ffi,m - Garfield Heights High School 1962
ffi,m - Garfield Heights High School 1962
#% ffi"; s,lil- p, ltu * ffi w"w w, wffiWffiWffi ffi ffi %-tr %,'F' %, d "'.,m4 M''' ffil.r' l ffi ryw -ffi,m %,# Y.- *w " #?,& W .#r: ffi M' ffiffi.*, w ,ffi\ &s #,., w w Mlie. tr Kcrpinec, Pociotti, Show, Trocy, Cozzens, ptok, Fetzer. Son, Benco, Fiktus, Frohusik, Rembowski, Kniesner,-Wil.on, Rubin, Vohnout. 'Borinowski. lgw _TfLEE:_ Sofko, Siko, Coskey, Lillie, Flis, Nowocznski, Rogolski, Hortley, RoW FoUR: Geide, coughlin, smiley, Skolo, Togliosini, prince, ste-ller, Verlouts,'Jocob. RoW FIVE: Werstok, Kone, Jondo, Schrof , Todd, Trende, Loscolo, Wright,'Cordorell'o. ROW SIX: Al.lie, Zemon, Jockowicz, Hochschild, Dempsey, Schorpp, DiFronio, Kosnik, Legutki. ROW S.EVEN: lr-udeoy, Koczmorczyk, Antonucci, stonek, Nowoczneski, Dombos, Hr;dik, Bortow, Wrono. ROW EIGHT: Gilonyi, Jennings, Treoes, Serroni, Furness, Kokely, Erp"oun, Mill"r, lqw 9.\f EqW Scott. JWO_:_ Q_ueenberry, Hegedus, r. &*,,,,,,i Freshrnen &i,,'il rrtll i$$.:irli:i ffi ii{::lx!ri,:'*nrsi:tl,lih'i1r:ffli'.,,"ii1ti:i!"';'q:s,?,I"dit:i;:#i*.""J8w "flutuTbtil#,t3.} iillil)','*:ff%i:r:ii!d?f1i,:,,1:l-'ii;",*:lyl:ll:."'"'#' ,i*::x*,*::r,.!,"!ll"ri?:;, i6{" ,,u,, Low,ence, A:g::li;i#:'$:5;t:r"i"r""?,?, f io,rnu"nuEr*i*:;:yr:{i:Tii;i+.i'iai^"";r""r.i'{}!i. s*r"i';"ff Den s:ilf"li#il:{il!,^[i::"fi,?t;i"T:,",,.ri'3:*i, [il,+T=""#i,F"Y*il],-dw'i,.#JHrl is, Neno do ;-;li":x:::,J-:#v;rtf,,"fl'Jsi:#t""fr i i{.. tui;i;, Tl.*, V,l.i:,.il"ifJ3,l; i#:'ruex",iig*:t l:,.6.il:::" : iiffi d ;i Freshmen ffi Ws,f, *W #q #&e-t ' ffi w' ffi #x':; @ &* w Mr* ffi *- kj'$.- ^eJ ffi & sl\ ffi*:' w @ ROW ONE: Gribovicz, Cheek, Olenik, Holl, poso 54 Remner, Fodor, L"u"s;;.., 6;i;#1.'poromino pnwriknwc'i F,lllr ft:9r:'r G,i1.),..Lq)ry-fw-o: glil*'i'!:ii;'-i' ROW THREE: Sledz, Ritey, Bilczoj fiz h;3::;",:;,"?:'z'J:li i:1.:"(:,"i::;!."yit;^ ",{:,1::? -gyjli+fi:, "'"lxf;, ;:ll:.de"[y,[ i!I"'.1.:"_i?",Xi:? 3,:f:; l!:l;:i,Ji::in??ji:,!"ff:,;; *T,.#; i:;:ffi:'"6jil:*?,:10,:,"?:'1"51? IiiT{S?"y-"ik*:::rry*i ".;"li,"iR; #:n:; ,cffi,"!""ii'"ll'",'ilfi[:1,\i*:,'.T' ri;Ti, i'i:?'it#l:' 1"":"Ta,f';!vrl,'lof,fr;1": ;*t,n;;l*!r, ''ij:i.i{, tr;r)vl!i; ,t;"'J;J:::,;:?::"(oy;i":*tu:€ff: l?["+9y"j:yr!:,y;li'r^,'::,'*::ili:i;"i,=1., [#';.j',-5lh ,t;!,i*$r"*:X; Xill;.ilil"&,i,i:-T,?.*i",o#: *F3ill" iljlil;j"g:l: Homilton, n[RH Settte, Strozzo,.,ti, Joskowski; g:'_"ry",.,iifi:li;,il, H;r;;th,' b;ji;;1, "("Ail'it3il,o Freshmen" ffii l9W q.Nf Poul, Holl,,Guerro,..Strezlicke, Rogolsky, Czydowski, Trende, Bordursr, Sobie. ROW .TW_O_: .Zosodni, Vosen,_kirkpotric, iome-s, B;;..u,1, B;flit, ChJppo. Zouszniewski, Jucknik. RoW THREE: york, zogor:, stupko, Boehm, zierky', r<o".ig, c;.;'"r. Dluski, Rusnok. t$y|, Aaoi., f"sJ"1 Honn"r, Korwon, Michotson, Dovis, Bosiewicz. IPW KUVY l-lVt: lmolnol;t,.9r;ss., Frosty, Vodiko, Glozewski, Stohl, piuso, Sowyer, M";."-,.Grompietro, cheek, obbert_, Herinski,'Madorski, s-iir','xi-=iJ, MilE il'Ji."., Burone.Gli;[;: f9w. ltx' RoW sEVEN: Kominski. Gitl Fenton,- Foio, Tonsini,-Roberts, Kwilcien,-6cirlf,erl, Wolloce. Row EIGHT : Hoherz, Fincn,' Moch, kr"tr,'c"rr""";'f{;;k, r_ulius, H;iiil; i;.;. Freshmen M ffi"_. w --rl'& ffi ffi'. W fr '''' % ROW ONE: Kosey, Yocobellis, Fronce, Wolters, Cochlin, Villello,_Grober, Vitole, W_orne-r. ROW TWO: Picone, Frcmmillel, Corrodi, zeszolek, Miller, Anerson, Escoooge, Gregory, scric.h. ROW THREE: Kolckowski, Wilson, Fussoro, Alesci, Ropp, Suroce, Gole, Zuronski, slit! $QW FOUR: Motsoko, Kelly, fiorillo, Porembo,.Shepko, Coputo, Turner, Kombos, Goillord. BqW FIVE: Fronceo, Ulontli, Morzo'no, Cordosi, Golde, Schombocher, Cozzens, Elliot, -Top. _ROW SIX: Rose, St. iohn, Brown, Rofol,'Ponkowski, Cool<, Protley, Krejny, Fernondez. ROW SEVEN: Bonitz, Aenis, Kleihke, Horvoth, Ziemonn, Syllobo, Gombos, Ehosz, To.mco' ROW EIGHT: Borber, Piles, Hurley Motello, Bonnell, Smith, Buchwold, Picciono, Meroirio. 66 Freshmen ffiWw6i6effi] g.ii', E u#s *#@_.1a-,,,@_t il q # !t Y x i Pell, Birr, H^onsli, Bremonour, Anthony, Jones, Stohlmon, l9W Row 9f.l.q, TWo: Pientowski. Seetch, D,Ambrosio. Buc,hor,^Zugor itz,'Kugrin, Novotny,' s"r"g"rl ko"r"ot, Conegris, cinchinski Row rHREE: Groile, chrri'..t,'WJa'uii, sJr."ti.ki, Groner, Lowronce, Biber, Mor-g"i.r*iy, sick, Keilv. ROW FOUR: picciono, zoui, Arberts, Gorion, ,rairrui, prusinski, Hnos, Yonovich. RoW FIVE: Jones. Runt, stibich, sr'r"fpqra, linr,ori, nrroio, rrrr., ROW SIX: Mevers. Krrrn6, !6lpi6,' Koni".lyn.ki Furbee, Spicel, Romcno, Socho, Frontz. Kuntz, Morbeto. Feci<onin, Meek, l9W S_FYF\' ilorrir, Mion, prti.'t , Srrnurto.i,'Wtt.on, Sheppord, Cross. -goru"", -,ra"rno.,'sionIr"*i*, F"%".''ont, Piichro, Derewski, z.or"^bo, Koie{r, r<or.i'.1.. Freshmen RoW oNE: Monkowski Uros'ewski, Hite, Doubrovo, yesenski, Wirgenski, Tyhurski, Mi1or, Terrop. RoW rwo: oleficiG,.;;;, n"tsr'i"",!;r.f, ll,i,'sl",!."j''s",u"k, Ko1er, por_ ombo' Row THREE: von-Done, spun."i, 's.oiij ni.nn.'ona, M"-r;;;"i"rp er, Birr, choppeil, Hoislboner. Row FouR:.Toush,'ri"t",-L.i.r.", linto, coutll, L-""=.L,'duin, 'ilp-oi, Monter, posrer. RoW FtvE: seetch. Stooin,.t-r.o., M6rr,-o.i'g", D"'L'.J; sp.oggins. Row slX: Thornhilr. Koch. cire;i, He;;o", k"ti"ir.li,r"J*r; zorecki, Kubicky,'Tomoseli, Krywonek. Row SEVEN: Guidetie. cror[, Louo.., Hl.ir,"iL".zen, sesny, Lubinski, Mis, Koiser. Row EIGHT: Rochnowski, yuzwo, ,r,,\ovr.o*rli, H"*r.i.t, Hovorko, Kus, Dovis, zbiegien, Diriberto. 58 Showboat '6I Plot Muu Muu Modness, the title of this yeor's Showboot extrovogonzo, provided excellent entertoinment for the oppreciotive oudiences on the nights of November l7 ond 18, 196,l. The theme this yeor hod on unusuolly fine plot interwoven with thirty-five octs wonderfully performed by fine, tolented students from oll grode levels. This onnuol production, over the period of yeors, hos become one of the highlights of the school yeor to which everyone looks forword. After mony weeks of constont reheorsing ond revisions, the butterflies mounted in the stomochs of mony of the two hundred plus performers. Thonks to the copoble supervision of the foculty odvisor, Mr. Joseph Bongorno, the polished product come through without o flow. A new girl (Pot Sonto Morio) orrives in town ond proceeds to ottroct oll of the eligible boys including Korl Hesselbein, Dove Thomos, ond Jim Zqwocki. The jilted girls (Jon Joblonski ond Corolyn Zelei) plot revenge with their girl friends ot o muu muu porty. While listening to the lotest songbelting sensotion, Bucky Weover (Pot Strototi), they foll osleep. During the dreom sequence they win q s6nfs5f-first prize is o dote with Bucky. As the end of the show winds up, everything is ogoin o bed of roses ond the gols get their boyfriends bock. i ll I I l l i I ,l The joint efforts of Corol Golluci ond Vicki Philbrick went into the writing ond directing of this fine production. The Showboot Bond, under the direction of Mr. Guy Stello, provided the instrumentol qrrongements ond music for the occosion. Mr. E. Jomes Kotoro ossisted in the vocol orrongements ond cooching feotured soloists ond singing groups while Don Doy ond Morlene Worner provided the piono occomponiment. I Monoger of the properties wos Jon Gosselin whose job it wos to secure ond core for stoge furniture ond equipment. Much of this wos supplied by the cost through mony willing porents. The mognificent ond colorful scertery wos designed, erected, ond pointed by the Art Production group under the oble supervision of Miss Kothryn Krumhonsl. Borboro Vedrin, Koren King, ond Shirley ond Shoron Hontok put in mony hours to moke the set designs o vivid reolity. The worried ond frenzied excitement is now o memory of the post. Showboot'61, Muu Muu Modness, is just o memory. As yeors poss, this delightful vision will remoin os o shorp imoge in the minds of oll of fhs 6q5fo port of the joy ond excitement thot we hove oll found during our few short yeors ot Gorf ield Heights High School. 69 Muu Muu Madness Muu Muu Madness