Main Campus at Storrs - University of Connecticut
Main Campus at Storrs - University of Connecticut
CA LH OU N WA Y A JIM HAC HUNTING PR GSRH IDE HILLS RO AD HBL RO ARTB DMD WH LOT 1 WSRH DRMU WAY BO LT O N STORRS ROAD ARJ VDM MLIB FAC MANSFIELD KNS SMITH LES RO SCTR BRH GUL AUST BCH DC ROU TE MAN FSB 195 DOG G LOT 2 ROAD GOC OA K L HIL R O LL WI R WB ECRH SRH EHRH ATL VILLE DB YNG LOT 4 JONS RO HI LL BSC ABL BARN R ROUT E 195 PSC OP T LOT B5 B4A B2 Visit for building information, driving directions and parking assistance. B1 B3 WCB HV T LOT Wilbur Cross Building F9 Visitors Center W LOT LVC PU Lodewick Visitors Center JB RH MB To Depot Campus HPH STORRS ROA HOR SEB ARN D HORSEBAR N HILL ROU TE 1 95 ROAD ARF LU1 LU2 MAA CRU HWF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D12 RO AD LAND KEL HU2 EHSD C12 Student Services HIL L No part of this map may be reproduced without written permission from University Communications. FES B4 Public Safety Complex Police and Fire Departments ROUTE 44 HHSC © 2013 University of Connecticut D11 C8 RB HHA Main Campus at Storrs E10 Police and Fire Departments LO YB LOT LOR I MAP NOT TO SCALE WE RO HU1 HLC Central Stores #74490053 TO TRH WITE A LOT J KLIN Hilda May Williams Student Health Services NPRK North Parking Garage SPRK South Parking Garage T LOT T LOT E8 Parking GTDH LAKE ROAD RHBA ROAD GURLEY IL AD CMWH H WSH SMC FG SCC A LOT K OO EA V GLE Homer Babbidge Library Medical Services ICUC RS MHRH HBL STA PLA STOR GERH WRH D OA TSK Gordon W. Tasker Building (Undegraduate) D10 WGC Nathan L. Whetten Graduate Center (Graduate) D8 Library SWAN LAKE PARH CSRH SBRH Admissions ROAD HILL NORTH PRES QUICK QUICKGUIDE GUIDE PBB CHM SPRH BISH NCRH CEMETERY WHIT B LOT BSRH WSH WIDM MANSFIELD BUSWAY MIRROR LAKE LANE USPO CIRCLE IMS STRS WCB BUD MUSB YCE COA TLS OCW WOOD ROAD HILLSIDE ATWR SCHN MONT ROAD WBMA TC NWRH BPB CUP HALL BOUS HAWL UTEB GENT ROWE ROAD NKT ROAD E2 PB GANT MSB BROOK GLEN RO AD MTH CAST BRON OAK ITN EOS LH DODD EY SCRH RSRH E CASC PRB EN MP WARE NORTH JORG HJT FOLS NPRK IUM RO AD AD S LOT SU JORGE NS GIL BER T SSRH KIN G ROAD LVC AD RO TSK ITE WGC PSC FND GRE C LOT AES LE ROA D LEV EAG ARH ROME S LOT CHAR HILLSIDE ROAD LEDOYT LOT 9 SRF BUSN CCRH CHIL SOU TH HDB WCRH INN MCC F GAMP COOP PCSB ILL MA To Willimantic MNH HSM AFB WZN E D JRB ROAD SPRK ACS SFSC ROA D MRH BDC AUDITOR LOT 8 EASTWOOD ROAD BOLTON CALHO UN WAY I LOT E JIM 275 TE CIRCL ALUM F LOT E DRIV ROU IDE WPCF AD RO L LOT ALUMNI BFFC HILLS NWA RTH MN I AL U HRH STC WESTWOOD ROAD ROAD D LOT MRNS C LODGE LEV ILL E CSS FIF K LOT K LOT E EAG IV DR NO B JOCF I LOT AD FMH BAT 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 To I-84 Hartford/Boston Main Campus At Storrs ABBR. BUILDING NAME GRID ABL ACS AES AFB ALUM APS ARF ARH ARJ ARTB ATL ATWR AUST B1 B2 B3 B4 B4A B5 BARN BAT BCH BDC BFFC BISH BOUS BPB BRH BRON BSC BSRH BUD BUSN CASC CAST CCRH CHIL CHM CMWH COA COOP CRU CSRH CSS CUP DB DC DMD DODD DRMU E2 EHRH EHSD FAC FES FG FIF FND FOLS FSB GAMP GANT GENT GERH GRE GSRH GTDH GUL HAC HALL HAWL HBL HDB H10 C8 C14 C9 C10 G5 J8 D7 F7 E5 H10 E11 F10 J8 J8 J8 J7 J7 J8 H11 B7 F9 C9 C7 G5 E8 E11 F5 E10 H10 D14 F8 D8 E7 E10 D8 D5 F11 H8 D15 D8 J11 G7 B8 E10 H10 F4 E7 E8 E4 E10 G9 J8 F4, F5 J8 G11 B7 D11 Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory Art Ceramic Studio Architectural and Engineering Services Athletics Facilities Building Alumni Center Art Printshop Avian Research Facility Alumni Residence Halls Jaime Homero Arjona Building Art Building Advanced Technology Laboratory Wilbur O. Atwater Laboratory Philip E. Austin Building Building #1 Building #2 Building #3 Building #4 Building #4 Annex Building #5 Dairy Barn Batting and Pitching Facility Charles Lewis Beach Hall Basketball Development Center Burton Family Football Complex Merlin D. Bishop Center Weston A. Bousfield Psychology Bldg. Biology/Physics Building John Buckley Residence Hall Arthur B. Bronwell Building Bio Science Complex Alan T. Busby Suites John J. Budds Building School of Business CLAS Academic Service Center Francis L. Castleman Building Connecticut Commons Residence Halls South Campus Chiller Plant Chemistry Building Commissary Warehouse Charter Oak Apartments UConn Co-op Cattle Resources Unit Cordial Storrs House Connecticut Softball Stadium Central Utility Plant Dairy Bar The Daily Campus Design Media & Design Thomas J. Dodd Research Center Drama-Music Building Engineering II Elizabeth Hicks Residence Hall Environmental Health & Safety Department Fine Arts Complex Farm and Event Services Floriculture Greenhouse Mark Edward Freitas Ice Forum University of Connecticut Foundation Facilities Operations and Locksmith Services Family Studies Building Harry A. Gampel Pavilion Edward V. Gant Science Complex Charles B. Gentry Building Grange East Residence Hall Hugh S. Greer Field House Harry L. Garrigus Suites Roger A. Gelfenbien Towers Dining Hall Albert Gurdon Gulley Hall Hilltop Apartment Complex William H. Hall Building Willis Nichols Hawley Armory Homer Babbidge Library Human Development and Family Relations Bldg. C13 F8 D9 D11 E10 G9 D10 B10 G12 F8 A9 E9 E8 E8 D5 HHA Horsebarn Hill Arena I8 HHSC Horsebarn Hill Sciences Complex J7 HJT Harriet S. Jorgensen Theatre D10 HPH Historic Poultry Houses I12 HRH Hilltop Residence Halls B10 HSM J. Robert Donnelly Husky Heritage Sports Museum C10 HU1 Horse Unit I I8 HU2 Horse Unit II J8 HV Husky Village H13 HWF Environmental Health and Safety Hazardous Waste Facility J8 IMS Institute of Materials Science D11 INN Nathan Hale Inn & Conference Center D6 ITE Information Technologies Engineering Bldg. D9 JB Jacobson Barn H13 JOCF J. O. Christian Field B7 JONS Roy E. Jones Building H9 JORG Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts D11 JRB J. Ray Ryan Building D7 KEL Frances E. Osborne Kellogg Dairy Center I12 KLIN Merle S. Klinck Building H10 KNS Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall F9 LAKE Lakeside Building G11 LAND Landscaping Services H10 LH Laurel Hall E9 LOR Arthur L. Lorentzon Stables I8 LU1 Livestock Unit I J9 LU2 Livestock Unit II J11 LVC Lodewick Visitors Center D12 MA Mansfield Apartments D1, E1 MAA Main Accumulation Area/Environmental Health and Safety J8 MAN Harry Grant Manchester Hall F7 MB Mink Barn H14 MHRH Marcus Holcomb Residence Hall G8 MLIB Music Library F4 MNH Museum of Natural History D8 MONT Henry Ruthven Monteith Building F7 MP Motor Pool C14 MRH Brien McMahon Residence Hall D8 MRNS Joseph J. Morrone Stadium B7 MSB Math-Science Building D11 MUSB Music Building F5 NCRH North Campus Residence Halls E12 NKT Nafe Katter Theatre E4 NPRK North Parking Garage D11 NWA Northwood Apartments B14 NWRH Northwest Residence Halls D12 OAK Oak Hall E8 OCW Old Central Warehouse E10 PB Physics Building D11 PBB Pharmacy/Biology Building E11 PCSB David C. Phillips Communication Sciences Building D5 PLAPlanetarium F11 PR Israel Putnam Refectory B10 PRB Psychology Research Building E7 PRES President’s Residence, Oak Hill G6 PSC Public Safety Complex, Police/Fire Depts. C12 PU Poultry Unit H13 RB Rosebrooks Barn H14 RH Rosebrooks House H14 RHBA Ratcliffe Hicks Building and Arena H10 RSRH Louisa J. Rosebrooks Residence Hall E6 ROME Lewis B. Rome Commons E6 ROWE John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education E9 SBRH Sylvie Blake House G7 SCHN Andre Schenker Lecture Hall F8 SCRH South Campus Residence Halls E6 SFSC George J. Sherman Family Sports ComplexC10 SPRH Lester E. Shippee Residence Hall G5 SPRK South Parking Garage C8 SRF Student Recreation Facility D9 SRH M. Estella Sprague Residence Hall G7 SSRH Anna M. Snow Residence Hall E6 STC Mark R. Shenkman Training Center C8 STRS Augustus Storrs Hall F10 SU Student Union D9 TC Tennis Courts C15 TLS George Safford Torrey Life Sciences Bldg. E11 TRH Towers Residence Halls G12 TSK Gordon W. Tasker Admissions Building D10 UTEB United Technologies Engineering Building E11 VDM J. Louis von der Mehden Recital Hall F5 WARE Central Warehouse C13 WBMA William Benton Museum of Art E9 WCB WCRH WGC WHIT WIDM WITE WOOD WPCF WRH WSH WSRH WZN YNG Wilbur Cross Building F9 West Campus Residence Halls D7, D8 Nathan L. Whetten Graduate Center D8 Whitney House G7 Carolyn Ladd Widmer Wing F10 George C. White Building H10 Walter Childs Wood Hall E10 Water Pollution Control Facility B15 Edwina Whitney Residence Hall G8 Hilda May Williams Student Health ServicesE10 Nellie Louise Wilson Residence Hall E6 Wolff-Zackin Natatorium C9 Wilfred B. Young Building H9 Area Map RESIDENCE COMPLEXES Alan T. Busby Suites – BSRH, D14 Community Center Alumni Residence Halls – ARH, D7 Belden Hall Eddy Hall Brock Hall Ryan Building Watson Hall Charter Oak Apartments – COA, D15 Frederick Brown Hall Burke Hough Hall Charles S. Foster Hall Arthur S. Hubbard Hall Henry R. Hoisington Hall Andrew K. Thompson Hall Connecticut Commons Residence Halls – CCRH, D8 Ashford Hall Jewett Hall Branford Hall Killingly Hall Colchester Hall Lyme Hall Derby Hall Milford Hall Enfield Hall Norwalk Hall Farmington Hall Preston Hall Guilford Hall Quinebaug Hall Hebron Hall Ridgefield Hall East Campus Residence Halls – ECRH, G7, G8 Grange East Hall M. Estella Sprague Hall Elizabeth Hicks Hall Edwina Whitney Hall Holcomb Hall Harry L. Garrigus Suites – GSRH, B10 Hilltop Apartment Complex – HAC, A9 Beard Building Novello Building Bethune Building Pattison Building Crandall Building Stowe Building Crawford Building Wheeler Building French Building Woodhouse Building Grasso Building Wu Building LeFlesche Building Community Center Hilltop Residence Halls – HRH, B10 Ellsworth Hall Putnam Refectory Hale HallHilltop Suites Husky Village – HV, H13 Building A Building D Building B Building E Building C Building F North Campus Residence Halls – NCRH, E12 Baldwin Hall Middlesex Hall Fairfield Hall New Haven Hall Hartford Hall New London Hall Hurley Hall Tolland Hall Litchfield Hall Windham Hall McConaughy Hall Northwest Residence Halls – NWRH, D12 Batterson Hall Russell Hall Goodyear Hall Terry Hall Hanks Hall Northwest Dining Hall Rogers Hall South Campus Residence Halls – SCRH, E6 Louisa J. Rosebrooks Hall Anna M. Snow Hall Nellie L. Wilson Hall Lewis B. Rome Commons WELCOME TO UCONN Towers Residence Halls – TRH, G12 Allen Hall Sherman Hall Catherine Beecher Hall Sousa Hall Colt Hall Trumbull Hall Alice B. Fenwick Hall Annie E. Vinton Hall Alice Hamilton Hall Susannah Wade Hall Jefferson Hall Webster Hall Helen Keller Hall Towers Activity Center Kingston Hall Roger A. Gelfenbien Lafayette Hall Towers Dining Hall Morgan Hall I n 1881 brothers Charles and Augustus Storrs donated land and money to start an agricultural school in Connecticut. Today their gift has become one of the top research universities in the nation. West Campus Residence Halls – WCRH, D7, D8 Alsop Hall Lancaster Hall Chandler Hall Shakespeare Hall Hollister Hall Troy Hall NON-UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS EOS FMH GOC HILL HLC ICUC MCC MTH PARH SCC SCTR SMC STA USPO E. O. Smith High School Friends Meeting House Greek Orthodox Church Hillel Foundation Hope Lutheran Church Islamic Center of the University of CT Mansfield Community Center Mansfield Town Hall Storrs Parish House Storrs Congregational Church Storrs Center St. Mark’s Episcopal Chapel St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel United States Post Office E3 B12 G3 F11 I3 G11 E2 E2 G10 G10 F4 F11 F11 F1 Comprising 14 schools and colleges, and enrolling 30,250 students from 46 states and nearly 100 countries, UConn is home to 500+ student clubs and organizations, 300+ study abroad programs, and 100+ majors. And our Huskies have won 15 NCAA championships in men’s basketball, women’s basketball, men’s soccer and women’s field hockey. TECH PARK In collaboration with industry partners and entrepreneurs, UConn is creating a Technology Park on our Storrs campus. The Tech Park will accelerate innovation, link research with its industrial applications, create jobs and new businesses, and advance economic development. Visit for more. FACULTY 500 UConn has started an ambitious and unprecedented hiring initiative to expand its faculty numbers across academic disciplines. The four-year investment in 500 faculty positions will build on our strengths and grow new expertise in strategic areas, boost the University’s research productivity, and provide outstanding teaching and service to UConn students. For details, go to BIOSCIENCE CT Based at the UConn Health Center in Farmington, Bioscience CT will put Connecticut at the forefront of the bioscience industry, improve access to state-of-the-art care today, and help meet the health care needs of Connecticut’s future. Learn more at
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