WISCONSIN VEHICLE INSPECTION PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1 CONTENTS Background ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Program Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Quality Control/Quality Assurance ......................................................................................................................... 5 Network................................................................................................................................................................. 5 TEST DATA REPORT ........................................................................................................................................... 11 OPERATING STATISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 11 All Tests ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Initial Tests .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Retest Results .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Subsequent Retests ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Vehicle Waivers ........................................................................................................................................... 20 No Final Outcome ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Vehicles Passing or Failing OBD Test ........................................................................................................... 24 Comparison of On-Board Diagnostic tests with Other Test Types ................................................................ 26 Check Engine Light Commanded On ........................................................................................................... 27 Readiness Monitors: .................................................................................................................................... 31 Initial Test Volume By Model Year and Station ............................................................................................ 32 Initial Test Failure Rate By Model Year and Test Station .............................................................................. 32 Change in Tailpipe Emission Levels After Repairs ........................................................................................ 32 QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT ......................................................................................................................... 33 Testing Network .............................................................................................................................................. 33 Private Inspection Facilities Operating On December 31, 2013 ..................................................................... 33 Private Inspection Facilities Deactivated In 2013 .......................................................................................... 39 Technical Assistance Centers ....................................................................................................................... 40 Overt and Covert Performance Audits Needs updates ..................................................................................... 41 Covert Audits ................................................................................................................................................... 41 Fines, Suspension or Termination Due to Audit Failures................................................................................... 41 Number of inspectors licensed or certified to conduct testing .......................................................................... 42 Number of hearings ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Fines ................................................................................................................................................................ 42 Covert Audits ................................................................................................................................................... 42 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ............................................................................................................................. 43 Number of Emission Testing Sites and Lanes ................................................................................................... 43 2 Number of Equipment audits by station and lane............................................................................................. 43 ENFORCEMENT REPORT .................................................................................................................................... 44 Registration denial based enforcement programs ............................................................................................ 45 Computer-matching based enforcement programs ......................................................................................... 45 Sticker- based enforcement programs ............................................................................................................. 45 3 BACKGROUND The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) implemented the Wisconsin Vehicle Inspection Program (WVIP) in April 1984 in response to the federal Clean Air Act requirements. A major focus of the Clean Air Act is to reduce emissions that form ground-level ozone. Motor vehicles, industries, and smaller area sources such as lawn mowers, power boats, paints, solvents and other consumer products emit these ozone precursors. Areas exceeding federal air quality standards – established under the Clean Air Act – are designated as non-attainment and are required by federal law to reduce emissions. The WVIP is one of the primary components of the strategy to reduce air pollution in southeastern Wisconsin area. Each year, over 600,000 cars and light duty trucks in a seven county region of southeastern Wisconsin’s ozone nonattainment area are tested for emissions. The program covers more than 2,500 square miles over seven counties: Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Washington, and Waukesha. Vehicles receive inspections in a decentralized network of approximately 200 private inspection facilities (PIF) located in all seven of the program counties. Vehicle population determines PIF distribution. At the end of calendar year 2013 the PIF per county totals were: • • • • • • • Kenosha = 17 Milwaukee = 73 Racine = 17 Sheboygan = 10 Waukesha = 51 Ozaukee = 7 Washington = 16 The emissions tests are free to the motorist. The state of Wisconsin pays the program contactor, Opus Inspection, a monthly fee of $216,330.00. The state Transportation and Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Act (PECFA) funds pay for the program. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Geographical Area: Seven southeastern Wisconsin counties: Sheboygan, Washington, Ozaukee, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha. Testing region covers 2,500 square miles. Test Procedure: OBDII testing, in which a vehicle’s on-board computer is checked for emissionsrelated problems, is the standard test for all 1996 and newer gasoline-fueled vehicles equipped with OBDII technology and all 2007 and newer diesel-fueled vehicles equipped with OBDII technology. Network Size: 200 Private Inspection Facilities, 200 inspection lanes, 5 Technical Assistance Centers Model Years (MY) Tested Registration Renewal Testing: Model Years 1996 through 2010 • 4 Model year 1996-2006 gasoline-fueled vehicles up to 8,500 lbs. gross vehicle weight rating • Model year 2007 and newer gasoline-fueled and diesel-fueled vehicles between 8,500 and 14,000 lbs., gross vehicle weight rating Change of Ownership: Model year 2008 and older in CY 2013 QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE The WIVIP has several interrelated systems and functions monitoring program performance and accuracy. These systems include digital monitoring of all inspections, trigger reports alerting program management to any testing anomaly, videos of each inspection process, regular overt station checking on equipment performance and covert inspection audits. The digital monitoring/trigger report capabilities enable constant program monitoring of inspection accuracy. Program management uses this tool to identify and remedy any potential issue. The regular station audits verify the accuracy of program functions at each PIF, the inspector’s and inspection analyzer. NETWORK The WIVIP is a decentralized test and repair network comprised of 200 Private Inspection Facilities located throughout the seven county program region. The stations receive all analyzer equipment, service, consumables and inspector training, free of charge from Opus Inspection, the program management company. The list of PIFs participating in the network in 2013, and their locations, are attached in Table III. Program Rationale Southeastern Wisconsin is one of more than 40 metropolitan areas in the United States with groundlevel ozone levels that exceed federal air quality standards. Excessive air pollution is a public health hazard. Geographically, as part of the south Lake Michigan air basin, southeastern Wisconsin is one of the worst areas in the country for ozone pollution. Motor Vehicle Emission Reductions & Air Quality Improvement Reducing motor vehicle emissions plays a large role in improving regional air quality. Along with reformulated gasoline use, the Wisconsin Vehicle Inspection Program (WVIP) is Wisconsin’s most significant vehicle emission reduction program, and one that contributes to improved air quality in the entire upper Midwest. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) estimates that the program achieved the following reductions in on-road motor vehicle emissions during 2013: • Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions reduced by 2.31 tons per summer weekday, or 7.0%. • Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions reduced by 3.98 tons per summer weekday, or 5.7%. • Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions reduced by 32.56 tons per summer weekday, or8.8%. 5 Hot Summer Weekday Emissions (tons) For On-Road Motor Vehicles Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) 2005 2008 2011 2012 2013 No WVIP 6 SE Counties 52.86 48.42 39.16 33.81 30.93 No WVIP Sheboygan Co. 3.72 3.52 2.65 2.42 2.22 No WVIP All 7 Counties 56.58 51.93 41.81 36.24 33.16 WVIP 6 SE Counties 46.90 42.67 36.74 31.59 28.78 WVIP Sheboygan Co. 3.34 3.13 2.49 2.27 2.07 WVIP All 7 Counties 50.24 45.80 39.23 33.86 30.85 6.34 6.13 2.58 2.38 2.31 11.2% 11.8% 6.2% 6.6% 7.0% WVIP Reductions (tons) WVIP Reductions (%) Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) 2005 2008 2011 2012 2013 125.98 107.19 85.60 72.12 65.89 No WVIP 6 SE Counties No WVIP Sheboygan Co. 9.03 7.23 5.45 4.80 4.38 No WVIP All 7 Counties 135.01 114.42 91.05 76.92 70.26 WVIP 6 SE Counties 117.46 99.06 81.15 68.13 62.15 WVIP Sheboygan Co. 8.49 6.74 5.18 4.54 4.13 WVIP All 7 Counties 125.95 105.80 86.32 72.67 66.28 9.05 8.62 4.73 4.24 3.98 6.7% 7.5% 5.2% 5.5% 5.7% WVIP Reductions (tons) WVIP Reductions (%) 6 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 2005 2008 2011 2012 2013 508.00 490.96 416.17 367.92 345.23 No WVIP 6 SE Counties No WVIP Sheboygan Co. 41.86 34.69 26.65 25.02 23.54 No WVIP All 7 Counties 549.86 525.64 442.82 392.94 368.77 WVIP 6 SE Counties 445.05 428.85 383.82 337.31 314.78 WVIP Sheboygan Co. 37.33 30.66 24.57 22.92 21.44 WVIP All 7 Counties 482.38 459.51 408.39 360.23 336.22 67.48 66.14 34.43 32.71 32.56 12.3% 12.6% 7.8% 8.3% 8.8% WVIP Reductions (tons) WVIP Reductions (%) NOTES: 1. The "6 SE Counties" are Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington and Waukesha Counties. 2. Emissions calculated using U.S. EPA's MOVES2010b model. 3. Emissions calculated for the year 2013 are preliminary, since 2013 vehicle-miles of travel data are not yet available. 4. Emissions calculated for the years 2008 and later differ from the values in last year's report, since this year’s modeling reflects updated vehicle age distribution data. 5. On July of 2008, the WVIP dropped tailpipe testing entirely and only tested vehicles of model years 1996 and newer by scanning their on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems. This exempted all vehicles of model years 1995 and older, resulting in a decrease in the program's emission reduction percentages after 2008. 7 Over time, the WVIP has contributed to the following air quality advances in Wisconsin: Ozone: Ground-level ozone concentrations in southeastern Wisconsin have dropped significantly over the past 20 years. During 1990, the 1-hour ozone “design value” (a calculated measurement used to evaluate compliance with the 1-hour ozone standard) for southeastern Wisconsin was 0.19 parts per million (ppm). This value was high enough that six southeastern Wisconsin counties were classified as a severe ozone nonattainment area under the 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA) amendments. Other eastern Wisconsin counties were assigned less severe nonattainment designations. By 2001, the 1-hour design value for southeastern Wisconsin had dropped to 0.12 ppm, meeting the 1-hour ozone standard. All Wisconsin counties are now monitoring ozone concentrations below this level. More recently, the U.S. EPA has been implementing more stringent ozone standards, using an 8hour averaging period. This “8-hour ozone standard” was originally set at 0.084 ppm in 1997. It was revised in 2008 to 0.075 ppm, based on updated information on the health effects of ozone. As shown in the following graph, ozone concentrations have continued to decline since 2000. 8 Since meteorology (especially temperature) has a strong influence on ozone concentrations, the values are elevated for the three three-year periods including cluding hot summers. In particular, the years 2002, 2006, 2011 and 2012 had very hot summers. As a result of the declining ozone concentrations, the areas of Wisconsin still in nonattainment for ozone are now limited to Sheboygan County and part of Kenos Kenosha ha County. The WVIP will play an important, ongoing role in the state’s efforts to attain the more stringent 88--hour ozone standard in those areas and to maintain attainment throughout all of eastern Wisconsin. 9 Carbon Monoxide: Between 1977 and 1984, southeastern Wisconsin exceeded the federal carbon monoxide standard 35 times. Since the program’s implementation in 1984, southeastern Wisconsin has not exceeded this standard even once. Credit for these air quality improvements goes to various state and federal ozone control measures implemented both in Wisconsin and other states. Aside from Wisconsin’s and neighboring states’ vehicle inspection and maintenance programs, these include reformulated gasoline, national emission standards for new motor vehicles, utility and industrial source controls, and gasoline vapor recovery controls. 10 TEST DATA REPORT OPERATING STATISTICS ALL TESTS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(1) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type. The tests represented in the table below include test records for initial tests, retests and waivers. It contains all test results, including pass, fail, waivers, aborts, rejects and voids. All tables in this section do not include test records that were performed in the course of the state audits. PASSENGER TESTS VEHICLE MODEL 1996 17054 SUV TESTS TRUCK TESTS 3908 VAN TESTS 3835 GRAND TOTAL 2248 27045 1997 7260 1465 1400 846 10971 1998 27609 7003 6182 4413 45207 1999 10290 2514 1616 1294 15714 2000 41968 10802 8025 8509 69304 2001 12262 2695 1855 1485 18297 2002 50044 17815 8940 8256 85055 2003 11235 3694 1715 1677 18321 2004 46556 21962 9403 7083 85004 2005 10589 3908 1465 1871 17833 2006 48581 19285 7443 9668 84977 2007 10443 3901 1565 1338 17247 2008 45457 24007 7673 7713 84850 2009 2489 822 406 287 4004 2010 33231 15326 4842 4882 58281 2011 1627 851 246 203 2927 2012 302 125 46 33 506 2013 121 52 18 16 207 2014 54 11 3 1 69 377172 140146 66678 61823 645819 GRAND TOTAL 11 INITIAL TESTS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(i) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type failing by test type. TOTAL INITIAL TESTS INITIAL FAIL INITIAL PASS FAIL RATE MODEL YEAR & VEHICLE TYPE 24636 2713 21923 11.0% 15211 1646 13565 10.8% SUV 3829 502 3327 13.1% TRUCK 3436 282 3154 8.2% 1996 PASSENGER 2160 283 1877 13.1% 9484 1401 8083 14.8% PASSENGER 6072 859 5213 14.1% SUV 1432 268 1164 18.7% TRUCK 1189 139 1050 11.7% 791 135 656 17.1% 41240 4162 37078 10.1% 24636 2431 22205 9.9% SUV 6940 724 6216 10.4% TRUCK 5484 454 5030 8.3% VAN 4180 553 3627 13.2% 13852 1688 12164 12.2% PASSENGER 8766 1078 7688 12.3% SUV 2487 303 2184 12.2% TRUCK 1392 120 1272 8.6% VAN 1207 187 1020 15.5% VAN 1997 VAN 1998 PASSENGER 1999 2000 63561 5368 58193 8.4% PASSENGER 37854 3442 34412 9.1% SUV 10655 796 9859 7.5% 6992 436 6556 6.2% TRUCK 8060 694 7366 8.6% 15936 1905 14031 12.0% 10397 1272 9125 12.2% 2650 272 2378 10.3% TRUCK 1514 119 1395 7.9% VAN 1375 242 1133 17.6% 78775 5717 73058 7.3% 45439 3475 41964 7.6% VAN 2001 PASSENGER SUV 2002 PASSENGER 12 TOTAL INITIAL TESTS INITIAL FAIL INITIAL PASS FAIL RATE MODEL YEAR & VEHICLE TYPE 17689 1153 16536 6.5% TRUCK 7836 383 7453 4.9% VAN 7811 706 7105 9.0% 16704 1192 15512 7.1% 10045 749 9296 7.5% SUV 3634 237 3397 6.5% TRUCK 1473 71 1402 4.8% SUV 2003 PASSENGER 1552 135 1417 8.7% 80774 3464 77310 4.3% PASSENGER 43782 1966 41816 4.5% SUV 21799 901 20898 4.1% VAN 2004 TRUCK 8493 322 8171 3.8% VAN 6700 275 6425 4.1% 16722 735 15987 4.4% PASSENGER 9782 429 9353 4.4% SUV 3872 182 3690 4.7% TRUCK 1309 37 1272 2.8% VAN 1759 87 1672 4.9% 81516 2516 79000 3.1% PASSENGER 46452 1469 44983 3.2% SUV 19224 547 18677 2.8% TRUCK 6762 171 6591 2.5% VAN 9078 329 8749 3.6% 16758 420 16338 2.5% 10027 251 9776 2.5% SUV 3891 75 3816 1.9% TRUCK 1502 44 1458 2.9% 2005 2006 2007 PASSENGER 1338 50 1288 3.7% 83671 1220 82451 1.5% PASSENGER 44446 660 43786 1.5% SUV 23971 267 23704 1.1% VAN 2008 TRUCK 7558 121 7437 1.6% VAN 7696 172 7524 2.2% 3917 54 3863 1.4% 2416 33 2383 1.4% SUV 822 10 812 1.2% TRUCK 394 7 387 1.8% VAN 285 4 281 1.4% 57932 299 57633 0.5% PASSENGER 32933 156 32777 0.5% SUV 15314 71 15243 0.5% 2009 PASSENGER 2010 13 TOTAL INITIAL TESTS INITIAL FAIL INITIAL PASS FAIL RATE MODEL YEAR & VEHICLE TYPE TRUCK 4815 28 4787 0.6% VAN 4870 44 4826 0.9% 2766 202 2564 7.3% 2011 1472 199 1273 13.5% SUV 849 1 848 0.1% TRUCK 244 1 243 0.4% VAN 201 1 200 0.5% PASSENGER 2012 500 3 497 0.6% PASSENGER 298 2 296 0.7% SUV 125 125 0.0% 1 44 2.2% 32 0.0% 201 3 198 1.5% 116 2 114 1.7% 51 0.0% 17 5.6% 16 0.0% TRUCK VAN 2013 PASSENGER SUV 32 51 TRUCK 18 VAN 16 2014 1 68 2 66 2.9% PASSENGER 53 2 51 3.8% SUV 11 11 0.0% TRUCK 3 3 0.0% VAN 1 1 0.0% 575949 5.4% GRAND TOTAL 14 45 609013 33064 RETEST RESULTS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2) (ii) – (iii) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type passing or failing the first retest. FIRST RETESTS MODEL YEAR & TYPE 1996 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1997 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1998 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1999 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2000 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2001 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2002 PASSENGER SUV 15 1ST RETEST RESULTS FAIL PASS ALL 377 1472 325 1261 13 22 32 175 7 14 289 790 251 679 8 11 27 92 3 8 552 2402 484 2057 9 29 49 296 10 20 304 1029 287 926 1 7 14 90 2 6 660 3339 604 2963 10 25 35 326 11 25 377 1239 343 1116 5 12 24 100 5 11 673 3717 621 3350 14 42 1849 1586 35 207 21 1079 930 19 119 11 2954 2541 38 345 30 1333 1213 8 104 8 3999 3567 35 361 36 1616 1459 17 124 16 4390 3971 56 FAIL RATE PASS RATE 25.6% 79.6% 25.8% 79.5% 59.1% 62.9% 18.3% 84.5% 50.0% 66.7% 36.6% 73.2% 37.0% 73.0% 72.7% 57.9% 29.3% 77.3% 37.5% 72.7% 23.0% 81.3% 23.5% 81.0% 31.0% 76.3% 16.6% 85.8% 50.0% 66.7% 29.5% 77.2% 31.0% 76.3% 14.3% 87.5% 15.6% 86.5% 33.3% 75.0% 19.8% 83.5% 20.4% 83.1% 40.0% 71.4% 10.7% 90.3% 44.0% 69.4% 30.4% 76.7% 30.7% 76.5% 41.7% 70.6% 24.0% 80.6% 45.5% 68.8% 18.1% 84.7% 18.5% 84.4% 33.3% 75.0% FIRST RETESTS MODEL YEAR & TYPE TRUCK VAN 2003 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2004 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2005 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2006 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2007 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2008 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2009 PASSENGER TRUCK VAN 2010 PASSENGER TRUCK VAN 2011 16 1ST RETEST RESULTS FAIL PASS ALL 30 296 8 29 174 922 155 837 3 13 12 67 4 5 311 2481 276 2183 7 49 21 243 7 6 93 645 87 589 2 12 4 40 4 215 1879 197 1719 4 21 12 131 2 8 48 377 44 314 5 4 54 4 97 901 90 790 1 7 5 97 1 7 8 51 8 40 10 1 20 228 18 207 1 19 1 2 10 142 326 37 1096 992 16 79 9 2792 2459 56 264 13 738 676 14 44 4 2094 1916 25 143 10 425 358 5 58 4 998 880 8 102 8 59 48 10 1 248 225 20 3 152 FAIL RATE PASS RATE 10.1% 90.8% 27.6% 78.4% 18.9% 84.1% 18.5% 84.4% 23.1% 81.3% 17.9% 84.8% 80.0% 55.6% 12.5% 88.9% 12.6% 88.8% 14.3% 87.5% 8.6% 92.0% 116.7% 46.2% 14.4% 87.4% 14.8% 87.1% 16.7% 85.7% 10.0% 90.9% 0.0% 100.0% 11.4% 89.7% 11.5% 89.7% 19.0% 84.0% 9.2% 91.6% 25.0% 80.0% 12.7% 88.7% 14.0% 87.7% 0.0% 100.0% 7.4% 93.1% 0.0% 100.0% 10.8% 90.3% 11.4% 89.8% 14.3% 87.5% 5.2% 95.1% 14.3% 87.5% 15.7% 86.4% 20.0% 83.3% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 8.8% 91.9% 8.7% 92.0% 5.3% 95.0% 50.0% 66.7% 7.0% 93.4% FIRST RETESTS MODEL YEAR & TYPE PASSENGER 2012 PASSENGER 2013 PASSENGER 2014 PASSENGER ALL 17 1ST RETEST RESULTS FAIL PASS ALL 10 142 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4209 21617 152 1 1 2 2 1 1 25826 FAIL RATE PASS RATE 7.0% 93.4% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 50.0% 100.0% 50.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 19.5% 83.7% SUBSEQUENT RETESTS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2) (iv) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type that initially failed and passed the second or subsequent retest. MODEL YEAR & TYPE 1996 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1997 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1998 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1999 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2000 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2001 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2002 PASSENGER 18 SECOND OR SUBSEQUENT RETESTS FAIL PASS GRAND TOTAL FAIL RATE PASS RATE 112 189 301 37.2% 62.8% 94 165 259 36.3% 63.7% 3 3 6 50.0% 50.0% 15 17 32 46.9% 53.1% 4 4 0.0% 100.0% 112 166 278 40.3% 59.7% 101 143 244 41.4% 58.6% 2 3 5 40.0% 60.0% 8 19 27 29.6% 70.4% 1 1 2 50.0% 50.0% 144 305 449 32.1% 67.9% 128 267 395 32.4% 67.6% 4 6 10 40.0% 60.0% 9 30 39 23.1% 76.9% 3 2 5 60.0% 40.0% 97 202 299 32.4% 67.6% 91 185 276 33.0% 67.0% 3 2 5 60.0% 40.0% 2 12 14 14.3% 85.7% 1 3 4 25.0% 75.0% 188 368 556 33.8% 66.2% 172 338 510 33.7% 66.3% 6 4 10 60.0% 40.0% 10 23 33 30.3% 69.7% 3 3 0.0% 100.0% 126 265 391 32.2% 67.8% 114 239 353 32.3% 67.7% 2 2 0.0% 100.0% 10 21 31 32.3% 67.7% 2 3 5 40.0% 60.0% 198 411 609 32.5% 67.5% 184 379 563 32.7% 67.3% MODEL YEAR & TYPE SUV TRUCK VAN 2003 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2004 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2005 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2006 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK 2007 PASSENGER TRUCK 2008 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2009 PASSENGER 2010 PASSENGER 2011 PASSENGER GRAND TOTAL 19 SECOND OR SUBSEQUENT RETESTS FAIL PASS GRAND TOTAL FAIL RATE PASS RATE 4 7 11 36.4% 63.6% 5 23 28 17.9% 82.1% 5 2 7 71.4% 28.6% 66 111 177 37.3% 62.7% 58 93 151 38.4% 61.6% 4 1 5 80.0% 20.0% 3 15 18 16.7% 83.3% 1 2 3 33.3% 66.7% 86 195 281 30.6% 69.4% 81 179 260 31.2% 68.8% 1 2 3 33.3% 66.7% 4 12 16 25.0% 75.0% 2 2 0.0% 100.0% 20 79 99 20.2% 79.8% 20 72 92 21.7% 78.3% 3 3 0.0% 100.0% 3 3 0.0% 100.0% 1 1 0.0% 100.0% 39 146 185 21.1% 78.9% 34 136 170 20.0% 80.0% 2 2 100.0% 0.0% 3 10 13 23.1% 76.9% 5 31 36 13.9% 86.1% 5 28 33 15.2% 84.8% 3 3 0.0% 100.0% 21 70 91 23.1% 76.9% 16 63 79 20.3% 79.7% 2 2 0.0% 100.0% 5 4 9 55.6% 44.4% 1 1 0.0% 100.0% 1 7 8 12.5% 87.5% 1 7 8 12.5% 87.5% 4 12 16 25.0% 75.0% 4 12 16 25.0% 75.0% 1 3 4 25.0% 75.0% 1 3 4 25.0% 75.0% 1220 2560 3780 32.3% 67.7% VEHICLE WAIVERS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2) (v) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type receiving a waiver. A motorist may request a waiver from further inspection requirements for the current inspection cycle if the vehicle fails a second retest after repairs. In general, a waiver may be granted if the motorist exceeds the cost limit on emission-related repairs and adjustments at a recognized repair facility. The waiver repair cost limit excludes emission system warranty repairs and the repair/replacement of tampered emission control devices identified during the equipment check. Vehicle owners can also apply for a waiver if their vehicles continue to fail the emissions test. A vehicle is eligible for a waiver when the following conditions are met: 1. The vehicle has failed an emissions inspection and following repair and re-inspection, it still does not meet test requirements. Repairs made over 180 days prior to the expiration of the license plate cannot be applied to the waiver repair cost limit. 2. The vehicle has passed a waiver emission equipment inspection to determine if emission control equipment is missing, modified or disconnected. The Vehicle Inspection Reports (VIR) has been presented to the Waiver Investigator at the time a waiver is requested. The REPAIR DATA section of these reports has been completed in accordance with instructions provided on the report form. Motorists must bring their vehicle and itemized receipts for parts and labor to verify the emission related repairs. 1. For all vehicles which exceed the terms of the manufacturer's emission performance or defect warranty coverage at the time of the scheduled emission inspection, the owner must have emission related repairs performed on the vehicle at a recognized repair facility. 2. The actual costs of emission related repairs and adjustments exceed the repair cost limit for that vehicle's county of domicile. Only repairs that are related to the vehicle's cause of failure can be used to apply for a cost waiver. Costs covered by any warranty or costs to repair/replace emission control equipment that has been removed, modified or disconnected are excluded. 3. Until July 1, 2013, the repair cost limit for all model year vehicles subject to testing was $819. The waiver repair cost limit was adjusted to $840 on July 1, 2013. This figure is adjusted annually by the DNR per NR 485.045. The cost limit in 2012 was $819. The following chart illustrates the cost waivers granted in 2013 by model year. Since even model year vehicles were tested in 2013, they account for the majority of the waivers. 20 MODEL YEAR & VEHICLE TYPE 1996 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1997 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1998 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 1999 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2000 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2001 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2002 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2003 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 21 INITIAL FAIL COST DIAGNOSTIC WAIVER TOTAL WAIVER RATE 2713 6 12 18 0.7% 1646 4 10 14 0.9% 502 0.0% 282 1 2 3 1.1% 283 1 1 0.4% 1401 6 6 12 0.9% 859 3 5 8 0.9% 268 1 1 2 0.7% 139 0.0% 135 2 2 1.5% 4162 7 11 18 0.4% 2431 2 9 11 0.5% 724 3 1 4 0.6% 454 0.0% 553 2 1 3 0.5% 1688 10 2 12 0.7% 1078 6 2 8 0.7% 303 3 3 1.0% 120 0.0% 187 1 1 0.5% 5368 23 10 33 0.6% 3442 15 9 24 0.7% 796 5 1 6 0.8% 436 2 2 0.5% 694 1 1 0.1% 1905 17 13 30 1.6% 1272 8 7 15 1.2% 272 4 4 8 2.9% 119 1 2 3 2.5% 242 4 4 1.7% 5717 27 12 39 0.7% 3475 14 8 22 0.6% 1153 8 1 9 0.8% 383 2 2 4 1.0% 706 3 1 4 0.6% 1192 12 4 16 1.3% 749 8 4 12 1.6% 237 4 4 1.7% 71 0.0% 135 0.0% MODEL YEAR & VEHICLE TYPE 2004 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2005 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2006 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2007 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2008 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2009 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2010 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2011 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN 2012 PASSENGER 22 INITIAL FAIL COST DIAGNOSTIC WAIVER TOTAL WAIVER RATE 3464 8 9 17 0.5% 1966 6 5 11 0.6% 901 1 1 2 0.2% 322 0.0% 275 1 3 4 1.5% 735 7 3 10 1.4% 429 5 3 8 1.9% 182 1 1 0.5% 37 1 1 2.7% 87 0.0% 2516 12 7 19 0.8% 1469 6 3 9 0.6% 547 3 4 7 1.3% 171 0.0% 329 3 3 0.9% 420 2 6 8 1.9% 251 2 5 7 2.8% 75 0.0% 44 1 1 2.3% 50 0.0% 1220 3 4 7 0.6% 660 3 3 0.5% 267 3 1 4 1.5% 121 0.0% 172 0.0% 54 0.0% 33 0.0% 10 0.0% 7 0.0% 4 0.0% 299 1 8 9 3.0% 156 7 7 4.5% 71 1 1 1.4% 28 1 1 3.6% 44 0.0% 202 2 2 1.0% 199 2 2 1.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 3 1 1 33.3% 2 0.0% MODEL YEAR & VEHICLE TYPE SUV TRUCK VAN GRAND TOTAL INITIAL FAIL COST DIAGNOSTIC WAIVER TOTAL WAIVER RATE 1 1 0.0% 110 251 0.8% 1 33064 141 NO FINAL OUTCOME USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(vi) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type with no final outcome (regardless of reason). The vehicles included in the table below did not have a final outcome of either a pass or waiver test result during the reporting period. Vehicles with No Known Final Outcome PASSENGER VEHICLE YEAR INITIAL FAIL SUV TRUCK NO OUTCOME INITIAL FAIL NO OUTCOME INITIAL FAIL ALL VAN NO OUTCOME INITIAL FAIL NO FINAL OUTCOME INITIAL FAILS NO FINAL OUTCOME 1996 1646 695 502 203 282 91 283 108 2713 1097 1997 859 453 268 145 139 60 135 81 1401 739 1998 2431 946 724 258 454 138 553 232 4162 1574 1999 1078 525 303 147 120 45 187 101 1688 818 2000 3442 1162 796 259 436 100 694 254 5368 1775 2001 1272 629 272 121 119 39 242 115 1905 904 2002 3475 1122 1153 305 383 76 706 221 5717 1724 2003 749 313 237 94 71 18 135 51 1192 476 2004 1966 520 901 205 322 69 275 61 3464 855 2005 429 144 182 54 37 12 87 25 735 235 2006 1469 339 547 114 171 31 329 47 2516 531 2007 251 92 75 23 44 8 50 16 420 139 2008 660 143 267 43 121 25 172 42 1220 253 2009 33 15 10 6 7 1 4 1 54 23 2010 156 34 71 12 28 9 44 8 299 63 2011 199 4 1 1 1 1 201 6 2012 2 1 1 1 3 2 2013 2 1 1 1 3 2 2737 725 2014 GRAND TOTAL 23 2 1 20121 7139 6309 1990 3896 1363 2 1 33063 11217 VEHICLES PASSING OR FAILING OBD TEST USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xi) (xii) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type passing or failing the on-board diagnostic check. MODEL YEAR & TYPE FAIL PASS GRAND TOTAL % FAIL % PASS 3203 24073 27276 11.7% 88.3% 2066 14994 17060 12.1% 87.9% SUV 518 3387 3905 13.3% 86.7% TRUCK 329 3627 3956 8.3% 91.7% VAN 290 2065 2355 12.3% 87.7% 1811 9241 11052 16.4% 83.6% 1996 PASSENGER 1997 1220 6040 7260 16.8% 83.2% SUV 278 1185 1463 19.0% 81.0% TRUCK 174 1282 1456 12.0% 88.0% VAN 139 734 873 15.9% 84.1% PASSENGER 4861 40543 45404 10.7% 89.3% 3046 24540 27586 11.0% 89.0% SUV 737 6267 7004 10.5% 89.5% TRUCK 512 5797 6309 8.1% 91.9% 1998 PASSENGER 566 3939 4505 12.6% 87.4% 2096 13694 15790 13.3% 86.7% 1463 8812 10275 14.2% 85.8% 307 2210 2517 12.2% 87.8% TRUCK 136 1527 1663 8.2% 91.8% VAN 190 1145 1335 14.2% 85.8% 6221 63525 69746 8.9% 91.1% 4222 37731 41953 10.1% 89.9% SUV 812 10061 10873 7.5% 92.5% TRUCK 482 7738 8220 5.9% 94.1% VAN 705 7995 8700 8.1% 91.9% 2414 15952 18366 13.1% 86.9% VAN 1999 PASSENGER SUV 2000 PASSENGER 2001 1733 10491 12224 14.2% 85.8% SUV 277 2423 2700 10.3% 89.7% TRUCK 154 1751 1905 8.1% 91.9% VAN 250 1287 1537 16.3% 83.7% PASSENGER 6592 78855 85447 7.7% 92.3% PASSENGER 4284 45711 49995 8.6% 91.4% SUV 1171 16670 17841 6.6% 93.4% 2002 24 MODEL YEAR & TYPE PASS GRAND TOTAL % FAIL % PASS TRUCK 418 8750 9168 4.6% 95.4% VAN 719 7724 8443 8.5% 91.5% 1438 16960 18398 7.8% 92.2% PASSENGER 968 10234 11202 8.6% 91.4% SUV 244 3458 3702 6.6% 93.4% 86 1690 1776 4.8% 95.2% 140 1578 1718 8.1% 91.9% 3865 81528 85393 4.5% 95.5% 2003 TRUCK VAN 2004 2327 44185 46512 5.0% 95.0% SUV 909 21089 21998 4.1% 95.9% TRUCK 347 9280 9627 3.6% 96.4% VAN 282 6974 7256 3.9% 96.1% PASSENGER 848 17049 17897 4.7% 95.3% PASSENGER 536 10017 10553 5.1% 94.9% SUV 184 3731 3915 4.7% 95.3% 41 1476 1517 2.7% 97.3% 2005 TRUCK 87 1825 1912 4.6% 95.4% 2773 82607 85380 3.2% 96.8% 1703 46840 48543 3.5% 96.5% SUV 553 18748 19301 2.9% 97.1% TRUCK 186 7407 7593 2.4% 97.6% VAN 331 9612 9943 3.3% 96.7% 473 16751 17224 2.7% 97.3% 300 10123 10423 2.9% 97.1% VAN 2006 PASSENGER 2007 PASSENGER SUV 75 3821 3896 1.9% 98.1% TRUCK 48 1515 1563 3.1% 96.9% VAN 50 1292 1342 3.7% 96.3% 1338 83424 84762 1.6% 98.4% 2008 PASSENGER 766 44641 45407 1.7% 98.3% SUV 268 23713 23981 1.1% 98.9% TRUCK 131 7538 7669 1.7% 98.3% VAN 173 7532 7705 2.2% 97.8% 63 3921 3984 1.6% 98.4% PASSENGER 42 2430 2472 1.7% 98.3% SUV 10 812 822 1.2% 98.8% 7 397 404 1.7% 98.3% 2009 TRUCK 4 282 286 1.4% 98.6% 323 57875 58198 0.6% 99.4% 178 32998 33176 0.5% 99.5% SUV 71 15243 15314 0.5% 99.5% TRUCK 29 4806 4835 0.6% 99.4% VAN 45 4828 4873 0.9% 99.1% VAN 2010 PASSENGER 25 FAIL MODEL YEAR & TYPE FAIL PASS GRAND TOTAL % FAIL % PASS 213 2709 2922 7.3% 92.7% 210 1418 1628 12.9% 87.1% SUV 1 848 849 0.1% 99.9% TRUCK 1 243 244 0.4% 99.6% VAN 1 200 201 0.5% 99.5% 3 498 501 0.6% 99.4% 2 297 299 0.7% 99.3% 125 125 0.0% 100.0% 2011 PASSENGER 2012 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK 1 44 45 2.2% 97.8% 32 32 0.0% 100.0% 4 199 203 2.0% 98.0% 3 115 118 2.5% 97.5% VAN 2013 PASSENGER SUV TRUCK 1 VAN 2014 2 51 0.0% 100.0% 17 18 5.6% 94.4% 16 16 0.0% 100.0% 67 69 2.9% 97.1% 52 54 3.7% 96.3% 11 11 0.0% 100.0% TRUCK 3 3 0.0% 100.0% VAN 1 1 0.0% 100.0% 609471 648012 5.9% 94.1% PASSENGER 2 51 SUV GRAND TOTAL 38541 COMPARISON OF ON -BOARD DIAGNOSTIC TESTS WITH OTHER TEST TYPES USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xiii) –(xviii) There is no data for comparing on-board diagnostic tests with other test types because Wisconsin only conducts on-board diagnostic tests. 26 CHECK ENGINE LIGHT COMMANDED ON A small population of vehicles in southeastern Wisconsin produces most of the vehicle exhaust pollution – these are the so-called gross polluters. As vehicles are driven, problems can develop because of defective parts, improper maintenance or simply from deterioration due to age and usage. This helps explain why a vehicle can be relatively clean one year and become a gross polluter at the time of its next inspection. Since hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are invisible, a vehicle inspection is an effective method to ensure that a vehicle is not polluting excessively. In most cases, if the vehicle's check engine light is commanded on due to an emission component malfunction, then the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) are recorded and provided to the motorist. The vehicle will fail this portion of the inspection if the check engine light is commanded on. However, there are also some instances where the check engine light is on but no DTCs are stored. In either case, the vehicle will need to be repaired and brought back for a re-inspection. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xix) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type where the MIL is commanded on and no codes are stored MIL Commanded On, No DTCs MODEL YEAR PASSENGER 1996 2 2 1997 2 2 1998 2 2 1999 3 1 2000 3 1 2001 6 2002 26 4 2003 5 1 6 2004 1 1 2 2006 1 3 4 1 1 2008 GRAND TOTAL 27 51 SUV 12 VAN 1 GRAND TOTAL 5 4 3 9 8 38 12 75 Another condition that can occur is when the vehicle's check engine light is NOT commanded on but a Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) is stored within the vehicle’s computer. The most likely reason for this condition is a pending code indicating a problem within the vehicle that has not yet met the threshold for activating the check engine light, or a condition that has since resolved itself. Since the MIL is not commanded on, the vehicle will pass this portion of the inspection. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xx) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type where the MIL is not commanded on and codes are stored. MIL Not Commanded On, DTCs Stored PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN GRAND TOTAL 1996 2052 597 582 340 3571 1997 1022 183 169 147 1521 1998 2933 887 794 546 5160 1999 1234 275 185 170 1864 2000 4300 1110 832 955 7197 2001 1497 326 185 157 2165 2002 5171 1769 720 656 8316 2003 1066 390 161 122 1739 2004 3773 2238 627 555 7193 2005 825 276 104 132 1337 2006 2903 1238 381 584 5106 2007 484 204 70 77 835 2008 1413 597 297 324 2631 2009 76 7 15 14 112 2010 403 200 63 140 806 2011 158 10 1 2 171 2012 3 1 3 2013 6 2 1 1 10 2014 5 MODEL YEAR GRAND TOTAL 28 29324 7 5 10310 5190 4922 49746 USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xxi) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type where the MIL is commanded on and codes are stored. MIL Commanded On, DTCs Stored 29 MODEL YEAR PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN GRAND TOTAL 1996 1904 474 305 273 2956 1997 1139 257 167 135 1698 1998 2903 664 497 562 4626 1999 1391 275 124 170 1960 2000 3967 718 462 679 5826 2001 1619 245 153 238 2255 2002 4040 1090 399 701 6230 2003 918 229 79 148 1374 2004 2227 826 352 286 3691 2005 509 166 39 92 806 2006 1613 502 202 354 2671 2007 268 68 45 41 422 2008 722 257 122 164 1265 2009 42 10 7 5 64 2010 161 60 29 43 293 2011 204 1 1 1 207 2012 2 2 2013 2 2 2014 2 2 GRAND TOTAL 23633 5842 2983 3892 36350 USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xxii) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type where the MIL is not commanded on and codes are not stored. MIL Not Commanded On, No DTCs Stored MODEL YEAR PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN GRAND TOTAL 1996 15210 3220 3355 1868 23653 1997 6252 1280 1235 703 9470 1998 24976 6128 5456 3719 40279 1999 9073 2259 1468 1105 13905 2000 37742 9671 7294 7465 62172 2001 12070 2655 1865 1426 18016 2002 46467 16362 8577 7708 79114 2003 10679 3335 1633 1585 17232 2004 43684 19899 9094 6530 79207 2005 10140 3681 1455 1732 17008 2006 46380 18152 7179 9013 80724 2007 10113 3723 1531 1295 16662 2008 44512 23576 7569 7482 83139 2009 2458 819 423 281 3981 2010 33268 15227 4873 4758 58126 2011 1283 859 249 206 2597 2012 305 124 44 34 507 2013 121 55 20 16 212 2014 48 11 3 1 63 354781 131036 63323 56927 606067 GRAND TOTAL 30 READINESS MONITORS : A vehicle’s OBD system continually tracks and stores information about the emission control devices and other engine related components. Readiness monitors indicate if components have been fully evaluated and whether system components have experienced any driving conditions that prevent the vehicle from operating as designed by the manufacturer. The test equipment reads the readiness monitor statuses as part of the vehicle emissions inspection. Vehicles “Not Ready” for OBD testing receive a reject test result. For 1996 - 2000 model year vehicles, a vehicle can have up to 2 readiness monitors unset; for 2001 and newer vehicles, only 1 readiness monitor can be unset. If the unset readiness monitors exceed the requirements, the vehicle will be rejected from further testing until this condition is corrected. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(2)(xxiii) The number of vehicles tested by model year and vehicle type where the readiness status indicates that the evaluation is not complete for any module supported by on-board diagnostic systems. Readiness Monitors Not Complete By Model Year and Vehicle Type MODEL YEAR PASSENGER SUV TRUCK VAN GRAND TOTAL 1996 1974 367 382 216 2939 1997 1104 249 162 135 1650 1998 3052 641 503 395 4591 1999 1364 283 153 142 1942 2000 3746 621 509 537 5413 2001 2821 513 335 332 4001 2002 5422 1327 709 777 8235 2003 1376 245 132 169 1922 2004 2882 891 616 255 4644 2005 825 202 118 78 1223 2006 2030 518 279 230 3057 2007 363 81 67 67 578 2008 965 334 269 222 1790 2009 75 11 35 12 133 2010 459 127 113 52 751 2011 12 18 4 6 40 5 3 2012 5 2013 7 2014 1 GRAND TOTAL 31 28483 1 6 1 16 1 6433 4389 3627 42932 INITIAL TEST VOLUME BY MODEL YEAR AND STATION USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(3) The initial test volume by model year and test station. Data Found In Appendix I INITIAL TEST FAILURE RATE BY MODEL YEAR AND TEST STATION USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(4) The initial test failure rate by model year and test station Data Found in Appendix 2 CHANGE IN TAILPIPE EMISSION LEVELS AFTER REPAIRS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (a)(5) The average increase or decrease in tailpipe emission levels for HC, CO and NOX (if applicable) after repairs by model year and vehicle type for vehicles receiving a mass emissions test. Not Applicable – On-Board Diagnostic Testing Only 32 QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT TESTING NETWORK USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(1)(i) The number of inspection stations and lanes The testing network consists of 200 stations and five technical assistance centers. The Private Inspection facilities are listed below in Table III. PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITIES OPERATING ON DECEMBER 31, 2013 STATION NUMBER WIST1002 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP Engine & Transmission Exchange 2727 S. 27th St. Milwaukee 53215 WIST1003 WIST1006 Allenton Service Schlossmann’s Honda City 5908 Hillcrest Dr. 3450 South 108th St. Allenton Greenfield 53002 53227 WIST1011 WIST1012 WIST1013 Lynch Truck Center Butler Auto Body Mobil 1 Lube Express #12 29000 Sharon Lane 4830 N. 125th St. W156 N8390 Pilgrim Rd Waterford Butler Menomonee Falls 53185 53007 53051 WIST1014 WIST1015 Mission Auto Services Scrub A Dub 1230 South West Ave N95 W18255 Appleton Avenue Waukesha Menomonee Falls 53186 53051 WIST2001 WIST2003 Braeger Chevy Inc Hartnell Chevrolet 4100 S. 27th St 7800 Antioch Rd. (Hwy 83) Milwaukee Salem 53221 53168 WIST2006 LaBelle Automotive Connectionz Plus) N56 W39413 Hwy 16 Oconomowoc 53066 WIST2014 Midas Auto Service Center 3706 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee 53208 WIST2015 WIST2016 Heiser Toyota O'Reilly Motor Cars Inc 11301 W. Metro Blvd. 324 West Cherry St. Milwaukee Milwaukee 53224 53212 WIST2017 Ewald Chevrolet 36833 E. Wisconsin Ave Oconomowoc 53066 WIST2018 WIST2019 Fast Track Oil Change #13 Automotive Solutions 1557 W Moreland Blvd 215 Klein Lane Waukesha Saukville 53186 53080 WIST2020 WIST3003 Suds Wash and Lube Accelerated Auto Service 7700 W. Rawson Ave 667 W. State St. Franklin Burlington 53132 53105 WIST3004 WIST3005 Gordie Boucher Ford Gordie Boucher Ford Lincoln 8301 75th St. 3021 W. Washington St. Kenosha West Bend 53142 53095 WIST3006 Martin's Automotive Services W230 S8750 Wynn Dr Big Bend 53103 WIST3007 Lynch Chevrolet of Kenosha 7650 75th St. Kenosha 53142 33 (Formerly Auto STATION NUMBER WIST3013 WIST3014 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP John Amato Hyundai Inc. Komp Tech Automotive Service 8301 N. 76th St. 8832 W. Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee West Allis 53223 53214 WIST3016 WIST4002 Mobil 1 Lube Express Joe's Slinger Service LLC 1328 Indiana Ave. 220 Info Hwy. Crt. Sheboygan Slinger 53081 53086 WIST4003 WIST4004 Kusch's Automotive Jim's Mobil Service Inc. 136 N. 120th St. 12401 W. Cleveland Ave. Wauwatosa New Berlin 53226 53151 WIST4006 WIST4009 Newman Chevrolet Bluemound Auto Service 1181 Wauwatosa Rd 6000 W. Bluemound Rd Cedarburg Wauwatosa 53012 53213 WIST4011 Jenior Tire & Automotive Service Inc. 201 S Main St. Thiensville 53092 WIST4014 Laubenheimer's Garage LLC Richfield 53076 WIST4017 WIST4019 WIST4024 WIST4026 F & F Tire World Fleet Auto Sales & Service Girard's Service Russ Darrow Kia of Wauwatosa 1860 Hwy 175, PO Box 36 2930 W. Rawson Ave. 7400 W. National Ave. 5517 W. Rawson Ave. 1901 N. Mayfair Rd Franklin West Allis Franklin Wauwatosa 53132 53214 53132 53226 WIST4031 R & R Automotive 6930 39th Ave. Kenosha 53142 WIST4032 Laus Tire & Auto 5025 W. Villard Ave. Milwaukee 53218 WIST4036 WIST4039 WIST4040 Boucher Chevrolet, Inc. Van Horn Dodge Ewald Venus Ford 1421 E. Moreland Blvd 3000 Eastern Ave 2727 E. Layton Ave. Waukesha Plymouth Cudahy 53186 53073 53110 WIST4041 WIST4042 Hillside Auto Body & Service Meineke Car Care Center 1336 East Main St. 4320 S 27TH ST Waukesha Milwaukee 53186 53221 WIST4043 WIST4044 WIST4045 Fast Track Oil Change #7 Fast Track Oil Change #11 Bob's Main Street Auto & Tow 4296 S 27TH ST 6207 W North Ave 1200 N Main St Milwaukee Wauwatosa West Bend 53221 53213 53090 WIST4046 WIST5001 Valvoline Lois Tire Shop 3015 52nd St 916 Milwaukee Ave. Kenosha Burlington 53144 53105 WIST5003 Russ Darrow Chrysler Jeep Dodge 7676 North 76th St Milwaukee 53223 WIST5004 WIST5005 O'Gorman's West Town Auto Dave's Garage Inc. 7105 W. North Ave. 5454 W. Forest Home Ave. Wauwatosa Greenfield 53213 53220 WIST5007 Monro N88 W15176 Main St. Menomonee Falls 53051 WIST5008 Bob's Main Street Auto & Tow 115 W. Decorah Rd West Bend 53095 WIST5009 WIST5011 WIST5012 F & F Tire World F & F Tire World Krueger's Auto Tech Center 410 N. Moorland Rd 20120 Bluemound Rd. W61 N225 Cardinal Ave. Brookfield Brookfield Cedarburg 53005 53045 53012 WIST5014 Frank Boucher Chevrolet Cadillac 8600 Washington Ave. Racine 53406 34 STATION NUMBER WIST5015 WIST5017 WIST5021 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP Durand Automotive Center Pro Auto Center Monro 1623 Durand Ave. 303 E. Monroe Ave. 5930 W. Bluemound Rd Racine Hartford Milwaukee 53403 53027 53213 WIST5022 WIST5023 WIST5028 Lindem's Auto Repair Russ Darrow Mitsubishi Braeger Ford Inc 117 E. Capitol Dr W226 S1700 Hwy 164 4201 S. 27th St Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee 53212 53186 53221 WIST5029 WIST5036 Palmen Buick, GMC, Cadillac Monro 7110 74th Place 3849 S. 27th St. Kenosha Milwaukee 53142 53221 WIST5037 Richlonns Tire & Service Center 4440 S. 108th St. Greenfield 53228 WIST5040 Dads Auto Service S98 W12575 Loomis Crt. Muskego 53150 WIST5041 Falls Auto Tech N84 W15859 Appleton Ave. Menomonee Falls 53051 WIST5043 F & F Tire World 4671 S. 27th St. Milwaukee 53220 WIST5044 WIST5045 Russ Darrow Nissan Dave's Truck & 4 X 4 Repair, LLC 11212 W Metro Blvd 2993 Sherman Rd. Milwaukee Jackson 53224 53037 WIST5047 Monro 1212 S. 108th St. West Allis 53214 WIST5049 Chris Auto Service 14000 W. Greenfield Ave. Brookfield 53005 WIST5050 WIST5052 WIST5053 WIST5055 WIST5056 Boucher Kia Jacks Auto Service Inc. Mayer Automotive LLC. Currie Park Auto Center Aamco Transmission #15160 (#423) 8730 N. 91st St 9901 Kraut Rd W6082 Hwy W 10745 W. Capitol Dr. 9055 N. 76th St. Milwaukee Franksville Cascade Wauwatosa Milwaukee 53224 53126 53011 53222 53223 WIST5058 Ruby Isle Auto 11137 W. Silver Spring Dr. Milwaukee 53225 WIST5061 Engine & Transmission Exchange 1604 S. West Ave. Waukesha 53189 WIST5066 WIST5067 WIST5068 WIST5069 WIST6001 WIST6004 WIST6007 WIST6012 Grady's Automotive Inc. Lynch GM Superstore Brookfield Super Lube Fast Track Oil Change #08 M & M Citgo Chuck's Main St. Auto Anderson Automotive Monro 6272 S. Packard Ave 2300 Browns Lake Dr. 600 Woelfel Rd 7515 W Capitol Dr 2101 Douglas Ave. N64 W23876 Main St. 240 Highland Dr. 7500 W. Layton Ave. Cudahy Burlington Brookfield Milwaukee Racine Sussex Fredonia Greenfield 53110 53105 53045 53216 53402 53089 53021 53220 WIST6013 Lutter's Elmbrook Automotive 16880 Greenfield Ave. Brookfield 53005 WIST6014 Monro 6084 S. Packard Ave. Cudahy 53110 WIST6016 Mertens Auto Service Center 389 Milwaukee Ave. Burlington 53105 WIST6018 WIST6021 WIST6022 WIST7003 Paul's Bender Center Maddison Automotive Hall Automotive Anastos Motors Inc. 8313 22nd Ave. 210 N. Wales Rd. 11011 W. North Ave 4513 S. Greenbay Rd Kenosha Wales Milwaukee Kenosha 53143 53183 53226 53144 35 STATION NUMBER WIST7004 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP Passehl's BP 4625 Taylor Ave. Racine 53405 WIST7006 Russ Darrow West Bend 3210 W. Washington St. West Bend 53095 WIST7007 Midas 1230 S. Green Bay Rd Racine 53406 WIST7009 Russ Darrow Honda 9301 W. Brown Deer Rd Milwaukee 53224 WIST7011 WIST7012 Salem Auto Service Import Specialists Inc. Salem Racine 53168 53405 WIST7014 WIST7015 WIST7016 WIST7017 Oak Creek Automotive Inc. Monro Hartland Services Inc. Richlonns Tire & Service Centers 8515 Antioch Rd 2121 Ole Davidson Rd (N. Hwy 31) 7948 S. 27th St. 13190 W. Capitol Dr. 400 Industrial Dr 5418 Washington Ave. Oak Creek Brookfield Hartland Racine 53154 53005 53029 53406 WIST7018 Ernie von Schledorn, Inc. N88 W14167 Main St. Menomonee Falls 53051 WIST7019 Affordable Car & Marine Firestone 12465 W. Lisbon Rd Brookfield 53005 WIST7020 American Muffler & Automotive 5933 S. Pine St. Burlington 53105 WIST7021 Expert Car Care Inc. 6803 W. National Ave. West Allis 53214 WIST7022 John Paul's Buick GMC 3615 S. 108th St. Greenfield 53228 WIST7023 WIST7024 Lisbon Sales & Services Midas 7515 W. Lisbon Ave. 4500 52nd St. Milwaukee Kenosha 53216 53144 WIST7025 Midas N96 W18375 Hwy Q Menomonee Falls 53052 WIST7026 WIST7027 WIST7030 WIST7031 Midas Midas Auto Service Center National Pride Auto Nelson's Automotive of Pewaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Kenosha Pewaukee 53225 53216 53142 53072 WIST7032 WIST7033 WIST7034 North Avenue Firestone Pinkalla Auto Solutions Power's Tire & Auto Service 6050 N. 91st St. 5811 W. Capitol Dr. 5512 75th St. N49 W22900 Commerce Ctr. Dr. 4926 W. North Ave. 3059 Durand Ave. 3347 Kohler Memorial Ste. 24 Milwaukee Racine Sheboygan 53208 53403 53081 WIST7036 Racine Auto Specialist 2320 Douglas Ave. Racine 53402 WIST7037 Ralph's Auto Center Inc. W395 N5700 Frontier Rd Oconomowoc 53066 WIST7038 WIST7039 WIST7040 Rhode's Auto & Truck Repair Richfield Service Richlonns Tire & Service Center 8640 Sheridan Rd 1810 Wolf Rd S78 W18755 Janesville Rd Kenosha Richfield Muskego 53143 53076 53150 WIST7041 Richlonns Tire & Service Center 5131 S. 76th St. Greendale 53129 WIST7042 Richlonns Tire & Service Center 2480 W. Sunset Dr. Waukesha 53189 36 STATION NUMBER WIST7043 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP River Crest Tire & Auto Service 880 Main St. Mukwonago 53149 WIST7044 River Falls Oil & Tire N88W15220 Main St. Menomonee Falls 53051 WIST7045 WIST7046 Rivers Edge Oil & Tire Weigman's Automotive Inc 811 S. Rochester St. 7169 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Mukwonago Milwaukee 53149 53218 WIST7049 Russ Darrow Toyota 2700 W. Washington St. West Bend 53095 WIST7052 Silver Lake Auto Service Inc. 36355 E. Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc 53066 WIST7053 WIST7054 Silver Lake Auto Service Inc. Sippl's Auto Service Inc. 551 N. Cogswell Dr. N87 W17460 Main St. Silver Lake Menomonee Falls 53170 53051 WIST7055 South Milwaukee Car Care Center 1221 N. Chicago Ave. South Milwaukee 53172 WIST7056 Southtown Tire & Auto 2906 S. 108th St. West Allis 53227 WIST7057 WIST7060 Subaru City Tenhagen Auto Service 4640 S. 27th St. 21445 Durand Ave. Milwaukee Union Grove 53221 53182 WIST7061 WIST7062 Theel Auto Inc. Tires Unlimited Automotive Service N8364 County Rd J 1557 N. Wisconsin St. Elkhart Lake Port Washington 53020 53074 WIST7065 Twenty First Century Auto 5300 W. Forest Home Ave. Milwaukee 53220 WIST7066 Village Car Care LLC. 447 Bay View Rd Mukwonago 53149 WIST7067 Village Tire & Auto W172 N12185 Division Rd Germantown 53022 WIST7068 WIST7069 Wales Super Lube #421 Waukesha U-Haul and Emission Auto Service Center 120 W. Summit Ave 2210 Silvernail Rd Wales Pewaukee 53183 53072 WIST7070 Weissman Automotive W140 N10455 Fond du Lac Ave. Germantown 53022 WIST7071 Welks Automotive 8333 W. Layton Ave. Greenfield 53220 WIST7072 WIST7073 WIST7074 WIST7075 WIST7076 Westside Auto Center Wilmot Auto Service Inc. Wisconsin Muffler Wisconsin Muffler WJ Kuhn Automotive Center Inc. 820 W. Sumner St. 11307 Fox River Rd 3634 W. Lincoln Ave. 13320 W. College Ave. 8511 S. Howell Ave. Hartford Wilmot Milwaukee New Berlin Oak Creek 53027 53192 53215 53151 53154 WIST7078 WIST7079 Griffin Ford Koplein Tune & Lube 1940 E. Main St. 7960 N. 76th St. Waukesha Milwaukee 53186 53223 WIST7080 Schmidt Bros Ford Lincoln 925 E. Green Bay Rd Saukville 53080 WIST7081 WIST7083 Farkas Automotive Inc. Sheboygan Chevrolet GMC Buick 8008 N. Sherman 3400 S. Business Dr. Brown Deer Sheboygan 53209 53081 37 STATION NUMBER WIST7084 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP Uptown Chevrolet 1101 E. Commerce BLvd Slinger 53086 WIST7086 Russ Darrow Kia of Waukesha 2141 E. Moreland Blvd Waukesha 53186 WIST7087 Dave's American Discount Muffler 8719 Sheridan Rd Kenosha 53142 WIST7088 WIST7090 WIST7091 WIST7092 WIST7093 Hoffman Auto & Tire Carwurx Plus Carwurx G-Brock's Auto Repair Gordon's Wheel Service 5616 Green Bay Rd 10685 W. Layton Ave. 6906 S. 27th ST. 375 E. Ottawa Ave 3595 N. 124 St. Kenosha Greenfield Oak Creek Dousman Brookfield 53144 53228 53154 53118 53005 WIST7094 Muskego Tire & Auto S73 W16610 Janesville Rd Muskego 53150 WIST7095 National Complete Auto Care 16405 W. National Ave. New Berlin 53151 WIST7098 WIST7103 WIST7104 WIST7106 WIST7108 WIST7109 WIST7111 Shorewood Auto Repair Meyer Motors Inc. Heiser Quick Motors Wilde Toyota Mobil1 Lube Express Mobil1 Lube Express Valvoline 1330 E. Capitol Dr. 107 Plaza Lane 7800 N 76th St. 3225 S. 108 St. 2757 Calumet Dr. 3669 S. Taylor Dr. 3360 S. 27th St. Shorewood Plymouth Milwaukee West Allis Sheboygan Sheboygan Milwaukee 53211 53073 53223 53227 53081 53081 53221 WIST7112 Valvoline 112 S. 68th St. Milwaukee 53214 WIST7113 Fast Track Oil Change #03 5400 S. 108th St. Hales Corners 53130 WIST7114 S & F (formally Cleveland Automotive) 8440 W. Cleveland Ave. West Allis 53227 WIST7116 WIST7117 WIST8001 WIST8002 WIST8004 WIST8005 WIST8006 Fast Track Oil Change #10 Scrub A Dub Silver Lake Auto Center Fast Track Oil Change #1 National Auto Tech Fast Track Oil Change #04 Fast Track Oil Change # 09 14245 W. Capitol Dr. 5506 S Packard Ave N76 W30620 HWY VV 15400 W National Ave 630 W. National Ave 6942 W Brown Deer Rd 5450 N Port Washington Rd Brookfield Cudahy Hartland New Berlin Milwaukee Milwaukee Glendale 53005 53110 53029 53151 53204 53223 53216 38 PRIVATE INSPECTION FACILITIES DEACTIVATED IN 2013 DATE OF ACTIVATION DE- STATION NUMBER COMPANY ADDRESS CITY ZIP 1/17/2013 WIST7089 Aurora Auto Care 2083 S. Muskego Ave. Milwaukee 53204 2/12/2013 WIST6019 E.J. Salentine Buick 14444 W. Janesville Rd Muskego 53150 2/13/2013 WIST1005 Herman's Complete Car Care LLC W68 N954 Washington Ave. Cedarburg 53012 2/19/2013 WIST7082 Apple Automotive Pewaukee 53072 3/8/2013 WIST7107 Butler Auto Body N47 W28229 Lynndale Rd 4830 N. 125th St. Butler 53007 3/19/2013 WIST7110 C J Automotive Inc. 1429 E. Main St # A Waukesha 53186 3/21/2013 WIST5042 Auto House Waukesha 1611 Lincoln Ave Waukesha 53186 4/5/2013 WIST4025 Moorland Auto Repair Inc. 3890 S. Moorland Rd New Berlin 53151 4/11/2013 WIST5063 National Muffler & Brake 1614 W. National Ave. Milwaukee 53204 4/11/2013 WIST7029 National Muffler & Brake Milwaukee 53216 5/8/2013 WIST4007 Mobil Auto Care 5740 W. Fond du Lac Ave. 5505 Durand Ave. Racine 53405 5/20/2013 WIST6015 B & G Auto Milwaukee 53225 6/4/2013 WIST4015 Holz Motors Inc. 9105 W. Hampton Ave. 5961 S. 108th Place Hales Corners 53130 7/19/2013 WIST7063 Toor Auto Services 4161 S. Howell Ave. Milwaukee 53207 8/3/2013 WIST7051 Scorsone Automotive Inc. Milwaukee 53223 8/7/2013 WIST4020 Burgess Car & Truck Service Center 7200 W. Good Hope Rd 9018 W CONRAD LANE West Allis 53214 8/12/2013 WIST5043 F & F Tire World 4671 S. 27th St. Greenfield 53221 8/23/2013 WIST7105 Bohl Automotive 2525 Douglas Ave Racine 53402 9/4/2013 WIST5039 Import Minded Inc. 9/25/2013 WIST7035 R.B. Enterprises Menomonee Falls, Inc. 9/30/2013 WIST4028 10/10/2013 4200 S. 27th St. Milwaukee 53221 N89 W15963 Main St. Menomonee Falls 53051 Dodge City of Milwaukee 19100 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield 53045 SYO70146 F & F Tire World 7425 W. Holmes Ave. Greenfield 53220 10/14/2013 WIST6005 Honda of Kenosha 12180 77th St Bristol 53104 10/24/2013 WIST6009 Russ Darrow Mazda Greenfield 53228 10/25/2013 WIST2008 Meineke Car Care Center 3520 South 108th Street 6702 - 39th Ave. Kenosha 53142 10/26/2013 WIST7102 West Bend Tire Co. 2001 Parkway Dr. West Bend 53095 39 of DATE OF ACTIVATION DE- STATION NUMBER COMPANY ADDRESS CITY ZIP 11/1/2013 WIST5006 Badger Truck Center 2326 W. St. Paul Ave Milwaukee 53227 11/21/2013 WIST2007 Meineke Car Care Center 10214 W. Greenfield Ave. West Allis 53214 11/21/2013 WIST7064 Trust Tire & Auto Service 10432 N. Washington Rd Mequon 53092 11/25/2013 WIST2010 688-Cars.inc, W230 S8895 Clark St. Big Bend 53103 12/19/2013 WIST3012 F & F Tire World N86 W16370 Appleton Ave. Menomonee Falls 53051 Port TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTERS STATION NUMBER TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER NAME ADDRESS CITY WISTT001 Jerry's Auto Service Inc. (TAC) W229 N2467 Hwy F Waukesha 53186 WISTT002 Anaya's Auto Repair (TAC) 2515 52nd St. Kenosha 53140 WISTT003 Auto Analyzers (TAC) 8404 W. Greenfield Ave. West Allis 53214 WISTT005 Schaefer Service Center (TAC) 1130 E. Commerce Blvd Slinger 53086 WISTT006 Carlton Automotive Inc. (TAC) 1318 Center St., PO Box 700288 Oostburg 53070 40 OVERT AND COVERT PERFORMANCE AUDITS NEEDS UPDATES State auditors conduct overt performance audits in conjunction with their equipment audits each week at the inspection facilities. The following table addresses the overt and covert performance audit activity. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(2)(i)(ii)(v) The number of inspection stations and lanes operating throughout the year: (i) Receiving overt performance audits in the year: 216 (ii) Not receiving overt audits in the year: 6 (iii) Receiving covert audits in the year: 220 (iv) Not receiving covert audits in the year: 2 (v) That have been shut down as a result of overt performance audits: 13 COVERT AUDITS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(3) There were 435 covert audits conducted in 2013. FINES, SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION DUE TO AUDIT FAILURES USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(4) Eight stations were suspended, fined or prohibited from testing as a result of overt or covert audits. 41 NUMBER OF INSPECTORS LICENSED OR CERTIFIED TO CONDUCT TESTING USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(5) There were 1,482 inspectors certified to conduct tests in 2013. NUMBER OF HEARINGS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(6) There were 0 hearings held to consider adverse actions against inspectors and stations. FINES USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(7) There was $0 collected in fines from inspectors and stations. COVERT AUDITS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(8) There were 5 covert vehicles available for undercover audits. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (b)(9) There was 5 auditor(s) available for undercover audits. 42 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT NUMBER OF EMISSION TESTING SITES AND LANES USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR Part 51.366 (c)(1) There were 222 inspection sites available for testing in 2013. NUMBER OF EQUIPMENT AUDITS BY STATION AND LANE USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (c)(2) Equipment audits by station and lane. There were 4,086 equipment audits conducted in 2013. Appendix 3 lists the audits by station. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (c)(3) The number and percentage of stations that have failed equipment audits: There were 6 (2.7%) stations that failed equipment audits in 2013. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (c)(4) The number and percentage of stations and lanes shut down as a result of an equipment audit: There were no stations shut down as a result of an equipment audit in 2013. 43 ENFORCEMENT REPORT USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(1)(i): An estimate of the number of vehicles subject to the inspection program, including the results of an analysis of the registration database. Each month, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation selects vehicles subject to the mandatory testing requirement for registration renewal purposes. There were 697,237 vehicles selected (model years: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010) for notification in 2013. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(1)(ii): The percentage of motorists compliance based upon a comparison of the number of valid final tests with the number of subject vehicles. Overall, 600,377 vehicles receiving mandatory inspections in 2013 received a pass, waiver or diagnostic waiver test result. This is an 86.1% compliance rate for mandatory testing requirements. Variables include vehicles that changed ownership at the time their registrations were due and vehicles that were moved outside of the testing area after the registration select occurred. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(1)(iii): The total number of compliance documents issued to inspection stations. 0 USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(1)(iv) The number of missing compliance documents. 0 USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(1)(v) The number of time extensions and other exemptions granted to motorists. There were 10,870 temporary plates issued in 2013. WisDOT Vehicle Emissions Inspection Unit issued 99 temporary exemptions in 2013. 44 USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(1)(vi) The number compliance surveys conducted, number of vehicles surveyed in each, and the compliance rates found. There were no compliance surveys conducted in 2013. REGISTRATION DENIAL BASED ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(2)(i) A report of the program’s efforts and actions to prevent motorists from falsely registering vehicles out of the program area or falsely changing fuel type or weight class on the vehicle registration, and the results of special studies to investigate the frequency of such activity. In 2013, WisDOT personnel completed investigations on 86 vehicles that listed domicile outside of the program area, but were suspected of being kept in the program area. After receiving notification for WisDOT, 38 vehicles submitted to testing and received a passing result. Thirty vehicles were suspended for failing to comply; nine were junked or sold, and nine provided verification that they were being kept outside of the program area. USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(2)(ii) The number of registration file audits, number of registrations reviewed and compliance rates found in such audits. There were no registration file audits conducted in 2013. COMPUTER-MATCHING BASED ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(3) Wisconsin is a registration denial based enforcement system. This section is not applicable. STICKER- BASED ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS USEPA Reporting Requirement: 40 CFR 51.366 (d)(4) Wisconsin is a registration denial based enforcement system. This section is not applicable 45 Appendix1_2(a)(3)(4) Initial Pass Fail by MY Initial Tests Model (P,F) Year Station WIST1002 WIST1003 WIST1005 WIST1006 WIST1011 WIST1012 WIST1013 WIST1014 WIST1015 WIST2001 WIST2003 WIST2006 WIST2007 WIST2008 WIST2010 WIST2013 WIST2014 WIST2015 WIST2016 WIST2017 WIST2018 WIST2019 WIST2020 WIST3002 WIST3003 WIST3004 WIST3005 WIST3006 WIST3007 WIST3012 WIST3013 1996 1997 187 80 51 8 2 2 83 32 80 30 14 3 20 8 70 20 7 3 122 60 87 31 10 9 87 33 76 33 38 18 65 15 243 147 56 24 111 73 59 20 96 24 31 12 36 9 50 10 51 24 64 43 73 26 55 9 34 16 41 11 135 83 1998 302 78 6 115 153 26 48 82 5 194 143 40 152 117 62 81 374 85 165 115 148 58 36 62 83 127 146 74 52 81 232 1999 113 16 2 47 40 6 13 28 4 81 41 10 50 42 18 18 184 39 77 22 40 15 15 18 23 44 34 23 27 17 102 2000 366 134 11 240 214 39 76 128 17 274 210 71 199 167 79 128 522 150 254 165 240 86 79 117 124 225 185 110 111 112 336 2001 107 23 5 60 43 6 17 43 3 86 39 12 62 42 20 22 171 44 80 34 52 18 16 28 38 47 53 21 31 19 94 2002 481 157 12 362 257 48 135 174 31 344 248 65 252 201 113 134 508 196 349 273 303 86 114 150 146 261 266 136 141 176 408 2003 126 23 3 81 43 8 24 41 9 113 59 10 51 28 21 20 159 43 98 49 63 17 30 24 26 61 55 22 49 22 133 2004 302 163 11 418 312 41 173 158 22 347 303 80 252 168 81 129 425 273 339 355 370 85 135 174 139 304 291 117 233 219 431 2005 96 25 1 80 45 10 15 38 18 98 59 10 73 44 19 22 156 56 112 55 81 23 36 39 33 72 68 22 48 30 158 2006 236 159 12 497 290 43 139 159 25 379 314 90 257 142 69 123 407 367 309 383 426 96 116 166 133 372 334 130 233 206 484 2007 69 33 2 107 46 3 19 32 22 100 66 21 62 35 14 19 142 85 116 79 65 22 34 25 21 87 76 27 67 33 150 2008 2009 180 10 164 10 18 555 38 372 17 49 1 166 9 130 9 45 8 404 23 336 17 83 5 211 11 129 10 69 2 104 4 416 20 428 21 371 20 466 27 410 19 94 5 170 21 151 3 120 6 420 11 394 21 125 1 275 17 237 4 609 52 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 110 2 90 6 8 1 482 34 6 2 2 208 13 2 31 2 150 13 1 91 4 14 23 239 14 2 2 244 16 2 1 61 3 149 3 2 98 1 26 1 70 213 14 1 2 367 16 2 2 2 204 8 1 345 29 3 300 18 79 6 139 20 6 1 118 4 66 6 1 393 20 3 2 1 369 22 2 2 1 84 6 208 15 2 2 161 9 1 1 372 26 9 6 Grand Total 2767 1140 96 3241 2165 330 1026 1207 256 2882 2216 580 1906 1333 650 954 4104 2256 2687 2479 2655 733 1013 1139 1040 2557 2418 962 1561 1380 3820 Station WIST3014 WIST3015 WIST3016 WIST4002 WIST4003 WIST4004 WIST4006 WIST4007 WIST4009 WIST4011 WIST4014 WIST4015 WIST4017 WIST4019 WIST4020 WIST4024 WIST4025 WIST4026 WIST4028 WIST4031 WIST4032 WIST4036 WIST4039 WIST4040 WIST4041 WIST4042 WIST4043 WIST4044 WIST4045 WIST4046 WIST5001 WIST5003 WIST5004 WIST5005 WIST5006 1996 1997 51 15 34 10 73 17 35 9 176 63 111 30 221 73 89 41 96 22 86 22 37 10 80 18 88 20 74 28 1 1 107 32 11 3 34 9 101 23 142 51 300 182 106 22 61 13 119 31 74 27 82 39 145 53 49 19 6 5 1 2 81 22 118 64 86 48 109 28 396 185 1998 97 63 113 61 290 171 387 148 113 178 63 158 179 121 2 198 31 53 174 198 406 171 100 176 106 173 247 89 18 1 129 184 180 176 622 1999 28 13 22 17 85 42 115 57 24 58 21 30 52 27 2 50 6 20 28 83 242 53 24 42 30 69 104 29 7 37 89 38 50 274 2000 155 90 154 96 525 288 652 253 236 252 108 254 286 181 3 382 48 99 305 328 651 280 146 283 170 256 367 150 17 2 229 297 294 255 839 2001 35 12 29 16 118 49 138 52 65 50 20 45 52 29 1 60 14 22 54 70 205 72 27 54 29 88 104 39 8 2002 153 99 166 157 640 422 866 251 295 384 121 373 444 192 6 495 81 147 455 349 579 461 188 416 207 295 471 185 17 2003 41 19 37 27 110 58 164 66 66 61 18 53 79 45 42 106 62 53 271 308 318 396 296 945 49 82 96 48 270 65 21 32 55 73 209 81 26 66 50 85 124 54 10 2004 128 110 149 166 600 415 1025 237 290 417 135 427 487 173 5 603 86 186 511 311 508 559 203 372 206 286 434 234 19 1 314 350 440 237 805 2005 2006 35 132 17 98 38 160 22 130 131 677 63 401 174 1081 40 211 36 265 70 489 12 120 55 418 86 483 33 171 1 1 82 578 18 82 58 212 80 640 55 298 174 420 123 610 48 234 84 438 49 168 71 258 109 372 38 210 10 19 2 55 362 115 373 83 488 32 235 205 783 2007 2008 2009 34 122 5 17 82 4 38 156 6 32 160 4 118 630 27 70 453 17 199 1216 59 39 200 3 46 262 8 90 490 38 15 115 3 65 524 20 103 549 23 33 150 5 3 4 1 79 660 31 22 94 9 50 286 13 86 740 26 52 260 9 144 392 22 128 677 29 50 240 11 79 443 27 47 164 9 65 250 11 105 325 11 44 238 8 12 22 5 2 63 405 12 101 397 22 93 494 23 39 201 11 226 806 40 Grand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 86 4 1 1122 59 1 1 729 77 8 1 1244 90 8 2 1032 426 15 2 2 4635 326 11 2927 866 42 4 4 7286 125 3 1815 215 8 1 2048 438 49 2 1 3175 71 6 1 1 877 407 4 4 2935 379 19 3 3 1 3336 73 4 1339 5 1 37 479 17 3 1 3922 70 1 597 215 11 1 1448 581 9 9 3 3880 163 11 2453 199 11 5 1 4650 564 32 5 5 1 3979 172 6 1 1 1551 416 18 3 3067 114 5 1 1456 131 11 1 2171 219 17 2 3 3212 178 7 1 1572 11 5 191 1 2 1 15 307 12 2 1 2430 250 13 6 3 2888 407 13 1 1 3243 134 5 1 1910 418 6 4 1 7096 Station WIST5007 WIST5008 WIST5009 WIST5011 WIST5012 WIST5014 WIST5015 WIST5017 WIST5021 WIST5022 WIST5023 WIST5026 WIST5028 WIST5029 WIST5036 WIST5037 WIST5039 WIST5040 WIST5041 WIST5042 WIST5043 WIST5044 WIST5045 WIST5047 WIST5049 WIST5050 WIST5052 WIST5053 WIST5055 WIST5056 WIST5058 WIST5061 WIST5063 WIST5066 WIST5067 1996 1997 30 10 248 92 49 12 46 21 107 34 229 91 170 86 58 24 74 23 314 166 29 14 232 75 162 60 166 75 106 37 47 20 206 91 70 22 36 9 14 4 32 11 24 3 41 15 42 12 81 21 39 12 55 24 65 20 210 103 33 24 59 37 130 47 58 38 204 69 99 28 1998 58 451 110 108 181 413 320 97 113 438 40 320 275 290 153 91 299 96 72 22 67 23 82 50 170 52 89 107 336 81 117 211 105 340 123 1999 15 140 21 20 64 137 140 43 37 233 14 112 73 120 72 20 122 22 12 7 9 11 21 10 55 14 23 30 149 31 45 73 47 89 46 2000 109 716 188 193 347 595 412 186 187 642 86 571 425 469 231 148 461 107 151 31 80 42 120 80 250 76 142 130 589 133 203 330 114 497 224 2001 26 151 31 29 72 158 129 44 52 239 22 101 107 129 77 26 142 25 11 8 23 16 26 19 54 26 27 20 156 46 45 87 47 126 52 2002 119 866 267 288 435 855 425 194 223 660 98 730 546 669 248 206 507 140 202 40 116 55 162 121 379 91 154 150 698 131 257 424 105 567 317 2003 25 161 53 54 71 194 102 34 48 192 32 144 145 157 73 35 142 29 29 9 30 11 23 29 80 25 26 20 176 39 56 86 30 108 54 2004 124 790 345 393 472 963 383 190 189 626 141 782 482 771 207 205 421 137 239 20 114 81 165 115 381 106 161 122 654 121 275 398 85 556 352 2005 2006 27 138 172 838 55 401 65 405 80 543 179 1041 107 334 46 193 49 245 164 657 35 116 143 740 125 464 170 843 61 141 32 208 97 405 13 109 31 243 5 26 31 119 22 86 31 162 27 107 75 380 31 100 21 166 23 103 182 639 32 115 52 245 78 341 28 50 107 548 57 365 2007 2008 2009 13 135 5 141 745 30 78 462 22 62 434 20 100 533 21 221 1228 65 68 317 18 40 183 5 42 204 8 142 474 34 31 105 9 157 790 37 125 526 22 209 1062 41 47 116 9 32 206 7 88 320 19 27 115 9 23 231 3 5 22 3 34 102 8 26 114 9 25 147 4 30 102 3 59 365 17 35 134 17 26 168 9 28 99 1 151 622 33 26 96 5 62 233 13 65 318 18 27 33 90 540 29 70 432 14 Grand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 84 6 1 925 451 17 2 6011 358 15 1 1 2469 350 25 2 1 2516 434 16 1 3511 881 56 8 3 1 7318 190 9 6 2 3218 134 7 3 1481 141 6 1 1642 367 12 6 3 5369 69 3 1 1 1 847 485 30 3 5 2 5459 431 21 5 3994 689 37 8 6 5911 79 3 1660 165 5 1 1454 182 4 4 2 3512 61 5 987 201 2 1495 7 223 69 7 1 853 107 6 6 1 643 110 9 1 2 1146 65 2 814 300 14 3 1 2685 65 6 2 1 832 97 5 2 1195 56 3 977 382 18 3 4 5105 52 4 3 972 143 3 1 1846 194 8 3 1 2812 24 1 792 309 9 2 1 4191 316 14 1 2564 Station WIST5068 WIST5069 WIST6001 WIST6004 WIST6005 WIST6007 WIST6009 WIST6012 WIST6013 WIST6014 WIST6015 WIST6016 WIST6018 WIST6019 WIST6021 WIST6022 WIST7003 WIST7004 WIST7006 WIST7007 WIST7009 WIST7011 WIST7012 WIST7014 WIST7015 WIST7016 WIST7017 WIST7018 WIST7019 WIST7020 WIST7021 WIST7022 WIST7023 WIST7024 WIST7025 1996 1997 30 12 68 38 347 145 188 45 28 7 88 27 19 6 38 21 43 11 146 35 61 20 138 44 176 48 14 2 61 17 111 38 244 119 150 57 20 9 58 27 106 45 143 68 48 16 243 81 89 20 193 54 244 71 55 14 33 13 27 14 83 32 97 43 183 70 88 30 74 21 1998 47 89 640 308 42 113 23 87 84 205 76 211 330 21 78 219 387 301 55 112 191 231 58 383 155 345 440 68 78 54 131 173 298 146 125 1999 8 63 189 84 12 36 11 23 25 61 49 50 97 5 17 47 119 91 13 36 89 71 24 138 35 75 161 24 31 28 46 39 111 45 39 2000 92 174 793 503 93 164 34 114 150 296 132 310 454 37 162 362 566 415 71 138 331 298 113 593 223 601 697 142 114 92 192 292 401 203 197 2001 11 56 204 107 17 38 7 19 34 63 43 77 96 11 31 67 157 112 15 33 106 82 27 149 50 144 163 32 28 19 56 61 117 55 46 2002 178 147 815 702 104 197 52 164 218 332 108 367 561 52 189 445 716 470 95 203 434 375 122 753 338 813 899 186 135 76 210 386 528 272 273 2003 19 59 176 112 24 37 11 25 28 68 46 63 106 13 28 86 131 102 19 38 108 74 29 153 65 162 169 34 19 22 34 72 104 66 49 2004 225 157 818 757 111 194 73 151 236 308 88 340 463 44 214 522 673 481 132 227 474 329 142 777 384 1038 866 209 118 80 169 515 423 196 309 2005 2006 35 227 52 169 155 738 123 795 29 124 25 178 16 99 22 154 40 210 54 306 32 90 70 356 84 462 6 67 27 234 110 562 135 688 81 442 23 128 46 217 106 499 77 306 19 119 124 763 59 449 182 1115 182 944 31 231 22 152 14 83 31 193 86 467 89 423 68 269 47 311 2007 2008 2009 49 265 5 42 148 7 129 752 23 117 858 44 37 173 7 38 183 7 17 115 5 40 167 5 44 247 8 63 278 12 27 66 5 64 363 19 79 399 27 5 66 5 37 199 10 118 627 37 145 726 34 98 454 20 32 156 6 45 263 11 125 518 36 92 317 12 25 120 6 158 760 34 70 424 30 193 1224 47 169 939 41 36 286 24 34 141 5 16 81 5 33 162 6 97 555 27 90 376 13 48 267 8 57 330 16 Grand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 209 11 3 1 1 1428 96 11 1 2 1379 444 26 7 2 6403 609 31 3 1 5387 151 4 4 1 7 975 116 7 1 1449 124 5 3 1 621 99 6 1 1 1137 182 4 1564 187 3 2 2419 31 1 875 237 11 2 2722 315 10 2 1 3710 39 1 388 155 6 1 1466 482 21 7 8 3869 474 23 5 1 5343 333 25 3 1 1 3637 88 7 4 1 874 200 8 1 2 1665 314 10 6 2 3500 191 11 2 2679 82 5 1 956 498 14 4 1 5626 307 13 3 3 2717 888 48 6 1 7129 675 27 7 2 6696 188 8 3 1 1 1573 64 4 991 54 1 1 667 98 3 1479 383 26 4 1 1 3325 262 7 3 3498 162 9 1 1933 226 10 2 2132 Station WIST7026 WIST7027 WIST7029 WIST7030 WIST7031 WIST7032 WIST7033 WIST7034 WIST7035 WIST7036 WIST7037 WIST7038 WIST7039 WIST7040 WIST7041 WIST7042 WIST7043 WIST7044 WIST7045 WIST7046 WIST7049 WIST7051 WIST7052 WIST7053 WIST7054 WIST7055 WIST7056 WIST7057 WIST7060 WIST7061 WIST7062 WIST7063 WIST7064 WIST7065 WIST7066 1996 1997 136 83 436 269 14 15 209 95 37 12 194 103 230 98 99 35 110 39 247 128 30 6 127 47 55 21 94 36 139 49 255 76 80 37 120 40 77 20 183 113 89 21 57 41 209 71 78 35 74 14 242 72 144 58 76 35 128 44 58 15 148 42 274 116 118 19 200 64 60 22 1998 280 634 33 339 64 274 374 182 188 450 72 195 96 186 228 473 150 208 158 283 150 98 368 114 118 392 247 130 228 93 286 461 221 326 116 1999 131 392 29 114 16 143 141 52 46 161 23 63 35 60 67 118 44 54 41 129 56 55 97 42 22 118 74 44 63 27 71 167 40 91 28 2000 331 960 42 508 118 397 519 265 282 652 111 265 175 313 389 811 223 352 256 394 227 138 601 167 198 548 407 205 292 135 433 672 368 449 205 2001 121 412 25 155 25 138 139 68 65 158 23 64 38 59 79 147 37 69 43 116 60 39 139 54 21 115 93 59 106 33 93 197 52 109 51 2002 340 920 35 609 169 376 539 292 357 687 125 293 216 395 541 1031 321 484 376 335 285 121 790 212 221 720 507 279 368 166 498 694 614 628 258 2003 126 329 12 134 28 114 120 62 47 148 16 65 40 85 68 199 58 67 46 112 66 47 141 45 32 139 97 69 66 33 85 177 80 113 44 2004 292 765 26 621 235 320 494 310 355 598 105 254 225 483 559 1181 344 509 390 312 318 132 927 273 203 629 500 295 400 199 641 689 808 531 308 2005 2006 102 255 300 671 8 20 121 619 35 230 87 353 96 422 63 290 53 326 147 531 27 113 52 289 43 251 91 520 90 610 242 1199 59 357 85 598 65 365 94 264 73 382 39 138 209 1003 47 220 45 230 135 578 117 522 75 311 71 368 30 174 97 550 167 601 82 951 96 477 49 306 2007 2008 2009 85 263 17 252 587 52 9 14 4 104 608 40 54 305 11 94 276 15 79 364 12 76 275 16 49 308 4 115 527 14 19 139 5 48 205 13 41 296 14 87 556 21 93 582 25 197 1251 37 71 382 20 87 596 23 82 440 24 96 240 16 91 453 21 27 115 15 179 1061 56 46 266 5 36 257 4 126 583 26 78 506 27 74 372 20 64 394 18 34 155 6 132 587 20 139 569 31 115 1061 30 100 399 19 59 298 9 Grand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 145 9 2 2718 303 15 7 3 7307 8 294 397 14 2 1 4690 244 8 1591 193 8 2 3087 247 12 2 3888 193 5 4 2287 211 7 1 2448 307 11 4 3 4888 86 5 905 147 6 2 2 2137 185 7 1 1 1740 358 17 3 1 3365 439 14 3972 879 25 1 3 8125 281 10 3 1 2478 424 22 3738 322 21 1 2727 114 3 3 3 2810 387 21 4 2704 84 3 1 2 1152 738 32 6 3 6630 137 6 1 1748 133 4 2 1614 418 11 1 4853 332 20 3 1 3733 344 22 2 2 1 2415 232 20 1 2863 101 6 2 1267 396 19 1 4099 334 5 2 1 1 5297 934 12 6 1 5512 266 7 5 3880 212 16 2 2 2045 Station WIST7067 WIST7068 WIST7069 WIST7070 WIST7071 WIST7072 WIST7073 WIST7074 WIST7075 WIST7076 WIST7078 WIST7079 WIST7080 WIST7081 WIST7082 WIST7083 WIST7084 WIST7086 WIST7087 WIST7088 WIST7089 WIST7090 WIST7091 WIST7092 WIST7093 WIST7094 WIST7095 WIST7098 WIST7102 WIST7103 WIST7104 WIST7105 WIST7106 WIST7107 WIST7108 1996 1997 60 19 86 32 265 91 59 19 76 25 108 34 150 44 836 402 122 41 184 73 142 39 147 76 134 48 253 141 4 1 371 98 60 25 28 13 134 61 97 44 9 8 39 14 79 27 46 13 98 24 120 37 65 22 132 42 105 25 207 57 147 67 81 43 107 35 8 2 379 118 1998 125 166 463 159 155 183 241 1203 243 364 204 218 233 453 10 593 106 77 221 160 21 67 118 84 191 197 144 300 178 333 250 124 214 12 566 1999 26 40 153 31 43 52 96 526 52 86 60 144 76 168 7 137 28 21 86 49 19 22 32 29 45 47 35 91 45 78 122 38 56 5 170 2000 185 271 780 222 239 304 352 1671 348 581 388 346 413 661 14 962 147 115 293 216 22 124 241 156 269 342 187 493 304 463 359 171 380 21 912 2001 31 52 152 33 48 75 114 599 81 136 91 117 75 178 4 209 35 38 95 65 19 39 47 36 56 50 41 113 48 103 144 46 86 8 201 2002 251 374 1040 353 300 441 406 1726 496 763 530 358 490 769 25 1161 273 172 310 344 17 176 249 202 360 497 268 715 415 661 461 203 569 20 1064 2003 40 71 209 55 64 82 125 554 77 134 123 117 100 164 6 240 35 49 72 73 10 37 57 32 56 65 51 139 52 96 113 35 107 4 170 2004 290 442 1202 367 305 468 432 1263 476 921 575 322 516 795 27 1257 287 223 257 284 10 183 309 227 397 521 281 824 446 683 452 188 731 24 1046 2005 2006 45 306 77 401 292 1279 66 390 62 335 79 485 105 442 407 816 79 486 146 974 131 595 98 293 115 589 139 744 7 27 239 1345 53 301 55 241 69 225 56 277 9 8 39 248 69 320 39 230 51 405 94 574 50 286 143 826 49 449 115 643 128 464 42 170 130 832 3 21 200 1013 2007 49 90 242 65 56 117 113 283 78 162 123 76 93 181 11 244 75 74 55 64 5 35 69 47 59 73 48 157 62 132 129 37 146 11 172 2008 2009 281 14 476 23 1287 80 407 13 308 12 510 22 430 28 591 37 468 19 964 40 623 26 242 13 644 31 728 44 24 1 1474 44 457 18 313 15 211 12 247 19 2 1 191 7 308 13 246 10 439 27 588 18 317 12 914 36 460 8 660 20 440 27 158 3 1021 64 24 1 1012 33 Grand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 192 8 1 1923 316 17 5 2939 949 36 15 5 8540 292 13 1 1 2546 187 13 1 3 2232 282 14 1 1 3258 255 10 2 1 3346 265 12 5 11196 329 21 2 2 1 3421 685 30 7 3 6253 607 30 3 1 4291 149 7 1 2724 434 27 4 1 4023 468 20 7 4 5917 26 194 836 51 13 2 9276 299 14 1 3 2217 210 12 3 1 1660 122 4 1 2228 182 9 3 1 2190 1 161 133 6 1 3 1 1365 220 10 3 1 2172 177 8 1582 325 11 6 2819 389 24 1 1 3 3641 207 11 1 1 2027 709 24 3 5661 329 6 2 2983 395 22 4668 281 13 5 3 1 3606 107 5 2 1453 965 46 8 3 2 5502 7 171 607 22 5 2 7692 Station WIST7109 WIST7110 WIST7111 WIST7112 WIST7113 WIST7114 WIST7116 WIST7117 WIST8001 WIST8002 WIST8004 WIST8005 WIST8006 WISTT001 WISTT002 WISTT003 WISTT004 WISTT005 WISTT006 Grand Total Grand 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 254 67 467 119 698 152 814 178 795 163 807 173 732 27 518 15 2 1 5982 3 2 3 5 7 3 11 3 8 7 6 6 4 68 219 126 382 150 531 165 631 183 583 149 528 116 460 19 280 11 6 4539 161 65 256 75 442 108 535 103 507 108 570 124 574 25 361 17 2 5 1 4039 42 13 72 11 150 36 195 39 194 46 217 40 223 7 163 13 1461 86 32 187 37 263 52 303 56 303 55 267 37 228 11 142 8 2067 9 4 21 7 37 15 57 15 68 23 90 31 95 6 68 18 1 565 3 4 5 7 10 4 11 10 13 10 25 9 19 7 12 5 154 44 9 68 19 130 22 143 23 200 25 214 26 220 8 136 4 2 1 1294 96 21 164 48 308 51 436 83 495 86 571 90 611 25 456 25 5 1 1 3573 199 106 306 150 419 146 371 142 309 89 225 85 206 12 92 5 3 1 2866 54 12 63 29 113 22 205 50 225 47 245 54 241 12 157 15 1 1545 125 42 228 73 440 95 601 108 718 137 787 152 865 48 718 50 4 5 5196 127 35 208 55 350 59 427 77 512 78 491 77 497 36 347 16 2 3394 277 82 383 140 529 167 553 146 484 118 410 118 350 8 223 9 3 4000 188 70 317 131 399 157 584 132 426 127 412 94 364 10 226 12 3 3652 20 6 22 5 40 7 38 6 28 8 40 8 39 27 2 296 61 7 117 30 166 36 227 50 239 30 263 44 267 14 182 5 2 1 1741 90 27 158 46 255 63 307 52 317 51 312 63 291 13 180 6 3 1 2235 24636 9484 41240 13852 63561 15936 78775 16704 80774 16722 81516 16758 83671 3917 57932 2766 500 201 68 609013 Appendix 3(c)(2) Equipment Audits Station Number City WIST2010 Big Bend WIST5056 Milwaukee WIST3003 Burlington WIST7019 Brookfield WIST1003 Allenton WIST7020 Burlington WIST7003 Kenosha WISTT002 Kenosha WIST6007 Fredonia WIST7082 Pewaukee WIST7089 Milwaukee WISTT003 West Allis WIST2006 Oconomowoc WIST5042 Waukesha WISTT004 Saukville WIST6015 Milwaukee WIST5006 Milwaukee WIST4009 Wauwatosa WIST5026 West Bend WIST5008 West Bend WIST4045 West Bend WIST7105 Racine WIST4036 Waukesha, WIST5050 Milwaukee WIST2001 Milwaukee WIST5028 Milwaukee WIST5068 Brookfield WIST4020 West Allis WIST7107 Butler WIST7110 Waukesha WIST3015 Oostburg WIST7091 Oak Creek WIST7090 Greenfield WIST5049 Brookfield WIST6004 Sussex WIST2013 West Allis WIST5055 Wauwatosa WIST5040 Muskego WIST7087 Kenosha Company 688-Cars.inc, Aamco Transmission #15160 (#423) Accelerated Auto Service Affordable Car & Marine Firestone Allenton Service American Muffler & Automotive Anastos Motors Inc. Anaya's Auto Repair Anderson Automotive Apple Automotive Aurora Auto Care Auto Analyzers Auto ConnectionZ Auto House Waukesha Automotive Solutions B & G Auto Badger Truck Center Bluemound Auto Service Bob Fish Buick GMC Bob's Main Street Auto & Tow Bob's Main Street Auto & Tow Bohl Automotive Boucher Chevrolet, Inc. Boucher Kia Braeger Chevy Inc Braeger Ford Inc Brookfield Super Lube Burgess Car & Truck Service Center Butler Auto Body C J Automotive Inc. Carlton Automotive Inc. Carwurx Carwurx Plus Chris Auto Service Chuck's Main St. Auto Cleveland Avenue Automotive Curriepark Auto Center Dads Auto Service Dave's American Discount Muffler Address W230 S8895 Clark St. 9055 N. 76th St. 667 W. State St. 12465 W. Lisbon Rd 5908 Hillcrest Dr. 5933 S. Pine St. 4513 S. Greenbay Rd 2515 52nd St. 240 Highland Dr. N47 W28229 Lynndale Rd 2083 S. Muskego Ave. 8404 W. Greenfield Ave. N56 W39413 Hwy 16 1611 Lincoln Ave 215 Klein Lane 9105 W. Hampton Ave. 2326 W. St. Paul Ave 6000 W. Bluemound Rd 2275 S. Main St. 115 W. Decorah Rd 1200 North Main Street 2525 Douglas Ave 1421 E. Moreland Blvd 8730 N. 91st St 4100 S. 27th St 4201 S. 27th St 600 Woelfel Rd 9018 W CONRAD LANE 4830 N. 125th St. 1429 E. Main St # A 1318 Center St., PO Box 700288 6906 S. 27th ST. 10685 W. Layton Ave. 14000 W. Greenfield Ave. N64 W23876 Main St. 8440 W. Cleveland Ave. 10745 W. Capitol Dr. S98 W12575 Loomis Crt. 8719 Sheridan Rd Zip 53103 53223 53105 53005 53002 53105 53144 53140 53021 53072 53204 53214 53066 53186 53080 53225 53227 53213 53095 53090 53402 53186 53224 53221 53221 53120 53214 53007 53186 53070 53154 53228 53005 53089 53227 53222 53150 53142 County Waukesha Milwaukee Racine Waukesha Washington Racine Kenosha Kenosha Ozaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Ozaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Washington Washington Washington Racine Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Sheboygen Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Kenosha Total Equipment Audits 12 30 15 12 30 12 15 15 36 0 6 18 9 0 39 12 12 27 33 45 12 12 12 15 15 15 12 15 21 0 42 18 12 18 15 18 27 12 15 Appendix 3(c)(2) Equipment Audits Station Number City WIST5005 Greenfield WIST5045 Jackson WIST4028 Brookfield WIST5015 Racine WIST6019 Muskego WIST1002 Milwaukee WIST5061 Waukesha WIST7018 Menomonee Falls WIST2017 Waukesha WIST4040 Cudahy WIST7021 West Allis WIST3002 Greenfield WIST3012 Menomonee Falls WIST4017 Franklin WIST5009 Brookfield WIST5011 Brookfield WIST5043 Greenfield WIST5041 Menomonee Falls WIST7081 Brown Deer WIST7116 Brookfield WIST2018 WAUKESHA WIST8006 Milwaukee WIST5069 Milwaukee WIST7113 Hales Corners WIST4044 Wauwatosa WIST4043 MILWAUKEE WIST4043 MILWAUKEE WIST8002 NEW BERLIN WIST4019 West Allis WIST5014 Racine WIST7092 Dousman WIST4024 Franklin WIST3004 Kenosha WIST3005 West Bend WIST7093 Brookfield WIST5066 Cudahy WIST7078 Waukesha WIST6022 Milwaukee WIST7016 Hartland Company Dave's Garage Inc. Dave's Truck & 4 X 4 Repair, LLC Dodge City of Milwaukee Durand Automotive Center E.J. Salentine Buick Engine & Transmission Exchange Engine & Transmission Exchange Ernie von Schledorn, Inc. Ewald Chevrolet Buick Ewald Venus Ford Expert Car Care Inc. F & F Tire World F & F Tire World F & F Tire World F & F Tire World F & F Tire World F & F Tire World Falls Auto Tech Farkas Automotive Inc. Fast Track Oil Change #10 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #13 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #9 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #8 Fast Track Oil Change #03 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #11 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #4 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #7 FASTTRACK OIL CHANGE CENTERS #1 Fleet Auto Sales & Service Frank Boucher Chevrolet Cadillac G-Brock's Auto Repair Girard's Service Gordie Boucher Ford Gordie Boucher Ford Lincoln Gordon's Wheel Service Grady's Automotive Inc. Griffin Ford Hall Automotive Hartland Services Inc. Address 5454 W. Forest Home Ave. 2993 Sherman Rd. 19100 W. Capitol Dr. 1623 Durand Ave. 14444 W. Janesville Rd 2727 S. 27th St. 1604 S. West Ave. N88 W14167 Main St. 36833 E Wisconsin Ave 2727 E. Layton Ave. 6803 W. National Ave. 7425 W. Holmes Ave. N86 W16370 Appleton Ave. 2930 W. Rawson Ave. 410 N. Mooreland Rd 20120 Bluemond Rd. 4671 S. 27th St. N84 W15859 Appleton Ave. 8008 N. Sherman 14245 W. Capotol Dr 1557 E MORELAND BLVD North port road 1557 E MORELAND BLVD 5400 S. 108th St. West North Avenue 4296 S 27TH ST 4296 S 27TH ST 15400 W NATIONAL AVE 7400 W. National Ave. 8600 Washington Ave. 375 E. Ottawa Ave 5517 W. Rawson Ave. 8301 75th St. 3021 W. Washington St. 3595 N. 124 St. 6272 S. Packard Ave 1940 E. Main St. 11011 W. North Ave 400 Industrial Dr Zip 53220 53037 53045 53403 53150 53215 53189 53051 53066 53110 53214 53220 53051 53132 53005 53045 53221 53051 53209 53186 53186 53186 53130 53221 53221 53221 53151 53214 53406 53118 53132 53142 53095 53005 53110 53186 53226 53029 County Milwaukee Washington Waukesha Racine Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee WAUKESHA Milwaukee WAUKESHA Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee WAUKESHA Milwaukee Racine Waukesha Milwaukee Kenosha Washington Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Total Equipment Audits 12 45 3 15 0 12 12 21 12 18 18 0 18 18 12 12 15 18 30 6 12 33 24 12 24 30 9 12 18 15 12 18 15 36 12 18 12 21 12 Appendix 3(c)(2) Equipment Audits Station Number City WIST2003 Salem WIST7104 Milwaukee WIST2015 Milwaukee WIST1005 Cedarburg WIST4041 Waukesha WIST7088 Kenosha WIST4015 Hales Corners WIST6005 Bristol WIST5039 Milwaukee WIST7012 Racine WIST5052 Franksville WIST4011 Thiensville WISTT001 Waukesha WIST4004 New Berlin WIST4002 Slinger WIST3013 Milwaukee WIST7022 Greenfield WIST3014 West Allis WIST7079 Milwaukee WIST5012 Cedarburg WIST4003 Wauwatosa WIST2006 Oconomowoc WIST4014 Richfield WIST4032 Milwaukee WIST5022 Milwaukee WIST7023 Milwaukee WIST5001 Burlington WIST6013 Brookfield WIST3007 Kenosha WIST5067 Burlington WIST1011 Waterford WIST6001 Racine WIST6021 Wales WIST3006 Big Bend WIST5053 Cascade WIST2007 West Allis WIST2008 Kenosha WIST4042 MILWAUKEE WIST6016 Burlington Company Hartnell Chevrolet Heiser Quick Motors Heiser Toyota Herman's Complete Car Care LLC Hillside Auto Body Hoffman Auto & Tire Holz Motors Inc. Honda of Kenosha Import Minded Inc. Import Specialists Inc. Jacks Auto Service Inc. Jenior Tire & Automotive Service Inc. Jerrys Auto Service Inc. Jim's Mobil Service Inc. Joe's Slinger Service LLC John Amato Hyundai Inc. John Paul's Buick GMC Komp Tech Automotive Service Koplein Tune & Lube Krueger's Auto Tech Center Kusch's Automotive Labelle Auto (auto Conectionz) Laubenheimer's Garage LLC Laus Tire & Auto Lindem's Auto Repair Lisbon Sales & Services Lois Tire Shop Lutter's Elmbrook Automotive Lynch Chevrolet of Kenosha Lynch GM Superstore Lynch Truck Center M & M Citgo Maddison Automotive Martin's Automotive Services Mayer Automotive LLC. Meineke Car Care Center Meineke Car Care Center MEINEKE CAR CARE CENTER Mertens Auto Service Center Address 7800 Antioch Rd. (Hwy 83) 7800 N 76th St. 11301 W. Metro Blvd. W68 N954 Washington Ave. 1336 E. Main st. 5616 Green Bay Rd 5961 S. 108th Place 12180 77th St 4200 S. 27th St. 2121 N. Hwy 31 9901 Kraut Rd 201 S Main St. W229 N2467 Hwy F 12401 W. Cleveland Ave. 220 Info Hwy. Crt. 8301 N. 76th St. 3615 S. 108th St. 8832 W. Greenfield Ave. 7960 N. 76th St. W61 N225 Cardinal Ave. 136 N. 120th St. N56 W39413 Hwy 16 1860 Hwy 175, PO Box 36 5025 W. Villard Ave. 117 E. Capitol Dr 7515 W. Lisbon Ave. 916 Milwaukee Ave. 16880 Greenfield Avenue 7650 75th St. 2300 Browns Lake Dr. 29000 Sharon Lane 2101 Douglas Ave. 210 N. Wales Rd. W230 S8750 Wynn Dr W6082 Hwy W 10214 W. Greenfield Ave. 6702 - 39th Ave. 4320 S 27TH ST 389 Milwaukee Ave. Zip 53168 53223 53224 53012 53144 53130 53104 53221 53405 53126 53092 53186 53151 53086 53223 53228 53214 53223 53012 53226 53076 53218 53212 53216 53105 53005 53142 53105 53185 53402 53183 53103 53011 53214 53142 53221 53105 County Total Equipment Audits Kenosha Milwaukee Milwaukee Ozaukee Waukesha Kenosha Milwaukee Kenosha Milwaukee Racine Racine Ozaukee Waukesha Waukesha Washington Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Ozaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Washington Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Racine Waukesha Kenosha Racine Racine Racine Waukesha Waukesha Sheboygen Milwaukee Kenosha MILWAUKEE Racine 15 21 33 6 15 15 6 15 21 12 12 33 12 12 24 24 12 18 24 27 15 3 21 30 36 21 15 12 12 15 15 15 12 12 36 18 15 12 15 Appendix 3(c)(2) Equipment Audits Station Number City WIST7103 Plymouth WIST7007 Racine WIST7024 Kenosha WIST7025 Menomonee Falls WIST7026 Milwaukee WIST2014 Milwaukee WIST7027 Milwaukee WIST1014 Waukesha WIST4007 Racine WIST7108 Sheboygan WIST3016 Sheboygan WIST1013 Menomonee Falls WIST7109 Sheboygan WIST5007 Menomonee Falls WIST5021 Milwaukee WIST5036 Milwaukee WIST5047 West Allis WIST6012 Greenfield WIST6014 Cudahy WIST7015 Brookfield WIST4025 New Berlin WIST7094 Muskego WIST8004 MILWAUKEE WIST7095 New Berlin WIST5063 Milwaukee WIST7029 Milwaukee WIST7030 Kenosha WIST7031 Pewaukee WIST4006 Cedarburg WIST7032 Milwaukee WIST7014 Oak Creek WIST5004 Wauwatosa WIST2016 Milwaukee WIST5029 Kenosha WIST7004 Racine WIST6018 Kenosha WIST7033 Racine WIST7034 Sheboygan WIST5017 Hartford Company Meyer Motors Inc. Midas Midas Midas Midas Midas Auto Service Center Midas Auto Service Center Mission Auto Services Mobil Auto Care Mobil1 Lube Express Mobil1 Lube Express Mobil1 Lube Express Mobil1 Lube Express Monro Monro Monro Monro Monro Monro Monro Moorland Auto Repair Inc. Muskego Tire & Auto NATIONAL AUTO TECH National Complete Auto Care National Muffler & Brake National Muffler & Brake National Pride Auto Nelson's Automotive of Pewaukee Newman Chevrolet North Avenue Firestone Oak Creek Automotive Inc. O'Gorman's West Town Auto O'Reilly Palmen Buick, GMC, Cadillac Passehl's BP Paul's Bender Center Pinkalla Auto Solutions Power's Tire & Auto Service Pro Auto Center Address 107 Plaza Lane 1230 S. Green Bay Rd 4500 52nd St. N96 W18375 Hwy Q 6050 N. 91st St. 3706 W. Wisconsin Ave. 5811 W. Capitol Dr. 1230 South West Ave 5505 Durand Ave. 2757 Calumet Dr. Indiana Ave W156 N8390 Pilgrim Rd 3669 S. Taylor Dr. N88 W15176 Main St. 5930 W. Bluemound Rd 3849 S. 27th St. 1212 S. 108th St. 7500 W. Layton Ave. 6084 S. Packard Ave. 13190 W. Capitol Dr. 3890 S. Moorland Rd S73 W16610 Janesville Rd 630 WEST NATIONAL AVE 16405 W. National Ave. 1614 W. National Ave. 5740 W. Fond du Lac Ave. 5512 75th St. N49 W22900 Commerce Ctr. Dr. 1181 Wauwatosa Rd 4926 W. North Ave. 7948 S. 27th St. 7105 w. North Ave. 324 W. Cherry 7110 74th Place 4625 Taylor Ave. 8313 22nd Ave. 3059 Durand Ave. 3347 Kohler Memorial Ste. 24 303 E. Monroe Ave. Zip 53073 53406 53144 53052 53225 53208 53216 53186 53405 53081 53081 53081 53051 53213 53221 53214 53220 53110 53005 53151 53150 53204 53151 53204 53216 53142 53072 53012 53208 53154 53213 53142 53405 53143 53403 53081 53027 County Total Equipment Audits Sheboygan Racine Kenosha Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Racine Sheboygan Sheboygan Waukesha Sheboygan Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha MILWAUKEE Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Kenosha Waukesha Ozaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Kenosha Racine Kenosha Racine Sheboygen Washington 42 15 15 27 42 12 30 12 12 54 18 15 66 21 30 12 18 12 21 9 3 15 18 9 0 6 15 12 27 30 18 27 27 15 15 15 15 30 33 Appendix 3(c)(2) Equipment Audits Station Number City WIST4031 Kenosha WIST7035 Menomonee Falls WIST7036 Racine WIST7037 Oconomowoc WIST7038 Kenosha WIST7039 Richfield WIST5037 Greenfield WIST7040 Muskego WIST7041 Greendale WIST7042 Waukesha WIST7017 Racine WIST7043 Mukwonago WIST7044 Menomonee Falls WIST7045 Mukwonago WIST7046 Milwaukee WIST5058 Milwaukee WIST5003 Milwaukee WIST7009 Milwaukee WIST7086 Waukesha WIST4026 Wauwatosa WIST6009 Greenfield WIST5023 Waukesha WIST5044 Milwaukee WIST7049 West Bend WIST7006 West Bend WIST7011 Salem WISTT005 Slinger WIST1006 Greenfield WIST7080 Saukville WIST7051 Milwaukee WIST1015 Menomonee Falls WIST7117 Cudahy WIST7083 Sheboygan WIST7098 Shorewood WIST8001 Hartland WIST7052 Oconomowoc WIST7053 Silver Lake WIST7054 Menomonee Falls WIST7055 Milwaukee Company R & R Automotive R.B. Enterprises of Menomonee Falls, Inc. Racine Auto Specialist Ralph's Auto Center Inc. Rhode's Auto & Truck Repair Richfield Service Richlonns Tire & Service Center Richlonns Tire & Service Center Richlonns Tire & Service Center Richlonns Tire & Service Center Richlonns Tire & Service Centers River Crest Tire & Auto Service River Falls Oil & Tire Rivers Edge Oil & Tire Rob Weigman's Automotive Inc Ruby Isle Auto Russ Darrow Chrysler Jeep Dodge Russ Darrow Honda Russ Darrow Kia of Waukesha Russ Darrow Kia of Wauwatosa Russ Darrow Mazda Russ Darrow Mitsubishi Russ Darrow Nissan Russ Darrow Toyota Russ Darrow West Bend Salem Auto Service Schaefer Service Center Schlossmann’s Honda City Schmidt Bros Ford Lincoln Scorsone Automotive Inc. Scrub A Dub Scrub A Dub Sheboygan Chevrolet GMC Buick Shorewood Auto Repair Silver Lake Auto Center Silver Lake Auto Service Inc. Silver Lake Auto Service Inc. Sippl's Auto Service Inc. South Milwaukee Car Care Center Address 6930 39th Ave. N89 W15963 Main St. 2320 Douglas Ave. W395 W5700 Frontier Rd 8640 Sheridan Rd 1810 Wolf Rd 4440 S. 108th St. S78 W18755 Janesville Rd 5131 S. 76th St. 2480 W. Sunset Dr. 5418 Washington Ave. 880 Main St. N88W15220 Main St. 811 S. Rochester St. 7169 W. Fond Du Lac Ave 11137 W. Silver Spring Dr. 7676 North 76th St 9301 West Brown Deer Rd 2141 E. Moreland Blvd 1901 N. Mayfair Rd 3520 South 108th Street W226 S1700 Hwy 164 9201 W. Brown Deer Rd 2700 W. Washington St. 2310 W. Washington St. 8515 Antioch Rd 1130 E. Commerce Blvd 3450 South 108th St. 925 E. Green Bay Rd 7200 W. Good Hope Rd N95 W18255 Appleton Ave 5506 South Packard Ave 3400 S. Business Dr. 1330 E. Capitol Dr. N76 W30620 HWY VV 36355 E. Wisconsin Ave. 551 N. Cogswell Dr. N87 W17460 Main St. 1221 N. Chicago Ave. Zip 53142 53051 53402 53066 53143 53076 53228 53150 53129 53189 53406 53149 53051 53149 53218 53225 53223 53224 53186 53226 53228 53186 53224 53095 53095 53168 53086 53227 53080 53223 53081 53211 53029 53066 53170 53051 53172 County Kenosha Waukesha Racine Waukesha Kenosha Washington Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Waukesha Racine Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Washington Washington Kenosha Washington Milwaukee Ozaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Sheboygan Milwaukee Waukesha Waukesha Kenosha Waukesha Milwaukee Total Equipment Audits 15 9 15 12 15 21 15 12 12 12 15 9 12 15 18 33 21 18 12 21 6 12 33 39 48 18 24 9 45 15 12 6 48 27 9 15 15 18 18 Appendix 3(c)(2) Equipment Audits Station Number City WIST7056 West Allis WIST7057 Milwaukee WIST2020 Franklin WIST7060 Union Grove WIST7061 Elkhart Lake WIST7062 Port Washington WIST7063 Milwaukee WIST7064 Mequon WIST7065 Milwaukee WIST7084 Slinger WIST4046 Kenosha WIST7111 Milwaukee WIST7112 Milwaukee WIST4039 Plymouth WIST7066 Mukwonago WIST7067 Germantown WIST7068 Wales WIST7069 Pewaukee WIST7070 Germantown WIST7071 Greenfield WIST7102 West Bend WIST7072 Hartford WIST7106 West Allis WIST7073 Wilmot WIST7074 Milwaukee WIST7075 New Berlin WIST7076 Oak Creek Company Southtown Tire & Auto Subaru City Suds Wash & Lube Tenhagen Auto Service Theel Auto Inc. Tires Unlimited Automotive Service Toor Auto Services Trust Tire & Auto Service Twenty First Century Auto Uptown Chevrolet Valvoline Valvoline Valvoline Van Horn Dodge Village Car Care LLC. Village Tire & Auto Wales Super Lube #421 Waukesha Super Lube #427 Weissman Automotive Welks Automotive West Bend Tire Co. Westside Auto Center Wilde Toyota Wilmot Auto Service Inc. Wisconsin Muffler Wisconsin Muffler WJ Kuhn Automotive Center Inc. Address 2906 S. 108th St. 4640 S. 27th St. 7700 W Rawson Ave 21445 Durand Ave. N8364 County Rd J 1557 N. Wisconsin St. 4161 S. Howell Ave. 10432 N. Port Washington Rd 5300 W. Forest Home Ave. 1101 E. Commerce BLvd 3015 52nd Street 3360 s. 27th st. 112 S. 68th St. 3000 Eastern Ave 447 Bay View Rd W172 N12185 Division Rd 120 W. Summit Ave 2210 Silvernail Rd W140 N10455 Fond du Lac Ave. 8333 W. Layton Ave. 2001 Parkway Dr. 820 W. Sumner St. 3225 S. 108 St. 11307 Fox River Rd 3634 W. Lincoln Ave. 13320 W. College Ave. 8511 S. Howell Ave. Zip 53227 53221 53132 53182 53020 53074 53207 53092 53220 53086 53073 53149 53022 53183 53072 53022 53220 53095 53027 53227 53192 53215 53151 53154 County Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Racine Sheboygen Ozaukee Milwaukee Ozaukee Milwaukee Washington Kenosha Milwaukee Milwaukee Sheboygan Waukesha Washington Waukesha Waukesha Washington Milwaukee Washington Washington Milwaukee Kenosha Milwaukee Waukesha Milwaukee Total Equipment Audits 18 15 12 15 45 24 15 42 12 24 6 12 18 45 12 21 18 9 21 12 24 33 15 15 12 12 24 4086