Offit Kurman"
Offit Kurman"
WASHINGTON | BALTIMORE ; PHILADELPHIA I WILMINGTON j VIRGINIA Offit Kurman" Attorneys At Law David A. Severn, Principal 240.772.5200 Phone the perfect legal partner® 240.772.5135 Facsimile [email protected] April 17,2015 RE: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PDD) FLOATING ZONE MAP AMENDMENT PROJECT NAME: CALUMET PDD APPLICATION Dear Property Owner and Neighbor, Application was made to the Town of New Market, Maryland for approval of a PDD Floating Zone Map Amendment for the real propertycontaining 262.41 acres, more or less, located on the east and west sides of Boyers Mill Road and north of Maryland Route 144 (Tax Map 79, Parcel Nos. 29 and 213), which is currently zoned R-2 (Medium Density Residential). The name and address of the applicant is: MS Justron Farm, LLC and MS Charlyn Farm, LLC, c/o Miller & Smith, Inc., Attn: Thomas Hyde, Jr., 8401 Greensboro Drive, Suite 450, McLean, Virginia 22102. The street addresses of the property that is the subject of the PDD Floating Zone Map Amendment application, or if the street address is unavailable, the official tax map numbers are as follows: Official Tax Map No. 0079, Parcel 0029 and Parcel 0213. The name, phone number, and address of the Town of New Market, Maryland Zoning Administrator, Bruce Galloway, 39 W. Main Street, New Market, Maryland 21774; telephone (301)865-5544. Enclosed herewith, please find a copy of a boundary map showing this project's location. Notice is hereby given that the Town of New Market, Maryland Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall, 39 W. Main Street, New Market, Maryland 21774, to consider the PDD Floating Zoning Map Amendment Application. mcerely. / /idTA.^S^ver Attorney for MS Justron Farm, LLC and MS Charlyn Farm, LLC Enclosure Frederick 50 Carroll Creek Way Suite 340 Frederick, MD 21701 240.772.5200 Calumet PDD # ---Aerial Exhibit Adopted November 17, 2010 and revised November, 2013 February 13, 2015 County View CLINE Thurmont Middletown Frederick Walkersville New Market SITE Brunswick Urbana Adamstown Vicinity Map Walkersville Walkersville 40 70 75 26 Libertytown 40 70 40 15 355 17 70 144 SITE 70 144 15 383 85 75 340 80 80 355 85 75 Green GreenValley Valley 15 EXHIBIT VICINITY CALUMET TOWN OF NEW MARKET 1 inch = 5,000 feet 10,000 FREDERICK COUNTY, MARYLAND north 5,000 0 10,000 Feet north FEBRUARY 13, 2015
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