Guide to machinery costs - Department of Agriculture
Guide to machinery costs - Department of Agriculture
Guide to machinery costs 2013/14 agriculture, forestry & fisheries Department: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU-NATAL AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Guide to machinery costs 2013/14 October 2013 Department of Agriculture, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES 2013 Compiled by P.A. Lubbe and C.G. Archer Design, layout and publishing by Directorate Communication Services Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Private Bag X144, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Obtainable from Directorate Economic Services Subdirectorate: Production Economics Private Bag X416 Pretoria 0001 KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs ADSS: Subdirectorate: Agric. Econ. and Marketing P.O. Box 1244 Hilton 3245 Resource Centre Directorate Knowledge and Information Management Private Bag X388 Pretoria 0001 Tel.: 012 319 8086 [email protected] Tel.: 033 343 8067 [email protected] Tel.: 012 319 7141 Also available on the web at and various national and provincial websites ISBN 978-1-86871-384-4 PLEASE NOTE: The prices of the machines were determined in May 2013 Contents 1.Introduction .........................................................................1–8 5.Four-wheel drive orchard tractors ....................................20–22 1.1 Notes on machinery costs .....................................................1 5.1 Low power demand ...............................................................20 1.1.1Depreciation...........................................................................1 5.2 Medium power demand .........................................................21 1.1.2Interest ..................................................................................1 5.3 High power demand ..............................................................22 1.1.3 Insurance and licence ...........................................................2 1.1.4 Repairs and maintenance .....................................................2 6.Tillage equipment ................................................................23–25 6.1Rippers ..................................................................................23 1.1.5Fuel ......................................................................................2 6.1.1 Medium duty ..........................................................................23 Cost per unit of measure .......................................................3 6.1.2 Heavy duty ............................................................................23 1.2.2 Duration time per hectare and per kilometre .........................3 6.2 Mouldboard ploughs with shear-bolt protection ....................23 1.2.3 Cost per hectare ....................................................................3 6.2.1Mounted ................................................................................23 1.2 The cost per hectare .............................................................2 1.2.1 Table 1 Tractor and Implement ..........................................................4 6.2.2 Mounted reversible ................................................................23 Table 2 Self-propelled combine harvester—maize ............................4 6.3 Mouldboard ploughs with hydraulic, spring or other plough protection ...................................................................23 6.3.1 Mounted, semi-mounted or trailed ........................................23 6.4 Disc ploughs ..........................................................................23 6.5 Spring-tine chisel ploughs .....................................................24 Table 3 Self-propelled combine harvester—wheat ............................5 Table 4 Tractor and trailer ..................................................................6 Table 5 Tractor and trailer ..................................................................6 1.3References ............................................................................8 6.6 Disc harrows .........................................................................24 2.Two-wheel drive tractors ....................................................9–11 6.6.1 Offset disc light ......................................................................24 2.1 Low power demand ...............................................................9 6.6.2 Trailed offset with wheels ......................................................24 2.2 Medium power demand .........................................................10 6.6.3 Trailed offset with wheels—oil bath .......................................24 2.3 High power demand ..............................................................11 6.6.4 Tandem discs ........................................................................24 6.6.5 Semimounted and trailed one-way ........................................24 6.7 Rotary harrows ......................................................................25 6.7.1 Medium duty ..........................................................................25 6.7.2 Heavy duty ............................................................................25 6.8 Power harrows ......................................................................25 3.Four-wheel drive tractors ...................................................12–17 3.1 Low power demand ............................................................... 12, 13 3.2 Medium power demand ......................................................... 14, 15 3.3 High power demand .............................................................. 16, 17 4.Two-wheel drive orchard tractors .....................................18–19 6.9Ridgers ..................................................................................25 4.1 Low power demand ...............................................................18 6.9.1 Disc ridgers ...........................................................................25 4.2 Medium power demand .........................................................18 6.9.2 Shear ridgers .........................................................................25 4.3 High power demand ..............................................................19 6.10Rotavators .............................................................................25 – iii – 10.1Mowers ..................................................................................34 10.1.1Cutterbar ...............................................................................34 10.1.2 Disc and drum .......................................................................34 10.2 Mower conditioners ...............................................................35 10.2.1Mounted ................................................................................35 10.2.2Trailed ...................................................................................35 10.3Slashers ................................................................................35 10.3.1 Heavy duty ............................................................................35 10.3.2 Extra heavy duty ...................................................................35 10.4Haymakers ............................................................................35 10.5 Hay rakes and tedders ..........................................................36 10.5.1 Finger-wheel rakes ................................................................36 10.5.2Pto-powered rakes ..............................................................36 10.6 Hay balers .............................................................................37 10.6.1 Square balers ........................................................................37 10.6.2 Round balers .........................................................................37 10.7 Bale handling equipment .......................................................37 10.7.1 Round bales ..........................................................................37 10.7.2 Bale wrappers .......................................................................37 10.7.3 Bale shredders ......................................................................37 7. Tine implements ..................................................................26 7.1Cultivators .............................................................................26 7.1.1 Row crop ...............................................................................26 7.1.2 Field cultivators—shank tillers ...............................................26 7.1.3 Field cultivators—vibro tillers ................................................26 8.Planting equipment .............................................................27–30 8.1 Single-kernel planters ........................................................... 27, 28 8.1.1Mounted ................................................................................27 8.1.2Trailed ...................................................................................28 8.2 Seed drills .............................................................................29 8.2.1Mounted ................................................................................29 8.2.2Trailed—conventional ............................................................29 8.2.3 Trailed—no till .......................................................................29 8.3 Wheat planters ......................................................................30 8.4 Potato planters ......................................................................30 8.5 Vegetable transplanters ........................................................30 8.6 Fine-seed seeders ................................................................30 8.7 Land rollers ...........................................................................30 9.Plant nutrition and pest control equipment ......................31–33 9.1 Fertiliser spreaders ...............................................................31 9.1.1Mounted ................................................................................31 9.1.2Trailed ...................................................................................32 Manure spreaders .................................................................32 9.2 9.3 Lime spreaders .....................................................................32 9.4 Mist blowers ..........................................................................32 9.4.1 Mounted with pto drive ........................................................32 9.4.2 Trailed with pto drive ...........................................................32 9.5 Boom sprayers ......................................................................33 9.5.1Mounted ................................................................................33 9.5.2Trailed ...................................................................................33 10. 11. Harvesting equipment ........................................................38 11.1 Trailed combines ...................................................................38 11.2 Forage harvesters .................................................................38 11.2.1Precision chop .......................................................................38 11.2.2 Flail type ................................................................................38 11.3Threshers ..............................................................................38 11.4 Potato lifters ..........................................................................38 12.Feed-processing equipment ..............................................39 12.1Hammermills .........................................................................39 12.1.1 Electric and pto driven—electric motor excluded ................39 12.1.2 Trailed with intake mechanisms ............................................39 12.2 Feed mixers ..........................................................................39 Hay and silage machinery ..................................................34–37 – iv – 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.3 Wagon mixers .......................................................................39 Vertical mixers .......................................................................39 Rollermillers—motor included ...............................................39 16.3 16.4 17. Ldvs .....................................................................................50–51 17.1 Two-wheel drive ....................................................................50 17.1.1Petrol—single cab..................................................................50 17.1.2Diesel—single cab.................................................................50 17.1.3 Club cab ................................................................................50 17.1.4 Double cab ............................................................................50 17.2 Four-wheel drive ...................................................................51 17.2.1 Single cab .............................................................................51 17.2.2 Club cab ................................................................................51 17.2.3 Double cab ............................................................................51 13.Earth-moving equipment ....................................................40 13.1 Front-end loaders ..................................................................40 13.2 Rear-mounted graders ..........................................................40 13.3 Dam scoops ..........................................................................40 13.4 Rear-mounted post diggers ...................................................40 14. 14.1a 14.1b 14.1c 14.2a 14.2b 14.2c Self-propelled combine harvesters ...................................41–43 Maize combine harvesters—engines ....................................41 Maize combine harvesters—heads .......................................42 Maize combine harvesters—engines and heads ..................42 Wheat combine harvesters—engines ...................................43 Wheat combine harvesters—heads ......................................44 Wheat combine harvesters—engines and heads .................44 18.Trucks and trucks with trailors ..........................................52 18.1 Single differential with dropsides ...........................................52 18.2 Double differential with dropsides .........................................52 18.3 Dual axle—horse only ...........................................................52 18.4 Single differential with semi-trailer ........................................52 18.5 6 x 4 truck tractor with timber trailer ......................................52 18.6 6 x 4 truck tractor with sugar cane single-spiller trailer ................................................................52 15.Cane and timber equipment ...............................................45–47 15.1 Truck trailers (Costs in cents per km) ....................................45 15.1.1 15.1.2 15.2 15.2.1 15.2.2 15.3 15.3.1 15.3.2 Four-wheeled trailers ............................................................49 Drawn fire-fighting water carts without pumps and plumbing ................................................................................49 Cane trailers ..........................................................................45 Timber trailers .......................................................................45 Tractor trailers with brakes ....................................................46 Cane trailers ..........................................................................46 Timber trailers .......................................................................46 Cane and timber loaders .......................................................47 Cane loaders .........................................................................47 Timber loaders ......................................................................47 19. 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 16.Trailers .................................................................................48–49 16.1 Two-wheeled trailers .............................................................48 16.1.1Flatbed ..................................................................................48 16.1.2Dropsides ..............................................................................48 16.2 Tip trailers slow speed ...........................................................48 Electric motors ....................................................................53–56 Electric motors—1,1kW to 4,0 kW—1 000 rpm 6-pole high efficiency ...............................................................................53 Electric motors—5,5kW to 18,5 kW—1 000 rpm 6-pole high efficiency ...............................................................................54 Electric motors—22,0kW to 75,0 kW—1 000 rpm 6-pole high efficiency ...............................................................................55 Electric motors—90,0 to 185,0 kW—1 000 rpm 6-pole high efficiency ...............................................................................56 20.Field capacities of agricultural machinery ....................... 57–65 20.1Introduction ...........................................................................57 20.2 Table of field capacities .........................................................58 –v– 1.INTRODUCTION The Guide to Machinery Costs is compiled to assist farmers, extension personnel and others involved in costing farm operations, and machinery decision making. These costs are updated annually and are based on available technical and financial data, in particular prices published in Agfacts. Prices of agricultural machinery vary between firms and regions. The performance of machines also varies under different working conditions. It is therefore important that the user interprets these costs intelligently for a particular region, or set of circumstances. It is important to note that many machines are no longer available on the market, while new machines have entered the market. Equipment marked with an asterisk (*) represents an alternative/higher price for the implement in question, while equipment which is no longer available is marked with a double asterisk (**). The price of this equipment is increased by an appropriate percentage based on the previous year’s price, and this equipment will not be listed in the following years. An adjustment to the expected lifespan of the equipment is made from time to time, based on information received from researchers, manufacturers and users of equipment. Any information of this nature is welcome, together with any constructive criticism which can assist in improving this publication. Compilation of the Guide to Machinery Costs would not have been possible without the valuable assistance of the manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural machinery, who have kindly provided the necessary technical and financial information. The initial computer programs were developed by Messers K.P. Archibald and G.F. Ortmann, formally of the Division of Agricultural Production Economics—Natal region. These programs were converted into an IBM compatible micro-computer version by Mr. R.J. Gordijn, and further adapted by Mr P.A. Gordijn and Mr J.C. Mentz. This version was converted into Excel by Ms P.C. Pennefather. Further modifications and enhancements have been made by Ms C.G. Archer. The guide has been updated this year by Mr P.A. Lubbe, (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), and Ms C.G. Archer, (KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture). Past valuable contributions have been made by Mr E.N.C. Whitehead and Mr P.J. Burger. 1.1 Notes on machinery costs The costs of owning and operating machinery can be divided into two categories, namely fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are related to machinery ownership and occur regardless of whether the machinery is used or not. Fixed costs per hour of usage are inversely proportional to the extent of annual usage. Variable costs relate directly to the degree of utilisation of the machine and include factors such as repairs and maintenance costs, fuel and lubricants. The division into fixed and variable costs is not always an absolute one. There is a valid argument for considering depreciation charges as being made up of two main components, one of which is determined by obsolescence and is a fixed cost, and the other relates to “wear and tear” and is considerably influenced by the use of the machine. In this case depreciation could be considered to be a variable cost. The cost figures in this Guide to Machinery Costs are AVERAGE figures excluding the current Value Added Tax, at the month of updating. They are based on the assumed life expectancies and annual usage, obtained from studies done in South Africa, Great Britain and the U.S.A. According to Culpin (1959), it is injudicious to assume a life expectancy beyond 15 years for any implement or machine. These figures are therefore suggested, and serve as a guideline where specific information is unavailable. 1.1.1Depreciation Depreciation is the reduction in value of a machine with the passage of time. There are various methods of calculating depreciation costs. The straight-line method gives a constant annual charge for depreciation throughout the lifespan of the machine, and this is the method used in the Guide to Machinery Costs to calculate the depreciation costs. 1.1.2Interest A charge for interest is included as a fixed cost because the money which is invested in machinery could have been invested in other productive enterprises or investments. The interest rate that is used in the Guide to Machinery Costs is the interest rate that can be obtained on a medium-term (5 year) investment. –1– The value of the machine decreases over time as reflected by annual depreciation charges. Consequently, the amount of money invested in the machine decreases, from the initial purchase price to the scrap value at the end of the machine’s useful life. The interest charge takes this into account as it is based on the average investment during the lifespan of the machine. 1.1.3 Insurance and licence These costs are based on current charges imposed by various insurance companies and the government. In some instances, insurance and licence charges are assumed to be a percentage of the average investment of the machine. 1.1.4 Repairs and maintenance These costs are difficult to estimate as they vary greatly, depending on operating conditions, management, maintenance programmes, local costs, etc. It is generally agreed that repair costs will increase with age but are unlikely to increase proportionally. Repair costs per hour of use will increase with age but will tend to level off as the machine becomes older (Kepner,1978, p. 36). Accurate estimates of repair costs are not easily obtainable. However, work done by the Directorate of Agricultural Engineering has been used where appropriate (see Reference 4). Repair costs are quoted as a percentage of the purchase price of the machinery, divided by the annual use. The percentages are kept constant over the lifespan of the machine, thereby obtaining an average cost during the machine’s useful life. There are disadvantages to this method, however for general reference purposes it is the most practical method. For further information on repairs and maintenance cost formulae consult the reference list, with particular attention to references 1 and 6. 1.1.5Fuel Fuel consumption is also a contentious issue and can vary greatly for different areas, machines and even operators. Here again, these figures are based on the results of surveys done in South Africa and the U.S. For further information consult references 1, 5 and 6. There are three levels of power demand for tractors—light, medium and heavy—depending on the type of work being done. The fuel consumption is in litres per kW-hour and varies for each level of power demand. There is also a variation in the percentage of available kW that is used at each level. (See notes at the foot of each page.) A single level of power demand is used for self-propelled combine harvesters. The fuel consumption is in litres per kW-hour and varies with the engine power (kW). In the case of LDVs and trucks, the fuel usages per 100 km are the average figures supplied by the dealerships and manufacturers’ standards. Clearly these consumption figures will vary for different vehicles, drivers and circumstances in general. The listed fuel usage figures are for information purposes only, and users of the guide have to adjust the fuel costs if their consumption figures are noticeably different. The prices of diesel, petrol and oil were those prevailing on the highveld at the time of updating the guide. Users may need to adjust the fuel costs if current prices are significantly different from those used in the guide. (See notes at the foot of each page.) 1.2Cost per hectare The following remarks have to be kept in mind concerning the costs of using tractors and implements. 1) The driver/operator and labour costs are not included in the listed costs 2) The costs of materials (e.g. baling twine, wire, seed, fertiliser) are not included in the listed costs. –2– 1.2.1 Cost per unit of measure Machinery costs included in this guide are listed below, together with the unit of measure. Tractors Implements Self-propelled combine harvesters Trailers LDVs Trucks Electric motors R/hour (R/hr) R/hour (R/hr) R/hour (R/hr) R/hour (R/hr) Cents/kilometre(c/km) Cents/kilometre(c/km) R/Hour (R/hr) The cost per hour is based on clock hours and not tractor hours. If the necessary conversion factors are available, these costs can be translated into the cost per hectare, per ton, etc. 1.2.2 Duration time per hectare and per kilometre The duration time per hectare depends upon the working width of an implement, the work speed, and the effectiveness of the machinery being used to carry out an activity. The following formula can be used to calculate the duration time per hectare: hr 10 000 Duration per hectare = Km ha [ work width (m) x work speed x 1 000 xeffectiveness (%)] hr ( ) [ ( ) ] To calculate a Rand per hectare value, information is required on the time requirement of the machine per hectare. Some rough guidelines to these figures are reported in the “Field Capacities” section at the end of this publication. Take note that this figure will largely depend on the shape of the field, speed of the machine, area, etc. In the case of vehicles, cane and timber equipment, the duration time is given by the following formula: hr 1 Duration per kilometer = Km Km average speed hr ( ) [ ( )] In other words, the duration time per kilometre is the inverse of the average speed. 1.2.3 Cost per hectare To determine costs per hectare from the data in the Guide to Machinery Costs, the following formula can be used: Costs per hectare (R/ha) = Cost per hour (R/hr) x Duration time per hectare (hr/ha) In other words, the duration time of the activity (e.g. ploughing, spraying, fertilising) is multiplied by the cost per hour. The cost per hour will be that of the tractor, plus the cost of any implement used with the tractor to perform the activity (e.g. tractor and plough, tractor and boom sprayer, tractor plus trailed combine harvester). The cost of a self-propelled combine harvester will replace the cost of the tractor when appropriate. The costs per ton (unit of yield) can be determined by using the following formula: Costs per ton (R/ton) = Cost per hectare (R/ha) ÷ Tons per hectare (ton/ha) Costs per ton (R/ton) = Cost per hectare (R/ha) x Hectare per ton (ha/ton) –3– The following tables give some indication of how the information in the guide can be used to determine the costs of using equipment to perform a range of farming activities. Fixed costs are the total of depreciation, interest, licence and insurance. Variable costs consist of repairs and maintenance, fuel and oil, and tyres. No labour costs are included in these examples. Cost per hour is based on clock hours and not tractor meter hours. The costs in the following tables are taken from the Guide to Machinery Costs 2013/14. Table 1:Tractor and implement a) Activity duration times Tractor Activity Power Drive (kW) (2W/4W) Implement Power demand (L/M/H) Description Duration (hr/ha) Effectiveness (%) (C) Working speed (km/hr) (B) Working width (m) (A) (= 10 000 ÷ (A x B x 1 000 x C/100)) Plough 98 4W H 3-furrow disc plough 2,6 2,6 85 1,74 Plant 63 4W M 3-row (1,5 m) maize planter 1,5 3,0 85 2,61 Fertilise 63 4W M 4 000 l double-disc fertiliser spreader 3,2 3,2 85 1,15 Spray 63 4W L 12 m boom sprayer 12 6,0 85 0,16 b) Activity costs per hour and per hectare Duration (hr/ha) Activity Tractor kW 2/4W (A) Tractor costs Power demand (L/M/H) Fixed (R/hr) Variable (R/hr) Implement Total (R/hr) (B) Implement costs Fixed Variable (R/hr) (R/hr) Description Total costs Total (R/hr) (C) Per hour Per ha (D = B + C) (D x A) Plough 1,74 98 4W H 77,35 292,96 370,31 3 furrow disc plough 13,73 10,41 24,14 394,45 686,34 Plant 2,61 63 4W M 51,85 171,14 222,98 3 row (1,5 m) mtd. maize planter 49,25 27,17 76,42 299,41 781,46 Fertilise 1,15 63 4W M 51,85 171,14 222,99 4 000 l double-disc fert. spreader 459,22 308,43 767,65 990,64 1 139,24 Spray 0,16 63 4W L 51,85 156,51 208,36 12 m mtd. (1 000 l) boom sprayer 27,38 9,44 36,82 245,18 39,23 This information indicates that it costs R394,45/hour to plough using a 98kW (4-wheel) drive tractor which is pulling a 3 furrow disc plough, assuming that ploughing is a heavy operation. It indicates that it costs R781,46 to plant one hectare using a 63kW (4-wheel) drive tractor which is pulling a 3-row (1,5 m) mounted planter, assuming that planting is a medium operation, and it takes 2,61 hours to plant one hectare. No costs are included for labour, or seed and other materials. Table 2: Self-propelled combine harvester—maize a) Activity duration time Combine details Activity Engine size Description/head size and row size (kW) Harvest Harvest 207 313 8-row 0,9 snapper maize combine 12-row 0,9 snapper maize combine Duration Working width (m) (A) Working speed (km/hr) (B) Effectiveness (%) (C) (hr/ha) 7,2 10,8 5,0 6,0 90 90 0,309 0,171 –4– (= 10 000 ÷ (A x B x 1 000 x C/100)) b) Activity costs per hour and per hectare Engine costs Engine size Duration (hr/ha) Activity Fixed Variable (R/hr) (R/hr) Head costs Total (R/hr) (B) Description/head size and row size Fixed Variable (R/hr) Total costs Per hour Per ha (R/hr) Total (R/hr) (C) (D = B + C) (D x A) (A) (kW) Harvest 0,309 207 710,73 6 66,57 1 377,30 8-row 0,9 snapper head 212,78 51,53 264,31 1 641,61 507,26 Harvest 0,171 313 1 357,34 1 076,35 2 433,69 12-row 0,9 snapper head 384,78 93,29 477,96 2 911,65 497,89 Table 3: Self-propelled combine harvester—wheat a) Activity duration time Combine details Engine size Activity Description/head size and row size (kW) Duration Working width (m) (A) Working speed (km/hr) (B) Effectiveness (%) (C) (hr/ha) (= 10 000 ÷ (A x B x 1 000 x C/100)) Harvest 146 6,0 m wheat combine 6,0 5,0 90 0,370 Harvest 216 9,1 m wheat combine 9,1 5,0 90 0,244 b) Activity costs per hour and per hectare Duration (hr/ha) Engine size Activity Engine costs Fixed Variable (R/hr) (R/hr) Head costs Total (R/hr) (B) Description/head Fixed Variable (R/hr) Total costs Per hour Per ha (R/hr) Total (R/hr) (C) (D = B + C) (D x A) (A) (kW) Harvest 0,370 146 495,50 468,74 964,24 6,0 m wheat combine 148,79 36,04 184,83 1 149,07 425,16 Harvest 0,244 216 1 049,00 769,98 1 818,98 9,1 m wheat combine 188,17 45,57 233,74 2 052,72 500,86 Table 4:Truck a) Activity duration time Truck details Average speed Duration Activity Description Capacity (ton) (A) km/hr (B) hr/km (C = 1 ÷ B) km/hr.ton (D = B ÷ A ) hr/km.ton (E = C ÷ A) Transport 8 t grain 8,0 t single-differential truck 8,0 80,0 0,0125 10,00 0,0016 –5– b) Activity costs per kilometre, per hour, and per ton Truck costs Total costs Activity Truck description Fixed (R/km) Variable (R/km) R/km (F) R/hr (G = F x B) R/km.ton (H = F ÷ A) R/hr.ton (I = F x D) Transport 8 t grain 8,0 t Single-differential truck 2,31 6,69 9,00 720,00 1,13 90,00 These costs do not include the driver, or any other labour assistance. Example: Assume that a maize farmer achieved a yield of 8t/ha on two hectares. He needs to transport 16 t of grain. He is using an 8,0 t single-differential truck, with an average speed of 80 km/hr. This means that two trips will have to be done. The total distance to be travelled for both return trips is 50 km. Using the tables above, as a guideline, the following costs can be derived. c) Example: Truck activity costs Truck cost (fixed + variable) Average speed Duration (B) ton (C) R/km (D) km/hr (E) hr/km (F = 1 ÷ E) km/hr. ton (G = E ÷ C) hr/km.ton (H = F ÷ C) R/km (D) R/hr (I = D x E R/km.ton (J = D ÷ C) R/hr.ton (K = I ÷ C) 50,0 8 9,00 80,0 0,0125 10,00 0,00156 9,00 720,00 1,13 90,00 Total distance travelled 2 loads (km) (A) 16,0 Activity Transport 8 t grain Truck 8 t singlediff. Tonnage transported (tons) The total distance travelled = The total cost per kilometre (R/km) = The total cost of the return trip = Tonnage transported = Cost per ton = The 16 t maize grain yield was from = Cost per hectare = 50 km R 9,00 R 450,00 16 tons R 28,13 2 ha 8 t/ha R 225,00 Total costs (B) (D) (L= B x D) (A) (M = L ÷ A) (N) (M x N) Table 5:Tractor and trailer a) Activity duration time Tractor Trailer Average speed Duration Activity Power (kW) Drive (2W/4W) Power demand (L/M/H) Description Capacity (ton) (A) km/hr (B) hr/km (C = 1 ÷ B) km/hr.ton (D = B ÷ A) hr/km.ton (E = C ÷ A) Transport grain 98 4W H 10 t 4-wheel trailer with dropsides 10,0 10,00 0,10 1,00 0,01 –6– b) Activity costs per hour, per kilometre, and per ton Tractor Activity Transport Tractor costs kW; 2/4 W; L/M/H Fixed Var. (R/hr) 98 4W; H 77,35 Trailer Trailer costs Description (R/hr) Total (R/hr) (F) 292,96 370,32 10 t 4-wheel Trailer with dropsides Fixed Vari. (R/hr) 24,60 Total costs R/hr R/km R/hr.ton R/km.ton (R/hr) Total (R/hr) (G) (H = F + G) (I = H x C) (J = H ÷ A) (K = I ÷ A) 13,47 38,07 408,39 40,84 40,84 4,08 Example: Assume that a maize farmer has to transport 10 tons of maize from the field to the silo. He is using a 98kW (4-wheel) drive tractor and a 10 t 4-wheel trailer (with dropsides), with an average speed of 20 km/hr. This means that one trip will have to be undertaken. The total distance to be travelled from the field to the silo is 10 km. Using the tables above, as a guideline, the following costs can be derived. c) Example: Tractor and trailer activity costs Tonnage transported (tons) Activity Transport 10 t grain Total distance travelled (km) Tractor 98 4W; H 4 W Trailer 10 ton (D = 10) Total cost R/hr (E) km/hr hr/km km/hr.ton hr/km.ton R/hr R/km R/hr.ton R/km.ton (F) (G = 1 ÷ F) (H = F ÷ D) (I = G ÷ D) (J = C + E) (K = J x G) (L = J ÷ D) (M = K ÷ D) 38,07 20,0 0,05 2,00 0,005 408,39 20,42 40,84 2,04 (A) (B) Total cost R/hr (C) 10,0 10,0 370,32 Average speed Duration Total costs The total distance travelled = 10 km The total cost per kilometre (R/km) = R20,42 The total cost of the trip = R 204,20 = 10 tons Tonnage transported (Yield) Cost per ton (R/T) = R20,42 The 10 t maize grain yield was from 2 ha =5t/ha Cost per hectare = R102,10 (B) (K) (N = B x K) (A) (O = N ÷ A) (P) (O x P) Other combinations of tractors, vehicles and equipment can be determined using the illustrations above. It must be noted that the preceding examples do not include the costs of drivers and assistants. In the case of hay-making and baling operations, the cost of twine is not included. –7– 1.3References 1. AGFACTS, April 2012, Agricultural Machinery Price Comparisons 2. ASAE STANDARDS, 1984 ASADE D230. Agricultural Machinery Management Data, Sections 3 & 6 (formally the ASAE Yearbook). 3. Barnard, C.S. and Nix, J.S., Farm Planning and Control, 1978. Chapter 4. Cambridge University, Cambridge. 4. Botha, F.G., Lake, C.T. & Swanepoel, P.J., 1994. Bestuursdata vir Landbou Werktuie in Suid-Afrika. Directorate of Agricultural Engineering, Pretoria. 5. Bucket, M., An Introduction to Farm Organization and Management, 1981. Chapter 8.7. Pergamon Press. Oxford. 6. Culpin, C., Farm Mechanization Management, 1959. Chapter 2, pp. 12–27. Appendix tables 2.3. Crosby Lockwood and Son Ltd, London. 7. Hunt, E., Farm Power and Machinery Management, 7, 1973. Chapter 4, pp. 5, 43,. Iowa State University Press, Iowa. 8. Kepner, R.A., Baines, R and Barger, E.L., Principals of Farm Machinery Management, 3rd Ed, AVI, pp. 31–37. Connecticut. 9. Nell, W.T., 1978. Ekonomiese Parameters vir Meganisasie Beplanning in Droëlandse Saaiboerdery. M.Sc. (Agric) Thesis, University of Pretoria. –8– GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 2.Two-wheel tractors (A) 2-WHEEL DRIVEdrive TRACTORS 2.1Low power demand 2.1 Low power demand Tractor power (kW) 18 22 28 30 33 35 41 44 45 50 54 55 57 60 63 66 67 74 82 82 Notes Purchase price (R) 63 300 153 188 112 200 110 450 131 500 154 500 204 398 154 333 215 180 249 600 208 000 256 377 324 567 279 916 305 900 395 833 449 522 508 988 577 400 724 138 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 6 330 15 319 11 220 11 045 13 150 15 450 20 440 15 433 21 518 24 960 20 800 25 638 32 457 27 992 30 590 39 583 44 952 50 899 57 740 72 414 Average investment (R) 34 815 84 253 61 710 60 748 72 325 84 975 112 419 84 883 118 349 137 280 114 400 141 007 178 512 153 954 168 245 217 708 247 237 279 943 317 570 398 276 Depreciation (R/hr) 4,75 11,49 8,42 8,28 9,86 11,59 15,33 11,58 16,14 18,72 15,60 19,23 24,34 20,99 22,94 29,69 33,71 38,17 43,31 54,31 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 0,61 1,47 1,08 1,06 1,27 1,49 1,97 1,49 2,07 2,40 2,00 2,47 3,12 2,69 2,94 3,81 4,33 4,90 5,56 6,97 Interest (R/hr) 2,96 7,16 5,25 5,16 6,15 7,22 9,56 7,22 10,06 11,67 9,72 11,99 15,17 13,09 14,30 18,51 21,02 23,80 26,99 33,85 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 8,32 20,13 14,74 14,51 17,28 20,30 26,85 20,28 28,27 32,79 27,33 33,68 42,64 36,77 40,19 52,00 59,06 66,87 75,86 95,13 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 5,36 12,96 9,49 9,35 11,13 13,07 17,30 13,06 18,21 21,12 17,60 21,70 27,47 23,69 25,89 33,50 38,04 43,07 48,86 61,28 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 6,33 15,32 11,22 11,05 13,15 15,45 20,44 15,43 21,52 24,96 20,80 25,64 32,46 27,99 30,59 39,58 44,95 50,90 57,74 72,41 Fuel cost (R/hr) 33,44 40,87 52,02 55,73 61,31 65,02 76,17 81,74 83,60 92,89 100,32 102,18 105,89 111,47 117,04 122,61 124,47 137,48 152,34 152,34 Total var. costs (R/hr) 39,77 56,19 63,24 66,78 74,46 80,47 96,61 97,18 105,12 117,85 121,12 127,82 138,35 139,46 147,63 162,20 169,42 188,38 210,08 224,75 Total costs (R/hr) 48,09 76,32 77,98 81,29 91,73 100,77 123,46 117,45 133,39 150,64 148,45 161,50 180,99 176,23 187,82 214,20 228,48 255,24 285,94 319,89 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 45,13 69,15 72,73 76,13 85,59 93,55 113,91 110,24 123,33 138,97 138,72 149,51 165,82 163,15 173,52 195,70 207,47 231,45 258,94 286,03 Fuel usage (/hr) 2,52 3,08 3,92 4,20 4,62 4,90 5,74 6,16 6,30 7,00 7,56 7,70 7,98 8,40 8,82 9,24 9,38 10,36 11,48 11,48 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 35% of Kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,4 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 –9– 12 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (A) 2-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS 2.2 Medium power demand 2.2Medium power demand Tractor power (kW) 18 22 28 30 33 35 41 44 45 50 54 55 57 60 63 66 67 74 82 82 Notes Purchase price (R) 63 300 153 188 112 200 110 450 131 500 154 500 204 398 154 333 215 180 249 600 208 000 256 377 324 567 279 916 305 900 395 833 449 522 508 988 577 400 724 138 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 6 330 15 319 11 220 11 045 13 150 15 450 20 440 15 433 21 518 24 960 20 800 25 638 32 457 27 992 30 590 39 583 44 952 50 899 57 740 72 414 Average investment (R) 34 815 84 253 61 710 60 748 72 325 84 975 112 419 84 883 118 349 137 280 114 400 141 007 178 512 153 954 168 245 217 708 247 237 279 943 317 570 398 276 Depreciation (R/hr) 4,75 11,49 8,42 8,28 9,86 11,59 15,33 11,58 16,14 18,72 15,60 19,23 24,34 20,99 22,94 29,69 33,71 38,17 43,31 54,31 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 0,61 1,47 1,08 1,06 1,27 1,49 1,97 1,49 2,07 2,40 2,00 2,47 3,12 2,69 2,94 3,81 4,33 4,90 5,56 6,97 Interest (R/hr) 2,96 7,16 5,25 5,16 6,15 7,22 9,56 7,22 10,06 11,67 9,72 11,99 15,17 13,09 14,30 18,51 21,02 23,80 26,99 33,85 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 8,32 20,13 14,74 14,51 17,28 20,30 26,85 20,28 28,27 32,79 27,33 33,68 42,64 36,77 40,19 52,00 59,06 66,87 75,86 95,13 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 5,36 12,96 9,49 9,35 11,13 13,07 17,30 13,06 18,21 21,12 17,60 21,70 27,47 23,69 25,89 33,50 38,04 43,07 48,86 61,28 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 6,33 15,32 11,22 11,05 13,15 15,45 20,44 15,43 21,52 24,96 20,80 25,64 32,46 27,99 30,59 39,58 44,95 50,90 57,74 72,41 Fuel cost (R/hr) 37,62 45,98 58,52 62,70 68,97 73,15 85,69 91,96 94,05 104,50 112,86 114,95 119,13 125,40 131,67 137,94 140,03 154,66 171,38 171,38 Total var. costs (R/hr) 43,95 61,30 69,74 73,75 82,12 88,60 106,13 107,39 115,57 129,46 133,66 140,59 151,59 153,39 162,26 177,52 184,98 205,56 229,12 243,80 Total costs (R/hr) 52,27 81,42 84,48 88,26 99,40 108,90 132,98 127,67 143,84 162,25 160,99 174,27 194,23 190,17 202,45 229,53 244,04 272,43 304,98 338,93 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 49,31 74,26 79,24 83,09 93,25 101,68 123,43 120,45 133,78 150,58 151,26 162,28 179,05 177,08 188,15 211,02 223,02 248,63 277,98 305,08 Fuel usage (/hr) 2,84 3,47 4,41 4,73 5,20 5,51 6,46 6,93 7,09 7,88 8,51 8,66 8,98 9,45 9,92 10,40 10,55 11,66 12,92 12,92 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 45% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,35 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 10 – 13 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (A) 2-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS High power demand 2.32.3 High power demand Tractor power (kW) 18 22 28 30 33 35 41 44 45 50 54 55 57 60 63 66 67 74 82 82 Notes Purchase price (R) 63 300 153 188 112 200 110 450 131 500 154 500 204 398 154 333 215 180 249 600 208 000 256 377 324 567 279 916 305 900 395 833 449 522 508 988 577 400 724 138 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 6 330 15 319 11 220 11 045 13 150 15 450 20 440 15 433 21 518 24 960 20 800 25 638 32 457 27 992 30 590 39 583 44 952 50 899 57 740 72 414 Average investment (R) 34 815 84 253 61 710 60 748 72 325 84 975 112 419 84 883 118 349 137 280 114 400 141 007 178 512 153 954 168 245 217 708 247 237 279 943 317 570 398 276 Depreciation (R/hr) 4,75 11,49 8,42 8,28 9,86 11,59 15,33 11,58 16,14 18,72 15,60 19,23 24,34 20,99 22,94 29,69 33,71 38,17 43,31 54,31 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 0,61 1,47 1,08 1,06 1,27 1,49 1,97 1,49 2,07 2,40 2,00 2,47 3,12 2,69 2,94 3,81 4,33 4,90 5,56 6,97 Interest (R/hr) 2,96 7,16 5,25 5,16 6,15 7,22 9,56 7,22 10,06 11,67 9,72 11,99 15,17 13,09 14,30 18,51 21,02 23,80 26,99 33,85 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 8,32 20,13 14,74 14,51 17,28 20,30 26,85 20,28 28,27 32,79 27,33 33,68 42,64 36,77 40,19 52,00 59,06 66,87 75,86 95,13 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 5,36 12,96 9,49 9,35 11,13 13,07 17,30 13,06 18,21 21,12 17,60 21,70 27,47 23,69 25,89 33,50 38,04 43,07 48,86 61,28 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 6,33 15,32 11,22 11,05 13,15 15,45 20,44 15,43 21,52 24,96 20,80 25,64 32,46 27,99 30,59 39,58 44,95 50,90 57,74 72,41 Fuel cost (R/hr) 42,99 52,55 66,88 71,66 78,82 83,60 97,93 105,10 107,49 119,43 128,98 131,37 136,15 143,32 150,48 157,65 160,04 176,76 195,87 195,87 Total var. costs (R/hr) 49,32 67,87 78,10 82,70 91,97 99,05 118,37 120,53 129,01 144,39 149,78 157,01 168,61 171,31 181,07 197,23 204,99 227,66 253,61 268,28 Total costs (R/hr) 57,64 87,99 92,84 97,21 109,25 119,35 145,23 140,81 157,27 177,18 177,11 190,69 211,25 208,08 221,26 249,23 264,04 294,52 329,46 363,41 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 54,68 80,83 87,60 92,05 103,10 112,13 135,67 133,59 147,21 165,51 167,39 178,71 196,07 195,00 206,96 230,73 243,03 270,73 302,47 329,56 Fuel usage (/hr) 3,24 3,96 5,04 5,40 5,94 6,30 7,38 7,92 8,10 9,00 9,72 9,90 10,26 10,80 11,34 11,88 12,06 13,32 14,76 14,76 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 60% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,3 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 11 – 14 (B) 4-WHEEL DRIVEdrive TRACTORS 3.Four-wheel tractors May 2013 3.1Low power demand 3.1 Low power demand Tractor power (kW) 12 16 18 21 23 29 31 35 41 44 50 52 55 57 58 60 61 63 67 73 78 82 83 93 98 Notes Purchase price (R) 120 625 183 438 83 000 171 456 188 587 223 813 264 142 210 000 222 500 188 500 275 200 281 326 300 874 363 195 280 167 339 600 403 981 394 650 494 633 481 358 845 422 631 168 619 392 708 763 588 800 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 12 063 18 344 8 300 17 146 18 859 22 381 26 414 21 000 22 250 18 850 27 520 28 133 30 087 36 320 28 017 33 960 40 398 39 465 49 463 48 136 84 542 63 117 61 939 70 876 58 880 Average investment (R) 66 344 100 891 45 650 94 301 103 723 123 097 145 278 115 500 122 375 103 675 151 360 154 729 165 481 199 757 154 092 186 780 222 190 217 058 272 048 264 747 464 982 347 142 340 666 389 819 323 840 Depreciation (R/hr) 9,05 13,76 6,23 12,86 14,14 16,79 19,81 15,75 16,69 14,14 20,64 21,10 22,57 27,24 21,01 25,47 30,30 29,60 37,10 36,10 63,41 47,34 46,45 53,16 44,16 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 1,16 1,77 0,80 1,65 1,82 2,15 2,54 2,02 2,14 1,81 2,65 2,71 2,90 3,50 2,70 3,27 3,89 3,80 4,76 4,63 8,14 6,07 5,96 6,82 5,67 Interest (R/hr) 5,64 8,58 3,88 8,02 8,82 10,46 12,35 9,82 10,40 8,81 12,87 13,15 14,07 16,98 13,10 15,88 18,89 18,45 23,12 22,50 39,52 29,51 28,96 33,13 27,53 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 15,85 24,10 10,90 22,53 24,78 29,40 34,70 27,59 29,23 24,76 36,15 36,96 39,53 47,71 36,81 44,61 53,07 51,85 64,98 63,24 111,07 82,92 81,37 93,11 77,35 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 10,21 15,52 7,02 14,51 15,96 18,94 22,35 17,77 18,83 15,95 23,29 23,81 25,46 30,74 23,71 28,74 34,19 33,40 41,86 40,73 71,54 53,41 52,42 59,98 49,83 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 12,06 18,34 8,30 17,15 18,86 22,38 26,41 21,00 22,25 18,85 27,52 28,13 30,09 36,32 28,02 33,96 40,40 39,47 49,46 48,14 84,54 63,12 61,94 70,88 58,88 Fuel cost (R/hr) 22,29 29,72 33,44 39,01 42,73 53,88 57,59 65,02 76,17 81,74 92,89 96,61 102,18 105,89 107,75 111,47 113,33 117,04 124,47 135,62 144,91 152,34 154,20 172,78 182,06 Total var. costs (R/hr) 34,36 48,07 41,74 56,16 61,59 76,26 84,01 86,02 98,42 100,59 120,41 124,74 132,27 142,21 135,77 145,43 153,72 156,51 173,94 183,76 229,45 215,46 216,14 243,65 240,94 Total costs (R/hr) 50,20 72,17 52,64 78,68 86,36 105,66 118,71 113,61 127,65 125,36 156,56 161,70 171,79 189,93 172,58 190,04 206,80 208,35 238,92 246,99 340,52 298,38 297,51 336,77 318,30 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 44,56 63,59 48,76 70,67 77,55 95,20 106,36 103,79 117,25 116,55 143,70 148,55 157,73 172,95 159,48 174,17 187,91 189,90 215,79 224,49 300,99 268,87 268,55 303,63 290,77 Fuel usage (/hr) 1,68 2,24 2,52 2,94 3,22 4,06 4,34 4,90 5,74 6,16 7,00 7,28 7,70 7,98 8,12 8,40 8,54 8,82 9,38 10,22 10,92 11,48 11,62 13,02 13,72 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 35% of Kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,4 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 12 – 12 (B) 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS 3.1 Low power demand 3.1Low power demand (cont.) Tractor power (kW) 103 109 116 123 136 145 157 162 175 184 194 209 219 229 235 250 298 317 327 363 380 399 411 448 Notes Purchase price (R) 981 500 1 066 654 704 000 933 717 1 291 435 1 266 300 1 525 100 1 475 340 2 038 500 1 854 267 2 196 600 2 305 000 2 488 061 2 406 250 2 668 200 2 402 927 3 333 750 1 620 000 3 604 765 3 858 029 3 570 733 4 002 944 4 838 050 5 018 600 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 98 150 106 665 70 400 93 372 129 144 126 630 152 510 147 534 203 850 185 427 219 660 230 500 248 806 240 625 266 820 240 293 333 375 162 000 360 476 385 803 357 073 400 294 483 805 501 860 Average investment (R) 539 825 586 660 387 200 513 544 710 289 696 465 838 805 811 437 1 121 175 1 019 847 1 208 130 1 267 750 1 368 434 1 323 438 1 467 510 1 321 610 1 833 563 891 000 1 982 620 2 121 916 1 963 903 2 201 619 2 660 928 2 760 230 Depreciation (R/hr) 73,61 80,00 52,80 70,03 96,86 94,97 114,38 110,65 152,89 139,07 164,75 172,88 186,60 180,47 200,12 180,22 250,03 121,50 270,36 289,35 267,80 300,22 362,85 376,40 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 9,45 10,27 6,78 8,99 12,43 12,19 14,68 14,20 19,62 17,85 21,14 22,19 23,95 23,16 25,68 23,13 32,09 15,59 34,70 37,13 34,37 38,53 46,57 48,30 Interest (R/hr) 45,89 49,87 32,91 43,65 60,37 59,20 71,30 68,97 95,30 86,69 102,69 107,76 116,32 112,49 124,74 112,34 155,85 75,74 168,52 180,36 166,93 187,14 226,18 234,62 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 128,94 140,13 92,49 122,67 169,66 166,36 200,36 193,82 267,81 243,60 288,58 302,82 326,87 316,12 350,53 315,68 437,97 212,83 473,58 506,85 469,11 525,89 635,60 659,32 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 83,06 90,27 59,58 79,02 109,29 107,16 129,06 124,85 172,51 156,92 185,89 195,06 210,55 203,63 225,80 203,35 282,12 137,09 305,05 326,49 302,17 338,75 409,42 424,70 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 98,15 106,67 70,40 93,37 129,14 126,63 152,51 147,53 203,85 185,43 219,66 230,50 248,81 240,63 266,82 240,29 333,38 162,00 360,48 385,80 357,07 400,29 483,81 501,86 Fuel cost (R/hr) 191,35 202,50 215,50 228,51 252,66 269,38 291,67 300,96 325,12 341,84 360,41 388,28 406,86 425,44 436,58 464,45 553,62 588,92 607,50 674,38 705,96 741,26 763,56 832,29 Total var. costs (R/hr) 289,50 309,17 285,90 321,88 381,80 396,01 444,18 448,50 528,97 527,26 580,07 618,78 655,66 666,06 703,40 704,74 887,00 750,92 967,98 1 060,18 1 063,04 1 141,56 1 247,36 1 334,15 Total costs (R/hr) 418,45 449,30 378,39 444,55 551,47 562,37 644,54 642,32 796,77 770,87 868,65 921,60 982,53 982,18 1 053,94 1 020,43 1 324,97 963,75 1 441,55 1 567,03 1 532,14 1 667,44 1 882,96 1 993,47 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 372,56 399,43 345,48 400,90 491,09 503,17 573,25 573,35 701,47 684,18 765,96 813,84 866,22 869,69 929,20 908,09 1 169,12 888,02 1 273,03 1 386,67 1 365,21 1 480,31 1 656,78 1 758,85 Fuel usage (/hr) 14,42 15,26 16,24 17,22 19,04 20,30 21,98 22,68 24,50 25,76 27,16 29,26 30,66 32,06 32,90 35,00 41,72 44,38 45,78 50,82 53,20 55,86 57,54 62,72 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 35% of Kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,4 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 13 – 13 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (B) 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS 3.2 Medium power demand 3.2Medium power demand Tractor power (kW) 12 16 18 21 23 29 31 35 41 44 50 52 55 57 58 60 61 63 67 73 78 82 83 93 98 Notes Purchase price (R) 120 625 183 438 83 000 171 456 188 587 223 813 264 142 210 000 222 500 188 500 275 200 281 326 300 874 363 195 280 167 339 600 403 981 394 650 494 633 481 358 845 422 631 168 619 392 708 763 588 800 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 12 063 18 344 8 300 17 146 18 859 22 381 26 414 21 000 22 250 18 850 27 520 28 133 30 087 36 320 28 017 33 960 40 398 39 465 49 463 48 136 84 542 63 117 61 939 70 876 58 880 Average investment (R) 66 344 100 891 45 650 94 301 103 723 123 097 145 278 115 500 122 375 103 675 151 360 154 729 165 481 199 757 154 092 186 780 222 190 217 058 272 048 264 747 464 982 347 142 340 666 389 819 323 840 Depreciation (R/hr) 9,05 13,76 6,23 12,86 14,14 16,79 19,81 15,75 16,69 14,14 20,64 21,10 22,57 27,24 21,01 25,47 30,30 29,60 37,10 36,10 63,41 47,34 46,45 53,16 44,16 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 1,16 1,77 0,80 1,65 1,82 2,15 2,54 2,02 2,14 1,81 2,65 2,71 2,90 3,50 2,70 3,27 3,89 3,80 4,76 4,63 8,14 6,07 5,96 6,82 5,67 Interest (R/hr) 5,64 8,58 3,88 8,02 8,82 10,46 12,35 9,82 10,40 8,81 12,87 13,15 14,07 16,98 13,10 15,88 18,89 18,45 23,12 22,50 39,52 29,51 28,96 33,13 27,53 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 15,85 24,10 10,90 22,53 24,78 29,40 34,70 27,59 29,23 24,76 36,15 36,96 39,53 47,71 36,81 44,61 53,07 51,85 64,98 63,24 111,07 82,92 81,37 93,11 77,35 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 10,21 15,52 7,02 14,51 15,96 18,94 22,35 17,77 18,83 15,95 23,29 23,81 25,46 30,74 23,71 28,74 34,19 33,40 41,86 40,73 71,54 53,41 52,42 59,98 49,83 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 12,06 18,34 8,30 17,15 18,86 22,38 26,41 21,00 22,25 18,85 27,52 28,13 30,09 36,32 28,02 33,96 40,40 39,47 49,46 48,14 84,54 63,12 61,94 70,88 58,88 Fuel cost (R/hr) 25,08 33,44 37,62 43,89 48,07 60,61 64,79 73,15 85,69 91,96 104,50 108,68 114,95 119,13 121,22 125,40 127,49 131,67 140,03 152,57 163,02 171,38 173,47 194,37 204,82 Total var. costs (R/hr) 37,14 51,78 45,92 61,04 66,93 82,99 91,20 94,15 107,94 110,81 132,02 136,81 145,04 155,45 149,24 159,36 167,89 171,14 189,49 200,71 247,56 234,50 235,41 265,25 263,70 Total costs (R/hr) 52,99 75,88 56,82 83,56 91,70 112,40 125,91 121,74 137,17 135,58 168,18 173,77 184,57 203,17 186,05 203,98 220,96 222,98 254,48 263,95 358,63 317,42 316,78 358,36 341,06 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 47,35 67,31 52,94 75,55 82,89 101,93 113,56 111,92 126,77 126,76 155,31 160,62 170,50 186,19 172,95 188,10 202,08 204,53 231,35 241,44 319,11 287,91 287,83 325,23 313,53 Fuel usage (/hr) 1,89 2,52 2,84 3,31 3,62 4,57 4,88 5,51 6,46 6,93 7,88 8,19 8,66 8,98 9,14 9,45 9,61 9,92 10,55 11,50 12,29 12,92 13,07 14,65 15,44 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 45% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,35 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 14 – 14 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (B) 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS 3.2 Medium power demand 3.2Medium power demand (cont.) Tractor power (kW) 103 109 116 123 136 145 157 162 175 184 194 209 219 229 235 250 298 317 327 363 380 399 411 448 Notes Purchase price (R) 981 500 1 066 654 704 000 933 717 1 291 435 1 266 300 1 525 100 1 475 340 2 038 500 1 854 267 2 196 600 2 305 000 2 488 061 2 406 250 2 668 200 2 402 927 3 333 750 1 620 000 3 604 765 3 858 029 3 570 733 4 002 944 4 838 050 5 018 600 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 98 150 106 665 70 400 93 372 129 144 126 630 152 510 147 534 203 850 185 427 219 660 230 500 248 806 240 625 266 820 240 293 333 375 162 000 360 476 385 803 357 073 400 294 483 805 501 860 Average investment (R) 539 825 586 660 387 200 513 544 710 289 696 465 838 805 811 437 1 121 175 1 019 847 1 208 130 1 267 750 1 368 434 1 323 438 1 467 510 1 321 610 1 833 563 891 000 1 982 620 2 121 916 1 963 903 2 201 619 2 660 928 2 760 230 Depreciation (R/hr) 73,61 80,00 52,80 70,03 96,86 94,97 114,38 110,65 152,89 139,07 164,75 172,88 186,60 180,47 200,12 180,22 250,03 121,50 270,36 289,35 267,80 300,22 362,85 376,40 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 9,45 10,27 6,78 8,99 12,43 12,19 14,68 14,20 19,62 17,85 21,14 22,19 23,95 23,16 25,68 23,13 32,09 15,59 34,70 37,13 34,37 38,53 46,57 48,30 Interest (R/hr) 45,89 49,87 32,91 43,65 60,37 59,20 71,30 68,97 95,30 86,69 102,69 107,76 116,32 112,49 124,74 112,34 155,85 75,74 168,52 180,36 166,93 187,14 226,18 234,62 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 128,94 140,13 92,49 122,67 169,66 166,36 200,36 193,82 267,81 243,60 288,58 302,82 326,87 316,12 350,53 315,68 437,97 212,83 473,58 506,85 469,11 525,89 635,60 659,32 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 83,06 90,27 59,58 79,02 109,29 107,16 129,06 124,85 172,51 156,92 185,89 195,06 210,55 203,63 225,80 203,35 282,12 137,09 305,05 326,49 302,17 338,75 409,42 424,70 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 98,15 106,67 70,40 93,37 129,14 126,63 152,51 147,53 203,85 185,43 219,66 230,50 248,81 240,63 266,82 240,29 333,38 162,00 360,48 385,80 357,07 400,29 483,81 501,86 Fuel cost (R/hr) 215,27 227,81 242,44 257,07 284,24 303,05 328,13 338,58 365,75 384,56 405,46 436,82 457,72 478,62 491,16 522,51 622,83 662,54 683,44 758,68 794,21 833,92 859,00 936,33 Total var. costs (R/hr) 313,42 334,48 312,84 350,44 413,39 429,68 480,64 486,12 569,60 569,99 625,12 667,32 706,52 719,24 757,98 762,80 956,20 824,54 1 043,91 1 144,48 1 151,28 1 234,21 1 342,81 1 438,19 Total costs (R/hr) 442,37 474,61 405,33 473,11 583,05 596,04 681,00 679,94 837,41 813,60 913,70 970,13 1 033,39 1 035,36 1 108,51 1 078,48 1 394,17 1 037,37 1 517,49 1 651,33 1 620,39 1 760,10 1 978,40 2 097,51 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 396,48 424,74 372,42 429,46 522,67 536,84 609,71 610,97 742,11 726,91 811,01 862,38 917,07 922,87 983,77 966,15 1 238,32 961,63 1 348,97 1 470,97 1 453,46 1 572,96 1 752,23 1 862,89 Fuel usage (/hr) 16,22 17,17 18,27 19,37 21,42 22,84 24,73 25,52 27,56 28,98 30,56 32,92 34,49 36,07 37,01 39,38 46,94 49,93 51,50 57,17 59,85 62,84 64,73 70,56 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 45% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,35 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 15 – 15 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (B) 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS High power demand 3.33.3 High power demand Tractor power (kW) 12 16 18 21 23 29 31 35 41 44 50 52 55 57 58 60 61 63 67 73 78 82 83 93 98 Notes Purchase price (R) 120 625 183 438 83 000 171 456 188 587 223 813 264 142 210 000 222 500 188 500 275 200 281 326 300 874 363 195 280 167 339 600 403 981 394 650 494 633 481 358 845 422 631 168 619 392 708 763 588 800 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 12 063 18 344 8 300 17 146 18 859 22 381 26 414 21 000 22 250 18 850 27 520 28 133 30 087 36 320 28 017 33 960 40 398 39 465 49 463 48 136 84 542 63 117 61 939 70 876 58 880 Average investment (R) 66 344 100 891 45 650 94 301 103 723 123 097 145 278 115 500 122 375 103 675 151 360 154 729 165 481 199 757 154 092 186 780 222 190 217 058 272 048 264 747 464 982 347 142 340 666 389 819 323 840 Depreciation (R/hr) 9,05 13,76 6,23 12,86 14,14 16,79 19,81 15,75 16,69 14,14 20,64 21,10 22,57 27,24 21,01 25,47 30,30 29,60 37,10 36,10 63,41 47,34 46,45 53,16 44,16 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 1,16 1,77 0,80 1,65 1,82 2,15 2,54 2,02 2,14 1,81 2,65 2,71 2,90 3,50 2,70 3,27 3,89 3,80 4,76 4,63 8,14 6,07 5,96 6,82 5,67 Interest (R/hr) 5,64 8,58 3,88 8,02 8,82 10,46 12,35 9,82 10,40 8,81 12,87 13,15 14,07 16,98 13,10 15,88 18,89 18,45 23,12 22,50 39,52 29,51 28,96 33,13 27,53 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 15,85 24,10 10,90 22,53 24,78 29,40 34,70 27,59 29,23 24,76 36,15 36,96 39,53 47,71 36,81 44,61 53,07 51,85 64,98 63,24 111,07 82,92 81,37 93,11 77,35 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 10,21 15,52 7,02 14,51 15,96 18,94 22,35 17,77 18,83 15,95 23,29 23,81 25,46 30,74 23,71 28,74 34,19 33,40 41,86 40,73 71,54 53,41 52,42 59,98 49,83 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 12,06 18,34 8,30 17,15 18,86 22,38 26,41 21,00 22,25 18,85 27,52 28,13 30,09 36,32 28,02 33,96 40,40 39,47 49,46 48,14 84,54 63,12 61,94 70,88 58,88 Fuel cost (R/hr) 28,66 38,22 42,99 50,16 54,94 69,27 74,05 83,60 97,93 105,10 119,43 124,21 131,37 136,15 138,54 143,32 145,70 150,48 160,04 174,37 186,31 195,87 198,25 222,14 234,08 Total var. costs (R/hr) 40,73 56,56 51,29 67,31 73,80 91,65 100,46 104,60 120,18 123,95 146,95 152,34 161,46 172,47 166,56 177,28 186,10 189,95 209,50 222,50 270,85 258,98 260,19 293,02 292,96 Total costs (R/hr) 56,57 80,66 62,20 89,83 98,57 121,05 135,16 132,19 149,41 148,71 183,10 189,30 200,99 220,18 203,36 221,89 239,18 241,79 274,48 285,74 381,92 341,90 341,57 386,13 370,32 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 50,93 72,08 58,32 81,82 89,76 110,59 122,81 122,37 139,01 139,90 170,24 176,15 186,92 203,21 190,26 206,01 220,29 223,34 251,36 263,24 342,40 312,39 312,61 353,00 342,79 Fuel usage (/hr) 2,16 2,88 3,24 3,78 4,14 5,22 5,58 6,30 7,38 7,92 9,00 9,36 9,90 10,26 10,44 10,80 10,98 11,34 12,06 13,14 14,04 14,76 14,94 16,74 17,64 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + Salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - Salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 60% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,3 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 16 – 16 May 2013 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS (B) 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS High power demand 3.33.3 High power demand (cont.) Tractor power (kW) 103 109 116 123 136 145 157 162 175 184 194 209 219 229 235 250 298 317 327 363 380 399 411 448 Notes Purchase price (R) 981 500 1 066 654 704 000 933 717 1 291 435 1 266 300 1 525 100 1 475 340 2 038 500 1 854 267 2 196 600 2 305 000 2 488 061 2 406 250 2 668 200 2 402 927 3 333 750 1 620 000 3 604 765 3 858 029 3 570 733 4 002 944 4 838 050 5 018 600 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 98 150 106 665 70 400 93 372 129 144 126 630 152 510 147 534 203 850 185 427 219 660 230 500 248 806 240 625 266 820 240 293 333 375 162 000 360 476 385 803 357 073 400 294 483 805 501 860 Average investment (R) 539 825 586 660 387 200 513 544 710 289 696 465 838 805 811 437 1 121 175 1 019 847 1 208 130 1 267 750 1 368 434 1 323 438 1 467 510 1 321 610 1 833 563 891 000 1 982 620 2 121 916 1 963 903 2 201 619 2 660 928 2 760 230 Depreciation (R/hr) 73,61 80,00 52,80 70,03 96,86 94,97 114,38 110,65 152,89 139,07 164,75 172,88 186,60 180,47 200,12 180,22 250,03 121,50 270,36 289,35 267,80 300,22 362,85 376,40 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 9,45 10,27 6,78 8,99 12,43 12,19 14,68 14,20 19,62 17,85 21,14 22,19 23,95 23,16 25,68 23,13 32,09 15,59 34,70 37,13 34,37 38,53 46,57 48,30 Interest (R/hr) 45,89 49,87 32,91 43,65 60,37 59,20 71,30 68,97 95,30 86,69 102,69 107,76 116,32 112,49 124,74 112,34 155,85 75,74 168,52 180,36 166,93 187,14 226,18 234,62 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 128,94 140,13 92,49 122,67 169,66 166,36 200,36 193,82 267,81 243,60 288,58 302,82 326,87 316,12 350,53 315,68 437,97 212,83 473,58 506,85 469,11 525,89 635,60 659,32 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 83,06 90,27 59,58 79,02 109,29 107,16 129,06 124,85 172,51 156,92 185,89 195,06 210,55 203,63 225,80 203,35 282,12 137,09 305,05 326,49 302,17 338,75 409,42 424,70 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 98,15 106,67 70,40 93,37 129,14 126,63 152,51 147,53 203,85 185,43 219,66 230,50 248,81 240,63 266,82 240,29 333,38 162,00 360,48 385,80 357,07 400,29 483,81 501,86 Fuel cost (R/hr) 246,03 260,36 277,08 293,80 324,85 346,35 375,01 386,95 418,01 439,50 463,39 499,22 523,10 546,99 561,32 597,15 711,80 757,19 781,07 867,06 907,67 953,05 981,71 1 070,09 Total var. costs (R/hr) 344,18 367,02 347,48 387,17 453,99 472,98 527,52 534,49 621,86 624,93 683,05 729,72 771,91 787,61 828,14 837,44 1 045,18 919,19 1 141,55 1 252,86 1 264,74 1 353,35 1 465,52 1 571,95 Total costs (R/hr) 473,12 507,15 439,97 509,84 623,66 639,34 727,88 728,31 889,66 868,53 971,63 1 032,54 1 098,78 1 103,74 1 178,68 1 153,13 1 483,15 1 132,01 1 615,12 1 759,71 1 733,85 1 879,23 2 101,12 2 231,27 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 427,24 457,29 407,05 466,19 563,28 580,14 656,58 659,34 794,36 781,85 868,94 924,78 982,46 991,24 1 053,94 1 040,79 1 327,30 1 056,28 1 446,60 1 579,35 1 566,91 1 692,09 1 874,94 1 996,65 Fuel usage (/hr) 18,54 19,62 20,88 22,14 24,48 26,10 28,26 29,16 31,50 33,12 34,92 37,62 39,42 41,22 42,30 45,00 53,64 57,06 58,86 65,34 68,40 71,82 73,98 80,64 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 60% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,3 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 17 – 17 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 4.Two-wheel drive orchard tractors (C) 2-WHEEL DRIVE ORCHARD TRACTORS 4.1Low power demand 4.1 Low power demand Tractor power (kW) 43 48 60 Purchase price (R) 275 200 311 680 279 533 Salvage value (R) 27 520 31 168 27 953 Average investment (R) 151 360 171 424 153 743 Depreciation (R/hr) 20,64 23,38 20,97 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 2,65 3,00 2,69 Interest (R/hr) 12,87 14,57 13,07 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 36,15 40,95 36,72 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 23,29 26,38 23,66 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 27,52 31,17 27,95 Fuel cost (R/hr) 79,89 89,17 111,47 Total var. costs (R/hr) 107,41 120,34 139,42 Total costs (R/hr) 143,56 161,29 176,15 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 130,69 146,72 163,08 Fuel usage (/hr) 6,02 6,72 8,40 Fuel cost (R/hr) 89,87 100,32 125,40 Total var. costs (R/hr) 117,39 131,49 153,35 Total costs (R/hr) 153,55 172,44 190,08 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 140,68 157,87 177,01 Fuel usage (/hr) 6,77 7,56 9,45 Notes 1) Life period 12 000 hours 2) Average annual usage 1 000 hours 3) Salvage value 10% of purchase price 4) Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 5) Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 6) Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum 7) Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8) Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours 9) Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) 10) Fuel consumption 35% of Kilowatts used 11) Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,40 litre/kW hour GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 12) Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab (C) 2-WHEEL DRIVE ORCHARD TRACTORS 4.2 Medium power demand 4.2Medium power demand Tractor power (kW) 43 48 60 Notes Purchase price (R) 275 200 311 680 279 533 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 27 520 31 168 27 953 Average investment (R) 151 360 171 424 153 743 Depreciation (R/hr) 20,64 23,38 20,97 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 2,65 3,00 2,69 Interest (R/hr) 12,87 14,57 13,07 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 36,15 40,95 36,72 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 23,29 26,38 23,66 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 27,52 31,17 27,95 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 45% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,35 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 18 – 12 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (C) 2-WHEEL DRIVE ORCHARD TRACTORS High power demand 4.34.3 High power demand Tractor power (kW) 43 48 60 Notes Purchase price (R) 275 200 311 680 279 533 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 27 520 31 168 27 953 Average investment (R) 151 360 171 424 153 743 Depreciation (R/hr) 20,64 23,38 20,97 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 2,65 3,00 2,69 Interest (R/hr) 12,87 14,57 13,07 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 36,15 40,95 36,72 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 23,29 26,38 23,66 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 27,52 31,17 27,95 Fuel cost (R/hr) 102,71 114,65 143,32 Total var. costs (R/hr) 130,23 145,82 171,27 Total costs (R/hr) 166,38 186,77 207,99 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 153,52 172,20 194,92 Fuel usage (/hr) 7,74 8,64 10,80 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 60% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,3 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 19 – 14 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 5.Four-wheel orchard tractors (D) 4-WHEEL DRIVEdrive ORCHARD TRACTORS 5.1Low power demand 5.1 Low power demand Tractor power (kW) 43 46 51 51 53 56 57 60 65 Notes Purchase price (R) 313 600 310 500 330 240 377 600 348 813 355 000 457 575 381 107 546 250 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 31 360 31 050 33 024 37 760 34 881 35 500 45 758 38 111 54 625 Average investment (R) 172 480 170 775 181 632 207 680 191 847 195 250 251 666 209 609 300 438 Depreciation (R/hr) 23,52 23,29 24,77 28,32 26,16 26,63 34,32 28,58 40,97 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 3,02 2,99 3,18 3,63 3,36 3,42 4,40 3,67 5,26 Interest (R/hr) 14,66 14,52 15,44 17,65 16,31 16,60 21,39 17,82 25,54 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 41,20 40,79 43,39 49,61 45,83 46,64 60,11 50,07 71,76 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 26,54 26,28 27,95 31,95 29,52 30,04 38,72 32,25 46,23 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 31,36 31,05 33,02 37,76 34,88 35,50 45,76 38,11 54,63 Fuel cost (R/hr) 79,89 85,46 94,75 94,75 98,46 104,04 105,89 111,47 120,76 Total var. costs (R/hr) 111,25 116,51 127,77 132,51 133,34 139,54 151,65 149,58 175,38 Total costs (R/hr) 152,44 157,30 171,16 182,12 179,17 186,17 211,77 199,65 247,15 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 137,78 142,78 155,72 164,46 162,86 169,58 190,37 181,83 221,61 Fuel usage (/hr) 6,02 6,44 7,14 7,14 7,42 7,84 7,98 8,40 9,10 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 35% of Kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,4 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 20 – 12 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (D) 4-WHEEL DRIVE ORCHARD TRACTORS 5.2 Medium power demand 5.2Medium power demand Tractor power (kW) 43 46 51 51 53 56 57 60 65 Notes Purchase price (R) 313 600 310 500 330 240 377 600 348 813 355 000 457 575 381 107 546 250 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 31 360 31 050 33 024 37 760 34 881 35 500 45 758 38 111 54 625 Average investment (R) 172 480 170 775 181 632 207 680 191 847 195 250 251 666 209 609 300 438 Depreciation (R/hr) 23,52 23,29 24,77 28,32 26,16 26,63 34,32 28,58 40,97 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 3,02 2,99 3,18 3,63 3,36 3,42 4,40 3,67 5,26 Interest (R/hr) 14,66 14,52 15,44 17,65 16,31 16,60 21,39 17,82 25,54 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 41,20 40,79 43,39 49,61 45,83 46,64 60,11 50,07 71,76 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 26,54 26,28 27,95 31,95 29,52 30,04 38,72 32,25 46,23 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 31,36 31,05 33,02 37,76 34,88 35,50 45,76 38,11 54,63 Fuel cost (R/hr) 89,87 96,14 106,59 106,59 110,77 117,04 119,13 125,40 135,85 Total var. costs (R/hr) 121,23 127,19 139,62 144,35 145,65 152,54 164,89 163,51 190,48 Total costs (R/hr) 162,43 167,98 183,00 193,96 191,48 199,18 225,00 213,58 262,24 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 147,77 153,47 167,56 176,31 175,17 182,58 203,61 195,76 236,70 Fuel usage (/hr) 6,77 7,25 8,03 8,03 8,35 8,82 8,98 9,45 10,24 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 45% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,35 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 21 – 13 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: TRACTORS May 2013 (D) 4-WHEEL DRIVE ORCHARD TRACTORS High power demand 5.35.3 High power demand Tractor power (kW) 43 46 51 51 53 56 57 60 65 Notes Purchase price (R) 313 600 310 500 330 240 377 600 348 813 355 000 457 575 381 107 546 250 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Salvage value (R) 31 360 31 050 33 024 37 760 34 881 35 500 45 758 38 111 54 625 Average investment (R) 172 480 170 775 181 632 207 680 191 847 195 250 251 666 209 609 300 438 Depreciation (R/hr) 23,52 23,29 24,77 28,32 26,16 26,63 34,32 28,58 40,97 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 3,02 2,99 3,18 3,63 3,36 3,42 4,40 3,67 5,26 Interest (R/hr) 14,66 14,52 15,44 17,65 16,31 16,60 21,39 17,82 25,54 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 41,20 40,79 43,39 49,61 45,83 46,64 60,11 50,07 71,76 Total fixed costs – int. (R/hr) 26,54 26,28 27,95 31,95 29,52 30,04 38,72 32,25 46,23 Repairs and maint. (R/hr) 31,36 31,05 33,02 37,76 34,88 35,50 45,76 38,11 54,63 Fuel cost (R/hr) 102,71 109,88 121,82 121,82 126,60 133,76 136,15 143,32 155,26 Total var. costs (R/hr) 134,07 140,93 154,84 159,58 161,48 169,26 181,91 181,43 209,88 Total costs (R/hr) 175,27 181,72 198,23 209,19 207,30 215,90 242,02 231,49 281,65 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 160,61 167,20 182,79 191,53 191,00 199,30 220,63 213,68 256,11 Fuel usage (/hr) 7,74 8,28 9,18 9,18 9,54 10,08 10,26 10,80 11,70 Life period 12 000 hours Average annual usage 1 000 hours Salvage value 10% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours Insurance and licence cost per hour 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 120% of purchase price/life period in hours Fuel price 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) Fuel consumption 60% of kilowatts used Litres used per kilowatt hour 0,3 litre/kW hour Where two prices are listed for tractors with the same kW rating, the higher price is for a tractor with a cab Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 22 – 14 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS 6.Tillage equipment May 2013 6.0 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 6.1 RIPPERS 6.1Rippers Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 6 850 15 350 22 600 29 950 9 100 18 800 27 200 32 750 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 685 1 535 2 260 2 995 910 1 880 2 720 3 275 3 768 8 443 12 430 16 473 5 005 10 340 14 960 18 013 2,06 4,61 6,78 8,99 2,73 5,64 8,16 9,83 0,19 0,42 0,62 0,82 0,25 0,52 0,75 0,90 1,07 2,39 3,52 4,67 1,42 2,93 4,24 5,10 3,31 7,42 10,92 14,48 4,40 9,09 13,15 15,83 2,24 5,03 7,40 9,81 2,98 6,16 8,91 10,73 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 0,91 2,05 3,01 3,99 1,21 2,51 3,63 4,37 0,91 2,05 3,01 3,99 1,21 2,51 3,63 4,37 4,22 9,47 13,94 18,47 5,61 11,59 16,77 20,20 3,16 7,07 10,41 13,80 4,19 8,66 12,53 15,09 62 780 60 400 81 850 139 780 129 325 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 300 300 300 300 300 6 278 6 040 8 185 13 978 12 933 34 529 33 220 45 018 76 879 71 129 18,83 18,12 24,56 41,93 38,80 1,73 1,66 2,25 3,84 3,56 9,78 9,41 12,75 21,78 20,15 30,34 29,19 39,56 67,56 62,51 20,56 19,78 26,81 45,78 42,35 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 8,37 8,05 10,91 18,64 17,24 8,37 8,05 10,91 18,64 17,24 38,71 37,25 50,47 86,20 79,75 28,93 27,83 37,72 64,42 59,60 Implement 6.1.1 duty 6.1.1 RIPPERS: MediumMedium duty 1 Shank - Straight shank 3 Shank - Straight shank 5 Shank - Straight shank 7 Shank - Straight shank 1 Shank - Curved shank 3 Shank - Curved shank 5 Shank - Curved shank 7 Shank - Curved shank 6.1.2 Heavy duty 6.1.2 RIPPERS: Heavy duty 3 Shank 5 Shank 7 Shank 9 Shank 11 Shank Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 6.2Mouldboard ploughs with shear-bolt protection 6.2 MOULDBOARD PLOUGHS WITH SHEAR-BOLT PROTECTION 6.2.1 MOUNTED 6.2.1Mounted 2 furrow 3 furrow - 14" 3 furrow - 16" 6.2.2 MOUNTED MountedREVERSIBLE reversible 6.2.2 2 furrow 3 furrow 11 550 16 550 23 950 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 1 155 1 655 2 395 6 353 9 103 13 173 4,16 5,96 8,62 0,38 0,55 0,79 2,16 3,09 4,48 6,70 9,60 13,89 4,54 6,50 9,41 110,00 110,00 110,00 5,08 7,28 10,54 5,08 7,28 10,54 11,78 16,88 24,43 9,62 13,79 19,95 56 250 72 300 2 500 2 500 250 250 5 625 7 230 30 938 39 765 20,25 26,03 1,86 2,39 10,52 13,52 32,63 41,93 22,11 28,41 110,00 110,00 24,75 31,81 24,75 31,81 57,38 73,75 46,86 60,23 6.3Mouldboard ploughs with hydraulic, spring or other plough protection 6.3 MOULDBOARD PLOUGHS WITH HYDRAULIC, SPRING OR OTHER PLOUGH PROTECTION 6.3.1 TRAILED 6.3.1 MOUNTED, Mounted,SEMI-MOUNTED semi-mounted orOR trailed 3 furrow 4 furrow 5 furrow 6 furrow 7 furrow 8 furrow 6.4 Disc ploughs 6.4 DISC PLOUGHS 2 furrow 3 furrow 4 furrow 5 furrow Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 28 298 36 540 45 780 80 378 96 915 106 313 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 2 830 3 654 4 578 8 038 9 692 10 631 15 564 20 097 25 179 44 208 53 303 58 472 10,19 13,15 16,48 28,94 34,89 38,27 0,93 1,21 1,51 2,65 3,20 3,51 5,29 6,83 8,56 15,03 18,12 19,88 16,41 21,19 26,55 46,62 56,21 61,66 11,12 14,36 17,99 31,59 38,09 41,78 110,00 110,00 110,00 110,00 110,00 110,00 12,45 16,08 20,14 35,37 42,64 46,78 12,45 16,08 20,14 35,37 42,64 46,78 28,86 37,27 46,70 81,99 98,85 108,44 23,57 30,44 38,13 66,95 80,73 88,56 19 688 23 650 29 980 37 550 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 1 969 2 365 2 998 3 755 10 828 13 008 16 489 20 653 7,09 8,51 10,79 13,52 0,65 0,78 0,99 1,24 3,68 4,42 5,61 7,02 11,42 13,72 17,39 21,78 7,74 9,29 11,78 14,76 110,00 110,00 110,00 110,00 8,66 10,41 13,19 16,52 8,66 10,41 13,19 16,52 20,08 24,12 30,58 38,30 16,40 19,70 24,97 31,28 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 23 – 2013 - 2014 27 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS May 2013 6.0 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 6.5 SPRING-TINE CHISELchisel PLOUGHS 6.5 Spring-tine ploughs Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) 46 685 61 088 41 528 48 330 55 195 65 081 97 622 (R/hr) 30,56 39,98 27,18 31,63 36,13 42,60 63,90 (R/hr) 2,80 3,67 2,49 2,90 3,31 3,90 5,86 (R/hr) 15,87 20,77 14,12 16,43 18,77 22,13 33,19 (R/hr) 49,23 64,42 43,79 50,97 58,21 68,63 102,95 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 33,36 43,65 29,67 34,53 39,44 46,50 69,76 (R) 84 882 111 069 75 506 87 873 100 354 118 329 177 494 (hr) 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 (hr) 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 (R) 8 488 11 107 7 551 8 787 10 035 11 833 17 749 12 100 13 950 16 800 19 700 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 1 210 1 395 1 680 1 970 6 655 7 673 9 240 10 835 4,36 5,02 6,05 7,09 0,40 0,46 0,55 0,65 2,26 2,61 3,14 3,68 7,02 8,09 9,74 11,43 4,76 5,48 6,60 7,74 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 91 455 131 985 142 380 170 100 278 355 184 000 156 240 164 325 168 945 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 9 146 13 199 14 238 17 010 27 836 18 400 15 624 16 433 16 895 50 300 72 592 78 309 93 555 153 095 101 200 85 932 90 379 92 920 32,92 47,51 51,26 61,24 100,21 66,24 56,25 59,16 60,82 3,02 4,36 4,70 5,61 9,19 6,07 5,16 5,42 5,58 17,10 24,68 26,63 31,81 52,05 34,41 29,22 30,73 31,59 53,04 76,55 82,58 98,66 161,45 106,72 90,62 95,31 97,99 35,94 51,87 55,96 66,85 109,39 72,31 61,40 64,58 66,40 347 130 376 110 212 600 244 800 607 530 339 427 688 485 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 34 713 37 611 21 260 24 480 60 753 33 943 68 849 190 922 206 861 116 930 134 640 334 142 186 685 378 667 124,97 135,40 76,54 88,13 218,71 122,19 247,85 11,46 12,41 7,02 8,08 20,05 11,20 22,72 64,91 70,33 39,76 45,78 113,61 63,47 128,75 201,34 218,14 123,31 141,98 352,37 196,87 399,32 22 995 26 775 29 505 33 128 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 2 300 2 678 2 951 3 313 12 647 14 726 16 228 18 220 8,28 9,64 10,62 11,93 0,76 0,88 0,97 1,09 4,30 5,01 5,52 6,19 34 860 37 695 39 375 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 3 486 3 770 3 938 19 173 20 732 21 656 12,55 13,57 14,18 1,15 1,24 1,30 6,52 7,05 7,36 Implement 5 Shank 7 Shank 9 Shank 11 Shank 13 Shank 15 Shank 17 Shank Average investment Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) 50,00 16,98 50,00 22,21 50,00 15,10 50,00 17,57 50,00 20,07 50,00 23,67 50,00 35,50 Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 16,98 22,21 15,10 17,57 20,07 23,67 35,50 (R/hr) 66,21 86,63 58,89 68,54 78,28 92,30 138,45 (R/hr) 50,34 65,86 44,77 52,11 59,51 70,17 105,25 2,90 3,35 4,03 4,73 2,90 3,35 4,03 4,73 9,92 11,44 13,78 16,15 7,66 8,83 10,63 12,47 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 21,95 31,68 34,17 40,82 66,81 44,16 37,50 39,44 40,55 21,95 31,68 34,17 40,82 66,81 44,16 37,50 39,44 40,55 74,99 108,23 116,75 139,48 228,25 150,88 128,12 134,75 138,53 57,89 83,55 90,13 107,67 176,20 116,47 98,90 104,02 106,94 136,42 147,81 83,55 96,21 238,76 133,39 270,57 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 83,31 90,27 51,02 58,75 145,81 81,46 165,24 83,31 90,27 51,02 58,75 145,81 81,46 165,24 284,65 308,41 174,33 200,74 498,17 278,33 564,56 219,73 238,08 134,58 154,96 384,57 214,86 435,81 13,34 15,53 17,11 19,21 9,04 10,52 11,60 13,02 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 5,52 6,43 7,08 7,95 5,52 6,43 7,08 7,95 18,86 21,96 24,19 27,16 14,56 16,95 18,68 20,97 20,22 21,86 22,84 13,70 14,81 15,47 60,00 60,00 60,00 8,37 9,05 9,45 8,37 9,05 9,45 28,59 30,91 32,29 22,07 23,86 24,92 6.6 Disc harrows 6.6 DISC HARROWS 6.6.1 LIGHT 6.6.1OFFSET OffsetDISC disc light 1,1 m 1,35 m 1,6 m 1,85 m 6.6.2 WITH WHEELS 6.6.2 TRAILED Trailed OFFSET offset with wheels 1,8 m width 2,3 m width 2,75 m width 3,05 m width 3,67 m width 4,27 m width 4,88 m width 5,49 m width 6,08 m width 6.6.3 WITH WHEELS: OIL BATH 6.6.3 TRAILED Trailed OFFSET offset with wheels—oil bath 2,75 m width 3,05 m width 3.67 m width 4,27 m width 4,88 m width 5,49 m width 6,08 m width 6.6.4 6.6.4 TANDEM TandemDISCS discs 2,1 m 16 discs 2,4 m 20 discs 2,7 m 24 discs 3,3 m 28 discs 6.6.5 TRAILED ONE-WAY 6.6.5 SEMIMOUNTED SemimountedAND and trailed one-way 2,3 m 10 discs 2,7 m 12 discs 3,2 m 14 discs Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table 2013 - 2014 – 24 – 28 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS May 2013 6.0 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT 6.7 ROTARY HARROW 6.7Rotary harrows Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 56 283 59 332 65 812 67 209 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 5 628 5 933 6 581 6 721 30 956 32 633 36 197 36 965 20,26 21,36 23,69 24,20 1,86 1,96 2,17 2,22 10,52 11,10 12,31 12,57 32,64 34,41 38,17 38,98 22,12 23,32 25,86 26,41 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 22,51 23,73 26,32 26,88 22,51 23,73 26,32 26,88 55,16 58,15 64,50 65,87 44,63 47,05 52,19 53,30 93 890 109 771 115 616 119 173 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 9 389 10 977 11 562 11 917 51639 60374 63589 65545 33,80 39,52 41,62 42,90 3,10 3,62 3,82 3,93 17,56 20,53 21,62 22,29 54,46 63,67 67,06 69,12 36,90 43,14 45,44 46,83 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 37,56 43,91 46,25 47,67 37,56 43,91 46,25 47,67 92,01 107,58 113,30 116,79 74,45 87,05 91,68 94,50 98 337 109 644 2 500 2 500 250 250 9 834 10 964 54 085 60 304 35,40 39,47 3,25 3,62 18,39 20,50 57,04 63,59 38,65 43,09 40,00 40,00 15,73 17,54 15,73 17,54 72,77 81,14 54,38 60,63 12 450 23 750 32 850 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 1 245 2 375 3 285 6 848 13 063 18 068 5,60 10,69 14,78 0,68 1,31 1,81 3,88 7,40 10,24 10,17 19,40 26,83 6,29 11,99 16,59 75,00 75,00 75,00 4,67 8,91 12,32 4,67 8,91 12,32 14,84 28,30 39,15 10,96 20,90 28,91 10 250 13 600 15 350 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 1 025 1 360 1 535 5 638 7 480 8 443 4,61 6,12 6,91 0,56 0,75 0,84 3,19 4,24 4,78 8,37 11,11 12,54 5,18 6,87 7,75 75,00 75,00 75,00 3,84 5,10 5,76 3,84 5,10 5,76 12,21 16,21 18,29 9,02 11,97 13,51 62 265 64 575 66 885 69 510 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 6 227 6 458 6 689 6 951 34 246 35 516 36 787 38 231 22,42 23,25 24,08 25,02 2,05 2,13 2,21 2,29 11,64 12,08 12,51 13,00 36,11 37,45 38,79 40,32 24,47 25,38 26,29 27,32 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 24,91 25,83 26,75 27,80 24,91 25,83 26,75 27,80 61,02 63,28 65,55 68,12 49,38 51,21 53,04 55,12 Implement 6.7.1Medium Medium 6.7.1 dutyduty 0,97 m 1,27 m 1,52 m 1,88 m 6.7.2 dutyduty 6.7.2Heavy Heavy 1,52 m 1,80 m 2,05 m 2,30 m 6.8Power harrows 6.8 POWER HARROWS 1,2 m 1,5 m Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 6.9Ridgers 6.9 RIDGERS 6.9.1 RIDGERS 6.9.1 DISC Disc ridgers 1 row 2 row 3 row 6.9.2 6.9.2 SHEAR ShearRIDGERS ridgers 1 row 2 row 3 row 6.10Rotavators 6.10 ROTOVATORS 1,3 m 1,5 m 1,8 m 2,0 m Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table 2013 - 2014 – 25 – 29 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS 7.Tine implements May 2013 7.0 TINE IMPLEMENTS 7.1Cultivators 7.1 CULTIVATORS Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Implement 7.1.1 ROW Row crop 7.1.1 CROP 2 row (0,9 m) 4 row (0,9 m) 6 row (0,9 m) 8 row (0,9 m) 8 row folding unit 7.1.2 Shank tillers 7.1.2 FIELD FieldCULTIVATORS: cultivators—shank tillers 1,7 m–5 tines (C shank) 2,0 m– 7 tines (C shank) 2,5 m–9 tines (C shank) 3,0 m–31 tines (C shank) 3,4 m–34 tines (C shank) 4,0 m–41 tines (C shank) 7.1.3 Vibro tillers 7.1.3 FIELD FieldCULTIVATORS: cultivators—vibro tillers 5 tines (double beam) 2,0 m–7 tines (double beam) 2,5 m–9 tines (double beam) 2,5 m–9 tines (triple beam) 3,5 m–13 tines (triple beam) 3,5 m–15 tines (triple beam) 6,0 m–25 tines (triple beam) Notes Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 26 507 42 100 66 413 82 525 130 388 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 2 651 4 210 6 641 8 252 13 039 14 579 23 155 36 527 45 389 71 713 9,54 15,16 23,91 29,71 46,94 0,87 1,39 2,19 2,72 4,30 4,96 7,87 12,42 15,43 24,38 15,37 24,42 38,52 47,86 75,63 10,42 16,55 26,10 32,43 51,24 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 10,60 16,84 26,57 33,01 52,16 10,60 16,84 26,57 33,01 52,16 25,98 41,26 65,08 80,87 127,78 21,02 33,39 52,67 65,44 103,40 14 207 19 478 22 680 29 750 39 260 35 228 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 1 421 1 948 2 268 2 975 3 926 3 523 7 814 10 713 12 474 16 363 21 593 19 375 5,11 7,01 8,16 10,71 14,13 12,68 0,47 0,64 0,75 0,98 1,30 1,16 2,66 3,64 4,24 5,56 7,34 6,59 8,24 11,30 13,15 17,26 22,77 20,43 5,58 7,65 8,91 11,69 15,43 13,84 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 5,68 7,79 9,07 11,90 15,70 14,09 5,68 7,79 9,07 11,90 15,70 14,09 13,92 19,09 22,23 29,16 38,47 34,52 11,27 15,45 17,99 23,59 31,13 27,94 15 750 19 058 29 085 30 083 42 998 46 305 127 801 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1 575 1 906 2 909 3 008 4 300 4 631 12 780 8 663 10 482 15 997 16 545 23 649 25 468 70 290 5,67 6,86 10,47 10,83 15,48 16,67 46,01 0,52 0,63 0,96 0,99 1,42 1,53 4,22 2,95 3,56 5,44 5,63 8,04 8,66 23,90 9,14 11,05 16,87 17,45 24,94 26,86 74,12 6,19 7,49 11,43 11,82 16,90 18,20 50,23 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 3,78 4,57 6,98 7,22 10,32 11,11 30,67 3,78 4,57 6,98 7,22 10,32 11,11 30,67 12,92 15,63 23,85 24,67 35,26 37,97 104,80 9,97 12,06 18,41 19,04 27,22 29,31 80,90 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 26 – 2013 - 2014 27 8.Planting equipment 8.0 PLANTING EQUIPMENT 8.1 SINGLE-KERNEL PLANTERS 8.1 Single-kernel planters Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 4 979 11 808 10 079 12 139 8 014 5 095 15 460 13 500 13 486 10 644 17 265 13 515 17 181 15 852 17 824 22 331 22 628 22 447 22 558 35 406 31 687 27 383 64 946 55 436 66 765 44 074 28 023 85 030 74 250 74 173 58 543 94 955 74 330 94 497 87 183 98 031 122 822 124 455 123 456 124 066 194 732 174 280 15,52 36,80 31,41 37,83 24,98 15,88 48,18 42,08 42,03 33,17 53,81 42,12 53,55 49,40 55,55 69,60 70,52 69,96 70,30 110,35 98,76 48,13 114,15 97,43 117,34 77,46 49,25 149,45 130,50 130,36 102,89 166,89 130,64 166,09 153,23 172,30 215,87 218,74 216,98 218,06 342,26 306,31 Implement 8.1.1 MOUNTED 8.1.1Mounted 2 row (0,9 m) Mech 2 row (0,75/0,90 m) Mech/hydr 2 row (0,9 m) Air/mech 3 row vegetable (0,2 m) Air 3 row (0,9 m) Mech 3 row (1,50 m) Mech 3 row (1,5 m) Air/Hydro 3 row (2,30 m) Mech/mech 4 row vegetable (0,2 m) Air 4 row (0,9 m) Mech 4 row (0,9 m) Air/Hydro 4 row (0,9 m) Air/mech 4 row no-till (0,9 m) Air/hydro 6 row vegetable (0,2 m) Air 6 row (0,7 m) Mech 6 row (0,7 m) Air/mech 6 row (0.9 m) Air/hydro 6 row no-till (0,9 m) Air/hydro 8 row (0,20 m) Air 8 row (0,9 m) Air/hydro 8 row no-till (0,9 m) Notes 49 787 118 083 100 792 121 390 80 135 50 950 154 600 135 000 134 860 106 442 172 646 135 146 171 813 158 515 178 238 223 312 226 283 224 465 225 575 354 058 316 872 Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 29,87 70,85 60,48 72,83 48,08 30,57 92,76 81,00 80,92 63,87 103,59 81,09 103,09 95,11 106,94 133,99 135,77 134,68 135,35 212,43 190,12 2,74 6,49 5,54 6,68 4,41 2,80 8,50 7,43 7,42 5,85 9,50 7,43 9,45 8,72 9,80 12,28 12,45 12,35 12,41 19,47 17,43 hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 27 – Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 32,61 77,34 66,02 79,51 52,49 33,37 101,26 88,43 88,33 69,72 113,08 88,52 112,54 103,83 116,75 146,27 148,22 147,02 147,75 231,91 207,55 Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 26,55 62,98 53,76 64,74 42,74 27,17 82,45 72,00 71,93 56,77 92,08 72,08 91,63 84,54 95,06 119,10 120,68 119,71 120,31 188,83 169,00 Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 26,55 62,98 53,76 64,74 42,74 27,17 82,45 72,00 71,93 56,77 92,08 72,08 91,63 84,54 95,06 119,10 120,68 119,71 120,31 188,83 169,00 74,68 177,12 151,19 182,09 120,20 76,43 231,90 202,50 202,29 159,66 258,97 202,72 257,72 237,77 267,36 334,97 339,42 336,70 338,36 531,09 475,31 59,16 140,32 119,77 144,25 95,23 60,55 183,72 160,43 160,26 126,49 205,16 160,60 204,17 188,37 211,81 265,37 268,90 266,74 268,06 420,74 376,55 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS 8.0 PLANTING EQUIPMENT 8.1 SINGLE-KERNEL PLANTERS 8.1 Single-kernel planters May 2013 (cont.) Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 18 235 19 252 21 285 19 053 18 870 23 801 27 945 19 053 22 581 17 320 29 674 27 676 21 690 35 053 38 390 25 466 29 858 50 678 29 297 32 329 45 436 44 686 29 910 39 723 44 725 36 138 41 007 52 671 53 753 83 570 121 213 100 293 105 884 117 065 104 792 103 785 130 904 153 696 104 792 124 196 95 259 163 205 152 220 119 292 192 791 211 143 140 060 164 218 278 728 161 134 177 807 249 897 245 772 164 505 218 477 245 988 198 760 225 537 289 688 295 640 459 635 666 669 56,83 60,00 66,34 59,38 58,81 74,18 87,09 59,38 70,38 53,98 92,48 86,26 67,60 109,25 119,65 79,37 93,06 157,95 91,31 100,76 141,61 139,27 93,22 123,80 139,39 112,63 127,80 164,16 167,53 260,46 377,78 176,27 186,10 205,75 184,18 182,41 230,07 270,13 184,18 218,28 167,42 286,85 267,54 209,67 338,84 371,10 246,17 288,63 489,89 283,21 312,51 439,21 431,96 289,13 383,99 432,34 349,34 396,40 509,15 519,61 807,84 1 171,72 Implement 8.1.2 TRAILED 8.1.2Trailed 3 row (1,5 m) Mech 3 row (1,5 m) Mech/hydro 3 row (1.5 m) Air/Hydro 3 row no-till (1,5 m) Air/hydro 3 row (2,3 m) Mech 3 row (2,3 m) Mech/hydro 3 row (2,3 m) Air/hydro 3 row no-till (2,3 m) Air/hydro 4 row (0,9 m) Mech 4 row (0,9 m) Mech/hydro 4 row (0,9 m) Air/hydro 4 row no-till (0,9 m) Air/hydro 4 row (tram) Air/hydr 5 row (1,5 m) Mech/hydro 5 row (1,5 m) Air/hydro 5 row no-till (1,5 m) Air/hydro 5 row (1,50 m) Air/mech 6 row (0,75 m) Air/hydr 6 row (0,75 m) Air/mech 6 row (0,9 m) Mech/hydro 6 row (0,9 m) Air/hydro 6 row No-Till (0,9 m) Air/hydro 6 row (0,90 m) Air/mech 8 row (0,75 m) Mech/hydro 8 row (0,75 m) Air/hydro 8 row (0,75 m) Air/mech 8 row (0,9 m) Mech/hydro 8 row (0,9 m) Air/hydro 8 row no-till (0,9 m) Air/hydro 12 row (0,75 m) Air/hydro 12 row (0,9 m) Air/hydro Notes 182 350 192 516 212 845 190 530 188 700 238 007 279 448 190 530 225 810 173 197 296 737 276 763 216 895 350 529 383 896 254 655 298 579 506 778 292 971 323 286 454 359 446 858 299 100 397 230 447 251 361 382 410 068 526 705 537 527 835 700 1 212 125 Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 109,41 115,51 127,71 114,32 113,22 142,80 167,67 114,32 135,49 103,92 178,04 166,06 130,14 210,32 230,34 152,79 179,15 304,07 175,78 193,97 272,62 268,11 179,46 238,34 268,35 216,83 246,04 316,02 322,52 501,42 727,28 10,03 10,59 11,71 10,48 10,38 13,09 15,37 10,48 12,42 9,53 16,32 15,22 11,93 19,28 21,11 14,01 16,42 27,87 16,11 17,78 24,99 24,58 16,45 21,85 24,60 19,88 22,55 28,97 29,56 45,96 66,67 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 119,44 126,10 139,41 124,80 123,60 155,89 183,04 124,80 147,91 113,44 194,36 181,28 142,07 229,60 251,45 166,80 195,57 331,94 191,90 211,75 297,61 292,69 195,91 260,19 292,95 236,71 268,59 344,99 352,08 547,38 793,94 Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 97,25 102,68 113,52 101,62 100,64 126,94 149,04 101,62 120,43 92,37 158,26 147,61 115,68 186,95 204,74 135,82 159,24 270,28 156,25 172,42 242,32 238,32 159,52 211,86 238,53 192,74 218,70 280,91 286,68 445,71 646,47 Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 273,53 288,77 319,27 285,80 283,05 357,01 419,17 285,80 338,72 259,80 445,11 415,15 325,34 525,79 575,84 381,98 447,87 760,17 439,46 484,93 681,54 670,29 448,65 595,85 670,88 542,07 615,10 790,06 806,29 1 253,55 1 818,19 216,69 228,77 252,93 226,41 224,24 282,83 332,08 226,41 268,34 205,82 352,62 328,89 257,74 416,54 456,20 302,62 354,81 602,22 348,15 384,17 539,93 531,02 355,43 472,04 531,48 429,44 487,30 625,90 638,76 993,09 1 440,41 97,25 102,68 113,52 101,62 100,64 126,94 149,04 101,62 120,43 92,37 158,26 147,61 115,68 186,95 204,74 135,82 159,24 270,28 156,25 172,42 242,32 238,32 159,52 211,86 238,53 192,74 218,70 280,91 286,68 445,71 646,47 hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 28 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 28 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS May 2013 8.2 8.2 SEEDSeed DRILLSdrills Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Implement 8.2.1 MOUNTED 8.2.1Mounted 7 rows x 370 mm 9 rows x 370 mm 12 rows x 370 mm 21 rows x 140 mm 33 rows x 120 mm 8.2.2 TRAILED: CONVENTIONAL 8.2.2Trailed—conventional 4 rows x 900 mm 6 rows x 900 mm 8 rows x 450 mm 9 rows x 450 mm 12 rows x 450 mm 13 rows x 170 mm 14 rows x 300 mm 17 rows x 170 mm 19 rows x 170 mm 21 rows x 200 mm 22 rows x 180 mm 23 rows x 170 mm 24 rows x 170 mm 27 rows x 170 mm 33 rows x 300 mm 37 rows x 300 mm 8.2.3 NO-TILL 8.2.3TRAILED: Trailed—no till 4 rows x 900 mm 6 rows x 800 mm 6 rows x 900 mm 7 rows x 500 mm 8 rows x 700 mm 9 rows x 450 mm 10 rows x 500 mm 10 rows x 700 mm 10 rows x [400–900 mm] 11 rows x 450 mm 12 rows x 900 mm 13 rows x 175 mm 15 rows x 175 mm 16 rows x 190 mm 22 rows x 400 mm 24 rows x 190 mm 26 rows x 400 mm 32 rows x 190 mm Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 148 400 185 000 246 550 85 603 160 000 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 150 14 840 18 500 24 655 8 560 16 000 81 620 101 750 135 603 47 082 88 000 89,04 111,00 147,93 51,36 96,00 8,16 10,18 13,56 4,71 8,80 46,25 57,66 76,84 26,68 49,87 143,45 178,83 238,33 82,75 154,67 97,20 121,18 161,49 56,07 104,80 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 79,15 98,67 131,49 45,65 85,33 79,15 98,67 131,49 45,65 85,33 222,60 277,50 369,83 128,40 240,00 176,35 219,84 292,98 101,72 190,13 152 874 382 311 359 767 373 665 462 896 113 256 303 394 518 970 605 760 337 412 378 840 734 330 355 430 817 540 1 177 800 1 317 800 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 15 287 38 231 35 977 37 367 46 290 11 326 30 339 51 897 60 576 33 741 37 884 73 433 35 543 81 754 117 780 131 780 84 081 210 271 197 872 205 516 254 593 62 291 166 867 285 434 333 168 185 577 208 362 403 882 195 487 449 647 647 790 724 790 91,72 229,39 215,86 224,20 277,74 67,95 182,04 311,38 363,46 202,45 227,30 440,60 213,26 490,52 706,68 790,68 8,41 21,03 19,79 20,55 25,46 6,23 16,69 28,54 33,32 18,56 20,84 40,39 19,55 44,96 64,78 72,48 47,65 119,15 112,13 116,46 144,27 35,30 94,56 161,75 188,80 105,16 118,07 228,87 110,78 254,80 367,08 410,71 147,78 369,57 347,77 361,21 447,47 109,48 293,28 501,67 585,57 326,16 366,21 709,85 343,58 790,29 1 138,54 1 273,87 100,13 250,41 235,65 244,75 303,20 74,18 198,72 339,93 396,77 221,00 248,14 480,99 232,81 535,49 771,46 863,16 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 81,53 203,90 191,88 199,29 246,88 60,40 161,81 276,78 323,07 179,95 202,05 391,64 189,56 436,02 628,16 702,83 81,53 203,90 191,88 199,29 246,88 60,40 161,81 276,78 323,07 179,95 202,05 391,64 189,56 436,02 628,16 702,83 229,31 573,47 539,65 560,50 694,34 169,88 455,09 778,46 908,64 506,12 568,26 1 101,50 533,15 1 226,31 1 766,70 1 976,70 181,67 454,31 427,52 444,04 550,07 134,59 360,53 616,71 719,84 400,96 450,19 872,63 422,37 971,51 1 399,62 1 565,99 277 998 426 176 445 124 426 786 598 013 497 602 673 743 607 041 612 493 584 771 888 813 113 256 839 312 376 412 1 200 644 453 451 1 453 499 675 571 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 27 800 42 618 44 512 42 679 59 801 49 760 67 374 60 704 61 249 58 477 88 881 11 326 83 931 37 641 120 064 45 345 145 350 67 557 152 899 234 397 244 818 234 732 328 907 273 681 370 559 333 872 336 871 321 624 488 847 62 291 461 622 207 027 660 354 249 398 799 425 371 564 166,80 255,71 267,07 256,07 358,81 298,56 404,25 364,22 367,50 350,86 533,29 67,95 503,59 225,85 720,39 272,07 872,10 405,34 15,29 23,44 24,48 23,47 32,89 27,37 37,06 33,39 33,69 32,16 48,88 6,23 46,16 20,70 66,04 24,94 79,94 37,16 86,64 132,82 138,73 133,02 186,38 155,09 209,98 189,19 190,89 182,25 277,01 35,30 261,59 117,32 374,20 141,33 453,01 210,55 268,73 411,97 430,29 412,56 578,08 481,02 651,28 586,81 592,08 565,28 859,19 109,48 811,33 363,86 1 160,62 438,34 1 405,05 653,05 182,09 279,15 291,56 279,54 391,70 325,93 441,30 397,61 401,18 383,03 582,17 74,18 549,75 246,55 786,42 297,01 952,04 442,50 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 148,27 227,29 237,40 227,62 318,94 265,39 359,33 323,76 326,66 311,88 474,03 60,40 447,63 200,75 640,34 241,84 775,20 360,30 148,27 227,29 237,40 227,62 318,94 265,39 359,33 323,76 326,66 311,88 474,03 60,40 447,63 200,75 640,34 241,84 775,20 360,30 417,00 639,26 667,69 640,18 897,02 746,40 1 010,61 910,56 918,74 877,16 1 333,22 169,88 1 258,97 564,62 1 800,97 680,18 2 180,25 1 013,36 330,35 506,44 528,96 507,16 710,64 591,32 800,63 721,37 727,85 694,90 1 056,21 134,59 997,38 447,30 1 426,76 538,85 1 727,24 802,80 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 29 – GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS May 2013 8.3 WHEAT PLANTERS 8.3 Wheat planters Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) 95 650 148 400 185 000 246 550 (hr) 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 (hr) 150 150 150 150 (R) 9 565 14 840 18 500 24 655 (R) 52 608 81 620 101 750 135 603 (R/hr) 57,39 89,04 111,00 147,93 (R/hr) 5,26 8,16 10,18 13,56 (R/hr) 29,81 46,25 57,66 76,84 (R/hr) 92,46 143,45 178,83 238,33 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 62,65 97,20 121,18 161,49 112 705 1 500 150 11 270 61 988 67,62 6,20 35,13 108,95 73,82 80,00 92 750 118 950 145 150 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 9 275 11 895 14 515 51 013 65 423 79 833 55,65 71,37 87,09 5,10 6,54 7,98 28,91 37,07 45,24 89,66 114,99 140,31 60,75 77,91 95,07 108 759 481 316 1 500 1 500 150 150 10 876 48 132 59 817 264 724 65,26 288,79 5,98 26,47 33,90 150,01 105,13 465,27 19 793 1 500 150 1 979 10 886 11,88 1,09 6,17 19,13 Implement 4 row 7 row 9 row 12 row 8.4Potato planters 8.4 POTATO PLANTERS 2 row 8.5Vegetable transplanters 8.5 VEGETABLE TRANSPLANTERS 2 row 3 row 4 row 8.6Fine-seed seeders 8.6 FINE SEED SEEDERS 3m 4m 8.7Land rollers 8.7 LAND ROLLERS 2m Notes Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 30 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) 80,00 51,01 80,00 79,15 80,00 98,67 80,00 131,49 Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 51,01 79,15 98,67 131,49 (R/hr) 143,48 222,60 277,50 369,83 (R/hr) 113,66 176,35 219,84 292,98 60,11 60,11 169,06 133,93 80,00 80,00 80,00 49,47 63,44 77,41 49,47 63,44 77,41 139,13 178,43 217,73 110,22 141,35 172,49 71,24 315,26 80,00 80,00 58,00 256,70 58,00 256,70 163,14 721,97 129,24 571,96 12,96 80,00 10,56 10,56 29,69 23,52 9.Plant nutrition and pest control equipment 9.0 PLANT NUTRITION AND PEST CONTROL EQUIPMENT 9.1 FERTILISER SPREADERS 9.1Fertiliser spreaders Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 498 508 640 1 476 2 601 700 943 6 250 2 839 4 084 2 915 4 898 3 330 3 184 6 560 6 280 4 631 3 522 4 988 7 410 5 250 6 500 5 002 13 038 5 544 8 399 5 898 7 991 9 369 21 419 41 124 42 300 2 739 2 795 3 520 8 117 14 307 3 852 5 186 34 375 15 615 22 460 16 033 26 940 18 314 17 513 36 080 34 540 25 470 19 373 27 433 40 755 28 876 35 750 27 513 71 711 30 491 46 197 32 438 43 948 51 527 117 803 226 182 232 650 1,55 1,58 1,99 4,60 8,11 2,18 2,94 19,48 8,85 12,73 9,09 15,27 10,38 9,92 20,45 19,57 14,43 10,98 15,55 23,09 16,36 20,26 15,59 40,64 17,28 26,18 18,38 24,90 29,20 66,75 128,17 131,84 5,56 5,67 7,15 16,48 29,05 7,82 10,53 69,79 31,70 45,60 32,55 54,70 37,18 35,56 73,25 70,13 51,71 39,33 55,70 82,75 58,63 72,58 55,86 145,59 61,91 93,79 65,86 89,23 104,62 239,18 459,22 472,35 Implement 9.1.1 MOUNTED 9.1.1Mounted Single disc (250 ) Single disc (300 ) Single disc (350 ) Single disc (400 ) Pendulum (400 ) Single disc (500 ) Single disc (600 ) Double disc (500 ) Pendulum (500 ) Double disc (600 ) Pendulum (600 ) Double disc (700 ) Double disc (800 ) Pendulum (800) Double disc (850 ) Double disc (900 ) Double disc (1 000 ) Pendulum (1 000 ) Double disc (1 050 ) Double disc (1 100 ) Double disc (1 200 ) Double disc (1 300 ) Double disc (1 400 ) Double disc (1 500 ) Double disc (1 600 ) Double disc (1 650 ) Double disc (1 700 ) Double disc (2 000 ) Double disc (2 500 ) Double disc (3 000 ) Double disc (4 000 ) Double disc (5 000 ) 4 980 5 082 6 400 14 759 26 012 7 004 9 429 62 500 28 391 40 836 29 151 48 982 33 298 31 841 65 600 62 800 46 309 35 223 49 878 74 100 52 502 65 000 50 025 130 383 55 438 83 994 58 979 79 905 93 686 214 187 411 240 423 000 Notes Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 3,74 3,81 4,80 11,07 19,51 5,25 7,07 46,88 21,29 30,63 21,86 36,74 24,97 23,88 49,20 47,10 34,73 26,42 37,41 55,58 39,38 48,75 37,52 97,79 41,58 63,00 44,23 59,93 70,26 160,64 308,43 317,25 0,27 0,28 0,35 0,81 1,43 0,39 0,52 3,44 1,56 2,25 1,60 2,69 1,83 1,75 3,61 3,45 2,55 1,94 2,74 4,08 2,89 3,58 2,75 7,17 3,05 4,62 3,24 4,39 5,15 11,78 22,62 23,27 hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 31 – Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 4,01 4,09 5,15 11,88 20,94 5,64 7,59 50,31 22,85 32,87 23,47 39,43 26,80 25,63 52,81 50,55 37,28 28,35 40,15 59,65 42,26 52,33 40,27 104,96 44,63 67,62 47,48 64,32 75,42 172,42 331,05 340,52 Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 3,74 3,81 4,80 11,07 19,51 5,25 7,07 46,88 21,29 30,63 21,86 36,74 24,97 23,88 49,20 47,10 34,73 26,42 37,41 55,58 39,38 48,75 37,52 97,79 41,58 63,00 44,23 59,93 70,26 160,64 308,43 317,25 Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 3,74 3,81 4,80 11,07 19,51 5,25 7,07 46,88 21,29 30,63 21,86 36,74 24,97 23,88 49,20 47,10 34,73 26,42 37,41 55,58 39,38 48,75 37,52 97,79 41,58 63,00 44,23 59,93 70,26 160,64 308,43 317,25 9,30 9,49 11,95 27,55 48,56 13,07 17,60 116,67 53,00 76,23 54,42 91,43 62,16 59,44 122,45 117,23 86,44 65,75 93,11 138,32 98,00 121,33 93,38 243,38 103,48 156,79 110,09 149,16 174,88 399,82 767,65 789,60 7,74 7,90 9,95 22,95 40,45 10,89 14,66 97,19 44,15 63,50 45,33 76,17 51,78 49,51 102,01 97,65 72,01 54,77 77,56 115,23 81,64 101,08 77,79 202,75 86,21 130,61 91,71 124,25 145,68 333,06 639,48 657,77 9.1 FERTILISER SPREADERS (cont.) 9.1Fertiliser spreaders (cont.) Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Implement 9.1.2 TRAILED 9.1.2Trailed Double disc (1 600 ) Double disc (1 900 ) Double disc (2 450 ) Double disc (2 900 ) Double disc (3 050 ) Double disc (4 100 ) Double disc (4 500 ) Double disc (4 550 ) Double disc (5 700 ) Double disc (6 400 ) Double disc (7 500 ) Double disc (8 950 ) Double disc (11 550 ) Double disc (17 400 ) Double disc (21 600 ) 9.2Manure spreaders 9.2 MANURE SPREADERS 3.0 cu.m. 4.2 cu.m. 9.3Lime spreaders 9.3 LIME SPREADERS Trailed 2 ton Trailed 3 ton Trailed 5 ton Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 95 475 154 720 155 000 157 680 180 900 147 302 212 640 206 900 217 100 261 200 173 572 266 700 419 400 545 900 564 000 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 9 548 15 472 15 500 15 768 18 090 14 730 21 264 20 690 21 710 26 120 17 357 26 670 41 940 54 590 56 400 52 511 85 096 85 250 86 724 99 495 81 016 116 952 113 795 119 405 143 660 95 465 146 685 230 670 300 245 310 200 71,61 116,04 116,25 118,26 135,68 110,48 159,48 155,18 162,83 195,90 130,18 200,03 314,55 409,43 423,00 5,25 8,51 8,53 8,67 9,95 8,10 11,70 11,38 11,94 14,37 9,55 14,67 23,07 30,02 31,02 29,76 48,22 48,31 49,14 56,38 45,91 66,27 64,48 67,66 81,41 54,10 83,12 130,71 170,14 175,78 106,61 172,77 173,08 176,08 202,01 164,49 237,45 231,04 242,43 291,67 193,82 297,82 468,33 609,59 629,80 76,86 124,55 124,78 126,93 145,62 118,58 171,18 166,55 174,77 210,27 139,73 214,69 337,62 439,45 454,02 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 71,61 116,04 116,25 118,26 135,68 110,48 159,48 155,18 162,83 195,90 130,18 200,03 314,55 409,43 423,00 71,61 116,04 116,25 118,26 135,68 110,48 159,48 155,18 162,83 195,90 130,18 200,03 314,55 409,43 423,00 178,22 288,81 289,33 294,34 337,68 274,96 396,93 386,21 405,25 487,57 324,00 497,84 782,88 1 019,01 1 052,80 148,46 240,59 241,03 245,19 281,30 229,05 330,66 321,73 337,59 406,17 269,90 414,72 652,17 848,87 877,02 74 235 90 720 1 200 1 200 150 150 7 424 9 072 40 829 49 896 55,68 68,04 4,08 4,99 23,14 28,27 82,90 101,30 59,76 73,03 30,00 30,00 18,56 22,68 18,56 22,68 101,45 123,98 78,32 95,71 140 564 133 564 135 828 1 200 1 200 1 200 150 150 150 14 056 13 356 13 583 77 310 73 460 74 705 105,42 100,17 101,87 7,73 7,35 7,47 43,81 41,63 42,33 156,96 149,15 151,67 113,15 107,52 109,34 90,00 90,00 90,00 105,42 100,17 101,87 105,42 100,17 101,87 262,39 249,32 253,55 218,58 207,69 211,21 91 180 56 870 78 713 43 284 94 111 102 175 104 760 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 9 118 5 687 7 871 4 328 9 411 10 218 10 476 50 149 31 278 43 292 23 806 51 761 56 196 57 618 54,71 34,12 47,23 25,97 56,47 61,31 62,86 5,01 3,13 4,33 2,38 5,18 5,62 5,76 28,42 17,72 24,53 13,49 29,33 31,84 32,65 88,14 54,97 76,09 41,84 90,97 98,77 101,27 59,72 37,25 51,56 28,35 61,64 66,92 68,62 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 30,39 18,96 26,24 14,43 31,37 34,06 34,92 30,39 18,96 26,24 14,43 31,37 34,06 34,92 118,53 73,93 102,33 56,27 122,34 132,83 136,19 90,12 56,21 77,79 42,78 93,01 100,98 103,54 116 045 147 087 164 575 335 000 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 11 605 14 709 16 458 33 500 63 825 80 898 90 516 184 250 69,63 88,25 98,75 201,00 6,38 8,09 9,05 18,43 36,17 45,84 51,29 104,41 112,18 142,18 159,09 323,83 76,01 96,34 107,80 219,43 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 38,68 49,03 54,86 111,67 38,68 49,03 54,86 111,67 150,86 191,21 213,95 435,50 114,69 145,37 162,65 331,09 9.4Mist blowers 9.4 MIST BLOWERS 9.4.1 PTOdrive DRIVE 9.4.1 MOUNTED MountedWITH with pto 300 General 400 General 600 General 800 1 000 1 600 2 000 9.4.2 PTOdrive DRIVE 9.4.2 TRAILED Trailed WITH with pto 1 000 General 1 500 General 2 000 General 4 000 Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 32 – 9.5 BOOM SPRAYERS 9.5Boom sprayers Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 27 702 1 500 150 2 770 15 236 16,62 1,52 8,63 26,78 18,14 50,00 9,23 9,23 36,01 27,38 39 107 1 500 150 3 911 21 509 23,46 2,15 12,19 37,80 25,61 50,00 13,04 13,04 50,84 38,65 23 515 67 586 1 500 1 500 150 150 2 352 6 759 12 933 37 172 14,11 40,55 1,29 3,72 7,33 21,06 22,73 65,33 15,40 44,27 50,00 50,00 7,84 22,53 7,84 22,53 30,57 87,86 23,24 66,80 25 675 28 320 168 655 240 000 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 150 2 568 2 832 16 866 24 000 14 121 15 576 92 760 132 000 15,41 16,99 101,19 144,00 1,41 1,56 9,28 13,20 8,00 8,83 52,56 74,80 24,82 27,38 163,03 232,00 16,82 18,55 110,47 157,20 50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00 8,56 9,44 56,22 80,00 8,56 9,44 56,22 80,00 33,38 36,82 219,25 312,00 25,38 27,99 166,69 237,20 45 715 122 607 292 000 1 500 1 500 1 500 150 150 150 4 572 12 261 29 200 25 143 67 434 160 600 27,43 73,56 175,20 2,51 6,74 16,06 14,25 38,21 91,01 44,19 118,52 282,27 29,94 80,31 191,26 50,00 50,00 50,00 15,24 40,87 97,33 15,24 40,87 97,33 59,43 159,39 379,60 45,18 121,18 288,59 551 123 1 500 150 55 112 303 118 330,67 30,31 171,77 532,75 360,99 50,00 183,71 183,71 716,46 544,69 321 249 1 500 150 32 125 176 687 192,75 17,67 100,12 310,54 210,42 50,00 107,08 107,08 417,62 317,50 550 000 1 500 150 55 000 302 500 330,00 30,25 171,42 531,67 360,25 50,00 183,33 183,33 715,00 543,58 700 695 1 500 150 70 069 385 382 420,42 38,54 218,38 677,34 458,96 50,00 233,56 233,56 910,90 692,52 754 640 1 500 150 75 464 415 052 452,78 41,51 235,20 729,49 494,29 50,00 251,55 251,55 981,03 745,84 1 150 850 1 500 150 115 085 632 968 690,51 63,30 358,68 1 112,49 753,81 50,00 383,62 383,62 1 496,11 1 137,42 1 266 600 1 091 265 1 500 1 500 150 150 126 660 109 127 696 630 600 196 759,96 654,76 69,66 60,02 394,76 340,11 1 224,38 1 054,89 829,62 714,78 50,00 50,00 422,20 363,76 422,20 363,76 1 646,58 1 418,64 1 251,82 1 078,53 Implement 9.5.1Mounted 9.5.1 MOUNTED Max Max400 400ℓ ltank tankcapacity capacity 6 m–10 m boom Max Max600 600ℓ ltank tankcapacity capacity 8 m–12 m boom Max Max800 800ℓ ltank tankcapacity capacity 10 m boom 12 m boom Max Max11000 000ℓltank tankcapacity capacity 10 m boom 12 m boom 15 m boom 18 m boom 9.5.2 TRAILED 9.5.2Trailed Max Max22000 000ℓltank tankcapacity capacity 12 m boom 14 m boom 18 m boom Max Max22400 400ℓltank tankcapacity capacity 18 m boom Max Max22800 800ℓltank tankcapacity capacity 24 m boom Max Max33000 000ℓltank tankcapacity capacity 24 m boom Max Max3200 3 200ℓ tank l tankcapacity capacity 18 m boom Max Max4000 4 000ℓ tank l tankcapacity capacity 18 m boom Max Max4400 4 400ℓ tank l tankcapacity capacity 30 m boom 5000 ℓ tank capacity Max 5 000 l tank capacity 36 m boom 38 m boom Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 33 – Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: IMPLEMENTS 10. Hay and silage machinery May 2013 10.0 HAY AND SILAGE MACHINERY 10.1 MOWERS 10.1Mowers Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Implement 10.1.1 CUTTERBAR 10.1.1Cutterbar 1,75 m 10.1.2 10.1.2DISC DiscAND and DRUM drum Mounted Mounted 1,5 m drum 1.6 m disc 1,85 m drum 2,0 m disc 2,05 m disc 2,10 m disc 2,15 m disc 2,2 m drum 2,4 m disc 2,6 m disc 2,65 m drum 2,8 m disc 3,0 m drum 3,0 m disc 3,1 m disc 3,2 m disc 3,4 m disc 3,5 m disc 3,8 m disc 4,0 m disc 8,1 m disc 8,9 m disc railed Trailed 2,4 m disc/roll 2,5 m disc/roll 2,8 m disc/roll 3,0 m disc/roll 3,2 m disc/roll 3,5 m disc/roll 3,6 m disc/roll 3,8 m disc/roll 4,0 m disc/roll 4,5 m disc/roll 4,8 m disc/roll 8,1 m disc/roll 8,9 m disc/roll Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 31 960 2 000 150 3 196 17 578 14,38 1,76 9,96 26,10 16,14 120,00 19,18 19,18 45,28 35,32 49 000 73 523 54 349 80 392 64 000 88 500 58 400 66 000 84 745 113 000 87 053 113 972 110 000 129 960 225 665 146 935 175 788 249 330 212 409 247 632 333 000 472 645 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 4 900 7 352 5 435 8 039 6 400 8 850 5 840 6 600 8 475 11 300 8 705 11 397 11 000 12 996 22 567 14 693 17 579 24 933 21 241 24 763 33 300 47 265 26 950 40 438 29 892 44 215 35 200 48 675 32 120 36 300 46 610 62 150 47 879 62 685 60 500 71 478 124 116 80 814 96 683 137 132 116 825 136 198 183 150 259 955 22,05 33,09 24,46 36,18 28,80 39,83 26,28 29,70 38,14 50,85 39,17 51,29 49,50 58,48 101,55 66,12 79,10 112,20 95,58 111,43 149,85 212,69 2,70 4,04 2,99 4,42 3,52 4,87 3,21 3,63 4,66 6,22 4,79 6,27 6,05 7,15 12,41 8,08 9,67 13,71 11,68 13,62 18,32 26,00 15,27 22,91 16,94 25,06 19,95 27,58 18,20 20,57 26,41 35,22 27,13 35,52 34,28 40,50 70,33 45,79 54,79 77,71 66,20 77,18 103,79 147,31 40,02 60,04 44,39 65,65 52,27 72,28 47,69 53,90 69,21 92,28 71,09 93,08 89,83 106,13 184,29 120,00 143,56 203,62 173,47 202,23 271,95 385,99 24,75 37,13 27,45 40,60 32,32 44,69 29,49 33,33 42,80 57,07 43,96 57,56 55,55 65,63 113,96 74,20 88,77 125,91 107,27 125,05 168,17 238,69 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 19,60 29,41 21,74 32,16 25,60 35,40 23,36 26,40 33,90 45,20 34,82 45,59 44,00 51,98 90,27 58,77 70,32 99,73 84,96 99,05 133,20 189,06 19,60 29,41 21,74 32,16 25,60 35,40 23,36 26,40 33,90 45,20 34,82 45,59 44,00 51,98 90,27 58,77 70,32 99,73 84,96 99,05 133,20 189,06 59,62 89,45 66,12 97,81 77,87 107,68 71,05 80,30 103,11 137,48 105,91 138,67 133,83 158,12 274,56 178,77 213,87 303,35 258,43 301,29 405,15 575,05 44,35 66,54 49,19 72,75 57,92 80,09 52,85 59,73 76,69 102,27 78,78 103,14 99,55 117,61 204,23 132,98 159,09 225,64 192,23 224,11 301,37 427,74 244 485 354 970 294 000 384 095 324 450 474 955 296 615 457 565 461 893 502 083 498 725 599 266 634 400 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 24 449 35 497 29 400 38 410 32 445 47 496 29 662 45 757 46 189 50 208 49 873 59 927 63 440 134 467 195 234 161 700 211 252 178 448 261 225 163 138 251 661 254 041 276 146 274 299 329 596 348 920 110,02 159,74 132,30 172,84 146,00 213,73 133,48 205,90 207,85 225,94 224,43 269,67 285,48 13,45 19,52 16,17 21,13 17,84 26,12 16,31 25,17 25,40 27,61 27,43 32,96 34,89 76,20 110,63 91,63 119,71 101,12 148,03 92,45 142,61 143,96 156,48 155,44 186,77 197,72 199,66 289,89 240,10 313,68 264,97 387,88 242,24 373,68 377,21 410,03 407,29 489,40 518,09 123,46 179,26 148,47 193,97 163,85 239,85 149,79 231,07 233,26 253,55 251,86 302,63 320,37 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 97,79 141,99 117,60 153,64 129,78 189,98 118,65 183,03 184,76 200,83 199,49 239,71 253,76 97,79 141,99 117,60 153,64 129,78 189,98 118,65 183,03 184,76 200,83 199,49 239,71 253,76 297,46 431,88 357,70 467,32 394,75 577,86 360,88 556,70 561,97 610,87 606,78 729,11 771,85 221,26 321,25 266,07 347,61 293,63 429,83 268,44 414,10 418,01 454,39 451,35 542,34 574,13 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 34 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics 10.2 MOWER CONDITIONERS May 2013 10.2Mower conditioners Purchase price Life period Average use per annum (R) (hr) (hr) Implement 10.2.1 MOUNTED 10.2.1Mounted 2,0–2,4 m 2,6–2,8 m 10.2.2 TRAILED 10.2.2Trailed 3,0 m 3,2 m 3,5 m 4,0 m 4,5 m 8,0 m Salvage value (R) Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 242 810 215 430 2 000 2 000 200 200 24 281 21 543 133 546 118 487 109,26 96,94 10,02 8,89 56,76 50,36 176,04 156,19 119,28 105,83 60,00 60,00 72,84 64,63 72,84 64,63 248,88 220,82 192,12 170,46 370 690 392 330 557 580 492 560 524 637 610 242 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 37 069 39 233 55 758 49 256 52 464 61 024 203 880 215 782 306 669 270 908 288 550 335 633 166,81 176,55 250,91 221,65 236,09 274,61 15,29 16,18 23,00 20,32 21,64 25,17 86,65 91,71 130,33 115,14 122,63 142,64 268,75 284,44 404,25 357,11 380,36 442,43 182,10 192,73 273,91 241,97 257,73 299,78 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 111,21 117,70 167,27 147,77 157,39 183,07 111,21 117,70 167,27 147,77 157,39 183,07 379,96 402,14 571,52 504,87 537,75 625,50 293,31 310,43 441,19 389,74 415,12 482,85 25 935 29 190 22 320 31 710 29 100 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 150 150 2 594 2 919 2 232 3 171 2 910 14 264 16 055 12 276 17 441 16 005 11,67 13,14 10,04 14,27 13,10 1,43 1,61 1,23 1,74 1,60 8,08 9,10 6,96 9,88 9,07 21,18 23,84 18,23 25,90 23,77 13,10 14,74 11,27 16,01 14,70 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 10,37 11,68 8,93 12,68 11,64 10,37 11,68 8,93 12,68 11,64 31,55 35,51 27,16 38,58 35,41 23,47 26,42 20,20 28,70 26,34 35 280 36 855 36 225 37 695 38 115 39 585 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 150 150 150 3 528 3 686 3 623 3 770 3 812 3 959 19 404 20 270 19 924 20 732 20 963 21 772 15,88 16,58 16,30 16,96 17,15 17,81 1,94 2,03 1,99 2,07 2,10 2,18 11,00 11,49 11,29 11,75 11,88 12,34 28,81 30,10 29,58 30,78 31,13 32,33 17,82 18,61 18,29 19,04 19,25 19,99 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 14,11 14,74 14,49 15,08 15,25 15,83 14,11 14,74 14,49 15,08 15,25 15,83 42,92 44,84 44,07 45,86 46,37 48,16 31,93 33,35 32,78 34,11 34,49 35,82 22 680 36 750 37 380 38 220 39 375 40 320 122 640 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 2 268 3 675 3 738 3 822 3 938 4 032 12 264 12 474 20 213 20 559 21 021 21 656 22 176 67 452 10,21 16,54 16,82 17,20 17,72 18,14 55,19 1,25 2,02 2,06 2,10 2,17 2,22 6,75 7,07 11,45 11,65 11,91 12,27 12,57 38,22 18,52 30,01 30,53 31,21 32,16 32,93 100,16 11,45 18,56 18,88 19,30 19,88 20,36 61,93 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 9,07 14,70 14,95 15,29 15,75 16,13 49,06 9,07 14,70 14,95 15,29 15,75 16,13 49,06 27,59 44,71 45,48 46,50 47,91 49,06 149,21 20,53 33,26 33,83 34,59 35,63 36,49 110,99 10.3Slashers 10.3 SLASHERS 10.3.1 10.3.1HEAVY HeavyDUTY duty 1,2 m 4 blades 1,5 m 2 blades 1,5 m 4 blades 1,8 m 2 blades 1,8 m 4 blades 10.3.2EXTRA Extra HEAVY heavy duty 10.3.2 DUTY 1,5 m 2 blades 1,5 m 4 blades 1,8 m 2 blades 1,8 m 4 blades 2,0 m 2 blades 2,0 m 4 blades 10.4Haymakers 10.4 HAYMAKERS 1,2 m 4 blades 345 kg 1,5 m 2 blades 513 kg 1,5 m 2 blades 557 kg 1,8 m 2 blades 553 kg 1,8 m 2 blades 610 kg 2,0 m 2 blades 656 kg 3,5 m 4 blades 1 298 kg Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 35 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics 10.5 HAY RAKES AND TEDDERS 10.5 Hay rakes and tedders May 2013 Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Implement 10.5.1 RAKES 10.5.1FINGER Finger WHEEL wheel rakes 4 wheel - 2,3 m 4 wheel - 2,6 m 5 wheel - 2,8 m 5 wheel - 3,5 m 6 wheel - 3,5 m 8 wheel - 5,4 m 9 wheel - 5,4 m 9 wheel - 5,5 m 10 wheel - 5,4 m 10 wheel - 6,5 m 10 wheel - 8,3 m 11 wheel - 8,3 m 12 wheel - 7,6 m 12 wheel - 7,8 m 10.5.2Pto-powered 10.5.2 PTO-POWERED rakes RAKES ake Type type Rake 4 wheel - 2,3 m 4 wheel - 2.6 m 5 wheel - 2,8 m 5 wheel - 3,5 m 6 wheel - 3,5 m 8 wheel - 5,4 m 9 wheel - 5,4 m 9 wheel - 5,5 m 10 wheel - 5,4 m 10 wheel - 6,5 m 10 wheel - 8,3 m 11 wheel - 8,3 m 12 wheel - 7,6 m 12 wheel - 7,8 m niversal Type type Universal 3,0 m 3,2 m 4,1 m 4,2 m 4,5 m 4,8 m 5,2 m 5,8 m 6,4 m 6,7 m 7,1 m 7,5 m 7,6 m 7,7 m 8,7 m 10,0 m 13,0 m Notes Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 9 236 10 388 12 463 12 000 15 346 34 808 33 140 61 250 40 600 63 670 32 435 35 406 53 679 72 450 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 924 1 039 1 246 1 200 1 535 3 481 3 314 6 125 4 060 6 367 3 243 3 541 5 368 7 245 5 080 5 713 6 855 6 600 8 440 19 145 18 227 33 688 22 330 35 018 17 839 19 473 29 523 39 848 4,16 4,67 5,61 5,40 6,91 15,66 14,91 27,56 18,27 28,65 14,60 15,93 24,16 32,60 0,38 0,43 0,51 0,50 0,63 1,44 1,37 2,53 1,67 2,63 1,34 1,46 2,21 2,99 2,16 2,43 2,91 2,81 3,59 8,14 7,75 14,32 9,49 14,88 7,58 8,28 12,55 16,94 6,70 7,53 9,04 8,70 11,13 25,24 24,03 44,41 29,44 46,16 23,52 25,67 38,92 52,53 4,54 5,10 6,12 5,90 7,54 17,10 16,28 30,09 19,94 31,28 15,93 17,39 26,37 35,59 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 5,54 6,23 7,48 7,20 9,21 20,89 19,88 36,75 24,36 38,20 19,46 21,24 32,21 43,47 5,54 6,23 7,48 7,20 9,21 20,89 19,88 36,75 24,36 38,20 19,46 21,24 32,21 43,47 12,24 13,76 16,51 15,90 20,33 46,12 43,91 81,16 53,80 84,36 42,98 46,91 71,12 96,00 10,08 11,34 13,60 13,10 16,75 37,98 36,16 66,84 44,30 69,48 35,39 38,64 58,58 79,06 47 756 92 128 87 405 75 000 129 196 125 045 83 601 269 140 317 441 383 277 407 940 351 025 703 979 1 068 737 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 4 776 9 213 8 740 7 500 12 920 12 504 8 360 26 914 31 744 38 328 40 794 35 102 70 398 106 874 26 266 50 670 48 072 41 250 71 058 68 774 45 981 148 027 174 592 210 803 224 367 193 063 387 188 587 805 21,49 41,46 39,33 33,75 58,14 56,27 37,62 121,11 142,85 172,47 183,57 157,96 316,79 480,93 1,97 3,80 3,61 3,09 5,33 5,16 3,45 11,10 13,09 15,81 16,83 14,48 29,04 44,09 11,16 21,53 20,43 17,53 30,20 29,23 19,54 62,91 74,20 89,59 95,36 82,05 164,56 249,82 34,62 66,79 63,37 54,38 93,67 90,66 60,61 195,13 230,14 277,88 295,76 254,49 510,38 774,83 23,46 45,26 42,94 36,84 63,47 61,43 41,07 132,22 155,94 188,28 200,40 172,44 345,83 525,02 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 28,65 55,28 52,44 45,00 77,52 75,03 50,16 161,48 190,46 229,97 244,76 210,61 422,39 641,24 28,65 55,28 52,44 45,00 77,52 75,03 50,16 161,48 190,46 229,97 244,76 210,61 422,39 641,24 63,28 122,07 115,81 99,38 171,18 165,68 110,77 356,61 420,61 507,84 540,52 465,11 932,77 1 416,08 52,11 100,53 95,38 81,84 140,99 136,45 91,23 293,70 346,41 418,25 445,16 383,06 768,22 1 166,26 46 062 62 810 103 610 89 000 79 000 118 000 93 000 130 331 135 895 142 891 193 525 124 181 329 816 172 652 230 046 264 311 371 402 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 4 606 6 281 10 361 8 900 7 900 11 800 9 300 13 033 13 590 14 289 19 353 12 418 32 982 17 265 23 005 26 431 37 140 25 334 34 546 56 986 48 950 43 450 64 900 51 150 71 682 74 742 78 590 106 439 68 300 181 399 94 958 126 525 145 371 204 271 20,73 28,26 46,62 40,05 35,55 53,10 41,85 58,65 61,15 64,30 87,09 55,88 148,42 77,69 103,52 118,94 167,13 1,90 2,59 4,27 3,67 3,26 4,87 3,84 5,38 5,61 5,89 7,98 5,12 13,60 7,12 9,49 10,90 15,32 10,77 14,68 24,22 20,80 18,47 27,58 21,74 30,46 31,77 33,40 45,24 29,03 77,09 40,36 53,77 61,78 86,82 33,39 45,54 75,12 64,53 57,28 85,55 67,43 94,49 98,52 103,60 140,31 90,03 239,12 125,17 166,78 191,63 269,27 22,63 30,86 50,90 43,72 38,81 57,97 45,69 64,03 66,76 70,20 95,07 61,00 162,02 84,82 113,01 129,84 182,45 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 120,00 27,64 37,69 62,17 53,40 47,40 70,80 55,80 78,20 81,54 85,73 116,12 74,51 197,89 103,59 138,03 158,59 222,84 27,64 37,69 62,17 53,40 47,40 70,80 55,80 78,20 81,54 85,73 116,12 74,51 197,89 103,59 138,03 158,59 222,84 61,03 83,22 137,28 117,93 104,68 156,35 123,23 172,69 180,06 189,33 256,42 164,54 437,01 228,76 304,81 350,21 492,11 50,27 68,54 113,06 97,12 86,21 128,77 101,49 142,22 148,30 155,93 211,18 135,51 359,91 188,41 251,04 288,43 405,29 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 36 – 2013 - 2014 29 10.6 HAY BALERS 10.6 Hay balers May 2013 Purchase price Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs (R) (hr) (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) Implement 10.6.1 10.6.1SQUARE SquareBALERS balers Small mallsquare squarebalers balers Class 3 (360 x460 cm) Class 3 (360 x480 cm) Class 4 (360 x460 cm) Class 4 (360 x490 cm) Big ig square square balers balers 1 200 x 700 cm 1 200 x 900 cm 1 200 x 1 000 cm 10.6.2 10.6.2ROUND RoundBALERS balers Compact (0,7 m) Small (1,2 m) Small (wide intake) Medium (1,5 m) Medium (wide intake) Medium (1,6 m) Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 219 225 255 000 228 066 279 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 21 923 25 500 22 807 27 900 120 574 140 250 125 437 153 450 98,65 114,75 102,63 125,55 9,04 10,52 9,41 11,51 51,24 59,61 53,31 65,22 158,94 184,88 165,35 202,28 107,69 125,27 112,04 137,06 60,00 60,00 120,00 120,00 65,77 76,50 136,84 167,40 65,77 76,50 136,84 167,40 224,71 261,38 302,19 369,68 173,46 201,77 248,88 304,46 1 568 403 2 042 513 2 270 499 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 156 840 204 251 227 050 862 622 1 123 382 1 248 774 705,78 919,13 1 021,72 64,70 84,25 93,66 366,61 477,44 530,73 1 137,09 1 480,82 1 646,11 770,48 1 003,38 1 115,38 120,00 120,00 120,00 941,04 1 225,51 1 362,30 941,04 1 225,51 1 362,30 2 078,13 2 706,33 3 008,41 1 711,52 2 228,89 2 477,68 91 600 402 362 367 654 425 804 339 536 385 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 9 160 40 236 36 765 42 580 33 954 38 500 50 380 221 299 202 210 234 192 186 745 211 750 41,22 181,06 165,44 191,61 152,79 173,25 3,78 16,60 15,17 17,56 14,01 15,88 21,41 94,05 85,94 99,53 79,37 89,99 66,41 291,71 266,55 308,71 246,16 279,13 45,00 197,66 180,61 209,18 166,80 189,13 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 27,48 120,71 110,30 127,74 101,86 115,50 27,48 120,71 110,30 127,74 101,86 115,50 93,89 412,42 376,85 436,45 348,02 394,63 72,48 318,37 290,91 336,92 268,66 304,63 4 725 10 920 34 650 50 610 46 410 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 473 1 092 3 465 5 061 4 641 2 599 6 006 19 058 27 836 25 526 1,70 3,93 12,47 18,22 16,71 0,16 0,36 1,14 1,67 1,53 0,88 2,04 6,48 9,46 8,68 2,74 6,33 20,10 29,35 26,92 1,86 4,29 13,62 19,89 18,24 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 0,76 1,75 5,54 8,10 7,43 0,76 1,75 5,54 8,10 7,43 3,50 8,08 25,64 37,45 34,34 2,61 6,04 19,16 27,99 25,66 174 189 2 500 250 17 419 95 804 62,71 5,75 32,57 101,03 68,46 40,00 27,87 27,87 128,90 96,33 36 209 2 500 250 3 621 19 915 13,04 1,19 6,77 21,00 14,23 40,00 5,79 5,79 26,79 20,02 10.7Bale handling equipment 10.7 BALE HANDLING EQUIPMENT 10.7.1 10.7.1ROUND RoundBALES bales Bale Fork Loader 2,2 m lift - 500 kg Bale Fork Loader 2,7 m lift - 500 kg Uniloader with spike - 750 kg Uniloader with spike - 1 000 kg Uniloader spike, swivel hook, cruciform -1 000 kg 10.7.2 10.7.2BALE BaleWRAPPERS wrappers Trailed round bale wrapper 10.7.3 10.7.3BALE BaleSHREDDER shredders Round bales Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 37 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 30 11. Harvesting equipment 11.0 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT 11.1 TRAILED COMBINES 11.1Trailed combines Purchase price Life period (R) 178 782 335 196 454 550 458 100 475 800 491 950 503 400 (hr) 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 (hr) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 (R) 17 878 33 520 45 455 45 810 47 580 49 195 50 340 (R) 98 330 184 358 250 003 251 955 261 690 270 573 276 870 (R/hr) 53,63 100,56 136,37 137,43 142,74 147,59 151,02 (R/hr) 4,92 9,22 12,50 12,60 13,08 13,53 13,84 (R/hr) 27,86 52,23 70,83 71,39 74,15 76,66 78,45 (R/hr) 86,41 162,01 219,70 221,42 229,97 237,78 243,31 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 58,55 109,78 148,87 150,03 155,82 161,11 164,86 102 017 201 200 461 100 129 029 165 729 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 10 202 20 120 46 110 12 903 16 573 56 109 110 660 253 605 70 966 91 151 45,91 90,54 207,50 58,06 74,58 4,21 8,30 19,02 5,32 6,84 23,85 47,03 107,78 30,16 38,74 73,96 145,87 334,30 93,55 120,15 420 737 588 341 468 873 342 120 450 000 492 756 541 250 420 737 588 341 468 873 342 120 450 000 492 756 541 250 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 42 074 58 834 46 887 34 212 45 000 49 276 54 125 42 074 58 834 46 887 34 212 45 000 49 276 54 125 231 405 323 588 257 880 188 166 247 500 271 016 297 688 231 405 323 588 257 880 188 166 247 500 271 016 297 688 189,33 264,75 210,99 153,95 202,50 221,74 243,56 189,33 264,75 210,99 153,95 202,50 221,74 243,56 17,36 24,27 19,34 14,11 18,56 20,33 22,33 17,36 24,27 19,34 14,11 18,56 20,33 22,33 98,35 137,52 109,60 79,97 105,19 115,18 126,52 98,35 137,52 109,60 79,97 105,19 115,18 126,52 65 402 116 680 172 391 2 000 2 000 2 000 200 200 200 6 540 11 668 17 239 35 971 64 174 94 815 29,43 52,51 77,58 2,70 4,81 7,11 48 914 73 562 2 000 2 000 200 200 4 891 7 356 26 903 40 459 22,01 33,10 107 279 112 477 2 000 2 000 200 200 10 728 11 248 59 003 61 862 48,28 50,61 Implement One-row auger Two-row auger type (0,9 m) Two-row auger type (1,5 m) Two-row auger type (2,3 m) Three-row auger type (0,9 m) Three-row auger type (1,5 m) Four-row auger type (0,9 m) Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs Repairs and maint. as a % of new price Repairs and maint. Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest 45,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 (R/hr) 26,82 50,28 68,18 68,72 71,37 73,79 75,51 (R/hr) 26,82 50,28 68,18 68,72 71,37 73,79 75,51 (R/hr) 113,23 212,29 287,88 290,13 301,34 311,57 318,82 (R/hr) 85,37 160,06 217,05 218,74 227,19 234,91 240,37 50,12 98,84 226,52 63,39 81,41 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 40,81 80,48 184,44 51,61 66,29 40,81 80,48 184,44 51,61 66,29 114,77 226,35 518,74 145,16 186,45 90,92 179,32 410,96 115,00 147,71 305,03 426,55 339,93 248,04 326,25 357,25 392,41 305,03 426,55 339,93 248,04 326,25 357,25 392,41 206,69 289,02 230,33 168,07 221,06 242,07 265,89 206,69 289,02 230,33 168,07 221,06 242,07 265,89 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 168,29 235,34 187,55 136,85 180,00 197,10 216,50 168,29 235,34 187,55 136,85 180,00 197,10 216,50 168,29 235,34 187,55 136,85 180,00 197,10 216,50 168,29 235,34 187,55 136,85 180,00 197,10 216,50 473,33 661,88 527,48 384,89 506,25 554,35 608,91 473,33 661,88 527,48 384,89 506,25 554,35 608,91 374,98 524,36 417,88 304,91 401,06 439,17 482,39 374,98 524,36 417,88 304,91 401,06 439,17 482,39 15,29 27,27 40,30 47,42 84,59 124,98 32,13 57,32 84,69 80,00 80,00 80,00 26,16 46,67 68,96 26,16 46,67 68,96 73,58 131,27 193,94 58,29 103,99 153,64 2,02 3,03 11,43 17,20 35,46 53,33 24,03 36,14 50,00 50,00 12,23 18,39 12,23 18,39 47,69 71,72 36,26 54,53 4,43 4,64 25,08 26,29 77,78 81,55 52,70 55,25 60,00 60,00 32,18 33,74 32,18 33,74 109,96 115,29 84,88 89,00 11.2Forage harvesters 11.2 FORAGE HARVESTERS 11.2.1Precision 11.2.1 PRECISIONchop CHOP Mounted Mounted 1 row 2 row 4 row 1,1 m 1,6 m Trailed Trailed 2 row 3 row 1,7 m 1,8 m 2,1 m 2,2 m 2,7 m 2 row 3 row 1,7 m 1,8 m 2,1 m 2,2 m 2,7 m 11.2.2 11.2.2 FLAIL Flail TYPE type Single chop (1,3 m) Double chop (1,6 m) Double chop (1,8 m) 11.3Threshers 11.3 THRESHERS Thresher With petrol motor 11.4Potato lifters 11.4 POTATO LIFTERS 1,5 m 1,8 m Notes 1) Notes1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table 2013 - 2014 – 38 – 27 12.0 FEED PROCESSING EQUIPMENT equipment 12.Feed-processing 12.1 HAMMERMILLS 12.1Hammermills Purchase price Life period Implement (R) (hr) 12.1.1ELECTRIC Electric and pto driven—electric motor excluded 12.1.1 AND PTO DRIVEN (ELECTRIC MOTOR EXCLUDED) Small (PTO) 34 419 3 000 Medium (PTO) 42 158 3 000 Large (PTO) 56 133 3 000 12.1.2 WITH INTAKE MECHANISMS 12.1.2TRAILED Trailed with intake mechanisms Trailed 48 825 3 000 Trailed with intake mechanisms 124 829 3 000 Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (hr) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 300 300 300 3 442 4 216 5 613 18 930 23 187 30 873 10,33 12,65 16,84 0,95 1,16 1,54 5,36 6,57 8,75 16,64 20,38 27,13 11,27 13,81 18,38 50,00 50,00 50,00 5,74 7,03 9,36 5,74 7,03 9,36 22,37 27,40 36,49 17,01 20,83 27,74 300 300 4 883 12 483 26 854 68 656 14,65 37,45 1,34 3,43 7,61 19,45 23,60 60,33 15,99 40,88 50,00 50,00 8,14 20,80 8,14 20,80 31,74 81,14 24,13 61,69 12.2Feed mixers 12.2 FEED MIXERS 12.2.1 12.2.1WAGON WagonMIXERS mixers 7 cubic m (incl. scale) 13 cubic m (incl. scale) 15 cubic m (incl. scale) 17 cubic m (incl. scale) 20 cubic m (incl. scale) 12.2.2VERTICAL Vertical mixers 12.2.2 MIXERS 8 cubic m 10 cubic m 12 cubic m 12.3Rollermillers—motor included 12.3 ROLLERMILLS (MOTOR INCLUDED) Single set of rollers (3 000 kg maize meal/hour) Double set of rollers (500 kg maize meal/hour) Double set of rollers (wheat and maize mill) (400 kg maize meal/hour, 3 machines) Notes Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 394 097 593 361 649 492 743 128 934 427 6 000 6 000 6 000 6 000 6 000 600 600 600 600 600 39 410 59 336 64 949 74 313 93 443 216 753 326 349 357 221 408 720 513 935 59,11 89,00 97,42 111,47 140,16 5,42 8,16 8,93 10,22 12,85 30,71 46,23 50,61 57,90 72,81 95,24 143,40 156,96 179,59 225,82 64,53 97,16 106,35 121,69 153,01 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 39,41 59,34 64,95 74,31 93,44 39,41 59,34 64,95 74,31 93,44 134,65 202,73 221,91 253,90 319,26 103,94 156,50 171,30 196,00 246,45 440 736 468 230 493 487 6 000 6 000 6 000 600 600 600 44 074 46 823 49 349 242 405 257 526 271 418 66,11 70,23 74,02 6,06 6,44 6,79 34,34 36,48 38,45 106,51 113,16 119,26 72,17 76,67 80,81 60,00 60,00 60,00 44,07 46,82 49,35 44,07 46,82 49,35 150,58 159,98 168,61 116,24 123,50 130,16 138 993 8 000 800 13 899 76 446 15,64 1,43 8,12 25,19 17,07 50,00 8,69 8,69 33,88 25,76 205 059 8 000 800 20 506 112 782 23,07 2,11 11,98 37,17 25,18 50,00 12,82 12,82 49,98 38,00 942 870 8 000 800 94 287 518 578 106,07 9,72 55,10 170,90 115,80 50,00 58,93 58,93 229,82 174,73 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 39 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 27 13.0 EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT 13.Earth-moving equipment 13.1 FRONT-END LOADERS 13.1Front-end loaders Purchase price Life period (R) 67 522 82 841 (hr) 2 500 2 500 (hr) 250 250 (R) 6 752 8 284 (R) 37 137 45 562 (R/hr) 24,31 29,82 (R/hr) 2,23 2,73 (R/hr) 12,63 15,49 (R/hr) 39,16 48,05 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 26,54 32,56 29 850 33 706 2 500 2 500 250 250 2 985 3 371 16 418 18 538 10,75 12,13 0,99 1,11 5,58 6,30 17,31 19,55 11,73 13,25 30,00 30,00 19 250 26 150 78 073 86 813 75 075 111 773 156 272 287 133 402 494 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1 925 2 615 7 807 8 681 7 508 11 177 15 627 28 713 40 249 10 588 14 383 42 940 47 747 41 291 61 475 85 949 157 923 221 372 6,93 9,41 28,11 31,25 27,03 40,24 56,26 103,37 144,90 0,64 0,86 2,58 2,86 2,48 3,69 5,16 9,48 13,28 3,60 4,89 14,60 16,23 14,04 20,90 29,22 53,69 75,27 11,17 15,17 45,28 50,35 43,54 64,83 90,64 166,54 233,45 7,57 10,28 30,68 34,12 29,50 43,93 61,41 112,84 158,18 17 247 18 186 18 502 2 500 2 500 2 500 250 250 250 1 725 1 819 1 850 9 486 10 002 10 176 6,21 6,55 6,66 0,57 0,60 0,61 3,23 3,40 3,46 10,00 10,55 10,73 6,78 7,15 7,27 Implement Front end loader Extra heavy duty 13.2Rear-mounted graders 13.2 REAR-MOUNTED GRADERS 2,0 m 2,5 m 13.3 Dam scoops 13.3 DAM SCOOPS 0,75 cubic meters 1,5 cubic metres 1,8 cubic metres 2,5 cubic metres 3,0 cubic metres 4,0 cubic metres 6,0 cubic metres 9,0 cubic metres 12,0 cubic metres 13.4Rear-mounted post diggers 13.4 REAR-MOUNTED POST DIGGER Unit with 230 mm auger Unit with 300 mm auger Unit with 450 mm auger Notes Notes1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Average use per annum Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Interest Total fixed costs Repairs and Repairs maint. and maint. as a % of new price (R/hr) 30,00 8,10 30,00 9,94 Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 8,10 9,94 (R/hr) 47,27 57,99 (R/hr) 34,64 42,50 3,58 4,04 3,58 4,04 20,90 23,59 15,31 17,29 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 2,31 3,14 9,37 10,42 9,01 13,41 18,75 34,46 48,30 2,31 3,14 9,37 10,42 9,01 13,41 18,75 34,46 48,30 13,48 18,31 54,65 60,77 52,55 78,24 109,39 200,99 281,75 9,88 13,41 40,05 44,54 38,51 57,34 80,17 147,30 206,48 30,00 30,00 30,00 2,07 2,18 2,22 2,07 2,18 2,22 12,07 12,73 12,95 8,85 9,33 9,49 hours—as per table hours/annum—as per table 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum % of purchase price/life period in hours—as per table – 40 – Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 27 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: SELF-PROPELLED COMBINE HARVESTERS 14. Self-propelled combine harvesters May 2013 14.1aMaize combine harvesters—engines 14.1a MAIZE COMBINE HARVESTERS: ENGINES Engine size (kW) 92 124 146 175 177 191 201 207 212 216 227 268 278 313 317 350 353 360 390 405 Average purchase price (R) 1 412 000 1 293 662 1 200 000 1 350 000 2 024 000 2 160 139 1 500 000 1 721 250 2 064 852 1 843 600 2 183 500 3 115 800 2 856 089 3 287 200 3 113 188 3 276 003 3 815 437 3 780 417 3 689 906 3 991 210 Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Salvage value (R) 141 200 129 366 120 000 135 000 202 400 216 014 150 000 172 125 206 485 184 360 218 350 311 580 285 609 328 720 311 319 327 600 381 544 378 042 368 991 399 121 Average investment (R) 776 600 711 514 660 000 742 500 1 113 200 1 188 076 825 000 946 688 1 135 669 1 013 980 1 200 925 1 713 690 1 570 849 1 807 960 1 712 253 1 801 801 2 098 490 2 079 229 2 029 448 2 195 166 Depreciation (R/hr) 317,70 291,07 270,00 303,75 455,40 486,03 337,50 387,28 464,59 414,81 491,29 701,06 642,62 739,62 700,47 737,10 858,47 850,59 830,23 898,02 Life Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Licence and insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Fuel price Fuel consumption Litres used per kilowatt hour Insurance and licence (R/hr) 45,30 41,50 38,50 43,31 64,94 69,30 48,13 55,22 66,25 59,15 70,05 99,97 91,63 105,46 99,88 105,11 122,41 121,29 118,38 128,05 Interest (R/hr) 220,04 201,60 187,00 210,38 315,41 336,62 233,75 268,23 321,77 287,29 340,26 485,55 445,07 512,26 485,14 510,51 594,57 589,11 575,01 621,96 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 583,04 534,17 495,50 557,44 835,74 891,96 619,38 710,73 852,61 761,25 901,60 1 286,57 1 179,33 1 357,34 1 285,49 1 352,72 1 575,46 1 561,00 1 523,62 1 648,04 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 363,00 332,58 308,50 347,06 520,34 555,34 385,63 442,50 530,84 473,96 561,34 801,02 734,25 845,08 800,35 842,21 980,89 971,88 948,61 1 026,07 Repair and maintain. (R/Hr) 141,20 129,37 120,00 135,00 202,40 216,01 150,00 172,13 206,49 184,36 218,35 311,58 285,61 328,72 311,32 327,60 381,54 378,04 368,99 399,12 Fuel cost (R/hr) 219,75 296,19 348,74 418,01 422,78 456,22 480,11 494,44 506,38 515,94 542,21 640,14 664,03 747,63 757,19 836,01 843,18 859,90 931,55 967,38 Total variable costs (R/hr) 360,95 425,55 468,74 553,01 625,18 672,24 630,11 666,57 712,87 700,30 760,56 951,72 949,64 1 076,35 1 068,50 1 163,61 1 224,72 1 237,94 1 300,54 1 366,50 Total costs (R/hr) 943,99 959,73 964,24 1 110,44 1 460,93 1 564,19 1 249,48 1 377,30 1 565,48 1 461,55 1 662,17 2 238,29 2 128,97 2 433,69 2 353,99 2 516,33 2 800,18 2 798,93 2 824,17 3 014,54 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 723,95 758,13 777,24 900,07 1 145,52 1 227,57 1 015,73 1 109,07 1 243,71 1 174,26 1 321,90 1 752,75 1 683,89 1 921,44 1 868,85 2 005,82 2 205,60 2 209,82 2 249,16 2 392,58 Fuel usage (/hr) 16,56 22,32 26,28 31,50 31,86 34,38 36,18 37,26 38,16 38,88 40,86 48,24 50,04 56,34 57,06 63,00 63,54 64,80 70,20 72,90 4 000 hours 300 hours/annum 10,00% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 40,00% of purchase price/life period in hours 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) 60,00% of kilowatts used 0,3 litre/kW hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 41 – 44 14.1bMaize combine harvesters—heads 14.1b MAIZE COMBINE HARVESTERS: HEADS Head size and row size 3 row 1,5 m snapper 4 row 0,9 m snapper 4 row 0,9 m auger 6 row 0,75 m snapper 6 row 0,9 m snapper 8 row 0,75 m snapper 8 row 0,9 m snapper 12 row 0,9 m snapper Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Average purchase price (R) 267 650 298 251 503 400 435 914 386 516 573 244 515 306 931 850 Salvage value (R) 26 765 29 825 50 340 43 591 38 652 57 324 51 531 93 185 Average investment (R) 147 208 164 038 276 870 239 753 212 584 315 284 283 418 512 518 Life Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Licence and insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Depreciation (R/hr) 60,22 67,11 113,27 98,08 86,97 128,98 115,94 209,67 Insurance and licence (R/hr) 8,59 9,57 16,15 13,99 12,40 18,39 16,53 29,90 Interest (R/hr) 41,71 46,48 78,45 67,93 60,23 89,33 80,30 145,21 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 110,52 123,15 207,86 180,00 159,60 236,70 212,78 384,78 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 68,81 76,68 129,42 112,07 99,37 147,37 132,48 239,56 Repair and maintain. (R/hr) 26,77 29,83 50,34 43,59 38,65 57,32 51,53 93,19 Total variable costs (R/hr) 26,77 29,83 50,34 43,59 38,65 57,32 51,53 93,19 Total costs (R/hr) 137,28 152,98 258,20 223,59 198,25 294,03 264,31 477,96 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 95,57 106,50 179,76 155,66 138,02 204,70 184,01 332,75 4 000 hours 300 hours/annum 10,00% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 40,00% of purchase price/life period in hours The cost of an engine and a suitable head are calculated by selecting the relevant engine costs (14.1a) and adding the relevant head costs (14.1b). There are other examples in the introduction (Table 2). 14.1c MAIZE COMBINE HARVESTERS: ENGINES AND HEADS 14.1cMaize combine harvesters—engines and heads Salvage value (kW) 92 + 3 row 1,5 m snapper Total Average purchase price (R) 1 412 000 267 650 1 679 650 (R) 141 200 26 765 167 965 (R) 776 600 147 208 923 808 175 + 6 row 0,9 m snapper Total 1 350 000 386 516 1 736 516 135 000 38 652 173 652 405 + 12 row 0,9 m snapper Total 3 991 210 931 850 4 923 060 399 121 93 185 492 306 Engine size Head size and row Average investment Depreciation Interest (R/hr) 317,70 60,22 377,92 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 45,30 8,59 53,89 (R/hr) 220,04 41,71 261,75 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 583,04 110,52 693,56 742 500 212 584 955 084 303,75 86,97 390,72 43,31 12,40 55,71 210,38 60,23 270,61 557,44 159,60 717,04 347,06 99,37 446,43 135,00 38,65 173,65 418,01 2 195 166 512 518 2 707 683 898,02 209,67 1 107,69 128,05 29,90 157,95 621,96 145,21 767,18 1 648,04 384,78 2 032,81 1 026,07 239,56 1 265,64 399,12 93,19 492,31 967,38 Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 42 – Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 363,00 68,81 431,81 Repair and maintain. (R/hr) 141,20 26,77 167,97 Fuel cost (R/hr) 219,75 219,75 418,01 967,38 Total variable costs (R/hr) 360,95 26,77 387,72 Total costs Fuel usage (R/hr) 943,99 137,28 1 081,27 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 723,95 95,57 819,53 553,01 38,65 591,66 1 110,44 198,25 1 308,69 900,07 138,02 1 038,09 31,50 1 366,50 93,19 1 459,69 3 014,54 477,96 3 492,50 2 392,58 332,75 2 725,33 72,90 (/hr) 16,56 45 14.2a combine harvesters—engines 14.2aWheat WHEAT COMBINE HARVESTERS: ENGINES Engine size (kW) 124 146 175 177 191 207 212 216 227 268 278 313 317 350 353 360 390 405 Average purchase price (R) 1 293 662 1 200 000 1 350 000 2 024 000 2 160 139 1 721 250 2 064 852 2 540 455 2 779 418 2 725 167 2 856 089 3 287 200 3 113 188 3 276 003 3 815 437 3 780 417 3 689 906 3 991 210 Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Salvage value (R) 129 366 120 000 135 000 202 400 216 014 172 125 206 485 254 046 277 942 272 517 285 609 328 720 311 319 327 600 381 544 378 042 368 991 399 121 Average investment (R) 711 514 660 000 742 500 1 113 200 1 188 076 946 688 1 135 669 1 397 250 1 528 680 1 498 842 1 570 849 1 807 960 1 712 253 1 801 801 2 098 490 2 079 229 2 029 448 2 195 166 Depreciation (R/hr) 291,07 270,00 303,75 455,40 486,03 387,28 464,59 571,60 625,37 613,16 642,62 739,62 700,47 737,10 858,47 850,59 830,23 898,02 Life Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Licence and insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Fuel price Fuel consumption Litres used per kilowatt hour Insurance and licence (R/hr) 41,50 38,50 43,31 64,94 69,30 55,22 66,25 81,51 89,17 87,43 91,63 105,46 99,88 105,11 122,41 121,29 118,38 128,05 Interest (R/hr) 201,60 187,00 210,38 315,41 336,62 268,23 321,77 395,89 433,13 424,67 445,07 512,26 485,14 510,51 594,57 589,11 575,01 621,96 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 534,17 495,50 557,44 835,74 891,96 710,73 852,61 1 049,00 1 147,67 1 125,27 1 179,33 1 357,34 1 285,49 1 352,72 1 575,46 1 561,00 1 523,62 1 648,04 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 332,58 308,50 347,06 520,34 555,34 442,50 530,84 653,11 714,54 700,59 734,25 845,08 800,35 842,21 980,89 971,88 948,61 1 026,07 Repair and maintain. (R/hr) 129,37 120,00 135,00 202,40 216,01 172,13 206,49 254,05 277,94 272,52 285,61 328,72 311,32 327,60 381,54 378,04 368,99 399,12 Fuel cost (R/hr) 296,19 348,74 418,01 422,78 456,22 494,44 506,38 515,94 542,21 640,14 664,03 747,63 757,19 836,01 843,18 859,90 931,55 967,38 Total variable costs (R/hr) 425,55 468,74 553,01 625,18 672,24 666,57 712,87 769,98 820,15 912,66 949,64 1 076,35 1 068,50 1 163,61 1 224,72 1 237,94 1 300,54 1 366,50 Total costs (R/hr) 959,73 964,24 1 110,44 1 460,93 1 564,19 1 377,30 1 565,48 1 818,98 1 967,82 2 037,93 2 128,97 2 433,69 2 353,99 2 516,33 2 800,18 2 798,93 2 824,17 3 014,54 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 758,13 777,24 900,07 1 145,52 1 227,57 1 109,07 1 243,71 1 423,09 1 534,70 1 613,26 1 683,89 1 921,44 1 868,85 2 005,82 2 205,60 2 209,82 2 249,16 2 392,58 Fuel usage (/hr) 22,32 26,28 31,50 31,86 34,38 37,26 38,16 38,88 40,86 48,24 50,04 56,34 57,06 63,00 63,54 64,80 70,20 72,90 4 000 hours 300 hours/annum 10,00% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 40,00% of purchase price/life period in hours 13,27 per litre (as at 15/08/2013) 60,00% of kilowatts used 0,3 litre/kW hour Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 43 – 46 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: SELF-PROPELLED COMBINE HARVESTERS May 2013 14.2bWheat WHEAT COMBINE HARVESTERS: HEADS 14.2b combine harvesters—heads Head size 4,2 m 4,9 m 5,8 m 6,0 m 6,1 m 6,6 m 6,7 m 7,5 m 7,6 m 9,0 m 9,1 m Average purchase price (R) 369 813 402 500 158 600 360 350 320 100 310 000 311 756 485 538 409 878 600 387 455 710 Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Salvage value (R) 36 981 40 250 15 860 36 035 32 010 31 000 31 176 48 554 40 988 60 039 45 571 Average investment (R) 203 397 221 375 87 230 198 193 176 055 170 500 171 466 267 046 225 433 330 213 250 640 Depreciation (R/hr) 83,21 90,56 35,69 81,08 72,02 69,75 70,14 109,25 92,22 135,09 102,53 Insurance and licence (R/hr) 11,86 12,91 5,09 11,56 10,27 9,95 10,00 15,58 13,15 19,26 14,62 Life Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Licence and insurance cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Interest (R/hr) 57,63 62,72 24,72 56,15 49,88 48,31 48,58 75,66 63,87 93,56 71,01 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 152,70 166,20 65,49 148,79 132,17 128,00 128,73 200,49 169,25 247,91 188,17 Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 95,07 103,48 40,77 92,64 82,29 79,70 80,15 124,82 105,37 154,35 117,16 Repair and maintain. (R/hr) 36,98 40,25 15,86 36,04 32,01 31,00 31,18 48,55 40,99 60,04 45,57 Total variable costs (R/hr) 36,98 40,25 15,86 36,04 32,01 31,00 31,18 48,55 40,99 60,04 45,57 Total costs (R/hr) 189,68 206,45 81,35 184,83 164,18 159,00 159,90 249,04 210,23 307,95 233,74 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 132,05 143,73 56,63 128,67 114,30 110,70 111,32 173,38 146,36 214,39 162,73 4 000 hours 300 hours/annum 10,00% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,75% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 40,00% of purchase price/life period in hours The cost of an engine and a suitable head are calculated by selecting the relevant engine costs (14.2a) and adding the relevant head costs (14.2b). There are other examples in the introduction (Table 3). 14.2c WHEAT COMBINE HARVESTERS: ENGINES and HEADS 14.2c Wheat combine harvesters—engines and heads Engine size (kW) 124 + 216 + 278 + Salvage value 4,2 m Total Average purchase price (R) 1 293 662 369 813 1 663 475 (R) 129 366 36 981 166 348 (R) 711 514 203 397 914 911 7,6 m Total 2 540 455 409 878 2 950 333 254 046 40 988 295 033 9,1 m Total 2 856 089 455 710 3 311 799 285 609 45 571 331 180 Head size Average investment Depreciation Interest (R/hr) 291,07 83,21 374,28 Licence and insurance (R/hr) 41,50 11,86 53,37 (R/hr) 201,60 57,63 259,22 Total fixed costs (R/hr) 534,17 152,70 686,88 1 397 250 225 433 1 622 683 571,60 92,22 663,82 81,51 13,15 94,66 395,89 63,87 459,76 1 049,00 169,25 1 218,24 1 570 849 250 640 1 821 489 642,62 102,53 745,15 91,63 14,62 106,25 445,07 71,01 516,09 1 179,33 188,17 1 367,50 Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 44 – Total fixed costs excl. interest (R/hr) 332,58 95,07 427,65 Repair and maintain. (R/hr) 129,37 36,98 166,35 653,11 105,37 758,48 734,25 117,16 851,41 Fuel cost (R/hr) 296,19 0,00 296,19 Total variable costs (R/hr) 425,55 36,98 462,53 254,05 40,99 295,03 515,94 0,00 515,94 285,61 45,57 331,18 664,03 0,00 664,03 Total costs Fuel usage (R/hr) 959,73 189,68 1 149,41 Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 758,13 132,05 890,19 769,98 40,99 810,97 1 818,98 210,23 2 029,21 1 423,09 146,36 1 569,45 38,88 949,64 45,57 995,21 2 128,97 233,74 2 362,71 1 683,89 162,73 1 846,62 50,04 (/hr) 22,32 47 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: CANE AND TIMBER EQUIPMENT 15.Cane and timber equipment May 2013 15.1Truck (Costs in cents per km) 15.1 TRUCK trailers TRAILERS (Costs in cents per km) Description 15.1.1 CANE Cane trailers 15.1.1 TRAILERS 18 ton tandem axle 24 ton tri-axle 38 ton interlink 40 ton rigid four-axle 15.1.2 TIMBER Timber trailers 15.1.2 TRAILERS 18 ton tandem axle 24 ton tri-axle 38 ton interlink 40 ton rigid four-axle Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Purchase price Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest (R) (R) (R) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) Total fixed costs (c/km) 300 893 360 000 559 600 520 913 75 223 90 000 139 900 130 228 188 058 225 000 349 750 325 571 40,30 48,21 74,95 69,77 4,03 4,82 7,49 6,98 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 22,84 27,32 42,47 39,53 67,58 80,77 125,33 116,69 550 000 360 000 491 000 501 250 137 500 90 000 122 750 125 313 343 750 225 000 306 875 313 281 73,66 48,21 65,76 67,13 7,37 4,82 6,58 6,71 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 41,74 27,32 37,26 38,04 123,18 80,77 110,01 112,30 Life: Truck trailers Average use per annum: Truck trailers Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per kilometre Insurance cost per kilometre Actual licence cost per kilometre Interest cost per kilometre Repairs and maintenance cost per kilometre Tyre cost per kilometre Tyre life: Assumed that a set of tyres lasts It is assumed that 4 sets of tyres are needed Repairs and maint. (c/km) 44,74 53,45 82,86 77,16 81,44 53,45 72,75 74,26 Total fixed costs excl. interest (c/km) Tyre cost (c/km) Total variable costs (c/km) Total costs (c/km) 16,12 19,29 29,98 27,91 86,00 124,22 172,00 162,44 102,12 143,51 201,98 190,35 169,70 224,28 327,30 307,04 146,86 196,96 284,83 267,51 29,46 19,29 26,30 26,85 86,00 124,22 172,00 162,44 115,46 143,51 198,30 189,30 238,65 224,28 308,32 301,60 196,91 196,96 271,05 263,56 Total costs excl. interest (c/km) 560 000 kilometres 70 000 kilometres per annum 25,0% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in kilometres 1,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum R 290 /kilometres per annum 8,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum 30,0% of purchase price/life period in kilometers = (Purchase price of new tyre * no. tyres)/tyre life in kilometres [No. tyres = No. wheels] 45 000 kilometres Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 45 – 47 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: CANE AND TIMBER EQUIPMENT May 2013 15.2Tractor trailers with brakes 15.2 TRACTOR TRAILERS WITH BRAKES Description 15.2.1 CANE Cane trailers 15.2.1 TRAILERS 6 ton single box 10 ton double box 15 ton spiller bar Single stack side loading Single stack rear loading Double stack rear loading 15.2.2 TIMBER Timber trailers 15.2.2 TRAILERS ip deck deck 15 ton flat deck 15 ton pulpwood -tip on Non-tip 15 ton flat deck 15 ton sawlog bank type Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Purchase price Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest (R) (R) (R) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) Total fixed costs (c/km) 103 084 218 109 327 938 90 461 94 545 185 625 25 771 54 527 81 985 22 615 23 636 46 406 64 428 136 318 204 961 56 538 59 091 116 016 6,44 13,63 20,50 5,65 5,91 11,60 0,97 2,04 3,07 0,85 0,89 1,74 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 0,29 5,48 11,59 17,42 4,81 5,02 9,86 13,18 27,55 41,28 11,60 12,11 23,49 334 125 321 750 83 531 80 438 208 828 201 094 20,88 20,11 3,13 3,02 0,29 0,29 17,75 17,09 420 750 433 125 105 188 108 281 262 969 270 703 26,30 27,07 3,94 4,06 0,29 0,29 22,35 23,01 Life: tractor trailers Average use per annum: Tractor trailers Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per kilometre Insurance cost per kilometre Actual licence cost per kilometre Interest cost per kilometre Repairs and maintenance cost per kilometre Tyre cost per kilometre Tyre life: Assumed that a set of tyres lasts It is assumed that 4 sets of tyres are needed Repairs and maint. (c/km) (c/km) 7,70 15,97 23,86 6,79 7,09 13,63 2,58 5,45 8,20 2,26 2,36 4,64 0,19 0,38 0,75 0,19 0,19 0,38 2,77 5,83 8,95 2,45 2,55 5,02 15,94 33,38 50,23 14,05 14,66 28,51 10,47 21,80 32,81 9,24 9,64 18,65 42,06 40,51 24,31 23,42 8,35 8,04 0,40 0,40 8,75 8,44 50,81 48,95 33,06 31,86 52,88 54,43 30,53 31,42 10,52 10,83 0,90 0,90 11,42 11,73 64,30 66,16 41,95 43,15 Total fixed costs excl. interest (c/km) Tyre cost Total variable costs (c/km) Total costs (c/km) Total costs excl. interest (c/km) 12 000 kilometres 1 000 kilometers per annum 25,0% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in kilometres 1,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum R 290 /kilometres per annum 8,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum 30,0% of purchase price/life period in kilometres = ( Purchase price of new tyre * no. tyres)/tyre life in kilometres [no. tyres = no. wheels] 45 000 kilometres Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 46 – 48 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: CANE AND TIMBER EQUIPMENT May 2013 15.3 CANE AND TIMBER LOADERS 15.3Cane and timber loaders Description 15.3.1 CANE Cane loaders 15.3.1 LOADERS 46 kW 15.3.2 TIMBER Timber loaders 15.3.2 LOADERS 46 kW Notes 1) 2) 3) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Purchase price Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest (R) (R) (R) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) Total fixed costs (c/km) 645 425 161 356 403 391 40,34 3,03 17,14 60,51 43,36 658 878 164 720 411 799 41,18 3,09 17,50 61,77 44,27 Life: Cane loaders Life: Timber loaders Average use per annum: Cane loaders Average use per annum: Timber loaders Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance and licence cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Fuel price = Fuel consumption: 46 kW Oil price = Oil consumption = Tyre cost per hour It is assumed that 6 sets of tyres are needed Repairs and maint. (c/km) (c/km) 32,27 92,89 32,94 92,89 Total fixed costs excl. interest (c/km) Tyre cost Total variable costs (c/km) Total costs (c/km) 2,08 127,24 187,75 170,61 2,08 127,92 189,69 172,19 Total costs excl. interest (c/km) 12 000 kilometres 12 000 kilometres 2 000 kilometres per annum 2 000 kilometres per annum 25,0% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 60,0% of purchase price/life period in hours 13,27 per litre 7,00 Litres/kilowat hour 29,76 per litre 1,0% of fuel consumption = (Purchase price of new tyre set * no. tyre sets)/hours per annum Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 47 – 49 16. TRAILERS 16.trailers 16.1 May 2013 TWO-WHEELED TRAILERS 16.1Two-wheeled trailers Purchase price Salvage value Average investment Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest Total fixed costs (R) (R) (R) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 48 250 52 500 89 550 96 350 2 413 2 625 4 478 4 818 25 331 27 563 47 014 50 584 4,58 4,99 8,51 9,15 0,76 0,83 1,41 1,52 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 4,31 4,69 7,99 8,60 10,05 10,90 18,31 19,67 5,74 6,21 10,32 11,07 55 400 58 900 99 500 101 700 2 770 2 945 4 975 5 085 29 085 30 923 52 238 53 393 5,26 5,60 9,45 9,66 0,87 0,93 1,57 1,60 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 4,94 5,26 8,88 9,08 11,48 12,18 20,30 20,74 71 450 80 500 132 200 3 573 4 025 6 610 37 511 42 263 69 405 6,79 7,65 12,56 1,13 1,27 2,08 0,40 0,40 0,40 6,38 7,18 11,80 14,69 16,50 26,84 Description 16.1.1Flatbed 16.1.1 FLATBED TRAILERS 3 ton 5 ton 6 ton 8 ton 16.1.2Dropsides 16.1.2 DROPSIDES TRAILERS 3 ton 5 ton 6 ton 8 ton Total Repairs fixed and maint. costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) Tyre Cost Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) (R/hr) 1,93 2,10 3,58 3,85 0,95 1,74 3,47 3,47 2,88 3,84 7,06 7,33 12,93 14,74 25,37 27,00 8,62 10,05 17,37 18,40 6,54 6,92 11,42 11,66 2,22 2,36 3,98 4,07 0,95 1,74 3,47 3,47 3,16 4,09 7,45 7,54 14,64 16,27 27,75 28,28 9,70 11,02 18,87 19,21 8,31 9,32 15,04 2,86 3,22 5,29 0,95 1,74 3,47 3,80 4,96 8,76 18,49 21,46 35,60 12,12 14,27 23,80 16.2Tip trailers low speed 16.2 TIP TRAILERS LOW SPEED 3 ton—two-wheel 5 ton—two-wheel 8 ton—four-wheel Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Actual licence cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Tyre cost per hour It is assumed that 3 sets of tyres are needed Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 10 000 hours 500 hours 5% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum = Actual cost/hours per annum R 200,00 /hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 40% of purchase price/life period in hours = (Purchase price of new tyre set * no. tyre sets)/life period in hours – 48 – 2013 - 2014 50 16.3 FOUR-WHEELED TRAILERS 16.3Four-wheeled trailers Purchase price Salvage value Average investment Depreciation (R) 38 500 50 600 89 550 99 500 96 350 101 700 104 150 121 000 177 400 249 480 279 180 (R) 1 925 2 530 4 478 4 975 4 818 5 085 5 208 6 050 8 870 12 474 13 959 (R) 20 213 26 565 47 014 52 238 50 584 53 393 54 679 63 525 93 135 130 977 146 570 (R/hr) 3,66 4,81 8,51 9,45 9,15 9,66 9,89 11,50 16,85 23,70 26,52 Insurance Licence Interest Total fixed costs (R/hr) 0,61 0,80 1,41 1,57 1,52 1,60 1,64 1,91 2,79 3,93 4,40 (R/hr) 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 (R/hr) 3,44 4,52 7,99 8,88 8,60 9,08 9,30 10,80 15,83 22,27 24,92 (R/hr) 8,10 10,52 18,31 20,30 19,67 20,74 21,23 24,60 35,88 50,30 56,24 0,92 1,34 1,81 2,45 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 5,20 7,61 10,27 13,90 12,05 17,46 23,42 31,55 Description 2 ton 3 ton 6 ton—flatbed 6 ton—dropsides 8 ton—flatbed 8 ton—dropsides 10 ton—flatbed 10 ton—dropsides 15 ton—dropsides Silage feedout wagon—18 cu.m. Silage feedout wagon—30 cu.m. Total Repairs fixed and maint. costs excl. interest (R/hr) (R/hr) 4,66 1,54 6,00 2,02 10,32 3,58 11,42 3,98 11,07 3,85 11,66 4,07 11,93 4,17 13,80 4,84 20,05 7,10 28,03 9,98 31,32 11,17 Tyre Cost Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/hr) 1,98 1,98 1,89 1,89 3,47 6,95 8,63 8,63 8,63 8,63 8,63 (R/hr) 3,52 4,00 5,48 5,87 7,33 11,02 12,80 13,47 15,73 18,61 19,80 (R/hr) 11,62 14,52 23,79 26,17 27,00 31,76 34,03 38,07 51,61 68,91 76,03 (R/hr) 8,18 10,01 15,79 17,29 18,40 22,68 24,73 27,27 35,77 46,64 51,12 0,91 0,99 3,10 4,32 3,24 4,40 7,71 10,55 15,28 21,87 31,13 42,09 10,08 14,25 20,86 28,19 16.4 water cartsCARTS without pumps and plumbing DRAWNfire-fighting FIRE-FIGHTING WATER WITHOUT PUMPS AND PLUMBING 16.4 Drawn 1 000 2 000 3 000 5 000 58235 85322 115117 155746 Notes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 2 912 4 266 5 756 7 787 30 573 44 794 60 436 81 767 5,53 8,11 10,94 14,80 Life period Average use per annum Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per hour Insurance cost per hour Actual Licence cost per hour Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour Tyre cost per hour It is assumed that 3 sets of tyres are needed Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 6,85 9,85 13,15 17,65 2,33 3,41 4,60 6,23 10 000 hours 500 hours 5% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours 1,5% of average investment/hours per annum = Actual cost/hours per annum R 200,00 /hours per annum 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum 40% of purchase price/life period in hours = (Purchase price of new tyre set * no. tyre sets)/life period in hours 2013 - 2014 – 49 – 51 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: LDV May 2013 17.Ldvs 17.1 2-WHEEL DRIVE 17.1Two-wheel drive LDV size Engine capacity Purchase price (t) (cc) (R ) 17.1.1Petrol—single cab CAB 17.1.1 PETROL SINGLE 0,5 t <1 400 121 456 0,5 t <=1 800 113 070 1t 2 000 swb 132 105 1t 2 000 lwb 176 012 1t <= 2 500 lwb 180 949 1t <= 3 000 lwb 233 509 17.1.2 DIESEL Diesel—single cabCAB 17.1.2 SINGLE 1t <= 2 500 swb 212 140 1t <= 2 500 lwb 205 990 1t <= 3 000 lwb 271 971 17.1.3 17.1.3 CLUB-CAB Club cab P; 1 t <= 2500 240 822 D; 1 t <= 2500 255 147 D; 1 t <= 3000 295 951 17.1.4 17.1.4 DOUBLE-CAB Double cab P; 1 t <= 2 500 281 596 P; 1 t <= 3 000 293 596 P; 1 t <= 4 000 351 667 D; 1 t <= 2 400 311 637 D; 1 t <= 3 000 338 754 D; 1 t >= 3 000 402 281 Fuel usage (ℓ per 100 km) Aver investment (R) Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) Total fixed costs (R/km) 7,90 7,90 10,00 10,60 11,00 14,00 66 801 62 189 72 658 96 806 99 522 128 430 68,32 63,60 74,31 99,01 101,78 131,35 23,05 21,46 25,07 33,40 34,34 44,31 1,35 1,35 2,38 2,38 2,38 2,38 28,39 26,43 30,88 41,14 42,30 54,58 1,21 1,13 1,33 1,76 1,81 2,33 0,93 0,86 1,02 1,35 1,38 1,78 8,00 8,00 8,00 116 677 113 295 149 584 119,33 115,87 152,98 40,25 39,09 51,61 2,35 2,35 2,35 49,59 48,15 63,57 2,12 2,05 2,71 14,00 8,00 9,50 132 452 140 331 162 773 135,46 143,52 166,47 45,70 48,41 56,16 2,35 2,35 2,35 56,29 59,64 69,18 14,00 14,00 14,50 14,00 14,00 14,00 154 878 161 478 193 417 171 401 186 315 221 255 158,40 165,15 197,81 175,30 190,55 226,28 53,43 55,71 66,73 59,13 64,28 76,33 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 65,82 68,63 82,20 72,85 79,18 94,03 Total fixed Repairs cost excl. and maint. interest (R/km) (c/km) Fuel Oil Tyres (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) 37,96 35,33 41,28 55,00 56,55 72,97 107,05 107,05 135,50 143,63 149,05 189,70 2,35 2,35 2,98 3,15 3,27 4,17 6,58 6,58 7,45 7,45 7,45 7,45 1,62 1,57 2,07 66,29 64,37 84,99 106,16 106,16 106,16 2,38 2,38 2,38 2,40 2,54 2,94 1,84 1,94 2,25 75,26 79,73 92,48 189,70 106,16 126,07 2,81 2,92 3,50 3,10 3,37 3,99 2,15 2,24 2,67 2,37 2,58 3,05 88,00 91,75 109,90 97,39 105,86 125,71 189,70 189,70 196,48 185,78 185,78 185,78 Contingency factor (c/km) Total var. costs Total costs Total costs excl. interest (R/km) (R/km) (R/km) 15,39 15,13 18,72 20,92 21,63 27,43 1,69 1,66 2,06 2,30 2,38 3,02 2,90 2,79 3,39 4,06 4,19 5,34 2,62 2,53 3,08 3,65 3,76 4,80 7,45 7,45 7,45 18,23 18,04 20,10 2,01 1,98 2,21 4,12 4,04 4,92 3,62 3,56 4,28 4,17 2,38 2,83 10,96 10,96 10,96 28,01 19,92 23,23 3,08 2,19 2,56 5,48 4,73 5,50 4,92 4,13 4,81 4,17 4,17 4,32 4,17 4,17 4,17 10,96 10,96 10,96 10,96 10,96 10,96 29,28 29,66 32,16 29,83 30,68 32,66 3,22 3,26 3,54 3,28 3,37 3,59 6,03 6,19 7,03 6,38 6,74 7,59 5,37 5,50 6,21 5,65 5,95 6,65 P = Petrol; D = Diesel; swb = short wheel base; lwb = long wheel base Notes: 1) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Life period Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per kilometre Insurance cost per kilometre Actual licence cost per kilometre 160 000 kilometers 2) Annual use per annum 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in C41s 6,9% of average investment/kilometres per annum = Actual cost per annum/kilometres per annum Interest cost per kilometre Repairs and maintenance cost per kilometre The price of petrol (95 octane) The price of diesel Price of oil Oil consumption Tyre cost per kilometre 8,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum 50% of purchase price/life period in kilometres. 1 355 cents/litre 1 327 cents/litre Rand/210 litres 2 976 cents/210 litres 6 249,6 1% of fuel consumption = ( Purchase price of new tyre * no. tyres)/tyre life in kilometres [no. tyres = no. wheels] = ( Total price of new tyres)/tyre life in kilometres Tyre price Tyre size 165 R 13 658,00 195 R 14 745,00 215 R 15 1096,00 Assumption: A set of tyres lasts Contingency factor 20 000 kilometres R 270,00 R 475,00 R 470,00 R 570,00 for 0,5 t for 1 t petrol for diesel single cab and club cab for rest of LDVs 0,5 t models 1,0 t 2-Wheel-drive single-cab models 1,0 t 2-Wheel-drive club-cab and double cab models 50 000 kilometres 10% of the variable costs, i.e. repairs + fuel + oil + tyres Department Agriculture, Forestry Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 50 – 52 17.2Four-wheel drive 17.2 4-WHEEL DRIVE LDV size Engine capacity (t) (cc) 17.2.1 SINGLE-CAB Single cab 17.2.1 P; 1 t <= 2 500 D; 1 t <= 2 500 D; 1 t <= 3 000 17.2.2 CLUB-CAB Club cab 17.2.2 D; 1 t <= 2 500 D; 1 t <= 3 000 D; 1 t >= 3 000 17.2.3 17.2.3 DOUBLE-CAB Double cab P; 1 t <= 2 500 P; 1 t <= 3 000 P; 1 t <= 4 000 D; 1 t <= 2 500 D; 1 t >= 3 000 Aver investment (R) Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest (R ) Fuel usage (ℓ per 100 km) (c/km) (c/km) (c/Km) (c/km) Total fixed costs (R/km) 222 784 273 610 314 211 10,20 8,00 10,20 122 531 150 485 172 816 125,32 153,91 176,74 42,27 51,92 59,62 2,85 2,85 2,85 52,08 63,96 73,45 2,23 2,73 3,13 1,70 2,09 2,39 315 907 343 904 351 880 8,00 9,50 11,00 173 749 189 147 193 534 177,70 193,45 197,93 59,94 65,26 66,77 2,85 2,85 2,85 73,84 80,39 82,25 3,14 3,42 3,50 343 470 280 409 417 456 306 663 390 842 14,00 14,00 14,50 8,00 9,50 188 909 154 225 229 601 168 665 214 963 193,20 157,73 234,82 172,50 219,85 65,17 53,21 79,21 58,19 74,16 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 2,85 80,29 65,55 97,58 71,68 91,36 3,42 2,79 4,14 3,05 3,88 Purchase price Total fixed Repairs cost excl. and maint. interest (R/km) (c/km) Fuel Oil Tyres (c/km) (c/km) (c/km) Contingency factor (c/km) Total var. costs Total costs 69,62 85,50 98,19 138,21 106,16 135,35 3,04 2,38 3,04 10,96 10,96 10,96 2,40 2,62 2,68 98,72 107,47 109,96 106,16 126,07 145,97 2,38 2,83 3,27 2,61 2,14 3,17 2,34 2,97 107,33 87,63 130,46 95,83 122,14 189,70 189,70 196,48 106,16 126,07 4,17 4,17 4,32 2,38 2,83 Total costs excl. interest (R/km) (R/km) (R/km) 22,18 20,50 24,75 2,44 2,26 2,72 4,67 4,98 5,85 4,14 4,34 5,12 10,96 13,59 13,59 21,82 25,00 27,28 2,40 2,75 3,00 5,54 6,17 6,50 4,81 5,36 5,68 13,59 13,59 13,59 13,59 13,59 31,48 29,51 34,48 21,80 26,46 3,46 3,25 3,79 2,40 2,91 6,88 6,04 7,94 5,45 6,79 6,07 5,38 6,96 4,73 5,88 P = Petrol; D = Diesel Notes: 1) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Life period Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per kilometre Insurance cost per kilometre Actual licence cost per kilometre Interest cost per kilometre Repairs and maintenance cost per kilometre The price of petrol (95 octane) The price of diesel Price of oil Oil consumption Tyre cost per kilometre Tyre size Tyre price 215 R 15 1 096 245/75 R 15 1 359 Assumption: A set of tyres lasts Contingency factor Department Agriculture, Forestry Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 160 000 kilometres 2) Annual use per annum 20 000 kilometres 10% of purchase price = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in kilometres 6,9% of average investment/kilometres per annum = Actual cost/kilometres per annum R 570,00 /kilometres per annum 8,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum 50% of purchase price/life period in kilometres 1 355 cents/litre 1 327 cents/litre Rand/210 litres 2 976 cents/litre 6 249,6 1% of fuel consumption = (Purchase price of new tyre * no. tyres)/tyre life in kilometres [no. tyres = no. wheels] = (Total price of new tyres)/tyre life in kilometres 50 000 10% kilometres of the variable costs, i.e. repairs + fuel + oil + tyres 2013 - 2014 – 51 – 53 18.Trucks andwith trucks 18. Trucks and trucks trailors with trailors 18.1 Single differential: (with dropsides) 18.1 Single differential with dropsides Purchase price Truck size (ton) 3,0 ton 4,0 ton 6,0 ton (atego) 7,0 ton 8,0 ton (R ) 279 140 306 120 441 000 484 000 544 000 Fuel usage (per 100 km) 15,00 15,00 25,00 28,00 30,00 Average investment (R) 153 527 168 366 242 550 266 200 299 200 Depreciation Insurance Licence Interest (c/km) 93,05 102,04 147,00 145,20 163,20 (c/km) 17,55 16,84 16,17 15,21 19,95 (c/km) 4,00 5,54 6,21 4,83 5,52 (c/km) 37,29 40,89 51,54 37,71 42,39 Total fixed costs (R/km) 1,52 1,65 2,21 2,03 2,31 Total fixed cost excl. interest (R/km) 1,15 1,24 1,69 1,65 1,89 Repairs and maint. (c/km) 46,52 51,02 88,20 96,80 108,80 Fuel Oil Tyres (c/km) 199,05 199,05 331,75 371,56 398,10 (c/km) 6,70 6,70 14,88 16,67 17,86 (c/km) 51,66 51,66 51,66 73,58 83,67 Contingency factor (c/km) 30,39 30,84 48,65 55,86 60,84 Total var. costs Total costs (R/km) 3,34 3,39 5,35 6,14 6,69 (R/km) 4,86 5,05 7,56 8,17 9,00 Total costs excl. interest (R/km) 4,49 4,64 7,05 7,80 8,58 18.2 Double differential with dropsides 18.2 Double differential: (with dropsides) 14,0 ton (axor) 89 900 40,00 49 445 26,97 2,83 6,63 6,00 0,42 0,36 17,98 530,80 23,81 123,73 69,63 7,66 8,08 8,02 46,00 48,00 50,00 571 450 571 450 614 900 133,59 133,59 143,74 32,65 32,65 35,14 6,43 6,43 6,43 69,39 69,39 74,67 2,42 2,42 2,60 1,73 1,73 1,85 71,25 71,25 76,66 610,42 636,96 663,50 27,38 28,57 29,76 90,00 130,00 180,00 79,90 86,68 94,99 8,79 9,53 10,45 11,21 11,96 13,05 10,52 11,26 12,30 156,21 38,19 6,63 81,14 2,82 2,01 83,31 597,15 26,78 123,73 83,10 9,14 11,96 11,15 219,60 219,60 249,04 53,68 53,68 60,88 6,43 6,43 6,43 114,07 114,07 129,36 3,94 3,94 4,46 2,80 2,80 3,16 117,12 117,12 132,82 597,15 623,69 690,04 26,78 27,97 30,95 90,00 130,00 180,00 83,11 89,88 103,38 9,14 9,89 11,37 13,08 13,82 15,83 11,94 12,68 14,54 6,43 6,43 6,43 114,07 114,07 129,36 3,94 3,94 4,46 2,80 2,80 3,16 117,12 117,12 132,82 623,69 623,69 690,04 27,97 27,97 30,95 90,00 90,00 90,00 85,88 85,88 94,38 9,45 9,45 10,38 13,38 13,38 14,84 12,24 12,24 13,55 18.3 Dual axle—horse 18.3 Dual axle truck: (horse only)only 22,0 ton (axor) 25,0 ton (axor) 29,0 ton (axor) 1 039 000 1 039 000 1 118 000 18.4 Single differential with semi-trailer 18.4 Single differential with semi-trailer 18,0 ton (axor) 1 215 000 45,00 668 250 18.5 x 4 truck with timber trailer 18.5 6 x 6 4 Truck tractortractor with timber trailer 18 ton semi-trailer 24 ton semi-trailer 38 ton interlink (actos) 1 708 000 1 708 000 1 937 000 45,00 47,00 52,00 939 400 939 400 1 065 350 18.6 x 4 truck with canetrailer single-spiller trailer 18.6 6 x 6 4 Truck tractoetractor with sugar canesugar single spiller 18 ton semi-trailer 24 ton semi-trailer 38 ton interlink Notes 1 708 000 1 708 000 1 937 000 47,00 47,00 52,00 939 400 939 400 1 065 350 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Life period (kilometres) Annual use per annum (kilometres) Salvage value Average investment Depreciation cost per kilometre Insurance cost per kilometre Actual licence cost per kilometre 8) 9) Interest cost per hour Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) The price of diesel = Fuel cost/km Price of oil = Oil consumption = Tyre cost per kilometre 15) 16) Assumption: A set of tyres lasts A contingency factor of 219,60 219,60 249,04 53,68 53,68 60,88 Groups 18,1 and 18,2 300 000 Groups 18,3 to 18,6 700 000 Group 18,1 3,0 and 4,0 t 35 000 Group 18,1 6,0 t 40 000 Group 18,1 7,0 and 8,0 t 60 000 Groups 18,2 to 18,6 70 000 10,0% of purchase price = (purchase price + salvage value)/S592 = (purchase price - salvage value)/life period in kilometres 4,00% of average investment/kilometres per annum = Actual cost/kilometres per annum Group 18,1 3,0 t 1 400 Group 18,1 7,0 t 2 898 Groups 18,1 and 18,4 4 640 Group 18,1 4,0 t 1 940 Group 18,1 8,0 t 3 312 Groups 18.3, 18,5 and 18,6 4 500 Group 18,1 6,0 t 2 482 8,5% of average investment/kilometres per annum. 50,0% of purchase price/life period in kilometres for 3 to 5 ton trucks 60,0% of purchase price/life period in kilometres for 6 to 12,5 ton trucks 48,0% of purchase price/life period in kilometres for all other trucks 1 327 cents/litre = Fuel consumption * fuel price 2 976 cents/litres 6 249,6 Rand/210 litres 1,5% of fuel consumption for the 3-5 ton trucks 2,0% of fuel consumption for all the other trucks = (purchase price of new tyre * no. tyres)/tyre life in kilometres [No. tyres = no. wheels] = (Total price of new tyres)/tyre life in kilometres 45 000 kilometres 10,0% of the variable costs, i.e. repairs + fuel + oil + tyres Department Agriculture, Forestry Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 52 – 54 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS : ELECTRIC MOTORS May 2013 19.Electric motors 19.1 ELECTRIC MOTORS: 1,1kW to 4,0 kW: 1 0006-pole rpm 6-pole high efficiency 19.1Electric motors—1,1kW to 4,0 kW—1 000 rpm high efficiency Size (kW) 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 2,20 2,20 2,20 2,20 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 Notes KVA required Purchase price 1,29 1,29 1,29 1,29 1,76 1,76 1,76 1,76 2,59 2,59 2,59 2,59 3,53 3,53 3,53 3,53 4,71 4,71 4,71 4,71 (R) 3 602 3 602 3 602 3 602 4 267 4 267 4 267 4 267 5 262 5 262 5 262 5 262 6 088 6 088 6 088 6 088 7 202 7 202 7 202 7 202 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Average use per annum (hr) 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 Salvage value (R) 360 360 360 360 427 427 427 427 526 526 526 526 609 609 609 609 720 720 720 720 Average investment (R) 1 981 1 981 1 981 1 981 2 347 2 347 2 347 2 347 2 894 2 894 2 894 2 894 3 348 3 348 3 348 3 348 3 961 3 961 3 961 3 961 Depreciation Interest Total fixed costs (c/hr) 16,21 16,21 16,21 16,21 19,20 19,20 19,20 19,20 23,68 23,68 23,68 23,68 27,40 27,40 27,40 27,40 32,41 32,41 32,41 32,41 (c/hr) 67,36 33,68 11,23 6,74 79,79 39,90 13,30 7,98 98,40 49,20 16,40 9,84 113,85 56,92 18,97 11,38 134,68 67,34 22,45 13,47 (c/hr) 83,57 49,89 27,44 22,94 98,99 59,10 32,50 27,18 122,08 72,88 40,08 33,52 141,24 84,32 46,37 38,78 167,09 99,75 54,86 45,88 Tot. fixed costs excl. interest (c/hr) 16,21 16,21 16,21 16,21 19,20 19,20 19,20 19,20 23,68 23,68 23,68 23,68 27,40 27,40 27,40 27,40 32,41 32,41 32,41 32,41 Repairs and maintain (c/hr) 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 2,13 2,13 2,13 2,13 2,63 2,63 2,63 2,63 3,04 3,04 3,04 3,04 3,60 3,60 3,60 3,60 WTD average electricty cost (c/hr) 74,80 74,80 74,80 74,80 102,00 102,00 102,00 102,00 149,60 149,60 149,60 149,60 204,00 204,00 204,00 204,00 272,00 272,00 272,00 272,00 WTD total variable costs (c/hr) 76,60 76,60 76,60 76,60 104,13 104,13 104,13 104,13 152,23 152,23 152,23 152,23 207,04 207,04 207,04 207,04 275,60 275,60 275,60 275,60 WTD AVG total cost (R/hr) 1,60 1,26 1,04 1,00 2,03 1,63 1,37 1,31 2,74 2,25 1,92 1,86 3,48 2,91 2,53 2,46 4,43 3,75 3,30 3,21 WTD AVG total cost excl. interest (R/hr) 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93 1,23 1,23 1,23 1,23 1,76 1,76 1,76 1,76 2,34 2,34 2,34 2,34 3,08 3,08 3,08 3,08 Average life 20 000 hours Salvage value 10,00% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours (in cents/hour) Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum (in cents/hour) Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 10,00% of purchase price/life period in hours (in cents/hour) KVA needed (power factor) 85,00% of kW size 0,8 R/kW hr Weighted average for land rates Cost = Size (kW) x KVA needed x weighted average (in Rand/hour) Transformer size for land rate 1 25 KVA Transformer size for land rate 2 50 KVA Transformer size for land rate 3 100 KVA As the required KVA approaches the allotted land rate transformer size, the user is compelled to use a higher capacity transformer. Note these costs are only guidelines and each new electrical installation will need its own evaluation. Each new connection must be evaluated against the current use of the transformer to be used. Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) – 53-–2014 2013 55 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: ELECTRIC MOTORS May 2013 19.2 ELECTRIC MOTORS: 5,5kW 18,5 kW: 1 0006-pole rpm 6-pole high efficiency 19.2Electric motors—5,5kW to 18,5to kW—1 000 rpm high efficiency Size (kW) 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 18,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 Notes KVA required Purchase price 6,47 6,47 6,47 6,47 8,82 8,82 8,82 8,82 12,94 12,94 12,94 12,94 17,65 17,65 17,65 17,65 21,76 21,76 21,76 21,76 (R) 9 430 9 430 9 430 9 430 11 128 11 128 11 128 11 128 17 553 17 553 17 553 17 553 21 056 21 056 21 056 21 056 26 092 26 092 26 092 26 092 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Average use per annum (hr) 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 Salvage value (R) 943 943 943 943 1 113 1 113 1 113 1 113 1 755 1 755 1 755 1 755 2 106 2 106 2 106 2 106 2 609 2 609 2 609 2 609 Average investment (R) 5 187 5 187 5 187 5 187 6 120 6 120 6 120 6 120 9 654 9 654 9 654 9 654 11 581 11 581 11 581 11 581 14 351 14 351 14 351 14 351 Depreciation Interest Total fixed costs (c/hr) 42,44 42,44 42,44 42,44 50,08 50,08 50,08 50,08 78,99 78,99 78,99 78,99 94,75 94,75 94,75 94,75 117,41 117,41 117,41 117,41 (c/hr) 176,34 88,17 29,39 17,63 208,09 104,05 34,68 20,81 328,24 164,12 54,71 32,82 393,75 196,87 65,62 39,37 487,92 243,96 81,32 48,79 (c/hr) 218,78 130,61 71,83 60,07 258,17 154,12 84,76 70,89 407,23 243,11 133,70 111,81 488,50 291,63 160,38 134,13 605,33 361,37 198,73 166,21 Tot. fixed costs excl. interest (c/hr) 42,44 42,44 42,44 42,44 50,08 50,08 50,08 50,08 78,99 78,99 78,99 78,99 94,75 94,75 94,75 94,75 117,41 117,41 117,41 117,41 Repairs and maintain (c/hr) 4,72 4,72 4,72 4,72 5,56 5,56 5,56 5,56 8,78 8,78 8,78 8,78 10,53 10,53 10,53 10,53 13,05 13,05 13,05 13,05 WTD average electricty cost (c/hr) 3,74 3,74 3,74 3,74 5,10 5,10 5,10 5,10 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 12,58 12,58 12,58 12,58 WTD total variable costs (c/hr) 3,79 3,79 3,79 3,79 5,16 5,16 5,16 5,16 7,57 7,57 7,57 7,57 10,31 10,31 10,31 10,31 12,71 12,71 12,71 12,71 WTD AVG total cost (R/hr) 5,97 5,09 4,51 4,39 7,74 6,70 6,00 5,86 11,64 10,00 8,90 8,69 15,19 13,22 11,91 11,65 18,76 16,32 14,70 14,37 WTD AVG total cost excl. interest (R/hr) 4,21 4,21 4,21 4,21 5,66 5,66 5,66 5,66 8,36 8,36 8,36 8,36 11,25 11,25 11,25 11,25 13,88 13,88 13,88 13,88 Average life 20 000 hours Salvage value 10,00% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours (in cents/hour) Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum (in cents/hour) Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 10,00% of purchase price/life period in hours (in cents/hour) KVA needed (power factor) 85,00% of kW size Weighted average for land rates 0,8 R/kW hr Cost = Size (kW) x KVA needed x weighted average (in Rand/hour) Transformer size for land rate 1 25 KVA Transformer size for land rate 2 50 KVA Transformer size for land rate 3 100 KVA As the required KVA approaches the allotted land rate transformer size, the user is compelled to use a higher capacity transformer. Note these costs are only guidelines and each new electrical installation will need its own evaluation. Each new connection must be evaluated against the current use of the transformer to be used. Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 54 – 56 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: ELECTRIC MOTORS May 2013 19.3 ELECTRIC MOTORS: 22,0kW 75,0 kW: 1 0006-pole rpm 6-pole high efficiency 19.3Electric motors—22,0kW to 75,0to kW—1 000 rpm high efficiency Size (kW) 22,0 22,0 22,0 22,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 37,0 37,0 37,0 37,0 45,0 45,0 45,0 45,0 55,0 55,0 55,0 55,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 Notes KVA required Purchase price 25,88 25,88 25,88 25,88 35,29 35,29 35,29 35,29 43,53 43,53 43,53 43,53 52,94 52,94 52,94 52,94 64,71 64,71 64,71 64,71 88,24 88,24 88,24 88,24 (R) 29 064 29 064 29 064 29 064 37 703 37 703 37 703 37 703 48 552 48 552 48 552 48 552 54 981 54 981 54 981 54 981 70 762 70 762 70 762 70 762 84 526 84 526 84 526 84 526 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Average use per annum (hr) 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 Salvage value (R) 2 906 2 906 2 906 2 906 3 770 3 770 3 770 3 770 4 855 4 855 4 855 4 855 5 498 5 498 5 498 5 498 7 076 7 076 7 076 7 076 8 453 8 453 8 453 8 453 Average investment (R) 15 985 15 985 15 985 15 985 20 737 20 737 20 737 20 737 26 704 26 704 26 704 26 704 30 240 30 240 30 240 30 240 38 919 38 919 38 919 38 919 46 489 46 489 46 489 46 489 Depreciation Interest Total fixed costs (c/hr) 1,31 1,31 1,31 1,31 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 2,18 2,18 2,18 2,18 2,47 2,47 2,47 2,47 3,18 3,18 3,18 3,18 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 (c/hr) 5,43 2,72 0,91 0,54 7,05 3,53 1,18 0,71 9,08 4,54 1,51 0,91 10,28 5,14 1,71 1,03 13,23 6,62 2,21 1,32 15,81 7,90 2,63 1,58 (c/hr) 6,74 4,03 2,21 1,85 8,75 5,22 2,87 2,40 11,26 6,72 3,70 3,09 12,76 7,61 4,19 3,50 16,42 9,80 5,39 4,51 19,61 11,71 6,44 5,38 Tot. fixed costs excl. interest (c/hr) 1,31 1,31 1,31 1,31 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 2,18 2,18 2,18 2,18 2,47 2,47 2,47 2,47 3,18 3,18 3,18 3,18 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 Repairs and maintain (c/hr) 14,53 14,53 14,53 14,53 18,85 18,85 18,85 18,85 24,28 24,28 24,28 24,28 27,49 27,49 27,49 27,49 35,38 35,38 35,38 35,38 42,26 42,26 42,26 42,26 WTD average electricty cost (c/hr) 14,96 14,96 14,96 14,96 20,40 20,40 20,40 20,40 25,16 25,16 25,16 25,16 30,60 30,60 30,60 30,60 37,40 37,40 37,40 37,40 51,00 51,00 51,00 51,00 WTD total variable costs (c/hr) 15,11 15,11 15,11 15,11 20,59 20,59 20,59 20,59 25,40 25,40 25,40 25,40 30,87 30,87 30,87 30,87 37,75 37,75 37,75 37,75 51,42 51,42 51,42 51,42 WTD AVG total cost (R/hr) 21,85 19,13 17,32 16,96 29,34 25,81 23,46 22,99 36,67 32,13 29,10 28,50 43,63 38,49 35,06 34,38 54,17 47,55 43,14 42,26 71,03 63,13 57,86 56,81 WTD AVG total cost excl. interest (R/hr) 16,41 16,41 16,41 16,41 22,29 22,29 22,29 22,29 27,59 27,59 27,59 27,59 33,35 33,35 33,35 33,35 40,94 40,94 40,94 40,94 55,23 55,23 55,23 55,23 Average life 20 000 hours Salvage value 10,00% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours (in cents/hour) Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum (in cents/hour) Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 10,00% of purchase price/life period in hours (in cents/hour) KVA needed (power factor) 85,00% of kW size Weighted average for land rates 0,8 R/kW hr Cost = Size (kW) x KVA needed x weighted average (in Rand/hour) Transformer size for land rate 1 25 KVA Transformer size for land rate 2 50 KVA Transformer size for land rate 3 100 KVA As the required KVA approaches the allotted land rate transformer size, the user is compelled to use a higher capacity transformer. Note these costs are only guidelines and each new electrical installation will need its own evaluation. Each new connection must be evaluated against the current use of the transformer to be used. Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 55 – 57 GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS: ELECTRIC MOTORS May 2013 19.4 ELECTRIC MOTORS:to90,0 tokW—1 185,0 kW: 0006-pole rpm 6-pole high efficiency 19.4Electric motors—90,0 185,0 000 1 rpm high efficiency Size (kW) 90,0 90,0 90,0 90,0 110,0 110,0 110,0 110,0 132,0 132,0 132,0 132,0 160,0 160,0 160,0 160,0 185,0 185,0 185,0 185,0 200,0 200,0 200,0 200,0 Notes KVA required Purchase price 105,88 105,88 105,88 105,88 129,41 129,41 129,41 129,41 155,29 155,29 155,29 155,29 188,24 188,24 188,24 188,24 217,65 217,65 217,65 217,65 235,29 235,29 235,29 235,29 (R) 97 339 97 339 97 339 97 339 120 019 120 019 120 019 120 019 151 021 151 021 151 021 151 021 169 400 169 400 169 400 169 400 194 206 194 206 194 206 194 206 198 019 198 019 198 019 198 019 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Average use per annum (hr) 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 250 500 1 500 2 500 Salvage value (R) 9 734 9 734 9 734 9 734 12 002 12 002 12 002 12 002 15 102 15 102 15 102 15 102 16 940 16 940 16 940 16 940 19 421 19 421 19 421 19 421 19 802 19 802 19 802 19 802 Average investment Depreciation Interest Total fixed costs (R) 53 536 53 536 53 536 53 536 66 010 66 010 66 010 66 010 83 062 83 062 83 062 83 062 93 170 93 170 93 170 93 170 106 813 106 813 106 813 106 813 108 910 108 910 108 910 108 910 (c/hr) 4,38 4,38 4,38 4,38 5,40 5,40 5,40 5,40 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 8,74 8,74 8,74 8,74 8,91 8,91 8,91 8,91 (c/hr) 18,20 9,10 3,03 1,82 22,44 11,22 3,74 2,24 28,24 14,12 4,71 2,82 31,68 15,84 5,28 3,17 36,32 18,16 6,05 3,63 37,03 18,51 6,17 3,70 (c/hr) 22,58 13,48 7,41 6,20 27,84 16,62 9,14 7,65 35,04 20,92 11,50 9,62 39,30 23,46 12,90 10,79 45,06 26,90 14,79 12,37 45,94 27,43 15,08 12,61 Tot. fixed costs excl. interest (c/hr) 4,38 4,38 4,38 4,38 5,40 5,40 5,40 5,40 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 7,62 7,62 7,62 7,62 8,74 8,74 8,74 8,74 8,91 8,91 8,91 8,91 Repairs and maintain (c/hr) 48,67 48,67 48,67 48,67 60,01 60,01 60,01 60,01 75,51 75,51 75,51 75,51 84,70 84,70 84,70 84,70 97,10 97,10 97,10 97,10 99,01 99,01 99,01 99,01 WTD average electricty cost (c/hr) 61,20 61,20 61,20 61,20 74,80 74,80 74,80 74,80 89,76 89,76 89,76 89,76 108,80 108,80 108,80 108,80 125,80 125,80 125,80 125,80 136,00 136,00 136,00 136,00 WTD total variable costs (c/hr) 61,69 61,69 61,69 61,69 75,40 75,40 75,40 75,40 90,52 90,52 90,52 90,52 109,65 109,65 109,65 109,65 126,77 126,77 126,77 126,77 136,99 136,99 136,99 136,99 WTD AVG total cost (R/hr) 84,27 75,17 69,10 67,89 103,24 92,02 84,54 83,05 125,55 111,43 102,02 100,14 148,95 133,11 122,55 120,44 171,83 153,67 141,56 139,14 182,93 164,42 152,07 149,60 WTD AVG total cost excl. interest (R/hr) 66,07 66,07 66,07 66,07 80,80 80,80 80,80 80,80 97,31 97,31 97,31 97,31 117,27 117,27 117,27 117,27 135,51 135,51 135,51 135,51 145,90 145,90 145,90 145,90 Average life 20 000 hours Salvage value 10,00% of purchase price Average investment = (Purchase price + salvage value)/2 Depreciation cost per hour = (Purchase price - salvage value)/life period in hours (in cents/hour) Interest cost per hour 8,5% of average investment/hours per annum (in cents/hour) Repairs and maintenance cost per hour 10,00% of purchase price/life period in hours (in cents/hour) KVA needed (power factor) 85,00% of kW size Weighted average for land rates 0,8 R/kW hr Cost = Size (kW) x KVA needed x weighted average (in Rand/hour) Transformer size for land rate 1 25 KVA Transformer size for land rate 2 50 KVA Transformer size for land rate 3 100 KVA As the required KVA approaches the allotted land rate transformer size, the user is compelled to use a higher capacity transformer. Note these costs are only guidelines and each new electrical installation will need its own evaluation. Each new connection must be evaluated against the current use of the transformer to be used. Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Production Economics KZN Department Agriculture and Environmental Affairs; Agricultural Economics (ADSS) 2013 - 2014 – 56 – 58 20.FIELD CAPACITIES OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINary 20.1Introduction The field capacity in ha/10-hour day = Speed in km/h x working width in m x N. Where N = Field Efficiency, which is measured as a decimal. The field efficiency factor allows for time spent on turning on the headlands, refuelling the tractor, filling seed and fertiliser bins on a planter, etc. In the table of field capacities in the next section, average field efficiencies for the different operations are given. In practice, this figure might differ from the actual values, depending on how efficiently the operations are carried out. Example 1 A single-tine subsoiler is used at a speed of 5 km/hr and at a spacing of 2 m. From field observations it is determined that 17% of the time is spent on turning at the headlands and refuelling the tractor. Determine the field capacity. Working speed Working width Field efficiency Field capacity = = = = = 5 km/hr 2m 100 – 17 = 83%, i.e. 0,83 as a decimal 5 x 2 x 0,83 8,3 ha/10-hour day In the table of field capacities, the column “kW REQUIRED”, gives an indication of the actual power required to carry out the operation at specified field capacity. It should be kept in mind that a naturally aspirated engine working under Highveld conditions can only deliver approximately 80% of its rated power as measured at sea level. A turbo charged engine is assumed not to lose any power with an increase in altitude. Therefore, if the table indicates that 40 kW is required, a tractor with an advertised rated power of 40/0,8 = 50 kW has to be used. If the tractor is fitted with a turbo charger, a 40 kW turbo-charged tractor would suffice. At some places in the table of field capacities a recommended tractor size is specified. This is for certain operations where the physical size of the tractor, and not the power of the tractor determines the field capacity for the operation. An example of such an operation is the use of a high speed planter where a smaller tractor is unstable at high speeds although sufficient power is available. The lifting capacity of a three-point hitch may also be a limiting factor in certain operations. The data in the table of field capacities can be adjusted to suit the specific requirements by interpolation between the work rates for the machines. If for instance, a 55 kW tractor is available and the work rate for ploughing in a sandy soil has to be determined, it can be done as follows: Available kW at Highveld altitude = 0,8 x 55 = 44 kW From the field capacities listed for a mouldboard plough it can be seen that 48 kW is required to plough 10 ha per day. The field capacity of a 44 kW tractor will be: Field capacity (ha/10-hour day) = = (10 ha/day x 44 kW) ÷ 48 kW 9,2 ha/day In the table of field capacities, provision has been made for three soil types, namely sandy, sandy-loam and clay-loam. This classification is very broad and the work rates have to be modified for ploughing in the specific soil and comparing these with the listed field capacities. The tabulated figures can then be adjusted for the specific soil type. J. Pretorius & A.J. Heynes, Pr. Eng. Directorate: Agricultural Engineering – 57 – GUIDE TO MACHINERY COSTS 20.2 FIELD CAPACITY TABLE 20.2Table of field capacities Implement 1) kW required FIELD CULTIVATOR 75 mm depth and N = 83% Sand Width 1,6 m 3,0 m 3,0 m 3,7 m 4,5 m 6,0 m 7,5 m 9,0 m 2) LIGHT DISC HARROW 65 mm depth and N = 83% Sand HEAVY DISC (OFFSET OR ONE-WAY) 150 mm depth and N = 83% Sand CHISEL PLOUGH 200 mm depth, 300 mm spacing and N = 83% 28 43 54 57 64 80 100 120 Firm soil Loose soil 70 85 105 120 150 Sand Width 2,2 m 3,0 m 3,4 m 4,0 m 4,5 m 4,9 m 5,4 m 6,1 m Loose soil 24 36 45 48 55 70 90 117 Width 3,0 m 3,8 m 4,6 m 5,5 m 6,5 m 4) 28 43 54 57 64 80 100 120 Firm soil 38 47 60 70 86 93 108 150 85 110 130 160 – Firm soil Speed (km/hr) ha/day Loose soil 24 36 45 48 55 70 90 117 Width 1,6 m 3,0 m 3,0 m 3,7 m 4,5 m 6,0 m 7,5 m 9,0 m 3) Firm soil Tractor size Loose soil 48 60 71 82 105 120 140 194 60 74 108 125 150 170 198 274 – 58 – 30–35 45–54 56–68 60–71 68–80 88–100 113–125 146–150 Tractor size 30–35 45–54 56–68 60–71 68–80 88–100 113–125 146–150 Tractor size 88–106 106–138 131–163 150–200 188–250 Tractor size 48–75 59–92 75–135 88–156 108–188 116–212 135–248 188–343 8,0 8,0 9,2 9,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 Speed (km/hr) 8,0 8,0 9,2 9,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0 Speed (km/hr) 8,0 8,0 8,0 9,3 11,3 Speed (km/hr) 5,5 5,5 7,0 7,0 7,6 7,6 8,0 9,8 10,0 20,0 23,0 28,0 38,0 50,0 62,0 75,0 ha/day 10,0 20,0 23,0 28,0 38,0 50,0 62,0 75,0 ha/day 20,0 25,0 31,0 36,0 43,0 ha/day 10,0 14,0 20,0 23,0 29,0 31,0 36,0 50,0 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 5) kW required RIPPER PLOUGH 380 mm depth, 500 mm spacing and N = 83% Sand 2-t= 3-t= 5-t= 7-t= 9-t= 11 - t = 6) 1,0 m 1,5 m 2,5 m 3,5 m 4,5 m 5,5 m MOULDBOARD PLOUGH 250 mm depth and N = 83% 40 48 60 70 100 120 Sand 2 x 508 3 x 508 4 x 508 5 x 508 5 x 508 6 x 508 8 x 406 8 x 457 3 x 406 4 x 406 5 x 406 5 x 406 6 x 406 7 x 406 8 x 406 8 x 457 3 x 406 4 x 406 5 x 406 5 x 406 6 x 406 7 x 406 8 x 406 8 x 457 mm = 1,02 m mm = 1,52 m mm = 2,03 m mm = 2,54 m mm = 2,54 m mm = 3,05 m mm = 3,25 m mm = 3,66 m mm = 1,22 m mm = 1,63 m mm = 2,03 m mm = 2,03 m mm = 2,44 m mm = 2,85 m mm = 3,25 m mm = 3,66 m mm = 1,22 m mm = 1,63 m mm = 2,03 m mm = 2,03 m mm = 2,44 m mm = 2,85 m mm = 3,25 m mm = 3,66 m 24 40 48 60 72 100 113 138 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Firm soil Tractor size ha/day Loose soil 45 60 75 100 130 150 60 78 100 120 170 195 Firm soil Speed (km/hr) Loose soil – – – – – – – – 40 48 60 72 100 120 140 160 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 40 48 63 73 100 143 163 200 – 59 – 50–75 60–98 75–125 88–150 125–212 150–244 Tractor size 30 50 60 75 90 125 141 173 50 60 90 125 150 175 200 50 60 90 79 91 125 179 204 250 6,5 7,0 6,8 6,8 7,2 4,0 Speed (km/hr) 5,0 5,8 5,9 6,1 7,3 8,1 8,2 8,8 5,0 5,0 5,5 7,0 7,9 8,0 8,2 8,2 3,3 3,6 4,2 5,6 6,6 7,8 7,9 6,6 5,5 9,0 14,0 20,0 28,0 33,0 ha/day 4,5 7,5 10,0 13,0 15,5 21,0 22,5 27,0 5,0 7,0 9,0 12,0 16,0 19,0 22,0 25,0 3,5 5,0 7,0 9,5 13,5 18,5 21,0 26,0 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 7) kW required HEAVY SPIKE-TOOTH HARROW 150 mm depth and N = 83% Speed (km/hr) ha/day Sandy loam 5-section = 5,5 m 8-section = 7,3 m 12-section = 11,0 m 16-section = 14,6 m 8) Tractor size CULTIVATOR N = 83% 30 45 65 95 38 56 81 120 Firm soil 4 x 0,91 m = 4 x 0,91 m = 4 x 0,91 m = 4 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 8 x 0,91 m = 8 x 0,91 m = 8 x 0,91 m = 8 x 0,91 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 4 x 2,29 m = 4 x 2,29 m = 4 x 2,29 m = 4 x 2,29 m = 3,64 m 3,64 m 3,64 m 3,64 m 5,45 m 5,45 m 5,45 m 5,45 m 7,28 m 7,28 m 7,28 m 7,28 m 4,58 m 4,58 m 4,58 m 4,58 m 6,87 m 6,87 m 6,87 m 6,87 m 9,16 m 9,16 m 9,16 m 9,16 m 17 26 34 43 26 39 52 65 34 52 69 86 22 33 43 54 33 49 65 82 43 65 88 109 Tractor size 25 35 50 55 40 50 65 80 60 70 85 100 35 50 60 70 50 60 80 100 80 100 110 120 – 60 – 8,7 9,0 9,3 9,9 Speed (km/hr) 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 40,0 55,0 85,0 120,0 ha/day 12,0 18,0 24,0 30,0 18,0 27,0 36,0 45,0 24,0 36,0 48,0 60,0 15,0 23,0 30,0 38,0 23,0 34,0 45,0 57,0 30,0 45,0 61,0 76,0 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 9) kW required Speed (km/hr) ha/day SPREADER (LIME OR FERTILISER) N = 60% Width 3 m 4m 6m 8m 10 m 12 m 14 m 16 m 18 m 10) Tractor size BOOM SPRAYER N = 60% 15 18 24 27 34 42 47 54 60 30 30 40 50 75 75 90 110 130 Sandy loam Band 4 x 0,91 m 6 x 0,91 m 8 x 0,91 m 2 x 2,29 m 3 x 2,29 m 4 x 2,29 m 6 m boom 8 m boom 12 m boom 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 25 25 Tractor size 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 50 50 – 61 – 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 8,0 Speed (km/hr) 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 14,0 19,0 29,0 38,0 48,0 58,0 67,0 77,0 86,0 ha/day 13,0 30,0 26,0 16,5 25,0 33,0 22,0 29,0 43,0 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 11) MAIZE PLANTER Starter fertiliser and N = 70% kW required Sand 2 x 0,91 m = 1,82 m (*M) 21 2 x 0,91 m = 1,82 m (*M) 25 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (*M) 25 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (*M) 33 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (*M) 43 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (**T) 50 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (*M) 38 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (**T) 50 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (**T) 60 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (**T) 74 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 49 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 66 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 83 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 98 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 75 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 98 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 120 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 142 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 15 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 21 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 25 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 30 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (*M) 24 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (**T) 30 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (**T) 37 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (**T) 44 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 30 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 40 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 50 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 59 Note: *M = Mounted **T = Trailed Firm soil Tractor size Speed (km/hr) ha/day Loose soil 20 23 23 40 39 46 34 46 56 68 45 60 76 90 68 90 110 130 15 20 24 28 23 28 36 42 28 38 48 58 19 22 22 29 37 44 33 44 54 65 43 58 73 86 65 86 105 125 14 19 23 27 22 27 34 40 27 36 45 54 – 62 – 35 35 40 40 50 55 50 60 70 75 70 80 90 100 90 100 120 150 35 45 55 55 50 55 60 70 80 80 90 100 8,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 9,0 13,0 13,0 18,0 22,0 26,0 20,0 26,0 33,0 39,0 26,0 35,0 44,0 52,0 39,0 52,0 65,0 78,0 19,0 25,0 32,0 38,0 29,0 38,0 48,0 58,0 38,0 51,0 64,0 77,0 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 11) MAIZE PLANTER (cont) Full fertiliser and N = 60% kW required Sand 2 x 0,91 m = 1,82 m (*M) 21 2 x 0,91 m = 1,82 m (*M) 25 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (*M) 22 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (*M) 25 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (*M) 27 4 x 0,91 m = 3,64 m (**T) 33 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (*M) 26 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (**T) 33 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (**T) 42 6 x 0,91 m = 5,46 m (**T) 50 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 35 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 44 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 55 8 x 0,91 m = 7,28 m (**T) 66 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 51 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 68 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 83 12 x 0,91 m = 10,92 m (**T) 100 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 18 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 24 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 29 2 x 2,29 m = 4,58 m (*M) 36 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (*M) 27 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (**T) 36 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (**T) 46 3 x 2,29 m = 5,87 m (**T) 55 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 36 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 49 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 60 4 x 2,29 m = 9,16 m (**T) 74 Note: *M = Mounted **T = Trailed Firm soil Tractor size Speed (km/hr) ha/day Loose soil 20 23 21 24 26 31 25 31 40 48 34 42 53 64 48 65 80 98 17 22 27 33 25 33 42 50 33 45 55 68 19 22 20 23 25 30 24 30 38 46 32 40 50 60 46 62 76 92 16 21 26 32 24 32 40 48 32 43 53 65 – 63 – 35 35 35 35 45 50 45 55 60 70 65 70 80 90 80 90 100 110 40 50 55 55 55 60 70 75 90 90 100 110 6,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 8,0 15,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 23,0 30,0 38,0 46,0 31,0 41,0 51,0 61,0 46,0 61,0 76,0 92,0 16,5 22,0 27,0 33,0 25,0 33,0 41,0 49,0 33,0 44,0 55,0 66,0 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 12) kW required WHEAT DRILL 350 mm rows and N = 60% Speed (km/hr) ha/day Firm soil 7-row = 9-row = 14-row = 18-row = 21-row = 27-row = 2,45 m 3,15 m 4,90 m 6,30 m 7,35 m 9,45 m 15 20 39 51 60 76 40 7,0 45 7,0 70 9,0 80 9,0 90 9,0 100 9,0 ha/day at a yield of kW required Tractor size 1-row 2 x 0,91 m 38 42 48 53 1-row 2 x 0,91 m 38 42 48 53 Implement 13) Tractor size 10,0 13,0 26,0 34,0 40,0 51,0 2 t/ha 3 t/ha 4 t/ha 5 t/ha 6 t/ha 12 14 8 10 6 7 5 6 4 5 10 12 7 8 5 6 4 5 3 4 2 t/ha 24 38 58 80 24 38 58 80 3 t/ha 16 26 38 54 16 26 38 54 5 t/ha 10 15 23 32 – – – – 6 t/ha 8 13 19 26 - TRAILED COMBINE FOR MAIZE with unloading wagon and N = 80% without unloading wagon and N = 65% 14) SELF-PROPELLED COMBINE FOR MAIZE with unloading wagon and N = 80% kW required 4 x 0,91 m = 4 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 3,64 m 3,64 m 5,46 m 5,46 m 4,58 m 4,58 m 6,87 m 6,87 m 38 48 68 95 38 48 68 95 ha/day at a yield of – 64 – 4 t/ha 12 19 29 40 12 19 29 40 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 14) 15) kW required ha/day at a yield of 2 t/ha 3 t/ha 4 t/ha 5 t/ha 6 t/ha SELF-PROPELLED COMBINE FOR MAIZE without unloading wagon and N = 65% 4 x 0,91 m = 4 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 6 x 0,91 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 2 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = 3 x 2,29 m = SELF-PROPELLED COMBINE FOR WHEAT with unloading wagon and N = 80% 3,64 m 3,64 m 5,46 m 5,46 m 4,58 m 4,58 m 6,87 m 6,87 m 20 31 47 65 20 31 47 65 38 48 68 95 38 48 68 95 kW required 2 t/ha 13 10 8 21 16 12 31 23 19 44 33 26 13 10 – 21 16 – 31 23 – 44 33 – ha/day at a yield of 2,70 m 3,66 m 4,57 m 6,71 m 38 48 68 95 3 t/ha 34 48 77 115 2,70 m 3,66 m 4,57 m 6,71 m 38 48 68 95 27 39 62 94 7 10 16 21 - 4 t/ha 17 24 38 58 5 t/ha 11 16 26 38 6 t/ha 9 12 19 29 14 20 31 47 9 13 21 31 7 10 16 25 without unloading wagon and N = 65% – 65 – 20.2Table of field capacities (cont.) Implement 16) CUTTER-BAR MOWER N = 80% 17) DISC MOWER N = 80% kW Required Tractor size 1,8 m knife 10 35 1,6 m 1,8 m 2,0 m 2,4 m 2,8 m 30 30 35 46 46 38 38 44 58 58 Implement 18) 19) PICK-UP BALER Hay and N = 50% ROUND BALER Hay and N = 50% Small Medium Large 20) HAY RAKE N = 80% 2,0 m 2,4 m 3,0 m 6,0 m 21) kW required Tractor size 35 45 48 52 kW required 16 18 20 26 Speed (km/hr) ha/day 9,0 10,0 12,0 13,0 15,0 18,0 ha/day at a yield of 1 t/ha 1,5 t/ha 2 t/ha 2,5 t/ha 3 t/ha 3,5 t/ha 44 25 17 13 10 8 7 56 6 65 30 40 45 20 27 30 15 20 23 12 16 18 10 13 15 8 11 13 Tractor size Brittle crops (ha/day) Other crops (ha/day) 35 35 35 35 11 13 17 33 15 18 23 46 TRANSPORT No measurements have been made of the required power. For a tractor and trailer the following can be used to calculate approximate fuel consumption: Terrain Flat Undulating Hilly Fuel consumption/litre per ton–km 0,05 0,10 0,15 – 66 –
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