000 410 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1320 3620 3280 2870 3850 2370 1820 1510 1160 1180 -1220 -1220 -1510 -1920 -2280 -2790 -3430 -4430 -4940 -5670 100 2440 1770 950 570 -420 -1610 -2920 -3780 -4490 2700-4000 ***** 2430 -2660 -230 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1910 2930 2730 2660 2510 2060 1550 1160 1100 1040 -1830 -1830 -2180 -2540 -2760 -3550 -4290 -5560 -5560 -6240 80 1100 550 120 -250 -1490 -2740 -4400 -4460 -5200 2700-4000 ***** 2170 -3310 -1140 TABLE CCC 214 BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE PAGE 29 NR GLACIER NAME 19.6 DZHANKUAT YEAR 1972-73 SYS *** . 3600-4000 SUMMARY DATA 19.7 DZHANKUAT 1973-74 *** SUMMARY DATA 19.8 DZHANKUAT . 1974-75 *** SUMMARY DATA 19.9 DZHANKUAT SUMMARY DATA 1975-76 ALTITUDE FROM TO *** AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1210 3760 2920 2300 2580 1850 1460 1100 920 880 -1100 -1100 -1430 -1700 -1810 -2380 -3100 -4300 -4960 -5720 110 2690 1490 600 770 -530 -1640 -3200 -4040 -4840 2700-4000 ***** 2200 -2480 -280 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1180 3240 3120 2790 2610 2700 2010 1340 1260 1250 -1070 -1070 -1330 -1570 -1610 -2060 -2580 -3670 -4020 -4370 110 2170 1790 1220 1000 640 -570 -2330 -2760 -3120 2700-4000 ***** 2360 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1310 3200 2930 2550 2480 2160 1860 1100 960 950 -1640 -1640 -2060 -2370 -2550 -3040 -3900 -4870 -5030 -4500 330 1560 870 180 -70 -880 -2040 -3770 -4070 -3550 2700-4000 ***** 2180 -3090 990 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1050 3740 3380 2550 2250 1840 1460 1130 1020 1170 -900 -900 -1040 -1390 -1560 -2150 -2470 -3830 -4160 -3810 150 2840 2340 1160 690 -310 -1010 -2700 -3140 -2640 2700-4000 ***** 2220 -1930 290 TABLE CCC -2120 240 PAGE 30 215 NR GLACIER NAME 19.10 DZHANKUAT YEAR 1976-77 SYS *** SUMMARY DATA 19.11 DZHANKUAT 1977-78 *** SUMMARY DATA 19.12 DZHANKUAT 1978-79 *** SUMMARY DATA 19.13 DZHANKUAT SUMMARY DATA 1979-80 *** ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA SW/At SQ KM mm WE 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** 1210 ***** 3100 ***** 2880 ***** 2600 ***** 1950 ***** 1860 ***** 1620 ***** .1180 970 ***** 910 ***** -1060 -1050 -1270 -1760 -1400 -2530 -3460 -4200 -4520 -3970 150 2050 1610 840 550 -670 -1840 -3020 -3550 -3040 2700-4000 ***** -2510 -370 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** "*:**** ***** 1870 ***** 1680 ***** 1660 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ·3600-4000 3500-3600 3400:"'3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 2140 SN/SA mm WE 2700-4000 ***** 2560 -2120 440 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2-900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1750 1720 1530 -1510 -1510 -1870 -2280 -2450 -3060 -3860 -4670 -4940 -4700 2700-4000 ***** 2520 -2830 -310 3600-4000 3500-3600 3400-3500 3300-3400 3200-3300 3100-3200 3000-3100 2900-3000 2800-2900 2700-2800 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 1540 4330 3390 2600 3170 2550 2520 2310 1860 1700 -1110 -1110 -1460 -1850 -2170 -2730 -3160 -4000 -4410 -4310 430 3220 1930 750 1000 -180 -640 -1690 -2550 -2610 2700-4000 ***** 2780 -2400 380 TABLE CCC 216 SS/AA mm WE -2920 -3220 -3170 PAGE 31 NR GLACIER NAME YEAR 20.1 TUYUKSU 1974-75 TSENTRALNIY (SU 5075) SYS *** SUMMARY DATA 20.2 TUYUKSU TSENTRALNIY 1975-76 *** SUMMARY DATA ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC BS/AA BN/BA SQ KM mm WE mm WE mm WE 4100-4219 4000-4100 3900-4000 3800-3900 3700-3800 3600-3700 3500-3600 3400-3500 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.41 0.91 0.32 0.37 0.34 690 770 890 1050 1070 920 880 1000 O O -680 -1060 -1470 -1910 -2300 -2830 690 770 210 -10 -400 -990 -1420 -1830 3400-4219 3.14 950 -1400 -450 4100-4219 4000-4100 3900-4000 3800-3900 3700-3800 3600-3700 3500-3600 3400-3500 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.41 0.91 0.32 0.37 0.34 590 680 780 900 820 740 840 720 O O -470 -1200 -1690 -2140 -2810 -2440 590 680 310 -300 -870 -1400 -1970 -1720 3400-4219 3.14 780 -1500 -720 4100-4219 4000-4100 3900-4000 3800-3900 3700-3800 3600-3700 3500-3600 3400-3500 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.41 0.91 0.32 0.37 0.30 620 730 890 960 840 880 900 810 -24(1 -440 -780 -1310 -2370 -2770 -3120 -3370 380 290 110 -350 -1530 -1890 -2220 -2560 3400-4219 3.10 850 -1990 -1140 4100-4219 4000-4100 3900-4000 38pO-3900 3700-3800 3600-3700 3500-3600 3400-3500 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.41 0.91 0.32 0.37 0.30 450 460 620 860 910 890 850 880 O -380 -700 -1370 -2770 -3430 -3530 -3680 450 80 -80 -510 -1860 -2540 -2730 -2800 3400-4219 3.10 790 -2240 -1450 ~ 20.3 TUYUKSU TSENTRALNIY 1976-77 *** SUMMARY DATA 20.4 TUYUKSU TSENTRALNIY SUMMARY DATA 1977-78 *** TABLE CCC PAGE 32 217 NR GLACIER NAME 20.5 TUYUKSU TSENTRALNIY YEAR 1978-79 SYS *** SUMMARY DATA 20.6 TUYUKSU TSENTRALNIY SUMMARY DATA 1979-80 *** ALTITUDE FROM TO AREA BW/AC SQ KM mm WE 4100-4219 4000-4100 3900-4000 3800-3900 3700-3800 3600-3700 3500-3600 3400-3500 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.41 0.91 0.32 0.37 0.30 806 725 907 968 989 900 965 1000 -200 -373 -448 -1038 -1665 -1869 -2365 -2630 606 352 459 -70 -676 -969 -1400 -1630 3400-4219 3.10 930 -1450 -520 4100-4219 4000-4100 3900-4000 3800-3900 3700-3800 3600-3700 3500-3600 3400-3500 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.35 0.95 0.32 0.37 0.24 600 610 870 1230 980 880 800 750 -380 -420 -510 -912 -1800 -2120 -2570 -2830 220 190 360 570 -820 -1140 -1770 -2080 3400-4219 3.02 880 -1510 -630 TABLE CCC 218 BS/AA BN/BA mm WE mm WE PAGE 33 279 220 :,1 A~BL~c_D I , CHANG'f's IN,AR'EA" VOLUME ~;_AND THI.CKNESS C 'NR ::Rédòr~ nu~be~, - / ~GlACIERNAME : PERIODc,FHOMTO ALTITU[)E': ':Peri,o:c:J -~-'~-!...-: AREA-MEAN iÍl which Alti tude -'intervélii(n, t,~e chanqes tàkeplace met.resiábove -sea "Leve l --~.---:-~-~--_;'_---_.:.----~-~~--_;~~-_:~-~~__:_:. : Mean" area _ ____.:._ ----~---,-----------.----------~-----.-;--~-:-._-- f'or. per od 'of a l.t i t.ude interval (t.housánd square ,-' L' AREA;CHANGE. : ,Çhange In-area í of chanqe mef re s) of ,altitude Lrrt e rvaLvf'or of 'ch_arige'\ perIod \ , " - ~ , (t.housand ',squar-e:,,~~t,res') VOLUME CHJ:\NGE :,thang'~, ,_ in volume, o f aLti.tude ',change! (\hoùsand cubit , Key" tå: pe ri.od of -met_res) of al t í.tude interval , 'THICK CHANGE'/.'Chanqei.ìrrLhí.cknees change .i.nt.erva.l f'or for' per i.od-o f" -, (mil1im~tres), 'symbo l.s.t ***,*~ : Np data available' -; l ,22'1 \ ".J, /.' .1" .' ( " , : ',,-AL:T.IrUDE~~·,,: . ABEA-:,:' >.:AREA' :':ì,VOL:~ÄE'.:_' :,."TH~tK.-:~. :·fROM,:·~tO·_:,':· 'PHotvr,' ";::10':" I,:'MÈÄN,' 'CHAÑGE" ::':C~ANGE·.: :':ORANGE>· NR ·,,~·'GLÂGl'EH· ~NAME: , "P'ERIQD, '_': ".. l~ ~', '. .' .". '. ,. . <\:(1:Q3n¡.2):J~~3~Z)Ùo~~Jt,(n¡m~ Ô4'12.···13:70,...r4ÔÒ·· ..'Iúi:r7r),~t,:::, .•.. " J.97 ¡;I:~~~~l~~) . ',I, ','_ ,:':' ,- ~.. , "'i:31.: '"**.*.**. . "i8'O " . :-'.:~.~*.~*-/ 13.lú'~,it3'4D 1'28"0' 1310;' 1 ... ,~1z5p=i28ó.··· .:-+'35 1 -'748:" ":.~97à" . 2ioò" '. 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"!4:69o.,' ,,'~7~.B.O:,' t~,,12Ö9' - ,~7890 ,i***** '~. ;(7:24'" '25 ,"'***.*~< '" ' .=;i:,=~;g .-,' .-:.191' ~s'6ÒO , ~]530,',' I .' .- ,,~ ), ~ ./ i \ Î GLACIER NR NAME ',--, ; '2.1 ,', ,i " ,J i ~ ~ / AREA CHANGE (103m2)' (103m2) >.22'5Q 2220~22~O -...... 2190:":2250 2160...;.2190 2130-2160 2100-2130, 2070-2~kOO 2040-4070 2010~2040 1980-2010 1950-'1980 1920-1950 / '1890-1920,,1 '1860-1890 ,1830-18'6 O 1800,-1830, <1800 1969-71 SASKATCHEWAN (CD 1905) ,AREA MEAN ALTITUÒE FROM TO PERIOD FROM TO 324 628' 794 589 504 467 411 402 ~54 417, 363 310 245 19~" 138 86 ,23 VOLUME- THICK. CHANGE "CHANGE (103m3) I (mm) -7290 ***** r)":'2364 ***** ';...4453 ...:7090 ,--7010, *****, -5568 '.-.6990 -4117 ***** ,,-7020 -3539 ~**** 7160 ~****' :..3340 .... -3276 ' -7970 ***** *****: '-',3181 ,-790.0 "-81ÓO -4488 ***** -2764, '-?¡639 ' ***** -2292' -6320 ***** -572,0 *****, ~1773 ****~' ,~~1133 '-4630 ~891 -4590 ***~* ...:642 -4500 ***** ~262 ....;3060 ***** :-2140 **'*** -50 (' " " " -c, / 2.,2 - SASKATCHEWAN "310 .... 630 '>225.0 - ***** ~1867 ,561 2220-2250 ***** -3053, 2190-2250' 799 ***** 2160-2190 B13 ***** ,'.,..3951 638 2130~2160 ***** , ":'3221'\ 210072130 473 ***** '-2234 '--2425" 207U~2100' , ,488 ***** ;,***** .... 1697 2040-:2070 387 -2695 20io...:20~O ***** :.512 1980-20 10 461 ***** . -2642 ,-1665 366 ~95D-i980 ***** 1920:...1'95.0 313 -1604 ***** ,'260 ",;,'1377 1890~1,92Ö~ ***** -911 18607"1890, 204 ***** 140 ' ***** -548. 1830~liß6.o 1800...:,183.8 -273 92 ***** ...:51 23', <1800 ***** 1971-73 ~ ¡ ! 1 r>; r<, ...:2030, ~3330 -382Ò~ -4860 -5060 -4720 -4960 ...:4380 -,5260 .. -5730,' . -4560 -5130 '-5300 -44ffO -3,920 ...;.297Ò ~22l0 " \ \ "2.3 ,S.ASKATCHEWAN --- '\ \ / I I -) " " ) ~ " i \ ,- J 2220-2250 :2190-2250 2160-2190 2130-2160' 2100...:2130 : 2070~2l00 2040-2070 20l0-204n ,1980...:20ld ,1950...:1980 1920-195'0 '1890-1920, 1860-'1890' 1,830-1860 1800-1830 <1800 1973-:75 .. -, 534 768 775\ 685 451 482 376 444 402 31:2 262 224 173 126 78 8: ,/ 9180 ****'* 4905 ...:874 -1140. ***** ...;.1649 -2130' ***** -1530 -1048 ***** ..;.1760 -795 ***** ...:789 -16'40 ***** -408(, ' ~1080' ***** ..;.830 -368 ***** ..;.135,5 -3370 ***** -5350 -1668 **~** *,**** ,:":1606 '-6140 -7100 '***** -1593 ~8570 -1482 ***** ~1158 -9220 ***** -10290 -805 ***** -55, -6720 ***'** ¡ \ , .. 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CHANGE AREA CHANGE VOLUME CHANGE (103m2) (103f!J3) (nim) ~ .I f 1974:.;.76 \ i l ( I >225'0 2220-.2250'2190~2220 2160-2190 2130-2160 '2100-2130 2070-;2100 2040':'2070 2010~2040 1980-2010 '1950~1980 27 33 30 32 27, 20 18 11 i5 ,11 ',' li 23 72 96 119 99 73' 91 83 97 15\p 170 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****' ***** '***** *****' ***** ***** 870 2150 3.200 3750 3680 3750 5140 ,4860 6470 14630 15000 '-.,.,_... L 4·A >2250. 2220~225'0 2190;...2220 )216q-2190, 2130~2160 2100;...2130 2870-2100 2040-Z070 2.'010--2040 19'80-2010 1950-19BO , '<195q)' 1976~78 BUGABOO :. *ï*'*** ***-** ***** ***** ***** ****:* ***** ***** '-. ***** ***** 27 34 30 33 27 2120 19 16 13 10 4 104 11.2 77 55 '68 65 69 151 157 -~108 ,75 25 r**:*** ***** ,~3780 3280' ___.:-2520 1680 '2480 3130' _3450 7830 ,9600 8430 '\. 7760 5760. ',\ '\ f "' 5.1" SPHINX (CD 1965) 1970-72" 149 '91 : 5·9 3'4 21 1670--1700 1640-1670 1610~1640 1580-1610\ 1550--1580 1520':"'155,0 <1520 ~} 4 ! ***** ,***** ***'~,* ,***** ***** ' ":*,**** ***~* 311 265, ,116' :69_ .- 35 25 14 2090. 2920 \ 1960 2020 1640 1940, '3830 o__; ---./ ! ,5j2 1972...;78 1670':1700 1640~1670< 1610~·1'64Ò 1~80~1610 1550~1580 1520~155Ò: " <1520 SPHINX ,: l'l ( i 145 81' .59 35 23 16 4 .r _1524 907' 636 400 .. 319 252 28 .***** ***** *****. ***** ***** '***** ***** 10470 11140 . 10770 11500, 13620 .: 15580 6990 , > I '\ - c.'" 6 .i ,SENTINEL -~,-'(CD 1915 ) 1970-72' , \ '. ~ >1645, 1615-1645 1585-1615 1555-1585 1525~i555 <1525 ; --' ( ~9 ;...780 :.;.1760 -59 ....127' ,--3'870 -131 Il --4680 -132' L-5530 ,:-2-110 ~6 12 ***** 34 ***** 33 ***** 28 / '**.*** 2'4 ***** 3 f,**** \ .,./ ! TABLE 0- PAGE 6 l., \ ) 227 v, \._ D , - ,'., "'NW' ~ I. , . '~. ",',' . , GL~6;~E'R NÁME ';Úo:~m2)'<+03m2) . ',~_. 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'. 2200-2600' SUMMARY'DArTA AREA MEAN O ,12: 76 129 cp'4 \ 5 9 '6 22ÖO~2600 .. 334 1253 !rS6' Ib05 772 30 131 474 J1'3 250.0, 1724 3674. 4891~ 948 '3373 . \, . 13~~GRIES (AEG~NÀ)1961-79 (tHDq03) 3300~3374 3200-3300 \ 31.00":':3200' 3000~310U, 2900~3000 2800~Z900 2700~!2800 2600-2700 . 250()-¡26Ó,Ò 2,400-2500 2300-240.0 . SUMMARY"DATA 9, 131 ;540 1585 1009 739 574 1033 585 24Ó '65 , l -3 :}60 540 1980 2880~. 4320 -4500 ,7120 3 61,·lÖ14 4536 /'4307 :3295 14 23 .-11 -26 -62 .;..98 ',.;..45 .;..113 36_6 .-'7020- -72'01 ..,;5685 ~1170 ...4794 ~lZ3· -35;3 6513 ,2350~3374 ..... --"7920 -:29880' -39060 \-1800 .~iI251 '~ \ " " " ~L4• IT IMMEHN . ,_" '(CH 0078), 1947-77 . o" '. ,.5.9. 3300-3400 . 3200~33'00 ' ,92': ',26,4 425 648 388 233 ' : 207, 124 30007"31q.0 ?~OO~3pOO. . 2800-290.0 2700-<2800 2600~2700 '2500-:-2600 -;24ÖO'-25DO 230D~2400 22bo~2300, ,2100~2z'00' ~¡ o 1.5 99 29 l 4 16 25' 1~5 il jï6 t506 1165 -;-475 -¡460 3 '~50 .;..16 --3327 ~45 ~61 -'47 -28. 6 ~3347 '~2384' ; ,~32Z2, ' ~29'9 1800 600, 3300 57BO 2700 ' ~60p -3900" )14100 -;":16200' ~19200 ~32:400 ·-lnZOO' r- 2621 ' 2100..,;3400 SUMMARY DAT A -194' ,L4200 -11:394'. \/ l -_ " TABLED '.) PAGE8· \ 229 -r i': : NAME ,,:PERIÒD.'·:·· .:ALiITUDE'. '" ,:"FRpM . TO:·" <:.FRÖM' 'TO,'.' GLAClt:R: ' .. . . , .' ,:':\' , F"" ',AREA :, VOLÙME: ,'THItK'~ ARtA/~' :ÇHA,NGt, ','cHAÑ't~'E' "" MEAt>J/ ..·' (lO~ rrl'~,Y ~:,{iå:~'m:2) :( . "CHAN?~~ . .ln3~:33''..,.(m~'}): ....r: .( . ·:15.1.~LAÜALVA','(CH ! ':: " 'l;'4: " ''', · 59,,:,: :.:>:"269, : ,:':\;'4200: ' :: .r.. "å114}:" ' ',' ':' .195, ..':' \\ . 324_, '::176 ." ,;48,. t .• · ,,:f4..',' ~J.59:3.· :'~; .+30'00:;" .' ~:ziäi l: ,:. ~66ÖO ...:17':; ,~;:1?9,ß, ::.~9Dcib ;,_.,';~: .. 4,~'" «, : '.'0" ':..,7'17. .;·i*'~**:· .' ~*'**.* ~2300-226b 2 2Ö(j~:2-3tJp' ',i"2.ioo~i200" ?tfbå~2ibÓ? • " • i . ". 1900':"20ÖO' r; , .: " , ,', " " ~ • ~ , ¡ ;*.*~** \__"'**t** "*****, '**,*** *.****,' *'**** . ,.,.'.. . .l9ZZ_:M'l' . "I ,.*~***: ·c. .: .:-..'·.:24_oÖ~i500 " 23tío;_2400 ,.22Öå~:~3Ò O ',' '2IdO~2200 '20'0'0':210'0 / l, . ,*'**** ~~~gg~gg.::;:: ,,2600-:2700'. "::2500~"26ÖO ' _***** .1.900~:ZOOO: " _ . j :*'*j*~' _.. ·~38 O 00 *****, '''-51000'' "'.' .. 2j_òd~-220d:·,:· ;'"zÚÒb~·21(]ö'· .16~~~GE:PAlSCHFE:R~nt .:*'*,**'*:'- .:~3,OOO· ***.** ".'-:70n'ö *****. .~170Q(J.'··'· ,. 230Ö~~2'OO'" . *.**** 22O'O;'23o'O'_';' ". **'*** 1896~i92'2': ., i :.~;i5btú~j: " ,*:*'*'**. ,~*-*** jt0800': .~**** '~**.**~-C~~~:J:4B()ò:~: ,,***** ~~ *****,:'. -198'00' '~~.****. *****. . '*.****.' ,~19800 '***** '~2-3400 " **'*~*, '***.** .'**~*'*,:' *.****, ~1800d. *.*-*;*~"*:~'i52.od.:,:; . *.:**** .:~.Y7800' ****.* -68.40Ö 7" i __Ji NR GLACIER NAME PERIOD ALTITUDE FROM TO ¡FROM TO C'103m2) ClO~m2) \.; l6~5 GEPATSCHFERNER 1971-79 r 17.1HINTEREISFE~NER C'A'Oln?) 1969-79 ) S'uMMARY'DAT A' 18.1 GUSLARF-ERNER CA 0210) 3500-.;3600 3400-3500 3300~3400 3.200-3300 3l00-~200 3000':3100 2900.;..3000 2800~2900 2700.;..2800 2600-2700 2500-2600 2400~2500 , 2300~2400 2200.;..2300 .-2100-2200' 2000-.2100 2000_;3~OÖ " S~MMARY DAlA 1969-79 CIU3m3) .lir5 465 239 ,24È3" 232 227 253 124 5 6 14 --15 -3 284 28757 . 1 I Il I 18001 (mm) 'o b 462 1270 ,.2289 1380 '4720 1640 1090 4135 '2566' ·760 1060r 3-019 1950' 2486 1107 ~i"380 5660 1353 91,90 2279 1605, 6920 4180 949 1305 " 5160 547)' 4410 -65 -12950 O 14 ,44 -26 2 37 21 25 '64 62 28 14 364 1659. 2878 3794 3376 284.8 THICK. CHANGE 1598 -24 -17 -91 -18 i 2300-:3700i 9672 100 3400-3500 3300-3400, 3200-3300 2& 2 O O 199 18 245 1230 426 17 400 940 ..._6o2 .37'" 1041. f730 814-·----·-· -2·3_-------197·Ö--···-·-- 2L~iQ . 667 3 1100 1650 270 -62 -240 -890 7 ..;.6 ~74 -10610 ,.30O0-31 OO . 2900..;.~000 _ 2800~2900 2700~2800 2800~3500 1 O O O 3 4 3 54 116 58 10 O .> . 32 3013 \ I 3600~3700 54 ._ 55 3500~3600 3400~3500 254 737 3300-3400 \,3200,...3300 1019 1599 3100:"'3200 '3000~31UO " 1528 1270 2900-3000 945 2800-2900 ."1017 2700-28'00. 676 2600-2700 \ 316 2500~2600 183 ~400-25DO 19 2~00":'2400 , ..__ .._,_.___ ..__..... }Jºº=lZQQ_. SUMMARY DAT A AREA " VOLUME CHANGE . CHANGE AREA MEAN O O O '. -160 -118 ,80 82 -1151 720 '950 1452 140 178 ..;.19661-2080 -3560 -3621 ...;2670 -3950 -3707 .-11730. ::"3821 -20880 -\-141 '-7420 -:13181 -1363 ~ 44'42 1474 / / '-. JI. '. PAGE 10 TABLE D .'~ I.. 231 ,- __ ,_ .. .-- ..~. __ ._ __ .... ..•_---".-- ..... _._._--_ __ ..._-_ .. .. _--. __ .._--_. __ ._------- ...._--- ...--_._--_._ .._--_ .._._-----_ .... _-_._ .._--------_ _--_ .. .... _.- .. _-._-_._._-_.-._. __ __ .. ... -----_ r- ............... r-I .. l \ ,- ,~:-, .:,NH'fJ~'CAC.I:[R":~~NAM~<.~~: fJ?'ERl.OD'~./,l.': ÂLT.I·iúÒiE,·-. .:AREA» < FRI'JM JO:<~~O~ 'f0 •.. ' MEA N'! '. .,.,. '" .él·: ·AREA'··, '. ':VO'G'UME: ; ':THlcK/ (mÁNGtCHANGE' ê~A~~Ê .r-, "<' ·.. ·····~······r.v•..···.·../' "'~ " ..,'(l:O{1Il2)·,(1;~~?):ÙO~1Il3) .:,:' ':/,~ ,"'. '" .,', ': '19; 'iy¡R~¢~IjERN~~ ',,'· i96,~t9;,'~ r '.', '. v-.: /\~m} ':' .: ;':,'(:, •• : .,:", .,. i>QÔ~3]Ob:: (: ·•...,··'jA,., "'.''. ,.'" ,"'14 ;i'i}~~ ~r / '. ,·····\}~::,,~:ª~ji~g~Ç,i,,:ïili::; ······.:;~·····~f~l.~.y~.,~.I~:' .. " . .i78b~'2$OO~Y '" ' .' - :'.;'SÓMM~ARy:·"'DATi{' :'~", '. "':,' ,:,~' '~"~ . '.: "'.-"¡ / • \~ '. ,," . . ~ , ~ '.:.4"6 ".',:'.-.'.. ' - • - , ',.. , .' '-", ' .', ·,'·:2·ßPOt~·?8qq~;':.~.,:~ ',"::9550''' .. ').. ,,'. . / •.•. ~~.;_".~.':--'.,.~~~~~~-'--.,........,.,_;;.,.'<_;_.~,....;...;_:_,;;,..,..;.....;:.....:.,._::.,~ .' ... .v : , o', ~ ~-_'.·",,·.54:,; -, ;.._: .:46"'.:..:.:~.~.',.:;'~.' ·'·~·53Ö-·. . . , . _':.11' ,' . 52', 'O~ .' . • l, I· ~ c,,', :" - :l-Î6 <"; 2905~(:."<:'.:3'0'43 . , _;...,.__;,:..;.,.,._;_ ;';"':':'I,"';;';":_;_' ...:,.._.;,.:..;'.,....,:..... ~~:._;_~.;..."..:, :,2t.~.~,,::Z~L~;~~.U.)._,;.FERN[R'1969~79'>;i~~=~~~~:' ';~g':':.,~f .......~/ ] : :~::-j2ÓÖ~33CH:F'~:'·: ...."··" .,740..~:' " :'3',i0Ö~J2ÚO ' . ,.. r{l:7."· ,, f -. <~ '. ··''3bÖ.o'~:3.10n" . ·.6'87 . ,.", .', "290'0 'jöoö ',.g', ' .' <'+-395' ..' :·~l.io'· ,'~4SÒ':: I:'''' ,:.;.840':' ~,,··.,.~96~.~>: :'~jjo ,:.:.~'~:\'.' .' ~> 'Ì,' .: :~126' ." ., ":2 .. , '-:~~62': ." ,.,." ~~~;;_"""""';_;_I;"""':'_':~'~ ~:S;7'] ,19" ._ "] ,::},;t,¡¡i!lif~id\,.•.'··:;i~:!". ",·:.·ii'······'·,·~!~~' •.•,.·•.ìiii;:,':\ .;· .,..' ~J~;(':~.•..·... I· ' . .1 ", . "~'~'.', _. ! •. ": ".~ ."" "~,,:,.;".,;.~/:~',''' '.:; .'-.. 2400~·250o.\·. ! ·îl .....; f" ~:lO .< ···":.~.:405· :' -} " ,i 5,':6810'.·.:.':' • .~-it4':';',:" 3702). : .... :·.:7.71 . . . , 'f .l. l I :' .•. ,' - ¡ " . - EO''3NlA.U F,ER,N )',' ..,' .,.21; ~ ,... RA·.U.· 5 ,.G.C ... E..~· ' ·19??{79' ":',,'33QO~340(Q:' 34Q[)-3,50q ~ 2 ·-32nO~3300 . " ':,'¡3iòb~:320éj' i '. . 95' 1?'9 192'.1. . :_.0 '0 .-95"· 4 " -1.:" '.,'~19Ú'·; Li .'.' <. '17i' .' 1'2:;'" ..,:';'.-,,~.g~"" ", ..·..30oo;jióo :;~:·'447" '-:·:.29Öb:~.~.úóq' ; . ·3¡B.. , ..,:-" ·i~¿ "'.····~2·.7. 68000.fOOJ.=,·.·.:,·,.~~7· ·:D09~O·,·•• ,'. ~:.' L'2i6'>2j]~~f' "j ",J' ··.<5·¡ :.', ':~6A:' g;:~ , : -1' . ::0', O·..g'.':: ,:,,: ',' l:J ·,~14?ià·. ' . 7·.'8,9'tJ· .:,·~:Ì9(J ·;··;·-·2ÔÜ:':·. ,,:.i63~2·.:587.··O~.·.·:·.:.'.,'.: . , , ···~1g~r:Ug~·'··'t~ri.. /· .·.··· ..····.t:\.·..2.fs,··lff~~, " l':' '. I .. L. ' ,'" ,;/ " .:,:t32" " (\J . NR-· 'GLACIER NAME PERIOD .FßOM TO ALTITUDE: FROM· TO . AREA MEAN J .22.1·WAXEGGKEES 0401) 1969719 (A 'J300-:-3400 3200:"3300 3100--3200 300,O~3100 2~00-:300_0 2'900-2900 2700-2800 SUMMARY ,DATA ,f"l ' VOLUME ~THICK. CHANGE CHANGE (103.~2) (103m3) 4', 7 '14-8 293 433 : 608 '.' '684 6 2 6 9 2 23 37 619 . S'78" 355 '184 87 2600 .... 2700 2500-2600 2400-:-2500" 2300-2400 2:200- 2300., y (103m2 AREA CHANGE ; 3.7 54 .52 ,'1'2 " 2300~ 3400', 23 4008 \ 255 /0 125 2?5 234 128 -212 37 '358' 54:3 1652 2341' 741 (mm) ~o 850' 8io 540 ZIO I/" -310 60 ':620'1530 _ 8980 . 26910. .617"30 6202 : ,,1547 , ,y' 2).1 HoRNKEES (A:0402) 1969~'79 " ('" 3200-J300 .., '3100_~ 3200 . 3ÖOO~310o. 2900-:3000 '28ÖÖ~29.00 2700-2800' 2600--2700,: ' 250Ó~2600 2 374' .64~' 77º, 710 592 26,0 226 2400~Z5bo 'SUMMARY 'DArÁ: 24.' ISCHWARZENSTET~~.1969~79 (A 0403) 2200-3300 2500-2600 2400:-2500, 23'00-240.0' '2200~2300 2200~3"400 13 ~256 497· 1143 '1271 1245 1086 1308 551012480 145'3'0 646 26920 274 6861 /0 -:1 -21' ':";'9 ·20 ' '5'6, .r '4910 1748· o o 30 J!0'6 49-2 743 996 947 ,73,0:, 432' i' 191 3300-:-3400' . 3200-3300' .3100~32003000~.310Ó 290Ö~300D : 28'00'-2900 27ÓO:?2BOO ~680 ~10 '20 -330 700 1930 l .25'" .16, '18 12 ·.;,3924 Ü' "":,94 -:-4 .1 119 .56 '13'- 24 2600-270Ò SUMM'ARY', DATA, ¡ 87 90 :23ÓO~,24ÖO '2200~2JOO, -z100..:i200., '0 2 2" ,'9 1:38- ~3..5 --27-6: 706 926 .o :-330' ~'560 950 .930 1060: 45 1004 2562···· ,2955 55 i378 6840' , :12450:, 3510 \ 91 27- 19Ò2 2'0900 39" 1'3 1347· 5 lB 307 3,4540 '-.';'61410': 2.37 4802 13776 2,86.9 r'. : { TABLE D PAG[. 12. ( 233 , \<.. ,"' ¡' 'NR," GLAtIER',':N:¡Ü~[ ",.,,' ',-"~ " :: PERIOD:" <', , :AR~A: :',i~LTITUD[' TROM:,:\. ",}'b_,' FRbM:TO"; ',VOLUME';, ,tHIŒK. ,: ,'AREA, \~tHANGE~, MEAf'{ '(-161~2),:,"(1(]3m,2) CHANGE>' CHANGE "(10?~'3'r :'(:nim);: '~f " ,,25'~T~SCH¡_tGEtS,'K.EES' , , ' ',>-(A ',0495\);:,' 3400~350o.-" 1~J.69~79: , "1'5 ~,,'3'30b~)400 ,'32Ub~33,ó'Oi ~!3ibo~~3200,'Z47 1'30ÓO~3'i'ö(J,'" .Ò; ", b "d·' O'" ,', ':O: '0 . ,i ,-,29 ,.:':,:::-6:' '9,1 'IO, J47" 1'9,,' ~r347, ",4~ 3965 : , :63 ;'-'.,4239' 4,4 ::'.. 17,22,,'"36': . ': 717 'lJ', " ':"423,·" I '>~~697:;",: "Z9'Ob;jboO ':.: ":280Q",:'290Ò 1ió6~~80ri~ ~-'i::'O' 53 160, :'105'2, ~1161',~';' ~~l~ ''':''676 ',: ::',:2:6b,ô~'2,1öO~/;" '.250Ö~'2'6QO""", 387' ..~~g~~~~gg .":> li.~·· .¡ ",26 ~•.L DZHANKUA'l ". , ' (SU ',3010) ,\~**,** 3ÓOO~295ö', ·".295·O~:'29ÔÖ' 1968-74' , :***** 2,900,~:2è50 : ***** *****:' '2B5(J~2,80O:, ",' 28'o'Q~275Q: ¡ '~***f,*" *****, .. 2750~2700" .... ~ "... 3;30~j35!O;:.··.:úi** ,3350:"3'30'0"" .·3~)OÖ-~:Z50 '325.073200 '. ,3200~j15Ö" ., J . ... ,::*'*~~'*,' ~I43 .: :,~i'28' "'~79 "-5'0 .'~. ,'~~*:**' ***'** *~****;' i" " " ,4ÖOO~,\3900 390:0L-3800, ( ""3,800~370Ö ' '" ,:370p-360.o: **-**'i' 172 '. =. **:***" ,~*,**,*, .'337 .'~416'.' ~245!· ~102: ,~,****' ***'** :_'~qOO~3.500· . ,.":19.,5:-z,--'i7.,· o- Ò> " c i ) 2,34 ,~~,87DO ';:..31000.. ':":'29~Do. ' . J2'4: ,19000 .-524'" +60QO,' ·~i~55~f·' -62000." .;~,209'6 '-8¿OO" , ---:--- . .' ", . . '... /~':~ - ,.***** . ,:~i39' .~.7J34, -5600·'" .·'385D~3800 **~,**.-:'',,~,-439 .. -8136 ' ~'185åD"'-':~.3_800~:3}5,O' "*~***" '<.735?·· ~l949", ~22¡OO 37-5Ò-'3700' : (****~, ,'-186 ~'6097 ·.~3270Òl" . :j'700~\3650' "***** ~17I', ~768o. ',:'4.4900' ':3650~3;61Ò' ,.'",:***~~ ',~,125, .'~33L¡2"· ,~,·267o.d·.· ,.;38~O"::,3.~5Ù, > .,J , :':2096'. ~'~,2q59:O,-, - -'690b' ""7130.00, 7186'7' '~2'395" ~234'1 '~'146~ . Í9S'6'-77' KOLPAKd\J,SKOGO' (SU:5103Y: <., . -214 . _:,Jl , " :". 7) N~ -', PERIOD FROM TO .GLACIER NAME AL TITUDE FROM TO ÃREA VOLUME CHANGE ~CHANGE AREA MEAN ,j (103m2) 30.1 A YLAMA (SU 5104) ú / (-Io'3m2), (103m3) 1955,;..57 3700~3600 ***** 3600-3500' ***** 3500~3400 ***** -3400-'33'00 ***** 330o'~3200 ***** '3200-3ÌOO /**'*** J " lHICK~ CHANGE " (mm) 16 9'0 75 610 ~924 ' -3450~ -3978 ~6530 -5892 ....:15930, -2075 '728860 169 1?4 -268 -609 -370 -72 r: 'I' 1957~77 31.1 BEZIMYAN·NYY· , . (SU 5105.)'' -10 ';...}18":'318ÖO 3980;...3950' ***** ~'--395U..:.'39O'O"---'--***** -384, ~14225 ~3~000 -295 ;...12969 ~43909 3900-3850, ***** :,-216 ...;8661 -40100 \ 3850-3800 ***** -5842 '-44300 3800-31~o, ***** ~ ~132 (: 32.1, SARI":"TOR (SÙ5106) 1957-77 33.1 KELDYKE (SU 5107") 4120-4100, 410()..;.4050 4050-4000 4000-3950': 3950-3900~ 3900-3850, 3850-3800 3800-3780' ***,** ***** ***** ***** ***** *~*** '***1* ***** 20 ", 4 190 ~479 -7100 -67 .·..:.'343-4320- -12600 -t0500 -220 " -2307 ;...170 .... 1757 ';...10300 ;...1139 -810Ò -141 -8700 :..121 ,~1058 96 Il 12.00 ì ( ,1955"-77 3380....:3350 3350-3300~ ~3300-3250 '"3250-'3200' J200~3150 31~0~3120 ***** 93 '***** -311 ;...257 ***** ***** \. --214" ,-98 ***** ,;..23 ***** i956-77 4020-.:40004000-3950 395lD~3900 3900-38.50 3850-3800 \3800- 3750' ,***** *****,,' ***** ***** " ***,** ***** :212 _ 2290 -fZ09> -38~Ö ..;.3596"-13980 -3827 :-17860 -239~ -24400 -608: -25990 ~! 34.1 KARÄKOLTo'R _) (SU 5108)' ') 35.1 DAVIDOVA (SU 5109) 1955:-77 .'3870-'385Ó \.3'850'-380'0 3800-3750 '~3750-3700 3700-3670 ***** ***** ***** *****,\ ***** I , 93 11700 ,758 84400 -483 -90,00 -54' ~1423 -3550'0 -43 :"31008 ;...39QOO' -76 -:-17, ~201 -1280.0 8 8'9 ,r- 74 273 258 162 ' -45 782 2016 558\9 TABLE D 'PAGE ¡08DO 7400 21600 ,20400. ;...0703 1560.0 3305 14 "-- 235 r-T . i, .,- "" __.i: • r·',·' <.~.,.:... ~~ -. \\.' ~ ::Í o:· :"~'1" .J.... .,- - .. t • ,: ,;.; ··~~tA: ¡ . ':,.'. K, ..' , • i:"., .'.' >,\7~,. ¡ .. \','_"::" ~ '~"" ;. -.-c,--.. : >-.,>. ,_. ,; .' . ,::: .' .,/-_. <r , .. ( . ;t -, l. • ._.'~. . \'-_~.~I '. ,'" "-. ,. :~ ./,' ,', ,,1 ·'AREA,vd~lJ~E:'irHIGK. (::::~';~;;{:;!~)~i::~::'1;,C~::;L;' ".. ·OO•• i_=_;.: .•. .5:¡Ô,.:, ',:.' '\ 33.'.:,,~,77:' 0o i i·),i~*:¥'...',i¿gi.<.:' 3100~3650¡~,~~~:",: .,~ ~:- ?~).33··:~.-66?O.$OO···.:'_~'·_33B5::)8.J:·-.:·oqê .. i'.\:; .:;..;.~'~._:~.:' .... ~. ";-t". i~:~::'-" .. f: :,: " _-.-:-..~ .:.',:_': ¡. .' .' ) t: ··:·~95i, .. .....",è ",,_ , 1.',- F~9>M.'::~í:r,,'. ii.;6.:,'.':.,_i:..'B.(:Os.~.:.Ru· '~'~.·l:_~'oi~~').'~·~,':,.·. :~,;.,.t.,..,.-,. L~f~9 -.i5 ..,.~7i7'.'i ..:.¡ëj3!.·.. , ..'i'i,· "~'" • "'~iR' 'GLÄ~i:[ëRNf,A~(O:~¡.E:6~ir~,@, ,'._. >A~I.iÍu6r ",," . " :>'<.~: ,c, •.. ~-:. -Ò: -_ ' ':' é~~,o. '7t~~6::,,',- ,.;':~~H ••···.]:~r~i;,':"~~i~g~:,.····· 'l '*:~**'~:_:"..' .t~;·~ __.-":'.-.;.~--j~20j;-:::f~~r5"fqá • ' .•• _. ,)_' . '. t::'. (:. ",:":', :' ._- C:' __ . ';>~.'.::.~.' ;~/"';. <,' I . .. -.- ~ " ':.': ~ '.. 'I ,'I I ~ ,I --ill ~ ..i~ - ~ § l ~ TABLE AVAILABILITY OF E HYDROHETEOROLOGICAL DATA Key to symbols: SGS: Streamflow MS: Meteorological Name: Name of station GL: Geographical' location GCo.: Geographical Alt: Altitude DA (%): Drainage gauging station station of SGS or MS coordinates of SGS or MS of SGS or MS in m a.s.l. area of SGS in km1. Fig~re in brackets % of glacierized Lac: Location *** No data available represents area. where data is available. given, please see Chapter Where abbreviation 6, under the relevant is country.' 237 l SENTINEL (CD 1915) SGS Name 8GA-56. Sentinel MS Creèk above. .Garibaldi Cl Sentinel snout and Garibal~i glo Periglacial lake l) 490 54' 05" N, 1220 59' 51" W 2) 490 Alt 1500 5.612 lac WSCO zone of Senti~el glacier 490 53' 54" N, 1220 59' 34" W DA camp site lake On stream betw. Sentinel GCo glacier 52' .59" N, 1220 58' 18" W 1540 .Snow and Ice Division, Inland Waters Environment Directorate, Canada, Ottawa Ontari o KIA oE7 2 HELM (CD 0855): For all information except Lac, see Sentinel. SGS Loc Applied Hydrology Inland Waters Environment Ottawa, 3 PLACE MS Glaciology Division, Inland Waters Directorate, Direc~orate, Canada, Ontario. Division, Environmen~ KIA OE7 Ottawa, Canada, Ontario. (CD 1660) SGS Name KIA oE7 8MG-l~. MS Place Glacier Place Creek near Base Camp Site Birken Gl Periglacial draining GCo 500 26' 02" N, 1220 36' 35" Alt 1800 DA 6.5 loe WSCo Periglacial zone on stream zone of Place glacier Place glacier W 500 26' Il" N, 1220 36' 38" W 1840 Snow and Ice Division, .Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Ottawa, Canada, Ontario. KIA oE7 TABLE E 238 PAGE l 4 ZAVISHA (CD 2605) SGS Name Bridge River GL Periglacial draining MS Bridge glacier DCP zone on stream Bridge glacier Periglacial zone of Bridge glacier GCo 1230 26' 00" N, 500 51' 15" W 1230 26' 00" N, 500 51' 15" W Alt 1360 1360 DA *** Loc Water Survey df Canada B.C. Hydro, Hydrology Department, Burnaby, H.C. 5 SYKORA/BRIDGE 6 . PEYTO (CD 1995): for all ~nformation, see Zavisha (CD 1640) " SGS Name Peytö Creek at Peyto glacier MS Peyt~ glacier base camp 5DA-8 GL At downstream gorge on Peyto Creek glacier snout GCo 510 41' 37" N, 1160 32' 08" W 510 41' 10" N" 1160 32' 45" W Alt 1951 2251 DA 22.3 Loc WSCO end o f narrow On marginàl moraine west of the r'· /"' NHR - 7 ANDREI (CD 0148) SGS Name Forrest-Kerr GL Periglacial draining Creek zone on stream Andrei and Forrest- MS Andrei glacier camp site Rock outcrop between Andrei and 'Forrest-Kerr glaciers Kerr glaciers GCo 1300 43' 30" N, 560 55' 05" W 1300 54' 30" N, 560 55' 10" W 1100 Alt 500 DA 287 Lac Water Survey of Canada, B. C. Hydro, Terrace, Hydroelectric B.C. Projects Vancouver Generation Division, B.C. TABLE E PAGE., 2 239 8 9 ALEXANDER YURI (CD 0133): (CD 2530): 10 BARNES ICE CAP for all inform~tion, for all information, see Andrei see ,Andrei (CD 0210) SGS MS Name *** Dewar Lakes GL *** ca. 120 km S of Ice Cap in middle GCo ***' Alt *** .*** 518 DA Loc *** Environment Canàda, Atmospheric Environment, of Baffin Island *** ì 4905 Dufferin Downsview, Il GULKANA St., Ontario. M3H 5T4 (US 0200) MS SGS Name Phelan Creek near Paxson, GL l km downstream Gulkana glacier Alaska terminus from 1968 of Gulkana glacier Moraine along east margin, of Gulkana glacier GCo 630 14' 27" N, 1450 28' 03" W 630 15' 30" N, 1450 26' 40" W Alt 1124 1480 DA 31.6 Loc USGSF' 12 WOLVERINE USGSF (US 0411) MS SGS Name Wolverine Creek near Lawing" Wolverine glacier Alaska 200 m downstream GCo 600 22' 14" N, 1480 53' 48" W 600 23' 20" N, 1480 56' 00" W Alt 370 1000 terminus DA 24.6 Loc USGSF from 1970 Tundra ridge 500m west of GL of Wolverine glacier Wolverine glacier USGSF· TABLE E 240 PAGE 3 13 SOUTH CASCADE (US 2013) SGS Name MS South Cascade glacier South Cascade glacier gaging station. South Cascade GL South Fork Cascade GCo 4Bo, 22' 13" N, Alt 1613 River at glacie~ hut South Cascade glacier South Cascade glacier DA 6.11 Loc USGST 14 NISQUALLY 1210 04' 23" W 4Bo 22' 13" N, 1210 04' 23" W 1613, IB45 USGST (US 2027) , SGS Name GL MS .*** Rainier *** Paradise Paradise Ranger Station R.S. to the east of Ni sdual Ly glacier, 'Mt. Rainier National Alt *** *** DA *** Loc *** GCo Park, WA 460 47' N,121° 44' W 1650 Paradise Ranger Station, Mt. Rainier National Park, WA 15 SHOESTRING (US 2075) SGS MS Plains of Abraham; Name Shoestring terminus GL Shoestring glacier Geo 460 12' N, 1220 Il' W on E June Lake South side of Mt. St. Helens side of Mt. St. Helens 460 20' N,122° DB' W (approx); 460 13' N, 122'0 10' W (a~rox) Alt 1370 DA 1.B in 1979, 1.2 in 19BO Loc USGST 1340; 950 ses, Snow Survey, State of Washington, Spokane, WA 99201 TABLE E PAGE 4 241 " 16 BLUE (US 2126) SGS MS Name *** Quillayute GL *** At Quillayute 69 km from Blue glacier *** 4jO 57' N, 1240 33' W Alt *** 53 DA *** Loc *** GCo c, National Oceanic and Atrnospheric Administration, National Climate Center, Ashville, N.C. 17 GRINNELL (US 5000) ses MS ì Name ·Grinnell Creek near Many glacier *** GL *** On Grinnell Creek just below outlet of Grinnell ~ak~ 480 46' 12" N, "1130 41' 54" W *** Alt 1502 *** DA Loc 9 GCo 18 USGSH *** (PE 0001) QUELCCAYA ICE CAP SGS Name GL MS *** Two streams wes~ edge *** Summit Quelccaya (since 1976) Quelccaya and one stream Automatic Rimco MK II Stations south edge Quelccaya Ice Cap GCo Alt -DA 130 56' S, 700 50' W 5000 7 (west streams), *** 5670 3 (south stream) Lac Data 1977 and 1979 from Institute of Polar Studies, Institute of Polar Studies, Ohio State University, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 4321D Columbus, Ohio, 4321D TABLE E 242 PAGE 5 19 BONDHUSBREEN (N 20408) SGS MS Name Bondhuskammer Holmavatn GL Bondhusbreen Bondhusbreen 0 GCo Alt 60 02' N,6° 900 DA 15 Loc NVE 20' E 60° Dt' N,6° 1134 E NVE 20 NIGARDSBREEN (N 31014) SGS Name 20' l) Nigardsvatn, innloep .MS l) Steinmannen 2) Nigardsvatn, utloep. 2) Nigardsvatn GL Jostedalen Nigardsbreen, Josteda1en GCo 61° 43' N, 70 OB' E Alt 300 610 41' N) 70 08' E 1) 1600 2) DA Loc 21 l) 42 2) 64 NVE AALFOTBREEN 300 NVE (N 36204) SGS MS Name Bre-elva Aalfotbreen, Obs. hut GL Near AaiEotbreen Aalfotbreen GCo Alt 610 45' N,50 39' E 720 610 45' N,50 905 DA 7.B Loc NVE 39' E NVE TABLE E PAGE 6 243 22 ENGABREEN (N 67011) SGS MS Name Engavatn GL Engava~n, GCo 660 39' ,N, 130 51' E 660 39' N, 130 51' E 1100 Alt 7 DA 50.4 Loc NV~ 23 Engabreen Nordland Engabreen, Nordland NVE WERENSKIOLDBREEN (N 12501) SGS Name Rzeka Lodowcowa MS (Glacial river) l) Baranowski Station 2) Upper Station GL Frontal moraine, Werenskiold Wedel GCo 0 77 river gorge glacier Jerlsberg 04' N,ISo l) Werenskiold basin Land. moraine glacier frontal (south part) 2) Werenskiold glacier firn line l) 770 04' N, ISo 12 ' E 11' E 2) 770 04' N, 1So 27' E Alt 8 DA 44 Loc Katedra l) Geomor~ologii Uniwersytet K~asu, Slaski, ul. Miekzarskiego 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland.' 26 2) 380 Zaktad Meteorologii i Klimetologii, Uniwersytet ul. Cmentarna Wroclaw, Wroctowski, 9, Poland. TABLE E 244 PAGE 7 24 HANSBREEN (N 12419) SGS MS Name *** Polish Polar Station, GL *** North slope of Isb¢rnhamna, Hornsund (raised marine terrace), Jar~sberg GCo *** 760 59' N, 150 33' E 9 Alt *** DA *** Loc *** Wedel Land, Spitsbergen Instytut Met~orolg~i i Gospodarki, Wodnej Dddziat Morski, ula Washingtona 80-42 Gdynia, 25 STDRGLACIAEREN (S 0788) SGS Name Rännan GL Tarfala, 0 GCo 67 Alt 1000 DA 20.9 Loc NGSU 26 MS Tarfalastationen Kebnekaise, 0 55' N, 18 ALETSCH 42, Poland N.Sweden Tarfala 670 35' E valley, 180 55'-N, Kebnekaise 35' E 1130 NGSU (CH 0005, 0006 and 0106) SGS Name Massa, Blatten GL approx. MS near Naters l km downstream snout of Grosser of Aletsch Fiesch, Grindelwald, Valley stations, (outside) Ried SE, N and W of Massa river basin .glacier GCo. 260 23' N, 80 Dl' E 460 24' N, 80 08' E (Fiesch) 460 38' N, 80 03' E (Grindelwald) 460 25'\ N, 70 50' E (Ried) Alt 1060, 1040, 1480 1446 DA 194.7 (66) Loc Bundesamt für Umweltschutz, Hallwylstrasse 3005, Bern 4, . Schweizerische Meteorologische Anstalt, Krähbühlstr. 58, 8044 Zürich TABLE E PAGE 8 245 ~ 27 HINTEREISFERNER (A 0209) SGS Name Rofenache, Vent GL GCo Oetztal 460 52' N,IDa Alt 1900 DA 9B.6 Loc IMGUI 2B Vent 56' E Oetztal 460 52' N,IDa 56' E 1900 IMGUI VERNAGTFERNER Name . MS (A 0211) SGS Pegelstation Vernagtbad MS l) Middle of glaciei (a~lation period only 2) Vernagtbad (May-October) GL GCo Alt Vernagtferner 460.51' 30" N,IDa 49' 50" E Vernagtferner l) 460 52' 10" N,IDa 4B' 10" E 2) 460 51' 30" N,10° 49' 50" E l) 3075 2640 DA 11.44 (B2%) Loc CGBAS -Germany CGBAS - Germany 29 KESSELWANDFERNER 30 .SONNBLICK KEES 2)2640 (A 0226). For all information - see Hintereisferner (A 0601) SGS Name Reservoir Weisssee MS Rudolfshütte - Weisssee GL Upper Stubach valley Hohe Tauern, Eastern Alps Upper Stúbach valley, Hohe Tauern, Eastern Alps GCo 4700B' 470 OB.l' N, 120 37.5' E Alt DA 2250 5.3 (3%'in 19B1) Loc Kraktwerk Enzingerboden der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie OEBB, A-5723 Uttendorf/Pinzgau. und Geodynamik, N, 120 37' E 2304 Hohe Warte 3B, A-1190 Vienna TABLE E 246 PAGE 9 247 248 ALPHABETIC GLACIER NAME: 15 alphabetic alphabetical PSFG~NR: WGI-NR: or numeric digits, names are arranged in order 4 or 5 digits denoting INDEX identifying glacier with alphabetic prefix country World Glacier DATA TABLE AND RECORD Inventory number NUMBER: (provisional) table and record number where data are located A B BB = = = General information on the observed glaciers Variations in the position of glacier fronts: 1975-80 Variations in the position of glacier fronts: addenda from earlier years E = = = = = F = Other - see Chapter 7 C CC CCC D Mass balance summary data: 1975-80 Mass balance summary data: addenda Mass balance versus altitude from earlier for selected years glaciers Changes in area, volume and thickness Availabiltiy of hydrometeorological data 249 GLACIER NAHE PSFG-NR WGI-NR AAlFOTBREEN N 3b20't N AOOOBO ABRAHOVA SU 't101 SUXA3l0 DATA 1 'to AGNELLO I 0029 I L013 29 AHTNA US 1123 USN003 904 AKBAYTAL SU 't03b SUXOOOA AK 8 UL AK Ul K UN SU 5061 AKSU TAßLE A.ZZ2 + RECORD B.188 B~. 't2 A.600 B. 69 A.577 8.529 BB. 57 SUXA12l 137 A.bOb 8.557 B8. 80 SU 5102 SUXOOC 't05 A.621t 8.568 ALEXANDER CO 0133 CON002 ALIBEKSKIY SU 3002 SUH001 ALLALIN CH 0011 CHN01252 ALLISON AN 1350 AUH A 0321 A J11t3S1 053 A 0301 ALP.KRAEUL F.i F. ALPEINER ALPETLI ALTA K.t.NOER VEDRETTA l3B A. 0.28 8 C. A.5bO 8.513 29 A.267 8.Z25 915 A.b91 8.626 A.427 B.385 B.372 A Jllt3SI 055 A.414 CH 0109 eHR013S5 B13 A.319 8.277· I I LODI 730 A.523 B.'t79 0730 88. AHHERTEN CH 0111 CHROl3S5 F l A.323 8.Z81 I I LOl02 bitit 04.517 8.'t7't ANDERSON US 2137 USHOOOB 205 A.151 ANDREI CD 011t8 CDNOOl AN 1020 AUH A PE C O 0170 COMOOOD APPLEGATE US 0't06 USNOOOD ARGENTIERE F F ~01035 ATHABASCA CD 0190 CDA1l1 l A. AU.BROEGGEP8R. N lS50't N WOl555 6 1\.229 ANZAC PEAK 0002 AURONA I' AUSTERDAlSBREEN N 31220 0338 I L01Z N AOOOA5 2 902 l A. BB. 17 901 A. 48 A06 A.255 20 36 C. B. 14 C.35 3 BB. B. 3 A.503 8.4bO SUXOOC 267 A.62b B.570 SUXA121 172 A.605 B.55b BB. 79 B.515 B8. 48 SU 3004 SUG0031 29 CD 0205 COROlltE 9 F.I A A Jl't30E BAEGISARJOKUlL IS 0301t 8AERENKOPF K. A 0702 999 8ACHFALLEN 030't ISV 301t A.lez 8.152 A J143SA 071 A.454 B.411 A.579 B.531 SU 't038 SUXA4l0 US 0601 USNOOOO BALTIMORE US Ob20 BARBAOORSO I 0778 BARKRAK SU 5072 SUXA121 US Ob15 USNOOOO 909 CO 0210 COT ?10 US 0612 USNOOOD CH 0027 CH 0104 13AR NARD BARNES ICE BARRY BAS D'AROLLA BASODINO CAP A. b2 B. 3 USNOOOO 910 A. 75 I 778 A.531 ß.4B7 54 A.609 B.5bO A. 70 B. A. 6 BB. 59 8B. 83 C. 5 40 13. 53 48 29 A. 67 ß. 45 CHN01Z73 14 A.2A4 ß.242 CHL01214 10 A.368 E.IO ß.326 INDEX-TAßLE, 250 C. 8.3b9 26 L001 n.30 3 A.411 BAKER SREONIY A.5b2 A. 012 8AKCHIGIR 3 A.217 8.184 SU 510't GLACIER O. C.30 SU 5066 AZAU 7 27 B.213 A YL AMA IUBY E. F.19 AYUTOR-2 B. 8 B.619 A. 338 1t6 10 A.661t E. e 6 F.19 AHOLA 06't1t E .21 7 CC.IO 8.1t47 91 94 l ccc. C.2b C.54 A.490 A. NUMBER PAGE 1 F. l GLACIER NAME PSFG-NR WGI-NR DATA BATYRBAY SU ItOb3 SlJXA223 14.597 8.549 BAUDISSIN AN 0105 AUH 905 A.676 8.611 BEAR US 2122 USM0008 112 A.141 8.116 PASS BELLA TOLA 15 + TABLE RECORD RB. 71t BB. 26 F.19 CH 0021 CHN0126l BELOIT US 0418 USNOOOO BELVEDERE I 0325 I CO 0240 CONOOB A 0308 A BERM CD 0245 eDHOODC BETSELI US 1120 USN003 BEZENGI SU 300b SUG0037 A.564 8.517 BB. 50 BE1YMYANNYY SU 5105 SUYA123 331 A.627 8.571 B~. 88 BIELTAl A 0105 A 028 A.376 13.334 CH 0017 CHR0135D lIZ A.336 1\.294 A 8310 A 836 A.418 8.376 14.213 13.231 BB. 31 30 BERENDON F. BERGLAS F. BIFERTEN F. BIlOSTOECKl A.278 A. 11 LOIZ l A.4l5 l 901 l J143SI B. 33 11 A. 058 J143SN 8.236 55 ••50Z ß.'t5Q 325 J143SI 8.373 A. 29 B. 11 BB. A. 88 s, C H 0101 CHN01258 BLACK US 2121 US HOOOB BLACKSTONE US 0419 USNOOOO BLANC F 0031 F B21 A.249 8.208 BLUE US Z12b US HOOOB 114 4.145 '3.120 88. BlUEHLISAlP CH 0064 CHR01355 B A.322 B.280 A 018 A.409 8.3b7 A.212 B A.632 B.576 A.253 8.211 A.Z9a 8.256 8.173 F. 8 404 A.14b 2 B.121 se A. 12 B. A 0302 N Z0408 N AOOOAJ 80RDU SU 5110 SU5 XA141t 354 BOSSONS F 0004 F 003 CH 0041 CHN01284 BREIDA"1JOK.E.A IS 1126 ISV 11 26A •• BREIDAMJOK.E.B IS 1126 ISV 11 26R A.204 8.174 BREIDAMJOK.W.A IS 1125 ISV 11 2514 A.ZOO 8.170 BREIDA"'JOK.W.B IS 1125 ISV 11 258 A.202 8.172 11 25C A.201 B.171 19 A.293 R.Z51 A.495 B.452 SOVEYRE J1430E 8 N01037 4 203 .182 BREIDAMJOK.W.C IS 1125 ISV BRENEY CH 0036 CHN01282 BRENVA I 0219 I BRESCIANA CH 0103 CHL01244 2 A.3flb SlUDGE CO 0275 CDH200 l A. BRIGSDALSBREEN N 10 A.219 B.185 BROGGI PE 0003 PEP005Cl F03 A.155 B.1213 BROUILLARD I 0216 I 216 A.491t 13.451 BROWN AN 0111 AUH Q12 A.b80 13.615 BRUAPJOKULL IS 2400 ISV 400 A.209 B.179 B RUN EGG CH 0020 CHN01260 A.277 B.235 BRUNNI CH 0072 CHR0135l US Ob18 USNOOOO BRYN MAWR BUARRREEN N BUGABOO CD 31110 21307 0290 N N L013 219 AOOOBS l013 2 AOOOAK COH121 A9 072 33 ~.31 34 BONDHUSBREEN BOCKKOGEL 9 66 BIS NOIoa3 NUMBER E .16 C.20 BB. 92 8B. 39 CCC.11 F." E.19 0.36 B.324 26 14.331 B.289 A. 1\. 73 F .IQ 51 7 A.211 13.181 2 A. B. 28 10 BB. 8 I~OEX-TABLE, r). PAGE 4 2 251 GLACIER NAME CALDERAS CALTHA LAKE CAMBRENA PSFG-NR WGI-NR DATA TABLE + RECORD C H 0095 CHJ14335 A.355 8.313 CD 0310 CDM201 I A. S. CH 0099 CHl01193 9 A.359 8.317 A.504 8.1t6l A.bb5 B.604 CAf'40SCI I CANADA AN 0009 AN 0361 I L01Z 17 3bl 9 3b 17 CANIN DCC. I 0965 I lOOOZ sas A.549 S.505 CANIN OR. I 09Slt I LOOOZ 964 A.548 8.504 US 20Z0 USMOOOS 12b A.12b B.103 I 04b9 I lOll 4b9 A.508 B.4b5 CARESER I 0701 I LOOIOZ 519 A.520 CARRIE US 2I0b US MOOOB 712 A.139 B.114 CASCADE US 0611 USNOOOO A. ß. C AS POGGIO I I CARBON CARDONNE OCC.DI 0435 LOll 28 435 bb ~.4b3 B. US 0604 USNOOOD Z4 A. CH 0119 CHL01214 17 A.3b7 B.325 CESAR KN 0004 KNE02lB 5 A.552 ß.508 CEVEDALE I I lOOl 732 A.525 13.481 CHALLENGER AN 1130 AUH 907 A.bB7 8.622 CHEILLON CH 00Z9 CHNOl274 A.28b B.244 59 US 1124 USN003 905 A. 92 B. 70 US Ob34 USN003 45 A. 84 B. sz CLAREMONT NORTH US 0409 USNOOOD 903 A. 50 8. 29 CLAREMONT WEST US Olt08 USNOOOO 902 A. 49 28 AN 12 A.bb8 B .b07 blt A.10Z B. 79 AN CLARK US 001Z US 13ZZ USNOOOC CLENDENNING CO 0335 CONODOC COLLALTO I I lODI COLUMBIA US 0627 USNOOOD COMMONWEALTH AN 0010 AN 09Z7 3 B. A. 35 ß. lb BB. A.544 B.500 39 A. ß. 10 A.bbb B.b05 911 A.6BI B.b16 A.295 ß .253 927 80 58 COMPTON AN 0112 AUH C OR B A S S I E R E C H 0036 CHN01263 CORNO CH OlZO CHl01234 COWLITZ US 2025 USMOOOB US 0613 USNOOOD I I LODI 8Z8 A.535 R.491 FIO A.329 1\.287 A.554 S.510 C OX E CRODA ROSSA 06Z6 DAMMA CH 0070 CHR01351 DARWIN KN 0006 KNE021D DAUNKOGEL F. A A310 US DIAKHANOARA OIDAL DIEM (NQ. F. 513) osos 6B B. USNOOOO CO Olt31 CDS2 SU 4047 SUXAOOI 7 905 1 21 F .19 8.575 8B. 91 A. 61 A. 4 B. D.35 39 C. 994 A.S88 B.540 BB. se BB. 54 SU 4013 SUXA300 513 A.57l 8.5Z3 A J1430E 100 A.ItOO B.358 INDEX-TABLE, 252 C.17 A. 18 A 0220 BB. 14 4b A.b3I SUXXXX CDMOOOC CAP A. 358 SU 5109 ICE b ß.321 ß .105 A.417 8.375 CD 0420 DEVON 30 A.3b3 A.128 A3b DEER DETACHED l 128 A J143S1 OAVIDOVA LAKE 3 CCC.l8 F.lQ CHETASLINA AN 24 37 CHILDS CLARK BB. 44 A.50b CATARACT 8 15 C.47 CAVAGNOLI 0732 BB. NUMBER cc C. 4 PAGE 3 l GLACIER tolAI1E PSFG-NR WGI-NR DIK HADANG SU 4045 SUXA200 994 A.5B6 B.538 DORFEI\' A 0509 A J13lIS 052 A.1t43 B.40l OOSOE OR.OI I 01t13 I Lall 473 A.509 B.ltbb DOSEGU I 0512 I Lall 512 A.5l3 8.470 DOWNES AN 1150 AUH 909 ~.b89 B.624 DZHANKUAT SU 3010 SUG0031 62 A.568 1(. DATA TABLE AN••••• AND 991 A.b74 E.GRUEBL A A J143S1 023 1..424 ß.382 0311 AN 1110 AUH 910 1..690 ß.625 EEL US 2113 USH0008 206 A.140 ß.115 CH 0059 CHNOl254 H 3 A.316 B.274 A A J143SA 074 1..,.60 8.417 E IS ER 1<. 0708 25 6 CO 0515 C0l122l l A. 22 ß. 7 BB. EMERALD GLACIER CD 0560 COH132 l A. 20 B. 5 EHf10NS US 2022 USHOOOB 127 A.127 B.104 EN DARREY CH 0030 CHN01214 11 A.287 B.21t5 ENGABREEN N 67011 N AOOOC4 11 4.225 8.190 EYJA8AKKAJ. I S 2300 ISV 2 300 A.208 8.178 FAAßERGSTOEL8R. N 31015 N AOOOA4 15 A.2Z0 S.18b FALLING US 01t05 USNOOOO 18 A. 1t1 B. 26 FALLJOKULL IS CH 0013 CHN01253 I 0439 F ERNAU F. A 0312 FERPECLE CH 0025 CHN01272 I I LOOI FELLARIA OCC.OI FIA~~ANTE DCC. FIESCHER FILLECK K. FINDELEN 0842 F INGER EAST FITJAR ISV A.196 8.166 it A.269 B.ZZ7 I Lall 439 A.507 B.464 A J143SI 034 A.420 8.376 11 A.282 B.240 B42 A.537 1:\.493 7 A.259 B.217 CHN01240 A A J143S A 098 A.1t1t8 CHN01256 A.272 A60l C.28 l 021 CH 0004 CH 0016 FIRNALPELI FJALlS. 1021 3 AN 0005 AN CH 0075 CHR01351 Hl3 5 A.bbl l3.bOO A.334 8.292 IS 1024 ISV 10 24F A.199 ß.1b9 IS 1024 I SV 10 24B A.197 8.167 FJALLSJ. G-SEL I S 10?4 ISV 10 l4G A.198 B.lb8 FLEUR D.NEIGES CD 0615 CDMOOOC FONTANA OCC.D I 0180 I LOOI 7BO A.532 FORCOLA I 0731 I LOOI 731 A.524 B.480 FORNI I 0501 I LOll 507 A.5l2 B.469 FORNO CH 0102 12 Â.362 B.320 A. 42 s, 22 I 0823 I LOOI 823 A.534 13.490 FREIGER A 0320 A J143SI 027 A.426 13.3B4 A 0106 AJI31MO 030 A.458 8.415 CO 0692 CDM221 2 ~. f\. A. 0501 A J13lIS 06b A.441 8.399 A 012? A J131IS lOB A.lt73 8.430 FREIWAND K. fRIENDLY FROSNITZ FRUSCHNITZ K. K. 23 E.22 1t4 BB. 18 B.1t88 FOSSA OR.DELLA F. 5 C.'tb BRHFJ CHLOl183 88. CCC. 13.230 FJALlSJ. 3 1).26 9 CCC.19 F .19 8B. ELKIN FEE NORD cc. F.IB EAlY EIGER F.19 C.53 E WILKES LANO F. + RECORD NUMBER B INDEX-TABLE, PAGE 4 253 GLACIER NAHE FURTSCHAGl PSFG-NR K. A 0406 CD 06Q8 F Yl ES GAISSBERG F. WGI-NR A J143ZI CDMOOOC + RECORD DATA TABLE 086 8 A.1t35 B.393 A. lb 0225 A J1430E ObO A.405 GAI'1CHI CH 0061 eHROl355 A 4 A.318 ß.27b GARMO SU 4022 SUXA300 224 A.575 B.527 GAULI CH 0052 CHR01351t I 5 A.309 8.267 F NOI046 A.252 B.Z10 A GE8ROULAZ F GEIKIE US 1314 GEPATSCH F. A GGP G IETR O 0009 0202 usxcooc A Jl43Fl SU 4064 SUXA223 CH 0037 CHN01282 EDb 56 A. B.363 A.383 B.341 999 A.598 8.550 88. 75 14 A.294 B.252 I 0929 I LOOl 929 A.545 8.501 GIGANTE ncc. I 0930 I LOOI 930 A.5~6 B.502 GIGJOKULl IS 0112 ISV 112 A.1b8 GILMAN US 1321 USNOOOC 63 A.101 B. 78 L001 813 A.533 B.1t89 I 0813 I GlAERNISCH CH 0080 CHR01350 K 4 A.31t0 8.298 IS 0103 ISV 103 A.167 B.137 GOLUBINA SU 50bO SUXOCI 250 A.603 8.554 GORNEP CH 0011t CHNOl256 7 A.270 8.228 GR. MURAILLES I 0260 I l013 260 GR.GOSAU A 1101 A J142TR 001t A.48b GRAASUBREEN N 0547 N AOOOA8 1t7 A.218 GRAN PILASTRO I 0893 I LOOl GRAND DESERT CH 0031 CHN01275 GRAND PACIFIC US 1330 USNOOOC GRANO PLAN NEVE 893 6 70 e.583 C.67 C.37 A.333 B.291 CH 0071t CHROl351 C 2 CH 0076 CHR01351 (OW, K.I A 0709 A.Z88 ~.246 ~.21b CHN0121t5 It B.260 H 2 A.335 B.293 .. Jllt3SA 075 A.ltbl B.418 A. 43 B. 23 BB. 19 GRIFFIN CD 0784 CDM200 It GRINNEll US 5000 USM122 l31t A.152 A A J131LI 014 A.480 8.1t37 A.260 B.218 GROSSELEND K. 1001 GROSSER ALETSCH CH 0005 CHN01236 26 GRUENAU F. A A J143S1 030 GULKANA US 0200 GURGlER GUSLAR 0315 F. F. HAGAFELLSJOK E HAGAFELLSJOKUL HALLSTAETTER G. US0012 A 0222 A J1430E A 0210 A 2 071t Jllt30E 132 B8. A.lt02 A.163 201t A.179 B.11t9 A.1t87 8.'t4't A J142TR 002 WOIZ44 19 HARDANGERJOEKUL N 22303 N AOOOAQ 0.21 0.18 13.153 A.226 8.192 A.213 E .24 8B. 43 C.2l INDEX-TABLE, 254 E .11 B.360 306 N E.2b C.38 A.391 8.349 ISV 1102 F .12 E.17 C.15 ISV N 12419 0.13 37 A. 4b IS 0204 A CCC.12 A.422 8.360 IS 0306 HANSBREEN 9 A.110 8. 87 A.258 CH 0003 ccc. e.24 B.495 A.639 GRIES GRIESSEN A.539 B.4't.3 A.302 SUF020 GRI ESSKOGL A.ItQ9 8.456 3 CHN01217 SU 8001 (U.SCfoi.) BB. 77 C.55 CC.ll 353 CH 0045 GRECHISHKINA GRIESS 1).16 B.138 GLJUFURARJOKUL G. F .11 022 CENTR. ALTO BB. 55 94 13. 71 GIGANTE GIOGO NUMBER PAGE 5 F. 7 GLACIER NAME + RECORD NUMBER PSFG-NR WGI-NR HARRIMAN US Ob02 USNOOOD 22 A. HAR VARO US Ob2l USNOOOO 35 A. 76 B. 54 HAVOC CD 081t0 CO"OOOC HELlSTUGUBREEN H H AOOOAO HEL" CO 0855 COHOOOC 2 A A J11t30E 125 HINTEREIS F. 0'11 0209 DATA TABLE 6 11 A. 57 30 B. B. 35 12 C.23 C.13 A.390 B.31t8 100 A.lb5 B.135 011 A.481t 9.441 I S 0100 ISV HOCHALM K. A 1005 A J13ll HOCHJOCH F. A 020e A J1430E 121 A.389 B.31t1 HOCHt100S F. A 0309 A J143SI 043 A.416 8.371t HOEGTUV8REEN N b5507 N Aoooe X 7 A.224 HOELLENTAL O 0003 DJ141t 3 A.248 IS 2132 ISV 2 132 HOFFELLSJ. E HOFFELLSJ. W 8.116 B .175 2031 ISV 2 031 A.205 0724 A J131MO 026 A.475 B.432 HOH US 2124 USMOOOB 120 A.143 8.118 US 1806 usscooc 100 A.122 ß. 99 A. B. 41 BR. HOL YOKE US 0614 USNOOOO 908 HOONAH US 1320 USNOOOC 62 A.100 8. 77 HORN K. A 0402 A Jllt'llI 015 A~'t31 ~.389 HRUTARJOKUlL IS 0923 ISV 923 A.195 B.lb5 A 0203 B.342 b9 A J143FA 018 A.381t HUBERT US 2130 USMOOOB 123 A.lItB B.123 HUEFI CH 0073 eHR0135l 010 A.332 8.290 A. Q. HT.OELGRUßEN F. 95 0.23 B8. 33 72 HUGH MILLER US 1315 USNOOOC 57 US 2132 USMOOO!\ 104 A.149 8.124 8B. 34 ICE US 2125 USMOOOB 124 A.l~4 B.119 BB. 29 SU 2001 SUA02 SU 5016 SUXB22 IGAN I GL I TUYUK SU ISFALLS GLAC.i JAMTAL F. 14.240 B.202 B.611 A A J143SN 019 A.371 ß.335 14.103 8. A.118 B.146 0106 usucooc IS 0201 ISV 201 JOKUlKROKUR IS 0001 ISV 1 JOSEPH KN 0003 S KAEL8ERSPITZ K. A.162 f\.132 A.551 8.501 ß.~01 A J131IS 102 A.450 905 04.105 B. A A J13ll1 015 A.482 1\.1t39 B602 1003 eNY0681C KAlOAlONSJOKUl ISV KALESHIKA SU 5001 SUXA121 KAL TWASSER CH 0001 CHN01241 KARABATKAK SU 5080 SUXOOC KARAßUlAK 80 usuoooc A 0102 SU 5068 SUXA121 5 F.19 US 1325 IS WUK. es KNE021B CN 0014 KAlAGEYULE CC.13 A.682 6 US 1323 TAUERN K. C.C. C.51 903 S BOOOEO JOI<UlHAlS KA. C.50 A.blZ AUH 0187 JOHNS HOPKINS KAOACHAN A.557 AN 0113 S JACKA 27 108 6 28 HUMES RIVER ccc. E.27 {l.lZ A.20b IS TH. WALL E. Z ).117 C.21 A IN CCC.lO C.42 HOF MANNS K. HOL E 10 A. 38 HIRNINGSJOKULL I 8B. A.2l6 82 10 A.654 B.593 102 14.166 ~.13b 95 A.60l 8.552 4 A.Zb3 B.221 2b5 A.b15 B.565 139 A.b01 8.556 BB. 76 BB. 61 C.56 INDEX-TAßlE, CC.llt PAGE I'> 255 GLACIER NAME PSFG-NR WGI-NR K ARAKOL TOR SU 5108 SUVA123 b6 A.b30 B.574 KARLES A 0207 A Jllt3PI 007 A.388 8.346 013 A0453 8.410 19 A.245 F. KARLINGER K. A 0701 A KARSOJIETNA S 0798 S BOOOEV KASHOTO US 1319 USNOOOC 904 A. KAUTZ US 2028 USM0008 130 A.130 KEGIKER CN 0015 CNV0674A 5 A.655 8.594 KEHLEN CH 00b8 eHR01351 F15 A.321 B.285 KELDYKE SU 5107 SUXOOC 2bO A.629 B.573 KEHP LAND AN**.** ANA 991 A.673 A 0226 A Jl4t30E 129 A.4t06 8.364 KESSELWAND F. + RECORD NUMBER DATA TABLE Jllt3SA 99 BB. 7b 8.107 D.133 F.16 CH 0012 CHN01252 33 A.2bS 8.Z2b SU 1t021 SUXA300 991 A.574 B.526 KHAKEL SU 3003 SUHOOl 113 A.561 B.514 A J131110 03b A.47b B.1t33 KLE rxet K. SER K. KLEINELEND K. K. KLDCKERIN A 0801 BB. 47 BB. 71 8.5lt3 BB. b9 BB. 87 A 0717 A Jl43SA 089 A.ltb9 8.42b A 1002 A J131lI 022 A.1t81 B.1t38 A 0703 A J143SA 070 A.1t55 8.412 KLOSTERTALER M. A 102B A R013IL 011t A.312 B.330 t<lOSTERTAlER N. A lOZA A R013Il 013 A.371 8.329 KLOSTERTALER S. A 10ZC A R013Il 015 A.373 B.331 KlYUEVA SU 1t059 SUXA131 281t A.593 8.51t5 KOK ANEE CD 1190 CDH131 KOKBELES SU 1t051 SUXA131 215 KOLPAKOVSKOGO l A. 1t5 B. A.591 SU 5103 SUXXXX 317 A.625 B.5b9 SUXOOC 339 A.b23 8.5b7 K OSHODEHVANSKOV SU 5092 SUXBZ2 106 A.61B KOZElSKIY SU 8005 SUF007 2b5 A.b40 8.584 BB. 95 I<OZITSITI SU 3009 SUVyyy 980 A.567 B.520 BB. 53 KN 0001 KNEOZIB A.550 B.506 A A J143SA BB. 1t9 KRIMMLER KULAK K. N. K UOTOTJAKKAGL. 0501 2 litI A.1t36 B.394 SU 3005 SUG0036 22 A.563 8.51b S S BOOOEZ 10 A.242 B.20·4 0795 KUPOL VAVIlOVA SU 1001 SUEZ KURUMOU SU 7103 SUA125 1 133 IS 2500 ISV 2 500 A.210 1\.180 K VIARJOKUll IS 0822 ISV 822 A.194 8.1b4 KVRCHIN SU 4056 SUXA131 209 A.590 8.542 BB. ee KYZVlGORUM SU 4061 SUX A121 313 A.595 8.547 Bß. 72 999 A.599 11.551 1 A.6b3 B.b02 699 A.519 8.lt76 A.321 8.279 8.370 SU 4100 SUAAAA LA CROIX AN 0007 AN L A MARE I I LAEMMERN LAENGENTALER LAMBERT BASH~ F. Ob99 lOOI CH 0063 CHR01355 C13 A A J143ME 004 A.412 ANB 991 A.612 0305 AN* •••• 0.29 C.b1 CC.11 C.68 CC.22 C.49 CC. F.lS INDEX-TABLE, 256 4 B.582 KVERKJOKULl \C.VZVlKUl B D.27 A.55b A.638 CC. D., 7 SU 5101 KRA PF C.52 25 H. K Dl TOR vnsrnc E.29 C.It't KESSJEN FLEISS D.'31t 8.207 8. KHADYRSHA KL. 90 PAGE 7 GLACIER NAME PSFG-NR WGI-~R LAMPLUGH US 1317 USNOOOC LANA I 0913 I LANDECK K. LANG LANGTALER F. LAOHUGUO LAPERWITZ K. LARAIN F. DATA 59 A. + RECORD TABLE 97 8. 74 LOOI 913 A.541 105 A.lt52 B.lt09 A.275 13.233 07Z A.403 B.lb1 lZ A.b4b 8.589 A.472 B.429 A 0604 A J143SA CH 0018 CHN01231 A 0223 A Jl4l0E 4 CN 0004 CNY0448D A 0721 A J131IS 107 A 0107 8.497 A Jl43SN 007 A.376 13.336 LAVAI CH 0082 CHR01311t F15 A.31tl B.300 LAWRENCE US Oltlb USNOOOD A. B. 0200 ISV 200 .l.177 8.147 C H 0081t CHR01311t 017 .l.341t B.302 SU SUA125 Il8 A.b37 8.561 . IS LEIRUFJ.JOI<ULL LENTA L EVYY AI<TRU LEWIS lEX BLANCHE LIESENSER F. 7102 9 KN 0008 KNE021D I OZ09 I L013 l09 A 0306 1 A J143ME 002 LIMMERN CH 0078 CHR01350 I L ISCHAt·a CH 0098 CHJ14302 L ITINERGl. A 0101 A R013IL I 0733 I LOOI I 0301t I SU 4037 LUNGA VEDRETTA L YS M. OI<TYABRSKI Y LOll SUXOOOA 53 A.555 B.511 .l.492 ß.1t49 A.413 B.37l .l.337 B.l95 fl A.358 B.31b Oll A.370 8.328 733 .l.52b B.482 304 A.500 B.457 A.578 B.530 C.48 C.39 M.lOVENBREEN N 1550b N W01555 MALYY AKTRU SU 7100 SUAll5 126 A.b35 8.579 MollYY BERELSKIY SU 7083 SUA3l5 116 A.634 B.578 7 C.71t 31 b 275 BB. 5091 SUXB2l III A.b17 I 0639 I 639 A.515 8.47l MARGERIE US 1328 USNOOOC 68 A.10B ß. B5 MARQUETTE US Olt 1 7 USNOOOO 10 A. 54 B. 3l MARTINETS CH 001,6 CHN012l7 A.303 B.2b1 SU 3001 SU 001 108 A.559 8.512 MARY-POWELL AN 1140 AUH 908 A.b88 B.b23 A 0218 A J1430E 110 A.398 8.356 MAURER K. A 0714 A J143SA 083 A.ltb6 B.lt23 MAURER KEES A 0510 A J131IS 01t8 A.ltltlt B.ltOl HAYAKOVSKOGO SU 5091t SUX822 111 A.b20 HAIARSKIY SU 404l SUX A300 392 A.583 B.535 MC US BB. 134l USNOOOC 81 A.116 8. 95 USNOOOO 38 A. B. 57 HEDVEIHIY SU 4040 SUl(A40l CD CD2R9 MEIGHEN ICE :AP 1335 1 A.581 A.119 B.533 USNOOOC HER F 0003 F NOI03b ADI A.Z5/t B.212 I 0213 I L013 213 A.493 8.450 S 076b S BOOOFA 46 A.235 8.197 GLACE MIKKAJ EKNA b3 BB. bl C. US l80l DE BB. 1 MENDENHALL MIAGE 96 79 A. CC. C.,63 US 0625 991 45 8. CC.1b 1 F.19 ~EARES BRIDE 94 C.bO ~ARUKHSKIY F. F.l3 C.bb BB. SU MAR ZELL 1).14 C.31 MAMETOVOY 8 CCC.13 58 A.l30 HANORONE lOlOZ ~UM8ER CC.19 1 CC. 1 9b IHOD-TABLE, PAGE 6 257 GLACIER + RECORD NAHE PSFG-NR WGI-NR HITTElAlETSCH CH 010b CHN0123b 21 14.261 8.219 HITTELBERG A 020b A Jllt3PI 008 A.387 8.345 A 0214 A Jllt30E 135 14.394 8.352 l A.281 8.239 105 A.616 ß.5bb ~ITTERKAR F. F. DATA TABLE HOIRY CH 0024 CHNOllb4 HOL ODEZHNYY SU 5090 SUXB22 HOHING CH 0023 CHN012b2 10 A.Z80 B.238 HONT DURAND CH 0035 CHN01282 36 A.292 a.l50 HONT FORT CH 0032 CHN01275 12 A.269 B.247 "10NT MINE CH 0026 CHN01272 15 A.283 B.l41 HORSARJOKULL IS 0318 ISV HORTERATSCH CH 0094 CHJ143ll HT DIXON AN 10 10 HT OLSEN AN 1040 HUIR HUL AJOKULL S.' BB. 86 C.59 CC.15 318 A.186 B.156 3 A.354 B.31l AUH 901 A.683 B.b18 F.19 AUH 904 A.68' B.b20 F .19 US 1340 USNOOOC 908 A.llb B. 93 A.184 B.154 IS 0311 ISV 3 lIB HULAJOI<Ull W IS 0311 ISV 3 lIA ~.185 8.155 HUSHKETOVA SU 4041 SUXA3l0 710 14.582 S.534 MUTHAL A A J1lt30E 108 A.407 B.3b5 F. NUMBER 0227 BB. 62 NE SU 8011 SUF007 281 A.6ltl B.585 C.b9 SW SU 8012 SUF007 282 14.642 ß.58b C.70 HUTT CH 0002 CHN01244 3 A.l57 B.l15 ~UZHAERT CN 0013 CNY06BID 24 N MAC KEITH US 1121 USN003 902 NADAHINI CD 1402 CON003 l NARDIS I I HUTNOVSKIY HUTNOVSKIY OCC.DI 0640 AN 1120 NARES NAUTHAGAJOKUlL IS 0210 NEVES I OR. CO 1lt30 NEW MOON NIEDERJOCH 0902 A F. N IGARDSBR EEN 0217 . N 31014 LOl02 A.653 B.592 BB.103 A. 89 B. 67 A. 7 B. 1 BB. 640 A.516 8.473 AUH 906 A.666 B.6l1 ISV 210 A.180 B.150 LOOI 902 A.540 8.496 CONOOI l I A. 12 B. 2 A Jllt30E 111 4.391 8.355 N AOOOA4 A.221 B.181 10\ NISQUAlLY US 2027 USHOOOB 129 A.129 NO 517 SU 1t017 SUXA300 517 A.57l 8.524 NO. 503 SU 4003 SUXA300 503 A.569 13.521 NO. 507 SU 4007 SUXA300 507 A.570 NORDBOGLETSCHER G OKU14G05 001 A.159 NORRIS US 1804 USNOOOC 0002 98 A.120 USf1000B 904 A.136 B.112 CHR01351t L It A.314 B.272 OBERAAR CH 0050 CHR01354 G 3 A.307 B.2b5 OBERALETSCH CH 0006 CHNOll3b 1 4.437 8.395 A.558 C.51 SU 2002 SUA02 OCC.DI I 0981 I lOOOZ 981 A.547 B.503 A 0103 A R013IL 008 A.314 6.332 OCHSENTALERGL. 2b cc. INOEX-T ABLE, PAGE 258 ß E.ZO E.14 A.26Z B.220 A Jllt3SA 129 OBRUCHEVA HONTASIO ccc. C.25 97 US 2033 0502 2 ccc. B. CH 0057 Å BB. 13.522 NORTH HOWICH K. F.19 B.I06 OB.GRINDELWALD OBERSULZBACH n, l 1 fl 4 F. 4 GLACIER NAME OEOENWINKEL K. PSFG-NR. WGI-HR DATA TABLE A 0712 A J143SA 091t A.1t63 B.4Z0 DELOUFELLSJ • IS 0114 ISV Illt 'u17Z B.l1t2 11 A.265 B.ll3 110 A.6l9 OFENTAL CH 0009 CHNOIZ5Z ORDZHONIKIDIE SU 5093 SUXB22 OTE HHA CH 0034 CHN0128 Z 1 C.bl CC.18 4.l91 B.249 PACKARD AN 0014 AN 14 4.610 B .609 PAKHTAKOR SU 5071 SUXAIZl 89 A.blO 8.561 PALUE CH 0100 CHlOl193 It A.360 8.318 PANEYROSSE CH OOlt" CHN01217 Z A.301 8.259 PARADIES CH 0086 CHROl313 N 6 A.31t6 B.301t PARADISlNO CH 0101 CHLOl195 l A.361 B.319 PARTEJEKHA S S BOOOES 2 A.232 B.19Ct PART I lA N SU 5095 SUXB22 S 0797 S BOOOEZ S 0796 A 070" PASSUSJIETNA E PASSUSJIETNA W 0163 109 A.621 C.64 11 A.21t1t 8.206 S aOOOEI lZ A.Z43 8.205 A J131HO OZ7 A.1t56 B."13 PASTERlEN K. PENNIMAN EAST US 0608 USNOOOD 906 A. 63 8. P ENNI MAN W EST US 0609 USNOOOD 907 A. 64 B. 1t2 PEYTO CD 16ltO CDH1Z2 2 A. 19 PFANDLSCHARTEN A A J131HO PIERREDAR CH 0049 CHN012l6 P IODE I 0312 I LOlOIt 312 I 0577 I LOI02 PISGAHA OCC. 0707 PIlOL CH 0081 CHR01350 PLACE CD 1660 CDH200 PLATEAU US 1338 USNOOOC 0481 032 A.306 B.l61t A.50l B.1t5B 577 A.514 B."71 D 1 A.31tl B.299 A. 17 A.115 8. I I LOll 481 4.510 8.4b7 CH 0114 CHROl350 I 7 A.338 8.l96 PORCHABELLA CH 00B8 CHR0131Z E 4 A.348 8.306 A J131IS 092 A.451 8.408 4.305 8.Zb3 A CH 004 0603 e CHN01216 3 SU 7101 SUA125 127 A.636 B.5BO PRE DE BAR I 0235 I L013 235 A.497 8.454 PRESANELLA I 0678 I LOOI 678 A.518 8.475 PRAVYY AKTRU PUNTEGL lAS CH 00B3 CHR013l4 M 9 A.343 R.30l PUYALLUP US Z03l USMOOOR 902 A.131t ".110 DKUlCH21 002 A.lb1 C.40 G CN 0019 CNOZI 19 A.6~9 R.596 OIERGANBULAK CN 0017 CNY061t 17 A.657 ~.596 BB.104 OIYI CN 0003 CNY0437C 18 A.645 8.586 8B. 97 C.73 QI,JAIRA BIANCA r LOOl 889 A.538 ~.494 QUEETS US 2133 USMOOOB 107 A.150 1:\.125 BB. 35 QUELCCAYA PE 0001 PED351 l A.154 B.127 QUNTAIlAN CN 0011 CNY0674B 28 A S S BOOOEl 16 A.239 R AB or s GLAC I A ER 0785 I E. 3 eCC.llt ~.15 F.llt F .10 QAMANARSSUP.SR. OB89 6 ~ QIANGYONG OOO~ E. 92 PLATTALVA PRAPIO 2 C.ll 33 PLATIGLIOLE PRAEGRAT K. ccc.' C. 9 8."16 2 CC.20 Itl A.459 5 + RECORD NUMBER E.18 .651 F. BB.I02 B.ZOl INDEX-TARLE, PAGE 10 259 q PSFG-NR WGI-NR RAETZLI CH 0065 CHR01355 F 3 RAMA SU 4044 SUXA200 993 A.565 8.537 RAYGOROOSKOGO SU 4055 SUXA131 213 A.589 B.541 8S. 67 REID US 1316 PENDU US GLACIER NAME DATA TAßLE + RECORD 4.324 B.282 6B. 64 US soeoc 58 4. 96 B. 13 1333 ussoooc 72 A.113 8. 90 A 0212 A J1430E 150 A.393 B.35l REYKJAFJARDARJ. IS 0300 IS V 300 A.1Bl/8.l51 RGO SU 4039 SUXA401 992 A.560 RHONE CH 0001 RIED CH N K. RETTENBACH F.I B.532 BB. 60 CHN01243 4.256 B.2l4 0017 CHN01254 4.274 8.232 A 0718 A J143SA 092 A 0713 A J143SA RIGGS US 1341 ussoooc 80 A.1l1 B. 94 R OARING US 0603 USHOOOO 23 A. RIFFL K. RIFFLKAR F. ROFENKAR ROHER R ONGBU A 0215 A 091 J1430E 136 71 A.112 B. 89 18 A.658 A.352 B.310 2 A.3l3 B.271 CHJ143Z3 CHROl354 J ROSIH I I LODI 754 CHL01202 ROSSBODEN CH 0105 ROSSO I 0920 I LOOI CH 0069 CHR01351 F13 F. 0224 A S 0764 S BODDEe J 1\.327 A.543 8.499 A.326 B.266 9 A.404 8.362 A.233 B.195 A.236 B.198 A.491 B.448 USN003 903 A 4~ A. 0767 S 8000FA I 0189 I L013 US 1122 SADDLEBAG US 0637 USN003 SAINT F 0015 F SAlAJEKNA S 0759 S BOOOFE SALEINA SORLIN B.484 A.369 40 S RUTOR KE ITH 4.528 189 RUOTESJEKNA S PUC 920 1430E 063 A B.591 BB.I05 11 0092 RUOPS OKJEKNA 36 CNOll CH ROTMOOS B. CN 0018 CH 0056 NORD 58 USNOOOC ROSENLAUI ROTFIRN B.422 A.465 A.395 13.353 ROS EG DESTRO C.36 A.410 B.421 US 1332 0754 ~UMBER N010b2 B09 fl 90 B. 68 87 65 8. 2 A.231 B.193 16 A.299 8.251 CH 0042 CHN01285 SANKT ANNA CH 0067 CHROl3S1 SANTA ROSA PE 0006 PEP0047A ECB A.158 S.131 E12 C.34 A.251 B.209 A.326 B.284 B.309 SARoma CH 0091 CHR013l5 B 5 A.35l SARENNES F 0029 F HOIOó3 A02 A.250 SARI-TOR SU 5106 SUX XX X 356 A.628 B.572 BB. 89 0.32 SASKATCHEWAN CO 1905 CDS222 l A. 15 13. 4 BB. I), SAYIGAPEIR CN 0016 CNY0674B SCHALF A 0219 A J1430E 107 4.399 B.357 SCHATTENSPITZ A 0106 A R013IL A.379 6.337 SCHAUFEL A 0311 A S CHLADI'1 ING ER G. A 1103 A J142TR 001 A.488 B.445 SCHLATEN A 0506 A J13lIS A.440 8.398 AN 0004 AN F. SCHLATTER F. K. 16 Oll J143S1 035 077 4.656 C.33 4 B.595 4.419 B.371 A.660 B.599 INDEX-TABLE, 260 PAGE 11 2 GLACIER NAHE PSFG-NR WGI-NR DATA A Oit05 A SCHNEEFERNER N D 0001 DJ144 SCHNEEFERNER S D 0002 OJ144 A 0109 A R0131L 009 J142TR 003 SCHLEGElS K. SCHNEEGLOCKE~ EL OC H J143Z1 A.434 087 1 A.24b 2 A.247 + T4BLE r).·25 0.10 1).11 A.3ao 8.33B A.489 8.446 A.320 13.278 24 A.2b6 B.224 A 110it A CH 0062 CHR01355 SCHWARZBERG CH 0010 CHN01252 SCHWARZEN8ERG A 0303 A J1430E 011 A.410 B.368 SCHWARZENSTEIN A 01t03 A J143ZI 073 A.432 B.390 A 0716 A J143SA 088 A.466 B.425 SCHWARZKOEPFL A 0710 A J143SA 072 SENTINEL CD 1915 COMOOOC I 0128 I SERPENTINE US 0610 USNOOOD SESVENNA CH 0097 CHJ14303 It SEVERTSOVA SU 1t062 SUX A223 5 A.596 1.\.548 SEX CH 00it7 CHN01216 I A.304 8.262 B.343 G. SCHWARZKARL S E R AtU K. V E DRET T A POUGE C 5 9b LOOI A.1t62 8.419 A. 8. 41 A.521 728 A. 27 0.24 21 65 A.357 B. 43 0204 A J143PI 016 A.3B5 SU 4020 SUX A300 990 A.573 SHERIDAN US 0635 USNOOOO 42 A. 85 8. 63 S HE RMAN US 0636 USNOOOO 43 A. 86 B. bit A US 2075 US~100 A 901 A.137 SHOESTR 6 US 2075 USMI00 fl 901 A.138 8.113 SU 5078 SUXB22 167 A.613 f3.5b3 SHOKALSKOGO SHOUP SHUIGUAHHE NJ.1t SHUHSKOGO US 0628 USNOOOD CN 0001 CNY041bG SU 6001 SUXB15 40 BB. 73 BB. 23 BB. 85 8.525 SHOESTRING ING A. 81 8. BB. 96 154 A.633 8.577 BB. 93 99 SIOUJOK.E H175 I S 0015 ISV 15A A.163 ~ .133 '1177 IS 0015 ISV 15B A.lblt B.131t NO.1t CN 0008 CNY07250 4 A.b48 88. NO.5 CN 0009 CNY0125D 5 A.649 BB.100 CH 0090 CHR01310 G 5 A.350 B.308 A 0318 A J143S1 014 A.425 B.383 A 0511 A J131IS 045 A.445 ~.403 E IS 0419 ISV 4 19E A.18B B.158 SKAFTAFELLSJ. H IS 0419 I 4 19M A.189 B.159 SKAFTAFELLSJ. W 01t19 ISV 4 19.., A.187 B.157 SIGONHE SILVRETTA F. SIHHING S IM ONY K. SKAFTAFELlSJ.1 IS SU SKAlKA 3008 SV 5 SUG0033 A.566 B.519 8.145 SKEIOARARJ. El IS 0117 ISV l 17A SKEIOARARJ. EZ IS 0117 ISV l l7B A.174 '3.144 SKEIDARARJ. E3 IS 0117 ISV l 17e SKE IDAR SKOGACH ARJ OKUl A.176 R.146 B.143 I S 0116 ISV 116 SU 4023 SUXA300 353 A.576 SHITH US Ob19 USNOOOO SOLDA I 0762 I LOOI 34 762 ~. A.529 B .528 74 8. C.71 eec.l5 C.41 A.175 A.113 F. 59 B.587 SIOUJOK.E SIGONHE E.l5 E.l5 A.b43 4 b E. 1 B.315 A F. o. C.14 8.477 SHAGAll SEXEGERTEN NUMBER 8.392 SCHWARZ SCHNE RECORD BB. 52 BB. 56 52 1\.1t85 INDEX-TABLE, PAGE 12 261 5 GLACIER lUME PSFG-NR IIGI-HR DATA TABLE SOLHEIMAJOK. E IS 0113 ISV l I3E SOLHEIMAJOK. J IS 0113 ISV l SOLHEIMAJOK. II IS 0113 ISV 1 l3W A A. SONNBLICK K. 0601 J143SA 13J A.169 B.139 A.170 B.140 A.1t47 B.405 121 A.125 B.102 SOUTH CASCAOE US 2013 USH100 SOUTH ICE CAP CD 1Q61 CDZR7 SOUTH MOWICH US 203l USI1000ß 903 14.135 8.111 SOUTH TAHOMA A. C.45 5 CC. US 2029 USHOOOB 131 A.13l US 5001 USI1I22 135 A.153 B.126 SPHINX eD 1 Q b5 CD'1200 3 A 0221 A J11t30E 097 A.401 8.359 CDH200 A. 39 B. 19 BB. 17 F. STAIRCASE CD lQ73 STEGHOLTBREEN H STEIN 6 A. 40 S. 8B. 38 A.223 8.189 CHR01351t Ell A.3l0 ~.26B STEINlIMHI CH 0051t CHR01351t E13 A.31l 8.269 STEPHENSON A·N 0110 AUH STORBREEN N 051t1 STORGlACIAEREH S 0788 S BOOOEO STUOR S 07BIt S BOOOEI 20 RAEITAGl. Q13 H AOOOAD F.19 C.22 5 A.24l B.203 C.32 9 A.238 B.200 N 30720 N AOOOA2 SUESS AN 0008 AN CH 0079 CHR01350 I 2 A.339 A 0314 A J143SI 032 A.1t21 B.379 A 0301 A J1430E 022 A.408 SUOTTASJEKNA S 07bA BOOOE5 4 A.237 8.199 SURETTA CH 0087 CHR01313 I 2 A.347 B.305 SURF CD lQ86 CDMOOOt 11 A. 31 8. 13 88. 11 SUR PR IS E US 0605 USNOOOD 25 A. eo B. 38 SULZ F. SULZTAL F. S 8 5 20E A.214 B.183 B.297 A.191 B.161 IS 0520 ISV SVINAFELLSJ. H IS 0520 ISV 5 20M A.192 SVINAFElLSJ. W IS 0520 ISV 5 20W A.190 B.1bO B.162 A. 25 C.10 SYKORA/BRIDGE CD TAELLI800EN CH 0008 CHN01252 20 14.264 8.222 TAHOMA NORTH US 2030 USMOOOBN 901 14.133 8.109 TAHOMA SOUTH US 2030 USHOOO~S 901 A.132 US IB05 USNOOOC SU 5079 TAKU TALGAR VUZHNVY TASCHACH TAUERN TAUFKAR F. K. F. CD~220 l 99 A.12l B. 98 SUXB22 172 A.6l4 8.564 A 0205 A J143PI 014 A.3Sb f:\.344 A A602 A J131IS 103 A.449 S.406 A 0216 A J1430E 137 A.396 8.354 AN AN 0006 AN TAVLOR US US 0ltl0 USNOOOD A. CD 2015 CDI1221 A. 21t~. TEISCHNITZ TEKESHSAY-l K. A 0723 SU 5070 51 B. 30 9 8ß. A J131IS 110 A.474 B.431 SUXA121 116 A. 60 B 8.559 B s, 7 B2 INDEX-TABLE, 262 E. A.662 ß.601 TAYLOR TCHAIKAZAH 1).20 B.366 E lQQ5 E.25 A.664 ~.603 SVINAFfLLSJ. 8 5 A.679 B.6l4 STVGGEDALSBREEN SUlZENAU F. I). A.215 41 2 20 CH 0053 N AOOOA4 E.30 R.108 21 31021 CCC.17 B8. 22 C.18 CC. 3 CCC. 3 O. 9 E.13 SPERRY SPIEGEL NUMBER A.171 B.l1t1 OQ7 1 RECORD + PAGE 13 5 GLACIER NAME PSFG-NR WGI-NR DATA TABLE TERRIFIC CD ZOZ5 CD'1000C TESSA I I LOOl THUNDERCLAP CD Z035 CD"200 5 A. TIATSCHA CH 0096 CHJ14350 7 A.356 TIEFEN CH 0066 CHROl351 E37 A.325 B.2B3 TOKMAKSOLDY-l SU 500Z SUXA121 93 A.602 8.553 TOPEKA US 1327 USNOOOC 906 A.I07 B. B4 TOTENFELD A 0110 A J143SN 021 A.381 9.339 TOULA I OZZ1 I L013 221 A.496 8.453 TOYATTE US 1326 USNOOOC 67 A.10b ß. TRIEBENKARLAS A 0323 A J1430E A.429 8.387 TRI ENT CH 00't3 CHN01290 A.300 8.25B CH 0055 CHR0135~ El4 A.312 ß .270 TRO SU 4046 SUXA200 991 A.587 B.539 TROLLßERGDALSBR N TRIfT (GAOMEN' 0829 66507 9 34 A.536 829 O~l 2 N AOOODE A. B. + RECORD NUMBER 15 44 B. 24 7 A.226 CH 0033 CHH01l22 l A.290 B.246 CH 0093 CHJ11t323 6 A.353 B.311 T se HING EL CH 0060 CHR013'1t M 3 A.317 8.275 TSEUDET CH 0040 CHN01281t 17 A.297 B.255 SU 3007 SUG0033 2 A.565 8.518 CH 00Z6 CHNOIZ73 16 A.285 8.243 NOUVE CD 2075 C0'1221 4 A. 21 B. TUERGANGO CN 0006 CNY08l 6 A.647 TUGEBIELIQI CN 0012 CNY068lB 16 A.652 B.591 TUNGNAARJOKUll I S 2210\ ISV 2 211t A.207 13.177 TURAMUZ-l SU ~060 SUXAl31 305 A.594 B.546 SU 5065 SUXA1l1 196 A.60~ B.555 TURTMANN CH 0019 CHN01260 B9 A.276 B.234 TUTEK SU 4058 SUXA131 286 A.592 T UYUKSU SU 5075 SUXR22 107 A.61l TyeEN US 1324 USNOOOC 66 A .104 B. TYNDALL KN 0005 KNE02lD TZA DE TlAN I l U.GRINOElWAlß UE8ERGOSS.AU\ UL T IMA TSOLOSS TURPAKBEL UM8AL NIZH. VEDR ETTA K. 70 BB. 84 C.56 BB. 27 CHR01354 L19 A.315 B.273 0901 A Jllt3SA 1bO A.419 B .436 1 0729 l L001 729 A.522 8.418 A 0512 A J131IS ovo A.446 ~.404 60 A. 9a ß. 75 USNOOOC b9 A.109 B. USNOOOC 907 A.11l B. 88 USNOOOC 73 A.114 B. 91 USHOOOB 113 A.142 ~.ll7 USNOOOD 911 A. ß. A J143SA OQO A.4fl4 ".421 CHR01354 Gli A.30B B.266 US 133~ UNNAMED USZ123 US 2123 UNNAMED US624 US 0624 A 0713 CH 0051 78 CC.12 CCC.?O 81 ~ UNNAMED US133~ K. BB. 8.562 CH 0056 US 1331 UNT.PIFFL 9.544 6.509 US 1329 UNTERAAR 78 ~.455 UNNAMED US1331 51 BB. A.498 UNNAMED U513Z9 BB. 5 A.553 USNOOOC 65 98 2 US 1318 BB. BB. 259 UNNAMED US1318 20 BB. 6 LOl3 0259 BB. 83 T SANFL EURON TSIDJIORE 13 B .314 TSCHIERVA TSEYA Bß. B.1t92 86 56 INDEX-TABLE, PAGE 14 263 GLACIER NAME UNTERSULZBACH K URUASHRAJU URUMQIHE PSFG-NR WGI-NR A A J143SA 0503 PE 0005 SoNO.l UTE,.. CN 0010 CD 2190 123 A.43B PEP005C T CA2 A.151 B.130 Bß. 41 10 Ä.b50 8.590 BB.IOI l A. 13 9lb A.671 8.b12 4 A.3b5 8.323 C NY072 C 0,.,222 VAHSEl AN OlOb AUH VAL TORTA CH 0118 CHL01233 VALDEZ US 062Q USNOOOD VALHAlTINDEGl G 0001 OKUlAG05 008 A.160 VALLE I 0919 I LOOI 919 A.542 DEL VENTO VALLEGGIA CH 0117 VALLELUNGA I VALSOREY CH 0039 VARIEGATED US 1302 VARTASJEKNA S VASSAR 0777 0765 US 0617 VD.KASTEN K. A + RECORD DATA TABLE CHLOll33 41 A. 8.396 82 1\. bO C.19 B.498 8 A.3b4 ~.322 A.530 a.48b CHN01264 15 A.296 B.254 USNOOOC 901 A. 93 28 A.234 S BOOOE8 USNOOOD 32 A. O. 72 8. 0719 A J131IS 106 A.471 50 8.42B VENTINA I 041b I Lall 416 A.505 B.4b2 A 0322 A J143S I 056 A.428 B.386 VER ~UNT GL. A 0104 A R013IL 007 A.375 8.333 VERNAGT A 0211 A J1430E 133 A.392 a.350 CH 0089 CHR01310 G 6 A.349 8.301 VERSTANKLA VICTORIA LOWER AN 0015 AN 15 A.b7l 8.610 VICTORIA UPPER AN 0013 AN 13 A.bb9 B.bOB VILTRAGEN K. A 050!5 A J131IS 078 A.439 8.391 A.193 8.163 VIRKISJOKULL IS 0721 ISV 121 VISYACHII SU 5096 SUXB22 103 A.622 I LOll 483 A.511 A J143SA l + 2 VOG.OCHSENKAR A 0802 030 A.417 B.434 VORAB CH 0065 CHR01314 P 1 A.345 8.303 K. A A J13lLI 001 A.483 8.'t'tO W WILKES LAND AN*.··. ANC 9cn A.615 W.GRUEBL F. A 03lb A J143S1 025 A.423 B.381 WAllEN8UR CH 0071 eHR01351 F24 A.330 B.Z88 WAS SE RFAlL 'UNKL A A J13lMO 028 A.457 8.414 WAVE CD 2330 COMOOOC A A J143ZI TRIPP WAXEGG K. WEDGEMOUNT WEISSEE F. 1004 0705 OItOl CD 2333 A 0201 COMoooe A J143FA WELLESLEY US Ob16 USNOOOO WERENSKIOlDBR N ll501 N W01255 5 07b 4 023 31 B.191 A.147 8.122 USNOOOC 101 USMOOOB 401 CD 2340 COR014E 15 A. 2 WILDGERLOS A 0404 A J143Z1 003 A.433 WINKL A 100b AJI31MO 043 A.4S5 K. B.340 B.I00 US 1807 BB. lb A. 11 ~. 49 A.227 US 2126 GLACIER A.382 1).22 8.38B 31 B. 18 A.123 WEST TWIN BB. 3Z C. B.391 B.442 E.23 C.29 INDEX-TABLE. 264 E.2B 32 a , 14 BB. 12 A.430 A. 1),119 F .17 l WHITE WHITE A. CCC.lb C.b5 CC.lI 0463 \ri C.1t3 8.468 I VITELLI F. 2 8 8.196 VERBORGENBERG F. C.15 CC.23 F.19 777 I LOOI NUMBER 2 PAGE 15 GLACIER PSfG-NR NAME WGI-NR W.INSTON AN 0109 AUH WOLVERINE US 0411 USNOOOD WORTHINGTON US 0630 USN003 WRI GHT DATA A.b78 914 b 49 + TABLE 52 F.19 A. 83 C.16 B. US 1809 USNOOOC WRIGHT UPPER AN 0011 AN WURFER K. A 0715 A J143SA 085 A.467 8.424 WURTEN K. A 0804 A J131MO 038 4.478 9.435 103 A.124 B.I01 11 A.667 B.606 B. 55 US Ob22 USNOOOO 37 YANAHAREY PE 0004 PEP005CV AC 2 A.156 CN 0002 CNY0432A 5 A.644 YUR I CO 2530 CON002 3 A. lAVISHA CO 2605 CDM202 l A. I 0751 I LOOl 151 A.521 B .483 SU 4043 SUXA200 992 A.584 A.53b 054 A.442 B.400 lAY DI NJ.5 FUORI ZERAVSHANSKIY lETTALUNITZ K. A 0508 A Z IN Al CH 0022 CHN01263 ZMUTT CH 0015 CHN01251 J1'31IS 5 15 77 f. E.ll bl YALE YANGLONGHE NUMBER B.b13 A. A. RECORD B .129 BB. 40 C.172 9 C. 27 7 C.1l A.219 R .2'31 A.211 9.229 INDEX-TABLE, PAGE E. 9 E. 4 lb 265 '3
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