Programme - Stichting Duik Research


Programme - Stichting Duik Research
Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde AMC: Mini-Congress Diving Medicine
24 Sept – 1 Okt 2016
PROGRAMME 18th Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde Mini-Congress Diving Medicine, Malta Date: 24 September – 1 October 2016
Venue: Riviera Resort & Spa, Marfa Bay, Mellieha, Malta
This course aims to give insight to the dive physician in various aspects of diving (patho-) physiology
and medicine and also to present new developments in these fields with respect to research and the
practical diving medicine. Hence the mini-congress has a mixed character of a course as well as a
scientific congress.
It is intended for diving physicians coming from the various disciplines such as occupational-, sportsgeneral medicine as well as clinical specialists, other health workers and high-educated instructors.
General: mission of the “AMC Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde”.
The Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde (CSD), refresher courses in dive medicine, are given by the
Academic Medical Centre (AMC), a one-board-cooperation of the medical faculty of the University of
Amsterdam (UvA) and the academic hospital of the UvA. This hospital has a special position within the
Dutch academic hospitals; it is the cradle, both in the Netherlands and in Europe of hyperbaric
medicine, performed with the “Boerema Tank”, named after its founder, it was the first clinical
hyperbaric tank in Europe
In the first place, the AMC Capita Selecta offers extensive and discipline-wise education in dive and
caisson medicine. In addition, they also educate in new developments as they occur in academic
hospitals and medical faculties. This implies that, in the lectures, the characteristics of disorders are
discussed, with their diagnostics and treatment, from the point of view of the academic state of the art.
In short, the Capita Selecta are marked by a mix of education in dive medicine of the respective
disciplines and related education in the discipline itself. Also, the Capita will pay attention to the
requirements of the medical examination.
The Capita are aimed at non-specialized physicians, first-line physicians, sport- and occupational
physicians, professional diving physicians, clinical doctors and paramedical professionals and diving
In general, the teachers have their affiliation with academic hospitals and medical faculties, and have
an international reputation in patient care, academic education and/or medical research as becomes
clear from their curriculum vitae.
To have lower thresholds for the courses given in the Netherlands (one-day courses with easy to reach
venue) and abroad (5-days courses) they are low budget.
The course is recommended by the expert group of dive medicine of the Vereniging voor
Sportgeneeskunde (Soc Sports Med) and by the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Duikgeneeskunde
(NVD, Dutch Soc Dive Med).
In general, the level of the various lectures / subjects of the meeting are (at least) in accordance with
that of EDTC and ECHM, level 1 (Medical Examiner) and Level 2D (Diving Physician). The program
comprises 18 oral contact hours. The Dutch NVD, NVAB, VSG and NICDA (diving physicians C and
D) have been requested to provide 18 accreditation points for the meeting and “outside own
specialism” (GAIA) will yield 18 points too.
The course members who have registered for accreditation will obtain a certificate after completion of
the whole course, including test.
Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde AMC: Mini-Congress Diving Medicine
24 Sept – 1 Okt 2016
Invited speakers
Mattijn Buwalda, anaesthesiologist-intensivist, Odijk, The Netherlands.
Chris Jiskoot, occupational physician, occupational diving physician B, ArboUnie, Vlissingen, The
Jean Claude Le Péchon, MSc, MEng, consultant in safety management under hyperbaric conditions,
JCLP Hyperbarie, Paris, France
Rienk Rienks, PhD, cardiologist, diving physician, Utrecht Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Jacques Regnard, Prof., PhD, diving an hyperbaric physician, Faculty of Medicine of Besançon, and
University Hospital Minjoz, University of Franche Comté, France.
Nico Schellart, PhD MSc, Assoc. Prof, medical physicist, Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Adel Taher, diving and hyperbaric physician, director Hyperbaric Medical Centre in Sharm el Sheik,
Peter Westerweel, PhD, internist-haematologist, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht, The
Free presentations
Attendants of the mini-congress are invited to present an oral lecture of their research, theoreticaly or
applied. This can be in every field of diving and caisson medicine. Also case studies are welcome. For
participation see the application form “Free oral presentations”.
Scientific committee
Nico Schellart (chair, medical physicist an diving physiologist), Tjeerd van Rees Vellinga (occupational
and hyperbaric physician), Erik van der Sande (family and sport physician) and Marga Schweigmann
(hyperbaric & diving physician), Peter Westerweel (internist-haematologist) and ad hoc Jean Claude
Le Péchon (diving and hyperbaric consultant), Jacques Regnard (physiologist, sports physician, diving
and hyperbaric physician) and Adel Taher (hyperbaric and diving physician). Executive committee
Nico Schellart (congress director), Eduard van Riet Paap (administrative manager) and Hans van Dam.
The Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde are given under the responsibility of the Academic Medical
Centre, Univ. of Amsterdam (director Nico Schellart). The organization is by the Stichting Duik
Research (SDR) and Biomedical Engineering & Physics, AMC (chair Prof. Dr. A.G.J.M. van Leeuwen,
PhD, MEng).
Ongoing announcements about future courses can be found at, or are communicated by E-mail.
SDR is a non-profit organisation aimed to promote dive safety. Work for SDR is done on a voluntary
© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Material of this document may not be reproduced in any form
without permission of AMC and the course manager ([email protected]).
Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde AMC: Mini-Congress Diving Medicine
24 Sept – 1 Okt 2016
Invited speakers
Mattijn Buwalda is an anaesthesiologist-intensivist (DESA EDIC) working as a freelancer in
the Netherlands and abroad. After certification as a diving medicine physician by the ECB he
worked as a hyperbaric anaesthetist at the London Hyperbaric Medicine Unit Whips Cross
Hospital London. He is especially interested in extreme physiology and extreme medicine.
He has given many lectures in Holland and the UK on topics related to oxygen and pressure.
Examples can be found on his website Mattijn is instructor dive medicine for
the Advanced Wilderness Life Support Course NL. He has also been instructor and course
director in ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) and similar courses. He founded the
anaesthetics simulator lab in the University Medical Centre Utrecht and is still involved with
the development of the common trunk vital functions for last year medical interns. He is the
author of dive medicine related chapters in the handbook on drowning and the Dutch course book in sport
medicine. As a normoxic trimix CCR diver he lives up to the motto: ‘dive docs should dive themselves’. For diving,
he has frequently visited Malta, Cyprus, the Red Sea and Bonaire
Chris Jiskoot Chris Jiskoot studied medicine at the University of Amsterdam. In 1981 he
started as the occupational health officer of the wrack clearing operation in the Westerscheld
and for the fire/ rescue divers in the province of Zeeland. His specialization as a diverphysician he took in the service of the Dutch Royal Navy and as Dive-physician B, the only
one at Arbo Unie. He is member of the Expert Centre for Hyperbaric work in Vlissingen,
Zeeland with special interest in heart and circulation disorders. He performs examinations for
divers and fire/ rescue personnel. At DRDC in Toronto he obtained additional training on
saturation diving and Doppler echography. He took part in hyperbaric projects such as the
Westerschelde tunnel and the Noord-Zuidlijn of the Amsterdam subway system and he made
a risk management analysis for the divers of the fire brigade of Terneuzen, Zeeland. He was
involved with the Sport-Medisch Advies Centrum (sport-medical advisory centre) as expert in diver examinations.
With the University of Maastricht he maintains a close relationship in the field of stress and panic disorders in
divers. As a member of NVD and EUBS he frequently participates in their meetings and congresses. Diving is
mainly in service of his greater passion: sailing on his yacht.
Jean-Claude Le Péchon graduated as biochemical engineer from INSA in Lyon in 1963 and
as marine biologist from Nice University. He has been employed at the Musée
Océanographique of Monaco as a research engineer and incidentally as scientific diver
during the Conshelf III Experiment (the undersea habitat sponsored by Jacques-Yves
Cousteau). Later he joined CEMA in Marseilles (J.Y. Cousteau) to do research on breathing
gases and to develop procedures for very deep dives (1000 m with animals; 500 m with
humans) and was a test diver in the Saturation II simulated dive at 400 msw. From 1973 to
1986, he served with CG DORIS, an offshore and civil engineering commercial diving
In 1986 he founded JCLP Hyperbarie, a global consultancy agency/ bureau specialized in
matters related to life support and safety under pressure (commercial diving, tunnelling, space and hyperbaric
medicine). He has been involved in more than 75 tunneling projects, many with mixed gasses, up to 6.9 bar and
as well as in saturation diving technology. Although retired, he is still teaching physiology and technology of divingand hyperbaric medicine at several universities in France and all over the world. He is a National Instructor for
SCUBA diving (Air, Nitrox and Trimix) and holds a deep sea commercial diver certification since 1974. He has
published many papers in magazines, books and international congresses etc., and often speaks at international
congresses on different topics concerning diving, hyperbaric medicine and compressed gas work.
Rienk Rienks graduated in medicine in 1981 and was confirmed as cardiologist in 1986. He
has been trained at the Utrecht University Hospital. Since 1983 working at the Utrecht Medical
Centre, UMC, he obtained his doctorate in 1991 on a dissertation on the applications of lasers
in cardiology. Detached to the Centraal Militair Hospitaal in Utrecht since 1995, he cares for
military personnel. His main interest lies in diving, aeromedical and sports cardiology.
Considered a national authority on hypo- and hyperbaric cardiology he fills several
consultancies and was member of the board of the Dutch Society for Sports Medicine, VSG,
and participates in several committees of the Dutch Society for Cardiology (NVvC) and VSG.
He is member of the UHMS. He started to dive in 1982 during his tenure as a resident in
Curacao. He is PADI and NAUI certified, advanced open water, rescue, Nitrox.
Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde AMC: Mini-Congress Diving Medicine
24 Sept – 1 Okt 2016
Jacques Regnard graduated as MD and in Sport Medicine, and later in Diving and
Hyperbaric Medicine at the university René Descartes (Paris). He was involved in field and
laboratory studies about human physiology during cold exposure and exercising. Conducted
pulmonary functional testing in University hospitals. Published research studies about lung
function, bronchial reactivity, pulmonary heat exchanges and vascular airway behaviour (PhD
in 1990). He then studied autonomic cardiovascular control in health and disease. AS
professor of Physiology, University of Franche Comté from 1993, he teaches
Physiology, directed PhD degrees, and has set up functional testing of vascular function.
Author of original papers of respiratory, cardiovascular, and exercise physiology. The recent
publications and current works deal in particular with integrated cardiovascular, renal and
respiratory responses to immersion and diving, with concomitant influences of hyperoxia and autonomic/endocrine
stimulations. Member of EUBS, the Société de Médecine Subaquatique et Hyperbare de langue française and of
the Société de Physiologie. He was formerly SCUBA diver.
Nico Schellart graduated as biologist and specialized in physiological and biomedical physics.
He investigated visual information processing of the retina, resulting in a PhD in 1973 (University
of Amsterdam). He is an associate professor with the dept. of Biomedical Engineering and
Physics of the AMC and was associate editor of a bioengineering journal. He has investigated
information processing of the visual and auditory system in the brain, with animals and with
humans by fundamental and clinical EEG and MEG research. His neuroscience studies have
been published in some 50 papers, 80 abstracts and 10 contributions in textbooks and published
an electronic free textbook in biomedical physics. He has studied the brain and the visual system
under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions both in the lab and in the field, including pre-cordial
Doppler studies, and recommends HBO treatment for patients with cerebral radiation damage.
He published these dysbaric and HBOT studies in e.g. Cancer, J Appl Physiol and UHM, and in conference
proceedings (like EUBS and UHMS) and is regularly reviewer of journals in applied, sports and environmental
medicine. He teaches diving physiology. He is member of UHMS and EUBS and often participated with contributions in
their annual meetings. Also, he has tested the technical and physiological performance of dozens of dive computers
(, and is a recreational scuba- and formerly a free diver.
Adel Taher, a diving instructor and diving medical specialist at the time, he was the driving
force behind the multi-place, multi-lock chamber in Sharm el Sheik as he saw the need for a
facility to specialize in diving related accidents. The chamber was built in the USA. He is, in
addition to being director of the Hyperbaric Medical Centre in Sharm el Sheik also the founder
and director of the diving chamber of Dahab. With over 200 diver-HBO treatments per year, he
is without any doubt world leader and trained many physicians in hyperbaric medicine. Dr Adel
Taher is member of many international medical diving committees, and lectures about his work
at universities, courses, etc. all over the world. He is also the director of DAN-Egypt, a member
of the UHMS and of the EUBS. He was the driving force behind the EUBS Annual Scientific
Meeting in Sharm el Sheik in 2007 and a recognized invited speaker at their congresses.
Diving still is his passion. He worked intensively on diver education and raising the awareness of dive
professionals and divers regarding proper management of dive accidents in remote areas and the proper
utilization of normobaric oxygen. The Hyperbaric Medical Centre in Sharm hosts dive medical specialists from all
over the world to offer hands-on experience.
Peter Westerweel is internist-hematologist, working at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in
Dordrecht. He has authored several international publications in diving medicine, although the
majority if his scientific work has been focused on the role of bone marrow derived progenitor
cells in renal and cardiovascular disease. He has obtained his PhD at the University Medical
Centre in Utrecht, where he was subsequently employed as a postdoctoral researcher. He
worked at the Weill Cornell Medical Centre in New York, USA, as a visiting fellow. He is a
diving physician with the Dutch Society for Diving Medicine and member of the board of the
society. He also is a consultant for the Diving Medical Centre of the Dutch Navy. He has
participated in the development of several national guidelines in diving medicine, including
those on diving with diabetes and diving with antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs. He is the
main investigator of the DIDIH (Diving with Disorders in Hemostasis) study, building a large database of
comorbidity and medication used by Dutch and Belgian divers. He is an enthusiastic scuba diver and active PADI
Open Water and Specialty Instructor, diving in the Netherlands year-round, while enjoying a tropical underwater
excursion when the opportunity arises.
Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde AMC: Mini-Congress Diving Medicine
24 Sept – 1 Okt 2016
General programme
24 September: Arrival at Riviera Resort. For those coming with the group package from Amsterdam
there is free transfer to the resort. Otherwise bus X1 brings you 150 m from the hotel.
25 September: Breakfast from 7:00. Mini-congress lectures 8:00 to 12.00. Lunch from 12:00 (Sunday
12:30). Afternoon leisure time for e.g. diving with Extra Divers. Diner.
26 to 29 September: Same schedule as 25 September.
Program Mini-Congress
Diving Medicine
25 September
1. Adel Taher, Acute Dysbaric Diseases, without DCI
2. Jacques Regnard, Fluid balance 1: specific changes during immersion or diving
3. Mattijn Buwalda, Biology and medicine of oxygen, normoxic and hyperoxic
4. Free contributions
26 September
5. Jacques Regnard, Fluid balance 2: Its influence on the cardiovascular system
6. Jean-Claude Le Péchon, The hypobaric environment: diving at altitude and working in 'air' at altitude
for tunnelling projects
7. Nico Schellart, Is the lipid surfactant skin of DCI-bubbles a myth?
8. Free contributions
27 September
9. Adel Taher, Non-pressure related diseases and dangerous marine creatures
10. Rienk Rienks, Cardiology, PFO and left-right shunts; development in research and diagnostics.
11. Chris Jiskoot, Medical regulations of professional divers in the Netherlands
12. Free contributions
28 September
13. Peter Westerweel, Diving with diabetes and haematological disorders
14. Jacques Regnard, Warm and cold stress 2: Introduction. Consequences for the cardiopulmonary
15. Rienk Rienks, Cardiovascular aspects of the medical exam and the Dutch diving-cardiological
16. Free contributions
29 September
17. Adel Taher, Differential Diagnosis and First Aid in Diving Accidents.
18. Mattijn Buwalda, Environmental physiology and pathophysiology of hypoxia
19. Jean Claude Hypobaric exposures in aviation and space (EVA environments) and the risk of DCI
20. Test and evaluation of the test (40 min)
All invited lectures last 60 min (50+10). Free contribution sessions last 40 min. In total 17h50 contact
Disclaimer: Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde is bound to execute the educational program, but program changes
are under reserve.
Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde AMC: Mini-Congress Diving Medicine
24 Sept – 1 Okt 2016
Information of the accommodation and the dive program
The Riviera Resort & Spa, Marfa Bay, Mellieha, Malta, is situated in one of the best-preserved and
picturesque areas in the north of Malta, in a tranquil sea front location and next to a small beach
studded with majestic date palms, facing the Islands of Comino and Gozo across a channel of blue
shimmering water, simply idyllic! The hotel is horseshoe shaped with in the centre two spacious
outdoor seawater pools. Further it offers an excellent breakfast, lunch and diner, all in buffet style. It
has a Thalassa Spa, and one heated indoor seawater swimming pool. The Hotel also has a SSI,
CMAS and PADI approved Diving School offering various diving packages to numerous dive wrecks
and diving sites found in the vicinity. The Riviera Resort & Spa is ideal for exploring the islands with the
Gozo ferry being only two bus stops away. Malta’s largest blue flag sandy beach and the town of
Mellieha are also just a few bus stops away. A regular public bus service connects the resort to other
Guest rooms have a private balcony and bathroom, are comfortably furnished and offer a range of
different views: open sea, country, pool or beach. At night, there are frequently performances in the
pool area. Free WI-FI is available.
The Hotel also offers an all-inclusive board package (with local wine and beer), but in order to obtain of
this service wristbands are to be worn for identification.
The main subscriber is AMC Capita Selecta Duikgeneeskunde, the service provider (dive-tour
operator) is Diving World. Diving World is a member of the several Dutch professional guaranty
organizations (ANVR (, Calamiteitenfonds (Calamity Fund,
and the Garantiefonds (Guarantee fund, The bookings conditions of Diving World and
ANVR are applicable (see, also for more info). They apply for the flight &
accommodation packages and supplements such as the diving package, but not for the congress fees.
As usual, this fee and extra charges for the accreditations are non-refundable.
In case of questions you are asked to consult Eduard van Riet Paap, NOT Diving World.
Costs and flights
Please refer to the registration form. It is strongly suggested to book your accommodation-&-flight or
accommodation-only package ASAP since Malta is a booming destination.
Some flights are already overbooked and soon chairs for direct flight may become scarce.
Dive package
When you have a CMAS 2* or PADI Advanced licence, then you can dive 5 days. Shore dives are ca.
30 €. For boat dives and dive-excursions to Gozo there will be additional charges. Dive tank (12 L;
DIN and International valves), air and weights are included. Dive equipment rental and nitrox are
available. On request one can sign up for a diving course. More info to follow.