Newsletter (May-June 2012).
Newsletter (May-June 2012).
Columbia Association of the Police Department, City of New York COLUMBIA NEWS Affiliated with the National Council of Columbia Associations In Civil Service, Inc. and the National Coalition of Italian American Law Enforcement Organizations Fraternity Integrity n Charity n VOL.46, NO. 3 May — June 2012 SINCE 1932 Our President’s Message…. Hello all of Columbia, On Friday May 18, 2012 we held our annual 2012 Golf Classic at the Clearview Golf Course located in Bayside Queens. There were lots of fun to be had and lots of raffle prizes for all the golfers that attended this event. Once again this year we had food and an open bar at the prestigious Valentino on the Green Restaurant which is conveniently located right next door to the golf course. I want to thank the owners of Valentino’s for their gracious hospitality. Congratulations are in order for Board Officers Louie Balsamo and Chris Pizzo for another successful golf classic. Special thanks go out to Deputy Inspector Vincent LaRusso for always lending a helping hand in our Golf Classic. This year’s Columbia Association’s Awards Dinner at El Caribe was another huge success. A great time was had by all that attended. A special thanks to the Master of Ceremonies, First VicePresident Richard Angelitti, for another job well done. Receiving the Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino Award was Assistant Chief Alfred J. Materasso, The Columbia Association’s “Man of the Year”. Receiving the Columbia Association Humanitarian Awards were businessmen, Jerome Bollettieri and Anthony Gaudio. Receiving our Italian-American Achievement Award was New York Jets Defensive End, Mike DeVito. Receiving the Lieutenant Mario Biaggi Award for Valor was Lieutenant Mark Torre the Commanding Officer of the Bomb Squad. Receiving the Police Officer Michael Melchiona Award for Valor was Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Anthony Scotto. Receiving the Police Officer Arthur Pelo Award for Valor was Police Officer Ralph Stallone of Emergency Service Unit #5. Congratulations to all of our award recipients. Salute! The Columbia Association would like to extend gratitude to all of the members that partook in this event and all of the Fraternal and Union groups that supported our event and made it a huge success. This being the eleventh anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, where we lost twenty-three members of the service, a special tribute was made in their honor. The Columbia Association will never forget the heroes that gave the ultimate sacrifice on that historic but tragic day. On June 15, 2012 we held our annual Columbia fishing trip aboard the charter boat, Captain Jim III, in Freeport, Long Island. This year we did not need a miracle for great weather. God blessed us with a beautiful day. The boat was filled to capacity with Columbia members and their families. We were able to catch sea bass and porgies and a couple of blue fish. Everyone that participated on the fishing trip had a great time. It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. Thanks to Board Officers Chris Pizzo and Louie Balsamo and all of the Board Officers who helped make this event worthy. A special thanks to 2nd Vice-President Emanuel Rossi for taking all the pictures on the fishing trip making the event memorable. On June 24, 2012 the Columbia Association attended the Lieutenant Detective Joseph Petrosino Association in America Incorporated Annual Gala held at Russo’s on the Bay. Congratulations to this year’s award recipients, Acting Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice George Grasso and Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly. They both were also past recipients of the Columbia Association’s Man of the Year Award. On June 26, 2012 we held our annual High School and College Scholarship Awards ceremony at the Italian Charities Building located at 82-30 Queens Boulevard. The ceremony started at 7PM sharp. The annual High School and College Scholarship Awards ceremony is named in memory of retired member and past Board Officer Paul DiGiacomo Sr. Paul is the father of past Columbia President Paul DiGiacomo. The names of the award recipients will be posted on the Columbia website. Thanks to Board Officers Dyanne Marzano and Louis Corrente for making this event a huge success. On June 28, 2012 the Columbia Association participated in the Lieutenant Detective Joseph Petrosino Memorial Mass and Award Ceremony held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church located at 7201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn New York. Our very own Monsignor Robert J. Romano celebrated the Mass. It was a great turn out, thank you all for showing your support. On July 8th, 2012 at 11:00am a mass will be held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church located PAGE 2 Columbia News May - June 2012 President’s Message Continued…. at 275 North 8th Street honoring Distinguished Italian Americans. This year’s honorees are Acting Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice and former New York Police Department’s 1st Deputy Commissioner, George Grasso, Chief of Department Joseph Esposito and your very own Columbia President Sergeant Anthony Cesarano. Attend this special mass and show your support. On July 15, 2012 at 3:30pm the Columbia Association will participate in the annual “Giglio” lift at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church located at 275 North 8th Street, Brooklyn New York. The Columbia Association needs as many supporters that can attend. The “Giglio” is very heavy so the more people participating in the lift, the merrier. Come and show your support and enjoy all the festivities. Summer is right around the corner. It is the time of year for happy events. Take the time out to enjoy family and friends during this time of the year. The Columbia Association would like to wish all of their members a great summer. Why not make plans this summer to attend the Columbia Association’s annual Lake George Trip? There is still time to make reservations. The trip will take place from Sunday August 5, 2012 until Friday August 10, 2012. Reservations will be made at the Quality Inn located at beautiful Lake George. Saratoga Racetrack and Casino is only 20 minutes away. There will be a fireworks display on the lake on Thursday night, August 9, 2012. To make a reservation call 518-6683525, press 0 to leave a message for Scott only and tell him you are a Columbia Association member to receive a special discounted price. Recently the Columbia Association sent out a mailing instructing each member about a new accidental $4,000.00 death and dismemberment benefit. This benefit is for all active and retired members of the Columbia Association in good standing. There is no additional cost to the member. These benefits have been provided through the cooperation of our organization and through the affiliation with the Committee of Police Societies, Incorporated (COPS) and the State General Agent and the National Income Life Insurance Company (NILICO), a New York State based company servicing working families. A NILICO representative will contact you to witness your beneficiary designation, deliver your no-cost benefits and review other supplemental insurance benefits that may be available to you and your family. If you do not receive your certificate of coverage or designate your beneficiary as provided for by New York State law, or if you have any questions, please call the National Income Life Insurance Company at 1-800-503-1426 at Timothy Caruso, NL Public Relations directly at 1917-439-4641. The Columbia Association Scholarship Award Raffles were mailed out to all Columbia members. Send the Columbia Association Scholarship Award Raffle books back along with your annual membership dues as soon as possible. The Columbia Association Scholarship Award Raffle prize winners will be selected on October 8, 2012 at the Columbus Day Parade luncheon. Special thanks go to 2nd Vice President Emanuel Rossi for all his hard work in coordinating the Columbia Association Scholarship Award Raffles. These are some of the upcoming events that are on the radar. Check the Columbia website frequently to keep abreast of all pertinent information. Let us push for memberships. If you have not paid your dues for 2012 please see your delegate or any Board Officer and support your organization. The expression goes; we are only as strong as our weakest link. You can download a membership application on the Columbia website which is Until next time, stay true to the Columbia Association. . PAGE 3 Columbia News Editor’s spot May - June 2012 New York City Police Department Columbia Association Board of Officers Executive Board President ...............Anthony Cesarano............... (212) 274-4142 1st Vice President .....Rich Angeletti...................(718) 822-5815 2nd Vice President ......Emanuel Rossi.................(845) 902-0175 Executive Secretary .....R.J Coleman..................(212) 258-2840 Treasurer ................Kendra Damante.................(718) 972-7871 Recording Secretary.....Christopher Pizzo........ (212) 477-7444 Corresponding Secretary....Tony Quagliariello. (646) 210-9170 Sergeant At Arms ....Sal Ferrante….....................(718) 875-6850 “Mr Italy” Ciao, My Fellow Paisans A lot has happened since our last newsletter. Chief Alfred Materasso was voted “Man of the Year”, at the annual dinner dance at El Caribe this past May 4,2012. Congratulations to him and to all the other honorees. The event was a success and everyone had a great time. Thank you Mike Devito from the New York Jets for attending and letting us honor a great Italian American. On, May 18, 2012 we held our Annual Golf Outing at the Clearview Golf Course followed by a delicious luncheon held at Valentino’s on the Green. Everyone attended had a great time. The weather must have been ordered by Chief Monsignor Robert Romano!!!! Thank You, because it was Sun, Sun, and more Sun. It was another successful event held by the golf committee. Our appreciation also goes out to Chris and Anthony for all your hard work and to all of our sponsors who helped make this a year’s event a successful one . On a different note, the Feast of St. John the Baptist was held on June 24th, 2012 in Florence Italy. For over 1500 years the city has been honoring this patron saint. Celebrations start several days before and on the day itself. Shops and restaurants are closed so the entire city can celebrate this holy event. On that morning, festivities are kicked off with a procession through the city, starting in Piazza Signorina. It continues towards the Baptistery where a mass is held with an offering of candles. In the afternoon, one of the most important events linked to this day takes place. A traditional Florentine soccer match is held in Santa Croce. The game is similar to Rugby or American Football and can often be very aggressive. The special day comes to a close with fireworks over the Arno River in Piazza Michelangelo! In closing, please check out the new section of the newsletter “Famous Italian Americans”. Have a great summer. See you in September! Ciao, Louis J. Balsamo… Editor Editor .......................Louis Balsamo................... (718) 845-2201 Public Relations Dir….....John DelGaudio............(917) 757-1456 Financial Secretaries Manhattan …………...Anthony Burgio….… (212) 741-4811 Brooklyn……….……..Vincent Aprea……... (718) 629-1220 Queens …………….....Matthew Cioffi…….. (718) 476-7595 Bronx………………....Steven Berger……… (718) 548-1250 Staten Island ……....John Peruffo..……… (718) 876-7606 Retiree’s………….…..Nat Infurna ………… (516) 747-1389 Life Member………….Phil Repaci Sr……... (718) 758-4475 Trustees Manhattan………….Russ Maturo………...…(212) 239-9801 Manhattan………….Louis Corrente……...…(212) 477-9790 Manhattan………... Andrew Carraro…..….(212) 927-3200 Brooklyn…………....Michael Mongelli……..(516) 732-5961 Brooklyn…..………….Brett Raso…………….(516) 476-2752 Brooklyn…………….Michael Spezio………..(917) 531-7787 Queens………………Stephen Salazer……….(718) 533-2011 Queens………………Dyanne Marzano…..….(718) 279-5200 Bronx……………. ...Richard Citarella…… .(718) 292-6161 Bronx………………..Rocco Ruscitto….…….(914) 755-0606 Staten Island ………...Michael Alfieri...…… (917) 575-0009 Citywide……….....Alessandro Pizzirusso…(718) 876-8959 Directors & Advisors Special Assistant to the President: Phil Panzarella …(631) 965-7290 Travel..................................John Martini.............(718) 848- 1858 Health……………………….………Dr. Brian Mignola (718) 816-9056 Legal…………………………...….Stuart Salles…..…...(212) 267-9090 Legal………………………...….James Moschella….…(212) 233-3800 Spiritual……………...DC Msgr. Robert Romano....(646) 610-6472 Spiritual…………………..…Msgr. David Cassato…(718) 259-9146 Past Presidents Frank Ventura………………………...… (212) 610-6910 Paul DiGiacomo………………………..….(212) 587-1000 Giovanni Porcelli………………………....(718) 702-2200 Stephen P. Chiarini.............................(516) 887-5737 John Bucalo.........................................(631) 669- 9023 PAGE 4 Columbia News May - June 2012 Financial Secretaries Corner Financial Secretaries Corner Manhattan Bronx Anthony Burgio Steven Berger Greetings! Hoping you and your families had a Happy Easter! Our Cigar Night, which was held at Club Macanudo in Manhattan, was a great success! Thank you to all of the membership who came to the event to support us! If you still haven't paid your 2012 dues, please see your Precinct Delegate, any Board Officer, or you can do so online via ESS. It is not too late. Also, a big thank you to the Manhattan Columbia Association delegates for doing a great job so far in 2012 with signing up members. Your hard work is greatly appreciated! Until next time, be safe and wear your vests!! To my fellow Bronx Columbia members A new year is upon us. Lets make this year a good one. Every current member should go out and recruit as many members as possible. Membership is the backbone of this organization. Everyone should take advantage of the new enrollment for the Columbia Ass. in the CAPS system. Also, anyone interested in becoming a delegate in their command, Please contact Steve Berger 917-4406202. Stay Safe. Staten Island Brooklyn John Peruffo Vincent Aprea Bongiorno! Spring is in the air and that means the annual dinner dance is soon here. I hope to see a strong showing from our Brooklyn members. I still want to stress the importance of membership in our great association. Delegates I encourage you to bring in new members and to the members I urge you to sign up new member all year long. I cannot stress the value of fraternity enough. It's that which brought me to meet the finest people and made me able to be part of the Emergency Service Unit and Aviation Unit. Being a Columbia member has benefits that go beyond the parade and dinner dances. Let's make the Brooklyn membership the shining example of what fraternity is about Queens Matthew Cioffi Greetings from the great Boro of Queens ! I would like to welcome new Delegates Tom Diorio of the 106 Pct and Sgt Lisa Holmes of PSA 9. Go get 'em ! I would be remiss if I didn't mention the terrific efforts of Steve Dinko and Corso of the 107 Pct. and Det John Bellico of the 100 squad-your efforts have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated ! Congrats to Lt Pete Libranti on his promotion and reassignment as co delegate at the 103 Pct. His presence will aid the already great job undertaken every year by PO Rich Anzalone. Any delegates I didn't mention May rest assured that I haven't forgotten you . God Bless and everyone stay safe ! Greetings from Staten Island Please see your Delegates to pay your 2012 membership dues. I would like to have more of the Staten Island membership attend the our general meetings. The meetings are fun and informative. We all can get to know one another better. We do car pool from the V.Z. Bridge monument to make it more convenient with the cost of tolls and travel. General meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month. You can contact me at anytime. [email protected] All the Best !! Life Member Phil Repaci Sr. All of the members received a accidental (death) insurance application provided to us through COPS. As you see in our death notices life member Thomas Florio passed away. His demise was the result of an accidental fall causing further complications that lead to his death. The death benefit is $4000.00. His beneficiaries received the check. So if you didn't fill out the application you should because you never know. We got summer with a heat wave but now it seems to have settled down. Clean off the golf clubs and fishing poles and have a good summer and be careful. PAGE 5 Columbia News RETIRED DESK: May - June 2012 Death Announcements By Nat Infurna Retired Financial Secretary MEMBERSHIP: as of may 31, 2012 RETIRED.......................429 The Columbia Association Mourns The Loss Of: LIFE..............................1075 DELINQUENT............ 20 ۩Pray for the repose soul of Retired Member Ron J. DeVito son of Life member Ronald (Ron) DeVito. THE FOLLOWING ARE DELINQUENT MEMBERS: Valerie Buscemi Paul Muschitiello ۩Pray for the repose soul of Angela Toscano mother of Life Member Frank Toscano Mark Capalbo Dawn Oliva Michael Ciaburri Nicohlas Pandolfo Dom Console Rita Pearl Anthony Franzese Michael Pioli Harry D'Onofrio father of past Board Officer John D’Onofrio. Beverly Gross Francis Rella Pray for the repose soul of James Guma Michael Spagnuolo Life member Angelo Grande. Alan Vaccaro Guy Muratore Joseph Iorio David Vigada Nicholas Lapadula John Zerillo ۩Pray for the repose soul of Richard Lorenzo Dues for retired members are $25.00 make check payable to COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION NYPD Send to Nat Infurna 188 Brown St. Mineola NY 11501. SCHOLARSHIP DONATION: Frank Marchione Please consider donating your $400 death benefit to the SCHOLARSHIP FUND for a one time tax deduction. PRAYERS: For Ron Devito son of Life Member and PBA board member Ron Devito who recently passed away. Pray for Angela Toscano mother of Life Member Frank Toscano and PBA board member. Pray for all members Italian Word of the Month May Colpire = to hit June La Padella = frying pan PAGE 6 Columbia News Italy Today May - June 2012 PAGE 7 Columbia News May - June 2012 Famous Italian Americans Charles Joseph Bonaparte (June 9, 1851 – June 28, 1921) was an American lawyer and political activist from Maryland who served in the Cabinet of President Theodore Roosevelt. Bonaparte was Secretary of the Navy and then Attorney General. While Attorney General, he created the Bureau of Investigation (now the FBI). He was a great-nephew of Emperor Napoleon I of the French. Susan Sarandon (born Susan Abigail Tomalin; October 4, 1946) is an American actress. She has worked in movies and television since 1969, and won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the 1995 film Dead Man Walking. She had also been nominated for the award for four films before that and has received other recognition for her work. Sophia Loren, (born Sofia Villani Scicolone; 20 September 1934) is an Italian actress. In 1962, Loren, among 21 other awards, won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Two Women, becoming the first actress to win an Academy Award for a non-English-speaking performance. Loren has won several international awards, including one Golden Globe Award, a Grammy Award, a BAFTA Award and a Laurel Award. Her other films include: Houseboat (1958), El Cid (1961), Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963), Marriage Italian-Style (1964), and A Special Day (1977). She has received critical and commercial success in TV movies such as Courage (1986) and in American blockbusters such as Grumpier Old Men (1995), and Nine (2009). In 1994 she starred in Robert Altman's Ready to Wear, which earned her a Golden Globe nomination the same year. In 1995 she received the Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievements. In 2011 she dubbed one of the characters of Pixar blockbuster Cars 2 for non-English speaking markets. In 1999, Loren was listed by the American Film Institute on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars as #21 of 25 American female screen legends of all time. In 2002, she was honored by the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) at its annual Anniversary Gala and was inducted into its Italian American Hall of Fame. In 2009, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized her as "Italy's Most Awarded Actress". In 1991, she received an honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievements. The same year, the Republic of France awarded her a Distinction of la Légion d'honneur (the Legion of Honor) with the grade of Chevalier (Knight). In 1994, she was awarded with the Honorary Golden Bear at the 44th Berlin International Film Festival. In 1997, Loren was invested Cavaliere di Gran Croce Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic). In 2010, she was awarded the Praemium Imperiale by the Imperial Family of Japan on behalf of the Japan Art Association. PAGE 8 Columbia News PHOTOS Bureau Chief Izzo gets an award from Lt. Petrosino Lodge 285. May - June 2012 Dinner Dance Photos PAGE 9 Columbia News Fishing Trip 2012 1st, 2nd and 3rd place fish. World record for smallest fish ever!!!! May - June 2012 PAGE 10 Columbia News May - June 2012 PAGE 11 Columbia News Our Sponsors May - June 2012
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