B - Autoradio
B - Autoradio
Service Manual DEQ-P9/UC ORDER NO. CRT2686 UNIVERSAL DIGITAL PREAMP EQUALIZER DEQ-P9 UC,EW CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SAFETY INFORMATION ............................................2 EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST .......................2 BLOCK DIAGRAM AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM .....6 PCB CONNECTION DIAGRAM ................................16 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ........................................24 ADJUSTMENT..........................................................30 7. GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................31 7.1 DIAGNOSIS ........................................................31 7.1.1 DISASSEMBLY .........................................31 7.1.2 CONNECTOR FUNCTION DESCRIPTION .......33 7.2 IC .........................................................................33 7.3 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION ..........................41 8. OPERATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS.....................43 PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-Chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS SERVICE INC. P.O.Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760 U.S.A. PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087 Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE.LTD. 253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936 C PIONEER CORPORATION 2001 K-ZZA. MAY 2001 Printed in Japan DEQ-P9 1. SAFETY INFORMATION CAUTION This service manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual. Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void the warranty. If you are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and refer the repair to a qualified service technician. WARNING This product contains lead in solder and certain electrical parts contain chemicals which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Health & Safety Code Section 25249.6 - Proposition 65 2. EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST 2.1 PACKING 25 26 11 25 24 6 12 4 5 13 22 23 14 8 10 21 9 7 3 1 2 19 17 15 19 20 20 16 18 2 DEQ-P9 NOTE: - Parts marked by “*” are generally unavailable because they are not in our Master Spare Parts List. - Screws adjacent to ∇ mark on the product are used for disassembly. (1) PACKING SECTION PARTS LIST Mark No. Description * * * * * * 1 2 3 4 5 Part No. Mark No. Description Cable Cord Cord Assy Cord Cord CDE6690 CDE4167 CDE6643 CDE3951 CDE6641 16 17 18 19 20 6 7 8 9 10 Cord Polyethylene Bag Accessory Assy Polyethylene Bag Bracket CDE6644 CEG-145 CEA1849 CEG-020 CNC4763 21 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 11 12 13 14 15 Screw Assy Screw Screw Polyethylene Bag Polyethylene Bag CEA2761 BMZ40P050FMC BYC40P120FZK E36-613 22-5 22-6 * 22-7 23 * 24 See Contrast table(2) * * Carton Sub Unit Box Contain Box Protector Protector Polyethylene Bag Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Warranty Card Cover Lock Tie 25 Clamper 26 Filter Part No. See Contrast table(2) CHG4438 See Contrast table(2) CHP2359 CHP2360 CEG1116 See Contrast table(2) See Contrast table(2) See Contrast table(2) See Contrast table(2) See Contrast table(2) See Contrast table(2) See Contrast table(2) CNS2726 See Contrast table(2) CNV1272 See Contrast table(2) (2) CONTRAST TABLE DEQ-P9/UC and EW are constructed the same except for the following: Mark No. 15 16 18 22-1 22-2 22-3 22-4 22-5 22-6 * 22-7 * * Part No. DEQ-P9/EW CEG-162 CHG4344 CHL4344 CRB1635 CRB1636 Symbol and Description Polyethylene Bag Carton Contain Box Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual DEQ-P9/UC CEG1173 CHG4345 CHL4345 CRB1641 CRB1642 Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Warranty Card Not used Not used Not used Not used CRY1070 CRB1637 CRB1638 CRB1639 CRB1640 CRY1157 Not used Not used CNV-754 CTX1060 24 Lock Tie 26 Filter - Owner's Manual, Installation Manual Model DEQ-P9/UC DEQ-P9/EW Part No. CRB1641 CRB1642 CRB1635 CRB1636 CRB1637 CRB1638 CRB1639 CRB1640 Language English French English Spanish German French Italian Dutch 3 DEQ-P9 2.2 EXTERIOR B A 4 DEQ-P9 - EXTERIOR SECTION PARTS LIST Mark No. Description * * * Part No. Mark No. Description 1 Screw 2 Badge(/UC) Badge(/EW) 3 Cable 4 Cord Assy BSZ30P060FZK CAH1765 CAH1764 CDE6625 CDE6643 24 25 26 27 28 5 6 7 8 9 CEK1001 CNA2366 CNB2636 CNB2634 CNC9165 29 Screw 30 Screw 31 DSP Unit(/UC) DSP Unit(/EW) 32 Connector(CN1700) PPZ20P060FZK PPZ30P080FZK CWX2519 CWX2520 CKS1956 CNM7103 33 34 35 36 37 Connector(CN1000) Connector(CN1701) Connector(CN1702) Shield Holder CKS2191 CKS2198 CKS2201 CNC9164 CNC9175 38 39 40 41 42 Holder Insulator Cord Cord Filter(/EW) CNC9176 CNM7106 CDE3951 CDE6641 CTX1054 43 Cushion(/EW) CNM7567 Fuse(4A) Chassis Panel Case Case 10 Insulator 11 ••••• 12 Audio Control Unit(/UC) Audio Control Unit(/EW) 13 Connector(CN903) CWM7506 CWM7507 CDE6309 14 15 16 17 18 Connector(CN603) Connector(CN501) Clamper Fuse(4A) Pin Jack(CN101) CDE6462 CDE6463 CEF1007 CEK1001 CKB1048 19 20 21 22 23 Pin Jack(CN301) Terminal(CN902) Fuse Holder(CN901) Connector(CN602) Connector(CN601) CKB1048 CKE1033 CKR1021 CKS2248 CKS2601 * * Connector(CN604) Shield Holder Holder Holder Part No. CKS3410 CNC4761 CNC9161 CNC9162 CNC9163 5 2 1 3 4 DEQ-P9 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM AND SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 3.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM A B AUDIO CONTROL UNIT CN603 CN601 Q601 OPT5V Q602 1 BUS+ BUS5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN602 B CN604 1 2 D+5V D+5V OPTION 3 CN1000 1 2 5 6 1 2 IC 601 HA12187FP 8 B MUTE 4 BACC 8 40 A IP-BUS DRIVER DSPPW DIN1 DOUT 23 IPOUT 22 IPIN STBN ASENS 21 IPPW 16 asens IC 602 PD5653A Q611 Q902 VDD Q611 Q610 BU 15 bsens 9 reset XOUT XIN DSPCK DSPOUT DEEM DIRPCM DIRERR FSD FS1 FS2 DIRRST DSPRST DSPACK DSPERR DSPCD DSPCS1 DSPCS2 DSPCS3 DEST MUTE 26 24 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 76 38 B CN1700 DSP1 23 24 34 26 27 28 48 3 DEEH DIRPCM DIRERR FS0 FS1 FS2 DIRRST DIN0 DATAO 16 SDI1 70 DSPCK 71 DSPOUT IC 1100 TC9331F 15 LRCK 14 BCK 13 CKOUT 65 dsprst 68 dspcs1 69 DSPCD 72 dspack 1 DSP UNIT IC 1000 LC89055WHS-RA8 A X1000 12.288MHz Q604 BU 4 IC 604 TC7S04FU X601 10.000MHz BCK 3 1,3,6 RESET Q611 C 1 IC 603 S-80735ANDZI 2 IC 1003 TC7W34FU VDD DSP2 Q603 BCK 1,3,6 Q607 Q608 IC 1002 TC7W34FU EF902 70 DSPCK 71 DSPOUT 7 1Y 5 2Y 2 3Y IC 1101 TC9331F dsprst dspcs2 DSPCD dspack dspeer LRCK IC 1006 TC7W34FU 65 68 69 72 22 1,3,6 Q50 EF903 BU LRCK Q51 Q52 1,3,6 IC 1005 TC7W34FU 7 1Y 5 2Y 2 3Y DSP3 C T66 MCK EF904 3 Q67 IC 1102 TC9331F IC 1004 TC7W34FU Q68 70 DSPCK 71 DSPOUT EF906 Q53 9 VDD 10 IC 66 TL1451ANS-M 7 Q1702 B 2 VDD Q86 IC 50 TL5001CPS 1 OUT 4 IN T86 EF905 Q87 Q1703 Q901 Q54 Q88 A+8V D+5V D+5V A+5V A-5V A-8V CN903 6 7 8 4 2 5 6 7 8 4 2 5 A+8V D+5V D+5V A+5V A-5V A-8V Q1701 Q1700 CN1701 D 6 1 2 3 4 65 dsprst 68 dspcs3 69 DSPCD 72 DSPACK Q66 5 7 6 8 DEQ-P9 A DSP1 C 1100 C9331F DOL 3 1 43 MUTER 42 MUTEL 16 XTI 21 BCKI 19 LRCI IC 1311 PCM1704U-J 14 CN1702 2 6 IC 1300 SM5847AF 2 DOR 37 DEMPL 36 DEMPR 1 IC 1310 PCM1704U-J IC 501 PM0017AM 69 DSPCD 72 dspack 20mA/30mA IC 1313 OPA2134UA 1 7 MID LCH 1 MID RCH 3 CN501 5 6 3 4 7 8 1 3 14 HL MR HL HR LL LR CN101 Q102 Q101 HL MR HL HR LL LR 22 21 20 19 18 17 3 5 IC 101 OPA2134UA 1 HL 7 HR Q202 Q201 5 110mA/130mA 19 DEEM1 20 DEEM2 31 DOR2 30 DOR1 2 6 1 IC 1413 OPA2134UA 1 HIGH LCH 4 7 HIGH RCH 6 14 5 43 MUTER 42 MUTEL IS62C1024L-70QI C 1102 C9331F IC 1511 PCM1704U-J 14 2 6 IC 1500 SM5847AF 65 dsprst 68 dspcs3 69 DSPCD 72 DSPACK 2 DOR 37 DEMPL 36 DEHPR 1 IC 1510 PCM1704U-J IC 1513 OPA2134UA 1 7 LOW LCH 7 LOW RCH 9 7 9 SL DOL 21 BCKI 19 LRCI 1 MR 5 8 CN301 39 IC 1105 3 ML 7 Q302 Q301 3 IC 1410 PCM1704U-J 1 4 6 20mA/30mA DSP3 IC 201 OPA2134UA 14 IC 1400 PD7010A1 12 DSPCK 14 DSPOUT 16 DFST 69 DSPCD 72 dspack 22 dspeer IC 1411 PCM1704U-J IC 502 PML011A C 1101 C9331F 1 IC 301 OPA2134UA 1 LL 7 LR SR 3 29 5 28 IC 401 OPA2134UA 1 4 Q402 Q401 SL 1 SL 7 SR 5 8 C Q609 SR IS62C1024L-70QI 42 BCKI2 41 BCKI1 39 DLRCI 33 DOL2 32 DOL1 BU 38 IC 1104 4 B 3 DSP2 1 C 14 32mA/45mA MUTE IC 1600 PCM1716E-3 27 25 16 13 SW LCH 10 SW RCH 12 10 12 BU MC/DM1 Q905 CN901 701 A B 2 1 DSPPW Q904 SYSB Q903 6 IC 901 TPD1018F 2 3 1 CN902 7 5 6 7 8 D 2 1 3 4 DEQ-P9 3.2 OVERALL CONNECTION DIAGRAM Note: When ordering service parts, be sure to refer to “EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST” or “ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST”. IP-BUS=MCD, MDVD OPTICAL=SCD, OPT-MCD, OPT-DVD A FM(100%)(EW): -0.1dBs FM(100%)(UC): -4.1dBs AM(30%)(EW):-10.1dBs AM(30%)(UC):-14.1dBs IP-BUS: +1.9dBs OPTICAL: +5.9dBs C CN1700 SYSTEM CONTROLLER B MODE DAN202U D607 DC/DC CONVERTER 4.9V 22µH 22µH 22µH 8. C -5. -8.1V D 8 A 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 DEQ-P9 A The > mark found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. PRE-AMPLIFIER x4 FM(EW):+2.42dBs FM(UC):+0.42dBs AM(EW): -5.58dBs AM(UC): -9.58dBs IP-BUS:+6.42dBs OPTICAL:+6.42dBs A AUDIO CONTROL UNIT CN1000 B RCA OUTPUT CN1700 CN1702 DSP UNIT B E-VOL CN1701 FM(EW):+11.42dBs FM(UC): +9.47dBs AM(EW): +3.47dBs AM(UC): -0.53dBs IP-BUS:+15.47dBs OPTICAL:+15.47dBs RCA OUTPUT E-VOL 8.1V FM(EW):+10.55dBs FM(UC): +8.6dBs AM(EW): +2.6dBs AM(UC): -1.4dBs IP-BUS: +14.6dBs OPTICAL: +14.6dBs C > -5.1V FUSE 4A CEK1001 4700µF/16V 5.1V 14.4V FUSE 4A CEK1001 > B.REM -8.1V D NOTE : Symbol indicates a resistor. No differentiation is made between chip resistors and discrete resistors. Symbol indicates a capacitor. No differentiation is made between chip capacitors and discrete capacitors. 5 6 7 Decimal points for resistor and capacitor fixed values are expressed as : 2.2 ← 2R2 0.022 ← R022 A 8 9 2 1 3 4 DEQ-P9 3.3 DSP UNIT(GUIDE PAGE) A-a A-b B-a Large size SCH diagram A A-a A-a A-b Guide page A-b OPTICAL IN Detailed page CN603 B DIR. C D CN602 10 B 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 DEQ-P9 B-b B DSP UNIT A x6 B FM(EW): -0.58dBs FM(UC): -4.58dBs AM(EW):-10.58dBs AM(UC):-14.58dBs IP-BUS: +1.42dBs OPTICAL: +5.42dBs CN501 DAC DIGITAL ANALOG I/V CONVERTER 0V DF C FM(EW): -0.1dBs FM(UC): -4.1dBs AM(EW):-10.1dBs AM(UC):-14.1dBs IP-BUS: +1.9dBs OPTICAL: +5.9dBs 8.1V -8.1V D 4.9V -5.1V CN903 A AUDIO CONTROL UNIT 5 6 7 B 11 8 2 1 3 4 3 4 B-a B-b A 1 DEQ-P9 B OPTICAL IN C CN603 D 12 B-a 1 2 7 6 8 DEQ-P9 B-a B-b 2 5 A CN602 B DIR. C D 5 6 7 B-a 8 13 14 1 B-b 1 DAC x6 B DIGITAL ANALOG DSP UNIT FM(EW): -0.58dBs FM(UC): -4.58dBs AM(EW):-10.58dBs AM(UC):-14.58dBs IP-BUS: +1.42dBs OPTICAL: +5.42dBs B A CN501 B-a B-b 1 DEQ-P9 C D 2 3 2 3 4 4 2 5 6 7 -5.1V 4.9V CN903 A AUDIO CONTROL UNIT FM(EW): -0.1dBs FM(UC): -4.1dBs AM(EW):-10.1dBs AM(UC):-14.1dBs IP-BUS: +1.9dBs OPTICAL: +5.9dBs 0V B-a B-b 6 -8.1V 8.1V DF ANALOG I/V CONVERTER DIGITAL 5 7 8 DEQ-P9 B-b 15 8 A B C D 2 1 3 4 DEQ-P9 4. PCB CONNECTION DIAGRAM 4.1 AUDIO CONTROL UNIT A A AUDIO CONTROL UNIT NOTE FOR PCB DIAGRAMS 1. The parts mounted on this PCB include all necessary parts for several destination. For further information for respective destinations, be sure to check with the schematic diagram. 2. Viewpoint of PCB diagrams Connector Capacitor SIDE A RCA OUTPUT B P.C.Board Chip Part SIDE B RCA OUTPUT Fuse C Cord Assy D 16 A 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 DEQ-P9 B B CN1702 CN1000 SIDE A B CN1700 A IC,Q MODE RESET B OPTICAL INPUT C IP-BUS INPUT D B 5 6 7 CN1701 A 8 17 1 2 3 4 DEQ-P9 A A AUDIO CONTROL UNIT B C D 18 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DEQ-P9 SIDE B A B C D 5 6 7 A 8 19 2 1 3 4 DEQ-P9 B DSP UNIT 4.2 DSP UNIT A A B CN501 C D 20 B 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 DEQ-P9 A CN603 SIDE A IC,Q A B C D A A 5 6 CN602 CN903 7 B 8 21 1 2 3 4 DEQ-P9 B DSP UNIT IC,Q A B C D 22 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DEQ-P9 SIDE B A B C D 5 6 7 B 8 23 DEQ-P9 5. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST NOTES: - Parts whose parts numbers are omitted are subject to being not supplied. - The part numbers shown below indicate chip components. Chip Resistor RS1/_S___J,RS1/__S___J Chip Capacitor (except for CQS.....) CKS....., CCS....., CSZS..... =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- A Part No. ------------------------- Unit Number : CWM7506(DEQ-P9/UC) Unit Number : CWM7507(DEQ-P9/EW) Unit Name : Audio Control Unit MISCELLANEOUS IC IC IC IC IC 50 66 101 201 301 IC IC IC IC IC TL5001CPS TL1451ANS-M OPA2134UA OPA2134UA OPA2134UA IC IC IC IC IC 401 501 502 601 602 IC IC IC IC IC OPA2134UA PM0017AM PML011A HA12187FP PD5653A IC IC IC Q Q 603 604 901 50 51 IC IC IC Transistor Transistor S-80735ANDZI TC7S04FU TPD1018F 2SA1797 2SC2812 Q Q Q Q Q 52 53 54 66 67 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 2SA1179 2SA1179 DTC124EK 2SA1797 2SC2812 Q Q Q Q Q 68 86 87 88 101 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 2SA1179 2SA1797 2SC2812 2SA1179 IMX9 Q Q Q Q Q 102 201 202 301 302 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor IMX9 IMX9 IMX9 IMX9 IMX9 Q Q Q Q Q 401 402 601 602 603 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor IMX9 IMX9 2SB1238 2SC2712 2SC2712 Q Q Q Q Q 604 605 606 607 608 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor IMD2A 2SC2712 2SC2412K 2SC2412K 2SC2412K Q Q Q Q Q 609 610 611 901 902 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor IMD2A DTA124EU 2SC2412K 2SB1243 2SD1760F5 24 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- Q Q Q D D 903 904 905 50 66 Transistor Transistor Transistor Diode Diode 2SC2412K DTC114EK 2SB1238 D2FS6 SC802-06 D D D D D 86 101 102 201 202 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode SC802-06 DAP202U DAP202U DAP202U DAP202U D D D D D 301 302 401 402 601 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode DAP202U DAP202U DAP202U DAP202U MA152K D D D D D 602 603 604 605 606 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode DAN202U DAN202U DAN202U DAN202U HZS7L(C2) D D D D D 607 901 902 903 904 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode DAN202U HZS6L(B1) HZS6L(B1) ERA15-02VH DAN202U D D D D D 905 906 907 908 909 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode HZS9L(A2) MA111 ERA15-02VH ERA15-02VH ERA15-02VH L L L L L 50 51 52 66 67 Choke Coil 22µH Choke Coil 22µH Choke Coil 22µH Coil Coil CTH1109 CTH1109 CTH1109 CTH1110 CTH1110 L L L L L 86 87 601 602 603 Coil Coil Inductor Inductor Inductor CTH1110 CTH1110 LAU1R5K LAU3R3K CTF1410 L L L L L 604 605 606 607 608 Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1410 L T T X S 901 66 86 601 601 Coil (DEQ-P9/EW) Transformer Transformer Radiator 10.00MHz Switch(RESET) CTH1170 CTT1098 CTT1098 CSS1428 CSG1059 S EF EF EF EF 602 901 902 903 904 Slide Switch(MODE) EMI Filter EMI Filter EMI Filter EMI Filter CSH1051 CCG1003 CCG1083 CCG1083 CCG1083 DEQ-P9 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- EF EF CCG1083 CCG1083 R R R R R 210 211 212 213 214 RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J R R R R R 215 216 301 302 303 RN1/10SE2202D RN1/10SE2202D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1201D R R R R R 304 305 306 307 308 RN1/10SE1201D RN1/10SE2201D RN1/10SE2201D RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J R R R R R 309 310 311 312 313 RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RS1/16S103J R R R R R 314 315 316 401 402 RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE2202D RN1/10SE2202D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1002D R R R R R 403 404 405 406 407 RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1202D RN1/10SE1202D RS1/16S103J R R R R R 408 409 410 411 412 RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D R R R R R 413 414 415 416 501 RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE2202D RN1/10SE2202D RS1/16S682J R R R R R 502 503 504 602 603 RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RS1/16S153J RS1/16S472J RS1/16S101J R R R R R 605 606 607 608 609 RS1/16S101J RS1/16S102J RS1/10S103J RS1/16S103J RS1/10S472J R R R R R 610 611 612 613 614 RS1/16S102J RS1/10S472J RS1/10S103J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S473J R R R R R 615 616 617 618 620 RS1/16S473J RS1/16S102J RAB4C471J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S473J R R R R R 621 622 623 624 625 RAB4C473J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S102J RS1/16S822J RS1/16S473J 905 906 EMI Filter EMI Filter RESISTORS R R R R R 49 50 51 52 53 RS1/4S751J RS1/10S122J RS1/10S123J RS1/4S751J RS1/10S101J R R R R R 54 55 56 57 58 RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE3001D RS1/10S104J RN1/10SE2202D RS1/10S474J R R R R R 59 60 61 62 63 RS1/10S333J RS1/10S221J RS1/10S221J RS1/10S473J RS1/10S223J R R R R R 64 66 67 68 69 RN1/10SE2201D RS1/10S122J RS1/10S103J RS1/4S102J RS1/10S101J R R R R R 70 71 72 73 74 RN1/10SE3002D RN1/10SE6201D RS1/4S102J RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1002D R R R R R 75 76 77 78 80 RS1/10S474J RN1/10SE9101D RN1/10SE1502D RN1/10SE2702D RN1/10SE1002D R R R R R 81 82 86 87 88 RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE4301D RS1/10S122J RS1/10S103J RS1/4S102J R R R R R 89 90 91 92 93 RS1/10S101J RN1/10SE3002D RN1/10SE4301D RN1/10SE2401D RS1/4S102J R R R R R 101 102 103 104 105 RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1201D RN1/10SE1201D RN1/10SE2201D R R R R R 106 107 108 109 110 RN1/10SE2201D RN1/10SE4700D RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE4700D R R R R R 111 112 113 114 115 RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE2202D R R R R R 116 201 202 203 204 RN1/10SE2202D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1002D RN1/10SE1201D RN1/10SE1201D R R R R R 205 206 207 208 209 RN1/10SE2201D RN1/10SE2201D RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE4700D RS1/16S103J 25 DEQ-P9 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- R R R R R 626 627 628 629 630 RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RS1/16S222J RS1/16S473J C C C C C 102 103 104 105 106 CFHSQ221J50 CCH1396 CCH1396 CCSRCH471J50 CCSRCH471J50 R R R R R 631 632 633 634 635 RS1/16S103J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S101J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S473J C C C C C 107 109 111 112 201 R R R R R 636 637 638 639 640 RS1/16S104J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S222J RS1/16S472J C C C C C 202 203 204 205 206 R R R R R 641 642 644 901 902 RS1/16S473J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S103J RS1/16S102J RS1/16S223J C C C C C 207 208 211 212 301 R R R R R 903 904 905 906 907 RS1/16S103J RS1/16S473J RS1/16S473J RD1/4PU222J RS1/16S473J C C C C C 302 303 304 305 306 R R R 908 909 910 RS1/16S102J RAB4C102J RAB4C102J C C C C C 307 308 311 312 401 CAPACITORS 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V CCH1396 CCH1396 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CFHSQ221J50 CFHSQ221J50 CCH1396 CCH1396 CCSRCH471J50 CCSRCH471J50 CCH1396 CCH1396 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CFHSQ221J50 CFHSQ221J50 CCH1396 CCH1396 CCSRCH471J50 CCSRCH471J50 CCH1396 CCH1396 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CFHSQ221J50 C C C C C 50 52 54 55 56 CEHAZL680M16 CEHAZL680M16 CCSRCH331J50 CKSRYB102K50 CEHAZL680M16 C C C C C 402 403 404 405 406 C C C C C 58 59 60 61 62 CEHAZL680M16 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 407 408 411 412 501 C C C C C 66 68 70 71 72 CEHAZL680M16 CEHAZL680M16 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB102K50 CEHAZL680M16 C C C C C 502 503 504 505 506 C C C C C 73 74 75 76 77 CEHAZL680M16 CEHAZL680M16 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB222K50 CKSRYB223K25 C C C C C 507 508 509 510 511 4R7µF/35V 4R7µF/35V CCH1358 CCH1358 CKSRYB104K25 CEJQ100M16 CEJQ100M16 C C C C C 78 79 80 81 82 CCSRCH221J50 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB102K50 CEHAS1R0M50 C C C C C 512 513 514 515 516 4R7µF/35V 4R7µF/35V 47µF/25V CCH1358 CCH1358 CCH1394 CKSRYB104K25 CCH1394 C C C C C 86 88 90 91 92 CEHAZL680M16 CEHAZL680M16 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB102K50 CEHAZL680M16 C C C C C 517 518 601 602 603 C C C C C 93 94 95 97 101 CEHAZL680M16 CEHAZL680M16 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB223K25 CFHSQ221J50 C C C C C 604 605 606 607 608 26 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V CFHSQ221J50 CCH1396 CCH1396 CCSRCH471J50 CCSRCH471J50 100µF/16V CCH1396 CCH1396 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CCH1353 4R7µF/35V 4R7µF/35V 4R7µF/35V 4R7µF/35V CKSRYB104K25 CCH1358 CCH1358 CCH1358 CCH1358 47µF/25V 47µF/25V CKSRYB104K25 CCH1394 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB473K25 CCSRCH101J50 CCSRCH101J50 CEJQ2R2M50 CKSRYB104K25 CCSRCH101J50 DEQ-P9 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- C C C C C 609 901 902 903 904 CEJQ470M16 CCH1394 CKSRYB473K25 CEJQ470M10 CCH1353 D D D D D 1401 1402 1410 1411 1412 Diode Network Diode Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network DA204U MA111 DA204U DA204U DA204U C C C C C 905 906 907 908 909 CCH1353 CCL1016 CEJQ101M6R3 CKSRYB473K25 CEJQ470M16 D D D D D 1413 1500 1501 1510 1511 Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network DA204U DA204U DA204U DA204U DA204U C C C C C 910 911 912 913 914 CEJQ470M16 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB104K25 CCH1266 CKSRYB103K50 D D D D D 1512 1513 1600 1601 1700 Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network Diode DA204U DA204U DA204U DA204U MA111 C C C 915 916 917 CCH1395 CKSRYB223K50 CCSQCH101J50 L L L L L 1000 1002 1003 1004 1005 Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor CTF1295 LCTA1R0J4532 LCTA1R0J4532 CTF1306 CTF1306 L L L L L 1006 1007 1008 1100 1101 Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor CTF1306 CTF1306 CTF1306 CTF1295 CTF1295 L L L L L 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor-Array Inductor-Array CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1421 CTF1421 L L L L L 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1306 L L L L L 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 Inductor Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array CTF1306 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 L L L L L 1117 1118 1300 1310 1311 Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor Inductor Inductor CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 L L L L L 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 L L L L L 1400 1410 1411 1412 1413 Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor LCTA1R0J4532 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 L L L L L 1414 1415 1416 1500 1510 Inductor Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) Inductor Inductor CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 L L L L L 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 B 47µF/25V 100µF/16V 100µF/16V 0.47F/5.5V 4700µF/16V 100µF/16V Unit Number : CWX2519(DEQ-P9/UC) Unit Number : CWX2520(DEQ-P9/EW) Unit Name : DSP Unit MISCELLANEOUS IC IC IC IC IC 1000 1002 1003 1004 1005 IC IC IC IC IC LC89055WHS-RA8 TC7W34FU TC7W34FU TC7W34FU TC7W34FU IC IC IC IC IC 1006 1100 1101 1102 1104 IC IC IC IC IC TC7W34FU TC9331F TC9331F TC9331F IS62C1024L-70QI IC IC IC IC IC 1105 1300 1310 1311 1313 IC IC IC IC IC IS62C1024L-70QI SM5847AF PCM1704U-J PCM1704U-J OPA2134UA IC IC IC IC IC 1400 1410 1411 1413 1500 IC IC IC IC IC PD7010A1 PCM1704U-J PCM1704U-J OPA2134UA SM5847AF IC IC IC IC Q 1510 1511 1513 1600 1000 IC IC IC IC Transistor PCM1704U-J PCM1704U-J OPA2134UA PCM1716E-3 2SC2712 Q Q Q Q D 1700 1701 1702 1703 1000 Chip Transistor Chip Transistor Transistor Transistor Diode 2SC2712 2SC2712 DTC144TK DTC144TK MA111 D D D D D 1001 1002 1100 1300 1301 Diode Network Diode Network Diode Diode Network Diode Network DA204U DA204U MA152WK DA204U DA204U D D D D D 1310 1311 1312 1313 1400 Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network Diode Network DA204U DA204U DA204U DA204U DA204U 27 DEQ-P9 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- L L L L L 1516 1600 1601 1602 1603 Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) Inductor Inductor Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) Inductor (DEQ-P9/EW) CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 CTF1295 R R R R R 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 RS1/16S331J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J L L L L L 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 Inductor Inductor Inductor-Array Inductor-Array Inductor-Array CTF1306 CTF1306 CTF1421 CTF1421 CTF1421 R R R R R 1128 1129 1130 1133 1134 RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RAB4C473J RAB4C473J RS1/16S0R0J L L X X X 1705 1706 1000 1100 1101 Inductor-Array Inductor Crystal Resonator 12.288MHz Crystal Resonator 32.0MHz Crystal Resonator 32.0MHz CTF1421 CTF1250 CSS1416 CSS1360 CSS1360 R R R R R 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J X EF EF EF EF 1102 1700 1701 1702 1703 Crystal Resonator 32.0MHz EMI Filter EMI Filter EMI Filter EMI Filter CSS1360 CCG1030 CCG1030 CCG1030 CCG1030 R R R R R 1140 1141 1142 1143 1300 RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RAB4C101J R R R R R 1301 1302 1303 1310 1311 RS1/16S820J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S102J RAB4C470J RAB4C470J R R R R R 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 RN1/10SE1801D RN1/10SE1801D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE4701D R R R R R 1317 1318 1319 1400 1401 R R R R R 1402 1403 1410 1411 1412 RS1/16S102J RAB4C101J RAB4C470J RAB4C470J RN1/10SE1801D R R R R R 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 RN1/10SE1801D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE4701D RN1/10SE4701D R R R R R 1418 1419 1500 1502 1503 R R R R R 1504 1510 1511 1512 1513 RS1/16S102J RAB4C470J RAB4C470J RN1/10SE1801D RN1/10SE1801D R R R R R 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE4701D RN1/10SE4701D RS1/10S0R0J R R R R R 1519 1600 1601 1602 1603 RESISTORS R R R R R 1000 1003 1007 1008 1011 RS1/16S103J RN1/10SE1001D RN1/10SE1001D RN1/10SE4702D RN1/10SE1002D R R R R R 1012 1016 1017 1018 1019 RN1/10SE1001D RN1/10SE5101D RN1/10SE4700D RN1/10SE7501D RN1/10SC75R0D R R R R R 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 RS1/16S471J RAB4C101J RS1/16S105J RN1/10SE1000D RN1/10SE1000D R R R R R 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE1000D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE1000D RN1/10SE1000D R R R R R 1033 1038 1041 1042 1043 RN1/10SE1200D RN1/10SE1000D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE1000D R R R R R 1044 1100 1105 1106 1107 RN1/10SE1200D RAB4C471J RAB4C471J RAB4C473J RS1/16S105J R R R R R 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 RS1/16S331J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J R R R R R 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 RS1/16S0R0J RAB4C471J RAB4C471J RAB4C471J RAB4C471J R R R R R 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 RAB4C473J RAB4C473J RS1/16S105J RS1/16S105J RS1/16S331J 28 (DEQ-P9/UC) (DEQ-P9/UC) (DEQ-P9/UC) (DEQ-P9/UC) (DEQ-P9/UC) (DEQ-P9/UC) RN1/10SE4701D RS1/10S0R0J RS1/10S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/10S0R0J RS1/10S0R0J RS1/16S101J RAB4C101J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/10S0R0J RAB4C101J RS1/16S0R0J RS1/16S102J RS1/16S102J DEQ-P9 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- R R R R R 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE2200D RN1/10SE4701D RN1/10SE4701D RS1/10S0R0J C C C C C 1134 1136 1138 1140 1141 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB102K50 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB102K50 R R R R R 1615 1700 1703 1704 1705 RS1/10S0R0J RAB4C473J RS1/16S103J RS1/16S103J RS1/16S102J C C C C C 1142 1143 1144 1146 1300 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB104K25 R R 1706 1707 RS1/16S473J RS1/16S472J C C C C C 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CCSRCH331J50 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 CEZA330M16 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB473K25 CASA220M10 C C C C C 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 CASA220M10 CASA220M10 CASA220M10 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA220M25 CEZA220M25 CEZA101M10 C C C C C 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 CEZA101M10 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 C C C C C 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 C C C C C 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 CEZA470M10 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CCH1352 CCH1352 C C C C C 1336 1337 1338 1339 1400 CFHSQ331J50 CFHSQ331J50 CFHSQ332J16 CFHSQ332J16 CCSRCH331J50 C C C C C 1401 1402 1405 1410 1411 CEZA330M16 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CASA220M10 CASA220M10 C C C C C 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 CASA220M10 CASA220M10 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA220M25 CEZA220M25 CEZA101M10 CEZA101M10 (DEQ-P9/UC) (DEQ-P9/UC) CAPACITORS C C C C C 1000 1010 1011 1012 1013 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB103K50 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CFHSQ103J16 C C C C C 1014 1015 1017 1018 1019 CFHSP104J16 CFHSP104J16 CFHSQ103J16 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB473K25 C C C C C 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 CKSRYB473K25 CEZA100M16 CEZA100M16 CCSRCH270J50 CKSRYB473K25 C C C C C 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 CKSRYB473K25 CEZA470M10 CCSRCH330J50 CEZA470M10 CKSRYB473K25 C C C C C 1030 1043 1044 1045 1046 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 C C C C C 1047 1048 1049 1050 1103 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 C C C C C 1104 1107 1108 1109 1110 CCSRCH100D50 CEJQ470M6R3 CCSRCH100D50 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB102K50 C C C C C 1112 1114 1119 1120 1121 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CCSRCH100D50 C C C C C 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CCSRCH100D50 CEJQ100M16 CEJQ470M6R3 C C C C C 1127 1128 1129 1130 1132 CCSRCH100D50 CEJQ100M16 CEJQ470M6R3 CCSRCH100D50 CKSRYB473K25 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 29 DEQ-P9 =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- =====Circuit Symbol and No.===Part Name --- ----------------------------------------------- Part No. ------------------------- C C C C C 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 C C C C C 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 CEZA470M10 C C C C C 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CCH1352 CCH1352 CFHSQ331J50 C C C C C 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CCH1352 CCH1352 CFHSQ331J50 C C C C C 1437 1438 1439 1500 1501 CFHSQ331J50 CFHSQ332J16 CFHSQ332J16 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1537 1538 1539 1600 1601 CFHSQ331J50 CFHSQ332J16 CFHSQ332J16 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA100M16 C C C C C 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 CKSRYB104K25 CCSRCH331J50 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA330M16 C C C C C 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA100M16 CEZA100M16 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA100M16 C C C C C 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB473K25 CKSRYB104K25 CASA220M10 CASA220M10 C C C C C 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 CEZA100M16 CEZA100M16 CKSRYB104K25 CCSRCH331J50 CCH1396 C C C C C 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 CASA220M10 CASA220M10 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 CKSRYB104K25 C C C C C 1612 1613 1614 1700 1701 C C C C C 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 CKSRYB104K25 CEZA220M25 CEZA220M25 CEZA101M10 CEZA101M10 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 6. ADJUSTMENT There is no information to be shown in this chapter. 30 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 10µF/16V 47µF/25V 47µF/25V CCH1396 CFHSQ103J16 CFHSQ103J16 CCH1394 CCH1394 DEQ-P9 7. GENERAL INFORMATION 7.1 DIAGNOSIS 7.1.1 DISASSEMBLY - Removing the Case (Fig.1) Case Remove the eleven screws and then remove the Case. Fig.1 - Removing the DSP Section (Fig.2) Remove the four screws. Disconnect the connector and then remove the DSP Section. DSP Section Fig.2 31 DEQ-P9 - Removing the DSP Unit (Fig.3) After solder is removed, straight the tabs at five locations indicated and then remove the DSP Unit. DSP Unit Fig.3 - Removing the Audio Control Unit (Fig.4) Remove the three screws. Straight the tabs at five locations indicated and then remove the Audio Control Unit. Fig.4 Audio Control Unit 32 DEQ-P9 7.1.2 CONNECTOR FUNCTION DESCRIPTION IP-BUS INPUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 7 11 1. BUS+ 2. GND 3. GND 4. NC 5. BUS6. GND 7. BUS L+ INPUT 8. ASENB 9. BUS R+ INPUT 10. BUS R- INPUT 11. BUS L- INPUT OPTICAL INPUT 3 4 1 2 1. GND 2. GND 3. NC 4. OPTOUT 7.2 IC 8 7 6 +INB -INB * PM0017AM OUTB V+ OPA2134UA A GND 1 24 AVCC VREF 2 23 DVCC IN1 3 22 OUT1 IN2 4 21 OUT2 IN3 5 20 OUT3 IN4 6 19 OUT4 IN5 7 18 OUT5 IN6 8 17 OUT6 NC 9 16 NC NC 10 15 DATA CT 11 14 CLK D GND 12 13 STB 5 + 1 2 3 4 OUTA -INA +INA V- + IC's marked by * are MOS type. Be careful in handling them because they are very liable to be damaged by electrostatic induction. 33 DEQ-P9 SIGGN D 2 Out1R Out2L Out2R ADCVDDREF In 1L In 1R In 2L In 2R In 3L In 3R 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 MUTE VDD 1 44 GND V33 Out1L PML011A 32 SDA Reference-voltagegenerator Level-selector 3 CODEC- IF CassR (4ch independent control) DC: 4.15V % 1.65V AC: 2Vr ms%0.8Vr ms 4 Output-selector Bypass -gain *b CDL + 31 SCL *b bypass line Zero-cross logic (6ch independent contr ol ) CassL BypassSelector Input -gain-adjuster 5 (4-inputs independent-control) 30 SEL 29 SPKR1L Zero-cross detect CD- Digital-control (6ch independent control) Input-source-selector 6 (4-inputs independent-control) Volume 27 SPKR2L SPKR3R SPKR3L SPKR2R SPKR2L SPKR1R Linedriv er-amplifier *b SPKR1L Quasi differential stereo input circuit differential mono input circuit differential mono input circuit level-shift level-shift envelope-detector 7 Quasi differential stereo input circuit CDR+ 28 SPKR1R Mix (6ch independent control) 26 SPKR2R 11 23 OUTPUTREF 14 15 16 17 18 19 GND 13 AM-IF 12 20 21 22 PGND Navi+ VCC 24 SPKR3R VDD 10 MPX-RDS Navi- AM 25 SPKR3L Tuner- 9 FM Phone- FM -level 8 AM-level Phone+ * PD5653A 40 20 60 1 61 34 21 41 80 DEQ-P9 - Pin Functions(PD5653A) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27-35 36 37 38 39 40 41-60 61-63 64 65 66 67 68 69-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Pin Name DFCK VST1 VST2 VDT VCK CNVSS NC reset XOUT VSS XIN VCC nmi bsens asensb NC IPRQ NC IPPW IPIN IPOUT DSPOUT NC DSPCK NC LRSW IFHIZ MUTERQ testin DSPPW NC dspcs#-! DSPCD dsperr dspack dsprst dirrst DIRFS2-0 DIRERR DIRPCM DEMPHIN AVSS dfst VREF AVCC NC DFOUT I/O O O O O O I Format C C C C C I O I I I I I I C C C I C O I O O C N N C O C I I O I O C C C C O O I I O O I I I I I O I I C C C C C C C C C C O C C Function and Operation DF serial clock output EVOL strobe output 1(H/M/L) EVOL strobe output 2(SW) EVOL data output(47k = P.DN) EVOL serial clock output Vss connection Not used Microcomputer hard reset input System clock output GND System clock input Microcomputer power supply 5V Vcc connection(1k microcomputer power supply = P.UP) B.up sense(47k microcomputer power supply = P.UP) Acc sense(47k microcomputer power supply = P.UP) Not used IP-BUS request input(47k = P.DN) Not used IP-BUS driver power supply switching output IP-BUS data input(47k = P.DN) IP-BUS data output DSP data output Not used DSP serial clock output Not used L/R, separation/common data input DSP microcomputer port Hi-z setting(47k = P.DN) Hard mute request output Test program enable(47k microcomputer power supply = P.UP) DSP IC power supply switching output Not used DSP chip select 3-1 output DSP command/data information output DSP error information input(47k DSP power supply = P.UP) DSP acknowledge input DSP reset output DIR reset output DIR sampling frequency information 2-0 input(47k = P.DN) DIR lock/unlock information input(47k = P.DN) DIR audio/data information input(47k = P.DN) DIR emphasis information input(47k = P.DN) Vss connection DF strobe output AD converter reference voltage input(Vcc connection) Vcc connection Not used DF data output(47k = P.DN) I/O Format C N Meaning CMOS N channel open drain 35 DEQ-P9 - Pin Functions(LC89055WHS-RA8) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 36 Pin Name DISEL DOUT DIN0 DIN1 DIN2 DGND DVDD R VIN LPF AVDD AGND CKOUT BCK LRCK DATAO XSTATE DGND DVDD XMCK XOUT XIN EMPHA AUDIO CSFLAG F0/P0/C0 F1/P1/C1 F2/P2/C2 VF/P3/C3 DVDD DGND AUTO BPSYNC ERROR DO DI CE CL XSEL MODE0 MODE1 DGND DVDD DOSEL0 DOSEL1 CKSEL0 CKSEL1 XMODE I/O I O I I I I I O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O I I I I I I I I I I I Function and Operation Data input pin (DIN0,DIN1) select input Serial audio data output Digital data input Digital data input Digital data input Digital circuit GND Digital VDD(5V) VCO gain control input VCO free run frequency setting input PLL loop filter setting Analog power supply Analog GND Clock output 64fs clock output fs clock output Data output Source clock switching monitor output Digital GND Digital power supply Crystal oscillator clock output Crystal oscillator connection output Crystal oscillator connection input Channel status emphasis information output Channel status bit 1 (Non-PCM data detection bit) output First 40 bits update flag output terminal for channel status Input fs calculated signal output/Pc data type output/Input word information output Input fs calculated signal output/Pc data type output/Input word information output Input fs calculated signal output/Pc data type output/Input word information output Validity flag output/Pc data type output/Input word information output Digital power supply Digital GND Non-PCM burst data transmission detection (Pa, Pb detection) signal output terminal Non-PCM burst preamble Pa, Pb, Pc, Pd sync signal detection terminal PLL lock error, data error flag output Microcomputer IF reading data output Microcomputer IF writing data input Microcomputer IF chip enable Microcomputer IF clock input XIN Crystal oscillator frequency selection input Mode setting input Mode setting input Digital GND Digital power supply Output data format selection input Output data format selection input Output clock selection input Output clock selection input System reset input DEQ-P9 * LC89055WHS-RA8 * PCM1704U-J 25 36 24 37 BCLK 2 NC 3 -VDD 4 DGND 5 BIPOLAR OFFSET 20 -VCC 19 REF DC 18 NC 17 SERVO DC 16 AGND 15 AGND 14 IOUT 13 NC +VDD 6 WCLK 7 NC 8 20BIT 9 12 BPO DC INVERT 10 11 +VCC 12 1 REFERENCE AND SERVO CIRCUIT 13 1 SERIAL INPUT I/F AND CONTROL ROGIC 48 DATA 23-BIT DAC B 23-BIT DAC A 21 I/O7 20 I/O6 19 I/O5 18 I/O4 11 A1 A0 12 I/O0 13 I/O1 14 I/O2 15 17 I/O3 22 CE1 10 A2 23 A10 9 A3 24 OE 8 A4 25 A11 7 A5 16 :Address Inputs :Chip Enable 1 Input :Chip Enable 2 Input :Output Enable Input :Write Enable Input :Input/Output :Power :Ground GND A0-A16 CE1 CE2 OE WE I/O0-I/O7 Vcc GND 26 A9 6 A6 27 A8 5 A7 28 A13 4 A12 29 WE 3 A14 30 CE2 2 A16 31 A15 1 NC 32 VCC * IS62C1024L-70QI 37 DEQ-P9 - Pin Functions(PD7010A1) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Pin Name DITH DITH CKEN CKEN XTI XTO VSS1 CKO CKO CKS CKS ASEL2/MDCK ASEL2/MDCK hs/MDT hs/MDT SYNC/MDLE rst LRS DEEM DEEM AMS1 AMS1 AMS2 AMS2 OBS OBS ASEL1 VSS2 VDD2 DOR DOR DOL DOL WCKO WCKO BCKO BCKO MDS LRCI DIN BCKI BCKI VDD1 VDD1 I/O I I I I I O O O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O O O O O O O O I I I I I Function and Operation Dither ON/OFF Dither ON/OFF Crystal oscillation circuit operation control Crystal oscillation circuit operation control Oscillation section input Oscillation section output Power supply(0V) Oscillation section output clock Oscillation section output clock Master clock input frequency selection Master clock input frequency selection Operation mode selection/Microcomputer I/F clock input Operation mode selection/Microcomputer I/F clock input Operation mode selection/Microcomputer I/F data input Operation mode selection/Microcomputer I/F data input Synchronous mode selection/Microcomputer I/F latch enable input Reset input LR clock plarity selection Deemphasis ON/OFF selection Deemphasis ON/OFF selection ATT quantity setting ATT quantity setting ATT quantity setting ATT quantity setting Output data bit length selection Output data bit length selection Operation mode selection Power supply(0V) Power supply(+5V) Rch data output Rch data output Lch data output Lch data output Word clock output Word clock output Bit clock output for output data Bit clock output for output data Mode setting method selection LR clock input Data input Bit clock input Bit clock input Power supply(+5V) Power supply(+5V) * PD7010A1 33 23 34 22 44 12 1 38 11 DEQ-P9 PCM1716E-3 MC/DM1 26 MD/DM0 25 MUTE 24 MODE 23 CS/IWO 22 RST 21 ZERO 20 VCC2L AGND2R 10 19 AGND2L EXTR 11 18 EXTL 17 NC 16 VOUTL 15 VCC1 XTO 6 DGND 7 VDD 8 VCC2R 9 LOW PASS FILTER LOW PASS FILTER NC 12 DAC 5 MODULATOR XTI DIGITAL FILTER 4 DAC CLKO BPZ-Cont 3 POWER SUPPLY BCK CRYSTAL OSC 2 MODE CONTROL I/F 27 DATA SCK ML/IIS 1 SERIAL INPUT I/F 28 LRCK VOUTR 13 AGND1 14 POWER SUPPLY 39 DEQ-P9 - Pin Functions(SM5847AF) Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22,23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Pin Name OMD DOR DOL WCKO BCOK VSS VSSAC VDDAC VDD DG NC CKO VSS VDD XTO XTI VSS VDD LRCI DI/INF2N BCKI NC CKSLN INF1N IW1N/DIL IW2N/DIR VSS VDD OW1N OW2N SYNCN RSTN CKDV1 CKDV2 DEMPR DEMPL VDD VSS FSEL1 FSEL2 MUTEL MUTER DITHN I/O I O O O O Function and Operation Output data rate(4fs/8fs)select pin Rch data output Lch data output Word clock output Bit clock output GND GND Power supply Power supply Deglitch signal output Not used Master clock output GND Power supply Radiator output Radiator input/Master clock input GND Power supply Input data sampling rate clock(fs)input Data input/Input format select pin Bit clock input Not used Master clock frequency(192fs/256fs)select pin Input format select pin Input data word length select pin/Lch data input Input data word length select pin/Rch data input GND Power supply Output data word length select pin Output data word length select pin The same mode select pin Reset input The inside system establishment ratio of dividing frequency select pin The inside system establishment ratio of dividing frequency select pin Rch deemphasis ON/OFF Lch deemphasis ON/OFF Power supply GND Deemphasis filter fs select pin Deemphasis filter fs select pin Lch mute ON/OFF Rch mute ON/OFF Output data dither ON/OFF O O O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 33 1 44 23 34 40 12 22 * SM5847AF DEQ-P9 7.3 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION The DSP/DIR/DF/EVOL will be initialized, and the microcomputer will enter a normal operation. All other commands entered by key operations are also received by IP-BUS communications, and DSP/EVOL settings are conducted. For normal operations, the monitoring of the DSP error is conducted by communicating with the DSP at certain intervals. When DSPPW does not become H The XOUT(Pin10)/XIN(Pin12) of the microcomputer is not operating. The microcomputer is in the STOP mode. Please verify the ASENSB (Pin16)/BSENS(Pin15). IP-BUS Communication With the IP-BUS communications, communication is conducted in set intervals (a refresh operation is conducted every five seconds), when the Acc and Bup are ON (see figure on the left). When the IP-BUS communications are not performing properly, the product does not operate properly. When sound is not emitted Lock and Unlock of the DIR (DIRERR(Pin72) of the microcomputer) Fixed to HIGH → Either the digital audio is abnormal, or the DIR IC is abnormal. Becomes HIGH at certain intervals → The microcomputer is performing re-initialization. Initialization of the microcomputer When a DIR error or DSP error is detected, the microcomputer performs re-initialization. In such circumstances, the DIRRST(Pin68)/DSPRST(Pin67) become LOW (for 4ms) at certain intervals (approximately 3 sec.). 41 DEQ-P9 Periodical communications with DSP DSP error verification(under normal conditions) 4 ms intervals(communications) DSP error verification(under continued abnormal conditions) DSPRST(Pin67) Approx.3 sec. intervals The communications are performed with the DSP IC at 4 ms intervals (see upper left figure). The determination on whether the DSP IC is operating normally or not, is made by monitoring the DSPACK(Pin66) and DSPERR(Pin65). Under normal conditions, the DSPACK(Pin66) will fall to LOW after counting 9 clock cycles of the DSPCK(Pin26) (see upper right figure). By determining which of the DSPCS1-3(Pin61/62/63) is LOW during that time, we can find out which IC is engaged in communications. When the DSPACK(Pin66) does not become LOW, then the IC of that DSPACK (Pin66) may be faulty or abnormal. An error will occur with the DSPERR(Pin65), when it is LOW. The DSPERR(Pin65) may become LOW during initialization, but an error occurs at the DSP when it is LOW during a periodical communication. An error is relayed in the order of CHIP1→CHIP3→CHIP2 of the DSP, so please determine at which IC the error is occurring. Others When LRCK§BCK and DATA are being output from DSP IC in a normal manner, please verify the output of the DF IC. When a digital waveform is being output from the DF IC, then please check the DAC IC. When an analog waveform is being output from the DAC IC, then please check the EVOL IC. 42 DEQ-P9 8. OPERATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS 8.1 OPERATIONS 43 DEQ-P9 MODE Switch Setting This product equipped two setting modes. The one is LR/IND mode and the other is LR/COM mode. LR/IND mode can be adjusted the equalizer and network adjustment independently between Left and Right channel. LR/COM mode can be adjusted these adjustment simultaneously between Left and Right channel. Since usable functions are different between LR/IND and LR/COM, be sure to set the mode correctly. • Set MODE switch of this product to appropriate position with a pen tip or other pointed instrument. Resetting the Microprocessor The microprocessor must be reset under the following conditions: When using this product for the first time after installation. When the machine fails to operate properly. When strange (incorrect) messages appear on the display. When setting the position of the MODE switch of this product. • To reset the microprocessor, press the RESET button on this unit with a pen tip or other pointed instrument. 44 DEQ-P9 Connection Diagram IP-BUS cable To IP-BUS OUTPUT (black) optical cable To Optical OUTPUT (black) DEX-P9 Optical INPUT (blue) IP-BUS INPUT (blue) Audio system Fuse (4A) Power Terminal RCA OUTPUT Blue/white To system control terminal of the power amp (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). Yellow To terminal always supplied with power regardless of ignition switch position. Fuse holder Black (ground) To vehicle (metal) body. 45 DEQ-P9 Connecting the RCA Input Amplifier White Red For system remote control Red Blue/white Blue/white White Tweeter Power Amplifier Mid range Power Amplifier Woofer Power Amplifier Subwoofer Power Amplifier 46 DEQ-P9 8.2 SPECIFICATIONS - DEQ-P9/UC GENERAL RCA OUTPUT Power Source ........ DC 14.4 V (10.8 — 15.1 V allowable) Grounding system ........................................ Negative type Fuse .............................................................................. 4 A Backup current .............................................. 2 mA or less Dimensions .................... 191 (W) × 49 (H) × 220 (D) mm Weight ...................................................................... 1.8 kg Frequency response ............ 10 Hz — 20 kHz (+0, –1 dB) Max. output level/impedance .............................. 4 V/1 kΩ Distortion ............................ 0.005% (1 kHz, 20 kHz LPF) Signal-to-noise ratio .................. 109 dB (IHF-A network) Separation .............................. 90 dB (1 kHz, 20 kHz LPF) DSP/PREAMP Tone controls (parametric) Bass frequency ........ 63 Hz, 100 Hz, 160 Hz, 250 Hz Treble frequency .... 4 kHz, 6.3 kHz, 10 kHz, 16 kHz Gain .................................................... ±12 dB (1 dB) 31-band graphic equalizer (L/R independent) Frequency .......................... 20 Hz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. Gain .................................................. ±12 dB (0.5 dB) Crossover network (L/R independent) SUBWOOFER ................ HPF frequency: 20 Hz — 100 Hz, 1/3 oct. ................ LPF frequency: 25 Hz — 250 Hz, 1/3 oct. .............................. Gain: +10 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) LOW ...... HPF frequency: 25 Hz — 250 Hz, 1/3 oct. .............. LPF frequency: 250 Hz — 10 kHz, 1/3 oct. .................................. Gain: 0 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) MID ...... HPF frequency: 200 Hz — 10 kHz, 1/3 oct. ................ LPF frequency: 2 kHz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. .................................. Gain: 0 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) HIGH ............ HPF frequency: 1.6 kHz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. ................ LPF frequency: 8 kHz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. .................................. Gain: 0 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) Slope ...... PASS, –6, –12, –18, –24, –30, –36 dB/oct. ............................(PASS: no pass HPF-High channel) Phase .................................... NORMAL/REVERSE Time alignment ...................... 0 — 134 in. (0.67 in.) Position adjustment .......................... DISTANCE: 0 — 134 in. (0.67 in.) ...................................................... Level: 0 — –30 dB Sampling frequency ............................................ 44.1 kHz Digital input .................................................. Optical input Analog Output .............................................. RCA (4 way) Note: • Specifications and the design are subject to possible modification without notice due to improvements. 47 DEQ-P9 - DEQ-P9/EW GENERAL RCA OUTPUT Power Source ........ DC 14.4 V (10.8 — 15.1 V allowable) Grounding system ........................................ Negative type Fuse .............................................................................. 4 A Backup current .............................................. 2 mA or less Dimensions .................... 191 (W) × 49 (H) × 220 (D) mm Weight ...................................................................... 1.8 kg Frequency response ............ 10 Hz — 20 kHz (+0, –1 dB) Max. output level/impedance .............................. 4 V/1 kΩ Distortion ............................ 0.005% (1 kHz, 20 kHz LPF) Signal-to-noise ratio .................. 109 dB (IHF-A network) Separation .............................. 90 dB (1 kHz, 20 kHz LPF) DSP/PREAMP Tone controls (parametric) Bass frequency ........ 63 Hz, 100 Hz, 160 Hz, 250 Hz Treble frequency .... 4 kHz, 6.3 kHz, 10 kHz, 16 kHz Gain .................................................... ±12 dB (1 dB) 31-band graphic equalizer (L/R independent) Frequency .......................... 20 Hz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. Gain .................................................. ±12 dB (0.5 dB) Crossover network (L/R independent) SUBWOOFER ................ HPF frequency: 20 Hz — 100 Hz, 1/3 oct. ................ LPF frequency: 25 Hz — 250 Hz, 1/3 oct. .............................. Gain: +10 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) LOW ...... HPF frequency: 25 Hz — 250 Hz, 1/3 oct. .............. LPF frequency: 250 Hz — 10 kHz, 1/3 oct. .................................. Gain: 0 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) MID ...... HPF frequency: 200 Hz — 10 kHz, 1/3 oct. ................ LPF frequency: 2 kHz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. .................................. Gain: 0 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) HIGH .............. HPF frequency: 1.6 kHz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. ................ LPF frequency: 8 kHz — 20 kHz, 1/3 oct. .................................. Gain: 0 dB — –24 dB (0.5 dB) Slope ...... PASS, –6, –12, –18, –24, –30, –36 dB/oct. ............................(PASS: no pass HPF-High channel) Phase .................................... NORMAL/REVERSE Time alignment ...................... 0 — 340 cm (1.7 cm) Position adjustment ............................ DISTANCE: 0 — 340 cm (1.7 cm) ...................................................... Level: 0 — –30 dB Sampling frequency ............................................ 44.1 kHz Digital input .................................................. Optical input Analog Output .............................................. RCA (4 way) Note: • Specifications and the design are subject to possible modification without notice due to improvements.
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