Get Ready for Scout Summer Camp 2015! August 2 to
Get Ready for Scout Summer Camp 2015! August 2 to
Get Ready for Scout Summer Camp 2015! August 2nd to August 8th, Camp Wakpominee at Fort Anne, New York KEY DATES Date Event Location May 5th and 12th May 21st 2015 Merit badge selection July 1st Medical Forms Due (Parts A, B, and C) FORMS AVAILABLE ON TROOP 205 WEBSITE, or at Troop Meeting n/a Final Payment for Summer Camp Due Balance for scouts who made deposit in March Returning Scouts who did not make early bird deposit in March must pay $570 New Scouts $470 rm.pdf FORMS WILL NOT BE RETURNED SO PLEASE RETAIN A COPY! August 2nd August 5th August 8th Time n/a Mail, email or drop off to: Jim Fitzmaurice 201 Bryant Street Islip Terrace 11752 Email: [email protected] n/a Larry Grey 67 Fawn Drive East Islip, NY 11730 Email: [email protected] Meet at GRFD for Camp! Depart for Camp Family Day at Wakpominee Great River FD Return to GRFD Great River FD Camp Wakpominee 6:00 AM 6:30 AM 4:00 EST Approx 3:00 PM Adult Leaders and Contact (cell) Information Activity ASM’s ASM’s at Camp - TBD Jim Fitzmaurice, 917 337 9034 Larry Grey, 631.252.0620 Senior Patrol Leader TBD Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 1 Updated: April 10, 2015 REMINDER – ALL PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER! PLEASE LEAVE THE CELL PHONES/ELECTRONICS AT HOME! For our new Scouts just joining Troop 205, plan for a great week of camping and Scouting activities at Twin River Council’s Camp Wakpominee near Lake George, New York. Located on over 1,000 acres, this year round camp boasts one lake and three ponds. Camp Wakpominee's week long resident camp offers an excellent traditional Boy Scout program in an attractive Adirondack setting. Activities include a wide range of rank advancement and merit badge opportunities. This is a GREAT opportunity for your son to grow and develop as a scout, and there is no better way to get a jump on advancements than attending summer camp! SAFETY is our biggest concern while at camp. Wakpominee enforces a strict buddy system which is tested multiple times daily, especially at the waterfront areas. Scout regulations require multiple leaders to be present at all times. Troop 205 Leaders are there to guide your sons through a great week of camp! As the year continues there will be additional information to help you prepare for summer camp. Information is available today (and will continue to be updated) on the Troop 205 site ( under the Summer Camp tab, and you can find information on the Camp Wakpominee website at: Another great source of information is your son’s fellow Scouts and Leaders! Please review the attached information, and refer any questions to Assistant Scoutmasters Jim Fitzmaurice (224-2674, [email protected]) or Larry Grey (581-8044, [email protected]). Yours in Scouting, Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Fitzmaurice Assistant Scoutmaster Larry Grey Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 2 Updated: April 10, 2015 FEES FOR NEW SCOUTS, costs for camp are $470 if paid by June 1st. Applications after June 1st will pay a higher rate of $570. This includes per scout gas and tolls expense. TRAVEL Assistant Scoutmasters and parent volunteers drive to and from camp, and plan on leaving the Great River Fire Department early on Sunday, August 2nd. The Troop returns on Saturday August 8th in the mid-afternoon. There are stops to and from camp to allow all to stretch. For Sunday please pack a lunch for the road, and on Saturday’s return we stop for lunch, so the boys will need $10. PREPARATION In advance of our departure we will review what to pack and how to prepare. A checklist is provided below, however, now is a great time to schedule a doctor’s appointment for lateMay and early June. Medical forms are available on the Troop 205 website, and MUST be completed and submitted by July 1st to Jim and Larry. Scouts and approved Leaders not having a completed medical form WILL NOT be permitted to attend camp! Any prescription medicines MUST be in the original container, and will be disbursed by the Camp’s medical unit. AS A REMINDER, vaccination details MUST be detailed on the medical form, even if a vaccination history is attached. NO EXCEPTIONS! The Camp provides tents (two scouts per) and cots. Scouts should bring a sleeping bag, light blanket, and pillow. Think about purchasing a plastic, lockable foot locker and a combination lock now, in advance of the summer. The locker should have your son’s name labeled on the outside! The Contico Foot locker pictured is available at WalMart for $34.97, and has wheels to allow for easy movement. has a similar version for $34.97, but shipping MAY be extra. Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 3 Updated: April 10, 2015 Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 4 Updated: April 10, 2015 WHILE AT CAMP Your son will be busy! New Scouts will enter a program called ‘Pioneer’, which completes many of the Tenderfoot and Second Class requirements. This program occurs every morning and is very structured. Details include: Pioneer Program The Pioneer program is designed for Scouts who have recently entered the Boy Scout program or are working toward achieving their First Class rank. The program will focus on the requirements of Scout through First Class ranks. Each Scout will work on the requirements needed to advance to his next rank. The Scouts will work in each program area to achieve requirements. The Pioneer Program is designed to meet the needs of Scouts who have not obtained the rank of First Class. Scouts are assigned to groups in a two-tier program using the patrol method. This allows for personal goal setting, achievement in the regular camp program and personal advancement. Swimming instruction, scout craft, camping and a host of other skills are basic to this outstanding five-day activity. The program runs Monday through Friday, and new scouts will participate in either the entire morning program (9 AM to 11:00 PM OR 2:00 to 4:00, Monday through Friday. Pioneer Program scouts will participate in an evening outpost camping experience and are encouraged to bring a back pack (or pack frame), ground cloth, sleeping bag, and flashlight for that purpose. Pioneer program scouts should bring a pair of long pants, belt, socks & shoes, and a button up long-sleeve shirt for clothing inflation as part of the Swimming merit badge requirements. In the afternoon the Scouts will choose other merit badges or activities that can be completed. Scout Leaders are there to ensure the boys take advantage of the opportunities and remain safe at all times! A sample of the week’s schedule is attached. Please note that some activities have age and rank requirements. Also, your son will need to care for himself, including washing, tending to clothes and tent (he will be sharing a tent with another Scout). As needed the ASM’s are there to guide and Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 5 Updated: April 10, 2015 ‘prompt’ Scouts to complete these tasks! Each Scout is required to complete waiter duty three times that week, and leaders/older scouts are there to assist! The following is a sample schedule for the week: August 2nd (Sunday) 6:00 AM – Meet at GRFD 6:30 AM – Depart 12:00 N – Stop for lunch (bag lunch brought by each Scout, drinks provided) 1:30 PM – Arrive and unpack 2:00 PM – Medical Review, swim test August 8th (Saturday) 8:00 AM – Break Camp (after breakfast) 10:00 AM – Depart 12:30 PM – Stop for lunch (each Scout to buy lunch, approximately $10) 3:30 PM – Arrive at GRFD Pioneer Program Merit Badge and Activities Wednesday is Family Day at Wakpominee! Parents and siblings are invited to come to camp on Wednesday to see the Wakpominee experience first-hand! Beginning mid-afternoon, families can visit, see the camp, and join the Scouts for a family-style bar-b-que (nominal charge for each family member). After dinner families and Scouts enjoy a family campfire with entertainment provided by the Scouts themselves! Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 6 Updated: April 10, 2015 Advancements and Merit Badges 2015 Merit Badges can be found at: Key to remember is that: 1. The Camp has added three new badges for 2015: Pulp and Paper, Bird Study, Astronomy. 2. All first-year Scouts will attend the Pioneer program, and can choose two to three merit badges for the remainder of the day. 3. Not all badges offered at every session, so check the Camp website for updates! 4. Some merit badges/activities have age and/or rank requirements as pre-requisites. Please confirm these pre-requisites now so your son can confirm if he is eligible to participate in a merit back, and what can or MUST be completed prior to camp: 5. Some of the activities provide certificates, NOT badges, for completion (e.g. snorkeling, COPE), so please check the Merit Badge listing OR with an Assistant Scout Master. Trading Post The Trading Post is open daily and sells candy, drinks, camp t-shirts, and misc Scout items. It is recommended that your son have cash for the TP, however, please give this to one of the Assistant Scoutmasters Sunday morning before leaving for camp. He will keep track of the cash, if necessary, and this will help to prevent lost money. Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 7 Updated: April 10, 2015 Attached please find a Camp Wakpominee map. Fishing and Environmental Science Swimming and Water Activities 2014 Troop 205 Camp ground Scout Crafts (Camping, Cooking, etc) Handicrafts (wood carving, basketry, etc) Cooking, etc) Pioneer Archery and Rifle We hope this information is helpful in preparing both you and your son for his summer camp adventure! Please let either of us know if you have any questions! Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 8 Updated: April 10, 2015 NOTE: Following are CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS only! 1. 2. 3. Scout Summer Camp 2015 Overview Page 9 Snorkeling C.O.P.E. Mountain Biking Updated: April 10, 2015