Auto Show: Some see sales slowdown


Auto Show: Some see sales slowdown
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Auto Show: Some see sales
slowdown; fuel economy quandary
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PUBLISHED: 16:09 EST, 12 January 2016 | UPDAT ED: 16:09 EST, 12 January 2016
DETROIT (AP) — The Nort h American Int ernat ional Aut o Show opens t o t he public Jan. 16 in
Det roit . Here are some of t he t hings we learned at t his week's media preview:
Daily Mail
Daily Mail
Daily Mail
shocking moment
Rebecca Adlingt on
dislocat ed her
shoulder af t er
risky st unt on T he
Jump t hat was
'worse t han
childbirt h'
FILE - In t his Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016, f ile phot o, journalist s look over t he Mercedes-Benz
new E-Class sedan during a preview night f or t he Nort h American Int ernat ional Aut o
Show, in Det roit . T he Mercedes-Benz E-Class can change lanes by it self and maint ain
a saf e dist ance f rom t he car in f ront of it at speeds up t o 130 miles per hour. (AP
Phot o/Carlos Osorio, File)
The aut o indust ry set a record for sales of 17.5 million in t he U.S. last year, capping six
st raight years of growt h. Now, indust ry insiders say t he U.S. market is st art ing t o plat eau,
wit h many forecast s calling for a similar level of sales t his year.
Mike Jackson, CEO of Aut oNat ion, t he count ry's biggest dealership chain, is one of t hose
saying sales will flat t en out . He looks at t he high levels of invent ory and t he incent ives
being offered t o car buyers and sees signs of a slowdown. Jackson is already reducing his
new vehicle orders and cut t ing back on market ing.
He says a plat eau wit h sales at record levels isn't a bad t hing. The issue is how aut omakers
deal wit h prosperit y. If, for inst ance, t hey don't cont rol product ion, t hey could build t oo
many cars t hat people don't want and t hen have t o discount t hem.
"We won t he Super Bowl. We can be here for a while. You just have t o manage it
different ly," Jackson said.
U.S. fuel economy st andards — or CAFE st andards, for corporat e average fuel economy —
are scheduled t o rise t o a fleet wide average of 54.5 miles per gallon in 2025. The
regulat ions, which were put in place in 2012, call for a review t hat begins t his year and ends
in 2018.
Some aut omakers are st art ing t o quest ion t he st andards. They were put in place when gas
prices were st eadily above $3 a gallon. Now t hat gas is hovering around $2 per gallon, car
companies are having a hard t ime selling fuel-efficient small cars, hybrids and elect rics.
Sales of t he most popular hybrid, t he Toyot a Prius, fell 11 percent in 2015.
T he morning
af t er t he night
bef ore! Cheryl
and Nicola Robert s
enjoy a relaxed
day in t he sun
f ollowing
Kimberley Walsh's
nupt ials
not BOARD! Of f dut y David
Beckham visit s
t rendy skat e shop
wit h kids Romeo,
Cruz and Harper
He's a fashionable
Privat es on
parade! War and
Peace f ans lef t
shocked as BBC's
T olst oy adapt at ion
t akes an even
racier t wist wit h
f ull-f ront al male
nudit y during
soldier scene
'Everyt hing about
Barbados f elt so
right ': Kimberley
Walsh and new
husband Just in
Scot t discuss
marriage in prewedding int erview
"I t hink we need t o t ake a st ep back and say, 'OK, here's what t he assumpt ions were, and
how have t he assumpt ions now changed, as we go forward?'," said Jim Lent z, Toyot a's U.S.
chief. "If t hey haven't changed, we ought t o leave t he st andards where t hey are. If t here
are mat erial t hings t hat have changed, we should look at what impact t hat has on
consumer behavior, and t hen decide if t he st andards need t o change."
Nissan-Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn says t he t echnology t o meet t he mandat es already
exist s, but not at a price consumers are willing t o pay. Fiat Chrysler will spend $10,000 more
per vehicle t o make t he plug-in hybrid version of it s new Chrysler Pacifica minivan,
Aut oNat ion's Jackson said, but he's not sure t he company can convince buyers t o pay t hat
much more for it .
"This is a debat e we have wit h regulat ors all over t he world," Ghosn said.
Ninet y-five percent of vehicles sold in t he U.S. are gas-powered. But wit h st rict er fuel
economy st andards looming — and memories of $4 per gallon gas not so long ago —
aut omakers cont inue t o develop alt ernat ives t o gas-powered cars. Audi and Lexus bot h
showed zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell prot ot ypes; Lexus said it could build t he LF-FC
sedan as early as 2020. Volkswagen showed a plug-in hybrid Tiguan SUV concept in Det roit
aft er unveiling t he all-elect ric Budd-e concept van at last week's CES show in Las Vegas.
Fiat Chrysler's plug-in hybrid version of t he Pacifica is a first for t he minivan segment . And
Chevrolet showed t he all-elect ric Bolt , which can go for 200 miles on a charge and will cost
around $30,000 when it goes on sale lat er t his year.
Ford showed updat ed versions of it s Fusion hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars. Execut ive
Chairman Bill Ford said t here's less demand for alt ernat ive-fuel vehicles when gas prices are
so low, but aut omakers should st ill make t hem.
"It 's st ill a cost t o people, fuel is, and I t hink anyt hing we can do t o bring t he cost of owning
a vehicle down is t he right t hing t o do. Clearly in an era of high gas prices it 's more dramat ic,
but it st ill makes sense," he said.
Luxury sales made up about 13 percent of t he U.S. market in 2015, up 1 percent from five
years ago. Daimler AG Chairman Diet er Zet sche said he expect s a lit t le more growt h t his
year, part ly because of t he huge number of millennials ent ering t he market and also
because luxury makers like Daimler's Mercedes-Benz are offering lower-priced models. But
t he growt h will be modest , he says. That means luxury makers will be duking it out t o get
not iced and buyers will likely see some deals on luxury cars.
More t han a dozen new luxury vehicles were int roduced at t he show, including t he
Mercedes-Benz E-Class midsize sedan, t he Lincoln Cont inent al and Volvo S90 full-size
sedans, t he Lexus LC500 and BMW M2 coupes and t he Porsche 911 Turbo. There were also
concept cars from Buick, Acura and Audi.
Hyundai is even launching it s own luxury brand, Genesis, wit h t he G90 sedan. Hyundai Mot or
America CEO Dave Zuchowski says t he G90 is one of six new models Genesis will launch by
2020, direct ly int o an already compet it ive market .
"Everybody t hinks luxury is easy and fun and simple and high margin. In realit y, it 's a
bloodbat h," Zuchowski said.
wedding int erview
T oo cold t o head
out t o Bone
Daddies? M&S
says it s new st ir
f ry range is most
aut hent ic yet , so
we asked chef Jun
T anaka t o t ry it
T OWIE st ar Ferne
McCann sizzles in
pink lingerie as she
st ars in seduct ive
shoot f or By
Single lady won't be
short of admirers
Making a splash!
Myleene Klass
f launt s her
f ant ast ic f igure in
f loral print bikini
as she holidays in
T hailand
She never looks bad
in a bikini
'I had t o break up
wit h him': CBB's
St ephanie Davis
reveals SHE
dumped Zayn Malik
because of his
f ame... as she adds
t hat she made him
wait f or sex
Kat ie Price
f lashes her bra in
racy sheer t op and
shows of f new
ret ro curly
hairst yle as she
enjoys a smooch
wit h husband
Kieran Hayler
f ollowing dinner
Bust y Lisa
Snowdon shows
of f her t aut abs
and ample bosom
in series of sexy
bikini self ies
during idyllic
T hailand get away
Sizzling display
Complet ely self-driving cars are st ill years away. Ahead of t he Det roit show, Tesla CEO Elon
Musk predict ed t hat cars could drive aut onomously across t he count ry in t wo years' t ime.
But ot hers point out t hat even if t he t echnology is here, regulat ions will t ake much longer.
New York st at e, for example, st ill requires drivers t o have at least one hand on t he wheel.
"Because you hear about it so oft en, you expect t o see it next week," said Karl Brauer, a
senior analyst wit h Kelley Blue Book. "That 's just not t he case."
But lot s of cars at t he show are t aking st eps t oward aut onomy. The Mercedes-Benz EClass can change lanes by it self and maint ain a safe dist ance from t he car in front of it at
speeds up t o 130 miles per hour. Volvo's new S90 sedan has st andard semi-aut onomous
t echnology t hat let s t he car accelerat e, decelerat e, come t o a complet e st op and st eer
on a road wit h clear lane markings at speeds up t o 80 miles per hour. And numerous new
vehicles, including t he GMC Acadia and Lincoln Cont inent al, have pedest rian det ect ion
syst ems t hat brake aut omat ically before a collision.
AP Aut o Writ er Tom Krisher and AP writ ers David Runk and Jeff Karoub cont ribut ed t o t his
report .
'He didn't want t o
make a f uss': How
T erry Wogan kept
his bat t le wit h
his bat t le wit h
cancer secret
while his wif e - t he
only woman he
ever loved nursed him t o t he
How Zet a get s
her Zing!
Cat herine claims
t he secret of her
dazzling looks at
46 is using argan
oil. T he t rut h?
Army of expert s
and LOT S of
'I've cured
count ries!' Doct or
who inject ed
himself wit h
Charlie Sheen's
HIV-posit ive blood
makes ast onishing
claims of goat 's
milk t reat ment
FILE - In t his Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, f ile phot o, t he 2017 Chrysler Pacif ica minivan is
unveiled at t he Nort h American Int ernat ional Aut o Show, in Det roit . T he Pacif ica is
Chrysler's f irst new minivan in eight years. (AP Phot o/T ony Ding, File)
East Enders
act ress Charlie
Brooks and
comedian Mat t
Berry pick up a
cof f ee f ollowing
night out
t oget her
They're long-time
Hair I am again!
Poldark st ar Aidan
T urner let himself
grow ahead of
second series as
he says: 'I t hink we
are f inished wit h
t he slight ly naked
'I KNOW he'll give
int o t he
t empt at ion':
Celebrit y Big
Brot her T if f any
Pollard set s her
sight s on Scot t y T
as t hey share
cheeky goodnight
FILE - In t his Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, f ile phot o, Raj Nair, Ford Mot or Co., execut ive vice
president , t alks about t he Ford Fusion hybrid at t he Nort h American Int ernat ional
Aut o Show, in Det roit . Ninet y-f ive percent of vehicles sold in t he U.S. are gaspowered. But wit h st rict er f uel economy st andards looming, and memories of $4 per
gallon gas not so long ago, aut omakers cont inue t o develop alt ernat ives t o gaspowered cars. (AP Phot o/Carlos Osorio, File)
'You don't t hrow
somet hing like
t hat away': Ellie
smoulders in new
magazine shoot as
she discusses
relat ionship woes
relat ionship woes
wit h on/of f beau
Flirt y Harry's Alist blondes: Prince
squeezes int o a
phot oboot h wit h
Suki Wat erhouse,
Cara Delevingne,
Margot Robbie and
Sienna Miller
'Oh no!' Kylie
Jenner f ret s as
rain st art s leaking
t hrough roof of
her $2.7m mansion
and t hreat ens
priceless art work
Shared Snapchat
'She always st uck
up f or him': Khloe
'majorly bet rayed'
by brot her Rob's
decision t o move in
wit h Blac Chyna
She kicked him out
FILE - In t his Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, f ile phot o, Nissan Mot ors Chairman and CEO Carlos
Ghosn t alks about t he new Inf init i Q60 sport s coupe behind him on st age at t he Nort h
American Int ernat ional Aut o Show, in Det roit . T he Associat ed Press t akes a look at
some of t he t hings learned during t he week's media preview. (AP Phot o/T ony Ding,
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'He basically came
in here dead': Kris
Jenner says it 's 'a
miracle' Lamar
Odom is alive af t er
overdose as Khloe
Kardashian keeps
vigil on KUWT K
Shy but not
ret iring! Kylie
Jenner covers her
f ace as she st eps
out wit h boyf riend
T yga... but f lashes
abs by pulling up
her t op
She put on a real
T he cat t hat got
t he cream! Kylie
Jenner's rapper
beau T yga f lashes
golden smile as he
is surrounded by
girls at LA
night club
Hardly believe his luck
'My new hero!'
Grieving Vanessa
Hudgens wows
viewers wit h
perf ormance in
Grease: Live hours
af t er f at her's
deat h f rom cancer
Rides, a marching
band, elephant s
and a st at ue of
Carey 'planning
ext ravagant
wedding' t o
billionaire beau
James Packer
Spot t he best -
support ed
act ress!
Champagne, st eely
st ares and Sarah
cleavage... inside
t he superglamorous SAG
'It was a dagger
t o t he heart ':
Celebrit y Big
Brot her's
St ephanie Davis is
given t he power as
she put s up
West brook f or
EVICT ION wit h killer
nominat ion
Edit h upst ages her
on-screen sist er in
real-lif e Downt on
She is enjoying
romance with co-star
Michael Fox
T aylor Swif t and
Gigi Hadid belt out
songs during
Grease: Live... but
did t hey sing along
during t heir
mut ual ex Joe
Jonas' part ?
Swept up in the fun
Charlie Sheen
'hires lawyer who
helped Kevin
Federline t ake on
Brit ney Spears' as
legal bat t le wit h
Denise Richards
heat s up
Ongoing dispute
'I f inally not iced
result s!' Bella
T horne shares
self ie of t oned
st omach af t er
yoga... bef ore
revealing her
newly blonde
t resses
Couldn't help but show
them off
Michael Jackson
was 'cold as ice':
New memoir
reveals t hat t he
King of Pop 'loved
t o wat ch videos of
his rival Prince
messing up'
It 's t he (east )end
of t he line f or her!
Albert Square
alumna Louisa
Lyt t on is t he f irst
celeb t o be
eliminat ed f rom
T he Jump
She burst into tears
Welcome t o t he
jungle Warnie!
Shane Warne get s
int o t he f ull swing
of jungle lif e in a
cockroach and
maggot shower
af t er jet t ing in t o
I'm A Celebrit y
'I quit cigaret t es
on New Year's':
Chris Brown hit s
out at ex lover's
claims his second
hand smoke gave
daught er ast hma
daught er ast hma
Accused Nia Guzman
of lying in angry post
It 's Han self ie!
Calist a Flockhart
snaps phot os of
husband Harrison
Ford at Lakers
game... and f inds it
Distracted by their
photo-taking antics
Sensat ional in
sequins! Aubrey
Plaza looks showst opping in a
plunging black
dress at t he Art
Direct ors Guild
Back on! Emma
Robert s and Evan
Pet ers only have
eyes f or each
ot her as t hey
share a sweet kiss
af t er rekindling
t heir romance
Enjoyed warm
Cut e cousins!
Jessica Simpson's
son Ace cuddles
Ashlee's baby
daught er Jagger in
a sweet Inst agram
phot o
Makes the heart melt
'T he best idea
ever!' T he
Kardashian clan
dons f ake baby
bumps in honour of
Kim's birt hday in
new KUWT K
Ready for the party
Grumpy and
snide, it 's a miracle
no one's bumped
of f DCI Vera:
ST EVENS reviews
last weekend's T V
PDA Friday! Chris
Evans shares a
kiss wit h wif e
Nat asha
Shishmanian as
t hey enjoy double
dat e wit h
newlywed Alex
Jones and husband
Chyna is
handcuf f ed af t er
being t hrown of f
f light and arrest ed
f or 'drunk and
The 27-year-old was
held in Austin, Texas
Basil in a
basement ! Cleese
splashes out on a
f lat in Bat h's Royal
Crescent af t er
describing t he cit y
as 'my f avourit e in
t he whole world'
She looks blissf ul!
Jamie-Lynn Sigler
shines at opening
of drop-in
medit at ion st udio
af t er revealing
she was t old t o
keep MS a secret
Go t eam! Proud
f at her Jason
Sudeikis holds
cheering son Ot is
as t hey wat ch t he
Clippers game
Loving sport from a
young age
What 's happened
t o Ray Liot t a?
Goodf ellas st ar,
61, swaps his
t rademark craggy
look f or a
smoot h f ace as he
at t ends SAG
Who are you
calling f ake?
Zoolander co-st ars
Ben St iller and
Owen Wilson bring
Rome t o a
st andst ill as t hey
pose as shop
No sibling rivalry
here! Harry Pot t er
act ress Bonnie
Wright spends
'f amily t ime' wit h
f ormer on-screen
brot her Rupert
At Islands Of
Rihanna's 'st alker
sent singer
graphic sexual
video' af t er posing
out side her home
Police revealed
shocking new claims
after she complained
'How can you not
sing along?' Fans
rave about Grease:
Live! and heap
praise on t he
st ars... despit e
audio glit ches
during t he Fox
musical event
From diamond
earrings t o t he
Mohican t o t he
dapper ret iree:
T he many f aces of
David Beckham are
celebrat ed by GQ
Ever changing looks
Sugar Free Farm's
Jennif er Ellison
looks t o indulge
her sweet t oot h as
she gleef ully gazes
at a huge haul of
sugary snacks
Off the wagon?
Peace out ! Anna
Kendrick and
Amanda Seyf ried
go boho chic and
f ind t heir inner
zen at medit at ion
st udio launch
Not quite the red
'How many people
t hought you'd like
Just in Bieber?' Pop
st ar is surprised
by cheering crowd
during imprompt u
night club concert
Welcome surprise
Curls gone wild!
Kat hy Grif f in, 55,
reveals unruly
locks as she hikes
wit h 35-year-old
t oyboy Randy Bick
Enjoyed the sunshine
at Runyon Canyon
'It was like an
alien growing in my
st omach': Ex Page
3 model Linda
Lusardi reveals
her shock af t er
doct ors f ound
t umour t he size of
an orange on her
'T ell Obama my
verses are...
bullet proof ': Drake
responds t o t he
President choosing
Kendrick Lamar as
his rap bat t le
Politics meets hip-hop
'Sat urdays are
f or group hugs!'
T aylor Swif t has
girls' night wit h
Fif t h Harmony's
Camila Cabello and
Empire st ar
Serayah McNeill
Two of her musical
Cockt ails on
arrival, sunset
swims wit h t urt les
and a ban on ANY
pict ures: Inside
Kimberley Walsh's
st ar-st udded
t hree day wedding
in Barbados
Signe Anderson,
Jef f erson
Airplane's original
singer, dies at 74...
on t he same day
f ounding
member Paul
Kant ner died
Megan McKenna
slips int o racy
dress as she
enjoys night out
af t er Celebrit y Big
Brot her... despit e
claiming she is
'being st alked by
'She's t he
great est t hing
t hat ever
happened t o me':
Hugh Jackman
gushes about wif e
of 20 years
Furness on Ellen
Sylvest er
St allone t reat s
himself t o
$161,000 new car
af t er winning big
at Crit ics' Choice
Awards and Golden
Globes f or Creed
Rocky strikes again
MIC's Josh
Shepherd moves
on f rom St ephanie
Prat t split wit h
new lookalike love
int erest as he
kicks back and
soaks up t he sun in
Not seeing t he
f unny side? Krist en
Wiig looks
unimpressed as
she's caught on
camera af t er
losing out on SAG
award t o Queen
Lat if ah
A top performance
T he day Sir T erry
put me in my place
- and proved his
on t he man who
broke list ener
records but in his
mind spoke t o 'only
Mischievous. Self mocking. T erry
Wogan saw himself
as a 'jobbing
broadcast er' but
made millions f eel
like one of t he
f amily, writ es
Friendship and
laught t he
glassf ul: A heart lif t ing t ribut e f rom
a writ er who was
Wogan's f riend
(and long-lunching
part ner) f or 40
Bannat yne is
slammed by Wogan
f ans f or appearing
t o promot e his
gyms on t he back
of t he
ent ert ainer's
deat h
'He was a t rue
gent leman':
Graham Nort on
leads t ouching
t ribut es t o
broadcast ing
legend T erry
Wogan af t er he
loses short cancer
bat t le at 77
T he bank clerk
who became t he
King of Breakf ast :
How Sir T erry
Wogan became one
of Brit ain's biggest
st ars wit h velvet
brogue and wry
t ake on lif e
How will he cope?
Shane Warne
report edly went
'cold t urkey' wit h
his 50-cigaret t e-aday habit t o
appear on I'm A
Celebrit y...Get Me
Out Of Here
'I don't want t o
keep proving
myself ': Cindy
Crawf ord
announces she is
ret iring f rom
modelling af t er
50t h birt hday
Time after 20 years
Nicole Kidman
says women make
bet t er mot hers if
t hey ret urn t o
work or t hey risk
'living vicariously'
t hrough t heir
Self-justified advice
'She looks rackdiculous!' Susan
Sarandon, 69, is
shamed online
af t er wearing lacy
bra and blazer
while present ing in
memoriam t ribut e
at SAGs
Best of Brit ish:
Leading ladies
Kat e Winslet ,
Helen Mirren and
Emilia Clarke lead
t he glamorous
brigade of st ars at
t he glit t ering SAG
awards in LA
Kung Fu Panda 3
t ops box of f ice but
Nat alie Port man
f ires blanks in
West ern f ilm Jane
Got A Gun and T he
Finest Hours
f lounders
T ribut es paid t o
Oscar-nominat ed
act or Frank Finlay,
who st arred in
Ot hello, T he T hree
Musket eers and
Bouquet of Barbed
Wire af t er his
deat h aged 89
'T his is t he 20t h
t ime we buried Abe
Vigoda': Gilbert
Got t f ried leads
eulogy at t he
f amed charact er
act or's f uneral by
poking f un at 1982
f alse deat h report
Frock horror!
Julianne Moore,
Nicole Kidman and
Brie Larson suf f er
rare f ashion f ails
as t hey lead t he
list of worst
dressed st ars at
t he SAG Awards
Rob Kardashian
DROVE 1,400 miles
t o rescue Blac
Chyna af t er she
was t hrown of f
f light in T exas f or
drunken behaviour
What a gent!
Wild f or Wilmer!
Demi Lovat o
celebrat es
Valderrama's 36t h
birt hday wit h a
visit t o Wolf
Mount ain
sanct uary
The 23-year-old
'I can't wait t o
meet baby J t his
July!' Laguna Beach
st ar Alex Murrel
conf irms she is
having a boy
during gender
reveal part y
(Mart ial) art
imit at ing lif e!
Jackie Chan
surprises locals as
he f ilms new movie
T he Foreigner in
sout h London
Not very glam
Denise Van Out en
and boyf riend
Eddie Boxshall lead
t he celeb arrivals
at Kimberley
Walsh's st arst udded wedding
They are enjoying
their own romance too
T OWIE's Chloe
Lewis def ies t he
wint er weat her as
she dons a low-cut
silver t ank t op and
culot t es f or a
night out in
Now t hat 's a
winning look! Alicia
Vikander shows of f
some serious leg in
split dress as she
picks up her Best
Support ing
Act ress prize at
Crop st ar!
Zendaya shows of f
short blonde do
f or second day
running looking
st ylish in st riped
pleat ed skirt and
t op co-ord in LA
Changing hairdos
'Ladies and
gent lemen,
welcome t o diverse
T V!' SAG Awards
make a mockery of
Oscars race row as
black act ors Idris
Elba, Queen
Lat if ah and Viola
Davis all win
And t he
nominat ions f or
t he best PDA are...
Nicole Kidman,
Christ ian Bale and
Sarah Hyland
share put on a
very amorous
display at t he SAGs
Pregnant Chrissy
T eigen ref uses t o
st ick t o mat ernit y
wear as she shows
of f her bra in VERY
daring sheer dress
f or dat e night wit h
husband John
Idris Elba enjoys a
cosy chat wit h
Helen Mirren as
Susan Sarandon
get s down on t he
dancef loor wit h
casual Claire
Danes at SAGs
af t erpart y
Put t ing on a
unit ed f ront :
Jennif er Garner
and Ben Af f leck
t ake daught ers
Violet and
Seraphina t o
dinner in Sant a
For the sake of their
MIC's Nicola
Hughes f lashes
plent y of f lesh as
she joins leat herclad Lucy Wat son
and ot her cast -
members f or a
girls' night out
'It 's just rubbish!'
Shane Warne
slams claims he's
ent ered Aussie I'm
A Celebrit y t o
'hide' af t er being
f orced t o close
down self -t it led
Foundat ion
New mum Imogen
T homas f launt s
her post -baby
body in a short
black shif t dress
and t high-high
boot s as she
enjoys a rare night
Amy Schumer
reveals she
suf f ers f rom
rosacea as makeup f ree st ar is
pict ured wit h red
As she wore jumpsuit
through NYC streets
Braving t he rain!
Gwen St ef ani and
her boys dodge
t he puddles as
t hey break out
t heir coat s t o go
t o church
The 446-year-old was
getting spiritual
Caught on t ape:
'T ell your mom
about t he orgasm,
t ell your mom you
were awake' - Bill
Cosby describes
sex act wit h
woman whose
complaint led t o
She's got t he
moves! Selma Blair
pirouet t es on t he
ice as she t akes
son Art hur skat ing
The brunette beauty
engaged in a series of
twists and turns
'I've been up f or
over 77 hours':
Chris Prat t
encourages f ans
t o 'go get it ' as he
f lit s bet ween t he
set s of t wo movies
Encouraging message
Hollyoaks st ar
St ephanie Davis is
'inundat ed wit h
work of f ers' af t er
her st int on
Celebrit y Big
Brot her
Fergie shows of f
her slim f igure in
unbut t oned shirt
and skin-t ight
leat her t rousers
as she enjoys a
break f rom mum
dut ies wit h night
out in London
Beaming Just in
Bieber shows of f
his quirky f ashion
sense in f lat cap
and baggy leat her
t rousers as he's
f lanked by
bodyguards on
night out
T he Brit s win big!
Downt on Abbey
t riumphs again as
best T V drama
ensemble and Idris
Elba t akes home
t wo gongs at SAG
Chris Brown's ex
lover 'claims he's
giving daught er
Royalt y ast hma
t hrough
Agreed to co-parent
It 's Mr and Mrs!
Newlyweds Sof ia
Vergara and Joe
Manganiello can't
t ake t heir eyes of f
each ot her as t hey
make st unning
appearance at
'Engaged' Kelly
Brook is helping
her French beau
Jeremy Parisi
speak English as
he admit s his
grasp of t he
language is 'not
Anot her day in
paradise! Hof it
Golan f launt s her
f lawless physique
in a range of
bikinis at a luxury
resort in t he
And another new bikini
Kelly Rowland
cut s a t ypically
chic f igure in
st ylish leat her
jacket and skinny
jeans as she st eps
out f or dinner in
Los Angeles
Anyt hing Kendall
can do! Kylie
Jenner poses in
underpant s as she
copies her model
sist er
She's got competition
close to home
David Bowie's
million dollar
nanny: St ar's gif t
t o son's 'second
mot her' in £70m
Marion Skene who
helped bring up his
son Duncan 'Zowie'
Geordie Shore
f avourit e
Charlot t e Crosby
consciously covers
up her new nose as
she heads out in
f oxy black
cat suit ... af t er
admit t ing surgery
'Now t his is a
debut '; Pregnant
Audrina Pat ridge
shows of f growing
baby bump in black
bra and underwear
She is blooming
Inside Pippa's
luxury love nest :
Highland est at e
owned by her
boyf riend's f amily
boast s but ler
service, personal
chef s and a whisky
'Should I t ext or
writ e a let t er?'
St ephanie Davis
asks Jeremy
McConnell f or
advice on dumping
Sam Reece as he
promises her
'amazing sex' on
Hardest working
dress! Sof ia
Vergara put s her
incredible curves
on show in a
st rapless gown on
t he SAGs red
Worthy of a gong
Rachel McAdams
owns t he
'Spot light ' in
embellished black
gown as her f ilm
wins t op honor f or
a cast at SAG
Dramatic look for star
T ime t o shine!
Sparkling Eva
Longoria and Alicia
Vikander lead best
dressed st ars on
glit t ering red
carpet at SAG
Top gowns on show
Brady keeps
himself busy as he
spends t ime wit h
Gisele and t he kids
af t er Pat riot s miss
out on Super Bowl
Looked tight knit
Maisie Williams is
beaut if ul in blue
while Gwendoline
Christ ie st uns in a
sat in number as
t hey join Game of
T hrones st ars
including Sophie
T urner at SAGs
Glamorous in
glit t er! Alli
Simpson sport s
sparkly eye
makeup f or a girls'
night out in Los
It's one of the hottest
celebrity digs in LA
'Here's t o one of
t he most special
days we will ever
share': Bridesmaid
Nicola Robert s
pays t ouching
t ribut e t o 'older
sist er' bride
Kimberley Walsh
Amber Rose
enjoys bonding day
wit h t wo-year-old
son Sebast ian... as
Kanye West makes
an indirect apology
f or dragging him
int o T wit t er war
int o T wit t er war
St ealing t he
show! Room st ar
Jacob T remblay,
nine, poses wit h
Leonardo DiCaprio
at SAG Awards...
af t er showing of f
his dance moves
on red carpet
Mad Men's
Kiernan Shipka
makes a st ylish
appearance on
SAG Awards red
carpet in pret t y
st rapless gown
Played Sally Draper
from age 10
Camera-shy Kylie
Jenner and beau
T yga leave dinner
dat e in
separat e cars... as
Rob Kardashian
and Blac Chyna
'conf irm' romance
'It 's unlike
anyt hing I've ever
been a part of ':
Eddie Redmayne
reveals his wonder
at st arring in
Fant ast ic Beast s
as Newt
Scamander in new
f eat uret t e
'Where's Dad Bod
Ken?' T wit t er calls
f or t he plast ic doll
t o get a beer belly
af t er Mat t el's
curvy new Barbie is
A 'diverse' range
Pet it ion f or
rapper Snoop Dogg
t o narrat e an
ent ire season of
Channel's Planet
Eart h gains 45,000
support ers
It 's a f amily
af f air! Kendra
Wilkinson at t ends
son's basket ball
game wit h husband
Hank and daught er
Helping Hank iV
Demi Moore looks
f lawless f or her
f if t ies as she
shows of f slender
physique in sexy
sheer black
number at SAG
How is she 53?
St raight Out t a
Compt on cast get
phot obombed by
Susan Sarandon on
red carpet at SAG
Ultimate gatecrasher
Kat e Winslet
amps-up t he
glamour in
plunging f isht ail
dress as she
at t ends t he
Screen Act ors
Guild Awards
She pulled it off again
in a little black dress
Moving on!
Breaking Bad st ar
Anna Gunn sells
serene f ivebedroom
Hollywood Hills
home f or $2 million
Sold the home last
Dame f ine! Helen
Mirren, 70, oozes
glamour in a
glit t ering met allic
gown at t he
Screen Act or's
Guild Awards in LA
Is she getting
Nicole Kidman
st ands out in
unique t iered gown
at t he SAGs af t er
shock nominat ion
f or her crit ically
panned f ilm Grace
Of Monaco
Showed plenty of
Birt hday boy
Christ ian Bale get s
a kiss f rom wif e
Sibi at SAG
Awards... as he
misses out on best
support ing act or
Turned 42
'He asked me t o
t he prom, I said
yes. I asked him t o
SAGs, he said yes':
Meet Uzo Aduba's
sweet red carpet
dat e
She's known Mark
since kindergarten
Who won? Susan
Sarandon, 69, and
daught er Eva
Amurri, 30,
compet e f or most
revealing cleavage
at SAG Awards
Both amply blessed
Mirror, mirror!
Nicki Minaj f inds
t ime f or make-up
t ouch up while
sit t ing f ront row
wit h Meek Mill at
t he basket ball
In Philadelphia
'Now t he REAL
just ice has been
served:' Aisleyne
gloat s about
Farrah Abraham
assault charges
af t er f ive-mont h
Lit t le Minx! LeighAnne Pinnock put s
on a bust y display
in crop t op as she
rocks bold blue
braids on night out
She's a style
chameleon when it
comes to hair
Bryan Cranst on
't ears up' on t he
red carpet while
wat ching 1989
perf ormance of
himself in
Baywat ch
Breaking Bad star has
come a long way
Eyes t o t he f ront ,
Leo! Orange Is T he
New Black's Vicky
Jeudy suf f ers
embarrassing nipslip in racy
jumpsuit as she
cosies up t o
DiCaprio at SAG
Resplendent in
blue: Naomi Wat t s
is elegant in royal
blue embroidered
gown as she poses
wit h part ner Liev
Schreiber at t he
SAG awards
It 's a bling t hing!
T ina Fey dazzles
on t he SAGs red
carpet in a pair of
$100,000 gold and
diamond earrings bef ore present ing
an award t o Amy
Dapper Eddie
Redmayne is
support ed by his
pregnant wif e
Hannah Bagshawe
at t he Screen
Act ors Guild
Awards in LA
Toast of Tinseltown
'My boyf riend is
smuggling it in his
rect um': Sarah
Silverman jokes
about beau
Michael Sheen
holding her weed
at SAG Awards
Enchant ing!
Christ ina Ricci
ent ices in pale and
pleat ed past el
gown wit h lace
accent s at t he
Screen Act ors
Guild Awards
She certainly 'killed it'
'Show me what a
T rini part y is like!'
Blac Chyna
appearance in
T rinidad hours
af t er cancelling UK
one due t o arrest
Meet t he t at t oo
art ist who count s
Miley Cyrus, Kat y
Perry and Hayley
Williams as f ans
f or her unique,
glit t ering t at s...
and even let
Wrecking Ball
singer ink HER
'I will f orever be
grat ef ul': Ruby
Rose is a no show
at SAG awards but
praises Orange Is
T he New Black f or
t aking a chance on
her as series picks
up gong
Boys' night out :
Former Bachelor
Sam Wood joins
f ellow realit y st ars
Sasha Mielczarek
and Dave
Billsborrow f or a
pub crawl around
'I adore you!':
Abbey Clancy
shares sweet
self ie as she
cosies up t o
f oot baller husband
Pet er Crouch on
his 35t h birt hday
Together for a decade
Just a st ylish
spect at or: One
Direct ion's Niall
Horan shows of f
slick eyewear as
she leads
celebrit ies
support ing Andy
Murray at
Aust ralian Open
f inal
Claire Danes
st uns in an
underst at ed t wo
t one gown as she
arrives at t he 2016
SAG Awards wit h
dapper husband
Hugh Dancy
'It 's proper love':
Besot t ed
St ephanie Davis
pours her heart
out about evict ed
Jeremy McConnell
on Celebrit y Big
Brot her
Left broken-hearted
Awkward! Will.I.Am
gives f alse hope t o
T he Voice
cont est ant af t er
accident ally
pushing his 'chair
choice' but t on
He isn't the type to
get embarrassed
Aren't you
supposed t o be a
pant her? Cam
Newt on's
out rageous zebrast riped t rousers
causes social
media buzz
Not US football
No wonder
t hey're pals,
t hey're closer in
age! My Kit chen
Rules' cont est ant
Mat t , 26, reveals
his 58-year-old
mum and girlf riend
Cheryl, 50, are
best pals
'Diversit y isn't a
t rending t opic':
Viola Davis on t he
Oscars race row as
she says if you
want t o wat ch t he
ceremony, f ine, if
not , t hat 's f ine t oo
'I'm not happy!'
Boy George f alls
out wit h Paloma
Fait h. Even t he
judges t hought t he
singers were
rubbish on T he
Voice 2016, by JIM
'I t hought I'd seen
it all as t he wif e of
Ronnie Wood. But
not hing prepared
me f or t he men I
met on t he 50s
single scene': Jo
Wood reveals blind
dat e hell
Bendy lady!
Lynzey Murphy
f lashes an eyef ul
of pert derrière in
very revealing
bikini while
perf orming
ext reme yoga pose
Ay carumba!
Joanne Froggat t
wows in a red
plunging dress
wit h a t high-high
split as she rocks
t he red carpet at
t he SAG Awards
The 35-year-old British
actress looked
preparat ions get
under way f or
Kimberley Walsh
and Just in Scot t 's
st ar-st udded
Barbados wedding
Marquees going up
Denise van Out en
hint s at her
wedding guest
dress as she
chooses f lorals f or
drinks wit h Eddie
Boxshall t he night
bef ore Kimberley
Walsh's nupt ials
New mot her Cat
Deeley goes makeup f ree in casual
f loral blouse and
leggings as she
st eps out af t er
welcoming f irst
child wit h husband
Pat rick Kielt y
'I could play all
night ': T opless
Perrie Edwards
appears t o poke
f un at Zayn
Malik's Pillowt alk
debut wit h crypt ic
snap... as he
admit s solo
mat erial IS about
Bot t oms up! Jess
Impiazzi f lashes
derrière on wild
night out wit h
Made In Chelsea
cast ... as t hey rack
up £24,000 bar bill
Fan of good ol' knees
'T hat didn't go
well!': Saoirse
Ronan is f lust ered
as she arrives lat e
on st age t o
present at SAG
She was a little
Sist er act !
Rooney and Kat e
Mara are a mat ch
in plunging black
and beige
Valent ino gowns at
t he SAG Awards
Featured plunging-tothe-navel necklines
Bat t le of t he
bust les! Buxom
Christ ina
Hendricks and her
Mad Men co-st ar
January Jones wear
dramat ic t rains on
SAG Awards red
'It was t he f irst I
put on!' Brie
Larson reveals she
picked her dress
just t wo hours
bef ore t he SAG
Awards... as she
wins f or Room
'You just kinda know!'
Sealed wit h a
kiss! Game Of
T hrones st ars Kit
Haringt on and
Rose Leslie
conf irm romance
rumours as t hey
lock lips in LA
Packing on the PDA
Kaley Cuoco
shows of f
f ant ast ic f igure in
a black cut out
dress as she glams
it up wit h sist er
Briana on SAG
Awards red carpet
Looked super sleek
Fit ness f amily!
Fearne Cot t on's
t wo-year-old son
Rex joins her f or a
workout and
st rikes a 'yoga
mum' pose
Fitness is a family
Alex Gerrard put s
on a leggy display
in t high-skimming
skirt as she enjoys
t he night lif e in her
nat ive Liverpool
She's currently
residing in Los
Marnie Simpson is
carried t o a car by
Gaz Beadle af t er
anot her wild night
on t he t own as t he
Geordie Shore
st ars dress f or sin
The only way it could
Losers! Julia
Louis-Dreyf us
shares hilarious
snap showing
deject ed VEEP cast
af t er bombing out
at SAG Awards
They came away
empty handed
Vicky Pat t ison
set s pulses racing
as she f launt s her
ample curves in
skint ight pencil
dress during boozy
night out
With Ex on the
work hard':
Shanina Shaik
def ends Gigi Hadid
and Kendall Jenner
af t er crit ics
claimed t hey didn't
'earn' t heir spot s
at Vict oria's
at Vict oria's
Fashionably lat e!
George Clooney
looks dapper as
always as he f ilms
some last minut e
re-shoot s f or f ilm
Money Monst er
Cutting it fine in NYC
Pet ra
Ecclest one's
husband ridiculed
over 'severe
dist ress' claims:
Part ner of Formula
1 heiress says he
was t raumat ised
af t er seeing his
niece f all over
T uppence t he
bride - it 's a
Dickens of a
dif f erence! From
Phwoar And Peace
t o purit y and
innocence, t he hot
st ar goes whit e
f or Miss
wedding day
Irina Shayk and
Bradley Cooper
'split af t er less
t han a year of
dat ing... amid
claims she clashed
wit h Hollywood
act or's mot her'
Following clashes
One! Lewis
Hamilt on shows of f
t he result s of his
gruelling gym
sessions in
shirt less
Inst agram self ie
No sponsors for once
Carol Burnet t , 82,
wears comf y
slippers t o SAG
Awards... but slips
her heels back on
in t ime t o accept
Lif e Achievement
David Beckham
enjoys laid-back
weekend wit h
f amily dog Olive...
as eldest son
Brooklyn get s t o
work on f irst
prof essionalphot ography gig
T ime t o earn his
keep! Brooklyn
Beckham t aps int o
f amous parent s'
prof essionalism as
he shoot s
Burberry campaign
Behind camera for
Nick Gordon
shares unseen
pict ure of Bobbi
Krist ina Brown one
year af t er she was
f ound unconscious
in a bat ht ub
Took to Twitter to
share it
'What a singer!'
Miranda Lambert
gushes over
boyf riend
Anderson East 's
new song on
Inst agram
Wasting no time in
helping her boyfriend
Alex Gerrard
hides her gymhoned body in an
unusual shaggy
coat as she enjoys
a pampering
session in
Hid her shapely limbs
and envious curves
Does Scot t y T
have a secret
girlf riend? CBB
f avourit e 'seeing
f ormer Miss
Newcast le
cont est ant '
despit e t ashing on
wit h Megan
'He was Mr
Hamm!' Ellie
Kemper on how
Mad Men's Jon was
her drama
t eacher... as t hey
bot h walk t he red
carpet at SAGs
A reunion with a twist
'One t ake was
enough!': Rupert
Grint t alks kissing
childhood f riend
and co-st ar Emma
Wat son while at
Celebrat ion of
Harry Pot t er Event
T he boys are
back in t own! Ben
St iller cut s a
dapper f igure f or
reunion wit h
Zoolander co-st ars
Just in T heroux, Will
Ferrell and Owen
Ariel Wint er
graduat es t o
grown-up glamour
at SAG Awards
af t er lif e-changing
breast reduct ion
Topped off a huge
celebratory week
Keeping up t he
cont roversy! Rob
Kardashian 'want s
realit y show' wit h
Blac Chyna...
despit e arrest f or
public int oxicat ion
and drug
Blac Chyna t hanks
Rob Kardashian f or
his support af t er
arrest f or being
drunk on a plane
and DRUG
Arrest has only made
the new couple
A cheeky night
out ! Jamie Foxx
accident ally bares
his but t ocks as he
wraps up a lat e
night bit e at a
Hollywood hot spot
In Bare-verly Hills!
'T oo many people
kiss ass and work
less': Chris Brown
goes on ant i-
Grammy T wit t er
t irade saying
awards are now
just about 'likes
and memes'
T OWN: A f amily day
out f or happy
Rocco wit h dad Guy
Rit chie - and no
silly hair cut s in
Rocco was spotted
out in London
T hey're f eeling
t he Force! Gwen
St ef ani st rolls in
park carrying 11mont h-old son
Apollo who wears
St ormt rooper
t racksuit
Enjoying family
T OWN: Noelle Reno
f inds new love
af t er t he t ragic
deat h of her
t ycoon f iance Scot
Noelle, 32, has been
seeing Nick Perks
Rose put s t he boys
in t heir place when
it comes t o
t reat ing women
right and beer
pong in new f ilm
What Happened
Last Night
T OWN: Seconds
out ! T he Downt on
Abbey sist ers go
int o bat t le wit h
new shows opening
in t heat rland
Ooh, Lady Sybil!
Daisy Lowe JUST
conceals her
modest y in see
t hrough dress as
she put s an
amorous display
wit h new boyf riend
T homas Cohen f or
birt hday bash
T he real-lif e soap
opera behind Kat e
Hudson's cheeky
snap revealed:
Was Inst agram
phot o a bid t o
keep on-of f
boyf riend f rom Lily
Carol st ar Cat e
Blanchet t f ails t o
make an
appearance on
SAGs red carpet ....
and loses
Out st anding
Act ress award t o
Brie Larson
Nowhere to be seen
Pict ured: Carol
Burnet t , 82, wears
comf y slippers at
SAG Awards ahead
of Lif e
She opted for comfort
and wore large
Going ret ro! Kat e
Hudson channels
her Almost Famous
charact er wit h
f unky shades as
she enjoys day out
wit h sons
A low-key weekend
She's got legs!
St at uesque
Laverne Cox
unveils her long
limbs as she
arrives at SAG
Awards in chif f on
gown slit t o t he
t high
Beautiful bergundy
Rocco Rit chie
looks dizzy wit h joy
as he enjoys bike
ride wit h f at her
Guy and st epmot her Jacqui amid
cust ody bat t le
Incredibly tight-knit
T OWN: Jagger and
ballet girl Melanie
Hamrick get
serious as she
meet s t he kids
Not to be upstaged
by former partner
Jerry Hall
She's ready f or
anyt hing! Anne
Hat haway f lat t ers
her bump in a
whit e dress as she
carries a cosy f ur
With El Nino disrupting
Gigi Hadid shows
of f her impeccable
abs in a bold
must ard crop t op
as she leaves beau
Zayn Malik behind
f or dinner in LA
Out at The Nice Guy
French t ennis
st ar Marion Bart oli
is almost
unrecognisable as
she f launt s lean
physique at
Aust ralian Open
af t er shedding an
ast onishing 15
T V present er
Hof it Golan
exhibit s her pert
bust and def ined
abs in T HREE
bikinis as she
cont inues t o enjoy
Maldives escape
New day, new bikini
Chic in caramel!
Kat e Boswort h
shows of f her
f ashion
credent ials yet
again is st yle
savvy ensemble
while out in NY
Looked camel-tastic
'We don't work at
t he same t
split s everyone
up': Ryan Reynolds
reveals how he and
wif e Blake Lively
balance work wit h
f amily
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