Harris Elementary Harris Elementary School
Harris Elementary Harris Elementary School
ill Wo ods D Sa Hampshire D e riv Dr ai n rm le an Bu l Inns bruck Drive w hu rst Drive Co rydon Co u rt rn D rive Ottawa Drive S Sirlin D rive ad Roseview Ro A utum nW ood s Trail P as s e Pa ss va rd C ro fton Drive Nin aD rive Ki w an i sD ri v e eck er D Sh rive ell D ri ve Goo dfe llow Dr i ve Ne i gh bor Dri ve Sa int Jo eR oa d B E as t Sh ore Dri ve Cr es c L ent A La urel Drive Eicher Drive oy le s Bou lev ard Forest Grove Drive Christian Avenue Royal Drive Mamie Drive Woodway Drive First Church of Christ Scientist Dwight Drive Trinity Church of the Nazarene Glenridge Drive rive Maniste e D Stellhorn R oad Eicher Drive Sandalwood Drive .#2 Br Co al m ss hw Albert Drive W illo Woodlea Av enue Haffner Drive Scokian Drive Ly nhurst Drive Ymca Park Drive West Sc Midloth ian Driv e Reed Road Dean D rive Bruneal Street in Chaucer Road Spri n g Bu Tirol Pass s he Drive aw e re em Drive Wes t irlin Plym outh Road nb D ra Krucke e r g La ne Tamarack D r ive Buesching Drive Miles North ive r D Blum Drive 1 inch = 600 feet Saint Joe Center Road Harris Elementary r i ve otte D W y a nd 0.25 ue n ve Wy nd ar Wood br i as s e ri v Hamlett D · r B Meeks Drive ND Chiller Plant Road Ha D r i ve mlett Canterbury Green Apartments ry Boulev ard u b r e nt Ca r B ak e P ok b ro Dyer Arbor Glen Senior Apartments e me r d n y W Knollcre st Road St. Joe Place Apartments d e riv D Academic Pla c e Saint Joe Road A bbey Becket t v ar Stone h ed ge B oule ND e ou l B e t a g h t o r N Auer Drive ai n Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dr an k Road roo hb hi r e Drive m ds lev ar d e North Brookwood Driv urt cr o x o F Canterbury Green Golf Course Nor t hc re Sc e h o pp k D ri v e Sou t Kendale Drive Wo o Dover Bo ulev O ld ard Terry Lane Meadowbrook Drive Village of Canterbury Saint Joseph Riv e r Shepherd Lane New Apostolic Church Twili ght Lane S a lgy Drain Inwood Lane Parker Cemetery St Joseph United Methodist Church Po int Pla ce Ivy iv e Fo xk n o ll Cov e Saint Joe Center Road Daisy Lane Saint Joe Center Road ds B o u Saw m ill Woo T Chapma ns rail wm Shanno n Dri ve Riviera Plaza Shopping Center Shoaff Park Villas e ook farm Plac r B Old Brook Drive No Transportation Zone 2015-2016 rive e an School Receiving Boundary Iv y Brook Drive F ur g e Drive Gree nfie ld Drive J a son Drive Red Oak Drive Hi ke L an e Stony Brook Drive è Intersection Traffic Lights é i ve Graymoor Lane Crosswalks Dri ve Starwood Drive Seabre e L e Luther Driv rtin Ma The Grove Fort Wayne Brookview D ri v e r D Main Streets Mo num ent El s dal e Centerhurst Drive Salge Drive C astell Drive Neighborhood Streets Concordia Theological Seminary on the Lake Apartments Bluffside Avenue Allenwood Drive l Go Sidewalks f vi e w Apts Evard Road Galaxy D r Golfview Apartments Sho aff P ar k A cc e ss Pep per ill R i Versaille dge Montrose Square Apartments Evard Road An dorra Drive S unbury Drive n Fo xc hase Ru Canby Drive N D #9 I on eD ri v e ND # 9 Schmucker Drive Harris Elementary School Deerwood Drive Grace Brethren Church Northeast Christian Church Doenges Drive North Drive ock Lane Heml ane Bellmawr L Dial Drive Hewitt Lane Fontana Drive Aloha Drive
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