Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed CONTACT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UiTM 40450 SHAH ALAM Phone (office) : 03 – 5543 5212 Fax : 03 - 5543 5160 Phone (mobile) : 019-3095068 E-mail Address : [email protected] POSITION Senior lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Senior Research Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Transport (MITRANS) FIELD OF SPECIALISATION Aircraft Maintenance, Aviation Management, Airport Operations Research Interest Air Transportation Airports Operation and Management Airlines Management Operations Research Operations Management Railway Management Unmmaned Aerial Vehicle EDUCATION Degrees Airframe & Powerplant FAA Certificate Year 1987 University Parks College of St Louis University, USA B.Sc in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 1989 Parks College of St Louis University, USA B.Sc in Aerospace Engineering 1989 M.Sc in Air Transport Management 1999 Parks College of St Louis University, USA Cranfield University, UK PERSONAL AFFLIATION Board of Engineers Malaysia Member of German Aerospace Research Society (GARS) LANGUAGE Malay English Basic Dutch WORKING EXPERIENCE Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Shah Alam Dec 2011 – present PhD Researcher & Senior Lecturer Conducting research on regional airport airside operations and analyse the impact on airport aeronautical revenues and noise. Developing the aeronautical revenue optimisation model for regional airports. Conduct airport operations (airside and landside) courses. Teaching Industrial Management (MEM575) course. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Netherlands Apr 2007 – Jul 2010 PhD Researcher, Air Transport & Operations Dept Brief experience on low noise, low emission aircraft design. Developed knowledge-base design technique using Lisp language and GDL software to design airfoil and aircraft part. Conduct research in regional airport operations. Collaborate with Rotterdam The Hague Airport, The Netherlands and published several publications regarding the issues at Rotterdam The Hague Airport. Visited several airports such as Schiphol Airport, Eindhoven Airport and Dubrovik Airport, Croatia. Conducted several interviews with Ministry of Transport (Air Regulations), and Airport consultants (ADECS, NACO). Supervised intern students from Chile and Italy, Masters students’ project and degree students JAVA programming project in forecasting airport revenues. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Shah Alam Jan 2005 – Mac 2007 Head, Aerospace & Materials, Centre of Studies Teach Aerodynamics, Introduction to Aerospace and Air Transport Management courses. An Academic Advisor to 24 degree students. Responsible of developing Aerospace and Material Sciences laboratories, staff training and development, managing staff teaching hours and expertise, budget allocation, and developing new aerospace program and curriculum. Supervising final year project students, involved in aerospace students’ activities, as an advisor to Aero-Model Association, involve in national and international exhibitions and competitions, and official launching of National University Games (MASUM06) and organizing the MOU signing ceremony between UiTM and 5 international companies. Jun 2003 – Dec 2004 Senior Lecturer Teaching KJT 370 – Lectures in Aerospace and KJT 318 – Aircraft Control Theory for Diploma in Aerospace Engineering program. Experienced as Internal ISO Auditor and active member of ISO 9001:2000 working team. Supervised 6 final year students in the developing the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system and technology. Member of Research and Consultancy Unit, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UPP-FKM). Experienced in organising seminars and workshops. Been appointed by Ministry of Science and Technology Malaysia as a Panel in evaluating a project under IGS scheme, for the research of “Underwater Unmanned Vehicle”. Club Advisor for FKM Aero-Model Club and UiTM Paragliding Club Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Mechanical Engineering Department, Kajang 1 Jun 2001- May 2003 Senior Lecturer Taught Engineers in Society and Statics courses. Supervising twenty students for final year projects and been appointed as an Academic Advisor in Mechanical Engineering Department. Appointed as Industrial Training Coordinator for Mechanical Engineering Department. Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tronoh, Perak 14 Oct 1998 –May 2001 Deputy Dean of Post Graduate and Research Teaching Introduction to Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Systems, Aircraft Performance, Basic Management for Engineers, and Remotely Piloted Vehicle courses. Preparing exams and notes for the courses taught. An Academics Advisors for Aerospace students, a Coordinator for Industrial Training, Advisor for the Aerospace Clubs, Member of Bahasa Malaysia Committee, and Member of Engineering Sciences for the Research Committee. Involved in conducting research in design and development of a small remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) aircraft for civil use. AIROD Sdn. Bhd., Subang Airport, Selangor 2 Oct 1989 – May 1993 Aerospace Engineer, Propulsion & Aero-Component Dept. Conduct the viability study in procuring test equipment such as hydraulic test stand, fuel pump test stand, and oil pump test stand for the Aero-Component department and installation of automatic data acquisition system for engine test cells. May 1993 – Mar 1995 Aircraft Superintendent, Aircraft Maintenance Dept. In-charge of a RM 40 million project, C130H aircraft crash recovery program. A threeyear project involved of modifications of the C130B nose to fit C130H aircraft, prefabricated left-hand wing of the C130H aircraft, avionics upgrade and engine change. In-charge of planning, managing working schedule, procuring spare-parts and supervising more than 100 technicians from various fields (airframe, powerplant, avionics, electrical, communications, quality control, purchasing etc). Mar 1995 – Sept. 1997 Technical Training Manager, Technical Training Dept. Managing the Technical Training Department with more than 20 instructors in the field of Airframe, Power Plant, Sheet Metal, Electrical & Electronics, Instruments/Avionics and Radio & Navigation. Conduct Technical and Quality Awareness Courses to AIROD Personnel. Managed to secure a RM3 million contracts to conduct Apprentice Training for the Malaysian Army Air Wings Unit. A1. TEACHING AND LEARNING A.1.1 List of Courses Taught 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Engineers in Society Operations Management Air Transport Management Airport Operations & Management Statics Introduction to Aerodynamics Introduction to Flights B. RESEARCH GRANTS Been awarded IRPA long-term research grant RM134,000 by the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTI) in 1999 (Universiti Sains Malaysia) to develop a small Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) for civil use (aerial surveillance and photography) (Project Leader). Been awarded another IRPA long-term research grant of RM182,000 by MOSTI , for research in Active Noise and Vibration Cancellation in 2001 (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) (Project leader). Received RM40,000 from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Institute of Research, Development and Commercialisation (IRDC) for the research on The Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) High Tension Cable Inspection (Project Leader). Received RM35,000 from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Institute of Research, Development and Commercialisation (IRDC) for the research on Design and Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Crop Spraying (Project Leader) Received RM20,000 from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Institute of Research, Development and Commercialisation (IRDC) for the research on The Performance Analysis of a One stage Solid Propellant Rocket. (Project Leader). Received RM39,000 from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) for the research on ‘Development of Hybrid Vehicle’ (project member). Research member for the research on ‘Process management and Strategic Human Resources process measurement in Lean Implementation’. Received RM 32,000 from Research Intensive Fund (RIF) in Jun 2012. Project leader for the research on ‘Compressive Properties of a Novel Fibre Reinforced Polymer composite Laminates’. Received RM32,000 from Research Intensive Fund (RIF) in Aug 2012. Project leader for the research on “Characterisation of Air Traffic Movements Behaviour and Risk Factors”. Received RM128,400 from FRGS (1 Dec 2014 – 30 Nov 2016) Research member for the research on “Assessing Mental Workload Associated with Air Traffic Control Activities”. Received RM80,000 from RAGS (1 Dec 2014 – 30 Nov 2016) C. PUBLICATION 1. B. Basuno & W.M. Mohamed, “The Aerodynamic Design of a Prototype Remotely Piloted Vehicle (RPV) With 5kg Payload” – Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 16th International Conference, Bristol, UK., April 2-4, 2001 (Presenter). 2. W.M. Wan Mohamed and M.J. Zulkifli, “Eagle 150 – Malaysia Aerial Reconnaissance UAV” – Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 17th International Conference, Bristol, U.K., 8-10 April 2002 (Presenter). 3. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, “The Evaluation of Vehicle Free Ramps Airport”, National Aerodynamics Conference, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 27 December 2001 (Presenter). 4. Cosmas Pandit Pagwiwoko and Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, “Aero-Elastic Vibration Analysis of Long Span Flexible Wing,” 2nd World Engineering Congress, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 22-25 July 2002. 5. Faris Torlachan, Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed and Julaidi Rasidi, “Stiffness Behaviour of Composite Laminate Using two Different Hand Lay-up Methods: A Qualitative Study,” 4th International Materials Technology Conference and Exhibition (IMTCE 2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-26 March 2004. 6. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed and Valliyappan D. Natarajan, “Utilisation of Working Models to Enhance the Learning of Lectures in Aerospace Course,” International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT 2004), Shah Alam, Malaysia, 27-28 July 2004. (Presenter) 7. Valliyappan D. Natarajan, Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed & Jamaluddin Mahmud, “An Effective Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Engineering Mechanics,” International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT 2004), Shah Alam, Malaysia, 27-28 July 2004. 8. W.M. Wan Mohamed & Z.A.K. Baharin, “High Tension Cable Inspection using UAV,” Unmanned Air Vehicle Systems 20th International Conference, Bristol, U.K., 11-13 April 2005 (Presenter). 9. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed & Zainal Abidin Kamarul Baharin, “The Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for TNB High Tension Cable Inspection”, Conference on Scientific & Social Research (CSSR) 2005, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, 10-12 June 2005. 10. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, “Current Job Requirements and Research Prospects in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering Fields”, Keynote Speaker, FKM Colloquium Series 2005, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia, 1 September 2005. 11. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, “UAV for Civil Applications”, Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA 2005), Langkawi, Malaysia, 8 December 2005. 12. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, Poster Presentation – “Parametric Shape Modeling for An Aerodynamic Initiator using Knowledge Based Engineering” – PHD Symposium Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 18 December, 2007 13. Dave Cooper, Michel van Tooren and Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed – “Keys to Success with Knowledge-based Technique”, SAE 2008 Wichita Aviation Technology -Congress & Exhibition (WATC), Century II Convention Center, Wichita, Kansas, USA, 19-21 August, 2008,. 14. Dave Cooper, Michel van Tooren and Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed – Aircraft Design Process, Software Book (Book Chapter) – ISBN Number: 978-0-76802057-1, Date Published: August 2008 - “Keys to Success with Knowledge-based Techniques”, 15. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed – “Sustainable Regional Airport Infrastructure Design and Operations Planning for the Future” – ADIO PhD Afternoon, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 21 November 2008. 16. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, Richard Curran, Frank van der Zwan and Steven van der Kleij, “Evaluating the impact of noise constraints on regional airport capacity and economics: The case of Rotterdam Airport, The Netherlands”, GARS Workshop - Airport and Environment, Bremen, Germany, 5-7 July, 2009 17. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, Richard Curran, Frank van der Zwan and Paul Roling, “Modeling the Effect of Night Time Penalties on Commercial and Business Flights for Regional Airport Noise and Business Flights for Regional Airport Noise and Economics: Rotterdam Airport Case Study”, AIAA ATIO/ANERS Conference, Hilton Head, S.C, U.S.A., 21-23 September, 2009. art. no. 2009-7086 {SCOPUS} 18. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, “The Value of Noise at Regional Airports - The case of Rotterdam The Hague Airport”, Leonardo Times – Journal of Society of Aerospace Engineering Students, TU Delft, The Netherlands, Mac 2010 19. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, Richard Curran, Ahmed Jaffar, and Adibah Shuib, “Evaluating the Effect of Noise Restriction on Airport Economics: Rotterdam Airport Case Study ”, International Conference Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2010), SACC Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, 2-5 December, 2010. 20. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, Ahmed Jaffar and Adibah Shuib, “Towards the Development of Airport Operation Value Model using Bayesian Networks Approach”, 15th Annual Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Sydney, Australia, 29 Jun – 2 July, 2011. 21. Aidah Jumahat, Nurulnatisya Ahmad, Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, “Fracture Toughness of Nanomodified-Epoxy Systems”, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 393, page 206- 211, 2013. 22. Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed, Ahmed Jaffar and Adibah Shuib, “Influential Variables Inducing Aeronautical Revenues at Regional Airports”, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2015 (ICAME 2015), 26 – 27 August 2015, Bali, Indonesia. D. CONFERENCES AND SEMINAR Nama kursus Tarikh Air Transport & Airport Management Seminar Bengkel permurnian Module MAHB 12 Feb 2014 Perutusan Naib Canselor 19 Feb 2014 Bengkel permurnian module MAHB Professional Talk Series – Tun Dr. Mahathir Case writing workshop FYP Report Workshop Airport Management Issues For Academic Research Workshop on Optimisation with MATLAB CDIO Workshop Tempat Masa 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m 9.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m UiTM Sama Sama Hotel, KLIA Hotel Grand Bluewave, Shah Alam DATC, UiTM 20-21 Feb 2014 12 Mar 2014 MITRANS & MAHB UiTM Sama Sama Hotel, KLIA DATC, UiTM 26 – 27 Mar 2014 9 Apr 2014 MiTRANS FKM, UiTM UiTM Puncak Alam Level 7, FKM 20 – 21 Jun 2014 MiTRANS & MAHB Sama Sama Hotel, KLIA 25 -26 Jun 2014 FSKM UiTM FSKM, UiTM 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m 10 Oct 2014 FKM, UiTM FKM, UiTM 9.00 a.m – 17 Feb 2014 Nama Penganjur MiTRANS & MAHB MiTRANS & AAGBS, UiTM 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m 9.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m 2.30 p.m – 5.30 p.m 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m 2.30 p.m – 5.00 p.m 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m Talk on Engineering Code of Ethics by IEM Industry Outreach Program OPAL Talk 29 Oct 2014 FKM, UiTM FKM, UiTM 5 Nov 2014 FKM, UiTM FKM, UiTM 17 Dec 2014 FKM, UiTM FKM, UiTM The Way Forward 17 Dec 2014 FKM, UiTM FKM, UiTM BEM Code of Ethics/Regulations Course 9 & 10 Mac 2015 IEM IEM Training Centre, PJ 5.00 p.m 8.00 p.m – 10.00 p.m 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m 9.00 a.m – 12.00 p.m 2.30 p.m – 5.00 p.m 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m BEM Engineering Management Practice 16 & 17 Mac 2015 IEM IEM Training Centre, PJ 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m BEM Safety & Health at Work 23 & 24 Mac 2015 IEM IEM Training Centre, PJ 8.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m ICAME 2015 26-27 Aug 2015 FKM, UiTM Bali, Indonesia 8.00 am – 5.00 pm E. CONSULTANCY Professional services for KL Airport Services on the project “Transforming and Positioning the LCCT Sepang to be Global Logistic Hub in Region” under MITRANS. Cost of project RM80,000.00 (9 Nov 2014 – 9 Nov 2015) F. AWARD/RECOGNITION AND APPRECIATION Servisair Prize – Best M.Sc Thesis for Airport Category, Cranfield University, U.K, 1998 M.Sc Research Title – “The Advantages & Disadvantages of Vehicle-Free Ramp Airports” Gold Medal, for “Environment Friendly Low Cost Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine for Sattelite Launch Vehicle”, at the Inventions, Innovations and Design (IID 2006) Exhibition, organized by UiTM, 19-20 January, 2006 Bronze Medal, for “Performance Analysis of a Single Stage Solid Propellant Rocket”, at Malaysia Technology Expo 2006 (MTE 2006), organized by Malaysia Association of Research Scientist (MARS), PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, 23-25 February, 2006 Bronze Medal, for ‘Environmental Friendly Low Cost Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine’, at 17th International Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design & Technology Exhibition (ITEX’06), organized by MINDS, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, 19-21 May, 2006. Gold Medal, for “Low Cost Solid Propellant Rocket”, at Brussels-Innova/Eureka exhibition, Brussels, Belgium, 23 -27 November 2007. Silver Medal for “Environmentally Friendly Low Cost Liquid Propellant Rocket” at at Brussels-Innova/Eureka exhibition, Brussels, Belgium, 23 -27 November 2007. UiTM and Bank Rakyat Award - Inventions, Innovations and Design (IID 2007) – 3rd category for lecturers – Cash RM2, 000, January 2007. Best Paper Award for “Influential Variables Inducing Aeronautical Revenues at Regional Airports”, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2015 (ICAME 2015), 26 – 27 August 2015, Bali, Indonesia.
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